#like arent you seeing teachers get fired for including lgbt students in their lessons about sexuality
oceanic-sunsets · 1 year
this isnt about anyone or anything in particular just general fandom behavior ive seen but im begging people to rethink how they react to discussions about sexuality when it comes to lgbtq+ minor fictional characters. Fandoms aren’t teaching-learning spaces in the traditional sense by any means, but for queer teens (like a lot of us once were) sometimes it becomes the only space in which you are recognized.
the argument i see the most is about protecting minors and accusing everyone of being a creep at the slightest mention of implied attraction. but... by doing that you’re doing the opposite of protecting them😭. you can make a lot of queer kids feel like their attraction isn’t something natural. like they’re the odd ones out, especially if they grow up surrounded by their straight friends who get to talk about that openly and have a million stories to relate to.
I was just thinking about the way sttwt has been known to react whenever someone implies mike and will are attracted to each other and the way they treated authors about their fics in which they KISS.
im genuinely asking. do you not want lgbtq+ teens to grow up with stories they can relate to and make them feel less alone. and i don’t mean nsf//. im talking about being able to write fics which feature these conversations in a respectful way without people making authors go through hell. one of the best examples i can think of is the latest plot of the heartstopper comic. the characters are 16, in a relationship and they talk about sex, boundaries and consent with each other and their friends. And the thing is, coming of age stories about straight characters growing up include these topics most of the time. i do not understand why do you want it to be different for queer kids. you are making the same arguments as conservative people, the same ones they use to fire teachers who DARE to mention lgbtq+ kids exist too, the same ones they use in states where they’re controlling the school libraries (mind you im not even american, but i heard about it). you’re advocating for the wrong cause here i’m begging you to understand.
some heartstopper screenshots bc i love it and the Normal way in which the author (an adult. bc then there’s the ppl who demonize you as soon as you turn 18 and are still part of fandom spaces) handles the discussion of sexuality.
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