#(only liam would NOT ask this out loud because he Does Not want to know the anster to this)
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Liam homophobia moment
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lyricailove · 7 months
Thinking about Mickey's reaction to Terry's death. How conflicted his feelings were. On one hand, he's sad that his dad is gone and on the other, he's relieved that Terry can no longer hurt him anymore.
And then I think about the Gallaghers. How Frank's passing might affect them. How each one would take it.
I think that by the time Fiona left she'd already made peace with the fact that Frank wouldn't be around much longer. I think she'd had those thoughts for a very long time and any year that Frank had felt like a bonus at that point. She'll be sad, mourning the father-daughter relationship that never was. But she won't be broken up over it.
I'd say Lip will be the most apathetic. There's always been no love lost between him and Frank. He's actually the one who sees it as a moment of healing. No more Frank means no more ways he can ruin things for them.
Ian for all that he and Frank never got along, is still a sentimental person at heart. He's relieved to be rid of Frank but he's still gonna mourn the loss of the only dad he's ever known. A terrible and abusive dad, but his dad nonetheless.
Debbie is broken. She tries not to let it show at first but it hurts so bad and she's not sure she can talk about it. By the end, she hated Frank like everyone else but there was still that part of her that wanted a father to dote on her and treat her like a princess. It's how she saw Frank in s1 and s2. She's sad that Franny doesn't have either of her grandparents around and if Lip does go through with the sale of the house, all of her aunts and uncles will live away from her. Debbie wants a big family unit and it simply won't be that anymore. It takes a while for Debbie to get over Frank.
Carl has never been one to share his feelings openly. He's hurt by Frank's passing but he'll never say it out loud. Those are the feelings he lets out alone at night when no one is around. It's how he's always handled things. By holding it in and playing the ditzy role like he's used to. No one will ask what he's feeling because he doesn't allow people to know that he's feeling anything at all.
Liam is at the point that Debbie and Carl were in s1. He's too young for Frank to have really pissed him off yet. He still had hope that Frank could be a dad if he tried. Everything has changed so much in the last few years and Liam feels alone in all of it. No one even realized that he'd be homeless until the last minute. Will Lip and Tami even notice his grief? Maybe, maybe not. It's not until Liam explodes that anyone knows how hard he's taking Frank's passing. But when they do, they make sure to check in with him. Even if it's to try and get his mind off it. Liam is and will always be the baby of the family, after all.
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maxybabyy · 10 months
It’s almost half past eight when the door opens and breaks Max’s focus.
Usually, people don’t come into this room. It’s too noisy, too hot when it isn’t completely freezing outside.
Lewis comes by occasionally, uses the nanodrop for his DNA samples. But his project is on the tail-end, and he’s too deep in the writing phase to even be on the lab cleaning rota. Max knows he was meant to stay, that Toto wanted to build a part of the group around him and his expertise. But funding runs out quickly; what was hot five years ago, may as well be old news today.
But it’s Daniel who pokes his head in, smile wide as he spots Max in the corner.
“There you are, Maxy.” He says, pushes the chair closer to Max before sitting down. “Alex said you’d left, but your stuff was still in the office, so.”
He doesn’t have a lab coat on, but always he doesn’t wear it. Max doesn’t know still if it’s an Australian thing, or because he is a pharmacist maybe, but also Oscar does it.
“But I have my gloves on today, Maxy.” Daniel said yesterday when Max had commented on it, trying not to stare at the lovely white tee shirt Daniel had been wearing. He wiggled his fingers as a tease, the bright pink gloves Seb had brought as a joke. He would have to at least be a large to escape the bright blue nitrile hell Max and the other mediums were saddled with. “Don’t get used to it though, just Oscar’s apparently shit at aliquoting piss I’ve learnt.”
“So what are we doing tonight, Max?” Daniel asks now. He is sitting on the chair the wrong way; elbows on the back of it with his chin in his hand. He couldn’t sit like that, Max thinks, at least not for very long. Not like Daniel can, like he does in their shared meetings when Christian and Zak remember they have a grant together.
“The university said the power would be out for a while tomorrow, so I of course have to shut down the MS,” Max says, huffs when he has to turn back to the computer.
The email had come Wednesday night, barely any information except for the notice of a power outage within eighty hours. Max had used the reply-all function to tell them to go suck an egg, turned off his phone and gone for a run.
Checo should of course be the one to do this, senior to Max in every way but one. But last time Sergio had been in charge of shutting down the systems, Max had come in the next day unable to complete calibration, and they had to replace two different parts.
It’s a new instrument too, and always he can be – the mass spectrometer can be a bit fussy when you have to shut it down. But Max has been working with mass spec since undergrad, was the second author on GP’s Nature Communications paper. Had come to Christian’s lab for this very instrument, so he of course knows it best.
“Always they say we are a part of a core facility, and still, they do this,” Max says. He’s already discussed it with GP and Jonathan how it isn’t okay, with the facility manager who hasn’t touched probably a mass spectrometer in his life. 
Daniel also hasn’t worked with MS by himself before, but he would of course understand, would know it isn’t okay to do this.
“Was the Friday bar alright?” Max asks. He had gone too for a bit, shared the last dregs of gin with Charles, pouring the tonic directly into the bottle to get the most of it. “George said he made a quiz, but to me it sounded very boring. There was a part, I think, where you had to spell out chemicals’ names.”
Daniel laughs, and it sounds so loud in their tiny room for two. Daniel has of course always had a very lovely laugh, but it sounds even better like this. The two of them only. Max likes it like that the best.
“Yeah ah, George kinda went to town on the goon sack instead,” he says. “I reckon Alex had to carry him home.”
“George drank the wine?” Max asks. “No! But that is so old, it’s been in the fridge since Liam graduated.”
“He went for the sangria too, it wasn’t even good fresh.”
“Always George should not be in charge of this, of drinking and parties,” Max says, remembers the nightmare his grad party had been. “You are of course very good at it, how to make it a good night.”
“You think so?” Daniel says, soft, hesitant. Max looks up from the instrument with a frown, touches Daniel’s hand where it’s been hovering in the air, like he didn’t know if he could touch him. Always he can. Max should tell him this, maybe.
“Yes, Daniel.”
“Then, would you go somewhere with me tonight?” He asks, closes his hand around Max’s. It’s different to work like this, one-handed and typing slow. But Max doesn’t want to pull away, keeps his hand in the warmth of Daniel’s.
“I think I am too tired for the club, Daniel.” Max says softly. He has gone before, after the Friday bar. But he cannot do it tonight, his body is too tired. He doesn’t think he would survive if he did, considers already if he should take the bus home and leave his bike behind.
But to his surprise, Daniel laughs, squeezes their hands together. “Nah, I was thinking we could maybe go get some food? You said you’ve been craving like, tacos, and I’ve found a place down by one of the bridges that I thought we could try. If you wanna, of course.” 
Daniel has only been in the city for five months, but already he has made friends in high places, in the low ones too. 
“I would love to, but always I don’t know how -“
“Hey, we’ll just leave whenever you’re done, no rush, Maxy.” Daniel says. 
Max nods, “Then it of course sounds very lovely. It will not be that much longer, I think.” 
“I’ll be here,” Daniel says softly. 
He pulls his hand from Max’s, the loss of touch, of warmth is sudden, but Max knew it would happen. But Daniel doesn’t leave. 
He doesn’t go back to the office to work on the paper Max knows has to be sent back with major revisions, doesn’t go over the postdoc application Zak isn’t supposed to know about. He pulls out his phone instead, plays one of those indie rock albums that Max has come to like. 
It’s very nice, Max thinks, his own earphones still dead in his ears. 
The MS does finally shut down, leaves the room almost quiet except for the music.  
They’re in the basement to get their bikes, Daniel will go in front because he knows where they’re going. He wears a helmet now too, one of those fancy Hövding airbags that will inflate if he crashes. 
“So I won’t mess up my hair, baby,” he had said, the collar loose around his neck when he came into the office to show it off. Max doesn’t care, thinks he looked cute in Max’s borrowed helmet, but this is good also. 
“Hey Maxy,” Daniel says now, one leg swung over the bike. “Would it be cool with you if this was a date instead?” 
Max almost stumbles over the pedals, but he doesn’t, corrects himself so he’s upright and staring at Daniel, who watches him back almost shyly. 
“It would of course be very lovely, I think, if this was a date,” he says, faint. 
Daniel's lips stretch into a wide grin, and Max cannot help but return it. 
“Cool, let’s do that then.”
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pippin-katz · 1 year
just letting you know this ask will contain sensitive issues regarding Jewish identity and negative criticism that I’ve seen about rwrb. So I understand if you don’t want to answer at all - but I just wanted to see what your thoughts were about this (as I haven’t read the book but absolutely adore the movie) - if you want to make a separate post or something.
I saw a post on my “for you” feed (can’t find it anymore) that apparently Matthew’s decision to conflate and change Nora and June’s characters is antisemitic and bi-erasure? I only skimmed through it because it was very accusatory and the comments were also very negative.
I can understand being upset about losing some characters and the criticism about Nora’s bi-identity. I can’t really speak about the antisemitism as I’m not fully aware of that aspect from the book. But I was thinking - if they did make Nora bi and she still ended up being with Percy/Pez, would those critics be happy? Or would they still be mad because June wasn’t there for the polyamorous relationship that was hinted in the books?
They’re mad about Richards, Rafael Luna, Liam, divorce-free Claremont-Diaz household, no Queen Mary, no Princess Catherine, no this, no that. And they said it’s not a true rom-com because it doesn’t flesh out the romance between Alex and Henry? I just don’t understand what it takes for them to be satisfied. Casey said themself that if everything was done 100% from the books, fans still wouldn’t be happy with it. I mostly ignore the loud ones who hate the movie with all their being but when it comes up it’s so jarring. I don’t want the hype of this movie to lose out to the noise of the haters and bashers. This movie, and Alex and Henry’s love story has become so important to many people and we want more!
Funny you should bring that up to me of all people, seeing as I happen to be Jewish!
I think I may have seen posts like that in the past and immediately blocked the poster because I knew that if I wrote a response to them it would spiral out of control, and there were too many people in the replies to try and explain this to.
Post Writing Note: Buckle up for this one cause I definitely went on a tangent about Jewish culture, but I felt like it would help people understand, or at least be interesting.
The short version of this is that they are self centered idiots who have their heads up their ass.
Casey is 100% correct that even if they were completely true to the book, they wouldn’t be satisfied. They will always find something to complain about.
They also simply don’t want to like it, or understand it. All of those major changes were made for a reason, and make complete sense/were the right call for what Matthew was trying to accomplish with the film. But they don’t want to hear or accept that.
