doof-doofblog · 3 years
"If You Don't Get A Move On You're Going To Miss It!"
Monday 10th May 2021
Hello again folks! I'm back again with another post. I just want to recap on Thursday's and Friday's episode and applaud the phenomenal performance from Lorraine Stanley! Her portrayal of Karen Taylor has been absolutely stunning and powerful over the last few weeks during Bailey's disappearance and during the aftermath of her losing her job at the laundrette. I do also want to mention how the community and neighbours rallied round her to support their friend and neighbour in their time of need. I found completely touching and was overwhelmingly powerful.
But regarding this week, it's the week the majority of us have all been waiting for since Ben and Callum got engaged! This is the week of the highly anticipated Ballum wedding! Now the big question is, will Ben meet Callum at the alter after he's learnt the truth about him being a grass! (From what the new trailer is to go by, Ben does actually decide to marry Callum) - but oh my goodness, it looks like we're in for some super dramatic scenes this week! For those of you who haven't seen the trailer yet, where have you been? Gray is once manipulating Whitney in to believing that the Mitchell's (particularly Ben) are to blame for Kush's death.
But as Whitney’s grief gets the better of her, she takes it into her own hands to deal with the Mitchell's once and for all, taking a pair of keys, getting into a car and heading straight for them. As this is happening, Phil happens to have learnt the truth about Callum grassing up his family and is eager to have a confrontation with Callum himself, but as Kat tries her best to stop Phil from making a huge mistake - Phil, Callum, Ben and Kat all get caught in the headlights of Whitney's car - who will she hit? And will they be okay?! - I know a few are speculating that it could be Callum or Ben who gets hit, or even Whitney herself getting hurt, but honestly - my biggest fear is Phil getting hurt. Don't get me wrong I love all these characters to appear to be in the frame, but I would be immensely heartbroken if it was Phil to get hurt and possibly be killed off? Hopefully none of them will get killed off - but what are your predictions? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this one!
So looking at Monday's episode and of course it's all about Ballum!!! But before we focus on the main event I'm going to mention Bailey. Sadly she is still sleeping rough after running away from home. The only company she has is her dog Banjo (who can I just say is the most adorable dog that EastEnders has had for a very long time!) It appears that the only bit of food she has available is a packet of biscuits and of course being a hungry puppo, Banjo longingly stares at Bailey for the biscuit she's about to eat. Bailey willingly gives Banjo the biscuit, but as she begins to gather her things together and move along, a bunch of youths rob her only bag of belongings. Being the hero, Banjo quickly chases after them as Bailey following along behind.
However, meanwhile on the Square as Keegan and Bernie continue to search for Bailey and begin to discuss their concerns about where they're going to find her. Bernie tries to keep positive, informing her brother that Bailey will be found and eventually their luck will change. Of course Keegan is doubtful, but of course we know that Bernadette has offered to be Stuart & Rainie's surrogate, so eventually she will come into some money for the family, but it'll be interesting once her family find out. I'm intrigued on how Keegan is going to react - considering that it was his wife who originally agreed to be their surrogate, now it's his sister!
As Bernie takes her leave, the next thing we see is little Banjo running towards the Square, however the poor little doggo is covered in blood. Keegan understandably relieved to see Banjo, but as soon as he sees the blood coming from the family pet, he begins to question where Bailey is. As Bailey continues her search for her beloved dog, she stumbles across an elderly man named Reg claiming to be a friend of her parents, Mitch and Dinah. Could Bailey perhaps be in danger or is this gentleman genuinely who he says he is?!
Elsewhere on the Square, Linda appears to be concerned for Nancy's whereabouts. She reveals that Nancy didn't come the previous evening, even though Mick seems more calmer about the situation, he tries to reassure Linda that Nancy had probably just stayed at a friend's house and would most likely be home by lunchtime, however unbeknown to them, poor Nancy had actually kipped in the gym overnight. It seems that things have gotten that bad between Nancy and her Mum, she could no longer bare to stay in the Vic overnight. As Sharon finds her as she opens up the gym, Nancy promises it's not going to be a long-term thing.
I guess Sharon kind of sympathises with Nancy as she too has felt the raff of Linda, but of course Sharon could be possibly using Nancy to get back into Linda's good books? She offers Nancy to use her shower back at her place and willingly gives her the keys to her apartment. Unfortunately, this is where Nancy once again passes ways with Zack and his awful flirtation. Sorry, but it is a bit cringe-worthy! Zack smooth talks his way with Nancy, claiming that once she's done in the shower he'll treat her to some breakfast!
