#like boy oh boy lets plop a building in these 'drained' wetlands! im sure nothing can happen :) right? :) right? :|
bunnyb34r · 4 months
Yeah that temp manager is a fucking dipshit
Like did they only promote you bc they had such shit retention/luck with previous managers and were scraping bottom of the barrel? Or has your store flooded so many times you have a mold problem that's slowly poisoning yall?
Either way he like.. cannot stock shit right it drives me insnae
Like I was watching him stock this endcap and I was like oh great he's actually helping
He put them like top of the package facing out... the brand label (aka FRONT OF THE PACKAGE) should be facing....
So just to check I asked RC if that was stocked right, making clear it wasnt ME who did it so she could be completely honest
No. 🙃
We both agreed our customers
A) cannot/will not read signs
B) dont even LOOK at the signs
C) need everything to be painfully clear.
That shit ain't gonna sell bitch
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