#like I’ll never forget the time when TLNM casting was revealed
snowyroxx22 · 3 years
I’m glad people are finally getting angry at Hollywood replacing voice actors with celebrities-
Because a few years ago, when The Lego Ninjago Movie came out, Warner Bros replaced voice actors from Ninjago’s tv show who had been voicing the characters for almost a decade with random celebrity actors, and we were just supposed to accept that.
And it only got worse from there. Warner Bros continued this trend with their own movies (Scoob, casting Zendaya as Lola in the Space Jam sequel). And now other companies have done it too (Sonic movie, and now Mario).
It’s just SO unfair that companies will just ignore characters that ALREADY have talented ACTUAL voice actors and cast Hollywood actors just to gain money who most of the time aren’t even good at voice acting (they are two different skills!) I really do hope everyone being angry at the Mario casting starts to make a difference. Voice actors deserve just as much fame as actors do.
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