lgctaeha · 13 days
「 ❀ 」  ━━ ˗ˏˋ SMILE FOR THE CAMERA !
Taeha bursts into the dance studio with such force that it seems like she’s trying to push the door off its hinges ( not that she’s strong enough to do that, but the energy is definitely there ). "Are you ready to rumbleeeeee!" she calls out in English, one hand keeping balance on the doorframe and the other gripping a hairbrush microphone as she leans backwards dramatically.
When her workshop instructor requested that they work on developing their MC style, this probably wasn’t what she envisioned, but to Taeha it was all part of the learning experience. "In this corner, we have the talented, the gorgeous, the coolest trainee choreographer to grace Legacy halls… Chen Maylin!" She skips into the room, doing her best to mimic applause with the clapping of her brush and a few huffs of breath. "And she's about to..." Taeha trails off with a blink.
"...What are you about to do, again?"
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seyoonlgc · 2 months
unexplainable encounters: episode one with @lgcmaylin
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A part of Seyoon could not believe this was actually happening. Hosting his own podcast - how cool was that? Bet his mother never saw this coming. She probably thought he was going to fry chicken for the rest of his life. Well, take this, vile woman! This podcast shall become Seyoon's start to success, prosperity and erm, overall awesomeness.
"Good evening, everybody!" Seyoon greeted his audience. "Welcome to the first ever episode of Unexplainable Encounters. I am your friendly, although slightly unlucky host, Kim Seyoon." He played some ghostly cheering noises in the background. "The reason I say I am unlucky is because ever since I was young, I have this tendency to run into...strange situations." This felt like a good opportunity to play the sound of thunder. "On this podcast, I will share these stories with all of you. Everything I mention is from my personal experience and let's just say, sometimes reality can be scarier than fiction." Seyoon lowered his voice for this last part for effect.
"I am not here alone! Storytelling is a lot more fun with a friend and every episode, I will have a special guest who will also share their paranormal experience with you!" Seyoon turned enthusiastically towards his first guest. Maylin was such a babe that he almost wished that this was a Youtube video so he could show off her looks. "Maylin, I am so excited to have you for my first episode. Will you introduce yourself to our listeners, please!"
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lgcmedia · 9 months
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happy 21st birthday, chen maylin!
#lgctrainees #lgcent #chenmaylin #lgcbirthday
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lgcsehun · 4 months
𝐈,⠀⠀╱⠀⠀* haunting.⠀⠀₍⠀@lgcmaylin.⠀₎
despite the fact that this day had been a plan ongoing since the start of their friendship, mapped out with excitement, sehun can definitely feel it is not as exciting as one expected, or thought.
in fact, he isn’t sure why neither of them cancelled the minute their bond ended; nor can he tell what’s more haunting: this abandoned territory of a shopping center, or the remains of whatever’s left of their friendship — if there’s anything left to salvage and is worth saving.
who knows if maylin and sehun should even be in each other’s presence and midst like this, given everything that occurred between them. it is precisely what causes the tension and coldness to currently hang ever—so thick in the air, accompanying a thread of silence.
the hope of rekindling their shattered ties to one another is faint, but it’s there. it’s there, and sehun knows. this is a common ground they have, after all. and maybe they’ll return to the same, old way of ignoring and watching from afar right after, or maybe they’ll manage to work past it with this one time they have to stick together.
sehun tries not to be too loud with clearing his throat, the last thing he wants is for it to reverberate throughout the emptiness; he can’t have maylin figuring out the nervousness thrumming in his heart, either. “uh, ready when you are.”
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lgchanie · 5 months
𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒔𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒆 —
written for 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐧 ( @lgcmaylin ) ♡
"I used to apply just a hint of makeup on my little sister when she asked, hoping to keep it discreet from our mom's eyes. Inevitably, she always caught wind of our little scheme," he chuckled, the memory warm and familiar. "That's how I learned a few tricks."
They were standing by a mirror in the hallway to a concert. It was definitely a departure from Hanbin's usual routine, but a thrilling shift all the same. Despite knowing it was a bit out of his persona, Hanbin felt the pull to break free from his safety bubble and embrace life's adventures more fully. And who better to embark on this escapade with than Maylin? The excitement bubbles up in laughs when they're finally together, plus after such a long time apart.
