#tho sadly I think that movie didn’t perform too well
quillkiller · 1 year
i'd love to hear more about why u didn't like barbie if it's not a problem for u
it’s not a problem! i do want to preface by saying tho that i did actually love seeing it and especially in the theatres with my dyke best friend!! and we had the time of our lives.
i wrote a very long and messy film review about barbies take on feminism and the patriarchy, i could post that if you’d be interested? :)
it also just. rubs me so in the wrong way seeing ryan gosling being peoples favorite thing to come out of the barbie movie. it just proves to me, imo, that barbies message went completely unheard. i absolutely loved his performence too but like. did we watch the same film? do we really think it’s funny that ken got bored of ruling a pareiarchy bc it didn’t include horses? is that actually funny or is it just unbelievably insensitive and out of touch? because i personally think the latter.
my main thing tho is basiaclly just that i had expected the film to do something literally anything new. to say something we don’t already know. i could name several films with the same feminist take and i just genuinely thought it would do one single radical thing. and it didn’t, in my opinion, and it left me very disappointed. i can’t name one single (new) thing the barbie film did for women/feminism if i’m being completely honest. it wrapped itself up in a neat little package towards the end saying ’everyone matters!’ w a cute little bow on top. men (because kens are still men) didn’t have to apologize and ryan goslings ken is everyones favorite part. from a movie about patriarchy and the sidelining of women. it just doesn’t sit right with me at all.
the kens are literally my enemies like what they did was unforgivable? they were men brainwashing and taking advantage of women and they didn’t even have to apologize and now we’re all obsessed with ’kenergy’? they should’ve at the very least be held responsible, but no they got an apology instead. while the barbies literally didn’t get a single one. is kenergy rly something we want? was he really keanough?????? i swear if i ever meet a man saying he’s a ken / is kenough i will kill him and then myself
some people may think i’m overreacting or that i’m a buzzkill but this is is genuinely how i feel about it. i see women say ’this is a film for all women!’ but i didn’t feel that once? i didn’t feel included once in the narrative and im definitely not being represented by barbie. it brought me back to when i was in the closet and i felt alien to everyone around me. i felt strange and ugly and wrong. this was a film for heterosexual women, imo.
in my defense, i am a film student film with a bachelor’s degree in film science, so i do feel confident in my own reading of the film. i am also well read on feminist theory and have been educating myself for years (and still do). it’s two things i’m very passionate about and literally you couldn’t spend even half an hour with my friend group, all dykes, before it turns into political/feminist discussions hahahah. i trust my judgment in how i feel about the film, but i’m not trying to change anyone else’s mind and im definitely not saying it wasn’t a good film. i’m absolutely not automatically right because of this. this is simply my reading of the film.
however, i find it very difficult not to engage with media, especially film, critically as someone who studies film and intends to make it my career. and i tend to engage critically from a gender perspective based on feminist theory because i honestly just can’t help it. a huge part of me didn’t want to engage with barbie critically because i had the time of my life watching it. i had so so so so much fun. but sadly, here we are
i had a similar experience when, in film history class, we started every single morning watching silent films. i fucking love silent films but let me tell you, the people who made silent films don’t love me or care for women. every morning i had to prepare myself to watch a woman get murdered by a man. a reminder of how women have been treated in cinema. a reminder that a woman isn’t a person, she’s a plot device for the male protagonist. the men in my class never noticed, whereas me and my uni friends (all girls) felt rather affected by it every single viewing. film theory hits different depending on who’s watching the film
that’s why i wanted barbie do just something new. it’s a film literally based on feminism and patriarchy and it still ended with a woman apologizing to a man. she still had to fight him off trying to make advances. she still had to do the emotional labour for another man.
it was just tiring. i wouldn’t have this opinion if it hadn’t made it so clear that the literal plot is patriarchy and feminism. that’s why i feel so let down
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snowyroxx22 · 3 years
I’m glad people are finally getting angry at Hollywood replacing voice actors with celebrities-
Because a few years ago, when The Lego Ninjago Movie came out, Warner Bros replaced voice actors from Ninjago’s tv show who had been voicing the characters for almost a decade with random celebrity actors, and we were just supposed to accept that.
And it only got worse from there. Warner Bros continued this trend with their own movies (Scoob, casting Zendaya as Lola in the Space Jam sequel). And now other companies have done it too (Sonic movie, and now Mario).
It’s just SO unfair that companies will just ignore characters that ALREADY have talented ACTUAL voice actors and cast Hollywood actors just to gain money who most of the time aren’t even good at voice acting (they are two different skills!) I really do hope everyone being angry at the Mario casting starts to make a difference. Voice actors deserve just as much fame as actors do.
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Kingdom Round 3: "Plagiarism", rigged voting and fanwars.
[Disclaimer: It is possible that for fans of certain groups I'll come off as offensive. I like each of the groups, I possess albums of TBZ, SF9 & SKZ, and I watched HOURS of content/debut programs of ALL the participating groups. Nevertheless, I will ALWAYS say my honest opinion. If you want to fight me, you're ofc allowed to do so but I hope you're all mature enough to not feel offended by opinions.]
Act 1: Tbz, where do your ideas come from?
So what I've noticed is that there's a massive difference between tbz behind the scenes and other groups'. Not only in this episode. So far, tbz simply DID NOT show how they create ideas, stages, how they practice. They picked a song, fooled around, and then met up with RTK members. It was cute sure, but it had NOTHING to do with the stage. The other groups showed practice scenes, showed their ideation process, showed who taught them and how. The boyz didn't. No practice, no ideation. Only song choice. We didn't see them practicing the choreo, we didn't see how they even got the idea for this stage. Their behind the scenes footage sadly has NOTHING to do with their performance. I really wish we could see them practicing and coming up with ideas.
Another big problem I see with this, is that they literally don't explain where their ideas come from. Now for people who know Game of Thrones (GoT hereafter), it probably appears rather obvious that the previous and also this stage was inspired by GoT, right? The white walkers? Ice and fire? The throne? The freaking red wedding??? I can't be the only one who sees a connection between their stages and GoT. ATEEZ said they were inspired by Pirates of the Carribbean. SF9 said they were inspired by film noir and showed how they worked with an actor on their storyline. iKON explained how they associate inception with dreams and put together their ideas. But TBZ didn't freaking talk about any of this. Either it was never recorded, or it never was aired. In any way, it's extremely suspicious in my eyes. Moreover it's just pretty shit to not say where your idea comes from. Especially not when you even name your stage after the iconic red wedding... Now IF they were NOT inspired by GoT, then it would be some... extremely huge coincidences... especially the stage title is just a bit too much tbh. But more to that stage later.
Edit: It came to my knowledge that according to deobis, Cre.Ker will post the content after Kingdom on tbz social media. Whoever took that decision needs to be fired tbh. If the content will be released, I'll link to it and add some few words to it.
Act 2: The good, the bad, and ... All hail king Juyeon?
Let's talk about the performances now.
SF9: What I dislike is the fact that as I stated in my previous Kingdom post, they are forced to do such dramatic musical/movie stages to even be recognized as part of the show. Moreover, I found it weird and unfitting that they held guns during the group dance parts, to me it seemed a bit off. Also, at times, their energy level seemed a bit low.
What I liked is that even tho it was a MASSIVE set, the performance still was extremely easy to understand and follow. They all looked insanely good tho, SF9 simply is mature and manly. I liked the concept, it was fresh because it for once had no fantasy vibe but actual criminal mafia energy. My favourite parts were Jaeyoon's fighting scenes because they were very well choreographed. Altogether, I really enjoyed it and also found it interesting how they referred to the Boyz crown scenes on RTK.
The Boyz: In my eyes, this is already the second GoT inspired concept they did. Not a fan of this. Moreover, I'm a bit pissed that it looks as if they are selling all that as their own ideas. As I said before, I believe this is GoT inspired, the name at least definitely was - but it's never said that the inspiration comes from there, because we literally have no information about where their ideas come from and if it's even their own ideas. To me it has the bitter aftertaste of wanting to hide sth the viewers aren't supposed to see. But this is not tbz fault but the fault of whoever writes/directs/edits their footage.
With the title of the stage given, I actually thought I'd see a wedding. But what I've seen was a woman in a bird cage. And then many more women. I failed to see what this all had to do with a wedding, and I moreover failed to see the connection to "THE" red wedding. And I failed to understand the plot once again, and because they didn't explain it beforehand, I'll never understand it.
What I liked is that the performance was way less dramatic than it was ever before. It didn't seem like a stunt show anymore, it didn't seem overdramatic anymore. It was easier to focus on the performance. Sadly, I noticed that this "downgraded" (aka slow-paced and less dramatic) stage was unfortunately underwhelming in comparison with what they did before - which was sth I predicted from beginning on. At some point you can't go bigger anymore, and if you tone it down it'll automatically seem underwhelming.
Edit: It's sad that they have this pressure to outperform themselves because they've won RTK. But honestly, it was clear that the winner would have this pressure on them. I don't see why I would pity them for this, after all, each of the groups feel pressured anyways and I rather feel sorry for ALL groups together because this whole ranking/competition thing is just unnecessarily stressful. But once again, I don't understand why you all blame MNET for this. Don't forget that the companies have contracts with MNET and knew that shit would go down. If you blame any bigger instances, then please also the companies who put their idols on the show. It's not like they got forced to make their groups participate.
My biggest criticism this time however is the fact that they give the most screentime to Juyeon (and Sunwoo because of the rap parts), and the rest of the members barely appear, or basically aren't shown at all. I already felt before that there was a strong focus on Juyeon, but now it's srly showing very clearly. I really like Juyeon, but I don't find it fair. I think that doesn't do justice to the other members, which deserve screentime as well. In conclusion, tbz on kingdom is an extreme mess in my eyes, with lots of communication- and management flaws.
iKON: I belong to the group of people who heavily prefers THANXX over inception, so I was a bit sceptical about the song choice. They really made a YG version out of this tho, I was pretty impressed. The stage concept was pretty nice, iKON surely knows how to use light. Now the stage seemed very inspired by Inception (the movie) which makes a lot of sense - but wasn't communicated either. Just mentioning this because I critisized tbz earlier, so I think the same applies here to some degree. I didn't recognize the song anymore tho but I found it pretty refreshing. In my eyes they did the best so far in making another group's song their own. This could have been an iKON song for sure. As always, a fun stage.
My personal ranking will follow after the other stages.
Act 3: About cheating and faking.
The Voting looks as follows:
Views: 1. SKZ 2. iKON 3. ATEEZ 4. BTOB 5. TBZ 6. SF9
Online Voting: 1. SKZ 2. SF9 3. iKON 4. BTOB 5. ATEEZ 6. TBZ
Btw if anyone knows the overall voting, please comment or send a message, because I somehow missed it?
I said it before, and I say it again, this entire voting is rigged and I totally don't care about it anymore at this point because it's absolutely not trustable. Experts didn't know about the budget differences, who even are the experts, why did SF9 get zero on-site votes, and then ofc the fans who created 50 accounts to vote...this voting is a joke. What I can totally not understand is how ATEEZ and TBZ can rank last for online voting. Sth seems off here to me, especially the fact that SF9 ranks last in views but ranks 2nd in votes? I'm sorry to say this but I think that's the result of the ZZZ fanwar. My assumption is that there must be a big mass of people who purposely voted NOT for TBZ & ATEEZ, and my guess is - no offence - that those were stays. In accordance with the fanwar, they didn't give their 2 other votes to the other ZZZ groups but to whatever other group. Or in general the ZZZ fandoms purposely not voting for each other. That would explain extremely well why SF9 could suddenly rank 2nd. I'm tired of this voting, of fanwars and all this drama and I decided to not care about the official voting anymore.
If you got to this point, I wanna let you know that I feel very blessed that you made it through this long post hahaha. Thanks! And for the next week, I expect BIG THINGS. I'm the most excited for BTOB. Them covering back door is the most absurd thing I've imagined for a long time hahahaha. But Eunkwang with tattoos really is a good sight, isn't it ;)?
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lofi-tophat · 3 years
Let’s talk about the 70s punk scene and HWS England
I sometimes feel that the fandom doesn’t give England’s love for punk/rock music much justice. Some authors usually write about this human AU in which Arthur wants to be a rockstar and some others plainly avoid the topic whatsoever. Which is a pity because I actually believe the whole character has a deep punk reference, specially regarding appearence (might expand on this in another post but basically, for me, England seems like some random bushy browed anime 70s punk guy who suddenly has to put on a suit and attend world meetings, which is both fascinating and hilarious).
So I thought maybe we could dive a bit into very general punk history and then I’d like to share with you some hc regarding England’s involvement with punk culture in general (if you just want to read the hcs just scroll down to the last paragraph with the bullet ponts).
My experience in punk stuff is actually that I’m kind of a metalhead lol. Metalheads and punks had and probably still have a deeply-rooted rivalry. However, punk influenced metal a lot, and metal also influenced punk. So I stumbled upon many punk facts while browsing about my favorite metal bands. 
Take this as historical hetalia... but counterculture historical hetalia :D (which is something we need more in the fandom, btw, I know military history is cool but its also cool how humans expressed themselves through art, fashion and music when they felt the pressure of authority and the frustration of society).
