lgcseojin · 10 months
✱ TRACK 012
— TEAM UNKNOWN: solo evaluation 파랗게 ( Love Me Harder ) ⸻ WOODZ ( performed by Park Seojin )
The last week of these evaluations cannot come soon enough. His mind is still reeling from his vocal performance of Miracles In December, and how it has already been two weeks back since each trainee was put out on their own. He still is prone to wonder if he did well; if his abilities would be adequate enough for the coaches.
The tenth and final week is the moment of truth, however. Anticipation leaves his stomach churning and his nerves raw. A week is more than enough time, he tells himself—reminds again that he is more than ready. The sore muscles and try after try during late nights had to amount to something.
But how much longer will I have to prove myself?
Seojin doesn't dress himself up in any particular way. He is under the assumption that anything would do just fine for an evaluation. Of course, he remains presentable—the freshly dyed ( and cut ) auburn red hair sitting on his head has been carefully combed through after a careful wash. He leaves it to part carefully over his brows. An impulsive change from the style he'd been sporting for so long now. The black jeans and simply white t-shirt he wears are for comfort; the leather jacket for part of his performance. Unconsciously, he has matched himself to the performing artist. ( He can laugh about that later. )
He gulps, fearing his throat may grow raw if he allows himself to ponder upon these things much longer. He can no longer sit in silent anticipation. His name has been called by now.
"Hello," He bows in greeting as he enters the room, standing in the center with his hands clasped in front of his lap. "My name is Park Seojin. I will be performing for you today. Please grade me well. I'm gonna do my best." He shoots finger guns and a smirk in the direction of the coaches before turning around into his starting pose, setting the leather jacket on the ground.
The beginning whistle tune plays and he spins around, timing his movements to the sound of a lighter. He sings atop the music with his strong voice, carrying the story of the song and concept. Halfway through, when there is a shift into the next verse, Seojin grabs the leather jacket on the ground and flings it over his shoulder while he struts around. When he puts it on and does the lazy walk in the choreography, he steps toward the female coach and procures a blue rose, aligning it with the soft phrase "she got deep blue". Perhaps it is obvious he has rehearsed quite a bit.
By the time he goes back into the performance, it is clear he has been fully immersed in the character of the song ( So much so, he doesn’t even notice his shoe comes untied. ) It is cheeky, daring, fun—so essentially him. In his mind, he is on stage, backup dancers behind him working in tandem and the audience in front of him. He even includes a wink or two before he is done.
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cherrylgc · 11 months
two left feet (but double it)
cherry was well aware of that she was a slow learner and that in her one and a half year in legacy she hadn’t completely become a good dancer, mastered singing or figured out how to rap. cherry was very much still on the path to become an idol, but she could not dance, she could not sing and she could not rap. at this speed, she’d become retired before she’d be good enough to debut. cherry was aware, she couldn’t keep just staying at the same level, she needed to improve.
but as much as she wanted to improve, she hated this, four weeks of intensive training, and the first two weeks were the worst. she’d managed to get through singing and rap lessons, now it was time for dancing, not just dance, intensive dance class. her whole body was already hurting, she felt like she was seeing the light, no way was she getting through this week alive. “jiah, jiah i think you’re a better dancer than me, any chance you can go over this choreography with me?”.
written for... @lgcjiah
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lgcnina · 9 months
✰ ◞ TEAM UNKNOWN FINAL MEETING. and thus, the curtains close on this act.
there's an odd sensation resting on the precipice of her shoulders, a weight that teeters back and forth between a burden far too heavy to lift, and the touch of long-awaited relief. mixed somewhere deep within, confusion, a perplexity nina can't seem to untwine from the tendrils of expectancy these last few months have allowed to fester in the pit of her stomach. at one point, back when their trainee group had first been curated, she'd been so sure that, initial hesitance aside, they'd eventually be able to decipher just what this would all be about.
it was all too particular, planned and organized in a way far too odd to be solved by ordinary means, and thus, ninas preconceived notions had all but quickly died a few days into their tiny groups first week.
now, having pushed through, the finish line right at the tips of her toes as she herded to her final meeting, nina still can't tell which way was up and which was down.
