#like a queue come true
tvstarkuma · 1 year
@sylviareviar Continued From Here
Why?! Why must this happen to him again?!
A silver-haired teen collapsed at the bottom of the stairs. A single step was all it took for weeks of stress to take him down. His forehead red with a high fever while he gasped for air. No one else lived in the house at the time. Except, of course, for Teddie. How funny it was in its own cruel way that the only non-human in the group would be entrusted with the health of a human.
Yet…here he was again. Another friend fell onto the floor in front of the blonde. Sylvia couldn’t even utter the small words Yu could, all she could do was cry as she held onto her pain.
He knelt down on the dorm floor as soon as Sylvia fell. At this closeness the blonde could see tears fall to the carpet along with the spilt water bottle. None of his questions received any response. Fears flowed through his mind. She wasn’t talking! Has she fainted?! No! He could feel her breathing as he instinctively enveloped her in a protective hug. Teddie’s arms lightly wrapped around her. For now, it was something.
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Frantically, his eyes looked around Sylvia’s dorm room. Every so often he found an object to identify in his mind. As he started hyperventilating through his nose this helped him stay grounded in reality. Not too long he was breathing fast enough to make himself a little dizzy. He paid it no mind. What mattered was finding something to help Sylvia. When a friend was sick or hurting, it was the star’s job to be their emotional wall to lean against. Teddie had to be strong right now.
He couldn’t find any medicine on any furniture. The blonde’s head turned relentlessly without any time to stop, hoping that this time he’ll find something new. He had to! If this happened before maybe there’s a clue here?! Or maybe anything useful?! If he didn’t act now then Sylvia will-Oh! Right…he wasn’t looking at Sylvia…
Teddie looked toward his friend in pain with his own desire to cry. No, be a strong bear and keep in your tears…He couldn’t leave her on the floor like this. For now, that’ll be his first step.
“Vi-chan…! Hang on to me. I’ll take you to your bed. You…probably need rest right now!” How much he hoped rest was the solution.
Even if Sylvia couldn’t move, Teddie was strong enough to carry her to her bed if necessary. Once she’s safe and warm he’ll try to think about what to do.
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tvstarkuma-a · 1 year
It felt nice knowing that even cities had quiet areas. Outside of Tokyo’s bustling center were many suburban areas that reminded him of home. At times, the main difference was more cars and large parks that didn’t appear much in Inaba. He would enjoy a bit more of the latter. 
With not much else to do on this day of his vacation, he decided to talk a walk through this quiet area. An ice cream cart passed by and he ordered himself a soft serve. This must be his lucky day! He had a hop in step and was ready to continue his adventure! 
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Teddie stopped in his tracks. Something was off. He felt a kind of power that was both familiar and unknown to him. In some ways, it felt similar to a full moon night, but the other energy involved was different. The blonde slowly turned toward where this scent came from. It was only a silver haired boy who looked like he was in high school. 
“E-excuse me...” He raised his right hand up to waist height, “What’s your name?” A simple question to start. 
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onlyzhuyilong · 1 month
“I don’t have anything planned right now actually. I have always followed my heart, & I never said I wanted switch from making dramas to films, or make a “so called transition from dramas to films”, and have a career transformation. I make films simply because I love movies. I love how they’re made, the ways they are made, the energy around creating a film, and exploring different artistic expressions.” - Zhu YiLong
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🌹Your Valentines🌹
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Bonus: Wes gifting roses to his bandmates😢🥰
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astraystayyh · 9 months
not to be too sappy but i just want to thank you guys again for being the absolute sweetest angels to me :( i can't tell u the amount of times i teared up at msgs/comments u guys sent me like u genuinely make my heart so so so warm and fuzzy and full and content and i wish i had better adjectives to describe it but this has been the best experience to me and i love u guys so much. i hope u are all always happy and healthy and thank u for reading my writings and bringing them to life i still can't believe it
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kellystar321 · 4 months
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My relationship with the concept of femininity and womanhood, particularly my own, is complicated
But it’s nothing compared to the level of complexity when it comes to my relationship with the Professor Layton series because of it
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stabbystiletto · 9 months
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THEY'RE DOING A CHUCKY HOUSE I DON'T THINK I'VE EVER BEEN ON A YEAR THAT THEY DID A CHUCKY HOUSE??!! (though i did go that one year where he took over the Terror Tram lololol that was so much fun ☺️☺️☺️)
Also can we just appreciate them doing not just the Phantom of the Opera, but also Jekyll and Hyde, the Invisible Man, and the Hunchback of Notre Dame??!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
Like yes they always do a classic Universal Monsters house, but it's usually some combination of like Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster, Bride of the Monster, the Wolfman, with something like Creature from the Black Lagoon or The Mummy thrown in every now and then.
