#ok rant over. not using any more specific tags
oceanic-sunsets · 1 year
this isnt about anyone or anything in particular just general fandom behavior ive seen but im begging people to rethink how they react to discussions about sexuality when it comes to lgbtq+ minor fictional characters. Fandoms aren’t teaching-learning spaces in the traditional sense by any means, but for queer teens (like a lot of us once were) sometimes it becomes the only space in which you are recognized.
the argument i see the most is about protecting minors and accusing everyone of being a creep at the slightest mention of implied attraction. but... by doing that you’re doing the opposite of protecting them😭. you can make a lot of queer kids feel like their attraction isn’t something natural. like they’re the odd ones out, especially if they grow up surrounded by their straight friends who get to talk about that openly and have a million stories to relate to.
I was just thinking about the way sttwt has been known to react whenever someone implies mike and will are attracted to each other and the way they treated authors about their fics in which they KISS.
im genuinely asking. do you not want lgbtq+ teens to grow up with stories they can relate to and make them feel less alone. and i don’t mean nsf//. im talking about being able to write fics which feature these conversations in a respectful way without people making authors go through hell. one of the best examples i can think of is the latest plot of the heartstopper comic. the characters are 16, in a relationship and they talk about sex, boundaries and consent with each other and their friends. And the thing is, coming of age stories about straight characters growing up include these topics most of the time. i do not understand why do you want it to be different for queer kids. you are making the same arguments as conservative people, the same ones they use to fire teachers who DARE to mention lgbtq+ kids exist too, the same ones they use in states where they’re controlling the school libraries (mind you im not even american, but i heard about it). you’re advocating for the wrong cause here i’m begging you to understand.
some heartstopper screenshots bc i love it and the Normal way in which the author (an adult. bc then there’s the ppl who demonize you as soon as you turn 18 and are still part of fandom spaces) handles the discussion of sexuality.
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boyinafandom · 3 months
Hitting The Curve
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Modern day au
Y/n is gender neutral
Spencer, knew he liked you. It was only friendly of course. Your his coworker.
Why would he ever want to date you? Sure, you’re just as smart as him, listen to him rant on and on without getting bored. And-Oh- another thing, out of every one in and outside of the office he seems to be the only person you’re ever actually nice to.
So he didn’t really understand why he got this tingling all over his body and why his mind went blank and his face got hot when you simply leaned on his arm..ok maybe let me be more specific..
You, him and Derek, had been talking about how much you liked cd’s, he doesn’t really remember how you guys got here, because he was reading and only inserted himself into the conversation when you asked what kind of music he liked.
He stated simply
(This is important for later)
After a few seconds to long of silence, he spoke up again
“Or opera”
He watched you nod, Not really caring what Derek had to say in this moment, that’s what was odd about how he felt about you. He craved you’re attention. He yearned for it.
But anyway. Back to the story.
“Uh huh..”
You nodded
“I don’t really listen to music though, I prefer vinyl’s in all honesty”
He did.
“Oh yes! That was the subject at hand.”
You lightened
“I prefer cd’s, I do use my phone for music, of course,it’s only natural this day In age. But I just like the feel of having a physical copy of things.”
“I should know, I’ve seen the atrocious amount of cd racks you have in your living room”
Derek chimed. Chuckling. But all Spencer could think about was that Derek Morgan. The womanizer, got himself into your house, and did what?
“Well duh. Everyone saw it.when I said “don’t mind the racks” I wasn’t talking about money. I literally meant racks. Like of CD’s.”
You rolled you’re eyes playfully, like it was some big inside joke he wasn’t apart of…
“Uh- if I may ask- what kind of music do you listen to?”
He felt like a kid, asking out the hottest girl in his freshmen class (who. For him, was like 4 years older then him. Not the point but also…kind of the point)
“You may”-you Plato-“I listen to a lot of stuff, it’s kind of hard to explain it, it really depends on my mood in the moment. But if I had to pinpoint a specific genre it would probably be /insert your favorite/ most listened to genre here/ but over all I listen to just about anything.”
You shrug, pleased with you’re explanation.like a content cat.
“I actually have a few on me right now”
You only really seemed happy when you talked about things you liked…you were happy when you talked to him…so by proxy,you liked him..
“Oh god..here we go…”
Derek practically groaned
He heard Rosie chuckle on the other side of the jet
You smile, and pull out a CD holder
“Oh that looks like a lot more then a few..”
Spencer says, kind of just staring at it, like he’s trying to find something interesting to say, but he just can’t, like, the words won’t come to him.
And then it’s like your brain sparks a wire
“What if I got you a CD? Any one you want, I’ll find one and get it for you? How does that sound?”
You say, leaning on his shoulder and smiling
“You don’t have to answer, I’m gonna get you one anyway…trust.”
And like that his heart was on fire.
That was the moment he realized he was in love with you, or, that it was leading to love, that It would get that far. That he liked you as much as he did, the way you smiled, and leaned against his arm in the jet seat, how you, looked at him. The boy genius. The man who’s only good trait was his brain.
Time froze. Thank god for his memory. Because he’s never gonna forget this moment. ever.
This is also on wattpad! So if you want to keep up with it easer the tag is “boyinafandomtumblr”
Part 2
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co-reborn · 1 year
2023 Update
Most normal people would do this in January, but here I am being a weirdo and doing it in February. Why is that so? Well, it’s because my life has taken a major change exactly a year ago so I’m doing it now instead.
Life isn’t too bad, I’m not very busy but I can’t get to writing as easily as I used to. I still want to write, I still spend some time every other day opening up a draft but the words aren’t coming as easily as before. 
This update will mainly be talking about my drafts and asks along with other random bullshit:
Throw everything you expect from me out of the window. I don’t even know what I want to commit to anymore. My two original series are pretty much dead and I lack the drive to complete them. A part of me really wants to even delete the rewrites but I would not for the memory of them. Just don’t expect a continuation of them at all, let alone the completion of them. 
I think the only few drafts I’m really interested in are some college AU smuts (like Bust or Bust) along with trying to get Conquered Odds to a satisfying conclusion. However as usual, ideas come in the most random places so I might stray away from these again in the future. 
Basically, don’t expect any specific piece from me. If something even comes out, hope you guys appreciate it and continue supporting me. 
I have been ignoring many many asks for the past year and I’m not really in any mood to get to them whenever I do have free time. So I intend to delete all of them and empty my inbox for a fresh start. Going forward, I will try to answer them but I also can’t guarantee answering them. If I don’t feel like it, I’ll likely just delete it. Hope there are no hard feelings. If I don’t want to, I don’t want to. As easy as that.
Community Labels
So ever since this bullshit has been a thing, I mainly upload my posts with them immediately but I don’t think all my readers see them because they are hidden due to the mature tag. Look at this post by peach on how to turn off the filter. 
To avoid missing out on my posts, I do hope you guys also check out my pinned post or my (desktop) masterlist on my latest works. I will not be posting my stories with the tag immediately but will delay it for maybe a week or two, or good ol’ Tumblr decides to put it for me. 
My confidence is fluctuating a lot these days. Sometimes I come in wanting to write, then I sit in front of my computer/phone and no words come out. From my POV, there’s no better way to get a gauge of how the general readers view my works other than notes so I tend to over fixate on them at times. The other writers are always amazing at conveying their feelings about them but it’s really hard to get any form of feedback from readers. 
I say this, but I don’t really want to reach out to you guys to send asks for some feedback but just to let you guys know how I feel about this and a little more about myself.
I’ll try to continue growing as a writer, but I feel like I’m stagnating a lot. Sometimes I want to try something different but I don’t know how to get started. So I go in a circle and go back to the default. Ok I think I’m ranting at this point and I don’t know where I’m going with this lol.
That’s it for the 2023 update, see you guys again if/when a new fic is out (probably)
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lyman-garfiel · 4 months
Prohibited wish haters unite
i don't know who you are............but you're so right, hold on i have things to say on this i want to say my personal discomfort stems from my..bordering unhealthy attatchment to scarab as my f/o [as i type this the body pillow is LOOKING at me] hence why i don't and never really liked..interacting with the ship, but to each their own yaknow? if you like the pair i won't come at you. [and this still goes, pwish shipping mutuals i don't hate yall] ive just had people take my scarab yearning posts before tag it as "haha prismo coded" and its upset me before It was only when the the whole reveal in episode 10 with scarab to me shown stuck in the time room now that the ship got very saturated which i get, But the more attention drawn to the ship the more it drew in........a really bad crowd. a lot and i mean a LOT of proshippers. I want to say its died down now as i don't see much gross scarab content nowadays [then again i stick to tumblr.] but it really bothered me how scarab was treated. i enjoy prismo very much as a charecter i think he's a silly guy but he has not burrowed a nest into my skull like scarab has so i want to say i'm only qualified to talk about scarab in this regard. The community [i want to state casual shippers this is not you. this is very specific people] had a habit of ......putting scarab in compromising positions teetering on s/a [most of the time this was done using nightmo as prismo's "evil mode?"] and in a lot of comics and fics they water scarab down to this "NOT LIKE I LIKE YOU OR ANYTHING GRR" type of charecter..ignoring....evreything interesting about him. [i want to say good pwish fics likley exist..i just don't read them as for personal reasons the ship makes me uncomfortale.] also.....orbo got caught in the crossfire and he god DEMONIZED over a headcanon. [i like the headcanon but holy scales guys..chill on the ball dude a bit?] I think the ships main problem is it caught on so fast that it attracted some really bad crowds and since scarab is a very new charecter to the adventure time universe, any solo enjoyment of him was swept away in favor of shipping him with prismo.,,,,,,,speaking of prismo...so many artists in this community will WHITEWASH his ass also this....community has a problem with exposing nsfw content to minors. granted this is an issue ive only seen on twitter but in the begining of pwish getting popular i'd check the scarab tag like evrey few hours [yeah i....i love this man.] and withought FAIL i'd get what i dub "scarab pussy jumpscared" because artists would not know how to tag their porn. Eventually the pwish commuity came up with a seperate tag for their nsfw BUT THEY'D STILL TAG THE CHARECTER'S NAMES EXPOSING ANYONE LOOKING FOR JUST PRISMO OR JUST SCARAB CONTENT TO BUG VAGINA. its a lot more laxed here on tumblr ive noticed but hough was it BAAD on twitter. It just makes me sad scarab really lacks the attention he deserves, instead being cast aside to be ship fodder....... anyways before i end this LONG rant i would like to enter into the PERSONAL INTERPRETATION ZONE!!!
