speedyz3 · 10 months
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We had so much fun lightpainting in this abandoned building. We experimented with a lot of different things and I love the way they turned out.
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myriskelashes · 2 years
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If you can only get one product from @ctilburymakeup it must be a light wand!!! I am obsessed with the formula, but most of all how easy they are to work with!! I have all three formulas - blush, highlighter & contour, and I cannot praise all three enough!!! #charlottetilbury #ctilburymakeup #charlottetilburymakeup #ctilburymakeup #ctilbury #pillowtalkcollection #liquidblush #contourwand #goldgasm #glowgasm #pinkgasm #lightwand #beautylightwand #highlighter #liquidhighlighter #charlottetilburypillowtalk https://www.instagram.com/p/CfxrDihLmqk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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littleghostytarot · 1 year
Today instead of getting existential, I asked my tarot deck for a joke like LightWands recommended and y’all. Its a good one.
“What did the cemetery man say at family dinner?”
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“You can bury your friends but you can’t bury your memories!”
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tarotbubbletea · 7 months
🍂 PAC Reading: Catharsis 🍂
Hey everyone!
October 2023 was a SHIT month for me. That eclipse season took a major toll on my mental and physical health. I hope you all had an easier time, and if you didn't, trust that you're not alone and I send you all the love you may need at this time 💛
Here's a spread I attempted from Lightwands tarot's Tiktok page on helping with catharsis, ie., helping you pin down and let go of some negative thoughts that may have been living in your head rent-free.
I intend this to be a timeless reading. Take a deep breath and clear your mind. Then pick the picture that you feel most drawn to. If you feel drawn to more than one, feel free to read those piles. If you feel drawn to none, perhaps I don't have a message for you at this time, but hope to have something for you in the future!
Going from left to right, we have piles 1, 2, and 3.
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I'd love to hear some feedback! I'm also open for paid personal readings ($3 flat-rate).
Pictures used are not mine.
My kofi ☕
Pile 1
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A pressing thought on your mind: King of Cups
Okay this is definitely about a boy. You may be overthinking/obsessing over a connection right now. Perhaps you have this person up on a pedestal and you think they're the best romantic match you could possibly ever have and that being chosen by them would be the best thing to ever happen to you. And maybe that's true. But you have to remind yourself that if you're begging to be chosen, that takes away significantly from your power, and most stable, secure men will want someone that matches them in their power. Some of you may be thinking that this guy has 2 options they're struggling between. For some of you, this may be an ex that you're seeing move on and, frankly, it hurts. If that's the case, I feel you.
Allow the tarot deck to describe the thought back to you in a softer voice: The Emperor
I think you need to remember that there is a bit of logic to relationships as well. Love isn't enough; you do have to think about the kind of life that's possible with your potential partner. You also need to remember that people feel and use their emotions differently than you. Your person may be at a stage where they're approaching partnership more logically. They may be thinking of compatibility in a more mature way at this point. This is a shift that started quite prominently during the pandemic, with casual dating taking a dip in our society. This person may also just be quite exhausted and have decided to just settle down. Love, at some stage, becomes more of a decision than a feeling, and that's where this person is right now. Remember that this is a window into their thought processes, not a judgement on you.
How you're approaching the thought: Justice
You may be self-flagellating a bit, thinking that the reason you're having such a hard time in love and life is because of some of your past mistakes or some karmic debt. And maybe this is true, because we all have karmic debt from this life and from the ones before. Every single person you know has made errors, and more people than you think have skeletons in their closets. We're all a little toxic. It's just the reality of life. And that's okay. That's life (tangent: watch Fleabag!) Maybe it's a little less serious for you and you feel like you're just not enough, or that you just messed up your chance with this person. But ask yourself as objectively as possible, did you? Did you, really? Doesn't this guy have flaws too? Is it possible that neither you nor him are the issue here, but it's really just the relationship/situationship that may not have been a good fit? Maybe you both just weren't mature enough for each other at the time? Maybe it was meant to be temporary? Maybe there were external factors at play? But more importantly, maybe it's not your problem to solve?
How can you release the thought without needing to resolve it right now: Queen of Swords
Step into your power. Get some fresh air. Literally. You've closed yourself in a box. You need to step out and realize how vast the sky really is. How big the world really is. How big your world really is. There needs to be perspective change for you. And you don't need to do this alone. We need community more than ever now. Find a therapist, a trusted friend, maybe even a sibling that keeps it real with you and is genuine. You don't need to find the love of your life, or figure out what this person means for you, if they're a karmic/twin flame/soulmate/what have you right this minute. You don't. Trust me, you don't. Do you want to get asked out/married this very minute? Of course not. It really isn't woo-woo nonsense when people say that what's meant to be, will be. Think of all the times you wanted a situation to play out a certain way and it didn't. It probably worked out better, if you're being honest with yourself. Let go. Let the Universe do what it needs to do. Maybe this will help: The Universe put you in this situation, so let it sort it out. This is the Universe's problem now. You're just the actor. It's the show writers that need to sort this out now. Just vibe in the meantime lol.