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anything could happen at this point ( in fact, anything had happened— anything was what got her in this position to begin with, an unforeseen occurrence she'd still need more time to digest on her own, even now that it was all seemingly completed ).
alone time would come to her eventually. now, entering the meeting room and sitting before her appointed coach, there were a few final questions that needed reflecting.
"what was the hardest part during these last ten weeks?"
"dancing hasn't ever been one of my strongest suits, i think that's something we might be able to agree on," nina begins, candid, wanting to get straight to the point. there wasn't a need to dwindle, not when honesty was something she'd never had an issue with providing— not when it came to performance, a reflection of skills, and the talk of growth. "all this time, i'd thought i'd done well to improve that aspect of my skill set, but this whole experience was a bit of a wake-up call. i could've been doing more before this." with the emphasis she'd always pushed onto her vocal capabilities, it seemed only natural for dancing to take something of a hit, lacking in proper attention outside of what was mandatory. week two had been a proper kick in the ass, and while she'd managed to make it through with a little help and true signs of growth, that hadn't saved her body from feeling thoroughly throttled.
even now, parts of her ached that'd never felt such a sensation before. learning the choreography for antifragile had been a particular beast, all on its own. growing pains, with plenty more to come if she truly meant to stick by her newfound convictions. "the dance lessons proved to be my biggest challenge, but they helped."
"alright, then what was the easiest part?"
again, nina feels as though it's quite an obvious answer. "i'm a vocalist— a singer." there's a pause, a moment for her to collect her words, rifling through what she'd like to say. "week one hadn't ever been something i found myself feeling worried over. don't get me wrong, we sped through several techniques and lessons, far more than i was expecting us to tackle in such a short amount of time, but adapting wasn't hard. i enjoyed it the most, in fact— there's nothing wrong with circling back to basics or touching on more advanced skills." nina tries not to mull over her words too much, wanting only to share where her mind has been for the last two months. "i wouldn't mind taking part in more intensive vocal lessons like this again in the future."
"throughout all of this, have you learned anything new about yourself?"
now that . . . gives her momentary pause. they were pushing, prodding, digging deep with claws too sharp and intrusive. it was one thing to make self-discoveries— it was another to then bare one's vulnerability to those who might not always understand. for as honest as she was wanting to be, trying to be, truly letting go and allowing others in ( especially when they weren't anywhere near close to breaking her boundaries ) was cause for inner alarm. of course they'd want to know something like this, a prolonged, stress-inducing event such as this was almost always a breeding ground for personal growth. nina remains silent, lips pursed slightly as she gazes at the table separating herself from the coach.
against the bile, nina speaks. "i've learned that i'm capable of asking for help when i really need it." her voice is steady, even, and her gaze lifts to make eye contact. "i'm not the only person here, experiencing all of . . . this," with her hands, she gestures vaguely around her. "the perspectives and input of other people really can help broaden things." i just have to stop being so stubborn all the time.
"finally, what do you wish to accomplish from this point on?"
swallowing, nina straightens in her chair slightly. "growth is always something i'm working towards, in all aspects." this past year alone has proven to her how detrimental throwing all your eggs into one basket could truly be, a damaging fall from heights unthought of forcing her to really see her world for what it truly was— there wasn't room to slack, not anymore, not when slacking even the slightest bit could mean the difference between being seen and being overlooked.
"i want to keep honing my skills. growing stagnant hurts more than anything else, and that's the last thing i want for myself."
i don't want to hurt again. i will not hurt again.
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lgchyunhee · 9 months
team unknown 003 with @lgcjiah
it's like the universe knew that both jiah and hyunhee can't keep their mouths shut when it comes to things they dislike.
the thing they dislike right now? being in team unknown.
"you know, i seriously don't know why they stuck us in this training program," hyunhee pouts, leaning back in her chair. "it's like my worst nightmare - all these intense classes. just tell me i'm not good enough and leave it at that," she huffs in disdain.
truthfully, hyunhee's lack of work ethic has been eating at her for a while. she can't find it in herself to work harder, though. it's not that she doesn't want to be on stage, to perform, she just doesn't think it's really all that necessary.
"anyways," she rolls her eyes. "how do you feel about all this? tired? because me too."
