#licht klein act 2
judesmoonbeauty · 9 months
He said he was gonna do it and he did!!!
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He built them a villa so he can keep her all to himself. The continuity I swear it’s perfect 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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naresnani · 2 years
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on Violence
Chapter 5
Chapters: [1] , [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]
Fandom: Ikemen Prince | Nokto Klein / Adam Kain | Words: 2k
Tags: Scriptfic, screenplay format, Political stuff, Slow burn, Route spoilers
Summary :
tagging: @altairring @tiny-wooden-robot @kissmetwicekissmedeadly
notes: Just for clarification, in my format the underline is for emphasis, while italic means something is said in another language besides Rhodolitian. When something is said in Yashpari, it's actually in Javanese. The translation would be right below the sentence.
A warden lays unconscious on the floor. No one dares to approach the door towards the stairs, not even to check on him. 
Because, they’ve been told that...
Prince Nokto is inside with his arms up, and a person disguised as a guard had a gun pointed at him. They want the other Rhodolite princes. If anyone else attempts to get inside… it’s his life on the line.
Sweat running through his skin, he could only see Adam standing behind his cell door, having all the power in the room.
You planned for this.
...A little.
You’re a bunch of Obsidianites, after all, huh? I should’ve known.
No. Sura doesn't speak Rhodolitian. At least she’s willing to compromise with a language you’ll understand.
The person behind him did not sound like a woman. Before he could care any further, the door to the cell block blasts open, letting in numerous heavy footsteps inside.
In the instant that Nokto turned around, Sura had already stepped behind him again, now pointing their gun towards his befuddled brothers that had just witnessed the scene. 
He saw Licht amongst them first.
Licht, don’t step closer!
Someone steps closer anyway. There’s no other man that silhouette could belong to but Chevalier Michel. He draws his sword faster than Nokto’s eyes could register.
The gun’s explosion blows right past Nokto’s ears. His heart stopped dead. But Chevalier’s sword hitting the ground sounds more deafening.
CLANG! The bullet had shattered the sword hilt, missed his fingers by a miracle. The blade then lands behind him.
There are six round bullets in the chamber. That was the first. There are five of you in the room.
All attention points straight towards Adam, and his shooter. That small, peculiar firearm produces so much smoke, it’s engulfing the nose, eyes, and throat. Noone had seen something that compact making that sort of sound, much less an explosion. Chevalier, Licht, Leon, and Clavis, they all stare with faces just as shocked. Who knows where the rest of them are. Nokto couldn’t hold in his coughs— Licht wants to jump towards him before he is immediately restrained by Leon.
—Five. It’s enough for each of you. Now listen carefully.
[Read more on AO3]
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quen12 · 2 months
Should I finish Nokto Klein Alternative Route fan fiction? I honestly had a version I came up with a love triangle that will also involve characters from Act 2. I thought it would be interesting if Emma ran away and ended up in Obsidian where she encountered Gilbert. Since the children and Gilbert as well as Nokto and Licht have Ruby eyes.
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bbdeathz · 1 year
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Folge 74 und 75 finde ich weiterhin echt schön. ich hab schon so eine große Zuneigung diesen Folgen gegenüber, weil ich damals viel darüber geschrieben habe und die neuen OSTs, Koharus erste Reise etc echt geliebt habe.
Die Folgen haben leider weniger Fokus auf Lucia, weil sie für einen anderen Plot erneut eignebaut wird, aber das war damals echt super krasser Hype einfach und da kam danach ja noch krase COntinuity und so, aber dadurch liebe ich die Folgen auh schon. Die neuen OSTs, Koharu ist relativ gut eingebaut und steht mehr im Fokus imo und die Interaktionen mit Lucia waren echt niedlich, lebendig und wie Lucia ihr einige Tipps gegeben hatte.
Animation an manchen Stellen auch toll, die letzte Szene liebe ich mit am meisten durch dens chönen Sommer vibe am Ende, wie alle Spaß haben und generell war der vibe da anders. Da waren so paar kleine Momente mit Voice Acting und ANimation, die diese Szene so toll machten, wenn man auf sowas Acht nimmt.
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Lucia NATÜRLICH obe rniedlich und hat sich noch surreal angefühlt, obwohl die Folge fast 2 Jahre alt ist :D Ist halt krass, sie war auch recht toll so mit Koharu und wie sie ihr WBs näherbringen wollte und so, aber war halt ein anderer Plot, deswegen hatte niemand so wirklich Fokus, aber doch toll und wie sie ihr daijoubo so aktiv genutzt haben, weils IHR gehört
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Dieses Licht trägt auch dazu bei wieso ich die letzte Szene so anders sehe. Tolle Shots von Lucia und so, sie ist weiterhin einer der besten, auch wenn ihre Comebacks keinen Fokus auf sie legen (leider)
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Aber Koharu war echt toll. Das sind sogar Folgen wo ich sie auch richtig mag, also weiterhin, aber dadurch, dass hier neue OSTs exitierren und sogar einer EXTRA für sie, seh ich sie hier nochmal anders und nicht wie in anderen Folgen. Hier geht sie auf Reisen, neue OSTs und sie steht mehr im Fokus, weil sie Cresselia hilft und die Worte ihres Vaters sich zu Herzen nimmt
Aber auch anmerken, dass die Folgen DENNOCH durch Lucia toll sind. Weil es schön war sie zu sehen, suer niedlich und lebendige Interaktionen mit Koharu. Aber immer schade, dass der Plot schon gegeben war..
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Ich fand sie hier immer soooo niedlich. Eifnach super sorgenfrei und wie sie auf das Knsopi schaut istputzig
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Ich mag die Folgen trotz Plot echt. Oder besser gesagt weiterhin. Der Hype war damals halt krass und auf sowas schaue ich gerne zurück. Hab ja da auch noch DP geschaut 
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hakuoyuki · 3 years
Ikemen Prince Act 2 PV [Translation]
During PriNama #15 broadcast, together with Sariel’s route release which will be marking the start of Act 2 that was announced for Winter 2021… Ikemen Prince Act 2 Full PV was also unveiled! 
Gilbert: Won’t you teach it to me? What true love is
Chevalier: Get lost, Belle
Leon: Don’t take your eyes off of me again
Jin: Play with me a bit?
Luke: Can’t be helped, I’ll look after you
Clavis: Won’t you have a little fun with me, little girl?
Nokto: Stay by my side
Licht: Even though I hate you...
Yves: It’s alright if it’s you. If it’s not you then that won’t do
Leon: Well then, how are we going to overcome this storm?
The crisis that approaches the country of roses
The three countries surrounding Rhodolite
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Coming up against a new trial
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Gilbert: What would you do if I like you? You... won’t be able to escape from me
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Keith: The more I know you, I more I want you... This is the first time I’ve felt this way
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Silvio: Don’t leave my side, got it?
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Sariel: Well, what are you going to exchange? What do you wish for?
Rio: If by the end you remain, then that’s enough
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Gilbert: You can never escape from me as long as you live, because you’re loved by an arch villain
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Keith: I’m a terrible guy. I can’t love you in any other way but this
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Silvio: Give all of yourself over to me
Please, so that I can remain your #1
Because we have true love hereーー
Ikemen Prince: Beauty & the Beast’s Last Love
“End Roll” (End Credits) by Takeuchi Yuito
Lyrics: 佐伯youthK
Music & Arrangement: SHUKI (from I Don't Like Mondays.)
Note: Act 2 collaboration music "End Roll" (meaning: End Credits) is a ballad in His POV of the men's hidden painful emotional conflict
I’ll be translating the full song lyrics for “End Roll” once that becomes available
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nightkarmaqueen · 3 years
I Got Jade, You Got Rose - Keith Howell
----- I Got Jade, You Got Rose || Keith Howell x F! Reader (MC)
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Summary : You never know you will fall in love with your own kidnapper, let alone even think about improving diplomatic relations between the two countries with your relationship. But one thing you know, your love story with him has saved many people from conflict and war. Jade chose Rhodolite. The Prince of Jade chose the Lady of Roses.
WC : 3821 Words. (Longer than I thought, asdfghjkl SORRY, DEAREST!)
Warning : Grammar errors, WMMAP Reference (Ch. 29-30), Violet Evergarden Reference, Maleficent 2 Reference, mention of violence; kidnapping; coercion; confinement; power abuse; and torture, mention of sexual activity (but not too explicit), possible mischaracteristics, etc.
A/N : LOOKS WHO’S SIMPING FOR KEITH HOWELL?! YUP, THAT’S ME! I’M SIMPING FOR KEITH HOWELL! Maybe out of the three new princes, I like Keith the most. Really! As we know, he may be a yandere or someone obsessive and manipulative. RED FLAG! BUT RED IS MY FAVORITE COLOR~
     A pink santin-silk dress around your body, your hair has been adorned with various hair ornaments—predominantly with roses ornament, jewelry that has adorned your hands; neck; and ears, also your face that has been polished with the best makeup on the continent. Even though you are in a neighboring kingdom, you still show all the elements of your home kingdom and you are proud of it.
