#like bro I'm so hungry. so hungry. but lunch isn't for an hour and a hald
canirove · 8 days
Rice, Rice, baby | Chapter 28
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“And what did you say people call this?” my mum asks.
“Babymoon. It's like a honeymoon but for parents, and it is a trip where you get to relax and spend some time alone before the baby comes” I explain.
“Then why are you going with Kennedy? I'm sure she went with James to hers.”
“Because I have no one else to go with and she is the one gifting me this trip.”
“What about Alex?”
“Mum” I sigh. “How many times do I have to tell you that I want nothing from Alex? That I'm done with him after everything he's done?”
“But Olivia, he is your baby's father!”
“No!” I yell. “He…”
“Everything ok, darling?” my dad says, suddenly showing up at my room's door and interrupting me before I say something that I shouldn't. “James is downstairs waiting for you.”
“Thank you, dad. Would you mind carrying my luggage?”
“Of course, darling” he smiles, looking at my mum before leaving.
“Olivia…” she says behind me. “Whatever has happened, you know you can tell me, right? That you can trust me.”
“I know, mum.”
“Then why don't you tell me?”
“Because it is… complicated. And I don't have time to explain it right now.”
“What if we have a date just the two of us when you come back, uh? We can go shopping, have lunch… Whatever you are in the mood for. But in one condition” she says. “That you must tell me what is going on.”
“I… Ok, mum.”
“Thank you, Olivia” she says before hugging me. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“What took you so long?” Declan says while Madders helps me get out of the car.
“Traffic, bro” he says. Because my babymoon isn't with Kennedy as my parents think. It's with Declan.
He had suggested the idea after Aaron had told him that he and Georgina had had one and really enjoyed it, and since he was suspended due to yellow cards, he organized us a little trip to the countryside to one of those super posh and super private hotels where famous people go to not get bothered.
“You could have texted me or something.”
“Sorry” I smile. “We got a bit carried away with our singing contest.”
“Oh, so that's why those black clouds were following you, uh?” Declan smirks.
“At least we don't sing “Rice, Rice, baby” in front of the whole country and make a fool of ourselves.”
“Oh, that's low, Liv” he laughs. 
“Oh my God!” Madders suddenly says. “How have I been so stupid?”
“What?” Declan and I say, looking at him.
“Rice, Rice, baby! The nickname was right there in front of me and I didn't use it!”
“The… what are you talking about, James?” I ask him.
“The baby's nickname, Liv! We could have been calling him Rice, Rice, baby and singing the song and we've basically missed the chance!”
“Thank God.”
“So rude, Olivia. So rude” Declan laughs again. “But maybe it was for the better, so don't start now, Madders.”
“No” I say, threatening him with my finger. “Now if you'll excuse me, our babymoon awaits.”
“Yes, of course, of course. Enjoy” he winks, making me roll my eyes. “Take care of them, Dec.”
“Always” he says before putting my luggage inside the car and joining me. “I made you something for the trip.”
“Please tell me you didn't try to bake me something.”
“As if you hadn't eaten all the cookies I made the last time” he says, rolling his eyes.
“I ate them because I was hungry, nothing else.”
“Yeah, sure. But it isn't something you can eat. It is something you have to listen to.”
“I made you a playlist” Declan says with a shy smile. ”It's just a bunch of songs I know you like, some that we've both enjoyed listening to together, and a few that remind me of you.”
“There are songs that remind you of me?” I ask, trying really hard not to cry. Because that is the cutest thing someone has ever done for me.
“Yep” he smiles. And call me crazy, but I could swear he is blushing. Declan Rice… is blushing. Oh my God. “Anyway, should we get going? I want to be out of the city before rush hour.”
“Yes, of course.”
“Do you want to listen to it now?”
“Please” I nod.
“Here we go” he smiles again as he starts the car, the screen on the dashboard showing that the playlist is called “Liv ❤” and that the first song is…
“No way!” I laugh.
“You were a One Direction girl, weren't you?” Declan smirks.
