#before it switches the other way around once liam warms up to him after theo helps him a couple of times
camellcat · 1 year
the way I would wither up and die like a flower given too much of something good if I saw a good omens thiam fic written like Paper Moon by Skaboom. it's insane to me that it hasn't been done yet. like not even a one-shot or smth??
UGH. I would lit-er-al-ly die.
#surely I can't have been the first person to think of this right?#it's so obvious and yet not at the same time#they both do and absolutely do not fit#like I don't think either of them would be as caring as azira or crowley#at least theo certainly wouldn't be he's just very very attached to his specific angel and no one else#he'll do nice things because liam gave him the special one-of-a-kind puppy-dog eyes but that is it#he'd learn to care eventually over many many manyyy centuries but for a very long time it's only bc of liam#which ofc he's both like aware of how he acts and is disgruntled by it and yet fully unaware of what this really means for him#and liam would definitely warm up to theo first though theo would be the azira in that aspect#theo is all “we are NOT friends I am a demon you are an angel!!!” and liam is just (; ´° ワ °`)ノ??#(except more angry on the outside. definitely they have had this argument for a few millennia and each time it leads to a big blow up)#but in the beginning they have a very rough relationship of liam going “ur the bad guy get away from me before I smite you”#and theo doing that smirk and calling liam's bluff (but not actually being fully certain just being quite hopeful he's right about liam)#before it switches the other way around once liam warms up to him after theo helps him a couple of times#but like. c'mon. you see it yeah?#btw this au needs a name someone tell me what to call it so I can find my posts about it easier lol#thiam#teen wolf
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She is dying either way Part 1
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Teen Wolf
Characters: Stiles, Theo, Derek, Mellisa, Scott, Liam, Hayden, the Dread doctors, Kira, Allison
Pairing: Stiles Stelinski/ Theo Reaken X Reader Argent
Summary: Being Allisons big sister you swore to protect her. Always. After she died by the hands of an Oni you start blaming yourself for it. Separating yourself from the pack you throw yourself in fights you know you can't handle. Becoming a stranger to your friends fighting the supernatural alone. A human against the creatures of the night.
One night you find yourself fighting for your life, ending up nearly killed and in a coma. Waking up left you with severe amnesia. Not even remembering your own name. The pack changes your last name so you can start over. Keeping their distance to protect you from a far. Theo take advantages of the situation and grows close to you. Betraying you, leaving you vulnerable.
Warnings: none so far. But it would be nice to know that the story isn’t at all accurate with the shows time line from season 3.
Word count: chapter word count: 3,158                       total word count 10,370
My name is Y/N Woodlend, at least that's what the nurse told me. She told my whole life story as if she saw me grow up. Apparently, I had been in a coma for three months from a major car accident. The impact was so severe that it caused amnesia. I couldn't remember anything before or during the accident, not even my own name.
For my recovery I needed a lot of rest, the rest that I did not give myself. Too much went through my mind, so many questions and so little answer. "You have to rest." Nurse McCall had said several times. "After you sleep, I try to answer as many questions as possible about you." It was blackmail, but it worked.
With each far-reaching minute I felt my eyelids getting heavier and heavier, always closing my eyes for a second or so until I lost the battle between waking and sleeping. My dreams were empty and black, I felt like I was dreaming, but like the rest of my life, I couldn't remember them.
Woken up in cold sweat, I straightened up, gasping for breath. My heart beating so fast that the alarm bells on my heart monitor rang. Within seconds my room was filled with nurses and doctors. ''Is everything alright? What do you feel?" Asked a doctor, while a nurse started conducting several tests. "It was just a dream." I said absently.
It was Sister McCall who told everyone to leave the room. "Okay, everybody out, she needs to rest." When everyone had left the room, she closed the door and turned back to me. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked worried. "There is not much to say. I don't remember anything." To calm me down, she gave me a glass of water that I immediately knocked it back. My throat felt dry and hoarse. The cool water relieved the irritation.
It went on for several weeks, empty and meaningless dreams. There were still so many questions I had not answered. Nurse McCall, Melissa, couldn't tell me more than she already had, she didn't have all the answers, either. My recovery was slow, but it was getting better, I was ready to be released from the hospital.
The day had come when I could go back home. "There is a taxi waiting for you outside, they already got the address of your house from me." Melissa said. The clothes I was wearing the day of the accident were bloody, dirty and torn, Melissa brought me a T-shirt, sports pants, socks and a hoodie. "It's a bit on the bigger side, but you should try them on. They’re my son's old clothes." It was the gesture that mattered. "Thank you, I really appreciate this." I took the clothes from her and brought them to the bathroom to change.
The clothes were indeed a bit too big for me. It made no sense to make something of it, the clothes were hanging loose around my figure and so be it. Melissa was still there when I walked back into the room, holding a clipboard with my discharge papers. "If you still want to sign here, then you are free to go." I took over the clipboard from her and read the papers quickly, at the end of the page I signed. My hand guided the pen over the paper without thinking about it, it was automatic.
The ride home went in silence, the streets we drove through, the buildings we were passing by didn't mean anything to me. Lost in thought I looked outside, not realizing that we had come to a standstill. "Ma'am?" Said the driver of the taxi. "Madam?" He said again, but a little louder.
Pulled out of my mind, I murmured a sorry. The man gave me a friendly smile. "No problem." It had probably happened before that a co-driver had dozed off. "We have arrived at your destination." Looking out the window, I noticed an apartment complex that looked deserted. "You're sure this is the right address?" I asked just to be sure. The man looked at his navigation. "Yes, this is the address I got from the hospital." With a sigh I nodded and got out. "Thank you for the ride." I said before slamming the door.
Melissa had also given me a plastic bag with my personal items, including keys. There was also a wallet with my passport and some small money in it. I opened the doors of the building and walked in, it looked as deserted inside as it was outside.
From a distance I heard footsteps darting, all the muscles in my body tensed and a frightening feeling fell over me. "Hello?" I tried to be as confident as possible. A figure formed in my field of vision and made me step back. "Calm down, I'm not here to hurt you." Said a voice, the man held up his hands and stepped into the light.
His green eyes glow with the sun shining in, a smile played on his bright white teeth. He still spoke with his hands still up. "I'm Derek. Your neighbour remember." I shook my head not. "I don't know anything anymore." My words sounded empty.
Derek took a  step forward. "I heard about the accident, but I didn't expect it to be so bad." His words were soft and compassionate. "It's ... It's just that I don't remember who I am." I looked at him with broken words and tears in my eyes. He took a few more steps forward so that he was standing in front of me. "All in good time." He put a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it a little. In an attempt to get myself together, I nodded at him and smiled small.
We said goodbye and before I was out of sight he said. "By the way, I put your mail on the table, your mailbox started to bulge a bit." I saw the humour in his sense, but it made me uneasy to know he could get into my apartment. "Don't worry, I'm also your landlord." He winked at me. My response was an "Oh" face and then continued on my way to my apartment.
One of the keys on my key ring fell perfectly into the lock of the door. It took me a few tries. I opened the door and walked in, looking for the light switch. Once the room was lit I looked around. The room was filled with things that could be mine, but it didn't feel like it, it didn't feel like my house.
On the dining table was a stack of mail and on top of it was an envelope with the text "READ ME", I left all other letters and took the envelope. I landed on the couch with a thud and opened the envelope.
Before I read the letter I skimmed it quickly, the sender of the letter appealed to me the most, it was my own father. Questions filled my head, why wasn't he here, why did he let me go through this alone. Tears filled my eyes with the thought that I might not be good enough for him to be here.
Hoping that the letter would answer my many questions, I gathered my courage and started reading.
"Dear Y / N,
You will have many questions and I hope to answer as many as possible with this letter. To begin with why I am not here with you;
I heard about your accident and I'm sorry I can't leave because of work, I promise to make it right as soon as I get back, I am currently in Tokyo, for a very special buyer of antique objects.
You are a junior student at Beacon hill high school, I told the school about your condition and they will also explain things to you as soon as you start school again.
Don't try to remember everything at once.
To shire.
With the letter in my hand, I looked ahead, nothing seemed as it should be. It felt like this was not my life. Pondering the issue didn't help me much, it was exhausting and it wasted time. It had been a long day and I was exhausted.
I placed the letter on the table and found my way to my room. It looked like a room for a teenager my age, that's all I could say. The bathroom was opposite to my room, I longed for a shower. I turned the knobs of the water and let it preheat before stepping under it. I prepared a towel and when the water had warmed up I took off the clothes Melissa gave me and dropped them on the floor, without looking back, I stepped into the shower cabin.
For the first time after my visit to the hospital, I saw my scars in a better light. They covered my arms, torso, back and even my legs. Shocked at the amount, I traced one of the scars, hoping to remember something, the story behind my injuries.
Some scars were old and healed, others were new and red. The difference in size was evident, one lying superficially when the other was carved deep into my skin. There was one what looked like a shot wound between all the thin and thick lines. Panic filled my body and breathing became difficult.
The wound was old, completely healed. Certainly about three years old, what could I have done when I was fifteen that would leave me being shot at. I got the impression that I lived a completely different life than people let me know. Maybe this was for the best that I don't remember who I was, maybe I can start over and live a better life.
The warm water did my body good, my stiff muscles relaxed a bit. I let everything rinse off and enjoyed the warmth the water gave and the sound of hundreds of drops falling on the ground to the stone floor.
