#lieutenant ron speirs blog
lieutenant-speirs · 2 years
Quick Introduction | Everything under construction
Hello! Just a quick introduction whilst this account is under construction... My name is Charlie and I don't what happened... but I fell face-first into a foxhole and here I am. Firstly this blog isn't to be disrespectful to the real-life people of the 101st Airbourne. I've managed to separate them from the TV Persona of what we know and love on screen. If you cannot accept this, please move on. I simp hard for Speirs, if you couldn't tell by aesthetics, but in no way will I ever call myself 'Speirs' girl' or whatever. No one owns that title. We all simp equally. Be respectful. I'm here to write (when I can. I chose the busiest time of the year to join BoB fandom), and to make friends with the other lovely blogs. Come say hi! The content I will deliver will mostly be centred around Speirs, Lipton, Doc Roe and possibly Johnny Martin (unsure if there's muse there for him or not). I ship Speirs x Lipton hardcore, so you'll see content of that. And I've created a typical Medic x Medic for Doc Roe. Which has been done a thousand times before, but this is my corner where I can dump her in there. I'll work myself up to requests, one-shots, shipping, headcanons etc over time. Please feel free to leave stuff in the ask box. I've uploaded a quick idea that I wrote up at midnight a few days ago as a little drabble example of my writing. It's a little out of character but I don't care. The overall idea was sweet in my head. So yeah. I'm sure there's heaps more to say but I don't know. I'm just here to write, make friends and have fun. I'm not here to be anyone's competition. Thank you for reading this so far and I hope to see you soon! Oh! And I follow from simping-insomniac as this is a side blog.
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mercurygray · 4 years
Tea and Sympathy - Ron Speirs
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Seated on a rickety office chair that had probably seen as many battles as he had, Ron gave another sniffle and felt in his pockets for a handkerchief. 
The jeep ride in from the front had played hell with his cold, and his nose was drippier than ever. Why the hell had Dick sent him back to Regiment with the damn reports? Had he really looked so pitiful as to need time inside?
He was just feeling around his pockets for the second time when he felt a sudden warmth near his face, and the presence of another person - a female person, if the faint smell of her perfume was any indication. Looking up revealed one such, a businesslike young woman of twenty-five or so, wearing OD trousers tucked into infantry leggings and a very smartly tied tie under her standard issue pullover sweater, holding out a cup of something hot. He glanced at the cup and then at her, weighing his options and wondering if this was some byzantine test of manners visited upon on all officers presenting themselves at HQ.
"Thanks, I'm fine." He pushed himself further back into the chair and cursed, silently, that his blasted handkerchief was nowhere to be found in his pockets and now that he'd been sitting here in the relative warmth for a quarter hour, it felt like the entire contents of his sinuses were threatening to come out his nose.
"It wasn't a question," she said, almost bossy, waiting until he reached up, a little stunned at being ordered about, and took it.  "Tea and lemon, for the cold."
No sooner had he taken the cup than she reached into the back pocket of her trousers and produced a handkerchief, offering that as well, a square of OD  cotton that he could only take gratefully, balancing the cup on the chair beside him to turn aside, placing her out of the line of fire, and finally, blessedly, blow his nose.
"Much better," she pronounced, standing over him with the slightly territorial energy of a teacher at school, determined to see that her young charge did as he was told, absolutely unafraid of him. "Now, drink. No excuses."
It had been a long time since England and the last time he'd been this close to a woman, and the truth was after the last several months of relentlessly giving orders, he was finding the bossiness and take-no-prisoners attitude startlingly attractive.
There seemed little point in pursuing it now, though - he was a sniffling mess who hadn't shaved in a week,  in an hour he would be back to the line, and she would remain here for some clean-shaven staff type to romance. Probably had a boyfriend already. He sniffled a little and returned to the tea. It was heavenly, sitting with the cup of steam under his nose, and that tiniest hint of citrus that he thought he could now almost smell. Coffee could do many wonders, but it wouldn't, couldn't, do this.
She observed him, hands casually on her hips, until he'd drained the cup, sniffling again and relying, once more, on his borrowed handkerchief.  He felt sheepish, handing back the mug, and attempted a smile.
"They don't award medals for suffering, Captain," she said crisply, taking back the mug.
What on earth does that mean? "I'll...keep that in mind."
"Keep it, I've got others."