I have to say I love Nancy's lack of enthusiasm, well I guess you could call it sarcasm also! Honestly though, how would you feel if Zack and Nancy were to become a new couple? I'm not sure how I'd feel about it, as much as I love Nancy, I haven't really made my mind up yet on Zack, I think we need to see a bit of him before I can make a decision. Anyway, they both end up in Ruby's club and Zack is once again flirtatious and eager to get a second date with Nancy, even though she even states that this is anything but a date! As she mentions how she's currently stuck in a ruckus with her Mum, she frets about not even being able to brush her teeth properly as she hasn't got a tooth brush, plus she wants to avoid going home to fetch her one and be confronted by her Mum yet again.
I think in an attempt to win Nancy round he promises that somehow, someway he will make all her problems disappear, but she scoffs at his claim and heads towards to the bar to grab some snacks. But while she's not looking Zack sneaks off and eventually finds himself in the Vic, nosing through all the Carter's belongings, is he simply just trying to find Nancy's toothbrush for her, or perhaps something else? Unfortunately his search doesn't last very long as he's walloped over the head with a frying pan by Linda! Almost like a scene from the Disney movie Tangled!
Right focusing on the main story at hand, as Callum and Stuart prepare themselves for the wedding, Callum voices his concern as to whether Ben will truly show up to their wedding. Stuart also voices his concern as to whether his brother should actually go, he can't bare to picture his young brother being left stood up at the alter. But the interesting thing is on the other side of the Square, as Kathy and Phil are discussing the wedding and the fact that Ben would be making a huge mistake if he didn't turn up, Ben is sat on the stairs in the hallway listening to their every word.
Kathy is all dressed up in her wonderful wedding outfit and of course little Lexi looks beautiful in her bridesmaid dress, rehearsing her steps for the wedding ceremony. Phil informs Kathy that Ben is adamant that the wedding is off, but Kathy urges the Father of their son to talk Ben round and make him see sense! Eventually as everyone gathers in the Vic waiting for Ben to show his face, Phil appears all dressed up his suit and breaks the news that Ben has gone missing, he's simply left his suit on his bed and disappeared, much to the family's shock.
While all this chaos appears to be happening in the middle of the Square, poor Callum and Stuart have made it to the register's office and are waiting anxiously for Ben's arrival! As they hear someone bursting through the doors, they look with hope and desperation, but it appears to be Jay. But as much as Callum is happy to see him, Jay gives him the devastating news that Ben has gone AWOL and no one can find him anywhere. Eager to make sure that his brother marries the man he loves, Stuart takes it upon himself to go back to the Square and find Ben and bring him to Callum.
Although it appears that Phil has managed to find Ben before he can. Phil eventually finds his son in the Arches working away on a car, almost as if he's trying to avoid the day itself and carry on as normal. Phil tries once again to reassure his son that marrying Callum would be the best thing he's ever done, even admitting that it took him a long time to come round - this moment really touched me - but also claiming that if Ben was to marry Callum today, it would Phil the proudest he has ever been of his son. I have to say those words really moved me, and to be honest I think it moved Ben - almost to the point where it nearly broke him and he almost revealed what Callum had done.
Ben gets so overcome with emotion, tears are slowly falling from his eyes. He almost breaks as he informs his Dad that Callum had betrayed him, all of them! Phil looks to his son with confusion in his eyes. What does he mean, all of them? But Ben stops in his tracks and makes up the excuse that Callum actually cheated on him. Although it seems as though Phil doesn't believe this explanation, he takes it on the chin and leaves Ben to it. However, once he's back on the Square he comes face-to-face with Stuart ... now this is where everything goes completely wrong! Of course Stuart has no idea what's been happening on the Square, he's just concerned about his little brother waiting at the alter for the man he loves.
As they cross paths, Stuart pleads Phil to inform her where Ben has got to, but Phil seems eager to defend his son after the explanation he's been given, as soon as Phil mentions that he welcomed Callum into the family, Stuart completely gets the wrong end of the stick and reveals everything. Claiming that Callum never wanted to go undercover, claiming that all he did it for was for Ben, putting his career on the line for Ben, even if it meant going behind Phil's back and reporting everything to the police. But you can see from the look in Phil's face that this is all news to him and this is the first he's hearing about Callum's betrayal. Once Stuart realises his mistake he warns that if Phil ever lays a finger on Callum he will come back and kill him!
