#like Karamatsu will say some off the wall stuff like ‘yeah I have a pet tiger that I saved from a fire’
oddly-casual · 1 year
I was thinking about the brothers again and one thing that I thought about specifically was how often Todomastu lies about his plans and accomplishments while Karamatsu is open about his failures and lack of direction.
Like yeah, all the brothers tend to lie about themselves or their accomplishments to other people to seem better (except for Osomatsu but he has no shame so he don’t count) but specifically Todomatsu is the only one we’ve seen that actively lies to other people to gain their favor, while also not admitting that he has no idea what he’s doing in life. Meanwhile, Karamatsu is the one who lies about his image, but we don’t see him hesitate to admit that he doesn’t have a job or plans for the future.
Karamatsu is undeniably a try-hard, but he goes out of his way to share his hobbies and accomplishments with his family, as opposed to Todomatsu who had done several things worth celebrating, yet has mentioned none of them.
It’s also interesting the scope in which they lie. Karamatsu lies about doing adventurous things like getting a ton of girls and being a super cool hero, while Todomatsu lies about every day stuff like going to college and not having brothers. Karamatsu’s fallacies are easy to spot and easy to come undone but he doesn’t seem to flinch when others call him out on it. Meanwhile, Todomatsu’s lies are carefully crafted to make him fit in, and he tends to have major freak outs when that lie seems to come undone.
The parallels between both brothers is just interesting to me. Karamatsu is honest with strangers while playing himself up to his family (as if the only opinion that matters is his family’s) while Todomatsu barely mentions things to his family while lying to strangers. (Maybe he knows he can be himself around family?)
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