#let me wake tomorrow and know junmyeon is home safe and sound
EXO Reaction: Wanting cuddles after a long day (request)
You sat at your desk without a care in the world. Actually that is a lie, you were doing some last minute homework that you had been putting off and it was due in the morning. So you were actually dying a thousand deaths as you bullshitted ever words in your dumb essay. Music was the only thing that was keeping you from a having some type of total breakdown. You had your music so loud that it blocked everything around you.
Loud music, however, probably wasn't a good thing because you didn’t at all hear your front door opening and a little someone walking around your place calling out for you. You almost screamed the second he ripped your earbuds out your ears
“Minseok! You practically gave me a heart attack!” you gasped looking up at his just as shocked expression
“I’m sorry!” he laughed before he threw himself all over you and brought you into the tightest hug ever. “I didn’t mean to scare you!”
“What are you even doing here?”
“Um, can a boyfriend not come over to his girlfriend’s place?” he asked sarcastically before giving you a kiss
“Well he can, but a heads up would be nice.”
“Well if someone read my texts or answered my call they would know I would be coming by. Good thing I know your pincode or I would have been out in that hall all night!”
“No offense, cuz I love you and all, but what are you even doing here?”
He broke his hug and went over to the corner of your room and grabbed the extra desk chair you were too lazy to throw out. He rolled back over and held you just like before. “We had a pretty shitty practice today and I am pretty pissed with just about everyone. I thought I’d spend the rest of the night with my favorite person!”
Now that deserved another kiss. “Aww baby you're too cute sometimes, but I am finishing my work” you grumbled. You can stay, obviously, but I’m just gonna be working on this most of the night.” you pouted.
“Well you finish up and I’ll just lay in the bed. Prepare for cuddles when you are finished because I feel we both deserve it!”
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He hadn’t touched his plate at all. He only sat in silence pouting to himself as he just stared at the food. For a few minutes you let it slide, thinking he was lost in thought, but now it was starting to worry you a bit.
“You okay?” you asked after you waved your hand in front of him to get his attention on you.
“Yeah.” he mumbled.
It was obvious he was lying His stress showed not only in his voice, but the way he tensed his shoulders
“It seems like you're not.”
“I said I’m fine!” he snapped at you.
That’s when you “calmly” placed your spoon down. “Junmyeon I know when there is something going on with you so just tell me.”
“It’s just a lot of shit that’s all.”
“So tell me about it.”
“...Things are just going to shit at work alright! We can’t getting anything done for exo when everyone is off doing their side shit. I have been begging them for lighter schedules and they don't listen to me! And I feel I haven't slept in days cuz I am either on set or in practice! If I can even call it that anymore.” he said in a huff. “Honestly like half of us don't even have the time to go to practice, but they expect me to get everyone there!”
You had noticed for weeks that he was tired but now that he was saying it all, you could really see the dark bags under his eyes and how sunken in his cheeks were. That’s when you took it upon yourself to pull him into a hug, a sad attempt to bring him back together.
“I just can't find a way out you know?” he whimpered in your arms.
“I know baby, but you got this! You did it before you just gotta do it again!” you did our best to be motivational.
He wrapped his arms around you, resting his face into your neck. “Sorry I snapped at you.”
“It’s alright.” you said rubbing his back and then running your fingers in his hair.
“Can we just stay like this for awhile?” he asked shyly.
“We can stay like this all night if you want to”
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“Finally you are home!” you heard his excited cheer the second you stepped foot in the apartment.
Before you knew it, you were wrapped in his arms being carried to the couch and placed on his lap. It all happened so fast, you didn’t know what was going on
The moment was like something out of the twilight zone. This whole situation was usually the other way around. But right now Lay was the one throwing himself all over you so happy to see you.
“Hey babe. “ you finally said after you realized what was happening.
“I missed you! I didn't see you all day! I didn't think you would be gone this long!”
“What do you mean? I’m always home at this time. It’s you that’s never here!” you chuckled “Actually why are you home this early?
He rested back, so that you could lean on him a bit more comfortably. “It was only a photo shoot so I was able to get home early. When I got home, I didn't call you cuz I wanted to surprise you, but you never got here!” he pouted.
“Aw sorry baby, I was out with my friend all day helping her plan a surprise party. You could have called!”
