#like bitchhh make one of them hold the other while they bleed out on the floor telling them everythings gonna be okay
henrysfedora · 2 years
hi it's almost 4am and i have been sitting in silence for the past three hours and anyway i need to ramble about vito and his tragic war time okay
idk, it hit me after watching a war movie just a couple hours earlier how really tragic it must've been for vito. like firstly he's a paratrooper- this bitch flew into the warzone by plane, which is already a loud thundering piece of metal in the sky, this bitch also jumped out of a plane thousands of feet in the air into the muddy warzone below. you know the loud explosions, gunshots constantly going off around him, tanks, fighters, flamethrowers, stukas, like yeah i really believe those headcanons about vito having hearing damage and selective hearing. the moments vito would've been pinned down behind something with bullets constantly flying around him, explosions going off, mud hitting him, stone hitting him, blood hitting him, jesus christ how many tanks nearly ran him over.
this sounds so rude but i kind of wish we got to see how vito was affected by the war more throughout the game because we really only see his scars and from what we can only assume his change in behaviour and personality. how did an eighteen year old, twenty when he finally gets out (which is still fucking YOUNG) just seem to brush it off? and i only say this because 2K did JACK. we the fans have thought about a lot but in game vito's just, sad and scarred... bitch let me see the horrifying trauma he faces, let me see his nightmares, give me joe feeling guilty, give henry another reason to realise what vito's been through and how young he really is. make henry feel worse about lying to vito and bringing him in on the drug deal and causing him to go through another big shootout. make vito a little deaf, is he nervous when everyone always expects the best from him when it comes to firearms?
did vito ever have to hold a dying brother out on the field? how many times did he see someone lose a limb, or have their head shot off, or their stomachs torn open, or hear them cry for their mother, or see them bleeding profusely on the ground, how much time did he really spend driving jeeps.
like i think vito would especially be terrified of things with buildup, the sound of tanks eventually getting closer, the astronomical speed of planes that were quiet two seconds ago but now ear-shattering, especially stukas i feel like vito would be terrified of stukas those things are scary, they just keep getting closer and closer and louder and louder.
and how scared shitless was vito when he got shot? blood starts going fucking everywhere, instantly, like was he thinking about joe when he was trying as hard as he could to put pressure on his wound? was he convinced he was going to die? did he think about his mother, his father, francesca, and joe?? all of them? only joe? was he content or did he feel like he hadn't done enough in life yet? did he call out for his mother or did he just lay there quietly? how many friends did he have in the army, how many died right in front of him, how many left him alone, how many sacrificed themselves for him, how many helped him. how guilty did he feel when they saved him but they died after doing so, how guilty did he feel when he couldn't reach someone in time. he's always had it in him to be giving but is this a big contributor to why he'd sacrifice himself for his friends in a heartbeat because the guilt would be too heavy for him to handle if he couldn't save joe or henry.
LIKE JUST BREAKDOWN VITO and for gods sake someone give him a hug
like i know vito's our badass protagonist but did he really not cry while out in service? is it really not this bad was he having a good ole time driving his jeep around or what WELL WE'LL NEVER KNOW WILL WE 2K
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beanfic · 4 years
Don’t tell my dad!
Pairing: peter parker x stark!reader 
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: you overhear your Dad’s intern talking about a party, and you decide to sneak in with your best friend
Warnings: underage drinking, poorly made decisions, rebellious teens
Author’s note: it’s not really peter parker x reader, more like in a platonic friend way? I just had a dream about this happening, so I decided to write about it :) Also meet Kenzie! She is an OC and I decided to add her into this as y/n’s bff. I hope you guys enjoy it!!
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You had heard about the party from your Dad’s newest intern, Peter Parker, when asked about his weekend plans. He mentioned he was attending a party at a friend’s house, and you were interested immediately. You had talked to Peter a few times while passing in the tower. He was a nice guy, the same age as you, also. Both of you were 17. He didn’t strike you as the party type, but you weren’t going to question it.
You had been raised in the tower since you were five, the year your Dad had taken custody of you after the death of your Mom. Living with the Avengers and bearing the last name  ‘Stark’ meant that you never got a chance to go to school with other kids. Instead, you were homeschooled, first by your Dad, but now you were learning the complex subjects from Dr. Banner. You didn’t surprise anyone when you showed the same interest in engineering at a young age, being a Stark and all. You were greatly appreciative about the challenging schooling you received, but you regretted not developing the social skills a normal teenager would have.
