runningwolf · 4 years
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Remember this? Van Coke Kartel - Tot Die Son Uitkom (Music Video) https://bit.ly/3po6o3O
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bundledham-blog · 9 years
((It depends on who’s kissing.
If Ryan is:
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If Hayley is:
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Cue Hayley fleeing and turning bright red and hiding her face behind something.
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firecrackersol · 9 years
♥ - no url. just use Ryan lol (for the kiss on a body part meme)
Candice stepped back quickly in shock and surprise. She could feel her cheeks warm up as they grew pink. No one... No one except for family had ever kissed her. Even more so, on the lips. “Where... Where did THAT come from?”
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runningwolf · 4 years
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Remember this? Van Coke Kartel - Dis 'n Land (Music Video) https://rwrant.co.za/van-coke-kartel-dis-n-land-music-video/?feed_id=6671
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bundledham-blog · 9 years
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(( I got bored and somehow this happened.
I’m sorry. 
I’ve been playing AC:HHA recently, so have Hayley and her friends as Animal Crossing villagers.))
Name: Mina 
Species: Rabbit
Personality: Peppy
Default shirt: Blossom Tee
Song: Bubblegum K.K.
Most common emotions: Joy, Laughter
I was debating between uchi and peppy for a while but peppy won out. Due to their love of performing and just generally cheery attitudes and obsession with fashion they fit Mina well. She’s based around being a performer. I wanted to incorporate her headset. 
Villagers used as inspiration:
Name: Hayley
Species: Dog
Personality: Normal
Default shirt:  Pink-Bud Tank
Song: K.K. Lullaby
Catchphrase: “S-sorry”
Most common emotions: Bashful, Distressed
Hayley was pretty easy to design and pick out. Though I had some issues picking out her shirt. She’s a normal, it fits her, they’re relatively non-confrontational, shut ins, and generally like to read. As well they tend to be modest with self esteem issues. And generally shy. They’re prone to talking about others, asking about others, and they tend to apologize a lot as well. They also tend to get along well with peppy villagers over girlish topics (which fits Hayley and Mina). Hayley’s based on a tri-colored corgi, though the ear shapes for dog villagers don’t change. Hayley’s name actually fits this, as Hayley is derived from “hay clearing”. 
Villagers used as inspiration:
Name: Ryan
Species: Goat
Personality: Smug
Default shirt: Sweater-vest
Song: K.K. Sonata
Most common emotions: Aggravation, Mischief 
Ryan was the hardest to pick out for. I went with goat over sheep because the sheep all have the same figure and are kind of round and fluffy and that didn’t seem to fit him. But the nature was hard. The male personalities in Animal Crossing are all extremes (and many don’t like to read) while the females have a bit more variety. Cranky was considered, but they spend a lot of time outside, and cranky villagers tend to be older. As well as physically strong and aggressive. So then I considered smug. Smug villagers are a bit more neutral. Smug villagers have elements of all the personality traits, and some can lean more one way or another (although all tend to be a little prideful). I’ve seen smug villagers that lean the cranky way and aren’t always super nice. Though, as a whole, smug villagers have a nice side and can be a little prideful. It was the best I could compromise on, really. Ryan is based on a pygmy goat.
Villagers used as inspiration:
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bundledham-blog · 9 years
♋ (with Ryan obvs~)
((I’m going to answer this ICly and OOCly.
Because Hayley will not answer as I would.))
“Um, I am. I’m fifteen, while he was…fourteen? I don’t actually know when his birthday is…I-I should probably ask that. Or, um, already know that.”
Albeit not by much.
Though, I’m not sure of Ryan’s birthday.))
“Ryan is.
It’s just by a few centimeters but…
I like it. It makes me feel safe.”
By a few centimeters.
Hayley mentioned once sometimes he feels way bigger. (Though not to him.)))
“Uh…u-um…I don’t know…?
I-I should…probably ask him a lot of things…” 
((I genuinely don’t know.
Hayley’s family doesn’t have that much money, but they’re by no means poor either. They could afford a two story house, albeit a somewhat small one.
They’re lower middle class.))
“Ryan, definitely. 
I’m kind of in awe of it. He’s so organized.
…Would he get annoyed with me if I apologized again for back then? U-um…I kind of really want to…”
((Ryan undoubtedly.
I think they argued (and by that I mean Ryan got annoyed while Hayley apologized) about it a lot when they were getting used to each other and he was tutoring her.))
“U-um…um…m-me? N-not like he’d really want me to say my full opinion on this anyways…s-so…”
Though not by as much as Ryan likes to pretend, I think.
But she’s kind of nice to a fault.))
“Oh, Ryan is, definitely.
He’s really cool, and intelligent. And perceptive. He’s kind of awesome, actually. A-actually, he’s really awesome. I’m always thankful for the help he’s given me.” 
Hayley’s by no means dumb, and when she actually tries, she can easily manage above average grades. (Though her neophobia, only knowing one language, and anxiety get in the way of this.) But over all Ryan wins.))
“R-Ryan. Y-yeah…h-he can be a little mean, though.”