As for Nora and June, once again, they are being idiots.
Matthew has explained several times that the decision to cut June was a logical director’s decision.
With the limited time the film has, side characters simply can’t have as much detail or development as they have in the book. In the case of June and Nora, he explained that he essentially would’ve been giving half of a character to the two actresses. They would’ve been fighting for screen time, and would’ve felt unsatisfied with the roles. Therefore, he essentially combined the two into one full character to give to a single actress. It makes complete sense, and was the right choice.
Did that remove the polycule dynamic? Yes, but that was a side effect of the decision, not part of the reason. Matthew does not seem like the kind of person to remove something like that for no reason, or purely because it might "make the straights uncomfortable". It was just the way things happened.
Now, let me address Nora.
The thing that drives me a bit crazy about this is their determination to call her intentional erasure.
Just because those traits weren’t brought up in the film does not make them untrue. There is no reason to assume that she isn’t bisexual or Jewish just because they didn’t bring it up. They did not say anything that counters those details, therefore I don’t see them as being changed.
They are also exaggerating a lot.
Now, I’m saying all this as a Jewish person who would love to see more representation of Judaism casually included in characters.
Nora’s Jewish identity is completely irrelevant to the plot and is only mentioned in the book. When Alex wants to call someone on Christmas after his parents fight, he briefly says that she’s busy celebrating Chanukah. That is the only moment in the entire book that Nora being Jewish is brought up, as far as I can remember from the last time I went through to look for it, when I first saw a post about this. I checked again while writing this. Other book readers can correct me if I’m wrong about that, but I know for a fact that it is not something that’s regularly mentioned or relevant to the plot.
Again, I say this as a Jewish person with love, it was not important. I’ve said it before, and I’ll keep saying it until I fucking die: the book had no time limit.
The novel is not a massive one, but it is absolutely stuffed cover-to-cover with content. It’s a book told through Alex’s point of view, giving direct access into his thoughts and feelings through text.
When Alex offhandedly mentions in his head facts like that, the translation to the screen would be constructing a situation where bringing that up out loud is relevant. The other option is to put clues in the environment to indicate it.
The thing about those options though is that Nora does not have any scenes during the holiday portion of the movie. In fact, there is not even a mention of Christmas at all; the only reason we know is because of the decorations around the White House, but no one mentions it. There is only one scene that even takes place around Christmas in the film: Alex’s conversation with Zahra. From there, it’s straight to New Year’s.
Some may be thinking, “But those are so close together, it would still be relevant!” and I hate to tell you that you’re wrong, but there’s an 85% chance you’re wrong.
Chanukah shifts dates from year to year because it’s determined by the Jewish calendar, and that doesn’t match the normal calendar. As someone grew up celebrating it, and still does celebrate it, I can tell you from personal knowledge that most of the time, it happens before Christmas. Yes, sometimes it overlaps with it, or happens afterwards, but I can safely tell you that most of the time, it happens before; for example, this year Chanukah starts Dec. 8th and ends at sunset Dec. 15th. It starts and ends a whole week before Christmas.
Now, I have to also say, and I say this with as much love and respect as I can for all the normal Christians/Catholics out there, we don’t really… shove our holiday in everyone’s faces?
I know that sounds rude, and it might be, but I mean that everyone knows when Christmas is. Everything closes down for Christmas. Whether you celebrate it or not, you’re most likely going to be off-work or off-school for it. No one looks around and goes, “what day is Christmas again?” And most people know the basic gist of why it’s celebrated.
I’m pretty sure that at minimum 65% of the people who read this had no idea when Chanukah was, and have zero clue why it’s celebrated.
That’s not really their fault, it’s just a simple truth about Western society (especially American) that people don’t get educated on Judaism, even indirectly the way they do for Christmas. The same can be said for all of the religious minorities. I’m by no means innocent of being uninformed on the basics of other minority religions. I’m just bringing it up because it’s somewhat relevant.
When it’s Christmas, you know it’s Christmas. Everyone is talking about it and there’s decorations everywhere. And while there’s sometimes a few decorations for Chanukah and maybe Kwanzaa, it’s not common; especially given the unfortunate reality that said decorations are a beacon for hate crimes.
Circling back to Nora, the easiest way to provide indications that she is Jewish is through decorations in her office/apparel choices. I just explained why she would be unlikely to have decorations in her office for Chanukah, but what about non-holiday specific decor?
Well, in my experience as a reformed Jewish person, there's not a lot of decor that's not very obvious or specifically religious in its representation. I say "specifically religious" because Judaism is a culture as well as a religion. I'm a Jewish person, but I don't regularly attend Temple or practice daily prayer. My experience with Judaism stems more from how we celebrate the major holidays, the kinds of food we eat, clothing we wear, and stuff like that, not passages of the Torah.
We also just don't really have as much physical decoration options as Christians/Catholics, at least for Jews who are not devoutly religious.
Judaism is practices aniconism.
Don't be alarmed, most people don't know what that word means; I only know because I learned about it briefly in an art history course a few years ago. Aniconism is the absence of artistic representations of certain figures in religions. Judaism is generally "anti-iconic", meaning it's strongly discouraged to create imagery, specifically human imagery, of God or other saint-like figures from the Torah. It's not completely unheard of, but think about how frequently you see imagery of Jesus in Christianity/Catholicism, or all the famous imagery of God, and depictions of scenes of the Bible and the saints, etc. etc. etc. Jews just don't do that, at least not nearly to the extent or as commonly as Christians/Catholics.
Jews instead have focused artistry into the form of ceremonial objects, i.e. the menorah, Kiddush goblets, etc.
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In fact, my Jewish heritage comes from my father's side, so my grandfather on that side has always been a practicing Jew, and my grandmother converted back when they married. They're not super religious, but more so than my parents and how I was raised.
Thinking back to their home, I'm realizing that all of their Jewish "decor" was fine dishware sort of like this they kept in a China cabinet, like this:
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Nora's not going to keep fine China in her office.
The only piece of "decor" that I have in my parents' home is not even really decor. This is a super common thing to find in Jewish households. It's call a mezuzah:
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It's a little container that keeps a scroll with two prayers from the Torah written in Hebrew by a calligraphist. They are a symbol of connection and protection amongst the Jewish community. They are an ancient tradition. Nora would definitely have one.
However, these go on the doorframes of the entrance to a home. They're not hung up anywhere to look nice. She wouldn't have one on her office doorway, which is glass anyway.
So I've eliminated physical decorations, so how about jewelry?
This is where I'm sure a bunch of those people will shake their fists at me. The easiest and simplest way to imply a Jewish character (especially a female one) is the same as a Christian/Catholic character: a necklace.
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Obviously, it is common practice for crosses to be worn on necklaces. Wearing the Star of David on a necklace is also common, but not nearly as common as the cross. I've noticed over the course of my life an increase in seeing them, but they're still uncommon.
And incredibly recently, I actively chose to stop wearing mine because we are at a point of actual danger in the US right now, specifically Florida, where I happen to be so lucky to live.
Regardless, it's debatable on how likely it would be for Nora to be wearing one. I feel like it's pretty split on how much of the Jewish population does and doesn't. So let's take a look at her style then:
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The only outfit I couldn't find a clear still image of was the one in the jeep, but there are GIFs of that:
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Note: I swear, if this fandom doesn't start posting more content of the side characters, I'm going to throw something; y'all are making it very hard to write my essays!! 😂
Out of her seven outfits, she is only wearing a neck accessory in ONE. More notably, she's not wearing a necklace in either of her formal outfits: the wedding and the party dresses. If she were going to wear a necklace, a fancier outfit usually makes it more likely. She seems to like wearing earrings more. Earrings with the Star of David exist, but I've personally never seen someone wearing them.
So based on everything I've been talking about, and Nora's personality, and her characterization in the book, and everything else, it's probably unlikely that she would wear a religious necklace, if not because she's not heavily religious, then because she just doesn't wear necklaces.
Could you ignore all that and complain that they could've given her a necklace or something anyway? Yeah, you could, but you are just being annoying and overreacting. She's still a Jewish character. People who haven't read the book may not know that, but tons of people who have read the book didn't even remember that. It's not an intentional decision made to erase her Jewish heritage. It is purely a side effect of having very limited time to cover way too much content.
The same can be said for her being bisexual. There's no reason to assume she's not. Hell, we've been joking about the face she makes when she meets Bea since we saw it:
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This look alone is enough to make non-book readers go, "oh ship! ship! ship!". She's not straight just because they don't address her sexuality. Again, it was not an intentional decision made to erase her bisexuality.
Look, I'm not saying you have to like it, but for the love of god, stop acting like Matthew is the devil incarnate who made every change and cut out of spite, and to hurt you specifically.
As for the comment about not fleshing out Alex and Henry's relationship? I... I have no fucking words. That's a lie, I have so many fucking words, but I've been writing this for too long, so I'll speed run this:
First of all, if you don't think the romance between Alex and Henry is "fleshed out" in the film, I cannot say anything else than you are a fucking idiot. I don't like rom-coms, but this one is so fucking genuine, emotional, and sweet that even my cold dark soul feels warmth while watching it.
Second of all, how the fuck are you going to make the claim that they didn't flesh out Alex and Henry's romance, while simultaneously bitching about 3+ hours of book content that didn't make it? Do you not have any logical reasoning skills or common sense, at all??
Alright, that's enough of all that; I have an essay that I wrote the day after the movie originally dropped that went more in detail about that last one, so I'm not going to get super into that here. That's the short version of that, and if you want to hear the long version, go read this.
I hope that cleared some stuff up for you Anon! Sorry for the rambling lmfao
Thanks for reading!! If you enjoyed this essay & would like to support me, you can give me a tip on my Ko-Fi! ☺️
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maxiemclaren · 4 months
can u do angst abt liam finding out he was rejected from vcarb and reader comforting him
Warnings - Angst, Self doubt, slight panic attack, fluff
Pairings - Liam Lawson x fem!reader
Summary - Getting rejected by VCARB and needing to be comforted. 
a/n - I just wanna give this Kiwi a hug! Enjoy.
One would think getting a call to fill in for an injured team member would help get a foot in the door for full time racing in an F1 seat. Well…That’s where you’re wrong, only competing in 5 races that season. Your boyfriend was over the moon when he finally got a chance to race in an F1 car during a part of the 2023 season. Having high hopes of the team making the switch for him to be a full time driver, he had treated you to fine dining and luxurious presents for a period of time, until the honeymoon phase was over. Because all it was filling in.