He gestured with it in thanks, tucking it into his pocket. "Any idea when the Colonel will be free?"
"I'll let him know you're here." A slight smile formed on her lips as she watched Ron's face roll, completely transparently, through the realization that she'd purposefully delayed his meeting for the sole purpose of babying him into drinking a cup of tea, and, mission accomplished, turned on her booted heel and marched into the office to announce him.
Oh, that did it. There were initials on the handkerchief, or a laundry tag. He'd find out one way or another and come back after the blasted cold was gone - and he'd had a chance to shave.
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televisionboy · 4 years
hi!!! i love your fics and love your blog even more! i was wondering if you’re still taking requests and if not pls ignore and be safe and healthy!! if you are, is it possible to write a Speirs imagine from best friends to lovers? ty🥺❤️
The 3 times Speirs made you smile and the 1 time you made him
Thank you to everyone who helped my dumb ass with locations and events.
Dedicated for @immrsronaldspeirs
Word count: 1,794
Tag list: @adamantiumdragonfly @raven-has-no-gender2272 @thatsonefishyboi @immrsronaldspeirs @punkgeekchic @inglourious-imagines @3milesup @murphyism @noneofurbusinez @hufflepuffpancakes @sunnyshifty @meteora-fc @alienoresimagines @band-of-bitches @wexhappyxfew @we-always-hit-our-ass @deldontplay @lovingunderratedcharacters @fromtheoldtimes @contrabandhothead @tremendousjudgesuitcasestudent @georgeluzwarmhugs @sunflowerchuck @sodapop182 @hoosiers-blanket @speirs-crazy-ass @mrseasycompany @vat69nix @stressedinadress @tyenesnakes
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The first time you met Ronald Speirs was after the jump on d-day it wasn’t you hanging out with Luz, Skip, Malarkey, and Penkala that attracted him to you. It was your caring side, the side that helped people emotionally and physically up. Was it love at first sight? For him; it was. “And what’s your name, solider” he asked while seeing you. “I- Y/L/N, Y/N” inside him, it felt like a million butterflies exploded. But he nodded and walked away. Malarkey turned to you, his jaw open wide “Do you even know who that is?” You shook your head but watched the handsome Lieutenant walk away. “That’s Ronald Speirs” he whispered.
“So?” Why was Malarkey so scared? What did this Ronald Speirs do?”
“I could’ve sworn he was shooting the German POWS, he offered them cigarettes and shot them. But left one to survive” you raised your eyebrows but cut Don off “I’m going to go talk to Winters, alright? Find out where we are”
You walked over to the circle that Buck, Winters, and Speirs was. “Winters? Sir? Do you have any idea what our orders are?” He turned to you and moved a little to let you stand next to him without it looking like you were behind them. “No idea Y/L/N, still waiting but I’ll let you know, alright?” You muttered a “yes sir” and watched as Winters walked away to go find Nixon. Speirs turned to you “Y/L/N? We met back there?” You nodded your head, yes. “You got any cigarettes?”
“Uh” you patted your front pocket until you could feel a box, took it out and handed it over to him “I do” he lit one and gave you back the box. “No, keep it. I don’t really smoke, just won it from a fellow solider”
“Where you from Y/L/N?” He puffed out a smoke, careful not to breathe directly in front of your face as you told him.
“What about you?”
“From Boston” you smiled “My cousins live there, it’s quite a beautiful place”
He looked confused, almost as if he didn’t quite agree with you “the rurual parts are, yes” you were about to ask him a question but were cut off when he was called over. “Well thanks for the smoke” he brang his hand out to shake yours and you shook it “Anytime”
He gave you a tight lipped ‘almost’ smile and left, little did he know you had tiny little heart eyes and a huge smile on your face and Liebgott came up to you to ask what that was all about
2. When he arrived in Bastogne, the first thing you did was beg someone to take him away. It was unsafe territory and you would never forgive yourself if he got hurt. You slid into your foxhole you shared with Ronald Speirs. Stupid cold, Florida isn’t like this. California isn’t like this. TOCCOA ISN’T LIKE THIS! Ron slid into the foxhole after you, fishing around in his pocket for cigarettes and letting out several breaths that looked like he was smoking. You stared into the dark, crisp, night air before he called your name “Y/N” which led you to snap out of it “Hm?”
