#like a weirdo
strawberrybuddi · 3 months
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It feels like I haven't been drawing for years, y'all...
It's nice to doodle a little.
The freckled "Raph" is Beethoven, a clone of Raph from my fanfic. It's not supposed to be a secret from the audience, but I think that's one of the things I dropped the ball with.
Edit: the cuts are NOT working for me for some reason so I guess I gotta suck it up and accept my own self promo.
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galaxycatdrawz · 3 months
Hihi i know we don't really talk much but I think your awesome!!
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Oki byeee 💛💛💛
Aw thank youu   🥹 🫶
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I’ve unlocked the level of working out where it’s like “I enjoy working out. I look forward to going to the gym, and I feel disappointed when I can’t go there for a few days. I am not scared of the side of the gym that is all men picking up very heavy weights and grunting, I know that I have just as much right to be there as anyone else.” 
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glsneeg-enthusiast · 5 months
anyway based on absolutely nothing (lie) i think sneeg likes the organs more than the actual. human meat skin
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gatorlovebot · 7 months
hoping my 🐶 anon is doing well <3
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poneappol · 9 months
I’m the op of the magneto basketball post and I love seeing you reblog it everyday :)
Here’s when i went crazy over the post and let me tell you i could only send it to two of my friends
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I WAS SO FUCKING IMPRESSED BY THE POST OH MY GOD THEN I LOST IT AND I COULD ONLY RELY ON THE SCREENSHOT I HAD its so fucking quotable i swear to god thank you so much for your magneto palming a basketball post it’s life changing. he really had no hair to hold on to after years of fucking a bald guy oh my god.
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namelessbreadgod · 10 months
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This bastard refuses to sit anywhere else
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spellscarred · 11 months
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Her. A little lady.
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spookyfloof · 1 year
Why do I like Betrayal of Dignity (the manhwa)??? The romantic lead guy is an asshole... Maybe it’s because he’s not always an asshole and he looks like Erwin from SnK? Idk, I shouldn’t like him and he’s literally the type of person I’ve had to learn to stay away from. But for whatever reason, I still kind of want him to be with the protagonist I guess. I shouldn’t, because she deserves better. And even if it does turn out he had a “good” reason for being mean to her, I’m still gonna be mad that I fell for that trope. 
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mrs-jamesbbarnes · 1 year
Do you know how tempted I am to go to Barnes and Noble just so that I can see the Throne of Glass series new paperback covers in person? My local B&N shared this B&N’s picture and I just… 🤤
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jewishbarbies · 2 years
looking over the edge of the bed for what’s making noise and i see this bafoon with crazy in his eyes
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kjack89 · 2 years
in light of ur latest reblog, i GOTTA tell you how much feelings ur love is blind enjoltaire au gave me. cause there are a Lot of them. i cant possibly articulate how much i love the way u wrote their relationship dynamic, their characterization, the way they compromise and communicate bc goddamit their relationship will never be perfect but they make it work because they Want it to work. and thats sooo enough.
Not me being late to work because I saw this ask and did in fact have to pull up this fic and reread it in bed and forgot how long it was 😂
Anyway, thank you Nonny!! This fic was super interesting to write because of the condensed timeline necessitated by the AU source. I think at the time I called it a relationship speedrun and the opposite of slow burn which is basically true, but it did give me the ability to explore some of those compromises and communication issues in a way I don’t always get to.
Which is an extremely long winded way of saying that I am so very, very glad that it gave you a Lot of feelings ❤️ Not coincidentally, this ask did the same for me 🥰
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heavenbarnes · 1 month
in an alternate universe, you meet older bf!simon through a friend- well, a friend’s brother.
your friend’s brother, johnny. he overhears you whinging to his sister about how fucking hard it is to find a place to live. so he tells you about this guy he serves with.
‘L.t’ he calls him.
since he and L.t are on deployment so often, there’s a tidy re-purposed council flat that’s often empty. johnny says he’ll chat L.t about your predicament and see what he thinks.
L.t allows you to live in his home- problem is he’s leaving on deployment literally tomorrow so you have to exchange agreements by text.
you’ve got money going into his account, some basic agreements about no parties, no partners, no smoking, and no mucking about.
L.t gives the key to johnny, who gives it to his sister, who gives it to you- opening the door to an almost pristine little home. not a thing out of place.
military precision.
so you move in and you’re shocked to find more than a flat pillow and plaid duvet cover. there’s 3-in-1 in the shower but easily replaced with your own products.
the pantry and fridge are bare but soon filled with your favourites. your undies are drying over the dining chairs and your blanket is draped across the couch.
you’ve got your own profile on the netflix and your toothbrush is in the holder. you’ve done what you were told.
“make yourself at home”
so much so that you almost forget deployment will end at some point, hard to remember when you don’t even have the faintest idea when that’ll be.
johnny said it could be weeks, maybe months. he didn’t tell you that it could be at any moment.
you think you hear the door in the deep of your sleep but your brain reassures you it’s in the back of your dream- you don’t even wake.
it’s actually the weight dropping beside you on the mattress and shuffling up to your back that gets you. it’s a miracle you don’t scream.
L.t lands a rough hand on your back, something about “calm down, s’only me”
only him? he who’s name you don’t even know?
as if he can read your mind, he’s following up with a grumbled “simon”
simon ‘sans-last name.’
before his breathing begins to even out.
your heart is beating out your chest- perfect stranger climbing into bed with you?
the voice in your head that always wants you to be polite reminds you that this is actually his house, after all.
he was also kind enough to let you stay, charging a rent way below going rate.
he had just been away serving this country, duty to protect and all.
and johnny knows him, vouched for him- sure johnny can be a bit of a perv but he’s harmless.
simon must be too, right?
you decide to settle back under the duvet, telling yourself it’s you that’s being weird. you need to be more grateful!
mans tired, if he wasn’t absolutely shattered he would’ve taken the couch.
you’re almost entirely convinced until you feel a strong arm loop around your waist, pulling you back into something unbelievably hard.
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edersonfc · 8 months
in regards to bonking someone with my head like a cat
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beybuniki · 3 months
regarding bakugo losing all his skull shirts, izuku has an emergency black shirt in the back of his closet that says “skull” in white lettering
that's so cute they might be in love for real :(
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pangur-and-grim · 1 year
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they love apple more than god
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