A much needed night's sleep followed soon after I finished showering and found my pyjamas. Covered under the sheets of my bed, I immediately fell asleep when my head hit the pillow.
My dream was empty and meaningless, even though, I felt rested. An outfit was created by putting some pieces of clothing together and was nothing special, a pair of jeans and a graphic T-shirt with a flannel blouse on top.
After a quick breakfast, I picked up a backpack that was neglected in a corner and put it in a few pens and a note book. Mentally I prepared for my day, a school bus stopped near my apartment. There were a few others who had to use the same bus as well. I kept my head down and watched for none other than myself.
Everyone who was already on the bus looked up from their phones and looked at me intently, I paid no attention to them and quickly looked for an empty place to sit. There was still a spot available in the back of the bus. As soon as I sat down, my attention drifted to the window, where I stared aimlessly outside.
The twenty-minute ride passed by faster than it seemed. In the parking lot, the bus and many others were empty. I was the last person to leave the bus, greeting the driver.
The school doors loomed the closer I got. Inside I wandered through the endless halls looking for the administration, which I had clearly passed by the crowd three times.
Behind the desk was a woman in her fifties, beginning grey hair with small glasses resting on her nose. "Good morning, I, um, I'm back from the hospital and ready to finish my education." I didn't know how to put it better. "What's your name sweetheart." She asked, looking up from her work. "Y/N Woodlend." She immediately typed it into her computer. "Oh yeah, I have your file here, I am really sorry about what happened." I nodded without going into it. "I'll print your class schedule for you and write your safe number on a piece of paper." I thanked her and waited for her to finish.
After she handed over my papers and explained some more things I was on my way to my locker. For the first and second period I had mathematics and chemistry. My locker looked messy, filled with books and notebooks, this was the first time I felt like it was supposed to.
I struggled to find the right classroom, but eventually I found the right one. Most of the students had already taken a seat, all the seats in the back rows were already occupied. The only free spots were in the front. Two boys who were talking to each other at first looked at me abruptly as soon as I walked into the room. I felt uncomfortable, the fact that they suddenly stopped talking the moment I walked in. I shook it off and sat in the front row, at the second table from the left.
Just before the bell rang, another student walked in, the last empty spot was to my left. The boy put his bag down next to the table and sat down. He gave me a little smile when we made eye contact. His blue eyes had something of a sparkle in them, his picture perfect smile filled the room. I quickly turned to the whiteboard to avoid it becoming uncomfortable.
The teacher stepped in and started the presence of the class. "Theo Reaken," She looked around the classroom and this time the boy to my left spoke. "Here." With a slight wave of his hand, he gestured where he was. "Stiles Stelinski," she again looked up from her paper and one of the boys who looked at me said. "Here." And raised his hand to mark his place. "And Y/N Woodlend." She spoke in a whisper and looked at my face. Her eyes looked for mine. "Y/N Woodlend." She said more clearly. "Here." I held up my hand to clarify my soft answer.
The class buzzed after my name was dropped. Looking over my shoulder, I noticed that the whole class was looking at me. The teacher was already interfering. "That's enough, staring is rude." Everyone turned back to their own tabletop and the lesson started. The beginning was rough, it was as if it were a different language, but after a good reading and help from my classmate, Theo, the lesson went smoothly. "Hey, are you OK?" Theo asked, seeing that I was having trouble with the material. "It's like it's from another planet." I joked, even though it was a bad one he laughed.
I cut out the buzz of the class and kept busy with my work. I felt the eyes of someone behind me burning on my neck. The help Theo gave me helped set a standard. By the end of the lesson I was up to date with the material and I had already finished the homework myself. "What lesson do you have next?" He asked out of interest. "Chemistry." I replied quickly. "Me too." We walked silently to the next class.
Here too we sat next to each other, but unfortunately for a short amount of time, as soon as the class started we were divided into pairs. My heart was pounding when I heard who my partner was for this class. Stiles. He immediately objected. "Can't I go with someone else?" He asked without hesitation. "No, she's your partner for this lesson." Making myself small, I hid my face in my arms. Cheeks fiery red with shame. ''Please. I can't work with her." Tears filled my eyes an my heart was pounding in my chest.
Stiles' behaviour started to get on the nerves of the teacher. "Stiles, that's enough, she's your partner and I see you in detention this afternoon." Angrily, he looked at me and shook his head. "Fine, but I'm still not working with her." His voice hinted with disgust. I don't know what I ever did to him to be treated like this.
The classroom filled with whisper. My name fell in every corner of the room. Panic filled every inch of my body and before I realized it I got up, with as result that my crutch fell backwards. As soon as I could I gathered my things and stormed out of the room. "Stiles, to the director's office, now." Was the last thing I heard. All the while, Theo watched speechless, stunned at what had just happened.
Theo also got up and threatening walk to Stiles. He stopped in front of him so close that their chests almost touched each other. "I don't know what she ever did to you before she lost her memories, but I do know she didn't deserve this." By deliberately crashing his shoulder into Stiles', he followed me. "Hey wait." He called after me. Halfway down the hall I stopped and turned to watch Theo sprint to get to me.
I looked at him silently with red and tearful eyes. Without speaking he pulled me into a hug and held me tight to him. Loud sobs left my throat. "It's all right." He said calmingly.
When I ran out of tears to cry, I pushed away from him. "Since I came back to school, I feel like people look at me like I'm a monster, talk about me behind my back, I think I was a bad person before my accident." I looked at him frightening. "I wasn't there before your accident. So I don't know you as the person everyone else knew." He looked at his hands and then back at me. "But I do know that I would like to get to know the person you are now." A smile cleared the corners of my mouth.
From that moment I no longer cared, I was no longer obsessed with my past, but with my present. I wanted to live in the now and not in the past. The accident was a new beginning for me to live a better life than I did, I had the choice to change or fall back into old habits.
Although I didn't know what those old habits were, I chose to start over, I wanted to change for the best. Whatever the reason for my scars, that life was behind me. I found a friend when all my hopes were lost, a friend who chose me for who I am and not who I was.
My bond with Theo grew closer every day, so close that I started to feel more for him than just friends. Now when we were together I got nervous, tripped over my words, or turned red in the face with every compliment he gave me.
Read part 2: Here 
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bogariel-frogariel · 4 years
A Wish For A Better World Part 2: A New Day, A New Life
Another part of my time travel fic.
Here is the ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25747657/chapters/62572741#workskin
Please give me food name puns. I need help.
Ruby's head spun as her back hit the soft mattress. She had to blink tears out of her eyes when she felt her sister's now-unfamiliar weight on her. How did she have forgotten this feeling so quickly?
This couldn't be possible. This wasn't real.
She was hallucinating. This was one last fantasy dreamed up by her mind before she died. Or before she experienced whatever the consequences of her actions were.
"Hey, Ruby, what's wrong?" Jet asked her, her voice holding the tenderness that she reserved only for when she was worried about Ruby.
Ruby swallowed back a sob. She'd gotten really good at doing that over the years.
She hesitated, but then decided to indulge herself, to immerse herself in this illusion. One last perfect, innocent, carefree day. Or however long the universe would allow her.
Ruby sniffed and smiled. "Nothing. It's just… we're fourteen now."
Jet grinned brightly. "I know. We're so old!"
Ruby swallowed again but Jet didn't notice her affected mood, bouncing off the bed and running over to her room.
"Come on, if we don't look proper, Mum will be mad at us, and I want to stay on her good side today. Dad said he was going to give us a surprise."
Ruby remembered.
They had managed to stay good that day, making it to midday without getting in trouble. Theo and some of the other Knights of North-Gumbia had followed them and their father as they went out and had lunch in Dulcington. When they got back, Calroy and their father had treated them both to a combat lesson. Of course, their mother had found out, and Ruby distinctly recalled hearing the echoes of her parents' fight about it, though her mother had not addressed it to them. It was one of the few things in her life she hadn't told Jet about.
Ruby frowned. She wondered why her subconscious chose this day. Why not the day after, when they'd slipped out of Lapin's class and gone to the secret fights held by the kids and street urchins in the Dulcington? Jet had wrestled her way to the top of the charts and Ruby had talked her way out of getting stabbed. On top of that, shad also successfully stolen from the four older kids who had pickpocketed her on her excursion the week prior. It had earnt them the respect that had them commanding the streets for the next four years. There had been challengers, of course, but none had been able to best them when they worked as a team. And they always worked as a team.
That had been a good day made even better by the fact that they had managed to return before Lapin had noticed their absence, though Ruby now wondered if the old rabbit had ever really been as blind as he pretended to be.
This had not been.
This year had marked the first year that their mother insisted that they have lessons on their Saint's Day. She remembers sitting in the room, eyes glazed as Lapin droned on before being dragged to the church to say their prayers before they had been allowed to properly celebrate.
She'd hated every second of that morning, anxious to get it done and hadn't been able to sleep that night, her parents' fight still ringing in her ears.
As Ruby made her way to her closet, she almost tripped over her art supplies, which she'd left strewn across the floor. This had been when she was between phases. Her carelessness with the equipment showing that she was about to switch interests. If she remembered correctly, she would take up singing and the lute next (she had been quite good at singing, but not as adept at the lute, and the dissonance between her talent in the two had caused her to lose passion for it fast) and then she would change to dancing for two months which would evolve to acrobatics by the time their next Saint's Day came around.