[disclaimer this is all my personal viewing of prismo ad scarab as charecters, if somebody reading this views them in a different way that is fine by me !!] Ok...so personally i don't...... see pwish working even if it did happen, i like the idea of them being exes and even qpps in the future [in...in lymanlore they become close friends i just don't like mentioning it in fear of my thoughts being taken as me shipping them when i DON'T scarab is married to lyman in this universe get out of my HEAD.] i just see these two ending up very bad for eachother with prismo being very depressed after jake's death i don't...think dating a man with no idea how to show sympathy as a rebound is healthy. scarab is his own bundle of issues and despite me being his husband i don't think kiss kiss will fix it </3 ALSO WHOEVER YOU ARE..WHOEVER THE FUCK YOU ARE ANON FEEL FREE TO DM ME ABOUT THIS I LOVE TALKING ABOUT MY DISDAIN FOR PWISH.
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localceilingdevil · 1 year
buggie • any pronouns • artist + animator • multifandom
spam likes + reblogs OK!! [silly tags are very welcome]
youtube || artfight || toyhouse
oc content (inactive woops)
currently obsessing over ocs
hey!! just someone online happy to share whatever I draw. that's all! thank you for stopping by :]
some fandoms I'm into would include rainworld, sky: children of the light, chainsaw man, genshin impact, omori, and especially zelda!!
inbox is always open and welcome to everyone. feel free to ask questions or send me silly stuff!! (doodle requests OK!!)
obligatory tags:
#rw spoilers - be sure to block if you don't want to see spoilers of any sort!
#buggies skycotl posting - block if you're just here for the rainworld content!
#art - all the cool art stuff i do i guess
#rw downpour - silly downpour content
#animation - all the cool animation stuff i do !!
#doodles - low effort pieces, usually drawn in class
#buggie answers - silly ask stuff and whatnot :]
#reblog - not often do i reblog but it's just more cool stuff.
icky people DNI (you know who you are)
specific tags:
#guts - NOT MONK!! this is the silly yellow dude i like to draw every now and then. he is his own slugcat!
#twobits - little blue dot slugcat that is normally drawn with his red lizard friend named doom
#risk - guts' brother. white with a little spot on his right eye. throws hands with lizards on the daily and is littered with scars
#six myths (sm) - the orange iterator with a leaf cape running around my blog sometimes [she/they]
#hope among the winds (hatw) - purple iterator. she makes masks and is super sweet [she/her]
#flare of shards (fos) - flare!! red guy. hotheaded. anger issues :] [he/him]
#fields vast and fruitful (fvaf) - FIELDS. FIELDSSS. green iterator. he gives off chill gamer dude vibes i love him so much. [he/him]
#boundless prosperity (bp) - purple iterator with star-themed EVERYTHING. [she/they]
#buggies rainworld oc rambles - planning to use this tag in the future to rant about rainworld lore that i have for my iterators and slugcats. probably in the form of simple comics :]
#meteorite (he/him) - goofy hat guy with a bird. sometimes can be seen rocking a scar and earrings
#asteroid (she/they) - sibling of meteorite. they too have a scar on their eye and can be seen wearing their hair down. uses a sickle
#darkstone (he/him) - beloved guide of eden! gratitude mask and antlers. firework staff
#lune (he/him) - brother of darkstone. another guide :] gratitude fox mask and glasses over said mask.
#starlight (she/her) - sister of darkstone. also a guide ! she wears the weasel mask and cute shoes with socks
#whale (they/them) - forest elder hair and fabric covering nose and mouth. very bulky
#eel (they/them) - top dog of the valley racers. braids. sometimes wears gold tusk earrings
#fire (he/him) - also a beloved valley racer. flight hair and tufted sideburns. ultimate gift flight feathers and abyss military cape
#monowing (they/any) - valley racer. moth hair, earmuffs, scarf and a snowboard. owl cape
#north (he/him) - not necessarily a racer but he's friends with them. long silky hair and earrings. paints on his cheeks with glue and glitter.
#branch (she/her) - little gal. two braids and withered horns. leaf cape
#bird (he/him) - little dude! emo hair swept over one eye and juggler cape and pants. carries a guitar with him
#buggies skycotl oc rambles - self explanatory lol. I'm very passionate about them so who knows, maybe I'll start talking about them more in the future
#buggie's coliseum junk - coliseum is an original storyline filled with my non-fandom characters. a hobby!!! and the subject of many many years of fixation
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sunbeamsystem · 4 months
New pinned post bc the last one's links got fucked
hi! we're sunbeam, we are a plural system and this is our main tumblr account! please use they/them pronouns for us collectively :] for specific pronouns etc heres our pronouns.cc ! we also have a cohost, @sunbeamsys!
side accounts: @sunbeamsgrove < our littles and regressors go here! please try to keep things pg if you interact over there, minimal swearing etc.
@crumblescrumble < crumb's account (she wanted his own).
@cornonthecube < boo and his subsystem's account
@fybive < bo and apis subsystem's account
our tags: #saving for later - exactly what it sounds like! things we want to save for later use. #a helpful guide - any tutorial, recipe, or other guide to help you do or understand something! often paired with saving for later. #sunbeam answers - asks tag! #sunbeam rants - original posts, usually about personal or account related things #bones tw - we will sometimes reblog posts with skulls and other animal parts in them, this will always be the tag and we will always tag it.
Please ask us to tag anything!!! we are more than willing to add tags to posts, and if it's something we regularly post/reblog about then we will try to do it on every post
ok have a lovely day
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myfaveisfuckable · 1 year
Rants under the read more
mihashi/hamada: listen literally any ship that isnt abemiha or tajihana is a rarepair for this manga which deeply sucks if u arent a fan of either of those ships but i dont think this pairing even has a tag like these two are childhood friends hamada starts a cheer sqaud for the baseball team mihashi plays on theyre generally pretty close (its been a while since ive read the start of the manga but im pretty sure hamada also got mihashi into baseball in the first place? like hello??) n then theres like one fic in their platonic relationship tag so 👍👍
Nokiami : (spoilers for the game) all the fan stuff ive seen for the game is painfully straight unless its focusing on the two ships where one character is canonically gay n in love with the other (protag of the sequel game with his gay bestie i forgot the name of n yuuko/fei) n ami is usually just drawn on her own BUT theres a lot of canon subtext between nokia n ami mostly as a result of not much actually changing based on if u play as a boy or a girl regardless nokia to some extent likes ami she flirts with her talks about their relationship as if theyre already dating theres a scene that parallels a m/f couple in the game that plays exactly the same between ami n nokia with two other characters saying something along the lines of ah young love during a mandatory side quest ami gets offered an implied sex doll that looks exactly like nokia (weird story there the quest ends with it being heavily implied that the people that take the dolls end up having their organs harvested while their minds are stuck in a digital space called eden unaware that theyre not in the real world) n she has to think about it before declining the offer nokia's character arc is working to become a strong leader n reliable friend cause she wants to stand next to ami instead of relying on her theyre childhood friends but forgot about it ok i need to explain a bit more of the story so like as kids ami n nokia along with three other characters met beta testing for eden n one of them ended up getting eden syndrome to make sure theyre all able to leave safely (theres a thing called eaters that if u get eaten by put u in a coma cause theyre storing the contents of ur brain in them) n a guy who wants to use the eaters to get to the next stage of evolution removes their memories of the incident so years later as teenagers ami nokia n arata (one of the childhood friends important to the story but not to the ship) become friends again n reunite on eden where ami ends up getting eden syndrome but in a funky way cause she was logging out as she got eaten so she has a cyber body that over the course of the game deteriorates n at the end of the game ami basically dies right as everything is being fixed all the victims of eden syndrome are no longer comatose but ami is cause yknow kind of deteriorated too much n it happened right in front of nokia's eyes as she reached out for her hand so they could go home together n nokia cries for the only time in the game cause of that but ive genuinely never seen any fan stuff of them interacting so despite them being teased romantically n built up as being really important to eachother theres nothing not even like nokia with takumi (boy protagonist) im submitting it specifically as nokia/ami just cause i like wlw ships more if u want to do it neutrally protag's surname regardless of gender is aiba sorry if this is incoherent its been like 6 months since ive played the game
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jamsofdeath0 · 2 years
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I posted 2,684 times in 2022
That's 2,684 more posts than 2021!
722 posts created (27%)
1,962 posts reblogged (73%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,227 of my posts in 2022
#danny phantom - 160 posts
#grian - 119 posts
#hermitcraft - 91 posts
#trafficblr - 67 posts
#detective conan - 66 posts
#my art - 65 posts
#deltarune - 62 posts
#mcyt - 61 posts
#3rd life - 51 posts
#traffic light smp - 44 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#the only reason conan hasn’t been found out is because the weirdest kids in school sensed that his weirdness was off the charts and decided
My Top Posts in 2022:
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1,236 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
Wheres the Dp x Dc Aus Where Danny HATES The Justice League.