Winter Break 2023/2024
Even though on average he placed higher, the team just wanted to keep Daniel for the upcoming season. It wasn’t that Liam was a bad driver, it’s just that the team wasn’t sure if they wanted to switch to a full time seat just yet. After all, the team just had a revamp, changing the name to Visa Cash App Racing Bulls, having a new CEO and team principal. Liam was called into a meeting back at the factory, getting excited knowing that they will have their own discussion about the driver lineup.
He left the factory in the worst mood possible, not calling you on the way home like he normally did, not texting you to let you know he was out of the meeting, so there was no hope and knowledge to brace yourself for a very angry Liam. 
Sitting at the island in your kitchen doing some work, you nearly jump out of your skin when you hear the front door open and slam shut with a loud “Fuck! It’s fucking bullshit!” from a voice you know all too well. Closing your laptop you go and meet the very frustrated sounding boy. 
Approaching him with calm energy you ask “Hey baby, are you okay? Is there anything you wanna talk about?” not wanting to further upset or frustrate him but wanting to let him know that you’re here for him. He looks at you, eyes locking onto yours, and then that’s when you see it. All the pain and frustration he is feeling, he goes to speak but his voice fails him and tears start to stream down his face. Immediately you close him in a hug holding him tight, you hear a change in his breathing as it sounds more rapid and suddenly he has pushed you off him as the contact is too much for him. You notice that he’s starting to shake and hyperventilate “Liam, baby it’s okay, you are home, you are with me right now. Let’s do some deep breathing, yeah?” you say to him in the hopes it calms him down from the panic attack.
“Four, three, two, one” you both say in unison as Liam has calmed down from the panic attack, you carefully sit there awaiting to see if he wants to share what had happened. “I guess I kind of need to explain what just happened” Liam says, rubbing the back of his neck. As he explained how the meeting went at the factory you couldn’t help but notice the digs he threw at himself like saying he was “incompetent, has a lack of talent, naive, and an overall shit driver”. Hearing enough of him tear himself apart you grab him and allow him to lean against you, “Now you listen to me sir. You are not incompetent, naive, a shit driver, and you have loads of talent. Just because they made a shit call does not mean you are anything less. For fucks sake you amaze me, there is no way I would be able to drive one of those cars and let alone score points” you say poking his cheek. He huffs out a laugh feeling a bit better than he did mere minutes ago.
For the next week you spoiled him, allowing him to stay in bed and cuddle with you as long as both your schedules would allow, making him his favorite meals, watching his favorite shows, etc. You decided that the both of you needed a little pick me up, so you booked a flight to LA so you could visit Lightning McQueen, his favorite character and what movie got him into racing (quoting the youtube video). “Oh baby, I have a surprise for you” you say in a sing-song way. “Hi love, what is it?” He asks you giving his full attention. “Well I know you’ve been wanting to go out but haven’t really known where to go, so I booked us flights to LA next week so we can meet Lightning McQueen!” you said excitedly. He leaped off the couch and spun you around as he peppered your face with kisses and kept repeating thank you’s.
Next week came faster than anyone could imagine and today was the day Liam would get to meet his idol. “I’m so nervous, why am I so nervous?” He asked you, “I’m not too sure, maybe because this is something you grew up with and your inner child is feeling healed and very joyful?” you answered honestly. After taking about two dozen pictures of him and Lightning McQueen. You both decide to head back to the hotel to relax while you are on vacation. Laying in your bed Liam rolls into your side and whispers in your ear “You know that you are the most amazing girlfriend anyone could ask for? Thank you for taking care of me through my rough patch” He said genuinely. You turn to face him and just smash your lips onto his, after a minute you look at him “Thank you, baby I know you would do the same for me so it’s only fair to be there for the highs and lows”. The both of you cuddle up and fall into deep sleeps both feeling so loved and cared for.
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iaminfourthwing · 4 months
The Generals Daughter
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Chapter VI
“He said he’ll handle you?” I laugh out loud while Violet is a blushing mess between Rhiannon and me. We are taking our seats for Battle Brief that’ll start in a few minutes.
“That is the kinkiest shit I’ve heard so far” Rhiannon adds with a smirk.
“Nah, I think the way our girl here described the way his shadows felt around her is her admitting how she want to be handled in bed- ““OKAY! Stop that now please!” And now she is beet red. Rhi and I burst out laughing while the others around us find their seats, Sawyer and Ridoc taking their usual spots next to me while looking confused by our laughter.
“Can you people be any louder?” a feminine voice sneers in front of us. When I look forward, I meet Luca’s eyes who looks as annoyed as I feel by her presence. “Some of us are trying to study” she continues with a roll of her eyes.
Studying? Her? The past lessons, no matter the class, she asked the most unimportant and actually dumbest questions.
“What color was the dragon that was attacked?” “Do you think gryphons could be trained to spit fire?”
Like- what the actual fuck?
Ridoc snickers to himself while thinking the same. The second and third years are walking by and Imogen is giving the girl in front of us the nastiest side eye I have ever seen.
I make eye contact with the boy behind her. Bodhi Durran, Xaden’s cousin and probably the most beautiful man on the continent. He is incredibly handsome with dazzling brown eyes and tawny brown skin. I would pay a good money to get a chance to stroke my hand through his thick black curls adorning his head just once. Violet said his features reminds her of Xadens, and while I see what she means, I think Bodhi is divine in his own way. His smile is lovely, and he holds himself with so much confidence and grace, I am jealous of everyone that can call themselves his friend. My father would kill me if he could hear me right now.
Before I can start to blush, I cast my eyes forward to Luca.
“You know Luca, if stupid could fly, you definitely wouldn’t need a dragon, and everyone could live a bit more peaceful here without your annoying ass.” My smirk is downright devilish, but it serves its purpose – she is offended. Sawyer loses it and Ridoc starts laughing too. Violet and Rhiannon giggle to themselves.
Luca rolls her eyes again and opens her mouth to say something, but I am faster. “Keep rolling your eyes. Maybe you’ll find a brain back there.” I need to get my sassy side under control before it backfires in the form of my father.
Laughter fills the hall and the boys next to me gasping for air while trying to get their hollering under control. I can even see Dain trying to fight of a smile, as he walks past us. He finds her just as annoying as everyone else does.
Lucas cheeks redden with embarrassment and she finally turns back around.
The boys are still laughing but it’s a raspy chuckle behind me that gains my attention. Turning my head slightly to the left I make eye contact with the blue ones of cadet Liam Mairi, Tail Section in Fourth Wing, Second Squad. He surprises me by giving me an amused smile and wink to which I just chuckle lightly and turn back after Violet jabs her elbow in my ribs because Devera entered the hall.
After Battle Brief our next lesson is with Professor Kaori, one the only Professor after Devera and Emetterio I kind of like and respect. As an illusionist his signet allows him to project whatever he sees in his mind.
“Red Scorpiontails, like Ghrian here, are the quickest to temper. Keep that in mind, when you approach one at Threshing and better decide fast if you need to run.” The projection of a massive red dragon in the middle of the room shows just a fraction of its actual size. The reds can be vicious, I’ve already met one when I was with the General at the Samara Outpost.
“So if you offend him, you are-“ “Lunch” Ridoc interrupts him from next to Violet. I chuckle but it’s true. You better do your best to avoid them.
“So, what is the best way to approach them?” Professor Kaori asks the class. “They like it more when you approach them from the left and front, if possible” I answer.
“That’s right. This year there are three Red Scorpiontails willing to bond of they find their match.” He switches the image to another dragon.
“How many dragons are there in total?” Rhiannon asks. We are all looking forward to Kaori with excitement, nervous about what the answer will be.
“A hundred for this year.” My brows hit my hair line. That’s thirty-seven fewer than last year!? Shit, that will get bloody when Threshing arrives. There could be a lot less after Presentation, two days before Threshing, and the dragons will change their minds after seeing the cadets for this year. I mean … I would understand them, some of these cadets are pathetic, physically and mentally.
“…but I am not about to lie to you and say that we’re not seeing increased breaches when you know from Battle Brief that we are.” I catch the rest of Kaori’s answer. It’s frightening how fast the wards are faltering and I tense every time when Devera starts the daily Battle Brief.
A massive navy-blue dragon appears in the middle. Sgaeyl, Xaden’s dragon.
“No blue dragon is willing to bond this year, so you don’t have to worry about how to approach one, but you need to recognize Sgaeyl if you see her” Kaori says.
“So, you can fucking run” Ridoc drawls. The others laugh, but it’s true too. No one with any common sense and brain would even dare to look at her direction or approach her with or without her rider by her side. Xaden is ruthless but Sgaeyl … you better find somewhere else to be because she is downright malicious, as my father would describe her. She is a beast through and through.
“There are other blues in active service and all of them are intimidating, but Sgaeyl is the most powerful of them all” he adds in a serious tone. No wonder she bonded Xaden. They are the most powerful dragon rider duo of our generation.
“What about the black dragon?” a first year from First Wing asks. “I want that one” Jack says with excitement shining in his eyes.
“Oh, hell no!” I say out loud, turning some heads in my direction, Jacks included. He is glaring with a mix of hatred and amusement in my direction.
“Not that it is going to matter” Professor Kaori interrupts our glaring contest with a flick of his wrist and then there is … Codagh. I avert my eyes immediately to the side and turn my head, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Violet, her concerned eyes finding mine. Besides my father, she is the only other person who knows my history with the black beast. I catch Liams gaze over her head and while he looks confused by my reaction, I can also see … concern? I give him a reassuring smile, or more like a grimace since I am confused myself. Why is a marked one, especially a Mairi, concerned about my wellbeing?
“But just to appease your curiosity, since it is a bit rare to see him, this is Codagh, General Melgren’s dragon.” I can feel his eyes on me, and sense some heads turning in my direction again. “Ignore them Arya” I repeat to myself mentally.
“And this one” Kaori changes the image to another black dragon “you’ll never get to face again, not in the wild at least. He has a massive Morningstartail with unbendable power.”
“He looks like a killing machine” Jack calls out, still excited.
I notice Violet shifting uncomfortable in her seat. And while I try to blend out the image of this massive dragon that reminds me way too much of my father’s beast, Kaori answers some questions about him.
“… he is one of the deadliest dragons in Navarre.” No one saw him for the past five years since his previous rider, Naolin, died trying to resurrect Brennan Sorrengail in the Battle of Aretia. Father told me about them, how they died for the kingdom, next to each other. How Brennan was killed by Fen Riorson, Xadens father.
“How do you approach him?” Jack demands to know. That’s where I draw the line.
“You especially don’t because the continent doesn’t need a fucking psychopath with a dragon like him. Besides if he would be willing to bond, I am pretty sure that he would be smart enough to choose someone that is not you or even related to you!” I snarl in his direction. There is anger building up in his eyes as he tenses. The cadet next to him sits still, not moving a muscle.