You have a few friends including a best one named Kenzie, a daughter of your Father’s friend but that didn’t help with socializing. You wanted to experience a high school party, just like the ones you had seen in the movies. It was a perfect plan, you could find out the address somehow, and go along with Kenzie. Kenzie was also homeschooled but was more normal than you could ever feel. 
“Are you sure it’s safe?” Kenz said as she sat beside your bed, strapping her shoes.
“Yes! My Dad is out tonight and I had FRIDAY do some research, and this guy, Flash, is known for throwing huge parties where multiple high schools go. It’s not like we are going to see anyone we know.”
“What about your Dad’s intern? Isn’t that how you heard about the party?”
You shrug, “He doesn’t seem like the party type so I doubt he will even show up, and if he does I’m sure we can find a way to avoid him. We can just find a corner to drink in.”
“This is so risky, Y/N!” Kenzie grabs your arm and shakes it.
“I know, it’s exciting.” You shove Kenzie off of you and you flash an annoyed smile. 
“Ready?” Kenzie stands up and you nod. Both of you tiptoe down to the garage, avoiding Steve who was usually in the training facility at night. Fortunately, he wasn’t there.
“Should we take the Mercedes?” you ask Kenz who look over at you with wide eyes.
“You have a Mercedes? You have options?”
You giggle, “My Dad lets me drive any of his cars except his Lambo. We can also take the Porsche.”
“I’m good with the Mercedes, we’re trying to lay low! Plus how are we getting back if we both want to drink?”
“My Dad has programmed FRIDAY into each of his cars so it can do autopilot,” and right on cue, the car lit up with FRIDAY’s voice.
“Hello, Y/N Stark. Where are we going tonight?” 
“Whoahhhh,” Kenz gasps under her breath. You repeat the address that FRIDAY had found back at the car.
“I’ll drive, FRIDAY.” You grab the wheel and rev the engine a little before pulling out of the garage into the cold streets and the starry night sky. 
“I’m nervous,” Kenzie admits as you park down the street from the house. It was big and lit up with multi-colored lights. It was on an isolated street down a private drive, which was a good thing because with how loud it already was from the outside, you were certain police would show up at some point. 
“It’s okay, I just need to make sure no one recognizes me and that we avoid Peter.”
“Sounds easy enough, sure, yeah, whatever you say” Kenzies’ tone is filled with sarcasm but you just roll your eyes at her. 
“I’m not that famous.”
“No, of course not! Just the rightful heir of Stark Industries, no big deal!”
“C’mon, let’s just get inside and grab a drink.” You open the car door and are greeted by the chilly night air. You walk up to the angular house, flashing a smile at the group of preppy looking kids playing beer pong on the huge and perfectly manicured front lawn. The music pounds out of the crack in the door as you push it open. A kid in a colorful floral hawaain shirt spills beer over himself as he stumbles past you in the hallway. Immediately, you know you're in the right place. 
“FRIDAY, check for Peter,” you whisper to the black glasses on your face. It was a good thing fashion glasses were in style, but you think to yourself that these might look a bit outdated. “Hm?” Kenzie turns to look at you. You point to your glasses and she mouths an “ohhh”. Even if you wanted to, you wouldn't be able to hear her over the music. 
“We’re good, no Peter yet. I’m sure the drinks will be in the kitchen, right?” you ask and Kenz nodded. It was difficult to maneuver through the sweaty, heaving crowd but eventually, you discover the kitchen. There's a sign above the granite counter that says “live, laugh, love”. These people fuckin suck. You notice a crappy cardboard sign that says “Shot Station” written in bold sharpie.
“Should we do shots?” Kenzie asks you nervously.
“I’m down,” you smirk, letting the Stark in you take over. You remember your Dad’s famous words in your head “never do something I would do when I was your age.” Doing something you knew you weren’t supposed to do made you bubble with excitement.
You take lead and grab two tiny red solo shot glasses and fill them up with a bottle of Malibu someone pulled from the fridge. It smells strongly of coconut and alcohol.
“To being adventurous!” Kenzie shouted, raising her cup for a toast.
“Being adventurous!” you yell back, bringing the cup to your lips and letting the warm liquid slide down your throat.
