#lettuces art gallery
muscular-lettuce · 2 months
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he's very proud
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mybeingthere · 10 months
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Marta Minujin is an Argentinian conceptual artist famous for her performance pieces called "Happenings," which she also describes as "livable sculptures." She created her first "Happening" in 1963 in Paris where she had traveled on a scholarship to study. For this piece, she arranged mattresses along the Impasse Roussin then invited other artists, including Christo and Paul-Armand Gette, to destroy her display. Other "Happenings" include Suceso Plástico (1965)—an event that included motorcyclists, fat women, athletes, wedding couples wrapped in tape, young girls kissing audience members, and the artist herself arriving by helicopter to throw live chickens, lettuce, and flour over participants—and Interpenning (1972)—an interactive show at MoMA in New York that required participants to undergo a range of activities and sensory experiences.
Minujin's performances and artworks tackle many themes and issues, from politics to the definition of art to the way we perceive the world. She has won many awards for her work and continues to show her "Happenings" and other pieces at museums, fairs, and galleries around the world. She continues to stand by her belief that "everything is art.
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solradguy · 9 months
Mr! I hope you’re having a good day on this Friday! It’s January, but it’s raining a lot for me. I had a grilled cheese with fried tomatoes! I hope you’re having a good day!
Hello!! Grilled cheese with fried tomatoes is SUPER GOOD!! I always put tomatoes in my grilled cheeses :-) A little trick I learned from a garlic bread recipe is putting just a very thin layer of mayonnaise on the inside where the cheese goes. So little you can't even really taste it. It makes the inside of the sandwich kinda soft/chewy while the outside is still crunchy!!
My Friday went really good!! My sister took my mom and I out for BBQ at a local family-run Korean place. We got bulgolgi and brisket. Idk if it's part of the bulgolgi experience or not, but the meat wrapped in one of the big lettuce leaves, a bit of kimchi, and then dipped in this sort of salted oil dressing they serve in a dish alongside sriracha is 10/10 I go nuts for that stuff. Below the restaurant was an Asian market and I got stuff to make onigiri!! And some gummy snacks. They had lychee ones mmmmmmm
After BBQ, we went to the art museum. My sister and mom wanted to check out the contemporary gallery so we went there after browsing through the Chinese and Indian galleries. There's a ~7ft tall wooden carving of Guanyin that my mom absolutely loves that we have to go see every time haha It's right next to two statues of monstrous Chinese tomb guardians that I really like so we both win going through there.
In the contemporary gallery the other year, my mom took a picture of my sister looking at one of the pieces that my sister really liked and wanted to recreate. The gallery manager took the picture for us and then we got into a conversation about how unrelated art forms can influence our perceptions of other works of art. He also said something along the lines of, "I think it's a more interesting conversation when there's some disagreement instead of everyone agreeing all of the time. This is my honest opinion as a French man" and I don't know if recreational disagreement is part of French culture or not, but it was a good point and said with some humor so I thought it was funny.
Tastes in music were brought up in this conversation too and he laughed when I said I liked heavy metal because, a few years ago, he had been on a trip through Europe with his girlfriend when the train broke. The repairs were going to take the entire night so they told the passengers to go enjoy themselves while they were stuck there in Germany. The gallery manager said that he wasn't really fond of heavy metal, but that Iron Maiden was touring in that city that very night and all the train passengers went and saw them together haha He said they changed his opinion on metal. I think the moral of the story there was "It's good to expose yourself to things you think you might hate because it could turn out that you do enjoy them after all."
I've been big into knights again lately so after this I went through the armor gallery to see if they'd gotten anything new in. They didn't, but they DO have this sword that's almost as long as I am tall (6'5"). It was funny though because it's significantly larger than the Outrage but it's two entire pounds lighter lol 8lbs versus the Outrage's 10lbs.
After this we got tea and cookies and then went back home. It was fun!!
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mollyhale · 1 year
tagged by @bl33ditout ! thanks for tagging me!!
1. If you were to attend a costume party tonight, what or whom would you go as?
2002 avril lavigne!
2. What are your choice of toppings on a hamburger? And do you prefer gas or charcoal grilling?
okay so like it depends where im getting the burger or if it’s being made at home. but in general the toppings i get are cheese always, bacon, and fried or caramelized onions. i dont really like lettuce or tomatoes on my burger :/ 
and definitely charcoal grilling! i used to help my uncle grill when i was little so i have fond memories of it and the taste being better overall 
3. You are chosen to have lunch with the President. The condition is you only get to ask one question. What do you ask?
was it your childhood dream to be the president 
4. It’s your first day of vacation, what are you doing?
depends where im on vacation! usually hit up an art gallery or go swimming, those are my two priorities always 
5. What is your concession stand must-have at the movies?
popcorn is a MUST point blank. sometimes i’ll steal m&m’s or twizzlers (strawberry only) from my friends but i need my popcorn 
6. Which do you dislike most: pop-up ads or spam email?
pop-up ads because at least i can filter spam email
7. What do you think Captain Hook’s name was before he had a hook for a hand?
o captain my captain 
8. Rock, paper, or scissors?
rock :)
