#like a play off of like spark of creativity but using creation instead to tie back to the idea of divinity/holiness with the stigmata
carsickcrow · 4 months
still having art thoughts but not actively making art so i will ramble into the void some more. i really like the way i’ve begun to think about my art in the past few months. i feel like i used to be solely focused on “getting better” at art which is. not a bad thing but now i feel like i’m using art as a way to explore ideas more and it’s just really fun and works with how my brain works and i want to do this for the rest of my life. also along with that like making art with meaning behind it point i’ve actually started titling my pieces which used to be a struggle and still is sometimes but i think i’m getting the hang of it. i’ve already named a piece i’ve barely started. anywho. i love art sm
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chisci201-blog · 8 years
Lesson 7: Part II (Curation and Analysis)
How to build your creative confidence | David Kelley
Meta-communication: What I Said Isn’t What I Meant
I liked how this video described kind of the journey that is creation. It isn’t merely an off/on switch, there’s a lot that all goes into it, like when he described a bit of the story with Doug Dietz and his run in with the MRI machine. Although the machine was a creation of his very own where he felt a lot of personal success with helping people, his experience with it at the Pediatric hospital was initially less than desired. Without that personal sense of satisfaction, Doug used his prior knowledge and skills learned from the D School to implement a design that had kids in the forefront of design and to me, that’s a prime example of building one’s creativity.
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With a whole story involved and various designs aimed to spark the imagination of kids--this is where I find Mr Dietz taking his creativity to new levels and I think that confidence he gained is an unreal thing. What I’d like to tie together with this however is the power he gained with communication to kids. From the colorful/play designs and using operators who could more directly work with kids, they didn’t have to necessarily change the machine, but work on their communication.
This most recent week was the Spring Career Fair, and with us talking about it in class as well, hearing it from a recruiter stood out a lot to me. Communication is more than saying words, what I asked in class was that of “Active Speaking”. Yes people can actively listen, but I feel like talking should use just as many capabilities and that’s where the idea of Meta-Communication came to be. Instead of just the words I say: my tone of voice, my body expressions--everything past the surface, these all come together to form my communication. The unspoken words can say a lot and I think this power behind communication is a very important part of Creativity and being confident with your creativity.
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