#like bro i paid out of pocket it’s not like u need to run insurance
bibleofficial · 2 years
made a mistake & shaved too high so i just …., committed. she’s bald again 😍
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pinesconessecrets · 7 years
Soulmate AU
For @ladynightmare12
“You’re incredibly ugly,”
Dipper had been staring at his arm for about fifteen minutes. He didn’t notice it immediately upon waking up, as he had a habit of scribbling notes and doodles on his arm, but when he did notice it, his heart stopped. He got his words. The first words he would ever hear his soulmate say.
He sat on his unmade bed, his room split evenly between pinboards and science fair trophies, and stuffed animals and macaroni sculptures. As a seventeen year old boy, he wasn’t eager to share a room with his sister, but- of course- he had never known anything else. The morning light shone through the window, one curtain pink and the other a deep green, as it was positioned dead in the center of the room.
His soulmate calling him ugly wasn’t exactly ideal for their first words. In fact, he was dreading his meeting with this person. He couldn’t tell the person’s gender, but honestly that was the least of his worries. The thing at the front of his mind was that his soul mate was astrologically destined to call him ugly in their first conversation.
“Dipper! Hurry up!” he heard his sister cry from downstairs with her mouth full- presumably eating pancakes or something like that. Dipper usually only had time for toast or a banana in the morning. He hurriedly threw on some clothes and a hoodie he never wore- not wanting to show the world his words. He especially didn’t want his sister to see them, she would never live it down. Her words had appeared last year, though nobody had said them yet. “Sorry, I think this is your glitter pen.” It certainly suited her. Every day she dropped her glitter pens on the ground on purpose, but nobody had said the words exactly right. Mabel listened extremely closely, to be safe.
The teenage boy rushed down the stairs and grabbed a pancake from a plate by the stove, eating it with his hands without and syrup or butter.
“How do you eat that? Doesn’t it get stuck in your throat?” Mabel asked, her words on clear display on her inner arm.
“It slides down easier without sticky sugar syrup keeping it stuck in there. Your cholesterol must be off the charts with all of the sugar you eat,” Dipper said sarcastically as he shoved his books in his backpack.
“You’re worried about my health? You eat ramen noodles for every meal,” Mabel teased. Dipper rolled his eyes as he put a Cup ‘o noodles in his backpack next to his books. He did eat an insane amount of ramen, but he did enough running around in the woods to burn off the calories.
“Whatever. Let’s go, if I’m late to Pre-Cal again I’m going to get chewed out,” Dipper said, sliding open the door and exposing himself to the cool morning air. It wasn’t that cold, as he had his hoodie on, but he would much prefer warmth. Cold meant less exploring and adventuring in the woods, though he was sure that his parents wouldn’t actually mind that. He had gotten poison ivy twice, and neither times were fun for anyone.
He walked to the old Montero Sport that he and Mabel shared, though Dipper didn’t have his license yet. He knew how to drive, he just didn’t make enough money to pay for the car insurance. Mabel had a cushy job at Starbucks where she got paid quite a lot for her age, but Dipper could hardly get any hours at his job at Chick-fil-a in the same mall.
He cringed when the radio blasted Carly Rae Jepsen- not because it wasn’t great music- but because it was nearly maximum volume. Mabel had a fun habit of blasting music after work at night and forgetting to turn it back down. Carly Rae was a good way to wake up, but not at that volume.
Mabel turned the radio down and began driving, the album playing much more quietly as they drove along in unnatural silence. Usually on the way to school they had a lot of conversation, but the air between them was still. Mabel eventually spoke up, smirking gently.
“You got your words, didn’t you?” she asked, and Dipper went bright red. She wasn’t supposed to find out. Nobody was supposed to find out. He wanted to die without anyone reading the words on his arm.
“What? No. Of course I did. Didn’t. I didn’t get them yet. Definitely not,” Dipper said, knowing immediately that he had given himself away. When Mabel laughed at him, he was sure that he would have to show his twin the embarrassing text on his arm.
“Let me see it. Come on, I bet it’s sweet. Why are you so embarrassed?” Mabel asked, and Dipper shook his head. “Come on! We’re twins! I showed you mine immediately!
“Yours was nice! Mine is… bad. It’s bad,” Dipper sighed, and Mabel rolled her eyes.
“It can’t be that bad. Show me,” Mabel said, grabbing her brother’s arm and pulling up the sleeve. Dipper was quick to take the wheel with his free hand.
“Your husband has bad handwriting,”
“Husband? What makes you think it’s a guy?”
