#libitina vovik
Draw them !!! We can put off stuff for this < — horrible influence
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what do you mean no one's ever told you how beautiful you are? you're the most stunning person I've ever seen -> with Jagre and Guy <33
“What do you mean no one’s ever told you how beautiful you are? You’re the most stunning person I’ve ever seen.”
“Well, uh, I.” Jagre felt his face get red. Somewhere in the audience of the holodeck he heard Libitina stifle a laugh.
“Cut! Lieutenant!”
“I know, I know!” Mirou didn’t even have to finish her sentence before Jagre knew what she was criticizing. They’d tried to practice this scene for thirty minutes and each time Guy got to that line, Jagre seemed to completely shut off. Before, Frevlar used to think Jagre was just forgetting his lines. But after thorough quizzing it was obvious to everyone (besides Guy, that is) that the only thing Jagre was struggling with was getting complimented by Guy.
“You two are supposed to be lovers! You can’t be this embarrassed that your beau is complimenting you!”
“When do we get to my scene?” Libitina complained. “I want to be the jealous husband!”
Mirou brightened up. Jagre could practically see the lightswitch activate in her head.
“Slight change of plans. Libitina and Jagre, switch roles for this run! Libitina is now the lover and Jagre will be the jealous husband.”
“What?” Jagre said incredulously.
“Alright? Start!” Mirou mimicked the sound of a clapperboard and pushed Jagre off stage as the scene restarted with Libitina as the new lover.
“What do you mean no one’s ever told you how beautiful you are? You’re the most stunning person I’ve ever seen.”
“Oh stop it, Archie. You know that’s not true.” Libitina wrapped her arms around Guy’s neck. Jagre seethed at how Guy held onto her waist. He tried to distract himself with the fact his que was coming up soon, right after Guy says a line about running away.
“But it is, and I shall always remind you of it.” Guy leaned in.
Right. The kiss.
The kiss that should’ve been Jagre’s but wasn’t because of how damn flustered Guy made him. The kiss that Jagre had only been daydreaming about for the last week. The kiss that Libitina had no right to take from him.
Jagre bristled and, completely involuntarily, growled so loudly both Guy and Libitina paused and turned to him.
“Perfect!” Mirou exclaimed, giving a small standing ovation. Jagre was baffled. He was ready to have to explain his outburst and here Mirou was complimenting him.
“You were a bit early but honestly? I think I like it better like this. One more time through then we can-“
“Crew to the bridge, please. We’ll be getting to Planet 3-2 in five. Thank you.” The captain’s voice cut through and just as quickly, turned back off. Mirou sighed.
“Nevermind. But rehearsal is still on for tomorrow!” She clapped her hands and released the crew to change back into their uniforms. Jagre stopped Guy before he could leave and paused until they were alone.
“Hey, sorry for cutting you off.” Jagre felt his tail flick side to side and hoped Guy didn’t notice.
“It’s okay. You did a good job. Although,” Guy brushed his fingers over some of Jagre’s fur that was still sticking upright, “I’m sad we never got to kiss.”
Ignoring that Jagre let every muscle in his body go rigid, Guy patted him on the shoulder and went to change out of his costume.
It seemed no matter what role Jagre played, he was doomed to be flustered around Guy.
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Thinking about how Libitina is definitely the type to kiss her friends for any reason sdfghfdsd
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Okay so like 6 with Minye and frelvar (not rly a ship at all I just remembered that vulcans get drunk off chocolate thing and it made me laugh)
if that doesn’t work then Mirou and Libitina with 1 <33
-Tostoa (also working on that drawing of augut and nurru rn)
“Look who’s under the mistletoe!”
Mirou looked up, confused at where the commander was pointing only to immediately be met with a hanging sprig of green leaves and red berries that was hanging from the ceiling of the bar area. Libitina puffed her chest out, obviously proud of herself.
“It’s human custom to kiss the person with whom you are caught underneath it you know?”
Before Libitina could lean in for her prize, Mirou put a hand up and stopped the other woman.
“Commander, this is holly.” Mirou plucked the bunch from the string it hung on and inspected it closer, affirming her previous assumption.
“And unfortunately, there are no human customs that take place underneath it.”
Libitina pouted at her plan being foiled. She looked like she was deciding on whether or not she wanted to double down and insist the plant was mistletoe even though Mirou knew more about botany then she did. But Mirou continued before Libitina could speak again.
“This is what mistletoe looks like.” Mirou revealed a flowery green that anyone more acquainted with plants would accurately identify as mistletoe. She grinned as Libitina flushed a bright red.
“So we can still do that human tradition, if you’d like.”
Mirou took Libitina nearly jumping into her arms as all the confirmation she needed.
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Hey colouring in the photo rn, do the characters have colour palletes :D
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