#like I said. it’s not like straight up toxic or anything but it’s ABSOLUTELY NOTT ur perfect wholesome healthy couple.
the-somwthing · 4 months
Ok the confession I remembered seeing was on the mcyt confessions blog instead that makes sense lol. I just wanted to look at it again. The feeling of seeing someone finally point out that treebark could be seen as unhealthy and being like “omg someone finally said it-“ and then the notes are all just “what? anon is being so weird they’re literally the healthiest ship in the entire series” like HE CHOPPED OFF HIS HEAD??? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???
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marshmallowmalfoy · 7 years
Ink Thicker Than Blood // Draco Malfoy
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Pairing: Fem Reader X Draco
Type: Fluff
Summary: You’re president of the school newspaper, and when you write a controversial article about the irrelevancy of blood status, you get some serious backlash for being a blood traitor and a Muggle sympathizer. 
A/N: No gifs. Tell me if you like this style better or not, and always feel free to request! I didn’t put much detail about the reader in so that no matter what you look like you should be able to picture yourself in it!
Warnings: swears, violence, maybe a little sexual tension?
“So to conclude, we are all the same - we are all gifted young wizards and witches, who need to respect, and treat each other accordingly.” Pansy finished reading, crumpling up the paper and tossing it onto the floor. 
“That Y/L/N is fucking disgusting. I pray to Merlin that she has a fatal accident in the foreseeable future.” Zabini spat the words out harshly, standing up from where he was resting on the window sill. “Damn blood traitor.” He shook his head and kicked at the ground, watching the toe of his shoe touch the ground as he did. Pansy spoke up;
“Direct descendent of Salazar Slytherin, that one is.” Theo Nott spoke from his spot where he was slumped on the floor by Pansy’s feet. He stood as well, “Bloody waste of space, tainting such a name with bullshit like this.” With one swift motion, he sent the newspaper gliding down the hallway.
“Would you lot shut up?” Draco snapped, he was stood with his shoulder to the wall, just to the right of the rest of the group. “You guys talk about her so much it’s like you’re bloody in love with her.” He rolled his eyes and went back to staring across the hallway at one of the many display cases that were scattered around the school.
“Why are you always defending her Malfoy?” Pansy’s tone was sour and her face was scrunched as she spoke. He seemed caught off guard by this, but none the less, he shook his head slowly and laughed.
“I’m not defending her, she’s terrible. Absolutely disgusting. I wouldn’t touch her with a ten-foot-pole! With a face like her, she belongs chained up outside like all the other beasts. Not the brightest one out there either, terribly stupid when it comes to Muggle Studies,” His friends were looking past him and laughing but he didn’t notice, and he topped off his little rant, “The blood-traitor bitch deserves to die.” Pansy was cracking up now, even going as far as to slap her knee in joy. From where Pansy was sat on the sill, she had a clear view right past Draco’s left shoulder, to where Y/N was standing. “What are you all looking at?” Draco glanced over his shoulder and saw her standing there. He instantly stood up straight and his eyes became sorrowful.
“Awwwww little Miss Y/L/N is crying now?” Pansy sneered when a tear fell from Y/N’s eye onto her cheek. With a single sniffle, she turned and fled from the hall, dashing as fast as she could.
“Fuck,” Draco muttered as he began dashing after his girlfriend.
“What the shit Malfoy where are you going?” Nott shouted after him, but he didn’t respond, only kept running.
It wasn’t until much later when Draco found her a sniffling mess curled up in a ball on her bed. He'd checked the whole school trying to find her, but he hadn’t thought she’d be in bed. Her hair was stuck to her damp cheeks and despite her closed eyes, tears were still silently slipping down her cheeks.
“Pumpkin?” He called softly from the door, “Can I come in darling?” The only answer she gave him the satisfaction of receiving was a heartbreaking sob. He took that as reasonable cause to enter your dorm.
He sat down beside her on the bed, his back to her. He couldn’t bare to see what he’d done to her. After some time, he took a deep breath and spoke again.
“I didn’t mean any of those things I said.” He felt the mattress shift, he turned to see her sitting up, facing away from him. Their backs to each other, she spoke up.
“I thought they knew... You told me that you told them we are together, you told me that you wouldn’t hide it from anyone anymore.” She sniffles, and then she sobbed out her next words, “You’re ashamed of me aren’t you?” With those words, Draco turned around to face her, though her back was still towards him. Her shoulders were slumped and her head hung low as she sniffled.
“No, sweet pea you’re the world to me.”
“You said I was a bitch blood traitor who deserves to die.” Her voice carried through the room and silenced all the other noises that seemed to silence all other sounds. “I deserve to die.” She whispered to herself, slumping over into the mattress.
“No. No, you don’t. If anyone does I do for being the worst boyfriend in the whole universe.” His voice was full of sorrow and regret, but she didn’t seem to feel his sincerity.
“Please leave Malfoy. I don’t want you around right now.”
Hesitantly, he left her there.
It had been days since she last said a word to him. Every day he craved for her to just come and scream at him for what he said or for her to crumble into his arms and cry. All he wanted was for her to show some sort of interest in him, even if it was negative. Today, in particular, he was concerned. He had not seen her go into any of her classes. 