Unrelated note, not super excited about the Terror Tram theme (like these mutated bugs who are people exterminators or something??) but I appreciate that they're doing something different, I'll give them credit for that 👍
#hhn#hhn 2023#shitpost lol 😆#can't wait can't wait lolololol 😆😆😆😆😆🤣🤣🤣#this is like the opposite of last year lol last year was almost all original houses whereas this year it's almost all#how would you call it#licensed houses??#pre-existing IPs??#i actually kinda like their originals though it's kinda cool to see what they come up with#and it's kinda cool since it's not based on a movie/tv show you don't know what's gonna happen lol#but the pre-existing ones are cool too especially if you're a fan of the franchise 🖤🖤🖤#it's really cool to see one of your favorite movies come to life like that ☺️☺️☺️🖤🖤🖤#but last year they had one that was like this 1920s hotel that was cursed or haunted or something i forget lol but it was hella cool lol#i kinda like those ones#like the mystery/noir kinda style#knotts berry farm did a really cool one like that awhile back#the premise was this detective was tracking down this serial killer who was basing all their murders off of edgar allan poe stories/poems#while you waited in the queue line to go through the house they were playing these true crime documentary-style videos about the murders#it was really cool they did a lil extra like that it added to the ambiance lol 😆#also i know it's doubtful but i reeeally hope they do some sort of trick/special effect/animatronic for the Invisible Man#and not just#y'know#some dude in a trench coat and hat with a bunch of bandages on his face :/#like can you imagine if you see that and then this dude pulls off the bandages and then there's just *nothing there* 🤯🤯🤯😱😱😱#they're not gonna do that though 😮‍💨 but it's still cool that he's being included in the big show lololol 👍👍👍😤😤😤👍👍👍
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tvstarkuma · 1 year
@tacitusauxilium Continued from here
Even with the city sounds in the background, Teddie had a sensitivity to the sounds of passing police on patrols. A leftover from the Inaba case years ago. Tokyo police officers seemed especially fast at appearing seemingly out of nowhere. Why here in particular out of all other places in the city was something he couldn't explain.
Teddie's full gaze returned to the television screen. An artist named Madarame had moments ago admitted to taking credit for all of his student's work. Even his famous Sayuri was not excluded from a confession so heartfelt that the old painter left the interview in tears. All news outlets repeated summaries of this confession with one final note at the end: a calling card left at one of the artist's exhibits days ago.
So this was the Phantom Thieves' work? Teddie had only heard of the aftermath of Kamoshida's arrest, but to witness this confession himself on live TV was a completely different story. He lightly gripped onto his shorts after failing to find a long sleeve on his arm. Someone admitting to their crimes was good for all involved but the bear couldn't help but sympathize for someone after seeing their tears.
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"There are plenty of good adults in the world." His words flowed out of his mouth in almost a whisper at first, "All of you guys are good adults and the Hanamura's are good adults too." While responding his eyes remained on the newscaster before them. Looks like Madarame was taken in for a psychological evaluation.
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tvstarkuma-a · 2 years
@inseparableduo​ Continued from here
“I can?! Thank you!” 
Teddie had been observing this girl ever since he had ordered his own hot beverage. Originally he had intended to take it home and only drink a bit on the way but the drive to people watch took over. She had an interesting sense of style that was hard to ignore, and when he finally heard her pretty voice, the bear was even more intrigued.
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“I have hot chocolate! What do you have?” He quickly sat down as soon as he was invited. 
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#long tags on this post bc I have an opinion and want to vent about it. but I am genuinely curious about the results#like. I know for a fact that my roommate does this intentionally. he told me that he does#just bc he thinks it's nice to chat in the kitchen#I'm of the opinion that Get Out Of My Way You're Interrupting My Video Essays#I'm just curious how universal of a feeling these are#bc I do think he's unhinged but maybe not! maybe not#I've mentioned in the past that if I'm cooking/cleaning in there I just want to be left alone#and then again I was like ''man if I'm in the kitchen I just wanna listen to my videos and make my food and go''#''so I always try to use the kitchen when it's empty. if other people are cooking in there. i'll just wait''#and then immediately after he was like ''nah I like using the kitchen at the same time as everyone else bc it's nice to chat :)''#I didn't push the subject any further bc I didn't want to make the vibe weird#bc like. I think it'd be a little rude to do so. it's not worth it#but at the same time like. I'll leave the kitchen if he comes in right before I start cooking. and wait like a good 1-2 hours to make dinne#when I was literally right about to start#and like. he ain't thinking about my preference. why is his preference getting prioritised over mine here#(bc I'm not willing to make the situation uncomfortable is why)#and I was gonna be like ''I mean it's a harmless habit ig'' but then in the tags of a post that's in my queue I rembered. that ain't true#bc he didn't stop doing that when he was ill/contagious! and he got me sick! inconsiderate on a few levels
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sensesdialed · 2 years
in reference to my nwh clarifications relating to uncle ben and the importance of his loss on peter’s mindset over the years, although the movie doesn’t reference it... ben’s death first telling him the responsibility lesson while may reinforces it actually lines up very well with his reaction in the movie. even beyond the fact that it IS implied this happened based on what peter says about it in civil war.