“I asked if you wanted a cigarette” he plainly said, Bastogne was wearing on everyone. You had bags under your eyes and Speirs had dark circles around his eyes, but despite that he still looked handsome as ever. “Yes please” he handed you a cigarette and you leaned forward so he could light it. As he did that, he really got a clear look at your face. Bags, hands freezing, hair a mess. It wasn’t exactly a beauty pageant but he didn’t want you feeling terrible.
“Have you slept here? At all?” He sternly asked “I’d be surprised if anyone has” you muttered, ignoring the question. “Y/L/N” he quietly pressed, careful not to bring attention but low enough to make it seem intimidating. “No okay, no I haven’t. I’ve been too busy focusing on not dying” you seethed while whispering. He sighed and his head fell back against the cold, snowy, frozen foxhole. “Come here”
You scooted across the foxhole to sit next to him, “You have a few hours, try to sleep alright?” You stomped the rest of the cigarette and layed against his shoulder “Thanks” he responded with a kiss on your forehead. “Anything for you, angel” you lifted your head up a bit, your cheeks bright red “angel?” You could’ve sworn you saw his cheeks heat up, but to this day he still says it was because of the cold. Not that you’ll press him but you know you’re right. “You’re an angel to all of these men here Y/N, now try to sleep” he simply stated like it was no big deal. You slept that night with a grin on your face.
Luz sorting Hershey bars and not letting anybody even go near them was humourous. When he saw Liebgott try to steal one he almost asked Martin to come over and be his body guard, but chickened out. You were sitting on a stool next to Joe trying to get a bar for yourself, George would not budge. Guess they got to him because he loudly declared himself done with it. When you heard someone ask where Speirs was, your cheeks heated up “Yeah, where is he?” Liebgott bumped shoulders with you “I’m sure you want to know where your boyfriend is!”
"We’re not dating, shut up” you blushed and smacked Liebs arm. “Down by the river, sir” George responded and you hopped up. “I have to go. George remember, Hershey bar for me please!” You winked and walked to the door “Yeah, yeah. I’ll see what I can do” he muttered before Liebgott heard that and started whining all over again.
When you got to the river you saw Dick and Nix walk by which meant Speirs was probably still there. Nix gave you a subtle wink.
“Hey” you softly said and Speirs jumped a little at the sound of your voice, even in a war surrounded by men (and you) a woman’s voice was still rare to him, especially such a gorgeous voice like yours. He hugged your side but returned to looking out the binoculars. “You ready for the patrol tonight?” You asked him
“Yeah, I hope” he shakily said, you were on the list for the patrol but he requested (more like threatend) that you be removed. He was scared, he hardly got through Bastogne with you emotionally. Don’t even get him started on physically. You shuffled around in your pocket and pulled out the remains of your chocolate bar and handed it to him “thought you could use something sweet” he stared at your hand like it was green and was talking, chocolate was brand new to him now. He scoffed but took it anyways “I already have you for that”
Leave it to Ron to make you blush, but you shook your head. “I was worried Bastogne rubbed off on me, wouldn’t want to become depressed. Believe me, I love Malarkey like my brother but he’s not the same. More.. quiet and it freaks me out, yknow?”
“I would hate if you lost your sparkling personality and I’m glad it didn’t rub off on you completely”
He looked into his binoculars again, staring at enemy territory “That’s because I had you with me. You kept me sane” you breathed out, you couldn’t tell if he was smiling or not but you could definitely see his apple red cheeks. He removed the binoculars and turned to you, brushing the hair out of your face.
“Malarkey will be fine, Y/N. I swear on that statement. War rubs off on everybody. And nobody will bring you down or wipe that smile off of your face, or I’ll have to kill them” you giggled and he brought you to him, embraced you in a warm hug. Your head against his chest and his arms around you. Little did you know he wasn’t joking, and the whole company knew it too. When you pulled back, you realized you were dangerously close to his face. He looked into your eyes, as if asking if it was alright to continue. To which you smiled softly and leaned in closer and closer. The moment your lips nearly touched your name was called by Winters. “Y/L/N! Can I see you for a moment please?” You called out a “yes sir” before saying goodbye to Speirs. Embarrassed and left wondering if you would ever have that moment again.
