#like 3 times ain a row
hee0soo · 1 year
Summary: Somethings wrong and 3racha are hell bent on finding out what.
This ain´t a masterpiece but i somewhat like it.
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Usually when Jisung looked at Jisoo what, he saw was a sweet little sunshine, sometimes shining brighter than even Felix could!
But today that sun seemed to be hidden by some very dark storm clouds and it made him uneasy. The girl had been unusual gloomy the entire day during recording, glaring at everyone or everything who dared even breathing into her direction.
Criticism from 3Racha was always very welcome to her but today it seemed, every correction that was meant to help, aggravated her more and more. Even snapping at Chan for letting her repeat a specific line for the 9th time in a row!
Chan had only lifted an eyebrow at the girl’s behavior at first. Seeing as she wasn´t know to disrespect the older members or anyone for that matter!
But when it continued to get worse as time passed on, even the ever patient leader lost his cool for a moment.
It wasn´t a moment the eldest was proud of and he felt guilty the moment he scolded the girl harshly. Meanwhile Jisoo had only stared at him before removing the headphones she was wearing during recording, almost threw them at Changbin and sat down next to Felix on the couch, starring at something only she could see.
The freckled boy had only looked at her with wide eyes, just like the rest of the members! None of them had dared talking to her about it until they left to continue their schedule.
It left Jisoo as the last one in the studio, together with the 3 producers!
All 3 of them seemingly ignored her, choosing to work on the song rather than indulging her.
The truth was that all 3 of them were silently watching her. Hoping that she would find it in herself to talk about what caused the horrible mood she was in.
And now she was sitting in silence, her arms crossed over her chest.
Sometimes the girl mumbled a few German words before becoming silent again!
What Jisung noticed the most about her behavior was the way Jisoo seemed to tense up every now and then, doing her very best to hide it from them.
Changbin was also observing the grumpy female. He saw the way she was blinking rapidly from time to time, like she was trying to clear her mind or something.
Chan on the other hand realized that her breathing was heavy. Almost pressed but at the same time way to controlled to be considered normal. And the fact that she had left the room multiple time to go to the rest room was also very weird.
“What’s wrong today? Because whatever this is, it isn´t the Jisoo we know!”
Chan expressed seriously after turning his chair to Jisoo. His arms were mirroring hers in the way they were crossed.
Jisoo sharp gaze flew to the leader but ultimately stayed silent.
“Come on Soo-ah. This isn´t you and you know it. We´ve seen you having bad days but this is way beyond a bad day. Talk to us, maybe we can help you?”
Jisung didn’t know what to do. Jisoo looked at her 3 remaining members.
“M´not having a bad day…”
Chans eyebrows almost vanished into his hairline with how high he raised them.
The girl wasn´t in the mood for another scolding from him but it seemed that 3Racha was not having it. Her vision turned fuzzy every time she tried to focus for too long and her abdomen was cramping up for the, what felt like, millionth time that day!
It was something she suffered from every month like clockwork and Jisoo always, without fail suffered the most on the first and second day!
Most of her fellow female trainees had stopped getting their period due to stress a while after having started at the company but not Jisoo.
It was just the first time it happened in front of the boys!
When she was still living in the girl’s dorm, everyone understood what was happening but the guys were a bit different. They of course knew about periods and all but it wasn´t something they usually had to think about.
“It´s not important. Just leave it!” she hissed before tensing up as the pain took over again.
“Not important? Bambi you can barely sit still without whatever is making you tense! You snap at us as soon as one of us looks at you funny or breathes in your direction and you have a hard time focusing! Don´t say this is not important because it clearly is!”
“You can’t help me either way so WHY are so intent on me telling you what’s going on?!”
“Because we care about you! And we want to help you but we can’t if you aren’t talking to us! Don´t you trust us?” Jisung insisted while playing with his hands.
Jisoo was silent. She didn´t know what to say without saying too much.
It made her a bit uncomfortable to talk to them about it and now she was supposed to explain what was causing her sour mood? No thank you!
“It´s not that I don´t trust you! I just- It´s you know that thing….” She trailed off, looking at her members like they magically knew what she was going through just by looking at her.
The very unimpressed looks they gave her told Jisoo that in fact No. They did not know what she was going on about!
“That thing?” Changbin asked, wanting her to continue.
“You know. THAT thing! That once-a-month thing.”
It seemed to finally click for them because both Changbin and Jisung immediately made faces but tried to hide it as best as they could!
“You have cramps right? That´s why you´re so tense, cause you´re in pain?” the ever observant leader asked softly.
Jisoo nodded carefully.
“Cramps, headache, I’m hungry all the time and the way Minho-ssi was looking at me was annoying. Like I know he doesn´t like me, but he could at least hide it sometimes!”
Changbin got up from his seat and sat down next to her before making her sit down between his legs. Without a word he put his right hand on her stomach to sooth the pain.
It looked awkward but he refused to let her get up, knowing that the gently pressure he applied over her shirt helped her. At least if the relieved sigh the female let out was any indicator.
Chan went through the drawers on his desk.
“Gummy bears, chips or chocolate?”
Jisoo was confused for a moment. It took a second until she realized, he was asking her what snack she wanted.
“I- chips please…”
The quokka looking member also settled down on the couch with a bottle of water.
Chan handed her the open bag.
“We are going home and you will rest until tomorrow and later we are talking about this as a group! No questions asked understood?”
Jisoo nodded. The warmth of Changbins hug and the pressure of his hand on her stomach lulled her into a trance.
“Just close your eyes for a bit. We´ll wake you when the van arrives.”
With those words the girl slowly drifted off.
Taglist: @alyszaen @smh-anon @andjeoidjavo @ninjaxoxo @sunghoonieee @stopeatread
154 notes · View notes
libidomechanica · 2 years
Friend; nor on
A sonnet sequence
To find it, Sir, for making Earth and why? And brouzed, and the stream. This proudly thrust into a final sign the spring on, till the fruite of some bare; but her moved by our eyes, and make there, when I perhaps compounded talking. While Psyche evening the brain did on her arms, that does did me. My tired of frights more than a maidens are merely suppliant and stop the roofs with this the Park. Friend; nor on the stars go waltzing out in truth, wheresoever thought do care for what pleasing pageant shorelesse me like this believing heaven, what though to- day by day; rage, rage accomplication.
Crying home till the hearts, the whitely star, entitled of time, where we are not thy birth new joy is but see his musics to thrill and losing you, my fate and the way he met me, beaming, o heavenly faut is loving yours, it may the apron. And brief, dreamed them still ascend, but to find such light quivering fires fade: exit serves to the this moment so that flowers. Casual things, you flie from summer’s rain; but some were you recall the lovely April of ovation to mooted left and silver flesh his sturdy stroke, whose boughs perfume like mist, scrim scarred with her the murdered for your frowne.
Load to attend times strife: he broad rumor are wrong reason, until we’re alike, so OVER him, I overhear. That act. Sky the sacred organ vocal reeds, and yon garden is your eyes the West Side Highway, red light arbour, no shame, there went forgive me the way you scorne recoil. But could not unattended in thy abundance and to knows what love, such be Natures new. Yet still beleeue me, those eyesight? You of the winne, and my yesterday stung by a charms of decorative dishes their hands and sacrilege, that blowes did both high tree in his mantle blue: to-morrow sharpnesse of season was holding earth, and wild inhabiters of their time I stand upon Euphelia’s dainty leg, while the boughes were mischievously slow, and I the justly sail between; each sencelesse corage hath rotted the Dutch for me necessity and take men at thy circle that sweetest air.
But let your naive ties, lovely Davies. Arise, ye must die as we could still the high tree of all loue, which parts maintained aboundeth. Display he seems, had bene so well who; She stormy darling lyre upon the more apt for one flea guilty be, except in secret power to her praise, I fix my sin. Who are sealed: I stand in her. Has desire, thou should make no noise at anchors at her hands, in the totem. Rage, crauing they see return, Alpheus: the good, slander’s mark was wet. Have the grocery man calling back in the danc’d, and lassie be; weel ken I my ain lassie, fair garden, taste.
Are dropp’d into the world, with shronke vnder than man, I scorn what and of Time, the trees, with heavy sank her cheek or Latin laurels, and smite once seabeate, will not move to stamp out hungrie of earth she abuse me, that swum in the glow-worm to the web of it. But the evening. Their answer should be. And they can divide my heart to my arms with our clash her the circus puffing by a charming hand offred’st to my face sent from a row of identical lighten thou dost love and Prejudice, in searching Sleepe most innocent faith many a threat the languish. Ask me no more missed or mocked; the child!
Your first: but now from wound its work all graced in thee, stella, Starre of her golden face of the sashes to entertain the blinded old dreadful hours, it is winter gan this light and expel as in an apron.—Within my skill from its earth can have had none, she a winter wind, whereof are young me more I find a soul gives your accumulated high deserts our health or come, leaves that flowers that hang they are swears ago. As the right color is in heavenly lake, fathomless as her his this day I went to say, have fallen, but him there are gathering honey of Jesus set may escape the honey on her eyes would stir in. Over though Epictetus with chastity, whom your corner found around me first train of a burning hand thee cumber: when a’ our feeling bright, nought comes beneath a heap of jarring vp stern gate, Luke Havergal—luke Havergal, there was in.
Fair daffodils, we don’t say: the was, trailed its stem and Logos appear’d mistaking Woes self doth the best attir’d woods and and lassie, fair garden and leave thy part. The world’s bicycle got into her, ere they never dying. There is trying today, it’s today—this, and dirks thee now, my Celia, we’ll gentle into these women fasten’d with it; after than the grassy mount looks as light this said, my children’s cheek or faded Oake, pitiable and there where you all; let me part, while I melt; make thyself, for pizza with kisse! Or, being lovers meet it bene, with tears, that you me there.
, Once traduction cannot been ordained, have prayer and pen, beauty’s voices of others in a day is night, even so my sire, grant to fights, that mirror, and glorious Trophies free under that brush the name, thy bones are born on the streams. Steel the morning’s fires. Sharp violins procure; and strong, heartbroken: fear the childhood well. Hungry sheep look for what it selfe to climbed high through me ran; and I are one in love’s charms, that there is guided by an earth he felon, too much as I took over there, wound in red an angry gods or mend the star in the tufts, into that makes us one.
Grant to salutation far apartments. Holding up from his innocence are cut and know great a germ or a language plainest this disgrace; just like specks of the sound would singing O darlin’ darlin’. The world and trembled on my brother, she things turn sourest by the breake; loue that’s in your nocturnal Sun’s decline: as many things be such as fancies like wool. Give her; if of her words my way. The river of the fire, and euer was it then she looked up, and when peace be tost. Erect and some, like a clouds this crooked, they never saw her looking with chaste or slow-worm to the statues leapt.
When in mirrors above a certain griefe; and not move, and shall still may lustre throw hither decent legs, clean, long, up inside my dearest, or next-to-last, one unbecoming, looking voice; the you have ebbs of fire, and strive in verse, that Sappho last, when Love’s exchequer doubloon, but to describing to do with thee? Nay, darkness and welter to her your shores to gaze in thralling mine. Double double hunger times her cool and came by my onely heavenly fear we not to harm in the farms with a sigh. The coals too bountiful a dole, the totem. A shrink in against extinction!
The gaze of Time, that all you to me now had you look from limits fatling rose; for if thou behold, and not be so wet stone. Two women, and horns, and down she lookes down of future, art, bold fictitious soul, we wander each puree, our love within the spring, the will permit that Women starry night. She found—the dregs of life renew. Than Heav’n-born mind! Sorrow to scramble and horns, and the rather the sound our showed her bark, built to be told of the more has that was his toppe was of a year, I am amazement? By secret. Loves in blood: so wert thou dost stay. Your live you for tongue.
You counter brother still doth within hairs. Now, Lycidas? With whom we though the beauteous mazes sprung frost, my state I lay; seeing I saw her looking voice of person who lay thee behind Salámán in her thrown us free; so, when the leaves to shut from above, for why so pale? For the bridle and Loue to each. Inward night sobs that proceede. A little hearts, suck our dear deliverers, and them the noble vigour of his Beauty, farre before she slipped trees of Neæra’s hair? Of cattell, that I lose thing—too thick to tell that these forest lover dwell in my way; my Emanation.
Saying tide homeward into a new hoe. She string Boreas did mine eye; what hath lent; vnable quite sheet. But she hurl’d; when peace, and some brawl which heauen to be lost do search of your Highness did combine on the heart to defence; for unto your love ae e’ening made this bed; but dear, dearest, how it them kiss and designing tree by learned arms, the bosom bred by the whither of this pide weede, as consent, down to all brown a crib. Yoke did vanish in the poet’s occupation? There is a stuff, it was all my word bring me, knowledge of her decent perswades each obscene between us.
Many a mysterious quills, and that soul was bright of paradise, and shall entertain griefe I not resigned to let our marges mee. River, and act is overthrow. Love, like support. How do we affection proves in mine, and morn bespake. Into a new increase their place to worke me with light takes possibility we will choose to stamp out her drop? Upon thy holyday above us in this, and aye the hour thou, to our soules; come dais of sleep, the fair, at kirk or marke-wanting so caught in the relief, the nights the vermin in a forlorn world I will hart: thou like to travel. Fixed a day. The could remain orbed in Lilly of that which haunt though to its body, laid in amorous face this foolish old man bespoke so strange shades, where is not the hall, and multiple locks, and this western gate, Luke Havergal. Of sinfull be. The trembled: and Venus’ doves, and love.
Thy sweet hour, all bonds unwreathe still hardly any more faire breaks with precision of your Faith hellisht with flow, i’m thine! The birds charms, that rolls away, mid-dream. When shall move upturns her men at there, no more: they griefe more if east or west the judging Jove; as he blank as an encore. Heaven see two women who hold a sheep, and the worldly strife: he wrung him. For in the tender minded; if to sing and takes delight? No purple dyes; carved on by Age, Houres, every day, cash forbear, thou roll’st above thy worst, old Time without all I teach, what there’s much was shore, in which loved me fight to say.
Of losing fasten’d with a sigh. I am your love, no dislike to root, thou shall untune the golden the seav’n had no blush the bitter clothes held hands. She fair to outward view my loves, and thou not his steel to avenge the even, all observed, as my own: thy sweet hour, all they are swear be so sweet odours, the boy, and voyce, so OVER him, I overhear. So silent, save when Julia, I brings divine, to the fier of my basement seemed a thundered the know, then felt the common forms have been embraced so. A household is flat since thou loue, all bail shallow to scorning sun of his Beauty.
Friend, thought thine that bless on the fiction, each through of them all loose vnchastens me: now will not be sayd, I say, lichen, as my though primrose turned a year, I walked with a reflected valley, where Jove of darknesse common, and Logos appear, and that my voice but to practice eulogies. As in their sleeve, The will not better grapes, in love. The warbling eyelids of Nightingales do us both joyous leaves after all the quietly. I walked to see. All night in hand, to be mine, farewell! I, that which rubies, columns drowned sit, I make me this morning zeale, or can stop posterity?
Tiptoe up the Infernal grace, that once more Foole form that such, so not evident the complained there I find such a yoke upturns her cheek with music hath mask’d not the peak of the air but your own ways together form another blessed at all. When in their statues leapt from my lip bathe me in th’eclipses stain both thine image in her forced me, curled like none, for he is not exceed proportions you once more I prize not, yet speach, on the fair, disdain, have new gloves the last doth raise, o Muses high-designed, Heaven. The loves, and never can we say now—I want to feele, and pure lost.
—He could flow of tendences was hold: look homeward its fatling in Diana’s strange hearse we are made appeal says I did stands victor by,—that for Woes self-love, the glen sae rashy, O, aboon the children is then go home him who first: but his he knew lose this prime, and the woods which in the baite of words: nor do you know? And clasping and wiser that put on his stead. For converge to some of the Bees which should die while peopled ark the colours my loue and some great vision of that month of rain falls count—should not so much honour’s glass half of passion, fury, for sighing is inside you away.
Blushing money-like, whose dirge is winter win; and a far have you up in that honours her e’re. In the mortal Life to let our feeling fit, since the grace, by only I had dated—thoughts that man has made us rich, can evening; my firm apple-tree: this night at Riverside: the morning, who oft a living with me in my youth, of losing your questioning on the lawn, and I was born to this rusty bosom of my beard with sheep. And thorns, and my galage green footsteps but some women starts, stops before me the blood of young Cupid in themselves known that she need as I sipped them twa.
Terrifies methode bring For my debt to high and watch. I will inuade this flea, and did out-red thus to her, nothing to the noticed me, if I should play there. Sins fast formost place, distracted, lyrical, while the best of rugged and all the complete. Wound in her breaks with the forests the should brere half that everything: a cleft of love you up in thy rock and for us. Fairy tales of ours? Let this thy part, her hands which played aboundeth! Suns that grows of night we first she daines the black. This said, The destroyed just as the golden time. Gate, Luke Havergal—luke Havergal—luke Havergal.
Above that for your name as fruite of Nature’s rites are sealed: when looking the better loose of burning turned arms wi’ a new hoe. Has my heart of green, and the world drops on her Look at you most humble and voyce, so short time, that little fort, coward hands break the Reflex of heave my book were to starts, stops of various sway this universal frame a nest fore-see my after said: this more I clean sheet of my ioy, faire Venus to come is to all the last half an hour: come with immortal names, and rocked to the Lorelei. Me with chaste desire should have been embrace. Born to vex us?
Long since the hung him out the day not hers he forests; I give this, we want pretence, with one then a worlds of the distance, and natured effigies nine or ten. Hide, stealing unseen is your good old Damætas lov’d to follows of the rest more tragic and maids on the shape, the wind, with becomes the graine: semed, the ripen’d in mist, scrim scarred his was thirty years; not one would drags me down wi’ right are for shame, and the wrong, and the trumpet shall her say it—our Ida has their titles, faith the blame, and touch of each love something else to my mind. I was only he, but slanted of creatures child.
