#like .....do you understand you'll go down in history as the enablers and supporters of ethnic cleansing and settler colonialism
rhaenyras · 6 months
Insane that Israel can just blow up any civilian target they want and just say “um Hamas guy was there, source: trust me, bro” and the media reports Both Sides and movies on. Are they gonna follow up on these claims ever ? Ask for a shred of PROOF ? (Not that it would justify it anyway)
and yet, even in light of all this, zionists still live in a fantasy world where they're the oppressed ones 🤔 just because some of us, who clearly still have a conscience and some decency left, won't let them get away with genocide and colonialism as easily as isntreal's political allies seem to do.
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saltypiss · 15 days
Russia's hypernormalization hit america so fucking hard our presidents are gonna become kings.
I wonder if R's really think it a good idea to make people lose confidence in the government and all systems. Because they're doing a fantastic job ensuring nobody can really give a shit anymore.
Much like how Dems have Absolutely No Plan after Biden's second stolen term (only stolen in that he lied about being an interim) (because the elections are nothing if not completely corrupt unless blue wins) they also have no plan when SCOTUS permanently sends the country down the shitter.
It's just a reality TV show until we decide to do something. Sucks but, dems of all variety, ain't gonna do shit. Just gonna sit on their hands and bitch. Sucks to suck but, Dems aren't gonna be the solution. They're more of a shitty doorstop.
Dems once had The Hype. It's gone and dead now, now we argue if a Genocide is moral so long as a Blue person is aiding or committing it. We were so excited about raised minimum wages, making the rich pay back trump's tax cuts, fix schools, universal healthcare, better work protections...
But sure ya'll. Let's energize the voter by saying you can't criticize Dear Leader because he did nothing to earn anyone's respect or trust and instead killed the hype and made us scared to demand better, but he's not Dump, so he's clearly infallible and anything less than sheer devotion is republican.
Nah man. What's republican is Dear Leadering Biden like R's did Dump. Like...ya'll? Just google this dude's history and he stops being anything but another corporate crony. Dude's sub-human in so many points of history.
All I'm saying is: Dems demanded better from Dump but refuse from Biden. R's don't even demand better from anyone. Why the shit are Dems being republican on progress? How is he supposed to know shit if half of his base supports genocide and the other just wanted 4 day work weeks? How is he supposed to know shit other than making that easy oil money of tens of thousands of known casualties, half being children? That one's obvious, he knows he's fucking up but no one is holding him accountable, so he doesn't care, and next term he's given the keys to all our homes to burn and rob.
For people to defend a genocide with "of course he was going to be pro-israel" Ever consider the problem is he's pro-genocide because you idiots enable him? This is exactly what ya'll are demanding?
Oh and the Larpers claiming they'll stop supporting him if he stops the genocide? Understand that sounds like a Great Thing. To kick you out of the group of dems? Yes. When ya have a nazi at the table of 10, they're all nazis. Congrats Dems. You're now Nazis. Undeniably. Your body count is now higher than Dump's. At least I didn't expect any better from him, ya'll had me believing I could with Biden, until ya let him decay further and further until he became a whipped bitch for corporations. Just saying, at least Dump simply GOT millions and millions killed by covid for political gain, Biden's just aiding in a genocide because he has absolutely no morality or ethics you can trust, because, again, Pro-Genocide. But also because he's just gotta go with the popular opinion! Not...Not the actual one, but the one's that will net him votes from those who laclkcritical thinking and flip flop their empathy depending on the victim.
Just sayin'. If Biden was mostly aiding in the tens of thousands of deaths of children and any minority inside america, Dems would support it. Because it's Blue no Matter Who! Nah, realistically they'd be mad because now it matters to them...somehow. Yeah the people you'll never meet? They can Die. But your fruity friends? Well, clearly they're The Most in danger right now as we speak (Ignore Palestine's 70 years of oppression by Israel) (oh yeah and that whole Active genocide thing) (seriously stop focusing on the child crying over his father's blown up corpse CARE ABOUT THE GAYS WHO HAVE NEVER BEEN SAFER)
and remember you HAVE to vote for Biden because even though it costs the lives of tens of thousands, when it Really Fucking Shouldn't?????????????? It's an important... PFFFFT...haha..."""sacrifice""" (people think other country's I don't know about matter?) to protect the gays! They're what this election is 100% about! Minorities. (In america) (Must be virtue signallable) (preferably black, mexican, gay or trans) (but not some other label) (human lives are cheap) (blue no matter who!)