“And what about you, Melgren? Do you really think you’ll be chosen without daddy manipulating Threshing to help you? Or his dragon? I bet Codagh will bully some of the dragons to approach you, because none of them would want a rider as pathetic as you!” he laughs maliciously, expecting the others to join him.
Some of the cadets around us gasp in shock, even Kaori looks greenish. How dare he say something like this?! Violet tenses and whips her head around to face me, worried what I’ll do.
“Please” my glare is as cold as my voice, my eyes practically black right now, like always when I am mad. I can see the effect it has on him, even his squad mates shrink in their seats, avoiding my eyes.
“Say that one more time and I shall have you beheaded.”
My voice dropped a few octaves due to me being enraged, more than that. To insult a cadet like this in this quadrant can cost you your life, even though the world would be a better place without him. He accuses my father of manipulation, which is a capital offense, but accusing Codagh?! If they will ever find this out, Jack is dead. Not because father is protective of me, but because it's a stab at his reputation and position.
Kaori’s still shocked grimace finds his way into my line of sight, eyes wide, mouth agape. He knows the best what I am capable of and that my threat isn’t just a threat, it’s a promise.
Barlowe snaps his mouth shut and his little friend seated next to him looks like he is about to piss himself.
The bells ring, signaling that the hour is up. I take my stuff and storm out of the room, almost running into Xaden and his entourage, who steps away in the last moment. Ignoring them all, I make my way into the wing’s gym, to work out my anger and frustration. I’ll miss challenges today, but it’s not my turn anyways so I don’t care. And I will kill Jack if he breathes my way.
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imaginefan · 1 year
McCall Pack X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 757
Requested: Anon
Request: Can you do a poly relationship the mcall pack x reader where they fall in love with her and they does not know that she is werewolf royality
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When you first arrived none of them trusted you but that all changed after you saved their lives a few times, you all became really close and you easily became a part of the pack. You never forgot about the pack that you had grown up in but you were happier there where no one knew of your status where you were just a wolf looking for somewhere to call home.
One day while you were out of the pack house, you had decided that you would go shopping considering you were the only one that wasn’t at work or school, Scott was the first one home to find your note saying that you’d be back soon, Malia was next home, followed by Liam and Mason, then Stiles. Then there was a knock at the door, Scott frowned, he didn't recognise the scent but he knew that they were wolves, he was the one to open the door “can I help you?” He asked as he opened the door. “Where is she?” The man in front of him asked. “What?” Scott asked. “The princess, where is she?” He asked. “There’s no princess here.” Scott frowned as Stiles came to stand behind him. “She’s been seen here, we know that you took her and if you give her back then you won’t face any consequences.” He said. “I seriously don’t know who you're talking about.” Scott muttered as the man dug out a picture from his pocket, it was you, you were much younger and you looked sadder than you ever had with them. “We didn’t take her.” “She’s not a prisoner, she can go wherever she wants.” Stiles said “but she’s not here, what do you want with her?” “That’s none of your concern.” The man dismissed him. “She’s a part of this pack, it's definitely our business.” Stiles answered, the man reached out for him, Scott let out a growl as he caught the man's hand, his red eyes now on full display as he warned the intruding werewolf off.
You were just starting up the car when your phone rang “Hey Liam I hope you're not going to ask me to get something because I’m already on my way back.” You said. “No, you can’t come back. There are some people here looking for you, Scott is fighting them.” Liam answered. “Who are they?” You asked. “I don’t know, they just keep saying that Scott took the princess.” He answered and you nodded. “Don’t worry I’ll be there so I can get rid of them, you make sure that you stay out of the fight okay?” You asked and he gave a noise of confirmation as you started the car and made your way back to the house.
When you got there the fight was in full swing but all you needed to do was step out of the car and give a loud growl which drew all attention to you, the intruding wolves bowing their heads in submission as you walked over to Scott and Malia “guys it’s okay, you don’t have to fight them anymore.” You said softly. “They want to take you.” Malia glared at them. “They aren’t taking me anywhere.” Malia seemed to step back, Scott however needed more convincing so you walked over to him and gently took his face in your hands. “They won’t take me from you, Alpha, I promise.” You run your hands through his hair as you hear his heart slow down and his eyes go back to his beautiful brown. “Princess-!” “Enough you will go back and tell my father that I will not be coming home, I have found my pack and I will stay with them.” You ordered. “But-” “Go!” You ordered as you felt Scott wrap his arms around you looming over you like a threatening shadow. “Yes Princess.” He nodded. “So what’s this princess thing?” Stiles asked as they disappeared. “My family is technically werewolf royalty.” You explained “you guys wouldn’t know you weren’t born werewolves.” You explained. “Is that why Derek was so weird around you when he met you?” Stiles asked. “Probably.” You nodded. “So what now?” Stiles asked. “Now I need you all to help carry on the shopping and then I can make dinner, nothing changes it never will.” You said as you walked over to the boot of the car, everyone grabbing a bag, Scott was the last one taking your hand as you walked back into the house, closing and locking the door behind you.
*Part 2*
Requests and general question!
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whump-place · 2 months
Content: Multiple Whumpees, Pet Whumpees, Conditioned Whumpees, Reluctant Whumper.
Amarilys felt gross after what happened that day; she didn't want to, she thought maybe it would be okay if Liam said so, but it wasn't.
Ray had screamed, and cried, and, and..., and she didn't stop.
Until Star told her it had been enough, and gently took her aside, that's when she finally got a chance to take a breath and look down at what she had just done.
At that moment Liam praised her, and told her she did a good job, and for a moment she believed him. But then Ray's whimpers started again, and she couldn't think straight about what she did.
She pretended to feel cold and got to be taken inside, Leo made her some hot cocoa and put his favorite movie on the TV, and it had been comfortable. Until she remembers Liam and Star were left alone to deal with Ray how they pleased.
Amy shakes her head, that wasn't the time to think about those things. Master told her to do the laundry, he said it was a good chance to use her hands more, since they didn't stop shaking.
She kept to herself that it was because she was still scared of what happened that day.
Master said she had to fold her clothes, and then put them away. If she did it well, she could earn an extra cookie for dinner.
It was hard getting used to being praised for anything she did right, instead of being punished when she got it wrong.
"Where is Star?" Amy had been looking for them since the morning, she wanted to talk about what happened, and maybe ask for some blush so Master didn't notice her pale face, but she couldn't find them anywhere.
"Master took them outside." This time Leo didn't elaborate, which made Amy nervous.
"Is... Did he found out what happened with Ray or...?"
"Oh, no, no; it's nothing like that." Still, Leo's smile didn't meet his eyes. That was... worrying.
"Then why?"
Leo swallowed before leaning towards her, his lips almost touching her ear as he whispered.
"They say I'm just too dumb to understand, but I think Master wants us to think we are humans. Liam says it's just a test to prove our loyalty and love for him, but he's just really weird and-"
A loud slap startled Amy, making her take a step away from Leo. Liam was standing behind him, a thick book on hand, the one that he used to hit Leo.
"That's why you don't think. That's not your job." Leo whimpered, but was quickly shut up by another slap with the book Liam was holding. "Stop it. Master doesn't need to be bothered by you. Why don't you go and watch Tv or something? That sounds more like something you would do, instead of trying out thinking."
Leo nodded, his cheek turning red by the slap; and ran away.
Amy looked up at Liam, her lip quivering. What if Liam hit her too? What if he got angry because she asked? What if...?
"Oh, dear. Did he scare you?" She couldn't help but flinch away when Liam stretches out his hand to stroke her hair, wanting to avoid the worst of the slap, but there was no pain. "Don't mind Leo, I know you are smart enough to understand. Master... Master just wants to test our devotion towards him. You will be good and don't forget your place, am I right?"
"Y-yes. I won't." Amy tried to keep her voice steady, suddenly the guilt she felt vanished in the air, being replaced by a chill that ran down her spine. "Leo is... He likes to come up with some crazy stories. Master would never want us to be humans. He's kind, he would never do something like that."
Why would Master want them to be humans? So he wouldn't have to take care of them anymore? So they can come back to the streets? To starve and freeze to death?
That would be cruel. Master wouldn't want her to go back to the streets, would he? He wouldn't throw it she away. She could be better, she could, if Master only allowed her to-
"Shhh... It's okay. I know." A weird smile crept into Liam's face, something like..., pride? "Leo doesn't understand. Not even Star does. I thought you would be like them. But you are different."
Amy felt his hand slipping down to her shoulders. This was the second time she got a hug from Liam, and it felt so warm.
"Master won't throw us away. I promise. We just have to behave, no matter what he does, and prove to him we are good Pets for him."
"Is that even possible? If he choses to-"
"That won't happen." Amy wondered why Liam sounded so convinced, but didn't ask either. All that matters is that she will be loved. "We can work together. We can make them perfect for Master."
And Amy believes in him. That was what they were born to, to serve a master and be perfect for them.
Amy believes in Liam. They would make Master happy to have them.
Even if that was a little complicated.
If anyone wants to be added to the taglist please let me know :)
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anincompletelist · 11 months
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rwrb fic recs round two! :D
HELLO! I was going to wait a bit longer before doing another rec, but I've read some phenomenal works lately and I wanted to share!
as always, if you feel inclined to share your own recs or even self-promote, please do! also, please remember to be kind and give back when possible by sharing fics, commenting, leaving kudos, or reaching out to the author to let them know that you enjoyed! happy early thanksgiving and all ;)
thank you again to these authors, as well as anyone who makes content for this lovely little corner of the internet. your work and art continues to get me through the persistently dark days, and I am eternally grateful to get to be privy to your talent and labors of love!
