#like I'm sure ya'll discussed this long ago but even if you did I'm gonna to readdress
iscarosaac · 2 years
It's 3am and I just can't stop thinking about how Marc literally hid his super secret and important items, including his phone and storage key,
in the fucking kitchen.
He could've hid these items literally ANYWHERE. But no. THE KITCHEN WAS THE BEST PLACE MARC COULD THINK OF
Anyway look at this for reference okay
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Basically, Marc consistently came home after every missions and just shoved his shit above the kitchen and hoped for the best. And it worked! Until it didn't and he forgot to put the plank fully back into place.
Now to explain further, what makes everything slightly funnier about Steven finding Marc's stuff later on, is the fact that not only did Marc obviously slip up after all these years, but Gus is the reason why.
Like, I imagine Marc getting home after acquiring the scarab and climbing onto his little table stand and just putting his shit away in the kitchen like normal, only to glance down and see poor Gus just belly up in his tank (which is literally right next to the kitchen as you can see in my example). So in a panic, he just haphazardly puts the little plank of wood back and rushes to the nearest fish store to find a replacement. And we all know how that goes from there.
Anyway, all of his years of secrecy and perfect planning were thrown out the window because he couldn't think of literally ANYWHERE ELSE to hide his shit.
So yeah, that's my ramble for the night. Thank you for listening to my ted talk
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jemdeserveslove · 3 years
You guys, I just finished Ghosts of the Shadow Market ✨
I bring here, not a review (it was a 5/5), but just some random thoughts (it's kinda of long,so bear with me) and, obviously, there are spoilers. First thing, was I supposed to cry as much as I did? I was WAILING (I blame my period 🤡) But, yeah, I cried a lot 😂
Matthew's story?? Did not see that coming. I cried and I felt so bad for everyone. I'm not sure what I expect of him in The Last Hours now, except for saddness (and style)
Anna Lightwood is a fucking icon. I love her 🥺 and it was such a sweet scene when Cecily and Gabriel gave her "man's clothing" (almost cried in this one as well)
EVERY SCENE THAT INVOLVES JEM AND WILL MAKES ME CRY MY HEART OUT 😭 so, no comments, just thank you Cassandra for the power of those scenes and of this relationship
I love whenever Catarina shows up, cause I love her sm that I can't even explain and same with Lily and Raphael (I felt blessed by their presence)
Tessa and Jem in the 1940s was something I never knew I needed, like, Jem was dying and he was all "I can't die without seeing Tessa one last time!" and Tessa was like "YOU CAN'T DIE!" and I was just " I KNOW HE'S NOT GONNA DIE, BUT OMG 😭" They endded up having those discussions about death and stuff, because Will died not that long ago, so it was a very touching moment for me
I love whenever we get to read about members of The Circle, like Céline this time, because we get to know why they were with Valentine and what Valentine had over them to manipulate them and I just think it's amazing that Cassandra goes over this in her books
Reading about little Jace was great, but there was that one part he said something like "my father used to joke that if I wasn't good enough he had another Jonathan" and I was like SIR???? 😶
MALEC BEING PARENTS 🥰🥰🥰🥰 and, like, Max and Rafe are so cuteeeee too, it's a great family
We got Ty and Livvy, and ya'll, this story was a wild ride for me, like, I didn't expect it (especially, because, it didn't have a lot of Jem in it) I just felt really bad in this one, cause, Ty really needs to deal with his grief and guilty and I'm really excited for it, but I know it's gonna be sad
TESSA, JEM, KIT AND MINA 🥰 AAAAAAAAA WHAT A FAMILY! I was so happy for them, cause Tessa and Jem finally got to be together and now they have a daughter, but then they also have Kit now and he seems so happy to be there with them and OMG when Jem told Kit that he loved him I FELT THAT IN MY SOUL 😭 and it's just so beautiful to see Kit and Tessa doing the whole "movie and book" thing, Jem is gonna help Kit with his training (the boy needs it) and Kit and Mina are so cuteeee! I was really happy for them
WE HAD "EVIL" JACE aka JANUS'S POV and I really didn't see that coming, like, I expected Ash's pov, but not his 🤷‍♀️ and, yeah, he needs help, which brought that deja vu, cause, when I was reading TMI, I was always saying "Jace needs some help and some therapy", so I guess some things never change. I felt this empathy towards him, you know? Just felt really bad for him. At the end he just threatened everyone indirectly, he threatened "the new King" aka Kieran, the "descendent of ... " aka Kit and they're just involved with pretty much all the characters in a way, so yeah, I expect some big issues coming from him 🙂
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cocopineo · 3 years
Seraphina has never had a perfect balance in life. Biological parents dimissing her, powers haywire and voice in the back calls for her. One side always over powers the other, but when will they be at a still. Her powers grow stronger day by day, no one knows how to grasp the situation. The only thing Sera can do is dive deeper into the unknown. Besides, peace can never exist without Chaos. αίπορτνε follows the story of Seraphina embracing her powers and her family's skeleton locked in the closet.