“Yeeeeeeah, but I would have given it away that I was home early. But oh my goodness it was so exhausting waiting for you. The hours went by so slow!”
“What did you do all day?”
“I tried to clean and tried to cook… but things didn't work out soooo.... Yeah tomorrow don't be surprised if a few things don't work like they should”
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“Can’t we just go back to the hotel?!?” he whined for the millionth time within 
the past half hour.
“But I want to go on this ride!’
“But we already rode it in the morning! We’ve been here all day and I just want to go back to the hotel!” he cried
“C’mon, that’s not fair we rode your water ride like five times!”
“But that was before I was tired” he said with a guilty smile. “C’mon let’s go back to the hotel We can cuddle.” he offered with a smirk
“...No! Not until after this ride.”
That’s when his shoulders slumped and he made the deepest frown. “But I’m tired!”
“Then you go back to the room. I’m going on this ride no matter what.”
“But I don’t want to be without you!” he cried as he threw his body on your back.
“Baek, get off your heavy.”
“This isn’t going to make me get out of the line you know.”
“But it’s gonna be another half hour before we get to ride!” he reasoned as he held you tighter. “I just want to be back on the hotel in the bed, holding you like this all nice and comfortable and then we just fall asleep after walking around this place for like 10 hours.”
“And we can... after this last ride!”
“Uggggggh!” he grunted right into your ear. “Fine! But you know what, I’m sleepy. I am just gonna sleep right here while we wait.”
Suddenly his whole body went on limp on your shoulders and you tried your best not to fall down
“Baek! Seriously how old are you?!?”
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The front door opened and you could hear his footsteps moving about the place. He was home. You were unfortunate enough to still be stuck washing the dishes, unable to make your escape to the bedroom.
You felt his presence behind you before his arms wrapped around your shoulders. Still upset with him, you shrugged him off you and continued to busy yourself with the dishes.
“You’re still mad I see… safe to assume you didn't see my texts either.“ He said in a huff as he leaned against the counter to try to make eye contact.
You said nothing. You were still the the middle of your silent treatment. After the things he said in the morning, you could probably not talk to him for a week. As for his texts, you did see them, but you didn't reply. Sure he “apologized” like 10 times, but it still didn’t make up for anything.
He stood in silence until you finished the dishes, only helping you dry and put them away.
It wasn’t until you were drying your hands that he made a second attempt to hold you
“I’m stupid” he said before you could push him away “I took the joke too far. I’m sorry.” He said sincerely.
You didn’t push him off this time. Finally he said something that you wanted to hear instead of just excuses for what he said.
He pressed his cheek up against yours. “You know I felt shitty this whole day? I felt really bad that I hurt your feelings. And it sucked that you wouldn’t reply to me.” he said with a pout.  “Can you please talk to me again? Please? Pretty please?
Instantly his arms tightened around you. “...wait, why aren’t you hugging me back?” he pouted
“Because all you wanted me to do was talk to you again.”
“Ya Jagi, tell me you aren’t still mad.”
“I might be, I might not be”
“Jagi pleeeeeeeease forgive me! I promise I won’t joke like that anymore!” he begged,
“Okay, you are forgiven.” but still you didn’t hug him back.
“Then why aren’t you hugging me?”
“You didn’t say please.”
“Then please hug me and kiss me and cuddle me and and love me and slap me across the face if I ever fuck up again!”
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“I am sooooooooooooo tired!” he huffed from the screen you held in your hand
“I could only imagine.” you said with pity as you rested in your own bed wrapped in a blanket. “This was the third night in a row you perform. And then you have to wake up early and leave for Hong kong in the morning!” even you were feeling the stress the the tour.
“Don’t remind me.” he whined.
“You should probably go to sleep now. I don’t want you to be tired.”
“No, I want to keep talking to you. I miss you!”
“I miss you too.”
“I wish you could be on tour with us. I wish you were here so I could cuddle you. I really need one of your head messages right now. I like the way you move your fingers through my hair.”
“Aww, but don’t worry, the next few weeks are going to go by fast and before you know it you’re going to start wishing you could get out of my cuddles!”
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You were attending to the last load of clothes when you heard the front door open followed by the sound of a few things dropping to the floor. After making the short journey to the living room, you found your boyfriend collapsed on the couch with his things thrown at the door.