Historical context
Let’s return a bit in time and remember the 60s. The 60s were this blessed time in which people tried to defeat the establishment with peace and love. The hippie movement is from this decade and it influenced a lot on how people thought and behaved. In terms of counterculture, I must say this is a fascinating time in history (I recently discovered psychodelic science and its so incredible what was being talked back then).
Anyways, although a lot of young people were into this discourse of love and peace, some weren’t really that happy about it. In Europe, the post-war situation was sad and a lot of young people either were jobless or had the shittiest jobs you could imagine. Politics were also depressing. This was the origin not only for punk but also for other genres of heavy music, such as metal: People who didn’t want to be all happy and peaceful and had the need to express their frustration and anger, shouting about how society was fucked up. They needed an outlet.
Origins of punk
The origins of punk music are actually not quite clear. In fact, the US and the UK both claim that punk music was born in their country. Funnily enough, my country also claims to be the origin of punk (I’ll leave this mini-doc for you. Sadly, I don’t think this is a correct claim, mainly because their music was in spanish and I doubt that major punk bands took them as reference. Its a cool band tho).
I have to side with americans on this: The arguments for the american origins of punk are quite solid. The Ramones were the first actual punk band out there. They were active since 1974. Their music had all the elements of punk and, chronologically, they were the first ones performing this type of sound.
However, they didn’t have the aesthetic. That actually was a british invention. American punk had still leather jackets, jeans and sneakers. British punk? Well, remember all those ripped pants and shirts you commonly associate with punk? Yes, those were the Sex Pistols all along. They were the ones introducing the attitude and the style. The Pistols had some insane performances and a huge shock-value that can’t be found in early american punk. So you can safely say that your image of what a punk is is based mainly on the Pistols (also, for singing anti-authoritarian lyrics, they actually were managed by some dude who had a fashion shop. So yeah...).
Punk attitude or philosophy or whatever
The reason why I addressed the rockstar thing at the start of the post is because I find it curious. Punk is characterized by the whole Do It Yourself attitude and breaking with the establishment. Anarchism in punk is scandalizing people since there is no authority whatsoever. There wasn’t really any deep philosophy behind all of this, nor any political movement. Punk has nothing to do with a formal anarchist philosophy (which actually exists and has nothing to do with disorder). However, punk is characterized by the anti-establihsment lyrics. Remember, this is all about scandalizing people (which sometimes took great lengths). Presentations from british punk bands were also quite wild those days. They involved a lot of insults, spitting and, of course, pogo.
So, it is obvious that there is this deep concern about turning into a sellout, a pretty common fear in any underground scene. Authenticity was encouraged. Aspiring rockstars really didn’t have much mercy in the community so to speak, at least in this specific period. 
I would also like to add how punk had other aspects beside the music. For example, fanzines were pretty popular in the punk scene in the 70s and a great way to engage with what was going on with bands and music. I remember also this interview of this band in which they remembered how a very high guy decided to recite his poem while the band was playing. So, yeah, literature, illustration, fashion and other stuff were involved in the punk scene too.
British punk was also characterized by a very nihilistic attitude and a total disregard for previous influences. 1977, a song by The Clash, stated:
No Elvis, Beatles, or the Rolling Stones!
Now, for the important stuff: The music. Punk music is all about being simple. Punk musicians aren’t really known for their virtuosity in their instruments, something that actually inspired musicians from a lot of heavy bands later. In fact, the famous Sid Vicious from the Sex Pistols never could learn how to play the bass. So the band disconnected his instrument from the amplifier and he only had to pretend to play. The guy actually tried to learn how to play bass but music wasn’t exactly his talent. He had tons of punk attitude though, and that was the reason why his band didn’t kick him out. 
Vocals are usually shouted, the rythm is fast and the riffs are quite simple. In fact, there is this famous publication on a 1976 british fanzine that stated:
This is a chord
This is another
This is a third
Now form a band
HWS England and the 70s punk scene and onwards 
Thanks to his immortality, it is obvious that England had to experience the 70s in all their glory (what a lucky bastard). Was he there? Hell yes. As I explained before in some of my hc posts, nations represent the population more than their Government, so I really believe that England felt the frustration from that post-wwii decade and he probably also felt pissed about this. Working for the Government must have felt really frustrating during those years. 
In the past, he probably would have tried to take his ship and sail the seas or whatever, but that was not possible in the modern era. I guess that’s how he discovered punk. 
Now, rock existed in England before punk. I mean, the Beatles, duh. So Arthur wouldn’t have been completely ignorant about rock music in general. Contrary to popular belief I don’t imagine him being that much of a beatlemaniac though. Sure he likes them, but the music didn’t resonated with him as much. But boy, that first time he heard the Pink Fairies in 1971 (Yes, this was an actual band, a proto-punk band)? Yeah, he could relate more to that.
More detailed stuff here:
Pubs were crucial for the development of punk music. They were these spaces in which bands could play, a venue to discover new music. Yes, Arthur must have been a regular in a lot of these pubs.
Fanzines probably fascinated Arthur as an outlet for his own writings and silly drawings. He probably created a cringey pseudonym and collaborated with a lot of them. 
Its canon that England likes to critic american movies, and, taking from there, I think he’s the type of guy that has an opinion for everything. So I can imagine him also writing about what bands he enjoyed and what bands sucked.
Yeah, I can also see him being drunk and just reciting a poem while some rock band played behind.
With some ability, and a lil bit of tricks, Arthur could escape normal Government activities and perform with punk bands at nights. People were so into the music that he had no problem passing by.
Some cover art in CDs show Enlgland with a guitar and a bass (yes, not many people remember the bass cover art). So he probably plays both guitar and bass. He also probably plays the drums. Of course, he’s no virtuoso and he only knows the most basic stuff in those three instruments. I can see him being into songwriting tho.
Music equipment:
Guitar: Definetely a Telecaster
Bass: Fender P-bass and I can also see him having a Rickenbacker 4001
All these instruments are full with stickers. Punk instruments look really cool btw. (I wish my bass could look like those I see in certain punk bands)
England’s probably the kind of guy that doesn’t cut his strings at the head of his guitar.
He can actually play guitar/bass and sing at the same time.
England plays bass with a pick (what an asshole, we bassists know picks are not allowed)
Contrary to popular belief, I can see England appreciating good rock music from other countries and supporting them. He probably insists that punk music was born in the UK though.
1977: The Queen was going to celebrate her silver jubilee. And England had no problem with this. He really had none... but he HAD to be in that boat trip with the Sex Pistols. There’s no way he was going to miss that. He later had to explain his abscence that day to his Government officials (Btw, my hc for England’s relationship with his monarchy is “It’s complicated”. I can explain this later. Just remember that he was really pissed those days)
I can see Arthur in general being really involved with the scene. A lot of the stuff they were making actually matches with his canon interests and even personality. So he probably enjoyed those days and felt quite at home. I can even say that, for a long time, he hadn’t felt that kind of connection with his own people.
Although I can see England being attracted by the nihilism in the scene, I think his romanticism protects him from embracing it fully.
England had to live a double-life during this era. Not that it was new for him.
Arthur was pierced several times by some random, drunk teenagers. He doesn’t remember who tho. He was also drunk. Obviously his piercings close really fast, unless he has a permanent jewel in there.
I can actually see England expanding his music taste. Although punk is in his heart, it wouldn’t be strange for me that he’s overall a rock nerd and enjoys other genres, specially those with fast drum beats and heavy riffs. So I can see him having some metal favorites too, having a certain taste for prog rock and even digging into hardcore.
I’m still unsure if England would have been a massive Pistols fan as fanfics usually portray him. I mean, maybe? I would say he is definetely into acts such as the Pink Fairies (I mean, c’mon, its perfect). The Clash and the Damned probably also have a place in his heart.
After the punk scene dried out (the 80s weren’t that great for punk music although it was the birth of even heavier forms of music based on punk), England also was eager about the new genres flourishing during these times based on punk. Acts like folk punk might have had an appeal for him. He’s also fond of the punk-ish bands from the 90s like Green Day.
“Punk will never die!” shouted England while stage diving in some random small concert. He likes to support new bands these days.
The most fascinating thing, maybe in a more poetic sense, is that England’s immortality probably also helps him to keep up a punk spirit as much as his nationhood allows him, instead of aging poorly and angry like a lot of punk musicians... I mean, he aged poorly, but for other reasons lmao.
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letoscrawls · 4 years
What are your Extremely Italian Opinions? Anything from politics to pasta, drop some hot takes
mmmmm good question! even though i'm not a proud italian as i'm very critical of this country and i'd love to live abroad in the future, i do have typical italian opinions that i'm ready to die for. I’m sure these will be mainly about food, but let’s see:
-say whatever you want, but italian food is the best food in the entire world, not only it’s healthy but it’s also delicious and no nation can compare :) no you can’t change my mind :) every time i watch Ratatouille i cringe so bad at the beginning when they say that French cuisine is known to be the best in the world??? that’s so false and i don’t even find it funny, we italians take food so seriously and if you dare criticize something about our food we take it very personal, yes, IT IS THAT DEEP.
-idk if it's a take but i find it funny that we don't use ice that much?? like i was so shocked to learn that smoothies are made WITH ICE?? we almost never use it, we definitely don't put it in coffee and we have this strange belief that ice gives you stomachache, especially if you want to take a bath, we usually wait two or three hours before taking a bath after a meal, especially if there's ice in it somewhere lol i think it's a typical Italian Grandma Advice but we all follow it religiously. Even though i know it's bizarre i can't help but wait at least two hours after my meal before having any kind of contact with water
-No one dubs movies and cartoons like italians. Our voice actors are superior (but the italian Rebels dub is terrible, don’t watch Rebels in italian, everyone sounds very bad except for Thrawn, surprisingly his voice better than the original and i've already talked about this in my ig stories some time ago haha) and i often watch shows and movies in italian even tho it's "trendy" nowadays to watch everything in english. Tbh i think that  a country with a strong tradition of voice acting shouldn't neglect it in favor of the original language, just because something was made in english it doesn't make it better. For example, the prequel trilogy is insanely better in italian, while i love Hayden's performance as Anakin i think that sometimes...it lacks emotion? the italian dub makes up for those parts, i couldn't understand why international fans used to despise the PT so much at first, especially the acting. There isn't one single character in the prequels that sounds bad, really. Same thing goes for Disney classics, i find them 100% funnier in italian (the most memorable example is Emperor's New Groove, the main characters are voiced by some of the funniest comedians we have, they all did an amazing job), even tho some characters are voiced by celebrities who don't do voice acting on a regular basis the result is always phenomenal. Honorable mention to the Genie in Aladdin who is voiced by Gigi Proietti, an actor and comedian of immesurable talent who passed away a few days ago, his performance is on the same level of Robin Williams' imo. So yeah, i'm a huge fan of italian voice acting in case you didn't notice
-regarding politics, lots of people here say that we have the "best democracy in the world" or something like that.........eh, i highly doubt it. I hate this country because there is no meritocracy, you're most likely to succeed if you have good connections or a powerful family. The worst part is that this applies to EVERYTHING and it's terrible. Also there's a big imbalance between North Italy and South Italy, so it's hard to succeed and have access to a good education if you're born in the South and you're poor. And it's a shame. I was lucky enough to live near a very good university so i pay for taxes and nothing else, but only those who are born in wealthy families in the south can afford university in the north as universities in the south are not that good in general. it's really a shame bc south italy is freaking beautiful but the government doesn't spend the same amount of time, energy and money and that's also one of the reasons crime rates are so high there. truly every single issue in Italy could be resolved by funding our education system but most politicians don't give a flying fuck about it and it shows :/
-University in italy is considered a privilege, something that people do because they are too lazy to go to work and get "a real job". we have one of the lowest rates of student getting a degree in europe and yet a lot of people are expected to be jobless for years after graduating uni. it's crazy. there is no respect or consideration for university students since you're not obliged by law to attend one but it's your choice. university professors are terrible, they act like we don't have a personal life and in most cases will make everything so hard that you'll need to take an exam even 15 times before passing it. a friend of mine who is a prodigy in Math attended a really good university in Switzerland and he told me that you can take exams a max of 3 times there but you usually don't need to because they are much easier to pass?? also exams are so hard to pass, my degree is a living hell, you have to take multiple tests, do projects and assignments to pass one freaking exam, while the entire world has the paper system, so you basically write a paper and then the teacher grades it and guess what??? YOU LEARN STUFF ANYWAY. i hate that university in italy takes so much years, tears and mental energy to finish and this leads me to my next point
-healthcare. Italy has one of the best healthcare systems in the world because, well, it's free! You have some kind of bills to pay, but they are not as expensive as in the US, the country got a huge debt at some point in the 60s/70s (i guess??) to afford free healthcare but it was really worth it!! HOWEVER, i think it's pointless to have free healthcare for literally anything besides mental health. sadly, mental health is a tough topic here, if you suffer from a mental illness you're considered crazy, an attention seeker, incapable of being a normal citizen and stuff like that. therapists are super expensive and only wealthy people can afford them. personally, i can't afford one and i would love to since i suffer from anxiety and maybe other things (but i guess i'll never know since my country doesn't give a fuck lmao). and university students are most likely to have mental health issues due to the terrible conditions we live in, yet society ignores us, this results in very high suicide rates among students in their twenties. i honestly hate it so fucking much, especially because studying psychology is considered "easy" and you'll probably be jobless after your degree. psychologists are doctors, they deserve to be paid like any other doctor because they save lives, for real.