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lgcpoints · 10 months
kim cherry + halloween 2023 sugar glaze carpet: +8 composition (lyrics), +4 notoriety ( link ) gingerbread village: +1 composition (lyrics), +7 mcing +6 notoriety ( link )
kim cherry + what a childish cheory + q4 2023 threads: +12 mcing, +12 variety, +12 notoriety ( link , link��, link )
kim cherry + team unknown mission 003 team unknown: +16 performance ( link , link ) solo evaluation: +8 performance ( link ) final meeting: +6 performance ( link )
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lgcmanager · 1 year
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SCHEDULE TYPE: TRIMESTER ( PART 1 OUT OF 1 ) SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: cannot be paired with another trimester schedule, unless stated otherwise. for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE.
on OCTOBER 16, the following trainees are requested to participate in a meeting:
KIM HYUNCHEOL is already waiting for the group the meeting room as they come in. he waits for all of the them be comfortably seated to start on the day's topic: "some of you might have heard about TEAM UNKNOWN that existed earlier this year. we've gathered you all here under the same name but not for the same purpose. you could consider this an EVALUATION TEAM, albeit, a little different from the intensity of our usual evaluation teams."
HYUNCHEOL takes a short break to give them time to digest the news before continuing on to explain their schedule:
** guest coaches from various academies will come every week to train the group**
** at the beginning of each week, the trainees will learn which song they are being evaluated on. they have from monday to friday to prepare, and perform in front of the coaches on saturday **
WEEK 5 [ NOVEMBER 13 ]: dance on by crystallis (GIRLS)  / BEATBOX by agito (BOYS)
WEEK 6 [ NOVEMBER 20 ]: antifragile by fabula (GIRLS)  / MAKE A WISH by type zero (BOYS)
WEEK 7 [ NOVEMBER 27 ]: hype boy on by nova (GIRLS)  / TRAUMA by versus (BOYS)
** each trainee will be evaluated on the theme of the week by the coaches on the saturday, to a song of their choosing **
WEEK 10 [ DECEMBER 18 ]: FULL PERFORMANCE (singing/rapping + dancing) EVALUATION
additionally, every SATURDAY, the trainees will be meeting one on one with their prefered coaches to discuss their GOALS, AMBITIONS, DREAMS, STRENGTH, WEAKNESSES, and what they have LEARNED during the week.
TEAM UNKNOWN: write a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) with another team unknown trainee about anything related to/happening during the shedule above. completing this will earn you +8 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE ! ** can be claimed twice **
SOLO EVALUATION: write a 300+ word solo about ONE of the three solo evaluation your character has to do. You may pick any song released before january 2021, unless it has been canoned in lgc verse. completing this will earn you +8 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE !
FINAL MEETING: write a 300+ word solo about your character having their final meeting with the coach. during this session they will be specifically asked what was the hardest part during the last 10 weeks, what was the easiest part, what they have learned about themselves, what they wish to accomplish from here on. completing this will earn you +6 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE !
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:teamunknownmission for all of the tasks. you have until JANUARY 6 at 11:59PM EDT to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
    MUSE NAME ∙ TEAM UNKNOWN MISSION 003     - TEAM UNKNOWN: +8 ( skill points distribution )  [ LINK ]     - SOLO EVALUATION: +8 ( skill points distribution ) [ LINK ]     - FINAL MEETING: +6 ( skill points distribution ) [ LINK ]
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lgcseojin · 11 months
RUN IT BACK ✱ @lgcakio
Park Seojin is nothing if not built for the concept of uncertainty. He has always lived in such a way that promoted embracing the unpredictable and unexpected. Planning too far ahead had never quite been to his benefit—or so he seems to have thought before. But this — whatever this is — has done little to encourage that typical optimistic mindset of his, ready to take on anything thrown his way. Therein lay the beast named ambiguity. It brews in the darkness and wraps its tail around Seojin's ankle.
In his search for relief from the oddly nihilistic sludge creeping into his brain, he looks toward his friend and fellow trainee seated beside him. They both lean against the mirror, heat from their exhausted bodies fogging the silvery surface. His eyes trace over Akio's face and search for some semblance of something: exhaustion, relief, something carefree. Anything to latch onto.
He comes to the eventual conclusion he is looking too intently, and turns his head toward the other side of the practice room. "Why do all these choreographies have such complicated footwork? It feels like my legs are gonna fall off any second now," he exhales a weary sigh through his nostrils and pulls himself to his feet. "Let's hope Trauma isn't too bad next week, huh?"
