#omg it’s just sooooo sweet please I’m so happy for him and sad
judesmoonbeauty · 9 months
Licht Klein - Act 2 Ch. 1 CG
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borathae · 1 year
Hi Sibi!!! I just finished catching up with MV so I’m back and OMG WHAT A FUCKING ROLLERCOASTER OF EMOTIONS THIS HAS BEEN SIBI WTF??!!!! I’m sorry this isn’t going to be very deep because my mind is all over the place with everything that has happened in the story because it’s A LOT (and I love every single thing about it hskssksksksk) so here we go…
Ok first of all MV Yoongi is not good for my health because with every chapter he gets hotter AND cuter and I just can’t deal with that considering that real Yoongi very smoothly managed to infiltrate himself and made permanent home right besides Joon in the bias spot in my heart so you can imagine how melting and tummy-butterfly inducing every action of MV Yoongi is right now, like I’m suffering because he’s just so romantic even when he tries to hide it behind his colder persona, and oh how he protects his princess 😭 and the dance they shared among the fireflies???? god please i beg you send me a yoongi please 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
And then we have our sweet little Kookie, he has come so far with his training! Im so proud of him cause he’s baby and deserves all the best in the world 🥺 I’m also so happy that they (OC & Kookie) finally put a name to their relationship 🥹🥹🥹 he’s the cutest boyfriend and again I’m so happy that he now can control his urges enough to kiss, cuddle and make love to her cause we KNOW this man craves the soft kind of love 🥺
And our OC??? Sibi what a character development! She’s so badass and cool I love the relationship she has with every single one of the members of her little family it’s so wholesome, and once again she’s so badass for stepping up and defend herself and for her loved ones when things the rough, I love her she’s a whole QUEEN 🥹
Oh! And Seokjin and Emma???? Sibi they are the CUTEST couple ever 😭 they are so in love and I’m sooooo glad that they managed to find each other again 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 and she’s so warm and kind??? I never suspected her of being evil jdkdkdkdk I was like “noooo this woman can do no wrong” from the moment she appeared with Jin jsksksksk also I LOVED the “girls” chapter so much, I really love the fact that our OC now has a female friend with her with whom she can talk about periods, baking, sex, gardening, etc. all from an female perspective cause yeah she has the boys always ready to listen to her but sometimes one needs at least a little amount of girl talk whether that be silly or more serious, it’s always nice to have someone that can understand you when it comes to girl things, I also think that it was so nice that OC found Emma trustworthy and safe enough to tell her about Jimin’s (BASTARD) incident at the club cause our girl was so anxious 😭 so I was! Sibi you had me all those chapters feeling so anxious for her and for Yoongi and god it was torture, that’s how wonderful your writing and storytelling skills are. I swear that from that chapter I was reading and I kept repeating “oh Yoongi is going to fuck him up so BAD when he finds out, god he’s going to destroy him in an instant” and then of course that sentence included Tae too cause boy 🙄🙄🙄🙄 shit went down hill so fast.
*sighs* when it comes to Jimin… before I started MV I already knew that he was back, I just didn’t knew under what circumstances it happened and I was so excited to find out how that happened and you didn’t disappoint! But GOD! He can go back to being dust for real now jskskskskksksksks goddammit I hoped (like an idiot) that he would be back with a better personality, you know? I tough that death would humble him but noooo still a selfish and manipulative son of a bitch jsksksks I’m so sorry like I was part of the people that cried when he died! Because he deserved a second chance and I was so sad… well fuck that, I know he has trauma because of Namjoon and everything but that doesn’t allow him to abuse the only person that actually sees good in him and literally ruin Tae’s relationship with every single person that cares about him, and don’t get me started in Kim Taehyung, like this man already crossed the red line due to his behaviour. First with his terrible fucking friends? Like I remember sweet and romantic Tae and I go “How did he befriend such assholes?” And then get reminded that his “soulmate” is Jimin and I go “right, he didn’t have his feelings on AND he has a liking for elitist pricks” 🙄🙄🙄 like for real HOW did he not defend his girlfriend from the horrible things that Fringebitch was telling her, how did he chose to stay at Charles house after what happened with Koo?( like bitch that’s YOUR girlfriend AND boyfriend that were, one in danger of becoming food and the other in danger of loosing all his progress with control) Like please I’m begging Tae to have a mind of his own for ONCE and step up cause at this rate he’ll loose everyone except the most toxic fucker on earth aka Jimin.
Also in the later chapters I started to think that maybe, just MAYBE he turned off his emotions again… it gives me that vibe 🤔
To add to what I was saying before I was soooo fucking happy when Yoongi FINALLY confronted and beat the shit out of the two of them, they both deserved it and deserve every beating after that one too, I said what I said 🤷🏻‍♀️and Yoongi Boongie looked extra hot while doing it (I loved the little haegeum reference with the chopsticks jskskskks)
On a final note because this ask got too long, I’m so sorry for that 😅 on the latest chapter I LOVED when OC went to confront dumbass #1 and dumbass #2 especially when she put jimin back in his place like YESSSS QUEEN SHOW HIM WHO IS IN CHARGE HERE, and you really made me go in full panic mode when her whole family was dying, that was so cruel 😭 and now I’m so curious about our oc! Was she just in shock from killing someone and almost loosing her family? Or is there something else going on after what happened? (I’m with everyone else on the “now she’s a witch” train jsksksk) also in so curious to know what’s going on with Tae because I KNOW there’s something else going on with him and that’s the reason for his off behaviour especially considering the times he’s felt confused about the anger directed at him (the two times he’s asked “me? Why me” has me sus af because it’s like he doesn’t remember or just downs understand why it’s wrong)…
Now this ask really got long, this happens when you had to catch up with a lot of chapters 😅
Anyways FUCK FRINGELLA, FUCK FREDERICK, FUCK JIMIN, FUCK CHARLES, FUCK NAMJOON, FUCK THE BAD WITCHES ,FUCK TAEHYUNG AND FUCK JIMIN AGAIN CAUSE HIS AN ASS ( and I KNOW that soon I’ll comeback to eat my words and cry about those last two cause I feel the redemption arc coming jsksksk, but for now FUCK THEM)
All the love for you and your amazing story Sibi, I love you and I’m so excited for todays chapter! 💜
ps: in complete love with Yoongi Boongi and Kookie as always, a cuddle session with both of them is a need
-Shy anon
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YOU WROTE AN ENTIRE BOOK??? HELP??? IDK WHAT TO SAY OTHER THAN fafmadspfewajfewjfnadskfjash ANONIE!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!
Ok first of all MV Yoongi is not good for my health because with every chapter he gets hotter AND cuter and I just can’t deal with that, like I’m suffering because he’s just so romantic even when he tries to hide it behind his colder persona, and oh how he protects his princess 😭 and the dance they shared among the fireflies???? god please i beg you send me a yoongi please 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I WANT A YOONGI I NEED A YOONGI PLEASE GIVE ME A YOONGI (btw I love that you guys love him so much afjdasjf istfg his character wasn't supposed to be so important in the Sanguis universe and yet I DO NOT regret a thing!!)
And then we have our sweet little Kookie, he has come so far with his training! Im so proud of him cause he’s baby and deserves all the best in the world 🥺 he’s the cutest boyfriend and again I’m so happy that he now can control his urges enough to kiss, cuddle and make love to her cause we KNOW this man craves the soft kind of love 🥺
I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM!! (btw he wasn't supposed to be such a big character either ajfdajfj but his story developed naturally in MV and DO NOT regret it)
ALSO BIG PREACH ON EMMA AND OC!! istfg I waas so happy writing about female friendships in MV!! Emma and the witches were legit such a source of comfort for me :( they are peak feminin love and I LOVE them!!
I hoped (like an idiot) that he would be back with a better personality, you know? I tough that death would humble him but noooo still a selfish and manipulative son of a bitch jsksksks I’m so sorry like I was part of the people that cried when he died! Because he deserved a second chance and I was so sad… well fuck that, I know he has trauma because of Namjoon and everything but that doesn’t allow him to abuse the only person that actually sees good in him and literally ruin Tae’s relationship with every single person that cares about him
Like I remember sweet and romantic Tae and I go “How did he befriend such assholes?” And then get reminded that his “soulmate” is Jimin and I go “right, he didn’t have his feelings on AND he has a liking for elitist pricks” 🙄🙄🙄
asdjfja same fadfj I gotta remind myself too that he literally was an emotionless bitch for hundreds of years, which explains why he befriended equally as emotionless people fajdjfa
Seriously though anonie thank you so much for this ask!! I fucking afdfadnsfn love youuuuu hehehhehe 🖤💜
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nanabbi · 4 years
Hello! I love zisashi angst and I have at least 70 fics to rec! ... Would you like me to recommend them? 👀 I've been colecting them for over a year now
So, this person did DM me the recs but they didn’t want to be mentioned by name, so I’ll just thank them a lot for sharing their suggestions. They had also placed sweet little notes for all of them, I’ll include them, but I hold no authority of them. I’ll add some of my own insight if I have any.
Here is the list for me and all of you to check them out:
don't scream until the earth crumbles by rise_beyond_the_graveyard (serenlyall)
3K/Oneshot-  [Their Note:  Angst for Hizashi and Shouta. Mentions of torture, be careful with the tags]
If At First You Don't Succeed... by MarziPanda95
26K/Completed- !!! It Is completed! Yay, I’ll definitely read it at first chance. It is a Groundhog Day fic. [Their Note:  A personal favorite that was completed very recently. Mentions of torture (mental and corporal) the tension in this fic is amazing! And its really well written]
Without You I Can't Breathe by morbidcorvids
2K/Oneshot- Major Character Death. Hizashi basically dies in Aizawa’s arms from what I saw.  [Their Note: This one is... So good but omg it made me so sad ;;;; a great piece of angst!! Mind the tags before breaking your heart].
Hindsight Is 20/20 by Nartothelar
2K/Oneshot- Wait there’s fics of this AU!? Omg! I was wondering where I could get more insight about it and this fic is part of a series. Now tho 👀 [Their Note:  Part of nartothelar's awesome mafia au! I love the angst in this one, and even comes with art! 💕💞💖💓 love it so much]
Resignation by OnAir
28K/Completed- [Their Note:  THIS IS OMG SJDVBDD MY FAVE, I'VE READ IT LIKE 8383737721 TIMES, its a must! Read! Of! Hizashi! Angst! Pleaaaase! Do yourself a favor and read this masterpiece]
[More under Read More, because our provider was very generous with their suggestions]
Patchwork Family by bravobeavo
3K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  This one is so cute! Hizashi angst with erasermic family fluff to warm your heart! Shinsou and Eri are so worried for their dad in this one 💕]
Consumption of the Heart and Lungs by YamiHeart
4K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  I think you will like this one... Its a hanahaki!!!! And in japan with ninjas and samurais 💕💞💖 and an omg very good amazingly written hanahaki. It is part of a series though! So if you fall in love with it you can read the next one!]
White Chrysanthemums by LipstickVenom
9K/Oneshot- I see Major Character Death warning and Hurt no Comfort. I’ll approach with caution [Their Note: Ok hear me out, this one hurts! A lot, but its oh so amazing💕 fully recommend it!]
Paper Hearts by Xen_The_Protogen
2K/Oneshot- Major Character Death Warning [ Their Note: Super fun timeline to follow! Well... Not fun, this fic made me cry, but I loved how the story was told! Please, its a must read!]
Soul Bound by Ibelieveinahappilyeverafter
7K/Oneshot- It is written by Andy. I trust it. [Their Note:  One of the best soulmate fanfiction out there, its not fully angst, but it is there in some parts! (USJ I see ya) this one is more like Hizashi and Shouta angst though].
you are my sunshine by chimera (emptyheadspace)
5K/Completed- Ha. Ha. I see the title and the MCD Warning... Someone here is not afraid of that warning [Their Note:  I mean, the title already tells you that this sadder than mufasa's death. 5+1 type of fic (I love the format so I loved this one even more!)]
I'm Sorry, I'm Not Sorry by Tabs
1K/Oneshot- It does say happy ending tho [Their Note: And yis.... Short and sad, read it!]
Shout & Mute by ill go with that then (Linelenagain)
9K/Oneshot- Body swap, you have my curiosity and attention [Their Note:  Ok this one is not angst angst, but is more like Aizawa finally realizing the hardships that Hizashi must have (and is going through) because of his quirk thanks to a bodyswap! :D (love this one aye)]
A Gift of Sunshine by Ibelieveinahappilyeverafter
35K/Completed- It’s Andy again! Hi sir, I’m a fan. The concept seems interesting [Their Note: Ok so... In this fic Hizashi is a sword and Aizawa attends UA with him (it? Lol) well, he is more like a soul in a sword, not the swor- meh, just read it. It has some heave angst in some chapters! And its not that long! Reallyyyy good fic]
More Than Just a Smile by ravyn_sinclair
7K/Oneshot- -heavy breathing- I see BAMF Hizashi in the tags. BAMF HIZASHI! [Their Note:This is a fic of Hizashi being underestimated and showing everyone that he has some brains/ knows how to be a hero. There is angst by the end of the fic~ this piece of writing is just- a masterpiece. Kudos to the writer!]
Improbable Botany 101 by Tierfal 
46K/Complete- [Their Note: OKAY! A HANAHAKI THAT IS JUST 💕💞💖 its longish? Not that much, you'll finish it in an hour or so, but is just sooooo gooooooood! Amazing hanahaki angst! I love how they show us the feelings and thoughts of the characters].
6:15 by dadzawa_of_1a
3K/Oneshot- [Their Note: So great! I loved this one! And its very well written! Its a quick read so please just go go go go!].
I thought we'd last forever by orphan_account
1K/Oneshot- MCD Warning [Their Note: Great fic my dear! And very sad... Mind the tags :'"c]
Ice It by Say_Jay
3K/Oneshot- Oh! I’ve read this one! It’s so cute. I was looking for it when I was doing the Hizashi whump list, but I hadn’t bookmarked it! Now I have! Gosh I hate losing fics, thanks for bringing it over [Their Note:  Its more like... Comfort after getting hurt? But meh, angst anyway sbdbjdbd However, I think that everyone in the erasermic fandom is familiar with this short masterpiece].
Dust in the Wind by d_lynx
Sleep and Sweet Tea by d_lynx
2K/Series-  [Their Note: Ok this one is just pure angst. A very short concentrated bomb of angst. It does have a happy continuation though! So you can go and check that].
Guillotine by existentialrat
4K/Ongoing- !!! 👀 Do I have anything to do with the origin of this fic? I see the author’s note there. I’ll wait~ [Their Note: Hizashi is with hanahaki! Ohnooo! Dnjdbdj well well, this one is not finished, but there is one chapter left so... You can choose to either wait or just start reading it. Oboro lives in this one though!]
Honest with You by astrange_one
8K/Completed- [Their Note:  Hizashi gets insecure after having an encounter with his past foster parents :c babyyyyy. He suffers so much mentally speaking in this one]
Needle-thin Tightrope by Dramaticdragon
2K/Oneshot- [Their Note: Another insecure Hizashi! This one is short but ohhh amazing!]
Lost and Found by TheWiseMansFear
16K/Ongoing- Last Update: April 2020 [Their Note: Hizashi is tortured but refuses to tell why! Its not finished! And the updates are slow, but is very good, read under your own risk].
Day 3: Unexpected/Revelation by presentedmic
2K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Great fic! Shouta tells Shinsou about the time he almost lost Hizashi! Cutecutecute and angsty!]
Desolate by maplebee
<1K/Oneshot- MCD [Their Note:  A short very angsty fic... Almost made me cry, this one did].
With You by maplebee
<1K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Short and sad as well, this author is great with making you feel stuff in less than 1k].
Accidentally Forever by Arkham_Cat
1K/Oneshot- I skimmed through it, it seems mild with no Mature content [Their Note: Short Omegaverse, shows how Shouta accidentally marked Hizashi. Its angst? But not very heavy angst, soft angst? Dunno. And is short as well! So I would recommend it if u want a quick read!].
Sunshine Boy by MarziPanda95
40K/Completed-  MarziPanda again! Hmmm 👀 [Their Note: We all know that Marzipanda95 is a goddess of Hizashi Angst, and this fic is one of her greatest masterpieces! Please! This is a must read!!! Recently completed].
Even As I'm Busted And Broken by Tippytap
<1K/Oneshot- [Their Note: Ok... Short but sad, Hizashi is finally overwhelmed. Mind the tags please]
(Don't Ever) Stop Talking by WritingStarsIntoConstellations
<1K/Oneshot- [Their Note: Aizawa messes up by using his quirk on Hizashi! They are teens in this one~]
Kintsugi (Broken & Fixed) by DarklingMoon
12K/Completed- [Their Note: Another 5+1 cause god knows I love them so much! Its a great fic filled with angssttttttt... Read it lol]
Lemon Boy by modernmint
<1K/Oneshot- [Their Note: Short! Focuses on the phobia that Hizashi has with bugs and the relationship of the boys! They are teens in here].
Five Times Present Mic Apologized (And One Time He Didn't Have To) by BurningTheSapphires (MyStShSh)
5K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Features villain present mic! Is not mostly angst but it has...] Good ending? I hope.
Sixty Seven by AcroArdent 
1K/Oneshot- MCD [Their Note: This is just short erasermic angst. Featuring villain aizawa!]
Waiting For You to Call My Name by Purplemerald
2K/Oneshot-  [Their Note: I mean, you tell me "Hizashi angst" and I think of this fic, short, painful, a must read].
Snapshot by LipstickVenom
5K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Insecure of his body image Hizashi :c ]
Five Stages of Grief by NeitherDeadnorAlive
3K/Ongoing- I saw no MCD warning. [Their Note:  Hizashi is trapped with some civilians under loads of rubble! Rescate mission ensues! And huh... Its not finished, but its some great angst thooo]
Musical Vibrations by Rose_Cat
1K/Oneshot- [Their Note: Hizashi gets deafened :c ]
Letting Go by Zombieisms
<1K/Oneshot- MCD [Their Note: Hizashi is comatose].
Dangerous by AutisticWriter
1K/Oneshot- [Their Note: Little kid shinsou and hizashi bonding over their time at the orphanage].