Really consider the fact R's and the rich approve of the genocide, that Biden is working with both, because ya'll MFs can't be consistent morally, ethically, or logically. Of course he's aiding in a genocide, the only people being fucking understandable are R's and the rich, because they're consistent, Murder is Good, I just wish Dems weren't Actually Worse about that than R's. R's can be seen through with a hint of critical thinking, Dem's will actively Lie about their morals and beliefs the second it becomes inconvenient. Ya can't trust a grift ever, and my friends, Biden is a grift.
Weak. Dems are Weak. I can see why R's have more confidence in their rapist leaders, they're surprisingly consistent when you ignore the public relation noise and focus on the Larp.
A republican 10 years ago to this day still thinks a lynching is appropriate when seeing a Brown. Dems will claim otherwise unless it hurts Dear Leader's chances at re-election. Because in their mind, anything short of Percieving Perfection is tantamount to treason.
Biden could come out and repeat what he's said with Israel and Palestine about R's and minorities and I guarantee you this, most Dems will flip flop because now? Dems got their own Larp, and it's that Biden is the best president of allllll time! He...he has...he has to do something first. Something historic? Like. Raise minimum wage? Shit man.
No. You're supposed to demand better. Not demand worse. Not demand genocide. Not demand our Leader be Cruel and a Grifter. You aren't even necessarily expected to not vote for him, let alone against him. Just Demand Accountability. Demand Better. Demand Leadership. Instead? He hides behind his God Awful Sub-Human cohorts to speak for him.
We heard you loud and clear Biden. Anti-Genocide is Evil in your eyes, Genocide is Moral. I heard you, and ya lost my vote completely for it. The chance of apology has passed, the chance of regaining votes lost. He told everyone his ethics are that Genocide is Moral.
What would've make him votable, kept him votable, is the fact he'd listen, and would do what is Ethical and Moral. The fact we Can Demand Change. The fact we can Approach And Consider. Y'know, like what you're supposed to do with your leaders. Not just accept them as Gods of perfection.
But sure. Telling disenfranchised voters that their opinions don't matter and People and Children Just Have To Die For Biden, that demanding leadership or any accountability is actually rather Republican! Yes Dems are saying exactly this right now. Because otherwise? Maybe don't tell people they just have to accept the guy who's done nothing but kill the hype, and Kill Children.
Maybe don't tell disenfranchised voters that that whole silly genocide thing isn't as compellig to your morals as the possibility...it's..it's not a possibility. I'm not sorry, Dump ain't ever getting in office again. What we're doing is working with the definite second term Biden right now. And the fact we're letting him commit a Genocide simply due to fear mongering? That's not the Dems I remember.
Okay so, After Biden gets the second term, what are we gonna do about that "silly ol genocide thing?" Because I sure hope you idiots aren't seriously considering he can get a third term? Remember how tens of thousands of children died thanks to this guy? Because you refused to demand he simply...not. do that? Maybe Biden could simply, not? Come with the Thousands of Dead Children baggage? Maybe we can ask him to y'know, drop the dangling corpses of, again, children, and instead, be reasonable?
y'know, we used to say Dump was going to commit a genocide. The fact we got exactly that? I really, really, don't have the energy to vote. I don't have that blue no matter who in me anymore. Because Dems are as bad as R's with their Dear Leader.
just a dump in blue, of course he's smarter, but fact is, he's still a politician. Not your friend. Not your hero. Not shit. He's never been shit and will be passed on in history books. Because again, he's actively done nothing his entire career, except hurting minorities. Or sniffing kids. Yeah sorry, ya can't ignore that one anymore. Demand leaders that aren't genocidal pedophiles, dems, do better than R's.
Just saying. Maybe we shouldn't demand diet dump as our leadership? Maybe instead of just letting these people be completely unchained is a bad idea? Maybe just because R's are blatantly corrupt, doesn't mean Dems aren't at least halfway as much? Because the whole of the government is corrupt and broken.
Idunno man, seems REAL fucking lucky that in a 2 party system, that somehow, miraculously, only One Party is actually moral and good and perfect. Seems more likely that one party fell apart and the other party simply hasn't, but they're both shit. They both are pro-genocide. And there is no fixing that other than to minimize a genocider's voice. That requires more parties to make such a decision absolutely a political suicide thing, instead of simply one thing to consider.
Understand your shortsightedness will lead to another R president. No on after Biden. And dems just exposed how little they believe in the words they've said. I don't trust dems when they say "genocide good" and "save the gays!" on the same profile. Hopefully. Dema will understand that kinda shit is why people left R's. That this is an open wound that will only fester.
Dems enabled their genocidal immorality. It's only a matter of time before they're as bad as R's. Sorry that I make it a principle to not support Genocide. I'm sorry for you thinking that's a necessary "sacrifice" when you could've simply demanded better instead of compromising your morals for a dude who has never done shit for you.
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