“What now?” Kenzie asks.
“Let’s make a mixed drink to carry around with us and we can go explore the rest of the house. FRIDAY told me there is a game room!” 
“Okay!” Kenzie agrees. You throw some lemonade and the rest of the malibu into a bigger cup, and Kenzie does the same. You hope that the drinks are for everyone, after all they are just sitting out so you don’t worry too much.
“Sorry, I made ‘em kind of strong!” you hand Kenz the drink and she takes a sip, eyes going wide.
“That’s delicious!” 
“That’s why mixed drinks are dangerous.”
The two of you wander around the house, making sure to watch for Peter until you find the game room. Both of your jaw’s drop when you first open the door. There are pool tables, foosball, ping pong machines, and tables for card games.
“Hey! We’re playing a game of rage cage, want to join?” a slurred voice calls out towards the two of you. 
“Us?” you and Kenz look at each other.
You look over at Kenz with a questioning look, and she raises her eyebrows in a confirming manner. The people seemed nice, and you didn’t recognize any of them. 
“How do we play?” you ask, taking a sip of your drink. A taller blonde guy, probably around your age as well, shuffles the cards and smiles down at you.
“You never played?”
“Nope,” you shake your head, feeling the heat bleed into your cheeks.
“It’s easy, you just try to make the ping pong ball into your cup before the person next to you, and if you don’t make it you have to chug the drink and try to make it again. If you get stacked then you have to drink.”
“Seems simple enough,” you muttered.
“Let’s do it!” Kenzie cheered, causing a few others to cheer with her. You wish you had the same charisma as her, but maybe the alcohol was already playing a role. You take another large gulp of your drink hoping you would feel something soon. 
The game was confusing at first, and both you and Kenz ended up chugging about three glasses of beer before understanding. You both got a hold of it and ended up doing pretty well. 
It was down to the last cup, the bitch cup as they called it, and it was your turn next. If you didn’t get the ball in the tower of red solo cups before the person next to you, you had to chug the entire cup of randomly mixed alcohol. 
“No!” you shouted as the person next to you stacked their cup on top of yours.
“You gotta drink the bitch cup, bitchhh!” Kenzie sloppily points her finger into your shoulder. You looked over at her, and you could sense she was pretty drunk.
Fine!” you grab the bitch cup and everyone starts chanting “chug! Chug! Chug!” and you down the nasty drink. 
“holyyy,” the everyone at the table all gasped at how fast you drank the bitch cup. You wiped your mouth and smiled with glee. You were a Stark, after all.
“I need airrrr,” Kenzie leaned on your shoulder.
“Me toooo,” the room was spinning as you started to walk out of the room, into the hallway and back towards the stairs.
“I feel so funny,” Kenzie giggled clumsily. “I feel like I can dance in the… in the sky!” She starts spinning in circles, flapping her arms like a bird. 
You laugh until you can’t breathe as you watch your best friend drunkenly dance her way upstairs. Your stomach is spinning with alcohol, and you need fresh air, quickly.
“I feel sick,” you mumble to Kenzie. 
“But I wanna dance!” she grabs your hands as  you reach the main floor where the music is pumping and everyone is swaying together in synchronized rhythm.
“Kenzzzz,” you groan. 
“Y/N Stark, you have a blood alcohol concentration level of .228. It is best you get along home.” FRIDAY’s voice sounds in your ear. You grab your glasses and shove them in your pocket. You can hear FRIDAY objecting as her voice is muffled in your jeans.
“I need to-,” you start to tell Kenzie as you feel the contents of your stomach start to fill up to your throat and you grab your mouth as you tumble out the back door to the dark patio before falling over into the damp grass. You spill your guts into a bush the moment you reach the backyard. You know that a ton of people probably are watching you right now, but, at this point? You could care less. You wipe your mouth with the sleeve of your sweatshirt. 
“Y/N?” a familiar voice calls out behind you.
“Peter!” you whip around quickly, causing you to trip over your own foot and spin right into him. Peter’s arms were around you instantly, keeping you from hitting the concrete.
“What are you doing here?” he helps you stand up. 
“Please don’t tell my Dad!” you manage through clumsy lips.
“I won’t, Y/N.” He wipes a strand of hair away from your face as he studies you. You feel uncomfortable with his gaze.
