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How can I be more disciplined? Is a question that I get quite often and my answer is what you see here. Creating the habits that will help you be more disciplined is something up to you and I can help you with this if you want, DM me. #healthyhabits #inspirationalquotes #inspirationoftheday #dailymotivation #lifecoaching #lifehack #lidiadogaru #lifecoaching #expatinspain (at Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHX9cRGpR75/?igshid=1u2x0r67f8mgx
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Keep calm and breathe! I know many countries are now going on flexible lockdown, it's again a moment to ask ourselves "where are we going?" and many might feel fear, anxiety, stress, anger. But let's calm down and breathe first and then focus on what we can control. Seasons change and we learn to adapt, change our clothes, our food, our behaviour and habits, adapt our body temperature etc. It's just a season and we will enjoy it the best we can with what we have right now! And every season has it's beauty. I might have this #pandemicfatigue and you might experience it too. But it does not mean that I have to give in or give up! What can you do instead? - join me tomorrow in the live mini-webinar about how to deal with the stress and anxiety created by all this situation - limit a bit your exposure to the news and filter! - give hugs as I was mentioning in the past mini-webinar, as many hugs as possible to the people that are close to you and you know you can hug, fill yourself with good energy - instead of watching alarming & stress inducing series on Netflix, try for a few weeks to focus on mood changing movies, comedies or inspirational ones. Laugh as much as you can! - take care of your body: a few minutes exercise every day and fresh air! If the gym closed: go for a walk, it will do you soooooo much good! And wear your mask. - fill yourself with gratitude as it's the emotion that can eliminate any negative emotion. - watch your self-talk and consider changing your limiting beliefs: if you are on lockdown or not able to travel it does not mean you need to be sad too. - take care of your environment, create beautiful things for you and your family, search for beauty and surroundings d yourself with it! It's something that I learned while living in Italy: being surrounded by beauty will also help you live better (if you notice it, of course 🤣🤣) - join me in the live mini-webinar in two weeks time with ways to prepare yourself for an unusual holiday season. #againlockdown #pandemicstress #lifecoaching #changeyourfocus #changeperspective #stressrelief #reducestress #healthyhabits #lidiadogaru #liveminiwebinar #expatinspain (presso Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHNS7dKpjD2/?igshid=ejv9dmc1v8ug
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If you could learn during this live one strong way to motivate yourself and get things done, would you attend? . Tomorrow I will be sharing how to motivate yourself from within by discovering your WHY and connecting to it! You will get more energy, a reason to wake up in the morning, a strong connection to your objectives and take action! Join us! . #findyourwhy #getenergy #connecttoyourwhy #reachobjectives #getthingsdone #noexcuses #findyourreason #loveyourself #lifecoaching #lifecoschingtips #lidiadogaru #lifecoach #getresults (at Zaragoza, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFzGfB3qPnF/?igshid=t32q1d5sa330
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#15coachingskill Using the GROW model . A coaching conversation always needs a structure as like this you can keep track of every employee conversation and you start with clarity and end with clarity. You don’t want the coaching conversation to end without action items and without checking if the employee is committed to do them. A model that I am using is the GROW model. This stands for: Goal, Reality, Options, Way Forward. . Check each step in the comments. . What about you? What structure do you use in your coaching conversation? . #30dayscoachingskills #coachingskills #coachingskillsformanagers #coachingskillsforleaders #managercoach #leadercoach #lidiadogaru #lifecoaching #businesscoaching #30daychallenge #uptitude #uptitudechallenge #businessmanager #entrepeneurcoach #leaderskills #employeemotivation #managerskills #leardshipskills #employeecoaching #coachyourpeople #coachyouremployees #coachingconversation #setupobjectives #smartobjectives #employeeaccountability #employeeresponsibility #growmodel #coachingquestions (at Zaragoza, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFxgdBpJLK5/?igshid=8zyyli0bb8vd
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#14coachingskill Goal setting . Your organization has goals, your team has goals, every individual in your team has goals, you have goals. Having them written and very clear will make things easier when measuring performance, results and giving feedback. . Perhaps the best known approach to set objectives is the SMART acronym. This is a practical, straightforward tool, which can be used for both professional and personal planning. Your and your teams’ objectives are more than just wishes if you make sure they are SMART. That’s to say any objectives you set should be: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-defined. What exactly do I mean by this? . Try looking at any objective you have set together with your employee, or are thinking about setting. Ask them: “is this objective…” • Specific – is it clear what the objective is? Is it clear exactly