Let the thought say one last goodbye: 9 of Swords
Your pain is not for nothing. This will be different for different people, but maybe the pain is to ground you. Maybe it's to prevent you from self-sabotaging in the future. Maybe it's to get you to see the reality of this person. Maybe it's to get you to see the reality of yourself. Maybe this is how you repay some karmic debt (in which case, yay! Lighter times ahead!) Maybe this is a sign you may have some unresolved trauma that needs to be removed from your mind and body, and is to show you that you're closing in on a breaking down point and need to love yourself enough to tend to it. Maybe it's bits and pieces of everything mentioned above. Maybe it's just none of these, and you're letting seasonal depression get the best of you. Believe it or not, sadness is vital in life. It's a necessary emotion. If you feel the need to wallow, by all means go ahead. And when it's time, let yourself stop. It's okay. You're okay. And it'll all be okay. You are worthy of love.
Oracles: Patience; Bring love into the situation (New Moon in Aquarius)
Work on detaching yourself from this situation. Your specific/personal situation will come from thinking outside the box. Be more pragmatic. Improve your karma by doing charitable work.
Pile 2
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A pressing thought on your mind: The Lovers (and The Hermit for clarification)
Alright, so this pile is also thinking about love. But you guys have a lighter energy than Pile 1. Or maybe you're a Pile 1 coming back to this reading after some time. You've probably been single for a while, and have done some extensive soul-searching and inner work, and now perhaps an inner voice is telling you that you're ready to put yourself out there again. And the energy coming through is yes! Yes, you are ready! But since it's been a while, and given the state of the streets, you're apprehensive about how to put yourself out there, and if you even should yet. Some of you may even be thinking of those Tiktoks that tell you how awful partners (particularly men) can be, and you're (rightfully) a bit scared.
Allow the tarot deck to describe the thought back to you in a softer voice: 8 of Pentacles
You've been hard at work with your personal growth and self-concept, and it radiates in your aura now. You've been diligent and have paid attention to the details. There's no such thing as a perfect person, of course, but you've done commendable work to get to as perfect as you can be in this stage of your life. Look at you go, you little rock-star! You need to watch out for black-and-white thinking, both directed at your own self and at others. Just because there may be a few things you're still working on, doesn't mean you're not ready. And the same goes for people you may meet soon, or for those that you're already considering. In fact, it shows self-awareness that you/the other person is cognizant of their flaws and still putting themselves out there because not all healing occurs inside. We all need people, and that's not a flaw. It's okay to be apprehensive. Be aware of the risks but don't let them consume you.
How you're approaching the thought: The High Priestess
You may be scouring Tumblr or Tiktok or wherever for readings and signs to foresee who you need to engage with next, what signs to look for, how it's all going to play out. It's like you want a blueprint of the entire love story beforehand because you're determined to find the one next. No more games for you. No more delays. You're ready and you want your future now. Love that for you, queen! But don't let it overconsume you! Micromanaging your love life isn't the best way to go about it. You know this, c'mon!
How you can release the thought without needing to resolve it right now: The Magician
Manifestation is real. But it's real for everyone, not just you. Imagine you're driving and you're manifesting going right, but so is another person, and fate may look at this and decide, okay, one of these needs to detour to avoid a collision, and maybe it picks you? Shit example, but I hope you get what I'm saying. It's good to be specific in your manifestations but not too specific, you know? Think of the burnt toast theory. Most of them there's a reason behind why things happen the way they do. Sometimes it's an important reason, and sometimes it's just random and meaningless. You seem to be approaching dating in a very Virgo-like way at this time, and essentially the message here is to not be too calculating and strategic. Keep your wits and lessons with you, of course, but don't forget that the Universe is also a player here.
Let the thought say one last goodbye: Ace of Pentacles
Your future partner is going to come to you like a gift or an offering. For some of you, that's where the delay is - the Universe is packaging them up perfectly for you and you just need to wait until it's time lol. The Universe and your spirit guides have been hard at work helping you heal and polish and be ready for love, and they're not going to just give you out to a random, okay? Have faith. Express gratitude constantly. And just affirm that love is here and your steps are guided. Dating apps may be the way for some of you. One or two of you may have luck bumping into someone at work or at the gym. Also hearing a beloved bar for someone. But for the majority, it's a highly personalized way that you'll meet the one. Ultimately, though, don't think too hard about it.