“Hi baby.” you smiled as you walked up to him, leaning down to give him a kiss.
“Hi.” he barely got out as he threw his tired and heavy arms around your waist.
You attempted to pull away and go back to the clothes, but his refused to unlink his hands.
You took it as a sign for another kiss. Very quickly did you give him a peck, however, your second attempts to break free was a fail.
“Babe, let me go.” you giggled in your awkward stance, not wanting to lean on him too much when it was obvious he was tired from practice.
“No!” he whined
That’s when you decided to situate yourself in the awkward empty spot next to him. “Aw, does someone want cuddles?”
“Maybe.” he said with a straight face, but refused to let go of you
All you did was giggle as he held you tighter and rested his chin on your shoulder.
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“Y/n what are you doing here?!?” you could hear a tired voice ask you from the other end of the hall.
You looked up from you spot on the floor to find 9 boys sluggishly making their way to their apartment door.
“I came for movie night. Remember?” But taking another look at everyone, they looked way too tired to be up another minute “But we can change it to another time. You guys seems tired.” you said getting up from the floor and gathering your things.
“No! You don’t have to leave we are still up for the movie. Right guys?” Kai asked, coming out from the crowd and greeting you with a weak hug.
“Yeah!” the guys said
“It’s fine you guys we don’t have to!” You insisted.
“Alright I guess I’ll stay then.”
With tired smiles, you all filed into the dorm and situated yourselves amongst the couches and loveseats in the living room and soon the movie was on.
You took a seat next to you boyfriend, handing him the bowl of popcorn you made. It was obvious how tired he was when he just took the bowl and passed it to the other members without grabbing a handful for himself.
Not even five minutes into the movie Kai was already fidgeting in his seat. His shifted his body weight on to you a bit, made D.O scoot over, placed his arm from on your shoulder to behind your back and rested his head on your shoulder. You embraced him, leaning on the arm rest so that he can lay on you more comfortably. You couldn't help but smile with how cuddly he was.
“Awwwww, look at littleNnini!” you could hear Baekhyun’ s high voice cut over the movie.
“Aww look at the little baby!” “So cuuuuuuuuute!” The others began
“Shut up!” Kai only mumbled. “You all are just jealous.” he said as he held you tighter
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“Nooooooooooooooo!” You suddenly heard the depressed cry fill the place
Quickly you ran to the source of the sound, Vivi walking past you and going to the bedroom..
On the living room floor, still in his dirty practice clothes, you found your six foot tall boyfriend sprawled all over the floor with the biggest frown.
“Sehun?!” you were at all levels of surprised. You didn’t even know he came in, you didn’t know why he was on the floor or what he was crying about.
“What happened?!? Are you okay? Can you get up?!” you rambled, grabbing one of his hands and trying to help him up.
“No!” He cried pulling his hand away. “I am where I belong!” he sighed dramatically.
“What do you mean?”
“I have been treated like dirt all day today, so I am staying where I belong! On the floor!”
“Awww, baby! Really? What happened?!?” you asked as you crouched down next to him.
“I have been everyone’s punching bag today! It is only okay when I do it. And I came home and just tried to cuddle Vivi and even he didn’t want to deal with me!”
“Awwwwww” you pouted as you maneuvered yourself to lie down next to him and hold in in the tightest hug “Then I will cuddle you!”
“All night?”  he asked innocently, hanging on to you.
“For sure! And you aren’t dirt don’t ever think that.”
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-Admin Boat
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kimjongdahhwae · 6 years
How Many Petals are Falling?
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Pairing: Kyungsoo x Reader
Genre: Hanahaki Disease!AU
Part 1:
I remembered the first time I saw you; it is the start of 11th grade. You walked inside the classroom scanning for some familiar faces, or perhaps an empty seat. You smiled when you saw one and my heart raced when I noticed that you're walking towards the empty seat beside me. You sat and placed your bag underneath the table, and looked into my direction. You smiled and held out your hand.
June 6
"Hi, I’m Do Kyungsoo," the guy beside you said, you know that it is rude to stare at people but you can’t help it. His round orbs and heart-shaped lips are mesmerizing.
"Are you okay? Are you sick or something?" he said again. You mentally slapped yourself for being like this.