“I was and I am.”
“Then this song had to be there…” he winks as Niall Horan sings “Oh, I love you, I love you, I love, I love, I love Olivia.”
“I can't believe we just crossed paths with Richard Madden!”
“Who?” Declan says, looking for our rooms. 
“Richard Madden! Robb Stark!”
“I don't know who that is.”
“How can you not know who Robb Stark is? Didn't you watch “Game of Thrones”?"
“What?” he chuckles.
“I can't believe you haven't watched one of the best shows of the last decade. It is Mason's favourite!”
“How do you know that?” 
“He said it during an interview.”
“Now you watch Mason's interviews?” he asks, arching an eyebrow. 
“No, I… I mean…”
“Oh my God, Liv! Do you fancy Mason?” he laughs.
“Of course not!”
“Then why are you blushing?” 
“I'm not blushing, Declan” I say, hitting him with my bag.
“The mother of my son fancies my best friend. Unbelievable.”
“I don't fancy him!” I say, hitting him again while he just laughs. “At least not anymore.”
“So you did fancy him!”
“I had a little crush years ago, ok?” I confess, my face burning. “Now, have you found our rooms or not? I could do with a nap.”
“I think they are the ones over there” he says, pointing towards a big cabin at the end of the path we had been following. “We are next to the lake and have a little outside area that looks at it and from where I thought we could have breakfast tomorrow morning. Maybe sit down at night wrapped up in a blanket and look at the stars.”
“So romantic, Declan” I chuckle, speaking before thinking.
“I am very romantic” he smiles, making my heart skip a beat. Or two. We are off to a great start.
“I could get used to being rich, you know?”
“What?” Declan laughs.
“Coming here at least once a month and getting all pampered is the best plan ever. A massage in the morning, spa in the afternoon, some beauty treatments here and there, breakfast in bed…” That was what we had actually been doing since arriving the day before: be treated like royalty. 
“I can do the breakfast in bed.”
“But can you massage my legs and feet the way Patricia did?”
“I can try” he shrugs before tapping his hand on his thigh. “C'mon.”
“Put your legs here, let me try.”
“Are you serious?”
“I am. C'mon, Liv. I've been having massages on my legs for years, I think I know a thing or two about how it is done.”
“Ok…” I say, slowly moving on the sofa until I'm lying down and my legs are on his lap, tightening my dressing gown around my body to not show him anything. I'm wearing a swimsuit and he's seen everything that there is to see, but…
“Try to relax, ok?”
“Easier said than done.”
“I'm not going to injure you, Liv” he chuckles.
“Yeah…” I say, biting my lip to stop me from gasping as his hands move up my legs, massaging them but not making me feel the same as Patricia had managed to. With her I felt myself relaxing, almost falling asleep. With Declan, all my senses are alert, my body temperature going up by the second. Because he is turning me on. And badly. 
“How does it feel?”
“The massage, Liv. Is it good?” he asks, his hands moving up on my thighs and getting dangerously close to where I would not mind having him massaging me. 
“Yes, yes. But my feet need it more than my thighs” I manage to say.
“Feet it is, then” Declan says as he focuses on them while I let out a big breath I hope he hasn't heard. 
“When people do this in movies they never tell you how boring it is.”
“Liv!” Declan laughs.
“You know I'm right. Like, yeah, the sky is pretty and all that. But after five minutes you've seen it all” I shrug. “And my neck is starting to hurt.”
“Come here, then” he says, gesturing me to move closer to him. It is the last night of our babymoon and we are sitting outside our cabin, wrapped up in blankets and looking at the night sky as he had suggested we should do. “You can rest your head on my shoulder. If I recall correctly, you used to say it is very comfortable.”
“It surprisingly is, yes” I chuckle, sitting next to him and doing as he has suggested while he puts his arm around me, pulling me even closer. 
“I've missed this” Declan says after a few seconds in silence, his eyes still fixed in the sky.
“Me too” I whisper.
“I'm sorry, Liv.”