He think they're a bunch a boot licking government dogs. Like he respected when Batman was a vigilante but the fact he just used his power and money to make what he was doing legal. Danny doesn't like that. He's had zero positive interaction with rich adults and government body's. He's leaning full on anarchist.
Green Lanterns a space cop? Space is cool and all but the cop part of the that equation. It's a no go.
Superman seems cool but he knows, knows in his bones, no ones perfect and anyone who makes their brand "I may be one of the most powerful beings on this planet but trust me because I'm nice" is hiding something.
He doesn't like Wonder Women's lasso or how ok she is with using it. He's took away peoples freewill through overshadowing and has decided he's against it. He understands that sometimes you need to use your full kit if worlds are in danger but over all not even the vilest should lose the right to control.
Aguaman is flat out a king and while he doesn't have anything strictly against the man he's against royalty on principle.
He doesn't have anything to big against Flash or Martian Manhunter other than they are a part of the Justice League but he still doesn't like them for that reason.
He figures they're all a bunch of power hungry people who named themselves the protectors of earth for fame, fortune, and government power. Or they're a bunch of a bunch of ppl who do want to help but decided they should pretend to bend to the laws. They despite being government now still operate like vigilantes and the fact they get away with so much law breakage just screams corruption. It doesn't help literally all of Amity Park sent distress notes and signals to the Justice League and they didn't even show up when the city got stolen into another dimension.
Even Sam isn't as against the league as Danny and Tuckers abit of a fan boy. Neither bring up the league to Danny bc they know if he gets started he could go on an hour or longer rant.
When Dani flew of into the sunset the first time Danny warned her against trusting any "superheros" that were legal. That the Titans seemed better than The Justice League but to still be weary.
This au could be phantom planet compliant or not but think about just how much worse his hatred would be if he had to wrangle his rouges, freind's and reveal himself to the the world all bc the "planets protectors" couldnt protect it. In the complaint au he fully blames them for any human experimentation that happens bc people know about half ghosts now. And when they show the Amity Park after the asteroid he's like "Anyone in the Justice League or associated his banned from Amity Park." And they're like "You can not do that" and he's like "Batman gets to! He gets to ban all meta's with no regard for the consequences! He gets to despite the spike in meta hate crimes it causes. Try and stop me!" (The meta hate crime is just fanon for this specific au) the league respect the ban bc they want to become ally's with this VERY powerful and VERY angry kid.
In the non complaint version the banning still happens but the league doesn't respect it. This causes lots of problems. In both of them discovering Amity's problem is what sparks the plot.
(he doesn't have a protection obessetion and he is trans in this au.)
1,240 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
Ok so what about a dp x dc fic that takes place in 2004 like dp originally does where tim and Danny are forum freind's.
It's very important you know this is neither a "Bruce adopts Danny" or Danny/tim fic.
It takes place during Tim's Robin run but they've been friends since they were 8 and 9.
Tim is 13 and Danny is 14 they're original runs are happening simultaneously.
Now here's where it get interesting. Neither tell each other about the vigilanting. Danny's only escape from a young age from ghost stuff was internet forums and Tim isn't just going to spill Batmans secret. Tim does however talk about himself.
Danny knows Tim's parents are neglectful. He has half a mind to just kidnap him away to Amity. Ghosts can't be that much worse than Gothams rouges. Then Tim starts talking about Bruce and Danny is convinced Bruce is grooming Tim or something.
Tims like "My neighbor has kind of adopted me" (in more words and less explicitly.
And Danny's just thinking 'a rich adult with a son that won't talk to him, and another son that is dead has taken interest in a vulnerable child.' he says however "Tim I know you love Gotham but you can always stay with me. My parents wouldn't mind!" Like he's been saying for years.
Because he knows he can't convince Tim with his hero worship of Bruce other wise and not ever sam's parents are rich enough to to go against a Wayne.
Tim doesn't do the best job explaining he's the one forcing himself on Bruce.
1,624 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
I don't know why ppl act like Amity Park should have figured out Danny's secret identity when it is by basic human understanding of the laws of the universe the the least obvious secret identity ever.
Reasons why someone wouldn't figure it out:
He's dead, how would he be that one alive kid?
They don't think Phantom has a secret identity at all.
Why would he be that one kinda pathetic nerd kid if he even did have a secret human ID.
His parents are ghost hunters, the leading Ghost hunters, surely surely they would know their own kid is dead.
2,297 notes - Posted July 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Marceline from Adventure Time is like the ultimate OC. She is a half vampire half human with Mommy and daddy issues but she has daddy issues twice cuz she had two dads.
Edit: y'all are really acting like I ate your first born or something in the notes so I guess I got to explain that this is a joke. A haha. I like Marceline.
33,144 notes - Posted July 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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writing-in-april · 3 years
Guest Lecturer
Spencer Reid x Female Reader
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Summary: Reader gets Spencer riled up during class while he’s guest lecturing.
A/N: This is my 6th fic for my 750 follower celebration! This one kind of got away from me and I’ve been second guessing what I wrote all day lmao- I also imagine this as like season 9/10 Spencer. Thank you again to @spencers-dria who listens to all my rants about my writing AND gave me this idea. She’s amazing, everyone should go check out her fics.
Warnings: 18+, Established FWB relationship, Teasing in public, Spencer gets an untimely boner, Oral sex (M receiving), Unprotected sex, Degradation, Creampie
Main Masterlist Word count: 1.6k
“One of the earliest modern theories about criminology stated that criminals couldn’t help it—they were simply born that way. Cesare Lombroso came up with the theory, which he called “The Criminal Man,” in the late 19th century. Lombroso’s theory helped to unify criminal traits and identification (while also perhaps not paying enough attention to upbringing and environment as criminal factors).”
Whenever I invited Spencer to guest lecture in the criminology course I taught I got even more excited to do my job. The way he delivered every lecture sucked me in immediately, my full attention completely on him.
Today however, was different. The lecture I had invited him to do on the early history of the subject was material I had heard millions of times before as an educator. My mind was wandering more than usual and it had specifically wandered to observing how good Dr. Reid looked today. The two of us weren’t officially together, but all the late nights we both spent at each other’s apartments were not just to ‘hang out’.
I decided to tease him a little, to put my distracted mind to good use, after all he did something similar last week. I was sitting in the back of the relatively small lecture hall, but I knew of ways I could get Spencer’s eyes on me within an instant.
He was rambling on about the flaws in early criminology theories when I started to unbutton and shuck off my blazer. It was an innocent act that any wandering eyes of my students would not question, but the way I purposefully slightly traced over the edges of my bra was sure to get Spencer’s attention.
“S-sorrry class, I lost my train of thought.” I smirked as he stumbled over his words, he was so easy. He picked the lecture back up swiftly after that, though perhaps he was rambling a bit faster than before.
I was unsatisfied, so I continued on in my pursuit to make Spencer blush. I made a show of how I started to unbutton my blouse, but only the first two, I wasn’t trying to get fired here. The top two buttons, however small, served their purpose. When unbuttoned, they showed just enough of my chest that Spencer again started stuttering. My students were rather used to his stuttering, he’d often get talking so fast that he’d trip over his words and have to start the sentence over again. Knowing that in this case, his stuttering was for a different reason made my panties start to dampen.
My final tease towards the end of the lecture was to show him how turned on I was just from teasing him. I looked to make sure none of my students were just as distracted as I was and had wandering eyes before enacting the final stage of my revenge. I shifted to the side in my seat so my legs were facing halfway into the aisle, then uncrossing them which gave Spencer a good look at my panties. Maybe he would also be able to see the wet spot that had already begun to form, I was so glad I wore a skirt today.
His cheeks were starting to flush a deep red as he tried to casually shuffle behind the podium on the other side of the small stage where he finished the last bit of his lecture. I had no doubt he moved there in an attempt to hide his tightening slacks. I smirked again, mission accomplished.
After the end of his lecture I made my way up to the stage and dispersed my students. Once they had all asked their lingering questions to me and Spencer I turned to him and asked coyly, “Could we go talk in my office, Spencer?”
“Sit down.” I commanded and motioned to my desk chair at the other side of the office. Spencer immediately followed my command, sitting down obediently on the chair with his hands laced together in front of him. “Why were you so distracted today Spencer?”
The flush that had been present earlier returned to his cheeks at my words before he started to stutter out, “You were t-teasing me during the lecture, I just wasn’t expecting it.”
“Well- you teased me last week did you not? After all, who was the poet that said- All is fair in love and war?” I asked while making my way to stand tall over where he was sitting in my chair.
“John Lyly.” He did not stutter this time when he answered my question, but the end of it rose in pitch when I started to get down on my knees. I may have been the one getting down on my knees, but there was no doubt who was the one in charge, me.
“You alright with me being a little rougher with my words today Spencer?” We had talked about rougher degradation before, he had even used harsh words on me before, though I still wanted to make sure that he was ok with it. Once he gave me the go ahead I only had one more thing to say to him before. Got started, “And, make sure to be quiet. We wouldn’t want anyone to hear how loud you are for me, would we?”
He nodded fast at my command, already so desperate for me to get started. I pulled his belt out of the loops then swiftly pulling down his pants and boxers, revealing his hard length to me. I kissed my way up his length, following the already throbbing vein that ran up the side before taking him into my mouth. His hands pulled into fists as I started to bob my head vigorously, also making sure to hollow my cheeks. I then batted his hand away when it involuntarily came to rest on my hand, then grabbed both of his hands to hold them down on the seat of the chair. Then, while holding him down partially I took him as far down my throat as possible, slightly gagging on him. His hips squirmed a little and when I looked up through my lashes I could see him biting down hard on his bottom lip to contain his moans. My own wetness was making me just as desperate as him, I pulled off of him so I could have us both indulge. His hips jerked desperately towards my mouth searching out his release he so desperately wanted. At least he was silently complaining and didn’t break my no noises rule. I spoke with a bite in my tone as I stripped out of my own clothes, “Don’t complain, despite being a desperate little thing you have been good so far, I was going to let you cum inside.” I hovered my dripping pussy over his length, I needed an apology from him before I was to indulge myself.
