#like I don't think either of them would be as caring as azira or crowley
camellcat · 1 year
the way I would wither up and die like a flower given too much of something good if I saw a good omens thiam fic written like Paper Moon by Skaboom. it's insane to me that it hasn't been done yet. like not even a one-shot or smth??
UGH. I would lit-er-al-ly die.
#surely I can't have been the first person to think of this right?#it's so obvious and yet not at the same time#they both do and absolutely do not fit#like I don't think either of them would be as caring as azira or crowley#at least theo certainly wouldn't be he's just very very attached to his specific angel and no one else#he'll do nice things because liam gave him the special one-of-a-kind puppy-dog eyes but that is it#he'd learn to care eventually over many many manyyy centuries but for a very long time it's only bc of liam#which ofc he's both like aware of how he acts and is disgruntled by it and yet fully unaware of what this really means for him#and liam would definitely warm up to theo first though theo would be the azira in that aspect#theo is all “we are NOT friends I am a demon you are an angel!!!” and liam is just (; ´° ワ °`)ノ??#(except more angry on the outside. definitely they have had this argument for a few millennia and each time it leads to a big blow up)#but in the beginning they have a very rough relationship of liam going “ur the bad guy get away from me before I smite you”#and theo doing that smirk and calling liam's bluff (but not actually being fully certain just being quite hopeful he's right about liam)#before it switches the other way around once liam warms up to him after theo helps him a couple of times#but like. c'mon. you see it yeah?#btw this au needs a name someone tell me what to call it so I can find my posts about it easier lol#thiam#teen wolf
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A few days have passed only since he got back into Heaven, but he couldn't help but notice a small signal coming from the Earth globe. From a place he knew all too well.
He thought "you can handle it", after all he didn't even begin to see through how much he can do to change the place.
After more days, his duties started to pile up on him, seemingly without end. Yet, he wasn't sure if that was a bad thing or not.
His training began slowly too, he realised giving out orders as strictly as archangels have to wasn't his strength.
The little signal was still flashing before him, everytime he went past it. It started to feel familiar. Like a constant, that he was still around and bothering to bother him.
He wanted to check it out sooner or later, but the kiss was still so recent, he didn't know if he had the strength to face him already. He sometimes tried to think what could be the problem, and how he left could have felt to Crowley. But, he was a demon, surely it can't be too bad, right? When he fell he was casted down to forever crave a light that he cannot found, like every other individual. Must have been an awful feeling to have it just ripped out of you, Aziraphale thought. But he seemed to be doing alright, everytime they met, he was being his usual self, saving children and animals from God's wrath. Crowley was happy when he saw him. He never really got to know what he was like when he wasn't around, now that he thinks about it.
Having a small check on him through the globe couldn't hurt, he thought as he was approaching the globe, but before he could see anything Michael and the other archangels showed up to drag him away with news that needed to be disgussed. Nothing about the little signal though.
A new week has passed and now Aziraphale was truly on edge, he didn't care about that damn kiss anymore he just wanted to see what's wrong with his friend, everything he has done so far upstairs was either accepted or declined, but never a normal argument about the reasons. With all the human knowledge he had earned while being on Earth, angels didn't always made sense to him, it was like they were lacking something, maybe not morality, or maybe it was that afterall. Teaching them sometimes was in vain.
Muriel soon decided to go up too and visit the angel, it was fun to observe him.
- Mr. Fell! Oh you, changed?
- Muriel, my dear! How are things? It's good to see you, but why are you here? Oh, yes, I've been promoted. I'm with the archangels now, and I can assure you, everything will be better this time!
- Oh, Mr. Fell, you're very nice, but this is Heaven! It's always been good here.
- But dear, what about your bosses being mean to you?
- Well, it's hard, but I must have earned that, certainly. Not a problem, I'm always improving! I hope...
- Ah, dear...
- Is something wrong, Mr. Fell?
- You know, using 'mister' here, doesn't have any meaning, so it's useless. Just call me Aziraphale.
- Oh, alright. Sorry Mr. Fell... Oh! Azira Phale.
- ... Ah, just... I promised that I would make this place better.
- I'm sure you're doing a good job!