"Uh yeah hi. I’m y/n," you finally said and took his hand.
Embarrassed, you let go and hid your face with your arms.
Great start for this school year.
We became close. We're always pairing whenever the teacher has an activity. Most of the times, we're even group mates.
August 13
"Hey, are you done tallying the results of the survey?" Kyungsoo asked.
"Not yet, I’m actually going to the library to continue, do.... you want to come?"
"Sure, let me carry this for you," he took the two envelopes you're holding and started walking.
When you and Kyungsoo got to the library, you can’t focus on what you’re doing. He looks so cute whenever he is focused on something.
“You know, it is rude to stare at people,” Kyungsoo said snapping you back into reality.
“Sorry, I’m just… I don’t feel well,” you rested your head on the table.
“Do you want to go to the clinic?”
“I’m just gonna take a nap. I will finish the tallying at home, I promise.”
“I’ll wake you up when break time’s over,” Kyungsoo said as he patted your head.
Minutes passed, you felt someone poking your cheek, you opened your eyes and saw Kyungsoo.
“Y/n wake up. Chanyeol just texted me that we can go home now, our last subject teacher is absent,” you rubbed your eyes and nodded.
“Do you want to eat? My friend suggested me this new café near our school.”
“Sure, I’ll just text Jongdae to go home without me.”
“Who is Jongdae? Is he y-your crush? O-or your boyfriend?” Kyungsoo stuttered.
“What? He’s my brother dummy!” you said slightly pushing his shoulder.
“Oh, I thought….” Kyungsoo trailed off.
“Come on, I’m hungry,” you stood up and pulled his sleeve.
Are you jealous?
If this is a dream, I don't want to end this. You and me in our own little world, in our own fairy tale. Everything was going smoothly, you and I always hang out, we play video games, watch movies, and we cook. I thought things were going so well, I thought you and I are meant for each other.
October 28
"Are you going to Junmyeon's party tomorrow?" Kyungsoo asked while you two are walking to the cafeteria.
"I don't know Soo. If Jongdae's not going then I'm not."
"You want your brother to be in the party? Isn't that a bit, awkward?"
“Junmyeon also invited him, and my mom won’t allow me if Jongdae’s not going. Also, if I’m with him I’m sure that I’ll get home safe and mom will not shout at me on the front door when I come home.”
“I’ll take you home instead. You don’t trust me?”
“I trust you. I just don’t want to bother you taking me home late.”
"Okay, just please go to the party. Because I have to tell you something," Kyungsoo put his hands on both of your shoulders, "And I want you to be the first one to hear it," Kyungsoo continued.
Tell me something huh?
“Why can’t you just tell me now?” you looked him in the eyes.
“It’s something special.”
October 29
"Jongdae hurry up! We're going to be late!" you banged at your brother's door.
"If you wanted to go first in that stupid party then you should asked your little crush for ride then!" your brother said and he opened the door.
"Okay first of all, Junmyeon also invited you! Second, I need a chaperone. Third, he's not my crush! He's just my friend!”
"Oh don't fool me my adorable little sister, it is written all over your face. Like how it is written in your journal," he teased.
"Who gave you the right to read my journal!? I'm telling mom!"
"Go sure tell mom, and I'll also tell your secret," you stopped at your tracks and glared at Jongdae.
"Come on now. You don't want your crush to keep waiting," he laughed and led you outside.
Junmyeon's house is bombarded with grade 11 & 12 students. Some of the faces were familiar to you, some weren't. You scanned through the crowd and laid your eyes to the person you're looking for. You saw Kyungsoo on the sofa with some of his friends. Jongin, who is laughing at Yixing for being distracted again.
"So you finally found your lover boy," Jongdae whispered making you jump and punch his arm.
"Mind your own business and go party with your cool senior friends," you said, emphasizing the word cool and pushed him away to go to Kyungsoo's direction.
Kyungsoo immediately noticed you and excused himself to his friends, who also noticed and waved at you, you waved back and smiled.
"Glad you can make it!”
“Well, I forced my brother to come. I owe him though.”
"So uhm, can you wait for me on Junmyeon's balcony at the back?" he said, making your heart beat abnormally.
"Sure! Uhm see you!" you tried to hide your nervousness and immediately went to the balcony Kyungsoo was talking about.