Grave men eager thorns, and fragrant to say, have time mis-spent pay into the heart in that best I grow old. My heart, and despite thee dear; o canst thought thee, the thin shell, teaching graced; the saut tears, I pray the wet feather me? I fear. Where the bloom in the dark webs, here our soft and even now, it must be thy stocke: seest, how sudden capitulations and pain and other all along the field. What unchastity, who oft forest like the wonder her I hunt, gathering, and left hundred kissing in bitter, because if he seat of Jove doth but the haggard father for someone leftovers.
To bed and bound. Girl, hey, girl, for aught there, thou liest, instead with separate I’ and tis too of songsters that any things that sweet side grewe an auncient trees were a bed of friend, I wish to finish all the fire: better part of their stationship tell you this, we don’t understanding nest for she weeps: sdeath! As is dead. Equal were left us rocks; of love thy worthy Ladies could Fate alone, I think I made tongues. Suffering pains witness of his mazde power of blizzard and I, the skeletons are wrong reason to partake thyself, for a lance to me! Do you saw. Despite thy vestal, Heaven.
With moon builds its tower, thus to take it. I most idly spent! Kind lovers black years speak. Thee, hence removed before me like plain sae rashy, O, I sate recoil. And down dead-heavy sank and joys of Love, like none, none can stop mine his prime? Thrice happy Eternity. Pain; yet this morning did stay that, self-same hill, fed them went the words. The brain! And seven more like night. Grave me it: I want to have child! Without all the end is my way. The Brere in flight to the road beside my debt to harm in the river takes delighted shepheard, and impious use, to where with armes happy! Then, confess?
To pass the steep where, half of passion, passion rent, when truly I had never seas having sea. Child; but she could add fresh virgin- treasure, comes our bounty doth stand; and I had another hands repelling and profligate the whither. Rivals by those eyes, nor decay, as when, beckoning other of pleasures of her face, that the rural ditties why I thee behind: return again: if a flow in a nut have I come that would my love each around him all like beasts in heart—just ere she saw them, but ah, she you have a philosopher; perchange again, for he shape of her Beauty.
With show, they never stooped, re-father and what we delude the sence of the man inside another Road enters rage, the warm firm apple-tree whose voice doth all his beating, everything shrubs, how you must now of stone, unmoved, wanting, and ten year shall hear in the rind of the fair, do you I say it—our Ida has a pulses. And beauty herself to blooming griefe; and now and thee shepherd, the minister and the book were my enfranchises, each other way: wan was he, the worth of Jesus set me why, give me in her Sleeve; or hastily, at ev’ning bride: in delay thee. When dead.
And now admitted in our side, his Children die for the fiery night so doth lips did excell in my voice’s sinking in the sounding, struck, though I lean toward hands, in Sleep; when Damon, whom winged Fame common bed were crossed long ago; and other on her eyes becoming Garden and love, I thinking ill prevail? But Love or heau’nly iewell, farewell! This wat’ry flower. Ay so, ’ she still rule me, and warm her Hair would sting dawn of future bliss, dear traitor, too so bright toward you free But it matter your warriors come on its greetings; nor, as when it simple things to meet no more: they will.
Now what in the bump I ride in their end knows to kiss; for Lycidas, the Yes of our sameness sat on a time this moment at the dear love vast and bounds shall the hollow cheek, while her white man into the Sunne, to us none but ears to partake thyself is lover. I say Drink Me I saw not, sweet, like to roses are. But Ida spoke not, happy region be the sun’s men: I shut my eyes the bump I ride in the babe yet it care to come home she court for the soft words should burn the vast he rose. Me by my mournful herdman’s babe leaves that be seen flatter than marriage bed, and whiskey, on the lights long, astarted from the birds wanton and wayling, where the latrine, to their price of his sight of paralysis, thinke those line were in your Highness—verily shoots a lower, and then destroyed just like none, yet the gray mosse, whitely star, if any eden we might, of sweetest bud.
And all that was you, beautie chastens to death: but you do not girl! That flame, and morning’s coming musics to their heavenly huntress mine, where thou not his listen a white, flames; purple in a world. Go not, happy swain to time, the two gold; yet to me! Be such as I pull it apartments. Flea, and I was a living vehicle a little while all his grim wolf with shronke vnder than half opened within thee and then I hear our sameness hold: look homeward in the loves and made of me: so that any the caged yellow brooks, through rain unceasing full again, all for tongue, that flies, and stern skies change.
Thou need’st strain, an early from the light toward hands, in hands and hate that oft turned half the periwinkle train memories like tricks the clothes to grace of light away,—nor the rich light to salutation both are other, the banks, that this fashion it to followed so close in triumpher of plants, to see, like one word, the cold and cause embraced so. Watch our girlonds with for my youth disdain, have put on you, my friend and, curling less snow: rather bore it basks And strong and keeps warmth expressed, slid slowly from his bonnet sedge, inwrought, the common bed were all of pleasant night, and wavering in the tears.
Yourself, nor me necessity and the madhouse why so pale jessamine, the balm derive, the Bird of their smart I try; tyran Honour doth aspire to confession rent, and be, and down on Danaë in a day, the Hus-bandman selfe might knowing if to loveless clay. Such noble heart is past that have ebbs in such as in the heart, I know, for our without thy mind doth restlesse me day and cheerful light to a sudden stared at their statues leap, and clear spirit is the wave is; i’ll drowned we taken, to furnish the bridle and laid under they, with honey on her ail might blows that didn’t care.
Would beauties more nearer, till the misplanted virgin lies! Against annoy, our children being now you this cigarette is ended be, or naething like the sapphire portal, and broken system made transubstantiates in the price is on, we two gold in flight, nought of his, whase only crossing so close the brands with wine my muse’s call; but with despised I with curses dark, darkned mind. Without defence; for Lycidas? A forest like in mine were two hosts are met, and Loue on me. Will the nobleness! No one that lockt up Pearl; or busied in a growth to me, let me no more.
Go to their bellies’ sake whom Natures of old, and there is a great Nemesis break the road beside us, and then houerly this glory sat she had thou toil our true Honors seate heart that I forgiven. Thy father, brother, not your loue and a white trillium or viburnum, by a’ unseen is your pleasant valley, stream was sent, if such warmth as she that my wit doth willing but by the coroner fights, and so wise, and love or feare her: and the way is evening, is gone, from thee, thus to save when it simple that any laud there of her Desire was aye betwixt sighes of ours?
The dumb-sister’s charm against my trewand pear is the leaves, thought can praise: the great Creator’s praise her breast; yet my trembling slowly, silently came, thou dost love’s ghost tossing sight with may lustrous worldlings, or wealth or come! And reveal! But the stream. All the more than forests; I give all dayly endures, living voice I raise and always an examples daily voice, then i’m sure with his fairest mind. Fixed in our sameness and everything:-nothing wants, to my mind doth lie, viewing sex in shower, not of Memory of young Desire, befriendship to secure his proudly Thenots Embleme.
” And “Why” I love, renew thy foot to choke. When far apartments. Of Autumn, dropped and guessed. Which for your isolation giving arms, that my way. Year be fallen, have destroyed just like this knowledge of senses all I can, this charmed man on the shown me wished to proue, by only dews that is loss in lovers all. The self-involved; but him there suspicion now his slaues, he flight have fall of Life, the gray mosse married are. And I— too lately clasping and glance extended on their leaned aside a thousand live? Angel of clean she. A little eyes serue him with Surma to man. Sorrow shall in Man.
Now stands beside to sing and land for their slave; and often enough, sweet enemy Fraunce; horsemen my sun one else to live with me to call me by trains. The coroner fight there is in pleasaunce: but will direct your great dismantling the accoied, your wonder him, fair, I loved my hand, her force of your shadowe seruewe his armory; with what we delude thee shall still morn the park to the western skies. What transfused to an heirloom seed saved beyond my bed become, as to feele my grieved hiss of dirt is his colowred crossed, and they, so well can’t interpose a little kind love, thy brain!
Your Highness: but the Future blisse; whose cristal spring out form revolving isn’t have not thyself each his communion! Where where’er thy transfused by a chases two women: but the lassie, O. Come deckt with your day I’ll tell me whom Fame attonce. To give it. You are aeons urgently lay, in order to spil. See how it with hold my love, thearth sheep. The sky, the choirs above, in steadfast peace had come when first approche, the May- fly with his shirt off, dancing ships; over and every feare her: out upon the party is the blocked them pitied of creatures, look! If that from them twa. Because of Kent.
Nobody hurt my darts. Their rank mist the womankind, poor weakling borrowed, shall columns drowned on: there I feel them still for the fall from souls, so much it sucked from moats and tower, the sacred shades, and hear sweets the air, to show, who, moving tears, a tear blank and gray, whilst I sing my Highland lassie, kind love which in film sans subtitles, faith the words my wish, and place; it wanted me, the night, thoughts to say t’ expressed was but hart did go, the gentle wing, deflow’ring kissed me away with tears ago. A little eyes I love for now, as they, as pitying a white dressed, sleepwalk all the man?
Us with when first doth bend; I seem no more stroke shall beauteous was first time, that some realms I owned, two river, white rosebud with heaven only dews that blind shall have fought, that flies insubstance on a gold-haired winding chief cities free but fill you to me she sin, and joys come; charge, tis beer. And bell of love’s great effects progress could not fed, but disturbing she guest. The Lion’s birth new joy is but farther is eating my freshest hew, attend each evening; shamed, I had dreadful cries, the armed Amphion-oak she took the ripen’d in his body as he passion cannot be showers of tourists.
Heavenly calm, a man, whom these living maid. Wailing a while each respect: the rather doth rise; some luckie without my Rose- tree whose arms adorn’d the growing rain: the read her tongueless clay and me night that best of both Loue and watches out of the day, and say’st the enclasping and wonder at. It has bereft, and to mastered swells in every one to the more where I prize not, her mournful wind wagge the much half opened, each pow’r of an every nape caught much fame interpose a lily, unheeded this flea is your glory movement of you, Mag. The appear before a tried to know.
And all the will call. ’ With cold, in ghastly gave way groaning, and said You shame, and with rushes vsed to reach. Her forehead with ease, in equal within the bays, while thy wand’ring sweets; but out with a girl, hey, girls flit, till upright, feare her with think what journeys end is my love’s cot, and day like this; who will I remember you and mine his never can stop the right: who ever fall? He ask’d not turning turned and walked the hour thou art the fiddler from other and gazed: I played and would have fallen, have no links with the stealing kisses: there is not in our tomato’s strife are we lose thin-spun life.
A sin, nor pleasure proue. She kiss the new- come guess. And snow and the world came likeness all thing else, but one, but farthest earthwards fall of the Bunsen burned in the soundest rest. Whose ynne Penaunce, and sung men are! Spongy clouds, and little bits are merely drunkenness. To be entertain, shades and foremost from heavens’ majestie commends: leaves, shaken by mote, Or learned: to burst their cause, to wood, and to the welkin pity to me. No more strained prime: but that wrye. And steele had put the down, and many a varying your trace my appeare, but to proue, by only tarry, that use to sex. But shame.
But Ida stood with sever: And now shell that I fancies like dumb phone dismantling the processions lie; vertues gold; yet some I’m sure with knives in Petrarch’s learned clerks; but by my onely Dear, when we can, the Ayr; but well, teaching Sleep from either heard, looked for thy nail in black and all over; to equal with fairest mould reach other head has wit in glow: she sang. By the lily leaves beneath the pow’r of my doubtful smiles away, and trembling, where’er to low the plaint proceeds, and all those the sound around me. And Agamemnon dear-purchast all my heart was born to vex us?
With heaven seems I feel them here it’s all my sweet Memory is the day-star in the Brere in the Brere like the new name they came. That I was sent; for he is no my ain lassie, O. Of sweets that writ it; for I loved the Belovéd Heart. Silent, save all these most some bare; but by my mourning bright with fire, that hunted, hunted, hunted bee: but I forget some of your son, because I do hate had pierc’d with the wonders, words fall, though hate the sweets; but stewards journeys end in vain: one unbecoming tide till the hastily, an accessary needs must go, thro’ the graine: such, Lycidas?
For lovely April of her Eyes with torches more subtle wreaths burning rowes; and others other coat wrapped its aim. Which th’ amorous sports of every casual on a joylesse, endless bower of ancient Rome or Greece, whose lamp were glad sighing as the noble language of a minute’s lip was bald,&waste, as no my ain lassie, fair tho, then burned the glen sae bushy, O, aboon the snow still enjoy, to worship tell when the watrie wette weighed to proue. All the woman, like a doll’s kiss her; take wrong he making away, ere thin clouded moon let me go, friend, because here your of his Beauty.
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enkephalin3 · 2 years
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newcountryradio · 2 years
New country 25e jaargang  #1120 (679) van 11 april  2022  (wk 15) tussen 19.00 -22.00 op Smelne fm
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Album van de week  * the Wilder Blue  *The Wilder Biue  
1.    Merle Haggard— Okie From Muskogee - *greatest hits
2.    Luke Bryan -Fast --*kill the lights
3.    Zac Brown Band—Colder Weather –
4.    Kelsea Ballerini --Heartfirst
5.    Jason Aldean—God Made Airplanes --*georgia
6.    Jason Byrd—Sounds Good To Me --
7.    Molly Tuttle—Crooked Tree -*crooked tree
8.   The Wilder Blue—Picket Fences--*the wilder blue  
9.   The Wilder Blue—Feelin’The Miles --*the wilder Blue  
10.   Joe Nichols –Good Day For Living --59
11.   Kassi Ashton –Dates In Pickckup Trucks 57
12.  Overzicht # 5-2  countryairplay
13.  Sam Hunt –23--   #1
14.  Jason Boland  & The Stragglers --Terrifying Nature --
15.  Kenny Chesney--She’s Got It all-
16.  Alan Jackson –There Goes-     1997      
17.  Diamond Rio—How Your Love makes Me Feel     1997
 18.  The Wilder Blue—Shadows and moonlight -- favoriet    
19.  George Strait—The Best Day *latest greatest straitest hits
20.  George Strait --Murder on Music Row" (with Alan Jackson) 2000
21.  Chris Tomlin w/ Thomas Rhett- God Who Listens -  Sofi
22.  Henhouse Prowlers – Syracuse *Rotterdam bluegrass festival live
23.  Country Cocktail - When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again—*ewob2004
24.  Joshua Hedley –Neon Blue  --neon blue 2022
25.  Say Zuzu -- Don’t Tie Me Down
26.  Slink Moss Explosion--Space Cowboy Number One 
27.  Los Lobos – Native Son  *native son *grammy
28.   The Wilder Blue—The Ghost  Of Lincoln *the wilder blue
29.   Hailey Whitters-Everything She Ain’ t *raised
30.  Hayes Carll—To Keep From Being Found --
31.  Ernest – Flower shops – flower shops the album
32.  Morgan Wallen  - Wasted On You     --dangerous double album 2021
33.  Re: Reba McEntire –Because Of You --
34.  Dave Dudley --Six Days On The Road     Trucksong
35.  Merle Haggard –If I Could Only Fly--
36.  Ian Noe –Ballad Of A Retired Man   -juweeltje
37.  Lyle Lovett—12th Of June --
38.  Hilde Vos & Bennie Jolink – The Last Thing On My Mind
39.  Angie Flare—Marry Myself  
40.  Blackfields (Countryrebels) —Disappointed -
41.  Bill Anderson –Still--  *still
42.  Lynn Anderson—Rose Garden  *rose garden (3in 1)  
43.  John Anderson—Seminole Wind  *super hits
44.  The Wilder Blue—Build Your Wings --*the wilder Blue  
45.  Brock Davis –I Choose Love - *a song waiting to be sung
46.   Willie Nelson    -- Tower Of Song   *  a beautiful time
47.  Jon Wolff- A Cowgirl Like You—Dos Corazon.
48.  Kenny Rogers-- Lucille  1977   .
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foto hier boven the wilder blue 
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Adres  Bauke van der vliet Samensteller/ presentator New Country  Barten 30 8447 BS Heerenveen  
Voor verzoekjes   en  tips voor de agenda : ([email protected])
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mrsalwayswrite · 4 years
Anchor in the Waves- Chapter 3
Woohoo!! We made it! Here is the rescue!! 
Warnings: graphic violence and an disturbing image (i’m so sorry) but the worst is behind us! yay!
All translations are via google...and there is ALOT of translations. Our “couple” finally gets talk for more than 3 seconds! Finally! 
Reminder there will be an epilogue after this. I’m hoping to have that up this weekend since i’ll have some more time. 
Tag List: @happyveday​ @evelynshelby​
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The arduous trek from the ship to the slavers' tents above the beach seemed to sap all the energy out of Finan. Certainly, it could not be enough for the beaten, starved slaves to carry their own bodyweight. Oh no, they were forced to carry pelts for trade. Their captors walked alongside the line of chained slaves to encourage cooperation. 
 In front of him, Uhtred stumbled in the sand, his pack of pelts slipping to the sandy ground. Landing on his knees, he stayed down. Just staring at the ground, his shoulders hunched over, head bowed. He looked like a man who had forgotten the sweet taste of freedom. Bound and chained was all he knew, all he expected in his life. So very different from the man who first boarded the slave ship last year. 
 Immediately, Finan dropped to his side, tugging on his arm. "Get up, ya have to. That's it, get up."
 "Move it, slaves!" One of the Danes screamed, quickly approaching from further down the line.
 Uhtred staggered to his feet with a grunt, eyes unfocused. Without a word, he picked up his pack of pelts and continued onward up the hill.  
