awfullybigwardrobe44 · 2 months
so on top of having the Worst Week Of My Life with literal drug withdrawal, I found out tonight that the guy I’ve liked for two years has a girlfriend. And idk how I’m taking it yet but it probably won’t be good.
i also was stuck in a circle of people sharing various prayer requests and despite me being in the worst period of my life and feeling like I’m living one breath away from hell every day, I didn’t feel like it was appropriate for me to share mine. So I feel unseen and alone by the very people whom I’m supposed to go to for support 🙃
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Our way of celebrating International Women's Day.🌺🩷 LG | Wives' Date Hoping next time complete na.🤗 #InternationalWomensDay #LightGroup #LifeGroup #HappyWives #Ohana #Ikea #thecoffeebeanandtealeaf (at The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf at Jem) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpktdXoviGn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jannnellizel · 2 years
Bella Paloma, my love 💜
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keith5 · 8 months
Life.Church ========== Habits of a Healthy Heart: When Less Is Better You know that drawer or closet—the one that you crack open just enough to stuff something else in. There’s a popular saying that less is more, but what about when you feel like you need more to do more? This week at church, we’re learning why less is better and how to apply that truth to our lives. ========== About Life.Church Life.Church is a global church with a huge vision to reach people who don’t know Christ. We love getting together every week to worship God and experience a relevant and powerful message, and we’re glad you’re joining us today! Visit www.life.church to learn more about our church. To make the most of your experience, we encourage you to download the Life.Church app to follow along with the service and connect directly with our team. www.life.church/app What if the stuff you have is keeping you from the life you want? Acts 27:36, 38 Then they were all encouraged, and also took food themselves. So when they had eaten enough, they lightened the ship and threw out the wheat into the sea. I have enough. God, give me less of what doesn’t matter. God, give me more of what does matter. God, give me less of what doesn’t matter. Matthew 6:19-21 “Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be. If you want to change your habits, let God change your heart. Hebrews 12:1-2 NLT … let us strip off every weight that slows us down … We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus ... God, give me more of what does matter. Ecclesiastes 4:6 Better one handful with tranquillity than two handfuls with toil and chasing after the wind. The most meaningful things in life are not things. Because I have Jesus, I have enough. Philippians 4:12-13 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. [Image] Your life is too valuable and your calling too great to waste your life on things that don’t last. #lifechurch www.life.church/heathyheart https://imageproxy.youversionapi.com/640x640/https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/mushroom-event-images-prod/46453-1704998154636.jpg Talk It Over Don’t just listen to the message. Let it speak into your life. Talk it over with your friends, family, or LifeGroup by using the Talk It Over guide in the Life.Church app or online. https://www.life.church/talkitover Watch. Connect. Give. Do it all with the Life.Church app! Watch messages on the go, connect with your location through the Weekly Guide, listen to worship music, give, and more. Download it today! https://www.life.church/app [Plan] How to Slow Down and Simplify Your Life 7 Days https://www.bible.com/en/reading-plans/42545
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unlockandrelease · 1 year
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Mercies Anew
Since 2012 I have kept a daily God-sighting journal. Each day I write down three ways I saw God the previous day and mark the date. I keep it simple with my sightings being more about seeing everyday blessings than the big miracles we experience a few times throughout life. I am currently in the upper 8,000s with my God-sighting journal and recently, found myself seeing them more than I normally do, given some abnormal circumstances.
Last weekend, husband and I experienced a flurry of ER visits, tests, doctors, nurses, waiting rooms, more tests, and finally answers to an ailment that had plagued me for almost two weeks. The answer included surgery. Been there, done that four times previously…walk in the park…right?
Not so much. This was a very different, very pain-filled surgery, with a very different recovery. While that surprised me, husband and I did not find ourselves discouraged. Discouragement was far off because we were experiencing God’s mercies anew every morning. God-sightings came in so fast I couldn’t keep track of them all.