I hope you're all doing well, and happy reading! <3
in no particular order --
I Knew You Were Trouble When You Walked In | doeyedgirlyevil | E | 42k | WIP
There he stood. Frozen. In the presence of a man who Henry was willing to swear before Queen and country, under pain of death, was the single most beautiful person on the face of the planet, and possibly several galaxies beyond. A man who possessed the kind of magnetic pull that could persuade Henry to believe in a Catholic God. A man Henry needed to get at least 800 kilometres away from before he caused an international scandal in a tea room at Kensington Palace. - Henry has a new equerry. And he's too hot for Henry's fragile, gay heart to handle. (AKA the Alex as Henry's equerry AU that I'm sure someone asked for)
Mr. Party Hardy | @inexplicablymine | T+ | 7k
Delicate isn’t the kind of word that would describe Alex Claremont-Díaz, not in this world or any other. He is fiery passion and loud excited exhaltations on whatever subject has currently caught his fancy. He is explosive lacrosse plays, the effusive energy he’s told he radiates. Nobody has ever treated him like he is something delicate, soft. Someone who needs a “Caution: Handle with Care” sign. He didn’t realize he needed that kind of care so badly. But Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor does that and then some.  A look into what college parties look like for Mr. Party Hardy B.H. (before Henry) and A.H. (after Henry)
the clementine thing | anonymous | 6k | T+
And, really, it doesn’t matter whether or not Alex explains it to Liam and the rest of his friends. They’ve never really discussed it between themselves through the years. Slowly, Alex had gone from asking Would you please peel this for me? to Please? to silently extending the citrus without any comment at all, just a soft smile. It’s one of the things that make them Alex-and-Henry; the silent conversations and the contentment in each other’s company. Now, as Alex starts to flourish through his position on the lacrosse team, his slew of AP classes, and his role in student government, getting him to slow down at all is a feat. The only way that Henry can do it, guaranteed, is by one of those innocuous little fruits. There’s nothing Alex can’t do—surely, he could peel a fucking orange if he felt so inclined—but Henry delights in being able to do this for him. (Five times Henry shares a clementine with Alex, and one time Alex returns the favor)
they're gonna watch me disappear into the sun | @raysletters | 18k | M
Alex and Henry have been living together for four months already, and they couldn't be happier.
It all crumbles down when one morning, Henry is rushed to the hospital.
get him alone | @congee4lunch | 103k | E
Alex looks at him, like Henry’s a speck of dirt on his pristine chinos. “Why would June send you to check up on me?” “Because I’m her best friend and you’re her brother?” “I always said she has bad taste.” “Well,” Henry smiles. It feels as placid on his face as it probably looks. “I would say the same thing, but family doesn’t account for one’s taste, unfortunately.”
(in which henry fox is june’s childhood best friend and alex claremont-diaz is june’s younger brother. as the years pass, they tolerate each other at best and are downright destructive at worst. until they begin falling into each other's beds.)
the beagle, the ghost, and the wardrobe | @dumbpeachjuice | 11k | M
Henry’s new flat comes with one unexpected feature: it’s already inhabited. But not by a human. By a ghost.
that's all for now! I want to do another one of these very soon once the halloween, huh fics have been revealed! until then! happy reading! :D
-- anincompletelist / sarah
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weirdo-autumn · 8 months
It's time to make a long ahh post on my OC just because
(This is going to be extremely long so be prepared-)
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Nao Nishi (尚 二死), pronouns are she/they
they had a bit of a difference appearance, somewhat longer hair and an eye patch
They were more quiet, collected. While she still is, it was much more back then
They don't really care about what anyone says anymore- it's always the same insults repeated over and over again and she just got tired of it all
They love their parents dearly, along with present friends
Lonely as heck but hey, they didn't mind
...okay she did but just a LITTLEEE bit
They were the quiet kid in class, just doing she own thing
But if someone, such as a teacher, would talk to them- she would play a cheerful persona who acted like nothing was wrong
They have *such* a high love for samurai and warriors and japanese history and urban legends and all that- that's why they have her katana- that they got from their parents, hand-made
Also love scary stories
One time she wrote their own for a class assignment and they got an A
The best mark they ever got in her life, usually it's average
They also enjoy things like simply sitting around and listening to the sounds of wherever she is, like in a park, listening silently to the winds and possibly other people around doing whatever
They didn't enjoy talking with people much, because. yeah.
But now, they could talk all day but get embarrassed about it because god did she really talk this much
They have a love/hate for coffee
Things they really hate aren't much but- wasps, loud sounds/noises, getting sick, causing attention on herself, lying about anything to family/friends you know nothing special especially when they're forced to in a situation anyway-
Just two years ago, they lived in Japan with their parents- Liam and Nirako (韮高) ((designs in work)).
Back then, with somewhat longer hair, Nao never had their mask but an eye patch to cover her blind eye that they were born with, and because of that, it caused the people around her to be judged, mocked, and looked down upon.
Some of this madness was spread to their family but everyone's eyes were on and only on Nao.
Which was the absolute worst. But, they somehow managed to keep herself together- those were just complete strangers that didn't know a THING about them or her family, sure it hurt but those words meant practically nothing.
In school it was practically the same, whispers going around, laughter, mockery, same old same old. It was boring. And annoying.
But when someone with the name of Uso Akane (嘘 茜) came by,
" say... wanna become friends ? " he displayed a grin on his energetic face.
That smile.
That darn smile.
It made them sick.
Was it some joke? Some sick prank?
This entire time they've dealt with being alone but suddenly this guy shows up like nothing such a happy figure, does he really think she would fall for this?
" i don't think you're a bad person- " cut the crap, they aren't that stupid.
Everyone has talked about her.
Everyone thinks they're disgusting. A creepy little freak.
Why would anyone want to be friends with someone like that?
" everyone thinks and speaks on what they believe, but I believe you're actually kinda cool. This world judges people too much just for something simple as your eye. " he said, moving his hands in various ways to express more.
" you don't deserve that treatment, not one bit of it. "
" so, i'll ask again... " then, he stuck out his hand.
" can we be friends ? "
Why did he seem so desperate for a 'yes'?
That's what ticked Nao off the most.
They didn't know anymore if it was all a joke, a prank, or... nothing.
But... it could be...
" ...... fine. "
They wish she said 'no'.
They wanted to slap, hit, punch herself but. They chose this path.
She was just sick of being alone.
That friendship was all a lie yet thet stayed in that spot for so long.
His name is clearly a clue but NOPE. Apparently not.
Nao slid down to the ground, hugging their knees as they couldn't do anything but sit there as they overheard the familiar and other voices inside the classroom.
Go on and on and on and on about their disgusting, annoying, worthless, inhumane presence. A waste a space.
The complete usual for her, really.
It was gonna happen anyway.
And every single person was going to get a piece of their mind.
....... *click*
A year later, everything was back to normal.
Sort of.
Now, their hair is cut short.
Still the same old whispering and talking and mocking but it was less this time around.
Probably because of an 'incidence' that happened just a year back.
No idea what I'm talking about well-
Uso got outed.
By the half-sighted child herself.
Basically, Nao had hid as well as they could and with a tape recorder she bought, recorded every single time they were talked behind her back.
Ended up getting a recording of Uso hitting them across her face and that moment made everything so much better for them once everything came out.
She had kept it all inside.
So many emotions locked in.
They didn't even tell her parents, as too not worry the two more. They... had their own things to deal with after all.
Nao thought it was weird that not a single person found out but, maybe their fake little persona works in ways that even she doesn't know.
A happy, cheerful, just as energetic kid, as every other child.
But she hated it.
Their parents too.
It wasn't them but a mere, hollow, fake as plastic doll.
That no one but their parents truly loved.
Well, at least their dad did.
Nao never once wanted to act like that thing around their dad.
Her parents ended up divorcing, now it's just them and dad.
It was upsetting, but things like this happen- it's life.
Arguments are a part of that life too.
But doing to either of them would make them hate herself more.
But aside from all the baggage, this time around, they've been a bit more confident about herself, like, they simply don't care anymore.
She took off their eye patch ever since school ended, ever since she got up on that stage and gave it their all to the graduating students of their student- that was something for everyone to remember, especially by all the clapping and loud cheering by some people that made an impact on their school life it- it was something.
Those people will certainly never be forgotten, those two students and their teacher.
Nao didn't know whether to call them friends or simply acquaintances but they did mean a lot anyway.
Asahi Sakura had been there from the start- practically glued onto them, while it was annoying, she was genuine the entire time, even though she had to lie between her teeth with the others.
" gosh you're SO COOL!!! " she would squeal in utter amazement.
Then there was Hajimi Matsuno, the one who was the first to find out about what Nao was doing and how they really were.
" you're... something, all right... " he muttered as a nervous, breathless chuckle came out.
Their teacher, Osuka Akane, a kind-hearted women who treated Nao like any other person- with her warm smile and words.
" i may not know what you feel like, but you have every right to feel this anger inside. " she spoke softly, grasping the now broken racket from their hands.
It was the best Nao ever felt in their life, and it was even better to see and hear their dad to be so proud and happier himself.
So things were going well, even better as Nao didn't give a care in the world and acted more cheerful and upbeat- no longer faking it.
And soon, they both would be moving across the country- somewhere where they could move on and live a good future, with new people in their lives- make friends maybe even meet old ones
And certainly, Nao made those few friends.
...And a crush too. But I bet you know that bit already.
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alarrytale · 3 days
Hi ziam here. I don’t believe either are dads. I’m just going to focus on Zayn right now since he’s the current topic of discusssion. His bbg was always a mess from the start, and there’s several things that would make me 🤨 if I knew nothing else about it. Gigi made the pregnancy announcement only 2 months after splitting up with her ex, Liam posted himself moonwalking to Billie Jean the day Gigi arrived in NYC to give birth, Gigi was posting ads for Zayns new album on her ig the same day she was supposedly in labor and giving birth. Zayns forgotten Khais real age on a number of occasions and sets unrealistic development goals on her like singing falsettos at age 3. Ziam is not as loud as Larry about their bbgs because they are just different people and both their bbgs were never setup to end from the beginning (unlike Louis’)
I don’t think either intend on ending things or ever have plans to come out, and that is why we see Zayn leaning hard into the daddy role. It’s all for their closet. I do wish people would research a bit more about them both before using Zayn as a metric for showing “good dad” behavior and comparing it to Louis as proof- and honestly that goes for any celebrity, lavender babies and bbgs are all over the industry and it’s a sad reality, some people are just better liars than others. Anyway, sorry for the long ask but Ziam shows more proof in their actions/reactions and clothing/tattoos (Zayn tattooing his whole body red is actually a big one for me) if you’re looking for it.
Hi, anon!
I'm not really interested in hearing arguments pro/against this and that when it comes to ziam. You can all believe what you want to. I don't want ziams fighting each other in my inbox. I'm more interested in the fandom dynamics and the different beliefs and narratives you ziams hold. I just find it super interesting that some think that they're not fathers, but they are lavender babies, and L and Z never plan to come out, while some are saying that every rainbow Liam posts is a scream from the closet, but that his kid is really his. It's totally opposite! Does that mean there are several fractions within fandom? Some of you are waiting for a coming out any day now, and some of you know they don't want to come out, ever?
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valentinesdaydate98 · 4 months
Sunshine Boy II
Word count: 1.7k
Fandom: Moriarty the Patriot
Pairing: William James Moriarty x Reader, (slight) Louis James Moriarty x Reader
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“What do you want to be when you grow up, Elizabeth?”
“Me? Oh, I don’t know if I can get a profession, William.” Elizabeth said as she focused back on her drawing. It was a chilly evening, and both were in Elizabeth’s room as they returned from their classes. The homework they received from their last class is a breeze, yet crucial. They have to answer that question and report their answer to their teacher. A simple question, yet Elizabeth didn’t have hope for her future.