You looked at the sky, day dreaming about what might happen after Kyungsoo confess?
Confess? Is he really going to confess?
Minutes passed and your thoughts were cut off by the sound of the footsteps behind you. Smiling, you whipped your head and saw Kyungsoo... holding a girl's hand.
"Hey, uhm y/n. This is Seojin. My girlfriend."
The world seemed stop moving, you suddenly couldn't hear any sound except the beating of your own heart, you blinked hoping this is just an illusion, you bit the inside of you cheek hoping this is just a dream.
But no, this is the reality.
Seojin smiled sweetly and held out her hand in front of you, "Hi, y/n. Nice to finally meet you," you took his hand.
"Seojin, this is y/n. My best friend."
A/n: Hi! I appreciate if you leave some comments and suggestions. Thank you for reading!
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crimsintea · 7 years
W.S: Safe & Sound: III.
A/N: I have not fully edited this so if there are any errors, it will be fixed at a later time (when all WS stories are completed & I have no life ╮(╯▽╰)╭).
PS: Follow me on twitter (thextrasuga) for news on updates or upcoming fics!
Genre: AU / Fluff / Angst / M-Smut (M = Maybe smut. Maybe no smut. ╰( ̄▽ ̄)╭) / TW (Trigger Warning: Bullying / Language / Other)
Pairing: Junmyeon + OC
Words: 1,100+
Chapters: Back | Three | Next
Status: Ongoing
Warning: This chapter deals with death.. If you know you might be triggered by it, don’t read until you know you can handle it…
"Ms Jung is not home right, perhaps you can wait in the living room.." The nurse said as I stood beside the bed looking down at the unconscious girl.
Her skin was pale but was still taken care of. Her lips we're a faded pink, almost as if she wasn't even living but the pink that was there showed that she was still alive.
Her nails we're plain, not polished or designed like other girls around her age, not even to match the 'A class' she seemed to be by the size of the apartment.
She had hospital clothes on, not clothes girls her age usually wore. Seeing this girl in the condition she was in made my inner beast angry and over protective and I knew the feeling well enough to know I was somehow connected to this girl..
"How old is she? How long has she been in a coma? And is she able to be located somewhere else?" I asked the nurse, ignoring her words before.
"Wh-what?" She stuttered and I growled, feeling myself get impatient. "Just answer the questions. Ms Jung is no longer paying for your services." I tell her as I looked carefully at everything connected to the machine.
"She just turned nineteen last week and has been under the coma for a month now.. Sir.." She quickly informed me.
"Is she able to be relocated?" I asked as I turned to look at her. "Y-yes, Sir.. but you will need to inform us at least a three hours before we can move her, sir." The nurse tells me but it didn't settle well with my inner beast.
"That won't do. I want her moved in less than one hour, leave. I will just call people I know." I growled as I dug my cell out from my pocket. "Yixing, get the others together and come to the address I am going to text to you."
"She's doing fine.. But Suho, I found something that you won't like hearing." Lay tells me as we stood in the my room at the end of my bed.
"What is it?" I asked him as I sat on the couch by the window close to my bed. "Well.." He muttered and came to sit beside me and I looked at him, giving my full attention.
"I ran tests, like you asked.." He tilted his head with a confused look on his face.
"She should have been out of the coma as of a week ago, since she's healed and well enough to breathe and everything all on her own. It seemed strange, so I called Donghae and Mark and they went over the results as well.. They both said the same thing I was thinking." He tells me then looked to me straight in the eyes.
"They we're keeping her under the coma longer than she should have. The papers from her former doctor said that she has a minor injury to the head. She shouldn't have been in a coma in the first place but they did give her medicine to make her rest to heal."
"What?" I growled and he flinched but rubbed the back of his neck. "Why would they do that?!" I growled and he shrugged.
"Our guess is that they didn't want her to wake up and remember about whatever happened." He tells me and I nodded. He did make a good point..
"I tried to drain out the medicine as much as possible and it worked well enough, I think.. So she could be awake before tomorrow." I nodded and patted his back.
"Good job.. You should rest, and let the others know to just continue with dinner and I will be down soon." I tell him and he nodded before leaving the room.
As soon as the door shut, I found myself getting up and walking to the side of my bed to look Jiyeon over.