God-sightings like…
The excellent care of the surgeon and nurses. Their kind words and tender hearts calmed my own fears and eased my pain. Mercies anew…
The woman who took my meal order daily while in the hospital told me to order as much as possible. But why? I was eating crackers like a bird. “What you order and don’t finish your husband can eat for a meal.” Needless to say, husband was WELL fed. Mercies anew…
Hospital policy now allowed husband to spend the two nights I was in the hospital with me. Mercies anew…
Husband who never left to go home an hour away and freshen up, but stayed with me through it all, sleeping on a less-than-comfortable futon. Mercies anew…
The gentle hospital housekeeper who told us her story of pain while exuding a spirit of constant grace and love for the Lord. Mercies anew…
My parents and siblings (by birth and marriage), who checked in on my progress constantly via phone calls or texts. Mercies anew…
My parents who sent an uplifting, funny gift while I was in the hospital, knowing I could use the laugh. Mercies anew…
My mother-in-law who made a meal fit for a king for us and drove an hour each way just to deliver it to us. Mercies anew…
My church family who sent a lovely plant arrangement, provided meals and prayed hard over both husband and I. Mercies anew…
My co-workers who had a gorgeous flower array delivered to our condo. Mercies anew…
My BIL and SIL who sent a meal via mail saying “Surgery calls for chicken noodle soup!” Mercies anew…
My supervisor who told me, “We will handle things till you return. Focus on getting well!” Mercies anew…
Our Lifegroup who prayed and checked in regularly on us. Mercies anew…
A girlfriend who lives across the country, praying over me during their service of healing on Sunday. Mercies anew…
My Lifegroup friend who knew I hated to miss attending husband’s spring concert, held her phone up for the whole hour, calling me through Google Meet so I could still hear and see the concert. Mercies anew…
We were overwhelmed by the mercies anew, sometimes on a minute-by-minute basis. We did not want this to happen and certainly did not ask for it to happen during the busiest time of my husband’s year. And yet, mercies anew…again and again and again.
“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”          ~Lamentations 3:22-23~
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calvarycolumbus · 2 months
Launching New LifeGroups
At Calvary, LifeGroups is where ministry happens. When people are hurting or rejoicing, it is LifeGroups that meet needs and celebrate well before the church is aware or able to respond. LifeGroups are missional. They are more than a place to study Scripture and pursue Jesus; they are a group that serves and goes on mission together. Calvary grows more effective when our LifeGroups grow and…
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beholdimhisbeloved · 7 months
i miss lifegroups.. i miss being discipled
was i too stubborn kaya ayaw niyo na saken? 😅
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mykindoffairytale · 8 months
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2023 wrapped
I hated this year, it was full of heartache, longing, and hoping and wishing for change.
The journey of faith was abysmal, waiting turned out to be more painful that my faith could bear. Work meant no lifegroup, meant no regular habit of going to church, no time to go to church. I was desperately caught in a cycle with no end in sight.
With my faith in the trenches, I lost sight of the reason for work, lost sight of my worth. Everything was determinant on what people said of me. I swayed like the leaves in the breeze. Although my silent one worded prayers on call at night we’re always answered and God delivered me from every force that was trying to drown me.
I was waiting for something that never came, got served painful reminders of imperfect love, then dealt with the blow of death. Somehow everything cushioned the moment that I thought would be the end of me (for the last 5years), and towards the end of the year I saw the plan He had for me. The “prophecy” I had in my head came to life, and I was in the exact right place I needed to be for the last year. And in the paradise I’ve only dreamt of, at the very moment.
I’m going to tell you something sad, but please just let me have this moment without grieving for me. But this was the year I was busy being happy for people around me (and trust me when I say I was SO happy) but not so much for myself (as evidenced by above).
I was beyond the moon at Yenlink’s wedding, Yuhui’s engagement, Rachel’s new lover, Nik and Ryan’s new home, Sharm chasing her passion, Sng’s doggy dream come trues, Pam’s business success, Cheryl’s engagement, Vik’s award, Rachael’s best year yet, Kyrene’s everlasting love, Elberto’s pretty partner, Wz’s Christmas party and Belle’s adventures. My heart goes all fuzzy just thinking about these!!!!
This year I’m praying I remember everything I have instead of those that I lack, that I love those at arms reach, that Antoni thrives, that I see my far away family soon, that I continue celebrating those around me, continue to learn to celebrate myself, to grow closer to God, and live less for myself this year (in action and in qty of thoughts).