- No, no, dear. It needs to be so good that even a demon would want to join back!
- But... They do?
- No, they don't, Muriel-
- This used to be every demon's home too. They are always looking for the light, of which we have plenty. Down there... it must be the opposite.
- No, it's...
- Aziraphale. You want to change this place to be a common ground?
- No! Of course not! I just thought that, I could tempt others to want to join back!
- Tempt? Don't be silly Mr. Fell! You're an angel you can't tempt people. Whatever you do.
- But-... Then him-
- Is it about the grumpy demon?
- He's not grumpy, he just doesn't trust most.
- Well, he was to me. He never pays attention unless I'm saying something important. He might be nice sometimes, but it feels more like he's doing it for someone else.
- ...Erm.
This hit Aziraphale unexpectingly. He just thought he was being good because he still had something in him from Heaven, and he was truly just mistreated.
- Something's wrong?
- It was... all because of me?
- What do you mean? He's a demon, it's only normal for him to be cold. Was he... nice to you before?
- I-... I'm sorry Muriel, I can't, I can't... Where's Crowley?
He turned away to get to the globe, but Muriel followed him.
- Oh, yes, I passed by him.
He stopped in his steps to turn sharply.
- You did? Did he say something?
- Well, He rather passed by Me. He's constantly in or around your bookshop lately. He never says a thing, but he forbid me to say anything to him too. I just hang around sometimes, it feels more like it's his bookshop now, not mine. Always yelling if I try to change something.
Aziraphale could feel his heart throb in his throat, sadness squezing it tight enough just to fit.
- That's also why I'm here, I wanted to ask if I can have a seperate embassy?
- Of-...I'll rathe-... We'll talk about it later, alright?
He continued to hurry towards the globe, Muriel had no more news to tell him but still went along.
Suddenly, a blue alert just went off which only urged him more. At the globe Michael and the others were already there, looking into the alert.
- Aziraphale, you chose to look out for this Earth globe alone, did you have to let it go to an alerting state?
Michael's voice was demanding, but she visibly wasn't not upset.
- Sorry, I was just about to get to it.
- At least this doesn't have an alarm noise. Yet. I'll let you choose it, later. Now we need to see to the problem. Aziraphale, send someone down to solve whatever it is!
Saraquel was already zooming in.
- Familiar place, isn't it Aziraphale?
- It's...
- Looks like rain didn't stop falling for a suspicous amount of time by now. The streets are full of water. Like rivers.
- That... It shouldn't be that much, not even in England. Can you, ah, let me zoom out.
As he got to it, he saw Crowley on top of his shop's rooftop. Just sitting, drenched in rainwater, not bothering to go for cover.
Aziraphale miracled a standing umbrella to cover him. Stylish as ever.
- I'm going down myself. I doubt there's anybody else that can solve this.
- Oh, I'm sure there is, Muriel for example!
Michael continued the speech, and Muriel came forth to spoke shortly.
- He doesn't want to listen to me, if I talk he yells and goes away.
- It really must be me.
- ...Fine.
- I'll be off then.
- Just a minute - Saraquel stopped him - I know that fallen angel from before. If this is happening because he's upset, your simple visit won't fix this problem you two seem to have.
Michael continued.
- Well, if that is correct, you need to choose. I can't afford missing an archangel, when there's so much to be done. You either stay here, or you fix this problem, and loose your status. No need for a memory erasure I think. You haven't done anything much yet that could be remembered.
Aziraphale didn't know what to say, he was working so hard every day, every hour, missed out on everything he loved, for nothing.
- I guess guarding fits you better anyways.
- ...Yes... Yes, I'd like that... Thank you... for the opportunity.
He touched the globe, and appeared up on the rooftop as soon as he vanished from up there. He looked around quietly, nobody seemed to be outside, the doors and windows that the water had reached were sealed shut, airtight. Still he could see movements inside the houses. Then he noticed the rain falling onto his head. He was sure there was an umbrella. He turned to look, and there it was, lying on the roof in pieces, broken by the metal pipe. He reached his wings out to guard Crowley from the rain, to which he looked up.
They stayed like that in silence for a few minutes, until Crowley looked back down and Aziraphale spoke.