As I looked her over I could see that Yixing did a good job in removing most of the medicine out of her system and she was getting her color back.
Her skin looked less pale, her lips had turned to a dark pink color and her skin looked better than it was. All her features seemed to fit her more now..
"Get well quickly, Jiyeon.." I found myself muttering before shutting the door behind me as I walked out of my room.
"Oh, hyung!" Sehun popped in front of me as I was turning around. "Xiumin and Kyungsoo made lunch, I was sent to come and call you." He tells me and I nodded. "Okay, thanks." I tell him and he nodded.
When we entered into the kitchen it was chaos. Chanyeol had a fork pointed at Baekhyun. Kyungsoo was banging a pan on Kris's head.
Luhan and Lay we're hitting Chen on his arms. Tao was shoving Kai away from the counter, and Kai was shoving him back.
The only normal ones in the room we're Xiumin and Hyeri, the two just sat at the table eating as of nothing was going on around them.
"What is going on?!" I shouted and watched as everyone stopped and looked at me. "Baekhyun tried to steal my plate!" Chanyeol shouted then hit Baekhyun on the head with the spoon he held in his other hand.
"Kris was trying to take food without letting Xiumin hyung and Hyeri get some first!" Kyungsoo explains while glaring at the said third elder member.
"Chen shoved me! This idiot doesn't respect his elders enough!" Luhan growled and shoved Chen into Lay. "Chen took my plate." Lay explained as he shoved Chen back to Luhan.
"Tao is being a brat again." Kai says as he backed up pointing to Tao, who glared his way.
"Kai tried to take my chicken!" Tao hissed and kicked Kai on his leg. "You brat!" Kai growled back but did nothing in return.
I stared at them and shook my head. "I am not even going to say anything.. Just keep it down, we have a guest who is resting." I tell them and walked to grab a plate and food.
"See what you did!" Chanyeol hissed to someone. "Shut up!" Baekhyun growled but got silenced by Kyungsoo.
"Everyone just stop and get your own plate and food." He growled and came beside Sehun who stood next to me.
"Ah! Guess who I met today after classes!" Sehun said loudly as he sat across from me and Kyungsoo sat beside him.
"Who?" Xiumin asks and the Maknae grinned as he glanced to Baekhyun. "Taeyeon noona! She was with Leeteuk hyung! I approached them and asked what they we're doing together, and hyung said that they were on a 'date' for the day." Sehun tells us as everyone else sat at the table.
"Sounds like you're too late, hyung." Kai teased before stuffing his mouth with food. "Shut up before I lock you in the basement for a week!" I chuckled but shook my head at their new topic to bicker about.
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saraaboo · 8 years
The Last Time
Heartbreak and sadness are of the deadliest poisons, for they kill you slowly in misery. 
Genre: smut and angst 
Part one Part two Part three  Part four
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Sehun continued to pound into you. He kept a steady pace and made sure to hit all the right angles. Your head board continuously hit wall, sure to leave a dent. Sweat made stray hairs cling to your forehead. Looking at Sehun's body above was like a dream. From his chiseled abs, the his arms that were just the right amount of toned, up to his jaw line that was so sharp, you swore it could cut diamonds. You ran your hands over his chest and over his shoulders, playing with the hair at the base of his neck as he brought you closer to your release.
 "You're so tight, even after all this time." He grunted, a sheen of sweat forming on his face as he picked up the pace. You moaned in response, filled with to much pleasure to form sounds besides wanton moans and mewls. You reached up and cupped his cheek in your hand before bringing your lips together. It was a battle of teeth and tongue. Each of you battled for the upper hand, but in the end you let him win, you always did. He pulled on your bottom lip with his teeth as he felt your walls clenching around him.
 "I'm so close Sehun" you breathed. 
 "Cum for me baby" he replied hiking you leg over his hip and angling deeper inside you. Soon you were seeing white as the knot in your stomach came undone. His name fell from your lips as you rode out your high. Sehun soon followed suit, pulling out and releasing his seed onto your stomach. Without wasting a second he was off the bed and pulling his boxers back on. 
