#like I know Bakugou would leave his gauntlets anywhere around the house
kingkatsuki · 2 years
Do you ever think about the pet peeves you’d have if you were dating your fave?
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ecliptsukki · 3 years
a turned spirit ❧ bakugou katsuki / ground zero
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➣ genre: angst
➣ warnings: villian!baku, unrequited love
➣ request: bakugou Is fighting the reader and the reader Kiss him to distract him to escape ( Sidenote have you ever watch Jennifers body
➣ a/n: hi, anon! unfortunately, i’ve never watched jennifer’s body but i have seen a few scenes before. if your request is correlated to the movie, i’m so sorry if the fic doesn’t turn out the way you want :((( also! since bakubro’s birthday is today (in the us), i decided to write a fic for him and so i saw this request! i tried to post it yesterday, but i got occupied with homework :/// if the center of the fic sounds like word spew, it probably is because it spaced out in the middle of writing it lmao. i promise i will work on the other requests waiting in my inbox, i just need time. thank you and enjoy!!!
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Sirens were going off throughout the city; dark clouds of smoke wafted in the air. Some citizens were being calmly evacuated to a safer location, whereas others were watching the pro heroes fight the villain. 
A loud boom echoed through the streets of the city, attracting everyone’s attention. A flash of orange flames lit up the sky, followed by a hoarse shout. 
You would’ve recognized that voice anywhere, be it in your sleep or in a loud, crowded room. 
Oh how you wished you had Deku with you as of now.
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“Happy birthday, Bakugou!” You and your classmates jumped out of their hiding spots, surprising the hot-headed peer.
He gave the group of you an unimpressed stare, hands shoved in the pockets of his low-waisted pants. The blonde gave the decorated room a once over before grunting a quiet thanks of appreciation.
“No need to be such a tsundere, Baku-bro,” Kaminari chirped, nudging Bakugou with his shoulder.
“Fuck off, Pikachu,” the black-clothing-clad boy grumbled.
“Cheer up, Bakugou! It’s your birthday, and everyone here set this up for you!” Kirishima placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder.
Everyone else in the class had began to roam the snack table or dance with each other to Jirou’s live music. You, on the other hand, held a neatly wrapped gift in your arms, collecting the courage to approach and give Bakugou the gift yourself.
Watching as the blonde sat himself onto the plush cushions of the common room’s couch, your feet carried you over to him, forcing you into one reality.
“What do you want?” His gruff voice spoke, staring at your frozen figure.
Lips trembling, you decided your actions would speak louder than your words, at the moment. Your arm stuck out, handing the gift to Bakugou. He looked at you, then the gift, gently grabbing the box away from you.
“Thanks,” he mumbled.
Internally panicking, you simply nod and hum, eyes focused on your feet. You scurry away as soon as you could, attempting to hide the obvious blush on your cheeks.
Unbeknownst to you, Bakugou was watching your frantic figure gather some water to cool yourself down. 
Cute, he thought, looking down at the custom-made, Ground Zero wrapping paper you used for his gift.
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The sound of explosions neared you and the other pro heroes. Some heroes were too injured to fight or were helping the police escort the citizens away faster. Coincidentally, you were the only one who could fight. Luckily, unlike the other heroes, you already had experience fighting the inevitable explosion man.
“Go! Take them as far from here as possible. I’ll try to hold him back,” you shouted at the escapees and your fellow heroes.
You ran forward, closing in on the sound of explosions. You caught a glimpse of the smoke and orange flames and moved to get in closer range of them.
Once you could see the muscular man shooting through the sky, you activated your quirk, attracting his attention to you.
“Well if it isn’t my least favorite UA girl,” his voice echoed down the street.
“Bakugou,” you spoke in a low tone.
“How’s it going, L/N? I see you’re one of the top pro heroes now,” he smirks, little sparks lighting from his palms.
“You could’ve been one too,” you responded, ignoring his question.
“Yeah, I could’ve, but why tie myself down to boring rules?” 
The two of you were walking in circles, neither one willing to turn their backs.
“What about your dream of being stronger and better than All Might?” You brought up his childhood dream, hoping to draw out more time.
“Can’t you see? I am better than All Might. My power is unlimited,” he cackled.
You gulped, frowning at the man ahead of you. His appearance didn’t change much in comparison to when he was a high schooler. Now, he was the shell of someone you had fallen for once.
Scoffing, he spoke, “As much as I’d like to let you stall more time, I’ve got some people to show my power to.”