So uhm this was supposed to be funny but ended being very critical hahahaha
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reddoll123 · 3 years
Hi Red!
Sorry for the late response. So busy at work last week but hello!
Kpop artists always come to my state but more the city-city… mine is a big city too but I guess not as big. We did get SuperM to come but I wanted all of EXO to be here (inserts me whining lol and sounding entitled haha), not just two members haha but it was still nice that we were included.
Swing Kids was so good, minus the ending. I was sooooo extremely sad about the ending and wish that were some type of alternate ending, but of course, that would not be realistic lol The Along with the Gods was really good! I look forward to the next ones! I hear there’s 2 more and they’ll have him in it! I didn’t see Dokgo Rewind and I only saw half of Andante. When I heard it was going to have a sad ending(?), I stopped. I can’t do with sad dramas. I will be sad forever, which is why Swing Kids was a stab to the heart at the end 😭
Yay! I love fall/autumn season too! Birthday season!!! How fun! Any plans this year, since we can have semi-normal plans now?
What type of video games do you play?
I read your other post about your job, but wow! I’m glad you were still able to keep your original job but that was a whirlwind to read, so I can only imagine, how it felt with it happening.
Let’s see, maybe some questions on what you don’t like? So I know what to avoid? Is there any song or performances you don’t like it? Color schemes? Just trying to figure out what would be good to do for you :)
I hope you have a wonderful week!
Your EXO-L 🤶🏼
Hey again santa anon~ 👋🏾
Nah please don't apologize, just hope you're doing well! I've been busy with work too this week ('tis the season) so sorry this reply's a bit late. And lol, no whine away. I'd whine too if they were close like that but not!
And yeah like tho I love happy endings, if there was one for Swing Kids it'd obvs make me happy but also leave me a bit dissatisfied in a way cuz of how the setting and plot was set up. (Doesn't mean I didn't go straight to ao3 after to look for a happy alternate ending tho lol.) But the way they all died tho is still like fresh in my mind 😩😩. And yeah I heard the movies were really good! I'mma get to 'em one day or another hehe.
I def rec watching Dokgo Rewind tho, it was so fun! And yeah Andante does have a really sad part to it but also in that realistic way like when ya meet someone who leaves a big impact but at some point, you or they gotta part ways for whatever reason. I still def rec watching and finishing it tho, it was very well done imo.
And yeah so I took some time off for around that time and plan on hanging out with my best friend (still deciding on what to do besides go out and eat like we always do hehe) and most likely my fam too. Then, on my actual b-day (which is sadly on a Tuesday lol, the one after this one), I'm prob just gonna chill and eat some great food~
And as for the types of videogames I play, I'mma just name some that I constantly play and love lol: Overwatch, Sims 4, Yakuza Kiwami (already played 0 and am going in order), GTA V, recently finished Divinity: Original Sin 2 with my younger sis (we already played the 1st together too), Rayman Legends for 4 player couch co-op, Kingdom Hearts III, and have a few other games that I haven't played yet.
And oh you did? Yeahhh, it was definitely a whirlwind to experience for sure lol!
And hmm, can't really think of any performances I outright dislike...But as for songs? Uhh this is a throwback but their song Baby from the XOXO album andddd Heaven from the Ex'Act album lol. Besides that, nothing else I can think of 😅. And as for color schemes, I also like other colors besides blue even tho it's my fav, can be any color of the rainbow, black, white, brown, whatever really. And I dig vibrance but also pastels and love seeing melanin if that helps lmao.
Hope ya have a great rest of the day and week as well!
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unifox · 4 years
Just one night?
~Pairing: Changsub x female reader
~Genre: angst/ fluff/ suggestive 
~Warnings: suggestive (I think thats all)
~Words: 1383
~Summary: You had a lot in common with your sunbae Changsub and that lead to some fun at his house. You guessed that maybe all that would happen between you two would be just that night...
a/n: I'm thinking about a part 2. Maybe a fluff ending? Please message me with suggestions :) also... HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope 2021 will be a year with more happiness and hope, and a year that we can become better and happier! ~Foxy🦊
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> gif's not mine <
Being a trainee definitely wasn't easy, we all know it. You were one of the members of a girl group that was to be debuted by Cube, currently taking part of an elimination program (kinda like pentagon maker)
By now, you already met basically most cube artist and thats how you came to be here, talking to your senior, who you really admired, Lee Changsub. At first he offered to drive you home since it was late but instead, decided to take you to his home to show you the collection of cds he had.
"I didn't know you'd also be so interested in this sort of rock ballad songs" he said showing you his big collection, which was by the TV
"I always enjoyed this genre the most! Your album MARK was sooooo good! I absolutely loved it!"
"Thank you! I worked hard on it!"
For about an hour you guys just sat in his couch and talked, mostly Changsub giving you advice on how to get better when performing or even when recording. After a while you decided to watch a movie but after some time you saw from the corner of your eyes that he was looking at you. Not sure if it was a good idea but you decided to look back at him too, and after some time staring at each other, the boring movie long forgotten, he leaned in initiating a kiss that you soon reciprocated
Things got a bit heated and since you were sitting on his lap as you made out, he lifted you up and took you to his room
- - - - -
The next morning Changsub woke up to an empty bed, 'I guessed wrong the type of one night stand she was' he thought to himself. He got up from his bed and put on some shorts, not before checking his nightstands to see if you had left any notes for him. Sadly, he found nothing which made him slightly disappointed. Opening the door of his room a pleasant smell of bacon filled his nose
"Oh? Good morning"
you looked really cute in his t-shirt from the night before. Your smile made his frown go away as soon as he entered the kitchen and heard you voice.
"Sorry to intrude, and also use your kitchen, but I figured you'd be hungry..."
He softly smiled and walked over one of the stools in the kitchen
"It's really alright, I'm not gonna lie, I thought you were gone. But this... this is way more like you"
"How so?"
"Well, from how you acted yesterday and your general personality you didn't seem like the type to just leave in the morning. If I'm being honest, I thought we would wake up together but this is way more pleasant" He says sending you a sweet smile and muttering a quiet thanks when you pass him a plate filled with scrambled eggs and bacon.
"You're not having any?" He questioned "I'm fine, don't worry" You dismissed him, but he insisted in giving you bites of his breakfast
The morning was very nice and just like the night before you both chatted freely and enthusiastically until you had to leave
"Do you want a ride to the company? I'm headed there"
"No, don't worry. I need to to go the dorm to change my clothes. Plus, us showing up together at the company would probably not be very appropriate..."
"You're right, I was being careless... I can give you a ride to your dorm if you want?"
"Uhmm... I guess that would be nice thank you"
After breakfast you changed back into your yesterday clothes and headed to Changsubs car. The ride was silent but not awkward and soon enough you reached your destination.
"Thank you sunbaenim, I'll see you around" You bowed politely, remembering the actual relationship between you guys. Also realizing that, Changsub just nodded muttering a 'See ya' and driving away. 'I guess I could only have one night with him' you thought to yourself, disappointedly walking into your building
- - - - -
Of course that when you got into your dorm, your members bombarded you with questions. After some explaining they calmed down, not really judging you since they knew the type of person you were
You weren't into one night stands and since forever you rarely went on dates or anything related
"Why did you do it tho? It's not really... you" Your leader asked
"I'm not sure myself... I guess he just had this charm that really drew me in..." You stared saying while remembering the previous night. Before any dirty thoughts flooded you and your members mind you quickly added "But he's really sweet! A gentleman! And- and-" Your leader started laughing at your panicked expression
"It's fine, as long as you had fun and he treated you nicely I'm ok with it. Let's just not tell anyone else" She said directing not only at you but the rest of your group.
The maknae of your group dragged you to the side and whispered excitedly "Was it just an impulse or were you into him??" You looked at her unsure "Maybe I had a crush on him? I don't know" "What do you mean you don't know? It's obvious you like him. You don't notice, but every time we met him I could practically see the hearts floating around you" she gestured pretending to point out the hearts floating around you, while you playfully pushed her trying to dismiss her antics
The rest of the day went quite normal. Training, training some more and recording. You were also the producer of your group, so while mixing the track a staff member knocked on your studio door and called for you
"There's someone that wants to see you y/n"
You exchanged looks with your group mate and she just smiled and told you to go and that she would just take a break
You walked after the man that went to fetch you up to the artists studio floor and that's when you got nervous. An artist wants to see me?
When the doors to the elevator opened, there stood Changsub, leaning against the opposite wall and looking very handsome... Stop, I really shouldn't think about that...
"Y/n, there you are. Come" he gestured for you to follow him. Oh, so he was the one who wanted to see you. Even after the whole thing you guys went through, after the car incident you got shy and really nervous
You both got into his studio and after siting on his computer chair and asking you to take a seat on the sofa propped on the wall, he began "Ok, why did you sleep with me? Do you want to guarantee your group's stay in the program?"
Shocked with his statement you tried to reply "W-what? I would nev-" "Really y/n, just tell me. It's better that way. Was is for satisfaction? An achievement?" While he was speaking you could see that he was getting angry, but so were you
"Are you kidding me?! I would never do such a thing!" You said trying to keep calm. Before he could chime in again you added "If you think that I- I slept with you because it would be some sort of award you're wrong!" You started to blush feeling embarrassed "Maybe we should just forget it happened. Nobody should know and I should just forget I ever liked you!" In the heat of the moment you said it all and as soon as you realized it was too late
"You... You like me?" He asked, breaking the silence
"I- maybe" You replied truthfully but not really expecting I'm to like you back. He barely knew you
"I'm sorry, I-" He stared saying feeling guilty that he though you were using him when in reality you liked him. "I'm not sure if I like you back"
"It's fine, I wasn't expecting anything in return... Was that all?" You said embarrassed, all you wanted right now was to get out of there as fast as possible
"Y- Yeah... Again sorry" You bowed quickly and walked fast toward the stairs, trying to reach your mini studio quickly and digest everything that just happened
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bisexualhobi · 3 years
wait I think I agree not today is really bad but now rank all their title tracks from best to worst pls
lmaoohdksjjdjf i love this question so much anon but due to the fact that i’m me this would get way WAY too long. so i’m doing the top 5 best title tracks and then top 5 worst ones okay? i’m looking at google and apparently they have 26 korean singles so yeah that’s too much.
to rank them as objectively as possible I'm gonna try to take into account gp impact (which is not the same as chart impact since the fandom inflates those numbers), production, creative value (how innovative/different from other pop songs was it?) and the concept of the music video/aesthetic in general. 
5. Black Swan (2020)
am I cheating by putting here a pre release single? maybe. but it would be a disservice to leave this one out so bear with me
��gp impact: this song made more noise as a pre release single than the title track. I saw it in at least 3 end of the year editorials for best kpop songs of 2020. and the thing is it could have been WAY bigger but a lot of stuff happened that sadly made it go away too soon. I don't think this one is as famous or recognizable as the others in this list which is why it's going last, but also I think this song is the most underrated gem in bts discography so it's still going here.
⭐production: this song beat out the front runners (I need u, save me, DNA) solely because of its production. there are not a lot of kpop songs out there that manage to pull off what this song does. it's powerful, it's nostalgic, it's a dark and sexy song without being too on the nose. the mixing is SUPERB I remember the first time I heard it I thought "this would blow the fuck up if it was a Travis Scott song" and I will DIE on that hill. this is an example of heavy autotune on a song done right, not like the rest of their super autotuned songs that sometimes come out unrecognizable and empty sounding.
⭐creative value: it's not truly a new concept in pop to make a song about the Death of the Artist. it’s also not something a rookie group can do, this song needed to be released at exactly the time in bts’ career that it was. there’s just no emotional impact if you just sing about how the music makes your hear beat and you’ve been in the industry for,,, 3 years. this is the type of Swan Song you release at the peak of your career, so that really contributes to the message. mixing a trap beat with a ballet motif is GALAXY BRAIN SHIT.
⭐️concept: the ballet influence is just beautifully executed, this song is a beautiful piece of craftsmanship on all fronts. i think they could literally build an entire ALBUM off this concept, so the fact that they jampacked it onto one single song is both amazing and a little sad for me. i wanna hear more of this. i want a literal Black Swan (the darren aranofsky movie) horror concept where the protagonist falls prey to his own madness because he strives for perfection. but yeah, the song itself and the orchestral version just make this a complete golden concept in my book.
4. IDOL (2018).
⭐️gp impact: i think a lot of people that didn’t know anything about kpop vaguely knew about this song when it was released. i know i wasn’t into kpop at all but in my pop culture circle there was a small bleep from this song bc of the concept and the dance. i think it’s a great “embassador of kpop” track, like if you wanna explain to someone with no previous knowledge what kpop is about you can show them a performance of this song.
