#liam: yes but can you PLEASE discuss this when i am not in earshot???
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Liam homophobia moment
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iartlife · 6 years
Chapter Nine
Pt. I
They acquired more hands to help at the shop since Elli had volunteered. Mason was a bit older and wasn't very good at the register, but he was on top of any displays that looked even a little empty whether it was facing them out, filling them with the backstock or returning misplaced items to their homes.
The other two came in together when it was really busy so Elli never actually found out their names. They were great, though. One was excellent on the register and knew a trick about something Kay had never heard of. The other was quite knowledgeable about the resort and answered any immediate questions customers had upon entering the store. It saved the rest of them from most of the inquiries and questions where other establishments were.
Kay and Elli had barely left from behind the counter. It was never long before a transaction or obscure questions about products or the resort. The most common one was 'are you a werewolf?' which was getting on her nerves. 'Do you know when Hans will be back?' and 'Where's the bathroom?' were also very popular, and just about everyone had a comment about the weather.
Luckily, the rush of the day was dying off and they could all breathe.
"You guys are lifesavers." Kay said gratefully while everyone was within earshot. Elli smiled at Kay. Honestly, it was hard not to in general. She chuckled, not even sure if she was officially employed.
Liam entered the shop.
He walked over to Kay, a kid in tow. One of the customers eyed him the entire way but lost interest when he stopped. The kid wandered around the store as they chatted. Kay eventually walked him over to her.
"You must be Elli." Liam said with a friendly grin.
"And you must be Liam." She returned.
"Would you come with us for a minute?" Kay asked.
Elli's stomach sank. "Am I in some kind of trouble?"
"No no! Nothing like that." Kay laughed. 
It made her feel better but she couldn't help but worry. They lead her back into the storage room, closing the door behind them.
Liam cleared his throat. "Kay tells me you've been very good to her and helpful since you arrived. She also mentioned you don't belong to a pack. I truly appreciate all you've done and wanted to invite you to join us. The Ulrich clan always has room to grow."
Elli blinked. "Join your pack?"
"Yes. We'd love for you to have a place among us. If you would like that anyway." Kay added.
Elli looked at her and then back to Liam. They both felt genuine. She just wasn't sure she wanted to join their pack just yet, or any pack for that matter since she didn't know if there were any rules or weird traditions she should know about first. "Can I think about it?"
Liam looked surprised. "Of course."
A memory hit her. He said that the same way Addie did, same expression and everything...it was almost creepy.
"Anyway, that's all. I just didn't want to discuss it among eavesdroppers. Would you let me know when you make a decision either way?"
"Yeah, sure." Elli managed.
Kay took one of Elli's hands in both of hers. "Go ahead and get some fresh air and even something to eat if your hungry. Maybe think a little about being my wolf-sister? Besides, I've had you cooped up in here nearly all day. You can take it easy for the rest of the evening." She said.
"I can come back after a while, I don't mind."
"Only if you get really bored." She gave her that big grin then turned to Liam. "Now I feel the need to go squish my new tiny cousin's face."
The three of them filed out of the storage room. Kay spotted the boy Liam came in with and made a bee line for him, Liam followed. Elli took the chance to leave for that promised fresh air.
Once outside she felt herself relax. The chaos of just being around so many people really wore down her nerves. She started to walk down the middle of the road. The crowds from earlier had diminished though there were still plenty of people at the resort.
She wondered if Addie was still around somewhere. He was earlier.  The thought of him still made her a bit uncomfortable, but she definitely wanted to talk to him. It seemed like he purposefully avoided her all day which she was grateful for right now. After seeing him walk by with Liam she worried he'd come in and confront her in some way, though he never did.
Elli stopped in front of a restaraunt that had a calming atmosphere around it. Just what she needed. She went inside and the sound of soft piano filled the air. As she waited to be seated she knew something was different about this place, or maybe it was just the music.
Addie was in there. She sensed him, but it was different than before. He *felt* different. She scanned what she could see of the restaraunt.
"Just you this evening, ma'am?" A waitress asked. She had no nametag.
The attention pulled her out of her search. "Y-yeah."
"Follow me, please."
She followed the woman deeper into the restaurant while continuing to casually search for him among the faces. He had to be close. The piano was far over near the wall to her right next to the bar. Playing the soothing melody was the man she was looking for. 
"Can I sit over there?" Elli asked pointing at a booth near the piano that had not been cleaned off yet.