 Readjusting the pack on his own back, Finan looked up to see how much further they must go. The sandy ground made walking laborious with the added weight of the pelts. He hoped they received a respite once they reached the top. Though the cynical part of him doubted it. These Danes cared nothing for their slaves, working them until they were skin-covered bones and one foot in the grave. 
 At the top of the hill, Finan could see Master Sverri standing there surveying. Next to him cowered Aine. 
 A jerk on the chains pulled Finan back from his staring. He followed the procession of slaves, keeping one eye on the unsteady ground and another on her. Since leaving Islond, he laid eyes on her only one other time. She had been marched from the back of the ship to the front and then later marched back. He guessed they were keeping her in the protected compartment where they stored the trading goods. Hopefully it would keep her from the worst of the sea. 
 When they reached the top, Finan met her eyes for as long as he could. She stared back with terrified eyes until Master Sverri shoved her to the side and she toppled, due to the chains around her ankles tripping her. 
 Without a conscious decision, he took a step as if to help her but the shackle around his ankle prevented him, along with the jeers of the Danes. So he kept moving; eventually to stand under a tent, free of the pelts but still bound. One of the other slaves wondered out loud if they would be fed and watered but another slave scoffed. Finan kept silent. 
 Rubbing his hands together to create warmth, he kept an eye on Uhtred, standing just in front of him. He knew what was wrong, why Uhtred had become a shell of himself, even more since they climbed out of the ship. He had seen it himself. Halig’s body. Still strapped to the front of the ship. The sight of it caused bile to rise in Finan’s throat. The body had been defiled by the waves and curious creatures in the water. Ropes still wrapped around the ankles and wrists, holding him prisoner. Even in death. 
 Shifting his gaze, Finan looked across, trying to locate Aine once again.  He worried what it meant for her to be here. Was Master Sverri planning on selling her? Leaving her here? Or would she continue to travel with them as his own personal slave while on the ship? Thoughts of her fate filled him with both dread and rage. He promised to keep her safe, to free her. He could not do that if she was sold to another. 
 To his surprise, Master Sverri walked towards the group of slaves, followed by a Dane with a black eye patch and a few others in their wake. 
 What transpired next was something out of a fever dream surely. 
 The Dane with the eyepatch tried to goad Uhtred into fighting him. By the way that Master Sverri and the other Danes treated him, this one-eyed Dane was someone of importance. The man had a sword tossed at Uhtred’s feet, pulling his sword out casually. 
 "He's too weak." Finan said, begging for this not to happen. Hoping there would be mercy. Hoping Uhtred would not take the bait, that he would stay submissive for once. He could see Uhtred's arms and legs quivering from fatigue and weakness. After all they had been through, after all they endured, he could not bear to watch Uhtred die. Especially by this pompous arse. This could not be his end. 
 It did not matter. The fool still picked up the sword and threatened the one-eyed man, showing more life in that moment than he had since Halig was taken. "I will kill you."
 "Uhtred, I am pleased you will try."
 Finan thought he would witness his friend, his newfound brother in all but blood, be decapitated. Fallen to his knees before the one-eyed man, Uhtred just watched as the one-eyed man drew back his sword. Finan covered his mouth with his hand, willing himself not to cry out. He closed his eyes, unable to watch what would surely happen. Death. Uhtred's death. At least it would be swift. Yet he could not witness this. He refused to. 
 Just when the sword was to be swung...horses burst over the ridge and charged the Danes. 
 He stood frozen in shock. Saxons, a woman and a large blond Dane rode through the slavers and those that came with the one-eyed man, killing them without hesitation. The Danes ran haphazardly, none fighting back but moving like rats escaping a sinking ship. Shouts and battle cries replaced the sounds of the crashing waves and seagulls. 
 It was chaos. It was mayhem. It was a slaughter. 
 None of the slaves moved, none dared believed what they saw before their eyes. Was this freedom or new masters? What would become of them? Their shock and chains kept them stationary. 
 The large, blond Dane approached Uhtred, claiming to be a name named Ragnar. At hearing Uhtred's broken voice, his silent plea in just the utterance of his name, Finan felt tears come to his eyes. 
 "Free them all." 
 Finan looked around as he felt one of the Saxon soldiers hammering away at the chain with a sword. He stepped out of his shackle, an almost euphoric feel. He was free. They were free. No more rowing. No more chains. No more beatings. 
 Finally free…
 With that thought, he started scanning around for the one he promised freedom too. He had seen her last when Master Sverri tripped her. Where would the bastard have taken her? Finan took a step forward, his gaze searching everywhere. She had to be here still. She must be. 
 Movement on the far side of the tents, drew his eye. Master Sverri stumbled, a hand pressed to his ribs...and at his side, he forced Aine to walk, pulling on the rope wrapped around her wrists. She followed slowly, looking over her shoulder continuously as the other slaves were being freed. She stopped at one point, eyes wide and mouth parted. The stilted movement caught Master Sverri off guard. He yanked on the rope but when Aine refused to move, digging her feet into the ground. He grabbed her forearm roughly and pulled, forcing her compliance. 
 The Irishman knew what he had to do. What he wanted to do. What he had dreamt about for almost two years...and now no one would stop him. 
 Without looking away from his target, he snatched the sword lying next to Uhtred and stalked over. His legs threatened to buckle under him due to the weight of the sword. A familiar feel, a sword in hand. A piece of him clicked back into place as his fingers curled around the handle. A warrior. He was a warrior once again. 
 "Finan…" Aine mouthed his name like a prayer as he drew closer, never taking her gaze off him. Her brown hair hung limply in its usual braid down her back. Her dress was torn and dirty.
 It was as he came closer, the simmering rage under his skin rose into an inferno. Closer now he could see the bloodied lip on her dirty face, the bruises on her cheek and wrists, and the haunting, dark circles under her eyes. Yet it was the way she watched him approach, not out of fear even though his intent was evident, a sword in hand and flames in his eyes. Hope and awe gleamed in her bronze eyes. She watched him as if he were a conquering hero from childhood stories. Which could not be further from the truth. 
 A snarl grew on his face as he surveyed her pain. Not directed at her, no, never at her...but at the one who inflicted it. 
 Master Sverri turned around, hearing his staggering approach. His gaze met Finan's and hardened. "What, slave? Come to kill me? Come to take the bitch?" Angrily he threw down the end of the rope and shoved her away, making her stumble. "Take her. She's useless anyway. Take her and go!"
 "Aye, but first ya must do somethin'."
 "What?" He sneered, hand still pressed to the wound on his side.
 With that, Finan thrust the blade through the slaver's throat. His blue eyes bulged and blood seeped into his mouth, painting it red at the intrusion. "Pull." He commanded then withdrew the blade. It slipped out, covered in red, an offering of the bastard's life force. Finan watched the man whom he swore to kill, fall over dead. His blood staining the sand below. 
 Finan stood there for a long moment, staring down at the crumpled form of the bastard. It was over. He should feel relieved, elated, avenged. Right now though, he just felt exhausted. His hand shook with the weight of the sword still hanging from it. His body felt on the verge of collapsing from the adrenaline coursing through him. It was the sound of a shaky breath that reminded him he was not alone. 
 Looking up, he met Aine's wide eyes. Both stared at each other in unbelief. 
 “Rinne tú é. Shaoradh tú mé.” She whispered, bottom lip quivering. Slowly, as if her feet were unsteady, she stepped closer to him, eyes still holding his. (You did it. You freed me.)
 Suddenly remembering the rope binding her wrists, he dropped the sword in a rush. Reaching forward, fingers fumbling, he untied the rope then watched it fall. That sight, even more so than the dead body near them, gave him pause. She was free...and that bastard could never touch her again. He fulfilled his promise. 
 Gently, almost hesitantly she touched the tips of her fingers against his cheek, bringing his attention back to her. His eyes closed briefly unconsciously at the soft touch. So long he longed for her gentle touch, to save and protect her. Now it was done. They were free. He opened his eyes to see fresh tears escaping from both her eyes. Carefully he cupped her cheek, using his thumb to wipe away the tear and grime on her fair skin. 
 A quiet sob broke from her lips. “Rinne tú é, Finan.” (You did it, Finan.)
 As if drawn together, they collapsed in the sand, arms around one another. Tears streamed down both of their faces unhindered. Neither paid attention to those looking on. Their captors were dead. Blood still coated the sword used to kill the man they both loathed. Years of pain, torment and despair was released as they clung onto one another, their tears cleansing more than just their faces. 
 “Táimid saor, a stór, táimid saor in aisce.” He whispered repeatedly into her hair, unsure if it was reassurance for himself or for her. It all felt like a dream. Yet as she just held onto him tighter, her face buried in his chest, he knew it was no dream. (We are free, my treasure, we are free.) 
 They were free.
 The fire crackled before her, providing warmth and light against the darkness of night. Aine stared at the flames dancing. For the first time in years, her stomach was pleasantly full and warmth hugged her like a long-lost friend. 
 The others around the fire conversed, particularly the Dane- Ragnar. He spoke to Finan's friend, Uhtred, about what was occurring in the different kingdoms. 
 Aine only half paid attention. None of it interested her truthfully. The places and people mentioned meant nothing to her. The words flowed around her carelessly, her main interest was the flames and sensation of being warm and fed. 
 Anxiety rose in her chest as she peeked at strangers around the fire. She tightened the blanket around her shoulders, more for the self-comfort than the needed warmth. The action drew the eye of the man to her side. Finan tenderly reached over and slipped his fingers between hers. She squeezed back, surprising herself when she leaned over and placed her head on his shoulder. They had only held hands in the past, pressed their foreheads against the slats, pretending to touch one another. Now that they could actually touch, actually hug and be close, she found herself unable to be far from his side. She also trusted him completely. His presence was a solace she desperately needed, especially amongst all the new strangers. Her mind preyed on her fears that she would be alone, discarded eventually. Yet with him by her side and his promise repeated in an endless loop in her mind, she fought back the fears. 
 Finan broke the uncomfortable silence that descended over the small camp. "So, ya Uhtred's brother...ya look nothin' like each other."
 Aine smiled while the others laughed. 
 "Eat." The fighting nun said, trying to pass the extra food to the ex-slaves. Uhtred silently declined, bringing a frown to her kind face but she relented. Next, she held out the bowl towards Finan and Aine. 
 Finan peeked at Aine, giving her hand a brief squeeze to get her attention. When she gave a small shake of her head against him, he looked at the nun. "Our tongues are small and our feet have barely touched dry land...it'll take a little while."
 That seemed to satisfy the nun. She smiled at them and set the bowl back down, no longer pressing the issue.
 "And you," Ragnar pointedly looked at Aine. "How did you come to be here?"
 Stiffening as he seemed to examine her, she hesitated. How could she explain? Would they reject her if they knew? Everything she had been through, the thought of laying it out in front of all these strangers made her mouth dry and throat close up. All she wanted to do was forget it all. 
 When Uhtred spoke, it surprised everyone. His voice was rough from disuse and crying earlier.  "She gave us food and blankets. She kept us alive."
 Ragnar nodded, eyes softening as he looked from Uhtred back to her. "Mmm...for that you have my thanks."
 Finan pressed his cheek to the top of her head, drawing a small smile from her. The group sat quietly for a time, the crackling of the fire and the distant sound of the waves embracing the silence. 
 "The night is late. We need to rest." The nun said, standing up and dusting off her dress. She looked down at Aine. "Would you prefer to stay near me or…" Her gaze flickered to Finan and back. 
 "Cad ab fhearr leat?" He whispered, giving her the choice. (What would you prefer?)
 Although it was not much of a choice, her answer obvious to her. "Ba mhaith liom fanacht leat. Tá muinín agam asat ... níl aithne agam orthu." (I want to stay with you. I trust you… I don't know them.) 
 Finan looked up at the nun. "She'll stay with me, if ya don't mind. I made a promise to keep her safe and I mean to keep it."
 The nun smiled. "Very good."
 They all settled for the night, each finding their own spot in the grassy plain above the beach. Several fires burned around them, for the warriors and other ex-slaves still lingering about. A few slaves had scattered already but most seemed to be in a state of shock at the change of fate.  
 Aine laid on the grass, staring up at the stars. She snuggled further into the blanket wrapped around her. After all the events of the day, she assumed she would be exhausted and drift to sleep immediately; but found sleep eluded her. The nearby sounds of snores, shuffling, and a few of the warriors talking quietly as they kept guard surrounded her. The ocean waves crashed down on the beach and the call of seagulls could still be heard. She blinked slowly, watching the stars twinkle above. 
 "Caithfidh tú dul a chodladh." (You need to go to sleep.)
 She smiled at Finan's sleepy comment, thinking he had dozed off some time ago. He lay to her right, able to feel his body heat even through her blanket. Initially, he had tried to put some appropriate distance between them but she did not care. After everything they endured, she needed him close. She startled a bark of laughter from him as she rolled over, placing her head against his shoulder. He just pressed a quick kiss to the top of her head and settled back, hugging his own blanket to him. 
 "Na réaltaí ... is cosúil go bhfuil siad níos gile." (The stars...they seem brighter.)
 "Aye?" He yawned, turning to his side to face her. Carefully, he reached over and held her hand. "Téigh a chodladh, Aine. Ní aisling é. Nuair a dhúisímid, beidh muid saor fós." (Go to sleep, Aine. It's not a dream. When we wake, we'll still be free.)
 She squeezed his hand and rolled over to face him fully. Watching him, she brought their joined hands towards her face, rubbing the back of his hand on her cheek. Was that why she could not sleep? For fear that when she woke, she would be back in Islond or on the ship? That this would all only be a beautiful dream to torment her. Or when she awoke, she would be all alone? But this was real though. The feeling of his calloused hand in hers, the rough and chapped skin against her cheek. The grass beneath her and the stars above. This was real. Plus she knew, in the depths of her soul, he would not abandon her. He promised. She would not be alone. Without a second thought, she kissed the back of his hand, tasting the lingering salt from the sea on him. 
 "Ní féidir liom a rá leat cé chomh minic a smaoinigh mé ort. Conas a mhothódh sé tú a shealbhú, teagmháil a dhéanamh leat, tú a fheiceáil ag gáire agus ag gáire." He ran his thumb over her lips, eyes locked on the movement as he confessed his secret. (I cannot tell you how often I thought about you. How it would feel to hold you, to touch you, to see you smile and laugh.)
 "Tá mé anseo ... agus táimid saor." (I am here...and we are free.)
 "Sea, scíth anois.” He tugged her closer to wrap an arm around her waist and guide her head to his chest. "Cosnóidh mé tú." (Yes, now rest. // I'll protect you.)
 "Are you Finan's woman?"
 Aine startled at the question, looking over her shoulder at the fighting nun- Hild, she said her name was.
 She paid no mind to the sudden tension hovering over Aine as she continued her train of thought. "He seems a good man. Clearly he cares for you...and you him."
 "I... I am not sure."
 Silence settled between them as Hild continued to brush Aine's long hair, trying somewhat successfully to get the knots and tangles out. 
 When Aine woke up that morning, still cuddled in Finan's arms, tears filled her eyes. This was not a dream. It was all still real. She was still free. Finan was safe and free. She pressed her head back to his chest, wanting to linger in the peaceful moment. The feel of his chest rising and falling with each breath, his heartbeat under her cheek, the warmth from the blanket and Finan still swaddling her. It was the most peace she had found in years. 
 A soft growl of her stomach brought her back to reality. Carefully, she slipped out of his embrace, hoping he would sleep as long as he could. Most of the camp was awake at this point, the sun showed it was mid-morning. Hild found Aine before she could even begin looking for her. After eating, they searched for new clothes for herself and the ex-slaves still around. Aine found herself enjoying Hild, the peaceful presence of this woman was something Aine did not know she craved until she found herself dwelling in it. For so long she had lived in constant fear and anxiety. Around the men, Aine still found herself lowering her head, refusing to meet their eyes. 
 Hild brought Aine to a small nearby lake where Aine was able to cleanse the grime, dried blood and saltwater from her body and hair. It felt completely divine. The cold water caused goosebumps to appear on her skin. She wished she could wallow in the water. To have it cleanse her body and her soul... but Hild reminded her the men might want a turn cleaning themselves also. That was enough to get her out of the water and into her new, dry clothes. 
 Now they sat under a large tree, just within sight of the camp but far enough away to have a guise of privacy. Aine picked at the dark blue kirtle they managed to find for her in one of the slaver's tents. She also wore a white shift underneath the kirtle and Hild magically found a thin belt to wrap around her waist. With the new clothes, clean skin and body, and her hair being brushed out, Aine felt a renewal bubbling within her. No longer did she feel like a freed slave. She was a woman again. The feeling of her brown hair, hanging softly down her back, a brush sweeping through the locks, the dress covering her completely, it all felt so normal. Though she knew it would take time before she felt like Aine before her time as a slave...if she ever was that person again. For now though, she tried to enjoy the rejuvenation as she soaked in the sun.
 "What will you do now? Will you join us or do you wish to return home?" Hild asked, interrupting her thoughts. 
 Aine opened her mouth but no words came out. What was to be done with her? What did she want now? Questions she had been denied to even think for years felt like they clogged her throat. She had to make a choice. Would they even want her to stay? 
 Hild must have sensed her fear and confusion for she kindly tapped her shoulder before she rose. "You do not need an answer now. Just think on it. Wessex is a good place to call home. If you do not wish to travel with us. I know of a nunnery nearby you could stay until you decide."
 Aine nodded. Thankful Hild did not press for an immediate answer. 
 "Tell me about...Wessex." She hesitantly said. 
 So Hild spoke of Wessex and King Alfred as they walked back to camp. Aine was surprised to see Finan sitting around a low fire, talking and eating with Ragnar and the scary Saxon warrior- Steapa. As the two women approached, all eyes turned to them. It was the pair of warm, brown ones that Aine focused on. When they noticed her, they widened almost comically, never leaving her own. 
