cladinivcry · 9 months
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"Once you get the hang of this place, it isn't so bad." They breathe out smoke from the cigarette between their lips. "You might even meet some new people and make awesome friends." IF a past Indigo had told them that they would find someone here, they wouldn't believe them. Alas, here they are.
"Anyway, I've been here a minute so if you have any questions, I miiiiiight be able to help."
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einwish · 8 months
It's lunchtime. At the most popular fast food joint in Golden Ward, lines stretch around the block. Those lucky enough to get their order don't even have room to sit indoors, forcing them to the usually-deserted outdoor tables during this time of year.
A tasty hamburger rests on the table before a seemingly serious woman with platinum blonde hair. Before she can do anything with it, however, a fluffball of white descends on table right beside the plate. Its jewel-like, ruby-red eyes blink brightly at the burger with every twitch of its ears and flick of its tail. This is a message that transcends all barriers of language, race, or creed.
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It and the universe asks: are ya gonna finish all that by yourself?
⋆˚🐾˖ @lethalramifications ⊹ . ݁˖ .
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khaenriahn · 9 months
HONESTLY, IT WAS INTERESTING ENOUGH. especially when he had chosen to do his usual walk to discover something fascinating, only to come across a woman standing there with a rather intriguing smile on her face. nothing far too out of the ordinary, really, yet enough for him to know it wasn't something entirely natural in the moment. perhaps it wasn't fully meant for his eyes, something meant more for privacy, and yet the desire to interject himself was much like a moth to a flickering, beautiful flame.
so, the man merely steps forward so he might lean a bit closer, the smile which paints itself across his face amiable as ever in doing so. ❝ Is something troubling you, miss? Hopefully I'm not interrupting anything of too much importance, ❞ he speaks, careful not to invade too much of her space with the slightest tilt of his head to accentuate the friendly expression he offers.
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❝ If you're in need of any tips or assistance, perhaps I may be able to help. ❞
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plantamagicae · 7 months
[ 🌱 ] willow recognized this stranger... wasn't she the one who thankfully pointed out the (shiver) ladybugs that were dancing around on her head? with a grin, the witch ran to the young lady.
" hey! i wanted to thank you earlier for telling me about the bugs that were in my hair. "
she paused, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly.
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" they aren't my favorite bug, so i really appreciate it! "
they might have been attracted to the fact that she's always tending to different species of plants -- many of which they enjoy.
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popsivity · 8 months
@lethalramifications replied to your post “"Good thing Mr. Dinkles isn't here."”:
For self-preservation purposes: I do not wish to know what Mr. Dinkles is.
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"Oh! Mr. Dinkles is my friend Biggie's pet. He's a worm... But like, a cool worm. I promise."
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punishercross · 8 months
"Man, this place is usually pretty packed. Got here just in time." He lets out a noise that sounds almost like phew as his burger is placed in front of him. The street vendor burger bar was empty save for himself and the silver haired woman, and the employee he'd been making smalltalk with.
May as well loop in the one other customer, make the owner's job easier.
"Ya know," he continues talking, taking one of his fries and popping it in his mouth.
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"Back where I'm from, this kinda food was made outta worm meat."
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yagottaworkhard · 8 months
[ teeth ] for a fellow resident of House 103.
nonverbal meme prompts ;; accepting!
sender  bears  teeth  at  receiver
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... Huh?
Velvet, clearly caught off guard at the gesture, pauses in her tracks. She was just about to leave for a little bit to explore the city some more, not interested in particularly making friends or getting to know the people she lived with. Considering this was the first time she's ever had an interaction with this person...
"... What the heck are you doing?"
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isolaradiale · 9 months
Upon prior reserve, here's Ramlethal Valentine from the Guilty Gear franchise! App can be found under /application <3
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, Ramlethal!
You will be housed in HOUSE 103.
You will retain the ability to fly for up to thirty minutes per day and will receive a wooden sword.
– mod pleiades.
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toadstoolism · 7 months
💭Giving speeches to the public.
send 💭 + a topic and my muse will tell you what they think about it
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"I don't mind it, though I suppose it depends on what the speech is about... Of course, having to give bad news isn't any fun, but I will make it as assuasive as possible if I must. Only ever having to give happy speeches would be lovely. As for whether or not I'm good at them, well... hehe, no one here can really vouch for me, but I think I do a good job...!"