⭐️production: the production is a little all over the place for me. the instrumentals are amazing and really creative tho, but like in terms of mixing vocals and the structure of it, it might be a little too grating. it’s not the best produced song in ly: answer by any means but it still makes it work
⭐️creative value: the whole hanbok thing is a 10/10. bts weren’t the first ones to do it, but they did it in such a tightly executed way that honestly that “classic korean roots meets the edgy western feel” concept belongs to them now. groups are still recreating it. it’s a really innovative concept in general.
⭐️concept: the music video is,,,, something. you might love it or hate it, but it’s memorable. i think the purposeful way in which they made it as loud and brilliant as possible can be taken either as a camp adjacent or just as the group going nuts with the budget, which props to them. the choreography is also a BIG plus. the south african influence is really well executed and they made sure to do it as cultural appreciation and not appropriation. definitely the most memorable thing from this song is the choreo
3. Run (2015).
⭐️gp impact: this was their second song to have a music show win. it was the lead single from hyyh pt2 and honestly it might be the best song off hyyh as a whole. it cemented bts as not just another kpop group, because it made non fans turn their heads too! from what i gather this really propelled them forward and made the fanbase grow a lot.
⭐️production: hyyh pt2 is super well produced. i feel like this song in particular makes a fine job of mixing the vocals but it’s not outstanding. the best part is the instrumentals. but overall it’s a really good song with amazing lyrics and a great melody.
⭐️creative value: this built off of what they did with pt1 so they were already in a comfortable place, when they found this sound they really explored it well and deep and it works! i’m glad they went this emo pop route because it was a good contrast to what was dominating the charts in kpop in 2015.
⭐️concept: the aesthetic is PERFECT. there’s not a single other thing that i could add or that i wanted gone. it’s the perfect mix of coming of age teen film and heartfelt, dreamy pop. the music video is by no surprises the favorite mv of a lot of the fandom. the cinematography is beautiful and the song and the video perfectly capture that fleeting moment in life when you’re in the brink of adulthood.
2. Mic Drop (2017).
⭐️gp impact: this song was the first bts song to chart on the billboard hot100. back when the fandom had no idea how to chart, mass buy etc. that’s enough said. (personally i think mic drop is the quintessential bts song and their best release so the fact that i’m not putting it first should count as something).
⭐️production: for the purposes of this ranking i’m using the original mic drop and not the steve aoki remix even tho it was the steve remix that was released as the single. the song has the BEST mastering i’ve heard in kpop. the transitions are flawless, the beat is pure fire, the entire first minute is literally the hardest hype rap i’ve heard in kpop. everything about it WORKS.
⭐️creative value: it’s kinda funny how this song got released the same year as kendrick lamar’s humble, because imho it’s the best hiphop song of that year after humble. 2017 was truly the year of the diss tracks. bonus points for including it right after the billboard acceptance speech skit in ly: answer. SUPER refreshing among the ed sheeran type of pop that dominated that year.
⭐️concept: it’s a great concept but not innovative by any means. still, it works and bts managed to exploit it to the max. the choreo, the mv, the styling, everything was amazing!
1. Blood, Sweat & Tears (2016).
⭐️gp impact: it's probably the first song to put bts on the map beyond the kpop sphere. it really set the tone for their 2017. it's one of their most famous and recognizable songs to date.
⭐️production: this song is STUNNINGLY arranged. the mix, the ambience, the progression,,, it's all brought together to make a very well crafted song. it has a distinctive electronic/pop sound to it that still manages to set itself apart from the trend that was going at the time. black swan is probably the closet single they have to this in terms of production.
⭐️creative value: the song itself is very in compliance with the 2015/2016 trend of hype songs with edm influence, (ie. closer, shape of you, cheap thrills, let me love you, something just like this, etc.) but it still packs that punch that makes it sound fresh even for 2021.
⭐️concept: it wasn't the first song to sound like this in kpop ofc but it was the first truly sexy concept for bts. the aesthetic is innovative and very well thought out, the mv is amazing and the choreography too. i read somewhere that j-hope had a lot of input for this choreo so that's amazing. also blond taehyung is literally the best thing to come out of big hit.
ok so here we go with the worst ones! this is in ascending order as i prepare myself to pick the worst of them all, but please remember this isn’t meant to be mean spirited, i am simply applying the same criteria to their most underwhelming songs but that doesn’t mean they don’t have their own merit! it’s just that out of 26 singles, SOME of them have got to come out at the bottom right?
5. Life Goes On (2020)
⭐gp impact: this song is not memorable with the general public, its #1 on the bb was the product of mass buying and even though it's a feel good song made to comfort fans in the times of pandemic it's still bland and boring. I think it had no music show appearances either, and as far as bts ballads go this is just bottom tier. it’s not that it’s terrible, it’s just very underwhelming 
⭐production: the autotune in this song is very poorly executed, it doesn't add to the song the way black swan does for example. it's just off putting and the melody is really forgettable. it's funny bc the chorus is directly pulled from the 2018 reggaeton super hit "La Canción" by J Balvin and Bad bunny lmaooo 💀 so I can't get that out of my head either. the structure is just fine and has nothing of substance 
⭐creative value: the song is attempts to be a heartfelt acoustic song but it really has nothing that sets it apart from other songs product of the pandemic like Justin and ariana's stuck with u. for a song in a self produced album it's the song with the least input from the group. the lyrics are good, but they're not as sincere or groundbreaking as for example Spring day. 
⭐concept: as a ballad ofc I'm not expecting it to have a grand choreography, and the mv being filmed in their personal dorms to reflect the lockdown is actually a nice touch but besides that there is nothing exciting, innovative or even sincerely comforting about the song and the concept. the greatest thing abt it is the fact that jk directed the video, which is actually pretty good.
4. We are bulletproof pt 2 (2013)
⭐gp impact: this song made no noise back in the day and to this day its just beloved by the fandom due to a sense of nostalgia and "remembering bts' roots". don't get me wrong it's amazing that bts still perform it in the year of our lord 2020 because you can't forget where you came from, but it's not a good or memorable song by any means. 
⭐production: I went back to listen to it for this and oh god. I can't remember the mixing being THIS bad. jimin, jin and taehyung sound exceptionally bad, they don't sound like themselves especially jin. it's just a really poorly mastered song, but then again the rest of their debut album isn't far better. 
⭐creative value: this is straight up ripping off early 2000s black culture from the US. not only the music, the styling for this era in general is unfortunately really bad and culturally appropriating and overall it's a mess. 
⭐concept: there is nothing of substance to be said about this song. it's just really a miss. the mv is terrible, the only thing that can be salvaged from this is the choreography, but besides that the whole thing feels sloppy, rushed and is also kinda cringey.
3. N.O. (2013)
⭐gp impact: no noise. this song was just a really weird pick for their first comeback when attack on bangtan or coffee was right there. not to be mean but no wonder they didn't have a music win this year. 
⭐production: it's an objectively bad song. it's just really underwhelming, the whole mixing feels amateur. it's not a good hiphop song and it's not a good vocal arrangement and the chorus is also a rip off of a late 90s American song I can't find right now 
⭐creative value: this song isn't innovative in any way, it's just..... there. very meh in general, I have nothing more to say about it 
⭐concept: the storyline kinda wants to go somewhere with the music video but it doesn't manage to make a connection. the styling is plain, simple and not flattering at all. it tries to make a protest of the Korean school system but it doesn't say anything beyond "school bad" which we already knew
2. Not Today (2017)
⭐gp impact: its a very middle of the list song for a lot of the fandom. I literally know of no one that claims this as their favorite mv/era/song. when you ask people about their least favorite bts songs they won't mention this one either, you know why? because it's that irrelevant. it had no music show wins either. it's precisely because of this why I put it so high up on the list. there's nothing worse than an unmemorable song, if it was widely hated then at least that would be a response. 
⭐production: it's a really mediocre song in terms of structure and melody. it tried to be hype but it falls short. the chorus feels half finished and the message of the song is just “the revolution has begun”? which okay? but it adds nothing to the You never walk alone album either.
⭐creative value: there is nothing exciting about this song, and the chorus is too grating. the rhythm is repetitive and nothing new either in kpop or pop in general. 
⭐concept: sadly there's not a lot to be said for the song. it says nothing of value and what it says falls flat. there's no innovation. you can actually see a lot of idol in this song, and also ON. those two songs are what this one tried to be but failed.
1. War of Hormone (2014)
⭐gp impact: thankfully none. this song got the treatment it deserved, if they had won a music show for this one it would feel tainted lol. now it's just a meme in the fandom but overall it made zero noise and contributed nothing to bts' evolution 
⭐production: the production is very lazy, which is odd because dark & wild has some pretty tight tracks. but this one is just meh, nothing outstanding and the melody is just annoying 
⭐creative value: this is a song that was probably born out of the desperation to have a gp friendly hit. it tries really hard to replicate an outdated idea of what boy bands should be, and it does it badly. simply put this song is very mediocre and misogynistic and the fact that it's a running gag in the fandom that "feminism isn't important when war of hormone comes on" isn't funny and it's actually cringe. please stop 
⭐concept: the styling is so ugly :( the mv is very low budget which isn't surprising but they managed to make more with less in past releases. it's just embarrassing and I wish this song didn't exist, there's a reason why they never play it anymore lol. overall a dark mistake in bts' career
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So I recently just got to watch the 2007 Golden Compass in its entirety for the first time today, and I wrote down all my thoughts about it:
- As expected, the whole story being squeezed into a roughly 2 hour-film likely meant that everything had to be rushed... And it is. Which means almost everything had to be explained in exposition, Lyra has very little time to interact and form different relationships with all the new characters, and the pacing would often feel too fast with little time to breathe in between scenes.
- I was hardly even 3 minutes into the movie and I've already been exposition-dumped the entirety of how Lyra's world works. Well, we're off to a great start.
- WHY IS BILLY BEING A BULLY. THIS AIN'T THE BILLY I KNOW AND LOVE (Okay, granted, I don't really remember what Billy was like in the books. But I felt so much for the innocent little 7-year old Billy in the show)
- Dakota Blue Richards is really good through most of the movie, especially for her first feature film (one or two line deliveries are a bit wonky. But I think it may be more of a lack of direction/script problem since everything had to be squeezed into less than 2 hours)
- Daniel Craig performed well as Lord Asriel, but he seems a bit too calm and formal and put-together than the heretical, ambitious, dangerously passionate, mad scientist, would-use-my-daughter's-best-friend-as-a-battery Lord Asriel that I know from the books.
- Nicole Kidman makes a splendid Mrs. Coulter. Beautiful but subtly off-putting. I love it. I also really love her hair. 😂
- The Gyptians look like clans of wealthy pirates and I don't know how I feel about that.
- Lord Faa looks like a viking???
- Sam Elliot is spectacularly charming as Lee Scoresby 😍 He has very few exchanges with Hester, but I already love the relationship they have with one another. And I love Hester's little Texan accent!
- I truly don't like how I found it difficult to trust the Gyptians watching this movie. I'm still not really sure why. I just don't.
- Oof. They handled Billy's intercision reveal terribly. There was little to no emotion from the Gyptians. Even Ma Costa's reaction was underwhelming. Nobody's put off or disgusted or frightened or anything. They act like it's just some minor inconvenience. I mean, it's not like this little child's soul was cut from him!
- There is literally no time for either the audience or the characters to truly take in or express how awful intercision is. They don't even show that Billy dies shortly after. Right as Billy falls into Maggie's arms, they're just attacked outta nowhere.
- I gotta hand it to Sam Elliot tho. In this fast-paced fight scene, he was able to express Lee's distate for killing people with a simple look before pulling the trigger.
- Why do the Samoyeds bring Lyra to the Panserbjørnes??? They're supoosed to be bringing her to Bolvangar, right? I understand that they may have wanted to put rescuing the children as a grander finale, but the least they could've done is explain why they just throw her there?? Like not even Iofur Ragnar knows why she's here 😂
- They apparently changed Iofur's name to Ragnar Lokkison in the film because they thought that Iofur Raknison sounded too similar to Iorek Byrnison. Not against the decision or anything. Honestly, I agree 😂Just thought it was interesting.
- I love that Ragnar's face is modeled differently from Iorek's. It's a little detail that I wished the show did better but probably couldn't.
- The movie's take on Bolvangar by making it look bright and clinic-like to fool the children into feeling safe is an interesting approach. Sadly, I feel like it would have been executed a lot better if the movie didn't have so much time constraints.
- This rescue mission at Bolvangar definitely felt rushed. Lyra and Roger wouldn't have been able to leave the lunch room just like that. They're in a station that kidnaps children to experiment on them. You'd think the nurses would be a bit more strict about all the children staying in the one room they're supposed to be.
- You can tell how they're trying to hide the religious themes of the books by explaining everything about Dust so vaguely. How it works, why the Magesterium thinks it's bad, how it's involved with dæmons, etc.
- It's hilarious how Lyra just figures out that Lord Asriel is her father. Marisa doesn't even give any hints. Hell, they don't even mention him beforehand in the conversation.