- I... I gave up my post... I chose you.
- ...
- Crowley, please tell me what's going on, what's with the rain? You can't redo The flod, God promised us there won't be another!
- …I'm not killing anyone, now am I? ...Put your wings away from me, angel - he said softly, but he was not at all calm, it was sad to hear it too - since you don't want to fall in love with me.
- Crowley, that's-...absurd!
- Just let me cry myself out in peace.
- Are…these… are your tears?
- … I thought, all This… was worth something to you… You were always so fond of eating, and reading books, that humans made… But, almost at a snap of a finger, you gave it all up…!
His words were setting in, he let the rain fall on him, he let the tears of a fallen archangel ruin his looks, along with his own. It felt like the only right way to show regret physically too, to let himself be run down by their heavy, cold weights.
- It made me wonder, if your own things didn't mean anything to you… what did I ever worth to you?
- Crowley, I was doing this for you, so you could join me up in Heaven, without anyone trying to part us! We wouldn't have to worry for each other!
Aziraphale was trying to prove his point like he was saying it to a stubborn cherub, but instead of understanding, he heard laughter that only made him feel small.
- You, idiot! I thought you learnt something from humans! All those years and romance novels, You should know better! And Heaven! It's the place that forbids us from doing anything! From thinking anything! It's not your cozy, little home, it's your workplace for hell's sake! You can't bring me up there, after everything they did to me, and to you! You can't. Keep. Forgiving them!
- It's my job to-
- Papapapa! I'm not done yet! Secondly. Do you really think, that just because we're in Heaven, we wouldn't have to worry? Do you not remember how easily I fell the first time?! We can fall for any reason for doing something we didn't know was wrong! That pain, once was enough for me… Being in love means that you worry for the other's safety… Doesn't matter where they are, or what they've done. When you mentioned your possible fall, fearful because you lied to the others, I no longer wanted to get you to join hell's side. And I thought that was mutual. That you wouldn't want me to rejoin Heaven, and gave up all I've become. All I've grown. I-... I thought that, if I don't want to hurt you, you wouldn't either… we could have run off together, into our safe space. Just us. No orders, no jobs, no annoying colleagues and heavenly trauma… Did you have fun up there? Until I ruined it for you?
- Crowley, please! You didn't ruin it for me!
- Shame.
- I was coming down here anyways! They never let me!
- …This is why archangels are made, not promoted. You leave when you want to. Done.
- …I didn't… Nobody told me…!
- Of course they didn't.
- I… I had enough. I changed nothing, I never could make Heaven a perfect place for you, I have done nothing revolutionary, not even a simple change, I didn't even need a memory erasure of all the achievements I got, yet I worked every second! Everything was in vain, and I missed out on my only friend-...!
He was starting to cry too, but the rain rather started to soften. His tears only ran down on his face.
- I'm sorry, Crowley! I was an idiot! Please, just, look at me! I don't care where we are, for how long, just let me be with you! I thought we could be in the human's Heaven, of course I gave up my own things for us to be there!
- …Angel. You left me here, hanging. With a replacement. You cried when I finally opened up to you. When I tried to show you This is the human's Heaven. I thought you wanted it.
- I-... I do! - he gave out in tears - I just thought our first time should be the most romantical in existence, so that you'd finally fall in love with me thanks to it! I planned that dance for that moment so we can-... But you just kissed me out of nowhere, like it didn't mean anything to you, just something to tempt me with!
- Angel, I wasn't trying to tempt you, I was trying to prove my point! Why can't you trust me that I did that out of love?! I've fallen for you the first time we met!
- In Eden?
- No! In Heaven. Angel with the red, curly hair. Creating stars. You held my blueprint, and I covered you from the raining stars!
- But I… I thought you didn't even like me back then. You didn't even tell me your name!
Crowley was finally showing some emotions besides sadness, which was rather anger-ish with sarcasm as he reached out his hand as a gesture.
- Hi, Raphael Archangel, nice to meet your wings that you're covering yourself with!
- A-...
Some thunder and lightning has joined the rainstorm.
- If I'm a demon, at least we can be equals. Not care about our stupid ranks.