Seeing as he was ready to boost himself away, you ran towards him, grabbing his arm and trying to pin him to the floor. You wrapped your legs around his waist, legs coming down from behind him, knocking his knees down. Since he was on his knees, you swung yourself around him and pushed him onto his chest, cheek squashed against the floor. You pulled both his arms back, trying to pry his grenade gauntlet off of him.
With you straddling his back, you could feel him chuckle from underneath you, “You really think you can take those off? They were designed so that only I could take them off on my own accord.”
You ignored him, straining to pull of the big and heavy items. It was like taking them off would release him from some imaginary spell you thought up in your mind, like it would liberate your chained heart and he would come back.
Bakugou could feel your efforts beginning to weaken and took the opportunity to his advantage. With a slight roll of his shoulder, he managed to use the gauntlet’s weight to escape your grasp.
With you stuck in a heartbroken haze, you were too late to realize the villain overpowering you until you were the one under him. You stared into his scintillating ruby eyes, searching for even a fraction of the classmate you had mourned over losing. Tears pricked your own E/C eyes, spilling down your flushed cheeks.
For a moment, the blonde’s aggressive façade had faltered, his eyes quivering at the sight of your tear-stained cheeks. It was only when he heard the sound of a building collapsing on its weak infrastructure did he warn you once more.
“I suggest you get out of here before I have to hurt you,” he growled lowly, dismissing the bitter taste the words had left in his mouth.
Your mind was telling your body to move, to get up and fight, but your heart was telling you to stay, forcing you to gaze at his complexion much too long.
“No,” you whimpered, unconsciously. Your head shook, hand grabbing onto one of the man’s large wrist that was pinning you down. “Come back. I can- We can help you.” 
You were at your wits end, fighting against a once potential number one pro hero and an unrequited love. 
He harshly ripped himself out of your grasp, spitting out, “I don’t need your help.”
That was enough for you to accept the reality of the situation. Bakugou Katsuki was long gone; Ground Zero was no longer a hero. You must protect this beloved city and its people.
Glancing at the big city hall clock, you realize you’d stalled just about the perfect amount of time for the citizens to escape, meaning all you needed to do was hold Ground Zero back a little longer to ensure he wouldn’t locate the safe house.
Running full speed at the man ahead of you, you dropped to your side, sliding between his legs and flipping up to kick him to the floor. You could hear him elicit a dark chuckle before turning over and firing his blast at you. Fortunately, you were able to hop off of him and put some distance between the two of you.
You knew both close combat and long-range combat wouldn’t work on him. He was fully equipped when it came to his quirk. You, on the other hand, preferred to depend on your combat skills, and unlike Deku, your quirk didn’t increase the amount of force or strength in your attacks.
While you were busy thinking up a plan of escape, you felt your phone vibrate in its compartment in your bodysuit. Bakugou must’ve noticed your relaxed disposition because he began to charge at you, attacking you on all sides, leaving you trapped dodging his explosions.
“I guess some measly pro hero could be a good reward to bring back in replace of their lives,” he shouted, hands bombarding your space.
Your state of mind was panicked. You didn’t know how you were going to beat him, let alone escape. Only one idea popped in your head at that moment, and oh, how you despised it. Your thoughts screamed: “It’s not going to work!” “That only works in cliches!” “Oh my god, are you stupid?” Nevertheless, you had no other plans, no other ideas.
Finding a convenient opening, you leaned in smashing your lips against his, causing him to immediately freeze in his spot. The pink, cracked lips pressed against yours felt like it was out of a fantasy. No, his lips weren’t perfect and soft like a prince in shining armor’s, but his were with meaning: a tragic story made of his life that led to that exact moment.
Pulling away, you spared him one last glance before running out of his sight. He didn’t chase after you. He couldn’t because he knew if he did, he wouldn’t want to leave your side ever again, but he didn’t want the tied down life of a “savior” or a “hero.” Besides, there’s no way he would be accepted as a hero and let roam freely after all the chaos and havoc he’d caused.
Once a villain, always a villain... at least that was what society believed.
The two of you had different destinies with the lines of dark and light. Alas, there was no in between for you to share and no way to turn back the tables called time.
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saltlampsasuke · 4 years
Unfortunately, You Are Exhibiting Symptoms of Falling in Love: Part 1
Having your long-term boyfriend cheat on you is pretty bad, but you're lucky enough to have a rich, pro-hero best friend who lets you move in with him until you get a new apartment. Except lockdown happens. And you can't look for a new apartment anymore, and you can't go anywhere anymore, and neither can your best friend, and you think you might be falling a little bit in love with him. Or maybe you've been in love with him all along.
