#liara weir
lurking-lilibeth · 1 year
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It's Bianca's birthday. Instead of celebrating at home, they have a lovely dinner at Doc Alan's. It's a big date, so Bianca gets a big gift - a new car. It's modest because that is all the family can afford, but she wouldn't ask for any other.
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bioticbooty · 11 months
Get to Know the Fanfic Writer
Tagged by @cr-noble-writes (thank you!!)
When did you post your first ever fanfic?
April 2011
First Character(s) you wrote?
Commander Shepard
Main Character(s) you’re currently writing?
Stargate: OC Eva, Ronan Dex, John Sheppard, Teyla Emmagan, Major Lorne, Rodney McKay
Fable III: The Princess, Ben Finn
Mass Effect SaOS: Wilde with heavy featuring of Kaidan Alenko, Commander Shepard, Liara T'Soni
Mass Effect Crosshairs 'Verse: Olivia Shepard, Kaidan Alenko, Ashley Williams
Character(s) you haven’t written about before but plan to write about soon?
I've got some ME characters coming for The Great Rewrite that I haven't featured before, or only mentioned tangentially in posts about The Future (or have shared snippets about but they aren't in anything published): Lian Jones, Milena Alenko and Andre Alenko, Hannah Shepard and Lucas Shepard, Jill Shepard, Isabel Shepard-Alenko
And then I have some ME characters coming Stars are Other Suns and they all are OC's so the names will likely mean nothing to everyone except for the first one for those that have read the story: Admiral Lorelai Wilde, Commander Eneki Wooddell, Admiral Ade Detmer, Admiral Raleigh Frost, Captain Jett Cruz.
I have way more names for both stories for side characters of various degrees (who may become main characters in the future, who the hell knows what will happen??) because I can't not flesh out entire crew rosters for the various ships, even if they are mentioned only in passing, because what if one day that ship and her crew come back to the story?? I have my own internal wiki and family trees for my stories. I am maybe a little insane.
Fandom(s) you’re currently writing?
Mass Effect, Fable III, Stargate Atlantis
Platonic pairing(s) you’re currently writing?
Stargate: OC/Major Lorne & OC/Rodney (Stargate)
Mass Effect SaOS: Wilde/Astrid & Wilde/EDI & Wilde/Liara
Mass Effect Crosshairs 'Verse: Olivia Shepard/Ashley Williams & Kaidan Alenko/Ashley Williams & Kaidan Alenko/Glenn Delgado & Olivia Shepard/Ayla Reyes & Olivia Shepard/Kassy Black & Kaidan Alenko/Jake Morowski
Romantic pairing(s) you’re currently writing?
Stargate: Ronon/OC, Sheppard/Weir
Fable III: The Princess/Ben Finn
Mass Effect SaOS: Wilde/Alenko & Shepard/Vakarian
Mass Effect Crosshairs 'Verse: Olivia Shepard/Kaidan Alenko
Your top AO3 tags?
Shepard/Alenko (surprising no one)
Action/Adventure (all mass effect is action adventure! this one was an easy one)
Fluff (also unsurprising)
Current platform you use for posting?
Snippet of the WIP you are currently working on?
From The Great Rewrite, Volume #3: Daybreak
“Turian brandy?” Anderson offers once they’re in his cabin. Nihlus sits down on the sofa, legs jutting out at odd angles. Furniture is never as universal as it should be. “Please.” They sit and drink in silence for a few minutes. It gives Anderson time to think, maybe time he doesn’t need to think, because his thoughts are drawn to twenty years ago when he was the top of the shortlist and he was assigned a turian Spectre to oversee his abilities, who’d go with him on missions. Determine if he could make the cut. Obviously, he hadn’t. Now Shepard is top of the shortlist and damned if Anderson doesn’t want to protect her in ways he was never protected. Of course, no one knew what to expect, then. They had ideas, but nothing concrete. So far, Nihlus is nothing like Saren was. Of course, pinning it all on Saren isn’t exactly fair. Anderson is the one who abandoned the mission, because Kahlee was involved. And he liked her. Maybe loved her, already. He’s had a long time to think about everything he did that mission, and while he’s not bitter anymore like he used to be, and while he still feels Saren has it out for humanity, bottom line is when push came to shove, Anderson went for the girl. Shepard won’t. He only knows this because she didn’t on Elysium. She didn’t even have an assigned mission at the time. No orders. Just a marine on shore leave with her girl and the slavers chose that day to hit Elysium and ran into the implacable wall that was Shepard — and failed. Not one batarian made it past whatever line she drew, and she was always redrawing that line, claiming more territory. Anderson had been so fucking impressed when she calmly presented the situation, still in her civvies, covered in blood, smoke and dirt, ruined sniper strapped to her back and a borrowed pistol flashing a low ammo block warning. She wasn’t the highest ranking marine on the ground. Hell, she wasn’t even assigned to Elysium, though everyone wanted her to be after that. But everyone on the ground who’d survived that day answered to her. And after it was all done, then — and only then — did she go looking for her girl. Anderson was there for that, too.