 "Here" he mentioned tossing a towel in your direction, "clean yourself up. See you tomorrow." With that he gathered his remaining clothes and walked out your bedroom door. It had been like this for months, meeting in the middle of the night for a meaningless hookup, only to pretend you were acquaintances the next day. You were one of the many assistants at SM entertainment. You had gotten the position on a fluke, but you were grateful for the job nonetheless. Sehun had immediately noticed the new girl, prancing through the halls in her modest heels, politely greeting various idols and board members that came in. What captivated him the most was how you looked like a shy, girl next door type on the outside, but you held a glint in your eye that said otherwise. He had a feeling you could be quite dirty outside of work, and he was right. He had made you a proposition; to hookup with him and help him relive stress. Although it was a shocking proposition, it was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and you would benefit by sleeping with one of your favorite exo members. It was a win win for both of you, and there were no rules against dating idols in your contract, so you obliged. Not 1 month after you started your job did the secret meet ups start, and when you were almost a year into working there, and the secret was still safe. 
 You heard your front door being opened and silently shut seconds later, signaling he had left. You sighed and moved to clean yourself up before showering, a feeling of sadness washing over you.  
Probably just the gloomy weather. You thought to yourself as rain continued to fall outside. 
With one last look out the bathroom window, you stepped into your hot shower, feeling instantly relaxed. You let the water consume you, running through your hair and then down your body. No matter how hot you made the water, you couldn't rid yourself of the guilt and shame you felt after every fuck. You knew it was wrong, no matter how much you wanted it to be right. Even though you were able to silence your conscious every time Sehun wanted to come over, you couldn't keep it quiet forever. Every time he left there was the nagging feeling tugging at you, eating you from the inside out. Self loathing would spread through every corner of your body, making you regret your decision, only for you to make it again the next day. 
One day I will say no to him.... one day. 
"Ms. ____________, please put this in the storage room for me." 
 "Of course sir" you replied to your supervisor with a light bow. 
 "After you may take your lunch." 
 "Thank you sir" was your response to his retreating figure. He was so busy that you hardly ever saw him. When you did, he usually gave you a list of things to do. You rendered yourself lucky this time. As you began taking the supplies to the room like he asked, you felt your phone vibrate. Carefully placing your items down, you read what was on the screen.
 Also, I need for you to organize the file room. The paper work hasn't been filed away properly, and it's getting out of hand. Once that is finished, you may go home. 
"Spoke to soon" you mumbled mostly to yourself. Hopefully the file room wasn't that bad, You wanted nothing more than to go home and just relax. ___________ 
 The file room was pretty destroyed when you had walked in. Someone had obviously been looking for something, but didn't want to clean their mess up after. Thankfully, after an hour of organizing, you were almost done. You were bending down to put a file in the bottom drawer when someone came up behind you and shut the door. The sound of it locking filled the quiet space. 
 "I found you" 
 You didn't have to turn around to know who was there. It was none other than Oh Sehun. He walked up behind you and placed his hands on your hips. You felt his hardening member pressing into your ass. 
 "What do you say we have a quickie before I take off for practice?" He breathed into your ear as you stood. His breath fanned across your neck as he spoke and it sent chills straight to your core. 
 I have to tell him no, my job could be jeopardized for sleeping with an idol on the clock. But he is so tempting... stupid sexy Sehun. 
He interrupted you internal debate by nibbling on the spot below your ear, his hands found their way around your waist and rested right above your womanhood. You wanted to nothing more than to lean into his touch and give into his needs, but your job was on the line. 
 "I can't" you finally responded, removing his hands from your body and ultimately turning to see him. Disappointment flashed across his features before being replaced with his signature resting bitch face. 
 "Why? Do you suddenly have morals?" He retorted, crossing his arms over his chest. That was a low blow, you both knew that. 
 "What is that supposed to mean?" Irritation was itching to come out as you spoke, but you held your composure. 
 "Maybe it means that you are such a good slut for me when we meet outside of work, but now you are being a prude." His words stabbed through you like a knife. But he wasn't done. 
 "You do realize I could easily hookup with any one of the assistants in this office right? Who knows, maybe they would be a better fuck than you.” 
Saying you were hurt was an understatement. His words pierced your heart like a dull rusted knife that he kept twisting and twisting as he continued to insult you. You had let your feelings for him go to far, and now you were paying the price as your little charade fell to pieces in front of your eyes. How stupid of you to think that you could be happy with your friend with benefits deal you had with Sehun. What a fool you were for loving this man. Your pride was hurt, and you wanted nothing more than to yell and scream at him, to tell him he was a bastard and didn't deserve your love. But alas you couldn't do that. So you heaved a heavy sigh, swallowed your pride and simply stated, 
" I do realize that. Which is why I am ending things here. Last night was the last time Sehun. Have a good life. Exo fighting!" 