what they mean? • Measurable – how will they know if they have achieved it? How will they measure their success? • Achievable – is it possible to achieve this objective? What do they need in place to make it attainable? • Relevant – is this objective one that you and them consider appropriate? Does it deliver wider priorities? Is it worth doing? • Time-bounded – by when are they going to achieve this? Setting a timescale provides focus and urgency, clarifying when they intend to achieve the objective. The objective has a deadline and is therefore more than just a wish! . If their objectives are defined SMART you could also think about making them a bit challenging, to excite them. Setting clear objectives will help you in measuring later on and giving feedback and doing the performance review. And letting them or involving them 100% in setting up the objectives will help with accountability and then in taking action. . How do you setup objectives with your team? . #30dayscoachingskills #coachingskills #coachingskillsformanagers #coachingskillsforleaders #managercoach #leadercoach #lidiadogaru #lifecoaching #businesscoaching #30daychallenge #uptitude #uptitudechallenge #businessmanager #entrepeneurcoach #leaderskills #employeemotivation #managerskills #leardshipskills #employeecoaching (at Zaragoza, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFu2HTAqYif/?igshid=d82rbuax82qm
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#11coachingskill Asking permission . This skill is exactly this, asking permission to share a skill, a tool, an idea, an intuition, a feedback or anything that comes from you. If you share your thoughts without asking permission, you have taken over the coaching conversation and you are actually coaching your agenda, not theirs. And the coaching conversations are about your people, it’s them that they get to decide about their growth and performance and it’s not directive. We are honoring the coaching relationship like this, they are in the driver seat and you are only the co-pilot. We are the ones dancing in the moment, we are only facilitating the process. . The questions you use in order to ask permission are direct, normally Yes or No question. Even if you know that the coachee totally trusts you, you still need to ask the question. This means that they have the power to chose and you know your limits. This skill is part of the Self-management (this is another skill we will talk about in this series). A few questions you can ask are: “May I tell you what I see regarding something you told me?” “Can I share a hunch that I have?” “I have an idea that might help, can I share?” “I have a resource that might be really useful, may I share?” The “May I…” or “Would it be ok if…” are questions that build trust and share the power. . They might say Yes, but if they say No then listen and respect them and their decision. They might be saying No for different reasons, not really to you. We are focused on their growth and performance, not on putting them to the wall. If this is a conversation that you really need to have you can give them the space to reflect and them maybe give them the opportunity to express freely by asking them how they feel about it. Or give them the possibility to come back whenever they are ready. . How do you ask permission when you share during a coaching conversation? . #30dayscoachingskills #coachingskills #coachingskillsformanagers #coachingskillsforleaders #managercoach #leadercoach #lidiadogaru #lifecoaching #businesscoaching #30daychallenge #uptitude #uptitudechallenge #businessmanager #entrepeneurcoach #leaderskills (at Zaragoza, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFkoXkWKNSX/?igshid=jkljc91065p1
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#10coachingskill Using silence . Silence is golden. I know that it might be awkward for some, but you just cannot imagine the resources that this skill brings! Silence is necessary to allow your people time to think and for you to actively listen. It takes time to master as our natural reaction to silence is to fill it, like we do in everyday conversation. But the coachee needs space to process their thoughts and formulate their own responses without the coach answering for them. . Given that the skill of silence takes a while to master, you could practice during your social conversations allowing others to talk more than you normally would allow them. Being disciplined and holding back should give you some opportunity to practice outside of a coaching scenario. . Allowing silence after the person has provided their response is another useful habit to establish in case she/he wants to add more. The silence allows you to listen actively and to really take the time to think about what the coachee is or is not saying. . Resist the urge to jump in or interrupt – that could distract their thinking process or it could reduce the impact of a powerful question that you asked – the one that would have provoked a “aha” or a breakthrough moment! . Tips to use silence when coaching your people: . • Become aware of your own comfort with being quiet. Practice with your social conversation giving a few seconds of silence extra. . • If the person does not respond immediately to a question, don’t be tempted to ask another one. Wait a few seconds and then rephrase, clarify or help with another question. . • Pause for a few seconds after they responded to your question to see if they have something else to add. . • Leave a few seconds more than your usual pause if you have asked a powerful or challenging question. . • Use the silence to really listen and see more, observe more. . #30dayscoachingskills #coachingskills #coachingskillsformanagers #coachingskillsforleaders #managercoach #leadercoach #lidiadogaru #lifecoaching #businesscoaching #30daychallenge #uptitude #uptitudechallenge #businessmanager #entrepeneurcoach #leaderskills #listentoyourpeople #thepowerofsilence (at Zaragoza, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFiB4YRo7Tv/?igshid=4wd3znca9l6p