“What?” I say, moving to look at him.
“I'm sorry about what happened last summer. About the way I treated you, about how I behaved. I was a dick” he says, still looking up. How can he have such a perfect profile? It's not just his nose. It's his jawline, the shape of his Adam's apple, his lips, his eyelashes… Everything. And then you add the way the moonlight is lighting up all the right places and… “I'm sorry, Liv” he says, finally looking down at me. And when our eyes meet, I can't help but gasp. He is simply gorgeous. 
“It's ok” I whisper, still trying to process that this is real. Him, and this place, and everything I'm feeling.
“You didn't deserve that” Declan says while caressing my cheek, the noise that leaves my mouth being closer to a moan than a gasp. “I should have… I… Urgh” he groans, looking up again. 
“It's ok” I repeat, resting my hand on top of his, on the one that still is on my face. “It's ok, Declan.”
“No, it isn't, Liv” he says, looking down at me again. “Because I… I… Liv, I…”
“It's ok” I repeat once again before leaning forward and kissing him. 
At first he doesn't do anything, I've definitely caught him off guard. But when he finally reacts and kisses me back… Dear God. That probably is the best kiss of my entire life. 
“Liv” he whispers against my lips. “Liv, this…”
“Please don't talk.”
“But I need to, Liv. There are things I need to tell you, things that have been eating me alive for months, things you need to know.”
“You can't tell me tomorrow.”
“But Liv…”
“Tomorrow” I say before kissing him again. I will worry about what this means and what he has to tell me tomorrow. Right now, all I want to do is enjoy this moment, savour every second of it. 
Right now, I just want him.
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fnafsbheadcanon · 5 months
Bonnie bro: "Hey there beautiful! How was school?"
*Bonnie bro twirls Cassie up into a hug, making her giggle in the process*
Cassie: "It was good dad! I even saw Gregory!"
Bonnie bro: "Aww really? That boy from your birthday? That's great! Now c'mon, I only have half an hour 'till my lunch break ends-"
*Both Cassie and Bonnie bro start to approach Bonnie bro's car*
Bonnie bro: "-and you can do your homework in Faz-Pad. I'll give you some money in case you get hungry, okay darling?"
Cassie: "Okay!"
*Unknowingly to them, a young boy in a blue striped shirt is sulking, watching them as they leave*
Gregory: "..."
Gregory: (Man, I wish for somebody to twirl me up like that too... Cassie's lucky...)
*As they continue towards Bonnie bro's car, Cassie notices Gregory, who seems to be upset*
Cassie: "Hm? Gregory?"
*Bonnie bro turns, wondering what interested his daughter enough to stop*
Cassie: "Hey dad, can I talk to Gregory real quick? It'll be just fiveeee minutes. Please?"
Bonnie bro: "I don't know. I mean, you know how my job hates it when I'm late-"
Cassie: "-Please!!! Please please please please please please plea-"
*Cassie continues to tug on Bonnie bro, not stopping until he complied*
Bonnie bro: "-Okay! Okay! You little tornado! You're all over the place!"
*Cassie gives Bonnie bro a tight hug, to the point where he almost can't breathe*
Cassie: "Thank youuuuuuuu!!!!"
*Cassie quickly runs off while Bonnie bro, who's still shaken, makes sure to keep an eye on her*
Bonnie bro: "Just be quick! I don't have forever!"
Cassie: "Will do!!!"
Bonnie bro: (Gosh! Whatever I wouldn't do for this girl...)
*Gregory continues to sulk, not hearing the rapid footsteps coming to him at an alarming rate*
Gregory: "..."
Cassie: "Gregory!!!!!!"
Gregory: "Huh!?"
*Cassie jumps on him, capturing him in the same hug that she gave to her father*
Cassie: "Hey!!! How are-... you..?"
*Cassie stops in her tracks, now noticing that Gregory was crying*
Gregory: "I- I'm fine! Really! Nothing to worry about..! Totally!! Haha... ha..."