- The conversation between Lee and Serafina is disappointing. Serafina doesn't talk with Lee about free will vs fate like she does in the books or the show. Just more exposition dump about Lyra's prophecy.
- Aaaand it just ends there! Wow!
- So I did some research and apparently, the full ending for the movie was supposed to be in the final cut. Like it was filmed and all the cgi for it was already completed. It was Harvey Weinstein who made the decision to cut it all out due to threats from "Stateside religious organizations" and some theaters' refusal to show the film. So it's because of him that the film ended abruptly, AND that the fight in Svalbard happened first and the Bolvangar rescue last. So yes, that's another reason to hate Harvey Weinstein.
So overall, it sucked and I will probably never watch this movie again :')
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gingervsblondie · 5 years
Blondie Goes Latin (1941)
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2:27 AM, Thursday, 12 December
Y’all ready for this, buh buh buh bah bah bah ok let’s watch a Blondie.
Welp, in looking this one up to watch it, I’ve spoiled for myself that this one features Dagwood dressed as a woman. Let’s see how I feel about that once it’s in context.
Watching it on Prime again for better picture quality, but I’m not falling for their tricks a second time so I skipped the 4 minutes and 20 seconds (nicenicenice) of inexplicable preview footage spoiling the rest of the movie.
Although I’ve already spoiled that Dagwood goes Dragwood so who cares anymore.
The usual theme song’s back, and it’s just occurred to me: The lyrics go
“Life with us is fun and crazy,
Baby Dumpling, (read: Alexander Hamilton Bumstead) us and Daisy
What a family
Now I know that later on, Cookie Bumstead, their new daughter, will be introduced. I wonder if they adjust the theme song when that happens.
Starting off strong with a pretty basic continuity error. Dagwood, with shaving cream on his face, runs outside, realizing he’s packed his razor into his luggage which he gave to the cab driver. As soon as he’s outside, the shaving cream is gone from his face.
HOLY SHIT I SPOKE TOO SOON. It wasn’t a bad continuity, it was a good visual gag! He runs into the postman, as per usual, and when they get up, the shaving cream has swapped over onto posty’s face!
Apologies to Blondie Goes Latin. They did a good and I assumed it was a bad because I guess I don’t think highly enough of the standard of production in the Blondie film franchise.
AND they followed it up with a SECOND solid visual gag! The posty puts his hat and mailbag on Dagwood, goes into the doorway, and runs towards Dagwood, either to get the shaving cream back onto the right face or just out of pure vitriol and malice. He misses, we hear him crash, and the camera cuts to the cab, which is flipped on its side.
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That got a full laugh out of me.
AnD ThEn ThE ShAvInG CrEaM swaps over to the CaB DrIVeR’S FaCE!!!
AHB*: Mommy, is Mr. Dithers going with us too?
Blondie: Of course, dear, he’s taking us along as his guests.
AHB: Why?
Blondie: Because he needs a rest.
AHB: Why doesn’t he take Mrs. Dithers?
Blondie: Because Mrs. Dithers needs a rest.
AHB: I don’t get it.
Man they always go so hard with the infidelity angle in these fuckin’ flicks.
*Alexander Hamilton Bumstead
There’s a character Wikipedia tells me is named Manuel Rodríguez, played by one Tito Guízar. So this could be some more (relatively) positive representation, like that guy in Servant Trouble.
Manuel Rodríguez fuccin immediately seducing Blondie. Nah yeah this is accurate representation.
This movie got me AGAIN, this time with a kinda surrealist goof. So they’ve found out that Dagwood has to stay behind to close a deal, but Blondie, AHB and Daisy are going with Dithers. Dagwood and Blondie start crying at the thought of being apart. Daisy cries, and how they got that shot I’ve no idea.
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At first Dithers is telling them not to act that way, but then he starts crying too. Then Dagwood meets a man at the door who’s there to tell them “All ashore that’s going ashore,” and HE starts crying too. And then as the ship’s whistle sounds, it cuts to this:
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Man and another good goof, Dagwood looks at Blondie and AHB and says he’s gonna shut his eyes so he can remember them just as they are now while they’re apart. Then he runs out the door, immediately crashing into someone.
Is this movie genuinely funnier than usual or am I just in a better mood?
‘Nother laugh. Dagwood fell while carrying a bunch of drums (in a series of misunderstandings that will eventually lead to him in Dragwood playing the drums with a band that the film is currently introducing, and which is actually kinda interesting and likeable so far) and slid clear across like 20 feet of floor.
There’s a singing quartet in the band that sounds exactly like the Let’s All Go To The Lobby song.
The female lead of the band is called Lovey Nelson, and I think I’m in love with her. She’s sassy af.
I think Michael Jackson might’ve plagiarized some lyrics off Blondie Goes Latin.
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Upon the development that Dagwood’s playing the drums in this, I considered noting that it would be harder to edit that into a Whiplash parody than that one I did with Hop on my YouTube channel.
But then Dagwood did an intense drum solo for like 45 seconds and now I’m not so sure.
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So you’re saying that you don’t have rhythm.
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This Blondie is a musical and I’m down.
Oh God they’re holding on the doll for soooo loooong
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Alright sun’s getting real low, (Future Euan note: wow, great Avengers: Age of Ultron reference, past Euan.) by which I mean it’s 4 am and I’m gonna go to bed and finish this in the morning.
1:36 AM, Friday, 13 December
Back to it! Looking forward to this given how much I enjoyed it last night.
Dithers: Falls
Blondie: “Oh, Mr. Dithers! Here’s a drink for you.” Hands glass of water.
Dithers: Drinks, then scrunches up his face in disgust “Oh, that’s water isn’t it?”
Tito Guízar is now singing in Spanish. It’s interesting, cause it feels totally out of place. Like when Ben Platt sings at the end of the first episode of that show The Politician; it’s clearly just “This person can sing so we better let him sing.” Not so much in a bad way though. Like he’s doing what he’s good at and I like that it’s a bubble of a different culture inserted into this white suburban family sitcom I’m inexplicably exposing myself to.
This movie’s fuckin’ neat. Blondie’s listening to the song and gets sad cause she misses Dagwood, so she goes out on the deck of the cruise ship that this is all happening on. Tito Guízar follows her out, (I’m pretty sure they’re in front of a projection background) and she says she liked the song but didn’t understand a word of it, so he offers to sing it again in English. And now he is!!! I like that.
It also reminds me of that one creepy Aardman short tho.
Oh but then Blondie starts singing with him, and it gets to a point where they’re singing simultaneously but Blondie definitely hasn’t heard the words yet. So it morphs from a realistic enough scene to musical rules where people sing at the same time when they’re on the same page.
HEY how come it hasn’t come up yet in past movies that Penny Singleton (Blondie) can sing this well? Like the intro song is basically just talking, but she can sing.
Hey, a Dagwood sandwich! DAGWOOD SANDWICH WATCH 2019 that’s what I do when those show up, right? Been a while since one of those has shown up! It, um… fuck, it actually looks pretty good I’d probably take a stab at eating that.
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And the crossdressing begins. Lovey needs Dagwood to get to the orchestra and play the drums, but Dagwood knows he’ll get recognized by Blondie or Dithers or AHB. (He’s not supposed to still be on the boat.) So Lovey opens her closet and hands him a dress.
Haha, the Dagwood sandwich is actually a plot element. A steward brings it away on a tray down the hall and Blondie sees it, adding to other clues she’s gotten that Dagwood’s on board. There’s a great overly dramatic shot of the sandwich coming into focus as he walks it towards the camera.
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Blondie just barrelled the lens so hard that I felt her looking into my soul.
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This movie continues to be a full on musical. Blondie’s singing the same song from earlier, but without guitar-man there, just on her own sadly. I wonder if this keeps being a thing in later movies or if this is just the one musical Blondie movie.
Welp, Dagwood’s crying at the emasculation of wearing a dress.
I like Lovey’s singing. Ruth Terry’s the singer/actor who plays her, looks like she did a lot of movies.
The quartet had a nice little choreographed routine during this song. I liked it. I like this one you guys! Maybe you should watch it???
Never thought I’d get to that stage with a Blondie movie.
Future Euan Note: I cannot in good conscience recommend the viewing of any Blondie feature film. Statements made within a Blondie watch are subject to fits of madness and delusion.
Wow um. Blondie said to guitar-man the sentence “Will you do me a favour? Make love to me.”
I mean I talk about how hard they go in these movies with adult relationship drama, but there’s something so direct about “Make love to me.”
Blondie’s trying to make Dagwood feel bad by making a show of being involved with guitar-man.
Dagwood’s arc better end with becoming a strong independent woman who don’t need no Blondie.
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Man okay but there’s an extended dance sequence and it feels so long and it’s making me want this to be over.
Penny Singleton’s a decent singer but a crap dancer.
Maybe that’s unfair actually. She’s kind of in character and needs to convey intentions and that. Not easy to do when you’re also performing a choreographed dance routine.
I just can’t stand when they play the sound of tap-dancing over an actor who’s clearly not tap dancing.
Welp. That wasn’t how Dagwood’s arc ended.
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Hehe, they had a satisfying pay-off to earlier gags. First, they had Dagwood run into a steward, the way he does with the posty every movie. Then, just like posty, the steward tried running into Dagwood to get even. But he misses, goes down one of those big ole cartoon ventilation pipes, which leads him to the music hall where he shoots out a grate and penguins across the floor like Dagwood did earlier. Double pay-off.
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THEN Dagwood’s being chased by sailors, so he goes down the pipe, penguins as well, as crashes into the steward a second time.
Recently, for my annual Christmas watch, I watched It’s a Wonderful Life, but for the first time I watched the colourized version. It was really weird seeing this movie I’d watched in black and white on a VHS tape on an old CRT for the first time in full HD on a big TV, and also with the extra dimension that colour lent it.
It’s gonna be some time before we’re gonna be able to do that to any of the Blondie movies, because
A) Nobody’s going to meticulously go frame-by-frame painting in a Blondie movie, and
B) I doubt somebody saved the masters, so these movies probably don’t and won’t exist in HD.
Just gotta wait for upscaling technology to advance real fast, and then for some kind of automated colourization process to get invented. But you know, once those things become possible and accessible, I’ll be on the forefront remastering Blondie.
And that’s the end of Blondie Goes Latin. An above-average Blondie, and an out-of-the-ordinary one. There were laughs-a-plenty, a crying steam whistle, a creepy-ass haunted doll, Dagwood in Dragwood, and a handful of solid musical numbers.
My Dagwood Sandwich Rating is: a really pleasant sandwich. Like a posh one you’d get at a food court when you’re on vacation. With spices and shit. And you don’t know what the bread is called but it’s not the usual kind of bread you have at home and it’s a bit tough but the sandwich is good. Hell yeah.
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shinyzango · 6 years
There’s like 15 nutcrackers which one did yiu watch lmao?????
You mean the movies? Hohoh, I’ve seen (almost) all of them.
Fantasia (1940) - including only because of the music, but heh I think it still counds in a way. It’s Fantasia.
Schelkunchik (1973)- Not bad actually. Quite adorable if only the audio is a little too loud. I love the Mouse Queen in this one.
Nutcracker Fantasy (1979) - Quite enjoyable movie, if not a little slow in the telling. For being an old stopmotion japanese movie, it’s pretty neat.
Nutcracker: The Motion Picture (1986) - One of the movies based on the ballet, and my favorite one. May not be the best one in performance but it’s the one which has the most character in it.
Care Bears: The Nutcracker (1988) - Never seen it... being honest I was never too fond of the Care Bears so I don’t really have an interest in watching it. Apparently it’s not too bad from what I heard tho.
The Nutcracker Prince (1990)- There it is. The movie that started it all for me. Many hours of my childhood went wasted on rewatching this movie over and over. In my opinion the best movie available out there. Lots of charm, you can feel the love put into it and it’s the one movie that gets the closest to the original book.
George Balanchine's The Nutcracker (1993)- The other movie based on the ballet. Being honest I don’t really like this one... maaainly because there’s the Home Alone kid in it and he looks dumb lol also the nutcracker doll and costume is creepy.
The Nuttiest Nutcracker (1999)- Not seen this one. I honestly don’t have an interest in parodies or commedy adaptations...
Mickey’s Magical Christmas (2001) - The House of Mouse christmas special in which they had a Nutcracker segment too. Upon checking on wikipedia, apparently the Nutcracker segment was originally made in 1999 for another series which they then fished back up for HoM. Nothing too impressive, but I found it funny how they made Donald the Mouse King.
Barbie in The Nutcracker (2001)- Ah yes, the other movie from childhood. I don’t care if it’s Barbie, this one is still very enjoyable to watch even after all these years. Yes it has many flaws, and the animations didn’t aged well, but I still love it for various things, the main one is their liberty of having the movie take place mostly in the Kingdom.
The Nutcracker and the Mouse King (2004)- This one... iiis kinda awful. I mean it’s not the worst thing ever, but I had a very hard time watching it without cringing. It did have some neat ideas tho.
The Secret of the Nutcracker (2007)- Sadly I wasn’t able to find this one available anywhere, so I have no knowledge of this one... doesn’t look too promising from the images tho...