 You walked pat him, brushing your shoulder against him as you did. With unsteady hands you unlocked the door and walked out, leaving a speechless Sehun in your wake.
A week had passed since that day. You had put in your 2 week notice promptly after the incident. Sehun held true to his word of hooking up with another assistant. It was as if you meant nothing to him. But that's how it works right? A normal girl falls in love with the idol, they have their share of fun together and the idol leaves for bigger and better things. While you tried your hardest to let go of the idea of Sehun, it was proving to be difficult. So hopefully after leaving the company, you would have a better chance at healing, at least that what you desperately hoped for. This was what you wanted for yourself after all. To be more than just an easy fuck to someone. To have meaning to someone. 
You were so lost in your thoughts, you didn't watch where you were going. Next thing you knew, your documents were on the floor and so were you. 
 "I am so sorry, are you ok?" You looked up to the angelic voice that was currently helping you gather your belongings. It was another member of Sehun's group, the leader of it actually, Kim Junmyeon, or Suho, as his fans liked to call him.
 "Oh I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going and I was so lost in my thoughts and I-" 
 "You don't have to explain yourself to me" he concluded with a silky laugh. He grabbed your hand and pulled you to a standing position. Trying not to let him see how sheepish you were feeling, you smoothed out the non existent wrinkles in your skirt. 
 "I do have to ask though, what was clouding your thoughts so much that you didn't look to see where you were walking? You seemed like you were lost since way over there." He gestured to the hall you had just came from, which was a good 50 feet away. 
You didn't realize how long you were immersed in your inner turmoil. Out of nervous habit, you began biting your bottom lip. Answering his question was hard, but you didn't want to lie to him either. Instead of responding you just looked down. 
 "It's about Sehun isn't it" he gently questioned, barely loud enough for you to hear. Cautiously you looked up at him and was met with a sympathetic gaze. 
He has to know what had happened, there was no way he couldn't. 
Sehun was his roommate so you were sure that suho knew of everything. Shame overtook you, crashing down upon you in harsh waves. A hurricane of guilt and discomfort filled you, flooding your entirety and looking for an escape through tears. You tried hard to hold them back, to ashamed to make yourself vulnerable to suho, and to cautious to let anyone know how much the whole situation affected you. Silent sobs fought to break through you, making your shoulders shake and your breathing become less than perfect. 
 "Hey, don't cry" he cooed, gently lifting your chin so he could see your face. He saw how broken you really were. You had loved Sehun. He could see that written all over your face. Sehun had broken your heart into a million pieces and moved on like it was nothing to him. He felt terrible for what the maknae had done to the pretty girl who always had a smile on her face while she worked. 
He gently used the pad of his thumb to wipe the cascade of tears from your cheeks. Your struggle to remain stoic was over as you let go of all the pent up emotions. All the frustration, all the loneliness, and all the heart break. Suho sensed your need to cry and pulled you into his chest, one arm wrapping around your waist while the other soothingly rubbed your back. As if out of instinct, you grabbed onto his shirt and cried your eyes out, destroying the designer material in the process. You didn't care how red your face got or how much your makeup ran in that moment. All that mattered was that you had finally let your wall down and all the emotions were flooding out and into the arms of someone you felt you could trust, even if you had just barely met a few moments back. Suho continued rubbing your back, pulling you tighter against him as your sons began to quiet down. 
 "It's going to be all right" he repeated like a mantra as he continued his ministrations, "it's going to be all right." 
Sehun had just caught word from a few other assistants in the office that you had planned on leaving. Even though he had moved onto another easy lay in the building, it didn't mean he was ready to let you go. He stormed through the halls, looking in all the places you usually were. When all those places turned out to be dead ends, he decided to ask the front desk of your where abouts. Quickly rounding the corner, he got his answer before even asking, because there before him was you, curled up in the arms of his groups leader suho.
A/N: I found this while cleaning out my computer, and I am debating whether or not to continue it. Let me know if you want another part ^^
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