One Last Time by CoolPandr
<1K/Oneshot- MCD [Their Note: Aizawa Mourning our sunshine boy :c short and painful]
You're Late! by AnotherWeirdoHere
<1K/Oneshot- MCD. I didn’t even read it but the title and the summary alone pained enough of a picture to make me choke. These concepts hit me for some reason [Their Note: Short angst! Super cute ending].
Too Loud and Too Much by doctornemesis
2K/Oneshot-  [Their Note:  Insecure teen hizashi :c someone give this boy a hug].
Just a Push by Say_Jay
5K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Aizawa injures Hizashi while training!]
Everything I Wanted by toshiwoshi
4K/Oneshot-  [Their Note: Hizashi gets misuranderstood and gets his heart broken :c happy ending tho]
Memories by My_Furnace_Has_Wings
2K/Oneshot- MCD Omg... [Their Note: Ok this is erasermic family angst... Suuuuper sad, this author is great.]
Actions Speak Louder than Words by My_Furnace_Has_Wings
<1K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Teen erasermic confession with angst! Really good ^^]
Mr loverman by popweezle
1K/Oneshot- Angst with a freaking Happy Ending tag. Finally I am getting super depressed with these scenarios I am reading here. Good God. [Their Note: Another comatose Hizashi~]
first love / late spring by pgsaihara
1K/Oneshot-  [Their Note: Erasermic angst, insecure Aizawa makes Hizashi upset :c ]
Needle-thin Tightrope by Dramaticdragon
2K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Another insecure about his volume hizashi :c poor baby but I kinda get him].
Small Hiding places by IsTheMedia
2K/Oneshot- Part of Villain!Mic [Their Note:  Part of villain Hizashi series! But can be read alone... Implied child abuse, mind the tags].
(dis)trust by Cat_Tac
4K/Oneshot- TW: Sexual assault (doesn’t get far, but it is the basis of the plot). Mentioned this one in previous ask, but let’s put it in this huge pile too [Their Note:  MIND THE TAGS PLEASE, this can be triggering. Hizashi is assaulted at work and feels guilty].
Be grateful, hero by SaltywithSarcasm
2K/Oneshot- [Their Note: Hizashi is kidnapped and tortured]
Tenacity by tiniest_hands_in_all_the_land
23K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Ok so... This is more Aizawa centric? But there is some amazing hizashi angst at the end! (Another 5+1 fic!)]
Déjà vu by douchegrayson
9K/Completed- Mentioned this one before too. I really love its concept so much [Their Note: Everyone forgets hizashi thanks to a quirk! Our poor boy is desolated :c ]
Stay With Me by MintIceTea
2K/Completed- [Their Note:  Erasermic angst and fluff!]
Engagement by fecklessphilanderer
8K/Completed- [Their Note:  Hizashi falls off a building, fluffy ending!]
Note: In all of these, make sure to read the tags please, in case there are any themes you’re uncomfortable with. I have not yet read most of these, so once more you’re gonna have to look out for yourselves. 🙏
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imaginethathaikyuu · 4 years
How did I find your blog? I was looking for soft Kuroo content on google. And your soft birthday hc’s for him came up. And that’s also how I found tumblr
What was the first story of yours that I read? That Kuroo piece ^
Roughly, how long have I been following this blog? Well I found that piece shortly after it was posted so…. Around the beginning of December 2019 I think. Got a tumblr a few months later and you were the first person I followed (had you in my bookmarks bar before that! (still have you in my bookmarks bar and when I share my screen in classes there are occasionally questions. I ignore them))
What’s something I’ve noticed about you personality wise? You’re really clever and funny. But you’re also sweet. But because you’re clever you have no hesitation in setting up and enforcing your boundaries, and I really admire that strength and confidence.
Have we ever interacted, either by PM, ask, or in the comments? What was my perception of you? YES!!! PM, SOOOOO many asks, comments, and you sent me an ask. And reblogged it. And I cried. A lot. My perception: you’re lovely and I want to h*ld your h*nd ….please.
What’s my favorite story of yours? Oh how to choose. Firstly, I’m a nb, biracial, bisexual. Honey, I’ve never made a choice in my life. But let’s try here. Anything you’ve written for Tsukki. Literally all of it is gold. Fight me. I was going to write “especially [piece title]” but I LITERALLY CANNOT CHOOSE ONE. Your Bokuto nightmare piece. Your Kuroo angsty fight. Your Tendou dealing with S/O with parents who yell piece. Your Kinktobers. Your Futakuchi and Mattsun pieces. And your Terushima pieces. Ugh. I CANNOT CHOOSE. OH AND YOUR STREAMER KENMA!!!!!! OKay just… all of it. I can’t choose. I tried, and I failed, and I’m willing to admit failure.
What’s a story I’d love to see you write? I don’t want to say this… because it hurts me… but I just KNOW you’d write brilliant angst. Some of my fav pieces of yours are pained beginnings with happy endings. That fight with Tsukki after a bad day at work. The pieces I mentioned above (nightmare pieces and fighting pieces and angsty home life ha.. ha.ha.ha.). That Oikawa one where the reader wakes up in bed without him and thinks he left. You write these gorgeous atmospheres and descriptive, visceral feelings, and if you chose to use it for evil…. You could get evil shit done. You’re SO powerful. So I want to read it… but also…. I don’t. I’d love to see you write ABO like you mentioned a while back or just see you explore a cutesy soulmate AU or something. I think you’d be really good at writing an AU where you hear what the other person’s listening too. I feel like you’d be so good at making me feel something for someone who was in another city. (think this would be cute with Tsukki cos he’s headphones boy, OR terushima because I like the dynamic of someone flirty, who clearly cares about looks, falling for someone he can’t see) ANYWAY….
Favorite pairing you write for?/fav reader insert? Tsukishima x reader. It’s my fav self-ship. (but also Mattsun, Bokuto, Oikawa, Tanaka, and Akaashi because you write them SO WELL!!!!)
Have any of your stories helped me through a hard time? Of course. Your self-harm piece came at a time I needed it. Iwaizumi’s in particular saved my life. But also your Tendou dealing with S/O parents who fight… came right when I needed it. Also starting college… was hard.. And reading and rereading your fluff really pulled me through it.
Have any of your stories hit closer to home? YES (see above).
Do I genuinely like your blog, it’s aesthetic or posts? It’s overall feel? It’s content? Yes. The aesthetic is, ngl, a wee bit basic. But I kinda love that. And the feel? It feels like home. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Your blog is my safe space. So, yes, I love. It’s content? YES. OF COURSE. Your personality probably could have kept me here even if your content was kinda shit, but I follow you RELIGIOUSLY because of your content. So yes. I adore.
Is English my first language? Kinda??? I grew up in a trilingual household so I kinda learned three languages at the same time while growing up. But no, I don’t need to translate it in my head. Because English was one of the three.
Anything I want to share? Yes. Please keep being kind to yourself, caring for your mental health, enforcing your boundaries, loving Akaashi, and just generally being you. You’re so lovely as you are, and I hope you continue grow, but never change. Also I’m sorry about all your work stuff…. It literally makes me feel sick. And I hope you find a job where that’s not tolerated, or that your work finds a better way of protecting it’s employees. I know you know this, but none of it is your fault. I just hope things improve. AND I love you… a lot. And I’m so proud of you hitting 9K and you deserve so many more followers because your pieces are just... GORGEOUS. I can’t wait until I’m at Barnes and Noble in a few years and I can pick up a hardback copy of your debut novel. I’m so excited to say “I knew Em Akaashi (which is your legal name as far as I’m concerned) before she was so popular among the masses.”
so ive been trying to figure out the correct and worthy way to reply to this ask since the moment i got it......because its so fucking sweet and kind and amazing and pure and perfect and i just dont know how to use WORDS to explain the way it makes me feel so.......i will just reply in bullet points in regards to every question u answered to make it a lil easier :D
- the fact that u found my blog on google ....... like this may be odd and a very specific thing but before i made this blog i always hoped that 1 day my fanfic would pop up in google searches bc thats ALWAYS how i found fics when i was reading them religiously and i felt so much ENVY!!!!! LIKE I WANTED TO BE THERE I WANTED MY FICS TO B POPULAR ENOUGH TO POP UP ON GOOGLE.....that may sound very selfish but its true......so thats just very cool to me... :]
- u’ve been here for so long omg 🥺🥺🥺🥺 if anyone in ur classes ever asks jus promo my blog like its nbd 
- thats so sweet what 🥺🥺🥺 i try my best to advocate for myself and be confident for myself.....ive spent far too much of my time being silently uncomfortable because i was afraid of pushing someone’s buttons seeming rude.....but NO MORE!!!! i know what upsets me, i know my triggers, i know what i dislike experiencing, and im never gonna let myself be anxious or uncomfortable for someone else’s sake, esp if theyre being rude 2 me. i would say its less strength and confidence and moreso me attempting to take control of my anxiety in the places i can (aka on the Internet) bc i am SICK OF ANXIETY ATTACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
- BBY no dont CRY!!!! im racking my brain trying to think of who u are i wanna know so bad so i can thank u personally for being the kindest person in the world n so i can send u more asks >:(........MY HAND IS URS TO HOLD!!!!! dont tell akaashi tho 
- OMG my TSUKKI pieces.....hes so hard to write why ;-; thank u so much im so glad u enjoy my works<3333
- NOT ANGST NOT LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!! pained beginnings to happy endings are my specialty.....IMAGINE me writing a sad ending like i CANT!!!!!!!!! ive only done it a few times and it is so Difficult.....YALL ARE SO LUCKY IM NOT EVIL!!!!!! ive had this idea for an angsty akaashi fic that i think about and write in my head every night before falling asleep and it Hurts and i wanna write it but i also can’t make myself :D ABO would be very fun but i genuinely do not know how to explore the concept while making it feel like it’s Written By Me.....u know what i mean? same with soulmate aus, i really dislike writing them because theyre just boring to me like they all feel the same everything’s been done for them.....which is FINE!!! but i write enough cliche stuff as it is HAHA, a long distance type soulmate au could be fun and interesting but ldr’s trigger me bc of a past relationship so </3 but hey maybe someone else could use the idea!!!!!
- gotta love tsukishima <3
- im rlly glad my writing could be there for you friend, one of the biggest reasons i write fanfic (and write the kind of fics i write) is bc i know firsthand how much reading sweet stories abt ur comfort characters can help u through the shittiest times - i just wanna offer ppl some support and happy feelings and love cuz sometimes fanfic is the only time we can find those things (and theres nothing shameful abt that either if anyone bullies u for reading fanfic i will fight them)
- I KNOW MY LAYOUT IS LAZY AND BASIC AS FUCK AND THAT IS BECAUSE I DO NOT GIVE A SHIT LMAOOOO so im glad u think its ok...... like i dont have the patience to create a fancy ass layout that actually works are u KIDDING ME??????? I COULD LITERALLY NEVER plus i kinda like that its just the basic kinda ugly boring default layout like it makes it simple and easy and i feel like it brings focus to the only thing on this blog that i care about which is my writing, i rlly only care about the content here and not aesthetics jdbljdabsdk that blue background will be there til i Die......i adore u more btw 
- WHOA trilingual what the hell ur so cool tell me more 
- you have my word, friend, that i will continue to do all of that so long as you do the same. take care of yourself, be kind to yourself - i know u can do it, ur so kind to others and u deserve to be kind to urself, too so this is the part that genuinely brought me to tears because *sappy dumb shit ahead* ok look ever since i can remember the one and only thing ive wanted to do with my life is become an author ...... dreams of book covers with my name written on them and words in pages written by me and fanart of my characters and going into my local bookstore n seeing my book there....these thoughts all haunt my fucking brain because i want it SO BAD!!!!!!!! so bad that it makes me CRY!!!!!!!! ive never wanted something more and just!!!!!!!!!!!! idk how much u meant that part but holy fuck!!!!!! i hope so bad that one day i can send u a free copy of my book as a thank u for being the person u are. u have all my love friend, every last bit of it <333333333
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livcosmos · 4 years
CHAIN OF GOLD booktalk
You guys I can't even... that was oh my God soooo good. I know I always say this but I don’t even know where to start like there was so much going on and ahahahha I loved it so incredebly much!!! I wasn’t sure if I wanted to read it because I thought that it would be to painful because of my love Jem but I am sooooo incredebly glad I did read it and I can’t wait for the next book I am fraking out so hard I need to know what happens kjkjkjkjk... Can it please be March already???Please!!! I had so much fun reading it, it gave all the feelings from laughing out loud to screaming and crying and wanting to throw the book out the window, it was amazing! It was so intense!! I also want to say how much respect I have for this woman she created such an amazing world with such amazing characters and she never stops to amaze me she never disappoints! I want to thank her once again for everything!!! She is a freaking genius!!! Now let’s get started!
Ok I think I’m going to start with my boy Matthew, he was and is my aboulute favourite, I knew he was going to be from the moment I read the short story about him in “Ghosts of the Shadow Market”, cause yes apperently I have a weakness for sad damaged boys, my hearth breaks for him and I just want him to be happy more than everything he is such a sweeatherat and I am so so scared that something is going to happen to him I saw some theires about him... I’m telling you if something happpens to him I burning the world down if I may quote Sebastian!
Through the whole book I was screaming for more parts from his point of few because I needed and I stilll need to know exactly what he is thinking and what he is feeling I need that so bad and when we finally got the first tiny part from his point of few the one with Grace... I am going to talk about that...girl in a miunte... first I started crying cause I was so happy but than of course that bitch, I’m sorry I normaly never swar but oh my Lord I hate Grace and the things I said to her God forgive me, had to ruin it and hhjhfjfgfgf poor Matthew! I really hope Magnus helps him, our sweet Maguns our mother Theresa bless his soul I love how he is always there to help and all my hope is in him that he helps Matthew too as he helped Will, I am so happy he is present and in the action, let’s be honest what would be a Shadowhunter book without him seriosly now?
As I mentioned Will, first his parenting omg is helarious😂😂 I love him so much! And second of all Matthew remeinds me so much of him and I really really hope Matthew finds his light as Will did!
Matthew needs to talk to someone about what happend he needs to talk about it and frogive himself for what he did ahhh it breaks my hearth to see him suffering! When he told Thomas and Lucie about what Alastair said as mean as it sounds cause I do felt really sorry for Alastair in that moment, I was glad Matthew said at least a part of what is so heavy on his hearth, I mean he didn’t said what he did because of the rumor Alaister speed but it was a step forward in my opinion! AAAHHH and I read the things we can expect in Chain of Iron and that he probably is going to tell Cordelia what he did aaahhhh... bless him I am so excited to see what happens!!!!
Heres is the thing, this is probably an rather unpopular opinion but even tho I of course ship James and Cordelia, I mean obviosly they are made for each other there is no doubt in that, but there is still a part of me that ships Matthew with Cordelia.... I mean THE DRAMA, I know but ahhh and I read that they are going to be very close in Chain of Iron and aaaaaa I can’t say it often enough how freaking excited I am for that book!!!!! I loved the easiness in their conversations, they always were somehow comfortable around each other and the dance at the ball tho omg that was something, I loved it so much!! How they danced together and talked that was the moment I started shipping them!!!
And here’s another thing, I also shipped Matthew with Lucie like... hgckgfgfk don’t get me wrong I love Jesse and I do ship Jesse with Lucie, like how could I not and bless him when he gave his last breath for James how couldn’t I love him? I cried so much reading that scene! How could I not ship him with Lucie they are also made for each other but than agian Matthew and Lucie ... that would be interesting I mean now it’s obviosly never going to happen because Matthew is over her but still! And my hearth BROKE like it litterly shattered when James talked to Lucie about Matthew and she was like yeah but I don’t like him in that way... Like girl I love you you’re amaizing but what is wrong with you? We are talking about MATTHEW FREAKING FARICHILD here !!!!! Oh or at that part where she was talking to Matthew and she literatly called him a drunk, like yeah he do has that problem but she didn’t had to be so harsh! I loved tho how much Matthew cared for Lucie how he was concerned about her well being he is so sweet!!!! But I guess have a more brother and sister relationship, unfortunately.
The only thing I fear is that Matthew is goin to end up alone because obviosly James and Cordelia and Lucie and Jesse will stay togetehr forever, and I don’t want my baby to be alone forever! I read that there is a new charachter in Chain of Iron, a girl from Italy maybe she will be the perfect match for my Matthew? Who knows?
Another thing I ablolutely fraking love about Matthew is also that he loves fashion and that he carse about how he dressed and oh my lord he is wering RINGS!!!! like ok every Shadowhunter has their family ring but he is wearing other rings too and he has so much style!!!! He owend my hearth anyway but those things made him even more lovebale for me ahhhhhh and the fact that he is fangirling over Magnus.... omg!!! And of couse the fact that he loves reading I mean yeah Jamie and Lucie they also love reading and I love them for that too but the fact that he is reading in combination whit his other traids... he went right up on the second place of my book boyfriedns list!!! And of couse his dog, I love Oscar even tho he didn’t apear that much but aaaaa how he tried to save Matthew when they were attaced ...my hearth. And the fact itself that he named his dog after his favourite author.... just... I always love an artist boy but Matthew is something else! He can’t quite reach Jem because Jem to me is more that everything but he is right behid him! Jem is the love of my life and Matthew is my soulmate how about that,that seams sounds good.😂😂
As I already mentioned my biggest love of all times Jem, I also have to say a few words about him! So I cryed so much at that part when he came to see Will after his parents died, I was so emotional and ahhhhh every time they all were like oncle Jem here onlce Jem there... I had tears in my eyes I always cry for Jem and and he owns my hearth forever and ever, his faith always makes me cry, how sad he must have been all this years... how sad... finally seeing him happy with Tessa and Mina makes me more than happy and again I am warning everyone here if anything happens to him in the Wicked Powers anything... to him or Mina... I’m going to react even worse than if anything happens to Matthew!!! Oh and another thing I can hadle “oncle Jem”, it hurts but I except it, “cousin Jem” tho is a whole other level tho.. that I can’t handle it’s so wired omg it’s so wired that Cordelia is Jem’s cousin ....and overall it is wired to see all of them as parents not only Will and Tessa but also Cecily and Gabriel, Sophie and Gideon ahhhh my hearth, knowing everything they have been through and now seeing them have kids...but than it was also so interesting and funny and I loved that they were there but that they let the children do their own thing, that even tho they were present they weren’t the focus of the book. AH and I loved how Magnus was like: “I am going to help you all but if something goes wrong I am going to tell your parents!”, I love that he is so close to Tessa and Will everytime I think about the fact that he and Tessa are so close to this day ahhhhh....so sweet!!!