That was the one that had stuck. And the one that had been the most useful in the end. Though, she wished she'd somehow decided to pursue magic, that some twist of fate would have allowed her to begin learning it earlier. She could have been good at. Maybe even one day as good as Saccharina. But she'd never know. War wasn't exactly the best time to learn the complex foundations needed to be able to perform proper spells that actually caused damage.
Ruby couldn't imagine why a hallucination would have such mundane detail as the mess in her room.
This was an ordinary day. It didn't make sense for her to be experiencing this.
She was quiet on the way down, stewing as Jet practically skipped alongside her, chattering happily.
She'd had hallucinations before, she'd even had one or two visions; they had never felt like this.
This almost felt… real.
It struck as she was eating breakfast. She had followed Jet, just like she'd always done, and hugged her parents, a tight crushing one from her father and a warm but sharp one from her mother, and then took her place across from her sister at the table.
Theo was standing at the door, Toby on the other, less used exit, as they watched over them silently.
Lapin would already be getting ready for their lesson.
Liam was still in the Great Stone Candy Mountains, three months away from arriving in her life.
She dropped her fork when she realised it, the clattering sound cutting off Jet and her father's loud chattering.
"Ruby!" There was her mother's instinctive reprimand.
"Ruby, are you alright?" That was her father, his tone gentle and concerned.
Jet did not say anything, just stared at her. She knew that she was acting strange. She had not done this the first time around. This was not how hallucinations went. This was not plucked from her memory, the edges were to sharp, the details to minute.
This was real.
A thousand thoughts crashed through Ruby's head all at once. All she could do was stare as she realised the implications of her situation.
When she didn't react to their voices, her father rose and walked to her side, Jet also stood up whilst their mother leant forward in her seat.
"Ruby," her father's voice rumbled. That deep cadence had been one of her last comforts after Jet…
But Jet was alive. She wasn't dead anymore. She'd never died.
And she wouldn't. Ruby would make sure of it.
In that second, Ruby made a decision, constructed her plan and decided on to carry it out.
Her mother had once said that she'd grown into a woman who was not afraid to make her bloody way through the world. She had become good enough at politics and reading between the lines by that point to get the hidden meaning; that Ruby was ruthless and cunning and was capable of using both those attributes to get what she wanted.
It was time to test that assessment.
She blinked and looked to her dad, plastering a smile on her face. "I'm fine."
Her dad's hand tightened on her shoulder. (When had that gotten there? Ruby hadn't noticed. That was something she'd need to do better. She couldn't miss things like that. She'd missed too many things last time.)
She met the suspicious and worried gazes of her family, her eyes settling on her twin. "Really. I just had a nightmare last night. It's okay now."
Her mother frowned. "Are you alright?"
Ruby turned her smile to her mother. "Of course. Dreams can't hurt me."
She made it through breakfast and then they were herded to the tower where Lapin conducted their lessons under their mother's disapproving eye.
'We might have been able to use your nightmare to get out of this,' Jet whispered to her in twinspeak as she squirmed in her seat, barely one minute into their class and already wanting to leave.
Ruby nodded absentmindedly, but did not reply like she used to, when they would keep up their murmured conversations throughout the entirety of their classes instead of actually listening to Lapin.
She would not make the same mistake again.
Lapin was droning on about the history of Ceresia and its relationship to the Church, information that would have been quite helpful in her understanding in the future. Ruby listened with rapt attention.
She actually asked a question. A question that was on topic and not designed to distract Lapin.
Jet was gaping at her. Lapin blinked, shocked, but answered after only a few seconds' hesitation. Ruby ignored their reactions. There was little she would be able to do to explain her seemingly sudden change in personality, but she did not have time to slowly ease into it. She only had four years. Four years to fix things and make sure that the Church could not attack them from the same angle that they had the last time. They would not dethrone her father under false pretences. They would not turn Calorum against them. Candia would not burn.
If the bitchifex wanted to come for her kingdom, she would need to do it from another angle.
Ruby did not whine as they were dragged down to the chapel nor did she roll her eyes through her prayers. If she were to pull off her plan, she would need to cultivate the appearance of someone so devout that her faith could not be questioned, following in the steps of her lost aunt, the Saint Citrina.
Lapin noticeably hesitated when she willingly dropped to her knees at the alter and placidly listened to him, none of the nervous energy that she used to be filled with which would have her fidgeting through the entirety of his sermon.
When they were done, Ruby briefly contemplated pausing in front of one of the stained glass windows and bowing her head, but thought that that might be too much too soon. So, she dutifully followed her mother out of the small cathedral, ignoring the surprised looks that Jet kept sending her.
She tried to be cheerful on their lunch with their father at Dulcington, but she kept getting distracted, preoccupied by seeing old shops that had been burned down, by having Jet back at her side, by seeing the many fallen Knights still alive. Both Jet and her father kept sending her furtive glances, but Ruby didn't acknowledge them, shaking her gaze away from Sir Toby or Lamington, who had become her second in command on the streets, or Frostel, the travelling pickpocket, to refocus on the conversation that she was only minimally contributing to. People she'd never thought she would ever see again.
People that she couldn't let die.
When they arrived back at Castle Candy, their dad lead them to the training courtyard where Calroy was waiting beside a rack of training swords.
Ruby froze.
He'd been dead for so long, but the time had done nothing to appease her rage. She had never been as good as Liam, had never been able to rise above it.
"Now, don't tell your mother, but I'm about to give you both your first sword fighting lesson," her dad said with a wide grin.
Jet clapped her hands together and let out a manic laugh, but Ruby clenched her hands behind her back, breathing deeply.
She turned to her dad, and smiled as sweetly as she could. "Can I actually go down to the archery range, dad? I think I'd be a better archer than a swordswoman."
Her father frowned briefly before he smiled widely. "Of course, Ruby. We can go there after."
Ruby shook her head. She knew that as soon as she got a weapon in her hand, she drive it through Calroy's stupid face, regardless if it was blunted. She needed time to get her emotions under control.  She couldn't exactly murder her father's closest advisor.
She just needed to find some proof.
Easier said than done, but she thought she knew where to begin looking.
"Why don't I go with Sir Toby now? I'm sure one of the archers will be there," she suggested lightly.
Jet frowned and turned to her.
"Are you sure?" she asked in Twinspeak.
Ruby smiled at her. "Yes. The new Head of the Army should have some private lessons.  I wouldn't want to cut that short. And I'm thinking of maybe being Head Archer."
Jet paused for a second before she returned her smile. "Thanks, Rubes. You're the best!"
Ruby nodded, feeling the thrum of the locket on her chest. She suddenly had to swallow back tears. She'd forgotten that it used to do that; thrum when either of them felt a particularly strong emotion.
Her dad was stammering. "Ah, yeah. That sounds great. If you wanna."
Ruby visibly grinned, bouncing on her toes as she threw her arms around him. "Thanks, pops."
Her father ruffled her hair like he hadn't done in over half a decade.
She flounced off, hearing Sir Toby scrabble a bit and Theo whispering a frantic order, before he fell in behind her.
"Archery is a very noble pursuit," Sir Toby commented as they approached the range. "I'm sure you will be very accomplished at it, Princess."
Ruby inclined her head at him respectfully, ignoring the stutter in his step at her sudden proper behaviour.
"If the Bulb above wills it, then I will succeed," she replied.
Her manners may have given Sir Toby pause, but her reply had him gaping. He blinked at her for a few seconds whilst Ruby continued.
"Of course, Princess," he eventually said and they fell into silence as they walked along.
The green sour strap archer attending to the range roused at their approach, straightening up and immediately assuming parade rest.
"Princess Ruby!" he greeted with a deep bow. "Sir Toby."
"I would like to learn archery, please," Ruby announced.
The man blinked at her. "Of - of course, Princess. I will get you a beginner bow."
Ruby frowned. "I want one that will work as a proper weapon, not a glorified toy."
The man nodded frantically. "Yes, Princess."
He whisked into the large gingerbread shed that housed all of the ranged training weapons, abandoning the arrows that he had been tending to.
Ruby rolled her shoulders, starting to do warm up stretches. She frowned as she assumed familiar positions that she'd used a thousand times before, feeling a stiff strain in her muscles that she'd hadn't felt in years.
This body didn't have the muscle memory of her old one, which had been honed by years of acrobatics, archery and fighting, that she'd never stopped training, even years into peacetime. After it all, she had finally understood why her father and Theo had always trained so hard.
Ruby listened as the archer explained the basics to her, internally grumbling at how much she struggled to draw back the bow.
She nocked an arrow, aimed and loosed as the archer instructed her, grimacing when the arrow thunked into the very outer ring of the lollipop target.
"That is very good, Princess," the archer complimented. "Not many hit the target on their first try."
What about on the millionth one?
Ruby managed to cast him a grateful smile before she was loosing another arrow, her movements just a little awkward as she adjusted to her weaker muscles.
She would need to start training immediately.
By the end of her session, he was able to get her shooting to an acceptable accuracy, though the imprecision still irked her. She lowered her bow after about an hour, her arm aching. She wouldn't get much more progress that day, and she had things to do before Jet's training session ended. It had about an hour and a half left, if Ruby's memory served her right.
"Thank you," Ruby said, turning to the archer who had overseen her for the hour as she took off the guard on her arm. "I'm sorry, I don't think I caught your name Mr -?"
"Sarone, Aeple Sarone, Princess."
Ruby inclined her head in the respectful nod that she was meant to give to her subjects. "Thank you, Mr Sarone. Your help has been much appreciated."
The man grinned and bowed. "Any time, Princess. You have a real talent for archery."