9. How long was it from ‘the first date’ until the proposal of marriage? How long until the wedding?
10. Which is worse, being in a place that is too loud, or too quiet?
mmmmmm probably too loud? because i feel like i could get a convo going if it was too quiet but there’s nothing to do about the loudness except leave (minus concerts ofc that’s a necessary loudness) 
11. What is one quality that you really appreciate in a person?
loyalty and honesty. i’ve dealt with too many two-faced people im just tired 
12. At the good old general store, what particular kind of candy would you expect to be in the big jar at the counter?
gumballs! or small individually wrapped candy canes 
13. What is the most distinguishing landmark in your city?
imma keep it 100 when i first read this i thought it said disgusting and i was like ????? but tbh im not sure in either regard lol
14. Everyone hears discussions that they consider boring. What topic can put you to sleep quicker than any other?
math, science, politics but only kind of... pretty much if it’s some asshole pushing some crazy fox news agenda but like i’ll watch the news and read it that’s not an issue i just can’t put up with listening to someone spout propaganda like that 
15. How many times did it take you to pass your drivers test?
16. If you had to have the same topping on your vanilla ice cream for the rest of your life, what topping would you choose?
gummy bears or oreo crumbles i think 
17. What food item would need to be removed from the market altogether in order for you to live a healthier, longer life?
well considering i drink coke like it’s water probably that (but i’d sooner die), and probably just carbs in general - pasta, bread, etc
18. You are offered an envelope that you know contains $50. You are then told that you may either keep it or exchange it for another envelope that may contain $500 or may be empty. Do you keep the first envelope, or do you take your chances with the second?
as much as i am a gambler, i’d just take the fifty bc i could just go buy a box of pokemon cards and risk it all that way lol
19. If you had to choose, which would you give up: TV, or internet?
well that depends if streaming is considered tv or internet... so give up whichever doesnt include streaming i guess 
20. Who is your dream girl or boy from movies/tv?
hmm my biggest tv crush was on gary oak from pokemon when i was a kid (or his VG counterpart blue) with dick grayson as a close second - but real actual human dream boy? maybe shawn hunter from boy meets world? *** AMMENDEMENT!!!! chuck bass how could i FORGET!!!!!!
21. Have you ever met a celebrity?
yes! mostly from buying m&g tickets to concerts but: sabrina carpenter, madison beer, maggie lindemann, al stewart, i met youtuber marriland at a prerelease tournament once which was wild ... i think that’s it? 
22. What kind of lunch box did you have as a kid?
my school served us lunch family style so i didn’t need one 
tagging: @flippinfins @mickeysjones @seancamerons @borntobewondering @jessyourstruly @glasstown-resident @slickmascara @caw4brandon and whomever else wants to !!!
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purplesurveys · 2 years
What are your plans for the day ahead? I actually feel like binge-watching Good Mythical Morning tonight; overheard my siblings watching it earlier and now all I want to do is to catch up on the episodes I missed all year long. Apart from that...might have to work on this kinda urgent deck for work, even if we’re on company shutdown -_-
What was the last thing you cleaned? I tidied up the living room since my sister and I wrapped gifts for an hour and the place got very messy very fast.
When do you go to your soonest appointment? I don’t have any booked in the near future. What did you last order online? Just more Christmas presents - the last batch I got online were for cousins on my dad’s side. I still have to shop tomorrow, but since online orders made at this point obviously won’t make it here by the 24th/25th I’ll be going to the mall for those instead.
Can you see any bottles from where you're sitting? Yeah I’m taking bottled coffee right now. It’s ‘Sweet Black’ flavored, which I’m loving because otherwise this brand’s regular Black variant is way too bitter for my taste. Which I don’t hate, but I can’t fully enjoy either.
What time do you usually try to wind down in the evening? Around 8 or 9 PM. 9 is my upper limit - I don’t want to be doing any overtime work or chores by that point, and ideally I’m already lounging in bed or on the couch just going through my phone.
What's something you have been putting off? The said deck/Powerpoint I have to work on. One because we’re on company break and it’s just difficult to be in the mindset to work; two because it’s a deck for an upcoming pitch (for a potential client) and I always dread that stuff. I really have to touch it tonight though because by tomorrow I’ll already be out all day to shop and to have my Christmas gathering with friends.
What restaurants do you frequently eat at? I'm not a regular anywhere anymore, but in general if I do eat out I like going to Japanese or Korean restaurants. Do you like banana pudding with a lot of bananas or more vanilla wafers? Banana pudding sounds so nasty.
How many books would you guess you've read in the last 5 years? 1 or 2, I’m guessing.
What was the last message you sent? “I didn’t cross-post it, it’ll be fine!” to my sister. Basically I posted an Instagram story of our gift-wrapping session earlier and the photo revealed some of the gifts I bought. My sister was just looking out and telling me not to post it on Facebook to keep relatives from seeing the presents, so I reassured her that I didn’t toggle the feature to crosspost it. Have you ate anything green today? What's your favorite way to add greens to your diet? The sandwich my dad made for me earlier had some lettuce in it. I don’t really have habits when it comes to vegetables...Filipino cuisine is inherently loaded with them, so it’s not like I have to go out of my way to access them.
When did you last light a candle or incense? Months ago. Not really a part of my routine.
Is it currently warm where you are? It’s finally getting colder in the evenings yaaaaaay. It’s currently 27C, which is a lovely and welcome change.