And now that I mentioned Mina I have to say this too, I how painfull must it be for Tessa and Jem and even Maguns to have seen all those beautiful children James, Lucie, Matthew all of the live, and love and grow and than die! Like it hurts me so much because I learnd to love them all so much and I am sitting here screaming at every on of them to stay alive and don’t die but than if you thing about it they are all already dead.... and that hurts and if that hurts me how must Tessa and Jem feel, who have seen them every day.... that is so incredebly sad and it breaks my heart! And than I think about the fact that Jem is now also going to die ant some point and Mina too and I can’t even think about it that is unbareble for me I don’t want to think about a world without my Jemmy in it!!
Anyway coming back to this book I think it’s time to talk about our manipulative, annoying, mean, evil, I fraking hate her so much, Grace Blackthorn.... aaahhhhh were do I start......I KNEW IT from the very beginning!!!!!! The moment, the moment James metioned that damned bracelet the first time I knew that there was something wired about it, I knew it had some kind of influence over him I knew it and than she came andjbsdhbfsdhfbsdhf I can’t even I am sooooo mad soooo sooooo mad!!!! I love Jamie, I realy do and I know it’s not his fault but still I am also a little mad at him that he let himself get triecked by that lunatic!!!!! I was so happy and releaved when she took that bracelet back from him I was so happy that she was finally out of the picture and I also was sooooooooo happy he realised even a little bit that there was something wrong and that he didn’t actualy loved Grace and that he actually has feelings for Cordelia!!!! Because my god Cordelia was there first he liked Cordelia first when she read to him when he was ill, that was so sweet and he had a crush on her but didn’t realise it and than the lunatic came and gave him that freaking bracelet, and she said herslf that James was obviosly crushing over Cordelia but of cousre she is a manipulative bitch and she made him take that bracelet and than made him wear it ahhhhh bsdgfkjhgfkhgljkg
It was a trap from the very beginning and I had red flags all over in my head flying around the moment she first apeared, of couse I felt sorry for her, because of the other lunatic, her mother, and I thought that it’s not her fault that she was raised by Tatiana and that she maybe has a little good in her but noooooooooooo she knows what she is doing!!! Even if Tatiana made her do some of the the evil things she not only agree to do them she also made her own bad bad bad things!!!!! God I hate her so much!!!  It was a trap for James the moment Tatiana came and was like “Can you plese help me cut the throns?” nooooo he can’t!!!!! Get out!!!! James should have sensed that there was something wired going on, but bless him his heart is to good to sense that!!!
I love how Matthew never liked Grace and that scene with her when they talked I got sooo mad so so mad!!!! I love Matthew but he needs to tell James or even Cordelia about what Garce said and did!!! And Matthew how could you let them alone at the end how??? When I read that part, when the evil thing but the bracelet back on James’s wrist I was beyond furios that was the last bit, I wanted to throw the book on a wall!!! vfsdjhfgdhjsgfdshgfsh!!!!! And pleaseeeeeee someoneeee I don’t care if it is Matthew or Cordelia or anyone elese PLEASE TAKE THAT DAMED BRACELET OF JAMES!!!!!! They must see that there is something about that bracelet please please please Magnus, anyone plese!!!
According to the family tree from Clockwork Princess our Miss Grace is going to be with Christopher PLESE NO! Christopher is to good for her, he is too nice he deserves something better than Grace I love Christiopher plese don’t let her ruin him! I know that that family tree isn’t reliable but still I went in fulll on detectiv Mode through the whole book checking that tree  and making theories and everything!!!! And I need some awnsers!!!!
When Barbara died ( I didn’t know her that well but she seamed so nice I liked her and I fell so sorry for Sophie and Gideon!!!) an alarm in my head went on because in the epiloge of Clockwork Princess, when Will died they said that Sophie’s girls where there and I was like nooo there is a mistake how?? How can Sophie’s girls be at Will’s death of Barbara just died!And than it occured to me that Cassie changed her mind and decided to kill Barbara then, we can’t trust anything!!! Anything is opssible anything can happen and I am so scared!!!!
Returining to Grace and Tatiana.... why on earth does no one acknowledge that Tatiana is mad??? She is wearing the same dress she wore when her husband died every freaking day??!! They must see that there is something wrong with her! And letting her adopt a child who she obviosly ruined is another crazy thing!!!! Why does no one see that??? Why??? James sweetheath the moment you met Grace you should have run to Tessa and and tell her that crazy Tatiana is keeping a girl in that run down house!! He would have done a good thing for her if he had told anyone about her but than again Grace is crazy herself and maybe she would have stabed everyone in the Institute in the middle of the night! And Tatiana is now going to the Iron Sisters and I am so freaking scared of what she is going to do...
Poor Jesse she seams so nice comapred to his crazy mother and sister how can he be so nice when they are so out of thier minds??? I am dying to know how Lucie is going to bring him back to life, God forbid Grace makes her do something to carzy I mean it is crazy enough they want to bring Jesse back with necromacie and I guess it runs in the family *cough cough Ty* to bring back the dead but I fear joing Grace in this thing isn’t good for Lucie! Omg but I loved that scene where Lucie compared Jesse to Snow White that was hilarious.😂😂😂
Speaking of Luice I really love her, I love that she wants to be a writer, I love how Tessa and Will teached their children to love books! And Lucie she is so funny and god she and Matthew would have been so beautiful together... but again she is made for Jesse and as I also like him may they be happy together! I also have to say that she gave me especially in the beginning Anne with an E vibes she kind of reminder me of Anne.
Quick thing about James I want to learn more about his power with the shadow realm and also about Lucie’s obviously but I have to say that in the beginning when he was constantly jumping throw the realms... that reminder me soooo hard of Stranger Things!!!😂 I know it’s crazy but here me out, to me it sounded so much like The Upside Down and James reminder me of Will from Stranger Things like I don’t know maybe I’m just crazy but I also imagined that one demon the one from the greenhouse who multiplied looked like that thing from Strager Things who also left those baby monsters everywhere!😂😂
I think it’s time for Cordelia now, but before I go on with her I want to also say a word about Alastair. So I can’t forgive him because of what he did to Matthew and I am still not sure if I like him but I do understand him now. I loved seeing this other side of him, seeing him somehow vulnerable and I loved that he cares about Cordelia and that in a wiered way he truly is a good brother to her! And I do understand even tho that doesn’t excuse his actions, why he was so mean and that it was all because he was alone and feard to be bullyed and that in some messed up way it was because of his dad. I do beleve there is good in him and I am so here for him chainging into a good person and apologiseing for what he did and said that hurt others. Speaking of his father tho... I don’t now what to think about him... he didn’t want to se Jem after he became a Silent Brother even tho he was his only relative.... I think that says enogh about him... I am curios tho to see how he is when he cames back in Chain of Iron. Ahhhh and if we are already at it... Sona... I didn’t like her in the beginng she was so stiff and somewhat mean but that thowords the end I stated to sympathise her I felt sorry for her in a way and I realised that she only wanted her children to be well.
Oh God and also the other big thing that made me go into a next level detective mode was Cortana, because.... so Cortana belongs to Cordelia, it belongs to the Carstairs family AND it remains in the Carstairs family because Emma has it and her father a Carstairs gave it to her.... and if we check the family tree John Carstairs Emma’s father is Alastair’s son BUT and here comes the big thing how is that possible first that Alastair has a son ( maybe he adopted???) and than second how is it possible that Cortana remained in the Carstairs family because if Cordelia marries regardeless if it is James or not, the sword isn’t going to remain in the Carstairs familly unless Cordelia decides for whatever reason that she wants to give HER SWORD the sword that CHOSE HER to her nephew and not to her own child??!!! What is going on??? I want to know??? How does Cortana remain in the Carstairs family HOW??? I am so intrigued I want to know this so badly!!!
Now that we have that of the table we can talk about Cordelia, so first I love how she is friends with Lucie, I do want to see more of their friendship tho! I do like her, I wan’t sure in the beginning because in the beginning she was so focused on her father and on making a good inpresion that I don’t konw.. but than I learned to love her, I love how fearless she is and how she loves her friends and risks her life for them, she is so great! And I love her with James, I do like all the drama with Matthew ahhh but she and James they need to be toghether! At the end when she “saved him” from Tatiana’s acusation I was like “GIRLS WAHT ARE YOU DOING ARE YOU INSAINE???” but than I understood that that is just how she is, she protects her loved ones and I love her for that! But damn it hurt so much when James said that he doesn’t love her because of that fraking bracelet ahhhh my heath poor Cordelia!!!! James do loves her he does he just neds to take that damed thing of his wrist and they can be togehter!!! It is so obvious and after the Whisper Room thing like people you could have stoped but you didn’t just please talk about your feelings!!! But no our evil Grace neded to come with her bracelet!!! I have to honest from the moment she put that thing back on his hand till the very end I felt sick I felt like I was going to throw up that’s how much the whole situation shaked me.😂😂
And if there is one thing I leared this summer from the books I read, especialy this and Again but Better, it’s that for god’s sake you should always say what you feel when you feel it regardeless of the conseconces just tell the people you love that you love them because there is so much to lose if you don’t! So much can happen not within days but within hours, like for example crazy Grace putting on a bewiched bracelet on your crush, and you will regrett not have said it before when you had the chance! I am so excited to see how this fake marriage thing goes, it’s definitely going to be very interesting! 
Ah and another thing I loved about this book is the friendship between all of the cousins! I love how close they all are, that they grew up togetehr and that they are so close it so beautiful! I love the Merry Thieves and I love how they now included the girls ( I don’t know what I feel about the new Italian girl I need to meet her before I approve her into the group) and I love how everyone is everyones cousin even tho they are not actualy cousins and ahhhhh the friendship between Anna and Matthew their trips to the Hell Ruelle omg I live for that!!! I love how they meet at the Devil Tavern and plan their moves, it so beautiful! I love that Tessa and Will and all the parents made their children all grow up together making them grow so close!!! They are one big family!
Thomas I haven’t said anything about him yet, I love him I realy like him and I love how close he is particlary to Christopher! I love how kind he is and I also love how like his father he went to Madrird. And I love Anna, I love how observent she is, that she sensed a wiredness between James and Cordelia and I love how she gifted Cordelia all those dressed like omg!
Ah and I also do need to say how much I dislike Charles, like how was it possible that out of such nice people as Charlotte and Henry (I loved seeing Henry again in this book bless him) somone so awful as Charles can come out? I rellly don’t like him! Not that Ariadne cared but how could he leave her while she was dying? Who does that? I guess he truly deserves to be with Grace tho I feel sorry for Charlotte and Henry to have to welcome her into the family!
I sorry this booktalk got so long but had a lot to say and I still have a few more things to say one of which is about the London quarantine in this book, like the irony in it the fact thate we were all in quaratine when this book came out is just... I couldn’t ’t belive my eyes when I read it! Overall I love that the book took place in London, London is my favourite city in the world and returning there through this book esspecial at the time ahhh it was perfect, I loved returing to the London Institute, I loved the dresses andthe fashion everything! I loved the way they all spoke and they sayings it was all so perfect!
This book was just everything I needed right now and I am more than gald that I decided to read it! I can’t let it go yet tho I am still to attached to everything my crush on Matthew is still buring bright and I can’t let it and I don’t want to let it fade! I’m also more than excited for Chain of Iron, March can’t come soon enogh! I dying to see what happens and how all this drama is going to be solved!
Oh goodness and I almost forgot thanks to everyone who makes Shdowhunter memes, esspecally the ones about Chain of Gold like really they make my day! I am sometimes sitting for hours looking at them laughing!😂😂Some of them are pure gold! Thank you!
And I also want to thank everyone who came this far and read all of this you are true legends!
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selfcareparker · 4 years
(lovely anon) ok so this may sound so dramatic but; let me paint you a picture: i’m responding to your latest message, sitting on the edge of the sofa. i type in “lovely anon” into the search and see this longgg post come up and i’m like uhhh... i scroll down and see the people you tagged and literally. when i saw @ lovely anon. i . cried . like full on tears. my brother goes “what are you doing” “she tagged meeeee” and he continued what he was doing and didn’t care LMAOO but i was so emotional? i love and appreciate you too and aAH IM CRYING!! you’re just really sweet and i didn’t expect it at all and it was really lovely to be a part of something :’)
the kermit pic sent meee but yes yes yes!! when you start uni let me know, lol i’m so excited for you!! let me know how it goes cuz i’m literally hype hahah & yes we will be in our sad corners of the world, missing england but you’re right it’ll be sooooo worth it in the end!!! and oH i’m glad you talk to them lol i truly thought you like haven’t seen them/haven’t spoken to them this whole time😭 that would’ve been awful!
also i totallyyy get what your saying about the english speaking thing. and idk why you’re insecure (well i *knowww* bc it’s not your first language and you’re studying it in college so yuh) but your english is great :)))
lol yeah that makes sense.. my mom took french in college and she remembers NOTHING HDJSHSJ (the fact that you wanna learn MORE languages i- ahh i so admire you.. you literally know so many languages🥺) yea i mean you know a bunch of languages bc you know the base of words lol, but i wonder if because you know latin it’ll be easier for you to learn french? oh- oh wait you said it’ll be easier HAHHAHA
THERES SO MUCH EXCITING STUFF TO TALK ABOUT HDGSJSJSL it’s so wild to me that you can’t watch chaos walking :( i’m a professional hacker tho so i’ll try and find a way for you LMAO (by professional hacker i mean i literally have gotten multiple free trials and i’m pretty sure the hulu police are after me bUT ITS THEIR FAULT BC WHY IS IT SO EXPENSIVE???) i mean the movie was good? and cute? and funny? but yea don’t think it’s gonna be the most fantastic thing haha AND THE DOGGO AWWW (i saw it again today- or my today lol, saturday, aND THESE OLD PEOPLE CAME AND SAT IN FRONT OF ME AND MY FRIEND LIKE ITS A LONG STORY LMK IF YOU WANNA HEAR IT)
SHARK FILMS?!?!! PLEASE READING THIS I HAD NO IDEA YOU WOULD LIKE SHARK MOVIES TOO FHSKSHSHDJDJGAJAYSJS ok so i haven’t seen any of the classics (i’m working on it) but i would probably watch jaws to laugh at it? not like that lmao but like comparing it. OKAY BUT HONESTLY I BARELY KNOW ANYONE WHO LIKES SHARK FILMS AHHH OKAY im adding “the shallows” to my watchlist bc it sounds super good AND SAME AHSJD ANY BODY OF WATER IN A MOVIE I JUST KNOW ITS COMING LMAO watch me not go in the water anymore after seeing that picture HHDJSJ
WHEN I READ THIS I JUST GOT DONE TALKING TO MY MOM ABOUT THE MEG AND THAT SCENE WHERE THE SHARKKK JUMPEDDDD AND ATE THE OTHER ONEEEE AND THEN JONAS HAD TO DO- bro i cannot (i think that one is my favorite because i love me a bit of romance and the subtle romance hAD ME) 47 meters down PHEW could you imagine?? i try not to think too hard about it i’m like “don’t be dumb catherine, don’t put yourself in a dumb situation” (not autocorrect having “dumb bitch” ready i am not lying) and i literally understand... there is no other way to explain 47 meters down
i CANNOT watch horror movies, can’t can’t can’t, i literally hate them i cannot do it!!! the thrill is tempting and it’s cool in the moment but i cant lmao. i don’t have nightmares about scary things (for the majority of the time) but going to sleep i’m like oooohhhhhh shit 🥲 literally what you explained
music !!!! music !!!! music !!!! (u ever write a word and now it looks weird lmao) MY BROTHER DOESNT LIKE MUSIC AND ITS SHIT IM LIKE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU- anyway, my music taste is all over the place i mean......... it’s crazy. earlier today i was listening to meghan trainor’s album “title” oUT OF NOWHERE, but just a few minutes ago i was listening to fall in love with me by earth wind and fire soooo lol .. megan is *chefs kiss*, i’m not familiar with stormzy🙈, harry styles.... IM SORRY IM THAT PERSON but i don’t listen to his solo music EEK i only listen to adore you... and not that frequently... the music video freaked me out... i like niall’s solo music a lot more, which i listen to a lot more. now. one direction. favorite. please & thank you. i have a playlist called “boy bands” and it consists of one direction and the vamps (obsessed with cherry blossom btw) but as you can see my taste is all over the place!! fr fr if i sent you what apple music has as my “favorites” it went from ariana grande to carrie underwood to glee (OBSESSED DONT LET ME TALK ABOUT IT) i mean please if you let me i will nonstop (hamilton HDJSH) talk about music all day😩 & NOOO UR MUSIC IS GREAT HAHSK IM NOT A BIG RAP PERSON BUT DOJA CAT IS MY FAVORITE!!
okay good, i’m glad :) i was just nervous that you did feel that way <3 and GOT IT HAHAJ healthy pressure is always good :’) my friend got me these pens cuz i love stationary and school supplies lol and was like “now you have to write something” soooo yea i feel that! and i saw you posted the ficcccccc literally so proud of you 🥺🥺 i’m trying to decide if i read it tomorrow or tonight..... sleep or a literal beautiful creation made by the sweetest person and is v v nice smut and college!peter and 4.7k...... sleep aint really calling no more.