He wore a plain white, tight-fitting tank top and jeans, and adidas assemble. He got there a little late, so he's doing last-minute eyeliner touch. He blinks a little, looking himself over, then at Maylin, "What do you think? Is this too simple?" He heard the venue was like the set of 'Rush' by Troye Sivan and drew inspiration from there.
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lgcjinyoung · 6 months
jinyoung didn't often result to the vending machines in the legacy building. however he had been late, sleeping through his 5 alarms and thus found himself unable to prepare is water bottle before rushing off to morning practice.
so now here he stood, money swallowed by the machine and a bottle stuck leaning against the glass in a way that made him wonder what he should do. while he wasn't the weakest by far and could very much shake and tossle the machine until it'd spit out his bottle of water, he was also somewhat frightened of using too much force and potentially breaking the machine. so instead he stood before the cursed thing with linked arms, trying to come up with a strategy on how to get his bottle of water....
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lgclili · 8 months
two girls freezing their asses off but don’t you know a gossiping hoe never gets cold? — @lgcmaylin
ever since snow had fallen upon seoul, the chill in the city had only turned for the worse — cloaking the entirety of the peninsula in the near negatives.
and you might be asking: just why was lili subjecting herself to the very cold that was freezing her to bits?
well — there were two presentable answers for such a thing.
lili needed a smoke — badly — and the designated places for such a thing lacked the common decency of having a working heater.
and two.
she needed some space to air out her grievances after the last practice with a certain coach. and oddly enough, lili thought it was tacky to talk shit about an anal coach inside the company — but outside, mere feet away from where the door had safely hit its hinges, and even further away from nosy ears, did she feel comfortable to do just that.
unfortunately, the smoke that flows from pursed lips cease within minutes of another’s arrival. the cigarette snubbed at the sudden welcome, crushed beneath a leather boot, before being replaced with a pack of gum. it wasn’t a worthy substitute but because it was maylin, lili made an exception — just because the other girl quit all those years ago didn’t mean lili would ignore the other’s hard work just to get her nerves calmed.
immediately she flies into the other’s side, arm in arm, as if to conserve whatever heat the other had brought with her. “it’s so fucking cold tonight —” she breathes, the warmth of her breath billowing out into the cold in a puff.
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lgcyushin · 8 months
▶▶ LOADING … up & down ( workshop ! ) @lgcmaylin
it's commendable that the trainees are spending their free time on this workshop. self-improvement was very important after debut, but extremely relevant for trainees too. considering how many trainees there were simply by count in this company, not even counting trainees outside of this company, the competition was immense. spending time with the trainees is giving him life... theoretically. the update will come after these sessions if he wants to continue. the group he has, it's a mixed bag but it's wonderful. perhaps he is too optimistic. but the potential... there's so much potential. wanting to participate is already half the struggle. hell, a weekend with his head under the pillows back when he was a trainee was the best thing ever.
theory is important to him because while music can be approached in many ways as an artist, it's a bit different in an idol company. and here they were dealing with trying to get an understanding of flow and rhythm when reading off words on a sheet. especially cold lyrics that they didn't write themselves, which was the case when covering songs as a trainee, or given lyrics by the company. "so... how is it going?" the trainees had each selected their own practice material of lyrics, a cold read was preferred for yushin- and then picking a random instrumental track and doing their best to manipulate their rap to it. each of the trainees were off in their own area for now before they gathered together as a group again later. "are you getting the hang of it? did you want some help or did you want to.... show me what you have so far?" yushin didn't want to put too much pressure on maylin, especially right off the bat. they had time to ease into it, so he always gave some options to not pressure them.
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rowonlgc · 10 months
IF LOOKS COULD KILL⠀›⠀@lgcmaylin
⠀⠀⠀the first time he catches a glimpse of her, he immediately turns and looks the other way. he reasons it’s out of .. respect. yes, respect. he has a tendency to let his eyes linger, and the last thing he wants is for her to catch him staring. it takes considerable effort: avoiding her, avoiding talks of her. wherever he goes, whoever he speaks to, they all stop mid-sentence to look. chen maylin has always stood out for her striking features, but tonight, she has stolen the spotlight.
⠀⠀⠀he’s a little annoyed.
⠀⠀⠀a little peeved.