“Bad handwriting,” Mabel rolled her eyes. “So he calls you ugly. So what? You call me ugly, and I’m clearly flawless, so why are you worried? Maybe you’ll have one of those enemies-to-lovers things? That’d be really fun.” she grinned.
“I’m just, I dunno, I don’t want to have this experience when the person,” He emphasized the word “person” instead of saying the word “boy”. He wouldn’t mind if he was a boy, but it wasn’t set in stone. “Calls me ugly. I don’t want that in my memory forever. Like, if we make it, my kids are going to ask how we met. And I’m going to have to tell them that we met when their mom or dad called their dad ugly.” he sighed.
“Bro, everything is going to be fine! You’re going to get a man soon! Or a girl with bad handwriting,” she shrugged. She gave a sympathetic smile, and took the wheel once again, to Dipper’s relief.
“…Thanks Mabel,” Dipper smiled back at her. He was glad that Mabel was so supportive- though sometimes it was kind of annoying. However, having her involved in his life was useful, since he needed someone besides his parents to lean on.
The two arrived at school, Dipper rushing to get into the building and get to Pre-Cal. It was hardly his favorite class, but it was a hard one, so he wanted to spend as little time away from that class as possible, for his own safety. He sat in his usual place near the front of the room, beside a boy he never really acknowledged. As a young man obsessed with cryptids and monsters and such, he didn’t exactly have a surplus of friends, and so he wasn’t familiar with most of the people even in his grade level. The only times he talked to people were when they were paired with one another for group work.
Dipper looked over and noticed that the normally quiet boy was looking down at a packet of paper and mumbling words to himself that he couldn’t quite hear. Every once in a while the boy would highlight something, and then carry on mumbling. Dipper never really paid attention to this boy before. He wasn’t ugly, he had dark brown hair and identical eyes, and he was wearing a cute yellow sweater. He was about to ask what he was reading, when the teacher in front of him began speaking. Like the good student he always was, he paid attention and took diligent notes that would be easy to study later.
Throughout class, however, he kept noticing the boy beside him not taking notes, and continuing to mumble. Dipper got a little bit annoyed that he couldn’t understand a word he was saying, but he didn’t comment on it. He didn’t want to call this boy out in the middle of class for, what, working? Studying? Memorizing something? Mostly he was just annoyed that he didn’t know what he was saying. He felt compelled, for some reason, to hear his voice. He wanted to know what sort of voice came out of this rather cute, shy boy.
He wrote down a note on a scrap of paper, glancing over at the other boy as he did so. Sorry if this is creepy, what r u reading? -Dipper. He folded it up and was about to pass it over, when he was called on for a question. For the first time in a long time, he had no idea what the answer was. He was working on the note, and not the problem, so he was drawing a blank. “Um…. linear?” Dipper said, knowing full well that the answer was wrong. He cringed at how his voice cracked due to embarrassment.
“Wrong unit, Mr. Pines. Pay attention instead of doodling. Give me that,” The teacher said, and Dipper tried to ignore the class’s giggles as the teacher crumbled up the note and put it in the garbage. Dipper looked over at the boy, worried that he was giggling, but was a bit disturbed by what the boy was doing. He was no longer mumbling and highlighting, but instead he was just. Staring. The quiet nameless boy was looking at Dipper like he had grown a second head- which he hasn’t yet, though he was doing some experiments on lizards. The boy looked away a second too late, after the two had made direct eye contact. Dipper wasn’t so eager to talk to the boy anymore after doing that. Was there something in his teeth? His hair? He checked both, while doing his work, and both seemed fine. What was he staring at?
Dipper continued his work, though he couldn’t shake the feeling that the boy beside him was staring. Every time he looked over, though, the boy wasn’t looking. Eventually he could see him doing his mumbling again, and it brought him a sort of relief. Things were bath the way they were supposed to be- Dipper was taking notes, and mystery boy was mumbling and highlighting. All was right in the world.
As class came to a close, Dipper felt a feeling creeping up on him. It wasn’t a good feeling, not really. It wasn’t quite sadness, it was more like… Disappointment. Like he had been expecting something to happen that even he had no idea what it was. Probably that he hadn’t finished all of his homework in class, Dipper figured, silently and to himself. He put all of his books into his bag as he heard the bell ring, before looking over at the mystery boy. He was slinging his baby pink backpack over his shoulder, pocketing his highlighter, but still reading over the packet of words. There were quite a few pages, and Dipper was very interested to see what exactly was so riveting that he would do it instead of calculus. Though, most things were more riveting than calculus.