"Sure." The waitress wiped down the the table with a rag she retrieved from the bar then asked what she'd like for a beverage.
"Just water, please."
"Okay, I'll be right back." She said in her departure.
Elli grabbed a menu but ended up staring at Addie over the top of it instead of reading, hoping he'd look over to her. Unfortunately, she was at a bit of an awkward angle for him to notice easily. Couldn't he sense her, though?
She realized she could sense how he felt, despite her doubts. He felt content, at peace, but it was still different than usual. His 'presence' was there also, same as it was before. How could she feel him so much easier than anyone else? That made it all the more frustrating that he usually didn't have anything for her to pick up on besides just existing. His contentment made her feel more relaxed.
She gave up trying to stare Addie down and walked over to him. Stopping right beside him, she leaned down so their heads were level. He stopped playing, the calming atmosphere faded with the last note. The place maintained the same type of feel without the music, just not as strong. There was some quiet applause from a few nearby tables.
"That was beautiful. You didn't have to stop."
The feeling in him wavered after she spoke. It turned into something else then disappeared just as quickly to his usual nothingness.
Addie avoided eye contact with her, facing the piano still. "Thank you...I will leave if you wish. I have overstayed my visit as it is."
She was a bit surprised by his words. "Oh uh...actually, I was wondering if you'd join me?"
Addie looked at her in surprise. "Y- It's-" He trailed off then suddenly stood and bowed to her. "I would be delighted."
He followed her back to the table. They sat and the waitress returned with her water. After giving Addie a strange look, she asked if he would like anything. He asked for hot tea.
"All right and might you folks be ready to order?"
Elli gave her a blank look. She never actually read the menu. "...I think I need a minute."
"Okay." She left again, in a bit of a hurry this time.
Elli picked up the tri-fold with the intention of reading it this time. "That conversation didn't go as you expected."
"I thought you wouldn't want to see me again."
She skimmed over the appetizers. "You were wrong."
"I see that." Addie agreed. "I am sorry, Miss Hughes. It was not my intention to frighten you this morning."
"How is their brisket?"
"...I hear good things."
She looked up at him. "I should be the one to apologize." Setting the menu down, she continued. "You mostly caught me off guard, though what you told me was...disturbing. On top of that I was convinced my magic sense, or whatever, didn't work on you the same way as everyone else. I needed space to process it all."
Addie tilted his head slightly, though he didn't respond.
"After what you said, I kinda freaked out and thought you might have meant to hurt me but I just couldn't tell. After thinking about it all day I wanted to talk to you again at the very least. When I found you here though, I realized I overreacted. You definitely felt something while playing the piano, it just doesn't happen very often apparently."
He raised an eyebrow. "What is it I 'felt?’"
"Happiness...I think."
A new waitress came over with his drink. Apparently the other one had not wanted to serve them. Addie thanked her but didn't look to see her beaming smile. He was too busy studying Elli.
"Are you two ready to order or do you still need a few more minutes?"
"...I would like to try your brisket with-" Elli flipped over the menu to see the side options. "Uh, wedges sound good."
"Alright." She turned to Addie. "How about you?"
"Nothing else for me. Thank you, Felicia."
He looked at Felicia this time and her cheeks flushed. "O-okay. I'll have that out when it's ready, Miss." She went to tend to her next table.
Elli frowned at him. "Not hungry?"
"I don't like to eat in public."
"Oh, what a relief. Here I was worried you were normal after all." She teased. She was interested in what he was capable of feeling now more than ever.  
No reaction.
She decided to try something else. Elli checked if the waitress was far enough away. Leaning towards Addie she spoke softly. "I think Felicia likes you." He was assembling his tea. "What makes you say that?"
"I don't know. She got all flustered when you called her by name."
"Hm. Funny."
"Not really..." She watched him fiddle with the string. "Is there a Mrs. Addie then?" She prodded, hoping for at least a slight reaction.
He raised an eyebrow at her then a mad smile grew on his face. He chuckled darkly. "You amuse me, Miss Hughes."
Not what she was expecting at all. "I don't understand what was funny." Elli glared at his, again expressionless, face and tired eyes. Still nothing. She wondered if he simply didn't care about most things anymore. She was talking to a man who was, or at least claimed to be, over two thousand years old, after all. Questions filled her head. They'd never get to them all in one evening. Elli rested her chin on her hand, elbow on the table. "Will you be honest with me?"
