#like I know he's not really dead bc I have heard rumors about future cases where he's present
mayasaura · 8 months
Man it is a bold choice for the second game to just pepper in little asides that oh yeah btw Edgeworth's fucking dead. Yeah no he died off screen between games. No, you don't get to know how. Phoenix is too fucked up about it to tell you anything
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thedeaditeslayer · 4 years
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Exclusive interview: Bruce Campbell is having a renaissance.
Here’s a highly recommended interview which discusses what Bruce Campbell has in store for fans in the future.
Bruce Campbell is experiencing a creative renaissance, of sorts. In a recent chat with the actor, he discussed a return to his horror roots, cutting a comedy album with Ted Raimi and so much more.
Bruce Campbell hasn’t been idle during his time in self-isolation. The actor has been experiencing a creative renaissance of sorts. So, we figured now would be a perfect time to reach out and get some of our burning questions answered.
With so much uncertainty in the entertainment industry at present, rumors are running rampant. We gave Campbell a chance to clear the air so to speak and address some of the myriad of questions that fans have regarding Mortal Kombat 11, the latest Evil Dead incarnation, Ripley’s and whether or not he will work with Sam Raimi in front of the camera again.
The actor also surprised us with some monumental news. He will be returning to his horror roots with the sequel to My Name Is Bruce as well as several other projects that he has on his docket including a comedy album with one of his closest friends.
Get comfy, grab your favorite beverage and let’s catch up with Bruce Campbell.
Mortal Kombat 11, Ripley’s and the State of the Industry
1428 Elm: Thanks for speaking with us, Bruce. It’s always a pleasure. We have so many things to discuss. Recently, a site came out and said that you were definitely going to be Ash in Mortal Kombat 11. It seemed like a done deal the way it was reported. Can you comment on that?
Bruce Campbell: I probably shouldn’t emphasize yes or no because I don’t know. I have not been told. If it is not through my agent or proper channels than it usually means its wishful thinking.
1428 Elm: Apparently, an email from Warner Brothers Interactive was sent to a well-known entertainment site and Ash as well as Army of Darkness was mentioned in it with the trademark from MGM.
BC: The reason why it may not happen, just so you and the readers can know this, a lot of time for legal purposes, that character cannot appear in other things because of the license. If you can’t make a deal, that character is not going to show up. So, we may have been talked to about it.
But I do know with MGM that handles the Army of Darkness licensing that they’re hasn’t been a discussion with them about it. They’re pretty touchy. We have to be careful of ownership.
I honestly don’t know. I think I would have heard something. It’s not like my agent books me without consulting with me.
Even if Mortal Kombat came to me and said they want to put me in it, you still have to make a deal. If my agent says, “Bruce Campbell wants a hundred billion dollars,” and then they say no, the deal is dead.
The answer is we don’t know. No point in beating around about that.
1428 Elm: You might not be able to discuss this but what’s going on with Ripley’s Believe It or Not!? Will there be a Season 2?
BC: We’re one and done. It’s not your father’s Travel Channel anymore. If I wanted to host a ghost hunting show, I’d be on the air right now.
Ripley’s was made for the older school Travel Channel like Drive-Ins and Dive Bars where you go to wacky places around the country. There is a big push for paranormal, mystery and science-fiction, Discovery type stuff. I think we just “out aged” ourselves.
1428 Elm: It would have been nice if the Science Channel would have picked it up.
BC: It’s all good. I remain philosophical about all shows that come and go. There are so many factors involved. You change executives and things change, companies get bought and sold and things change, ratings aren’t what you expected…
After this virus, we’re going to see what shape the motion picture industry is in. It’s going to be a wounded beast. Projects are going to go away.
You’re going to have fewer tentpole movies too. I am hopeful we’ll have a return to low budget filmmaking.
That’s what I hope comes out of it. Each studio will start a low budget division and spend the money wisely.
Number One on the Charts with a Bullet
BC (Cont.): In the meantime, what is nice, I’m finishing up a couple of projects. I’m hoping by the end of the year to put a book of essays out and a comedy album with Ted Raimi.
1428 Elm: A comedy album?
BC: Yeah, we finished it. I’m in post-production on it. I’m putting all the sound effects in now.
1428 Elm: That sounds great!
BC: Who knows? We’ve never done one before so we’re going to find out.