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mnovenia · 11 months
November 8th, 2023
Important day for you 드디어 has come 🏨🥲🙌🥳🙏😇💪💯
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It's been a while, been busy with work, travel, hosting people here and there till I couldn't remember to update about 'this journey'. Marlene Jie came, Bebey came, Yoora came, Han Sang Hyuk jibsanim came, busy with my lifegroup, work that thankfully never ends, teaching Norman, visiting family in Surabaya, date w my brother, took care of our villa, met up with Bella, Pat, busy busy busy.. Last interaction was perhaps he loves my IG story with bey + when Yoora posted my pic while picking her up at the airport. So ever thankful for October that God provided been most fulfilling so far (apart from Aug ;)) and I believe God is at work, even when it seems He's silent and I don't make any progress. I also learnt about Aquarius AHAHAHA cmon marsh, but i think sifat2nya ada mirip: CUEK, PROVE WITH ACTION, so I learn emang dia ky gitu ENFP pula and I believe by God's grace, he knows what he's doing.
I sent him small gifts through Yoora, it made my heart kinda flutters again because while she and Sara were here they were teasing me and Gwang Hui, they said: cmon Eonnie, everybody knows about you and GH, who went to noraebang just berdua?? Ber4 ber3 itu wajar, tapi ber2? Geugoneun daeiteu <3 hahaha emang, as much as I want to claim it as one, I hope he thinks the same way.
Anyway that's not important, after receiving the gifts he sent me messages, video, photo and thank me by Shella Nuna//// we talked about our both soon a little bit (told him about dede n stuff), he also said I only 1 month left with my group, so I guess he's focusing on ending his work first, his duty and planting as much seeds as possible to his current members, before preparing his way to Bali (guess you have 1 whole month of December to prepare)~ In the meantime he spent time with his supercute nieces 3 girls like Yusosu! What a coincidence, of course for marsela the cocoklogi girl hahaha.
While me? I have also been doing quite the same thing: helping BSF, teaching norman, learning korean, facilitating my soon members, hosting the korean team who keeps coming, helping Han jibsanim looking for church buildings (that was the most tiring day of all month), and guess what? Jibsanim posted everything in our Kakao group that's loved by him of course thank you hahaha..
Cepet banget ya Tuhan bekerja, ky ga percaya within 3 months kita di granted dana besar untuk pindah gereja, dan caranya itu loh bner2 bukan cara manusia, krn me n bella literally not doing anything and cannot take credit. And pas Yoora forum aku blg gatau gmn tithe yg bener, 3 hari kemudian dijawab dg kesaksian jibsanim, therefore I decided to give 50jt as my perpuluhan dan juga renov bathroom gereja baru kita <3 tbh gaada yg bisa aku banggain sih, bulan ini smua kerjaan ku lancar banget, smua akad kredit di approve and I received ratusan juta. I think God is also testing my obedience (while my villa still on progress), and of course I will just follow His way, I pray that I can return what's His in the first place to expand His kingdom. Aku uda takut bgt waktu Ko Wilson kesni, turned out smooth bgt, aku cm doa Kristus walau uda gabisa tidur berkali2, it's like God showed me: ketakutanmu gaakan terjadi Marshella, fight the satan's voice of fear with God's words, hancurkan kegelapan dengan doa, be obedient and prioritize Him in every areas of your life. He cares about your spiritual growth as much as your work, your love life, all the things that you may thought He didn't or He's been silent. Truly my spiritual life renewed after PI, aku ga takut apa2 lagi, aku bener2 bisa berserah sm kedaulatan Tuhan, aku bener2 bisa percaya Tuhan kerjakan seturut firmanNya bagi kemulianNya sesuai waktuNya, dan Dia gak akan membuatku dipermalukan.
Saat ini aku juga punya kekhawatiran gimana nanti pas GH di Bali, even dia jadi kesini atau engga (kok gaada tanda2 prep sm aku), mau soon pake bahasa apa, dia tinggal dimana, banyak cewe2 yg rubungin dia, kita bakalan bisa serius dlm relationship atau engga, berapa lama dia akan stay, dan banyak kekhawatiran lain, yang aku belajar untuk serahin aja sama Tuhan. Apa yg Tuhan reserved untukku toh gaada bisa diambil orang lain, kl bukan pun ya pasti ada yg lebih baik lagi. Kl berefleksi, gw pun kok bisa gak tergoda sm cowo2 indo, colleague, or even si sungchan yg suka DM2/kakao wo. Same thing I believe God protected Gwang Hui from what is not his.
