bundledham-blog · 8 years
'Want something to drink?' Mina hands Hayley a glass of some kind of "red-ish soda"? 'It's cherry flavoured.'
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“U-Um...” Hayley peered between the drink and Mina. She didn’t really like cherry at all. Not even a little bit. The only thing worse was grapes. But Mina seemed excited. With a fight between poor taste or Mina’s happiness it was a pretty easy win. But Hayley was also aware it was April first. “O-OK. S-s-sure...” She didn’t sound sure at all. With a feeling of dread she tilted the drink back to try some, and her eyes widened at the surprisingly solid substance. And not so terrible taste considering. 
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bundledham-blog · 9 years
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(( I got bored and somehow this happened.
I’m sorry. 
I’ve been playing AC:HHA recently, so have Hayley and her friends as Animal Crossing villagers.))
Name: Mina 
Species: Rabbit
Personality: Peppy
Default shirt: Blossom Tee
Song: Bubblegum K.K.
Most common emotions: Joy, Laughter
I was debating between uchi and peppy for a while but peppy won out. Due to their love of performing and just generally cheery attitudes and obsession with fashion they fit Mina well. She’s based around being a performer. I wanted to incorporate her headset. 
Villagers used as inspiration:
Name: Hayley
Species: Dog
Personality: Normal
Default shirt:  Pink-Bud Tank
Song: K.K. Lullaby
Catchphrase: “S-sorry”
Most common emotions: Bashful, Distressed
Hayley was pretty easy to design and pick out. Though I had some issues picking out her shirt. She’s a normal, it fits her, they’re relatively non-confrontational, shut ins, and generally like to read. As well they tend to be modest with self esteem issues. And generally shy. They’re prone to talking about others, asking about others, and they tend to apologize a lot as well. They also tend to get along well with peppy villagers over girlish topics (which fits Hayley and Mina). Hayley’s based on a tri-colored corgi, though the ear shapes for dog villagers don’t change. Hayley’s name actually fits this, as Hayley is derived from “hay clearing”. 
Villagers used as inspiration:
Name: Ryan
Species: Goat
Personality: Smug
Default shirt: Sweater-vest
Song: K.K. Sonata
Most common emotions: Aggravation, Mischief 
Ryan was the hardest to pick out for. I went with goat over sheep because the sheep all have the same figure and are kind of round and fluffy and that didn’t seem to fit him. But the nature was hard. The male personalities in Animal Crossing are all extremes (and many don’t like to read) while the females have a bit more variety. Cranky was considered, but they spend a lot of time outside, and cranky villagers tend to be older. As well as physically strong and aggressive. So then I considered smug. Smug villagers are a bit more neutral. Smug villagers have elements of all the personality traits, and some can lean more one way or another (although all tend to be a little prideful). I’ve seen smug villagers that lean the cranky way and aren’t always super nice. Though, as a whole, smug villagers have a nice side and can be a little prideful. It was the best I could compromise on, really. Ryan is based on a pygmy goat.
Villagers used as inspiration:
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bundledham-blog · 9 years
Mercury: What’s your full name? Moon: What are you currently studying/hope to study? Sun: Have you ever had alcohol? Betelgeuse: What’s something you can never forget about? Aries: Favourite movie? Hydra: Favourite sound? Sombrero Galaxy: Do you have a crush right now? Comet: What’s your big dream? Meteor: What’s something you wish you could tell, but can’t?
Mercury: What’s your full name? 
“Hayley Holly Guerriero.
The middle name is a little special. My brother was 8 when I was born, and they picked the name when they found out my gender before I was born, and for some reason he had trouble with my name. It just stuck.”
Moon: What are you currently studying/hope to study? 
“I’m currently a middle schooler in Japan (which is a little weird, because I was a high schooler in the States). So whatever they teach me.
But I really want to take art classes, a-and maybe photography. So I can do a better job taking pictures of my friends.”
Sun: Have you ever had alcohol? 
“No, not even once. But I’ve always wanted to. Not to get drunk, but to try it, you know? Especially wine. I-I mean, I am Italian…”
Betelgeuse: What’s something you can never forget about? 
“There’s a few, but I guess Kyleen.
Another is my old Growlmon doll.
And I guess, corny as it is, moving to Lune? Between Eirik, Mina, and Ryan, everyone’s so wonderful. And I feel like I’ve changed a lot.
And I guess meeting Rabbimon. He may be, um, Rabbimon, but he’s the reason I’m here and I got to meet everyone. I’m so, so, thankful.”
Aries: Favourite movie? 
“M-Marley and Me. Even if it does make me cry…a lot…
I like a lot of the animal disney films, too. I think 101 Dalmatians is my favorite.”
Hydra: Favourite sound? 
“The sound of water. Any water, though I really like the sounds of the ocean. I wish I could go more. 
I kind of hope to bring Rabbimon to a beach in the human world someday.”
Sombrero Galaxy: Do you have a crush right now? 
“This is old, but I did then, and obviously I do now…thanks, Eirik.”
Comet: What’s your big dream? 
“I want to finish my comic and get it out there. I’ve got a ways to go.
B-but I have another one. I want to be more useful to my friends and the people I care about. I want to be able to help them. And especially not endanger them and hold them back.”
Meteor: What’s something you wish you could tell, but can’t? 
“U-uh, isn’t the point I can’t really say? I guess stuff to do about home. And Kyleen. There’s a few others, I guess. I’d really like to, though…but…”
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bundledham-blog · 9 years
Mwah: Three people I’d like to kiss. Different: Three members of the opposite sex I find attractive Doing: Three habits that I have. Psst: Three things that I’ve always wanted to tell you. Shh: Three things I wouldn’t want my parents to know Want: Three things I would do to you if we were alone.
1. Mwah:
“T-Three…? I um…I…I can…only really think of one…u-uh…d-do platonic kisses count?
B-but one is definitely E-Eirik.” 
2.  Different:
“I can’t just cheat and say other girl’s names for this one…u-um…
Eirik…is one obviously. Ryan didn’t seem to look too bad, either. Carter is um…I guess he’s OK? I-I mean…if I had to pick a third.“
3. Doing:
“I fall asleep at my table a lot. It’s not uncommon to find me with a red mark on my face from it. I-I say things without realizing it. T-that can lead to…i-interesting results. I move in my sleep a lot, and scoot around. I also seem to migrate to things I find comforting. But I almost always start moving to the right side of the bed as I start waking up. I’m not sure why, maybe it’s a habit from my childhood?”
4. Psst:
“I love you, You make me feel happier and safer then I’ve felt in a long time, I’m sorry I never told you my biggest fear…U-um…w-will that…do…?”
5. Shh:
“Does…literally everything I do with Eirik count? N-nothing weird, I just mean…u-um…um…explaining fighting giant monsters with a man with an equally big powerful dragon monster and then climbing a giant mountain may be a bit hard for a parent to…take or understand? Also, I’d rather they not know I slept near him a few times.
A-also, the maid cafe with Mina may be innocent, but it’s an interesting thing to explain to your parents.
And…I-I guess some of the thoughts I think, too…”
6. Want:
“A-are these like…if you’d permit it? Cuddling, listening to you talk about things would make me so happy…a-and um…maybe sometimes…um…a-anyways!
U-uh, c-can I go now…?”
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