- So, you do love me?
- You never could feel it? You always told me when you felt love nearby!
- I, I wanted to be respectful by leaving that for you to tell me, when you want.
- See that's my problem with words. That's why I stopped doing it. How can I know what you're saying is true? That you're not lying, and I am not just a friend to you, that you can use!
- Crowley… I didn't mean you to feel like that! It's just that, you always loved saving me.
- No, I loved to be there for you, when you needed help. To protect you, because those were the times I could hope that I proved to you. But it seems like I didn't.
- N-no…Ha-h…But… You're a demon! Why wouldn't you lie to me?! Again?
- …See. It! You can sense love, so do it. With me. Too!
He said still in anger, tired of this game going back and forth. He gathered himself up emotionally, and laid back with giving out a sigh.
- Fine…
The raindrops were still falling on their heads, still softly but ready to go back to pouring at any time.
Aziraphale anxiously moved his hands to make an ethereal sign, squeezing his eyelids together, when something shone at him, and he opened his eyes.
He could feel his hurt, his feeling of being lost and tired, his want of a cozy home, someone to care for, to count on, his love like veins, wounded, but still bleeding out to him and him only. Wishes and made up scenes along with memories, like videos were pouring out of him. It was all like a huge gallery. Some very old, some very new, as if he never forgot any of them. In one Crowley was showing off his skills as an angel, and he was getting praises back from Aziraphale. In another, Crowley has learnt how to cook for him, and every meal was said to be perfect, but it was quickly interrupted by Crowley's self doubts about his cooking skills. There were all kinds of scenes from Rome, some he didn't dare to look through. But some caught his interest from later. In one they were in the Ritz, soft classical music playing, saying their toast to the world, it was like a memory, but not really, there were no people, just them, when it suddenly continued differently. Crowley said I love you to him. Since then, the music seemed to stay with him as he looked through the others. In one they were sitting in their couches, drunkenly blabbering from alcohol, talking about Armageddon, and fish soup. It made him laugh. When Aziraphale tried to help him with phrasing, Crowley went to kiss him on his lips, holding onto the angel's knees, and he welcomed it on the visuals. Then there were those scenes where he protected him from demons, angels, even from Gabriel. Always standing in front of danger just to hide Aziraphale from it.
The angel felt something, it was so deep love he barely could get enough of it. On another file, it was after stopping the Armageddon, Crowley could move into the bookshop, but he looked tired. Aziraphale covered him in warm blankets, and pulled him close to read to him as he fell asleep. He thought he'd seen the sweetest one yet, but then he found one a bit more guarded. A bit farther away from the others, it was… surprising. Sounds of children could be heard from it as he approached. Finally playing before him, he saw a window on a cottage, that led inside to reveal the two of them, looking at photos of children from a photo album, there was one who had not even opened their eyes yet, later on another one was learning to walk, he could see Crowley's feet and his hands, holding the cherub up. Then there was one about learning to talk, they spoke their first words and they celebrated. Aziraphale thought they all looked so lovely, so human, so domestic, he never imagined him like this…well, maybe once or twice.
Now Crowley's voice could be heard from the hallway, which was rather playful. He ran before the window on the inside. Then caught someone up in the air.
- Ooh no, no, no, you can't go out like that! What did I teach ya?
- That Scotland should be a free kingdom?
- …Aww. Beside that. You can't go out without anyone keeping an eye on you! At least try to sneak outside together with your siblings! Teamwork makes the dream work. Plus I can find a flock easier…
- But I don't want to be with the others!
- Hey, Aziraphale! This little cherub has free will! Have you heard of that?!
- Noo, don't tell dad!
Aziraphale's eyes were never so focused on a visual more than on this one before. He could feel his heart fill up with love.
- The door is open, dear. I can hear you. Keep your voice down, before you wake your siblings up - said Aziraphale from the video, and the real one looking at it was tearing up - or your papa will have to spend his whole week trying to get nine other cherubs to sleep.
- Nine?! - Aziraphale yelled out from surprise.
Crowley looked down at the tenth in his hands, he whispered.
- Pleasse. You love your papa, right? I'll get you chocolate!
- …
- In secret!