Seojin pulls a smirk onto his face and crosses the room to retrieve two water bottles. He tosses one to Akio and flops onto the couch nearby. His hand pats the spot beside him so his friend can have an exponentially more comfortable spot to rest on.
"We should move on to practicing the lines, since we have the dance down," taking a large sip of water, he pulls out the music sheets for Make A Wish, waving them before placing them on his lap. "Which parts do you think you'll be confident doing?"
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lgcnina · 10 months
✰ ◞ TEAM UNKNOWN SOLO EVAL. seo nina performing ' siren ( 사이렌 ) ' by sunmi.
nina can't remember the last time she'd been evaluated like this.
during the earlier years of her trainee life, this had been a far more consistent occurrence, lessons increasingly excruciating in their difficulty, all preparatory, culminating with solitary performances to cap off the month and ring in what was to come— expectations were either exceeded, matched, or flatlined, and while they'd never been cause for nerves in her past, current times are different.
before, nina generally knew what was to come after all was said and done.
now, nina found it rather difficult to predict anything.
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there are barely any indicators as to what the past eight weeks had the potential of producing, their oddball of a group only a continued cause for independent speculation and questioning— the brunette could simply not wrap her head around this reality. what the hell was all of this? what are they being made to do all this for? what was it waiting for, by her own assumption, a select few once this project came to an end?
while nina knew her unending trail of questions weren't the healthiest to continuously stew over, not when she now had so many other things that needed her attention, she was still only human.
at least, for the moment, she had the strength to quiet her more intrusive thoughts. they were unnecessary now, merely a hindrance to her concentration— they would do her no good while performing, stood in one of the many familiar rooms within the company building. nina isn't nervous, not necessarily, but there's bitter anticipation rooted on the tip of her tongue. the taste is vile, unwanted and pestering, but all she can do is bare it until she is finished. she does well to keep her features straight, neutral, save for the easy smile she's able to put on. despite her vague apprehension and caution, nina wants to perform, wants to provide a proper showcase for all the improvements the company no doubt wants to see from her.
nina can feel it within herself, as cheesy as she hates to sound. all she needs to do is to express that growth.
her song of choice is one she feels suits her rather well, strong on a vocal front, perfect for flaunting a steady pitch, tonal variations, and a versatility she doesn't think she's been able to truly share before. that, coupled with a choreographed routine just as engaging, manageable enough for nina to do without being too easy, makes her feel as though she really is showing herself in the best light possible.
there's an underlying lightness to it all, frisky in the same vein as it was strong, something nina can appreciate— nina hasn't ever been the brightest person, her general resting face alone often cause for avoidance from those who liked to make quick assumptions, and while she valued her solitude, there was no denying the good that could come out of looking even the slightest bit more approachable.
if she couldn't be welcoming based off of first impressions, the least she could do was make herself look more open, more inviting, more intriguing, when on stage.
that, at the very least, could be what puts her over the edge.
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lgcseojin · 10 months
✱ TRACK 013
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— TEAM UNKNOWN: final meeting
Everything has come to a close now. The intensive training, his evaluations side-by-side with Akio, as well as those on his own. Odd—the usual energetic Park Seojin seems exhausted. He settles into his seat across from a coach rather calmly, hands clasped in his lap, legs planted firmly on the floor so he does not begin to shake them.
He finds himself at odds with the situation. His birthday has already passed. Twenty-two days into his twenty-fifth year. Five in total of which he has given to Legacy Entertainment, and nearly two in mandatory service to his country. As he sits in wait for the coach to speak, he cannot help but wonder if this had all been a waste of time. Did he throw his entire youth away? For what? Some pipe dream of making it big as a singer, only to be met with so many road bumps along the way.
Sometimes, he wonders if it would be better to throw it all away, rekindle his employment at the restaurant, run off somewhere and get married, and start a new life far away from his idealistic songbird aspirations.
