#like baby im already trying to get a key logger on your phone so i can see everything you type
yandereiunderscore · 8 months
i hate when my beloved tells me hes ok with something then gets mad/upset when i do it
like i had a very clear thing from the start that i go though my beloveds phone/social media and he said he was ok with that but after the first three or so times i went though hes getting defensive about me going through his phone telling me that "nothings changed" even though i can see that hes been on alt accounts because i have his instagram logged in on my phone. he thinks i went through his phone last night (i didnt but i now realize i shouldve) but tonight hes sleeping with his phone in his pocket to make sure i dont or something, hes gotten so many text messages in the past few hours its scary what if hes talking to his ex again i think i might kill myself if thats the case. ive already tried to cut myself because i thought he hated me and wanted nothing to do with me and now hes hiding things even when i directly ask about them (the alt instagram). at this point i dont know if its worth it to even put in the effort anymore, weve been getting into more fights to because he keeps doing things that make me uncomfortable.
after going on to his snapchat ive now realized that im pretty sure he has his ex as a contact on his phone, but i cant check because hes being a little bitch.
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