Tom and Jerry: A Nutcracker Tale (2007) - I’ve grown tired of Tom & Jerry so I ended up skipping checking this one out. I heard it’s not too bad, tho.
The Nutcracker in 3D (2010)- Also knows as “Nutcracker: The Untold Story”. Aka the worst thing you will see. Effects are not even that bad, but the whole movie is just nightmare fuel at its finest. After the first traumatizing shock, it became a “so bad so good” movie for me. I just like watching it to have a laugh at how bad it is. And yes, it’s the one movie with the Nazi rats.
The Nutcracker and the Four Realms (2018) - lol.
I probably ended up missing a few movies, but these are the ones I know about. And as you can see, I’ve seen almost all of them lol. A bunch of these are on YouTube actually (like The Nutcracker Prince, Nutcracker Fantasy and the 2004′s movie) if anyone’s curious. I remember seeing the 1993′s movie on Netflix’s list last year, so maybe it’s still there.
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manabingu · 5 years
How the Grinch SUCKED at Stealing Christmas 🎄😒
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I honestly never thought I'd ever make one of these but I have never felt THIS salty over a film adaptation. I am a huge Suess fan & I love the previous Illumination retellings of Horton Hears A Who & The Lorax. I also really enjoyed Dr. Strange. And the song "Happy" by Pharell is a bop. BUT THE 2018 Grinch movie is one of THE most disappointing film I have ever seen.
When the stealing scene happened, it was incredibly boring, uninspired and the regular bland score took away from such an iconic scene. How could they mess the best scene up THAT bad??
•They added unnecessary characters like Fred the Reindeer (literally the sub plot of this character could have been scrapped & things woulda been JUST fine). They made Cindy Lou Who have this squad she hangs out with & showed some shenanigans of her and her friends plotting a way to trap Santa?? Like WTF ?? That ALSO was unnecessary, I just wanted to get to the main story. The creation of these new characters that added NO substance to the story just made it feel like it was a movie about going on meaningless tangents.
•They added unnecessary "relevant ™" things. Like ok as a person who grew up in a single parent environment. I appreciate the "representation" of Cindy Lou Who's family. But it made her sub plot feel so forced? Like it was just tossed in there for the sake of B Plot so that the movie could be longer. It didn't make me care about her character motivations either :/ and her relationship with the Grinch was SO weak compared to the original cartoon and the live action version. Like? They are supposed to have this friendship dynamic that is heartwarming but they BARELY interacted AT ALL throughout the film that when the stuff at the end happens, it doesn't feel believable :/! It just felt slapped together like we're supposed to accept it :/....sorry but no. Plus it derailed from showing what the ACTUAL moral of the Grinch story is?? About showing that the holidays aren't about commercialism and materialistic desire, it's about spending time with loved ones. But they didn't make that the main focus of the film ��
•The score was not memorable & didn't make me feel the spirit of Christmas. And was too washed out with trendy radio tunes that felt SO out of place it was ridiculous. My sis fell asleep in the middle of the film lol 😂 they just... oh boy... I can't even.
•The character design of the Grinch was honestly REALLY disappointing for me. He looked the the Mayor of Whoville from Horton except green. HE LOOOKED 👏🏼 TOO 👏🏼 CLEAN 👏🏼. This is THE GRINCH WE ARE TALKING ABOUT. The iconic song describes how creepy he's supposed to look? Why were his teeth and eyes not yellow? Or if like the special features of the DVD implied, that they wanted to capture the original book. WHY NOT MAKE HIS EYES PINKISH RED? THE GRINCH IS SUPPOSED TO BE SCARY LOOKIN. And be portrayed as a villian to Whoville or an anti-hero.
DISCLAIMER: I like Benedict & think he is a fantastic film actor! I don't hate him. I genuinely love his live action work !
But I hate to be blunt. Him and Pharrell are NOT voice actors.
Please 👏🏼 stop 👏🏼 hiring 👏🏼 celebrities 👏🏼 to do a PROFESSIONAL 👏🏼 VOICE 👏🏼 ACTOR'S 👏🏼 JOB 👏🏼!!!
I apologize if I'm being too picky but I care about voice acting WAY too much. People don't take it seriously and this goes to show that they REALLY should. It's not about hiring trendy celebs. Give jobs to VAs who do this for a living & deserve those jobs & are GREAT at it 👏🏼I can LITERALLY name 10 non celeb VAs off the top of my head who would have NAILED the vocal performance for the Grinch & would have brought that depth that the character requires.
I would rather watch that whole film (even tho I hated the plots they threw in there) but dubbed over with say someone like Steve Blum playing the Grinch. I bet he would be 10x more fun to watch & listen to & he would nail all the nuances & give me an emotional performance. The Grinch is supposed to sound mean & scary the whole film up till the end when his heart grows 3 sizes? THEN after that, I can understand him sounding a bit kinder. THIS GRINCH SOUNDED WAY TOO NICE ALL THE TIME. WHERE WAS THE SASS? THE SNARK, THE SINISTER EVIL LAUGHS? l didn't feel ANYTHING from this Grinch. Literally like?? Nothing? And I wanted to REALLY bad cuz I ❤️ the character. Jim Carrey knows how important the voice is when it comes to portraying characters not only in live action but in animation as well. THAT is why HIS Grinch is way more believable & WORKS than Benedict's. HIS BACKSTORY WAS SO WEAK TOO??
Ben's Grinch was an orphan who grew up w/o anyone to share Christmas with. But he would go to town and EVERYONE WAS NICE TO HIM. He didn't have any bullies. No enemies, he just didn't talk to people so he thought he was "alone" BRUH. NO OFFENSE. BUT SHOWING A BUNCHA CLIPS OF A TINY GRINCH SADLY LOOKING OUT A WINDOW DOES NOT EQUAL "TRAGIC BACKSTORY". I didn't sympathize at all. Plus that's a plothole. Aint no way an orphanage is Whoville "the happiest town ever" would have an abandoned orphanage. They are all jolly people and would surely notice a kid Grinch living by himself. They would help him. The live action version made his backstory 10x more interesting and dynamic imo.
I adored Bendedict as Dr. Strange. And Pharrell sings lovely but I'm terribly sorry to say that they are NOT voice actors. They sounded like they were just reading a script. There was no nuance. No depth. They were just there for a paycheck,& it shows in the vocal performance :/ I WANTED TO ROOT FOR THEM SO BAD. But I LITERALLY COULDN'T CUZ THEY SOUNDED ROBOTIC AND STATIC. I wanted to hear emotions but OMYGOD it was just all so uninspired. And not just them it was the rest of the cast too. Literally the ONLY GOOD VA WAS MAX AND HE IS A DOG. ALL HE DOES IS BARK. That... omfg thas sad.
This movie has no "rewatchability factor". I'll just stick to the Jim Version. That's the only one that characterized everyone accurately.
But tea ☕️ THAT was the tea of how the 2018 Grinch sucked at Stealing Christmas. Thank you for coming to my TED talk gnight.
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poisonrozen · 6 years
Ryoma/Kaede for the shipping meme
when I started shipping it if I did:
Hm, probably after doing Ryoma’s FTEs as Kaede - I feel like if Saimatsu wasn’t as a popular ship. I can see Hoshimatsu being up there in terms of personality dynamics but I think the difference would be is that Ryoma would actually call Kaede out a few times.
my thoughts:
One I didn’t expect to like as much as I thought I would - a dynamic that is a bit overlooked and one I wish could of been explored more in the main story but ah well.
What makes me happy about them:
I guess the idea of how the 2 would be, the idea that maybe Kaede could try and help Ryoma from his past but I feel he’d have to learn to grow out of that himself or see a therapist - while with Ryoma, I love the idea that when Kaede gets a little too gon-ho about teamwork when others are getting tired - I can see Ryoma maybe holding her hand as a sign to stop.
What makes me sad about them:
Sadly they didn’t interact as much and honestly I wish they did, there is quite a bit of potential that could happen with these 2.
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
Weirdly I don’t see to many issues with these 2, there kept pretty in character.
things I look for in fanfic:
the idea of exploring how there dynamic can be and how they’d handle there flaws very well with each other.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
Kaede: Kaito, Kokichi and I guess if this never happen in the main story, then Rantaro.
Ryoma: I’d say Himiko but I do like his interactions with Shuichi quite a bit.
My happily ever after for them:
Sadly chapter 1 and 2 say otherwise.
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
Kaede, yep totally Kaede tho Ryoma doesn’t mind it.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
Watching movies, just spending time at home so Ryoma isn’t out of his comfort zone but maybe sometimes they will go out somewhere that’s peaceful and Ryoma would go to Kaede’s performances.
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putschki1969 · 6 years
Japan Travel Diary 🎌
Okay, here it is, a more or less thorough report of my Japan trip in January (which mostly consisted of doing Kalafina-related stuff so I thought it might be interesting for some of you XD). Sorry, this is like 5 million years overdue. @mello-chi‘s comment about looking forward to my upcoming Japan trip reports actually reminded me that I still had this post in my drafts so I thought I better finish this now before I have to write another one XD
Without further ado, let’s get to it 〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→
January 14 (Sunday) This was my first ever non-direct flight to Japan so I was not looking forward to it. I boarded my plane at around 10 am (Austrian time), I arrived in Paris at around noon and I landed at Narita Airport at around 9 am the next day (January 15 - Monday). Here’s a rare selfie of little me waiting to board the plance wearing my beloved Cakey bomber jacket by Lily Brown (it kept me warm during the flight ^_^). PS: Excuse the excessive use of filters in this pic. I was wearing no make-up.
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You know what I find annoying, they have all these Japanese artists like LiSA and Nana Mizuki in the plane music library but absolutely NO Kalafina. Why?? And no, you don’t need to answer that, it was more of a rhetorical question anyways. I know of course that for some weird reason Kalafina aren’t as popular as those other artists….but still, so frustrating… I ended up watching a ton of movies :P I really envy people who can sleep during a flight.
January 15 (Monday) I didn’t do much that day tbh. I was too exhausted from my flight. I am glad they let me check in early at my hotel (which was in Kanda btw – very convenient location for tourists if you ask me) After I had freshened up a little at the hotel I did make a short trip to Akihabara to check if I could find any second hand Kala goods. That day I found a Blue Day wristband, a KNGNN postcard and a cheap Consolation Pamphlet (something I had always wanted but I never felt like paying the full price on CDJapan). Throughout my stay I managed to find quite a lot of stuff actually but more on that later. Here’s a sneak peek tho XD
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January 16 (Tuesday) This day was dedicated to shopping. I think I spent almost an entire day in the Shinjuku/Harajuku/Shibuya area. I bought a bunch of Disney stuff and Pikachu merch for my sister and nephew respectively and then I searched through all the Kala-clothing stores trying to find some WaKei outfits. I am super happy because I got my hands on this cute patchwork skirt by Redyazel, the one that Keiko wore quite recently for the Songful Days promo video. I also bought a matching top because they had a special “buy 2 pieces and get 30% off” deal. I can never resist deals like that even though they actually make you spend even more money in the end XD (sadly, they didn’t have the turtleneck sweater that Keiko is wearing here)
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After looking through each and every Lily Brown store in Tokyo I finally found this =>The long cardigan Keiko wore in Nikko (it’s so cute and warm!).
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Aside from that, I didn’t really find anything else. I came across the Fig&Viper pullover Keiko recently wore but meh, that’s not really my style and it was still quite expensive. I also saw the Mila Owen dress that Wakana wore a while back but it just wasn’t worth the money (and now I regret not buying it T_T).
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January 17 (Wednesday) In the morning I went to visit the lesser known Shinagawa Aquarium which – sorry Wakana – was VERY underwhelming and I can totally understand why it’s not as popular as the other one. The only cool thing was the free shuttle bus, it had a cute design. The aquarium itself looked quite run-down and it was much smaller than I expected. But hey, I met Shirowani-san and I got to touch a dolphin which was pretty epic. Of course I had to eat the parfait that Keiko ordered when she was at the aquarium together with Wakana back in the summer time. It was really yummy but it definitely wasn’t the best day to eat it because afterwards, I was freezing my butt off. Oh well, the things I do for Cakey XD
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I really wanted to buy the cute shark backpack but it was just way too expensive T_T Forever sad...Now I regret not buying it. Then again, it’s not really my style.
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In the afternoon I met up with my friend Pae and I finally received my goods from the Harmony events and the Acoustic Tour. BANZAI! As for the Harmony event merch, I got the black t-shirt, the blue parka and the keyholder. From the Acoustic Live goods, I got the pamphlet, the clearfile and the postcard set. (I love the black t-shirt SO MUCH! I have worn it a lot since I have gotten back)
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Together Pae and I went on a quest to find more Kala-goodies and I got lucky once again. I found two old singles, a limited edition of Magia and a regular edition of Hikari no Senritsu (one of these days my singles collection will be complete XD But I have to be patient because I just don’t wanna pay full price for singles >_>). Aside from that I also bought the limited edition of the Seventh Heaven album which includes the live DVD. They also had a BEST Red Day cup for sale at Radio Kaikan (one of the many tokutens from back in the day) but meh, I didn’t feel like getting it. I wonder if any of you bought it? They also had a FOTW and 9+ONE pamphlet and a few other CDs (but I already own all of those so I ignored them). After my meet-up with Pae, I made a trip to Roppongi to eat at my first out of many Kalafina-restaurants/cafés. That’s when it started raining heavily (so annoying) but at least I found the place rather quickly (thanks to google maps!) I went to the very popular Tsurutontan where they serve huge bowls of udon!! I ordered Katsu Curry Udon (my favourite) and some yummy fried dumplings on the side (OMG, they were SO FREAKING GOOD!!)