Oracles: Purification; Confidence is your key to success (New Moon in Leo)
There you have it. You've been purified enough to put yourself out there again. You're ready. Whether this be through apps, networking, or just living your life, do it with confidence and carry the intention with you to find your best match without chasing.
Pile 3
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A pressing thought on your mind: Queen of Pentacles
This pile's conundrum seems to be family dynamics. Maybe you're in a sticky situation at home, where you can't afford to move out and you've either outgrown your home environment, or it's getting toxic. But you may not have the funds/resources to leave. And you feel like you're being smothered but you also would feel guilty if you were to leave. For some, you may not need to leave but you feel like there's undue pressure coming from your family whenever you go to make decisions, be it financial, education-related, relationship-related, or what have you. Getting heavy 'eldest child of immigrant parents' energy here. Maybe you don't feel your age because you feel like you don't have the freedom and independence you'd assumed you would have at this point. Some of you were even parentified as kids and it's starting to come to the fore-front. For some, this extends to friends and you feel like you've outgrown them, or just need more friends, but again, you're in a box.
Allow the tarot deck to describe the thought back to you in a softer voice: Knight of Cups
Some of you may daydream of a Prince Charming coming and saving you from this environment. This is especially true if the 'eldest daughter' thing applies to you and one of the only acceptable ways in your family for you moving out and starting your own life is to get married. And maybe that is what will happen for some of you. But don't depend on it as the only way. It will happen if it's meant to happen, but when we attached too much stake to one specific outcome, we pour too much of our power into it, and the Universe doesn't like that. It's okay to pray and manifest a particular outcome but detachment is a key factor in manifestation, remember that. One of the easiest ways out of this energy is just getting your license and a car, you know? You don't have to wait for a ride, you can be the driver. Even getting a pet is a good way to get out of the house more (plus, that would divert your family's attention and ease the tensions around the house).
How you're approaching the thought: 3 of Pentacles
You probably vent to your friends or siblings a lot. You prioritize working (maybe even working overtime) and saving up money. You might also be pursuing higher ed to better your career. It's definitely a good step! Just be aware of your social and personal needs and realize that there's multiple gardens within you that need watering. If the immigrant thing resonates with you, this is especially important. Do not let work and money consume you because hard work, as sad as it is to say, does not always lead you to where you need to go. You need to be a whole person, not just a worker. Think about it, how logical is it to water your 'money' garden and expect your 'personal' garden to bloom if you don't tend to it as much? Don't let burnout ruin your senses.
How you can release the thought without needing to resolve it right now: The Fool
It's your first time being you. And it's also your parents' first time being them. Be as empathetic and compassionate as you can be with yourself and your family without self-sacrificing. There's internal knowledge you came here with that you can access through meditation. Reconnect with your inner voice and let it help you. Don't hold on to resentments, whether internal or external. Don't be so hard on yourself, and when faced with arguments at home, try to separate the actions from the doer. Everyone has their own traumas and vices that they unintentionally hand over control to. Don't rush things. Make an inner sanctuary for yourself and believe that things will work out. The dog/pet message is coming through again lol so if that's a possibility, please go for it! And whenever you feel helpless, remind yourself that you're not supposed to have all the answers just yet. Most successful people, when asked, say the same. They had the vision and they had the grit, but they didn't always have all the steps laid out and blind confidence.
Let the thought say one last goodbye: 4 of Wands
Everything will work out. Trust. Please, just trust. For those of you that resonated with the Prince Charming message, this is confirmation that that will happen. You'll meet the man of your dreams, and leave your current surroundings for the home and life for your dreams. This isn't meant to push you to place all your faith into a savior coming, thus disempowering you, but this message should push you to instead hold on to your power, and keep tending to all your gardens equally in the meantime. You've been through a lot, and it wouldn't be fair to the old versions of you that lead you here to give up now. It gets steeper the higher you go on a mountain. But at this point, you're also stronger. Believe that. It's a marathon, not a sprint.
Oracles: Courage; Your hard work is paying off (New Moon in Capricorn)
Don't be too controlling, and limit your exposure to anyone who is too controlling. Stay ambitious and courageous. Recognize and reward yourself for all the hard work you've done. See yourself as a person and not a project. Your life may not have been a fairy tale, but your fairy tale moment is coming.
I hope you found a message here today! And if not, I hope to have a message for you next time. Wishing you all love, light, and success! ❤️
Don't forget to leave feedback if your reading resonated in any capacity.