Cassie: "No you're not! Tell me what's wrong, please."
*Gregory doesn't answer, instead nods his head over to Bonnie bro and Cassie looks back, now realizing what's going on*
Cassie: "Oh... I'm sorry Gregory! I didn't see you so I didn't realize that-"
*Gregory perks up, realizing that Cassie is blaming herself for something that clearly wasn't her fault*
Gregory: "...No."
Cassie: "I didn't mean for that to happen so I- huh?"
Gregory: "No. You didn't do anything. Stop blaming yourself for something that isn't your fault."
Cassie: "But I- You're homeless! You don't have parents! How am I supposed to not feel guilty for having that when you're standing literally right there!?"
Gregory: "..."
*Both Cassie and Gregory are quite now, unsure what to tell each other*
Cassie: "I'm sorry..."
Gregory: "You're fine... Stop taking the blame. Whatever happened to me is unfortunate, but that doesn't mean you should be guilty for having something I don't. I'm just... Unfortunate, that's all..."
*Both are still silent, until Cassie comes up with an idea*
Cassie: "Hey Gregory."
Gregory: "What?"
Cassie: "I have an idea! How about you go join me and my dad over there to the PizzaPlex? He still has his shift, so we can go while he works. We can hang out in Faz-Pad, and order some food there while we work on homework!"
Gregory: "Really!? I- You'd do that for me!? But I don't even have money and-"
Cassie: "Don't worry. It's all on me."
Gregory: "But what if your dad won't like me?"
Cassie: "Won't like you? Pfft! Now that's the part where you'd be bluffing! He has been asking me questions about you non stop!"
Gregory: "I think he's doing that because I'm technically you're first friend, seeing as you never had friends before."
Cassie: "Well, true...- But still!!! Trust me, everything will be fine."
Gregory: "If you say sooaaAAHH-"
*As Gregory says that, he gets dragged by Cassie back to where Bonnie bro is, who's still waiting*
Gregory: "GAH!! I'm gonna puke! Never do that again Cassierole!"
Cassie: "Hey! Rude!"
Gregory: "Well you deserve it!"
Bonnie bro: "There you are! And here I thought I was gonna be late for work!"
*Both Cassie and Gregory perk up as Bonnie bro speaks, startled by a third voice interruptoling their bickering*
Cassie: "Hey dad, meet Gregory. Hey Gregory, meet dad."
*Bonnie bro and Gregory shake hands, finally able to meet one another*
Gregory: "Hey Cassie's dad. It's nice to meet you."
Bonnie bro: "Hey there little man! Nice to meet you too. How are you?"
Gregory: "Thanks! And I'm... Fine. Ya."
Bonnie bro: "Well, that's good to hear. Again, nice to meet you. Cassie has been taking about you non stop!"
Gregory: "Wait, really?"
Cassie: "Daddddd!!!!"
Bonnie bro: "What?"
Cassie: "Stop it! You're embarrassing me!!!!"
Gregory: "PFFT-"
*As Bonnie bro and Gregory giggle, much to the annoyance of Cassie, Bonnie bro realizes something*
Bonnie bro: "Actually, I think you should be heading home. Your parents might start to question where you are. Welp, I'm not gonna hold you back. You're free to go. Nice meeting you."
Gregory: "I-..."
*Cassie, sensing Gregory's destress, decides to change the topic before things escalate*
Cassie: "Ermmm, actually dad? Gregory and I were wondering if he can join us to go to the PizzaPlex! Would that be okay?"
Bonnie bro: "I mean, I wouldn't mind, but what about Gregory's parents?"
*Bonnie bro then turns to Gregory*
Bonnie bro: "Have you told your parents yet? I wouldn't want them to think that anything bad happened to you."
Gregory: "Ermmm, yeah actually..! I texted them if it would be okay for me to stay with you guys and they told me that it was okay as long as you're there, AND if I manage to finish my homework! Haha.."