GIRL ALL OF MY SENTENCES ARE TOO LONG HAHAHAH IN FACT THIS IS TOO LONG SOOO (also why am i 3 days late..😑) anywho it’s 1 in the morning so <33 lovely anon
oh my god the fact that you cried nearly made me cry too😭😭🥺🥺 (also, your brother LMAO), i wasn‘t even sure if you‘d see it but i immediately thought of you so of COURSE i included you <333
the hulu police lsjsjaiaik, girl i was ready to get a hulu membership when i wanted to watch big time adolescence and i couldn‘t find it anywhereee, and when i got to the payment it said i need a bank account that‘s based in the US or whatever. like bro i was about to pay you!! but i was forced to find it somewhere (and i did, on levidia,— not that i‘ve ever used it because it‘s illegal 😤 i would never!!! i‘d rather support billion dollar companies and spend my money on watching films that i can find for free 🥰🥰🥰 not
i‘ve found chaos walking online so i‘ll watch it som time this week!! also YES TELL ME THE STORY
okay so idk if you watched/are planning on watching falcon and winter soldier but i watched the first episode the other day and they were speaking french (just a few seconds) and I UNDERSTOOD SOME WORDS DLDJDJ and i was so proud of myself. i‘ve only ever learned french with duolingo lol (i only do like 5 mins a day and that‘s why i was so surprised that i understood some of it!!). and yeah apart from latin i feel like italian, german, french and english are all similar in a sense.. i mean obviously they‘re completely different languages but for example there are some grammatical constructions in french that i think i wouldn‘t understand if i only spoke english? so when i translate those things into english you can‘t directly translate them bc you say things differently, but when i translate them into german then it makes more sense to me. idk that‘s something i noticed so i feel like if you already know multiple languages it‘s easier to learn another language compared to if you only know one language and are trying to learn a second one. even if the languages aren‘t similar then i think you get the hang of it easier.
ikd slsjsjs also i don‘t want you to think that i‘m a linguistic genius or anything lmfao, like i‘m only fluent in english and german and i‘m just a wannabe (ew that word) polyglot sksj (yes i had to google polyglot— i do think learning ancient greek would be super cool tho? like imagine studying latin AND ancient greek, whew). and honestly i don‘t think i‘ll ever be fluent in another language bc i don‘t plan on living anywhere other than germany or possibly england and i‘m not dedicated enough to properly learn any other languages esp if i don‘t have anyone to speak the language with. but i still try my best and i just love language/languages as a whole so yeah i‘m happy & just learning as much as i can dkdjh🥰
(I guess language/linguistics are/is my passion (which sounds sooo lame lmaoooo) and the word passion comes from the latin word pati (i think💀) which means to suffer, and in german passion is called Leidenschaft which basically means suffering too, idk why i‘m telling you this maybe you know it already. but ok dumb fun fact, in german you can make compound words with as many words as you like, and the longest official german word is Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz which is a law for the monitoring of labels on beef... this is such a dumb fact but i think about that word like once a day idk why dodjsjsj so... 👁👄👁)
but i‘ll stop boring you with my linguistics talk because truly i don‘t know much about languages but i am interested omg i‘m gonna shut up now.
now water + sharks. (so in non-covid times i always go to croatia with my dad during the summer, and even before ever watching a shark film i was always kind of scared in water.. but after watching so many shark films wldjdj HELP Like you know when you go deeper into the ocean and you can‘t see or feel the ground/floor? anymore.. then i just start imagining sharks. like i can‘t help it i just imagine a shark sneaking up on me or feeling something graze my foot ABD I JUST START FREAKING OUT SSKJSHSJ. idk. anyway kdkdh i do love the ocean/swimming though but the older i get the more i realise how fucking scary the ocean is ( even if we’re gonna disregard sharks)
your brother... what‘s wrong with him? HOw CAN YOU NOT LIKE MUSIC LIKE WHAT THE FAWK
OKAY BUT SAME ABOUT THE ADORE YOU MUSIC VIDEO DLDKDJSJSKSLSLKSKSJSHSH and yeah i have to say harry’s style (styles lol) as a solo artist isn‘t reaaally my cup of tea, and i only like the popular songs from his second album and the first album is only good when i‘m in the right mood (haven‘t actually listened to it in a while though, but kiwi is one of my all time favourites along with only angel but i hate the start, like it takes 40 seconds to actually begin properly). i like mgk and because of him i watched the dirt which is a film about motley crue, and now one of my favourite songs ever is same ol situation and i‘m into rock now lol. +++ justin bieber. I had a justin bieber cardboard cutout thingy😭 i was the biggest Belieber on earth when i was 13-16, but i didn‘t like his last album and tbh he‘s become a bit weird lately, BUT OH MY GOD. i Listened to his new album yesterday and i‘m in LOVE with the song hold on
i really like niall‘s music toooo!!!! And doja cat 😌😌😌😌 And THE VAMPS OG MY GOD. i got to see them live bc they were the opening/support act for little mix and ajdsjskslslsjsjsj. (Also i love concerts, some of the best memories of my life are concerts, i‘ve seen nicki minaj live 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 and justin twice and my heart fills every time i think about how excited i was, it was my first concert ever (16th of September 2016 😌) and i was the happiest person alive seeing justin drew fucking bieber (even if i‘m not tooo sure about justin nowadays)
i have a confession? Idk what hamilton is. I mean I‘ve heard about it and i keep googling it but i‘ve never watched it (is it even a film???? or like a proper musical? also pls tell me you grew up with high school musical. i have a few friends who didn‘t and it makes me so sad 😭😭😭 hsm is the best thing to happen to my childhood , the sooooongs— i still listen to some of them every week or month lool they make me so happy)
(Okay wait i was about to recommend some stormzy songs but you said you‘re not that into rap so i won‘t dksksjl)
What you said about my fic AHSLSLSJB (i wasn‘t sure if you sent an ask about it earlier? idk that might have been someone else, so if it was (and you‘ve read it already) i hope you liked it sksjsj i was...... unsure about it. and i have this reeaaallly long peter fic that i started writing in december and that‘s the only peter thing i currently want to write but also i can‘t because idk how to continue kddjj.) but I’m definitely getting back into writing i have a few blurbs that i want to write so 🥰🥰🥰
Oh and pls as soon as you read this let me know: violet or yellow? (it‘s just a tiny thing for my new theme slsksj)
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ryansjane · 4 years
SOOO i saw your review for the judgment and i agree with what you said tbh. anyway, not focusing on the angst i’ve woken up in a “i need mond in more series” mood. i would looove to see him take on mlm roles. like. preferably a happy one 😅 i would also like to see some size difference in the pairings !!! but plot twist he’s the sweet shy one. its crazy bc this dude is jacked af. could crush my head b/w his biceps but he’s so??? gentle?? when he has to be??? anyway i would like to see more!!
hbjdfbdhjbfdbfbjd, stop omg same!!! mond has already had two mlm roles & he was great in both! his chemistry with fifa in the judgement was frankly flabbergasting like just the scene where they meet?? THOSE HEARTEYES OMG. anyways, in other news I would love for mond to be the softest one in the relationship just like in the judgement, it would be sooooo cute & actually fit his real life personality of being such a dorky soft boy :))) and yes yes yes a happy ending please I’m tired of sad endings I only want happy ones!!!
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surrealsunday · 4 years
GODDDD GET READY GIRL!! this is my favourite favourite chapter, i loved it more than 8 and yeahhh lets wait for epilogue BUT GOD!!THIS!!CHAP!! i am a fluff baby buuut the angst was de ouf! it hurt in all the right ways omg sooo FIRST OF ALL “Eliott would have heard him over a hundred people screaming. “ THIS LINE !!! i just loooved it so so much, the sheer romanticism🥺
“On your daily list of dramatic bitch ass interns you want to strangle, has Eliott ever made the top five?” Idriss leaves it at that” THIS LINE HAHA (1)
“On your daily list of dramatic bitch ass interns you want to strangle, has Eliott ever made the top five?” Idriss leaves it at that” THIS LINE HAHA
That anon who said that they imagined eliott jerking himself off to the sex tape while crying,,, was sooo on point hahaha although it broke my heartttt when he was imagining lucas and what’d lucas say and him imagining cuddling lucas,, aaahh poor bby😞😞 and the fact that eliott was HURTING AS HELL but he said these out loud to himself “I love you. I love you. Lucas, I love you.” (2)
“Call my mom later. Fret to her about it.”
“Seriously, Eliott?!” He can hear her sigh in frustration.” Ok i didn’t get that why was SHE being frustrated and why eliott apologised her later?? i pretty disliked this lucille talking to eliott’s mom about eliott like he is some idk a thing that has to be discussed?? it annoyed me really and the fact that LUCILLE WAS THE ONE being frustrated?? i dont get it
“Why are you being like this?” “You don’t. Why are you saying that? Why –” His voice cracks. “You don’t hate me.” OK THIS OH MY GOD i could just cry from these 3 lines,,, the hurt that is so visible oh goddddd. (3)
eliott’s conversation with manon!!! was THE BEST thing is2ggg!!! only if i could copy paste the whole convo but the thing that got me specifically was when manon asked him “Does this feel like Lucas to you? The Lucas you know?” and the whole thing eliott thought about how in love he is with lucas,,, BEST BEST 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
“Lucas can’t lose you, Eliott. He’s lost… so much in his life. He’s survived it but… it’s different with you. Please just… give him a chance.” BROKE MY FUCCCN HEART (4)
“Lucas pulls back, hands tight on Eliott’s face, thumbs pressed to his cheeks. There are tears on his own, spilling over onto his cheeks, and Eliott desperately wants to kiss them away “I fucking hate you,” Lucas says through a hiccuped sob. “I hate that I don’t hate you at all. I hate that I’m so fucking in love with you I can’t remember anything before you. But it remembers me.”” FUCK FUCK I GOT CHILLS WHEN I READ THIS SCENE FUCCCC
eliott threatening dr. piece of shit LOLLL my dramatic bbbyyyy (5)
“it’s not just him I’m worried about. I don’t want to see either of you get hurt.” okay this is pretty sweet how their bestfriends care for their partners
“You two are the dumbest gays –” hahahaha idriss stating facts! (6)
“Ok, he can be a bit dramatic. But he’s been dealt a really shitty hand. He’s just doing his best – doing what he thinks is best. And… I like it – love it. The way that he is.”
“Yeah. That’s pretty obvious, bro.”
“I wish he’d let me tell him,” Eliott laments.
“He will. But maybe dial back the drama and stop chasing him around the city.”
Eliott pouts, stubbornly turning his face away. “I don’t think I will.”
Idriss chuckles “Let’s get you home before you set your brain to any other dumbass ways to declare your undying love.”
“That’s not very supportive,” Eliott complains.”,,,, OK THIS CONVO IS SOOO CUTE AND I LOVE LOVE LOVE THE BROMANCE BW THEM!!💓💓💓 (7)
blink if eliott misses lucas and thinks about him in his bedroom and how the last time eliott got peaceful sleep was with lucas in his arms
eliott looking at lucas’ beautifulll smiling picturee was so cute 🧡 (8)
lucas showing up in the middle of night!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I FELT THROUGH THIS SCENE aaahhh relief hurt love- everyyything!!! the hug🥺🥺🥺 why was lucas saying sorry tho? because he showed up in the middle of night or because of the way he broke off things with eliott??
i didn’t expect lucas saying ily once again and i DID NOT expect him being surprised when eliott said it back because when lucas broke off things,, eliott was clearly saying that they are together and he wants them to be together!!! (9)
“It’s not fair, I wasn’t supposed to meet you yet.” GOD THESE GAY SOULMATES 🥺🥺🥺🧡🧡
i liked them bringing old convos and references hahaha.
“Who taught you to kiss, average?” was he saying this in tease or in compliment?
“You said you thought I was the love of your life.”
“Yeah, well, two orgasms later and I’m sure.” AMAZING BANTER (10)
“Yeah.” Lucas laughs a little. “Turns out you’re my trigger – the one thing I couldn’t fake. And he said –” Lucas cuts himself off. “It doesn’t matter. I punched him.”
THIS WAS AMAZING but im curious what dr. piece of shit said about eli?
“Just for that I’m gonna mix bit of chocolate and fries into your salad when you’re not looking.” AMAZING!!! (11)
moreover i really loved how all of their friends are in secure relationships and still supportive and stuff!! we all need a idriss in our lives honestly 🥺🧡🧡 The last time i bombarded your asks this way when i read 6 and ugggh this chapter is my favourite although it has angst and i’m a fluff baby but STILL i just love it so so much!! i’m so sad about this fic being over but also happy because i’m going to reread it a million and one times. Ok thats all (+what do you say on epilogue a little earlier lol jk...unless??) well love you and your amazing fics xx. (12-end)
YAYYYYYYY!!!! What fun reactions! It makes me sooooo happy it’s your fave chapter now! 
“That anon who said that they imagined eliott jerking himself off to the sex tape while crying” OH MY GOD I KNOW!!!! When that anon sent that ask I lol’ed so hard because it was like... how right you are and how well you know Eliott lmao. 
Oh so the Lucille and Eliott scene. Honestly it’s just an extension of how I saw their relationship in this one. I wanted it to be overall good, but still to have that friction that makes it clear why they didn’t and don’t work well together. Lucille thinks she’s doing what’s right and good for Eliott - talking to his mom, keeping her updated... essentially trying to control his life far too much and not actually allowing a lot of trust. Because they’re not in a relationship, her relationship with Eliott actually does benefit him. It keeps his mom from constantly hovering over him. But of course Eliott will harbour resentment too. So yeah, a tricky relationship. I never go into it fully but there is a lot subtly suggested. 
I love the elevator scene too! And Idriss and Eliott! 
I knew in this one I wanted Lucas to say the ‘I love you’ out loud first. It felt necessary when we’re in Eliott’s head, we know his feelings, and we see him constantly putting himself out there and fighting for Lucas. It’s essentially the narrative (and Lucas!) saying, ‘I’m in this too’. 
The ‘who taught you to kiss, average’ is fully Lucas giving Eliott shit because Eliott was being sloppy and enthusiastic and kissing like a total mess hahaha. 
I’ll answer the question re: what Moreau said in another ask - got a few people asking about it haha. 
I’m so glad you enjoyed the chapter. I loved seeing what stood out to you and all the little moments you enjoyed! 😊💕💕💕💕
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sunniapplepie · 5 years
Sunni's thoughts on the Tryforce album!
I do this everytime GG puts out a new album (i THINK I did one for Cool Patrol also but i gotta check- ANYWAY)
Here's my post of what I thought of the album and, this is my opinions so not everyone will agree. Take it with a grain of salt, I'm just sayin how I feel:)
RATING SYSTEM IS 10/10 process. 10 being best, 5 being average, 1 being buttfucking bad.
It was cute, a nice way to start the album off with a bang. I will say tho, I noticed the theme of "its our last album" really hangs over the whole tracklist from this and that kinda throws off the good vibes. Like, yeah its the last one, but maybe not make it a huge deal that it is.
Hardest Game in the Fucking World:
I'm in the middle with this one. On the one hand, it's Dan and Arin lamenting on how hard Dark Souls is (and tbh same), but on the other hand...it's literally them lamenting about how hard the game is. Also it's from their perspective and not a game character which is weird but a cool change of pace. The lady in the intro got me confused tho, like WHO ARE YOU???
A Boy and his Boat:
My favorite of the songs of the ones they did as an MV. I love the beat so much, it has that smooth feel to it like I wanna just chill out by a pool. Dan sounds sooooo good in the bg vocals, and tbh the Zelda raps are always the best so- I'm glad this lived up to the hype. Side note the Disneyland line got me all happy inside XP
Filling in the Name Of:
So I guess this is a Tetris one? It was a little hard to figure out what it was till I listened a bit longer- and I guess Arin is the long piece that gets used all the time. A pretty funny concept xp I got all happy when Brian showed up- boy needs to be in more songs like when he was in Release the Kraken👍👍 the guitar and Arin excitement is damn good too omg
Welcome to the Mario Party
Okay this is the one I got all butthurt about before when the video came out- it's supposed to be a smooth jam and Arin is imitating Snoop Dogg, but ehhhh it's kinda just meh for me. The bridge is okay, the beat is nice, I kinda love/hate the inclusion of TWRP, like them being in it makes it sound like a real party slow jam, but also kinda cramps the style of the whole album since this is the only song that has this style to it. Also Dan does fuck all in this one and sounds super monotoned- I liked the line about him losing his invite in the mail tho- but overall, meh
Dream Daddy- A Dad Dating Skit
....the fuck was this crap?
@ GG, please don't make it like you're money hungry, because that whole skit, makes Arin and Dan seem like they're doing this for quick cash and that's REALLY not good. Couldn't we have gotten a dream daddy rap? No? ....k then. Still sucks tho.
Donkey Kong Joonyer:
It wasn't good. Like...at all. Its honestly the worst rap of the whole album. It's a one note joke, repeated for the whole run time. And it's not funny. Kinda offensive, and also really fucking dumb.
A Wild Guitar Solo Appears!:
Honestly this one brought back memories of me trying to learn the last pokemon rap and then listening to the first one at my grandmother's house YEARS ago. A lotta nostalgia in this one, plus the guitar solo was pretty sweet. I will say tho, I don't know if imma remember this one as much as the others. Still really liked it but I feel the other two were better? Also loved the interaction with Ash and Pikachu, it was honestly hella cute. But overall, a very good song!
The Simple Plot of Kingdom Hearts
...alright so....
This was the song I was dreading because, you guys know I'm a big kh fan and I was thinking I was gonna love it or hate it. Honestly, this one is pretty cute, and I really liked how much the announcer was actually trying to make sense of the plot this time instead of getting butthurt that it's going on for too long xp I did notice tho, they only cover the first game and not the entire storyplot which Id say is a missed opportunity but also a good choice since you don't wanna confuse everyone like crazy, even tho the firsy game KINDA does that anyway. They also made it a big deal that hey, it's the last album this is the last song last last LASTONE, and I'm not a fan of that but fine -_- it was still cute tho- gotta listen to it again to catch the points of the game they made.
Arin Checks the Mic:
Blowing the Payload:
Eh. It's the overwatch rap and I'm not 100% into the game anyway from the one time I played and failed miserably, but I mean- it's an okay concept. Reminds me a lot of Robots in Need of Disguise, with it being super mundane but shit happens that completely ridiculous. I did make a point before tho, Dan sounds completely unenthusiastic the whole time and yeah he's playing a guy who's playing other people so the voice shouldn't technically change, but I feel like it should have just to make it funnier (like the guy is trying so hard to get into a character to come off convincing) but then again, him not giving a shit is also kinda funny? So meh, in the middle with that. Not a fan of Arin yelling the whole time tho- it's just got KINDA annoying. Just a smidge.
