#like SIR YOU ARE PSYCHO admit you know him to someone you weirdo
blairwaldcrf · 2 years
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... I've heard that about you.
[tvd 2x21 | every klefan scene 2/?]
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Modern Knights Pokémon fan story/series by Rocky10101 Ch.3
Many thoughts swirled inside Arthurs mind from last night's events. He, along with his new ally and now friend Gray, have discovered the evil entities that Arthur knew all too well, known as Dark Pokemons. He knew what they are because he has faced them many times before, at least, in the Callidonia he ONCE knew. The dark Pokemons are entities from the dark arts of magic, even using another pokemon as a source of energy to create them too. Arthur knew, what he and Gray has discovered that night, could be a true cause of the assaults happening on the students of Onyx Academy.
His train of thoughts soon made a complete stop, when he heard someone knocking on his door. Arthur, who was doing a one handstand, stops and lands on his feet perfectly and quietly, and makes his way to the door to open it. “So this is where you live,” Gray asked, peeking the interior of his apartment, “it looks rather small.”
“Ms. Molly helped me obtain this place when she hired me,” Arthur explains as he welcomes the umbreon into his home, “She explained to me I need a place to stay so I can rest up, and be ready for work first thing in the morning.” When Gray soon enters his apartment, he gives the Gallade a skeptical look.
“Are you always this shirtless whenever you are home,” Gray asked, looking at Arthur like as if he is a complete weirdo.
“Only when I do my daily training in the mornings, evenings, and on the weekends,” the gallade calmly explained, walking over to the counter to get his button collar shirt and vest.
“Bet ms.Thompson loves seeing that “view” any time she comes over huh,” Gray commented with a devilish like grin on his face, looking to see how Arthur will react to his “hint”.
“What view,” Arthur asked, looking utterly clueless what Gray was trying to do towards him, soon his scarf appearing after he put his shirts back on. The umbreon face palms at the gallades complete naive clueless nature he wields, giving up he walks over to the small table in the living room and places printed papers down for Arthur to fully see.
“This,” Gray begins as they sat down and patted on the papers he brought with him, “will help us know every nook and cranny of that academy.” Arthur took the time to look through the papers of the academies rooms, floors, stairways, and emergency exits in case they need a hasty retreat. “Excellent job obtaining the map sir Gray,” the gallade complimented by giving his companion a bow, “I am certain this will come into play when we return to the academy to continue our investigation.” Gray grabs the remote and turns on the tv and puts on the news, something immediately catching the umbreons attention. “uuh, Arthur,” he called out, grabbing the gallade’s attention, “There’s something you may want to see thats going to be trouble for us.” Arthur directs his attention his attention to the tv as a “breaking news” story pops up relating to the academy. A young female Gardevoir with a detective badge was making a statement, relating to what they are doing.
“I know everyone is in a state of panic with these recent attacks,” the gardevoir begun, soon looking confident as she looks at the camera with pride, “but this task will not be a challenge for me. I, Belladonna Clementine, will take this case by the tauros horns, and bring these criminals with malicious intent to hurt the students, to justice!!”
“There you have it citizens of Callidonia,” the female glaceon reporter states as she walks next to Belladonna, “rising fame detective Belladonna, who just recently graduated from her top class, is taking matters into her own hands and is now thoroughly investigating these merciless attacks on Onyx Academy's gifted students. With this in mind, I have no doubt she’ll bring peace back to the peaceful neo kingdom of Callidonia. I am Roseia and you are watching channel 033 Callidonia news live.” the crowd in the background begun clapping and cheering for their fellow detective, chanting her name out.
“Tis prove to be a problem for us,” Arthur says, concern at this detective.
“If this detective is looking into this mystery of the academy just like us, then our mission just got a lot more difficult,” Gray explained, turning off the tv. Arthur didn’t want to agree with the present fact Gray brought up, but he knew he was right. Sneaking into the academy just did gotten harder, making their mission difficult than ever before. “We must at least try, even if the chances of getting caught are high,” Arthur says, looking through the printed papers of the academy’s exit routes in case they need a quick retreat if they almost get caught.
“As much as I don’t want to get caught and thrown to the slammers, you are right,” Gray admits, agreeing with Arthur they have to try, even it meant risking his probation getting revoked, “more importantly, the detective has no clue about those monsters roaming in that academy at night. She could be the next victim for all we know.”