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kleinstar · 7 months
Walking the nightly street way back to the Itadori Residence Eiden's whistling. Air's brisk but not too cold anymore, he'll survive with just a scarf over his coat. Groceries swing about in the rhythm of his light step.
As Eiden passes a playground his eyes glimpse something from the corner of his eye. Sometimes you'd see teenagers gathering there at this time but now all he spots is a figure sitting on the swings.
Eiden thoughts of just leaving it but a curiosity wins over. He skips over to the neighbouring swing and drops down to the seat.
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" It's pretty late for a playground visit isn't it? "
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innerbeast · 7 months
‘ show me what you’ve got. ’
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"like music to my ears!" mentioned appendages perked up gleefully as dar'khol's fist came against his palm. with a good squeeze did knuckles crack, hands swapping places to do the same to the other set.
weight of his axe was pried from his back and left to rest behind him, its hungering blade not needed for something light-hearted. a wonderful change of pace from the clouded senses from his last brawl, he could do with holding back a bit. at least for a little while.
with a quick roll of his shoulders and a steady hop in place to warm up his joints, he was ready to go.
stepping up he let his body weight carry him forward into a sprint, arm pulled back with a firm fist in place; ready to launch itself forward with the next step he took -- a grounding stomp to hold as he swung.
"ya better show me what ya can handle!"
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multirosa · 8 months
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"Oh, well, that's a fair attempt...but I can't say I know what exactly this is supposed to be..." As Navia just said, it was a fair attempt at latte art on the girl's behalf, but she couldn't at all figure out what said art was supposed to be. If she tilted her head to the left it looked like some sort of butterfly...but if tilted to the right, it resembled a bird of sorts.
Compared to her own carefully crafted latte art, Navia doesn't exactly feel comfortable giving critique so she opts for some polite tips instead. "Would you like to start over? If this is your first time, it's understandable to have shaky or uncertain hands!"
WINTERFES ACTIVITIES / silver white winters ( @lethalramifications )
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dutysmith · 9 months
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It was rare for Lahabrea to be seen outside of the library, or his tiny invention room. But the sun was strong today, and the library air condition is broken so... theres no point in staying inside. His own time wasting activities of creating something of unknown design under the cool shade of a tree meant that...
something exploded, causing a large ruckus, Black smoke coming out of the machine it took him days to make.
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thegreatfraud · 9 months
There no such thing as free food.
The Ponzi brothers know that better then anyone. The "free food" they got was what left over by the governments after their so called foster parents have taken 90% of the cut and give what little left for defective expire product.
Still....it's not like they're monster. Having wealth is fine. Excessive wealth is never the goal. You can't be to giving or people gonna tear you apart.
But you don't have to be a dick about it.
"This is the last burger of the day."
Isola new little famous spectaclor burger food stand that been getting lot of good review for. Huey got the last one as he pay the man. He notice the customer behind him obvious look of dejection.
Oh yeah her eyes is following that burger.
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"........you want it?"
Jeez what sharp teeth. Huey normally laugh at anyone else but maybe it's just that odd day of feeling merciful as he try to get a read on her.
If it's not SO bad he split one with her. If she VERY hungry then he give her his burger.
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plantamagicae · 7 months
[ WARN ] : There are numerous coccinellidae in your hair.
[ WARN ] : for your muse to warn mine of incoming danger
[ 🌱 ] willow quirks a brow at the word that this strange girl just spoke. coccinellidae-- what the heck was that?
" cocc.... coccin-- what? "
suddenly, the girl hears the familiar beat of small wings buzzing near her ears causing her eyes to widen in obvious fear. without further ado, the witch reaches up, clenches her eyes shut, and starts to absolutely destroy her hair, causing the small bugs to fly in every which direction.
she then looks up at the girl with small tears tickling the corners of her eyes -- more tears of surprise than anything. man, she was feeling a little dizzy from the whiplash.
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" did... did i get them all?? "
oh titan, what a good first impression.
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popsivity · 8 months
Poppy quirked a brow at this strange girl's appearance; what the heck was that outfit she was wearing? The troll popped a hip and pointed at the girl with a goofy grin.
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"Where'd you get that outfit, it looks like you're missing like... more than half of it." She laughed to herself, "Did you get in a fight with a shredder?"
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