In the meantime, fokuslah sama apa yg ada di depan mata, jadi lah teman yg baik untuk sekitarmu, maafkan org2 yg mgkn bersalah, buang prasangka thdp orang yg Tuhan kirim di hidupmu, use your time wisely, beresin villamu, spend time sm adik dan keluarga mu sebelum kamu berkeluarga sendiri dan harus sibuk urus keluarga suamimu.
Hari ini 2 hari sebelum peringatan 9 tahun mama meninggal, Gwang Hui posted di IG (as pictured above), I think his last day at Korea University Hospital huhuh.. dalam kehaluanku, dia pasti nurse yang di treasure semua colleague nya, 3-6 tahun bukan waktu yg sebentar, but i'm glad he is walking in obedience, following God's plan for his life. Urineun chukeum bites anichi gwuanghuiya? I think nunado lumayan di sayang org2 sekitar, I hope that what makes we can walk together in the future, seiman dan sepadan. Ok excuse kehaluan ini, tapi bener2 gawatnya, ga pernah kynya ada 1 hari gw ga mikirin GH, tiap hari ada aja yg bikin kepikiran, pictures berdua di jimbaran again dlm keadaan pacaran (remake foto PI ceritanya) aduhaduhaduh gila bgt mmg pisces, tapi perkataan adalah doa. Mana kemaren di surabaya gw bilang sm tante da n om hap, mobilku itu yg siap dijual kapan aja kl aku harus pindah keluar negeri lagi (korea for a while maksudnya), entah kenapa ada feeling gt walaupun nantinya tetap balik ke Bali. Ya anyway semua sesuai kehendak Tuhan aja. So let's not focus on the future, aku saat ini cm mau mencintai Tuhan setiap hari, melewati hari2 dengan nikmat anugerah Tuhan, menjadi saksi kebesaran Tuhan dalam menulis cerita hidupku, berbagi bgm Tuhan bekerja dg cerita, waktu, materi dan semua yg Tuhan mampukan aku. Sekali lagi, chukaderimida nae sarang, sugohaesseumnida, na yogi neo gidariyo! Appeuchimalgu, hangbokhaeyo, spend a lot of time with your appa, chukadeul, last moments with sun members, you'll surely greatly missed by each of them as you're making your way to come here. Nuna will pray for you always, let's meet in prayer, oneulbam do!
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we'll use the story of summer aesthetic ipad for lifegroup in class.
kiko &&&
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heavymetalzen · 1 year
ENC talks about that nga...buhay estudiyante
KENT: nobody really mentioned na walang hindi mahirap. KIKO: kaya, putol naman lahat talaga. TAKEHIRO: hindi mo na pinili ang regular na school. pumili ka lang... VINCCI: hindi ka agad pumasok. gusto mo vacation. pati lifegroup nga. DIANA: kitam. may nagsabi.
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itsmejhaaa · 1 year
When my bestfriend was mad because our lifegroup didnt do anything to surprise me for my birthday tomorrow I just told her "Okay lang yun! Wag ka ng mainis" but deep inside it's masakit ofcourse.. I mean nakakatampo at some point. Ako kasi ung tipong nangunguna pa sa mga surprises for their birthdays pero sakin parang wala lang.. Parang nakalimutan lang ao sadyang di talaga mahalaga kaya di worth it tandaan.. Kunyari okay lang kasi ayaw ko makaramdam ung bestfriend ko ng kahit ano - dinadaan ko na nga lang sa tawa at jokes pero ayun.. Ganun talaga. Hindi lahat ng ginagawa mo para sa iba ay gagawin din sayo, I mean hindi naman sa nag eexpect ako ng something in return pero as human as we are, I am still hoping ba na baka sakaling may pa surprise kaso wala talaga.. Haist. Anyways Advance Happy Birthday self! Laban lang. Hindi mo kailangan ng mga tao to make you feel na special ka, you can do it on your own, I can do it on my own. I am excited for my birthday tomorrow.. Thank You Lord in advance 🎂🎉😇🙏🏾
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marie1-kersaint · 11 hours
Songs for Sunday, September 22nd:
First Baptist Church of Riverview
We're a church located in Riverview, FL, right outside of Tampa, FL. fbcriverview.org
The King Has Set Me Free: https://youtu.be/4zSi_-1v5nE?feature=shared
Great Things: https://youtu.be/y4CY3nf1Mvw?feature=shared
Great Are You Lord: https://youtu.be/hpb02shcAis?feature=shared
His Mercy is More: https://youtu.be/uBZk0bVjCAA?feature=shared
First Baptist Church of Riverview
We're a church located in Riverview, FL, right outside of Tampa, FL. fbcriverview.org
First Baptist Church of Riverview 8626 US Highway 301 South Riverview, Florida 33578
Worship: 9:30AM and 11:00AM
LifeGroups (kids, youth&adults): 9:30AM
KidsView Worship: 11:00AM
Adult Bible Study: 6:30PM
InView Students: 6:30PM
😂💝🤸‍♂️🤸‍♀️NEIGHBORS 🤸🏿💃🕺αγαπημενος του θεου💘
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mnovenia · 1 year
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HIHIHIHI - 091023
2 months since our last date huahaha.. this week actually was quite chooyong.. last convo perhaps during chuseok time, i shared with him that i'm still learning korean and he likes my LG post on Insta. It seems he was busy and I saw him so nervous on Sunday when he appeared briefly on Indo Service and youth service.