"You flatter me," she replied with a laugh. "I wish you a good day."
They entered the castle again and Ruby curtseyed at Sir Toby, a rather strange experience when she wasn't in a dress. She had worn them much more often in her last few years in the future, when she had been required to be seen as a formal figure.
"Thank you for guarding me, Sir Toby," she said. "I will not require an escort for the remainder of the day."
Sir Toby bowed at her. "It was my honour, your grace. I will be happy to accompany you on any other archery ventures in the future. It seems the Bulb above has blessed you with great skill with the bow."
Ruby smiled. "Thank you for the compliment. May the Bulb shine upon you."
Sir Toby beamed at her. "And you, princess."
Ruby nodded deeply at him and walked off, stopping by her room to pick up one of her many lined notebooks and shoving it in a large satchel with a bunch of her study materials, pausing just long enough to clean her room up. She hadn't been in the room since she'd left Castle Candy for Calorum all those years ago. She hadn't been able to re-enter it when all that would be left there was the ghost of her sister. Back then, or she guesses, yesterday, she didn't have the appreciation for organisation and order that she did now.
With a sugar quill and her white chocolate notebook in her satchel, Ruby made her way through the castle and sat down, cross legged in front of the four, humongous statues of her aunts.
Ruby started to make a list. Of things she needed to do, things that needed to change and things that she would not be able to change but would need to be ready for.
She wrote and she wrote, sifting through her memories and attempting to ensure that she didn't forget anything.
Eventually, she got herself down to a checklist for the next three days. It was short and sweet, but more complicated than it seemed at first glance.
Ruby sighed as she looked up from the book, staring at the statues around her.
She felt something in the back of her mind and Ruby almost screamed when she heard the whispers of the shadows echo around her.
She slammed her book closed and throw it, jumping to her feet as she ran her hand through her hair, tugging it hard. However, she paused before she could cast the shadows away. They no longer felt like the cold, destructive things that had urged her towards vengeance and rage.
These were… warmer. Their whispers did not tell tales of hatred, they just called welcomes in her ears.
Mistress… you are - you are here… you are home… let us help you…
They were a thousand voices speaking at once, all ready to embrace her.
Ruby closed her eyes and tentatively delved into her magic, feeling that the connection inside her was more indistinct, less rigid than before, but somehow more lively, thrumming with a sought of life that it had never had in the past (or, well, future). She felt sparks of energy shoot through her body as she channelled her magic and her eyes snapped open.
She gasped at what she saw.
In one hand, a ball of light glowed in her palm, whilst shadows pooled in the other.
In between them, streams of purple light danced around her, singing songs of growth and change and prosperity. Her vision turned misty as she finally felt it. Neither the cold destructiveness of the Hungry One, nor the blinding light of the Bulb scorched her soul. Whatever she'd done back there, that strange balance she'd found, had carried over into this world.
She could tap into both the Bulb and the Hungry One, the light and the shadows, and she could use them both to feel the ever changing world around her. Finally, she understood what Liam had been trying to teach her. The Bulb birthed them and the Hungry One took them at death, but the time in between was for them, was for the change and the growth that came with truly living.
She dismissed the Sweetening magic first, releasing it with a smile. She allowed herself to bask in the golden glow for a few more seconds before she allowed that to disperse too. They would be useful in the future, but they were not calling for her now.
Now, the shadows had news for her.
And, for the first time in her life, Ruby let them in with warmth and security in her heart, finding comfort in their protectiveness as she raised her right hand to her hear, allowing the black mass that was wrapped around her hand, to speak directly to her.
We can help you, Mistress… we have felt what you will need… follow us.
So, Ruby allowed them to lead her. At their bidding, she walked over to Sapphria's statue, and climbed it with more difficulty than she would like - she really needed to start her acrobatics training. However, she made it to the circlet, pushing the purple jewel that was inlaid at its crux, one that mirrored the jewel in Ruby's own circlet.
A compartment opened up in front of Ruby's eyes, books and scrolls and maps. But, most interesting of all, a clear, pale blue sphere made of pure sugar, and a set of four black daggers, each long but, as Ruby discovered when she picked one up, well balanced enough to use as throwing knives. Ruby took the sphere, the daggers and two of the books; one that was a pure black journal and another that was deep purple and pulsed with magic, and scampered down the statue, depositing her findings in her satchel just in time to see her mother storm into the room.
The queen paused when she saw Ruby.
"Ruby," she said, her furious scowl quickly being replaced by raised eyebrows. "What are you doing here?"
Ruby raised one of the history books in her satchel.
"I just wanted to do some studying in the quiet," she explained. "It's… peaceful here… calm."
Her mother took a deep breath in, glancing down. Her voice was quiet when she answered, "Yes, it is."
Ruby clenched her hand around the satchel strap, reaching back and stealthily summoning her white journal and quill into her hand before shoving them in the bag.
"You can stay here. I was just leaving," she told her mum. "I know people usually like to be alone in here."
Her mother looked up at her, eyes widening before she nodded. "Yes. Thank you."
Ruby hesitated for a second before she stepped forward and enveloped her Mum in a firm hug.
"I love you."
Her mother took a second to return the embrace. "I love you too, Ruby."
Before Ruby let go, her mother kissed her on the head. Ruby pretended she didn't see the defeated slump of her shoulders when the queen faced the statue of her aunt.
That night, after dinner, Jet's raised her eyebrows at Ruby's spotless room.
"Are you done with art?" she asked.
Ruby grinned. "Yep. I think I want to do something more active. Sitting still all day is boring. I think I want to try acrobatics!"
Jet matched her expression. "Like with the ropes and the flips? Cool."
"Yeah I want to fly through the air!" Ruby said as they both started to get ready for bed.
"And I want to be the most fearsome fighter in Calorum!"
Ruby giggled. "So you liked your lesson?"
"Yeah! I'm totally going to take over Theo's job! I'd be great at it."
"You should teach me what you learnt," Ruby suggested lightly, riding high on the exhilarating feeling of talking to her twin again after all these years.
Jet flung herself onto her bed. "I totally will."
"Then I can watch your back both up close and from afar."
Jet laughed as she got under the covers. "I'm going to be a great general, Ruby. I'll protect you. I'll protect everyone."
Ruby was quiet as she crawled into her own bed, staring at her ceiling, the orange light slowly receding towards the window as the sun fell below the horizon.
"Do you really not want to be queen?" she asked.
Jet sighed deeply. "You know I don't. But I also know you don't either, so I wouldn't abdicate and make you be queen. Even though you'd be much better at it than me."
Ruby snorted. "No I wouldn't."
"Yes you would! You're good at everything."
Ruby frowned. That was just it, wasn’t? Ruby had been good at almost everything she'd tried, but she had been only good. Never a great mage or a great leader or a great beauty; she had never been great at anything until she had started listening to the whispers of the courts and mastering its language. She had learnt to play the games more expertly than any other in Candia, and had used her skill to protect her sister, to protect her queen, to protect her realm.
"I've seen what the crown did to Dad and Mum," Jet murmured. "I don't want that to happen to me. I don't think I'm good enough to do it. I'd be a better general. I can do more good without being chained down by a crown."
"What if you didn't have to take the throne?" she questioned, voice barely above a whisper. "What if there was someone else."
She heard Jet shift up onto her elbows. "Are you saying that you want to take the throne? Is that what today has been about."
Ruby sat up and shook her head. "No. But I… I think I might know a way to help you."
Jet huffed. "You've been acting weird all day. And don't tell me it was just a bad dream! You've never lied to me before Ruby."
Ruby frowned. It may as well have been a dream, for it would never come to pass. Not on her watch. Now, it was just a nightmare.
"I'll tell you what I mean tomorrow night, I promise. Please, just give me time to make sense of it all," Ruby implored desperately. "I'm sorry. I just… I need just some time to get everything together."
Jet stared at her for a few seconds before she nodded. "Alright Ruby. I trust you."
She lay down and Ruby gave a sigh of relief as she did the same.
"Thank you," she said.
"Hey, it's you and me, right?" Jet reminded her with a yawn. "Jet and Ruby forever?"
"Forever," Ruby confirmed, lying down.
When Jet's breathing evened out, Ruby ducked under the covers, pulling the satchel towards her from where it was lying beside her on the bed.
She closed her eyes and reached out with her magic. She felt her heart lurch excitedly as a small ball of golden light appeared in her hand as Ruby opened the black book.
The first page read:
The Life of Sapphria Rocks, the youngest (and the best) Rocks sister.
Ruby grinned as she turned the page.
I don't know if I'll survive this war. And I don't know if anyone will find this, (I'm sure Gummy will hid it and all my other secrets well) but the world deserves to know of my brilliance.
For the person who found this, congratulations, I'm going to teach you all my secrets.
Ruby read until she felt her eyes droop and the words stopped making sense in her head.
But she learnt a lot, about poisons, about whispers, about the secrets of Castle Candy, and, most importantly, about how to establish her web throughout Calorum.
Ruby felt a resolve harden inside her. Suddenly, her list got longer.
She knew what she would need to do.
Her mind spun plans as she finally fell asleep.
She was not prepared for what awaited her when she finally let her eyes fall closed.
How did you like it? As I mentioned before, please give me food pun names.
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justauthoring · 6 years
Secrecy [T.R.]