*Bonnie bro questions Gregory's behavior, but doesn't dwell on it for long*
Bonnie bro: "Okay. But I wouldn't want you to stay there for too long. My shifts there are kinda... Over the top. I think Cassie told you that."
Cassie: "Yeah I did."
Gregory: "Yeah she did."
Bonnie bro: "Well kid, I'll try to ask for some free time, and if you remember your address, I can take you home, okay?"
*Gregory is shocked at Bonnie bro's behavior towards him, as many adults in his life so far have been nothybut cruel to him*
Gregory: "O-okay! Thanks!"
Bonnie bro: "Alright then. I'll try to take you home by 6pm. Now let's get moving, shall we? I really don't wanna be late-"
*Both Gregory and Cassie giggle at this as they climb into the car, with Bonnie bro reminding them to put on their seat belts and double checking if the did*
Cassie: "C'mon Gregory! That'll be fun! Maybe dad will let us try out a ride that hasn't been opened yet! That'll be so exciting!"
Bonnie bro: "Hey! Hold your horses there, Cassierole! I never said anything about testing new rides!"
Cassie: "Oh c'mon! Not you too!"
Gregory: "Wait. You call her that too!? Haha!"
Bonnie bro: "Yeah. She hates when we do that, doesn't she?"
*Bonnie bro and Gregory look back at an angry Cassie, much to their amusement*
Cassie: "Okay! Okay! I get it! Can we just go now!?"
Bonnie bro: "Hehe, okay."
*As the trio arrived at the PizzaPlex, much of what was promised happened. They ate at Faz-Pad while doing homework, and much to the dismay and surprise of Gregory, Cassie did indeed pay for the food. After they were done, they chatted a bit before deciding to go to Bonnie Bowl for some fun. By the time they finished bowling, much like Bonnie bro promised, he managed to convince his boss on a 1 hour break. Enough time to drive Gregory home and back. As they were leaving Bonnie Bowl, Bonnie bro decided to get Cassie and Gregory an ice cream as a little treat. With how much care Bonnie bro gave to Gregory, Gregory wondered that maybe not all adults are like that.*
Cassie: "Well, today was fun, wasn't it? I hope that we can meet again some other day!"
Bonnie bro: "Hey little man, enjoying your ice cream?"
Gregory: "Yeah! Thanks dad..."
*Both Bonnie bro and Cassie stop in their tracks and look back, making Gregory wonder what he just said until he fully registered what had just happened*
Cassie: "Did you just-!?"
Bonnie bro: "Hey! It's okay! It's not the end of the world!... Son..."
Gregory: "Huh!?"
*Bonnie bro giggles, finding it adorable that Gregory would think of him as his own*
Bonnie bro: "What? You think I wouldn't carry some humor? C'mon, we still need to get you home."
Cassie: "Awww!!! Gregory! That was adorable!!!"
Gregory: "No it wasn't I-"
*As Cassie gushers and Gregory continues to grumble in frustration, he grabs Bonnie bro's hand as they go through the main entrance of the Plex, with Gregory telling Bonnie bro that his house is near by Cassie's, and with Cassie 'confirming' this false statement. Gregory told Cassie to not tell her dad, to which she complied to since there was nothing she could do, and she didn't want Gregory to be stuck at a foster home, hearing horrible stories about how kids were mistreated there. So with that, Gregory was dropped off on a nearby curb, with having one thought in mind*
Gregory: (Maybe things weren't so bad after all...)
Anon this very wholesome. But I can't just laughing at Cassie's dad being Nicknames Bonnie bro and idk why.