Returning to the Arches, Ben is once again alone with his thoughts, is he questioning himself whether he should marry Callum? But it seems like another visit from a little lady changes his mind. Lexi finds him in the Arches and comments that it's the same place she finds him every time when Ben decides to take some time on his own. Now this moment I absolutely loved, Lexi questions her Father about love, What does it mean? What's it all about? She claims that she doesn't believe in love, considering that her Mum has had 3 different boyfriends since she's been home and her Grandparents have been married "300 times!". Her exaggerations make Ben giggle, but he tries to reassure his daughter that she should believe in love, because it's the one thing in life that you can't describe the feeling of. It can hurt but it's also wonderful too to be in love. He claims that being with that one person who trusts you and believes in you is the best feeling in the world and with them by your side, you face the world together, forever. As he explains all this to his daughter, she then asks the very important question, "Then why aren't you marrying Callum?"
Listening to his own words and realising that it's been his daughter who's made him see sense, Ben rushes to the wedding reception. As the guests almost sit themselves up and get ready to leave as they believe Ben isn't showing up, Stuart arrives back at the wedding reception eager to inform his brother about what's happened on the Square between him and Phil. But before Stuart can begin to explain himself, both Lexi and Ben burst through the door just in time for the ceremony, to Callum's absolute happiness and relief.  
Only unbeknown to them, back at home, Phil is seen listening to a voice message from Kathy, informing him that the wedding appears to be back on. Ben has arrived at the wedding reception and she urges him to get there before he misses his son getting married. As the voice message ends, Phil notices a picture of Callum on the shelf, all dressed up smartly in his police uniform. Reeling from the news he's learnt from Stuart, he smashes Callum's picture to pieces. What is Phil going to do now?
I know there's been a major event happen in this evening's episode of EastEnders, but unfortunately I am one episode behind, so I will review tonight's episode tomorrow instead. I know what's happened but I'm not to comment until tomorrow. Either way, I'm looking forward to witnessing what happens next. Thank you again for reading, I hope you've all enjoyed my post! I'll be back again tomorrow with everything regarding the Ballum wedding and much more! Enjoy the rest of your evening folks! Love you all xXx
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benmitchellhighway · 4 years
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chloezara11 · 5 years
Cute family fun at Walford Winterland! I absolutely ADORE this family.. Tonight’s scenes were incredible! 💙❄️😍 #EastEnders #Ballum #BenMitchell #CallumHighway #LexiPearce #MaxBowden #TonyClay #SoapLand #drama #JayBrown #LolaPearce https://www.instagram.com/p/B6JgZAwBZBD/?igshid=1arki6nbvd397
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leximitchells · 4 years
@ whoever owns the “lexipearce” url i just wanna talk
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doof-doofblog · 4 years
"Tell Her!"
Monday 25th January 2021
Hello everyone! Hope you've all had a good relaxing weekend!  `We're back with a fresh new week of drama and anticipation. After what happened during Friday's episode, I'm really excited to see what will be the aftermath of Sharon's attempt on killing Ian. What will the neighbours and community think about Ian disappearing all of a sudden? I genuinely can't wait to see what happens.
As I predicted, after Ian's disappearance, Kathy appears to be hunting high and low for her son. Concerned that no one has seen him since the previous night, and he's not responding to any of her phone calls, Kathy is getting more and more concerned for her son. I'm sure you'll remember that when Ian decided to flee Walford, he chucked his phone into the bin, and without a word to anyone, disappeared into the night after realising that Sharon was behind the attack and wanting to kill him after learning the truth about Dennis's death. Kathy decides to confront Sharon about her son's disappearance, but of course Sharon can't reveal what's really happened and informs Kathy that Ian has probably gone for a walk to get some fresh air. To be fair, Sharon also has no idea where Ian has gone, before she makes her way back to the Vic, she asks Phil whether anything happened between him and Ian the previous night. Phil admits that Ian was no where to be seen, but makes the valid point that if he had seen him, he wouldn't be walking around right now. But it's not just Kathy who is questioning Ian's absence, Max also confronts Sharon later in the Vic. Max eventually got suspicious of Sharon and voiced his concerns to Ian, I do feel that maybe people are going to point the finger and blame Sharon for Ian going AWOL. But in all fairness, Sharon didn't go through with her plan, the last she saw Ian he was alive, she has no idea when or where he has fled. I do feel though that Kathy isn't going to let it lie, she'll be wanting answers from Sharon that's for sure!