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#7coachingskill Be curious . When you are curious you don’t always have all the answers anymore, you are not an expert but you are joining your people in the exploring and discovering. Your curiosity will allows them to explore and discover, invites them to seek for solutions and resources. . And authentic curiosity also helps you in building a great relationship: people love to talk about themselves, their skills, their abilities, how they made it or how they will do it. Your curiosity will flatter and also encourage them. . While interrogation builds walls, curiosity builds relationships. Some people are good in being curious, like a natural talent. Others will need to practice it, work on it to be better. Curiosity is not asking a question with the answer in mind, but truly encouraging the other to seek for the answer. If you sense that the person is being hesitant about a certain project, be curious and ask about it. Curiosity will be very useful in your work because you will get deeper that if you ask questions for information or explanation. . So, ask your people “I am curious about…”, “Here I have a curiosity…”, “Just wandering..” it will help you and help them get deeper and discover answers or resources or solutions they did not know they had. In the next posts I will give you also the questions to use that will help you more. . How can you be more curious in the conversation with your people? . #30dayscoachingskills #coachingskills #coachingskillsformanagers #coachingskillsforleaders #managercoach #leadercoach #lidiadogaru #lifecoaching #businesscoaching #30daychallenge #uptitude #uptitudechallenge #businessmanager #entrepeneurcoach #listeningskills #listentoyourpeople #listentoyouremployee #employeemotivation #managerskills #leardshipskills #employeecoaching #curiosity #askquestions #becurious (at Zaragoza, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFaWP4tK44J/?igshid=dxhps8r2yfxs
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#4coachingskill Believe in the person! . People are naturally creative, resourceful and whole! They have the capacity of being independent. The alternative is believing that people are fragile and dependent. . But people are capable! Capable of finding extra resources, of finding answers, of choosing, of taking action, of learning, of growing, of taking themselves out of the difficult moments. Even if the mountain seems too high, even if the objective seems too much or the circumstances don’t help and their sabotajing thoughts are coming in, seeing that someone believes in them is encouraging. Is uplifting! You become their cheerleader, you become the opposite voice of their saboteur and like this they can easily change perspective and put themselves back in the resourceful attitude. Remember that people have such a capacity to adapt, to find extra resources and even if it’s difficult sometimes, creativity and problem solving skills come out from within when needed! That’s why they need someone to believe in them, to believe they can be, do and have more! . During my coaching sessions I am amazed of how my coachees get to an “aha” moment or to a totally new solution or idea all by themselves! And I sit back and clap because it’s all I can do in that moment, they did it all! . #30dayscoachingskills #coachingskills #coachingskillsformanagers #coachingskillsforleaders #managercoach #leadercoach #lidiadogaru #lifecoaching #businesscoaching #30daychallenge #uptitude #uptitudechallenge #businessmanager #entrepeneurcoach #believeinyourpeople #believeinyouremployee #encourageemployee #employeemotivation #employeecoaching (at Zaragoza, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFSptfCqbXe/?igshid=1oshn5m8yvgiv
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#3coachingskill Switch effectively between the roles of manager, leader, trainer, mentor, coach. . These are normally the main roles you are playing while you are with your team. As I was sharing in the first video, being a manager and using mainly your #coachingskills is not useful and efficient for you. So, you always need to switch between the different roles you have. Like you are doing it with your #liferoles, switching between the parent role, son/daughter, partner, woman/man, colleague, friend, professional etc, you will have to do with the roles you play with your team. . Does your team need direction, they are confused? Use your #leaderrole. . Are processes clear? Does the work get done? There are gaps? Use the #managerrole. . Your people need advise and support? Or another perspective to get from your experience? Use the #mentorrole. . They need new knowledge and new skills? A new process? Changing direction? Use the #trainerrole. . They need help to perform better? They have the skill and talent but they don’t reach their goals? They want to grow? You want to maximize attitude, effort and performance? Then you need to use your #coachrole. . #30coachingskills #managerlife #coachingskills #managercoach #lifecoaching #businesscoaching #lidiadogaru #lifecoach #businesscoach #coachingskillsformanagers #coachingskillsforleaders #leaderlife #selfcoaching (at Zaragoza, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFPu_8Mqerb/?igshid=1jclqim24os4r