Hayley’s comedy comes more from her responses to things, reactions, and actions. And they don’t tend to be conscious. Ryan’s snark is magical. (And obviously Hayley likes it.)))
Who is a better friend? 
“R-Ryan…I just…he’s really…I want to say more but…I don’t know where I’d be without him.
T-thanks, Ryan.”
((This is really hard.
I guess it depends? He’s a pretty good friend to Hayley. I think Hayley’s a better friend to people over all (like if she barely knows someone, she’ll still tend to drop everything to help them), but in many ways his friendship goes deeper, but maybe not entirely? Like Hayley really cares about all her friends, but she definitely plays favorites (though she rarely means to).
Between each other it’s hard to tell, too. He’s really nice to her, and is there for her when she needs it. He’s her comfort, and often she is for him, too. So it’s hard to tell. I’m not sure?
Though, Hayley’s experienced philia, while I’m not certain he has. 
Though, Ryan’s pride doesn’t allow her to say what a good and supportive person he is, and it kills her because she really wants to. And just give him credit for all the help he’s given her. He’s also the only person in the Arcadium she ever picks on back, which she only did with her friends from her hometown. Which means she is rather comfortable with him. (And that she really likes him as a person.)))
Who lies the most? 
“M-maybe I do? I do say that word a lot…I-I’m s-s–…
The inability to apologize or say that word is really difficult, and I want him to know this.”
((This one is hard, too.
I guess it depends? Ryan does so more smoothly. And probably more with others. Hayley lies in the way she can with the one word, but it’s easily spotted as a lie, and she pretty much knows he’ll get it’s a lie. She just says it on habit. (Or because she wants him to point it out, but she doesn’t have the bravery to say it herself, though she’ll never say it.) 
She’s otherwise a really honest person who feels terrible about lying, though. And has difficulty doing so, and is even almost incapable of it without that word. So I guess it’s up for debate?))
Who swears the most? 
I don’t really…u-um, barely…curse at all.”
This is not a question.
He curses like crazy. And she barely curses at all. Ever. She doesn’t even say words like ‘suck’ usually. She does however curse the most around Ryan. 
But he curses a lot. (She secretly finds it really attractive.)))
Who reads more? 
He has so many books, and his bookshelf, it’s so cool! A-and u-um…um…! M-moving on…?” 
Hayley reads a lot. Obviously. But I don’t think she quite compares to Ryan, who has more books then her, and doesn’t play video games as much (and if he has a choice, never). Hayley tends to focus on other things more, too.))
Who is more creative? 
“This is tough…some of the stuff he tells me…
I always like hearing it.
T-though, I guess I am, too, so I don’t know…?”
She is working on a comic and is an artist. And she tends to design things. But I don’t think it’s that much of a difference, though. It’s more of a case by case basis.))
Who is more troubled? 
“I-I think I am…
I hope it doesn’t bring him down too much, I worry it does.
B-but, I do plan to always be there if he needs me. No matter what I’m going through.”
((This is another one of those that’s up for debate.
They both have their fair share of problems. They both have very similar disorders (depression, panic attacks, and anxiety) and both have pretty bad phobias.
Hayley does have the whole dead friend thing, and went through a lot of toxicity, and just had an all around bad time. But Ryan tends to push everyone away and he seems to deal with his disorders worse. But Hayley also doesn’t tend to stand up for herself.
It’s interesting, because they both cause their own problems for themselves. But each one does the opposite problem that causes the issue. (This is kind of what drove them together. Ryan helps Hayley have a backbone, and someone to actually vent her problems to. And he becomes more empathetic around her.)))
Who has better morals? 
“This is hard…let me think…m-me, I guess…?
B-but…u-um…m-maybe not…ah! A-ah! I-I think, I’m done, s-sorry…!
C-can I go now?”
If she acts on them is another issue entirely. She tends to, but she doesn’t work well under pressure. Though, I don’t think Ryan is as bad as he pretends he is.))
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nattjeger-a-blog · 9 years
"Bruises?" (Ryan)
This was all part of his duty, and to be expected too. As a leader, it is his responsibilities to make sure to clear the harm that dares to disturb the balance between the human and the digital world and especially if the said harm dares to tresspass his territory, the Arcadium. Despite what everyone thinks of him, and what they say behind the leader’s back, this one doesn’t give up nor does he let anyone or anything affect the way he does the duties the digidestined trusted him with, even if it leaves at least 5 new gashes and scars across his body daily. And even he was aware, that either if he disagrees with some individuals, it shouldn’t affect his mission and role in this goddamn circle. If he never learnt this lesson, he would’ve never unlocked Akhekhumon’s stage in the first place. If only emotions wouldn’t get in his way… day to day, he wished he had none of them, he hated them. A hiss escaped his porculaine white lips when he was tending his gashes and traumas the digimon’s attack left on him. But it wasn’t from the pain, that was the least thing of his worry. But the person who dared to approach him and to see him like this. That one person who left a large scar across his chest that would never be healed, a large, and deep wound infected with squirming maggots that pondered against his chest… if the wound was visible at all. But he knew better, he moved on, the presence of this person shouldn’t hurt this much.“Go away.” Eirik hissed coldy through the bondage he was holding between his teeth, his tone of voice was chiller than the ice itself.