1428 Elm: So, you guys are harkening back to the 1960’s when comedians like Bob Newhart had hit albums?
BC: It’s our version of that. I used to listen to the top comedy albums during the 60’s and 70’s. I wouldn’t dare compare myself to any of the masters like Mel Brooks and the 2,000-Year-Old Man with Carl Reiner. We gave it a shot. I love audio and I like radio plays.
Bruce Campbell vs the Classic Monsters
1428 Elm: So, tell us what is going on with your political satire, House Divided. Are you still working on pitching that once everything gets back to business as usual?
BC: It will be on the sales block. It’s a harder sell. There’s no blood. It’s not a horror movie, it’s a political satire. Associating Bruce Campbell with political satire isn’t the first thing investors whip out their checkbooks for.
To combat that, I just finished writing a sequel to My Name Is Bruce. The idea is we want to take Bruce and have him go through each of the classic film monsters. The sequel is Bruce vs Frankenstein.
We’re done. I finished my draft and sent it to Mike Richardson, my partner at Dark Horse Comics. We’re actively looking for money on that one. It is the Expendables of Horror. I fully intend to load the cast with so many familiar horror faces. It should be a lot of fun.
It would be a cavalcade of genre stars, old, young, on TV now. We really want to cover the bases. A lot of people will be getting killed. Guest star kills. Basically, Bruce bumbles his way into being a hero.
1428 Elm: Will you have to go through Universal to get permission to use the classic monsters?
BC: Some stuff is public domain. I’m not a lawyer but we would figure out a way to do this.
I think the bolts on Frankenstein’s neck are trademarked, as well as certain looks. But you can make a Frankenstein. That story is under public domain.
It’s also a parody of a Frankenstein movie and that gives a lot of leeway legally as well. I don’t think you can say, “Wolfman,” but I think you can say Bruce vs the Werewolf. This is my version of the Bob Hope road movies.
Ted has two parts; I have two parts for Robert Englund and I have a couple of parts for Kane Hodder. If they’re a name, I am going to put them in it.
After we come out of the zombie apocalypse that we’re in and everyone gets back to work, that is what I will be actively pitching. There’s plenty going on. So, I have been self-isolating in a constructive way.
It’s an Evil Dead World
1428 Elm: We’re curious about the 1970’s period piece that you were working on when we talked to you last year. What happened with that?
BC: It’s currently on my action board. I will eventually get to it. I am going to finish my book of essays first and then I am going to get to that one.
The story is set in 1979. The idea behind it is what would have happened if us raising money for Evil Dead went horribly, horribly wrong. It becomes a horror movie in and of itself.
1428 Elm: How did this idea come to fruition?
BC: I was going through projects in my computer. People who have a lot of downtime do spring cleaning. Clean out your woodshed, toolshed when you have extra time. In this case, I went to the head of my projects folder.
This one popped up and it was just an outline that I had written 15 years ago. I thought, wait a minute, this is pretty well thought out.
In the 70’s, filmmaking was real, you didn’t have a lot of options. You had to get cameras from a certain place, you had to have insurance. There were a lot of steps that you had to take that made the process really difficult.
I remember making calls for money from payphones in blizzards and s*** like that. You had to leave messages, you’re getting busy signals, you’re not texting anyone. There are no computers, there’s no email, its old school. You sent things in the mail.
Today, filmmaking is not difficult. I can go to a store and buy a 4K camera. I can make a movie with $5,000 worth of equipment. Probably less.
1428 Elm: Well, you can do it on your phone too. Sam Raimi is on Quibi now with 50 States of Fright, which is entertainment tailored to your device. If his series continues once everything settles, do you think there’s a chance you might appear on the show?
BC: Never say never, that’s all verbally at this point. They have to succeed; they have to survive. Any new format, any new platform, I’m game and if Sam’s involved all the more reason.
1428 Elm: Have you ever thought of doing anything like Quibi?
BC: Not yet. I’m used to writing 90-page screenplays with a three-act format. I can adapt anything too.
I was thinking the other day, I have a few screenplays that might be tough sells but maybe I might convert them to a fricking novel and put them out as books. There’s lots to do. I’ve got plenty going on.
1428 Elm: Has the current situation affected the new Evil Dead? We remember that you talked about possibly going into production at the end of this year. Is that pushed back like everything else?
BC: No, not really. It was so early in the stages that we can keep going. I just read the first official draft today. So, then we’ll give notes and additional writing will take place.
Then you have to budget the thing so you know how much money you need to raise and then you have to get the money. Nothing will stop any of that.