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cassandrahatesf00d · 7 months
Tw- 4n@ rant
Guys I had Dutch bros I'm a worthless p1g 🐷
Genuinely feel like a waste of space
I downloaded the app (Dutch bros app) cos my sister and I like to go there alot, I was planning to fast today and I broke my 8 hour fast because I get a free drink in the app (for downloading it) and my sister wanted to go get it so I had a medium hyperchrome lemonade (I literally always get small and I should have) and I didn't even get it iced which would've been the lower cal option because honestly they taste so much better blended
So me and my sister shared it (so glad we at least shared it) and I'm gonna try and starve all weekend 🤞
In my family, we eat all meals together (except for lunch on school days cos I'm at school, dw I always skip lunch at school) so it's INCREDIBLY hard for me to restrict, and my dad is one of those "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" people so I can't exactly skip it like every single other person I know but I think I'm gonna start "waking up late" on weekends so there isn't a lot of time until lunch so maybe I can start skipping it so I'm "hungry for lunch" in reality I'll keep waking up at the same time but I'll just work out until 11 (or play video games if I'm feeling lazy) with my door closed and light off, there's a chance they come in to wake me up but I'm gonna ask them to not wake me up because school has been tiring recently.
Any flaws in my plan y'all? Or anything to add?
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I'm super bummed out right now, and I need to vent before going on Ao3 or scrolling the Ratchet tag. So I made dinner today and I was really proud of it. It was nothing special, just pasta, but mom said she was really grateful because she was taking care of my step dad. The trouble starts when I have to wrangle my brothers for dinner. They're outside on the complete other side of the neighborhood, so I walk through the cobblestone shortcut. It's been a while since I've been there and it has some really tall grass now, so the whole time I'm trying to avoid the super tall grass in fear of ticks. When I get bro. 1 I ask him to go and get bro. 2. He tells me no. I've already made some progress backwards at thus point so I go forward again and get bro. 2. Thus giving him an attitude. On my way back to the house, I'm fretting over ticks and bro. 1 closes the garage door. He had no idea I was going to use that door, but it was the easiest way in the house and he used it so their was a probability he thought I would use it. Then bro. 1 goes with mom and step dad to pet our cats, while bro. 2 goes to watch TV. I have to yell at bro. 2 to get him to eat 3 tiny noodles. Bro. 1 says he isn't eating so I take a random fork and put it in the bowl I'm making for step dad. Then mom goes and tells them to eat and they complain their not hungry. Note the last thing Bro. 2 ate was Mac and cheese over 5 hours ago and bro. 1 didn't have lunch. So bro. 2 starts complaining about having to eat and bro. 1 acts like an idiot not knowing what to do with out a utensil. They complain the whole time and it hurt a lot. They were talking to my sister just normal but they would spawn an attitude with me. It got me super drained and now I'm in my bed. Sorry for yapping but I needed to get this off my chest.
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lord-radish · 2 years
my favorite workplace activity is Biscuit Tetris, where the goal is to eat as many biscuits as humanly possible while making the biscuit container look like it's barely been touched.
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t4a2t4s2u5y6a4 · 4 years
Your MLDD boys life in AU with medieval setting. Let's enjoy~
#MrLoveDreamDate #fanfic #MidYearContest #AU
Why Is Everyone So Noisy?
Knock knock.
"My Lady, are you awake yet?"
What? It's already morning? Sigh. I should stop reading romance novel until midnight.
"My Lady, may I come?"
"Yes. I'm awake."
Ah. My eyes hurt. Did I overslept while reading book? No wonder my body is chilly since I'm not using my blanket properly.
"Oh my, are you reading until midnight again?"
"Shhh! Anna, keep your voice down. If dad found out he will yell at me again."
"You know that Duke is someone like that but you still dare to provoke him. I don't know if you're just a brave lady or simply an air headed."
I know that my dad is a scary person among nobility. Even The Royals don't dare to mess up with him. But still, live as a caged young lady like this isn't my style at all.
"My Lady, what time you sleep last night?"
"I don't really remember. What's wrong?"
"Not only your eyes are red, but your eyes also swollen. Your face looks so pale too"
Drap drap.
No no no. Don't tell me...
Crap! Who is this horrible girl in the mirror? Is this really me? This is bad. If my dad found out he will start lecture me for hours!
"Aaaaaa. Anna, what should I do?"
"First you should wash your face. I will come back with cold water and towel. Also I will bring some camomile tea and breakfast."
"Anna, you're my angel!"