The story of how it takes a nationwide lockdown for you and Bakugou Katsuki to finally get together.
warnings: Coronavirus mention, abusive relationship mention
wordcount: 2,978
I’m so excited to share the first part of my story, and I hope that you enjoy!
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It was at times like these you were thankful that Bakugou Katsuki was your best friend. At times like these, he was the only one you could call. No matter what, as long as he was physically able to, he would always pick up the phone. Many people thought of him as brash, overconfident, a bit (or more) rude, and maybe that was a little bit true. Still, he wasn’t half as bad as he had been when you first met him in high school, and you liked to think that the years you’d spent at his side were part of the reason he had softened a bit.
Of course, now that you were both settled into your careers, him as the now number-two pro hero, and you as his loyal support tech, he wasn’t quite so angry all the time. Time had somewhat settled his fiery attitude, though you knew the fire would never burn out completely. Sometimes, you think to yourself that no matter what happens, he’ll always have something to prove. But if he didn’t he wouldn’t be your best friend. And you like him the way that he is: loyal, honest to a fault, firm in his conviction to protect the world, and the only man you would think of calling after you walk in on your boyfriend of two years plowing into a random girl on your shared apartment bed.
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. You had been working late nights for the past week to fix up a piece of gear for Bakugou. It had been giving you a bit of trouble, but finally you had finished it, early in the afternoon to boot, so you had decided to head home and surprise your boyfriend. You knew you had been neglecting him lately, so you decided to make it up to him by cooking him his favorite dinner. Things were going to be different now. You had been getting too caught up in making gear lately, and you hadn’t been spending as much time with your loved ones as you wanted. But now spring was beginning. You could feel it in the warm breeze that chased you home. It was time for you to rededicate yourself to the people in your life. Gear could always be fixed, and it was more important to show the people you loved how much you loved them, starting with Takumi.
You hummed a simple melody as you neared your and Takumi’s apartment, growing more excited the closer you got. It was a Friday, which meant he had to stay late at work, so you would have plenty of time to cook before he got home. He was going to be so surprised, you thought to yourself, carefully unlocking the apartment door while balancing your recently-purchased groceries. You set them gently on the counter. As you glanced around your apartment, you noticed a few odd things. A pair of keys lying on the kitchen counter, both yours and Takumi’s house slipper missing from their place next to the doormat, and the faint sound of music coming from your bedroom. Was he already home? Perhaps he, too, had gotten out of work early and was also planning to surprise you. After all, you had the whole weekend ahead of yourselves. Even if he had planned something else for dinner, you could still surprise him by being home so early. You crept towards your bedroom, closer to the music, a song you recognized. Yes, that was definitely off of your sex playlist. And there was something else you could hear, quieter, but definitely audible. Your boyfriend was moaning. Was he so wound up thinking about you coming home he just couldn’t stand to wait? He would be so surprised to see you live and in person. You pushed open the door to see what you were nowhere close to expecting.
The man you lived with, the man you had loved for two years, had a girl pushed into your bed, her own moans smothered by your pillows as your boyfriend took her from behind. For a moment, you were speechless. Neither of them realized you were there, eyes away from the door and too caught up in the ecstasy of each other’s bodies to realize your entrance. You could hear the song on the playlist coming to an end. In the silence between one song and the next, you finally found the courage to speak.
“Care to explain, Takumi?” you said to the man who would soon be your ex-boyfriend. He paused in shock, almost unable to believe you were actually standing before him. Quickly, he grabbed a pillow from out under the girl he was fucking and held it over his body. You laughed derisively.
“Why bother hiding? It’s not like I haven’t seen you naked before.” You could see the gears in his brain turning rapidly, trying to churn out an excuse, any excuse.
“Baby, I promise this isn’t what it looks like,” he said nervously. The girl on the bed, who had been sitting confusedly, finally spoke.
“Baby? Is this your girlfriend?” she asked angrily. Takumi’s eyes darted nervously back and forth between you and the naked woman, before he slowly nodded.
“You have got to be kidding me.” She sat up proudly and looked you in the eyes. “I swear to god I had no idea he was in a relationship. I would never do that to another woman. God, I can’t believe I actually slept with a piece of shit like you!” she yelled at Takumi.