You can make calls for money, you can send the script to people, you can do budgets. The only thing that will be affected will be the actual start date. Which we didn’t know anyway. We may end up not being delayed at all.
Many thanks to Bruce Campbell for chatting with us.
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realityextinct · 7 years
Angsty Oikuroo fanfic prompt coming up. What if Kuroo and Oikawa were part of different groups that hated each other (werewolf/vampire for example), and they were forced to live together and at first they think lowly of each other but eventually they secretly start to see the good in each other but they know they can't be together bc of their differences.
This was such a long time coming…I am truly sorry, but I didn’t feel like writing for a while either.
Anyway, thank youf ro the prompt!! Hope you enjoy what I cooked up for it!! And I did not follow the prompt to a T. My apologies.XD
I also posted the oneshot on AO3. I hope it’s okay with you~
Word count: 1.694
Rating: NC-17-ish
Title: Of Mad Dogs and The Undead
He did not think he was going to ever wake up again. Having lost so much strength and blood, all he could do was collapse in the middle of the woods. The last thing he remembered was hearing footsteps approach him…and he knew at that point that he was at his enemies mercy. His life was over.
What surprised him was…the fact he opened his eyes the next night again. Despite all odds, he survived. Was it a curse…or a blessing? He didn’t yet know. Perhaps he was going to be put through trial, it could be the only reason as to why he was allowed to open his eyes - to be made a spectacle of, a warning for all the other kindred.
And yet, that was not the case either. He found himself being able to move freely, finally sitting up and looking around this unfamiliar place. The windows were patched up so he could not see where he was, but from the contents and the temperature of the room on an autumn night, he knew he was in a shack. The smell of damp wood made him believe that he was still somewhere in the forest.
But…Whose shack was it..? None of his allies owned any secret lairs in this are…if they did, his safety was more than certain.
In fact, the only reason he risked his life, gambled it by escaping to this area, was because this was an unknown territory. Yes, it was all coming back to him now and the stench proved it.
This was a lair of a mad dog.
But…this brought about more questions than answers.
Answers he was likely going to get the second he heard heavy footsteps and the front door opened, revealing a mess of brown hair and sharp cold eyes directed right at him. The weather was cold and every single breath this dog in a form of a man took, was clear. Despite the coldness, he didn’t seem to care for he only had a pair of pants on.After the door was shut behind him, at which point the guest could decipher that he was, indeed, unwanted, the beast finally spoke up, “You should be thankful. I got rid of the trail and rushed your pursuers off.”
Taken slightly aback by this, the other man’s eyes widened just a bit, but his expression remained unchanged beside that, “I am, in fact, very grateful for your help. But…to what I owe such an honor? I do not remember having gained a favor from a wolf in my endless lifetime.”
A snort had to escape the werewolf as he took a seat on the floor beside the door, leaning his back against the wall with his head slightly tilted, as if listening for any sign of movement outside, “Typical of your kind… But perhaps you should consider I am gathering future favors from the undead now that a favorable situation presented itself before me.”
The vampire frowned suspiciously, but also took a seat back down on the mattress he previously occupied, “In this moment in time, being a runaway that I am, you should be clearly aware I have nothing to repay you with. You would have benefited much more if you gave me away to my pursuers.”
“That is true,” the werewolf looked back at the vampire, a hint of mischief in his bright eyes, “But where would the fun be in that?”
There was a pause from the vampire as, instead of finding this entire ordeal amusing, he tried to read this character…and he had to conclude one thing, “Seems like we could be similar in nature,” he looked over his healed body in thought, before voicing his thoughts out loud, “It seems I should thank you for feeding me too. So…what is it that you want from me?”
The vampire knew a few things of their arch enemies. It was an honor for them to bring forth the body of an undead just before it crumbled to dust, as a sort of prestige among the pack. In which case, this dog would surely benefit from his death more than his life.
And it came back full circle. Fun or not, there was no reason he could think of as to why he was still conscious.
“I was curious…” the werewolf scooped closer to the unmoved vampire each time he spoke, mischief and amusement never once having left his eyes, “I heard so many rumors and stories about your vampire ‘kisses’, so for a very long time, almost to when I was just a foolish small cub, I wished to know…what it felt like. And whether it was really as amazing as the rumor claimed,” the smirk was too obvious as he crawled over to the vampire, a hand on each side of his thighs, pinning his gaze onto the pale white face.