The second thing I want to mention briefly, has anyone got any idea what Chelsea is up to? I'm still unsure as to what is happening with her, what her story is. I feel like it's going to be a long time until we learn what "The job" is that she's supposed to be doing. Since her return we've been made to believe that she has built bridges with her Father and decided to give him a second chance, however front of sticking up for her Dad, completely changed when she started getting phone calls from an unknown person. In this episode we see her getting a call from someone named "Caleb" and eventually a face is given to this person's identity. Chelsea seems really stunned to see him, who is this Caleb and what has he got over Chelsea? Is she working for him maybe? As they sit together in the Vic, Caleb seems to compliment on the clothes that she is working, pointing out that it was with his money that she paid for those items. Chelsea informs him that he will be getting the money back, but as soon as he mentions Lucas, Chelsea informs him to let her deal with him. Is Chelsea using her Dad to perhaps pay this Caleb back? Who knows? Either way, I'm looking forward to finding out more of Chelsea's story. What do you think it could be? Do you understand what's happening more than I do? If so, please enlighten me, as I am finding this a little bit confusing and quite difficult to follow. I'm hoping as time goes on, more will be revealed and everything will make sense.
Thirdly, I have to mention Ben and Callum, don't I? I have to! After hearing news that Lexi isn't feeling too well at school and with Ben being busy and Lola being stuck at the salon, Callum appears to be the only person available to help and pick the young girl up. However, as soon as he gets there, Isaac refuses to let Lexi go with him, as his name isn't on the Parental and/or Guardian list for who the school should contact when their child is ill. As far as Isaac is concerned, the only people who are on that list are Lola and Ben, even though Callum fights his corner, informing him that he's not a stranger and Lexi will be safe in his hands if she was to go with him. But, to be fair, Isaac is only doing his job - if he was to let Lexi go with an unknown member of the public (which is how the school will see him) - he could be in huge trouble. This specific event seems to surprise everyone, Ben even pleads to Lola to allow Callum onto the list, but Lola admits that just because Callum is another one of Ben's boyfriends, she can't allow him on the list and strictly informs him that the list is just for family members only! Clearly, this seems to play on Ben's mind. Later, whilst Ben and Callum are discussing the situation together in the Mitchell household ... and in the most unaffectionate, non-romantic way possible, Ben proposes to Callum saying that he can sort the whole thing out if they sign a few papers at the registrars office! As the way proposals go, I have to say that has to be the worst one I have ever seen! Callum is completely and utterly stunned by his boyfriends words, and not in the most happiest way. I mean, fair enough Ben has never really been good with words, but come on!!! Later on, Ben is looking after his daughter as Lola approaches and they once again begin chatting about the day's events. It's then that Ben reveals that he had a way of sorting it and revealing to them both that he proposed to Callum, but when they realise there was no romantic gesture and it literally happened in the Mitchell's kitchen - both Lola and Lexi aren't surprised that Callum walked off. They inform him that if he's truly wanting to get married to Callum, then it needs to be for the right reasons - not just so his name can be put on a list! Plus he needs to show more feeling and romance towards his proposal! Let's hope that the next time Ben proposes to Callum, that he actually does it right!!