“Why is that?” William asked.
Elizabeth ignored his question and continued her drawing.
“Is it because you don’t have a clue what you want to study?” William asked, although he noticed the pencil Elizabeth was drawing with was louder. He figured out what the issue was. “Or are you still anxious about what the future may hold?” The pencil snapped.
Elizabeth mockingly chuckled. “What’s the point of asking me questions if you know the answer?”
“It’s best to ask someone either way,” William said as he shrugged his shoulders. “So, you’re afraid of the future?”
“It’s not only that. I mean, what professional field can I study? I’m nowhere near as intelligent as you or your brothers,” Elizabeth said as she turned her chair around to face him.
“You are already intelligent, Elizabeth. Quite talented as well.” He added as he pointed towards the drawing of sunflowers. “You add so much detail and beautiful shading.”
She squealed as she attempted to explain how the drawing was a present for him and Louis, but ended up spewing nonsense.
“I’m flattered by your drawing, and I’m certain Louis will be, too.” William chuckled softly. “No worries, Elizabeth. We can all teach you everything you need to become a successful individual. We will continue our reading and writing lessons until you’re at a proficient level. Albert can train you to fight, if you like. Louis can help you with the housework. We’re here to support you, Elizabeth. Always.” He declared this as he held her hand, squeezing it gently with a warm smile.
“That’s comforting to hear, William. Thank you. Wait, Louis likes me?” Elizabeth asked in shock.
“Of course he does. Why do you believe he doesn’t?” William asked as his eyes widened by her question.
“Well, Louis has been quiet around me. Granted, he’s always been quiet and reserved. However, when I’m around him, he’s almost silent. I didn’t say anything wrong, did I?”
“No need to worry, Elizabeth. He likes you just as much as I do, maybe more,” William said with a wink.
“More than you do? What do you mean by that?” Elizabeth asked. Unfortunately, Albert knocked on the door to announce that dinner was ready. “We can discuss this matter later. Right now, I’m starving.” Elizabeth said as she gently dragged William down to the dinner table. Before they sat at the table, William pulled her into a hug. In a tight and close embrace, Elizabeth heard his quiet heartbeat and felt his warm skin.
“Thank you, Elizabeth.”
“You are an idiot, William,” Elizabeth said as she held on to her love with all her might. If she wasn’t careful, the sun would rise, but with grim, dull lights.
“Liam, take my hand. Everything will be alright. You’ll find another way to repent your sins, and we will do it together,” Sherlock said with much anticipation.
Elizabeth can only pray William takes his friend’s hand. Unfortunately, her prayers went unanswered. Despite the hopeful look in William’s eyes, he only stared at his friends as their pleadings increased.
“Forgive me, my dear, but this needs to be done,” William said as he took his hidden sword from his coat and slashed Elizabeth‘s arm. A loud hiss from her lips made William drown in guilt. He hurt her. A promise he has kept to himself since childhood. His hands were now the deepest shade of scarlet red. Despite the sharp pain, she never loosened her grip on him. The cut can heal, even if it develops into a scar — anything to prevent the death of her precious sunshine boy.
“I admire your strength, Elizabeth, but I’m not worthy of your tears. I must repent for my sins, dear. Please, promise me one thing, Elizabeth. Find happiness with someone else,” William said as he graced her with his smile.
“What the devil are you talking about, William?” She asked as she took everything to not tear up.
William chuckled. He knew; he always knew. She loved him, and he loved her. Despite reciprocating her feelings, it wasn’t the right thing to do. His plan for starting a revolution always ends with him dying. He can’t give her the life she deserves. They wasn’t meant to be. He would never provide for them, as he would burden them both with his title as the Lord of Crime. A plague on the Moriarty family.
“Promise me you will grow old with someone who will love you. For your gentle heart, for your intelligence and your love of learning, and for your empathy. Do whatever brings you the most joy. Have a beautiful wedding, surrounded by your loved ones. Have as many beautiful and adorable children as you want. Go to university like you always wanted. Become a successful woman. Away from the simple, everyday household chores, and welcome exciting opportunities. Whatever you want, you deserve happiness, my dear. You are an angel, Elizabeth, and I am forever grateful. Goodbye.” William said his farewell with a bright smile before letting go of Elizabeth’s hand.
In a panic, she leans forward to grab his arm with both of Elizabeth’s hands. Her worries faded away as she felt Sherlock’s arms wrapped around Elizabeth’s waist, making them stay in place. Despite their differences, Sherlock and Elizabeth share a mutual respect for one another. For Elizabeth, it was his intelligence and humorous wits. For Sherlock, it was her kindness and hard-working attitude. Mere differences settled aside to save William. This is their last chance.
“Don’t say such words, William. Do you think I will be happy with some other gentleman? You make me laugh,” Elizabeth said mockingly as her tears dripped down his face, surprising William as he faced a new side of Elizabeth. “You are foolish if you believe I will be happy with another man. My heart skips only for you. William, you have blessed me with your mere existence, and you’re just going to throw away everything we’ve been through? William, you will never be alone here—your brothers, your little organization, and me. We’re all guilty. We all have blood on our hands. If you feel guilty, then please live. Live, and we can repent. I will be by your side, no matter what happens. Please live; I can’t hold on much longer,” Elizabeth begged as her cheeks stained a fiery red blush and her tears dripped down and hit Williams’s face and hair. Time was running out.
Her words blessed William’s heart. However, it won’t be fair to her. Even if William is safe, the awful guilt of his crimes will haunt him and Elizabeth. If he wanted to caress her soft cheeks, he’d stain them with his victim’s blood, no matter how many times he washed his hands. He ruined her innocence and her purity. His guilt would worsen as he witnessed Elizabeth’s blood staining her dress at an alarming time. Her tears, her blood, and the frightened expression on her face. It was all too much for him.
“I’m sorry, Elizabeth.” The sound of a large bell ringing blurred his soft whisper. And he slipped away.
As she watched William fall from the bridge, her heart stung. She failed him; she failed William. She couldn’t do anything but watch him fall into what her clouded mind saw—the fiery pits of hell. Adding insult to injury, William smiled back at her and his dear friend, Sherlock.
“William,” Elizabeth whimpered.
“As if that would stop me!” Sherlock said this before jumping off the bridge to catch William. The sight of Sherlock falling left Elizabeth breathless. How can a man have the courage to jump after William despite the fatal end of their fall? How did he jump without any hesitation? Was she not good enough for him?
As they both fell, she felt her soul ripped off of her body. The cold shivered as the sun rose, and the bile built up in her throat. She cried for Sherlock; she sobbed for William until she screamed William’s name. Her scream penetrated the ears of millions and echoed across the country. Rumors spread that the Queen heard Elizabeth’s scream as well. The Lord of Crime is gone; her sunshine boy is dead.
Time skip
If William broke his promise, then Elizabeth was a hypocrite for calling him out. It’s been three years since the disappearance of William and Sherlock. It’s safe to assume they both perished and their bodies were lost. Or perhaps they ran away. Elizabeth wasn’t sure which one was worse. In the years since their disappearance, vast changes have occurred for everyone, especially Elizabeth. The most important thing was her relationship with another man. She tried to find someone else, but every date she attended felt sour. However, being pressured by society to get married made her conflicted. On the one hand, she doesn’t want society to pressure her into an arranged marriage. On the other hand, she’s already the victim of harassment thanks to her affiliation with the Lord of Crime, despite the court finding her innocent. She supposes that finding a husband will inspire the public to leave her alone. Or maybe that’s her naivety shining through. Either way, she wants to settle down and have a simple life again. She needs something to take her mind off of William once and for all.
Some say that people can hear Elizabeth’s shouts and cries on every anniversary of William’s passing all across the country. As if her tortured and lonesome soul haunted the people the night of his death, still looking for William.
However, tonight was the night Elizabeth would break the hidden promise she made that night. As she put on her make-up, she heard a light knock on her bedroom door.
“The door is open, Louis.” She said this as she fixed her nightgown and make-up and waited for Louis to enter her bedroom.
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spookyblazecoffee · 1 year
What if... the bite killed Liam?
Isaac comes back from France when he gets the call from his mom.
He sees Scott and Stiles at the funeral.
He goes up to them to ask them how they knew Liam and Stiles tells him what happened, and he just breaks down
Jordan comes over and holds Isaac as close as possible while he cries, glaring at Scott while doing so, because he somehow knows about the supernatural already.
Mason, Brett, and Lori are all there and Mason snaps at Brett because it’s the only way he knows how to handle him being there because Brett left him and Liam alone even though they had been friends basically since birth.
Lori, having kept in touch with Mason and Liam after Brett left them, had asked Brett to take her knowing that no matter how much he protested he would go because he wanted to apologize to Mason at least.
Brett breaking down while Mason yells at him repeating the words “I’m sorry” under his breath until he’s saying it loud enough for Mason to hear him and there’s tears in his eyes.
Mason stopping his rant to just stare at Brett and ask: “If you’re sorry why did you leave us?” Brett doesn’t say anything, he just cries, and this is the most Mason and Lori have seen him cry since Camden died.
Isaac just keeps shouting at Scott and Stiles even though he knows Scott bit Liam to save him.
Scott telling Isaac that he’s sorry and he didn’t think about the chance that Liam could’ve died until after he bit him or that Liam was the younger brother he had talked about and letting Isaac yell at him after he says that.
The next time Isaac visits Beacon Hills Jordan takes him on a trip to all the places they visited with Camden and Liam growing up, including their grandad’s grave.
Mason and Brett slowly becoming friends again because they both agreed that it would be better if they had someone to confide in other than Lori and their families.
Jenna breaking down like she had when Camden died at the funeral and when she finds out.
Jordan and Isaac seeing Liam out of the corners of their eyes and knowing he isn’t real, but still trying to catch him thinking it’s his ghost. After a while they no longer see him.
After the funeral Isaac avoids Scott and Stiles until he goes back to France, ignoring their calls and texts, not leaving his mom’s house. He even goes as far as blocking Stiles’ number, but not Scott’s because he couldn’t bring himself to do it.
Isaac sleeping in Liam’s room while he’s at his mom’s home, reading the history books that Liam always talked about so happily.
Jordan carries on Liam’s tradition of visiting Camden’s grave on Camden’s birthday, Liam’s birthday, and sometimes Christmas along with visiting Liam’s grave on those days and the day Liam died.
Scott and Isaac get back into contact with each other after a few years, but Isaac is still a little distant. Until he has a nightmare and has to call Scott because no one else is picking up their phones.