“I’m sorry…” He whimpered. “Please, let me have you?”
“Since you seem so sorry I’ll let it slide.” I scoffed a little before allowing myself to sink down onto his length. I had to bite my own lip hard as I felt all the ridges of his cock while I slowly sunk down on him, he always filled me so perfectly. As I started to move on top of him slowly I reveled in the way he tried to move underneath me, but the way I sat above him in the desk chair had his hips pinned firmly down.
“What do you think everyone would say if they saw you underneath me? What would they say when they found out that their guest lecturer is such a little whore for their professor?” He mewled loudly at my degrading words, so loudly that I had to clamp your hand over his mouth. “I told you to be quiet, I guess since you’re incapable of following my directions all the way through, I’ll just have to keep my hand here.”
He mewled underneath my hand, not stopping himself from holding back his noises now that my hand was muffling them. I could tell he was getting close, so I sped up the rolling of my hips and increased how harshly I bounced on top of him.
“Cum with me.” I ordered just as I could feel my orgasm beginning to overtake me. Spencer happily took my orders, it only took two more thrusts for him to come apart. He greedily grabbed my hips and slammed me down all the way down onto his length, spilling himself as deep inside me as he could. I would’ve normally chastised him for his greediness, but I was too distracted by the devastating orgasm I was riding out to really care.
After we both rode out our highs I let Spencer bask in the warmth of me for a few minutes before I got up to dole out the aftercare. Aftercare was arguably my favorite part of being with Spencer. I enjoyed my post coital conversations with him immensely and he was also the best at cuddling.
“Do you think your students suspected anything?” The worry in his voice was evident as I cleaned up the evidence of our excursion.
“No I don't think so, and even if they did they wouldn’t say anything, we didn’t do anything that would get me fired.” I hummed and sat down on Spencer’s lap, enveloping him in my warmth. I ran my fingers through his hair loving the way his curls felt through my fingers, I was so glad I didn’t have any more classes I had to teach today. I spoke again, with a little more affection in my tone compared to our normal post coital bliss conversations,“You are my favorite guest lecturer.”
“I’m your favorite guest lecturer?”
I snickered a little bit before answering,“Did I never tell you? You’re actually my only one.”
Tag list (message me if you want to be added):
All works:
@shotarosleftpinky y
Spencer Reid/CM:
@calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino o @safertokiss
Sub Spencer:
@thatsonezesty13 @pastathighs @virtualpeanutartisanjudge
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night-will-fall · 3 years
ok i have a quick rant on the Darkling/Darklina/Shadow and Bone trilogy i have to get out. i genuinely feel she let down his character, alina’s character, and in general the whole arc of the narrative.
**i want to clarify first that I am not anti Leigh. i’ve tagged that per someone’s request, but the truth is i simply feel that anybody who decides to put a story out there in the world, or any kind of writing, will be subject to criticism. that’s part of writing, it’s part of art, and it’s just part of creation and the real world, no matter your intentions or motivations for your piece. just like this post—it should be subject to criticism, too. that’s how discussion happens and people learn. it’s not an attack on the original writer because the writer is not their work. i love Leigh and her choice to put her stories out in the world, even if i disagree with some of the choices she made. it’s only because of her that we get to have these conversations about our favorite characters in the first place. (I also don’t think it’s fair to her and all the work she put into SEVEN novels to reduce the decisions she made about her characters and plots to ‘coping’ — just my two cents. I’m sure her trauma influenced her work, it’s hard to imagine otherwise. but I doubt she or anyone else would vouch for people refusing to critique their work because of something she went through that does not define her.)**
the problem i have with Leigh’s writing of the Darkling is that after Shadow & Bone, it was so forced. she wrote him doing all of these implausibly horrible things after the fans started to like him to force it down our throats that he was the irredeemable villain. and yet when he was first introduced, i was so hopeful that this character called ‘the Darkling’, a shadow summoner and master of darkness, wouldn’t fall into the predictably, disappointingly easy trope of evil as darkness and good as light. so when she did exactly that, it felt like a betrayal of the character after he had already begun to take on a life and heart of his own. we connected to him. and she did her very best to sever that connection in favor of an emotionally manipulative boy who did almost nothing to help alina grow. Mal actually hindered and harmed her growth, constantly guilting her for having wants, desires, and feelings of her own that didn’t revolve around him, whereas the Darkling never wanted her to be anything but herself. he, like her, was capable of seeing the bigger picture, whereas Mal was an absurdly selfish and bizarre character that cared about none of that (and didn’t even “want” alina until she was famous and desired ?!! like come on). i sincerely can’t believe he was intended to be the love interest we connected with and rooted for.
and i know she likely had personal reasons for characterizing Aleksander the way she did, possibly attempting to embody anecdotal experiences with a specific person who did her harm in her own life, but with this character it felt unnatural and forced. she basically ignored of all of his character’s potential as a complex, nuanced human tortured by watching generations of his people’s pain, trauma, exploitation, murder, etc. (even if it was true that he had eroded morally/emotionally because of the mervost and centuries of standing witness to these atrocities), ironically dismissing his potential to grow in a story that was supposed to be all about growth (another narrative failure i won’t get into here). not to mention that his mission’s intent wasn’t even inherently evil (morally grey at worst, which is so much more compelling than pure evil anyway, which makes it extra disappointing that she bungled this), and by the end of the series all of his completely valid points just went unaddressed and people continued to suffer for it. his attempts to solve that problem were simplistically reduced and deemed as plain ‘evil’, with very few people recognizing the deep empathy and collective pain that drove his actions—something that alina actually did understand. 
i feel bad for him. that’s why i like him and that’s why i like Darklina. he deserved better, and so did alina. their chemistry was so eloquently written (and portrayed in the show) and i truly believe they could’ve helped each other grow. but we never got a chance to see or explore that because of how Bardugo’s personal feelings obscured the natural direction of her characters’ development, ultimately doing a serious disservice to her narrative (she does this a few times — prioritizes certain plotlines and actions that she wants to include even if they don’t align with the natural progression of the story). she tries to make us believe certain things and feel certain ways about her characters and plot points in opposition of the simple truth that they just don’t fit. alina’s character essentially ends up right where she started with only a few slight differences, one of them being the loss of power, which was something that made her uniquely, intrinsically her, and was cruelly ripped away in a nonsensical punishment for what? daring to trust? daring to break away from the insecure hold Mal had over her, and constantly used against her? daring to grow and learn? daring to delve deeper into her own power as a Grisha? daring to connect with the Darkling and the nobility of his motives? it was all around just a sad and disappointing direction to take a story that had so much potential to be powerful and different.
[not to mention all of the beautiful balance in the light/shadow trope, the star-crossed lovers torn apart by situational and ideological conflict, the novelty of their powers and their mirroring inabilities to “fit in” or find others like them, like. come ON, that could have been so great. ugh. just to abandon it all for dusty, insecure Malware. pls.]
ok end rant. thank you if you read my heated word vomit.
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princekirijo · 3 years
This is the first time I've rlly heard about Riku since I followed you, what's his deal? :0 would you mind telling me a little bit about him?
Ok so this is the first ask I ever answered about him and it is a semi good summary of his plot but a lot has happened since then (it was over a year ago) so I'll go over it again here for convenience. This predictably got long af so it's under a read more.
Also if you want any more random bits of info you can find it by searching for "riku kirijo" on my blog (or on Tumblr itself he has his own tag 💀)! I make random little fact posts about him so there's more info in those. You'll also probably find my older art for him for his previous design, but the last art piece I did is his design as of now and probably won't be changed cause I'm super happy with it. Also if you look under "oc tag" or "au tag" I tag some random posts with those if I think they fit the au (it's usually silly jokes and stuff).
Basically Riku is my Persona 5 OC and he's the eldest (and only) son of Yukari and Mitsuru from P3 (I'm sure you know by now I'm a massive Yukamitsu fan but if not now you do 💀). Now obvs there's not enough of a time gap in canon for this to be possible so the gap in this AU is about 30 years, I haven't worked that part out yet. He also has one sister (Yuna).
Riku's story starts really about two years before the events of P5 (btw I mean Royal but I'm just gonna refer to it as P5 cause I'm lazy). Basically he was feeling very lonely, had a hard time making friends and felt he needed to step out of his moms shadows. So he decides to move to Tokyo to get a chance to live out on his own and have a change of scenery. Because he's only 14/15 at the time he can't live on his own and for reasons I'll go into another time, his moms can't come with him. So enter Chiyoko Hatanaka, one of Mitsuru's high ranking staff who offers to become Riku's guardian of sorts while he's in Tokyo. Mitsuru agrees and Riku moves to Tokyo with her enrolling in Kosei High (he's in the same class as Yusuke and Hifumi).
However a few months after they moved, Hatanaka starts to drop her nice act and reveals her true colors and starts abusing Riku (both physically and mentally). I won't reveal the reason why as that's a huge spoiler and I plan on doing something with this story eventually. Riku doesn't tell anyone ofc because he's too scared (Hatanaka has some serious dirt on the Kirijo Group which she uses to blackmail him). So Mitsuru and Yukari have no idea this is happening but have noticed weird changes in his behavior whenever he comes home to visit.