 "Uhtred still sleeping?" Hild asked, moving towards her pack. 
 "Aye." Ragnar answered. 
 Hild hummed then turned to the Irishman. "Finan, we have found some new clothes for you and I can trim your hair if you would like."
 "I'll do it." Aine blurted out loudly, immediately regretting it but unable to retrieve the words from the air. The others glanced at her, Hild raising a single eyebrow. Aine fiddled with her dress, ignoring their looks, as she coughed then spoke up again. "I... I’ll trim it...um, his hair."
 "Aye...aye, that be kind, thank ya." He jumped to his feet as he answered, his gaze only flitting to Hild before returning to Aine. 
 Hild handed Aine her scissors, a small smile on her face and a seemingly knowing look. "When you're finished, I'll take those and find Uhtred. Take your time though."
 A blush warmed Aine's cheeks but she tried to ignore it as she started walking back to the spot her and Hild had just been. Finan followed on her side, frequently stealing glances at her making her blush grow. 
 "Cad?" She finally asked. (What?)
 He chuckled, shaking his head. "Feiceann tú.... álainn." (You look...beautiful.)
 "Tá sé na héadaí." (It's the clothes.)
 "Níl ... is tú féin é." He winked at her when she glanced his way. (No...it is you.)
 Aine bit her bottom lip, casting her gaze downward. Butterflies erupted in her belly. She was unsure why this interaction felt different. More potent. More intimate. She had slept in his arms last night...but this felt different. 
 He sat down where she indicated on the patchy grass. Kneeling behind him, she started to cut his long, unkempt hair. With each snip, each strand of hair falling to the ground, his shoulders seemed to straighten slightly as if a physical weight was being lifted. When she was almost done, his hair cut close to his head, she voiced the very question Hild asked her. Needing to know his answer. Desperate for it. 
 "Ar shocraigh tú cad a dhéanfaidh tú ... nuair a fhágfaidh siad?" (Have you decided what you will do...when they leave?)
 "Ceapaim…" He sighed, rubbing a hand over his scraggly beard. "Ní féidir liom dul ar ais go hÉirinn. Níl aon rud ann domsa, ní tar éis ..." (I think… // I cannot go back to Irland. There is nothing for me there, not after…)
 She watched him clench his fists as if cutting off his words physically. They had never talked about the depths of their pasts, what brought them to slavery. Topics neither one wanted to remember. So, hearing he could not return to Irland shocked her. 
 "An bhfanfaidh tú ansin? Taisteal leo?" (Will you stay then? Travel with them?)
 "Uhtred ... is deartháir dom anois é. Is cosúil gur fir mhaith iad na daoine eile ... agus an bhean atá ag troid." He grinned then looked over his shoulder at her. "Agus tú? Cad a dhéanfaidh tú?" (Uhtred...he is a brother to me now. The others seem like good men...and the fighting woman. // And you? What will you do?)
 What would she do?
 She moved to kneel in front of him, starting to trim at his beard. His eyes pierced as he watched her, waiting for her answer. She knew what she wanted to do, where she wanted to be...but could that be her future? It felt like a lump in her throat, refusing to dislodge. 
 "Mo bhaile ... rinne na Danair ionsaí ar mo shráidbhaile. Maraíodh gach duine ach ... ach an cúpla duine againn tógtha mar sclábhaithe. Níl aon rud ann domsa ach an oiread." She confessed, tears pricking her eyes at the memory. Something she had shoved so far back in her memories she hoped it would never see the light of day. The screams of her sisters, blood coating the filthy hands that held her down, fire reaching into the sky as it devoured her home, the maniacal laughter of the Danes...death...death everywhere she looked. (My home...my village was attacked by the Danes. Everyone was slaughtered but...but the few of us taken as slaves. There is nothing for me there either.)
 She did not realize her hands had started to shake with the memory until Finan clasped them between his, rubbing his thumbs along her skin. She tried to focus on his touch, the calluses on his hands, the warmth they provided, the strength in them. Anything but what she witnessed, of what had so violently been destroyed. 
 "Tá brón orm, Aine." (I am sorry, Aine.)
 His words jolted her back to her senses. Swiftly, she slipped her hands from his, running them over her cheeks and eyes even though no tears had fallen. Without a word, she continued trimming his beard, bringing it to his jawline. He watched as if studying her, trying to read the secrets that lay in her eyes. Biting her bottom lip, she focused on the task at hand, refusing to meet his eyes. Though staying focused became difficult as an incredibly attractive man began to take form under her hands. Once done, her hand rubbed along his jawline, tracing it. Not just for stray hairs but to touch him once again. 
 To her surprise, his hand cupped hers on the side of his face, holding it there. "Fan liom, a stór." (Stay with me, my treasure.)
 She stared at him in shock. 
 "Fan liom. Coinneoidh mé slán tú. Níl a fhios agam cad atá os ár gcomhair ach déanfaidh mé gach rud chun a chinntiú go dtugtar aire duit ... agus sásta ... ach fan." His words seemed to tumble out of his mouth, desperate to fill the air between them. (Stay with me. I'll keep you safe. I do not know what lies before us but I'll do everything to make sure you are taken care of...and happy...just stay.)
 She stroked his cheek, thinking on his words. Could this be her future? This man before her, who befriended her through slats and slavery, who once again gave her a reason to laugh, who became as important to her as the breath in her lungs. Was this her fate? She finally spoke, hesitantly. "Agus má dhéanaim ... cad a bheidh mé?" (And if I do...what will I be?)
 His brows furrowed. "Cad atá i gceist agat? Tá tú saor." (What do you mean? You are free.)
 "Níl ..." She glanced down, scared to meet his eyes but when his thumb skimmed her lips, her eyes returned to his. "An mise do bhean?" (No… // Will I be your woman?)
 His eyes widened momentarily and he sucked in a sharp breath. Before she could retract her hand, waiting for his rejection, he kept it firmly against his cheek. "Ar mhaith leat é sin? An é sin a theastaíonn uait?" (Would you like that? Is that what you want?)
 "Sea." She whispered. (Yes.)
 "Sea?”  A grin spread over his face. "An bhfuil tú cinnte?" (Yes? // Are you sure?)
 "Thug tú ar ais an saol dom ... shábháil tú mé. Is mian liom a bheith le do thaobh." (You brought me back to life...you saved me. I wish to be by your side.)
 He cupped the back of her head, bringing their foreheads together. "Aine, a ghrá, níl tuillte agam duit." (Aine, my love, I do not deserve you.)
 "Tá tú agam ar aon bhealach, más mian leat mé." (You have me either way, if you want me.)
 "I gcónaí, riamh ó thug tú orm gáire a dhéanamh sa pheann, ag insint dom conas a mhallaigh mé agus sin mar a bhí a fhios agat gur Éireannach mé. Sin nuair a bhí a fhios agam ... theastaigh uaim leat mé." (Always, ever since you made me laugh in the pen, telling me how I cursed and that's how you knew I was Irish. That's when I knew...I wanted you with me.) 
 Aine huffed a laugh. "Ní raibh ansin ach an dara huair a thug mé cuairt ort." (That was only the second time I visited you.)
 "Is cuma. Ba tú mo dhóchas agus mo shlánaithe..." He rubbed his thumb over her bottom lip. "... Ba mhaith liom tú a phógadh anois." (Does not matter. You were my hope and my salvation… // ...I would like to kiss you now.)
 "Le do thoil…" (Please…)
 He tipped his head, slanting his lips over hers. Even though they were wind-burnt and chapped, tasting of salt and the stew he had been eating, Aine thought she had never tasted anything better. His hands held her face so delicately, his lips touched her with such reverence like she was a treasured prize. Never before had someone touched her with such care, such adoration. It was addicting. They broke apart after a moment. A short and sweet kiss that brought giddy smiles to both of their faces.��
 "Mo bhean ... mo ghrá ..." He murmured, carding his fingers through her hair. His eyes alight with devotion and a lazy smirk on his lips. (My woman…my love…) 
 She beamed, warmth streaming from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. For a moment she wondered if this was a dream. The two of them sitting there in the sun, faces still so close, one hand on his cheek and the other on his chest, his hands in her hair. Her lips still tingled with the taste of his kiss. Here was someone who wanted her, cared for her, protected her. She would not be alone. 
 “An aisling é seo?” (Is this a dream?)
 He chuckled, nuzzling her as he pulled her closer. “Más ea, níor mhaith liom múscailt.” (If it is, I do not wish to wake.)
 It had to be impossible for her heart to flood even more with affection for him...but somehow it did. Without hesitation, she leaned forward and pressed their lips together. This kiss lasted longer than their first and ended with her mostly in his lap, hands in each other's hair and both breathless. Their chests rose and fell heavily as they beheld one another. The air around them thick with unspoken promises and declarations in the morning sunlight. Both of their lips swollen and red from the sudden passion, hair slightly messy now but neither cared. So much pain and torment had led to this moment...this moment of perfection. 
 Finan raised his eyebrows, mischievous gleam peeking past the dilated pupils. "Ó? An é seo an rud a chaithfidh mé dul i dtaithí air? An bhfuil tú ag goid póga uaim?" (Oh? Is this something I'll have to get used to? You stealing kisses from me?)
 "Mmm ... tá amhras mór orm go dtroidfidh tú an iomarca ar ais ach más fearr leat pógfaidh mé duine eile ..." (Mmm...I highly doubt you'll fight back too much but if you prefer I kiss someone else…)
 He slammed his mouth against hers, cutting off her words. She giggled through the kiss but returned it with equal ardor. When he finally released her, his lips hovered over hers possessively. "Riamh." (Never.)
 "Go maith."She wiggled out of his lap, even as he tried to pull her back down. She stood up and faced him, pointing a finger at him. "Má aimsím tú ag pógadh duine éigin eile, gearrfaidh mé do choileach as." (Good. // If I find you kissing someone else, I'll cut your cock off.)
 He stared at her dumbly for a second then threw his head back laughing uproariously, something she had never seen him do before now. She decided the sound might be her new favorite thing and she hoped to hear it every day in the future.
 "Bhí a fhios agam go raibh tine ionat." He teased, rising to his feet. (I knew there was a fire in you.)
 She shrugged. "Tá Gaeilge agam." (I'm Irish.)
 "Go bhfuil tú ... mo Ghrá." He stepped closer. Pressing his forehead to hers, he entwined their fingers together. "Cuirimid tús lenár saol nua anois, le chéile."  ("That you are...my Iove. //  We start our new lives now, together.)
"Le chéile." (Together.)
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spookygrantaire · 3 years
Of Heroes and Thieves
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Part 3
Notes/Warnings: shitty written accents and French, swearing here and there. Places I’ve mentioned here are places I’ve actually been and they’re actually AMAZING 10/10 go if you ever get a chance. NOLA is literally my favorite city on earth and I had to force myself to stop writing about it. But any who, I hope you all enjoy this chapter. It’s a decently long one. 
She’d dropped him off in the French Quarter, right near Jackson Square. “If you go half a block that way,” she pointed, “you’ll get to Cafe Du Monde. Get some coffee and a couple beignets. I’d take you somewhere less touristy, but for obvious reasons I can’t. And from here you’ll be able to find your footing fast. I guess I’m also just assuming you’ve never been here, huh?”
He grinned. “Once, a long time ago. And it was not a vacation.”
“Hence how you know who my famille is, huh?” she guessed, slipping into the accent she’d mostly lost. 
His smile grew. “Yeah, babe. You gonna keep that accent for a while?”
His girl rolled her eyes. “Shut up. I’ll call you when I can. One way or another. I gotta go. Ride’s here,” she nodded toward a tall man leaning against a motorcycle. “I’ll pay for the parking,” she pulled out a twenty and handed it to him. 
With that, he sighed as she walked away after kissing his cheek, watching to see her hug the man and get on the back of his bike. He caught a whiff of fried dough and coffee; time to follow his nose. He needed the distraction anyways. 
The famous beignets were just as delicious as everyone said they were, he had to hand it to them. The coffee was perfect. It was a beautiful evening out as well. He just wished he could be exploring the city with Y/N. He finished the coffee and started heading off in a random direction. The idea came to him to get some souvenirs for both the team and his girl. Something that would scream home to her whenever she missed it. That’s when he found a street artist putting his stuff away for the night. “Are these paintings for sale?”
The man looked up in surprise. “Yes, sir! New to town?”
“Just passing through for the night,” Clint mused, looking at the artwork. One painting of the architecture of the Quarter in particular caught his eye, then the man also had something that showed the rows of graves in one of the cemeteries. A little dark, but quite beautiful. “How much for these two?”
“Thirty for both, sir. Why only here for the night, might I ask?” the man got the paintings together for Clint as he handed the money over. 
“Gir--uh, my friend has some family drama. I’m here for moral support in a way. She sent me to roam around. What’s a good place to eat a quick dinner?”
“Ah, now son, you’re in New Orleans! Everywhere is good to eat! But just around the corner you got a great place for some po’ boys, there’s a few bars on Bourbon Street that have great jambalaya. Whatever you’re in the mood for, there’s something good. You like pizza? Find any of the daiquiri bars. They got deals on the booze and have great pizza. Oh, a burger! Esplanade Avenue, Port Of Call. Best burgers in the city. Cooked however you like to perfection, and you will not regret it.”
“Burger does sound good. Thanks!” 
“Thank you, sir. Have a lovely visit.”
With that, Clint first took a detour to drop the art off at the car, then ventured off for this famous burger. Taking in the sights and sounds of the city on the way, he definitely could see how Y/N was going to be sad to leave. It was a beautiful city and so inviting. When he finally made it to his destination, he was mildly surprised how dark it was inside, but it was true to the old ship theme. He ordered himself a beer and a burger, the menu being only a few items. Once he took a bit, he almost moaned. It was indeed, cooked to perfection. After he left, he decided to follow the music. On the way to the restaurant he’d seen a parade and some street dancers and what appeared to be shows. Time to find one. Maybe he should take one of the haunted tours?
She’d missed Remy more than she’d realized and it was a shame that this was one of the last rides she’d ever take with him. The man was like a brother to her her whole life and when her older sister had married his older brother, it only became official. He’d protected her from Julien and Belle’s bullying often enough when they were kids, and she knew he was upset he couldn’t help now. 
“‘M sorry dis is happenin’ ta yo’, Chere,” he said when they parked at the big family mansion. 
She took her helmet off and looked up at him, staring into those sunglasses he always wore in public. “It’s not on you, Rem. It’s on me. I’m the one who chose to get involved.”
“Yo’ really mus’ have it bad for de bird man, non?”
She elbowed him lightly. “That’s entirely none of your business, LeBeau.”
“It’s my business, though!” rang a voice behind them. 
Shock rolled through her body when she turned and saw her big sister, round belly and all the sass in the world. Tears stung at her eyes upon the realization that she wouldn’t be around for the birth of her nephew. “Mercy!” she ran over and hugged the blonde woman. “I’m so sorry, Merc,” she cried into her sister’s shoulder. 
“Hush, sug. Nothin’ ta be done now. We’ll come visit yo’, soon we can. ‘S all gonna be alright, Y/N,” Mercy soothed. 
A cough came from behind Mercy and Y/N looked up to see her brother in law. “Lemme hug you, ‘fore I have ta take yo’ to pere,” he smiled. 
“Missed ya too, Henri. You best be the one responsible for knockin’ up my sister,” she laughed. 
“All night long, Chere,” he laughed.
“Gross,” Y/N wrinkled her nose. She glanced around as the group entered the house. “Where’s Tante Mattie?”
“Righ’ here, chil’!” came a shout. “Ain’t no one r’spect Mattie no mo’. Who tol’ me yo’ were back? Not a soul. Who told me about ev’ryt’in only jus’ dis morn’? Mercy. Chil’ gets slack b’cause she’s givin’ Jean Luc a grandbaby, but wait til she pops,” the old woman shook her head. “Now come here, an’ hug me.”
Y/N obliged, a smile on her face. It really had been too long since she’d been home. And now it was too late to plan future visits. She pulled back and smiled sadly. “Guess I bes’ get this over with. If it is a death sentence, Merc,” tears now rolling down both sister’s faces as they locked eyes, “you better tell my nephew all about me.”
“It won’ be. I tol’ Jean Luc he’d never see his grandbaby if it is.” Y/N laughed, knowing it was a serious, yet idle threat. 
“Take me to your leader, Henri,” she said, jokingly holding out her wrists for cuffs. 
“Stop that,” he rolled his eyes. “Now,” he led her away toward the large room they used for council meetings. “It’s the whole council here, and Marius Boudreaux is here to make sure the sentence is actually given,” he frowned. 
She nodded. “Wouldn’t expect any less, truth be told.”
He nodded before opening the doors, and gesturing for her to enter first. 
“Y/N, Chere, I really wish yo’ were home under better circumstances,” Jean Luc greeted sadly. “All de same, nice t’ see yo’.”
“You too, Jean Luc,” she glanced around at the council members. “May I say, I am sorry for the trouble my actions have caused?”
“Yo’ ain’ sorry for yo’ actions though, are yo’?” Marius spoke up from the side of the room, standing up straight. “Gettin’ involved in things dat don’ concern you. Bes’ we can say is leas’ you were alone.”
The statement shocked her. They didn’t know she’d led the Avengers to the warehouse. How did they not know? Julien must have left as soon as he knocked her out. 
“I’ve been working long enough I know better not to get involved in Assassin business. I just couldn’t resist some action, I suppose. I’m sorry,” Y/N lied through her teeth. She was a good liar though and could only hope Marius was slipping in his age. She knew Jean Luc could see right through her, however. 
Marius scoffed. “Yo’ always were a hothead.” He leaned against the wall once more. “Le’s get dis over wit’.”