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#1coachingskill Master the relationship . Coaching is a relationship. There are skills you need to learn, but at the end it’s all about the art of the relationship. Learn about the person, invest time and energy, develop an interest in the person. Know your people. . Master the relationship, every person you work with is different, they have unique goals, unique abilities, unique desire for change or ways of self-sabotaging. So coaching is personal and the relationship is created by both the coach and the coachee. The manager coach must make the shift from “I am powerful” to “this relationship is powerful!”, because this is about the experiences the coachee gets. And the power does not come from the coach or the person that is coached, but from the relationship. . While we will work on the coaching skills these days you need to have in mind that the relationship is the most important, is from where your people get the energy, the motivation to change, to improve their performance, to grow. . #30dayscoachingskills #coachingskills #coachingskillsformanagers #coachingskillsforleaders #managercoach #leadercoach #lidiadogaru #lifecoaching #businesscoaching #30daychallenge #uptitude #uptitudechallenge #businessmanager #entrepeneurcoach #coachingrelationship #mastertherelationship #knowyourpeople #knowyourteam (at Zaragoza, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFKwHOjqNiS/?igshid=1q3kuocgw71gt
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#31habit Celebrate more often . Maybe you are not doing it yet or doing it but very little, but we all need more celebrating in our lives, after reaching our small or big objectives. . Celebrating small wins is an important way to track incremental achievements and work towards much larger goals. Plus, it makes you feel good more often. In a study of how everyday life inside organizations can influence a person’s performance, researchers found out that capturing small wins every day enhances a worker’s motivation. Simply recording progress in some way helps to boost self-confidence and can be put to use toward future successes. . When you accomplish something, it activates the reward center of our brain, allowing us to feel a sense of pride. Specifically, the neurochemical dopamine is released and energizes us with feel-good emotions. This chemical helps you to experience the feeling of getting rewarded, and can hook you on wanting to achieve even more. These modest behavior changes set off a positive chain reaction for even bigger developments later on. . So, why not celebrate all the #smallwins and #smallresults if you build up a #healthyhabit and put the basis for more success? . What can you celebrate this week? . #31healthyhabits #uptitude #uptitudechallenge #uptitudecoaching #lidiadogaru #lifecoach #businesscoach #stresscoach #celebratesmallwins (at Zaragoza, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEkKOm4qJ_7/?igshid=do54504wu6ph
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#30habit Dream and set goals . If you are able to set and achieve goals, you will experience many benefits. Even if you don’t reach all your goals, just having them can enrich your life. Allow yourself to dream big and then set smaller goals toward reaching those end goals. . When you reach these small goals, you will become more positive about your abilities and skills that help you achieve these milestones. Don’t get down on yourself if you do have failures along the way. Allow for flexibility and changing of plans along your route, and you will be a happier person. . Make a habit in setting objectives for all areas of your life, personal or professional. . Your objectives need to be defined SMART, they have to be a bit challenging to excite you and they have to be good for you and others on long term. Check in the comments how to set up your goals in a SMART way, one of the best methods of setting objectives. . What benefits does goal setting bring you? - Goals give you a direction and a destination. They give you something to aim for and direct your efforts. They help you guide you. - They will give you a clear focus on what you believe to be important in life. - They help you to get clarity in decision making. - They help you gain control of your future, without goals, you tend to drift aimlessly. - Goals give you hope and something to aspire to and this provides motivation and energy to work towards results. - They give you a sense of personal satisfaction when setting and reaching them, you will appreciate your abilities and get an idea of your full potential. . What is your dream? What are your objectives? Share them here with us, maybe we could help you in defining them Smart. . #31healthyhabits #goalsetting #smartobjectives #uptitude #uptitudechallenge #uptitudecoaching #lidiadogaru #lifecoach #businesscoach #lifecoaching #settingobjectives #lifegoals#lifeobjectives #businessgoals (at Zaragoza, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEhjXl7qVJ5/?igshid=8sw127r38d60