Seojin convinces himself of much that he cannot grapple with. He thinks of opportunities slipping through his fingertips, sending him back to square one all over again. He hangs up his guitar for re-honing his dance skills, falls out with people, fades into the background to find his head again. In the meantime, he sits on the sidelines, watching friends made throughout the years make their debut and settle into anniversaries, accolades, accomplishments. ( And oh, how embarrassing he found it to be practicing their songs for his evaluation. ) His promise to his parents that he will make it big enough to buy them a new house passes through year after year. He assured that their risks would not be in vain. That he would not become a victim of circumstance. Did he fail them?
But the another question breaks the air—one in reality. The coach clears his throat. Seojin unconsciously mirrors him. "Alright. So, what did you find most difficult during the last ten weeks?"
"Well, dancing will always be difficult. I'm getting better, though!" A lot damn better. "It's like this... I think I can ride the beat and feel the music; considering I like it so much. It's all the other stuff that's hard. Flexibility is pretty important and the energy you have to divide between singing and dancing. I already had to do that a lot this year but I... wasn't really think so hard about it til now."
"And the easiest?"
"Singing... always. It's what I think I do best, y'know? It's what I'm the most comfortable with. Was hoping I could do more of it. I think I enjoyed practicing for my vocal evaluation the most. For me... singing is like breathing," But why is it so hard to breathe lately? He offers a bittersweet smile—lopsided as it is. "I hope it's always this easy."
"Did you learn anything about yourself during this time?"
"I learned a lot about myself. A lot more than I expected. Or maybe... some things were kinda reinforced, too? I wanna fight real hard against this need to give up. I feel like it would be really easy to, if anyone else were in my shoes? It's not like I'm feeling sorry for myself… but— considering everything... it's been difficult to think about it, y'know? I'm learning I can try to get past it. I can shout over those voices."
"Mostly, I found that even though I have this drive to lead the charge, if I wanna do that, too, then I also have to put my trust into others to care about me in return. I think leading is all about trust and teamwork. It's the only way it works well," Wow, Park Seojin. What a cerebral take. He nearly rolls his eyes at himself for stating the obvious. "The time one on one with Akio really helped me learn that. His attitude really helped me get by. He's also so amazing at dancing that I couldn't help but learn from him, too, and I wanna become better. But, uh... I'll be honest, I'm pretty tired after everything. Thinking... I might sit in a massage chair for three days after this."
The coach chuckles. Seojin mirrors him again without realizing. "Last one and you can go do just that," after nodding, he continues, "What do you wish to accomplish from here on, Seojin?"
He has to wonder if his confidence is dwindling—that roaring tiger within him reduced to a kitten. No, it is not so severe, but that tiger still dwells inside a cage. "A lot. Maybe too much?" The bars have plenty of rust. The weary tiger smirks a bit. Or is it a smile of utter complacency? "To put it simply: I want to debut. To no longer be a trainee. I have a hunger for it that I can't shake off no matter what. I want to be on the stage... I want to lead my own group. I want to do something new like...— Well, the senior I look up to the most is DBSD. Their energy, abilities, how great they are at entertaining and lighting up the stage. I've also really come to admire Shin sunbaenim... if one day, I can end up like them, no matter how old I am, I would be happy. Having those sorts of accomplishments would be... pretty cool," his eyes are a bit dewy—albeit bright—as they glance back up at the coach. "Is that wishful thinking?"
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lgcnina · 11 months
✰ ◞ standing ovation. the curtains rise ( ft. @cherrylgc ).
nina has always looked towards cherry with interest. starkly different in the ways with which they chose to present themselves, comparable to the shifting cosmos housing the ever-revolving sun and moon, the darker-haired girl has always held a rather silent appreciation towards the blonde— cherry was loud, boisterous in a way nina couldn't ever fathom for herself, a trait she ordinarily found herself avoiding for the sake of her own peace, but acceptable thanks to an equally stoaked flame of passion.
nina wouldn't ever discredit someone who so obviously worked hard.
maybe that's why she finds it fairly easy to approach the other girl— they're nearing the end of week three, performance workshops and acting lessons dominating everything their small group did, and ninas pride had long since tempered itself ( it did so the moment she asked akio, of all people, for dance help back in week one ). cherry seemed to be a natural when it came to stage presence, to putting on a show, and nina was curious.
there's a break between sessions, so, for once, nina strikes up a conversation. "have you already got the script they gave you memorized?"