Tagging anyone who wants to do this!
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purpleyin · 2 years
Multiamory March 2022 masterlist
I realized recently I didn’t do a masterlist at all for 2021 - but the 3 things I made can be found here. Also I didn’t do one for 2022 yet, probably because of being exhausted from running the event. After only making 3 things for previous the March this year was a success for sure, even if it was Stoncy heavy because that was the new (to me) ship I got obsessed with.
Stranger Things - Stoncy - Rocky Horror Picture Show
DCEU - Dinah/Harley/Helena - growth
Mass Effect - V Kaidan/Shepard + Shepard/Liara
Stranger Things - Stoncy - date night 
Stranger Things - Stoncy - Firefly AU
Stranger Things - Stoncy - domestic 
DCTV -  Snowestallen - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine AU
Stranger Things - Stoncy - Harry Potter AU
Stranger Things - Stoncy - bed sharing
Stranger Things - Stoncy - Victorian monster hunting trio
BBC Sherlock - Johnlockmollry (John/Sherlock/Molly/Mary) - Victorian
Stargate Atlantis - Teyla/Elizabeth/Kate 
Stranger Things - Stoncy - Coffeeshop AU
Stargate Atlantis - Shep/McKay/Weir - growing old together
DCEU - Harley Quinn/Rick Flag/Robert DuBois - Fanmix “Call It A Mission”
Stranger Things - Stoncy - clothes sharing
Stranger Things - Stoncy - punk aesthetic
DCTV - Coldwestallen - Fanmix “Wake Up, Slow Down & Find”
Stranger Things - Stoncy - Noir AU
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musicislife1396 · 5 years
I recently started playing Mass Effect, so when I saw this, I decided to do it. I found it on here.
1. Commander Shepard  Paragon: A main character that puts the needs of everyone else before their own
Nona Grey from The Book of the Ancestor by Mark Lawrence. She always puts her friends first and I love her for it.
Renegade: A main character that chooses to do bad things for “the greater good”
Rhys form ACOTAR. He’s done some pretty bad things to protect those he loves. I feel like there is actually a better character for this that’s nagging at the back of my mind, but I can’t think who right now.
2. Eden Prime: the book/book series that got you into reading
This question pops up often in tags and I don’t really have an answer for it. I’ve been into reading for as long as I can remember.
3. Liara T’Soni: a book that taught you something new 
The Martian by Andy Weir. It taught me how to survive on Mars.
4. Garrus Vakarian: a character that brought joy/life to an otherwise sad/too serious book
Sand dan Glokta from The First law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie. This isn’t so much sad or serious, as it’s just grim. But I always enjoyed Glokta so much. His narrative is so dry and witty, I couldn’t help but laugh.
5. Virmire  Kaidan Alenko: a book that was boring in the beginning but ended up becoming good
Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge. I honestly don’t remember a whole lot about this book besides that I really enjoyed it and that it started up slow. i might have to re-read it.
Ashley Williams: a book/book series that no matter how many times you’ve tried you just can’t get into it
It pains me to say this, but The Silmarillion by J. R. R. Tolkien. It’s just so dense and not really a cohesive book. I really want to know all of the things it talks about, but so far, I have tried reading it at least 6 times. And I never get very far into it. It’s just so hard to keep track of all the characters and places and timelines. I invariably end up confused and give up like 200 pages in. I have read the first part of the book so many times and I still don’t remember who all the characters are.
6. Joker: a book that made you laugh
Any Jonas Jonasson book.
7. Tali’Zorah vas Normandy: a character that grew throughout the book and ended up becoming an amazing character
I don’t want to use the same character again, but I have to mention Nona again. She was always an awesome character, but she grew so much throughout the series.
Also, Nassun from The Broken Earth. 
8. Mordin Solus and Thane Krios: a character that had a tragic death that you wish you could bring back to life
Lady from A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin. Stop killing animals, please. Thank you.