⠀⠀⠀it’s not so much the attention she’s getting, but rather, who she’s getting the attention from. he’s standing off to the side with a drink in hand. to his right, a few trainees are chatting about a certain black widow and how they wish they had gotten a cupid candy so they could be her match. one of them, he knows, actually likes maylin. eventually, this gets out, and they start hyping the kid up. just go talk to her. you’re good-looking. you’ll have a chance.
⠀⠀⠀yeah, no. he’s not going to let that happen. the kid is a decent guy, and if it weren’t for this specific circumstance, perhaps rowon would introduce maylin to him. unfortunately, he doesn’t want to play nice tonight. so he throws back the rest of his drink in some placebo semblance of liquid courage. then, he makes his way over.
⠀⠀⠀“i’m envious,” he says, stepping up to fill the space next to maylin. “you’re the talk of the party.” they’re good friends so he should be comfortable around her, but for some reason or another ( respect, his mind dutifully supplies ), he keeps his eyes forward, casting his gaze over the open dance floor. “have you found your match? for the candy, that is.”
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lgcpoints · 17 days
陳美林 ∙ AUGUST A/C
✗ +5 Modeling
✗ +10 Performance
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lgcjaejin · 5 months
Room for Routine
Ft. Maylin
Jaejin is a creature of habit. He likes things to stay the same and be predictable. He wears the same pair of lime green Adidas every Friday, the same ragged crimson sock during trainee evaluations, and has used the same practice room every day for the past two years. So color him surprised when he's left standing outside of HIS practice room only to find it occupied.
He takes a deep breath, settling the irritation that was eating away at his patience, before knocking on the door and entering the room.. not bothering to wait for a reply. "Excuse me," he says, trying to mask his irritation, and offering a weak smile but this is my regular practice space. Would you mind finding another room?" Despite his polite words, there's an underlying urgency in his request, as the disruption to his routine threatens to throw off his entire day.
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lgctaeha · 4 months
「 ❀ 」  ━━ ˗ˏˋ BATTER UP ( episode 1 ) !
S1:EP1 - 'Is it cake?' starring @lgcmaylin !
Taeha shuffles through her set of pink ( for good luck! ) cue cards one final time as she guided onto the main floor. Taeha had mentioned time and time again how much she enjoyed her time on Charms Japan, and if another variety show opportunity had ever presented itself she'd jump in headfirst. Although, when faced with the cameras and the ever attentive team, it more so felt as if she'd bellyflopped into unknown territory. Still, she sports a broad smile, hoping to make a good impression - no longer just a guest, but as hostess with the mostess!
She meets eyes with Maylin and sends her a quick thumbs up. She briefly wonders if her friend could pick up on her lingering nerves from their short distance. The PD signals for the cameras to roll and Taeha runs through her intro ( complete with a few batter up moves ). Finally with a swing of a whisk, she steps aside gestures for her first guest to join her and introduce herself. "Welcome, welcome, welcome!"
Behind the two is a table arranged with an assortment of objects: a shoe, a book, a potted succulent, and a camera. "We have a super fun challenge for today, but I'm curious... Can you guess what we'll be doing?"
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seyoonlgc · 11 months
harmless matching making fun.
Time was ticking, the night was vanishing and he still had so many candies left, yikes!
Please ctrl + f your character's first name if you don't want to read the whole thing. If I mentioned you, it's because you liked my plot call or told me on discord/twitter that you would not mind participating.
Cupidyoon fully intended to ship Tee (@lgctee) with another V&A member, but decided the Jintee fangirls were way too scary to mess with. Tee got his soda candy first and Cupid took his sweet time walking around before finally dropping the matching one in Jinseo (@lgcjinseo)'s palm. The patience couple, he shall call this ship, because it was sailing at the speed of molasses. At this point, Seyoon might end up with four kids before these two even get any.
Seyoon noticed some sort of tension between Minkyu (@lgcminkyu) and Jihan (@lgcjihan). He figured any tension could be good tension and sometimes a little resentment made better sex. Regular cherry flavored candies went to this couple - just make up already!