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lgcseojin · 11 months
SO I DANCED ✱ @lgcnina
The previous week ( their first week ) contained something closer to his forte. Singing felt so simple after a while—more akin to breathing and speaking than anything else. Dancing, on the other hand, required a certain level of exertion and concentration Seojin did not possess until he joined the entertainment company. In his return following enlistment, he relied on muscle memory to get him through evaluations and whatever challenges came his way. Albeit, he—at the time—expected he would not even need dancing.
Of course, as it stands currently, he would prefer to be at least decent enough on stage for people to be impressed. Certainly, Nina felt the same—her work ethic and determination thus far urging him to continue making progress himself.
Left to their own devices after the bulk of the lesson, they stand in the middle of a practice room; two vocal trainees with complicated steps on their hands. The head manager would not mince words when it came to describing something as 'intensive'. Seojin glances over at Nina through the mirror, spotting her next to what he swears is her third caffeinated drink of the day.
He mumbles partially to himself, attempting to imitate the complicated hand movements for the point dance the coach left them with. When he moves, it looks more akin to sloppy tutting than anything as precise and detailed as demonstrated. "I swear I could do this before... it's not like I never danced before."
Seojin swivels his head around to make eye contact with Nina in full. "How does it go again?…"
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lgchyunhee · 11 months
╰ ☆ WHO AM I?
team unknown with @cherrylgc
truthfully the thought of evaluations has hyunhee feeling quite anxious. for once in her life, she's nervous. she wonders what all of this means, and whether legacy entertainment has any special plans for her. after her meaningful conversation a while back with jisoo, she's started thinking about her future as an entertainer more seriously.
still, the butterflies in her stomach don't keep her from having a fun time. "what do you think of this song, cherry?" hyunhee leans over the table, shifting her phone horizontally to show the other girl the music video.
"i think it suits your vibes! it's upbeat and fun," she bobs her head to the music. hyunhee lets it play for a while longer before pressing the pause button. "what do you think? i'm really struggling to find something."
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lgcnina · 11 months
✰ ◞ second chances. the kids are not fighting ( ft. @lgcakio ).
initially, nina had been thoroughly confused by this whole team unknown ordeal— the so many of her fellow trainees moving up in the entertainment world, ascending hand in hand with all sorts of opportunities gifted by the company, for a time, nina felt aimless. she'd missed out on it all, dropped the ball somehow at solidifying a labeled seat for the ride up, and despite the ample amount of time she'd now had to recenter herself, parts of her chest still ached every now and then. what was this? what plans did the company have for such a seemingly random handful of trainees?
for as questing as she was, nina knew there was absolutely no room for error. she'd been picked for this for some reason— she wasn't going to let another opportunity, no matter what it may be, slip through her fingers again.
maybe that's why, their usual bickering aside, nina finds herself a bit more willing to spend time around akio. for better or worse, they were now in the same odd basket, and if anyone knew how to stoke the fires of motivation she held inside, it was, unfortunately, him. "do that foot thing again—" nina finds herself huffing out, a hand lifted to fan at herself lightly. it felt like they'd been at it for hours, but in reality, today's dance workshop had only spanned the last hour and a half. "i can't get the angles of it right, i look like bambi trying to take his first steps." she loathed asking him for help, but his dance skills were better than hers. "i wanna see how you do it."
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lgchyunhee · 9 months
what does being a part of team unknown mean for her? she still doesn't know, and that won't be revealed until after everything is all said and done. throughout her intensive training, hyunhee has learned a lot about herself. however, she's learned that above all else, she's impatient, and perhaps a bit too lazy.
"what was the hardest part of these past ten weeks?"
joining legacy entertainment was never about being an idol. hyunhee loves to perform, don't get her wrong, but she doesn't have the passion or the energy to put forth all this effort 24/7. she's always slacked off in classes, and if this is just a taste of what being an idol has to offer, then she's realized it's not for her.
"i don't think i was built for this," she confesses with a laugh. "i felt like i was exhausted everyday, i'm not used to that," hyunhee tells her coach. "rather than the evaluations, because i quite liked those and i think performing is my strong suit, i think just the intensive training was a bit too much for me."
"what was the easiest part of these past ten weeks?"