     "What do you think, my lady?" one of the maids that helping you get ready asked a question, making you look in the mirror. "I'm sure you will be the most beautiful woman at tonight's ball party."
     You could only smile and whisper your “thank you”s. Your gaze falls on your lap where a dark blue velvet box was seated. You opened the box carefully.
     “Oh, what a beautiful tiara!” cooed the maids around you in awe. “Is that the tiara given by His Highness?”
     You nodded. Inside the the box was a beautiful tiara adorned with pretty jade and rhodolite garnet stones. The green and pink colors on the tiara can complete your angelic appearance that night.
     You suddenly blushed hard as you remembered what happened a few nights before, on the night the 1st Prince of Jade presented the tiara to you.
     That night, the moon was at its highest point. You woke up after receiving a “torture” from the 1st Prince of Jade. Your body still hurts so much that you can barely move.
     When a dark room greeted your eyes, you turned your face to the side only to find the figure of a prince who is still accompanying you, sitting on the edge of the bed. He seemed lost in his thought, looking up at the night sky through the huge window. His silver hair glistened in the moonlight. You looked at his body bathed the majestic light. Until you realized something and blushed. He's shirtless.
     You intended to pull up your blanket, hiding the intense blush on your cheeks. However, you were stopped when someone grabbed your wrist. "You're awake," he muttered in a very deep and seductive voice. "It's still just a little past midnight."
     "Prince Keith," you whispered hoarsely. "I thought you were back in your room."
     "And let my hostage escape?" he asked.
     You pouted your lips, pretending to be angry with him. "What do you expect from a prisoner who can't even feel her own hips anymore?" you asked. “After all, you still think of me as your hostgae? As the token for making peace with Rhodolite?”
     Keith chuckled. "There is no way," he mumbled. “Come here,” realizing you couldn't move your body, Keith helped you up and leaned you against his chest. You inhaled the scent of the sweet and fresh forest that enveloped him. “I intended to give you something when you wake up. But since you woke up early, I'll give it to you now."
     Your eyes followed where his hand moves, curious as to what he will give you. A dark blue velvet box. Keith opened the box, revealing a beautiful and shining golden tiara made with beautiful jade and rhodolite garnet stones. "This," you whispered, can not believe what you see.
     “I want you to wear this tiara at the upcoming alliance ball party. I want to show the entire continent that our relationship is a prove to the peaceful relationship between Jade and Rhodolite,” Keith explained carefully. "What do you think?"
     Yes, at the alliance party, you and the prince agreed to announce your relationship to the public. Even though he is the 1st Prince of Jade, he will still introduce you, the Maiden of Rhodolite as his partner.
     You nodded, agreeing with his idea. "What a beautiful tiara," you whispered. "Thank you, Prince Keith."
     Keith kissed your forehead. "Anything for you, my lady."
     Looking back at that moment, you couldn't control your blushing face. "Should we put the tiara on your head, my lady?" the maid asked.
     You cleared your throat and nodded. "Yes, please."
     When you're done, you stood up from your chair. The maids was immediately enchanted by your beauty in that dress and tiara. You stood up straight, staring at your reflection in the mirror.
     You too were surprised by your own appearance that night. You were like a masterpiece that Rhodolite has hidden from the face of the world.
     “Lady [Y/N], you should be heading out now,” the maid led you to the door. "Enjoy the party tonight, my lady."
     You nodded and smiled, thanking the maids who helped you get ready.
     As soon as you open the door, you found the smiling devil waiting for you. He looked up when he heard the sound of your heels. You could see he was slightly surprised. “Oh my, you look especially beautiful today, [Y/N].” Sariel held out his hand to you.
     "Thank you. I didn't know you were the one who would escort me to Prince Keith,” you said as you took his hand.
     Sariel nodded. "Of course, I am. You are one of Rhodolite's assets. I have to hand you and give you to the recipient officially.”
     "Oh dear, again! I'm not a mere item!"
     “But you are still a Belle, an important person for Rhodolite,” too lazy to fight, you decided not to reply to Sariel's argument. “The 1st Prince of Jade is waiting for you. Shall we?"
     Sariel guided you, helping you in every step you take. You descended the stairs slowly and carefully.
     At the end of the stairs, a gentleman was already standing and seemed to be waiting for someone. "Oh!" you gasped, surprised by the appearance of the man in his formal attire.
     Feeling your gaze on him, the man turned his head only to be equally surprised by you. The Prince of Jade might be the most surprised person by your appearance. No words can describe the euphoria he feels when he sees you. You can can and will die on the spot just by looking at your beautiful face.
     Keith suddenly smirked. "You still look so beautiful even after I tortured you," he chuckled. "Is my torture still not harsh enough to break you?"
     "Dear, God. And you look so handsome today, Your Highness," you forced a smile. You’re used to it now and not even surprised by such words of his. Your smile softened as you realized Keith was looking at you warmly. “Prince Keith, it is an honor for me to spend this pleasant evening with you.”
     Keith smiled gently at you. "You have to get used to it since starting from tonight, you'll always be spending the night with me."
     Like a gentleman, Keith reached out his gloved hand to you. You stared at the hand for a moment. Those hands once kidnapped you, tortured you, and made you cry in fear. That hand also managed to let go of your wild side, making you scream the voice of a sinner. But on the other side, these hands of him carry a special warmth that no one else can have, hands that will always hug you with love, and hands that will always protect you from harm.
     “You look so pretty tonight. I can feel the stars in the sky envy your dazzling eyes,” he complimented you. A nobleman must praise their partner before they escort them. Even so, the compliments Keith gave you still made you melt.
     You smiled sweetly, as if all the bad memories Keith had done to you were just a past nightmare. Sariel officially let go of your hand, handing you to the 1st Prince of Jade. "Thank you, Your Highness."
     The hall of the Jade Royal Palace was shrouded in golden light from the hanging luxurious chandeliers. Meals, sweets, desserts and some alcohols are neatly arranged foe the guests. The guests chatted with each other about the hottest gossip on the continent or even about the important business between noble families. Along with Keith, the sound of your footsteps was muffled by the red carpet that had covered the floor.
     “Make way for His Highness, Prince Keith Howell of Jade and his companion, Lady [Y/N] of Rhodolite!”
     Hearing the royal herald mention the names of Jade and Rhodolite in the same sentence, all the guests looked at you and Keith with looks you couldn't even tell with words. You immediately flinched and it made you very uncomfortable. All eyes were on you, making you the center of attention.
     You paused for a moment, hesitant to move. Keith who led you immediately stopped and looked at you. "What is it?" he asked you, making sure you were alright.
     "I-I'm scared," you whispered almost inaudibly.
     Keith sighed. He lifted his gaze, staring deadly at the guests, making the guests spontaneously feel the chills. With that, the guests bowed their heads and greeted the both of you. "If you're scared, I can forbid them to look at you and behead them if they dare to."
     You're surprised. "What?! Where did that idea come from?!”
     When you looked back, you could see some familiar faces. They didn't bow to you and Keith because they were on a par with Keith.
     Prince Gilbert von Obsidian of Obsidianate and Prince Silvio Ricci of Benitoite. Then, “ah!” you were once again taken aback by four familiar faces. The face you really miss. "They're here," you muttered, smiling under your breath.
     The four faces you see were belongs to the four Princes of Rhodolite who were in charge of foreign affairs. Prince Luke Randolph, Prince Nokto Klein, Prince Clavis Lelouch, and of course, Prince Chevalier Michel of Rhodolite.
     Seeing their faces makes your fear a little less. Especially after seeing Clavis and Nokto's sly smirks as soon as you entered the hall. You really wanted to get down there right away and hit the both of them.
     You smiled sweetly at the Prince of Jade. “I-I think I would be fine. Besides, You will be by my side, right?”
     Keith continued to led you down the stairs. “I was hurt when I found out that I wasn't the only one who could scare you. Moreover, the thing that scares you is such a trivial thing," said the prince as if he was really hurt.
     “Prince Keith, with all respect, please stop it!” you don't know whether to be upset or embarrassed, but you could have unleashed your anger then and there. “You are the most terrifying man I have ever met. Prince Chevalier is the second and Sariel is the third.”
     "Is that so? You didn't even include Prince Gilbert or Prince Silvio in your TOP 3," he joked.
     “Because I never once intended to find out how terrifying they were.”
     Keith chuckled. "And I never once had the intention of allowing you to do so."
     The ball wouldn't be complete without musics and dance. As the host of the party, of course the Prince of Jade will oficially open the party by dancing with his partner.
     In the middle of the dance floor, you and bowed to each other. One of your hand touched your chest and the other lifted your dress in curtsey, making you look graceful.
     You could feel the eyes of the guests surrounding you already staring at you and Keith. Some of them compliment you and admire you, but some also look at you with annoyance. The second option is usually from Jade noblewomen who feel themselves more worthy of Keith and think you've stolen their position.
     Noticing your stiff shoulders, Keith immediately reached out his hand to you. "Relax," he reassured you that everything will be fine, no matter what people say about you and him.
     The Prince of Jade pulled your little hand. You stared at your hand that he was holding, realizing how small your hand was in his. Maybe before this, the size comparison of your hands and his was frightening. But now, you feel safe and warm in those hands.
