lgcminseo · 17 days
do the worm
Had that not been what she demanded from her parents? No one had warned her about the dangers of not being explicit with her wishes. How was she supposed to know that the Pocket Realm would open in a fortnight? She didn't want to count herself out, but frankly, she wasn't particularly the first person anyone would want to be paired with to journey through a realm set on being their final resting place. Instead of being strategic, she was determined to enjoy her company. Perhaps, she wanted to find out that her courageous spirit was stronger than what she gave herself credit for...
Naturally, Hayoung had become the de-facto leader and the four of them had followed her like ducklings during an imprinting period. If anything was going to help them get through the next thirty days, it would certainly be that all five of them cared about each other. No one was going to be left behind. Upon reaching the infamous cave, her fingers gripped to the leather strap securely around her torso, aiding her in carrying her precious Wolgeum.
"I'm not the only one that has heard stories about the tunnels reaching deep into the core, right?" Minseo whispers as if it would awaken whatever creatures thrived in the environment much foreign to the group of trespassers. What use were precious rocks, ore, and metals to her? Her motivation would have to survive the Pocket Realm with her friends. "Should we have a code word for when to evacuate?"
@lgctaeha @hyunsoolgc @lgchayoung @lgcjino
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lgcmedia · 9 months
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@LGCENT just posted a photo!
what i’m looking forward to is not snow but a winter with you 😚 may all your wishes come true in the new year ❤️
#lgctrainees #lgcent #moonjino
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lgcagency · 7 months
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📆 February 13, 2024 from 12PM - 4PM KST 📍 The LEGACY Café 🎟 Admission free upon entry. Receive a CUSTOMIZED CUP SLEEVE and 1 of 3 RANDOM PHOTO CARDS with every purchase of the limited edition dessert + drink combination, designed by MOON JINO himself! Limit one order per customer. Offer valid while supplies last.
▶️ 네이버TV : tv.naver.com/LGCagency ▶️ YouTube : youtube.com/channel/LGCAGENCY ▶️ Instagram : instagram.com/lgcent
#LGCENT #MOONJINO #2024_HAPPY_JINO_DAY Copyright © 2024 LEGACY Entertainment. All rights reserved.
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lgcjaekyung · 9 months
hand on her ankle, jaekyung grabs her leg firm and pulls it almost all the way up before leaning towards the wall in a stretch. the female figured using her time to get a bit of a head start in wouldn't hurt.
she exhales a quiet breath, eyes staring into space as she keeps herself focused on not pulling a muscle while twisting her limps beyond their natural positions while she was waiting for jino to be ready.
they would just be doing basic exercises but one could never be too careful about stretching. and if she wanted to show off just a little- well that was nobody's business but her own.
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lgcanm · 29 days
[ A.문지노🦖 ] / / / UNIVERSE UPDATE _ 240825
i’ve never really had trouble sleeping. i actually sleep quite easily ㅋㅋ so i never felt much fatigue growing up. but really? you can’t sleep? no matter how hard you try — even by closing your eyes? seems unheard of to me. should 오빠 come tuck you in? maybe we can try that together?  let’s all close our eyes and count to ten! are you asleep yet? should i sing you a song? ㅋㅋ just kidding, that might just keep you up longer if you were to hear that if you really can’t sleep, why not put your favorite lullaby on? nothing heavy metal!  (unless that’s your thing, then by all means — rock on!)  should i recommend you some of my favorite songs? maybe i’ll put some of my favorite lullabies in my new youtube video — but oh no! what if you fall asleep then? you’ll have to watch the video until the end! i’ll just recommend them here:   ・ 숲 - 최유리 ・ 그게 아니고 - 10cm  ・ 공드리 - 혁오    ・ 그렇게 살아가는 것 - 허회경    ・ 비 - 폴킴 try these songs, and let me know if they helped you! sweet dreams ~ 
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hyunsoolgc · 2 months
-ˋˏ ◡  ACROPHOBIA / @lgcjino
It may come to a surprise — two tall men just happen to be afraid of heights. Nevermind how it should sound so silly, or that Hyunsoo is, admittedly, the more frightened of the two and is currently partially hiding behind his friend while the instructor speaks. While the entire aspect of this Action School did nothing but excite him, the looming threat of the 'parkour and wire work' sections weighed on his mind like a ton of bricks.
He sat in his apartment before the day in question worrying the nail of his thumb with his teeth while he thought of any and all negative possibilities. Not a single one expressed aloud, of course. He was more content pretending like his enthusiasm for the other fight scene practice overshadowed any worries.