- Okay!
Aziraphale now was trying to see the full video if there was anything to how they could or how they would get nine cherubs. But there was nothing. They only seemed to be about them, alone together in peace, or with the already born children. As he was pacing through he recognised a pattern. Most of them were about just holding hands. In fear, in happiness, in sadness, in love, in anger. They never parted.
Guilt was creeping up on him. He decided it was time to get back to the real Crowley, who was here today.
Rain was rarely dropping down by now, he seemed to have enough of the tears.
He didn't have enough strength to look at the angel's expression yet. So he stayed down, lying.
- You're back? …Seen anything worthwhile?
Aziraphale scooched over to him in silence, then pulled Crowley up by his hand to take him into a kiss. Surprising the demon, the last drops of rain had hit the Earth, and real tears were rolling down his cheeks now.
He didn't dare to think that Aziraphale truly loved him back before, but now, this felt so much more different, so much better. They hugged each other close, with sureness, finally putting Crowley's mind at ease. Aziraphale opened his mouth to which Crowley did so too almost automatically. His heart's beating so fast but felt so right than never before. Aziraphale tried to only barely break their kiss while he talked hurriedly.
- I want… all ten - he said with a joyful cry tone.
- Ngk!
- I love you too… oh, you domestic demon!
Meanwhile in Heaven, only Saraquel was left at the globe and so she panned out of its ex-alert, with proudness on her face.
- You told me you would get that angel, Raphael. I'm glad you finally did, old warrior.
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A Good Omens Fanfic I thought of While Serving Mass because I'm ever so holy.
Sorry that the boys are kinda out of character. I had writer's block while writing but oh well. We don't wait for inspiration we fall like Crowley. Original Bible story linked below. Because as the totally good model Catholic child I am I now think of GO every time I go to mass now.
There were many things that Crowley enjoyed doing with his infinite amount of free time. There were also many things Aziraphale enjoyed doing with his equally infinite amount of free time. At this particular time, neither thing happened to be each other. Instead, it was alcohol. Drinking extraordinary amounts of it.
“Do… Do ya… Ngk. D’you think that you... you’d wanna do this again later this week Angel?” Crowley slurred, smiling messily over his new sunglasses at his drinking partner who had just taken another sip. “Like… like… erm... Friday or somethin’?” Aziraphale set down his glass and pondered the question for a moment before shaking his head furiously.
“No... no I mustn't,” he said nervously. His fingers, Crowley noticed, we’re tracing anxious patterns onto the table. “We… we... really… No. We ought not to. I mean we really shouldn’ even be here now. After all, if my superiors found out we’d met…And I… I got somethin’ important to do any day now. That young man the Almighty sent for the humans, Jesus, I think his name is?” Crowley nodded shortly, took another swig, and motioned for him to continue, wondering what that had to do with anything. “They haven't told me what yet, but I have to do something."
"F*ck," Crowley yelled, slamming his cup down onto the table so hard it spilled. "F*ck, f*ck, sh*t, f*ck, F*CK! I completely forgot… I gotta go. See ya 'round Angel." And with a slam of the door he left the pub.
“Right. Yes. Erm… see you around I guess," Aziraphale said
With a quick miracle Crowley sobered himself up, straightened his glasses, and stormed off. This Jesus bloke was really messing with plans. Why couldn’t they get Beelzebub or some demon that actually cared to tempt him. But no! As the only bloody demon on Earth it had to be him.
    “Ello,” Crowley said from where he appeared, mericaling himself already leaning casually against a nearby rock. “It’s been what, forty days? Yeah. Somethin’ like that. You’re that Jesus kid ‘m guessing?” The young man in front of him nodded slowly, and absentmindedly ran his fingers through his long dark hair as if not quite sure how to respond. Crowley took it as an invitation to keep talking. “ “Oh come on! You’re not so holier-than-thou that you’re not going to talk to me are you? I’ve got places to go, demon things to do!” Still Jesus said nothing. “So. You humans have to eat and you’ve been here for... however long I forgot about you. I can turn those rocks into bread for you.” 
