#let's gotsumon pumpmon
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otakween · 8 months
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Digimon Adventure - Enemy Chara Songs
It's time for some more digimon music appreciation! I love character songs so much. I wish every anime had them, not just the big shounen ones. It's pretty funny that voice actors are just expected to sing no matter how small their character was in the show. IDK that I've ever seen a collection quite like this with all non-human villains.
Etemon: Love Serenade
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A bop. I listened to it twice lol. Much like in the anime, it's Etemon bragging about how cool/what a super star he is. The song is interspersed with bits of Etemon reprimanding the crowd for not appreciating him enough and he eventually wins them over (or forces them to pretend to enjoy his concert?)
Etemon uses the "acchiki" personal pronoun. Is this a monkey version of atashi? Atashi is feminine, so is this part of his kind of effeminate way of speaking?
Gotsumon and Pumpmon: Let's Gotsumon, Pumpmon
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Amazing, iconic. Perfectly captures Gotsumon and Pumpmon's happy gremlin vibe. It was also a rap which fits their Shibuya obsession I think. Loved all the little references to Shibuya culture (gyaru, takoyaki, 109 department store).
There's a valley girl voice (or whatever the Japanese equivalent of that is) that comes in and kinda shit talks the boys, but they just go "whatever! We don't care what anyone thinks of us!" and I found it kinda inspiring lol
Pinocchimon: The Forest of Spinning Gears
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Okay, this one is really bad, which is a shame because Pinocchimon was one of my faves! For some reason they sped up the singer's voice so that they sound like a chipmunk and it's super grating....why. Also, the song itself just kinda sucks. Not much of a melody. Lyrics are decent, I guess.
Seriously...my ears are bleeding lol
Ogremon: I'm Ogremon
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Kinda forgot about this dude lol (cuz he's ugly and boring)
Ogremon's kinda tone deaf. His ORAORA's are nice tho. His song is just all about beating someone (the listener?) up. Fittingly dumb.
Sukamon and Chuumon: Easy-Daisy Poopy-Tossy
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This one was very similar to the Gotsumon and Pumpmon song but had more of a ska vibe to it. Very fun, despite all the potty humor haha. The nonsense words were very catchy and Sukamon and Chuumon switched off more evenly than Gotsumon and Pumpmon did in their song.
I learned something new, apparently "chichin pui pui" is something parents say to make kids feel better. It doesn't really mean anything and is more like a magic spell (like abracadabra).
Devimon - Dark Wing
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A ballad-style song sung over what sounds like video game bgm, kind of a strange combo tbh. I don't really remember Devimon having a ton of dialogue, so hearing him sing this much feels kinda strange haha.
I wish this song was faster paced, Devimon sings verrrrry sloooowly
I said this was ballad-esque but it kinda devolves to talk-singing haha. I like the backup "~dark wiiiing~" singers. Dark Wing sounds like a Batman character.
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higuchimon · 4 years
[fanfic] Unholy Desires:  Chapter 4
Something wasn’t right. Wizarmon could feel it in the air. This world was quite different from the Digital World, but his magical senses didn’t lie. Something had gone very wrong and until he knew what it was, he couldn’t fix it.
Presuming that it could be fixed. He’d seen enough in his life to know that some things could be and far more things couldn’t be.
At least this mess with Tailmon might be. He’d watched his old friend for some time and the way her attention drifted to that young human definitely caught his attention. She tried so very hard to be the perfect servant to Vamdemon even when every instinct in her craved otherwise.
But it would not be for much longer. He couldn’t approach her on the subject until he had more evidence than he had. But he’d spent time watching the Chosen and their partners, and the sense that he got of the bonds that existed between them were much the same that existed between Tailmon and the girl. They weren’t quite as strong, but they were there, tiny little tendrils that wove the two of them together.
He ghosted along thoughtfully. IF he’d been more distracted, he might not have noticed the crow’s nest, let alone what was in it. But there it was – the Digivice.
No wonder no one could find the Eighth Child. They should have had this and they didn’t. This would enable him to define on if that girl – Yagami Hikari – were the Eighth Child or not. At the moment he considered it at least a seventy-five percent chance. This would eliminate all doubt.
“Yo, Wizarmon!” A voice shouted behind him, and as quick as he could, Wizarmon tucked the Digivice out of the way and turned to face PicoDevimon. “Whatcha doing there?”
Wizarmon laughed a little, ducking his head behind his hat. “Oh, nothing much. This – this world is so different from home. I – I think I did something that I shouldn’t have.”