However — now — confronted with the idea of having to take a step off a short ledge or be strung around by wires has his palms dripping with sweat. His fingers curl into the back of Jino's shirt as they watch the stuntman fasten a harness on one of the other actors.
"Jino... Do you think they will believe me if I said that I was gonna be sick?" his voice emerges as a whisper near the other's ear, praying the instructors didn't catch him. "Or we make a run for it before they hang us both upside down... But, what if they catch us and then we have to do something even worse for the practice?"
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lgctaeha · 1 year
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NAME: PARK TAEHA / 박태하 ( Also goes by Esther Park )
✿ Much like in lgc!verse, Taeha followed after her older brother, Taekyung ( npc ), who is a current fourth year music theory major at LGCU. Although she auditioned for the Dance program on a bit of a whim, she's happy to have found her home at LGCU ( and to be able to bother her bro on the regular basis òuó ). ✿ She absolutely love, love, LOVES ( !!! ) being in the dance major and spends most of her time in one of the campus studios rehearsing. She's even begun to choreograph her own contemporary pieces and is looking forward to taking a leadership role in this year's showcase if her dance professor will allow it ( ...or until they give in because Taeha just won't stop asking and sneaking baked goods into their office until they do - ) ✿ Taeha is co-founder and co-captain of LGCU's unofficial Spirit Squad, alongside @lgcxminji. You can find the two skipping around campus in their .✰*DIY spirit squad shirts and handing out mini promposal macarons to every student they meet, inviting them to a big group photo at the end of the night.
✿ Has atrocious handwriting, but that doesn't stop her from leaving notes of encouragement in various locations around campus. Don't be surprised if you find a 'you can do it!' note at your lunch table or a 'don't give up!' in a random book you pick up at the library.
✿ Speaking of library, when not hanging out in @lgcminseo's dorm room or pestering @hyunsoolgc to add a ~ love column ~ to the school newspaper, she can be found in there 'studying' ( translation: catching up on the latest Attack on Titan manga with @lgcjino ).
✿ She also really hopes that he knows what's going on in their Astronomy class, because she dragged @yoonalgc into it thinking they were going to be reading each other's birthcharts and finding soulmates and now Professor Nahee is asking about Dwarf Galaxies and apparently there aren't seven of them and they have nothing to do with Snow White -
✿ But the library is not always for procrastination and shenanigans! Being a native English speaker, she spends most Saturdays volunteering for language exchanges with other international students, and even started to participate as a learner herself. So far, she's picked up quite a bit of Japanese, so she's certain she'll get at least a B in her 'Japanese Conversation Through Movies' course ( and worst case scenario she'll just blink some morse code to @lgcxsofi for presentation answers ).
✿ In the spring, she's known for fluttering around campus in a pair of cheap fairy wings claiming to be 'Campus Cupid' and delivering confession notes ( real or staged ) and playing matchmaker for both students and faculty alike ( looking at you Professor Eunsook ).
✿ When it came to her own confession during last year's 'Campus Cupid' run, she accidentally shot a suction cup arrow directly at @seyoonlgc's face and hasn't been able to show her face in front of him since.
✿ ...Or at least she tried not to until she realized they were both in the same beginner yoga class. At least she can hide out in the corner giggling with @yujinlgc and taking naps - I mean, practicing her shavasana.
✿ And last but not least, Taeha has been so ridiculously excited for prom she can barely stand it! She's got THE dress, the shoes, and the best friends in the whole world ( even in all the Dwarf galaxies!!! ) and she can't wait to dance the night away with all of them ( and annoy them to no end by taking polaroids every five minutes ).
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lgcjinyoung · 6 months
"are you sure this stuff actually works?" he picks up another box of protein powder, raising his eye brow at the atrocious neon colour design that talks about being a healthy supplement. he has never considered to actually use supplements but with him and jino taking a rare moment to leave their apartments for an actual physical shopping trip, they somehow found themselves here- in a sports shop.
how else would it be?
his original goal had been to spot the section of his brand being sold just to see if they were still full in stock or if the product was running well in this area. somehow it seemed they had gotten side tracked though.
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lgchyoseop · 1 year
that's got a kick to it
hyoseop likes to say he didn’t pursue further education after high school because he wanted to only focus on being a trainee and trying to make his debut, but that was only partial reason. hyoseop was also well… an idiot, his sister was always one to get high grades and be in the top of her class, but hyoseop was different, he was playing sports all the time, mostly just showing up to school because he wanted to see his classmates, he was passing, but barely. hyoseop wasn’t born to be smart or have high grades, he could try his luck with university, but if he wanted semi-okay grades then he had to put a lot more effort in, and that time would be taken from his idol practice time.
so, hyoseop had never grown to be the smartest, and that’s why he didn’t realize he ate a chili in one bite because he believed it to be a different type of bell pepper. he turns to look at jino, eyes wide open, and then he swallows (dumb idea). he lets out a groan “jino i think something was wrong with that thing” still not having realized he was given a chili. “did you grow that bell pepper yourself? you are one terrible gardener”.