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The food was delicious but it was a little too much for me. XD Curry soup is much more filling than regular soup. And I underestimated the dumplings quite a bit, they were also super filling. I had intended to go to the Manon Mimie store afterwards but I wasn’t feeling like getting drenched in the rain so I headed back to my hotel. I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t end up going because I messaged the store that night and asked them if they still had the Cakey clothes in stock and turns out they don’t *forever sad* I should have tried to find a way to order it back then when the pretty skirt and sweater were still in stock.
January 18 (Thursday) The first half of this day was dedicated to visiting the Imperial Palace. If you arrive early enough you can make a same-day reservation for a tour so that’s what I did. It was an interesting tour for sure and the weather was amazing!!! After the tour was over I decided to walk to Budokan since I was already in the area. I wanted to check out the venue to make sure I wouldn’t get lost on the day of the concert. At that point I was getting quite tired (and super hungry) so it was time for yet another Kala-food-experience. I took the subway to the Akasaka area and paid a visit to the gorgeous café/restaurant/bar La Maison Kioi (the place where the girls had their special SPICE off-day interview). It was so fancy and pretty. I ordered a crazy expensive Afternoon Tea Set but it was totally worth the money, it was incredibly yummy!!! Once I had eaten each and every single piece of food on that tray, I made my way to Shibuya/Harajuku to do some more shopping. This time I came across this gorgeous red skirt that Wakana has been wearing quite frequently. I think I never actually made a post about this skirt o.O A fellow fan on twitter discovered it right before my trip to Japan and when I saw it in the store I obviously couldn’t resist. On my way home I made another stopover in Akihabara and I found the limited edition of the 5th Anniversary Live Selection album. Had to get it of course XD
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January 19 (Friday) On Friday I bought my 3-Day-JR-Tokyo-Wide Pass to do some traveling outside of Tokyo. It was another gorgeous sunny day, perfect for touristy stuff ^_^ The first place on my list was Kamakura. There’s lots of nice stuff to see but I mainly wanted to go there because it was the destination of Keiko’s 60 km walk on New Year’s Day back in 2014 (OMG, has it already been four years!!??) One of these days I wanna do that kind of thing as well. I went to see the big buddha of course and I also checked out some of the surrounding shrines and temples. At first I wanted to go to Enoshima as well but then I decided against it, didn’t really feel like going there. Not a fan of beaches anyways. I took the train back to Tokyo but got off in Yokohama (the second place on my list) where I also did some sightseeing. But first I needed to restore my energy so I had some late lunch in Yokohama Chinatown at Jogenro (the restaurant where Wakana ate her shark fin course – she went to the place in Tokyo tho). I really wanted to try the shark fin lunch menu but they wouldn’t let me order it since it is meant for two people T_T Such a shame! The only downside to traveling alone, getting food is troublesome. Then again, if you have company it’s even more of a hassle because it’s hard to find something that everyone likes. Also, tbh, I probably wouldn’t have been a huge fan of the shark stuff anyways so maybe it was for the best. Either way, since I couldn’t have my shark lunch, I decided on one of their regular lunch menus. Wahhh! So tasty!! I love Chinese food! It was too much tho, so many different things to eat, I almost exploded towards the end but I really wanted to finish everything. I hate wasting good food. In dire need to walk off all the calories I had just put into my body, I explored the rest of Yokohama. I walked to Mirai Minato to check out the two Red Brick Warehouses. Back in 2011 and then once again in 2014 Kalafina performed their Christmas Lives at the Red Brick Warehouse. They have mentioned on multiple occasions that this is a very special place for them. Of course I also had to ring the bell of happiness. ^_^ I couldn’t leave Yokohama without riding the Ferris-wheel so I did that in the evening when the sun was setting. I had a great view of the city up there. Later on I managed to take some nice pictures of the colourful and sparkling Ferris-wheel at dusk. And that’s a wrap for my first day-trip outside of Tokyo.
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January 20 (Saturday) On Saturday I took the train to Nikkō. One of the main reasons I purchased the JR Wide Pass was because I wanted to take the Shinkansen to Utsunomiya. It’s much more convenient than the other options. And then I got to ride the Nikkō Line which looks really cool. I think you all know why I traveled to Nikkō XD I wanted to see the venue of Kalafina’s World Heritage Special Live. During my last Japan trips I already got the chance to visit Nara and see Kōfuku-ji but I had never been to Nikkō before. And hey, even if Kalafina hadn’t performed there I still would have liked to see Tōshōgū, it’s absolutely gorgeous. And *weeee* I got to witness a traditional wedding. Everyone was all dressed up and the bride looked stunning!! Afterwards I explored the area for a while and walked around a lot. (I walked so much during my Japan trip) I was considering going to see the waterfalls as well but I thought it might not be the best season to experience it in all its beauty and glory. I’ll come back some day soon, I promise! In the afternoon I returned to Tokyo and I once again found myself in the Roppongi area to eat some Kala-food :P Literally the only reason I went to these fancy schmancy areas was to eat at Kalafina restaurants/cafés. This time I ate at “The Counter Roppongi”, the place where Keiko had her YOLO burger meal this winter. I wanted to order the same burger that she had gotten but turns out it had all kinds of weird ingredients (like mushrooms >_>) so I ended up ordering a chicken burger XD I think that might have been the best burger and some of the most delicious fries I have ever eaten. Really impressed! The only thing I could have lived without was the overly sweet brioche bun. It just doesn’t go well with savoury food. I don’t understand why you would use a brioche bun for a burger, doesn’t make sense to me at all o.O Is it a Japanese thing? Or maybe an American thing?
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January 21 (Sunday) I took the special Holiday train to Kawaguchiko because I wanted to get a clear view of Mount Fuji. The mountain was still visible while I was on the train but slowly but surely clouds started gathering around it and by the time I had arrived at my destination, Mount Fuji was hidden completely T_T It’s a real shame. The sun was shining and the sky was blue, it was literally perfect weather but each and every cloud in the area had decided to cuddle up to Mount Fuji. I think I made the mistake of taking the later train. I should have taken the train at like 7am or something. Apparently chances of seeing Mount Fuji are highest before 9 am and I think that’s true, I am sure I would have gotten a good view if I had been there earlier. I was there at like 9:30-10:00 and that’s just too late. Oh well, we all learn from our mistakes. In two week’s time I will be closer to Mount Fuji than I have ever been XD I didn’t want my trip to be wasted so I still took the ferry across the lake and of course I took the Kachi Kachi Ropeway which ascends to an observation point near the summit of Mount Tenjo, from where Lake Kawaguchiko and Mount Fuji can be seen. Riding that cablecar was rather unpleasant because it was jam-packed. I wasn’t aware you could even squeeze that many people into a cablecar. I got some nice views despite there being no sign of Mount Fuji. Afterwards I bought a bunch of souvenirs for my coworkers and took the train back home again. I really love all the train designs! So cute! Since I still had my JR Pass I thought I’d use it for a few trips along the Yamanote Line. I was trying to avoid using my Suica as much as possible as long as I had the JR Pass XD One of my stops was Ikebukuro. I am not a huge fan of the area but I still wanted to see if I could find anything interesting. Bought some more Pikachu merch for my nephew at the Pokemon Center and then I did some window shopping. A girl-group was performing at Sunshine City while I was there but I didn’t stay long enough to figure out who they were. People were going crazy about them tho so I guess they might have been popular. Who knows. Either way, with all these people occupied the shops were pretty empty so that’s definitely a good thing (especially on a Sunday where it’s usually busy as hell). For dinner I had yummy Coco Curry (for once not Kalafina related :P).
January 22 (Monday) a.k.a. Crazy Snow Day This was the day of our tumblr fan meetup. Probably the worst day we could have chosen but hey, what can you do? And it’s not like any of us could have known that it would snow so heavily. It’s almost funny because I am always in Tokyo when crazy snow storms happen. I was there in 2014 as well. XD Thank God I am more or less used to snow (which is something that can’t be said about most of my fellow-fans that were at the meetup). I took things slowly that day since I was already stressing out about the meetup. I went to Akihabara again and this time I found a FOTW wristband in one of the second hand stores. BANZAI. Back in 2016 when I went to see the FOTW Special Finals I actually forgot to buy a wristband. This has annoyed me for the longest time but I didn’t feel like buying it online so yeah, this was definitely a lucky find. Yippie!! Then I went to Don Quijote to buy some more souvenirs (mostly chocolates). I’ll be eating all this stuff foe the next few weeks. :P So far my favourite purchase is Hokkaido Melon Kit Kat. The BEST Kit Kat I have ever had! It’s so DAMN amazing, I regret not buying more T_T When I got back to my hotel I had to figure out a way to squeeze all the chocolates into my luggage without everything getting crumbled on the flight back home. I think I managed pretty well. I had some sandwiches for late lunch and then I headed to Shinjuku to do some more (window) shopping and to wait for everyone to arrive at the Karaoke place. Sorry again @okeuphemia, we totally kept missing each other at Lumine Est. And sorry to everyone else who had a hard time finding Karaoke Kan. I know it must have been quite the hassle for some of you, especially in this horrible weather. But thankfully, almost everyone managed to get there (eventually). My apologies to Jimmy who didn’t make it! Maybe next time (if there ever is a next time :P) I hope you all had a good time at the meetup. There were way more people than I originally expected and we had some hardcore karaoke singers amongst us (you all rocked btw!!) so we weren’t really able to talk properly but I think it was still nice for most of you. Sorry if I seemed a bit awkward, I am just not very comfortable being among such a big crowd of people. I am glad a few of us decided to leave early and grab a cup of coffee, it gave me the chance to get to know some of you a little bit better. It’s really nice to finally know who is hiding behind those tumblr nicknames (shout out to @audiojapanstyle for just being a super nice and comforting presence!) And hey, such a funny coincidende, that day I found out that @theraspberrybushes  and I stayed at the same hotel. We ended up going back together in the heavy snow.Sorry for always rushing ahead. >_<
January 23 I pretty much covered the entire day in my live report but I haven’t talked about my after live activities yet so I guess I will do it here. Originally I had just planned to go back to the hotel to get some sleep. After all I was supposed to fly back home the next morning so I wanted to get some much needed rest. However, my friend Pae convinced me to go have dinner with a few Japanese Kala-fans. I am glad she did because it was actually very nice. But once again, there were way more people than expected (slightly overwhelming – even Hachimaki was there; it felt like I had been invited to an elite Kalafina fan meet-up XD). We went to a Chinese restaurant and had some yummy gyoza. Literally the entire place was filled with Kala-fans XD We didn’t stay there for long so thankfully I didn’t get home too late. Right before we left I managed to REALLY embarrass myself when one of the Japanese Kala-fans approached me. I wasn’t aware he wanted to talk to me, I thought he was trying to get past me or something so when he started talking I turned away from him. Pae had to literally drag me back to him and then I realised he had wanted to start a conversation. Major fail. That’s why I keep telling people that I suck at social interactions. Oh well, we ended up talking about Vienna, seems like he travels there quite frequently for work. Having dinner with all these fellow Kala-fans was a really nice end to an already amazing day. I even have a couple of pictures to remind me of that little meet-up.
Okay, this is officially the end of my travel report. Congratulations to everyone who read the whole thing. I hope it wasn’t too boring. I have lots of Kalafina activities planned for my next trip so I am super hyped ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ♪
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i read through all the 'get to know me uncomfortably well' questions and honestly i couldn't pick because i'd love your answers to any of them so idk just answer the ones you feel like answering? is that allowed in these ask games? idk i'm making it allowed (also have a great day!) xx
Hi!!!!!! Oh my god you’re blessing my night with this message because let’s say... I haven't had the best day today, and I’m sure that’s allowed in these ask things, i mean are there even rules? I do’t know how many i’ll be able to answer but I’m going all in so let’s go
2. How old are you? 19 such an ugly age let me tell you
4. What is your zodiac sign? taurus and i’m not really into astrology and stuff so i don’t know if i can relate to my sign or not
5. What is your favorite color? i really like earthy tones, and i’ve always loved dark colors but i’m trying to broaden my horizons in terms of colors, unsuccessfully this far
6. What's your lucky number? i’m not sure if it brings me luck but i’ve always loved the number 5, maybe bc it’s my birthday, i think it’s really nice overall
7. Do you have any pets? yes!! i have 2 cats, i love them so much even though they’re not the friendliest cats in the world you know. I used to have fish but they kept dying not matter how hard i tried! It makes me a little sad but in the end it was just too much work and if i wasn’t able to take care of them properly i’d rather have no fish honestly
8. Where are you from? i don’t like to say these things but i think it’s pretty obvious if you pay a little attention to what i post every once in a while
9. How tall are you?i’m 1.64 or so, which is like… 5.3-5.4??? I’d like to be a little taller tho
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? I don’t own many, this year i bought some winter shoes but i just realised all my summer ones are either a little too used or i just don’t like their style anymore so yeah i should do some shopping (if only i had time to do that hah!)