Vegeta's Serenade:
This Song Sucks:
Not gonna say this song sucks but- it's not....good either? Lol
It's also in the middle for me- its them poking fun at themselves for the album layout where again, they say it's the last one yada yada, guys don't hammer it in- we get it.
That aside, they were kinda just throwing out what I assume is scrapped ideas for songs they never did- sad but tbh I can see how this would be a good idea and I like it. The Sonic Boom slam tho, BEST PART AND I WAS SHOOKETH.
A perfect sendoff to the whole album. Not my favorite outro but then again, the outtros and intros were never my favorite anyway? But it got me all sentimental- this is probably their last album (if jamming it down our throats that it was the last wasn't already obvious). But still, it's cute xp
The whole album itself, has this kinda unfocused feeling, like they don't exactly have a consistent flow of songs that go with the mood- its just a "throw to the wall and see what sticks" kinda feel, for me anyway.
I think in the long run, Player Select will still be my favorite along the albums, and Tryforce might be...number 2? Yeah the first Starbomb Album is not my favorite I'm sorry xp
Then again, Starbomb 1 had more songs I hated than actually liked, so this is an improvement.
As the last album goes, it could have been a lot better but for what we got? Pretty good! Had some stinkers tho, not gonna deny that.
Damn guys, this has been a long ass journey, and Starbomb-thought not as special to me as NSP, still holds a lot of nostalgia and sentimental value to me. Tryforce isn't the best of the albums, but its a really nice sendoff to all these years of Starbomb. Hope it isn't the LAST time tho...
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huangfilms · 6 years
summary: you’re a member of the royal family and I didn’t know and you ran into me in the village and I completely told you off oh my god || prince!au
(A/N) o-oh my god i’m back from the dead with some prince chenle hope u enjoy (im a lil rusty so leave me some feedback Please! also,,, its not proofread haha aslkdjfhals Please Spare Me)
okay so you live in the village
your mom told you prior that you need to just walk over to your grandma’s house and drop sumn off
and to get to her house, you have to cut into the uhhh
the place where all the store stands are
u know like the market place ish
and so your holding a lot of stuff in your arms and you just walk with your eyes on the floor, watching where you step
and you lift your head up at times so you can see if you’re ever going to bump into someone
guess what 
you rlly done goofed cause you Look Up and right as you do theres this body that collides with yours
and you drop
e v e r y t h i n g
then you just stop and you get rlly pissed off
you look up rly dramatically and slowly and you meet a pair of eyes that actually look a lil scared 
(ugh poor bby chenle im rlly srry)
‘are you serious??? were you just not paying attention??? do you seriously have no coordination on where you’re going??????’
and then you let out a huff and start to pick up your things and place them back in your basket
while you do that you’re just muttering to yourself, ‘GOSH my mom is literally going to whoop me if she finds out i dropped gma’s stuff’
and then you see the guy kneel in front of you and start to help
‘um...... i can do this by myself, you can go ahead and bump into someone else now’
and he just looks at you with this expression you cant read
then he slowly gets up
‘prince chenle, we need you back at the kingdom right away, your mother is asking for you.’
and then you freeze up
p-prince ????? w-what ????????
two plus tw o equals pie ??????
then you start to panic and you hurriedly place the rest of your stuff in the basket and Run
you just Run To Your gma’s house
but you hear a soft ‘wait!’ when you run but you just Cannot
you’re SOOOOO embarrassed and when you arrive at your gma’s house your face is RED
and your ears are all flushed and your gma asks whats wrong
‘i just told off the prince because he bumped into me-’
 in your defense he rlly didn’t look like a prince (wdym chenle ALWAYS looks like a prince smh)
he was wearing .... regular clothes so he Did Not Look Like A Prince
like,,,,,, yeah i dont know LOL
but then all your grandma does is LAUGH AT YOU
whats so funny??? blease omg hes gonna Have My Head omgomgomgsdhkjah
so your grandma just looks at you like you’re overreacting and says, “chenle is a nice boy!! he comes and visits me all the time sweetie.”
and then you freeze up because-
w hat ???? let me ??? move my ??? bang real quick ???
“grandma you what”
“chenle visits me all the time??? very nice boy, you’d like him !!”
and all she does is feed you then kick you outta the house to go home before it gets too dark
when you walk back your just rlly thinking ‘.... that happened huh ...’
AND THEN !!! you hear a lil yell of ‘hey!!’
and when you schnapp your head up you see the prince waving up at you with this Look on his face ???
so you just give him a weird glance and walk slowly towards him
“listen, about earlier i am so sor-”
“it’s fine !! hope you aren’t beating urself over it too much !! have a great evening ...?”
then u tell him ur name yadda yadda then he leaves and then ur like !!! haha what just happened !!!
so you go home and just sleep on it cause you kind of just dont want to think about it HAHA
so the next morning when you wake up your mom says to go to your gma’s again
just cause your gma wants to see you .. which is kind of odd
you only see your grandma during special occasions and when you drop things off
only because school/work has been taking a lot of your time
but just for your gma,,,,, you’ll visit her and forget the responsibilities for now
you walk there with confusion on your face because,,, although your grandma loves you, she doesn’t just spring on you and ask you to come over
so youre just curious about why she wants to see you (there isnt anything wrong with it !!! its just a lil odd)
when you arrive to her cottage you see this car outside and immediately become anxious
youre just treading slowly to the door, and then you raise your hand to knock,,, but youre hesitating A LOT
so time goes by (max. of like .. 5 minutes) and the door swings open to reveal your grandma
she puts you into a bone crushing hug, and then pulls you inside
“thank you for coming dear !! i want you to formally meet someone.”
and then you get SCARED scared
so when you turn to go into the living room, you nearly SCREAM
cause on the couch is mr prince chenle and you feel like one of the guards is going to strangle u with the glare they’re giving you
in your defense, you didnt Know ............ you told off the Prince .......
“chenle sweetie, this is my sweet grandchild i was telling you about !! they did tell me recently that you recently met.”
chenle blushes when he makes eye contact but you rlly dont now why cause You Told Him Off and thats rlly all you can think about HAHA
BUT in reality chenle isnt too bothered by that cause you didn’t immediately treat him like a Prince, you treated him like a regular person (albeit a lil ... Yikes)
and he actually thinks that you are the most gorgeous being in the World !! mayhaps lil prince even has a tiny crush on you !!!
when you Formally Introduce urself to him
ur grandma hits u w that, “sweetie can u help me n chenle garden some things !!”
and then she gestures u both to follow her in her backyard
she tells the guards to make themselves feel at home and leave out like lemonade or sumn
so you and chenle are just super awkward at first cause you dont know how to break the tension
also all you can think about once again: was that u rlly told him off
but then chenle starts to laugh really loudly at a joke your grandma says and then you just-
YOU WANT TO COO !! cause even tho his laugh is Super Loud, you find it endearing that he’s just letting loose like this
he catches you staring tho and he stops and he Blushes Again and you want to !!! squish !! 
who doesnt want to squish chenle he’s literally such an angel and hes so adorable ugh i lov baby
so you both just start talking more and then by the end of the day you guys are just best buddies
you forget hes the prince too
but then u walk in to see the guards and ur all lik e... righ t...
its ok tho !! chenle is a person too !!
and honestly you guys make this a regular thing
you and chenle go to ur gmas house to garden every day or when you guys have the time
and essentially its just you guys pulling out weeds while talking about new and exciting things that happened to you recently
and your grandma just watches you guys get along and her heart is happy
cause chenle sometimes talks to her about him not making friends cause they always use him for his status
and so ur gma knows u arent like that and shes just really happy to see the two of you get along really well
days turn to weeks, weeks turn to months !! and you guys become really really close friends
some feelings develop too or .. whatever ..
but you dont acknowledge them cause youre just a person who lives in the viliage while hes a prince
chenle does though
and hes so shy about it that he blushes everytime you say his name or just smile at him
cause his heart goes !!!!!
he rlly likes you
and u rlly like him but u just dont know !!!
ye wutevr its 2018 and status rlly shouldnt matter but ur just rlly conscious about being judged and stuff
like even if u started to date him would his parents accept you
and then u snap out of ur thoughts cause chenle looks worried and you havent answered his question
haha he asked a question ???
‘you want to hang out with me tomorrow?? thats not gardening?? i-i mean its ok to say no haha i love gardening with you i just wanted to know if y-you wanted to try something new with me? i-i understand if you want to say no-’
‘chenle, sweetheart, breathe,’
and then he Blushes cause oh they just called me sweetheart and he just breathes
then you say you would love to !!! 
and ur gma is just watching the Entire Thing with the guards
with popcorn and tea
and its literally the cutest little exchange ever cause youre both just blushing and red
so when tomorrow comes
chenle meets u at ur gmas house
and so like he holds his hand out for you to take and ur just !! heart into overdrive !!!
and then !!! he takes you to this ice skating rink cause youve mentioned before that you havent been
and he rented out the whole place so people wouldnt be bothering you two
and hes just nervous and so are you but since ur dont know how to skate youre just clinging to him for dear life
and hes such a blushing mess omg
the guards are just cooing at the both of you, some even join you on the ice
and you guys are just cracking jokes and having such a good time
there was a time where one of the guards fell on their ass and u two couldnt stop laughing
then chenle falls but since youre holding onto him you fall down too oops
and so ur just kinda ... laying down on him awkwardly and your guys’ faces are so CLOSE
but then you clear your throat and then you jump off of him
it gets kind of late and the guards are just like, “hate to break this cute and adorable moment, but your momma is calling you to be home prince”
and so chenle just blushes and gets up first, then holds his hand out again to help you up
it makes you sad when he has to leave, but he drops you off at home
when he does, he walks you to your door and then he says goodbye, but before he leaves
you feel a little bold and you kiss him on the cheek !!! so cute !!! cause then hes just RED ! and hes so flustured and he just waves bye and when he gets into his car
he just clutches his chest and has this big smile on his face and hes just so in awe
and the guards are teasing him but he really Does Not Care cause you just did : THAT 
you kissed him on the cheek and hes so !!! about it
but you guys go out more often after this
and sometimes is just to hang out with your gma cause chenle has grown to love her HAHA
its become a thing where you kiss him on the cheek goodbye
wow cute
one day though, hes saying bye and hes looking away while youre about to kiss his cheek
but then he remembers he needs to tell you something
so right as your lips are about to kiss his cheek
his head turns and you two share a lil innocent peck
o-ohmy gosh im so kilig you guys
oh right he was about to CONFESS confess but like
ur flustered too so u rush out a goodbye and you LEAVE
and chenle is just !!!! ok ill tell them tomorrow !!!!
well tomorrow comes
and you dont show up
ur gma tells him that u’ve been exhausted cause of school, theyll probs be back tomorrow
so then he comes back tomorrow
and you arent there again
and this goes on for like a week
and he just Knows ur avoiding him
but like hes so fed up because he has been Waiting for the Right Time to confess to you
and so he goes over to ur house and then knocks
you answer the door and then your eyes grow wide and then u shut the door again
but chenle pushes it open and just “WAIT”
and so you just slowly open the door
“why have you been avoiding me??”
and ur just speechless cause haha avoiding you ?? why would i do that ???
and he gives you This Look 
and then ur all like ... “OKAY !!! so ive been avoiding you .... what about it..”
and he just sighs and hes all serious and ur all !! cause chenle is barely serious alsdkf
“Listen,,, i really like you,”
you pause and you just look at him before grinning
“i really like you too chenle!!”
and he just looks Frustrated cause he thinks you arent getting it
“more than a friend way!!!”
and then you start to smile and ur all like .. “the feeling is mutual bub !”
and now HES pausing cause w-what
but then you just hug him tightly and tell him how much you really like him !!!
and he goes !!!! oh my gosh !!!! 
then you guys are just looking at each other and you really do forget that there are other people around you and he kisses you !!! wow !!! 
please spare me ive never had my first kiss before HASKDJFHASD
you guys are always together now !! and he even lets you meet his parents and they immediately: love you
you basically hang around him a lot and when he says he has to do sum prince duties ur all like ... huh ... i forget ur a prince LMFOAJFH
but everything is good everything is well !!!
youre just content with what you have with chenle even tho u started off a lil rocky
you just !!! like him so much !!! life is good hehe
anway end !!! prince chenle: cutest lil headcannon but chenle is ALREADY a prince !!!
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kpop-melody · 7 years
BTS reaction to their wife giving birth to their first child and there’re complications
Anonymous said : 
OMG I LOVE YOUR PAGE SOOOOO MUCH 💕💕💕 please can I have a reaction where you are giving birth to their first child but there are complications and they are worried about losing both you and their child (maybe a happy ending ☺️) Thank you 💕💕💕
I LOVE YOU TOO  💕💕💕 thanks for requesting ! .. here’s your requested reaction and I hope you like it >< .
Jin :
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He could hear his heartbeat, like drums were played in his head. Jin could feel the danger of what was happening, just imagining the worst made him feel like collapsing.
A sudden power held him up on his legs as the doctor came out of the operating room .
“Doctor?...” he couldn’t say more, his imagination drew pictures of you lying on that bed with white sheets, covered you in blood, that was enough for him to lose the ability of speaking for minutes .
“Don’t worry Mr.Kim, it was a difficult surgery but fortunately she and the baby are both fine. You can wait here till she wakes up then you can come in, thank God the large amiunt if blood didn’t affect her badly ..” the doctor spoke with delight, Jin could feel it, every positive word that fell from the doctor’s lips made Jin even more relaxed, he let out a sigh of relief and thanked him over and over again.
As he counted the seconds Jin entered your room as if he entered Heaven, the wish of meeting his other halves finally came true, he couldn’t ask for anything more .
“Ohh my God y/n, I knew you would make it ,you look- you're stronger than I thought ..” he said as he showered you with kisses all over your face.  
He glanced of your daughter, the masterpiece you and him created
“Gosh y/n, we created an angel, as beautiful as me !” you glared at him .
“and as sweet and cute as my love ..” he kissed your forehead .
Suga :
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It was so strange, so new for him to feel such pain, to feel so terrified of losing someone. It wasn’t normal  for him to panic but because the one who might to die was you he couldn't help but panic. His only prayer was for you to continue breathing
As the doctor walked out Yoongi couldn't find the power to raise up his head, thoughts of losing you were spinning around in his head making him dizzy but he had to force himself to do it for you  
“Mr. Min congratulations you have a beautiful boy waiting for you in the room “ smiled slightly, trying to hide his tensed face, that made Yoongi’s dizziness increase  
"And- and y/n ..” he tried to show off some strength, but his words didn’t seem but weaker  
“Yes ,she had problems with her placenta but we handled it quickly, she’s in the room with the baby too-“ without even letting the doctor continue Youngi rushed towards your room with all hope of meeting you awake and smiling .
He kept staring at you as he held his baby between his arms, waiting for half an hour till you woke up. You saw his cute and joyful expression as he was caressing his boy before you noticed, a warm, gentle smile on his face, proud of you finally waking up.  
“If you were planning to drop my heart to my feet then you succeeded ..” you kept eye contact before putting his child down then kissed you
“He is as beautiful as you and he has my ears ..” you giggled lightly .
"That makes him even more perfect ..!”
J-Hope :
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It took him no time to break down as he heard the news, he imagined it being a piece of cake, but it turned into two hours in the operating room, he spent them crying himself, imaging the worst .
“Mr.Jung ..” Hoseok didn’t even notice the doctor when he walked out.  
After hearing his name he stood up immediately and wiped his tears away, hoping for relief from the doctor’s words.
“Don’t worry, they’re all right. It shouldn’t take that long but we faced difficulties with stoping her bleeding but luckily we were able to get it under control" the doctor said in a serious tone, this didn’t  give him much comfort  
“Is she- are they fine ?. Are they in danger ?” Hoseok spoke while shivers ran down his spine
“They’re all tight, it happens now and then, especially with the first child. So don’t worry, also you can see them when she wakes up “ the doctor patted at his back and wished him the best.  
It took him like 15 minuets to recover from his sadness, and after a while he entered your room, with a brightly composed but the second he sat next to you and grabbed your hand he burst into tears all again .
“Gosh y/n, I was scared to death” before he leaned and kissed you deeply.  
He took few steps towards the incubator, breathing heavily, trying to control himself.
“Did you see her y/n? she’s just like you, soft and amazing !” you smiled and whispered.
“I haven't, but I’m sure she’s as caring and beaming as you”
RM :
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Pressure, all he could feel is pressure, as he walked back and forth, trying to reduce his stress, as it seemed like that was the only way he could.
The moment the doctor came out, Namjoon took a deep breath, with an inner hope for good news.
“Doctor, why did it take so long?” the doctor smiled warmly, as he could see how stressed Joon was, just by looking into his eyes.
“They’re all right, we just need to keep Mrs. Kim here for two weeks at least, to keep an eye on her if any complications happen, and your twins are great, as healthy and relaxed as you want them to be” Namjoon’s smile became wider at every word the doctor spoke. He thanked him over and over again, as he spent a long while on the chair trying to calm himself down and recover from his shock.
As he entered your room, his dimples suddenly showed up, as if his heart was healed just by the sight of you, smiling comfortably and his kids sleeping calmly in the incubator.
“You really surprised me y/n, you look better than ever, another proof how perfect you’re!” he slid his finger on your face.
“You always treat me with your sweet talk” you smiled warmly as he kissed you.
“You deserve it, I swear!” he said as he walked towards the incubator, kissing each of his kids’ heads.
“I think I’ll face troubles finding a difference between them, they’re both smooth and adorable!” he admired them with caring eyes.
Jimin :
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Unexpectedly, Jimin is the only one who was shocked, sitting all alone staring at the wall, lost in his world of nightmares  
“Mr. Park?” As Jimin heard his name, he didn’t react immediately, eventually he looked slowly up at the doctor, with no strength to speak a word.