Fast forward to just after Madarame's Palace and Yusuke mentions to the thieves that there's someone he'd like to look into - Hatanaka. He and Riku had this kind of mutual understanding of what was happening to them but never really acknowledged it (they didn't know how - I planning on going into more detail another time). The thieves agree after they see her name on the Phansite (anonymous request from Riku himself). At the TV station the shujin trio actually meet Riku (he's there because Yukari or Mitsuru are giving an interview idk yet). He introduces himself after telling some creep hitting on Ann to fuck off and he's very chatty and kind UNTIL Hatanaka shows up when he becomes super quiet. The thieves are like huh that's weird we should look into this chick for sure. So they do and ofc she has a Palace.
They start investigating and they find out her palace is at her and Riku's apartment (more of a penthouse) and the keyword is Studio. The palace is called "The Studio of Arrogance" and is modeled after a TV station. Riku accidentally gets dragged in and captured by Hatanaka's goons. The thieves find Hatanaka interrogating a chained up Riku where she reveals a few things (again spoilers) and torments him. He has enough, breaks free of his chains and then BOOM Persona time.
His persona is Pimpernel, the titular character in the book The Scarlet Pimpernel. He specializes in Physical and Aqua (Water element from P2) attacks and his best stat is speed (easily the fastest thief).
Riku and the thieves fight off against her goons, and escape to a safe room where they tell Riku everything. Riku also wants to change Hatanaka's heart so he teams up with the thieves with his code name being "Noble". I have a WIP of his phantom thief outfit and Pimpernel so I won't say much about the design for now (purple Flynn rider that's the best mini description I can give 💀)
After they've beaten Hatanaka's palace and changed her heart successfully the rest of the story is pretty much the same but with Riku in it. Mitsuru, Yukari and Yuna also play big roles because the three of them move to Tokyo to stay with Riku after they find out about the abuse. They each have their own background arc too but aside from Mitsuru I don't really have any ideas for them yet (even Mitsuru's is a concept idea).
And that's pretty much his story for now at least! If there's anything specific you want to know please ask because I will literally sit here for hours and rant about him <3
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wrenhyperfixates · 3 years
Queen of the Night
Pairing: Loki x reader Summary: Loki takes you to the rooftop greenhouse to show you his favorite flower, the queen of the night. Your evening ends with a confession of love. Warnings: the tiniest bit of angst but also excessively fluffy A/N: The reader is gender neutral; queen in the title refers only to the flower. Enjoy :)
Tag List: @lucywrites02​​ @frostedgiant​​​​ @lunarmoon8​​​ @twhiddlestonsstuff​​​ @lokistan​​​ @thelokiimaginechroniclesficrecs​​​ @gaitwae​​​ @whatafuckingdumbass​​​ @castiels-majestic-wings​​​ @kozkaboi​​​ @cozy-the-overlord​​​
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Disclaimer! Gif not mine
You looked up from your game of solitaire as Loki flopped down on the sofa next to you. He looked exhausted, even more so than he usually did after a training session with Thor. Loki sighed, and you set your cards aside, turning your body to give him your full attention.
“Are you ok?” you asked as he shook his head no. You hugged his head to your chest and scratched his back lightly. He was practically purring at your gentle touch. “Want to talk about it?”
“Yes, darling, I do,” he began. ��Thor uses brute strength, and not to mention Mjolnir, when we train. Yet I am unable to use my magic, for it is against the rules that he set for our sessions. Just like back home. He doesn’t even seem to have a strategy; just punch. It is so unfair!”
“Extremely so,” you agreed. “Have you tried talking to him? Or not training with him anymore.”
“I have, but he just makes those pathetic puppy-dog eyes. Says it reminds him of Asgard. I, on the other hand, was hoping this would be one of the things I could escape by moving to Midgard, these wretched training sessions.” He sighed again. “It makes me think I preferred my cell.”
“You don’t mean that!” you said in a panic. It broke your heart to hear him say such a thing.
“You are right, I do not,” he calmed you. He pulled back from your embrace a little so he could cup your cheeks. “It is just very frustrating.”
“Well, if you ever need to rant, I’m here.”
“I know, darling. Thank you.”
He leaned in as if he was going to kiss you. You tried not to get your hopes up. Heaven knows how many times you’d been in this same situation, one of you leaning in towards the other before thinking better of it. Everyone else in the Tower seemed to be over the unspoken thing between you and Loki. Quite frankly, you were pretty exasperated with it, too. Still, that voice in your mind kept wondering if maybe you were wrong, if there was no unspoken thing. Then you’d look like an absolute fool, and maybe even lose your best friend. Or, at very least, make things uncomfortable between you for a while. Regardless, the pattern continued, and he broke away.
“Darling?” he said after a minute of silence spent sitting in such a close proximity without actually doing anything, that it was bordering more on awkward than adorable. “I was wondering if you would like to join me tonight in the greenhouse on the roof? There is something I wish to show you.”
“I would love to, Loki,” you replied with a shy smile.
“Well then,” he grinned, placing a small kiss to your knuckles, “I shall see you there, 8 pm sharp.”
As he left you on the couch, smiling and giggling to yourself, a simultaneously thrilling and terrifying idea suddenly raced through your mind. Wait, you thought. Did he just ask me out on a date? You supposed there was nothing left to do but wait and see.
You found yourself wishing you’d worn a heavier coat as you stepped out onto the roof in the cold night air, shivering in your lightweight clothes. You chose to wear your favorite top, which just so happened to be the same shade of green that Loki had claimed as his own over a millennium ago. It was purely coincidental, you told yourself; it definitely hadn’t become your favorite top when you noticed the way he looked at you when you wore it. That was preposterous, of course.
As you stepped into the greenhouse, you found that your choice of clothes wasn’t so terrible, after all. The glass room was temperature controlled and dimly lit. It was so warm, in fact, you wondered if you might have to take your hoodie off. You wouldn’t mind, of course. You’d be able to show off your shirt even more. You quickly shook your head before you got started on that train of thought again. It’s not like he specifically said it was a date, so you shouldn’t get too far ahead of yourself. Though, if anything was going to convince you this was one, it would be the romantic atmosphere, and the way Loki was sitting on a blanket with a picnic basket, pillows and fallen petals surrounding him.
“Darling,” he said upon spotting you. “There you are. Right on time.”
“Yup. I wouldn’t miss this for the world. But, uh, what exactly is this?”
“The Epiphyllum oxypetalum.”
“I’m sorry, what?” you asked, looking at him like he had six heads. You had been hoping his answer would be more along the lines of ‘this is a date’ or ‘we’re just hanging out’. But nope, he’s speaking Latin or something.  
“Epiphyllum oxypetalum. More commonly known as the queen of the night,” he explained, patting the spot next to him on the blanket. “It is my favorite flower.”
You hesitated a second before going to sit beside him. “May I ask why?”
“You may, indeed,” he replied, eyes lighting up. “See, when I was younger—one hundred, maybe two hundred years old—my mother grew this flower in her garden, but I could never see it bloom. I would watch it all day, but then when I went to sleep and came back in the morning, I just found out more had wilted without ever having bloomed! It was infuriating. Well, I went to my mother about it, and she explained that it only bloomed once. At night. So, we stayed up all night to watch them. It was, in a word, magical. Something about the way they will only bare themselves to those patient enough to wait, to look carefully. I can not explain it, but it is wonderful.”
“I think I can explain it.” You looked at him with a soft gaze and took his hand, swiping your thumb over his knuckles. “The flower and you are kind of one and the same, don’t you think?”
“Like the way you let yourself be true to who you are around me,” you continued. “It’s like the blooming thing. I think it’s sweet.”
“Well, of course you would. Somehow you seem to think I have never done any wrong,” he said, a nearly imperceptible tear rolling down his cheek. Nearly. You leaned in and kissed the wet drop away. He looked startled as you pulled back, and he held you an arms length away. “Darling.”
“Sorry,” you said, silently cursing yourself. “I hope that was alright. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable or anything. I can go, if you want.”
“No, please do not mistake this as me wanting you to leave,” he quickly pleaded. “I want you closer, even. It is just that you compare me to this flower, though it is beautiful. But me? I am a monster.”
“Hey, it’s ok. You’re not. Look at me? Please?” you asked, cupping his cheek as he stared at the ground. “You are not, I repeat, are not a monster. Loki, you are good, kind. Those who have hurt you do not dictate who you are. I love you, Loki, and I don’t think I could love a monster.”
His face said nothing, but a million thoughts flashed behind his eyes. You? Love him? By all accounts, it made no sense. Could he be dreaming? He must be.
“You should not love me. I do not deserve it. What if I hurt you?”
“Well, I’m surprisingly resilient,” you joked, trying to cheer him up. “But that doesn’t matter because you’re not going to hurt me. So whether I should or should not—and really, who’s to say?—I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you. I love you a thousand times, to the moon and back. With all my heart, every fiber of my being. I love you.”
Loki didn’t even think, he just kissed you. He kissed you so deeply, so passionately, you forgot everything else you ever knew. It was just him now, in this moment. His scent, his touch, his lips. Him. Perfect and loving and gentle and tender. Neither of you moved, besides to wrap your arms around each other, to hold each other even closer, to deepen the kiss even more. Other than that, you just sat there, lips locked, affirming everything your words said and didn’t say. Nothing else mattered. Just him, king of the night. King of your heart.
“I love you, too, darling,” he said. He had pulled away just enough to speak what was on his mind, and his lips brushed yours as he spoke. “I am still dangerous. I still fear I will hurt you, ruin you. But I cannot go on without you. If I am to allow myself one thing, it must be this. Oh darling, I love you as I never have anything or anyone before. No throne could compare, no crown could better. All the gold and riches in the Nine Realms could not even dream of competing with your kiss, your embrace. I love you so wholly and completely, I do not know how I ever lived without you.”