Request: Hi! I really love all of your imagines, they're incredible! I was wondering if you could do a Theo Raeken imagine where he and the reader are dating in secret, due to the fact that the reader's brother, Stiles, doesn't trust Theo. Just like a lot of fluff and overprotective Stiles and sweet Theo. Thank you so much if you could!💗💗💝💝❣❣❤❤💟💝❣❣💚💙💙❤💙💜💗💛❤💚
Please don’t plagiarize my work!
Word Count: 946
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“He’s bad. I just know he is.”
Letting out a sigh, your head falls into the palm of your head, eyes falling shut at Stiles’ words.
He, nor anyone else at that table, seems to notice your reaction and Stiles simply continues talking adamantly to Scott and Lydia who are sat at the table around you. He’s persistent to convince them that Theo, the new kid or old kid... depending on what way you looked at it, was evil. Or untrustworthy. Or bad. You’re not sure. You just know that you’re supposed to say away from him.
It’s a little too late for that...
“I don’t know, Stiles,” you hear Scott mumble with a sigh, pulling your eyes on him as he shrugs his shoulders. He glances around the table, as if trying to gauge everyone else’s reaction before settling back on Stiles. “He seems fine to me.”
“He seems like he just wants a pack,” Lydia shrugs, taking a bite out of her food.
It takes you a moment to realize Stiles is calling out for you. The minute you do, you turn to him with wide eyes, blinking. “Hmm?”
“What do you think?” He presses, leaning forward. “About Theo?”
“Um, Theo?” You question nervously, biting your lip as you glance to the right at the table said boy is sat on. To be honest, he looks completely harmless there. He’s just reading a book he’d gotten off one of the shelves, in his own little world. But, you know Stiles and you know that it’s better just to agree. “I guess there could be something more to it,” you shrug.
“See!” Stiles exclaims, turning back to Scott and Lydia. “Y/N gets it!”
“She’s also your sister.”
“So?” You call out, somewhat defensively, towards Lydia who blinks back at you in surprise. “Just because i’m his sister, doesn’t mean I have to agree with him. Theo does look a little... untrustworthy.”
“I was simply just saying,” Lydia shrugs, sending you a confused glance. “No need to get all defensive.”
Sighing, you feel your cheeks warm. “Sorry,” you mumble, slumping. “I’m just... nothing, it’s nothing. Sorry.”
The three of them glance at you, before glancing at each other, then shrugging. “Anyways,” Stiles says after a moment, “I advise that we all stay away from him. Until we know if we can really trust him.”
“Stiles,” Scott huffs, “that’s ridiculous. How are we supposed to know if we can trust him if we can’t talk to him?”
Stiles pauses, frowning. “Oh, yeah... Well, Y/N can’t go near him.”
“What?” You question, brows furrowing as you turn to Stiles. “That’s ridiculous. Why can’t I--”
“Because why?”
“Just... just because.” Stiles huffs, shaking his head at you. “And i’ll have Liam make sure that he keeps his distance from you. I’m telling you, he’s bad news and I don’t want you anywhere near him.”
You move to argue, before remembering that it’s practically useless. Once Stiles has his mind set on something, it’s very hard to convince him otherwise. So, with a sigh, you shake your head, waiting a moment before pushing yourself up to your feet.
“Y/N?” You hear Lydia call out, “where’re you going?”
“Uh, to class,” you shrug, glancing down at them. “I promise a friend i’d help her with something, so...” Taking a step back, you move to turn away, just before Stiles’ voice stops you.
“Remember what I said!”
You wait until your back is on him before rolling your eyes, quickening the pace in your step and rushing out of the library. You barely notice Theo’s gaze following your own as you rush out of the library, desperate to find somewhere where you can be alone. You just need to think for a moment, away from everyone and specifically away from Stiles.
However, just as you turn down a hallway, you feel a hand grab ahold of your wrist. It elicits a gasp of surprise from you, lips parting to scream but before you can, a hand presses firmly against your lips. Your chest tightens with worry as you’re dragged into a closet, surrounded by darkness for a moment before the light is switched on.
You’re let go and just as you turn to give whoever the hell kidnapped you a piece of your mind, you fall silent at the sight of Theo.
Before you know it, your back is pressed against the door and his lips are on your own. His hands grip at your waist, tugging you closer as you lean into his touch, hands running through his hair and gripping the back of it. You moan into the kiss, your hands slowly sliding down to his chest as the two of you pull back, breathless.
“So,” Theo whispers after a moment, a smirk falling on his lips. “I’m untrustworthy, huh?”
Smiling slightly, you absentmindedly stroke your fingers across his chest. “And i’m supposed to stay away from you.”
“Guess you already broke that promise, huh?”
Shrugging your shoulders, “it never really was a big concern of mine.”
Slowly, your eyes flicker upwards to meet Theo’s, mimicking his smile as one of his hands move to cup your cheeks. You lean into his touch, biting your bottom lip.
“Are you free tonight?”
Pausing in thought, you nod; “I believe so, why?”
“Because i’m taking you out on a date,” Theo grins.
“Oh?” You question, raising a brow with a smirk. “Are you?”
“Yup,” he nods, smugly, “and it’ll be the best date you’ve ever been on.”
Sliding your arms around his neck, you pull him close, just stopping before your lips touch his.
“I look forward to it then.”
Let me know what you thought? Remember, reblogging always helps! Requests are open!
574 notes · View notes
allisonbaelfire · 6 years
Triggered Destiny
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Pairings: Theo Raeken x Reader, Stiles Stilinski x Reader Summary: (Soulmate AU!) After you parents died you moved to Beacon Hills, to start new a new life. But in the moment you were in High School, you felt something you never felt before. 
Word Count: 4,076
Requested by Anon (1): hi! your page is amazing keep it up. Can I request a Stiles Stilinski one where the reader just moved to BC and she's on the dead pool being worth five million but all seems to be a mystery? Thank you so much and if you dont feel like it thats fine!
Requested by Anon (2):  Hey! 💕 can you write an imagine with theo where he is dating with reader and he is obsessive with the reader ? Like really obsessive. Not the illness level but you know what ı mean 😂 And you can add a little over protective and touchy theo. I hope you can write. If you cant its totally fine 💗 love you
Authors Note: I’m sorry if this should’ve been a Stiles x Reader where they fall for each other and happy beautiful stuff. I had this in my mind and it wouldn’t go away, I hope you’ll like it anyways. - In this Story, was Theo already introduced in the show in Season 4 but everything that was in 5&6 already happened.
Edited by @nas-marie-loves-u ♥
“I’m happy to welcome you to our high school Y/N. If you need anything, just tell me.” smiled the principal, Mrs.Martin.
“Thank you so much.” You nodded and exited the office.
You strolled through corridors on the hunt for your classroom. You wondered if it was the right decision to move to Beacon Hills until you aggressively made contact with someone.
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” You apologized to a guy with brown hair. His books fell to the ground as but instead of lifting them, he stared into your eyes. “Are you alright?” You asked as you grabbed his stuff.
“Yes.” He replied, taking his stuff and still gazing into your eyes like he was searching for something in them. “Sorry, I’m Stiles. Thiswas totally my fault.”
“I’m Y/N,” You introduced. “and no, I should’ve looked out and stopped sticking to my thoughts. It was nice to meet you.” You departed and continued on with your search.
You paused again after a few steps. It felt as if someone were watching you and now, everything around you became warm and comfortable. Your eyes scanned the corridors and landed on a man leaning against the lockers watching you.
He seemed puzzled, as if he had felt the same energy you felt. The feeling grew more intense and you turned around quickly to go further without anyone seeing your eyes.
You eventually found your classroom and quickly sat down in one of the empty seats. It was just you and few students, so the class wasn’t full yet. You tried comprehending what happened a few moments prior and why you almost lost control for the first time in years. The first period bell rang and the rest of the students flooded in. You didn’t recognize anyone until the guy you last saw in the halls jostled in and stared at you as if he had noticed something.
Your first day at Beacon Hills High School quickly came to an end and you were more than relieved when you finally arrived home. Still, for some reason you started to feel watched again even though you were alone in the house. And since your parents were dead and you didn’t know anyone, nobody would have thought to come over.
You went through the whole house with an urge to find something unknown to you. After browsing every room and being sure that only the stress of the past few months was causing you to go insane, you headed to the bathroom to throw some cool water on your face. It was then when you looked into the mirror that you noticed your glowing red eyes.
Something hasn’t been right since you've been to the school. You haven’t lost control since you became an Alpha a few years ago and you believed that moving away from your parents' home into a new city would be easier to forget the deaths and to stay in control.
But you were wrong.
The urge to search for something became stronger until you shifted into your wolf form and jumped out of the window into the woods.
You didn’t know where you were running as you hadn’t memorized the woods of Beacon Hills yet. However, you couldn’t stop. It felt like you had been running for hours.
You paws carried you further into the forest until you saw a familiar face standing near a bridge. You growled but the man wasn’t fazed. He took small steps towards you. You didn’t understand what his intentions were and took the form of a protective stance that was ready to attack.
“I’m Theo.” he introduced. As he spoke you, felt the familiar feeling you had earlier consumed you. The man knelt down to your level, his eyes switching into a glowing yellow. “Theo Raeken”
You don’t know how he discovered that you were a werewolf; your mother always said no one would decipher the difference from a normal wolf to your form. Maybe he felt the same as you but did Theo know you were the girl that stared at him in the hall this morning, running away from him?
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You walked closer to him, showed him your eyes, and let him touch you. The warm and comfortable feeling grew as he touched you. You felt safe and bonded with him. Was this what it felt like looking for a pack?