“Congratulations, you have now a beautiful girl, and your wife is sleeping in her room, I won’t deny that the surgery was difficult, but she was strong enough to handle it. You can meet her when she wakes up” Jimin nodded, without a noticeable facal expressions. And again, he didn’t move. Finally he realized what happened and he started crying.
As he stepped in your room, you could notice his red eyes before he threw himself on you for a very long hug, like a child going back to his mother.
“I swear if you do this again I will die” you wiped his tears away.
“Don’t worry honey, I’m fine, we're  both fine!” you mumbled wearily as you looked at your daughter near you.
Jimin walked slowly towards her, he spent a minute just staring at her with a tired and light smile.
“She- she’s an angel!” Then he looked at you.
“We'll call her Heaven!”
V :
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As expected, the moment the boys heard about you giving birth they ran to the hospital to stay with Taehyung because it’ll be one of his best moments. They saw him sobbing hardly, tears showered his face.
“They- They said she- she has troubles, and- and she is bleeding heavily” he mumbled between his sobs.
“Mr.Kim?” the doctor called, everyone stood up, Tae couldn’t control himself.
“Don’t worry, she's fine. She just lost a huge amount of blood so we need to keep her here, but she’ll be alright. Congrats, you’re the father of a very handsome son” the boys cheer and clapped, hugging Taehyung and congratulated him, as a huge boxy smile showed up on V’s face.
He hid himself behind a large bouquet of flowers, then sang your favorite song as he entered the room, with an atmosphere full of joy and delight. He kissed your forehead and stared deeply into your eyes.
“ohhh look at you, all comfortable” he kissed you again, before picking up your son.  
You could see how happy he was happy, a tear fell down from his cheek, he kissed the baby.
“We made a miracle, a beautiful cute miracle !”
Jungkook :
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“Hyung ,y/n is giving birth today” Kook said in a firm tone.
“I know it’s early but..” he lost his strength suddenly and burst into tears
“She’s been in the operation room for two hours and I can’t stand on my own anymore! I can’t stop think about how bad it’ll may be!” it took only a minute for his tears to cover his cheeks, the thought of losing both of you was too much too much to bare alone
RM dashed towards the doctor as he came out, Jungkook couldn’t even take a deep breathe to calm himself down.
“Jungkook-ah!” Namjoon said as he finished with the doctor.
“I can’t believe that you have a family now!” Jungkook was taken aback by his words.
“Congratulations Jeon Jungkook ! you now have a girl and her mother will be waiting for you after she wakes up!” unlike Taehyung, Kook couldn’t recover fast from the shock, as the boys stayed with him til the last minute, he needed another hour to believe that you were fine.
“I promised them I wouldn't cry “ Jungkook whispered as he hugged you, but tears filled his eyes.
“Look at you being a great father from the beginning!” you said as you wiped away his tears .
“I know she’ll be as beautiful as you” he said as he caresses your girl, smiling as a proud dad, happy as Jungkook always used to be.
GIFs are not mine .
Requests : OPENED !
~K ,thanks admin A >< .
586 notes · View notes
marjorie189 · 4 years
Chapter 7
After the meeting with Shawn, Andrew, and David, I started heading home.
I got home around 5:00 pm.
I was so excited about telling everyone the news!
They were going to freak, and sadly make fun of me. Ughhh they are going to tease me so bad!
I got the control, and opened up the huge gate that guards The Dream Team's House.
I drove passed the gates that opened to the house. I then parked in the huge driveway, I was too lazy to park in the garage! I just want to get out of the car and tell everyone the news.
I got off my Range Rover and ran into the house! I opened the door and everyone was in the living room waiting for me!
Once they saw me they all stood up, excitedly.
I yelled in excitement and starting jumping up and down. I had no idea how to release all these emotions and feelings, that I jumped in excitement.
By my facial expression and actions, everyone knew the meeting went well and started celebrating with me!
The girls starting jumping and hugging me. The girls and I starting yelling out of happiness.
Everyone started hugging me, smiles plastered on everyone's faces!
"Y/N/N!! How did it go??" Dylan asked holding my hands, sitting me down.
Everyone one sat on the couches, wanting to hear everything that went down in the meeting.
"Oh Dyl!! Everything went perfect!" I said embracing him in a tight hug.
Dylan smiled in the hug closing his eyes. He was happy that his sister was accomplishing her dreams!
"I bet! Oh Y/N, I'm so happy for you! What happened I want all the details!" Dylan said to her in a kind of valley girl voice.
"Ok, ok! I'm sorry to intrude in your guys little moment! Which I might say is cute and all but, we all want to know what happened!!" Tessa said anxiously.
I giggled and pulled away from Dylan.
"Alright sis! Go on!" Garrett said curiously.
"Ok!" I geeked.
Ivan chuckled.
"So everything went amazing! It was a dream come true! Nothing could've gone wrong! It was with the perfect artist and perfect plans for collaboration!" I said explaining it to my family and friends.
"Who was the artist!??" Froy asked.
I blushed, remembering what occurred in the meeting.
"Sh-Shawn." I whispered shyly.
"I didn't catch that. Who??" Ivan said loudly.
"Sh-Shawn!" I said louder, making sure everyone heard.
Everyone gasped, covering their mouths in shock.
I blushed.
"Awww! You're blushing!" Bethany giggled.
"No I'm not!" I said covering my face with my hands.
"Awwww!!" Tessa said loudly.
"Hey!! Dylan I think we're gonna have to give Shawn the talk!! Someone wants our little sister!" Garrett said half joking.
"Already on it!" Dylan said protectively.
"Noo!! You two aren't doing anything!" I said pointing to my brothers.
"Ohh! You can't stop us little sis!" Dylan said evilly.
I rolled my eyes.
"We'll join the talk too!" Emilio said referring to the male members of the team.
Froy and Ivan agreed, nodding.
I glared at all of them, " You guys aren't doing anything!" I said to them.
"Just ignore them! Go on with the story!" Jazzy said.
"Alright! So I was sat in a waiting area, while David Massey the CEO of Island Records would come for me. He came within a few minutes and he introduced himself. He then led me into the meeting. That's when I saw Shawn!" I said excitedly.
"What did you do?? Cry? Scream??" Garrett said teasingly.
Dylan laughed, listening to my story.
"Ha-ha-ha!" I faked laughed. "More like fainted!"
"No way!!" Tessa yelled.
"Omg! That's priceless!" Garrett said falling to the floor in tears.
I rolled my eyes at him.
"You fell for him! LITERALLY!" Garrett said laughing at his joke.
"Yeah, but she fainted Gar!" Dylan says trying to stress his point to Garrett "how are you feeling now sis? Do you want water or something?" Dylan says feeling my forehead, acting like her cared but he really was holding back his laughs.
"Immmm fine D, really!" I say pushing his hand away, while kinda whining at him.
"Are you sure because, I'm here and can get anything." Dylan says.
"Really I'm fine, Gosh you're just as bad as Shawn, Andrew and David." I say hugging him to reassure him that I'm ok.
"Awww they were worried about you!?" Jazzy says laughing as she tries to stop Dylan from being overprotective.
"Ok just let me know ok?" Dylan says while keeping a close eye on me. Man overprotective ass lol, but I gotta love my brother.
"Ok D, I promise." I say giving him a small kiss on the cheek.
Everyone started laughing, and cracking jokes.
I just laid my back on the cushions, looking at them with a straight face. I was dreading this moment!
"Oh come on!! Crack a smile at least!" Dylan said laughing his ass off in the floor.
I rolled my eyes.
"Laugh all you want! At least he caught me before I fell!" I said and stood up. I started walking towards the stairs, giving up on them.
"No! Come back! We're sorry!" Froy said still laughing.
I walked back the them, "Fine!"
They all calmed down and sat down.
"So we continued on with the meeting. David started telling me about how Shawn found out about me through my covers. Shawn then went on, telling me how he wanted to collaborate with me!" I said.
"How does he want to collaborate with you??" Dylan asked curiously.
"Well a few collaborations actually! He wants to make a song together, make a music video-" I was saying.
"Oh my god! That's great!!" Garrett said hugging me.
Everyone starting congratulating me, again.
I giggled, "That's not even the best part!" I giggled.
"What? What can be better than this??" Bethany said.
"I-I'm going on tour with him!!" I said standing up, putting my arms up in the air.
"Ahhhhhh! I'm so happy for you!! Tessa yelled and attacked me in a hug! Jazzy joining us making us fall to the ground.
"But we'll miss you sooooo much baby sis!" Dylan says a little over reacting, but still having a sad face.
Bethany joined us on the ground, making us laugh.
"Incoming!" Emilio said jumping into us.
All the guys started joining, making a dog pile on me.
I was in the bottom of everyone! I was suffocated, yet I still loved it. I was with my family! They all loved me and they were happy for me.
I laughed, kicking everyone off of me! Some screamed in pain.
"We have to celebrate!! Let's go out for dinner!!" Dylan suggested.
"It's getting kinda late, Dyl. Maybe we can reschedule it for tomorrow?" I said.
"Yeah! I think so! She still has to process everything and rest! This is all too hectic for her!" Garrett said to Dylan.
"You're right! Everyone Dinner tomorrow!!" Dylan yelled to everyone.
"Yeah in that case, we can invite mom and dad!" I said.
"And also!!! When I'm on tour, you guys can come to concerts for free!!" I said excitedly.  
"Omg! No way!" Bethany said, attacking me in a hug.
I giggled, and nodded.
A few minutes after, Dylan and Garrett had to get going.
I went into my room after they had left.
I just laid down on my comfy bed.
I was thinking about everything that has just occurred in my life. It was huge! This could change my life!
I then heard my door slam open.
I looked up and saw the girls.
They shut the door closed and hopped on my bed!
"We want to know everything!!" Jazzy said.
"About what?" I giggled.
"OH! you know what we mean?!" Bethany said.
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
"Huh?" I said living my eyebrows.
"About Shawn!! How was it like being so close to him??" Tessa said cheerfully.
"Oh!" I chuckled, blushing.
"We didn't ask you in front of the guys obviously!" Jazzy said.
"Of course! This is girl talk!" I smiled.
"So... Explain!" Bethany said.
I giggled.
"When I walked in the meeting with David, I still had no idea that Shawn was the artist. So when I walked in and saw him, I guess my body didn't know how to react or something, so I fainted. That's when everything went blank. I didn't know what happened after that!" I explained.
The girls listened intently.
"So I woke up and saw that I was in Shawn's arms! Our bodies were so close to each other! I saw all of his facial features, his hair, his skin, his nose, ears, everything! It was everything I imagined, and better!" I said dreamingly.
"Awww! That's so cute!" Tessa said hugging me.
I blushed.
"He was so cute! He was so worried about me! He even offered to take me home!" I said.
"Y/N! You should've said yes! We could've met him!" Jazzy said laughing.
I rolled my eyes, "He was so nice and sweet! He spoke in such a kind sweet, manner. Now that I notice though, he kinda seemed nervous." I said.
"Nervous?? Nervous how?" Bethany asked, curiously.
"I don't know! Like he would scratch the back of his neck sometimes and I don't know. Like small things like that!" I said.
"Well... Maybe he likes you! You make him nervous!" Jazzy said.
I rolled my eyes and huffed.
"He does not like me! Why would he like me?" I babbled.
"Oh please! Look at you!" Tessa scoffed.
"You have the perfect face! Perfect body! Perfect personality!" Jazzy states.
"Oh stop it!!" I blushed.
"It's true!" Bethany said.
"Well Thanks! But let's change the subject." I laughed.
"Have you told the fans??" Tessa asked.
"Actually! I haven't. But I'm going to make a cover and in the end I'm going to give out the news!!" I said.
"That's great! We'll let you be then. If you need anything just ask!" Tessa said, hugging me.
I smiled and they all left.
I started setting up my camera, and all my set-up necessities.
I sat down and started the cover!
I decided to do one of Shawn's songs, since the news is about him.
Video of Cover:
So that's lost in Japan for you all!! Shawn is such a great artist, with his music and just his personality in general! I really love this song, and really his whole album in general.
So you all are probably thinking that this is just a normal cover video. You know, me singing a Shawn song, normal right? But really I chose a Shawn song, again, because I have some great news!!
This news is honestly a dream come true! Something I never expected to happen, but always thought about.
So this news is so HUGE! I don't know how to say it! But, I'm just going to say it!!
I'm going on tour with Shawn Mendes!!
And some crazy things happened!! But I don't wanna say anything. I will probably make a video about how exactly this all happened! And maybe Shawn can be in the video??? Maybe saying his point of view of everything that happened?!
So this is all brand new to me! I still don't have all the information on stuff, but once tickets start selling I will inform you all! So stay tuned.
And I want to use this time to tell you guys that DREAMS DO COME TRUE! You guys just have to work for it! If you guys know me, you guys know that I've loved Shawn, for the longest time ever! I always talked about him, sang his songs, bought his Merch, etc. And now look, I'm going on a World Tour with him!
So pursue your dreams! Because they can become reality!
Love you guys!
I'll keep you guys posted on everything!
I turned off the camera, and started editing right away!
I didn't really have to edit the actual cover, to show the whole song. I started editing on the part where I was telling the news.
Once I finished editing, I looked over to the video again and made sure everything was perfect.
The video started uploading on Youtube!
Lost in Japan Cover! + Huge News!
Once I started uploading the video, I starting looking over the love aka the likes, comments, thumbs up, views, etc.
After 20 minutes of looking over the video's love, I closed my computer.
I laid down on my bed, and remembered that Shawn told me to text him.
As I was about to type a text, I started getting butterflies in my stomach!
I didn't even realize that I was smiling like a goof, until my phone turned off and the black screen showed my reflection!
I sighed, and started texting him.
Y/N: Hey Shawn! It's me, Y/N
A few seconds later he responded.
S: Hi Y/N!
S: How are you?
Y/N: hey! I'm good, how about you?
S: Im good!
S: Do you want to FaceTime instead?
S: I'm not that good with texting.
Y/N: Of course!
Y/N: FaceTime is so much better anyway.
S: It really is!
S: I'm calling you right now.
I then got a FaceTime call from Shawn!
I gladly accepted the call.
S: Hi again! *he says chuckling and waving his hand to the camera*
Y/N: *giggled* Hi *waving to the camera*
S: How are you?
Y/N: I'm good. Just laying down in bed. *laughes* What about you?
S: Just got together with my team after our meeting! I just told them that you're going to be part of our team now! *Shawn said excitedly*
Y/N: Aww that's so sweet! Thank you!
S: Of course.
Y/N: I can't wait to meet everyone!
S: They can't wait to meet you too! I showed them your covers, and a few other videos of yours! They really like you!
Y/N: shawn! Now when I meet them I'm going to be nervous! That makes me glad that they like me though, but now I'm going to be so nervous!
S: Noo!! Don't be nervous! I'll be right by your side *laughs* don't be nervous they'll like you!
Y/N: alright... Thank you! So which videos exactly did you show them??
S: I'm not going to tell you...
Y/N: What?? Why *Laugh*
S: because then your gonna be even more nervous!!
Y/N: *playfully rolls eyes* fine *sighs and laughs*
S: *Laughs*
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Y/N: *blushes*
S: so are you free tomorrow?? Maybe we can meet up in a cafe or something? To get to start meeting each other! I can tell we're gonna get along really well.. but like getting to know each other like without Andrew and David. Like just us!! *rambles*
Y/N: *giggles and blushes* sure! I'd love too!!
S: *smiles* Perfect! Where would you like to meet? And it'll be on me! So don't worry about paying or anything like that!
Y/N: Noo!! I'll pay for myself! Don't waste your money on me! And anywhere you want!
S: No really it's ok. I want to pay for you. We are on tour, so maybe one day you can pay! *shawn lies, he would let Y/N pay for anything*
Y/N: I'm only saying yes right now but tomorrow While we're paying I'm not letting you *laughs*
S: This conversation will continue tomorrow's then! *shawn says stubbornly *
Y/N: it sure will *laughs*
S: *Shawn rolls his eyes playfully and laughs*
S: So where would you like me to take you out to eat and chat??
Y/N: *giggles and blushes* You mean I'll pay for myself! And what would you like to eat?
S: Maybe a Starbucks?
Y/N: sure! Whatever you'd like! And I love Starbucks! *says excitedly*
S: perfect! You live in calabasas right?
Y/N: yeah!
S: alright then the Starbucks in Calabasas will do
Y/N: alright! What time??
S: what time do you usually drink Starbucks?
Y/N: Usually when I wake up! But I usually postmate it home! *laughs*
S: you're like Camila! *laughs*
S: Today you'll have a early morning coffee with me! You won't have to postmate it *chuckles*
Y/N: Sounds like a plan!
We talked a little more and set up a time to meet up! We had to end the call because Shawn had to head to his condo in L.A.
I got up and showered.
I showered quickly and headed to my closet, with a towel around my body. I then change into my pajamas:
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I then go and put my hair up for the night:
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I grab some fluffy socks then go and get into my bed. I pull the Comforter over me and sink into my bed. I grab the remote off my nightstand. I turn on the tv and decide to watch the end of teen beach movie.
I was so amused by seeing my self in tv. I loved acting! It then reminds me that my season of Supernatural is almost airing! So that means that the season premiere was almost happening!!
A few minutes later it's over and I turn the tv off, then turn off the lamp by my bed. Just as I start to go to sleep I hear my phone go off next to me. I grab it and see that there is a text from Shawn and I immediately smile. I also giggle at his new name that I had put in earlier.
Muffin man: Goodnight beautiful! Hope you sleep well. Can't wait to see you tomorrow!
Y/n: Goodnight to you too handsome! Can't wait either!!
Then I put my music on and put my phone on the bedside table. I slowly go to sleep with a smile on my face and dreaming about the future.
Hey guys! So I just wanna say that the FaceTime photo is not ours, we got in online. Also the YouTube video is not ours. I want to give credit the the ones who made it. Love you all. And thank out for reading❤️❤️~ Marjorie
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enaasteria · 6 years
Answered Asks // 3
Consolidating asks as to not spam dashboards. Under the cut!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: March 29th 2018, 3:56:00 pm · 2 days ago wanted to drop by and let you know that i've been listening to 'Fool of Me' by Meshell Ndegeocello for more than a week and it reminds me so much of the heartbreaking moment in chapter 11 when Sehun made the decision to leave Ahri behind. imnotcryingyouare. i hope they become like the song 'Cheek to Cheek' (Louis Armstrong & Ella Fitzgerald version) *hinthintwaggleseyebrowswinkwink* hope you have a lovely day <3!
