lifethroughlenss · 2 years
Be Yourself with Confidence.
You should never feel obligated to do or say something just because you think some else wants you to or just to fit In.That’s not natrual or you.The more you stay true to yourself the happier you will be.If you like playing piano,violin,guitar,writting or singing you do THAT.That Is what makes you you! People always have and alway will have In their mind what you can and cannot do,or what you can and cannot say,or how you should and should not dress.Alway remember to be real.Be authentic.Be yourself and you will be happier being you rather than someone else.It will grow you Into a better person, otherwise how can you grow being someone else? You can not.Be confident In your own body, know your worth and grow like a flower In spring.Never rely on someone else to be confident, but always strive to gain confidence on your own no matter what.Be your own cheerleader! Be confident In the way you style your hair,the way you speak,the way you walk, the way you work,the way you write and In everything.Never let strangers and status quo determine who you truly are,NEVER!
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lifethroughlenss · 2 years
Stop speeding obey traffic laws!
More content coming Dangers of speeding topics. Join in and tag others because it's getting real.
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lifethroughlenss · 2 years
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lifethroughlenss · 2 years
Motivational Quotes
"Stay as true as the word Itself"
"Be yourself because that's all you'll ever be"
"Live in the moment because It's all we ever have"
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lifethroughlenss · 2 years
Planner vs no planner/pro and cons
Hey there! In this blog post I will be writing about some of the pros and cons of having a planner along with the pros and cons of not having a planner.I will also share my favorite planner with you all and give you some tips and advice on how to enjoy your planner for 2023 and beyond so buckle up.
I'm starting off with the cons of having a planner.
Okay let's say you buy a planner to star organizing and crushing your goals without procrastinations.You feel happy about It and ready to take on anything,but soon after you start writing out your goals and plans for the day or week you regret you even started writing.If this sounds like you I can truly relate.Writing your day on paper can sometimes feel like a sentence,It makes you feel bound and tied up basically forced to do something you no longer want to do.You feel obligated to take 'Rachel' to the baseball game even though you are sick. You begin a pattering of just doing It because the paper says to and you are no longer happy or motivated to do anything, not what's on the planner or outside of It. And If you are one who likes to minimize and keep clutter low profile than having 'more books' can sound and or feel unideal or overwhelming.Your planner can start controling you when it was supposed to be the other way around.You may put a few things down you want to get done before the week ends but when you don't get it done you feel bad and disappointed in yourself.Then you pile everything you did not do onto the next day and then you have way too much to do again,and it's just creates a big circle of unmotivation and defeats the whole idea and point of a planner.'You should never live for the planner,the planner should live for you'. I think one of the reasons why I have to much on my plate in one day from my planner Is relativly simple It Is so easy to write anything and 'everything' but we have to have self-control to remember to not overwhelm ourselves so that we can keep our motivation,crush our goals,see a brighter day by getting what needs to be done done.I know I feel really good when I have accomplished my goals even the small ones. A goal doesn't have to be big like go to Paris by the end of the year or buy a new car.It can be something as little as wake up early journal and buy coffee from the cafe' near you.You should never make a goal just to make a goal It should be something you truly want to accomplish a desire or passion.
Now that we got most of the cons out the way It Is time for the pros.
You sleep calmer and wake up feeling rested and motivated.The idea of a planner Is to be able to get goals completed,and your day and weeks planned so that you will actually get done what you need and or want to.And it can be a blessing If you have the right mindset,mercy with yourself and a lot of patience.You get your goals done not only quicker but more often.After you write down your aim for the day and accomplished It you have free time to do what you want 'that Is only If you do not procrastinate' you sleep better knowing you got your most important plans down pack.You are more at ease when you wake up.It pushes you to be more creative In your day.You have more overall peace and less worrying.You wake up at a good time according to your plans.It makes you feel satisfied.
Okay It's time to get Into the pros and cons of not having a planner.
Cons always first.
You procrastinate so much.You wake up later than you would If you were to have a planner.Your goals are not accomplished as quick or often.You are not as motivated without a plannner.Your sleep Is'nt the best or your morning before work.You lack creativity and drive.Your days are more messy than taco night with your toddlers.
Time for the pros!
You save space on your book shelf drawers or wherever you place your books.Less clutter,which for some people that means less or no paper books. You feel free to do as you want.I know I wrote earlier this will unmotivate you but for some people this Is best.If you are a great self motivated anyway this can be perfectly fine,but for those of us who need a little extra motivation a planner Is best.There really aren't many or few pros of not having a planner.
Let's move on to advice and tips:
#1 Never ever live for the planner,let the planner live for you.
#2 Only make goals that you truly desire,want,need or something that Is simply a passion.
#3 Give yourself mercy and patience.
#4 Read a motivational quote everyday.
Now I am going to share my favorite Planner with you all.I bought this planner from amazon The brand Is Freedom Mastery. It Is $ 26.95 with a 5% coupon at the moment.the Planner Is called Smart womans life planner.It has 212 pages,faux leather and It has a vision board,weekly tracker,reflective pages,world map,goal planner pages,journal pages,stickers,a pocket,pen holder and much more! I recommend It.The best part Is the It Is undated. This Is not a sponsor. Link https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B09GRJH7W?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_image
My photography for sale! https://skycash.smugmug.com
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