#like 3 times so *sobs* anyways. hope these make you smile my eri <3 truly hope you had the best day!!!!! have a kiss mwah <3
jiwoonies · 2 months
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hanbin + crush/melting point facecams for @shanbini ♡
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20cm · 3 years
⭐️ AS we have discussed it def feels that we have been mootz for much longer than we have, you v quickly have become one of my favorite people on this app ! it’s bc truly you have the best best energy & are so creative in so many ways; whether you’re sharing your gifs, poetry, art, or just bits of yourself I’m *genuinely* inspired by everything you put out there. not only that but you r just so warm and kind and thoughtful. I feel very grateful to be in your orbit & the more we interact I only feel that more ! kith kith for you & thank u for being exactly who you are 💘
eri 💕💕😭 PLEASE hold on i need a second 🥺🥺 (i hope its ok tht i use tht nickname btw, u put it in the survey + its so cute 🥺) this is so so so sweet i had to read it over a couple times bc im just like 🥺🥺🥺??💖💖💖💖💖💖
thank you genuinely for like. kgjdlkfdg idk appreciating my work in general that means a lot :") 💖 like im rly happy tht u remembered my poetry + art bc i havent posted much of it 🤍🤍
kfdjgf im . just overally rly thankful <3 this is beyond sweet and i feel like a broken record answering these but i rly do mean it all 💕💕💕tht u find me warm and stuff is genuinely all i want to be for people so :")) <333333
anyways 🤧🤍🤍. YOU!! im so so glad to be in your orbit as well like same at you 100% <3 genuinely one of my fave people ive met on tumblr and the fact tht we can talk is so important 2 me!! i seriously just smile whenever i see you and i love talking + interacting here<3 i rly admire your work and dedication and you make this place better with your presence for real 💕
mwah mwah back to you and sob thank YOU right back 💖💖💖💖
send me a ⭐ if im one of your favorite mutuals and explain why, maybe? <33
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