Have you ever fallen out of bed? Once, and as a kid. I vividly remember crying the moment I crashed and my mom immediately springing up when she heard the noise.
What do you like on your hot dogs or burgers? Continued from last night. I don’t have hotdogs frequently, but on my burgers I like to have jalapeño slices, onions, and always some sort of mayo dressing on them. I have novelty burgers from time to time and I’ve learned that the best gimmicks are doughnuts and peanut butter,
Are you currently listening to anything? Yeah, I literally JUST prompted Indigo to play. I’m at the first few notes of Yun.
What did you last put in storage? In our general bodega space, shoes. We don’t really have a designated storage room for things that need to be put away for a while.
What's your favorite thing to do outside? Go to museums and art galleries, drive around (I don’t mind getting stuck in traffic these days, especially if it means I get to be by myself), go through bookstores, eat.
Are there any celebrities that you are a big fan of? BTS would be a very obvious answer here. I have other favorites too, but I check in with them and what they’re up to only from time to time - Paramore, Beyoncé, bunch of other artists in the Korean music scene here and there.
Do you ever watch award shows? Only when the boys have a major participation or performance. Otherwise I have largely stopped caring, especially when I heard more and more claims of racism and favoritism come about. Also, I never really recovered from 25 winning over Lemonade as Album of the Year - if Adele herself can’t accept the award, you’ve got a problem in your hands lmao.
Do you usually run out of shampoo or conditioner first? Conditioner because I have to use a fuckton of it for my bleached hair. My head reacts terribly to shampoo.
Do you have any LED lights in your home? I guess, but I wouldn’t be able to identify which.
What is your biggest challenge? Saving money. When you grow up not-so-well-off, there are two routes you take – be very rigid about saving to avoid going through what you experienced ever again...or be an excessive spender to make up for the times you couldn’t afford the things you want. Unfortunately, I am the latter hahaha.
What was the last sweet thing you've eaten? My mom had me try these chocolate coffee bites? nibblers? tiny thingies? that she got as a Christmas present. SO good, I might end up eating the whole box.
Do you prefer buying new clothes or thrift shopping for clothes? Both. As long as I like the look, doesn’t matter where it’s from at that point.
What is something you need right now? To finish my Christmas shopping list PLZ.
What's something you like that is blue? My denim jeans.
Have you treated yourself today? Kind of? I have a deck to work on but I am ‘treating’ myself but ignoring it. Hehe
Have you ever traveled alone? Not yet! It’s something I really want to do, even just locally. Filipinos are very judgmental when it comes to this though, and the last thing I want to happen is to end up being the anonymous subject of some random ass content creator talking about how I must be some lonely person going through something. No, Mark, I just want to go to the fucking beach.
What color is your most worn jacket/hoodie? It’s navy blue.
Who is someone you would like to get to know more? Reena; we’ve been friends for over a year but we only hang out in the context of BTS gatherings. I’d love to have more solo dates with her and become as close with her as I am with Angela. Also my new associate, Erin; she’s definitely easier to get along with and talk to vs my previous teammate.
What toy do you miss the most from your childhood? My cash register. Loved that little thing.
Have you ever lost something valuable to you? Nothing comes to mind. I lose things a lot, but for the most part they’ve just been tiny trinkets here and there that I get over by the end of the day.
What or who has impacted your life the most? My parents, for better or for worse.
Would you say you are toxic in any way? In the past. It’s something I continue to actively work on.
What's one of your favorite memories from the past year? Going to Zambales with my closest friends for my birthday.
How often do you use a straw? Usually when I buy drinks from restaurants and I get served a paper straw.
What's your current favorite song? Closer by RM, Mahalia, and Paul Blanco. Fascinating how it used to be my least favorite track (if I had to pick a least favorite) off Indigo and now I can’t even stop repeating it. That di-di-diddy-diddy-bop goes harder.
What are some books you'd recommend to someone? I wouldn’t even know.
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artandglobalization · 2 years
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Originally exhibited at the Mary Boone Gallery in New York, Squeeze (2010) is a 20-minute video that was first played within an enclosed, claustrophobic box-like space. This video sat across from a life-size portrait of the gallery owner, Mary Boone, holding a large compressed cube of disparate materials - lettuce, latex, makeup, and metal tins produced by the women seen in the film.
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Like most of Rottenberg’s films, Squeeze is rather confusing, jarring and hard to make sense of. It is a surreal mixture of both documentary and fictional footage, filmed on location at a lettuce farm in Arizona and a rubber plant farm in India. In these seemingly far-away places, women of all different backgrounds are seen engaged in all types of labor for what seems to be a completely useless/functionless product: a compressed cube of what at first glance seems to be garbage. The labor that goes into making these cubes, however, is extensive; women harvest lettuce in large fields, periodically breaking to receive hand massages from Asian women; other traverse through forests and drain sap from the trees, drop by agonizing drop; several women pound away at the mixture of disparate materials while their bottoms poke out of the walls behind them. The women giving hand massages are also constantly monitored by an overseer at an undisclosed and private location.