“We should remain cautious and alert once we venture back inside the academy tonight,” the Gallade said as they both nodded in agreement, looking through the papers as they prepare for tonight's mission. As they begun preparations, Arthurs mind lingers about Belladonna, and why her name sounds familiar, like deja vu…
Midnight soon struck loud and clearer as grandfather like clock antique in protected class rang out the hours. The duo, Arthur and Gray, were traversing into the academy’s hallways once again. It was not long before they reached their destination, Indigo Hall. “tis the place I mentioned sir Gray,” Arthur confirms, looking at the printed papers of the academy, “there's something within this area, I am certain of it.” Gray walked over and the automatic doors activated, and open just for them. “It is hard to believe schools were supposed to be safe places to go for any emergencies,” Gray said as he and Arthur begun walking down the hallway, “Now its a place where those things roam around, like they made it there home.”
Arthur knew he was right. He had encounter this countless times in many villages where it was overrun by the dark pokemon and the innocents attacked and hiding in fear, at least, in his own time. Even though he wasn’t in his own time, it will not stop him from performing his duty as a knight, even in a world that has changed so much in his eyes. “If there is dark pokemons roaming in a place like this,” Arthur begins explaining, his arm blades appearing as they walked down the hallway, “then there’s a chance that whoever is behind these attacks is the master of this place, controlling them through magic too like an army.” Gray tilt his head at Arthur’s explanation. “So like a wizard or something,” Gray asked, trying to understand.
“Tis possible it’s one of the dark arts users from long ago, maybe considered legends in your time,” Arthur explains again, carefully slipping pass the police tape, “They were only a small group, but a very powerful, deadly one they were.” He turned towards Gray, making sure he is paying attention before continuing. “We called them the Remnants of the Dark Age,” The Gallade looked dead serious as he said that name out loud, “they are merciless, cold blooded demons of a pokemon assailants that wields the power of the dark arts. I believe they are the ones behind these unforgivable acts on the students of this school, and they may have survived, been revived, or been reborned.”
“Well that sounds swell with those psychos,” Gray sarcastically said, but had a feeling his gallade friend could be right. If these proclaimed Remnants of the Dark Ages are the ones truly behind these strings of attacks on the academy and it’s students, then they must do everything they can to stop them.
Arthur suddenly turn to the hallway they came across, fully stopping and stares down the long dark hallway with Gray tensing up at his friends sudden action. “Someone's here,” he whispered, making the umbreon tense up immediately. Knowing if they were caught sneaking around the academy at night, the blame of the attacks could potentially shift towards them, and they will end up in jail for life, along with Gray’s probation being revoked immediately. They stood still, not moving or making a single sound as they listened carefully. The silent hallways of the academy soon created an ominous, tense atmosphere on what could be awaiting for the duo. They wait, wait, and waited….
Gray’s heartbeat begun to increase as the seconds past by, growing very uneasy as nothing was happening. “Arthur,” he whispered to the gallade as he draws near him, “I think it’s best if we-” before Gray could finish his sentence, they heard something slicing the air at high speed, it zing right past Arthur, cutting his cheek in the process as he flinched a bit. “OH SHIT,” Gray yelled, soon ducking for cover, proceeding to get a shadow ball ready, “What was that, a dark pokemon!?” Arthur shook his head and got into a battle stance, ready to fight whoever threw that attack at them, or him directly.
Just as the umbreon was about ready, a pokemon appeared, dressed completely in black clothing, was running straight towards Arthur with a water makeshift made katana. Arthur swiftly dodges the attack as the assailant swung, kicking the pokemon back in the process. The figure recovered from the attack and lands on the wall with its frog like feet, sticking on to it firmly, and soon swung and threw water like shurikens right at him in a blur. The sound of the air being sliced as the shurikens came at him at high speed, but Arthur proved to be faster as he swung with his arm blade, deflecting each one at ease. One of the shurikens he deflected flew right at gray, hitting the wall he ducked behind. “DUDE, watch where you deflect those things,” he exclaimed, trying to aim at the figure with a shadow as it keeps moving around, too fast for him to even keep up where to launch it as it wont stay still.
When he deflected the remaining water shurikens, the pokemon launch itself right at Arthur from the wall, creating a water like spear, and thrust forward right towards him. But Arthur saw this coming right away, and he side steps, dodging the weapon immediately. Just before the figure could react to that dodge, Arthur counter attacks and strikes it to the chest, sending the unknown assailant right at Gray. The umbreon immediately launched the shadow, hitting the attacker and it goes flying to the wall, knocking it out. The attacker didn't stay down for long it gotten back it’s feet, and it takes off the mask that concealed its face, revealing to be a Greninja.