"rapping!" she tells the coach eagerly. "i like to rap, and i think i'm pretty good at it," hyunhee knows she's not the best rapper out there, but she's also not afraid to gas herself up and make her look good. "also like i said, i think the easiest part was the performances. training for the performances and memorizing the lyrics and learning the dances were hard, but the actual performances went off without a hitch."
"what have you learned about yourself?"
"that i don't want to be an idol anymore," hyunhee says, straight to the point. "well," she backtracks, biting her lip, sighing. "i would love to be an idol one day, but right now i don't think that's the right path for me."
"i like to perform, but honestly i think i'm behind a lot of the other girls in terms of skills. it's something that would require a lot of work and patience, something i don't have much of. i think i would be happier doing other things for the time being."
"what do you wish to accomplish from here on out?"
"i spoke with my cousin, jisoo, a while ago about joining the modeling path, and i think it's something i'm interested in," hyunhee tells her coach. "also, i'm pretty, aren't i? i modeled for ivy club school uniforms this year, and i really enjoyed it. i'm hoping i'll like modeling full time."
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lgchyunhee · 10 months
part of hyunhee has been dreading the solo evaluation, having procrastinated throughout the bootcamp, falling behind on memorizing the song and dance. part of the trainee is also excited for her evaluation, her body itching to perform in front of a crowd. well, as big of a crowd as team unknown is going to get.
she knows she's not the best dancer or rapper, and she's far from the best singer, but hyunhee shines brightest when she's on stage. her energy is addictive, and she craves the spotlight - she has since she was a child. even so, she struggles to fully apply herself to the one thing she should be focusing on in her life, meaning that she's not at the top of her class, or training group in this case.
there's a certain bounce in her step as she makes her way to the front of the room. hyunhee's bubbly personality doesn't go unnoticed as she takes the stage. she's all smiles - confident and ready to take on the task.
"hello," she sing-songs, rocking back and forth, unable to keep the energy from oozing out of her. hyunhee really should have stopped at one iced americano for breakfast, but the second one was oh-so tempting. "i'm han hyunhee," truthfully, the introduction is a bit redundant. shouldn't the coaches know who's who by now?
"i'll be performing fabula's latest song tomboy today," really the choice was obvious. out of legacy entertainment's three girl groups, the trainee's bias is clear. she's always been a sucker for confident, powerful girls, and fabula checks all those boxes.
as the music begins, she looses herself in the performance, any dread fading away. hyunhee gives it her all, focusing on her facial expressions the most. in the end, she knows that it's not a ground-breaking performance skills wise, but she hopes that her stage presence itself will be enough to pass.
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cherrylgc · 10 months
at last we meet
"do you see how i've grown? i'm asking you, you in the mirror"
had it really all come to an end now? was this really the final meeting they’d be having?
“what was the hardest and easiest part about these past ten weeks?”
here comes the first question. the blonde hums as she thinks, grabs a piece of her hair and twirls it around. “i think the most difficult was the dance practice? everything was at least a bit difficult mentally, but the intensive dance classes were difficult both mentally and physically. it was almost a battle, when i wasn’t tired mentally i was tired physically, when i wasn’t tired physically i was tired mentally. so during that week i had to practice extra hard, i had to figure out a balance, so that’d i’d be capable of moving forward both physically and mentally”. “and what was easiest was a surprise. i’ve never really done acting before, only once during project origin, and even then i was just standing in the background. i’ve never gotten the chance to practice acting, so i was surprised at how well i was doing in week three, it was a lot of fun for me too, i’ve realized i really enjoy acting”.
“what have you learned about yourself?”
“i think i’ve learned i can handle more than i think” she places a hand on her own thigh, caressing it lightly, why does she feel a bit nervous during this last meeting? “usually during dance classes i would easily give up, when my body hurt i’d take a break immediately. i’ve learned that you can still practice though your body hurts, there’s other ways of practicing. but i’ve also kind of learned to live with it, your body hurts, so what? you’ll have time to rest later. i’ve learned i’m stronger than i thought i was, i can handle more than i think, i don’t need to give up as easily as i used to”.
“what do you wish to accomplish from here on?”
“i wish to continue working hard, i want to grow faster and more than how i’ve grown in my time in legacy so far”. “and if i’m truthful, after all of this, i think i’d like to give acting a try, i’m decent at it, and i’ve found out i enjoy it”.
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