     Keith's other hand pulled your waist closer to him. Your free hand automatically gripped his shoulder tightly. “This is the night for us to have fun, no matter what anyone else says. The tiara you are wearing is proof that our relationship is not just any relationship. They should know what will happen if they mess with you.”
     Your grip on his shoulder tightened. What Keith said was true, but that couldn't change the fact that jade noble women could take your place by Keith's side so easily. That's what you're most worried about.
     Keith closed the distance between you and him. His lips brushed your ear. "They don't know the real me. Be grateful that you are the only woman who knows every single side of me, including the worst and most barbaric side of me,” his deep voice gave you chills. You nodded and leaned to his body, letting the prince to take the lead. "Good," he praised you.
     In the middle of your dance with him, Keith held your waist tightly. He lifted you up and spun you around, allowing you to get a closer look of the hall ceiling. Keith seemed to show the whole world that the woman he was dancing with was his.
     As soon as Keith landed you on the floor, you locked your gaze with him again. “Prince Keith, that was—” you were still shocked at the sight you had just seen. You could see the guests dropping their jaws in awe at the sight of Keith's earlier moves.
     “How was it?” he asked.
     “Fabulous!” your eyes sparkle beautifully. “I love their surprised and amazed expressions. I feel like I've won something, like only I can get it."
     Keith smirked triumphantly. "That's right. Now keep your head up, dear.”
     You do as he says. You continued your dance with confidence and a dazzling smile.
     Shortly after entering the climax of the song, Keith let go of your hand, letting you end the dance. The music stops and you drop your knees to the floor, paying a special curtsey to close your dance with the Prince of Jade.
     There was silence before the loud applause and praise roaring through the hall. You're still kneeling before Keith who is bowing to you too. Hand on your chest, you tried to control your gasping breath from the dance.
     A gentle smile touched Keith's lips as he held out his hand to you. "You did well. That was a splendid performance from both you and I,” he complimented. He pulled you up and helped you to get back on your feet.
     "Thank you," you muttered shyly.
     After the opening dance from the prince and his companion, the other guests dance with their partners too.
     With Keith, you welcomed the guests who came that night. You conversed with many nobles from all over the continent. From Jade itself, Benitoite, Obsidianate, and even from your home country, Rhodolite.
     “Prince Chevalier! Clavis, Luke, and Nokto too," you lifted your dress slightly to approach the princes of your country.
     "Oh, look at you. Our Belle became an angel while she was in Jade. Did you enjoy the kidnapping attempt Jade made on you?” you intended to thank Nokto for the compliment, but his question made you drop your intention and want to slap him instead.
     You sighed. "Ah, it was a nightmare here when I was first kidnapped," you whined.
     "And you enjoyed it?" now it was Clavis' turn to tease you.
     "I said no!" you snarled. You could have slapped Clavis if you want, but you chose to be safe. You can't tarnish Keith's reputation and you don't want to be dropped as a Rhodolite citizen. "Clavis, you think kidnapping is fun?"
     Clavis just smirked and chuckled evilly. "Oh, you know me too well, [Y/N]."
     "Jade's sweets and desserts are amazing," you turned to Luke who was filling his mouth with all sorts of sweets.
     His comment made you chuckle and eased your anger at Nokto and Clavis a bit. "Please help yourself, Luke," you smiled at the 8th Prince of Rhodolite sweetly.
     Feeling something was missing, you look at Chevalier who is sitting in his chair with a glass of champagne in hand. "Prince Chevalier?" you called his name.
     Hearing his name being called, Chevalier looked at you as intently as you could remember. His frozen blue eyes were still as piercing as ever. You haven't felt that feeling from Chevalier in a long time.
     Chevalier laughed bitterly. He stared at his champagne, twirling the glass before finally smirking and looking at you. “That tiara,” he pointed the hair ornament on your head with his chin. "How dare they," you could feel a tiger grumbling. "So this is your choice?"
     "Yes?" you look confused.
     “Making you wear that tiara, as if both kingdoms have accepted each other. After they stayed in the neutral zone for too long, they finally decided to siding us?” Chevalier explained in a bitter tone. “As if they were collaring some stray dogs, you are someone's possession, [Y/N]. The audacity they have!” Chevalier took a sip of his drink.
     Whether it's because you haven't heard any sharp words from Chevalier in a long time or because of the words itself, you swallowed your saliva from the fear and coldness you felt. “I'm… someone's possession?”
     “What Chev means is that you're a Rhodolitian. You are belong to Rhodolite," Clavis explained. “If another country want you, they have to get the approval of those in authority.”
     Nokto raised his gaze at the man who was approaching you from behind. The man brought an aide with him. “Speak of the devil,” Nokto said.
     You turned around to find the 1st Prince of Jade. "Prince Keith."
     Keith smiled at you before he faced Chevalier and the others. “Are you guys enjoying this alliance party, dearest Princes of Rhodolite?” he asked in such a polite manner. “Actually, it's such a shame that Prince Yves and Prince Licht couldn't join us tonight. It’s been a quite long time since the last time I saw the both of them.”
     “My twin brother and Prince Yves still have a lot of work on domestic affairs that can't be left out. I will convey your greetings to both of them if you want.” Nokto, who is an expert in communicating with foreign countries’ representatives, immediately came forward to represent Chevalier. “And Worry not, Prince Keith. We're enjoying this party. Although, I think there is one matter that bothers His Highness, Prince Chevalier," Nokto continued while looking at you and Chevalier.
     Keith laughed politely. "I see. I'm afraid I understand what the problem is.”
     You felt a very strong pressure around you. You're sure you can see the electricity as Keith and Chevalier stare at each other.
     Chevalier smirked. “Heh, please pardon my rudeness, but the audacity you have to collaring another kingdom's possession," you were surprised. You didn't expect Chevalier to be so forthright about what he had just discussed with you.
     You looked at Keith, curious about his expression. But Keith just smiled politely at Chevalier. "Oh dear. Collaring? I never thought the 2nd Prince of Rhodolite could speak such a word. But Prince Chevalier, I'm just trying to be with the woman I love. I never forced her to be with me. This is the choice the lady made.” Keith looked at you with his bedroom eyes. "Right, my lady?"
     You rolled your eyes in annoyance. So he doesn't think kidnapping is coercion? That was what you think in your heart. But indeed, once Keith realized his feelings for you, he can slightly free you from his grasp. He even offers you to return to Rhodolite just in case you miss the homeland.
     “I know my maiden here isn't an object, so I can't trade her or buy her for something. But please, take this small gift as a token of my gratitude for letting the lady stay in Jade.” Keith's aide came forward and opened the box he was carrying. “The lady told me that you are into romance novels, so I decided to give you this.”
     The items insidethe box was a latest novel series written by one of the famous romance writers in Jade. Chevalier looked at Keith suspiciously. He took one of the book and analyzed the its cover.
     After opening the first, middle, and thelast pages, Chevalier smiled with satisfaction and closed the book, returning the book to its box. “What a good offer you give me, Prince Keith. I truly must accept this present,” Chevalier said, allowing you to finally breathe a sigh of relief. “But Belle, is this really the decision you're going to make? A decision you won't regret?"
You smiled faintly. You took Keith’s hand and hold it tight, making the prince slightly surprised. You stared at him for a moment until Keith smiled back. You looked at Chevalier with a look of conviction and held Keith's hand tightly, proving to your kingdom’s princes that you will never regret your decision.
     Chevalier smiled again, satisfied with your nonverbal answer. Chevalier looked back at Prince Keith. “The 4th Prince of Rhodolite, Leon Dompteur asked me to pass this question on to you. This is indeed a troublesome question, but let me tell you this.”
     "Leon?" You look confused again.
     However, Chevalier's gaze made you locked away that curiosity. Chevalier sighed. “Prince Keith Howell of Jade, do you love her?”
     You were surprised when Chevalier uttered the question Leon had left him. You looked at Keith. And you were even more surprised when you saw a genuine smile touching the Prince of Jade’s lips.
     "Please do tell Prince Leon that—" Keith's grip on your hand tightened. “I love this woman with everything I have.”
     Chevalier closed his eyes after hearing the answer like soem cliché lines in romance novels he read. "Good. But since she was the Belle from our kingdom, we will not hesitate to declare war on Jade if anything happens to her, given that Rhodolite is also in an alliance with the Obsidianate now.”
     Keith just laughed lightly as if it wasn't a sensitive topic. He looked at you with a smile before turning the smile to Chevalier. “I can guarantee that It would be the last thing you will do, Prince Chevalier. So worry not about it."
     You're starting to feel like Keith was asking your brothers for their blessing. But at least, your love relationship with Keith can help diplomatic relations between the two kingdoms at once. You're happy to be able to help the two countries, telling what Jade would get if they allied with Rhodolite and vice versa. And finally, the end you've been waiting for arrives.
     Jade chose Rhodolite. The Prince of Jade chose the Lady of Rose.
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See you at the next works! Have a great day/night!