In describing her creative process with the video, Rottenberg states:
I began the work by visiting a rubber plant in India and an iceberg lettuce farm in Arizona. Then I designed a telekinetic machine. We built a set in my Harlem studio and used “movie magic” to create visual slippage between the three locations. In Squeeze, there are portals to the rubber plant and the lettuce farm, which allow workers to collaborate on the production of “an object.” The telekinetic machine produces a compressed cube from globally sourced rubber, lettuce, and makeup. I wanted this piece to be self-referential and since it will be shown at Mary Boone Gallery, I wanted to somehow bring in the fascinating way in which the art market assigns value to objects (Rottenberg 2010).
It is, overall, a very absurdist piece, and it is relatively hard to follow compared to the artist's other works. However, the combination of documentary-like footage and entirely fantastical and imaginary scenes speaks to larger issues of turning all aspects of the human body - especially the female-coded, fetishized body - into commodity. These extremely different locations compressed into a twenty-minute video all for the production of a single product compresses the results of globalization at large.
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taylastudio2022 · 2 years
"New Zealand-born artist Alicia Frankovich works predominantly in performance and film, but also has been known to utilise mediums such as drawing, sculpture and photography. Through her work she grapples with the performativity of bodies, exploring the body's presence and identity within space and amongst other bodies” (Ocula.com). 
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^ Alicia Frankovich's installation Medea,  or Contemporary Art (ACCA), Melbourne, NEW010 exhibition, 2010.^ 
I love this work, how it is hung and how it appears as though the work is falling, drooping. In terms of form - this work has the most similarities to my own practice. I imagine, because of the materials used as well as how it is installed, that this work would allow for a full body, almost sensory experience. Something that hasn’t been a main focus of mine, but an idea I have in the back of my mind as my work has developed in terms of installation, and use of materials. 
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Found objects used in Medea =  plastic carabenas, dirt, coconut fibre, newspaper, water tank, water pump, poly piping, nylon webbing, gaffer, sash, steel, basil, kiwifruit vines, tuscan kale, broccoli, flat leaf parsley, curly leaf parsley, long snake beans, purple kings, greens, tomatoes: black krims, black russians, tigerella, red fig dwarf, peach dreams, chillies: hellfire mix, jalapeno reds, capsicum: mini yellow, mini red, long yellow, mini chocolate, long green, bronze fennel, succulents, eggplants: heirloom mix, long jacks, red oakleaf lettuce.
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^ Alicia Frankovich, The Female has Undergone Several Manifestations: Lebenspartnerschaft, Alex Martinis Roe and Alicia Frankovich, 2016 fabric, fan, ribbon, wood ^
“The all-encompassing phenomenon of the body — its insides, outsides, material and immaterial ways— could be considered the underlying fascination of Frankovich’s work” (starwhite.co.nz). 
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^ Alicia Frankovich, Outside Before Beyond, 2017 installation view, Kunstverein fur die Reinland und Westfalen, Dusseldorf curated by Eva Birkenstock ^ 
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^Alicia Frankovich, Orpheus 2010 aluminium, egg tray, eggs 205 x 85 cm ^.
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^Alicia Frankovich, Rapture 2010 installation view, Dunedin Public Art Gallery ^. 
“Frankovich’s practice investigates how the physicality and behaviour of a body operates within social settings and constructs – including plays of dominance and re-negotiating the audience/performer relationship” (starwhite.co.nz). 
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^Exhibition view: Alicia Frankovich, Starkwhite (8 February–6 March 2019). Courtesy Starkwhite ^ 
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The Female has Undergone Several Manifestations - installation view, 2016. Starkwhite. 
I definitely resonate with  Frankovich’s interest and focus of the body and the bodily - and her exploration of such through sculpture, materiality and  form. Like myself, Frankovich works with some found materials, and has a wide collection of work including natural materials, vegetables, blanket sort of materials, drapery, etc. Medea is my favourite among Frankovich’s work - the installation aspect, as well as the cohesive nature of it. 
In relation to my practice, Frankovich’s practice offers further possibilities into how might display my work - as well as further abstract ways of investigating the body and the bodily, or provoking a bodily engagement/experience with the work. Her wide use of materials also makes me think about my own selection and how this has recently expanded and developed to include things that have a smell (such as her use of food etc)....
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averyfiber · 6 months
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b. 1929, Stockholm, Sweden; d. 2022 TitleSoft Pay-Telephone Date 1963, Medium Vinyl filled with kapok, mounted to painted wood panelDimensions46 1/2 x 19 x 9 inches (118.2 x 48.3 x 22.8 cm)
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Claes Oldenburg. Floor Burger. 1962
Canvas filled with foam rubber and cardboard boxes, painted with acrylic paint. 52 x 84 x 84” (132.1 x 213.4 x 213.4 cm). Collection Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto. Purchase, 1967. © 1962 Claes Oldenburg. Photo: Sean Weaver
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Claes Oldenburg. Giant BLT (Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato Sandwich). 1963
Vinyl, kapok, and wood painted with acrylic. 32 x 39 x 29” (81.3 x 99.1 x 73.7 cm). Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Gift of The American Contemporary Art Foundation, Inc., Leonard A. Lauder, President. © 1963 Claes Oldenburg. Photo: David Heald, Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation
This is an excerpt from Claes autobiography. He speaks about his views of art and artists and what he wants his art to do. I found it to be a great way to understand him more and the way he thinks.
This is an article from the Guggenhiem Mueseum. It talks about Oldenburg as an up and coming artist and the ways he broke into the art world with his happenings and collossal monuments.