“Loki,” you whispered. He was looking in your eyes so intently it made goosebumps erupt on your skin. “You’re more beautiful than every flower, more precious than their delicate petals. I don’t think words will ever be enough to tell you how I feel.”
“I agree, words will never suffice.”
He kissed you again, trying to express everything he didn’t know how to say, everything he didn’t understand about how this could be real. And you responded, reassuring him that it was real, that he did deserve it. That what you felt for him in this moment would never go away. It would only get more intense, more powerful. Loki wasn’t sure what magic you were working exactly, but he started to believe. He supposed that was just the power of love.
Eventually, you broke apart and laid down next to each other. You chatted a little, but fell into periods where you just held each other. The picnic basket he’d brought was filled with your favorite foods, and you snacked on them a bit, holding small bites to the other’s lips. You watched the flowers, too. A few of them bloomed as you looked on, and it brought a smile to your lips. The smile that bloomed on Loki’s face was even more breathtaking than the opening petals, in your opinion.
“Loki,” you said, and he turned to look at you, gently caressing your cheek. “Thank you so much for sharing this with me.”
“Of course, darling. It is like I said,” he replied, a light, happy sound in the tone of his voice. “I love you. I am glad you like it.”
“And like I said, I love you, too. I really do like it. It’s beautiful, just like you.”
Again, the two of you met in a kiss. Whether or not he had intended for this to be a date, it had sure turned into one. And something more, too. A new beginning, a perfect start to something that would last long beyond just one night. You’d planted the flower of your love, and you knew its petals wouldn’t wilt in the light of day; they’d last forever.
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sleepsentry · 3 years
That moment when someone says they don't like something, but their wording is very insulting and condescending so you're holding back tears trying to agree with them because you don't wanna get worked up over something stupid.... but this is a reoccurring issue and you've got a blog so you make post about it instead!
[I've tried to tag occasional "vent" posts as such so if you don't want to see those you can block them. I wouldn't want to spread any negativity and I hope I won't do so with this rant.] That being said....
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I'm getting very tired of people staying stuff like "this is dogshit" or "some people like this and they're freaks gtfo"
and then turning around and acting like others are being "oversensitive" for getting upset at that....
they're not upset because you don't like the thing they like, hopefully, and if they are then I agree it is silly...but sometimes they're upset because instead of saying:
"it's not my thing"
They say:
"this is a steaming pile of SHIT! But but if you like it that's ok I guess."
like- what did you expect? I know often peeps will take out their issues in very horrid and undeserved ways but it goes both ways!!!
Good lord can people just try and be polite about something online???? Is it too much to ask that you don't insult something or call it shit when a simple "eh" would've been enough?
Wording is always important sadly and a lot of people take that for granted and would rather act like swearing and shouting are better means of communication than simply being polite or respectful when it's deserved.
And acting like if you get hurt by someone using hurtful language you're being oversensitive?
I don't mean to say swearing automatically makes someone dumb or devalues what they're saying but if it's directed at people (who don't deserve it) then they're obviously going to feel bad even if the person expressing it doesn't see a problem.
This goes for all social media platforms btw toxicity can come from anywhere and to anyone saying:
"well what did you expect from tumblr?"
I say:
"You can say that about any platform!"
you can't pin the blame on any one even if there tends to be more in one platform than another. I'm getting tired of people joking about any specific online space being hellish when they all can be.
It's important to moderate your online experience to your tastes and do your best not to take things too personally.
But I'm getting very tired of hyperbole, passive aggression or condescension, being the main means of communicating with others who don't agree with you, usually topped off with any one of these emojiis: 🙃🙄🤭 It gets far too tiring when it's bloody constantly! From both sides. Especially if it's over something like a show or a character or a ship.
But hey that's just mesksksksk😘🙃🤭🙄
Sorry for ranting, I try not to be negative all the time especially online, but this is my blog and I needed to vent.
I do NOT want to start an argument with someone and I will NOT respond to any kind of aggression in the notes if this post gets a lot of attention. I'm really hoping it doesn't get to that point at all. And I'm likely screaming into the void.
EDIT: I find it interesting that one of the first people to like this is a Steven Universe fan (based on their pfp) I really feel for you guys with how much undeserved hate the show got and anyone simply saying they didn't like it would express that opinion with a condescending "oh nooooo a different opinion haha hope the crazy stans don't roast me on a spit. Am I right fellas?"
Kind of a perfect example of my point.
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If I Could Burn This Down
[1] . . . [2] . . . [3] . . . [4] . . . [5] . . .
Ok no, but I just have to rant on this. It’s been consuming my thoughts y’all, I just can’t stop thinking about it all.
So, this is about the Dream SMP- I recently got introduced to it through some friends and the animatics by SAD-ist were really what sold me to it. I’ve been trying to catch up on it all(god, it’s so good but also such a mess, I don’t think I’d have it any other way) and I just. So many thoughts y’all.
That ending tho, y’all that’s really what started this train of thought. It was so good. Like, I’ve seen quite a few posts on why it was predictable, not the unexpected twist Dream promised, and just. Not that good of an ending and honestly that’s a matter of opinion so I shouldn’t really care(and I don’t. much) but I still want to rant on the direct opposite side because fuck it I have thoughts!!!
obv spoilers for recent dream smp actions
tw for discussion of death in-universe and indirect discussion of suicidal ideation/possible intention
boi did I not think I’d add those tws to a post about a minecraft rp server of all things, but here I am
stay safe y’all
This will mostly be on Willbur’s decent, for those wondering, because it’s just. there’s so many things to that ok. I just, this is just gonna be a ramble, just for me to get my thoughts out there.
So, I’ve seen a lot of things about Willbur- his decent into madness being the main thing. Mostly, it all seems to boil down to one thing- his desire for power and his view of Tommy being what led to him, well, blowing up L’manburg. But I personally don’t see that as the full story. Sure, it’s part of it, but it just feels incomplete to me. What would kickstart it? how would he go from adoring Tommy and only wanting L’manburg so that Tommy could be safe, to blowing it all up and betraying Tommy?
How could he go from that to doing the one thing that would hurt Tommy the most?
I personally think the answer is simple. Tommy said it in his recent stream, welcoming ConnerEatsPants to the server, after all. 
Trauma makes people vulnerable.
And Willbur has gone through a lot of trauma.
So, quite a bit of this depends on your view of how the world works. I don’t know if it’s ever been stated as cannon, but the deaths are specifically what I’m talking about.
They die so so much, after all. How does the work in-world? are they actually dying, and there’s a respawn function to the world(as in, it’s been a fact of life in-universe that you can die and come back) or do they just get injured, as a number of animatics/animations have chosen to depict it as? Are they being dragged back home by their comrades, fatally injured, just to heal?
Personally, I don’t see that likely as the in-universe explanation. They come back, after all. Come back and continue fighting, minutes after they’re killed. You can’t just use injuries as an excuse there, to explain it away.
So, I’ll follow this along with the ‘respawn exists’ assumption. Still, that brings up more questions. How did Willbur and JSchlatt permanently die, then? do you have to die in such a traumatizing way(your father killing you, all the people who may have once been your friends cornering you to kill you as your hopped up on drugs) that you no longer want to go back? That something deep inside you snaps and your connection to this world breaks, or is it something else? Does someone else pull the strings?
Is Dream the one, in-universe, to decide when you can respawn and when you die permanently? He’s closest thing to a god they have, after all, with access to creative mode and final say over the lands- the true ruler of the world. Is it him?
And still, there’s more questions. What is it like? How does it feel? is the corpse left there, or does it just disappear, leaving your stuff behind? maybe your body crumbles to dust, maybe it fades away before your eyes
Is dying just like Willbur described? Nothingness until you awake, only a taste of true death, a few seconds to experience it, to make you fear it? Is the pain all in the before, or do you feel in the after too, phantom aches and pains as you go about your life, the time you died a memory forever haunting you?
Does the end of your life hurt? Do you feel yourself being brought back to life? Does that hurt?
No matter what you decide, the fact of the matter is, it’s all still traumatizing. Being injured severely enough that you have to drop all your items and flee to heal up, or dying from those that you are always forced to interact with- it leaves a mark. Your left different than you were before. And other people can take advantage of this.
Who fed into all of Willbur’s manic thoughts, who fed into his idea that he was all alone? Him against the world, no one safe anymore. Who let him rot in those ideas?
He did, afterall, give him the gunpowder for his eleven and a half stacks of tnt. He made a deal with him, that no matter what, even if he won, even if Willbur took L’manburg back, even if he became president and could make a safer place for them all, make a safer place for Tommy, even then.
The place would be blown sky. high.
He feeds into Willbur’s ideas, his thoughts, he eggs him on and pushes him forward(there is a traitor among you, one that you least expect). What if Dream was the one who ruined Willbur’s button, the first time? Trying to keep him tagging along, trying to drag him through the dirt to really show him, this is how it is, you are alone, no where is safe- no one is safe, everyone is against you. Dream is a sort of god, in the server. The land is his. He wouldn’t want L’manburg to stand, and he would want the one who had started it thoroughly against the rebuilding of it, before he had it destroyed. It would be a blow to morale, after all, for their leader to no longer believe in the dream that he’d once had. It would sow doubt, would make them think maybe, maybe it wasn’t a good idea, Willbur made it and he’s against it now.
They think he’s gone mad, true, but that doesn’t change that fact that Willbur started L’manburg. If the stress of it all was enough to make him lose it, couldn’t the others too?
Maybe it’s not worth it.
He destroyed it.
And here’s the thing, when Phil shows up?
It feels like a catalyst. A kick, a shove. Whatever you want to call it.