The vampire remained sited, knowing fully well he was at this creature’s full mercy, his pride not allowing to look away from that gaze full of life he has long lost, “And did you like it?” he had no recollection of having bitten the werewolf, but he seemed to be alive somehow… So unless…
“Ah, I was saving this for when you woke up. One-sided lovemaking is not fun…and isn’t this precisely what it is for you, vampire?” he raised his arm to show a trail of a cut, making it clear to the vampire that he fed him without direct contact with the flesh.
At this point, even the vampire had to hum, an amused smile gracing his lips, “Perhaps…or perhaps not. Do I get to know the name of the one I am about to succumb to lust with?”
The werewolf looked triumphal and took a seat beside the vampire instead, “Oikawa Tooru. And who may you be, o’ graceful one?”
“Kuroo Tetsurou,” Kuroo paused, “Are you not afraid of me going too far?” he showed off his fangs, “These may kill you.”
As far as Kuroo was concerned, this entire situation was far more beneficial to him. Not only did he miraculously survive, but he also got to gather his strength. And also, this was a werewolf… And drinking the blood of a werewolf was a great rare privilege he knew only the elite, powerful kindred managed.
Oikawa’s reasonings were strange, laughable in fact…but who was he to question or say no to this?
“You can’t…and you won’t,” was Oikawa’s confident response as he smiled, almost softly, and bore his neck to Kuroo.
Kuroo wasn’t sure how many times this actually happened in his endless, prolonged lifetime. How many times has he seen humans bare their necks before him, how many times has heard them moan in pleasure, practically begging him to end their lives in this blissful orgasm of a lifetime. How many times has he seen eyes roll back as they lost consciousness from both pleasure and blood loss. How many times has he seen them wake up happy next.
But this kind of pleasure…was extraordinary. Something otherworldly. With the throb of the pulse, he could feel everything, every single powerful feeling coursing through this powerful body beneath him. Pitiful human moans and gasps of pleasure paled in comparison to this, the boner inside the thin fabric was begging for release…and shamelessly, Oikawa grabbed for it without a second though. When Kuroo felt it was more than enough, as the amount of excitement coursing through his dead body started to make him feel unbearable, he pulled away, only to receive a gasp and a pitiful whimper from the most powerful creature that was actually alive in this world, “P-please, don’t stop!”
“Stop being foolish! You can lose too much blood!”
“Hah, I don’t…mmph..care! More!!~~ More!”
But Kuroo didn’t comply fully…he only bit into the same spot without drawing any blood, no matter how much his canines begged for it, until this shameless dog orgasmed, his body shuddering in the climax.
Kuroo licked the wound, making sure the mark would disappear as he watched Oikawa come down from his high.
The slightly sweaty body was not an unusual sight to Kuroo, but the smell of sex that came from Oikawa was overwhelming. He momentarily wondered how many other dogs or even humans could withstand it without jumping him.
“Mmm…damn, that was amazing,” Oikawa traced his neck with a couple of fingers, still dazed as he licked his lips, “Probably the best orgasm of my life,” with those words, he looked up at the vampire with innocent honest eyes, smiling, “I feel jealous of your lovers.”
Kuroo actually laughed at that, but said nothing more.
They spent a few more hours like that, just talking, with Kuroo’s hand gently gliding through Oikawa’s messy hair, before Oikawa finally said, “You should probably go now. While your kind can’t pick up your trail anymore, my family can smell you out easily,” rolling over, the werewolf sat up, looking almost like a sad puppy.
And right then and there…there was one thing Kuroo was certain of…Oikawa belonged to him. Was this actually…how their bond worked? Was this the result of this seemingly pointless encounter?
Although there was no longer a reason to call it pointless.
Kuroo was glad he seemed to have found a flawed dog. Or…was he falling into his paws instead, by complying with all his wishes?
For now…he was not going to find out it seemed.
Kuroo strolled over to the door and opened it, allowing the cold air to ease the density that seemed to have accumulated inside. Looking back at Oikawa one more time, he added, “Come and find me sometime, puppy…that is, if you survive trying to explain what happened here,” and why you let a vampire escape.
Oikawa shrugged and waved him off, “Be concerned about your own survival more than mine, you sexy bloodsucker.”
With a small laugh, Kuroo was out the door, paving his way through the woods, thinking back to Oikawa and vowing that if he survived this, he would be able to see the werewolf once more.
And it would no longer be a pointless encounter.
 The End.
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