Brett, Lori, and Mason each finding a different place or object significant to the three of them and Liam to place rocks and honor the pact they all made when they were kids. (Mason’s is hidden at the bottom of the tree they all used to climb in the park where he first came out to all of them. Brett’s is in the little hole in the only remaining tree in the backyard of his and Lori’s old house after the fire. Lori’s is on a necklace she’s almost always wearing that the other three bought her for her birthday after scrounging up enough money.)
Brett and Lori end up buying a lot of history books they skim through so they can read them and read to Liam’s grave because they think he might like them. (Mason also does this sometimes.)
@waiting-to-be-lost-at-sea I know this isn’t really what you had in mind, but I can only write angst apparently and it was pretty much the only thing I could think of.
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metagalacticx · 2 years
“You haven’t even decorated?!”
Fictober Day 7✨
cw: violence (but like, canon-typical violence)
In the light of day Violet had made a pledge to herself. One that turned into a working mantra. Be chill. Be very chill. Do not freak out.
It had worked for the better part of three hours. No one had upset her enough for her to roll her eyes, or for that saccharine sweet smile she fires when pissed beyond belief to make an appearance. She had driven around downtown Beacon Hills picking up all the pre-ordered gifts, because everyone knows a party with close friends isn’t complete without them. Tiny gifts, but gifts nonetheless. At one point someone had cut her off in traffic and she’d dug nails into the steering wheel with a grimace, but remained otherwise composed. Be chill. Be very chill. Do not freak out.
"Is it… all right if I stand here?"
The voice comes from somewhere behind her and she’s wishing she had blown up at that stupid old lady on the street earlier, because then it’d have probably taken the edge off whatever she’s about to spit at Liam fucking Dunbar and his stupid mop of wet, floppy hair.
"Free country, Dunbar."
"But is it… all right… with you?"
With her jaws still clenched, she spins to find him beside her.
His eyes are wide, lake-blue now under the bleak porch lights.
"I just wanted to say I’m sorry, I didn’t know it was you at the door."
Perfect. So he would have pulled the stupid prank anyway.
Ruining the one event she’s been looking forward to all semester by spraying someone else from head to toe with silly string, dousing someone else with flour, ruining someone else’s salon-perfected hair with yolk and shell and whatever other fucking gross thing he’d swiped over her dress.
"I swear, ask Mase when he gets here! He helped me plan it. It was supposed to be Garett."
Be chill. Be very chill. Do not fucking freak out.
"Are we cool?" He asks through that kicked puppy pout with eyebrows drawn down over piercing blue eyes that look so pathetic on his wet face. He’s lucky it wasn’t Garrett. He’d be nursing a broken nose by now.
"You know what," she cackles, sharp and loud, "we’re cool.
My dress is ruined, my hair is… really ruined, and now I smell like whatever the hell’s growing on the white-stained socks under your bed but we’re really fucking cool, Dunbar. We are ice fucking cold."
Liam winces but doesn’t move. "I know everything sucks, I promise I’ll help you clean up before everyone else gets here. Truce?"
She balls her fist and swings. Liam ducks, but just barely.
"I’m gonna strangle you!"
"Wait!" He’s pleading but not exactly trying to get away. "Hey, I get it, okay? Let’s just— fuck!"
Her kick lands and he’s hopping along the edge of the porch, away from her but not heading inside or out to the lawn like he should. Like she expects him to.
"Violet, wait! I’ll let you punch me, I get it. Just wait!"
She’s seething, eyes tracking the bobbing blur of Liam across the porch of his house. Where everyone else should be showing up in less than an hour for their costume party. The one she’s been planning with him for three weeks. The one he just fucking ruined.
"Stop moving, you fucking glazed donut!"
Liam does stop, but only to let out a surprised chuckle, "Glazed donut…?"
"I’m gonna kill you!"
Someone screams, it sounds like someone screams, but she’s not concerned because she’s got Liam by the throat and he’s flat on his back on the porch. It’s only when he’s knocking wrists and elbows against the floor— in his scramble to get away from the knee lodged in his side— and the sound hits her ears again that she realises the high-pitched shriek had come from him.
"Violet, wait! If you kill me—" he coughs as she tightens her hold around his neck. Her teeth are bared and if she just had slightly bigger hands, a slightly stronger grip she could—
"Who’s gonna—” he splutters, digs blunt nails into her wrist, “who’s gonna decorate the house?"
"You haven’t even decorated?!"
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zot3-flopped · 2 years
I would like to rank the ex bandmates because I have some stuff to say. From worst to least worse.
4. Zayn. Like another anon said, Zayn was always number 2 or even 1 for me a long time. I honestly thought he just didn’t want anything else to do with the band. Then Fine Line became really successful and Zayn lost his shit. As soon as he realized it was about to be nominated for a Grammy he decided to piggyback off of the The Weeknd and shade the Grammys. Biggest difference is that The Weeknd had songs and an album that did well enough to deserve a Grammy nom but he was snubbed. No one outside of Directioners or ex Directioners knew Zayn had put out NIL. So his Twitter rants looked like shade towards Harry and immature tantrums. He then began posting pics whenever Harry posted a pic or did anything monumental. Zarries use this as Zarry proof when in reality it’s Zayn saying “Look at me!”. Then you have Zayn singing 1D songs on his lives. I thought he didn’t like the music? He is so jealous of Harry and he can’t help himself from being bitchy about it in his own aloof sort of way. Last, how can a guy who assaulted an older woman still have fans? I will never understand why he still has a fanbase. It’s definitely smaller, but they’re still loud and annoying on Twitter.
4. Louis is tied with Zayn because it seems too many people have forgotten that he also assaulted a female like Zayn. Those girls in the airport shouldn’t have jumped Eleanor, but Louis shouldn’t have jumped in and swung at a female. Airport security was right there. In fact, Louis fell tripping over security in an attempt to get to the girls. Also, Louis knows he shouldn’t have a career. You can tell by how he answered some of the questions in that recent interview. He knows who his fanbase is and caters to them. I believe 100% that’s why Eleanor finally had enough. She went to his shows and was surround by pride flags and Larry signs and couldn’t handle him not addressing it any longer. She probably even brought up the fact that she has to limit her replies on Instagram when she makes money as an influencer, but he can’t even address the fact that his fans have disrespected her for years. Louis is also cocky for someone who knows he shouldn’t have a career. He is so privileged and thinks his fans should go the extra mile for him because he asks them to. Him being groped by teenage fans is also disgusting. He must have really liked it because now he’s dating someone who looks like a teenager.
3. Niall tries to act nonchalant, but he is doing everything in his power to have a career that mirrors Harry’s. The begging in one tweet then bragging in another is also annoying. Like, does he think he’s the shit or does he need to beg his fans to treat him like he’s the shit? I guess both.
2. Liam is annoying as hell. That’s his only flaw. He needs a PR team because his personality is not it and I don’t think he even realizes it.
Very perceptive analysis! Thank you for this.
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A Fire of Devotion
Billy Russo x female reader
A love letter to all the people who enjoy my work ❤
Warnings: mentions of violence and attempted sexual assault, a little bit of murder, smut (18+), mild degradation (just a little?)
Summary: Billy would do anything for you. He'd hurt anyone who dared to disrespect his wife.
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Work today was nothing short of hell. Things were just not going to plan, and no one was taking responsibility for messing up. You had gotten a couple texts from Billy throughout the day, but ultimately, you were unable to reply because of your strenuous workload.
You’re typing at your desk when there’s a knock at your door.
“Yes?” you call out.
“Delivery for Mrs. Russo?” someone calls out.
“Uh, yes, come in.”
It’s a delivery man, with the most gorgeous bouquet of flowers in his arms.
“You’re kidding.” You murmur, a smile creeping onto your face.
Butterflies erupt in your stomach when you glance at the bouquet. Your receptionist follows behind the delivery man.
“Wow! These are for you?” Candice asks, no doubt ready to spread the word to the entire office. You catch a couple of women glancing into your office to catch a peek at the flowers.
“I guess so,” you say taking the clipboard and signing for the delivery before smiling and sending him on his way. “What’s all the fuss about?”
“Those are Juliet roses, they go for around five thousand a stem, and you have eight of them in there.” She squints “Are those diamonds?!”
Your eyes roam over the bouquet, sure enough, there are small gems at the centre of each rose, you can’t say for sure whether they are diamonds or not, but knowing Billy, you can make an educated guess.
“I’m gonna kill him.” You decide.
“Your husband sent this?”
She’s really annoying you now, no doubt with all the chatter she’s going to cause later.
You reach for the small envelope nestled between the roses. You slip the envelope open and pull out the card. It’s in his handwriting.
‘Please respond to my texts. -Billy’
“Can you push my next appointment back for a couple of minutes? I have to make a call.”
She murmurs an affirmative but doesn’t leave the room. You pick up your phone and you look at her.
“Anything else?” You ask.
“Oh! No…sorry!” she says backing out your office, the door closing with a resounding click.
Billy answers on the first ring. You can hear the smile in his voice, prompting yours in return.
“Mrs. Russo, to what do I owe this pleasure?”
When will the fluttering in your stomach go away?
“There are cheaper ways to get my attention.” You tease.
“Oh I’m sure there are,” his voice drops an octave, “but you know I like to spoil what’s mine.”
“You’re dumb.” You say affectionately.
“And?” he asks.
“And I wouldn’t want anyone else. Expensive flowers or not.”
He laughs, and you feel your chest fill with warmth.
“I have one more meeting and I’m done for the day. Will I see you later?”
You receive an email from Candice telling you that your next client is here. When you see the name, you give a loud sigh.
“What is it?”
“Sorry,” You say, feeling bad for cutting him off, “It’s just… my next appointment is, well, an ex.”
Billy hums, “Want me to call in an emergency?” which is what he sometimes does to get you out of work. Used only in extreme circumstances… like when he needs you to help him let off some steam and can’t wait.
You giggle, “Nah, I’ll be fine.” You say, unsure. “I’ll see you tonight?”
“It’s a date.” He says, the smile returning to his voice.
“I love you, byee.” You sing.
He says the same to you and with a click- he’s gone.
And you walk to open the door to greet the man who slept with your best friend… ex- best friend. Whatever.
You greet Liam with a smile, show him no unsavoury faces or expressions. You welcome him into your office and he sits in front of your desk.
When he spots the bouquet of roses, he gives a sharp whistle.
“You still sending yourself flowers? Or is someone trying to compensate for something?” He jokes.
You clench your jaw hard and smile at him.
“Why don’t we get right down to business.” You say.
You wish you could say that the unprofessional comments ended there, but that would be a lie.
When he spots the ring on your finger, he jokes about how you ‘managed to trap a man into marrying you.’ He keeps bringing up old stories about your relationship, trying to belittle you at any opportunity he can. Through all of this, you keep your calm demeanor. This is your place of work and you do your best to treat it as such.