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ikehoe · 3 years
Ikemen Prince Suitors' Reaction to You Having a Naughty Dream About Them [Part 2]
Characters: Licht Klein, Nokto Klein, Luke Randolph, Sariel Noir, Rio Ortiz
Rating: Explicit (SMUT – minors, do not interact!)
A/N: Part 2 is here! Click here to read Part 1 of the Ikeprince Headcanons (Jin, Chevalier, Clavis, Leon, and Yves).
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Ikemen Prince or any of the Ikemen series games. I’m merely an avid fan of being MC.
Licht Klein
Licht’s favourite moments with you were at night when you two were cuddled up together on his bed, reveling in each other’s warmth.
He often watched as you fell asleep, your eyes fluttering softly and mesmerized by the gentle rise and fall of your chest with each breath you took.
That’s why, when he hears you softly moan out his name in the middle of your slumber, his eyes widen, and he’s so taken aback he has to turn away from you just to catch his breath.
The next day, he shows you extra affection even in public, which is definitely not typical for the prince.
It’s when you two are in a carriage you finally ask him why he’s acting so differently that day. You don’t want him to force himself to act differently just because you enjoy affection.
“I… heard you moan my name last night, and now I can’t seem to get it out of my mind,” he responds, looking away with a faint blush colouring the tips of his ears and the apples of his cheeks.
“Oh…” You say, mouth gaping open in surprise.
“Will you tell me what you were dreaming about?” He asks, pulling you onto his lap in the carriage.
That’s how you ended up gasping for air as Licht’s fingers plunged into your core, relentlessly teasing your g-spot until white-hot pleasure spread all throughout your body.
“You’re so beautiful,” Licht murmurs in awe, mesmerized by your lustful gaze as you come undone for him over and over.
Nokto Klein
“Oh, Nokto… Right there,” you murmur, hips thrusting into the blanket on their own accord.
“Oh…?” Nokto says, eyebrow cocking up in interest as he watches your still-sleeping figure experience what was clearly an erotic dream about the man himself.
Most days, Nokto finds you absolutely irresistible. Still, when you’re at your most vulnerable, he has to nearly restrain himself from ravishing you every time he sees you.
He slowly turns you onto your back, making sure not to rouse you from your slumber, and lifts up the bottom of your nightgown, exposing your already dripping core to him.
Thanking the lords for his luck, he presses a few gentle kisses on your inner thighs before dipping his tongue into your folds.
He can’t help himself but thrust into the bed, seeking relief for his hardened manhood, when your moans start to get louder and louder.
Finally, your eyes open and meet the lustful gaze in his crimson ones.
“Sorry, love. Did I wake you up?” He asks teasingly, returning to that spot at the top of your core that had you throwing your head back in pleasure
Nokto ends up pleasuring you for the rest of the night, bringing upon your release again and again until the wee hours of the morning.
Luke Randolph
Luke is 100% baffled at the strange behaviour you’ve been exhibiting around him for the past couple of days.
Not only have you been avoiding him, but every time he’s cornered you, you’ve given him some clearly made-up excuse about how Sariel wants you to study foreign affairs or how you and Rio had plans.
Finally, he has enough and traps you between his arms after breakfast with all of the other princes.
“Why have you been avoiding me?” He asks, looking reminiscent of a kicked puppy dog with pain and confusion evident on his face
“I—I…” You stammer out, heartstrings tugging at the pained expression on his face. Finally, you sigh and admit to him the explicit contents of your dream that had you picturing Luke as a domineering and relentless lover.
“Oh…” He says as his usual carefree grin returns to his face
Unbeknownst to you, Luke ends up approaching Jin for advice on your sex life, and that’s how he ends up returning from town with a box of toys, including a paddle, feathers, a candle, and a blindfold.
Luke invites you to his room that night, and that’s when you find out about the young man’s foray into town.
He immediately captures your small figure in a crushing hug and nuzzles his head into your shoulder.
“If you wanted to play with me like that, you should have just asked!” He exclaims as if it were the most natural thing in the world
That’s when he shows you his secret box, and you almost regret it when hours later, the skin of your buttocks is raw and irritated, and your panties are absolutely drenched.
Sariel Noir
Sariel is known as the cruel and strict disciplinarian in the Rhodolite castle, but he has a soft spot for one person only, and that’s you.
That’s why he ends up letting you climb on his lap and nap after his regular Rhodolite History lessons, even reaching his gloved hand up to brush some hair out of your beautiful face.
“You’ve been working hard, huh,” Sariel muses to himself, a smile forming on his lips as you begin to softly snore.
A couple minutes later, he hears you moan his name in such a lustful tone that his slacks immediately tighten, and the wind is knocked out of him.
“Belle,” Sariel says sternly, rousing you from your slumber.
“O— oh! Sariel, did I fall asleep? I just had the weirdest dream about you….” You stammer, trying to look at anything in the room except for his stern gaze.
“Tell me what you were dreaming about unless you want to be punished,” Sariel says, arms wrapping around your body to keep you in place.
“Too late,” he says, bringing out a large coil of black rope from the inside pocket of his cloak.
A few moments later, he has your hands tied behind your back and your ankles tied together, exposing your bare chest and sensitive nubs to him.
He begins to lavish your body with his tongue, ordering you to stay quiet lest you want to be edged for the rest of the day.
A lustful moan escapes from your mouth at the sensation of his teeth tugging gently at your nipple, and you know that you’re done for
Needless to say, it’s a long night.
Rio Ortiz
“Are you still awake?” Rio calls out, eyes lighting up in excitement at the prospect of seeing you. “I’m coming in! Prince Yves gave me a couple of chocolates as a thank you for helping him out with something, and I wanted to share with you!”
He bursts through the door of your bedroom and is about to call out your name when he realizes with a start that you’re already in bed.
He immediately falls silent and approaches your bed, smiling softly at the tranquil expression on your face.
The soft flush on your face has him absolutely mesmerized, and he’s suddenly pulled from his thoughts by the sound of your voice.
“Oh, Rio… I love you,” you murmur, slightly slurring your words in your sleep.
With a gasp, his sky-blue eyes widen, and his heart begins to race at your words.
No, she probably said something else… there’s no way… is there?
He leaves your room in a hurry, heart soaring at the prospect of his unrequited feelings of love towards you being returned.
The next day, Rio is extra clingy to you, following you everywhere and even shooting Prince Clavis a murderous glare when he attempts to cajole you into another game of Let’s Prank Yves.
“Rio, what’s going on with you today?” You ask, failing to conceal your amusement at your friend’s actions. “You’ve been especially protective, even for you.”
He takes a deep breath, as if bracing himself for the inevitable heartbreak that was to come, and then immediately chickens out and ends up saying that he feels unwell.
Later that day, you visit Rio in his room with a bowl of hot chicken noodle soup and some green tea, hoping to nurse the pretty blonde back to health.
Seeing the tray in your hands, Rio immediately tears up and jumps out of bed, nearly causing you to drop everything on the tray.
“I am so sorry for worrying you and for lying!” He exclaims, grasping both of your hands in his large ones.
“Lying?” You ask, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. You quickly put the tray on his nightstand, trying to avoid an unnecessary mess.
“I… wasn’t telling you the truth earlier… I know you’re Belle now, and I promised you I’d be here to support you no matter what, even if you fall in love with a Prince, but truthfully, I think it would kill me.” He starts, eyes tearing up at the thought of you marrying another man. “I’m still in love with you.”
“Oh, Rio. I’m in love with you too,” you respond, watching as the most radiant smile slowly appears on the blonde’s face. “Will you let me show you how much?”
You and Rio end the rest of the night in a passionate entanglement of limbs.
His one goal in life is to please you, and please you he does, repeatedly until you feel like passing out from the pleasure.
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aquagirl1978 · 3 years
Ikemen Prince Headcanons - How the Suitors react when MC gifts them a plushie of their crest animal
Part Two of THIS post.
Leon Dompteur
"You got me a lion! Awesome!"
Leon's thrilled with his plush lion, the joy in his eyes is clear - he treasures it immediately like a child would.
Grabbing your hand, Leon drags you off to his room. He first gives you a thank you kiss, and then throws you on his bed. The "plush lion" then wrestles you, pinning you to the bed, having his way with you.
Once Leon had his fun - with you and the plush lion - he placed the lion with the pillows on his bed, giving him a proud a regal position in his room.
Yves Kloss
With a hand on his hip, he held the plush cat between his thumb and pointer finger. "What is this supposed to be?"
You stammer nervously. "It's a plush cat. Like your crest. I thought it was cute and you would like it. I'm sorry if I upset you..." You take the plush cat out of his gently.
Yves snatches the cat back. "Hmpfh. It's kinda cute. And it was thoughtful of you to give me a gift. Gifts should always be appreciated. So thank you"
You noticed Yves glancing down at the plush cat in his hands, a small smile sneaking on his lips.
The next time you baked with Yves in the palace kitchen, Yves brought his plush cat - he feigned innocence as to how it suddenly appeared in his pocket.
Licht Klein
"Weirdo," he said as he pulled it from the bag. "I hate it."