After wash my face and relax my body, now my face looks more like a human. What a beautiful life I have here.
Or not.
"Kiki, how can you act like that in front of your mistress? And don't be so harsh with the door."
"It's not the time to chit chat. Anna, you should dress up My Lady now. The Royals will come to our mansion!"
Give me some rest QwQ.
Just one line and everything start in hurry. Our mansion become so bussy since this morning because everyone rushed every preparation. In other room, Anna and Willow dolled me from head to toe. Just why The Royals come today.
"Willow, you're serving my dad this morning right? Aren't he supposed in the mine field now? Why The Royals suddenly come?"
"Sigh. That's something I want to know too. Our butler, Mr. Milles receive a letter from capital and told us that The Royals will come to have lunch with you and then like what you can see. Everyone is bussy like bees now."
"Me? Not my dad?"
"Yes. The letter said The Royals want to have lunch with you."
Did The Royals forgot what happened the last time they come without my dad knowledge? Are they bored enough and don't value their life to come here?
Time sure flies so fast. Just a while ago I wake up and now I should stand in front of my mansion door to greet our estimate guest.
Klotak klotak.
Oh, here they are. A dazzling carriage with royal knights in the left and right. Can they come more quietly? Why they always bring so many people here. 50 knights are too much.
Clack. Sound of carriage door open.
"Ah, Miss Chips~ Long time no see~"
A guy with blonde hair and blue eyes run over me with his warm smile. He open his arms wide like want to catch something.
"Kiro, stop that. Mind your behaviour in front of everyone."
"Then I can do it later in the private room?"
"That's not what I mean."
Another guy with brown hair and eyes grabbed blonde guy's collar while his another hand is in his waist.
"Thank you for visiting our mansion, your highnesses, Prince Gavin and Prince Kiro. It's been a while since the last time we meet."
"Ah..um. Yeah."
"What is that, Gavin? Why your face become red so suddenly?"
"Cough. It's the weather. We are on carriage for so long and it's so hot outside."
Someone from behind Gavin's back appeared and grab his shoulder.
"Well well. It can't be helped since our beloved Prince Gavin is so shy. Hoho~"
"Why are you also here Minor?"
"You won't stay for a hour if I'm not come along, your highness. Please let me help you. (whisper) Don't forget that I'm your cupid."
"Wha-?? Ehem. It seem you lack of works recently. I will give you more when we come back."
"Noooooo. Please spare me your highness!"
I'm so tired waiting for them in front of the door and when they will come in? My legs become numb since a long time ago. Can they continue their conversation when they're already in?
Now we are on the guest room and enjoy some tea with snacks. Ah, finally I can breath.
"Now now, Miss Chips. When will you spare your time for me? Since it's almost fall season I think scenery near the lake will be beautiful. How about we have a date there?"
Let me introduce them. He is the second prince, Kiro. He is so bright. Not only his face but also his personality. He is very populer among commoner as The Light of Loveland Kingdom.
"You will be a dead meat when you step out your feet with My Lady, don't you know?"
This serious face man is the first prince and Loveland Kingdom's crown prince, Gavin. He is a sword master and rumored as a cruel person. But actually he is kind and shy. People was misunderstood him because of his action and expression.
"You mean in the Duke hand or in your hand, your highness?"
"You're not allowed to talk here. If you need some friends to talk you can talk with the maids over there."
"How mean of you, your highness~"
And the last is Gavin attendant and his right hand man. Minor. I heard they are childhood friend. No wonder they are so close.
"So Miss Chips. How about my propose (date propose)?"
"Well, I should think about that again. I..."
Ah. It's a nightmare. Devil just come to this room. I can tell it from the sound of the door. RIP the door. May God bless you.
"Propose? I never hear a funny joke like this in my entire life."
Yes. That's my dad. The hellish duke. At your service.
"Ah, Duke Victor. It's not like what you think."
"Ho. You know what am I thinking? Let me hear then."