One last push by Dream, to force Willbur to do it. 
Before, it follows. Willbur rants, he panics, he shakes. He stresses over it all, stares at that damn button. He made a deal, but should he really do it?
Tommy tried to give him the Presidency, tried to give him the power, a sign of trust. Surely, if Tommy trusted him after all that he’s done to him...
Surely, he can back away. Not ruin it.
He hesitates.
Then Phil comes. His father. He tries to talk him out of it, tries to get him to see sense. But in the end?
He’s the one final thing that Willbur needed to see, before his resolve hardened. Before the ache settled solid and true.
(Phil is panicking, and Willbur sees it. 
He doesn’t trust him either, does he?)
Willbur is alone, and everyone is against him.
He hits the button.
See, the compound of events, the repeated deaths(injuries) he’s suffered all throughout his life, the war, they all add up. Whether death hurts or not doesn’t matter in the end, whether they’re dying or not doesn’t matter, because it all still hurts. The before hurts.
And you can only be hurt so many times before you can’t stand to be hurt anymore.
L’manburg caused Willbur so much hurt. The war, the suffering- it wouldn’t have happened without L’manburg.
All that was left for him was hurt, and all he wanted was for that hurt to leave.
With L’manburg in ruins behind him(he survived the blast, did he intend to? He never wore armor), Willbur demands for Phil to kill him. His father.
He doesn’t beg. He’s desperate, it’s obvious by the way he slams his fist down as he screams for it, but he doesn’t beg.
Instead, he eggs Phil on.
Just what Dream did to him.
He throws his arms towards L’manburg, shoves it into Phil’s face, makes him look.
Willbur did that. He is the cause. Phil should kill him, everyone wants him to.
It was just Willbur. Just Willbur, Willbur and all his hurt, just him against the world.
No one was on his side and he was alone.
Willbur works to anger Phil. Instead of begging for death he demands it and throws his sword at his father’s feet. He forces him to make a choice. Him or the world, because that was what it really was. 
Willbur was alone. Him against the world. Would Phil choose him?
Look at me, it seems to scream, look at me and what I’ve done, look at the hurt I’ve now caused.
Where do you stand?
In the end, even if later, Phil seems to be good friends with Techno(another traitor, the traitors Techno Phil, it’s Techno, Phil, it’s Techno and he’s got eight whithers ready to go, you better hurry, run along now, before it’s too late), even if he doesn’t want to...
He chooses the world.
Phil kills Willbur, and Willbur gets to escape the hurt.
Is that what he wanted all along? Is that were his madness stems? The hurt of a boy watching children fight in a war, the hurt of a boy watching what is basically his brother fight and die over and over and over again, all for an idea he’d had...
Is that where it begins? Or where it ends?
L’manburg, the start and the end?
L’manburg, his symphony of hope, with a finale of agony.
It’s a predictable ending, maybe, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t fit. Techno may have been obvious, but that doesn’t mean there might not have been hope for otherwise, hope for a better future, hope for him to change his mind and hope for his affection for them to overrule his opinions and values of government.
I wonder, did Tommy ever see Techno and think of Willbur?
Did Willbur ever see Techno and think of Tommy?
Two siblings, seeing something that could have been(Tommy, lets be the bad guys) and something that will never be(Willbur, do you hear yourself?)
I wonder, did Willbur ever even give real thought to how the destruction of L’manburg would hurt Tommy? Did he?
Or was he too wrapped up in his thoughts, his own pain. Too wrapped up in the thoughts fed by Dream and the ideas burning through his skin.(the button might not even work -do you want to risk that?) 
Through it all, did he think?
And this is not to say that Willbur is absolved of his guilt, of the crimes he has committed. He giggles about Techno killing Tubbo, he pushes for Tommy and Techno to fight in a pit, where Tommy is almost certainly going to die(another death added to hundreds of tallies), and he laughs as they fight.
(It stays in the pit)
He is not innocent. Explainations for his actions don’t erase those actions. It does, however bring even more questions into the mix.
The Pit.
Techno and Willbur’s views on Tubbo’s death(I was peer pressured), Tommy’s refusal to accept that then accepting his own death at Techno’s hands.
Has it become trivial to Willbur and Techno? An expectation to Tommy? Is Tubbo really unfazed, or hiding any emotions over his death? Do you choose to believe he died, or that he was injured to near death by Techno? Which is worse? If death is nothingness, the pain of before gone, washed away, than isn’t it better to die then to be injured? Is Tommy upset about Tubbo learning once more what death is, dealing with the pain of the before, or is he mad that Techno didn’t finish the job and let Tubbo be healed instead of respawned?
Did he die, or just get injured?
Another thought on the broken button, was it Dream, or was it Willbur? Willbur, doing one last thing to try and cling to him life before.(surely, if he broke the button, the urge to run to it would leave him?) Did he ever regret it, when he finally did push it? I don’t think so
His ghost.
Is it the escape he wanted? Did he want to forget it all, everything that led to hurt and was hurt? Is his description of death just what he wanted- wished- it to be? Would it be different for someone else? Does he hate it? Crave to go back to it, to leave the wandering of the world he’s left behind? He’s said he’s wanted to come back to life- does he miss it? Can he feel any of it? The sunlight, the air around him, any of it? Or does the nothingness stick? Is that all he feels?
Does it ache, worse than living ever did?
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sunbeamsystem · 1 year
intro post time!
hi! we're sunbeam, we are a plural system and this is our main tumblr account! please use they/them pronouns for us collectively :] for specific pronouns etc heres our pronouns.cc !
side accounts: @sunbeamsgrove < our littles and regressors go here! please try to keep things pg if you interact over there, minimal swearing etc.
@crumblescrumble < crumb's account (she wanted his own).
@cornonthecube < boo and his subsystem's account @fybive < bo and apis subsystem's account
our tags: #saving for later - exactly what it sounds like! things we want to save for later use. #a helpful guide - any tutorial, recipe, or other guide to help you do or understand something! often paired with saving for later. #sunbeam answers - asks tag! #sunbeam rants - original posts, usually about personal or account related things #bones tw - we will sometimes reblog posts with skulls and other animal parts in them, this will always be the tag and we will always tag it.
Please ask us to tag anything!!! we are more than willing to add tags to posts, and if it's something we regularly post/reblog about then we will try to do it on every post
ok have a lovely day
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mexicancat-girl · 4 years
Ok guys, I can't take it, I’m seriously at my limit here.
Uraraka vs Bakuboi was a sham of a fight and none of it makes any goddamn sense.
Uraraka deserved her win, for multiple reasons.
Shout out to @bnhasalt, who’s post reminded me how indignantly furious this arc makes me.
More under the cut over both how salty I am, and how Uraraka losing against Explodo Kills makes absolutely no sense, even narratively.
(Warning ahead for a discussion on sexism, misogyny, forced fanservice, the blatant favoritism towards That One Specific Character even if unearned in the narrative, and the general incompetence on how to write female characters.
I call B/kugo “Bakuboi” in this analysis bc I don’t want to write his Actual Name out and have it pop up in his character tags. Also, heads up, I’m sorry for how messy and long this rant is )
First, can I just say that Horikoshi is uhhhh Bad at writing female characters?
Which I’m sure many female fans already have an inkling about, but goddamn is it never more obvious than in the Sports Festival Arc. Because hey, at least the female characters are THERE and PARTICIPATING and have their own time to shine! This ISN’T one of those arcs that just stars THE BOYS, so that MUST mean this arc is equal opportunity! Right...?
God, I wish. I wish...
See, the girls are the minority of the Sports Fest in general. It shouldn’t be this way. And quite frankly, the fact that the classes (and UA in general) isn’t closer to being a 50/50 gender split also makes no sense, considering all children are raised in a society that values heroism EQUALLY and almost half the population is male and half female.
But, okay, let’s say I actually believe in the most illogical character ratio imagineable of there being a 2 boy to 1 girl, like this is another round of Naruto But It’s Superheroes So It’s Different I Swear.
We all know that there is going to be an emphasis on Izuku, since he’s the protagonist and he wants to make All Might proud during the Sports Festival.
Pre-Festival, there’s the reveal that Uraraka wants to do her best, with her main motivation of becoming a hero to give her parents a good life. Iida also wants to make his own family proud, specifically his brother, because of his family legacy. 
Since these three are a trio, you’d think they’d all get some time to shine, right? Since they’re Izuku’s friends? And Izuku considers them his equals?
Yeah, no. Wrong.
This arc is dominated by Izuku, Shoto, and Bakuboi. That becomes clear very quickly. 
I knew I shouldn’t expect much, since these three are powerhouses and also the most popular characters of the entire franchise (just look at the popularity polls) but still. I’d thought at least Uraraka would get a chance to shine! Since we get some character development and motivation revealed from her!
But the female characters in general get done so dirty this arc, despite it being first set up as a perfect arc to let the girls have just as much opportunity to participate as their male peers.
The most significant part of the female characters all getting an ‘equal time to shine’ is when He Who Must Not Be Mentioned and Kaminari trick the girls into dressing as scantily-clad cheerleaders. Which is both Tiring and Unncessary.
(This scheme also shouldn’t have worked because Momo is Vice Rep and she is an intelligent girl, top of her class. She would be smart enough to go to a teacher and actually double-check to see if Class 1-A girls really needed to cheer in the activities portion of the Sports Festival. 
But noooo, Horikoshi can’t pass up a chance for FANSERVICE and forcing his underaged female characters to be uncomfortable for The Funnies! Thanks! I hate it!)
The female characters that move onto the final round of the Sports Festival, and thusly have the most attention, are: Uraraka, Mei Hatsume from Support, Momo, Mina, and Shiozaki from 1-B.