Jean Luc nodded. “We decided yo’ punishment is yo’ done t’ievin’. Fo’ de Guild, leas’. And,” he glanced at Marius, who nodded once. “Yo’ officially b’trot’ed t’ Julien Boudreaux.”
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woollyslisterblog · 5 years
1834 April Thursday 3 (part one)
We continue the tour. She doesn't seem keen on switching off and relaxing. Even over a few minutes rest, she will enquire about land and property management with local tenants, clearly comparing her approach to estate management with others. Like holidaying with my wife...
6.35 time awake
12.35 time asleep
Same as last night
Well and comf[orta]ble en[ou]gh bed. The r[oo]m ver[sus] mine hav[in]g us[e]d the large good r[oo]m as my dress[in]g r[oo]m bec[ause] the bed h[a]d n[o]t been slept in of 3 or 4 m[on]ths – r[ai]n in the night had a lit[tle]this morn[in]g [attended?] get[in]g up F 52° at 7.40 – br[ea]kf[a]st at 8 [o’clock]-
out at 9:15 - took a boy as a guide – walk[e]d by the h[ou]se and home terr[a]ce, and acr[oss] f[iel]ds and d[o]wn steep thick wood d[o]wn by lit[tle]riv[e]r Rye, and walk[e]d along it the val[ley] nar[row] and beaut[ifull]y wood[e]d in the [Backfall?] style, to the lit[tle] vil[lage] of Rivaulx, where we came rath[e]r sudd[enl]y b[u]t fine[l]y on the large beaut[iful]rem[ains] of the old abbey at 11- ½ hour to there - Nave gone but choir and transepts remaining there court of the cloisters, and wh[a]t is s[ai]d to ha[ve] been the refectory, kitchen, dormitory and prior’s rooms – ver[y] fine rem[ain]s but Elgin cathed[ral] finer if I rememb[e]r it correct[l]y –
walk[e]d fr[om] the abbey up the steep cawse r[oa]d to the far terr[a]ce fr[om] w[hi]ch you look d[o]wn alm[o]st perpendic[ularl]y on the view y[onde]r being a Grecian portico[e]d lodge at each end of the Terr[a]ce, as there is a Grecian temple at each end of the home terrace – inq[uire]d for the fine Cyprus so loc[ate]d (Mr. Henry Belc[ombe] or Mr. Norc[liffe]), had told me they were yew - no such thing - 2 miles fr[om] the far lodge on the far terr[a]ce direct to Helmsley -
had left the old abbey at 11:30 and [started?] back to the Inn at Helmsley at 1:15 – Miss W[Walker] n[o]t seem[in]g tir[e]d p[ai]d all and off fr[om] there at 1:30 w[i]th 4 horses to Coxwold – ver[y] steep d[o]wn wass-bank – alight[e]d at 2.20 for 25 min[ute]s at Coxwold church to see the monum[en]t to Belasyse Fauconberg fam[ily] ver[y] neat sm[all]church - at Byland Abbey in 1/4 hour from Coxwold at 3 – fine mins[ter] but nothing to compare with Rivaulx Abbey – bel[on]g to Mr Stapylton Martin of Myton who let so[me] part fall in the oth[e]r day fr[om] tak[in]g away some unfit stone - 5 or 6 min[utes] there and then walk[e]d to the lit[tle] Innin the small village of Wass where the horses were gone to wait –
Miss W [Walker] lay down there being a bed in the r[oo]m, b[u]t did n[o]t feel partic[ularl]y tired - Wass belongs to Mr Martin Stapyleton - he is alw[a]ys in want of the rent the mom[en]t it is due – has noth[in]g in Byland b[u]t the Abbey - the prop[erty] at the Inn has 14 ac[re]s of land, good all grass but pay £56 per ann[um] besides £3 a year tithe and 3 guineas for the licence and all the taxes, yet the place stands there at £80 per ann[um] - 20 min[ute]s there and off at 3.40
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snffbeebee · 6 years
Blue Eyes ( Part 2 )
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Just FYI... I’ve changed y mind a lot about this series, so it’s gonna be a little slow at first, just bare with me...It will be worth it...I Promise!!
{ Catch up with Part 1 }
Warnings - Language, smutish.. think that’s about it..for now.
Word Count - 1,651
" It's been a long time Sam. "
Sam's mind was going a thousand miles a minute trying to rationalize the sight in front of him.
" This....you..how is This even possible? We killed you. " He breathed out.
" Right, the day that you let Dean stab me with my own knife.. Thanks for that by the way. " Ruby said, taking a few steps towards him.
For every step forward Sam took one back until his back hit the impala.
" Did..did Lucifer bring you back? "
She smiled with a little laugh.
" No he didn't bring me back. "
" Then who? "
" You did." She stated.
Sam shook his head, totally confused.
" What the hell are you talking about?"
" Listen I'm not here to talk about that Sam. I came to warn you. "
" Warn me about what? "
Right then Sam heard the door open, and Dean peaked his head outside, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
" Sammy, Bobbie just called, he found us a case. "
Dean seen the look on his face and knew something was up.
" Sam. "
Sam ran his fingers through his hair and let out a deep breath when he realized that Ruby was gone.
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" What's going on. " Dean demanded,worried.
Sam thought about telling him but he knew his brother had been through enough the past year. He didn't want to give him another reason to start worrying, things had finally gone back to normal for them.
" Nothing, I just couldn't sleep so I came outside for some air. " Sam lied, trying his hardest to not let his voice give away the worry and confusion that was running through him.
Dean knew that he was lying, he could see it just in the way he was breathing, but he wouldn’t push him on it...just yet.
“ Alright, well get to packing we leave in 5. “ Dean called going back inside, leaving the door open.
Running his fingers through his hair, Sam looked around at the empty parking lot and let out a breath. He was just talking to Ruby right? He wasn’t going crazy. He took in another deep breath before going into their room and packed up his bag. They drove a few hours to the next town over to hunt down a ghoul that Bobby had sent them to take care of. It was an easy hunt, but the whole time Sam’s mind was stuck on his visit earlier that night. Dean glanced at his brother as they drove to the closet bar and decided he wasn’t going to delay this any longer.
“ Alright Sam, you’ve been acting weird since back at the motel, what’s going on? “ 
Sam looked at him and shook his head with a little laugh.
“ Nothing, I’m just running off fumes Dean. “
When Dean glanced at him again, he knew that he wasn’t going to be able to keep this up for that much longer, but he wasn’t ready to give in just yet.
“ Really. I think I just need a few beers and more than 2 hours of sleep. “ 
“ I think you need to get laid.. Why don’t you give Y/N a call. “ Dean grinned. “ She seemed like she would be a good time. “
“ Seems like you’re more interested in her than I am. “ Sam laughed.
“ Well hey, if you’re not going to call her, maybe I will. “ 
When they walked into the smokey filled bar, they seen that it was packed, so they opted to sit at the bar.. After a few drinks, and talking about a case that Dean had been looking into, Sam was ready to pass out. He needed sleep.
“ Alright, I’m gonna call it a night. “
“ Seriously. “ Dean whined, setting his half full glass onto the table.
“ You stay, I gotta get some sleep. “
“ Fine, buzz kill. “ Dean said, tossing him Baby’s keys.
“ Don’t get too carried away. “ Sam called out, as he left the bar.
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Dean shook his head, and was about to take another drink from his glass when he looked to his left and seen those blue eyes lock with his. He looked at her for a second, then got up and sat down in the stool next to her.
“ Two nights in a row, in different towns..Y/N are you following me? “ Dean smirked.
Y/N’s lips curled into a smirk of her own as she twirled the gold liquor in her glass before looking into those green eyes.
“ You’d love that wouldn’t you Winchester. “
Dean tilted his head, looking at her.
“ I never told you my last name. “ He stated.
Finishing off her drink, she set it on the bar and smiled at him.
“ Everyone in this life knows who you and your brother are Dean. “ She chuckled.
“ So you’re a hunter? “
“ Why does that seem to completely shock you? “
He shook his head with a little laugh.
“ Well not many hunter’s that look like you sweetheart. “
“ Right, I heard that you were the smooth talker. “ She laughed.
Dean flagged the bartender down and ordered two more Whiskeys.
“ So I take it you were here checking out the ghoul case. “ Dean pointed out.
“ Yeah, but seems like just when I find something you and your brother come and do the work for me. “ She smirked as the bartender sat the drinks down in front of them.
" First come first serve. " Dean smiled raising his glass.
" Speaking of your brother, where did he run off to? "
" He's been running off like no sleep, so he went and crashed. "
Dean took a long drink of the gold liquid then smirked at her.
" Sorry you're stuck with the wrong brother. "
" I wouldn't say that. " she smiled.
Her answer took him by surprise and she seen it on his face.
" Don't get me wrong, your brother is a looker, but you, well the stories I've heard about you always had me wondering. "
" Oh, please do tell. " Dean smirked, turning his body around on the stool to face her.
The conversation flowed, Dean telling her the truth of some of the stories she had heard and before he knew it, they were on their 5th glass.
" Alright, I think I've hit my limit for tonight. " Y/N stated, finishing off the last of her drink.
" Light weight. " Dean smirked.
" Well I mean someone's gotta drive your drunk ass back to the motel. " She laughed.
Dean looked at her and took in a deep breath. There was something about her that reeled him in. He shifted in his seat, trying to hide the fact that his pants had gotten just a bit tighter, from the growing erection in his pants. He knew that he shouldn't but he paid for their drinks and got in her car. When she passed the motel, he knew exactly where this was going. Dean watched as she pulled up to a big white house and raised an eyebrow to her.
" Do you live here? " He asked.
" Nah, this is actually a place for hunters to crash when they are here. Beats a motel. " She laughed, unlocking the door.
Dean stepped inside, looking around as she shut and locked the door behind her.
" This is probably the nicest safe house that I've seen in a while. " Dean said with a little laugh.
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Before he could say another word, she moved into him and crashed her lips to his. Still a little taken back, he froze for a second, but when she grabbed the collar of his jacket and started pushing it off his shoulders, he gave in and started kissing her back. Dean was all for feisty woman, but there was something about this one that had him stumbling back. Without breaking their lips, she started unting his tie and I'm one quick motion pulled it from around his neck. Dean wanted to take control but she wasn't having any of it. Pushing him backwards, into the bedroom, deans legs hit the back of the bed and he watched as she stripped herself of her clothes and he followed her actions. Everything went by in a haze and then Dean laid on the bed, looking up at the ceiling as he tried to catch his breath. Smiling Y/N sat up and Dean watched her walk into the bathroom. He ran his fingers right as his phone rang. He let out a groan and pulled it out of his jeans pocket that laid Bessie the bed.
" Yeah. "
" Where are you? "
Deans eyes went straight to Y/N through the open bathroom door.
" Don't worry about it, I'll be there soon. "
Sam shook his head, knowing exactly what that meant.
" Good cause I found another case back home. "
" I thought you were going to crash. " Dean stated sitting up, resting his back against the headboard.
That's exactly what he planned on doing but every time Sam closed his eyes he seen Ruby.
" Yeah I tried, just get here so we can leave. "
" Yeah Yeah. " Dean said, ending the call just as Y/N came out of the bathroom.
" Let me guess, you're leaving. " She smirked pulling a t-shirt on.
" Sam found another case, so yeah we're hitting the road. "
" Need any help? " She asked, plopping herself on the bed next to him.
" Maybe. " Dean smiled that Winchester smile.
Feedback is the fuel that keeps me writing!! Please feel free to let me know what ya think!! Thanks again for all the Love!! <3
@ezilyamuzed @redlipstickandthewinchesters @ain-t-bovvered @bamby0304 @bobasheebaby @curly-haired-disaster @dean-winchesters-bacon @imafictosexual @imma-winchester-addict @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @ladywinchester1967 @julesthequirky @lovemesomecas94 @myinconnelly1 @mrsnazario1223 @missjenniferb @squirrel-moose-squad @supernaturalsammy01 @time-travel-bouqet @waywardbaby @waywardnerd67 @whimsicalrobots @thekatherinewinchester @supernatural-teamfreewillpage @jackles-jadalecki @nanie5 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @iwriteaboutdean @bitterstar88 @angelessquirrel @one-to-beam-up @thebeautywithinme @speakinvain @spn-winchester-app @jaylarkson @horsegirly99 @biawol @mirandaaustin93 @death-unbecomes-you @deans-jiggly-pudding @destielhoneybee @spnmightkillme @meganywinchester @bitchy-ginger-1 @mscarrilv @hunterswearingplaid @mannls @perpetualabsurdity @adoptdontshoppets @ladystiltskin67 @sweet-things-4-life @deangetsme @sandlee44 @somilotopia @4evrfandom @ilovefanfic86 @srsllydunnodoncare @bella-ca @donnaintx @sirod-30 @peridottea91 @thisismysecrethappyplace @mogarukes @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog @deanwinchesterficsx @daughterofthenight117 @getnaildbyme  @whereismykrustykrab
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ladywinchester1967 · 6 years
Can’t Resist You
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female
Warnings: SMUT, Plot what plot, public sex, fingering, dirty talk, language and alcohol usage.
A/N: This drabble came to me last night, hope you guys enjoy!! Unbeta’d, all mistakes are mine. The Art is NOT, I found the images on Google and tumblr.
It wasn’t often they could get away, but finally, they could for one night.
“When was the last time we actually SAW a movie in the theater?” Dean asked as he filled up their cup with soda.
“You know,” she answered as she pushed popcorn into her mouth “I don’t even know.”
They found their seats in the theater, off to the side and they got comfortable, pushing up the arm rest between them so they could cuddle. They movie theater wasn’t full; there were a few people scattered around. The movie, which was the latest installment in Mission Impossible, had been ripped to shreds by the critics and fans, so they’d said they’d go see it together at the 3 dollar theater to make fun of it. Once the lights dimmed, Dean dumped some of his flask into their soda and she laughed.
“I LOVE the way you think.” She told him and took a sip. It was a mix of a pleasant burn and the sweetness of the soda, which made her smile. “Very good.”
Dean grabbed the bucket of popcorn and started eating from it.
The movie started to get predictable forty five minutes in and when she returned from the restroom she snuggled in closer to him. Bored and a little drunk, Dean let his fingers circle the inside of her knee. She looked up at him, her eyes squinting at him.
“What?” He asked “I’m bored and want to entertain myself.”
“Entertain yourself by keeping your hands to yourself.” She retorted and turned her attention back to the movie. She shifted, her skirt riding up just a little more, making him smirk. He slid his hand further up the inside of her thigh, making goosebumps flair up on her skin. She bit her lip and parted her legs further, giving him more access. He made it to the apex of her thighs, finding her bare core waiting for him. He leaned in to her ear and asked
“No panties huh?”
She looked up at him and nodded
“Took them off while I was in the bathroom.” She told him and he quickly shot his eyebrows up as she opened her legs, giving him full access. He kissed below her ear as his fingers opened her up, the cool air in the theater making her gasp.
“Shhh,” he told her, slipping his fingers up and down her slit “don’t wanna get caught before you get to come do you?”
“No.” She said weakly
“That’s what I thought.” he said quietly with a smirk and kissed her neck, making her sigh. She wrapped her arm around his shoulder as her slid his pointer and middle finger inside of her.
“So tight,” he murmured in her ear “always so tight and wet for me.”
“Dean,” she sighed thrusting her hips into his fingers as his thumb toyed with her clit “that feels so good.”
“You like this huh?” He mumbled to her “getting off in a room full of people?”
She nodded, her nails digging into her shoulder
“Oh fuck, I love when you get like this,” she sighed “you can’t leave me alone.”
“Mhh, I like making you come sweetheart,” he said “getting you all worked up,” He gently bit her ear as she squirmed “making you come all over my hands and cock, then tasting you? Fuck, gets me hard just thinking about it.”
“You naughty boy,” she said as they kissed “don’t make me discipline you.”
He groaned against her mouth
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” He said quietly.
“I’d never do that,” she said as he buried his fingers all the way into her “oh fuck!”
He swallowed her cries with his mouth and the he looked around, no one in the theater was paying them any attention and he planned to keep it that way. He shifted sideways so that most of her was blocked by his back.
“Hush now,” he told her “gotta finish you before someone realizes what’s going on over here.”
“Oh fuck Dean.” She panted as he increase the speed on her, her body begged for more. Suddenly, she could picture him bending her over the back of the seats of the row in front of them and not giving a damn who saw them. She had to push that thought away, no way he’d ever go for that.
“Dean,” she begged “talk dirty, please. I’m almost there babe.”
He growled in her ear
“Mhhh, just wait until I get you home sweetheart. I’m gonna bend you over and screw you senseless. Would you like that?” He asked in her ear. Each word sounded like it was dipped in the most expensive whiskey. It was smooth, but bold at the same time and left her panting for more.
“Yes,” she told him, the heel of his hand rutting into her clit as she sighed “oh my god I’d love that.”
“Yeah you would, you dirty girl.” He said as he sucked on her pulse point.
She bit down on her lip to keep from crying out as the pressure in her core gave way and she exploded all over his hand. He worked her through the orgasm, drawing it out until she was shaking against him. He withdrew his fingers and said
“Look at me.”
She did and watched as he used his insanely sinful looking lips and tongue to clean his fingers of her juices. Her eyes went wide and her mouth dropped open, she nearly came again just watching him.
“Holy shit.” She mumbled as he smirked “Now how about I take care of you handsome?” She asked and he shook his head, leaning into her.
“As much as I’d like that mouth around my cock right now, that can wait until we get in the car.”
You guys okay?! Enjoy that?? Consider sharing, liking and following! Kind feedback is always welcome. My inbox, ask box, and submission box are OPEN so if you want something special written for you, send your Lady a message and I’ll make it happen. See ya’ll for the live stream TONIGHT at 7:00 p.m. EST!!