9. Reapers: a villain that you love
Sebastian Morgenstern from The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare (art by Cassandra Jean).
10. The Ending  Destroy: a book/book series you wish you could make disappear
I don’t know. There are some books that I’d want to make disappear from my brain, but I don’t necessarily think they’re harmful and should stop existing. Maybe Fifty Shades of Grey. Although I haven’t read that. But if it’s even half as toxic and awful as I’ve heard it made out to be, then I’d want it to stop existing.
Control: an author you wish you could control in order to change something about their book/book series
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Patrick Rothfuss. I would make him WRITE BOOK 3 FASTER!!!
Synthesize: two authors you wish would co-write a book
I don’t really know for this one.
  The Mass Effect Book Tag I recently started playing Mass Effect, so when I saw this, I decided to do it. I found it on…
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lurking-lilibeth · 2 years
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Connor buys a new parrot called Lekko. It's been enough time since their previous parrot's passing. Liara likes Lekko a lot.
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lurking-lilibeth · 2 years
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Samantha Weir's (nee Cordial) family is next, starting the rotation before the sun is up.
A brief recap:
Samantha is a neutral witch and a doctor, and she is married to Connor Weir, a somewhat unlucky (but not enough to get the "unlucky" trait) architect.
Their daughter Liara is a long-awaited, much beloved child. She takes mostly after her father in her appearance and personality, being pretty grumpy and clumsy. Liara is very attached to the family's-
-witch housekeeper, Clara Simons.
The family has two cats: Magical (ginger) and Hatter (brown and gray).
The money is tight, so everyone who is able to work, does. Even Clara took on extra work outside of the house.
Samantha: knowledge / family aries: 5/3/6/7/7 charismatic, mooch, night owl, animal lover, hopeless romantic LTW: have 20 simultaneous best friends +cooking skill, +creativity skill, -zombiism OTH: tinkering career: medicine supernatural creature: neutral witch partner: Connor Weir
Connor: family / knowledge cancer: 5/5/3/8/4 vehicle enthusiast, grumpy, schmoozer, heavy sleeper, coward LTW: have 6 grandchildren +jewelry, +black hair, -chubby OTH: games career: architecture partner: Samantha Weir
Liara: sagittarius: 5/5/9/8/1 grumpy, light sleeper, clumsy OTH: sports
Clara: wealth / grilled cheese gemini: 4/7/8/3/3 mooch, never nude, light sleeper, angler, schmoozer LTW: own 5 top-level businesses +swimwear, +logic skill, -brown hair OTH: sports career: adventure; live-in housekeeper
Hatter: cat male hooman: Samantha personality: 1/2/1/1/3 career: service
Magical: cat female hooman: Samantha personality: 1/2/3/1/2 career: show biz
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lurking-lilibeth · 2 years
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Liara's days. She is not the most outgoing child in general; combined with her grumpiness, it makes it hard for her to make friends. Liara either entertains herself, waiting for her parents to come home, or spends time with Clara.
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lurking-lilibeth · 2 years
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A glass of energizing pond boot potion in the morning helps Clara get through the day as she takes care of Liara and the cats, greets visitors, and cooks.
[As a side note, I don't remember why the Weirs were having dinner with Goneril and Albany Capp. I've no notes about any of them becoming friends at any point, and they don't work together, so it's kind of a mystery.]
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lurking-lilibeth · 2 years
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Connor has his elderth birthday.
Liara: What do you mean, I can't join the toast? It's stupid.
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lurking-lilibeth · 2 years
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This is where day 25 finds the Weir family and Clara Simons.
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lurking-lilibeth · 2 years
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Liara often chats with her cousin Terrence DeBateau on the phone while she waits for her mother to come home from work. And afterwards she does her homework with Clara and Connor, who's keeping them company in the study.
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lurking-lilibeth · 4 years
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Samantha and Connor Weir, their newborn daughter Liara, and their pets are next. At the start of the week, Samantha hires a witch housekeeper Clara Simons to help around the house and to care for Liara.
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lurking-lilibeth · 4 years
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Connor, do you want to tend to your daughter, maybe? That’s better. Clara is a savior, this house was falling apart without her.
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lurking-lilibeth · 4 years
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Connor, in a squeaky voice: Hey, look, Sammy, it’s day 21 already!
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lurking-lilibeth · 4 years
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Samantha’s sister Kimberly comes for dinner and to properly meet her niece.
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lurking-lilibeth · 4 years
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Liara’s birthday is the first event of the week. She looks a lot like Connor and quickly becomes attached to Clara.
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