My kofi ☕ (for tips and $3 flat-rate readings)
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attichaos · 2 years
List of recommendations *ongoing* 
Please feel free to add to this list in the comments, I will be adding to this list in the future as well <3
→ Spells For Change - Frankie Castanea
→ The Book of Candle Magic - Madame Pamita
-> The Witches Path - Thorn Mooney
→ Witchery - Juliet Diaz
→ The Book Of Spells - Ella Harrison
→ Weave the Liminal - Laura Tempest Zakroff
→ Mastering Magick - Matt Auryn
→ Plant Witchery - Juliet Diaz
→ Elixirs, Potions and Brews - Anaïs Alexandre
→ Elements of Witchcraft series (four parts) - Astrea Taylor
→ Wild Witchcraft - Rebecca Beyer
→ Of Blood and Bones - Kate Freuler
→ Honouring your Ancestors - Mallorie Vaudoise
→ Protection & Reversal Magick - Jason Miller
→ Hex Twisting - Diana Rajchel
→ The Crooked Path - Keldon
→ Walking the Twilight Path - Michelle Belanger
→ A Witch's Shadow Magick Compendium - Raven Digitalis
→ Psychic Witch - Mat Auryn
→ Treasury of Folklore, Woodlands & Forests - Dee Dee Chainey & Willow Winsham
→ A History of Magic, Witchcraft and The Occult - DK publishing
Folk Practice
→ Italian Folk Magic - Mary-Grace Fahrun
→ Baba Yaga’s Book of Witchcraft - Madame Pamita
→ Sister Karol's Book of Spells, Blessings, & Folk Magic - Karol Jackowski
→ Consorting with Spirits - Jason Miller
→ Encyclopaedia of Spirits - Judika Illes
→ Encyclopaedia of Mystics, Saints, and Sages - Judika Illes
→ The Book of Séances - Claire Goodchild
→ The Crystal Bible - Judy Hall
→ The Tarot Bible - Sarah Bartlett
→ Sigil Witchery - Laura Tempest Zakroff
→ Year of the Witch - Temperance Alden
→ Encyclopaedia of Spells - Judika Illes
→ Witchcraft Activism - David Salisbury
→ Queering Your Craft - Cassandra Snow
→ Revolutionary Witchcraft - Sarah Lyons
Multiple Platforms
→ @chaoticwitchaunt 
→ @thewitchofwonderlust 
→ @jaqswitchyways 
→ @craftingwitch 
→ @_hearth_witch_ 
→ @the_celestial_witch 
→ @thegreenwitch 
→ @terminallyhomosexual 
→ @thecrystalpatch 
→ @astralwitch 
→ @thathoneywitch 
→ @witchy_apothecary 
→ @king_clairvoyant 
→ @sourpatchtarot 
→ @ravensandcrow 
→ @witchycannamom 
→ @theglamourwitchla 
→ @highpriestsiah 
→ @lokiladdusaw 
→ @ofbatbones 
→ @curvyblackwitch 
→ @cautionmagik 
→ @astralarchangel 
→ @onyxsouls 
→ @fairytarotgoddess 
→ @lightwands 
→ @jewitches 
→ @youngblkwitch 
→ @sand.witchh 
→ @jasminesgarden23 
→ @innergymedgroup 
→ @dark.moon.witch
And as always, merry meet,
Atti <3
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empresspiscea · 2 years
Tarot Self Study
Sometime in June I stumbled upon @lightwands page in TikTok and I developed such an affinity for the way she presented her insight and wisdom of the divination. 
Looking at tarot and what a deck consists of can be quite intimidating. The average deck contains 78 cards. Not only is there the Major and Minor Arcana, but the Minor Arcana consist of 4 suits that contain 12 cards each. Learning the individual meanings of each card can be a daunting task and many things require a great deal of memorization, but those who I look up to that practice the divination don't see a tarot deck as a collection of cards that need to be memorized. They see Tarot as a narrative. One in and of itself, but the deck is composed of multiple narratives from each suit and arcana. I believe the best readers have a comprehensive understanding of this narrative.
This post will be the hub for my self study into this divination. With every study session I will update this with links to any new information I have accumulated along with the syllabus for my personal studies. 