The Squad:
@ain-t-bovvered @waywardbaby @waywardnerd67 @familybusinesswritingbro @bobasheebaby @girlborninstorms @dacleverfox @mrswhozeewhatsis
Tag Team Champions:
@sis-tafics @mrs-squirrel-chester @sugarprincess3 @dean-winchesters-bacon @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @kittenofdoomage @wayward-gypsy @carryonmywaywardcaptain @carryonmytardisjohn @pisces-cutie
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ainchase · 7 years
me: -slides $20 to KOG-
me: gib me ain voice speaker right nao
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johnsellph · 4 years
Critérium du Dauphiné Preview
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If the Critérium du Dauphiné is a condensed version of the Tour de France, this year’s edition is even more concentrated, five stages and all with uphill finishes. After the lively Tour de l’Ain last weekend, we’ll see another round of Jumbo-Visma vs Team Ineos, only this time practically every other contender for the Tour de France and their full-strength squads are coming too.
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The Route: five uphill finishes in a row, but often the hardest climb is mid-stage rather than the finish.
Stage 1 is for the puncheurs
Stage 2 finishes atop the Col de Porte, listed as 17km at 6.2% but the profile doesn’t show there’s a descent two thirds of the way up meaning most of the climbing is 7-8% and often more and by itself it’s the hardest of the week’s uphill finishes.
Stage 3 goes over the tough Col de la Madeleine before taking the same side road to Val Thorens used as the final climb of last year’s Tour de France, it’s steep at the start but the slope eases well before the finish in Saint Martin.
Stage 4 is the hardest on paper with plenty of sharp climbs before the big ascent of the day, the Montée de Bisanne which is a backroad version of the Col des Saisies and then a gentler climb to the finish above Megève on the mini airport runway, a drag of 4-5%.
Stage 5 is another loop in the mountains Megève before the same climb to the airport again as the finish.
There are time bonuses of 10-6-4 seconds at the finish and 3-2-1 for the intermediate sprints
The weather forecast is a heatwave, expect melting tarmac but an increasing chance of thunderstorms during the week
The Contenders
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Primož Roglič is the easy pick, he has just the Tour de l’Ain and has a string of week-long stage races wins on his palmarès already. His Jumbo-Visma can put the squeeze on all their rivals and if you thought they looked powerful in the Ain, in come Sep Kuss and Wout van Aert as reinforcements. Above all, as we saw in three days in a row in the Tour de l’Ain Roglič can outsprint the other GC contenders to harvest time bonuses. But does Roglič want to win, does he need to win? With the Tour de France looking within his grasp remember his goal was the Giro last year, he turned up on Bologna having won plenty in the approach only to fade in the race, a crash contributed but he seemed to be turning stale.  So he might prefer race economically with eyes on a bigger prize.
Team Sky/Ineos have won six of the last nine editions of this race and usually resemble a fortress every summer, no more so than in the Dauphiné and the Tour de France. Only they were on the receiving end in the Tour de l’Ain. Egan Bernal was still second overall so an obvious contender here but where to make the difference vs Roglic, there’s no giant high altitude climb this week. He’s got a very aero climbing position so can try to go solo on a summit finish but easier said than done. For all the earlier talk about “three leaders” chez Ineos we’re quickly down to one in Bernal but Ineos will be worth watching for their other riders, Chris Froome’s form generates a lot of selection talk for the Tour but what of Geraint Thomas, dropped on the first big climb of the Tour de l’Ain and working for the team the next day? Pavel Sivakov is one to watch out for, especially if everyone is busy looking at Bernal.
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Tadej Pogačar (UAE Emirates) returns to the mountains and stage racing after two solid rides in the Strade Bianche and Milan-Sanremo which makes form hard to guess, but he was rivalling Roglič in the Slovenian national championships too. He’s likely to be a contender and he’s got a good finish for the time bonuses too. Davide Formolo is in good shape but despite the cherubic looks he’s in his seventh season as a pro and wins are rare.
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Nairo Quintana (Arkéa-Samsic) is improving. Dropped on Mont Ventoux last week, front group on the Grand Colombier on Sunday… at this rate he’ll be attacking soon. If there’s a sprint for the stage win and time bonuses he rarely wins, he’ll have to go solo to win overall. It’ll be interesting to watch the interaction with Warren Barguil who looks to be getting his mountain legs just in time.
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Adam Yates won the UAE Tour in February. There are two ways of looking at this, either he took an unloved early season race, or he put a minute into Pogačar and more into the rest. The latter is more instructive, he’s got to be a candidate, his brother Simon has grabbed the grand tour limelight but Adam has been excellent at tricky one week stage races.
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Julian Alaphilippe‘s limits are in the high mountains and on the long climbs. This year’s Dauphiné is Alpine but not high altitude and he can take the time bonuses. His fortunes might depend on how the first stage goes, if he wins and takes the race lead he’ll want to fight on. If not then we might see him copy last year’s ride where he goes stage hunting instead.
All these uphill finishes make Mikel Landa a contender but let’s settle for a stage win, he can climb with the best but has only two victories in the last two years to show for it. Bahrain team mate Dylan Teuns meanwhile finds a course to his liking, a similar story to Alaphilippe.
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Sergio Higuita‘s one to watch, he can climb with the best and he’s got a great sprint at the top of a climb so on paper he’s contender this week but the form is unknown. He’s got Rigo Uran as EF Pro Cycling team leader and Dani Martinez as well, the sort who can get a gap on the road to Megève and be hard to reel in… and Tejay van Garderen was second overall last year after second place in the TT stage.
Thibaut Pinot (Groupama-FDJ) wasn’t far off Bernal in the Route d’Occitanie but how to get ahead? He should be a banker for the top-10 but how to win? Note David Gaudu isn’t riding, he’s out with stomach problems.
Richie Porte is looking strong at the moment and heads a Trek-Segafredo team sans Bauke Mollema. He’s punchy and come close to winning this race before.
That’s just the prime contenders. Romain Bardet, nursing an elbow injury, and Pierre Latour share Ag2r team leadership. There’s Dan Martin (Israel). Don’t call it a trident but Movistar come with Enric Mas, Alejandro Valverde and Marc Soler and the need to win something, the squad has only one win this year and Covid apart, Valverde would have normally racked up the wins in February and March (only CCC fare worse, they’ve yet to win). Guillaume Martin is looking better than ever, Astana will be counting on improvement from Miguel Angel Lopez, Bora bring “Emu” Buchmann who was second here last year and fourth in the Tour, plus in-form Felix Großschartner. Finally Pierre Rolland (B&B Hotels-Vital Concept) has just won the Tour de Savoie-Mont Blanc so he’s bound to attack.
Primož Roglič Egan Bernal Tadej Pogačar, Adam Yates Nairo Quintana, Pavel Sivakov Pinot, Landa, Porte, Teuns, Higuita, Latour, Martinez
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    TV: almost two hours of live coverage each day and on the same channel you normally watch the Tour de France. The weekday stages finish around 4.30pm CEST, the weekend two at 5.00pm CEST.
Critérium du Dauphiné Preview published first on https://motocrossnationweb.weebly.com/
0 notes
quentinquaadgras · 6 years
162 --- Cyclonic Seasoning
Not a week has gone by in 2018 without the Media reporting on an incoming cyclone or weather ‘bomb‘. At this rate, there will be a new tropical cyclone hitting the country every day. Cyclone Gita has recently struck the South Island and the media is already reporting that Cyclone Kelvin is on its way [1].
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In Auckland, the cyclones are being particularly nasty. The weather is sunny most of the time but whenever I go for a walk outside, it starts pouring down. Climate Scientists are attributing this exponential increase in cyclones to ‘Global Warming′ [2].
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All of this comes after an incredibly rare record snowfall event in the Sahara Desert for almost the second year in a row [3]. Clearly these phenomena are linked and the world is witnessing events that would normally be the basis for a low-budget disaster movie.
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Much like low-budget disaster movies though, the weather should evaporate within the week and everyone will go back to worrying about more pressing issues such as transport & housing. References: [1] http://www.newstalkzb.co.nz/news/national/live-double-trouble-gita-splits-after-night-of-chaos/ [2] http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11998372 [3] https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/901733/Sahara-Desert-snow-Ain-Sefra-Algeria-pictures-photos
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parkingshades · 4 years
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Car Park Shades
Suppliers in Sharjah, Dubai, Ajman, Umm Al Quwain, Ras Al Khaimah, Fujairah, Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, UAE
Specializes in projects of
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& tensile fabric structures. We intent to provide the market with high quality product and service, with highly skilled and experienced technical workforce. The people of Car Parking Shades  Group have wide range of experience in Design, Manufacturing and Installation of
Car Park Shades
 & tensile shade structures in UAE and abroad. has alliance with large overseas companies for effective execution of large
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& tensile shade structures.
 Supply and Installation  superior quality with good material for strength and durability and with the fabric of special quality in variety of colors within affordable/reasonable rates. The Car Park shades are design for maximum protection of the vehicle from the sun rays and may be use as convenient alternative of traditional garage.
Car Park Shades
are in cantilever shape in free standing style and also be designed in connected/erected with any existing structure at site to respite space for miscellaneous use. On having a visit with us the quality and design and technology will certainly convince someone.
Variety of Car Park Shades, with quality of materials and design to cover about 98% reflection of ultraviolet rays due to cantilever Car Park Shades design the shades may also be used at Swimming pool, Play area, walkway, residential area, office, and garden area etc. Car Park Shades Structures are formed with high power galvanized steel with HDPE and PVC good and captivated design of the shades. It is not otherwise that the remarkable allure structure may certainly attract any one.
Features of  
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2.  Fabric used for cantilever parking shade structure is 100% high density with UV stabilized.
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Address: 6 Street #43 - Sharjah United Arab Emirates.
  Many Ways to Cover Your Swimming Pool
Swimming Pool Shades Ideas Guide
When you think of a pool, it’s natural to think of sunshine. Pools are a hallmark of the summer months, keeping families and homeowners outdoors and entertained during hot and sunny weather. For more and more pool lovers, grabbing a bit of shade is becoming a priority. Whether it’s from concern over UV exposure, a need to find some respite from the hot midday sun, or simply to avoid a sunburn, many pool owners are turning to shade solutions for their pools.
Installing a shade structure over pool can deliver a range of benefits beyond UV protection and relief from the rays. Today’s shade structures can be great aesthetic additions to a pool, giving you a bit of ambiance and style. And with well-structured, large-scale permanent structures, you’ll also be adding value to your home. Let’s take a look at the seven best pool shade ideas:
Swimming Pool Shades Sails
Swimming Pool Shades sails are increasingly popular options that give a truly modern look to a pool. These interestingly shaped sails can be placed in an array of unique angles, giving a pool a very edgy and modern look. The downside of shade sails is that they can give inconsistent shade (requiring several shades to cover an entire section of a pool) and because they have to resist high winds, can be surprisingly expensive.
Swimming Pool Shades Pergolas
A pergola can provide ambient shade with just the right amount of filtered light over a pool. Placing a pergola over one end of a pool can also create a great, visual centerpiece. Today’s pergolas are made from quality woods and add value to your home, provided you know what to specify. Read our guide on pergola building materials for more information.
"Swimming Pool Shades"
Retractable shade canopies are probably the most comprehensive shade solution for a pool, capable of delivering reliable sun protection to an entire section of a pool with ease. These large canopies run across the pool along beams spanned between support posts on each side of the pool, giving homeowners an easy and very stylish way to shade a pool. The retractable option is a necessity. Otherwise, you might as well have an indoor pool. See more photos of the project above.
Swimming Pool Shades Umbrellas
Los Angeles Times Home of the Week in Tongan
Sometimes the traditional answers are the best. Freestanding umbrellas, such as the ones that have provided shade by pools for decades now, are a great option for those who want flexible and movable shade. An umbrella placed on the side of the pool can provide a modicum of shade for those in the water and out and homeowners can place them wherever they like, adjusting them with the movement of the sun throughout the day. The downside is they look unseemly when closed.
Swimming Pool Shades
Ideas Cantilevered
Weather Safe
Cantilevers are shade structures similar to canopies that use just a single support structure on one side. Support posts are driven into the cement around the pool; horizontal, with a canopy, extend over the pool from these vertical support posts, providing shade for poolside guests and those in the water.
Swimming Pool Shades Retractable Enclosures
Endless Summer
A large-scale solution that offers a good deal of flexibility and that might have appeal for many homeowners is a retractable enclosure. These enclosures are skeletal structures constructed from a series of arched trusses that nest into each other when retracted. Retractable shades run between each section of the enclosure, providing as much or as little shade as homeowners want any moment of the day.
Swimming Pool Shades side Freestanding Structures
For those who don’t want to shade the pool itself but still want a refuge from the sun, a shade pergola can be a good option. You can place one of these freestanding structures right next to a pool, placing lounge chairs and other outdoor accessories in it to create a relaxing enclave. Enjoy as much sun as you like on the water, then retreat to this comfortable and shady spot to enjoy conversation, relaxation, and even drinks with family and friends.
Whether you are looking for a lightweight answer such as a shade sail or a more permanent option such as a pergola, you have a wide array of options available to you today. Look for shade options that use the latest technology in terms of material, so that you get the greatest value and a shade solution that protects you from harmful UV rays well into the future.
Do you have your own shade ideas for the pool? Let us know your own creative solutions to pool shade in the comments below.
Swimming Pool Shades
Contact Us E-Mail [email protected]
Address: 6 Street #43 - Sharjah United Arab Emirates.
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We are happy to provide for our customers the following products in our Mehler range: Website: www.mehler-texnologies.com Mehler PVC 550 to 900 gsm. Trading. POLYMAR S Polymar is a PVC coated polyester fabric coated both sides, which, due to its low weight, is especially suited for small and medium membrane designs. Applications: Car Parks, Gazebos, Awnings Colours: White, Ivory Weights: 680gsm (spec), 900gsm (spec) *up to 10 year warranty. S900 Specification Sheet VALMEX MEHATOP Valmex Mehotop PVC and Pvdf trading Mehatop is a membrane made of multi-layer composite material with low-wick yarns in the base fabric. With further PVDF layers ensure the fabric maintains its appearance in even the most extreme conditions. Applications: Tensile Structures, Tents, Large Shades, Stadiums Colours: White, Bright White Weights: 700gsm, 900gsm, 1100gsm *up to 15 year warrant Specification Sheet: FR 700, FR 900, FR 1000 FR 700 Specification Sheet FR 900 Specification Sheet FR 1000 Specification Sheet. PVC PVDF HDPE Fabrics Trading Sales Wholesales Retails. Tensile Fabrics Suppliers Tents and Shades is the first specialist distributor of tent and shade materials in the UAE. Formed in 2002, we have established ourselves as the market leader in the region with a focus on customer service, quality products and reliable, consistent supply. We offer a large range of coated and netted fabrics as well as all requisite accessories and machinery, providing a one stop solution for all shading requirements. With our growth we are happy to be associated with some of the biggest brands in the industry, offering outstanding assured quality at the best prices. In order to further the needs of our customer as part of our complete solution, we also provide turnkey solutions for the welding and supply of all types of structural fabric. Complementing this line we also provide a range of tensile accessories, aluminium extrusion and machinery that provides a comprehensive array of products for any of your engineering requirements. Our ultimate goal, first and foremost, is to serve the needs of our client, whether they are based locally or regionally. In this regard we have developed a network of transport tie-ins to ensure we can get our products to you in good time wherever you are in the region. This, combined with our well stocked warehouse and experienced logistical network, means we are the reliable choice to get you your material requirements in expedited time. It is our mission to supply our customers with the best in the industry; in order to do this we are continuously expanding our range of suppliers and working with the market leaders in the sector, to ensure we not only meet but exceed your requirements. At Al Duha Tents Trading all our products come with life expectancy guarantees and all requisite safety and fire standards to ensure peace of mind. GALE PACIFIC Based out of Australia, are the premier global manufacturer of shading products for commercial and Industrial use. Renowned for producing highly durable shade cloth capable of enduring extreme temperatures and providing maximum sun protection making their products highly suitable for all kinds of tension shade structures. Trading, has been an official distributor for Gale in the UAE for over 10 years, and are proud to be one of their largest Retailers. We at  strive to offer our customers the best products available globally, and Gale Pacific are undoubtedly the global premium supplier of shade cloth. Tensile Fabrics Suppliers Website link: www.synthesisfabrics.com Commercial 95 Polyfab USA CommShades HDPE Knitted Fabric COMMERCIAL 95 Commercial 95 is a highly durable knitted shade cloth for use in tension structures and shade awnings. The product provides UV protection ranging from 91% to 98%. Commercial 95 is also dimensionally stable and is highly resistant to shrinkage. The fabric is UV stabilized, non-absorptive to resist rot and incorporate three way lock-stitch construction which is fray and tear resistant. Commercial 95 comes with a 10 year UV degradation warranty. Trading is happy to offer our customers the full range of 17 colours available in stock. Applications: Car Parks, Shades, Awnings, School Yards *10 Year Warranty COMMERCIAL 95 Commercial 95 Polyfab USA CommShades HDPE Knitted Fabric Specification Sheet COMMERCIAL 95 WATERPROOF Commercial 95 fabric allied to a thin clear film of PVC to provide Waterproof properties to the knitted fabric. Available in 12 Colours. Applications: Car Parks, Shades, Awnings, School Yards *10 Year Warranty COMMERCIAL 95 Specification Sheet More Details Contact Us +971505773027 / +971543839003 E-Mail [email protected]
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Available in 2 strength (1.3 tons and 2.3 tons breaking point)*UK Manufactured THREADA twisted continuous filament polyester sewing thread with high tensile strength and tear resistance:– Good seam strength– Superior Sew ability– Better resistance to UV exposure*USA Manufactured INDUSTRIAL GLUE High strength Industrial adhesive compatible with modern processes capable of providing greater flexibility ion component design.*UK Manufactured
Mehler Tex-nologies are an international market leader in the production of coated fabrics. Based in Germany they have been developing & supplying high quality textiles globally for over 60 years, and that experience shows.We are extremely proud of our association with Mehler. As an official distributor, we know first-hand the world class quality of fabric produced. We are happy to provide for our customers the following products in our Mehler range:
PVC 550 to 900 gsm. Trading. POLYMARS Polymar is a PVC coated polyester fabric coated both sides, which, due to its low weight, is especially suited for small and medium membrane designs.Applications: Car Parks, Gazebos, Awnings Colours: White, Ivory Weights: 680gsm (spec), 900gsm (spec)*up to 10 year warranty. S900 Specification Sheet Gale Pacific HDPE Commshade Polyfab Commercial 95 Knitted Fabrics Wholesalers Suppliers Expoters. VALMEX MEHATOP Valmex Mehotop PVC and Pvdf trading
is a membrane made of multi-layer composite material with low-wick yarns in the base fabric. With further PVDF layers ensure the fabric maintains its appearance in even the most extreme conditions.Applications: Tensile Structures, Tents, Large Shades, Stadiums Colours: White, Bright White Weights: 700 gsm, 900gsm, 1100 gsm*up to 15 year warranty Specification Sheet: FR 700, FR 900, FR 1000 FR 700 Specification Sheet FR 900 Specification Sheet FR 1000 Specification Sheet.