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#29habit Declutter more . #Decluttering goes far beyond improving the space in your home or at work. It’s essential to both your physical and mental wellbeing. Whether it’s dirty dishes piling up in the sink or stacks of papers covering your desk, everyone experienced the negative effects of clutter in their lives. It’s no surprise that the clutter in our physical spaces can have adverse effects on our mental health. As more things occupy our space, they find a way to enter our minds and lead to increased stress and anxiety. . Many studies have proven the psychological power of clearing out your space in various different areas of your life. For the sake of your overall health and happiness, take the time to declutter your life and start seeing the positive changes that occur. . The Benefits of Decluttering: . Less to clean. Cleaning is already enough of a chore, but having to clean around many things makes cleaning the house much more stressful. . Less to organize. Finding things suddenly become easier. Things don’t just “disappear” anymore. . Less stress. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to look around and see a home you love? . Less debt. Spending less time shopping for material possessions you take care of your bank account and your home doesn’t get filled with costly things you don’t need. . More financial freedom. Decluttering, paired with minimalism, will help you build up savings to keep you protected in case of unexpected emergencies. . More energy for your greatest passions. With less debt, more financial freedom, and a clean home, you can now focus your energy on the things you enjoy. This will ultimately make you happier. . Check in the comments for a great way to declutter your house and office. . #31healthyhabits #uptitude #uptitudecoaching #uptitudechallenge #learntodeclutter #declutteringbenefits #healthyhabits #healthyhabit #lessstress #managestress #stressmanagement #reducestress #increasesavings #lidiadogaru #lifecoach #businesscoach #lifecoaching #loveyourhouse (at Zaragoza, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEfEtkaK3we/?igshid=17dcuh04rr9e1
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#28habit Seek out support . Seek out social support from friends, family or a peer group and professional support from a coach/therapist. . Spend enough time with those you enjoy. Find a good #peergroup that helps you grow and adopt #healthyhabits. A friend to run with, a partner that has common interests, a network to learn with. . Good friends are good for your health. Friends can help you celebrate good times and provide support during bad times. Friends prevent loneliness and give you a chance to offer needed companionship, too. Friends can also: 🎈Increase your sense of belonging and purpose 🎈Boost your happiness and reduce your stress 🎈Improve your self-confidence and self-worth 🎈Help you cope with stress 🎈Encourage you to change or avoid unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as excessive drinking or lack of exercise . Friends also play a significant role in promoting your overall health. Studies have even found that older adults with a rich social life are likely to live longer than their peers with fewer connections. . And when you cannot talk to friends, get a professional to help you. A therapist or a coach. . I go to my coach whenever I need help, I feel lost, anytime I need clarity or just someone to talk to. Just updating her from time to time with a message is uplifting, is helping and motivating me. She replies, she became a friend that really cares for me and will not try to “save” me from my struggles, but shows me what resources I have inside, who I am and challenges me with a kick in the ass when needed! . What support do you need to reach your objectives? . Check in the comments the benefits of working with a coach. . #31healthyhabits #socialsupport #peergroupsupport #uptitude #uptitudecoaching #uptitudechallenge #lidiadogaru #lifecoach #businesscoach #loveyourself #selflove #workwithacoach #coachingbenefits #reachyourobjectives #getclarity (at Zaragoza, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEcYENFqWnT/?igshid=12mk0b9jgt5cy
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#27habit Move your body! Exercise, walk, dance, jog, play with your kids, pilates class, garden, bike, hike in nature… . Anything you do, your mind and body will thank you! . If it’s really hard to find time to move then start with small steps and with one activity that you really enjoy. Do 10 minutes of exercise today, maybe next week it will be 15 minutes and next month 20. But do it, don’t think about it too much, it does not need to be perfect and you don’t need much to start. The small steps that help you build the big habits. . If you are in the office, take an exercise break, do a walking meeting with your colleague or instead of having that call laying down or sitting down, just go for a walk while talking with your client or with your friend. Don't just grab another cup of coffee, get up and move. Maybe you can do some deep lunges or stretches. . Did you know that if you have many mood changes, just 30 minutes of walking five times a week may help keep the blues at bay? . To make it easier, focus on the goal as “movement” rather than “working out,” you can find ways to incorporate motion into your daily life in a way that feels good. Soon you will feel the benefits of motion and feel good while doing it. . What’s your favorite way of moving your body? . Check in the comments 5 super important benefits of moving your body. . #31healthyhabits #uptitude #uptitudechallenge #activemetime #lidiadogaru #lifecoach #businesscoach #loveyourself #metime #timeforyourself #noexcuses #moveyourbody #takethestairs #movethatass #moveyourass (at Zaragoza, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEZEUb1KwmG/?igshid=yhn8h01kx9fe
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