You were laying on the chair at hitlers nest. Hitler was dead, the Germans surrendered. You were interlocking hands with Speirs, you didn’t care he was too drunk. Winters had already left with Nixon to show him Hitlers alcohol collection which left you with Ron and a ranting Welsh. You turned over to look at Welsh, blinking the sun out of your eyes “that’s nice”
“I gotta take a piss, I’m gonna find a bathroom”
You watched as a drunken Harry stumble his way away. You stood up to sit on the balcony across from Speirs, staring out at the view. He stood up and wrapped his arms around you and rested his head on your chest. “Okay! Okay! Let me get down for a second..”
You hopped off and leaned against the wall, him leaning in to you. Cupping your face in his hands and gulped “We’re all alone” he softly said
“That we are” you whispered. Leaning in closer to him but you closely looked to see if Winters was there to call your name before you kissed him. But he wasn’t and you closed the gap, kissing him and smiling into it too. He ran his hands down your sides, the kiss was full of sadness, passion, relief, and anything you experienced during the war after 3 years.
You broke the kiss for air “I’ve been waiting a while to do that” you gasped.
“As have I” he laughed a blushing, red Speirs was left standing before you. “Happy VE Day” he grinned up at you, happier than ever
You sighed contentedly “I can’t wait to go home to Boston with you” you ran your hands through his messy,dark,curls. He kissed your chin, neck, and cheek several times. “We can live in the beautiful, rural part” he smiled
After 3 years he remembered that conversation. Your mom told you that war was not a place to look for love but you strongly disagreed because before you, stood a man who you met when you were scared of the rumors of him. But you became his best friend, and soon to be his wife. You made Ronald Charles Speirs laugh and smile and that deserved an award.
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lostinthewiind · 5 years
Omg you are so talented! Bless this blog 😊 Can I make a request for something sweet and fluffy with our fav murder baby Ron Speirs? Maybe where he cheers his s.o. up after a hard day + struggling with self-esteem issues? I hope that‘s not too specific!!! 🙈 Thank you ❤️
Golly, you’re much too kind! Thank you for reading my stuff! 
This is my very first murder baby Ron Speirs fic. Fingers crossed it turns out okay! Hopefully, I can really capture his murder essence with my words.
“You Did Not Kill That Boy”
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Drawing your knees up to your chest, you closed your eyes and focused on your breathing, slowly trying to return the rising and falling of your chest back to its normal rhythm as you rocked back and forth on the bed.
Your head hung low as the events from that day flashed through your mind, causing your heart rate to increase, directly opposing the work you were putting in to calm down.
To put things plainly, it had been a real shit day. On what was supposed to be a routine patrol, Easy Company walked right into a German ambush. You had been the only medic present, so it was up to you, and you alone, to patch up the men who had gotten hit. However, your mind had been elsewhere. 
Ronald Speirs.
After the first Kraut had popped out of that damn bush, he had rushed forward, taking lead and directing the men into a plan of action. You hated when he did that; when he purposely put himself at more risk than necessary. 
While the Lieutenant and his men counter-attacked, you were left to pick up the pieces of the damage that had already been created.
Kneeling beside the bleeding soldier, his glossy eyes fixed on you as he pleaded over and over again for you to save him, you kept looking up to find the man you loved. There was a young man dying in front of you and all you could think about was Ronald and if he was okay or not. 
Hearing the doorknob twist, your head shot up and you wiped away the tears that you hadn’t even noticed had fallen from your eyes. You hoped you looked okay; like you hadn’t just been sitting in silence, bawling over the fact that you were a pathetic excuse for a medic.
“Ah, you’re here.” Ron smiled as he entered the room, closing the door behind himself before making his way over to the desk, placing a quick kiss on the top of your head as he passed by. “How was the rest of your day?”
You swallowed hard at the question. You hated lying to him, but you knew if you started to tell him the truth you would break down into tears again. You hated looking weak in front of him. He already had enough to deal with as it was with being a Lieutenant and the leader of Easy Company. He didn’t need to be burdened with your problems too.
“It was fine.” you forced a smile. “Yours?”
Ron sat down at the desk and began flipping through the various documents he had carried in with him. “Ah, you know, usual stuff after an attack like the one we had today,” he muttered, his tongue sticking ever-so-slightly out of the corner of his mouth as he searched for something in particular. “Had to fill out a report, check on the guys, draft a few letters home to the families of the men we lost.”