You covered your mouth with your hand, muffling your laughter as you caught him smiling gently at the plush wolf in his hands.
"You adore it." He turned his head to you, the gentle smile still on his lips.
He thanked you with a kiss and placed his wolf on the small table the two of you often shared desserts on.
Jin Grandet
"Whoa, cool! An eagle!" Jin exclaimed after opening his gift.
He promptly fastened it to his vest, allowing it to rest on his shoulder.
"Jin! It's a decoration, not something you wear!" you giggled.
"No, this is perfect! Everyone will be jealous of me and my eagle. And they will see me coming from far away."
Jin turned and walked down the hallway. You noticed a few jumping out of the way, most likely out of fear of the semi-realistic bird-plush resting on his shoulder.
Part Three will be the Act 2 suitors - Sariel, Rio, Gilbert, Keith and Silvio
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xxsycamore · 3 years
Oh okay sorry, ummm how about licht Klein x reader I’ve reader lots of nokto : so I’ll try will licht and you can pick the promt…if you don’t mind
Of course I don’t mind! I haven’t seen any Licht works around either, so it will be my pleasure to provide something for his lovers. I hope you enjoy it and thanks for requesting me! 
- KINKTOBER DAY 3 - Lessening the barriers - [ LICHT/READER SMUT] 
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Rating: E
Word count: 809
Relationship: F/M; Licht Klein/Reader
Tags:Outdoor Sex; Semi-Public Sex; Vaginal Sex; Creampie; Cock Warming
Check my masterlist here! You can also find all my works on AO3 under user xsycamore.  In my profile you can find my Ko-fi if you would like to support me!
Written for my Visions of Temptation Kinktober 2021 challenge. [DAY 1] [DAY 2]
DAY 3 - Not wearing lingerie 
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You moan softly against Licht's mouth as his hands keep roaming up and down your body. Having a corner of the palace's gardens to yourselves should be guarantying enough privacy for a little afternoon tryst, yet you can't help it but wish Licht would hurry up prepping you. Given the frequency of you two's past love-making sessions, you're not surprised that you got caught into it at such place.
"Mmm, Licht, hurry up…I want you…"
The man hums quietly to agree with you, but the fierce kisses placed all over your neck speak otherwise. He nudges his head further into the crook of your nape, drinking the aroma of your skin while his teeth graze it gently. Your fingers dig into the material of his shirt, bottom restlessly grinding down into his front as you sit on his lap. Once he is ready attacking your neck, he withdraws and rests his back against the bark of the tree behind him. His crimson gaze follows his hands' movements as he slides them over your breasts and then on the sides of your waist.
You can sense the shivers this simple touch inflicts on you and you take it as a hint to unfasten his belt and get yourself the thing that you both know you want the most right now.
"Remain with your face to me. I want to see your adorable reactions."
Licht's bluntness fazes you to the point you pause your task of freeing him from the refines of his pants, but your hands are replaced by his - it seems like you're not the only impatient one here, and that thought eases your embarrassment a tad. It's short-lived, however, because realization hits you as soon as the same pair of hands grasp the hem of your skirt, pushing it upwards.
"Oh. You're not wearing any lingerie."
Deciding that looking anywhere but at his face is your only way out of this, you only get more flushed as his hand guides your chin to face him again. You see a smile that drives you crazy and you wonder how are you even supposed to stand up for yourself at such time.
"I thought that… I might forgo putting on underwear in flavor of… making it easier. For the two of us."
Licht listens to you carefully, hands beginning to wander anew on your form, this time on your thighs as he dips his fingers in the naked sides of your hips. He clearly enjoys your little act of courage.
"That's good. I'm glad you're thinking about this."
"Ngh!!" You try to bite back a moan as his palm rubs against your clit, his fingers teasing your folds and sensing how wet you are. Although it's a little embarrassing to let him know that your intention going out like that is to initiate another rendezvous, you're glad that you're both on the same page. Soon you whine at the loss of stimulation, but something big and hard rubs against your core instead. Impatient as you are, you lose no time steadying yourself with the help of his shoulders as you sink onto his cock.
The rest is a pure bliss, as deep and maddening as its premise and you don't realize when your frantic hip movements have merged with ones of his own. Licht moves you up and down on his length, seeking your embrace more than he seeks for air as hard pants fall from his lips from where he is pressed onto your cleavage. He whispers sweet nothings to you, chasing after both of your pleasures as he begs you to follow him together into the pit of it. It takes all your willpower to hold off until the steady pace of his thrusts changes for a last few sharp ones, making you see stars behind your closed eyelids. The orgasm shakes you to the core, Licht making sure to move into you slowly to prolong it and carry it on until the end, whispering for you to let it go.
As you stay into his arms, your bodies still connected, you find yourself grateful that the aftermath of your move-making externalizing as thick fluids is not currently sticking to the material of your underwear that would be otherwise kept on through all of this. You are glad to have found the solution to enjoying those risky situations to the fullest, and it would seem that the until-now quiet Licht is thinking the same.
"I hope you wouldn't mind if I make use of your forgoing underwear for a little longer today."
You nuzzle into his chest as your body slacks and you sink further down, hiding your reddening face again from him. There would be plenty of occasions later, you’re sure of this, but right now you're going to restore your stance with some well-deserved cuddles.
Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @leonardoism @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran @thehappycat123 @pumpumnnnp  @thesirenwashere @theuwuisunreal @ravenarld @kyokirigiri-22 @kimmy-banana @btarinana @animeworldsposts @randomanimatedhusbandoseeker @galaxyprison @trishtori @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @judgemental-seal @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou @toxiicmoron @ikemenlover24 @themysticalbeing Please let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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judesmoonbeauty · 9 months
Licht Klein - Act 2 Ch. 1 CG
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naresnani · 2 years
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on Violence
Chapter 3
Chapter 1 , Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
Fandom: Ikemen Prince | Nokto Klein / Adam Kain | Words: 2.4k
Tags: Scriptfic, screenplay format, Political stuff, Slow burn, Route spoilers!
Summary :
Nokto desperately considers, and reconsiders, the prisoner's final verdict.
Notes: tagging the people that gave the fic kudos! (If you want/don't want to be tagged feel free to send me an ask) @altairring @tiny-wooden-robot @kissmetwicekissmedeadly
Nokto spaced out. It’s all noise. CLINK CLINK of utensils, glass bottles, whispers from whichever directions. The maids are walking to and fro lighting up the candles. The King lays supine on top of the silk bed sheets. His face is colourless. He hasn't been responding since yesterday's supper. 
The sons are told to go see him for possibly the last time. Leon and the twins are here. They stand in the corner where the candlelights don't hit well.
It’s kinda awkward. They’re all thinking ‘What are we even doing here?’
Leon breaks the silence first.
Did you know, the doctor said,
(looks at Nokto beside him) 
That he can still hear us when we speak?
Nokto only responds with ‘mm-hmm.’
Maybe if you got something to say to him.
Do you?
Leon glances at the twins. They’re both spaced out. Licht wasn’t even staring at the King. Leon rocks from one foot to another.
Well. I’d try to think of something that hasn’t been said but is there really any?
(there are many.)
Like what? Guess there aren’t any.
Something important. Like the most important thing he needs to hear. What do you think, Licht?
Licht turns to him, then only shrugs.
Hmm... future war prevention strategies?
(sighs, disappointed)
That’s certainly not what crosses my mind.
Whaat, what d’you want me to say?
Nokto leans his back on the wall. He glances at Licht while they joke around. He wonders if he is even there. 
(making fun of him)
Look, man I get it, you’re the expert in this situation, you’re a very pragmatic one, not me.
Read more on AO3
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aoi-aoi-chan · 4 years
Ikemen Prince Character Introduction
All character introductions are from here: https://ikemen.cybird.ne.jp/title/prince/original/character/
Other Ikemen Prince Related Posts
Ikemen Prince PV: https://aoi-aoi-chan.tumblr.com/post/615023541978546176/ikemen-prince-pv-you-can-watch-the-pv
Ikemen Prince Story and Card Preview: https://aoi-aoi-chan.tumblr.com/post/615026153840934912/ikemen-prince-story-and-card-preview-story-the
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Leon Dompteur Fourth Prince Daring X Oresama CV: Kato Kazuki
“The disposition of a king, is it in the blood, or is it in the personality, I will prove it with my way of life.”
Birthday: August 1 Height: 182 cm Crest Motif: Lion
The fourth prince who emits the dignity similar to the king of the beasts.  With his both daring and cheerful personality, everyone ends up liking him, feeling his charm. However, inside of him, seems to be “a past that will shake the court” that no one knows......?
Voice Clip 2: Belle, don’t look away from me. I will also not take my eyes away from you.
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Yves Kloss Fifth Prince Tsundere acting tough X Ill Fate CV: Uchida Yuuma
“I am not a pitiful prince. Even if no one recognizes me, I recognize myself”
Birthday: September 16 Height: 174 cm Crest Motif: Cat
The fifth prince who is a tsundere, and just like a cat, is both whimsical and beautiful. His attitude is extremely arrogant, and he often talks down. This seems to be related to his unfortunate childhood and delicate heart......?