No, he most certainly did not wait at the door of each and every one of her classes to see if she was going to be there. What kind of crazy lunatic boyfriend would he be if he had memorized that she had each class a grade up than usual because she was so brilliant? He also most certainly did not use his power as prefect to enter the girl's bathrooms to see if she was in there. He also did not go around asking everyone if they’ve seen her.
He had not thought of the one place she may be, it was too obvious. There was no way she would be sitting in the newspaper club room hunkered over her muggle writing machine, clicking away at the little buttons that put ink on the paper for her.
However, that was exactly where she was, typing frivolously on the typewriter, working hard on her newest newspaper, which just so happened to be a relationship edition.
Next week, after seven more long, painful days of him waiting for her to speak to him, she broke her silence. She didn’t have to say a word to him because Pansy did first.
Malfoy and his gang of delinquents were sat at lunch, messing around as usual. Draco was staring at her where she was sitting, alone, not touching her food, a book in hand. Her hair draped perfectly in that ever-so-slightly-messy way that drove him insane. He watched as her beautiful, soul catching eyes flickered quickly from word to word.
“Oh. My. God.” Pansy rolled her eyes and tossed the thin newspaper down onto the table next to where she was sat. “I don’t know who she thinks she is.” She said, shaking her head. Theo picked up the paper and looked at what gave Pansy a bitter taste in her mouth.
“Filthy blood traitor thinks she knows about relationships now does she? Fucking idiot.” Theo’s words caught Draco’s attention. He snatched the paper out of Nott’s hands, looking at the words one after another.
“Many people are pulled into toxic relationships here at Hogwarts because of different houses, blood status, or grades. However, one of the most heartbreaking and prevalent signs of a toxic relationship that could take a turn for the worst is your partner asking you to not tell anyone. It’s understandable to not have everyone up in your love life, and you don’t really have to tell anyone, but asking your significant other to not speak to them during class hours or in front of other people - especially their friends - is a clear sign that someone is not being treated as an equal in a relationship, and is very likely being used for the other person’s personal pleasure. If you need to get out of a toxic relationship, go to the head of your house, a prefect, or a close friend who can help you find your way out.”
Draco was so angry he was nearly producing smoke from his ears. He slammed the paper down aggressively onto the table and looked around for her. He just barely saw her ducking out of the doors of the Great Hall.
He was in pursuit of her instantly, with his friends calling after him once again, as to what the hell he thought he was doing, but he didn’t care. He was angry. How dare she think he was using her. How dare she think that he wasn’t treating her as an equal. She was walking quickly, but Draco’s long, graceful strides caught up to her in no time.
In one quick movement, he had her up on the wall, one hand on either side of her head as she looked up him fearlessly. He loved that about her, she was never scared of him. She didn’t seem to be scared of anything, besides thunder and muggle horror movies.
“Malfoy.” She greeted coldly, her beautiful skin radiating as she locked with his eyes, but he couldn’t keep his eyes off her face. God that face. Her perfect eyes, that perfectly-imperfect skin. Her nose that felt so perfect against the skin of his neck when they cuddle. Her lips, Merlin those lips and the way they were practically a drug to him. “Are you going to say something or let me go on my way?” She was harsh, stone cold and... well... acting a bit like him. He couldn’t manage words, he was entranced in her complexion, her beauty was a spell that didn’t need a wand to be cast, one that didn’t need a single word and didn’t affect anyone the way it affected him. “If you have nothing to say, I’d like to go about my day.”
He didn’t hesitate when he dove in to connect their lips. She was frozen, all the pent up anger inside her released and she shoved him away, laying a solid slap against his right cheek with the back of her right hand. His beautiful pale skin stung and began to turn a Gryffindor-Esque red. He didn’t blame her. She seemed to have the mixed emotions of satisfaction and regret in her eyes, those damn beautiful eyes that told him every emotion she was feeling. Over the years, he was able to read her like a book even when she doesn’t say a word.
“I deserved that.” He said softly, placing one of his ice-cold hands against the burning skin of his cheek. “I deserve worse than that. I deserve for you to leave me, I deserve to never have a girlfriend again, and even if I did she would never live up to you Y/N.” She turned around to gaze out at the courtyard. “You are the one and only person I’ve ever wanted. I’ve never wanted anything more in the world than to be with you.” She remained silent as he approached her cautiously, one small step after another until her back was firmly pressed against his front. His breath hot against her ear as he spoke. “You are all I’ve ever wanted. I would die for you. I would do anything to be with you. Y/N you are my princess and I will always love you. No matter what you chose for us in this moment, I will love you till the day I die. I can’t promise much in this life, but I can promise you that.”
Shivers ran up and down her spine.
“Do you mean it?” Her tone was somber and soft, quiet as a mouse. “I can’t tell what you mean and what you don’t anymore. You say things to your friends that you don’t mean... what if you’re lying to me?” She turned around to face him. “Tell me you’re telling me the truth and I’ll believe you.” His gray eyes were soft and sad, watered over with a thin layer of tears.
“Y/N. I’m endlessly in love with you. Please, let me have another chance.” He closed his eyes and tilted his head down, bracing for rejection. 
“Okay dray.” Her words were soft and raspy. With that, she pressed her lips to his.
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