Minor, I apreciate your loyalty to your master but you should stop it right here. I don't want to see any bloodshet in front of my eyes.
"Don't be so furious, father in law. You make them scared."
This voice. Don't tell me.
"Who is your father in law?"
"Lucien? You're also here?"
"Yes, My Lady. How can I miss an interesting event like this, right?"
"Don't! Ignore! Me!"
Duke Victor is my dad. He is called as 'Hellish Duke from The North' by people in capital. Just one word from him and everyone will silent. But I think that not work sometime.
"Duke, your face have more wrinkles than usual. Look at me and give us more smile ^^"
Lucien is my dad co-worker. A young and brilliant nobel. Our family is a business partner since generations ago.
"How have you been this last days, My Lady? I miss you so much."
My bad, I forgot to put the word 'sly' in Lucien introduction. No one dare to come close to me, not even mention kiss my palm except him.
"Duke, this is a costume. I just pay my respect to My Lady. Or did you think anything else? ^^"
His sly face is beyond your imagination. You can't tell what Lucien is really thinking.
"Stop with your nonsense and release my daughter hand right now. You fox!"
"Hm. It's too bad that your scary dad is here. We can continue it when we're alone, right My Lady?"
"Errr. I think it will be difficult."
"My Lady, are you worried about me? It's okay. If he value his business then he shouldn't do anything to me. At least now."
"I regret sign a contract with someone like you."
"Fufu~ Like what I said before. If you terminate our contract then you should give your most beloved to me as a compensation. I hope you not forget about it."
"You fox. Don't come any closer to my daughter!"
"It's okay anyway. We can still be together even if you not terminate our contract. Right, father in law?"
Again. Lucien and my dad just play run and chase while using me as their wall. Are they still in kindergarten or what?
"Miss Chips! What did Lucien mean by that? Are you going to marry him? No waaay..."
Kiro, please. It will be a miracle if I can go out my mansion,.don't even mention anout marriage. I don't think I can marry in my entire life.
"Your highness are you okay? Hang in there bro! Gavin? Hello? Don't stand like that you make me scared."
Poor Minor. He is swaying his hand toward Gavin many times but it seem Gavin has lost in his own thought. At least Gavin not noisy like the other. But is he okay? He is standing like a rock for a while until now.
"How can you marry someone else. How about our promise when we are kid, Miss Chips?"
"Gavin? Bro? Breath! Don't die! Broooo!!"
"We can live together. 3 of us in my mansion. I will prepare the master room for you beside my room and My Lady so you won't be alone, Duke."
"I should sold my soul to demon instead to fallen angel like you."
Did everyone forget our purpose gathering here today? To be honest I'm hungry. I mean I need more than enough energy to play with these people.
"Anna. How is the preparation for lunch?"
"It's already finished. But My Lady, you should do something about them first."
"Like I ever success do that. Can anyone replace me and stand here? I'm done with this."
That was my daily life. A caged nobel lady who has super protective dad because I always surrounded by noisy handsome men.
Murmuring "Should I accept proposal from neighbooring prince we get last week?"
"NO WAY!!"
What? They can hear me? Did my voice come out? Sometimes these 4 people can be in harmony too, huh?
[My Lady, if you want to live a free life please give me your hand in marriage. I will ensure no one will disturb us here.
From your secret admirer.
17 years ago, at the Duke Victor household.
"I want to marry daddy when I grow up!"
"Why you want to marry me?"
"Because daddy is so handsome, smart and rich!"
"Dummy. You can't marry your dad. If you grow up later you should look to someone worth like me. Although I guess you can't find a better man than me."
Present day, at the garden.
"My Lady, I heard you like someone who is handsome, smart and rich?"
"Where did you heard something like that, Lucien?"
"It just a coincidence. Although I'm from a marquessate household, actually I'm richer than you father. You know when your family in the blink of bankruptcy 10 years ago our family make an agreement that...."
"Ow. It's hurt. Who is that throwing book to someone else head?"
"Oh, Duke. How are you? ^^"
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