Wow, I sure wish these girls could like...show their worth. And maybe NOT get steamrolled and easily tossed aside in their matches because they’re facing Boys and Boys Have Strong Offense-based Quirks, That’s The Rules Folks.
(Before you come at me, I know that isn’t a rule that applies to every single male character in the series, but the strongest and offense-based Quirks tend to go to the male characters, while the female characters tend to get more support-based Quirks. It’s both sexist, but also an inherent trend in media in general. Please Just Let Women Punch Shit To Smithereens And Control The Elements.)
Yes, Mina and Shiozaki won their first rounds easily! And that’s great to see! But then we turn right around, and they're eliminated just as quickly in their second matches! Without even a fighting chance!
Good God, Shiozaki is literally PUSHED OUT OF THE RING. That’s it, that’s how she lost. Same thing with Momo in her match! And Mei straight-up forfeits because her character is based more on advertising her inventions/babies, so she doesn’t even fight.
So essentially, the female characters are shucked away if they’re not used to make the male characters look good, or there for fanservice, or there to show a shallow form of ~feminism~ so Horikoshi can pat himself on the back and say “See! Girls strong! I can write girls!”
And now we get to the meat of things: Uraraka.
Oh, poor Uraraka. Out of all the female characters, your potential was the greatest, and also the most squandered...
As a reminder, at the start of the arc, Uraraka speaks with both Izuku and Iida about how she wants to do well in the Sports Fest. They all promise to do their best. Izuku’s friends admit that they want to face him in later matches, because they want to be his equals.
Uraraka wanted to stand on the same level as Izuku and Iida, but she's the only one that doesn't move on past her first match!
And man, what an absolute bogus match it is.
Is it emotional? Yeah. Did I tear up when I watched it? Sure, every single time! But that's more because Uraraka is one of my favorite characters and I feel empathy for her and thought she deserved better.
The match gets to me because I also hate how Bakuboi is so fucking entitled and gets everything handed to him on a silver platter.
Bakuboi himself is written as, essentially, a Gary Stu. He always wins. ALWAYS. And even when he ‘loses’, he still manages to beat his opponents to the point that they need to be hospitalized (see Izuku vs Kacchan pt 1) or he makes his losses ALL ABOUT HIMSELF by twisting logic to fit his own narrative.
Remember how Bakuboi won against Todoroki in the final match? And was so pissed at him he was ready to Physically Assault Todoroki for him not being able to Get Over His Trauma to go 100% during their match? And even though Bakuboi LITERALLY won the entire Sports Festival, he’s so entitled that he demands a rematch because he feels like he “didn’t actually win”?
Not wanting a rematch for Todoroki’s sake, because Todoroki has been through a rough time and Bakuboi overheard Todo’s Tragic Abusive Backstory. Oh no, that would make too much sense and show too much character growth, we can’t have that! Bakuboi, even when winning the Sports Festival, demanded a rematch because he wanted to beat the shit out of Todoroki AGAIN to assert his dominance.
You see, Bakuboi is always rewarded in the narrative. Even when he loses it’s not seen as his fault. He’s never really punished for it, and he never learns any lessons from his losses.
Ah, and let’s not forget, Katsuki Bakuboi has the Best And Strongest Quirk Ever. Strong enough to even do the impossible and work to his advantage when it shouldn’t!
Like how he SOMEHOW manages to ‘beat the odds’ by breaking the laws of physics to win in Round 2. He manages to PUNCH THROUGH A QUIRK THAT CREATES A SOLID WALL from 1-B’s Tsuburaba in order to get back his team’s headband and move on to Round 3.
Or hey, his finishing move, Howlitzer Impact? Doesn’t make any sense either. It shouldn’t work as a...cyclone? Tornado? Drill thing? 
Look, the logistics of it shouldn’t work. Yes, this is anime, but do you HONESTLY think that a teenager YEETING himself in a fast spiral will somehow accomplish anything more than spreading out some explosions in a circle around him? You honestly think any other character would be able to pull that bullshit off WITHOUT upchucking their entire lunch?
But because it’s Bakuboi, it works somehow. Because Bakuboi’s Quirk is The Shining Beacon Of Quirks. 
Drawbacks? Sure, he SUPPOSEDLY has them. They’re noted in his character profile and everything. But very rarely do those supposed “drawbacks” ever actually come into play and actually, like, stop him. Or slow him down. Or, yknow, ACTUALLY WORK LIKE DRAWBACKS ARE SUPPOSED TO WORK.
Because apparently, human limits don’t exist for Katsuki fucking Bakuboi, nope, not at all!
One of Bakuboi’s "drawbacks" is supposed to be that he can't overexert himself or he can fuck up his wrists/his forearms will start to ache. 
Cool cool cool, except...This rarely slows him down or effects him at all. 
It’s actually astounding he hasn’t given himself Carpel Tunnel, because that would be a natural consequence to over-using his Quirk. Hell, he should be fucking up his arms almost as much as Izuku does to his own arms with a destructive Quirk like OFA! Explosions are dangerous and cause massive destruction, and that should be fucking up his arms SOMEHOW!
But, nope. Bakuboi is as fresh as a goddamn daisy. He can Never Have A Weakness.
(Another drawback is cold weather/Winter season is supposed to weaken his Quirk. Makes sense, since heat would help him produce more nitroglycerin sweat, and the cold would make it hard to sweat. But that sure as hell didn’t stop him during the Joint Training Arc in the future, and he didn’t struggle whatsoever to almost singlehandedly win that for his team.)
Not ONCE does Bakuboi’s Quirk ever effect him negatively and forces him to weaken! He keeps using his Quirk like it's nothing!!
And that’s the crux of the entire problem with Uraraka vs Bakuboi’s match.
Bakuboi apparently has “drawbacks” and “limits”, but he keeps somehow managing to break them without a sweat (ha) and without consequence, essentially PULLING WINS OUT OF HIS ASS.
Bakuboi was using his Quirk LITERALLY NONSTOP during Round 1, and kept using it to throw himself around in Round 2. Logically, he should’ve fucked his arms up and been at the very least SLOWED DOWN by the third round of the Sports Fest because he went past what were SUPPOSED to be his Quirk’s canonical limitations and logic!
It would've taught Bakuboi that he can't fucking steamroll through all his problems! He has limits! There are consequences to over using his Quirk! He’s a human being and he doesn’t have endless stamina like some sort of God!
Hell, every other character has these limits very clearly shown and outlined with their Quirks! Uraraka throws up when she over-uses Zero Gravity. Shoto, before using his fire side, would get frostbite. Iida’s Engines will stall after using Recipro Burst.
The other characters have limitations to their Quirks that slows them down, shows consequences for their actions, but Bakuboi NEVER HAS ANY.
THIS is why he’s a Gary Stu. THIS is why he won his match against Uraraka.
Bakuboi SHOULD have been weakened from using his Quirk non-stop. Bakuboi SHOULD NOT have managed to pull out that “one final big explosion” that ruined Uraraka’s final attack.
Bakuboi was literally hissing about his arms hurting earlier, before their match started. And Uraraka forced him to use his Quirk so much that she managed to amass a ton of debris to knock him out and win the match. HIS EXPLOSIONS SHOULD HAVE SPUTTERED OUT, AND NOT SAVED HIM WITH THAT LAST-SECOND ASSPULL.
Like, I’m preeeeetty sure the entire reason Horikoshi wrote Uraraka vs Bakuboi in the first place was because he was attempting at writing Feminism.
See, Bakuboi Hates Everyone Equally, he’s not a violent misogynist for beating up Uraraka! It’s a Match, he Respects Women And Sees Them As Equals! The Crowd of Pro Heroes are the ones being Misogynistic and Judging The Match Early!
And look at Uraraka, she’s a Strong Woman! She keeps getting back up! That’s the Shonen Spirit! And she’s smart, too! Look at her amazing plan to win--
Oh, wait. Wait, nope. She didn’t win at all! :) Because our shining beacon of perfection Katsuki Bakuboi never loses!! :)) Look at all her hopes and dreams being blown to literal smithereens, because of Bakuboi’s ass pull, even though he shouldn’t have had enough time, sweat, and strength to muster up that last explosion!!! :)))
Can ya’ll feel my incandescent fury right now?
Because Horikoshi can NEVER write Bakuboi losing, Uraraka COULDN’T HAVE WON, even if her winning makes THE MOST LOGICAL SENSE.
This scene was supposed to show Uraraka’s strength. But it feels like Uraraka is being literally spit in her face, for even DARING to TRY to win against Katsuki fucking Bakuboi.
How much more impactful would Uraraka’s breakdown have been, if she had moved onto the Second Round with Izuku and Iida? How she would feel ashamed that she couldn’t keep up with them, with how Powerful their Quirks are? Especially after seeing Izuku and Todoroki’s amazing match, and seen how destructive and close a match it had been?
How DEVASTATED she would have felt, beating BAKUBOI--one of the strongest of their class!--and then STILL managing to lose the Sports Festival?
That would have been SO much more interesting! And even SADDER!! C’mon!
Uraraka SHOULD have won her match! It would’ve provided both character development for herself, and for Bakuboi! Bakuboi would realize he has limits to his body and Quirk, and realize not to underestimate his opponents! Uraraka would realize that she’s strong in spite of her Quirk not being necessarily combat-oriented, but still has a long way to go in being a Pro Hero!
The only good parts about this godforsaken arc are 1) Mei Hatsume 2) Hitoshi Shinso and 3) Izuku vs Todoroki fight and Todoroki’s Tragic Backstory Reveal. Everything else is hit-or-miss, if not completely hot garbage.
Anyways, thanks for coming to my TED Talk, and for reading this entire thing! Four for you, reader. You go, reader.
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