Voice Clip 2: I just realized now, that this is the first time I am told “I love you”. It somehow makes me want to cry. This is all your fault. You will be responsible, right?
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Licht Klein Sixth Prince Dislike Human X Cool-dere CV: Oomi Shouichiro
“You don’t need to follow me. I will not become the king, and there’s no necessity for you to know me”
Birthday: October 9 Height: 178 cm Crest Motif: Wolf
The six prince, and the twin elder brother of Nokto. He strongly dislikes making friends, and he keeps to himself no matter when he is in the court or on the battlefield. Inside of his cold behaviors, is something that changed a sweet teenager to a lonely beast?
Voice Clip 2: Being with you, I am different from usual. I have never known myself to be like this. Take the responsibility.
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Jin Grandet First Prince Casual Adult X Bad Beau CV: Yasumoto Hiroki
“I am not going to become the king. That, I was done...... However, I will protect the future you choose”
Birthday: Mar 5 Height: 182 cm Crest Motif: Eagle
The first prince who is mature and reliable...... or so you thought, is actually a womanizer and openly lewd. However, this man has a reason to firmly decide never falling in love with you, the Belle.....
Voice Clip 2: The straightforward love, will end up making people unhappy. I used to think that. It’s troublesome that looking at you, I ended up reaching for these foolish things.
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Chevalier Michel Second Prince Dangerous X Sadist CV: Ono Yuuki
“I don’t need you. No matter who Belle is going to choose, the future of me becoming the king is definite”
Birthday: November 1 Height: 180 cm Crest Motift: Tiger
The brutal and merciless second prince who is feared by the beast in the beasts. For his goals, he doesn’t choose how he accomplishes them, and he has been seen, from time to time, soaked in blood. Even though he’s an unapproachable existence, he has a surprising secret......?
Voice Clip 2: I allow you to love me. The woman to receive the king’s love, before and after, is only going to be you.
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Clavis Lelouch Third Prince Mysterious X Dauntless CV: Nojima Kenji
“Compared to deciding the king smoothly, isn’t it more fun to have some trouble? Do you want to play some tricks together?”
Birthday: June 17 Height: 179 cm Crest Motif: Leopard
The third prince who likes joy and is slightly dangerous. He is fine with whatever makes him happy, and therefore, the court’s number one problem child. He likes Chevalier as “the person to play with”. He is recently suspected of something......?
Voice Clip 2: You are the most pleasant woman. Ah, I don’t mean it in the bad way. What I mean is, you are my irreplaceable and most loved woman.
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Nokto Klein Seventh Prince Clowning X Womanizer CV: Eguchi Takuya
“Me as the King? Hm, I don’t hate that play, if you absolutely obey me”
Birthday: October 9 Height: 178 cm Crest Motif: Fox
The seventh prince, and Licht’s twin younger brother. His head is very fast in reacting, and he is very good at socializing. An absolute womanizer. Because his lighthearted seductive behaviors, you are cautious of him. However, inside his frivolity, is a heroic past......?
Voice Clip 2: Fall in love with me as if there’s no tomorrow. I will make both your heart and your body lingering, with the king’s love.
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Luke Randolph Eighth Prince Lazy X Friendly CV: Yoshitaka Sion
“Hmm, No. Official business is too much trouble. Let the others deal with that, while we lazy away together”
Birthday: May 19 Height: 185 cm Crest Motif: Bear
The eighth prince is big, like a bear. Even though he is a lazy prince who is not enthusiastic about doing anything, he treats you well like a younger sister. However, even though he is friendly with you, his eyes seems from time to time, dark and stagnant......?
Voice Clip 2: For you who love the useless me, I will draw my sword. From now on, always.
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Sariel Noir Court Official Fiendish (Kichiku) X Wisdom CV: Hayami Shou
“Until you are done selecting the next king, I am the real power in the shadow in this palace. It won’t hurt if you flatter me and wag your tail”
Birthday: Jan 20 Height: 180 cm Crest Motif: Snake
He is the court official in the kingdom, and the ward of the previous king. Because he is very good at acting behind the scene and plotting, and not following anyone’s order in the court, he is oftentimes called the “demon”. His origin, past, and true identity, are all wrapped inside mystery. What is his goal......?
Voice Clip 2: The price of teaching a demon what the taste of love is, is very high. You have made up your mind, right?
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Rio Ortiz New Butler Spoiling X Freedom CV: Mineta Hiromu
“It’s my job to make all your willfulness come true. Because no matter what others say, I am a butler only for you.”
Birthday: April 13 Height: 179 cm Crest Motif: Dog
Both a friend and a butler who is blindly spoiling you. Since a rainy day three years ago, when he collapsed while walking, losing all his memory and you helped him, he has been by your side 365 days a year. Him, who is like a loyal dog following you, has a huge secret hidden inside his lost memory......
Voice Clip 2: I love you so much that it also makes me scare. Look at just me. It’s fine if you can’t consider things other than mine.
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daegupaksu · 3 years
Otome Games Route Completion (06/12/2022)
R = Romatic, D = Dramatic, E = Eternal, 2 = Act 2, P = Passionate, B = Blissfull, T= Tragic, * = En route
Ikemen Sengoku
Oda Nobunaga | D, R
Date MasaMune | R, D, 2P, E
Sanada Yukimura | R, D, E
Tokugawa Ieyasu | D, R, E
Toyotomi Hideyoshi | R, D, E
Uesugi Kenshin | R, D
Takeda Shingen | R, D
Ishida Mitsunari | R, D
Sarutobi Sasuke | R, D
Akechi Mitsuhide | D, R
*Kennyo | R
Mori Motonari
Maeda Keiji
Ikemen Revolution
L = looking glass sequel
Lancelot Kingsley | D, LR
Johan Clemence | R, LR
Edgar Bright | D
Zero | D
Kyle Ash | R, D
*Ray Blackwell | D, LR
Sirius Oswald | R, LD
Luka Clemence | D
Fenrir Godspeed | D
Seth Hyde | D
Loki Genetta | R
Harr Silver
Oliver Knight
Ikemen Vampire
Napoleon Bonaparte | D, R
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | R, D
Leonardo da Vinci | R, D
Arthur Conan Doyle | D, R
Isaac Newton | R, D
Vincent van Gogh | R, D
Theodorus van Gogh | R
Jean D'Arc | D
William Shakespeare | R
Comte Saint-Germain | D
Osamu Dazai | R
*Sebastian | R
Vlad | R
Samurai Love Ballad : Party
D = Divine end, N = Noble end, Ds = Destiny end, F = Fates end, C = Cherish end, S = Shadow end, L = Light end
Radiance Arc
Nobunaga Oda | D, 2Ds
Akechi Mitsuhide | D, 2F, 2Ds, N
Sanada Yukimura | D, 2Ds
Kirigakure Saizo
Date Masamune | D, 2E, N
Katakura Kojuro | D, 2E
Toyotomi Hideyoshi | D
Maeda Toshiie | D
*Tokugawa Ieyasu | D, 2E, N
Ishida Mitsunari | D, 2Ds
Takeda Shingen | Ds, F
Uesugi Kenshin | Ds, UD
Date Shigezane | D
Sanada Nobuyuki | D
Kakizaki Kageie | N
Nezu Jinpachi
Shadow Arc
Fujibayashi Sakuya | L
Sarutobi Sasuke | L
Hattori Hanzo
Fujibayashi Genya | L
Kirigakure Hotaru | L
Narukami Kyoichiro
Mistuba Kaede
Mochizuki Shima
Ikemen Prince
*Leon Dompteur | R
Chevalier Michel | D, R
Yves Kloss | R
Nokto Klein | D
Licht Klein | D
Jin Granet | D
Luke Randolph | R
Clavis Lelouch | R
Sariel Noir
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hakuoyuki · 3 years
◆Ikemen Prince Character Relationship Chart◆ Act 2 Ver.
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With the relationship chart updated to include Act 2 suitors, I’ve just got time to edit the chart so here it is!
I’ve also made some minor adjustments to my previous translations since back when I translated this a year and a half ago I had some trouble with figuring out which English vocabs convey the message best.
For more translations of content on Gilbert, Keith, and Silvio...
→ Ikemen Prince New Suitors Reveal Announcement PV [Translation]
→ IkePri Act 2 New Characters Basic Profile + Voice Lines Translation
→ IkePri Act 2 New Characters (Gilbert, Keith, Silvio) Full Profile + Voice Lines Translation
→ Ikemen Prince Act 2 PV [Translation]
→ About IkePri Act 2 Prologue [Translation]
→ ◆Devil Bureaucrat & Loyal Dog Butler’s 『Beast Encyclopedia』◆ Part 2
→ Ikemen Prince - Act 2 LINE Chat #1 (Gilbert, Chevalier, Clavis, Luke) [Translation]
→ Ikemen Prince - Act 2 LINE Chat #2 (Keith, Yves, Licht) [Translation]
→ Ikemen Prince - Act 2 LINE Chat #3 (Silvio, Nokto, Rio) [Translation]
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nightkarmaqueen · 3 years
My Theory about Our Best Boy, Rio--
I haven't read anything about ACT 2 Ikemen Prince. So, don't hesitate to give me as many spoilers as you can. But regarding Rio, I have one theory that has actually been in my mind for a long time--?