The face of that poor boy that you had failed to save flashed before your eyes. You felt sick to your stomach when you remembered how he begged not to die, his words coming out in gurgles as the blood spilled from his lips like a crimson waterfall. You could hear his voice in your ears so clearly it was as if he was sitting right behind you.
He had been so young and you had let him die. 
Before you knew it, you had broken down into a puddle of self-pity; tears running down your cheeks as you covered your mouth with your hands in order to muffle your sobs. 
Ron looked over at you from where he was sitting at the desk, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and his hands freezing mid-action. He had no idea what had happened — or if he had said something — that would have made you cry. He played back the previous short conversation between the two of you in his head, but he was still at a loss.
“Darling?” he slowly stood up from his chair and walked over to the bed, crouching down beside it and placing a comforting hand on your thigh. “What’s wrong? What happened?”
His question only made you cry harder as you tried to explain, but the only noises that came out were gasps and desperate hiccups. 
Ronald was no closer to figuring out what the problem was, but his mission was to find out and make it stop. He couldn’t see you like this. It broke his heart.
Crawling onto the bed, he wrapped his arms around you, squeezing tight and pulling you into his lap. “Darling.” his lips ghosted over your ear as he whispered to you. “Why are you crying? Please, tell me so I can make it better. What’s wrong?”
Burying your face into his neck, you grabbed fistfuls of his shirt for support and sucked in mouthful after mouthful of air. “I-” your lips quivered as you spoke. “I killed that boy!”
After the words flew out of your mouth you broke down again, your tears soaking Ron’s neck and the collar of his jacket. The worried man recalled mentioning the men that had died that day and having to write letters home to the families. Suddenly, everything made sense.
“Oh, Y/N, no you didn’t.” his heart shattered into millions of little fragments as he hugged you as close as he could to his body. “You didn’t kill him. The Germans did. The Germans killed him.”
“I should have saved him!” you screamed out, the words tearing through your vocal cords as you forced them out in between sobs. “He begged me to save him and I let him die! I was too busy looking for you and he died in my hands! I’m a terrible medic!”
Pulling your head out from the crook of his neck, Ron cupped your face in his hands and made sure you were looking at him. “You did not kill that boy, you hear me?” his voice was stern but his thumbs were gentle as they wiped away the tears under your eyes. “You are not a terrible medic.”
Your small hands moved from his uniform to his arms, your fingers wrapping around his wrists. “I was so worried about you.” you had managed to calm down a little. You took long, deep breaths as you looked into his eyes, focusing on how his irises appeared as an auburn colour from the yellow hue of the single lamp in the corner of the room. “You ran right out into the gunfire. I thought you were going to die.”
The corners of his mouth tugged into a small smirk. “Don’t you know by now that I can’t die?” he quipped, attempting to lighten the mood and succeeding.
You let out a noise that could only be described as a cross between a laugh and a snort. “Don’t try and be funny.” your smile faded just as quick as it had appeared. “I’m serious.”
“So am I.” he leaned forward and pressed his lips to your tear-soaked ones. “You didn’t kill that boy. Don’t you think that for even a second because it’s not true. I watched you work on him. I watched you battle death itself. The bullet went right through his throat. There was no saving him. He was dead from the moment that German lined him up in his sight.”
Inhaling deeply, you sat up straight and dried your face with your wrists. “Yeah?” you choked out.
“Yes.” he nodded, his palms still glued to the soft skin of your cheeks. “I wouldn’t lie to you. I respect you too much. I love you too much.”
A warm, genuine smile spread across your lips. Finally, for the first time in hours, you felt like you could breathe easy. The elephant that had been sitting on your chest and pushing you down into the ground had gotten up and sauntered away. 
“You know, if you were this sweet to everyone, people wouldn’t think that you kill POWs for sport.” you joked, a toothy grin replacing your previous closed-lipped smile. 
“Mmm, I don’t think so.” he gently removed you from his lap and stood back up again. “This side of me is for you and you only.” he captured your lips in his. “Besides, I like the men being scared of me. It makes getting them to do things easier.”
You shrugged as he wandered back over to the desk. “Fair point.”
Collapsing into the wooden chair, Ron looked over at you and sighed. “Feeling better?”
“You have that effect on me, yes.” you attributed your calmer demeanor to his comforting and caring ways. “If only you would just stop running towards the enemy in the first place.”
Ron glanced toward you, a wicked grin on his face. “Now where’s the fun in that?”
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