    He snapped his fingers, momentarily transforming the rocks into freshly baked loaves of bread. With a grin he snapped again, changing them back to the rocks they'd been before. With that he paused and looked at the young man across from him. "Well I suppose you COULD do that yourself, couldn't you. Being the son of the Almighty and all that. That IS something you can do right? Make these stones bread, or whatever it is humans eat these days. Personally, I don't eat. Don't really see the appeal.  But Azira- er... my ah... friend does." For the first time since Crowley had arrived, his companion spoke.
    "'It is written that one does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.' I will not eat your devil food, foul creature." Crowley glared at the young man. He was used to being called many things like The Serpent of Eden which he took as a complement, even if it was only the truth. However, foul creature seemed a bit much, not that it wasn't true either. At least by Jesus' standards.
    "What the f*ck was that for? Name calling isn't all that holy of you. And I haven't even started... oh. You thought that was me trying to tempt you? Please. I have much f*ckin' higher standards than that. Just you wait." Jesus looked at him passively. There was almost no emotion on his face. This offended Crowley, who had wanted to be at least a little impressive. Not, he told himself, that it really mattered. "Anyway," he said, trying to keep his tone light and conversational. "How 'bout a little change of scenery?" With another unnecessary snap of his fingers he brought them to the top of Jerusalem's temple.
    "What are you doing now," Jesus asked, curious against his better judgement. 
    "Changing the scenery," Crowley responded dryly, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "What did I just say? And don't worry. No one can see us. At least not really. Consider that a little demonic blessing if you will."
    "I don't want it," Jesus said. "I appreciate your concern, but take it off please." Crowley ignored him.
    "On a completely unrelated note I think you should jump. Not that I really want you to die or anything. But it would really help me make sure I've got the right 'Son of God' or whatever. I know it says somewhere in that bible Azir- er my friend from before reads, that if you do that then angels are going to catch you or something. Something about not letting your foot dash against a rock or something."
“Again it is written, 'You shall not put the Lord, your God, to the test'. You will never win Raphael Once Angel of the Lord.”
"Huh," Crowley said, grimacing for a millisecond before covering it with a half smirk. "That... that's a name I haven't heard in millennia. But the thing is I can't very well put the 'Lord my God' to the test if I'm fallen. I don't really have much of a god anymore." Jesus pursed his lips and crossed his arms but said nothing. Clearly Crowley had a point, even if he didn't want to admit it.For the third and final time that day Crowley snapped his fingers and brought the two of them back to the desert they originally started in. "Right. Well this is the tempting bit I'm supposed to do. Legally required and all that sh*t."
"Must you use such crude language demon?"
"Yes. Sh*t, F*ck, d*mn, and all that. Plus I have a name. Not one that I'm telling you, but I have one. Now shut up and let me do my thing." Jesus sighed but let him continue. "So if you'd look over there you'll see all the kingdoms in the whole bloody world. I'm supposed to tell you that we'll give you all of them, if you just worship Satan. That's all there is to it. And it's really not so bad. Not IF you get used to it." It was a desperate but required attempt. Crowley didn't really care whether Jesus said yes or no. If he said yes, he'd get a huge commendation. If he said no they'd blame it on the fact that he was the son of the Almighty.
“Get away, demon! It is written: The Lord, your God, shall you worship and him alone shall you serve.” 
"Yeah. Thought that was gonna happen. Coulda gone worse. See ya 'round kid. And just a warning. Things are gonna get a LOT worse after this. Just don't blame me for it. Pretty sure an angel's supposed to show up around here some time in the near future." With a final grin flashed in Jesus' direction and a wave of his hand for dramatic effect Crowley turned into his snake form and slithered away. One hour and several minutes later a slightly flustered angel who had been on earth for quite some time arrived.
"Oh dear... I'm ever so sorry. I... I had something I had to finish doing. Did I... did I keep you waiting long Lord?" Jesus smiled kindly down at Aziraphale.
"No Principality Aziraphale. Not long. Come, sit. Let us eat." Beaming, Aziraphale sat beside the savior of the world, who made a mental note about that 'something' the angel had mentioned. Jesus, son of the Almighty and savior of the Earth, would have bet everything then and there that Aziraphale's 'something' he'd been doing was the demon that had left.
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