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bundledham-blog · 9 years
★ - Ryan picks up Hayley and throws her over his shoulder
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“Wha–? Why? Where? H-how are you even carrying me when we’re the same height?!”
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bundledham-blog · 9 years
❤ (Ultimate ship meme)
“Ry-Ryan…well, I guess he already knows what I feel about him. A-also, I think it’s OK to answer this now? Kind of…” 
Affectionate; Holding hands | Cheek kisses | Hugs from behind | Cuddling | Hand kiss | PDA | Spooning | Shared baths | Whispers | Affectionate texts | Caressing | Stroke hair | No displays of affection
“U-um…um…I like texting Ryan. Quite a bit. Talking in person is great, too, but it’s nice to just contact him. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely prefer him in person but, it’s nice to just have him there when I want to talk to someone. And his comments are fun. I-if a little flustering at times. I would consider public affection with Ryan, t-though I’d be shy. Cuddling is by far my favorite, though. I’d want to do that a lot, I hope he doesn’t mind. He’s comfy and he’s warm, and I just…like being near him…I-I guess.”
Sex; Shower sex | Wall sex | Neck bites | Oral | Morning sex | Drunk sex | Public sex | Backseat of car | BDSM | No sex
“U-um…um! D-do I have to comment? What is there to say? I’m not that experienced, so I’d be willing to try stuff with him. And I’d want to make him happy. I guess that’s about it? P-please?” 
Dates;Picnic | Cinema | Restaurant | Sports game | Hike | Coffee | Museum | Club | Bar | Beach | No dates
“Ah, neither of us are very outdoorsy, b-but I do like some things. Mainly quiet places. I really like museums, though. And book stores. But some of the restaurants in Japan have private rooms. I wouldn’t mind that. Or just a quiet restaurant in general. U-um, I know Ryan doesn’t really like going out or exercise, but I really like walks at calming places to take photos or just relax. I-I’d really like him to come with me sometimes, but it’s OK if he doesn’t want to. I-I’d also like to go to the Digital World with him sometimes. I also really want to go to the beach with him sometime, just a quiet spot, just the two of us (and the digimon, if they want to come). But staying home and just talking or watching a movie with something to eat sounds really nice, too… I’d like that a lot. With the added bonus that we live on the same floor, too. Yeah, that sounds really nice…” 
Would my character…
Marry them? Yes | No “I really want to get married someday. Ryan seems like he’d make a pretty great husband.”Have sex on the first date? Yes | No “…I want to say no…but…urgh…”Confess their attraction first? Yes | No “U-um, i-it’d be hard, but if I had to…”Have children/adopt? Yes | No “I want kids someday.” Die for your character? Yes | No “Y-yeah…well obviously. I want to keep him safe.”Cheat on your character? Yes | No “N-no way! Ryan’s like a good friend, and I’d never do that to him. It’s…wrong to do in general, but especially not to him. I’ve learned from my mistakes.”Lie to them? Yes | No “I couldn’t if…I wanted to…a-and I don’t want to.”Cuddle after sex? Yes | No “I’d really, really like that. It makes me happy. So does talking, if the other party can handle it.”
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bundledham-blog · 9 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
((Eirik, Eirik, corgi, corgi, Ryan.))
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bundledham-blog · 9 years
Mwah: Three people I’d like to kiss. Different: Three members of the opposite sex I find attractive Doing: Three habits that I have. Psst: Three things that I’ve always wanted to tell you. Shh: Three things I wouldn’t want my parents to know Want: Three things I would do to you if we were alone.
1. Mwah:
“T-Three…? I um…I…I can…only really think of one…u-uh…d-do platonic kisses count?
B-but one is definitely E-Eirik.” 
2.  Different:
“I can’t just cheat and say other girl’s names for this one…u-um…
Eirik…is one obviously. Ryan didn’t seem to look too bad, either. Carter is um…I guess he’s OK? I-I mean…if I had to pick a third.“
3. Doing:
“I fall asleep at my table a lot. It’s not uncommon to find me with a red mark on my face from it. I-I say things without realizing it. T-that can lead to…i-interesting results. I move in my sleep a lot, and scoot around. I also seem to migrate to things I find comforting. But I almost always start moving to the right side of the bed as I start waking up. I’m not sure why, maybe it’s a habit from my childhood?”
4. Psst:
“I love you, You make me feel happier and safer then I’ve felt in a long time, I’m sorry I never told you my biggest fear…U-um…w-will that…do…?”
5. Shh:
“Does…literally everything I do with Eirik count? N-nothing weird, I just mean…u-um…um…explaining fighting giant monsters with a man with an equally big powerful dragon monster and then climbing a giant mountain may be a bit hard for a parent to…take or understand? Also, I’d rather they not know I slept near him a few times.
A-also, the maid cafe with Mina may be innocent, but it’s an interesting thing to explain to your parents.
And…I-I guess some of the thoughts I think, too…”
6. Want:
“A-are these like…if you’d permit it? Cuddling, listening to you talk about things would make me so happy…a-and um…maybe sometimes…um…a-anyways!
U-uh, c-can I go now…?”
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