AHHHH REPLIES *-* <3!!! I accept the love you’ve bestowed upon me. I shall violently love you back *SHOOTSHEARTSATYOU* dont worry, I remember the what I wrote in the recs message! I was saying that I’ve been listening to this song ‘Fool of Me’ by Meshell Ndegeocello, which reminded me so much of the end of chapter 11 when Sehun decided to leave Ahri. The heartbreak is so real T_T imnotcryingyouare. I hope they end up being like ‘Cheek to Cheek’ (Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong version)! - ma
OMG SO APPARENTLY I DIDNT DELETE IT. This is how tumblr inept I am. I thought I did. It showed that I did when I was on the computer but apparently I didn’t on mobile. WEIRD. Listening to it now! 
Both of these songs sound so similar. I feel like I’ve heard them before omg. good recs. I really like them.
Fool of Me by Meshell Ndegeocell
Was I blind to the truth just there to fill the space... What kind of fool am I that you so easily set me aside OMG MY HEART IS BREAKING. Why do the lyrics fit so well. Right off with the first few lyrics. I’m crying. YES I AM CRYING. This was almost the same words she thought in the chapter. Was she there only to temporarily fill the void in Sehun’s heart when she felt it was for Jiyul instead. OH NOOOO.
I can't touch you no more Can't touch you any more any more And this relates to Chapter 12 a lot how she wouldn’t really look at him or touch him and this is so sad. THIS WHOLE SONG IS SO SAD but it’s so fitting to that part when he chose Jiyul over her and IT”S GOING INTO MY APT PLAYLIST.
Cheek to Cheek by Louis Armstrong & Ella Fitzgerald
THIS WHOLE SONG. Can I just say how cute it is??? This just makes me feel like I missed an opportune moment for Sehun and Ahri to dance together at the wedding??? I kind of made it so that it was Soi and Ahri dancing puahahahha. Technically, I should’ve made Sehun and Ahri dance because he tends to dance when he’s nervous about something.
Sooooo BOOOOO I MISSED THE MOMENT. BUT STILL. It’s ok hahahahah But really. This song. The beat. THE CHEEK TO CHEEK. More like forehead to forehead between the two leads. Thank you so much for the recs!!! I loved them so much and can’t wait to add them to my playlist!!
I read chapter 17 till half past 4 in the morning. I had to sleep because i needed to wake up at 9 for a gym session the next morning. But I have sleep problems so I kept waking up throughout the night and reaching for my phone to reread 17 in my sleep-induced haze and dozing off. I had to fake illness and reschedule my gym session in the end xD. I hope my trainer doesn’t see this. HAHAH even when I was half asleep, I kept thinking that I still had so much to tell you about 17!! - ma
OMG MA. WHY DID U STAY UP SO LATEEEE. NUUUUU. Also since your music anon and the abbrev is MA, I literally scream MAAAAA LOOOOL. AND OMGOSHHHH. Please rest. Please sleeeeeep. Your poor thing. i’m so sorry that the story kept waking you up. But I can’t wait to hear your thoughts and really thank you so much. I really can’t appreciate your messages enough. They make me so HAPPPPPYYYY //runs off screaming while drinking my coffeeeeeeeee//
YASSSSS. LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK OF IT AND I DONT MIND CAPS LOCK AT ALLLL. IT just shows me you’re really excited and I’m excited for you to read it. Many apologies for how long it took me to write it but I hope you enjoy it. AHHHH TY FOR LIKING CH 16. I remember being really stressed over it because it was so SLOOOOOOOWWWW but yas yas. Please enjoy 17. Thank you for your patience //hearts u//
@heythereitsmo​ said to enaasteria: March 31st 2018, 12:12:00 am · 8 hours ago Oh when Sehun tells Ahri the story of the Keepers, I remembered you wrote a piece about it and it was just — beautiful. I cried then and I cried now because it literally took my breath away. Every chapter is so stunning Ena, every word resonates so deeply in my soul. It wasn’t always easy but they’re happy together and in love and I hope on my own stars that someone will love me the way Sehun loves Ahri — even if there are flaws and hurdles. You wrote this fabulously, love. Fantastic job.
YAS!!! You caught the merge of Keepers into Apt. This and Yua x PCY are all other stories I’m working on and I wanted to weave them into apt for continuity. I like having all my stories intertwine in some manner. It’s fun but also makes my brain want to explode when I have to make it flow right LOL. YOU’RE REALLY GUNNA MAKE ME CRY. Thank you so much for reading. I really remember you as one of the readers staying with this fic for so long. i really think it’s been years for you and I’m so grateful for your patience but also all the support you gave me. I wish you all the love and happiness and thank you for loving my characters as much as I do.
Anonymous said to enaasteria: March 31st 2018, 12:26:00 am · 8 hours ago Okay but Sehun getting provoked by ahri’s ‘other men’ amuses me sooooo much THANK U SO MUCH FOR CH 17 I honestly needed some destressing with an overload of fluff (and that thick tension 😉😏) ☺️💕💓😚
I definitely had to throw in Ahri’s other men to lighten up the mood hahaha. JK JK. I just really love jealous sehun?? I think he’s super sweet and it’s not like he’s like the bad kind of jealousy. He’s just irked??? LOOOL. It’s cute when he’s just agitated. I really hope you love the fluff and slow burn for the kiss LOL
@shewantsmeshesgotme​ said to enaasteria: March 31st 2018, 1:35:00 am · 7 hours ago I. AM. IN. LOVE. NXKELBFKDLFNFNDNNSKDKFNFBI. I CANT EVEN FORM THOUGHTS IM SO BLOODY IN LOVE OH MY GOD ENA WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME!!?!? You....you are some sort of a genius wizard I can’t even...I’m just broken I love this fucking story so much and YOU I LOVE YOU THANK YOU CHRIST I NEED TO SIT AND STARE AT THE CEILING FOR AN HOUR. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
LORIIIIIIIIIIIIII. THANK YOUUUUU GAHHHH. THANK YOUU SO MUCHHHH. Thank you for your help. Thank you for reading. Thank you for the screams. IM NOT A GENIUS WIZARD. YOU ARE. BUT THANK YOUUUU. Really thank you so much for reading this fic and DONT STARE AT THE CEILING. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS. Now that I finished 17, I can get to reading all the fics that are sitting in my backlog and I really want to read all of yours. I really need to read The Boxer. It’s on my to do list foreverrrrrrr. hugss!!!
@yeolieminelli​ said to enaasteria: March 31st 2018, 2:25:00 am · 6 hours ago HUHUHU. Just finished Ch. 17 😭 It's beautiful. How the each traditional family story just made sense for Ahri and Sehun ❤❤❤ Thank you for writing such a beuatiful chapter for both of them. You are a great writer dear. 😁😁😁 On a side note- I was listening to an instrumental that fit so well for the last part of Sehun's surprise, it felt even more magical. I wish I could share it with you, if I discover how. 😂
YAYYYY!!! I”M SO GLAD U ENJOYED ITTT. RIGHT? I’ve had that ending in my head for 3 years now and it’s finally there. It’s finally written and can I place a pat on my back for it because I thought it was fitting for their story too. Thank you so much for your help on it and thank you for reading. What instrumental?? You can send me the title and I can look it up on YT to add to my Apt Song Rec list!!
ramblingpeaches said to enaasteria: @ramblingpeaches I CANT TAG U WHY March 31st 2018, 3:07:00 am · 5 hours ago that was such a beautiful chapter! so worth the wait- no actually way more than that! you honestly have such a way with words. your writing, your story has made me feel a bunch of emotions and you're just so so talented that i feel like i can't properly express how much i adore your writing and hope this somewhat conveys it haha. thank you for an amazing chapter, definitely made my morning! :) ♡
Thank you so much for this message! I’m so glad you thought it was worth the wait. I’m so sorry it took so long to write but I’m such a slow writer. AND I HAVE A WAY WITH WORDS. AHHHHH //SCREAMS// You’re so kind to me and this is really such a great message because it just makes all the screams worth it. AND NOOO. REALLY. You’ve done so much for me. If you read and send me a message of how you enjoyed the chapter, that really just makes my heart swell. Thank you so much for reading!!!
@yeollieollie said to enaasteria: March 31st 2018, 3:23:00 am · 5 hours ago Omg my heart that was the cutest thing ever why can’t that happen to meeee amazing!!!
Thank you so much for reading!! Wasn’t it??? It’s the most romantic thing I’ve ever written in my entire life and I kind of don’t know what to do with myself anymore LOL.
Anonymous said to enaasteria: March 31st 2018, 5:11:00 am · 3 hours ago hi chap 17 was full of fluff i literally died after reading it 💗 tq for writing such a wonderful story! :) also! how old are sehun and ahri in this story?
ANONNN. Did you know I screamed a lot while writing this chapter. I felt so bad for my followers on Twitter. They felt the main grunt of it all ahhahahaha. I almost died writing this. My heart hurt so bad from it all T_____T Thank you so much for reading and as for their ages. I heavily---HEAVILYYYY aged Sehun in this because I felt I needed his character a bit older than how he was. And since I started this fic 3 years ago, I really did age this poor boy LOL. He’s 29 and she’s 27 in the story. :)
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riskeith · 4 years
manifesting xiao for you!!!!! it surely will be worth it after all that wait and all those rolls shsjdhsj <3 you’ll probably upgrade him and his weapons and talents and all that right away too, huh? spilling all your recourses on one stotic lil boy 👅 (can’t say i blame ya he deserves it) FUNNY YOU MENTION THAT when i did the guiding light seal puzzle before the stormterror battle i accidentally forgot to change kaeya’s weapon to the ones i’ve upgraded so he was stuck with the dull sword and i was like why the FUCK doesn’t he do any damage and then it hit me . yikes 😬 Lmao has that ever happened to you?
oh really? reading all of that makes it seem like we’re in the bad end of the stick dhdhdjdjfh but you made me curious to try it out tbh... now where could i get a hold on a pc..... hm
yeah omg you’ve gotten so far now i can’t imagine how bizarre it would be to revert back to giving like 10 dmg and facing level 3 villains lmao still sometimes even i find myself missing the early days things weren’t as stressful then ): do you?
school did start which is why haikyuu is perfect!! it’s been keeping me very warm and happy tbh... 🥺 you know something i noticed this time watching is that kagehina are Always around each other. i honestly don’t remember them doing that but watching now it’s like at almost every scene they are either standing next to each other or showing up to the other’s scene and it’s like??? damn???? y’all live like this? idk if that changes in future eps but right now it’s Constant. i love it.
dude i’m such a nostalgia person i’m always up for a trip to the good ol’ days bc sometimes you just gotta go back to things for your own sake. but fun Fact i started watching voltron after it ended so i missed so much of the hype while it was ongoing.. literally came into it while it was a goddamn mess. i knew that klance wouldn’t be canon but watching i couldn’t help but hope... how was it stanning while it was ongoing?
(you saying that reminds me of the what if we kissed meme..... what if we kissed in the genshin co-op mode 😳 anyway you’re at such a high level idk how much i could help you... i suppose we could just run around but yeah i do play in europe... 😭)
RED AND BLUE GAYS!!!!!! RED AND BLUE GAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the purple light were mega gay like hello????? especially since lance is bi and it was Him that said the line and hfjdhdhsjdjdhdj fuck ! i’m so sad now ever since we started talking about them i’ve just been missing them sooooo much it’s crazy... KEITH DESERVES THE UNIVERSE he’s so sweet and caring in his own way and he grew so much like compare s8 keith with s1 keith and see!!!! he matured so much and god . at least he’s helping the galaxy with his lesbians now
dude i wanted to say that but i was scared it was an unpopular opinion.... hunk and pidge could be so mean to him sometimes for no reason or just shoo him aside and no??? don’t do that to your friend????? it irked me sometimes bc you could see that he got upset about it but he felt like he had no one to turn to 😭😭😭😭😭 kms but keith. keith is good.
THE I LOVE YOU SCENE did it also take you sooo much by surprise like i remember watching and just going AAAAAA??????!!!??!!?? and the art???? mister anime keith kogane?????? it was so beautiful and so perfect and so sad ughhhhhhh funny how keith has 2 out of the three i love you scenes on voltron even tho he’s the stotic type .
i’m thinking but honestly all i want is some fluffy angst... a punch in the gut with some final kissing . i love fics that rewrite the sunset scene always chefs kiss... or you know how in season 7 for some reason they always called out for each other first? like when lance has his crashing scene keith yells out lance come in twice??? or when they are stuck in the galra prison and they yell out each other’s names???? idk something about that would be amazing to read???? ok i rambled idk rewritten canon klance is just Mwah... OH IM SO EXCITED TO READ THOSE SNIPPETS EEEEEEE :DDDDDD TY FOR SENDING THAT
i’m soooo glad you liked the fanart when i saw it i HAD to send it your way... it’s the little bois in their animal hats 😭😭🥺 i love them so much it’s soooooo cute 😭😭 i’ve been stalking the original tweet and there’s some other version and they’re super adorable too 😭😭😭😭😭😭
hope you had a wonderful day today + yesterday... take care <333
hey heyyyy~
actually i don’t think i have many resources to give him bc im focusing on levelling up my team for the ascension rn FJKHDSKFHSDKJFHSDK but for sure i will do it... anything for him 😩 AHAHAH nooooo but yes ! during the chalk prince dragon event i used festering desire in dragonspine but my higher levelled sword everywhere else, but sometiems i forgot to switch back and was stuck with shit damage 💀
yeah actually i see a lot of poeple complain about not being able to do missions on mobile either (or having a really hard time with it) fskjhfksj but there are for sure people who would think mobile is better so 🤷‍♀️ to each their own! ahah does anyone in your family have a windows laptop/pc? steal borrow it 🤪
i definitely miss the easier days!! it’s fun going to an area with lower level enemies bc i defeat them so easily.. but then again their drops also aren’t as good so you trade one thing for another i guess lol
ikr?!?!?? like we get it you’re inseparable omg.. it’s so cute when they go seek out asahi as well and hinata hides behind kageyama and then points and at him like he’s showing him off.. lives in my mind rent free 😌
oh i see!!! that’s so brave of you omg you knew all that and still decided to give it a shot? fshfkdsjf. it was. insane. like talking about the positives only, it was just everyone going crazy every time there was a single hint of klance is canon king and just ugh. it was all so exciting and hype and like the energy you know?? especially when there were conventions where they were revealing trailers or new info wow tumblr was buzzing.. (reminds me of when klance was top ship.......) i miss that kinda environment tbh! but also now that i’m in uni i don’t think i’d have the energy to keep up fhskfjds
(WHAT IF WE KISSED!! IN GENSHIN CO-OP!! HAHA JK... UNLESS?! that’s so funny fskdj but i wish 😔😩 makes a second reroll account just for this? HAHAAH. and noooo even if we didn’t do anything i feel like it’d be so fun just running around hfkdsjs. and maybe i could carry you w your quests it’s always been my dream to help someone out like my brother can just come into my world and one-shot enemies 😩 but maybe some day!! cross-server will happen)
:((((((((((( S1 KEITH AND S8 KEITH THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 😭😭😭😭 keith went from being a lone wolf expelled from the garrison to finding his MOTHER!! AND THE BESTEST SPACE WOLF DOGGO!! AND LEADING A FKN ITNERGALACTIC ORGANISATION!~!!!eASKJDHSAFHEHFSDIUHSAZODUQWEQWYRHIASKJDNCSOUADHB. marmora!keith............. both a blessing and a curse.... but that uniform tho 🥵
i cried!!! so much watching that scene lmao!!! can’t remember how i felt at the time but i was probably also surpirsed.. and ikr? that’s poetry in its own tbh we love that keith said the most ‘expressive’ and ‘emotional’ lines the most
sunset scene... sunset scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg yeah them just calling out for each other’s names first like??? explain please?? omg also remember when keith chose lance in the quiz.. AND LANCE CALLED KEITH THE FUTURE? FUCKING EXPLAIN???????? WHAT THE FUCK!!!!! there is no heterosexual explanation. okay but now that you’ve put sunset scene in my head... either rewrite where lance was looking for keith to confess to him bc they were going back to space and he wanted to get it out or.. in the future where klance are together and lance has a dream about it and suddenly realises wait. did keith already like me back then. and then they talk about it ... hmmmmm . AND WOOOO NO PROBLEM!! HOPE YOU ENJOY <33
i def have to look at the other versions!!! honestly this meme is kinda the best thing out there rn so many cute baby renditions of charas.. blessed!! i love them all sm...
thank you!! hope yours have been great too, and school is treating you well :**
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kpopthispussyyy · 7 years
BTS reaction to their black girlfriend facing racism/ignorance
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Namjoon would be absolutely livid. He’d be confused at first when you both got pulled over by a cop. He knew you weren't speeding, so what the hell? 
“Here we go again.” You'd whisper to yourself, not aware that Namjoon was watching you.
He’d watch silently as the cop asked for your license and registration. He’d notice smug look on the cops face as he told you that there was a robbery near by and you resembled the suspect.
“Wait wait wait wait. Describe the suspect.” Namjoon would interrupt. 
The cop wouldn't take him seriously and would ignore his question, causing Namjoon to snap and get out of the car, yelling for the cop to describe the suspect, and about how you both had the right to know what this was about. Terror would freeze your blood as the cop began to order Namjoon to get back in the car and jesus christ all mighty, why isn't Namjoon listening to you as you scream for him to get his ass back in the car? Your heart would be pounding as you saw the cop begin to reach for his fire arm, but luckily, Namjoon would finally listen and sit in the car next to you.
The cop would leave you both with a firm warning to Namjoon and an insincere apology to you. When he was gone, you’d fall apart, hitting Namjoon and yelling incoherently, tears streaming down your face. Namjoon would be surprised and would gently defend himself from your blows. He’d yell over your screams.
“Why are you so mad?! It wasn't our fault.” He’d ask, exasperatedly.