When you found out about you being a born wolf, your mother explained  everything. But she never mentioned that an Alpha would look for a Beta or would feel what you felt towards Theo. Instead, she explained that a Beta would come for an Alpha and not the other way around.
You heard a crack behind you and the tranquility disappeared. You looked at Theo and started to run away.
“Damn it.” Theo growled as he watched you run away.
“What the hell was that?” he heard the voice of Liam whisper.
Theo moved over to the tree where he could make out Liam and Stiles’ scents. “What are you idiots doing here?” He asked.
Both boys revealed themselves to Theo but Liam was the one to answer his question.“Watching you.” Stiles lightly hit him.
“I noticed you were a bit off today and the glare you gave the new girl. I knew you still couldn’t be trusted and now we see you have an accomplice.” Stiles hissed with Theo smirking. “What? Is she the one writing the deadpool? Do you help her?”
“I don’t know who she is.” Theo responded. “Neither do I know who is writing the deadpool and if you haven’t noticed I’m on it as well but you on the other hand—” he crossed his arms. “Are not. If you’d excuse me now, it’s late and I have school tomorrow.” He made a move to leave but stopped. “But one thing: leave her alone.”
BHHS - Lunch a few days later
“I knew he couldn’t be trusted and you wanted to give him another chance!” Stiles argued with Scott.
“Why did he help us then?” Scott asked. “He needs a pack and who the hell was the white wolf?”
Stiles wanted to answer but noticed Theo walking up to you. “Maybe he wanted to help but now he wants to save his own ass and flirt with the writer of the list.” He responded, staring at you as you smiled at Theo.
“What, Y/N?” Liam chewed his sandwich. “She’s the nicest person around, even after her parents deaths.”
“Liam has a point there. You haven’t spoken to her since her first day even if she’s in the same class as us. Y/N is really nice and Malia even likes her.” Scott elaborated. “Lydia will decode the third list and then we see if she’s on it or not. Then, we can think about what we do but until then, we leave her alone. She has enough on her plate already.”
You stayed in your home for some time to assure you had self-control over your true self. And to avoid Theo. You thought about what happened and searched for explanations in some of your parents' books but came up with nothing.
After those few days, you decided that you were ready to face the world again. So, you headed to bed early for school the next day.
As you shut your eyes, you heard a crack from. You feel like your eyes went red as you quickly got up and stealthily made your way down the stairs.
You couldn’t trust your eyes once downstairs. The light in your living room was on and although you could only see a strangers back, you knew who it was. That familiar feeling surrounded you once more warm and comfortable feeling surrounded you. Theo
He smiled but you growled again. “Okay, don’t freak out. I was worried about you.”
“You don’t know me. How did you even get into my house?” You hissed. “What do you want?”
He walked closer to you and even when you looked like you wanted to rip his head off, it wasn’t how you currently felt.
“To be honest? I don’t know. I needed to see you.” Theo grinned. “I know it sounds crazy but I know you felt the same in the school, in the woods, and I know what you feel now.”  
So he knew who I was and he feels the same, you thought.
He tried to come closer but you stopped him. “Don’t” You took a couple steps back. “If you know me, then you would know that I don’t have control.”
“You have no control because you don’t know why you felt the way you did.” He responded.
He made you feel comfortable in a ways you couldn’t explain. Every word he spoke was like a melody you could listen to all day. Your body told you to relax but your mind was clear: you didn’t know Theo. You didn’t know what was going on and you had to stay away from him.
“Have you ever heard about soulmates?” he asked, trying to read your puzzled glare. “I know it sounds crazy— it is crazy but my grandma told me about it. I never believed it either but I can’t bring myself to stay away from you. I just need to be by your side.”
For a second you thought about his words. But then you let out a faked laugh. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Soulmates?”
You marched up to him so you were now right in front of him. He was taller than you but you couldn’t have cared less. You wanted to prove a point to him and yourself. Your eyes started to glow red and you growled at him, trying to bring him to subjugate. You never had a Beta until your parents died. You were one yourself, but your parents taught you what you could be an Alpha. It didn’t work.
“Don’t worry you didn’t do anything wrong, it usually works that way.” Theo said once he realized what your attempt was. “But it doesn’t work around your soulmate.”
He gently took your hand in his. In that moment, your heart began to pound faster and than images of Theo ran through your mind. You closed your eyes to see them more clearly. You saw his past, all the things he had done, all he was but it didn’t frighten you. What scared you was that you saw his future too, a future with you next to him.
You opened your eyes and gazed at him. “What was that?” You breathed heavily while a tear rolled down your cheeks.
He pulled his hand out of your grip. “I’m sorry you had to see this. I’m not that person anymore.” Theo took a few steps back with a scared expression. “I should go, this was a mistake. I could endanger you.”
Your mind tried comprehending the glare he held. He was referring to his past, of course, and while you knew that you should be staying away from him because he was dangerous, you felt safer with him than without.
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Theo stared out of your window, where the sun slowly began to rise. He looked beautiful with the sun gently touching his face. When you you touched him, you didn’t only see his past and future but you also saw through his soul. You walked towards him and placed your hand on his face so he could look at you.
It was like he put a spell on you, “I’m not afraid of you.” you heard yourself say but not knowing why you said it. Theo looked at you, trying piece together the meaning behind your words. “I-I need you to stay.”
“You might not know it but there is a deadpool with the name of every supernatural creature in Beacon Hills. They get killed one by one and the killers get money. I’m on it. So there are a lot of people who are after me... and I don’t know what this is here but I can’t put you in danger.” Theo was trying to deter you. But you could see that he was afraid of what you had seen. He didn’t want you to judge him. And even if what he said was true, you wouldn’t be able to let him go.
You saw him looking out of the window, where the sun slowly began to rise. He looked beautiful as the sun gently touched his face. as you touched him you didn’t only see his past and future, you also saw through his soul. You walked towards him and touched gently his face to make him look to you.
It was like he put a spell on you, “I’m not afraid of you.” you heard yourself saying but not knowing why you said it. Theo looked at you and tried to understand your words. “I- I need you to stay.”
“You might not know it but there is a deadpool, with the name of every supernatural creature in Beacon Hills. They get killed one by one and the killers get money, I am on it. So there are a lot of people who try to get me.. and I don’t know what this is here but I can’t put you in danger.” 
Theo tried to deter you. But you knew that he was afraid of what you saw before. He didn’t want you judge about him. And even if what he said was true, you wouldn’t be able to let him go.
LYDIA’S HOUSE  - a few weeks later
“I knew it!” Stiles said as he studied the third section of the Deadpool.
Liam was confused. “Y/N is on the list, so she couldn’t have made it.”
Stiles thought for a moment because Liam seemed to have a point. “What if this is just to make us think she didn’t write it?”
“That doesn’t make sense...” Lydia responded. “The list was there before Y/N moved here.”
“But she was just one town away from Beacon Hills.” Malia interjected.
Stiles nodded. “Thank God someone gets my point. And did anyone else notice that the bad, big, black wolf kinda moved into her house? They’re planning something.”
“To be honest, I noticed that they do everything together. It really seems like they refused to be separated... and I don’t think that this is because he has a crush on her. He seems to be obsessive when it comes to her.” Lydia added. “And he stopped hanging around us.”
“Thats the only thing that isn’t bad actually.” Stiles shrugged.
Scott didn’t want to admit it but ever since Stiles informed him of what happened in the woods with Theo, your absence, and you only focusing on Theo... you were now on the Deadpool. Stiles was right, something was odd.
Scott shot Stiles a glare for him to understand that everyone got his point.
“Okay fine. Theo and Y/N seem to care about each other a lot. So what if, we trick them? See what happens if they think that something happened to one of them?” Malia suggested.
“Like what, telling Y/N that her doggy got hit by a car?” Stiles sarcastically suggested.
“That’s actually a good idea. We’d get her out of his sight.” Lydia replied with Scott nodding. “I can call her and tell her that something happened to him while you get Theo away from her.”
It didn’t take long before the pack put their plan into action. Liam and Scott caught Theo before he went to see you. Malia and Kira watched your house while Stiles and Lydia waited in the hospital.
After Lydia called you, she informed you that someone had attacked Theo and he was in a coma at the hospital. After that, you sped to the hospital.
When you arrived, Lydia caught you. She waited until you followed her into one of the hospital rooms and blew Wolfsbane in your direction. Your eyes glowed red and you growled at her. She didn’t know if it would work, as she had no idea what a creature you were, so she threw Mountain Ash at you. It didn’t take long because you fell to the ground unconscious.
Stiles entered the room as well. Lydia told him what happened and he understood why Theo stopped being around Scott, trying to get into the Pack. He already found one.
Theo was annoyed as he stood in front of your door. Scott and Liam tried everything to keep him in school until he was tired and angry. He entered your house and called after you but there was no reaction. He anxiously ran all over the house searching for you but came up unlucky. You were gone. Theo blamed himself for putting you in harm's way and being needed to get to him.
He tried picking up your scent when he exited your house but found nothing.
He was lost on what to do. After half an hour, he felt something. He felt you. Since he moved in with you, your bond with each other grew stronger. You weren’t really a couple because you wanted to get to know each other better. However, you couldn’t be without one another. You both learned a lot about the bondage of the soulmates and that you could find each other no matter where and when. If one was in danger, then you could feel what the other one felt.