Mystic Mondays Deck
The Modern Witches Tarot Deck
Tarot + Tequila Guidebook
@lightwands on TikTok
Major Arcana
(2) The High Priestess
(16) The Tower
Minor Arcana
The Suit of Pentacles
The Suit of Cups
The Suit of Swords
The Suit of Wands
Additional Resources I plan on creating
Developing a Relationship with your Deck
Spread / Reading Idas
Reading Tips
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poetyca · 1 year
Domani - Tomorrow
🌸Domani🌸Ombre subdole si affacciano derubano orasperanza e luceVagare inquieto nella nottementre tutto è tremoreQuanto costala sensibilitàe le sue pieghenascosteMa non smetteremai di esserepiccola fiammaoltre il timoreLa notte fuggee giunge l’albaa dare linfaal domani20.09.2022 Poetyca 🌸🌿🌸#Poetycamente 🌸TomorrowSubtle shadows overlookrob nowhope and lightWandering restlessin the nightwhile…
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View On WordPress
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ramune-moved · 5 years
🍮 ! pom pom time !!
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cesar-ad-98 · 4 years
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📷❤️💌 𝘕𝘰𝘣𝘰𝘥𝘺 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 ❤️𝘚❤️ #tumblr #lightwand #varitadeluz #lightroom #sunset #phototheday #streetwear #orangeandteal #keepexploring #instamagazine_ #bevisuallyinspired #streetphoto #love #famous #summer #style #travel #amazing #oldschool #photoshop #streetphotography #huji #hujicam #vsco #vscocam https://www.instagram.com/p/CAterYklGD2/?igshid=1a7kdyiz910hc
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uh82nvme · 4 years
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Just in case you need something to mess with your eyes tonight. This is like a damn optical illusion!! Canon 6D Mark II Canon 100mm macro 8 sec f/25 ISO100 #canonusa #creativelighting #foolography #capture4cubes #longexposure #crystalball #lightpainting #lightwand #instagood #creativemind #quarantinelife #opticalillusion #crazywallpaper (at Wisconsin) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-la5LyBHNz/?igshid=43woxo5xeiiv
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speedyz3 · 11 months
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One of my favorites from last week while we were light painting. Got to try out some new toys to create night art.
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myriskelashes · 3 years
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The Hype Is Real!! These Light Wands are to die for!! The glow that they give the cheeks is just so beautiful, and so effortless! On the eyes as an eyeshadow base is also insanely beautiful!! Personally I love the applicator, and how easy it is to use and travel with. Charlotte is a Must during the Sephora Sale! (P.S. I tried taking this photo two times, and both times out of nowhere it rained on my products! Including the open eyeshadow palettes! How rude) @ctilburymakeup * 1 Light Wand was Gifted #charlottetilbury #ctilburymakeup #charlottetilburymakeup #ctilburymakeup #ctilbury #charlottetilburyfoundation #flawlessfilter #foundation #foundationroutine #foundations #lightwonder #lightwonderfoundation #magicfoundation #airbrushflawlessfoundation #hollywoodflawlessfilter #pillowtalkcollection #liquidblush #goldgasm #glowgasm #pinkgasm #lightwand #beautylightwand #highlighter #liquidhighlighter #charlottetilburypillowtalk #sephora #sephorasale https://www.instagram.com/p/CNh6uuPj4XW/?igshid=sojwzzve3jy1
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littleghostytarot · 1 year
Letting y’all know I was hit with a quick 1-2 this last weekend on following one of lightwands’s questions of
“How accurate is my assessment of how they will fulfill my desires?”
And then drew the cards 7 of Rupees (Pentacles) & The Lovers
Like y’all. I was just, baffled.
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jenthecreative · 4 years
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😍 @ctilburymakeup new Pillowtalk Light Wand Highlighter (in door light). It’s a pink-peach light shade with gold pearl. It pulls more peach/gold on me. I am a warm to neutral undertone & NC15/NC20 in mac . It’s pretty & I think just a small amount blended over blush will still work for me. 🤔 I probably will buy the original light wand as a champagne white shade looks better on me & would pop more on my skin tone . #charlottetilbury #ctmakeup #charlottetilburymakeup #matterevolution #matterevolutionlipstick #charlottetilburylipstick #charlottetilburyhotlips #highlighter #highlighteronfleek #highlighteraddict #liquidhighlighter #lightwand #charlottetilburylightwand #pinkhighlighter #charlottetilburypillowtalk #charlottetilburypillowtalkcollection #charlottetilburypillowtalkmedium #charlottetilburymatterevolution #pillowtalk #pillowtalkmania #pillowtalkmakeup #pillowtalkmedium #pillowtalkmediumlipstick #pillowtalkeyeliner https://www.instagram.com/p/B9KX3h4ArkA/?igshid=18qdvdl9zwdpn
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ngivshots-blog · 4 years
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Some light painting a couple of nights ago at Greenan shore. #lightphotography #mushrooms #photography #beach #greenanshore #lightwand https://www.instagram.com/p/B9JJLNKpxOW/?igshid=ty5ft4q2rjux
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senikai · 7 years
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Late nights with Leigh
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