Oldenburg has a long standing relationship with the walker art center. this is a deep dive into the history of his career and also a great place to see more of his work.
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openingnightposts · 1 year
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oliverbraid · 1 year
Even without my scribbled name, I have a recognisable drawing style. The exhibitions my family indulged me in visiting as a child demonstrated the requirement of a signature style, particular colours, attributable materials. I have not been able to fully abandon these affectations despite their complete eradication from most exhibitions I see. While I have remained focused on a practice of embellishment and little curlicues, a well-received artist these days is far more likely to be building bicycles, applying nail art, roofing houses or, as in Riti’s case, serving dinners. Her two-way pedagogical approach of learning and listening is as fashionable now as several styles of nineties British art. ‘Oh, you’re the artist that puts dead animals in vitrines’, ‘So you’re the artist that makes diaristic monoprints in blue ink’, ‘You must be the artist with all the dot painting and elephant dung’. It is just that Riti’s presentation is a more complex mode of advertising, one opposed to that entire lifestyle. ‘Oh, you are the artist who serves food made from local recipes combined with your own family recipes.’ Her trademark.
From the edge of the doorway to the gallery, the orrery still painted above, I fingered through Jackie and Catherine’s menu designs. This evening’s newly printed “Bill of Fare” includes;
Entrée: Stewed celery, lettuce and crummock pottage
Entertainment: Pot herbs sensory experience for families
Principal dish: Bridies of seitan bubbly jock stuffed with bread and tofu sausage meat, served with neeps, root of black salsify, and gowkemeat, purslane and kail topped with poached tofu and agar eggs.
Entertainment: Plant-based recreation of James Jeffray’s cheese and ham stall, with cheese carving experience for families
Dessert: A pease and almond milk brose with baked pears and cloves, served with honied bannocks and miniature redcurrant soy fools with shortbread crumble
A Written Ambition I have a dream that one day I will write a story, or a book of some kind. Writing and books have carried my through difficult times and I want to pay back that service in my own way. I haven't trained for this and I know I need practice. For now I am trying my best to practice this and I plan to update my writing in small chunks here. It isn't edited and it's mostly explorative at this stage.
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muscular-lettuce · 2 months
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Do you guys think Marvin overworks himself as a form of escapism (he doesnt realize hes doing it)
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basilwb · 2 years
Reference list:
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DivePhotoGuide. (n.d.). Underwater Photographer Stan Bysshe’s Gallery: Contest: Lettuce Sea Slug - DivePhotoGuide.com. [online] Available at: https://www.divephotoguide.com/user/smbysshe/gallery/contest_6/photo/3745/ [Accessed 22 Dec. 2022].
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Wikipedia Contributors (2019). Summer of Love. [online] Wikipedia. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Summer_of_Love [Accessed 24 Nov. 2022].
www.celine.com. (n.d.). RUNWAY LOOKS. [online] Available at: https://www.celine.com/en-gb/cm/celine-collections/womens-winter-2022/runway-looks [Accessed 13 Dec. 2022].
www.wgsn.com. (n.d.). WGSN Login. [online] Available at: https://www.wgsn.com/fashion/article/92532?show=image.35177974#page10 [Accessed 1 Dec. 2022].
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alexracheltravel · 2 years
Passionfruit From a Kilometer Away
Today was the first day where we had no tour scheduled, no travel planned, and nowhere to be. We tried to sleep in, and were mostly successful. Breakfast in our hotel was plentiful, with the highlight being the fresh fruit, endless coffee, and fresh banh mi. It wasn't quite as good as the Hanoi hotel breakfast, which showed its elegance in limited choices, but still enjoyable due to the sheer variety. We love passionfruit so much.
We made our way out into the world, and walked to "book street," a pedestrian street, free from motorcycles (a rarity in Vietnam) and filled with only bookstores. Most of them sold Vietnamese language books, but we saw some in the English language. All sold notebooks and cards. From there we walked on towards Tao Dan Park, filled with stone sculptures, immaculately kept lawns and greenery, and a public exercise area, which was full of Monday morning workouters.
We decided we had enough of parks for the time, even though the air felt fresher than any other part of the city, but we wanted to go to the Jade Emperor Pagoda up north of our location. The temple was built only a hundred years ago but it's classical and mythic atmosphere made us feel like we were transported into another place and time. We burned incense and paid respects to statues of divine demons and grotesque heroes, gazing at giant powerful figures and obviously authentic depictions of hell. Getting into the temple required us to dress up in the heat. No bare knees or shoulders, shirts to elbows preferred. We baked for some time and then walked to a cafe to cool off with a cold 7up and espresso.
We got lunch at a spot recommended by the late Anthony Bourdain. Banh Xeo is not well known in the states, we haven't ever seen it on a menu before. Think of an eggy crepe, fried to a crisp, filled with shrimp, pork, onions, and a mountain of bean sprouts, meant to be cut and eaten in lettuce wraps with fresh herbs and topped with spoonfuls of the very common fish sauce and pickled vegetables. Banh Xeo is clearly meant to be served to large groups, as one order was the size of a football. Overall, it was fine. We thought there were too many bean sprouts, but the crunch of the crepe was very satisfying.