“Once again, you proved to be the strong one and defeated me, again,” the greninja spoked, sounding embarrassed, and revealing it is a female. Arthur helped her up fully just as she was about to collapse on her knees. Gray moved away from where he took cover, eyeing at both of them, very confused. “I’m sorry am I missing something, or do you two know each,” he asked, trying to piece together how this fight connects to them.
“It is a long story, but I saved her from almost getting hit by those metal chariots a few months back, and she has been coming after me to “redeem her pride” ever since,” Arthur explained, scratching the back of his head sheepishly, still keeping a straight face.
“I could have handled him longer if your little sidekick didn’t get in my way with that shadow ball,” the greninja hissed, looking annoyed and frustrated that she was beaten once again. Arthur moved towards the hallway they were proceeding before being interrupted by their attacker. “If our little lover’s quarrel is over, sir Gray and I have more pressing matters to investigate,” he bluntly said, the greninja's face turning red in anger by, what she thinks, was a smart ass remark.
“Oh you son of a-” Arthur immediately interrupts her, shushing her as he stops them from moving, listening carefully. When the two stopped moving, they soon realize the hallway he was moving towards is being slowly engulfed by the darkness, the dark pokemon like creatures immediately taking from in front of them. “More of them,” Gray exclaimed, standing by Arthur as he prepares his attacks as a new and unfamiliar creature raised up among the dozen dark pokemons that have spawned in the darkness.
“What is going on,” the female asked, getting a water kunai ready for whatever is about to attack them.
The dark figure slowly lifts its head up, revealing its face is nothing but pure darkness, smiling evilly as it slowly raises one of its shadowed arms. “We need to retreat, NOW,” Arthur commanded and suddenly turns around, sweeping the greninja off her frog feets and immediately ran. Gray soon followed, just as the figure raised it hand, the dark pokemons immediately sprint after the trio at full speed, chasing after them. As they ran towards the exits, the gallade turned around at the last second back at the figure. As he did that, Arthur could have sworn the face he saw, just as they escaped, was none other than…..the detective from the news.
“Alright, that was WAY too close.” Gray exclaimed, panting hard from escaping the horde of dark pokemons. Arthur, after setting the greninja down, looks back at the exit they took to escape from those creatures. “Why didn’t those creature continued pursuing us as we escaped outside.” The greninja asked, looking puzzled at the dark pokemons habits and how they didn't follow them.
“Tis possible they are only bound to attack in the inside, which explains why they didn't continue following us,” He explained, with Gray sighing in relief knowing they are safe, for now.
“The Onyx Academy assaults on the students…,” the female echoed, remembering hearing the news about mysterious attacks on the academies students, soon asking, “is that why you two idiots snuck inside the academy at night? To figure out who the assailant is that's attacking the innocent students?” Arthur and Gray looked at her and nodded, letting the greninja know their attentions of their tonight's mission. “Well now I got that figured out, explain to me what in the name of Giratina where those “things”,” she questioned, looking at the two with skepticism of what they know, and what the academy is hiding from the people of Callidonia by the day.
Arthur looks back at the exit, the dark pokemons now gone before looking back to their frog companion. “We’ll explain to you what we know back at my apartment,” Arthur explain, proceeding to the secret entrance they took, “for now it’ll be wise if we retreat for now and devise a new strategy for the next night.” Gray nodded in agreement and soon followed Arthur, with the Greninja coming along as well. “Before I forget, what is your name milady,” Arthur asked, turning to face the female, knowing they may have gained a new ally to help them. She looked at Arthur, then to Gray, still skeptical but decides to tell them, since she wanted to know about them, and the attacks on the academy. “My name is Shinobi Takumi,” She replied, crossing her arms as she stares dead serious at the two males “ I am a trained ninja from my homeland in johto. NOW, explained to me, what the Giratina is going on to this peaceful academy.” [End of Ch.3]
Arthurs notes: WHEW, this took forever cause one, I tend to slack off like a Moron, second, been busy with work too, and 3rd, I am a lazy slacker. I must apologize once again if you were waiting so long. So without further ado, I do hope you enjoy this ch as our heroes continue in Modern Knights. I also want to thank @askvelora for giving me advice on detailing sound effects in text rather than showing it. Your always helpful as always brah ^w^.
I also want say do feel free to comment or give me advice about my chs and how I am doing so far, feedback would really help me improve on future ch. Very much on sentences and grammer, and feel free to ask me anything on or to my characters or series so far, please and thank you. I hope you like it ^w^
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