You’d take a deep breath and look at him with tear filled eyes.
“Namjoon. You have to understand. I’m black. I can't afford to yell at the police. They shoot first and ask questions later. The fact that you're in the car with a black person automatically means you can get shot too so please. Don't ever, do that again.” You plead, holding his hands in yours. 
He quickly nods and pulls you to his chest, comforting you. He makes you switch places with him and drives home. Afterwards, your relationship is ten times stronger and ten times more understanding.
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Hoseok is the definition of low-key savage. He’s the sun as everyone knows, and is literally happiness personified, but when it came to protecting you, he could kill. Dating a black girl had really opened his eyes to some injustices black people faced, and he’d be damned if he let anyone disrespect you, whether it was or wasn't due to the color of your skin.
When he finds out that your boss told you to ‘do something about your hair’ which you preferred to keep natural, he laughs and shakes his head. It’s at that moment that you know you made a huge mistake telling him, cause that laugh meant one thing and one thing only.
Time to fuck shit up. 
While you were at work, Hoseok would show up with a book in his hand. He’d make his way to your bosses office calmly. You'd watch in shock from the door as he pulled out articles about African American hairstyles being discriminated against in the workplace settings, spreading them in front of your shocked boss. He’d explain how almost all of the employers in the articles were ruled as ‘right’ in the claim that they could choose hairstyles for their employees. Then he pointed at the ones who lost their claims, along with their businesses.
“Now that we've read these and got educated, let me make one thing clear. If my girlfriend, Y/n, comes home to tell me you said anything to her regarding this conversation, or tormented her in anyway, I will do everything in my power to make sure you loose your business, then your money, then your house. Don't be an asshole. Here’s my card. Have a lovely day.” He’d finish with a sweet smile, then walk out, kissing you goodbye.
Your boss wouldn't dare to say a word to you, seeing as your boyfriend was famous, and according to google, worth a shitload of money. Your hair was happy, you were happy, Hoseok was happy, and all things were good.
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You'd feel you heart stop at the word that hit you like a brick, lingering in the air. Jin would freeze and look around towards the crowd of paparazzi and fans that surrounded you both, looking for the culprit who was either hiding like a coward, or long gone.
Jin would grit his teeth in silent rage and wrap his arm around you. He’d maneuver his way through the crowd with a stricken girlfriend in his arms, entering the hotel finally. You'd both silently make your way to the elevator and enter. Jin would walk to the back of the elevator and lean on the wall, shaking with anger, while you replayed the moment over and over again in your head.
“I-I don't get it. We’re not even in the U.S anymore!” He’d yell, voice startling you.
You'd let out a laugh and shake your head. “Racists are everywhere baby. There’s no escaping it. Doesn't matter that were in another country.” You’d reply, giving him a soft, sad smile.
Seokjin would frown and immediately pull you into his arms, kissing your forehead.
“It’s not fair to you. This was supposed to be our amazing, unforgettable honeymoon. Are you okay baby?” He’d ask, one hand coming up to cup your cheek so he could peer into your eyes.
“I’m fine. It’s not gonna affect out honeymoon. We’re here to have fun. Some ignorant git isn't gonna ruin that. Okay?” You ask, attempting to convince him that you really were okay.
Jin would sigh and finally relent, calming down. You’d both forget about the rough start to your honeymoon and have the best fun you'd ever had, making new memories free of criticism and media influence, as husband and wife. 
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(GOD this boy is foiiiiiiiine. Lemme use this chance to confess that he has now wriggled his way up the ranks and has gone from Bias Wrecker to Another Bias. BITCH LOOK AT HIS FACE JHBJVUGJGH)
You’d both be on line for some shit idk, maybe to get coffee or buy groceries, when some random roach bitch came out of no where and suddenly dug her fingers into your afro. You’d be too shocked to react. You’d barely be able to hear her asking the usual roach questions like ‘omg, how'd you get your hair to do this?’ and ‘it’s like, sooooo puffy. Can you like, straighten it?’. Yoongi would make a face at what he saw, confused as to whether said roach didn’t see him next to you, or was ignoring him.
Ignoring the fact that roach was a girl and that he had to be a gentle man, he’d grab her arm hard and yank it away from your hair, still giving her that look that said ‘who in the fuck raised your disrespectful ass?’. 
“Um, don't touch her.” He’d say, throwing the roaches arm back. 
You'd stay silent, mentally laughing, knowing your boyfriend was about to snatch this bitches edges. 
The roach would wrinkle her nose in irritation and look to you for support, only to see you raising an eyebrow at her in disbelief.
“I’m sure you wouldn't want some random stranger digging their fingers into your hair, especially when getting your hair that way took hours of treatment and dedication. Fuck is wrong with you?” He’d ask, holding your hand in his as he cringed in disgust at the now stuttering, red faced roach.
“W-well excuse me, but she didn't say she minded.” Roachaline would spit at him, placing her hand on her hip smugly as if she had won.
“Well she didn't get the chance. Go away before I call security and report you for assault. And stop being a martyr for idiocy!” He would yell after her as she walked away appalled. You’d laugh and link arms with your savage of a boyfriend, cooing sweet nothings at him to calm him down. 
You’d both leave whatever store you were at laughing, happy as can be, talking shit about the atrocity you had just encountered.
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You’d be in the dressing room with the boys, watching as they got their making done, in a heated conversation with Namjoon about types of weaves to get since he was dating a black girl too. You were in a bad mood already from some shit that had happened previously, but this poor child was about to get his girl some synthetic bundles for her birthday and that’s a no, so you decided to hook him up with some websites.
Jungkook watched through the mirror with a smile on his face as you gave Namjoon advice, laughing as his friend took down notes. Suddenly, one of the boys friends, some stranger, decided to add in his own unseasoned two cents.
“Weren't you just complaining about G-Dragon having dreads? How do you do that, then use straight/ silky hair that isn't yours?” He asks snottily, rolling his eyes at you.
The room went silent. Jungkook broke the silence with a short laugh, turning to glance at the boy. 
“Seriously?” He asks, letting out another laugh, this time slightly sinister.
He then proceeded to educate the idiot boy, cursing at him, informing him about how you might not be able to get some jobs without straight/silky hair. He informs him about how you occasionally get made fun of about how your hair defies gravity. He also informs him about how G-Dragon wearing dreads is wrong because it cultural appropriation. He tears him a new one, barking at the now beet red boy about how it’s also none of his goddamn business what you do with your hair. 
At the end of his rant, he's panting, makeup sliding down in trails of sweat, causing his make up artist to glare at him. The boy scurries out in shame, and it only takes a second for the entire room to burst out laughing, while you sit watching your boyfriend, filled with pride.
“Damn Kookie. Where'd you learn all that?” Jimin asks, impressed.
Jungkook smiles and lets out a small laugh and turns to you, a teasing glint in his eye. 
“Perks of dating Y/n.”
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“Excuse me?” Jimin would ask, raising an eyebrow at the host.
You’d sink into the couch in mortification, realizing that you were just sexualized on live tv, and it'd hurt even more when you realized it was because you were black. This wouldn’t be your first interview with Jimin, but this was the first time anyone was so blatantly rude. You’d feel a twinge of tears at the back of your throat and avoid eye contact with the camera after that.
“The question was, since dating Y/n, have you enjoyed sex more, considering how endowed she is?” The host would ask again shamelessly, wiggling his eyebrows at both Jimin and the producers back stage. 
Jimin would stay silent for a second, still reeling in shock. You'd think having a 13 and up audience would have been a red flag, but you guessed that being black and dating a pop star was just too juicy for the producers not to milk. The silence would make the host realize it was the wrong thing to ask, and he’d panic, turning to the producers again, but it was too late.
“First of all, that is absolutely none of your business. Secondly, the only reason you're asking me this question is because she’s black, and you should know better. You should all know better. I planned on cursing you out, but seeing as my girlfriend is in shock, were going to leave instead. Have a horrible day.” Jimin would spit out, grabbing your hand and pulling you off the set.
He’d drag you through apologizing crowds of people and out of the studio, back to your car. You’d enter and sit silently, Jimin grabbing your hand again as he enters.
“Baby, I'm so sorry. They're a bunch of idiots and their careers are over, I swear to god-” He’d rush out, making you interrupt him.
“It’s fine. Thank you for defending me.” You’d say with a weak smile, hugging him. 
He’d hug you back tightly, still in shock from what just happened as you tried your hardest not to burst into tears in his chest. The week that goes by afterwards would be hard. Paparazzi would be on a mission to get yours and Jimin’s statements, and that question would be played on every media outlet daily. Some fans were on yours and Jimin’s side, but of course, some also were not, thinking it was a fine question for the host to ask, and that he would have asked anyone.
Soon, other scandals come and go with other pop stars, and yours and Jimin’s debacle is soon forgotten, but you two don't forget. It strengthens your relationship. You and Jimin begin to love and understand each other on a different level.
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You’d be hanging out with Taehyung at a bar with the rest of the group when suddenly, a group of fans would come up to you guys for autographs. Being used to this, you'd happily watch as the boys kindly tok their time and interacted with their fans, signing autographs and taking pictures.
“Oppa~ Why are you dating a black girl?” 
You froze at the question. Taehyung simply rose an eyebrow at the girl in front of him.
“What kinda question is that?” He asks, obviously trying not to be rude.
The girl rolls her eyes, gaining confidence.
“Well, why are you dating a black girl? A lot of fans are angry.” She stated, glancing at you bitterly for a second, then turning back to Taehyung.
Just as you were about to get up and drag the bitch, Taehyung let out an irritated groan. He crosses his arms and raises and eyebrow at the girl.
“I’m honestly trying to have a good day here, with my beautiful girlfriend and our best friends, so kindly go away before I make you cry.” He says, pinching the bride of his nose in frustration. 
The girl turns red, and scurries away, flustered from how an idol just spoke to her. The group turns to Taehyung and you, asking if you were both okay, but you both simply just blow it off, laughing and cuddling up. 
Before you two had started dating, you had both already spoken about what hardships you would face from the fans and from... well, the world. So anytime something like this came up, though it would take some insisting and begging, you'd always make sure he kindly told fans and people that mentioned your skin color negatively to ‘go away.’ 
This took me three days to write, so I hope all of you enjoy it, especially my fellow black girls out there.
If this offended you, please leave me a butthurt ask or comment. I’m in a wonderful mood today 😊💖
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the1997diaries · 7 years
The Guy who got the A in me...
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FLASHBACK November 2, 2012
YFC Batch 28 - Undefeated
It was YFC Camp— a three-day camp that all will be about is knowing our Lord Jesus Christ— when I saw him, Kuya A. But at first, of course, I didn’t mind cos what I wanted the most and the reason why I join YFC is to know more about Him, my savior. And kuya A, he’s like the contrary of everything I dreamt of.  Naaah, don’t get me wrong, he got the looks, yes and the brains too, I guess but he’s not really that guy okay. He’s not that. But I don’t know why there’s a sudden movement in me that unknowingly caught my attention.
We arrived at the venue around 6 pm, that’s I guess the call time. We just have some random introducing of ourselves with our team leader, Kuya B and we ate dinner afterward. Then the moment of truth, the first talk started. The feels were legit and authentic. After the mind-blowing first talk, those people behind the camp played a song, entitled, Kung Ako Nalang Sana, without lights and with our eyes closed. It was mesmerizing. Who would have thought that Kung ako nalang sana can also be about Jesus? I was moved by my emotions. I cried. I didn’t expect that it will be sucha heartbreaking song. And that song became one of my favorites; I love the voice behind it. It captured me— almost all of me.
The morning of the following day, November 3, 2012. We were gathered in a room with no idea of what will happen. While waiting, this guy they call A—  yes the guy I was talking about— I call him kuya A. Together with kuya J, both of them rushed to the blackboard to face us and I can say that he’s a little bit shy based on his looks. They taught us worship songs, they taught us how to praise and even our batch dance craze. He’s cute when he sings and he can also play the guitar. He got sarcasm and made us all fell into his witty jokes. Did I mention that I just stared at him for like a minute that time? Yes, I did. Di lang ata minuto yon eh. Then there, I guess it all started.
By afternoon, I often see him around— or more likely I’m really always looking for him. You know that feeling when you know you’re starting to like a person, you feel like you always want them to see. And that feeling is like as if you’re on cloud nine. Haaaay only heaven knows. Baduuy uy.
The evening agenda was to choose a team— dance, sing or a comedy show. Through my interrogating skillz level 101 (hahahaha) and my guts, I was able to ask a lot of and (random) people of what team kuya A will be part of. By that, I knew kuya A will be the one who will mentor the singing team so I guess you now know what team I chose? And tbh right now while writing this one, I still feel the giddiness, the kilig, the never ending smiles and the same feeling I felt and I can’t help but think... How was he able to change my perception of my own dream guy? Paano ko naconvince yung mga kaibigan ko na singing yung piliin without the hint that I might like him? Why did I fell to someone who is totally different to me? Hmmmmm.... idk. It’s indescribable you know, di ko din alam kung ano nakain ko non at sobrang lakas ng loob ko. Shet naiiyak ako while writing this. 
Expectedly he taught us possible songs to sing for the E-Night where all of us must be participating. And you guys he never failed to make me smile all throughout that practice. We sing we dance, and (we laugh and that’s mandatory). I remember while rehearsing, there’s a sudden blackout and we all screamed out loud and turn into bursts afterward because of our own unexplainable expressions LOL. He called our team “Girls Direction” cos we’re going to sing that time some One Direction’s songs. After the given time for rehearsal, we ended up having just one song and we’re still not prepared for the performance. But he assured us that we’ll just be fine. And okay, I’m gonna say it… I’m gonna admit it. I’m sooooo kilig while he’s teaching us and when he looks at me. Okay. OMG!
After the entertainment night was our first ever praise fest where we sing worship songs to uplift and praise Christ. And with kuya A as our worship leader— I didn’t expect it to be him. That moment when he’s telling stories and the way he closes his eyes while singing. His sincerity, passion, and dedication in serving God are just amazingly superb about him— and I love it. And by that I know, yes this guy… is that guy... right at that moment... I knew it was something else. For the first time in forever, I felt the feeling of how it is to like a significant other. That affection that sees no perfection, no faults. Yet I’m also feeling guilty that time because, I’m supposed to be there because of my Savior but, I just found myself knowing Him and knowing that He also wants to teach me of loving with no limits, with no hesitations, to see no hindrance, to just love and appreciate.
Day 3, November 4, 2012. Our last day. We are all terribly exhausted: lack of sleep and the random emotions we had through talks. And the last talk started in the morning and ended at noon. There’s a part where all the old YFC’s were going to welcome us and will show us how to do the YFC handshake. I got so excited because I knew that kuya A will be holding my hands. Ya ya ya ya. I tried to focus on the speaker but hey excitement is so real. But I did focus on the talk and I absolutely didn’t expect the last part— the coffee-changing-colors thingy. Gawd those guys behind the camp were just so amazing and I’ve also realized how amazing God really is despite all our shortcomings.
And my most anticipated part. After the talk, the old YFCs started to line up in one corner of the room. Few minutes, I saw him running and making his way to the line wearing his heavenly smile. Oh geez, kuya A you're an angel in disguise. My eyes can’t see no one but him and I’m looking straight into his eyes. Gawhd I wonder, how many girls had fallen for it. And these people started giving their hands for the handshake. And I can still remember how they were moving so fast like how my heart was and my nerves were. Waaaaaahhh bat ako kinikilig ng gantong oras.
Okay… Seven… Six… Five… Four… Three… Two…
“Hi, Kuya A” I said while giving him my hand. “Hi, Ace!” and we shook our hands. “Welcome to YFC!” he said again, smiling...
After the camp, I finally told my friends that I have a thing for kuya A and they actually agreed that he is really cute. Days after the camp was lighter than ever. No heavy feelings on the inside and no more worries— at all. Then, I got his number. I texted him with some kind of thank you messages for taking care of us and things like that. He is really approachable you guys and really naughty— yep no doubt about that. We almost texted a whole day. A whole day of non-sense and kilig overload ya know what I mean... yep shhhh. I can still remember those exchanging of cheesy lines and punch lines like what? Did I actually text that to him? eewww hehehe joke hahaha. A big OMG.
The following camp, we were both part of the mission team of Batch 29. It is the last day when I was assigned to wash the dishes. While washing, he went to me and asked if I already ate but I don’t exactly remember what I said to him. Then he left and came back with food and I remember laughing at him. Gawd why did I laugh? I said that I’ll eat later but he insisted and he really scooped the food for me. Yay, that’s one of the most unforgettable experience I had with him.
I didn’t even know that the guy behind the “Kung Ako Nalang Sana” voice is him. Gahwd... Divine! And what I really admired about him the most is that he is serving our Man up there for like 13 or 15 years now? and still counting. Gawhd kuya A, you’re unbelievable. 
But as days passed by, I knew everything should stop.
Above all, thank you kuya A for sharing your fun stories with me. With us all your bunso. Thank you for giving us countless reasons to live for Him, to praise Him, to uplift Him. Thank you for everything. I’ve learned so much from you and I became closer to God. Thank you for those never dull moments. The seawall tambays after mass. For all the inspiring words during the worships. For everything that you’ve done unintentionally. I will never ever forget that short video message you made for my 16th birthday, despite your busy schedule. Thank you for that sweet message. Thank you for singing Iris to me. That will always remind me of you every now and then. Sad thing is, I already lost that video. But those words that you told me… will forever be stored in my heart. And that song… that song will always be my song for you as well. Even though I lost that video, I will never ever lose this another video message you gave me with you singing Kung Akin ang Mundo for my 20th birthday. Kuya A… I’m speechless. I can’t thank you enough for the memories, for the time, the effort and all. You will always have a soft part in me. I will always love you. I got you. I’ll never ever forget you, I promise. I miss you so bad. I don’t want you to read this but if you do, please don’t let me know or yes please let me know. 
I just wish that you find the right person for you, the one you have been dreaming of too. The one who will make you happy just like what you did to me. You deserve more than that. I’m always hoping for your good health. Please do take care of yourself— that will mean a lot to me.
And yes, kuya A***, you got me.
Photo from: xxx 
PS: it still hurts.
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