Was it possible that Rio was a long lost royal family member of foreign kingdom? I mean, as explained, the MC was the one who saved Rio. Rio's memories don't seem very clear either, right?
I also found a scene in the latest Ikemen Prince ACT 2 trailer, Rio being in the same frame as Silvio Ricci.
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Is it possible that Rio is from Benitoite? Either he is a member of the Benitoite royal family or just has an important relationship with Silvio and Benitoite.
Even if he wasn’t a royal family and if I could theorize more wildly, I could just say that Rio was Silvio's runaway slave. You know like the slave auction that happened on the Motonari (Ikemen Sengoku) Route. Yes, sort of. Our dear Vio is rich after all, he can and will do something like that.
So, what do you think? Do you have any spoilers to share with me regarding this discussion?
By the way, have a good day/night!
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pocket-luv101 · 5 years
Dramatic Blond || Chapter 3
Fandom: Servamp Ships: LawLicht (main), KuroMahi (side) Characters: Hyde, Licht, Kuro, Mahiru, Lily
Summary: Hyde enrolls in Juilliard to win back his ex. But then he meets Licht who helps him discover a new dream. He will become a famous actor and show his ex that he’s someone serious. (Legally Blonde AU)
Part 1 || Part 2 || (Part 3) || Part 4
“Licht, thank you for helping me but you didn’t need to carry so much. It would’ve been simpler if we just took two trips.” Mahiru told his friend. They were moving supplies from Mahiru’s car to his shop. Licht’s arms were full and he could barely see in front of him. He knew the layout of the shop well and Mahiru kept everything organized so he wasn’t worried about tripping over anything.
Walking only became difficult when someone covered his eyes. He was taken by surprised and he turned around sharply. The boxes he was holding almost toppled over but the person behind him managed to catch them. He also took the boxes from him and Licht was able to see that it was Hyde. He smiled at him and nodded towards the open door. “Did I surprise you, Angel Cakes?”
“It’s impossible to sneak up on an angel. The only reason I didn’t kick you when you covered my eyes was because I knew it was you. You’re like a child with your stupid pranks, Shit Rat.” Licht rolled his eyes at his behaviour. When he turned back to the door, Licht had a small smirk on his face. He found him amusing even though he called him annoying at times.
“Are these boxes filled with rocks or something? They’re heavy. It’s impressive that you were carrying so much on your own. I need a shoulder rub after this. Will you give me— Shit! That hurts, Lichtan.” Hyde pouted at him when Licht interrupted him with a soft kick. “You’re going to make me drop these.”
“Stop exaggerating, Shit Rat. These are just receipt paper and other supplies Mahiru brought for his shop. They’re not that heavy.” He was carrying the box with ease so he knew that Hyde was lying about the weight. Hyde pretended that the box was heavy and jokingly bumped his arm against Licht’s. He blushed and hoped that Hyde didn’t notice how he stared at him.
Licht accidentally dropped the box. The way Hyde winced and crouched onto the ground made him think the box fell on his feet. Worriedly, he reached out to help him and see if he was hurt. Hyde smoothly took his hand and kissed his fingers tips. He could barely stifle his laughter as he grinned up at him. “Were you worried about me, Lichtan? That’s so sweet but I’m not hurt.”
“I was worried you broke the supplies in the box. We’re normal people who can’t afford to replace things frequently.” Licht took his hand back and opened the box. Once he saw that nothing was broken, he lightly kicked Hyde’s chest. He fell back but he continued to smile up at him. “I’m going to give you my hand to help you up and you better not trick me again.”
“But it’s so fun,” He joked. Licht still held out his hand to him and pulled him to his feet. Then, he brought the supplies into the shop. He placed them beneath the register. A short distance from him, Mahiru was counting the inventory on display. He didn’t look up from his list. He was accustomed to their banter and he knew that it would never escalate to violence.
“Thank you for bringing those boxes in for me. I’m glad they weren’t a casualty of your flirting. You two aren’t in middle school anymore so you shouldn’t do immature things like pick on your crush. Keep it simple and asked each other out already.” Mahiru decided to poke fun the two in exchange for Hyde teasing about Kuro yesterday.
“What are you talking about?” They both yelled at the same time. Mahiru giggled at their reaction. He didn’t know if it was funny or tragic that they were so blind to their own feelings.
“After that joke, I don’t know if I should give you this but here you go.” Licht pulled out a ticket from his bag and placed it on his desk. “Next Friday, I’m going to participate in a piano contest. My manager was able to get tickets for everyone I wanted to invite. I hope you can make it. This one is yours, Shit Rat. Don’t lose it because I’m not getting you another one.”
“I get one too?” They grew closer over the last few months but Hyde was pleasantly surprised that Licht invited him to see his performance. He took the ticket from him and slipped it into his wallet for safekeeping. “I can’t wait to see you play on a big stage again. The last time was the day we first met and you were just practising then. I get to see you in a fancy suit now.”
“Don’t get your hopes up, Shit Rat.” He muttered and sat in front of a piano on display. He played a sweet chord and Hyde remembered the night they became friends. Licht grew up with little and he had to work hard for what he did have. He didn’t have the expandable money for a fancy suit. He said, “If you don’t behave yourself and be respectful at the performance, I’ll kick you out personally.”
The door opened and they turned to see Kuro enter. Hyde was surprised to see him since he wasn’t expecting his brother to visit. “What are you doing here, Nii-san?”
“I think I forgot my bell here when we had dinner. I have the day off so I decided to drive down and get it myself.” He explained and walked to him. Hyde couldn’t help but notice how his brother would glance at Mahiru occasionally. He wasn’t the type to take a long car ride to New York for a simple bell. He walked to Mahiru and smiled shyly. “Hello.”
“Welcome back to New York. I’m glad to see you again so soon, Kuro. After you called last night, I found your bell and set it aside.” He stumbled over his words because he was flustered by his lazy smile.
Hyde leaned close to Licht’s ear and whispered to him. “If we’re immature middle schoolers who pick on our crush, those two acts like awkward middle schoolers with their first crush.”
“We’re all adults here so don’t call us middle schoolers, Shit Rat. Well, your maturity might be in question. Learn personal space.” Licht said and pushed his face away from him. He was blushing because of how close he was. He tried to hide his reaction to his closeness and turned to Mahiru. “Do you want me to watch the shop while you run up to get that bell?”
“That would be great, Licht. I’ll get it right after I hang this guitar.” He stood on his toes to balance the instrument on the hooks. Kuro moved next to him and helped him hold the guitar in place. Mahiru would’ve liked to talk more with Kuro but he only came for the bell he forgot. “Do you have anywhere you need to be after this?”
“Actually, Mahiru, would you like to go out for lunch with me?” Mahiru wasn’t expecting him to ask him out. His hold on the guitar accidentally slipped and it fell off the hook. The guitar hit Kuro as it fell and Mahiru rushed to help him. His nose was bleeding and he pressed a napkin against the swelling.
“Oh, God, I’m so sorry. Does it hurt? I’ll get you some ice.” Mahiru stroked his light hair gently and that eased the pain for Kuro. He took his hand and reassured him that he wasn’t hurt. There was still a look of worry on his face and Kuro rubbed his thumb over the furrows between his brows. He relaxed and said, “We should have a doctor look at your nose in case it’s broken.”
“You should take my brother to the emergency room.” Hyde suggested and lightly urged them towards the door. “Leave me and Lichtan in charge of the shop. You can trust us.”
“Okay. Can you put everything in the backroom and then lock up the shop? Hopefully, the wait won’t be too long.” Mahiru handed his shop’s key to Licht. Then, he took Kuro’s hand and helped him to his feet. “I’ll drive you to the hospital, Kuro. My car is outside.”
Hyde watched the pair leave with a secretive smile. He waited until Mahiru’s car disappeared down the road before he flipped the open sign to close. Licht was surprised when he suddenly took his hand and pulled him outside. “Hey, where are you taking me, Shit Rat? Mahiru left the shop under my protection. As an angel, I can’t leave.”
“We’re just stepping out for a minute and we’ll finish everything when we go back. Mahiru won’t know that we left. Trust me, Lichtan.” Hyde locked the door and tilted a grin at him. With his hand on his back, he led Licht down the street. They passed several shops and he wondered what he had planned. The confident smile he had compelled him to follow Hyde.
Licht scanned the shop windows as they walked. He didn’t notice Hyde stop and ran into his back. They were in front of a store that sold men’s suit. He didn’t know why he would take him there but he followed Hyde inside. An employee greeted them politely but then she sprayed cologne in front of them. Licht coughed and waved his hand. “What the hell?”
“This is our new cologne from Calvin Klein. It’s called Love. Do you like it?”
“We’re here for a suit.” Hyde said and quickly covered Licht’s mouth. From his irritated expression, he knew that Licht would’ve said something rude if he didn’t stop him. His hand moved to his waist and took him to a row of jackets. He waved the employee away and said, “We don’t need any help at the moment. I’ll call you back once we need to take the measurement.”