The blueberry candy in his hand was reserved for Seunghyun's match but honestly, Seyoon was struggling. Seunghyun (@shxlgc) was his childhood friend, occasional enemy and an annoying twat. Nobody really deserved Seunghyun, take that sentence however you would like. So with a grin, Cupid approached his dear Mushushu with both blueberry candies in hand. He slipped them into Seunghyun's pocket with a wink. "I am sure you would rather take care of yourself." Hey, at least he didn't say the F word out loud.
One party boy deserved another and Seyoon simply knew Hyuk (@lgchyuk) and Haneul (@lgchxneul) would have fun together. In fact, he might want to join them. For partying, of course. Pineapple flavored candy for them, Seyoon's precious dance all night ship.
Now, what about Maylin (@lgcmaylin), dear Maylin. She hated most guys, didn't she? Seyoon handed her a peppermint candy because she spicy and looked around for her perfect match. Oh, maybe Eunwoo (@lgceunwoo)! The guy was hot and pretty quiet from what Seyoon remembered. If a man didn't talk much, he had less chance of saying the wrong thing, perfect!
Seyoon was pretty certain Max (@lgcxmax) was already dating a dude, but real life boyfriends didn't count for this Halloween game. After some contemplation, he decided to match Max with Kai (@lgckai) and came up with a whole dramatic story about two hardworking trainees, constantly stuck in evaluations together. Slowly developing feelings, stealing looks across the room and...Yes, it could be fun with their grape flavored candy.
Who was left?
Seyoon tossed Rowon (@rowonlgc)'s black cherry into the air and caught it back in his hand. Oh Rowon, this one was so very tricky.
So focused on his thoughts, he nearly ran into Soyoun (@lgcsoyoun). "Ah, I am sorry." He bowed his head like a good lil trainee but slipped the idol a light pink candy he believed to be cherry-blossom flavored. One of the more unique ones he'd gotten. The matching one he'd given to Ichika (@lgcichika) onee-sama earlier. Certain fanfics may have changed his favorite ships forever. Long live Ichiastrid.
His basket was nearly empty and the last couple to be matched with Hanie (@lgchanie) and Hyun (@lgchyun). They were both young, cute and could make an adorable puppy pair with their vanilla-flavored candy. In fact, if those two ever debut together, he might ship it.
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lgcmedia · 2 months
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@LGCENT just posted a photo!
it's getting so hot out, needed to cool myself down with ice cream
#lgctrainees #lgcent #chenmaylin
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lgcsujin · 10 months
voodoo doll @lgcmaylin
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It was dark, but no longer stormy. His footsteps were soft, but perfectly audible due to the silence of these streets. Puddles lined the pavement, reflecting back the dim lamplight as he stepped over them in his long black wool coat.
A tap on her shoulder, and then he waited, hand outstretched with a gift for her to turn around and find.
The voodoo doll looked small sitting atop his palm. Creepy, but also strangely endearing.
"Don't forget this," he said, gaze piercing behind slightly damp bangs. "Or she might get...angry."
Alright fine, he'll cut the horror movie vibe, but let's be honest, it was still Halloween month and Sujin refused to give into the holiday spirit until December 1st. Maylin dropped her voodoo doll chain and he picked it up for her because they happened to be walking in the same direction. The doll seemed homemade, which should make it extra valuable. His little sister always put emotions to her handmade dolls, saying they'd be upset if they were mistreated or forgotten, and that was why he said what he said.
"Heading home for the weekend?" he asked, because now that they were still walking down the same street he felt some sort of social obligation to engage in small talk.
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lgchanie · 1 year
𝒃𝒆 𝒃𝒓𝒂𝒗𝒆 —
written for 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐧 ( @lgcmaylin ) ♡
As Hanbin entered the tattoo parlor, he felt completely out of his element. He was dressed in a light vest sweater over a neatly tucked white shirt, which made him stand out noticeably but he's so eager to be Maylin's rock!
He shuffles a bit forward towards the front counter, waiting on his friend's lead since they came for her. But he's always this way around Maylin, drawn by her confidence, and he almost feels like joining in, getting an ear piercing or something.
"I don't the know, now that I'm here, I feel like I have to get something..." He trails off, then his hands reach for his ears, wanting to know her opinion, "What about my ears?" Uncertain of his decision, it's better to contemplate out loud whether or not to proceed with a big decision. Despite the uncertainty, he feels ready to take the leap... Sorta'? "There could be like, a deal if we come in pairs!"
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