Chapter 1: Baseball Bat
A young Xiang finds himself having an important discussion with an important figure. Seraphina finds herself face to face with a challenge that only ends in her frustration.
❃Rating: Everyone (Minor swearing)
❃ Word Count: 1300+
❃ Characters: Xiang, Kingsely, Cayenne and Damien belong to @princesscallyie, Rogen belongs to @thepaladincosplays, Hank belongs to @kururu418 and Vivian belongs to ppgzmlpfimlover
❃Author's Note: αίπορτνε is back ya'll! I hope you all enjoy this chapter I will still be going at my own pace with this. I am open to critics or ideas since this is my big/main story. If I missed any characters right person let me know. Enjoy the story!~Coco
Seraphina belongs to me
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"Look at you kid didn't miss any shot. Also I assume those stealth knives' stun power works well?" Carwell said to the young boy beside him.
The dummy's had looked nothing like they were before all charred and frazzled from the knives that impaled them. Xiang took in a deep breath and nodded at the man giving a small smile.
"Yes sir. They work well. I expect nothing else since my father says you're the best chemist and tech here." Xiang took out the knives from the dummy's and handed them to the man.
Xiang had been doing a bit of extra training before his leave on the mission his father planned so long ago. He did feel it was a tad much to find a 13 or 14 year old girl. Especially in a town full of powers, monsters and all. Yet this task shouldn't be hard right? After cleaning up the training area Xiang walked out with Carwell. Both of them walked quietly for a while until Carwell spoke.
"You know Xiang, this is more than just my daughter you're trying to find for me. This training is all leading up to something bigger besides Sera is more than just a girl. She's a being with infinite untapped and untamed power. Sure she can probably blast power beams and such to inflict pain, but that doesn't scratch the surface." Carwell looked at him with a flash in his eyes, seeming a bit unhinged.
"And what's that sir." Xiang asked, feeling a little off with him. Carwell stopped mid track in his steps and looked at him.
"Those powers they're something unknown to the common eye those powers could bend reality, wage a war, turn you or me into another being or even end the multiverse at will!-But that's only a theory my daughters powers have been studied by many many scholars but no one could pinpoint it. Some even died trying to obtain it or experiment with it. And they barely got anything; it was too much for their minds to wrap around. Hence why there is little to nothing on it. Do you understand why I'm saying this all to you Xiang?" Carwell was almost out of breath from his rant but he still had that flash in his eyes only seeming more intense.
Xiang stood there puzzled at him. He was almost a bit nervous to answer his question, but he did.
Carwell gave a dry look and told him his answer.
"What I'm saying to you is one wrong move or lie you can say goodbye."
[Present Day]
"Hank you must've lost your mind! You know what's gonna happen if she does her hex thing." Rogen mocked an explosion while ranting to Hank about his crazy scheme.
Hank asked if Sera could come to his department and here they were behind a shatter proof glass. All huddled up together waiting for Seraphina to take her shot at the armed robot in front of her. The last time she struck a robot it combusted into a million pieces. The crew was still finding parts scattered all over Townsville and some of the crew still had scratches where it hit. Hank waved Rogen off and spoke.