Your eyes grew wider at her words. You would have almost preferred if they had been in love, maybe then you could have justified it to yourself, but the implications of her words were clear. How many other random girls had there been?
“Listen, I know I messed up, but you have to hear me out,” pleaded Takumi to you. The girl in the bed snorted.
“What does she have to hear? How you told me you just got out of a relationship with your ex who was both clingy and never around enough? How much you were glad that you finally left her? How you were finally looking to meet a girl who could actually commit to a relationship? You’re human garbage.” The girl hurriedly put her clothes back on and headed out the door, but not before turning to you once more. “I’m so sorry that this happened to you. You better ruin him.” You nodded at her in respect. You wished you had her strength, but right now you wanted to do nothing more than to sit down and cry. Your whole apartment felt like it had been tainted. You turned to Takumi.
“Get out. I can’t even look at you right now,” you said, trying not to betray the tears in your eyes. He at least had his pants back on as he walked over towards you, arms outstretched.
“I promise she meant nothing. You’re the only woman for me. Please baby, don’t let this come between us. I love you,” he pleaded. You couldn’t believe him. He had the audacity to tell you that you were the only one for him when you had just caught him in bed with another woman?
“I’m asking you to leave, Takumi. There’s nothing you could have to say that I would want to hear.” You paced back and forth nervously, hoping to god that he would leave of his own volition. You had no idea how to make him leave if he didn’t want to, and you certainly didn’t want to be the one kicked out when you had done nothing wrong but love the wrong man. Of course, it was already sinking in that you would have to move out. Takumi may have been a cheating bastard, but he was also a rich bastard, and there was no way you could afford the nice apartment you two had shared for the last six months by yourself. Besides, you didn’t think you could look at the apartment the same ever again. Was she the first woman he used to defile your bed? Had the same countertops you had made him dinner on been violated? Could you ever feel truly clean in that shower again? Moving out wasn’t a question, it was a necessity. But Takumi wasn’t moving now.
“This is my apartment too, goddamn it. I’ll stay if I want to stay. You won’t even listen to me!” he yelled, waving his arms in the air angrily.
“I literally just caught you cheating on me! Why should I have to listen to anything you have to say?” you asked, your voice now filled with anger as well.
“God, this is so typical. You never want to pay any attention to anything I do. I wouldn’t have had to sleep with her if you actually fucking talked to me. But no, you’re always too busy for me, working at your stupid job on some dumb gadget that nobody cares about. Maybe if you had actually acted like a girlfriend this wouldn’t have happened. It’s not like you needed to fucking work with me around anyway. I never understood why you didn’t quit when you moved in.” You looked at Takumi again, but it felt like you were looking at a completely different person than the man you had once loved.
Did he really feel that your job was worthless? He had always been patient and kind about how your work schedule shifted based on customer need. It’s not like you were working all the time either, you had just been working later for the past weeks because Bakugou had literally shattered his gauntlets in a fight and was forced to use his spares. He was the number two hero. He saved peoples’ lives, and in fixing his gear, you felt that you saved them as well, at least indirectly. Takumi had never shown an inkling of these feelings before. Didn’t he support your work? You didn’t even know where to begin, completely bewildered and barely able to respond. All of this was so much, in so little time, coming completely out of nowhere.
“I save lives with my work, Takumi. Don’t you remember how Bakugou had to use the grappling hook I made him when he ran out of energy to sustain his power 100 feet up? He would have died. I love my job. I love helping the people who protect our lives. I just like having a job! There’s nothing wrong with that!” you said desperately.
“Your job is to be my girlfriend! How do you think it makes me feel when I come home late at night and I have to order takeout because you’re holed up in your workshop making another useless metal hunk for your precious Bakugou! You know, I bet you were hooking up with him this whole time. There’s no way you were really at work all those nights. You’re just at fault as me. I would never have slept with her if you acted like a woman is supposed to!” You snapped, no longer able to tolerate Takumi’s words, and refusing to take the blame for his actions.
“I am allowed to have a job. I am allowed to have a life outside of being with you. I have no obligation to cook, clean, or act a certain way for you. And I am asking you, for the last time, to get out of the apartment,” you spoke coldly. Perhaps your tone of voice finally got through to him, because he finally snapped his mouth shut, pulled on a hoodie, grabbed his keys, and left.