Eventually, when you have a working draft, you tell him you’ll need time to come up with a functional plan and that you’ll send him the proposal as soon as you can.
You walk around your desk and extend your hand to shake. He takes your hand in his, but he doesn’t let go, moving himself closer instead.
“You know we had some good times back in college. We probably still can right now.”
You try to tug your wrist free.
“I’m not interested Liam. I’m married.”
He pulls you in closer, his breath hits your face. You keep trying to tug your hand free but his grip is too tight, almost bruising.
“Let go.” You say firmly.
He grabs the back of your head and moves his head in closer to yours.
“Stop!” you say loudly.
The door swings open.
Liam lets you go and you stumble back, holding on to the desk for support. Your breathing is shaky as you glance up at the door.
Billy is there. Shoulders squared aggressively. His face is a stony mask.
“Hey man,” Liam says, “You kind of interrupted a moment here.”
Billy glances at you, making sure you’re physically okay before looking at your ex.
“Your business with my wife is over. Get the fuck out. Now.”
“Wife? Look, she came on to me. Telling me how much she missed me and shit.” He smiles, “She’s definitely not a loyal girl if you know what I mean. Probably with you for the money.” He says, pointing at the roses.
Billy has already decided that this man isn’t living for another day when he smiles and steps to the side to let this walking piece of shit pass.
“I’m not asking again.”
Liam sighs, “Whatever man.” He says and leaves.
Billy closes the door behind him and walks up to you.
You take him into a hug almost immediately. You’re shaking so bad in his arms that his chest aches with worry and uncontrollable rage. No one touches his wife like that and lives.
He smoothes his hand over your hair.
“You’re okay” he soothes.
“Yeah I am.” You say, looking up at him, “Was two seconds away from kneeing him in the balls when you walked in.
He laughs, “I would have paid to see that.” He reaches for the beautiful flowers and places them in your arms. He gathers your things into your bag and wraps an arm around your waist.
“Come on, let’s go.”
He guides you out your office and you notice the number of eyes fixed on Billy. Both men and women alike slow down to eye him as he passes. You’re honestly glad that he’s taking the attention away from you. Anyone who looks at you too closely would notice your disheveled appearance.
 He takes you home and draws you a bath. He slips in behind you and you stay there together, relaxing in each other’s embrace. You tell him about the shit day you’d been having long before that fucker walked in. You even tell him about the relationship you had with Liam during college and the events that transpired that had you throwing his items out of your apartment at eight in the morning. He kisses your shoulders and holds you close, telling you that you’re safe and loved.
When the water gets cold, he carries you to your bedroom and helps you slip into one of your silk chemises. He holds you against his body as you fall asleep to the sound of his heart beating for you. Your legs are tangled together and his hands are warm against your skin. Billy manages to help you find peace in your chaos.
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 A muffled crash rouses you from sleep, followed by a muttered curse. You glance at the clock, it's one in the morning and Billy’s not in bed. You slip out from under the blankets, shivering when your skin hits the frigid air for the first time. You make your way toward the sounds of fumbling followed by curses, to find your husband standing in your kitchen tugging at his shoes in the dark.
“Billy?” you call out as you flick on the lights.
Billy freezes and turns to you.
You gasp. He’s dressed in his tactical gear from head to toe. There are splashes of blood on his face, and darkened spots on his clothes that can only be more blood. His knuckles are bruised and bloody.
“Help?” he asks gently.
“What happened?” you ask, voice panicked as you reach him.
You help him out of his gear, pulling the retractable knife on his wrist over his bloody knuckles and helping him out of his shirt.
“Where did you go?” You try again.
He moves to clean his hands in the kitchen sink. The sound of water is the only thing you hear before he speaks.
“No one touches my wife.” Is all he says.
“You went after Liam? Is he- Did you-?”
Billy glances at you.
“He won’t bother you again. He won’t be bothering anyone again.”
“You didn’t have to-“ the words die in your throat.
"Yes. I did."
You grab a napkin and dampen it, holding his face in your hand and you wipe at the crimson droplets scattered on him.
"I don't want you getting into trouble for me." You plead.
"You're the only thing worth getting in trouble for." His hands move to grip at your hips, sliding the silky material up your body.
"But I won't be getting into any trouble, no one will notice him missing by the time they find him."
You swallow as he pins you against the kitchen counter and starts kissing at your neck.
"Doesn't feel right." You murmur, fighting a moan.
"Would you feel better if I told you that you weren't the first woman he did that to? Found a lot of evidence in his phone. Videos. Threats. You weren't the first person, but you were definitely the last."
You moan as he bites down on your collarbone. It actually did make you feel better, knowing that Liam wouldn't hurt anyone else.
"Doesn't matter that he hurt other women though. He was dead the moment he put his hands on you." Those words definitely shouldn't turn you on as much as they do.
Billy picks you up and plants your ass on the counter. You spread your legs invitingly for him and he wastes no time fitting his body into yours and claiming your mouth with a searing kiss.
"Nobody touches what's mine." He growls against your lips, "Do you understand?"
"Yes." You gasp, pulling his mouth back to yours.
The kiss is harsh and demanding. Billy holds nothing back as his rough hands travel over your body, squeezing at the flesh of your ass, short nails scraping at your scalp as he guides your head this way and that, while he commands your attention with his tongue.
"Ohh Billy." You moan, his mouth trailing down your neck and biting gently at the skin just above your chemise.
Your hands are also exploring his body, sinking your fingers into his hair and scratching at his shoulders when his bites get a bit too rough. He mouths at the material over your breast, wetting the silk with his saliva and watching your nipples harden under his torment.
You hear a dissatisfied grunt before he grabs your dress and tears it right down the middle. The sound of the fabric tearing has you clenching around nothing desperately.
"Mine." He groans, delivering a filthy lick from the base of your breast, over your nipple and up your neck. He bites at your jaw gently. His hands rip the remaining fabric right down the middle, and slips the ruined silk off your shoulders.
His mouth wraps around a nipple and you let out a choked gasp. You're fully nude against his half-dressed form. Your hands reach for his belt, you tug the gun from its holster and unbuckle it while Billy sucks marks onto your neck and collarbones.
You undo his belt next, and then the button of his pants. You manage to slip his boxers down and pull out his pulsing erection. He groans impatiently when you give him a few slow strokes.
"Can't wait. Need you right now. Are you ready?" He asks desperately.
You nod your head and guide him into your wet heat. You both let out simultaneous groans as he presses himself into you. He hits every spot just right as he fills you. Your toes curl as you try to fight off an orgasm so soon. But you're too hooked on him, the warmth of his skin, the metallic smell in the air that mixes with his cologne, his mindless moans of pleasure. When he finally stuffs all of his cock into you, you clench around him, crying out in bliss at your unprompted orgasm.
"You just cum baby? Couldn't wait a little?" He grips your throat and you whimper.
He gently glides his cock against your walls teasingly, "Filthy little girl, having her first orgasm as soon as I put my cock in?"
He growls, "Think anyone else can give you that?" You shake your head, his small movements turn into thrusts. "Think anyone can have you coming like a needy whore on their cock like this?"
He runs his tongue over your cheek
"No fucking way they can. That's why you took those vows right? That's why you wear my ring on that pretty finger of yours."
You nod your head, his words are only helping to throw you to the brink of another orgasm.
His hips slam into yours now, he's not holding anything back.
"Say them again," he grunts, "tell me those vows."
You're not sure how he really expects you to speak. One swift slap to your ass has your lips moving.
"For better or for worse," you gasp.
"For r-richer or... poorer."
His fingers move to play with your nipples.
"In sickness and in- ahh- health."
You make sure to look right into his heated gaze when you say the last line,
"Till death do us part."
He groans, his thrust become punishing, his hips slap into yours, filling the room with the filthiest noises.
His fingers ghost over your clit and you arch into him.
"You're fucking mine." Is all you hear him say as fireworks explode behind your eyes. You cling to him desperately, letting him anchor you to reality as your mind floats in bliss.
You're burning for him now, aching, and he knows it. He picks you up easily and starts moving, you don't know where he's going until he drops you gently onto the living room couch.
"Don't think I can make it to the bed." He confesses as he shucks the remainder of his clothes off and cover you with his body. He wants to bury his tongue in your pussy and feel you come on his tongue but you have other ideas.
You push him back until he's sitting on the couch. You straddle his hips and waste no time in pressing yourself back onto his cock.
He gasps, feeling the way your movements shift from needy to desperate. You're both covered in the marks of your lovemaking and it's not over yet.
You take your time bouncing on his cock, holding his face close to yours, crying out when the head of his cock grazes that special spot inside you. He watches your breasts bounce, he feels your pussy flutter around him. He gets taken with the way your hair looks- wild and messy.
"Say it again." He gasps, your eyes meet his. "Tell me those vows again." He begs.
You grip the back of his head and mesh his lips with yours.
"For better or for worse." You moan.
You pull on his hair and dig your nails into his shoulder.
"Richer.... or poorer."
His hands embrace you, holding you tight to his body as you rock yourself on his cock. He's so close.
"In... in sickness and in health."
Your fingers sink deeper into his skin and he knows you're there.
"Till death- ah!" You cry out as you come, clenching so tight that Billy's orgasm is triggered.
He holds you tightly to him, no space in between you two as you feel him cum inside you, his warm spend filling you up and spilling out around his cock.
You're both trembling, breathing erratic as you experience your highs together.
He kisses any open skin his mouth can reach, pecking at the marks he's left on your body. His hands hold you in place, not ready to slip his cock from inside you.
Your lovemaking doesn't end there. When you're both ready again, he takes you on the coffee table, whispering the filthiest words.
"Gonna fuck you on every inch of this apartment, till you can't look at a spot without imagining the ways I stuffed you with my cock on them."
When he presses your body into the floor length windows and slams into you with punishing thrusts of his hips.
"No one can see us all the way up here. But I know you wish they would. I know you wished they could see how well you take my cock, wish they'd see how much of a good girl you are for your husband. Fuck... that's it, cream all around me while I fill you up."
When you finally make it to the bed, it's because Billy has to carry you there. He's cum inside you way too many times to keep track. Your legs no longer function properly and you're covered in scratches, bites and hickies. Billy doesn't really look any better, he has long deep scratches marring his perfect back, hickies all over his chest and trailing lower to just above his cock.
You're tangled in each other once more, listening to his breathing as exhaustion takes over.
"I want you." You say into his chest, "I will always want you."
The only indication that he's heard you is a gentle squeeze of your shoulder before you sink into sleep.
Billy squeezes his eyes shut. He knows that no matter what he says- its really him that belongs to you.
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