How do I process this?
-don't go ahead of God, BE PATIENT Marshella, walk in His timeline, be still and know that He is God. Part of my just want Him to apply for the job right away, idk why he's still not getting back to me regarding this
-limit my expectation, limit my feeling n the way I address my interest in our conversation (seems like he doesn't like that idea yet)
-don't pressure him, just be available when he's in need and comfort/share wisdom when it's necessary, believe that he knows what he is doing, believe that he is walking with God and involving Him in making any moves
-my disappointment i want to address: i put on many effort for him in the excel/link form as I asked pat/yogi, i was so anxious last week with first lifegroup and that important transaction, i go on with ministry of Norman and church, like non-stop, part of me I want to be comforted, I want someone to acknowledge and say: gosaengetta. The result: I heard nothing from Gwang Hui this week, i even worry that he was sick
-what God is teaching me? Though my heart is entangled, The Lord keeps His promises. God is teaching me not to live my life based on how Gwang Hui treats me, not feeling loved/excited when things going according to my limited plan. In the mean time, keep praying for him, keep believing that God will fulfil His promises in His time according to His richness and wisdom. Let GwangHui do his part in Korea, be secured with what God entrusted me here in Bali, focus to pray for Reno, Dede, Yuni, Mery, Allan, Bella those who God put in my plate right know. Exercise, have fun, watch drama, eat what you love, yolsimi in your job that God entrusted, help the church to make yayasan & find building. Host your friends kindly, catch up with your girlfriends, testify God's goodness to them, share how you feel and ask them to pray along with you regarding you meeting GH.
-God also teaching me to not brag, be humble, like John, make God becomes greater and me less. Point people to God with your story instead of being prideful that you've been keeping your faith well, be a goody2 girl, work in your own formula
-Kuterhibur however after seeing him online through youth service. Gak sengaja ke video, he seems well and happy, dressed nicely w my fav blue polo kemeja, sit in between guys and seems semangat in worship, not focus on his phone, not keliatan gokjong (ini gw pake bahasa apa sih wkwkwkw). I believe he is happily and busily doing God's works too, and I can rely 100% to God for what is meant to be will not ever be withheld, God wouldn't postponed what He thinks is good for me at the moment. Thank you Lord for keeping me encouraged, semangat lagi, going through this crazy mood of PMS. I will trust you and just obey your command alone.
I have nothing to fear For the Lord is always with me Nothing to be afraid or frightened of For my soul is well saved in the Lord Eventhough my heart is entangled The Lord keeps His promises Even when storms come and rage It shall be as it was being told to me Lord You are my only hope
"don't ever be deceived by your thought that says it wont work out, for the life of Jesus has the power to save all things. don't ever be deceived by your heart that says to quit for Jesus is the Chris and the power of the throne. Trust in Him till the end of time, hope in Him no matter what may come"
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we'll use ipads like this for our lifegroup&
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heavymetalzen · 1 year
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a sitting room for holding lifegroup meetings& a space to talk& and sort each other out&
kwentuhan lang& food like mcdonald's landfill& :)
&laptops with good viewing capabilities. presentations.
an underground place....a town about being lost in the oods by yourself& and u can kind of remember many others being involved and engaged& but they are all the while vehemently planning their own fight& but it's completely safe for us. just memories.
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