Theo started to cough. In his mouth it tasted like wolfsbane. He put one and one together and knew that someone must’ve poisoned you but what they didn’t know was that he was coming for them. He would kill them in a rush if they’d have touched you. You weren’t a couple but he couldn’t deny that he was falling for you hard. He followed his feeling and ran into the hospital.
“Shit.” Kira said as she noticed in which direction he ran. “How did he know?”
“Don’t know, don’t care. Call Scott and Stiles, I’ll follow him.” Malia replied and went after him.
“What?!” Stiles yelled into the phone. He hung up and shot Lydia a worried glare. “You stay. Take her into the basement—” he commanded as he pulled off your jacket to get your scent. “—and I’ll get Theo on the roof. Tell Scott where I am and please, please do for once like I say.” Lydia nodded and Stiles kissed her head and left the room.
It didn’t take Theo long to reach the hospital. As soon as he walked in, he searched every room for you. No matter who tried to stop him, he didn’t give up. Until he found your smell. He went up the stairs to the roof and saw Stiles with his jacket in his hand.
“Looking for your Alpha?” Stiles asked as he saw Theo throwing your jacket in his direction.
Theo growled. “I don’t know what you’re up to but if something happened to Y/N I’ll rip your head of with my bare hands.”
“Don’t be so mad wolfie.”
Theo stalked towards Stiles. Stiles knew Theo could do what he had threatened him with a few seconds ago but he wasn’t afraid. To be honest, Stiles didn’t care about him. He knew an idiot like Theo wouldn’t be able to have that much money to pay all the hunters, who killed the supernatural. Stiles just wanted to protect his friends, find out who wrote this list of deaths. And you were his prime suspect.
Stiles grabbed Theo by the collar and pushed him against the fence. “Tell me why Y/N is doing this and how do I stop her?! I swear I’ll kill her myself if thats necessary to save my friends ” He yelled at him but Theo looked confused. “It was pretty smart of her to play the new girl and putting you both on her list but you can’t trick me!”
Theo now knew why he was here. Stiles thought you were the one who wrote the list and opened the hunt for supernatural creatures.
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“Now listen super officer—” Theo started, switching their positions with Stiles against the fence. “Y/N has done nothing but saved me, giving me a home and to be a better person than your precious pack.”
Theo noticed that the door which he entered to get up here opened again, “Leave him alone, Theo.” Scott growled behind him.
Theo smirked. “Only if I get her back.”
“Then tell us what we want to know.” Malia clenched her teeth.
Theo released Stiles and shoved him down to the ground. He faced the others. “Y/N didn’t write the list. She’s not the one who’s trying to kill us all. Her parents where on that damn list and they got murdered. She was born a wolf and became the Alpha after they died. She moved here because her parents grew up here. Y/N wanted to be close to them again.”
Stiles got up and moved next to Scott, “Let’s say we believe you, why are you two a pack and why are you so obsessive with her?”
“Scott should know that, if he remembers his lost love...” Theo answered calmly but no one understood. “She’s my god damn soulmate. It’s more than just having an anchor to stay under control. It’s like you can’t breathe without the other.”
“My mother told me about that when I was little.” Kira remembered. “The bond of wolves. It’s like a triggered Destiny.”
“—But he isn’t even a real wolf.” Stile replied.
“A part of him is and he’s a strong one. Its possible that he’s telling the truth... and if he does and what Lydia said is right and she is an Alpha, we don’t want to be here if she finds out we separated them. They can’t control themselves when it comes to their soulmates.” Kira stated, suddenly scared.
“Too late.” You growled behind the pack.
“Damn it.” Stiles said looking at you. “What have you done with Lydia?”
Liam was nervous as he saw your eyes in a glowing red. “You weren’t so scary in school.”
You made your way towards Stiles and pushed him aside to see Theo smirking. Your anger disappeared the moment you saw him. You calmed down and ran into his arms. He embraced you and was relieved as he felt you. You looked at him and gently touched his cheek, smiling at him and kissing him for the first time.
The kiss felt more intensive than your first touch. This time you just saw the future you two would have together. You felt everything he was feeling and he felt yours too. You knew you were in love with him and that you wouldn’t survive if anything would ever happen to him.
You stopped your kissing and turned around to the confused McCall Pack. “Lydia’s with Scotts mom. Lydia wasn’t so stupid and tried to attack me again. I’m a true alpha like you Scott, wolfsbane doesn’t knock us out for long.” You smirked. “And what Theo said is true. My parents got killed by hunters and Lydia told me that I’m on the list as well. I’ll— We’ll help you find them.“ You looked at Theo who wrapped his arm around your shoulder and kissed your forehead. “But I’d test my patience again. Liam is the only one of knew who knows me a bit and how nice I can be but next time you try to separate us I’ll kill all of you.”
“I’m sorry, we were afraid.” Scott replied, he was ashamed about what he and the pack had done the moment Theo mentioned Allison. And as he saw you two together, he knew you both weren’t lying. If something like soulmates existed then Allison was his once. “I’m glad you both found each other.” Theo and you smiled. “Stiles...?” He looked at his best friend.
“I’m sorry I thought you two wanted to kill us all even when Theo really tried to kill us once. I think I'm biased.”
The others of the pack also apologized to Theo and you which you accepted and went home. After a few days, you and Theo could even sit down with them and work out a plan together how you would survive the death list.
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lovelylittlegrim · 7 years
Hi, i love your blog and your fics!!! I was wondering if you could write one in which Theo takes a lot of Liam's pain and he's overexerted, so he's not able to heal himself. He tries to hide it but then Liam find out and he is angry with him because he's not taking care of himself and he foces Theo to rest after he bandages him.
Hi, thank you so much! I’m flattered you enjoy my content. Sorry, this took so long to get out, I hope it’s close to what you wanted. 
Pairing: Theo x Liam
Word count: 1122
“That was a stupid idea,” Theo grits fumbling the door handle with one hand and holding Liam upright with the other.
“It was the only one we had,” Liam says, he’s smacking at Theo’s hand, trying to get him to let go, but they both know that Liam can’t walk on his own.
Theo rolls his eyes, ignoring Liam. He practically drags the little werewolf into the house and up the stairs, his own body protesting in pain. He tells himself that once he gets Liam up to his room then he can leave and take care of himself; he can crawl into his truck to rest and given himself time to heal.
He’s never been inside Liam’s house before, but it’s easy to follow Liam’s heady scent to the right room at the far end of the hallway. He pushes Liam’s door open and smacks around the wall for the light switch until he finds it. The room bursts into a dull yellow light allowing him to see and navigate his way without impediment across the messy floor.
“Wasn’t expecting company,” Liam grumbles in embarrassment.
Theo snorts. “Having a dry spell?”
He pushes Liam over onto the bed, the little wolf falls easily onto the mattress letting out a small noise of surprise and indignation. Theo sits gingerly on the bed next to him and reaches out to grab Liam’s left leg, hands carefully checking over it. The bones are healing nicely and had Liam not broken it in several separate places it would have been healed already. He wraps his hand around Liam’s ankle, black veins rise up along their skin, traveling like snakes from Liam’s leg up across Theo’s hand and wrist. Liam’s shoulders relax, tension easing from his body as Theo draws out his pain.
Theo focuses on the feeling of Liam’s skin, warm and soft, beneath his palm to take his mind off his own pain and the pain he’s leeching away from the little werewolf. It hurts to breathe; each inhale is a line of fire around his chest. He tries to breathe shallowly to keep his lungs from fully expanding and pushing at his broken ribs, but it makes him feel lightheaded.
He doesn’t know how much time has passed when Liam pokes him in the shoulder, “Theo, you can stop now.”
Theo blinks up at him sluggishly and nods. He needs to leave, needs to rest and give himself time to heal. He releases Liam’s ankle and forces himself to stand up. He sways dangerously on his feet, hand shooting out to clutch at the nightstand beside him.
Liam frowns, staring up into Theo’s eyes. “Hey, are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Theo says, or well, tries to say, but it comes out wheezy and pained.
Liam’s eyes drop from his face to his chest, blue eyes going hard. He reaches out, catches the soft fabric of Theo’s shirt between his fingers and tugs it up before Theo can stop him. Liam sucks a sharp breath in through his teeth, “Damn it, Theo! Why didn’t you tell me you were hurt?”
The werewolf glares up at him, “You shouldn’t have taken my pain, dumbass. How are you supposed to heal, now?”
Theo lifts one shoulder in a half shrug and then immediately regrets it as pain dances through him, sharp enough to make him see spots. Liam grabs his hand and pulls gently, “Sit down before you pass out, idiot.”
Theo doesn’t protest, just lets Liam pull him back onto the mattress. He wants to ask what Liam is doing when the little werewolf suddenly leans down to fumble around for something beneath the bed, but the thought of speaking alone is enough to make him wince.
Liam sits up and brandishes a white and red box at him with a grin, “Dad makes us keep one of these in every room, just in case.”
It’s a medical kit.
He drops the kit onto the bed, thumbs it open and pulls out several small alcohol pads. He pauses. “Um, I’ll replace your shirt,” Is all the warning Theo gets before Liam’s claws are out and he’s shredding Theo’s shirt so that it can be pushed back off his shoulders and slip down his arms onto the bed. Liam grimaces when he sees the mess of Theo’s torso; the scent of anger permeating the room.
“Just because you can take peoples pain now doesn’t mean you always have to.” Liam’s voice is low and angry, but his hands are surprisingly gentle as he cleans the litter of scraps and cuts, covering them in ointment and bandages. “You don’t have to continuously prove that you’re different now. We know, we can see how much you’ve changed, Theo.”