“Wait, Hyde, you don’t need to buy me a suit.” Licht tried to stop him but he was once again swept away by Hyde. He held a white jacket against his chest and hummed thoughtfully. Hyde grabbed a few more and then guided him to the changing rooms in the back. He gave the armload of suits to Licht and then lightly patted his back. “Get in there and try these on for me.”
“Will you slow down, Shit Rat? I already have a suit that I plan to wear for my performance. You don’t need to buy me one.” Licht insisted.
“This is something I want to do for you. This contest is important for you and it’ll be a big part of your dream to become a pianist. You supported my dream so it’s my turn to do the same for you now.” His red eyes became soft and he said: “Without you, I would’ve never tried out for Tybalt. I owe you much more than dinner and a suit.”
“I thought you took me out to dinner because you wanted to make Ayato jealous.” He spoke his thoughts without meaning to. It was difficult to know what Hyde was thinking sometimes. Licht wasn’t sure about his own feelings for Hyde. At first, Ayato only irritated him but now he felt jealous. He didn’t know why.
“I took you out to dinner because I wanted to celebrate with you. I’m buying you a suit because I know this piano contest is important to you. Ayato has nothing to do with my decision.” Hyde wrapped a tie around his neck and pulled him closer. Licht could hear the honesty in his voice. “You should try on the white suit jacket. It’s the perfect colour for an angel like you.”
“Okay, I’ll try on a few. You have good taste for someone who wears so many gaudy rings.” Licht took the suit jacket from him and walked into the changing room.
“What did you think of our run through?” Hyde asked after his rehearsal was over. They would often walk home together. That day, Licht’s practise ended early so he decided to watch the rehearsal while he waited for him. He couldn’t take his eyes off the play whenever Hyde was on stage. Hyde played Tybalt’s hotheaded personality with a roguish charm.
“I had to stop every five minutes to look up a translation of Shakespeare’s work to know what everyone was saying. I’m glad that people don’t talk in that flowery style anymore. It’s best to be direct and blunt when you talk to others.” He said. The irony that he couldn’t be direct with his growing feelings for Hyde wasn’t lost on Licht. “With how often you quote him, I might have to buy a book and carry it with me.”
“Out of everyone here, you’re likely the only one who doesn’t question my Shakespeare knowledge or acting ability. Most people in the master program went through their bachelors here so they got a chance to network. They see me as an outsider since I transferred in.” Hyde groaned.
“Ignore them. You’ll prove yourself and they’ll shut up soon enough. It was the same when I entered the music program.” Licht’s encouragement was blunt but it made Hyde smile softly. Despite his sharp words and glare, he was a good man. “What do you want to do tonight?”
“I have a DVD collection of Shakespeare’s plays with modern subtitles for normies like you. Do you want to marathon them with me? It’ll be a forty hour marathon of ‘thou’s and ‘thee’s.” Hyde burst into laughter when he saw the expression Licht made. He appeared utterly horrified by the prospect of watching a marathon of plays. Truthfully, Licht thought it would be fun if Hyde was there.
The stage was mostly empty since the other students left soon after rehearsal ended. Hyde jumped onto the stage and held out his hand to Licht to help him up as well. It was on the tip of his tongue to tell him that he didn’t need his help but his red eyes compelled him to place his hand in his. They walked around the stage and Hyde thought the spotlight highlighted Licht’s sharp features beautifully.
“Shakespeare created scenes that endured the test of time.” They stopped next to the balcony set piece. He climbed the ladder to the balcony and leaned over the edge to smile down at Licht. The balcony wasn’t very high and he was able to cup his cheek. “O, speak again, bright angel! For thou art as glorious to this night being o’er my head as a winged messenger of heaven.”
“Isn’t Juliet is supposed to be the one standing on the balcony while Romeo says that line from the ground?” Licht wasn’t as familiar with Shakespeare’s work as Hyde was so he couldn’t quote the next line. He helped him practise enough to know a few of the other lines though. “I know not how to tell thee who I am. My name, dear demon, is hateful to myself because it is an enemy to thee.”
“My prof will kill us if he heard us re-arrange the lines like this.” Hyde joked but he played along by improvising additions to the classic lines. “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet. Juliet? Sweetheart? Love? Thou art an angel. My angel is thou.”
“I don’t think ‘sweetheart’ was a common endearment back then, Stupid Hedgehog.” Licht stepped up a few steps of the ladder until they were eye to eye. “With love’s light wings did I o’erperch these walls. For stony limits cannot hold love out, and what love can do, that dares love attempt. Trust me, Love, I’ll prove more true than those that have more cunning to be strange.”
They unconsciously leaned closer to each other. They were only reciting lines from the play but it felt different from when he would practise with others. Hyde felt his heart start to race and he ran his fingers through the white streak in his dark hair. Licht’s whisper brushed over his lips. “I have no idea what I just said or if I even said it right.”
“It was perfect, Angel Cakes. I never thought I would hear you say something so corny and cheesy.” A small chuckle escaped him and he leaned back.
“Oh, speaking of names, I have something for you.” Licht shrugged off his backpack so he could take out his gift. The ladder shook slightly as he took his hands off the bar. Hyde placed his hands on Licht’s waist to keep him from falling backwards. “When you were paying for the suit, I saw this and bought it for you. I was going to give it to you after your opening night but this seem like a good time. Close your eyes.”
“I hope this isn’t a trick, Angel Cakes.” He said but he closed his eyes. He heard a small jingle and he wondered what it could be. Hyde felt something cold against his neck but the warmth of Licht’s fingers quickly chased it away. He opened his eyes and looked down at see a nametag hanging around his neck. He held the silver tag in his palm and then traced his finger over his name.
Licht blushed and told him, “I couldn’t afford to get it engraved so I did it myself. Don’t laugh.”
“I love it.” Hyde tucked the necklace beneath his scarf. “I’ll wear it on opening night.”
“Is that you, Hyde. Rehearsal ended already so you shouldn’t be here.” They turned towards the voice and Hyde recognized the director of the play. He was disappointed that their moment was interrupted but he knew they had to leave. Licht climbed down the ladder and Hyde followed him. The director continued to lecture them. “You can’t play on the sets. I need to lock up.”
“I’m sorry,” Hyde said. He light nudged Licht towards the door and said: “I want to talk to the director about the play. You should head out first since our talk will probably bore you. But know that parting is such sweet sorrow.”
Licht rolled his eyes when he heard the quote but he had a light smile as he left. Hyde walked back to the director. “Mr. Callahan, I want to thank you for this opportunity you’ve given me. I know it’s a risk to give me the role of Tybalt since this will be my first production. I won’t let you down on opening night.”
“I hope you won’t. There is something I would like to ask you though. My organization is holding a fundraiser next week.” The director handed a pamphlet to Hyde. “Maybe you and your siblings can come. It’s a great cause to donate your time and money into.”
“Is this the reason you gave me the role? You wanted my family’s support.” His family was wealthy and successful so organizations would often invite them to fundraisers and events. From a young age, he knew the were only invited because of their prestigious name. Hyde’s lips twisted into a scowl and he thrust the paper back to him.
He didn’t bother to listen to the director’s response before he turned and stormed out of the theater. He wondered if he was cursed because he saw Ayato in the hall. He tried to ignore him and walk past him. Ayato’s voice echoed him. “It looks like you’ll get the lead for our next play. You’ve earned it.”
Hyde slammed the door but he was so numb that he didn’t hear its loud crack behind him. His only thought was returning home. He almost walked past Licht without speaking to him. He only stopped when he grabbed his arm. As soon as Licht saw his eyes, he knew something was wrong. “What happened?”
“I have to pack and go back to California.” Hyde’s declaration shocked him. He pulled his arm out of his grip and walked past him. The cold rejection stung Licht. They were having fun together only a few minutes ago so he didn’t know what happened to make him upset. Not one to give up easily, Licht walked in front of Hyde and blocked his path.
“What about the play? You can’t leave when they need you to be Tybalt.” Licht reminded him.
“Look, Licht, I don’t belong in Juilliard. Thank you for trying to help me and everything else.” The confidence he gained after landing the role was taken from him. Hyde simply wanted to return home and lick his wounds. “When you become famous and have a piano recital in California, you should visit me. Give me a call. Say hello. You are the best thing about this place.”
“Where are going? Your dream is only just beginning.” Licht desperately wanted him to stay. “Hyde, you should know—”
“The only reason the director gave me the part was because he wanted my family to donate money to his organization.” He spoke over him.
Hyde looked down at the ground and bit his lip. “I didn’t get the role because of my talent or anything like that. There’s no reason for me to stay. I should’ve known too. When Ayato broke up with me, he said my family name was the only reason he dated me. God, I just want someone who wants me for me but I’m not going to get that here. Goodbye, Licht.”
Licht was paralyzed and he couldn’t stop Hyde from leaving. He stared at Hyde’s back as he left. He was too far to hear Licht’s whispered confession. “You do belong here. I know you’re worth so much more than a name. A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet, after all.”
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