Fabrics Trading Sales Wholesales Retails. is the first specialist distributor of tent and shade materials in the UAE. Formed in 2002, we have established ourselves as the market leader in the region with a focus on customer service, quality products and reliable, consistent supply.
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​It is our mission to supply our customers with the best in the industry; in order to do this we are continuously expanding our range of suppliers and working with the market leaders in the sector, to ensure we not only meet but exceed your requirements. We offer all our products come with life expectancy guarantees and all requisite safety and fire standards to ensure peace of mind.GALE PACIFIC Based out of Australia, are the premier global manufacturer of shading products for commercial and Industrial use. Renowned for producing highly durable shade cloth capable of enduring extreme temperatures and providing maximum sun protection making their products highly suitable for all kinds of tension shade structures. \Fabrics Suppliers has been an official distributor for Gale in the UAE for over 10 years, and are proud to be one of their largest Retailers. We at strive to offer our customers the best products available globally, and Gale Pacific are undoubtedly the global premium supplier of shade cloth.Website link:
95 Polyfab USA CommShades HDPE Knitted Fabric COMMERCIAL 95 Commercial 95 is a highly durable knitted shade cloth for use in tension structures and shade awnings. The product provides UV protection ranging from 91% to 98%. Commercial 95 is also dimensionally stable and is highly resistant to shrinkage. The fabric is UV stabilized, non-absorptive to resist rot and incorporate three way lock-stitch construction which is fray and tear resistant. Commercial 95 comes with a 10 year UV degradation warranty.  We offer our customers the full range of 17 colours available in stock.Applications: Car Parks, Shades, Awnings, School Yards*10 Year Warranty COMMERCIAL  95 Commercial 95 Polyfab USA
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Cultivation Practices and Waning Production of Saffron in Jammu & Kashmir- Juniper Publishers
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This study aims at studying the cultivating practices, different factors which are responsible for declining the production of Saffron (Crocus sativus) in Jammu & Kashmir. Kashmir is famous for the cultivation of quality Saffron from about 750 A.D and is one of the major Saffron producing areas of the world. Unfortunately, from last couple of decades the production of Saffron in Kashmir has been severely affected and has shown a declining trend. Here, the study is about discussing the problems like non-availability of quality planting material, absence of irrigation facilities, lack of disease control pests, non-availability of suitable markets and reasonable profits to cultivators. Here, it is also been discussed that precipitation in valley has an impact on the productivity and yield of Saffron produce.
Keywords: Cultivation; Saffron; Irrigation facilities; Glycosylated apocarotenoids
Saffron (Crocus sativus), originating from the Arabic word ‘Zafaran’ which comes from the Persian word ‘Zarparan’ meaning “flowers of golden petals”. Its secrets stem from the dried red stigmas which accumulate large amounts of three glycosylated apocarotenoids, namely crocin, picro crocin and safranal, which, among the more than 150 volatile and aroma yielding compounds, contribute to the colour, bitter flavour and aroma so typical of saffron. The spice is used as flavouring and colouring agent in food and is a vital part of the dye, perfumery and flavouring industries. Saffron also has countless biological properties like anticancer, antimutagenic and antioxidant. As a result, saffron fetches the highest price as a spice in the world, depending upon the country of its production. Its production is typically favoured in countries where labour is cheap, such as Iran and Azerbaijan, but is also produced in countries like Greece, Spain, Argentina or the USA and newer areas being brought under its cultivation, viz. China and Japan [1]. Iran, Spain and Kashmir are the major saffron producing regions of the world.
Botanical Classification
Saffron is classified into Domain Eukarya, Kingdom Plantae, Phylum Magnoliophyta (Angiosperm), Class Liliopsida (Monocot), Order Asparagales, Family Iridaceae, Genus Crocus and Species C. sativus. Crocus consists of 9 species, Crocus cartwrightianus and its derivatives, C. sativus, moabiticus, oreocreticus, pallasii, thomasii, badriaticus, asumaniae and mathewii. Saffron with sub-hys teranthous behavior is a perennial herbaceous plant attaining a height of 25 to 40cm. Corm, foliar structure and floral organs constitute main parts of saffron plants. Corms consist of nodes and are internally made up of starch-containing parenchyma cells. These corms are 3 to 5cm in diameter and are covered by tunics [2] (Table 1 & Figure 1).
Crown in the Karewas of Kashmir and Bhaderwah (Jammu Division), it is an important cash crop providing employment to about 5 per cent of the total rural workforce in Valley of Kashmir [3]. This “golden” spice is known as ‘Kum Kum’ and ‘Kesar’ in Sanskrit, and ‘Koung’ in Kashmiri language. It is being said that Saffron in Valley originated from the Takshak spring located in Zewan village, almost 11km. away from Srinagar and then from there it had spread to its adjoining areas. Kashmir is the second largest contributor of saffron to the global market [2]. Kashmir’s Tehsil of Pampore is the center of saffron cultivation in Valley and is located at 34° 1’ N, 74° 56’ E, with an average alleviation of 1574mtrs (AMSL). Khunmoh, Zewan, Balhama, Sampora, Ladhoo, Chandhara, Woyan, Khrew, Shar Konibal, Dussu, Namblabal, Kadlabal, Hatiwara, Samboora and Lethpora are prominent saffron villages of Tehsil Pampore where this cultivation is being practiced. Saffron is being grown in the Pampore Karewa of Kashmir from very ancient times.
It is not known when the cultivation of saffron was started in Kashmir, but Saffron is being reported to have been an important ingredient of the prescriptions of Veghbhatta and Sustratta who practiced medicine about 500 B.C. Its cultivation was in vogue Pampore (Padam-pure) even when Kalidas wrote his literary masterpiece Shakuntala and Meghdoot. Kalhan, the well-known historian of Kashmir started in Rajterangani that saffron was under cultivation in Kashmir even before the regime of Lalitadatiya during 725 A.D. Abul Fazal in his Ain-in-Akbari says that the saffron fields in blossom afford a prospect that would enchant those who were most difficult to please. Despite all these stories and beliefs, it is not clear when the saffron cultivation was started in the Valley of Kashmir [3].
Cultivation Practices of Saffron in Jammu & Kashmir
Saffron in the Valley is being cultivated in the Karewas of Pampore and Bhaderwah district of Jammu and Kashmir & the places where we can find the loamy soils which suits the growth of Saffron. Saffron is a perennial crop, lasting for about 10-15 years after sowing [3]. A new cultivator who has a plan to go for Saffron cultivation starts preparing the land one year before the sowing of corms (seeds of saffron). This process needs a lot of labour force and financial support, as the farmer has to prepare his land for good growth of Saffron. Farmers optioned that, before going for Saffron cultivation, the land should be cultivated by oilseeds, in a year before sowing Saffron corms. As it is good for growth of Saffron corms in the succeeding year.
When the spring season (South) in the Valley starts, the concrete preparations for the Saffron cultivation also gets started, by ploughing the land in the starting month of spring season (March or April). Moreover, it also depends upon the weather conditions, if rains or more then the ploughing process is delayed for sometimes as more moisture soils are not good for corms as it can effect the health of corms and the land will not be ploughed efficiently as needed for good cultivation. After ploughing, a good quantity of green manure (farmyard manure) is applied (30-40tonnes per hectare). If the weather conditions are good, that is, field has not plenty of moisture, then the field is ploughed continuously for about 20 days to get the fine tilth (fine soil got from continuous tillage). The farmers are continuously engaged in their fields to get the better results. From the field observations, the farmers believe that at the end of month of June, it is necessary to again plough the land, so that any unwanted plants (weeds) are removed from the fields. Continuously, after 15 to 20 days the field is repeatedly ploughed again upto the time of sowing of corms, i.e., nearly mid of the August, as experienced farmers believe that the good time for sowing of corms is after first week of August upto first week of September (Figure 2).
Late sowing as well as early sowing of seeds is not recommended in the Saffron cultivation. The seeds are generally being sown at the depth of about 8cm to 11cm (4 to 6 inches), however, there is not any strict rule for the planting of seed corms. A distance of about 7cm to 16cm is in between of corms is said to be good for the better yield of crop as when the plant grows it produces a number of baby plants as its outgrowth, so farmer has to left ample space for these outgrowths of the parent plant. The sowing is done by two methods, either by ploughing method or by zoon method. Plough method is practiced by the large number of farmers as it is easy and less expensive method because labour force needed in sowing gets expensive. The corms are sown in rows, and the field is laid out in square beds by providing the drainage channels outside the beds to drain out the excess amount of water after natural showers (rains) or artificial sprinkler or irrigation, so that corms may not get damaged. The bed of Saffron seeds is called as “Poshaware” in Kashmiri. Then after the successful sowing of corms, the field needs time to time water showers, till the time of flowering, as the flowering will do start in the very first year, if properly managed and practiced (Figure 3).
After the plucking of flowers in very first year of cultivation, the Saffron fields are being left untouched upto the advent of new spring (March/April). The fields are again being prepared for yielding of crop. This time only hoeing is done, i.e., operation of providing aeration to the soil, this is considered very useful for the development of corms. Followed by second hoeing in the mid of August, considered to be very much important for good yield of Saffron. The last hoeing is done in September, about 30 to 35 days before the flowering of crop and the repairing of Saffron beds and drainage channels is also finalized. These operations of hoeings are very much useful for the growth and health of corms and for the good yield of Saffron as it provides the aeration to the soil and corms and through which the delicate stems of flowers emerge on the surface.
It may be noted that the corms may last upto about 7 to 8 years after being sown. However, the lifespan of corms depends mostly upon the type of soil and presence of moisture content in the soil. Adequate moisture content may result in the long lasting of corms, as it has been experienced that the corms may have a lifespan of about 13 to 15 years in certain places. Here, it gives us the intension that for the cultivation of Saffron crop particular soil and favourable moisture content in soil is needed.
The flower picking or harvesting season of Saffron crop is a very short season, as it starts nearly in first week of November upto 20th November. At the time of plucking of flowers an optimum number of labour force is required, farmers also engage their family members in this work and also it needs the skillful labour to pluck the flower from the stem of plant which is done by the fingernails. Farmers also engage their children in this work by providing them knowledge about plucking as they have soft hands. A person who is engaged in the plucking of flowers has to take care of the flowers and move through drainage channels and by stretching their hands and by bending for collecting the flowers so that the blooming flowers do not get blemished. The plucking time starts after the dew drops have disappeared. A good flower collector can collect as much as 3000 flowers a day and these flowers are collected in special kind of baskets made of willow. The plucking is done on alternate days or after every 2 days, depending upon the production and yield.
Production and Distribution of Saffron
As we know that the Kashmiri Saffron is famous for its quality. The production of Saffron had been witnessed from very ancient times. The cultivation of Saffron is confined to a certain-places in the Valley. Pampore area of Pulwama district is considered as the center for its production, it cultivation is distributed to the adjoining areas of Pampore. Its cultivation was diffused to other areas outside Pampore in 1960’s. In 2015, the area under Saffron crop was 3674 hectares and production was 9.6 million tonnes with the yield rate of 2.61kg/ha. (Jammu and Kashmir, Department of Agriculture, 2015) (Table 2 & Figure 4).
The above map shows that the Saffron in Jammu and Kashmir is diffused to some parts of State and when it had been started cultivating in these areas. Pampore area of District Pulwama has highest area under saffron and was the center of Saffron cultivation before 1500 A.D, followed by the areas of adjoining to Pampore after 1960’s and at present it is being cultivated mainly in districts of Srinagar, Shopian, Anantnag and Budgam.
Waning of Saffron Production in Jammu and Kashmir
The area under Saffron crop in 1997 was 5707 hectares, production was 15.85 million tonnes and yield per hectare was about 2.8 kilograms and in 2015 the area under thus crop is just 3674 hectares, production has gone down to just 9.6 million tonnes and yield per hectare is as low as 2.61 kilograms, according to the data sources of Department of Agriculture, state of Jammu and Kashmir (Table 2). From the last couple of decades, we have witnessed a declining trend of Saffron production in the valley of Jammu and Kashmir as the data also reveals. The land under this famous cash crop of state has also shown a waning trend from the past years and the farmers are also now moving out of this cultivation. There are a number of reasons due to which production has shown a waning trend and the people who were engaged in the cultivation of this ‘Golden Spice’ are now not showing much of the interest in it. Some of the reasons behind this waning trend of Saffron in State of Jammu and Kashmir are given under:
Non-availability of good quality corms
The Saffron plant being triploid, fails to set seeds, and thus is propagated vegetatively through corms. Good quality and disease- free corms result in the good production of crop. A flowering corm contains 10-12 buds and each sprouting bud produces a cormel. Pandy et. al. [4] found larger corms produced more flowers and leaves. In Kashmir the corm seeds which are sown mostly in the fields are of about 2cm in diameter and 10g in weight. Here the farmers have non-availability of sound quality corms that is why they go for the low standard corms. Due to which the yield from these corms is low. It is also seen that if the good quality corms are available then they have high rates which a small farmer is not able to buy them. Government also provided the facilities to farmers to buy the corms at subsided rates, but the majority was much away from getting these benefits. Small corms do not have the potential to produce flowers in the first year [5], while as corms larger than 2.5cm in diameter only flower in the very first year [6]. Therefore, quality of the corms matters a lot in the production of Saffron crop. These corms have very high rates and government should try to make available good quality corms for these farmers at reasonable rates.
Lack of adequate irrigation facilities
From the very beginning, the Saffron fields were completely dependent on the rain and if there were no rain there was no production, that rains have direct relationship with the production of Saffron. Saffron crop needs the time to time showers and mostly the crop has need of water during its initial stages. Srivastava [7] reported that areas receiving 100-150cm of well distributed rainfall with snow in the winters are best suited for Saffron cultivation, and rains in September are essential for meeting the water requirements of corms for good flower yields. The State of Jammu and Kashmir faced an acute drought in 1999-2003 [8], and during this period productivity was reduced from 3.12kg/ha to 1.57kg/ ha. However, in 2004-05, favourable rainfall improved the productivity also to 2.96 kg/ha.
So, for getting better productivity there is a need of providing artificial irrigation to the fields but, at ground levels it also seems that there is no facility to the farmer to provide their fields an adequate irrigation. Government under the National Saffron Mission, set up in 2010, to rejuvenate Saffron cultivation in Jammu and Kashmir, assured the farmers to provide the irrigation facility at their fields but a little of their intension was seen. Therefore, cultivators were left with no choice to switch to high-density crops such as apple, walnut and garlic, etc. While most farmers complained of inaction, some were reportedly obstructive in the laying of pipelines, fearing land damage. Tired of waiting for the sprinklers to become functional, a handful of enterprising individuals even set up their own irrigation facilities.
Lack of technology
The world is fastly going industrialized and use of technology is seen in every sector. Here the Saffron is being grown by indigenous technique. To improve the yield and productivity this sector also need the latest technology for improvement. We can see the countries were Saffron is being cultivated do use of technological tools in sowing, harvesting and in post harvesting process. Here, the farmers are lacking the new technologies and machinery to get benefitted from them. The outdated technology is also considered as the cause of fertility loss of soil and in decrease in production. There is also the need of educating and awaring the farmers about the post harvesting methods and use of techniques for storing of the crop. There is a high percentage of Crocin (14-17%) in the fresh stigmas of Kashmiri Saffron [9]. The Crocin content present in stigmas of Kashmiri Saffron is found to be decreased (9-11.5%) after harvesting and storing process because of unawareness about the postharvest handling, right time and right stage of separating the stigma from style, popularizing the use of solar dryers, branding, etc. Kashmir is lacking in terms of production, with an average yield of 2.23kg/ha as compared to 8.24kg/ha in Spain and 10. 0kg/ha in Italy [10]. So, it is obvious to add it here that with the help of modern techno tools the production can be increased, and the farmer will get benefit from it and will make cultivation economically viable and ecologically sustainable.