A new tradition Alex tries to make is to find records in every new country he visit. In Japan he bought an old City Pop record. Today, we went to fulfill his desires by taking a car out to a record store… but there was one problem. It didn't exist! There must have been a mistake with our Google abilities. So we turned around and found another record shop that produced and pressed its own vinyl. We bought an instrumental electronic album and a Vietnamese soul album. We listened to some snippets on Apple Music. They're great!
If you've been to our apartment and saw our bedroom (please ignore the mess) you might have seen the various pieces of artwork on the wall. Every piece comes from a different place. A photograph from Washington hang next to a painting from Israel and a ceramic tile from Puerto Rico. Our goal was to find a special Vietnamese textile, however, after inputting the address we discovered the store closed due to COVID a year ago. Not our day with Google. Luckily, down the block, we found an art gallery, specializing in silk embroidery on canvas. The prices were fair but no art was speaking to us. Not on the first floor. And not on the second floor. And then we realized there was a third floor. Up we went, only to find that it was a completely different gallery, an art studio designed to teach young Vietnamese to create works that celebrate their culture and history. There we saw the piece that spoke to us. Partially inspired by mythology and nature, depicting deities that represented the sun and moon, drawn in a manga/anime style, we thought it was a unique addition to the wall.
Arms full of stuff - including more souvenirs to bring home - we made our way back to the hotel just in time for today's "high tea," and guess what was at the hot food station? Wow, you guessed it: banh Xeo! This one was smaller, intended for one person and it honestly was a better balance of crepe, meat, and veg. We sat and listened to the pianist the hotel hired, who played instrumental covers of American pop songs. It had been a long morning and a hot one at that so we decided to make use of the pool for the first time in our stay. A layer of clouds crossed over Saigon, shielding us from the bright, hot sun, but the views were still immaculate and the sights something to behold. We ordered cocktails and laid out and even took a quick dip. We relaxed at the hotel until dinner, thinking of nothing but good thoughts and enjoying our vacation together.
Since this was our last night in Vietnam, we needed to have one more bowl of pho. On Jeffrey Sabin's recommendation, and co-opted by many Internet blogs, Pho Le was the choice we made. And it was the right one. Large, American-sized portions were served at this small spot in the middle of a shopping district where a man in the whitest Adidas sneakers directed motorbikes on and off the curb. Patrons came and went at a dizzying pace while an old woman worked in front of a steaming pot that was the same size as any other street food cart. She churned out bowl after bowl after bowl of pho bo, beef noodle soup, with brisket, flank, in or meatballs. The broth was hot and tasty, the noodles chewy and thick, and the meat was extra delicate. It was the best of all the pho we had eaten in Vietnam and therefore the best pho we had eaten in our entire lives.
To be honest we didn't feel like going out for drinks or partying. So we did what we did best: went food shopping. We went to a "gourmet supermarket" and picked up loads of sauces and spices and mixes to bring home to share and make sure that this trip wasn't going to be the last time we eat delicious Vietnamese food. We still have an entire morning here tomorrow but we'll miss the busy streets and smell of beef and baguettes coming from every other corner.
Total distance: 6.5 miles walked
Alex: What do you think made this bowl of pho the most special?
Rachel: From the first sip of broth, it was clear that this had the most flavor, and you pair that with really good brisket and delicious noodles and they were served with the largest platter of fresh herbs and bean sprouts I've ever seen, with plenty of optional sauces and lime so you can make the bowl exactly as you like it.
A: This is the way.
R: This is the way.
A: I often wonder what they do with the leftovers from the herb plates. Right? Like there's no way all that goes for one bowl. Actually, if we were here for one more bowl I'd probably want to know what it would taste like if it were filled with everything they give you.
R: that's silly.
A: you're probably right it would overflow.
R: *chuckles* I do wish we could have bought a Pho Le employee shirt.
A: I'd wear it with my dad and his Joe Shanghai shirt. We'd match. They're the same style with different logos.
R: Speaking of buying things, it was great to end the day at a grocery store. We love grocery stores. Especially ones with ingredients we can't always find at home.
A: We bought some cool stuff. I think I like the fancy fish sauce the most. How about you?
R: I'm excited about the pho bo whole spice pack.
A: it's certainly much better than me going to kalustiyans to buy all the same spices for almost the same price as it cost for everything we just bought tonight. 
R: a successful day of exploring tons of different areas of Ho Chi Minh City!
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expertlocksmith · 2 years
Fun Things to Do in Tampa FL and Nearby Areas
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Whether you are visiting Tampa FL for the first time or you're a seasoned visitor, there are plenty of fun things to do in Tampa FL and nearby areas. For example, if you want to learn more about the history of the area, you can check out the Armature Works and the Ybor City. You can also check out the Florida Aquarium and the Tampa Zoo at Lowry Park.
Lettuce Lake Regional Park
Located on the Hillsborough River, Lettuce Lake Park in Tampa, FL is a secluded oasis for nature lovers. Known for its abundant wildlife, Lettuce Lake offers nature walks, kayaking and hiking.
The Lettuce Lake Regional Park has 240 acres of wooded picnic areas and playgrounds, as well as an observation tower. The park is also a great place to learn about nature. Lettuce Lake Regional Park features a modern interpretive center with educational exhibits. There are also ranger-led tours.
The park features a 3,500-foot boardwalk along the Hillsborough River. The boardwalk is a great place to see wildlife, including alligators. There are also canoe and kayak rentals available.