“Y/N? Where are yo-oh.” Kenzie stops mid-sentence as she sees Peter holding your shoulders.
“She threw up,” Peter looks over at your friend.
“I thought FRIDAY was supposed to tell you when he was nearby,” Kenzie tries to whisper to you but fails as Peter hears her.
“What?” he looks over at you as you grab the glasses from your pocket, showing him them guiltily.
“Ah, I won’t tell your Dad! I promise! You should go home though, you’re really sick Y/N.”
“I’m fineee,” you lean into Peter’s arms, resting your head on his strong shoulder.
“Erm.” Peter’s cheeks blush, he had barely talked to you and now you were drunkenly resting in his arms.
“I wanna danceee, are you drunk too Peter?” you ask him.
“I don’t, um, drink, but I really think you and your friend should go back home. Did you drive here?”
“We took a Mercedes!” Kenzie giggled.
“Right, well how about I drive you two back home?” he suggests.
“FRIDAY can driveee,” you hiccup. Peter couldn’t help but chuckle.
“I think it would be best if a human made sure you two got home safe.”
You pout, “But Spide-” but Peter’s hand comes closing in on your mouth before you could finish your sentence.
“Let’s go!” Peter grabs your hand and Kenz’s arm and pulls both of you towards the very recognizable Mercedes. 
“Hi, Peter, headed to the tower?” FRIDAY’s voice chirps over the speakers. Kenz was in the back seat laying down. You stared over at Peter, taking in the brown curls that lay gently on his forehead. 
The drive back to the compound was short, but maybe that was because you had closed your eyes and dozed off a couple of times. There wasn’t music playing either, so the silence was only filled with the soft snores of Kenzie in the backseat.
“We’re here,” Peter shakes your shoulder softly, trying to wake you up from your dazed state. You could barely keep your eyes focused on the brunette in front of you. 
“Kenzie” you mumble but you hear her stretching and yawning in the back.
“I’ll help you too upstairs, you’re on the third floor right, Y/N?”
You nodded, “Next to my Dad’s room.”
Peter nods, shutting the driver’s door and walking over towards the passenger side to help you out. Kenzie ends up being in a better state than you. She was able to walk but you rely on Peter to even stand up. 
“You’re cute, Peter.” The words slips off your tongue as you all manage to stand upright in the elevator.
“Erm, thank you.” He scratches the back of his neck with his free hand. The elevator doors open with a ding to the third floor. 
“Well, this is a surprise,” your Dad’s stern voice greets you. He walks into view with his arms crossed against his chest. 
“Damnit,” you groan. You keep your eyes on the ground, avoiding your Dad’s glare.
“Hi Mister Stark, I found Y/N and Kenzie at the party and thought I should get them home safely. I made sure nothing bad happened to them!” Peter rapid fired.
“I think I will take it from here, thank you Peter,” your Dad patts his shoulder, looking up at you knowingly. 
“See you around,” you slur. You almost begin to stumble over when Peter removes his arm that was holding you up, but your Dad catches you. 
“Whoa there, are we drunk?” His voice has a hint of sarcasm in it. 
“I don’t knowww, am I?” you giggle. 
“You should sleep, same with you Kenzie. Do your parents know what happened tonight?”
“No, sir,” she shook her head. 
“I won’t tell them, but take it from a parent. Being honest is better than keeping secrets. You can sleep in the guest room, I’m going to go take Y/N here, to bed.”
“Thank you, sir.” Kenzie walks down the hall towards the familiar guest room. You feel a bit guilty that you had put her in this position, but you were not expecting to get as blasted as you were. Your Dad practically carries you to your room and you lay down on the bed, feeling the warm pull of sleep immediately. 
“Y/N,” your Dad begins to speak. 
“Mmm, tired,” you mumble. You lay in the fetal position, head on the pillow and eyes already closed. You can hear your dad sigh heavily and feel a heavy blanket being pulled up and over your body. 
“We will talk about this tomorrow and discuss consequences, but for now I’ll let you sleep. Love you, Y/N.”
“I’m sorry,” you squeak.
“I know, but we will talk tomorrow. Get some rest.”
“Okay, love you Dad.” 
It didn’t take long for you to fall asleep, and even though you were mentally prepared for the lecture from your father, nothing would have prepared you for the massive hangover you were about to be greeted with in the morning. 
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