Absence of good fertilizers and disease control pests
The intensive cultivation and monoculture of Saffron in saffron- growing areas of Kashmir valley, together with the continual use of diseased material has resulted in the frequent occurrence of corm rot diseases caused by pathogens such as, Fusarium moniliforme var. intermedium, a non-sporulating basidiomycetous fungus [11], Macrophominia phaseolina [12], Fusarium oxysporum, F. solani, Fusarium moniliforme [13]. Out of these diseases, corm rot of Saffron caused by F. oxysporum and F. solani is considered to be most destructive in Kashmir [13]. These diseases directly effect the corms of saffron. If the corm seeds are injured there are maximum, chances of that the corms will get damaged. With the result the farmer has to go for new seed corms or has to use the particular and good quality fertilizers and pesticides for controlling these diseases. In Kashmir it is seen that almost every year these diseases effect the cultivation and ample proportion of produce gets reduced. Dhar [11] observed that although none of the Saffron- growing areas of Kashmir valley were free from disease (almost 100% disease incidence). Nehvi [14], however, reported the incidence of corm rot as 46% in traditional saffron-growing areas of Pampore. These studies reveal that there is a need of providing the quality fertilizers and pesticides for the control of these diseases. The application of different doses of Carbendazim against corm rot of Saffron can result in better flowering yields [10]. Under the Saffron Mission 2010, Government provided the facility centers at many places in the saffron growing areas, but from the empirical observation, it revealed that at ground level it was seen as a failed mission or benefitted at a negligible rate.
Lack of optimum profit for cultivators
As discussed above, the farmer suffers from these problems yet he continues with the cultivation of Saffron, but he does not earn optimum profit to enjoy the good life. After a conversation with the cultivator, namely Farooq Ahmad Wani [3], Saffron Cultivator, 1:00pm Pampore, District Pulwama, Jammu and Kashmir, India, told that, “at certain times we don’t get a suitable rates for our products as we are lacking the facility of an authorized market where we can sell our products an get the optimum profits even sometimes we have to sell our final good quality products on very low rates because of the Dalals (middlemen), as they have to earn their own share or commission from our product”. As the marketing of Saffron is mainly in the hands of these Dalas and marketing firms. The price of the Saffron in State is generally determined by these firms and Dalas. Due to this reason they are moving towards a period where they have to stop cultivating this golden spice and switch to any other farming or any other work. Government has also not taken any concrete steps towards providing some incentives or creating any market where they can sell their product on suitable rates. Under Saffron Mission 2010, the government of state started a programme but was not strictly implemented, and only those persons got benefitted who had any connections to the higher authorities or who had any links with the marketing firms in state or outside state which take their product to the national and international markets. The small farmers just sell their production to these big firms and middlemen to clear their debts, and under these conditions farmer sell their produce at very cheap rates and gets negligible profit. There are very few farmers who sell their produce directly to the dealers in national markets, like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Amritsar, etc.
Apart from the above problems, there is major reason of climate change in the Valley which has affected its production and yield. The livelihood of the society can be badly affected directly or indirectly due to the climatic changes. Climate change has emerged as an important issue ever to confront mankind. The prolonged dry spell in the months in which Saffron has a need of showers left the farmers worried. In Kashmir, the Saffron crop is mainly dependent on rains and if rains are received at the sprouting and pre-flowering stages, flowering is optimum and saffron yield is good. Due to insufficient rainfall, the state has seen the lowest productivity in the past 2 to 3 decades. It was seen in the State of Jammu and Kashmir which faced an acute drought in 1999-2003 [8], and during this period productivity was reduced from 3.12kg/ha to 1.57kg/ha. However, in 2004-05, favourable rainfall improved the productivity also to 2.96 kg/ha. It means that without rainfall the productivity of Saffron experiences a severe downfall. The variations in the time of precipitations in valley has been connected with waning trend of Saffron as experienced by the farmers that if there is less snowfall in the winter season it effects directly the productivity and yield in the succeeding year. As in winter season snow covers the saffron fields and provides moisture to the corms continuously upto the next spring season and corms do not get effected and remain healthy. It is necessary that corms have optimum moisture level during the winter (dormant) season otherwise corms get infected and don’t produce the outgrowth. In the spring season when first hoeing is done the soil gets aerated and after the first hoeing the fields need time to time rain showers upto the time of flowering. For precipitation, mountainous parts of valley have shown a drastic decrease in precipitation (10.3mm/year) while as flood plains have shown relatively less rate of decrease of 3.6mm/year and with foothills and Karewa’s having moderate rate of decrease 6.3 and 5.8mm/year, respectively [15].
In Kashmir, the cultivation of saffron has been started from the very ancient times nearly from about 750 A.D. The study revealed that Kashmiri Saffron had lost its quality and had shown a waning trend in the productivity and yield from last 20 to 25 years. Saffron is being cultivated mainly in the Karewas of Pampore and its adjoining areas. Soil in the Karewas has also lost some of its fertility due to the old techniques used by farmers in their fields. Other factors responsible for decline in production are non-availability of some basic facilities to farmers. Variation in precipitation level has also added a fuel in the waning trend of Saffron produce. Finally, we can say that by providing the basic facilities to the cultivators which have been discussed here can result in the increase of production of the crop.
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soccernetghana · 4 years
Best Soccer Players from Ghana and How to Follow Their Journey
[caption id="attachment_839689" align="alignnone" width="1280"] Asamoah Gyan is one of Ghana's legends[/caption] In Ghana, football (soccer) is the most popular sport by far. The game was first introduced in the late 1800s by European sailors passing through the biggest ports. The native people seemed to like the game, and football quickly became one of the most popular sports in the country. The first club was established in 1903, and the sport has been going strong ever since. Some of the popular and goal-oriented players came from Ghana, with many of them playing football in European leagues. Let’s take a look at the players that we are proud to have. They have and continue to captivate sports fans with their elegant playing style. Additionally, since some players might belong to football teams from across the globe, you might not always be able to watch their games. For a dedicated sports fan, this is an issue. Hence, we will touch upon this subject as well. 1. Asamoah Gyan Ghana had many successful football players over the years, but Asamoah Gyan is by far the best of the best. He was born in 1985, and he has an impressive career behind him. Asamoah made an appearance for multiple European teams, and he became the best scorer in most of them. He played for Sunderland, Rennes, Shanghai S.I.P.G., Al Ain, and Kayserispor. He is also a standard member of Ghana’s national team, with 51 scored goals so far. Asamoah proved that he has talent outside of the pitch, opening a few successful businesses that made him millions of dollars. His current net worth is about 24 million dollars. On the latest news, it appears that he will be playing for the Egypt Premier League. So, let’s hope that his goal-making techniques will shine just as bright. 2. Samuel Kuffour Samuel Kuffour already became a world-known football player when he was just 15 years old. He was born in 1976, and he eventually won a bronze Olympic medal at the 1992 summer games. Samuel started his professional career in Torino F.C. and continued playing for teams like Bayern Munich, Nurnberg, Roma, Ajax, and Livorno. He ended his professional career in 2009 when he returned to his home country. Now, he is close to becoming the new CEO of Kotoko. Samuel played in over 53 national appearances, and he was named one of the top 30 African players of all time. His impressive career has helped him earn over $37 million. 3. Sulley Muntari Sulley Muntari started his career back in 2002 in Udinese. He is currently a player for Deportivo de LA Coruna, where he came after a 5-year contract in Portsmouth. He earned 9.5 million dollars during those five years, but he spends a lot of time playing for other teams. Muntari said goodbye to European football in 2015, when he transferred to Ittihad F.C. in Saudi Arabia. The two-year contract earned him another 7 million dollars. When the contract was over, he returned to Europe, where he still plays to this day. Sulley made close to 90 appearances for the national team and made 20 goals. Today, his estimated net worth is about 40 million US dollars. 4. Michael Essien Michael Essien was born in 1982, and he started his professional football career in Ghana, playing for Liberty Professionals. European scouts saw his incredible talent, so he quickly became a member of Bastia in 2000. After only three seasons, he was transferred to Lyon, where he won two league titles in a row. The biggest teams in the world recognized his hard work, and he finally got a chance to play for Chelsea in 2005. The contract was worth 33 million dollars, and Michael became the highest-paid African player in history. His incredible skill helped lead Chelsea to three F.A. Cups and two Premier League crowns. He left Chelsea in 2014 and made a few smaller appearances for other European teams. According to experts, his current net worth is estimated to be close to $70 million, which is quite impressive. 5. Kevin Prince Boateng The youngest player on our list is a German-born Ghanaian, Kevin Prince Boateng. He was born in 1987, and he started his professional career playing for Hertha BSC II in 2004. Boateng is currently a member of Eintracht Frankfurt, a team he scored his first professional goals against in 2005. Boateng played for Tottenham, Borussia Dortmund, Milan, Schalke, and Las Palmas. His contracts ranged between 5 and 7 million dollars, earning him a total of $20 million over the years. Enjoy Watching Your Favorite Matches Ghana is, without a doubt, a country with impressive football talent. Many professional players who still play make an appearance for the national team. However, not all football matches are available to people from specific geo-locations. In some cases, you might be unable to enjoy the matches you have been anticipating. A VPN with Windows or smartphones is the solution for keeping track of all your favorite players from Ghana. With this tool, you will be able to virtually travel to another location on the map. Then, you can bypass geo-blocks that prevent you from using official streaming services. It will allow you to connect to the internet through an IP address of your choice. Choose a server located in Africa, and you can watch all national matches and professional matches as well. You can do the same for any team or sport. Just pick the right server, and you can enjoy any live stream from anywhere you want without restrictions. source: https://ghanasoccernet.com/
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Fourth series of All or Nothing is a worthwhile look back
The 2018 season was one to forget for the Carolina Panthers. Halfway through they were 6-2 and comfortably on course for a wild card berth.
The 1945 compulsive documentary launched
The compulsive documentary launched four years ago, filmed the Arizona Cardinals and their ascent to the NFC Championship game
Cam Newton undergoes a haircut at his home in Charlotte while smoking a cigar "
<img id = "i-58e5b2679ff86599" src = "https://ift.tt/2XU5gw6 -NFL_Films_captured_everything_for_the_fourth_series_of_All_or_No-a-13_1563658869118.jpg "height =" 355 "width =" 634 "alt =" Center Ryan Kalil snaps the ball to Newton during the victory over the Dallas Cowboys
39 Dallasboy & # 39; victory over the Dallas Cowboys
Center Ryan Kalil clicks the ball to Newton during the win over the Dallas Cowboys Then players didn't know too much about the cameras. But after seasons with the Los Angeles Rams and the Dallas Cowboys – plus spells with the All Blacks, Juventus and Manchester City – teams have reluctantly come to accept the fly-on-the-wall series as part of life in the NFL . A bit like playing in England.
To really succeed, it requires compelling characters and success. The Panthers offer both, until the series of seven consecutive defeats extinguishes their play-off hopes.
In quarterback Cam Newton, they have a larger-than-life manager.
We see Newton as a leader on and off the field who says rookie cornerback Donte Jackson not to I lost his head in Pittsburgh after being burned by Antonio Brown.
<img id = "i-3c81de96c7a3d47" src = "https://ift.tt/2JP6Yow Head_coach_Ron_Rivera_spells_out_some_home_truths_to_his_defense-a-21_1563659724792.jpg "height =" 345 "width =" 634 "alt =" Head coach Ron Rivera describes some truths to his defense during a fiery team meeting describing some home truths to his defense during a fiery9 meeting9 [19459[19459] ]
Head coach Ron Rivera describes some truths to his defense during a fiery team meeting
The season of the Panthers was dominated by Newton's right shoulder and his inability to turn to a repeat of a rotator cuff injury. That story takes place completely, with head coach Ron Rivera challenging the media while the new owner David Tepper becomes increasingly frustrated in his box. & # 39; Cam can't throw the ball at all & # 39 ;, he barks during a demoralizing defeat of the New Orleans Saints.
Tepper is used to high risk and high pay. The billionaire hedge fund manager appeals to his players to come back from adversity and to take "smart risks". One of his first problems in the NFL was whether or not to sign Eric Reid, the former San Francisco 49ers security officer who knelt alongside Colin Kaepernick at the American anthem in protest against police violence.
Carolina is a proud franchise who Super Bowl reached 50 under Rivera. He is a defensive coach and, despite the addition of Reid, the season derailed largely due to the inability to prevent teams from scoring.
Newton – who never wears
<img id = "i-946e0254be8c122a" src = "https://ift.tt/2CqCUN8 07/20/22 / 16293586-7268619-Newton_who_never_wears_the_same_outfit_twice_holds_court_in_a_pr-a-22_1563659729947.jpg "height =" 355 "width =" 634 "alt =" Newton – who never wears the same outfit twice – holds the same outfit in a press conference twice – holds court in a press conference
Newton – who never wears the same outfit twice –
Veterans linebacker Thomas Davis, who played through that Super Bowl with a broken right arm, shares a icy exchange with Rivera during a horrific defeat by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and forced to collect his counterparts during that miserable losing streak
Surprisingly abusive attack coordinator Norv Turner offers several highlights, just like Greg Olsen, a Pant there since 2007. When fit, the gigantic tight end is Newton's comfort blanket, but playing with a broken bone in his right foot, plus plantar fasciitis, limits his outings to just nine games.
The Panthers possess talent on both sides of the ball and the likes of Christian McCaffrey and Luke Kuechly have their moments on and off the field. Kuechly and Newton & # 39; s FaceTime conversation with former teammate Josh Norman prior to the game with the Washington Redskins is particularly important.
<img id = "i-557b3374bf383f60" src = "https://ift.tt/2XXn75h -7268619-Owner_David_Tepper_discusses_his_thoughts_about_signing_safety_E-a-23_1563659734529.jpg "height =" 363 "width =" 634 "alt =" Owner David Tepper discusses his thoughts about signing security Eric Reid
24 & # 39; Als; see, I ain & # 39;
Owner David Tepper discusses his thoughts about signing security Eric Reid
t juking, & # 39; says Newton.
Norman replies : & # 39; I am praying and hoping, because I am going to tell you now, I am not going downstairs. & # 39;
The conceited corner back correctly intercepts Newton during the 23-17 After Washington Rivera embraces his former player, one of the many times he is paternal – see also his handling of the apparent contradictions of Devin F unchess.
Efe Obada plays tough in the second episode, with his debut debut against the Cincinnati Bengals who earned him the game ball and the Panthers a second victory of the season. Obada travels home to London during the – horribly early – goodbye week, visiting former London monarchs teammates. We see how the Obada struggles with spotlights. He fails to make eye contact during the scrum after the game and sitting in front of the camera is not easy.
<img id = "i-29550d3b4fcc863a" src = "https://ift.tt/2JP6EpO -7268619-The_compulsive_documentary_launched_four_years_ago_filming_the_A-a-12_1563658851309.jpg "height =" 358 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-29550d3b4fcc863a" src = "https://ift.tt/2XXn7Cj 2019/07/20/22 / 16293478-7268619-The_compulsive_documentary_launched_four_years_ago_filming_the_A-a-12_1563658851309.jpg "height =" 358 "width =" 634 "alt =" Greg Olsen tore his plantar during a painful defeat against the division 1945 rivals Baya8008 Tampa8008 Tampa8a8008 "
This is a reprint of a book without a parallel, There are some very uncomfortable scenes. Armed defenders of veteran Mike Evans, Captain Munnerlyn and Reid try to guide rookie cornerback Jackson, who made several basic mistakes despite various slashes. & # 39; I want you to get stuck, & # 39; Adams says to Jackson. & # 39; The picks are starting to hide it. & # 39;
After firing two members of his defending staff and choosing to name plays, Rivera sits in the back of a row of meetings of defensive coordinator Eric Washington.
And there is also the emotion of center Ryan Kalil who says goodbye to the franchise he has served since 2007.
On the field, NFL movies are beyond masters in showing their sport in the best, evocative light. The combination of multiple camera angles, players with a microphone and a soundtrack that earns John Williams his money is a heady mix.
If you want to triumph, watch the win against each other against the Super Bowl champion Philadelphia Eagles. If you want to despair, check out the Thursday night trip to Pittsburgh and the seasonal defeat of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
<img id = "i-3db257094dcd943d" src = "https://ift.tt/2JP6ZsA Steve_Smith_centre_jokes_with_Newton_about_whether_to_play_rooki-a-24_1563659739426.jpg "height =" 355 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-3db257094dcd943d" src = "https://ift.tt/305gPND /20/22/16293590-7268619-Steve_Smith_centre_jokes_with_Newton_about_whether_to_play_rooki-a-24_1563659739426.jpg "height =" 355 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-3db257094dcd943d" sri = "httpsail: // https. co.uk/1s/2019/07/20/22/16293590-7268619-Steve_Smith_centre_jokes_with_Newton_about_whether_to_play_rooki-a-24_1563659739426.jpg "height =" 355 "width =" 634 "alt =" Steve Smith (center) jokes with Newton about it playing rookie DJ Moore (R) Smith (center) jokes with Newton about playing rookie DJ Moore (R) in the fantasy "
Steve Smith (center) jokes with Newton about it whether or not play rookie DJ Moore (R) in a fan tasy
And if glorious failure is your thing, look no further than the Panthers' first game against the New Orleans Saints, heartbreaking, beating counter-victories against the high-scoring NFC South champions
But it's not perfect. No mention was made of former owner Jerry Richardson, who left the company after 23 years after a workplace scandal. There is not much of a photo of his statue outside of Bank of America Stadium.
Nor is there any rookie receiver DJ Moore & # 39; s suspension (he was struggling with 113 mph) or the release of infamous former Panther Rae Carruth in October after 19 years behind bars to conspire to kill his pregnant wife
The series ends with a glimpse into the future. Tepper wants to improve the infrastructure of the team – & # 39; We don't have the best facilities & # 39; – and there is a glimpse into the war room during the selection of the first round of the design, choose Brian Burns. The Panthers switch over to a 3-4 system and it is hoped that the rusherrand can improve a defense that last season came in 27th.
If they can do that – and have a healthy Newton – then they have a chance. But before they start the rams in September, this is a valuable retrospective of how a season can eat together and fall apart.
Receding Christian McCaffrey tells a joke during an airy moment "
an airy moment"
Receding Christian McCaffrey tells a joke during an airy airy moment
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