<3 @lgcjino
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leolgc · 8 months
will this be a disaster?
leo can understand his character. kang was hardworking, had a great business mind. he didn't take any crap from anyone. he didn't care about excuses, only results. leo knew that kang had to be like this so he didn't lose money. how could his company grow if he didn't hold those around him accountable? it was best for everyone.
"jino, do you want to be my partner? maybe we could explore your character more since we don't know as much about him at the moment?" that was the beauty of improve. you got to put thoughts and feelings into a character. make them your own. flush them out so the audience watching can see a three dimenional character, not just a person running lines. "also congrats on your first apperance on a drama!"
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⏤ shine bright like a diamond
with @lgcjino
"i can't belive it!" keeho smiled as he left the stage. this was not keeho first time on stage or his first time performing at the family concert. however, this was his first time performing as part of vna agito's keeho. everything just felt so unreal when this time he saw the fans cheering for him. his favorite part were the creative sign that he manage to find in the crowd.
everything still felt so surreal, it wasnt until he ran into jino; that's when reality hit that this wasnt a dream.
"dude did you see me?" keeho said with enthusiasm. trying to keep it cool he took in a deep breathe before letting it out slowly. "i can't believe i just perform on stage as vna agito keeho and not just lgc trainee keeho." although he felt bad saying this to first friend he couldn't help but express how happy he was to finally be part of a debut group. "what did you think?? did i look nervous? did i mess up anywhere?"
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lgcseojin · 1 year
THRILL RIDE ✱ @lgcjino
How should Seojin describe his connection to Moon Jino? Well, first he would like to assert that their meeting is predicated on an entire coincidence. His time at the gym is typically not met with much socializing; contrary to his usual constant blabbering at any other time of day. Exercising is one of his few times of 'zen'— yes, even amongst the grunts and victorious weight drops from other especially meat-head gym goers.
In walks Jino. He is a force to be reckoned with — brimming with energy and all the facial expressions of a cheery golden retriever. It isn't long after that Seojin discovers he is born in 2003, and his personality has a distinctly familiar vibe that he can't just shake off.
In too many aspects, the younger trainee begins to resemble the image of his brother. Faint at first, then stronger when the latter enlisted just months before. However, Jino never quite had the same sting as Chanhyeok. No, he listened too well, never talked back, rarely had a burst of anger... perhaps a bit too agreeable.
In the face of Jino's enthusiasm to ( seemingly ) get long better with Seojin and eventually make a new friend. The older of the two is, perhaps, a bit too forward in taking advantage of his delightful personality. He looks behind him at the lanky young man now approaching him as he waits on his motorcycle.
"Hey! 'Bout time you showed," Though, Jino was not late by any means. He simply cannot help but tease him. "Ready to go bungee jumping?" Of course he means it. The direction to the place are plugged into the navigation in his phone. He even had the wherewithal to empty everything from his pockets beforehand. "If you chicken out on me, I'm not treating you to samgyeopsal after."
Seojin extends his arm, offering a helmet.
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lgcmedia · 7 months
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@LGCENT just posted a photo!
shoutout to my legs for always supporting me, my arms for always being by my side, my fingers — i can always count on them. and my hips, for not lying. 
#lgcactors #lgcent #moonjino
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lgcagency · 11 months
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LGC AGENCY is proud to announce that we are now representing MOON JINO.
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lgcjaekyung · 1 year
she couldn't believe it. in retrospective, jaekyung had no one but herself to blame. it didn't stop her from throwing a tantrum within her head while she forced a smile open her lips the moment she received the news. "so you did ask her?!" fake it till you make it, they say, leaving the cheer girl to clap her hands together in fake enthusiasm.
again- she only had herself to blame.
"that's so exciting! did she end up saying yes?! what am I implying- of course she did!" her voice loud and perhaps the tiniest bit too shrill to be a natural response, jaekyung reached towards jino's arm to shake him a tad bit. "I'm so happy for you! this is awesome! you've been crushing on her for aeons, no? look at you having game~," she teases with a wiggle of her brows, ignoring the urge to curl up in her bed with a pint of ice cream until after classes were over at least.
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lgcanm · 7 months
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Moon Jino seen visiting his birthday event at the Legacy Café  |  ©
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