he’s LOST someone before just like he loses may, lost the man that was essentially his father, who taught him that if he can do good, he should, and… GOD DID PETER DO EXACTLY THAT. he tried so damn hard to do what he couldn’t do for ben for everyone else for SO long and….. where did this all get him? the city hating him, loss and betrayal and hurt. peter is ALWAYS good at heart and makes the conscious decision to do the right thing, but we see him starting to slip in nwh. we WATCH him doubt whether he can really save the villains and as persistent as he is, he’s been rapidly approaching a breakdown for awhile now… the goblin saw that, the goblin knew that killing the last main reinforcer of his morality would SHATTER him.
and then he hears those words again from may… he hears her tell him about that responsibility, and he can’t get it out of his head. he KNOWS that’s right, knows it’s what may wanted from him, but… THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT HE TRIED TO DO WHEN BEN DIED. and now he’s here, STILL ruining everything around him. IT DIDN’T WORK. of course his faith begins to slip as grief and anger get to him, of course he starts to think he should send them back, that maybe he just shouldn’t do this, of course he cracks and nearly succumbs to that rage, to the point where he needs to be pulled from it.
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opalsiren · 1 year
no one asked but i think rikki and zane were both each other's first 'real' relationships. like i think rikki maybe had one or two small flings with another guy or girl prior to zane but they were relatively short-lived especially with her having to skip town time and again. and i think miriam was probably zane's closest thing to a real relationship before rikki, but miriam was definitely more invested in it than zane who felt like he had to be with her to keep up appearances, or that they made sense together because they were part of the same social circles
then rikki and zane get together and they both have an 'oh.' moment since this is what a real relationship is supposed to feel like. they are serious and committed to each other from the very beginning, and probably have plenty more epiphanies where they figure out how to navigate what being in a relationship entails. i think before they got together, they both thought their previous relationships were serious enough, but grappling with the strength of their feelings for one another, their need to be around each other nearly all the time, and their pure devotion to one another totally turns that assumption on its head btw. if you even care
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paramounticebound · 2 years
@cripplemagics liked for a sneaky sith!verse starter
He comes to them as a billowing of black, shadow upon shadow, sharp eyes cutting through the darkness of his own creation like dying stars-- supernovae. Decay. This is not how he prefers to comb the galaxy. That is best left for underlings, puppets with strings entwined with his fingers. Yet, a certain pull in the Force guides his hand and he is just as subservient to follow. To listen. 
This young pilot, caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. 
No angels carry themselves like this. No Jedi. 
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     “I felt your power,” he starts lowly, watching them carefully, through the mask that pretends to allow him breath. “And I feel how it is squandered. Do you not wish for something better? Do you not wish for him to leave you in peace?”
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errorsystemfailure · 1 month
another tag dump (sorry)
blah blah blah
#i’ll see your heart and i’ll raise you mine | things about trick#an awful lot of running to do | things about the doctor#i could set the world on fire just to watch you come undone | things about theta#someone with your eyes might come in time to hold me like water or like a knife | private eyes tag#companionship is where you find it; so i take what i can get | things about arthur#when i close my eyes it looks the same as when i open them again | ford tag#three guns and one goes off; one’s empty; one’s not queue enough#life is for the alive my dear | things about mr todd#eminently practical and yet appropriate as always | mrs lovett tag#i know what’s best for me but i want you instead | harley tag#i’ll be good and i’ll love the world like i should; for all of the times i never could | john doe tag#make me feel like i am breathing | things about skulduggery#anything to make me feel alive; i’d rather be anything but ordinary | valkyrie tag#bleed just to know you're alive | damien tag#i know what’s right; i’m losing sight; i seek to understand me | things about bonnie#you’re in my head; it turns me red with love | bubbline tag#it’s true that the earth must die; but then the earth comes back to life and the sun must go on rising | persephone tag#where is the man with his arms outstretched to the woman he loves with nothing to lose | things about hades#i guess you’re out of luck; your dream just lost a dreamer | jason tag#try not to hate the light; someday we’ll try to walk upright | marceline tag#fgldfjhglkdgjfhkljgfd#fdlgjhlfdkhjklgjfhkljgflkjhkldfgjhldf#dfgkljhgkjlhjkgfdhkjgklhngjhdgf
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hyaciiintho · 11 months
Hihi! Good morning, Adriel! Random anon here to ask Link about his completely normal hair that definitely appears in-game: Does he have a hair care routine? Is his hair naturally pretty or does he put effort into it?
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🌸。*゚+. I actually started cry-laughing at the wording of this from how hard I was trying not to laugh oh my god-- ANYWAYS !!
Funnily enough, he does pretty much the bare minimum when it comes to doing anything special for his hair! His hair is naturally very wavy and wild when it comes to its curls and luscious waves, and if he brushed it first thing in the morning, it would lose a lot of its body and become straighter-- plainer.
So what he does is brushes it fresh out of a bath and lets it air-dry before heading to bed. In the morning, it's nice and lovely and wavy and he continues about his day. It's usually commented upon-- "Did you do something with your hair?"-- whenever he just rolls out of bed and does nothing with it, but when he does put conscious effort into it (brushing it, styling it, etc) it goes mostly unnoticed due to it now lacking all that natural bounce, wave, and curl-- its flair.
Go figure.
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