Tampa Zoo at Lowry Park
Located in Tampa, Florida, ZooTampa at Lowry Park is a 63-acre nonprofit zoo. It is one of the top zoos in the southeastern United States and is recognized by the State of Florida as a center for Florida biodiversity.
ZooTampa is committed to providing critical care for injured and threatened animals. Visitors have the chance to meet and interact with Aldabra tortoises, the second-largest land tortoise in the world. The zoo also offers educational opportunities to teach visitors about endangered species.
ZooTampa's African and Asian Domains feature safari-like attractions that explore the wonders of Africa and Asia. The Asian Domain features animals such as the Komodo dragon, babirusa, and Malayan tigers.
Tampa Riverwalk
Whether you're in Tampa for a quick weekend getaway or a week long family vacation, you'll find plenty of fun things to do in Tampa. Tampa is also home to some amazing animal attractions. You can see a wide variety of wildlife in the area, including a manatee sanctuary and a tidal river.
The Tampa Riverwalk is a 2.5-mile paved scenic trail that runs alongside the Hillsborough River. This walking path offers parks, public art, stores, and restaurants. The Tampa Museum of Art is located in a dazzling six-story cube building and is home to some great art. You can also enjoy some free art making activities on Saturdays.
Ybor City
Ybor City is a historic neighborhood in Tampa, Florida. It has a distinctive cultural legacy and has been named a National Historic Landmark District. It is one of the most celebrated neighborhoods in Florida and a popular destination for history buffs.
Ybor City is home to many restaurants, art galleries, and museums. It also has a unique cultural mix of languages, customs, and architecture. The district features cobbled streets, historic buildings, and old school architecture.
The city's historic architecture and Latin culture are reflected in its vibrant nightlife. In the 1990s, the district became a popular nightlife destination. The city is also home to several live music venues.
Armature Works
Located near the Hillsborough River, Armature Works is a great place for a relaxing lunch or dinner. The restaurant has plenty of seating both indoors and outdoors, as well as a number of dining options. The building also offers a rooftop bar, cooking classes and an entertainment workshop.
Another of the fun things to do in Tampa FL is the Glazer Children's Museum. This incredibly fun museum has an excellent collection of interactive exhibits and activities, which promote creativity and innovation. There are 150 hands-on activities to choose from.
Florida Aquarium
Whether you're looking for a good time, an educational experience, or both, there are many fun things to do in Tampa and the surrounding areas. Tampa has a large selection of museums, nightlife, and parks.
The Florida Aquarium is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Tampa. It's the largest aquatic museum in the state and contains more than 8,000 marine animals and aquatic plants. Visitors can interact with sharks, dolphins, and other animals in a number of exhibits. There are also interactive programs for children.
Urban Air Trampoline and Adventure Park
Large-scale indoor trampoline center hosting open jump, fitness classes, dodgeball & parties.Urban Air Trampoline and Adventure Park offers a number of fun things to do. There are many attractions to choose from, including a virtual reality experience, an obstacle course, bumper cars, a dodgeball arena, and an indoor coaster. This indoor park is the perfect place to spend an afternoon with the family.
Urban Air has something for everyone. There are several fun things to do for the little ones, and even older kids will be impressed. For those looking for a bit of competition, the park also offers a dodgeball arena and two types of bumper cars.
Urban Air is also home to the Apex Trampoline, which allows you to soar up and over the walls. You can also find bumper cars, the latest in trampoline technology, and an obstacle course. Urban Air Trampoline and Adventure Park is a good place to spend an afternoon, especially in the winter months.
Heritage Harbor Club House
Whether you enjoy golf, swimming, tennis, or even boating, Heritage Harbor Club House in Lutz, Florida is a great place to live. With a great location, you'll be close to the best shopping, restaurants, and health care. Whether you are looking for a single family home or a condominium, Heritage Harbour has a variety of options for you.
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Residential locksmith
A good residential locksmith will be able to advise you on the best locking mechanisms for your particular property.
There are numerous locksmiths in the business, some specialize in commercial locking mechanisms while others are more adept at the residential end of things. Make sure to compare prices from several companies before making a final decision.
Using a locksmith in the home will not only save you time and trouble, but it will also keep your property safe. Some locksmiths will even perform maintenance on your locks.