"Well this one is not supposed to combust by any matter. I actually took a piece of the last one and found some Cosmic Radiation. I was able to build off of that...so hopefully we don't die." Hank nervously chuckled as his teammates started.
"I mean, it seems like there is still a chance our asses are gonna be dust. Eh but I kinda wanna see if any of us survive." A smile crept on Vivian's face earning discomfort from Hank.
Seraphina grumbled at the others' comments and swerved around to face them.
"Your comments are not helping guys! Especially you Viv I needa focus if I'm bound to figure these things out." She yelled and shook her hands notioning her powers.
"Sorry Sera, we'll keep quiet for you. Now just try and turn that big guy into a....uh...a baseball bat. That should be easy right from what I know, that choice shouldn't use that much power as much as a live organism right-well from what I gathered from your powers." Hank told her behind the shield.
Sera gave him a meek thumbs up and turned back to the challenge in front of her. This should be easy; the mind and body just have to be in tune. She took a deep breath and concentrated on her mind.
"Baseball....Bat....Baseball...Bat...Baseball Bat." She repeated the phrase in her head picturing the wooden baseball bat.
Her hands began to brighten as a hot pink aura surrounded them. "Powers check. Now focus baseball bat." Seraphina's eyes screwed shut concentrating on her task at hand. She sipped in another breath allowing herself to fall deeper into her mind. Everything was black but there it was a lone baseball bat in her mind.
"Baseball...Bat." Sera said out loud.
She was now deep in her powers and began to float off the ground lightly. Her eyes were now fully pink and glowing as she blasted the giant robot in front of her. The robot was now surrounded by her magic and began to rattle. The robot had now shrunk to the size of a toy and shook more. The lower half of the robot stretched and transformed into the lower half of a bat. Sera dug deeper into her powers and floated more off the ground. Her blast became more intense, her eyes began showing mist and her hair was now floating above her.
"Almost there." She gritted through her teeth.
The room softly shifted into different styles and objects, papers swirled into a tornado and a gust formed. Everyone looked in a different direction as things changed around them, soon they floated off the floor.
"Sera!" Hank gasped as he went higher and higher.
Sera did not hear Hank's plea and continued her action. The object flashed into different things until a bat appeared. Seraphina cut her powers and everything slammed to the ground. The bat clangged to the ground and rolled to her feet, then softly rolled away from her. She did it.
"I did it!" Seraphina turned to them and her smile faded.
The room now looked like a tornado hit it, her teammates were getting up from the ground, some a little hurt. Yet another mess up. She stood in her place puzzled and disappointed. Hank looked at her and quickly came to her side.
"Sera, that was perfect! Don't worry about the mess, we're fine besides this was also a breakthrough for the tech department. We're fine Sera, just a few bruises but we're fine." He gave a soft smile.
"Yeah no need to sweat...most of it. Least we didn't die but it does look like the room is gonna need some fixing." Rogen said while looking at the destroyed room.
Sera focused on the room and looked around to see her damage. Damage, damage, so much damage. She clenched her fist and groaned, earning a blast of power to circle her then disappear. The small blast earned a little shake to the ground and she rushed off. Her team called for her but she didn't listen. She kept moving frustrated, her fist were cleched hard to where blood could almost be drawn. She soon entered the meeting hall earning a look from Kingsley, Damiam and Cayenne.
"Damage once again!" Sera mumbled looking down at the floor. She then paced the floor, her aggravation causing her hair to slightly stand up.
"It's like every time there is always something new, the slugs, explosions, damage upon damage. Seriously, I have calculated how much property damage I have done and you could buy four whole private islands and a country Kingsley. This place is supposed to help control these things but it seems like they do more damage as time goes on! And none of us know what these are! What am I doing seriously what am I doing!" She continued on her rant hair standing more and more.
She then stopped in her tracks and groaned in her hands, continuing to hit her face in them. The others looked at her only earning blinks until Cayenne spoke.
"Well shit Sera."
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