“Fine,” he spat. “Clearly you need some time to calm down and think. I can give that to you. I’m going to the lakehouse for a few days. When I come back you better have fixed this fucking attitude problem. I know what I did wasn’t right, and I’m going to make it up to you but you can’t even listen to reason right now so I’ll let you have some time to yourself. This isn’t over.” He finally stepped outside and closed the door. You sank to the floor, laughing hysterically, before starting to sob. What had he expected to happen, that you would apologize to him for forcing him to cheat on you? You couldn’t believe him. Although, as you sat and calmed yourself down, the more you thought about your relationship with Takumi, the worse he seemed.
You touched the necklace around your neck, remembering how he had refused to ever let you take it off, blowing up the one time you had tried to get it professionally cleaned after an incident in the workshop. The makeup class he had signed you up for as a “present”, because he wanted you to “unlock your inner beauty”. The way he hated your male coworkers, and got upset whenever you mentioned them. Most of all, the way he hated Bakugou. It had always upset you how the two most important people in your life had never gotten along, but you thought you had loved them both enough to survive their distaste for each other. Had Takumi always been so controlling? You couldn’t believe it had taken you this long to see it. What would have happened if you had married him? There was only one thing you could do right now. You pulled out your phone and called Bakugou. He picked up after the third ring, just like you knew he would.
“What the hell do you want, shitty woman? If it’s about the fixed gauntlets they’re fucking fine. You know I wouldn’t have you fix them if I didn’t know you would do a good job. Why the hell are you bothering me while I’m on patrol? Don’t you have that loser boyfriend to bother?” he asked. You cracked a small smile. Classic Bakugou. You could easily hear that under all that bluster he was happy to hear from you. You hadn’t been seeing him as much, probably because of Takumi, and you knew that though he would never say it, he had missed you.
“Hey Bakugou,” you spoke slowly and nervously. “Sorry to bother you, but…” Bakugou quickly cut you off.
“Are you sick or something, dumbass? You sound gross.” Translation: Are you ok? You sound upset.
“I, um, well, I, here’s the thing,” you stammered, trying to find the words to tell Bakugou what had happened without him blowing up.
“Spit it out, shitty woman. You know how to fucking talk.” You took a deep breath.
“Takumi was cheating on me. I just found out. He left and he said he’s going to be gone for a few days but he wants to talk when he gets back. I’m leaving him, and I think I need to move out.” After you managed to spill out the events of the past few minutes, you heard only heavy breathing on the other end of the line. “Bakugou?”
“Ok. Start packing whatever you want to take with you. I’ll be there soon,” he said. You knew he was trying to stay calm for you, but you could hear the crackle and pop of his quirk through the phone. He must have been really angry. He had progressed a lot since his angry high school days where you had to design special muffling gloves for him, because he couldn’t control his quirk when he got angry. Now, you only heard that sound when he was about to absolutely destroy someone.
“Wait, Bakugou. I can’t just move out of here immediately.”
“Yes you can,” he responded.
“I don’t have any way to pack up all my stuff, or move it, and I definitely don’t have anywhere to move to. There’s no way I can just leave.” What was he thinking?
“I don’t care. I’ll call Shitty hair, or a moving company, or buy a fucking truck to put all your shit on. You don’t have to stay there.” You knew he would do it, too. You had always been proud to make your own money, something you were realizing Takumi had never seemed to like, so you didn’t want to rely on someone else to buy you something, but this was different. This was Bakugou. You knew he was only doing this because he wanted to, and he wouldn’t expect anything in return.
“Ok, but all of that means nothing if I don’t have anywhere to move the stuff to. What am I supposed to do, live out of my car?” You could hear Bakugou snort derisively through the phone.
“Are you fucking stupid? You’ll move in with me, of course. For the first time in a long time, you heard hesitation in your best friend’s voice. “Unless, you don’t want to? I can get you a hotel or something while we figure out an apartment, but you know I have a spare room. And, fuck, I don’t know, you wouldn’t be the shittiest roommate in the world, and I know…” You decided to cut him off to spare him any further misery.
“I’d be more than happy to move in with you, Bakugou,” you said softly, hearing him breathe a sigh of relief through the phone. “Thank you.”
“Don’t fucking mention it. Seriously, don’t mention it. Just start packing your shit. I gotta go call out of patrol.” With that, he hung up.
You had always said that you didn’t know what you’d do without him as your friend, and you felt that way now more than ever. Who else but Bakugou Katsuki would do all this for you? One phone call, and he was already dropping everything to come help you. That man was nothing if not devoted to his friends.
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