He’d set up this plan years ago, once he saw how PicoDevimon wanted to feel superior to everyone else. With a flick of his wrist he pulled a bottle of sake he’d hidden away from one of his subspace pockets.
PicoDevimon hovered closer, eyes focused on the bottle. “What did you do? Do I need to tell Vamdemon-sama about this?”
Oh, he wanted to tell Vamdemon. It practically radiated off of him. Wizarmon tried to pull the bottle closer, and PicoDevimon all but pouted.
“I got a little drunk,” Wizarmon ‘admitted’. “This stuff hits Digimon hard! Please don’t tell Vamdemon-sama.” He hesitated before he tilted the bottle towards PicoDevimon. “You can have this. Just don’t tell him.”
PicoDevimon snatched up the bottle right away. “You got it! But you should be careful. You don’t want to end up like Pumpmon or Gotsumon – or that Chosen boy.”
Wizarmon froze at those words. “What did you say?” That was what he’d felt before, the sensation that something wasn’t right at all.
“I saw Vamdemon-sama and one of the Chosen! He’s got fangs just like Vamdemon-sama now. Haven’t talked to him myself yet, though.” PicoDevimon kept his claws wrapped around the bottle. “I better go – get rid of this. Right.”
He turned and flapped away. Wizarmon suspected that he’d not be of use to anyone else for several hours, and that was exactly what he wanted. He turned his attention to the Digivice for a few moments.
I’ll speak to Tailmon later. First I need to check on the Chosen themselves. He didn’t like what he thought was going on. He’d already detected enough strange things about a few of the Chosen.
During his travels, Wizarmon heard many rumors. He’d heard that there were a handful of Digimon – perhaps half a dozen, if that, a mere sprinkle when it came to the untold numbers of Digimon that there actually were – who’d done one thing that humans could do. Those Digimon could – and had – created offspring in the way that humans did.
Exactly how they did that he didn’t know. But they’d done it, creating hybrids of humans and Digimon. And those hybrids were now of the Chosen. Whoever selected them had a very strange sense of humor.
Wizarmon darted along, going much faster now. He wasn’t sure how much time that he had left. Tailmon might take more time than he liked to convince, but if he didn’t find out what was going on with the Chosen, he might regret it.
Takeru shook Taichi, staring down at his sleeping face. Agumon shook Taichi as well. Both of them had the same amount of non success. Takeru bit his lip, trying to think of something that they could do.
Yamato... The idea of his brother being dead or worse – and what could be worse than being one of Vamdemon’s minions – terrified him. He’d never been able to spend as much time as he liked with his brother. Now would he ever be able to again?
Angemon’s hand rested on his shoulder for a second and Takeru found a crack of a smile to turn towards him.
“The others are coming,” the angel said, nodding. Takeru looked in the direction he indicated and saw them all – Sora and Jou, Koushiro and Mimi – racing towards them with their partners. Jou stumbled to a halt next to them first, breathing harder.
“What happened? Is Taichi all right? Where’s Yamato?”
“I don’t know!” Takeru almost snapped the words out. “But Yamato-nii-san – he’s not all right.” Takeru knew he used to cry a lot as a child. He’d gotten better with that as he grew older. It wasn’t easy to keep the tears back now but he fought hard. The words fell out of him, tiny and diamond hard and shredding his heart to speak. “Vamdemon – Vamdemon bit him and I think something happened because he stopped breathing and Gabumon turned into an egg!” He shuddered, wondering if he could even believe those words. If he hadn’t seen them for himself then he very well might not have. “Then he opened his eyes and he keeps calling himself Anbumon and he bit Taichi-san and drank his blood!”
All eight of those who hadn’t been there froze. All blood drained from Sora’s face. Jou looked as if he were about to be sick. Koushiro settled down next to Taichi and flicked open his laptop, fingers flying over the keys. Mimi took a step backwards.
She said what they didn’t. “He’s a vampire?”
“I think so,” Takeru whispered. He hated having to say it but what else made any sort of sense. “He went away. I think – I think he went to Vamdemon.”
“I’m scanning Taichi right now,” Koushiro said. “I presume you’ve tried to wake him up?”
“Yes,” Takeru nodded. “But Yamato told him – told him not to wake up until sunrise.”
Looks flew fast and worried all around the group. They’d been having enough issues finding the Eighth Child and coming up with some way to defeat Vamdemon. Having this happen wasn’t making anything any better right now.