Expert Locksmith Services llc 13542 N Florida Ave Suite # 211A, Tampa, FL 33613 (813) 592-8474 https://expertlocksmithservicesllc.com/
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accountlong · 2 years
Coffee break cafe georgetown sc
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The worst of the flooding was in Socastee, but it continued in Georgetown, where it dampened. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Coffee Break Service & Supplies in Georgetown, SC. Sandwiches include the Smoked Turkey Club, Smoked Turkey Wrap, Vegetarian Sandwich, Coffee Break Club, Just a Sandwich (made with either chicken, tuna, or egg salad) and the For Pete’s Sake (thinly sliced oven roasted beef with Swiss cheese, lettuce, tomato, shaved red onions, homemade horseradish sauce, and stone ground mustard).Ĭoffee Break Cafe also serves a wide assortment of fresh baked cookies, pies, cakes, and pastries. Posts about Coffee Break Cafe written by Dorsey. Lesley Coastal Observer 'Ron Rader, a Hagley resident and native of Georgetown’s Maryville neighborhood, opened the Coffee Break Café on Front Street when Reynolds Tobacco eliminated his sales job five years ago. The cafe also serves as an art gallery, showcasing independent local artwork. Excepts from Smokin’ hot Joe: Coffee culture turns up the heat. Try the Tomato Basil or Tuscan White Bean soups along with a salad like the Coffee Break House Salad or the Front Stree t Triple (fresh greens with tomatoes, cucumbers, red onions, carrots, and olives served with 3 scoops of either chicken salad, tuna salad, egg salad, or potato salad). Bold Flavors Home > Things To Do In Georgetown > Restaurants In Georgetown > Coffee Break Caf Coffee Break Caf Since 2008, Coffee Break Cafe has offered a menu of delicious treats and home-cooked meals. The lunch menu includes soups, salads, sandwiches, lunch specials, desserts & snacks. Address of Coffee Break Cafe is 716 Front St, Georgetown, SC 29440. There are a la carte menu items available as well. Coffee Break Cafe (Cafe) is located in Georgetown County, South Carolina, United States. Guests at Coffee Break Cafe will find a menu of coffee and other delicious beverages as well as a breakfast. Start your day with a coffee and breakfast at the Coffee Break Cafe in Georgetown, SC This local favorite opened back in 2008 by Georgetown native Ron Rader and his wife, Meghan. The breakfast menu at Coffee Break Cafe features breakfast plates like the 3 Egg Omelet, Blue Ribbon Breakfast Sandwich, Pancake Breakfast, South Island Omelet, Breakfast of the Day, and the Triple Deuce ( 2 eggs, 2 slices of bacon or 2 sausage links, or 2 slices of Taylor Ham served with 2- slices of toast and a side of Yankee Grits). Coffee Break Cafe, Georgetown: See 158 unbiased reviews of Coffee Break Cafe, rated 4.5 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked 7 of 54 restaurants in Georgetown. 716 Front St, Georgetown, SC, 29440 (843) 546-7202. , SC 29440 (843) 546-7202 Visit Website Get Directions Similar Businesses. NJ NM NY NC ND OH OK OR PA SC SD TN TX UT VA WA WV WI All Less We are a premier. Guests at Coffee Break Cafe will find a menu of coffee and other delicious beverages as well as a breakfast and a lunch menu. Get information, directions, products, services, phone numbers, and reviews on Coffee Break Cafe in Georgetown, undefined Discover more Restaurants companies in Georgetown on . View pictures of each dog friendly restaurant and read reviews of other. (843) 546-7202 Start your day with a coffee and breakfast at the Coffee Break Cafe in Georgetown, SC! This local favorite opened back in 2008 by Georgetown native Ron Rader and his wife, Meghan.
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concerthopperblog · 2 years
More Than Just a Record Label: A Look at Perception Records
Perception Records is a record label founded by multi-instrumentalist and producer Jake “Jay.Greens” Leventhal in Denver, CO. According to the label’s website, Perception Records “was founded with the philosophy that only through collaboration and community are we best able to reach our greatest creative and artistic potential”. Leventhal had already established some deep roots in the Denver musical community as a preferred agent, performer, and a sought after producer for a decade. This insight gave Leventhal the idea that by bringing his many musical talents together he could help benefit the community by promoting local Denver artists/bands. And he could also acquire these artists/bands the exposure that they so desperately need. Two of the latest projects from Perception Records are LVNDR SOUND and Midnight Blue.
LVNDR SOUND (future bass/electro soul/house/funk) was founded by Josh Fairman (Sunsquabi) in Denver, CO. According to the band’s ‘About’ section at Perception Records, the band is planning to release a debut album with “collaborations from members of Break Science, Lettuce, and former members of the Pretty Lights Live Band.” Check out LVNDR SOUND’s release, “Virtual One” (featuring Eric Benny Bloom), by following this link. You can also pre-save the latest release “Signal” (featuring Adam Deitch) by following this link. I am really excited to hear what this band has to offer with their debut album.
Midnight Blue consists of Lyle Divinsky (formerly of The Motet) – Vocals, Eric Benny Bloom – Trumpet (Lettuce), Josh Fairman – Bass (Sunsquabi), Adam Deitch - Drums (Lettuce), Ian Gilley – Keyboards (Recess), Jake “Jay.Greens” Leventhal – Guitar (Perception Records), Halle Tomlinson – Vocals (The Voice), and G. Finesse – Vocals (Black Eagle Society). Now this is an All-Star collection of talented artists with most of them coming from the Denver area. Sample some of Midnight Blue's debut album, Breathe, by following this link. I really dig their track “20/20” featuring G. Finesse. It gives off a smooth and funky hip hop vibe that I liken to The Roots. Tell me what you think!
When a label focuses its energy and resources by boosting artists/bands to get their message to more people, that label is mainly dedicated to the promotion of original ideas and beautiful music by talented musicians. Perception Records has dedicated their label to creating art in hopes that it will inspire other artists to follow suit. Thus, Perception Records is creating a perpetual cycle of creativity. And that is a business model that I can get behind 1000%. You can support Perceptions Records by following them on their social channels: Facebook, Instagram, and you can also keep checking their official shop for merchandise (which is coming soon)!
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