"N- um. Do you think I should join the wolf pack here? I mean, are there any things I should know about before joining? Like any weird rituals?"
"It isn't really more than a community or a family. As far as rituals go, some of them like to gather before the full moon and sing. Not required but a good time if the right people are there."
"That's it?"
"Basically. If you're seriously considering it, talk to Liam or Hans...even Kay. They are capable of answering any questions you have better than myself."
"If I join the pack would you still hang out with me? You did say you'd at least check what magic type I have."
"Affinity, yes. And I don't see why not."
"How do you fit into all this anyway?"
"The Ulrich's are my family."
"You some long lost and found relative?"
"I'm not related by blood. They are descendants of a man who was a dear friend of mine. Hiram was his name. Before he died he asked if I would watch over his family. If I am anything, its a man of my word. I don't think he meant it for this many generations, but I've nothing better to do so..." He trailed off.
"High-rum?" Elli repeated slowly to try to pronounce this new name.
"But didn't Hans kick you out of the resort? That's what Kay said anyway...what happened? If you don't mind me asking."
"Hans has never cared much for my presence. Liam believes his father thinks I intend to corrupt them in some manner."
"If you've been around for so long I feel like you would have done so already. Besides, you don't seem the corrupting type."
"Maybe a little intimidating, but that's just the scars. All I see is a good man beneath them."
"But I'm not a man. I'm a monster pretending to be one."
"You don't have to look human to be a good man."
"If you say so."
"...I feel like you don't go out of your way to talk to just anyone. Especially like this."
"That is how a friendship works, is it not? Sharing ourselves, building trust."
"You...want to be my friend?"
Elli thought about what he said for a moment. "You can ask me things too you know...I've basically interrogated you since we sat down."
"You're doing just fine. I'm learning from your questions anyway." He picked up the spoon next to him and stirred his drink.
"Alright...where are you from? You can't have spent over two thousand years in America, that just sounds boring."
"I think there would have been plenty to do. However, I am from Rome." Addie sighed. "That's gone now though, isn't it... How senile I've become, I'd have to look at a current map to show you where exactly."
"Wow..." She watched him set the spoon down." Is that where you met Hiram?"
"I met Hiram in Scotland, three hundred years ago, give or take. We moved to America together with his wife and children." Addie took a sip of tea, leaving the bag in the cup. "She hated me more than Hans does."
Wasn't ‘Ulrich’ a German name?
"Wait, back up. Were you a Roman soldier?"
"Well, yes. Every young and able man was a soldier."
Elli didn't see him as the soldier type. He looked small, and he wore dorky clothes. From what she remembered he was a bit bigger when she chased him in the trees. But he would have been wearing the necklace to appear human...right? Maybe it was just his baggy shirt making him look soft? Though she supposed armor could make anyone look like a warrior...
She realized she had been staring at Addie. "I-I'm trying to picture you in Roman armor."
"I still have most of my uniforms somewhere. Weapons as well, though most need sharpened. Nick told me I should open a museum."
The waitress re-appeared by the table, plate in hand. "Here you go, Miss." She set it in front if Elli. "Is there anything else I can get you?"
"I'm good."
"Okay, let me know if you do."
Felicia walked away briskly once more after throwing a glance at Addie.  
She turned to her companion. Looking at her meal then back to him, she suddenly felt awkward.
It must have shown on her face.  
"If I am a burden to you, Miss Hughes, I will go."
"N-no. I mean, if you want to..." She stabbed a wedge with her fork. "You're just going to take some getting used to."
"Then I shall stay, as long as I am not making you too uncomfortable."
"You're not- okay you are a little bit, but it's fine." She chewed a bite slowly as she watched him watch her. "Are there any more of your kind?"
"My kind?"
"Are you really the last wendigo?"
He thought for a moment. "I am, though that's not an actual race."
She finished chewing before replying. "Oh, everyone here thinks it was..."
"They simply lack knowledge of some details."
"Do you mind if I ask what you are...again?"
"You are free to ask me whatever you like. My answer will always depend on what I am willing to share."
Elli had begun digging into her meal, much hungrier than she had thought. "Fair enough."
"I am many different things. A mutt of sorts."
She gave him a confused look, her mouth too full to ask him more though he continued. The chatter around them began to pick up in volume. Dinner was on the approach. As business picked up, their voices were consumed by the flood of other customers to where only themselves were capable of hearing each other.
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