The final thing I need to talk about is Frankie and the Carters! The Carter's seemed to have welcomed Frankie into their family after the learning the truth about her identity. In this episode, Frankie is waiting very patiently for Mick and Linda outside of their apartment, as the couple approach her she informs them that today is the anniversary of her little brother's death, (Harry). Before mentioning that she'll be going to the cemetery with her Mum, she also uses this time to once again plead to them to not report her Mum to the police. Mick takes it upon himself to reassure his daughter that they won't mention anything to the police. Interestingly later on, Shirley confronts Linda, informing her that she's been told everything about Mick's past and how he doesn't want to involve the police, however she feels that they need to do something so Katy could never do the things she did to Mick to anyone else. Linda seems to completely understand Shirley's concern, but she also states that they need to stay strong for Mick and go with what he says, as they need to stick by him and do what's best for him. A little bit later, Linda meets Frankie in the Cafe, after a brief discussion Frankie introduces a man named Jed to Linda, informing her that she think he's a type of step-brother to her. (Harry's brother, on their Dad's side!) As Linda looks up this man, she asks Frankie whether she could also attend going to the cemetery, regardless of Katy being there she also wants to pay her respects to the young boy who died so young, Frankie is really touched by her gesture and agrees for her come along. However, later on after they've all returned from the cemetery they decide to go for a drink at Ruby's club. As Linda buys a round of drinks, Stuart is sat as the bar and they begin to discuss Frankie. Stuart is surprised to hear that Frankie is the daughter of Katy Lewis, suddenly Linda begins to question his experience of being in care with Katy, it's then that Stuart reveals that other than Mick, she did have a few favourites that she used to look after. These words seem to really shake Linda to the core, as Frankie dismisses herself to use the lavatory, Linda takes it upon herself to approach Jed. Trying to be as subtle as possible, she begins to dig and find out more information from him, asking about his Dad not being involved with Harry, even though he was, even informing Jed about her and Mick's connection to Frankie. It's the she takes the big step in asking him questions regarding whether Katy kept things secret from him, it looks as if Jed suddenly clicks on to what she's talking about and becomes really uncomfortable. Frankie returns to see Jed leaving the club, Linda being completely apologetic thinking she may have got the wrong end of the stick. But as they venture out in the cold evening, Jed confronts Frankie saying that he's never said anything to anyone about his relationship with Harry, but poor Frankie has no idea what's talking about. Suddenly everything becomes crystal clear to Linda - Jed was Harry's Father! Jed is another victim of Katy's sexual abuse! But he happens to mention "Any of us!" - it looks as if he's claiming that there are other victims of Katy, other young men she's preyed upon!
At this moment I feel so so sorry for Frankie, learning that her Dad was abused by her Mum, and now who she's always believed to be her step-brother, revealed to be her younger brother's Dad! Putting into perspective that her Mother is a sexual predator, a paedophile! Poor Frankie's world has been turned upside down. Surely Linda sees now that Katy needs to be reported to the police, will she reveal to Mick that there are other victims of hers out there? Will she and Shirley maybe bring it upon themselves to search for other victims and begin to build evidence or a case for the police to investigate?! Katy needs to get her comeuppance! As dark as this story is, I think it's one of the best I've seen in a long time. I'm really excited and intrigued to see where this story is going to go!
What do you think is going to happen next? Please feel free to leave me a comment or a message, I'd love to hear your thoughts! Thank you all again so much for reading! I'll be back again very soon! Love you all xXx
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benmitchellhighway · 4 years
3rd week for this one haha! Will stop when EE returns lel :> 
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benmitchellhighway · 4 years
4th week lel! Who knew EE theme song can be a bop too :> haha 
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benmitchellhighway · 4 years
BEN AND LEXI DANCE (1) Y’all Im gonna make this kind of stuff once a week throughout the break amidst the break coz I have to do something while they are on break HAHA! Y’know what I mean sksksksksks! So first up, Rain On Me!! 
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chloezara11 · 5 years
If there’s one thing I’m sure of it’s that Lexi will help her dad through this.. 💙👨‍👧 #EastEnders #Ballum #BenMitchell #CallumHighway #MaxBowden #TonyClay #LexiPearce #LolaPearce #SoapLand #drama #angst https://www.instagram.com/p/B9aRkcmBsjI/?igshid=yv9p2pd3y6v6
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chloezara11 · 5 years
This scene was EVERYTHING! Lexi already loves Callum and they’ve created the cutest little family unit.. 💙👨‍👨‍👧 #EastEnders #Ballum #BenMitchell #CallumHighway #MaxBowden #TonyClay #Drama #SoapLand #family #LexiPearce https://www.instagram.com/p/B3nLguHBMZZ/?igshid=51i2508347nv
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chloezara11 · 5 years
Lexi has Ben wrapped around her little finger... Ben really is the BEST dad! ❤️👨‍👧👑 #EastEnders #Ballum #BenMitchell #LexiPearce #LolaPearce #MaxBowden #drama #SoapLand https://www.instagram.com/p/B3Xq2pXB9e-/?igshid=1oejjwqwx42uy
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leximitchells · 4 years
i have so many different versions of lexi urls but all i want is lexipearce 💀
do you guys think i should stick with my benmitchellx brand or go with one of my lexi ones? i’ve got: lexiipearce, lexipearces, lexi-mitchell, leximitchells
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