12. What was your last dream about? i don’t remember very well but i think i saw my economics teacher riding a bike with no pants after i’d been fined by the police for having a water balloon war in the middle of the street, I wasn’t happy about that. I’ve had many dreams i was able to remember these last days, but they were more like nightmares i’d say, many of them about being kidnaped, other studies-related (i failed my math test again, i had to retake my college-access test… just terrible), and other were with people i actually know, which wasn’t the best thing ever honestly
15. Favorite song? Plant life by owl city, i’m going to paste the answer i wrote to explain why it’s my favorite (Plant Life by Owl City, that song just describes my soul at a spiritual level, like I could choose 1564 other songs by Owl City that describe me as well but this one is the one that I can relate to when i’m going through the worst times, but also gives me the hope that things will get better idk. And it’s funny because I still loved it before I had the level of English to understand the lyrics, and then I found out what they meant and i was like “woah this actually speaks to me in a way i can’t explain” it was a really weird feeling idk, that song is just me)
16. Favorite movie? billy elliot, actually it’s been a really long time since i last saw it. I remember i watched it like 7 times in a row in one week when i first saw it, i just loved it so much
17. Who would be your ideal partner? Just… someone that i’m 100% comfortable with, which should be a given, but apparently that isn’t that easy to find. Idk i’ve been thinking a lot about this lately basically because some of my coming decisions are going to be based on who i want as a partner, obviously not in a serious-for-life way, but in a way that i deserve right now. I’d like to have someone that doesn’t make me feel inadequate like almost everyone does, that doesn’t make me feel like a temporary asset in their life until they get want they want for me and just don’t care anymore. I don’t know, recent experiences have made me realise I need to figure out what I want and fight for it, not settle for someone just because it’s convenient, or because i don’t want to be alone... because in the end, if someone is making you feel like shit for being who you are and it’s acting like you are not important, even though they’re willing to be with you (even if it’s just for the physical part) that clearly makes you feel even more lonely
18. Do you want children? I’d say my #1 fear in life is getting accidentally pregnant (i know that shouldn’t worry me that much if i use protection and stuff), i meant a good reason i’m so wary of having sex is because i’d go crazy just considering the possibility that the condom failed or something. I think this answers the question, i really don’t want children, idk if i’d be able to take care of a kid, and above all, i don’t want to. Every time i see a kid in the street or in the public transport i pray he/she doesn’t interact with me because i just find it so so so difficult to be nice to them, basically because i don’t know how . Then i also look at their parents, their tired look, and don’t get me wrong, I’m sure they love their kids and all but I don’t think everyone can find happiness in having kids, and I don’t think I’m one of those people that won’t feel complete until they have kids or stuff. Furthermore, I’m not willing to sacrifice my body and to suffer the pain of giving birth, that doesn’t even cross my mind. So if I consider the possibility in the future i think I’d adopt.
20. Are you religious? I already answered this so I’ll just paste it I’m sorry this is so lazy (i was raised catholic and as a child i was really really devote, i truly believed in god. But you know, as years go by, then you find out you don’t agree with a lot of things the Church preaches (being in a catholic school doesn’t help, i will never forget the day i heard a priest telling literal 7-year-old girls that their only duty in life was to have children). My environment was really really conservative and I was lucky to somehow realise how fucking wrong some of the stuff they were teaching us was, sadly, i still see a lot of kids in my school being brainwashed… it’s crazy to see the way some families think. Anyways, that contributed to me getting distanced from everything religious-related. Now i could say i’m somewhere between agnostic and non-practicing. I still pray every once in a while but i’m not sure if i truly believe it or it’s just out of custom, i just feel too hopeless and detached from everything to believe there’s something greater than us… this question is too hard!)
24. Baths or showers? I used to hate taking showers just because I didn’t have the strength to go through all the process of taking a shower but I’ve been trying to fix this mainly because 1) Personal Hygiene and stuff 2) Even though i don’t have the willpower to do it, i always try to think about how nice it feels to be clean after a shower, or how relaxed you are (even if it’s for a short period of time) after taking a bath. So yeah I don’t like either of them but they’re obviously necessary
26. Have you ever been famous? I haven’t been famous but I’ve been mistaken for a famous people more than once. The first time i was very young and a man asked me if i was that girl (idk who) that was on tv and I said no, and the other was more recent, last year, when someone mistook me for a youtuber
28. What type of music do you like? I love instrumental music, specially orchestral but i also adore celtic themes. And i hate to admit it but i love electro pop, the owl city - type, even though many people (aka my dad) may think it’s not the Best Quality, but i mean who cares at least I enjoy it
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? I’m a mess so most of the time I have a coffee so I don’t die of tiredness throughout the day and if i have time i eat some fruit and cookies, not a lot honestly, which isn’t the most healthy thing to do but hey idc
34. Have you ever fired a gun? No. I really, really hate guns.
37. Favorite swear word? I never swear in public, just when I’m alone, I don’t think I can choose any word!
38. What's the longest you've ever gone without sleep? Maybe 24 hours, the thing is that i sleep very, very little, but i always end up sleeping anyway
41. Are you a good liar? Even when I’m actually telling the truth there are people who don’t believe me so yeah hah not really
42. Are you a good judge of character? i’m really good at getting the vibes of people, sometimes i think i’m just overreading everything but a high percentage of the time i end up being right, so yeah not only regarding people but also with other aspects of my life… i like to trust my gut. However, i don’t always say it bc i’m afraid i might be wrong, but when my suspicions are proven, I’m like yeah i was right how weird hahahahhhhhhhhh, i amaze myself in this aspect honestly
46. What is your personality type? i think i’m intj, but i remember retaking the test a few months later and getting another result but yeah i can relate to the architect type, introvert, cautelous, focused on analysing rather than acting blah blah all that stuff (i love this stuff)
49. Are you an innie or an outie? Innie 4 life, because I’ve tried to force myself to be more outie and let me tell you that didn’t go well
50. Left or right handed? left!!!
51. Are you scared of spiders? I’m really scared of them but i also cry every time i kill one bc i feel sorry for her (but it’s either my life or hers i’m sorry) although most of the time when i see i spider i face my fear and i put in in a box or something to release it outside
52. Favorite food? i’d eat ice cream every day of my life for every meal all the time just give me all the ice cream
58. Do you have much of an ego? My ego is so tiny sometimes i forget it exists and let people step on it like it’s nothing
61. Do you sing to yourself? I perform to myself, i love singing alone in my room. I used to care about my neighbour hearing me but you only live once right
62. Are you a good singer? i wouldn't say i’m a bad singer, nor a good one bc the problem is that my voice is not very strong, so it’s very hard to hear me. But yeah, i’ve been complimented for my singing in some occasions, and i really enjoy doing it on my own (i still don’y know how i was able to sing in public the only time i have done it)
63. Biggest Fear? that i’ll keep missing stuff due to my anxiety, oh that and having unwanted kids obviously
64. Are you a gossip? it’s always interesting to hear stuff and be aware of what happens around you but i‘ve always said that things would be better if everyone just… minded their own business a little bit more, you can’t get mad at someone if they don’t want to tell you something, it’s their life and they don’t owe you all the explanations after all
66. Do you like long or short hair? i have really long hair and i’d love it if it wasn’t so so so hard to maintain… i’m pretty tired of it honestly and i know i said i’d be cutting and donating it this year but… it’s such a part of my identity (which is so silly but it’s true, i’m introduced to some people as “the girl with really long hair”) and… i don’t know i think i’ve enough changes this year, so i’ll keep it for a little longer
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? i’m so scared of the sea i think i’d die
71. What makes you nervous? sadly, even the most insignificant stuff makes me nervous, and apparently, ignoring them doesn’t mae them disapear! so yeah i’m basically suffering at all times due to stupid stuff, i’ve just learned to ignore it enough so it doesn’t interfere with the rest of my life (most of the time it works but it’s mentally draining now that i think about it)
77. Have you ever drank underage? I’m one of those people that can say that never drank alcohol until it was legal for me to do it, I didn’t do it even when my mom offered me something at family gatherings… yeah i think that’s the reason i drink so much now
80. How many piercings do you have? I don’t like piercings for myself (i obviously don’t have a problem with other people having them) but i just think it’s an unnecessary way of mutilating yourself (i hate needles)
86. What are you allergic to? Ironically, I’m allergic to cats, even though i have 2. It comes and goes, and it’s not serious, i sneeze a lot, my eyes itch a little sometimes, but i’m willing to pay that price for my cats honestly
87. Do you keep a journal? I do, but it’s been months since i last wrote mainly because i always feel like shit after writing, so now i can’t bring myself to do it, that’s why i post so much about my personal life in here, because i’m not able to journal but i also don’t want to forget about what happens in my life
90. What makes you angry? Anger is a weird concept for me. I get angry very often, but I’m angry in general, not at anyone in particular, I just find myself unable to get mad at someone, the anger instantaneously turns into sadness, so I don’t know what’s worse. If I’m being mean to someone (most of the time my parents are the victims) it’s not because of them, I’m just angry for no reason and I just can’t keep being nice.
Hey congratualtions if you made it till the end, i was really bored so i answered a lot. Thanks for the message again 🐱🐱🐱🌳🌳🌳
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letoscrawls · 4 years
Your blog has me interested in Dune, but idk how to get into it. Do I read the books? How many are there? Are there like cycles and you have to start with a very specific one, but you also have to skip the 5th and go back to it after reading the 11th? Is there a TV show or just movies? Dune's a big universe and I don't remember how to get into those! How did I go from being a person to knowing everything about LotR and SW? I don't remember. SF universes are oceans and idk how to make a raft.
Hehe you’re right! But i think Dune is waaaay less complicated than major franchises like LotR, SW or Star Trek, to name a few. So here’s what you need to know:
Books (in order):
-Dune (1965): a classic. It’s the beginning of the story and the most famous book of the saga!
-Dune Messiah: sequel of the first Dune, it’s very short and it’s almost like a part 2 of Dune
-Children of Dune: a personal favorite, it’s the last one of the “Paul Atreides part” of the story
-God-Emperor of Dune: this is when things start to get WEIRD. Not a fave of mine but it’s essential (well, all of them are). It’s very different from the first three as it sets the ground for the second part of the series.
-Heretics of Dune: the book i’m reading rn, i’m loving it a lot!!!!!!!! This book is more about the major factions of the story battling for dominance
-Chapterhouse: Dune: last one of the series, i don’t know much about it but i know it ends with a huge cliffhanger and the author died before he could complete the series
Now. Frank Herbert has a son, Brian Herbert, who took over the series and wrote DOZENS of books based on “”””””””””notes”””””””””””” left by his father, his books are definitely optional and many fans dislike them, i read a summary of the sequels he wrote and i’ve decided not to read them lol. 
-Dune (1984) dir. by David Lynch: this is the movie adaptation of the first novel. Listen. LISTEN. You can like this movie only if 1) you watched it as a kid and didn’t care about how ugly it is because it’s a “”cult”” full of nostalgia or whatever 2) you watched it while you were high. I forced myself to watch two hours of absolute NONSENSE, this movie is not even bad in a funny way, it’s just. Horrifying. I recommend it only if you like ridiculous high budget movies from the 80s. Even David Lynch hates it. The only good thing is probably Sting in metal pants. and Kyle MacLachan’s performance (you can tell he loved Paul). Oh and Lady Jessica looks beautiful as always :)))
-Dune miniseries (2001 i think?): there are two miniseries of Dune for a total of (i think) six or nine episodes maybe? maybe less idk, i started the first one but never finished it due to school work but i will!! These miniseries cover the first three books of the series, the special effects are really bad but i was told they are pretty accurate to the books. the only thing i can say is that Paul is completely inaccurate to me, the actor doesn’t look 15 and doesn’t resemble the character to the slightest, and from what i’ve seen he acts too cocky to be Paul. Let’s just say the original Paul gives huge goth vibes, while in the miniseries he gave me Chad vibes lol. Oh and the Children of Dune miniseries features Susana Sarandon and a young James McAvoy!
-Upcoming Dune movie (2021 sigh) dir. Denis Villeneuve: this is the reason many people are obsessing over Dune in 2020! This movie will adapt the FIRST PART of the first novel, so, again, Paul is the main character. The cast features HUGE names such as Timothée Chalamet, Rebecca Ferguson, Oscar Isaac, Jason Momoa, Stellan Skarsgaard, Dave Bautista, Zendaya, Josh Brolin and many more! Denis Villeneuve is a die hard fan of the books and making a Dune movie was his dream so yeah i’m very optimistic we won’t be disappointed! The cast could have been a little more inclusive and there are other flaws, tho. It’s important to aknowledge it. There’s a trailer for the movie if you’re interested. Sadly the movie was delayed to october 2021 (it was supposed to come out on December)
Not to mention there are also comics and games but i don’t know much about them! Hope this helped! 
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