Liam’s voice goes quiet, his hands stilling. “So, stop being so reckless with yourself.”
Theo’s suddenly very glad that talking hurts too much because he’s not sure he would be able to keep himself from saying something stupid right now. So, he just nods, one firm dip of his head as he stares quietly back at Liam.
Liam clears his throat awkwardly and turns away to dig through the medical box again. “Here, take these and then lay down,” Liam demands, holding out two small red pills.
Theo raises a single eyebrow in question, which makes Liam huff, “Don’t argue with me, asshole.”
He takes the pills. They slip down his throat slowly without any water to wash them down and coat his mouth with a disgustingly bitter taste. He shoots Liam a pointed look as he slowly moves up the bed to lay down, as if to say; Happy now?
There’s a cracking sound and for a solitary second Theo thinks he just did something very bad to his body, but the snicker to his left eases his panic instantly. Liam’s holding an instant ice pack out towards him, “Chill.”
Theo rolls his eyes at the pun, “Lame.” He breathes out against his better judgment settling back against the pillows and closing his eyes. He’s so fucking tired.
“Yeah,” Liam agrees, pressing the ice back to Theo’s broken ribs. He pulls the blanket over them, covering them both up as he settles back into his own pillow beside Theo. Theo cracks open an eye in time to see Liam yawn. Liam notices him looking, gives him a tired smile. “Go to sleep, Theo.”
Theo lets his eye close again, focuses on breathing in and out as he body grows heavier and heavier with exhaustion, sleep dragging him down. Liam’s already snoring beside him, body a line of warm comfort against Theo’s side. The light is still on, but Theo doesn’t care, he falls asleep on his next exhale.
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Touchy Feely
Hi! Can you write an imagine with theo where he is really needy like always wants to hold you and kiss you , cuddle with you , sleep on your chest , make you sit on his lap even there are empty seats? I mean i think its so cute. I don't know. I hope you write it. Love u 💓
Hello hunny! I would love to write this it sounds so cute and I love Theo :D I hope it’s what you had in mind and I hope ya like it <3
Also let me know if you want a part two kinda thing? 
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“Please Lydia, I completely forgot it was due today! It’ll never happen again I promise” you pleaded with your strawberry blonde haired best friend, your puppy dog eyes popping more than they ever have before. Lydia released a short sigh, flipping her hair over her shoulder as she turned to talk to you “Oh please.” She began with a tilt of her head “You never forget your homework, even I have asked you for an assignment or two before, so what were you doing last night that was much more important?” she pressed with a devilish smirk filling her perfectly glossed lips. Your face immediately reddened, your eyes now avoiding Lydia’s “I don’t know what you mean” you lied terribly through your teeth. She opened her mouth to speak, doubt filling her face as she knew you were lying, but something stopped her; Her eyes drifted from yours to something behind you, and then you felt him. Muscular arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you flush against the body behind you as you then felt his head rest itself in-between your shoulder and neck. You didn’t have to turn to know who it was. Your faces red tint only darkened as you fell into the man’s warm embrace causing Lydia to once again smirk “Never mind.” She started in a sing songy voice “I just found my answer”. She stared at the two of you for a moment before handing you a piece of paper labeled ‘Economics Homework’ “See you in third Y/N. Bye Theo” she acknowledged, giving you a knowing look before sauntering off to go socialize with Scott and Stiles, leaving Theo and you alone. You felt a hot breath on your neck and the curve of a smile pressing into your jawline “Hey babe”. You felt a spark ignite throughout your entire body as you turned to make eye contact “Was that necessary?” you questioned with a playful tone, tilting your head into his touch. He quickly maneuvered your position, twisting your body so that your back was now placed firmly against some lockers. A smirk appeared on his lips as he seemed to fake ponder for a moment, his hand snaking around your waist “I think so, yes” he replied quite surely of himself, leaning down to capture you in a long overdue kiss. Your head began spinning upon the contact, your hands reaching up to entangle themselves in his hair. Theo and you had begun dating five months ago, but that didn’t stop him from making your knees weak and your mind go all fuzzy. He pressed his body against yours in an attempt to get as close as he could, nibbling lightly on your lower lip to send shivers throughout your entire body and as if on cue, the bell for your first period rang loud and prominent in both of your ears. It took some effort to push the boy off of you, your hands placed firmly on his chest “I gotta get to class Theo” you grumbled, not really wanting to do anything of the sorts. He scoffed at your attempt yet he pulled away, settling for his hand intertwined in yours as he began to walk you down the hall “Were not done here” he reminded in a gravely tone, stopping in front of your class to give you one last kiss. “Are we ever?” you questioned teasingly, jumping on the tips of your toes to kiss the boy goodbye.
Your eyes began to flutter rapidly, attempting to keep themselves open and your mind and body awake, but that sure as hell wasn’t working. Your groaned silently to yourself as you switched positions in your desk, leaning your head on your left palm and glancing up at the teacher tiredly. You had made it all throughout the school day, so why the hell could that last bell not just ring. Finally, in the longest span of thirty minutes of your life, you were set free by the dinging of the school bell. Snapping yourself awake you were the first person out of that class, running your hands through your hair the second you made it to the hallway. You began your walk to the school parking lot with a new-found pep in your step, not even noticing the boy that was now at your side “Hey Y/N” he greeted a bit nervously. You glanced over where you heard the voice, a smile now on your face “Oh hey Liam!” you greeted happily. Liam was one of your best friends, besides Lydia, he was always nice to you but when it came to video games the two of you were mortal enemy’s due to how competitive you were. He seemed to gain a smile at your perkiness “Someone’s happy” he commented with a quiet snort. You took this opportunity to loop your arm through his “Well my dear boy” you began, overexaggerating your tone “You see, the last bell has finally rung and I now have the chance to go home! Where I can put on sweatpants, make some cookies and not move for the rest of the weekend”. He laughed heartily at your reply, shaking his head as he opened the door to the parking lot for you “Sounds like you have your whole weekend planned out”. You nodded once and turned to him “I need a break from this week”. Your eyes scanned the parking lot until you found what you were looking for, Theo’s beloved truck “Anyway” you began, losing contact with the boy as you took your arm back “My couch is waiting for me and I would hate to worry it” you teasingly hummed, making your way down the school’s steps “I’ll see you Monday”. Liam repeated your goodbye, claiming he’d see you Monday and ask you all about your thrilling weekend which caused you to laugh and mosey on your way. Finally reaching Theo’s truck you made your way over to the driver’s side, your arms resting themselves on the open window, your head peering in “Well hello Raeken” you greeted, pushing yourself a bit further to give him a peck on the lips. He quickly returned your affection before placing a hand on your cheek “How was the rest of your day baby?” he asked sweetly, his thumb grazing circles on your cheek. You thought for a moment before drawing to your answer “Boring as hell” you replied, “But now it’s your chance to make it better” you reminded with a wiggle of your eyebrows. He chuckled at your response and drew you in for another kiss, this one lasting a bit longer than the first “Then hop in, a relaxing evening awaits us”. With that you didn’t waste any time from leaving the driver’s side to skipping over to the passengers, getting in and buckling up, Theo wasting no time to reverse and speed out of the crowded lot. The second he was on the road he settled the wheel with one hand, the other one resting on your upprt thigh “So, what are our plans?” he questioned you, already fully knowing what you would say. Your eyes left the passenger side window as you turned to look at him,” Nothing” you requested pleasurably with a giddy shake of your shoulders. He laughed at your childish response and squeezed your thigh “You get the blankets I’ll start the popcorn” he assigned, speeding up a bit in order to arrive to your house faster. Once the two of you arrived you waited for him to walk over to your side to open the door for you “M’lady” he mocked playfully, taking a hold of your hand and helping you out. The two of you went to work fast, Theo having the food ready before you could even drag down the first blanket from the upstairs cabinet “Someone works fast” you teased, throwing the supplies down on the couch. He shrugged his shoulders, walking over with two bowls in his hands “Didn’t want to keep my kitten waiting”. You crinkled your nose happily in response, moving over to the couch after he had sat down. You were about to sit next to him when you felt his hands firmly around your waist, guiding you to a seat on his lap. You settled in quickly, your head falling to lean on his shoulder “There’s an entire couch” you reminded, referring to his chosen seating position. He quirked one eyebrow “What’s your point?”. You laughed quietly before he closed the space with a kiss, wasting no time to prove you were his. The kiss was deepened as he leaned towards you, needing more contact. You drove that boy crazy, any moment he wasn’t touching, holding or kissing you was a waisted moment in his mind; He loved you more than he could even comprehend. “Theo” you mumbled against his lips, his fingers ceasing rubbing your back. “Hm?” he returned, peppering your face with a hundred little kisses. You tilted your head back slightly “The movie” you reminded with a quiet hum. He groaned more at himself then at you, ceasing his constant affection and settled for resting his forehead against yours “Yeah, yeah”. You giggled with adoration and affection, placing a kiss on his nose before the two of you began to settle, Theo moving to lay on his side, pulling you along with him, nestling his face into the crook of your neck. You shimmied as close to him as you could, sighing in content as his arm curled around your waist “You’re clingy” you playfully stated accusingly. You felt his smile press to the side of your face before he very quickly replied “Just keeping a hold of what’s mine”. Intertwining your legs you smiled “I love you”. He pressed a sweet kiss to the side of your face “I love you too babygirl”
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