Then Mimi and Jou moved up to settle on each side of Taichi, resting one hand on the sides of his neck. Jou’s eyes narrowed as he made contact. Of them all, he’d Budded and Bloomed at a very young age. Children of the Kido line did that, or so all the stories went. They made some of the strongest Healers in all of Japan.
“He’s alive,” Jou reported, “but he’s sound asleep. He needs the rest. His body’s trying to recover from being fed from.”
Mimi’s lip curled up, and Sora moved to stand beside her, resting a hand on her shoulder in support. “He’s going to need to eat a lot when he wakes up. And I don’t think we should let this happen again. It feels all wrong.”
Jou agreed. “We should try to get him back home so he can rest there. I don’t think there’s any way to wake him up before then.”
Koushiro made a noise as he stared at the results his laptop gave him. “There are traces of digital vampiric data around the bite area. I can’t be sure of more than that. It’s working into him. It’s not going to make him a vampire, though.”
Takeru shuddered. “Then what is it going to do to him?”
“I would say that it’s going to make him very vulnerable to Vamdemon’s spawn,” a voice came from above them. All of them jerked upward, Sora and Koushiro thrusting themselves in front of the Healers, both of them simmering with flames.
A Digimon emerged from the trees, one dressed as a wizard. He eyed Taichi carefully. “I’d heard that Vamdemon changed one of you. It’s worse than I thought.”
“Who are you? What are you talking about?” Takeru demanded. “What do you want? Are you here to fight us?”
Angemon joined Sora and Koushiro, golden staff pointed towards the newcomer. The wizard Digimon didn’t seem all that bothered by them, his attention all on Taichi until he turned to them.
“I’m Wizarmon. I am not here to hurt any of you. I only want to help my friend, Tailmon.”
Sora’s eyes flashed bright. “Tailmon? She’s one of Vamdemon’s servants, isn’t she?”
“That remains to be seen.” Wizarmon moved closer, showing no fear of any of them, his attention all on Taichi. Slowly he gestured, his hands moving in ways that sent chills through them all. Slowly he shook his head. “I can’t help him. Whatever happened is beyond my ability to cure. You are correct – take him home and let him rest. I can assist you there.”
Koushiro didn’t move. Nor did Sora. “Why would you help us?” The Chosen of Knowledge wanted to know.
Wizarmon sighed. “Because you are the best chance that exists to destroy Vamdemon once and for all. And I want that more than anything. He’s committed more horrible acts than I have words for. And many of those were to Tailmon. She obeys him not because she agrees with his plans but because she has been punished so much for not obeying him.”
Takeru could see the pain in his eyes at that. “You mean it?”
“Yes. She’s forgotten it herself. Remembering too much would hurt her far too much. At least until she has the path to salvation lit up. That is what I intend to do. Give her the way back to herself. And I have the means to do so at last.”
“What do you mean?” Mimi asked, both her and Palmon staring at the Digimon. Wizarmon regarded them all in silence for a few seconds before he pulled out something from inside of his robe.
“A Digivice!” Koushiro started to reach for it, but Wizarmon pulled it away.
“First we return your friend to his home. Then we’ll find the Eighth Child. And if my suspicions are correct, then we will not have far to go to find her. But if we wait too long, then Vamdemon may still locate her before we do. If he has your other friend under his will, he will know what you know.”
Takeru nodded slowly as he scrambled to his feet. He worried at his lip before he asked, “Wizarmon? Do you know why my brother is calling himself Anbumon now? Is it because of what Vamdemon did to him?”
Wizarmon said nothing. His eyes, however, flicked from Takeru to Koushiro to Jou to Sora. Then he shook his head. “No. I – there may be a reason but I cannot say right now. I don’t know right now.”
“It probably is,” Mimi said. “Who knows that Vamdemon did to him really?”
Takeru thought Wizarmon knew more than he was saying. But he didn’t know what else it could be himself and he knew Wizarmon was right about needing to get Taichi home safely and seeing if Hikari-san really was the Eighth Child.
One by one they all stood up, and Wizarmon waved his hand. A sphere formed around the group, including every Chosen and Digimon, and he started to fly away with them.
To Be Continued
Notes: I still haven’t decided on if Wizarmon will survive this story. But here he is doing what he needs to do – get that Digivice to Hikari and start Tailmon’s Heel-Face Turn. Also, Firestarters are always fiercely protective of Healers, whether or not they’re bonded. Do not threaten a Healer. If you’re lucky you’ll get incinerated. If you’re not lucky, the Healer will deal with you.
Hikari is a Healer.
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