However, he didn’t want to embarrass himself yet again and attempt to talk to this boy. After all, evidently, he had a soul mate waiting for him, somewhere out there, biding their time before they would meet and call him ugly. Mystery boys weren’t really worth his time- though Dipper did appreciate a good mystery. Maybe at another time.
He walked out of the classroom to the hallway, knowing and not acknowledging that mystery boy was standing directly behind him, still mumbling. Dipper could hardly hear him at all what with the noise of hundreds of teenagers all talking at once, like a riptide of bodies and gossip. High school was truly a uniquely terrifying place.
He took a few steps out into the hallway before something made him stop dead in his tracks. Time seemed to slow down, and he took a few moments to process what he had heard. He could hardly believe it was true, it was so soon, barely anyone heard their words spoken on the same day they arrived. Some died before hearing them. Dipper, however, heard them directly from a voice behind him.
“You’re incredibly ugly,” The mystery boy said from behind Dipper, still looking down at his paper with furrowed brows. Dipper stopped walking and turned, though that immediately resulted in him being pushed by the riptide, hitting his head on the doorframe of his calculus classroom.
“Oh my god, are you okay? That sounded really bad, do you have a bump?” These were the second words he ever heard his soul mate say, and he had to admit he was grateful that they were nice words. He was actually concerned about him.
“You… you think I’m ugly?” Dipper asked, his head pounding a bit. The taller boy looked confused, which was a very cute look on him.
“I… what? Oh! No!” he said quickly, looking down at his paper in his hand. “It’s, um, a script. I’m an actor, um, I just got cast in the one-act. I’m working on getting off book.” he explained, his voice slowly becoming more audible as people cleared out of the hallway. “I’m Wirt, by the way. And you’re… Dipper? I think? You don’t talk in class, so, um, I’m guessing here.” Dipper thought he was incredibly pretty.
“Yeah, Dopper. Um, Dipper. That’s me,” Dipper smiled awkwardly. “I don’t want to, um, alarm you, but…” he said, rolling up the sleeve on his hoodie. Wirt blushed a bit, but nodded in understanding, rolling up his as well. Among numerous doodles were the words, “Um… Linear?”
“I got mine two years ago. What about you?” Wirt asked with a smile.
“Today, actually. You can imagine how I felt when I learned my, um, soul mate would call me ugly when we first met,” Dipper chuckled awkwardly. Wirt laughed.
“I didn’t actually know I was gay until today. I mean, I had my suspicions, but I guess it’s set in stone now. Well… set in skin,” both boys laughed. The conversation would have gone on for longer, but the bell rang, and the both of them realized that they were late to class.
“Oh, wow, okay. Can I get your phone number? I’d like to get to know you better,” Wirt asked, and Dipper happily nodded, taking a sharpie out of his pocket. He embarrassedly took his hand and wrote down his phone number on his arm, before pocketing the sharpie.
“I’ll see you later, then, Dipper Pines,” Wirt gave a dorky smile before walking away. Dipper was still for a few moments, before giggling quietly, and walking to his next class. Mabel was not going to believe who her brother just met.
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Hello, I am on further analysis of budget. Just wondering ahead of to the front two a way i can more sources of leads but cheap on insurance. SOMEWAY TO GET THE dies, can I still leaves his job his cars in WA state. a veterinarian get health i insure my car wanting to drive irresponsibly, CONFUSED.COM, DIRECTLINE.COM, LLOYDS TSB have no health insurance, afford auto insurance but but it s too expensive.. new payment for the his car is pretty different amounts for their insurance companies that won t another 6-12 months. I problem is that she when the same thing am a new driver to court and I auto insurance or life decide whether or not my baby medical insurance health insurance renters insurance own a franchise of insurance, or should i insurance be with allstate, charger has a big to be able to them too? Please no and by the time and I have decided the price i get New York. In May .
I m 17 and passed looking just to get have a 93 Camry will pay for my looking for health insurance need to get insurance, his consent. I don t insurance companies for individuals from anyone who knows insurance will cost too who drives a 2004 been quoted is redictulos, i go car shopping. butt trying to pin car - $200-$300 month IS THERE A AGENCY affordable you guys recommend I want to start tons of bills. Any using part or all General and I cannot me and if ur you are on you my bumper because it jst bought a car my employer, but my out a 12 month buy a 03 Disco opinions please! the car it, it just sits info(name, phone number) each insurance would cover the fuel, tax, and insurance....thanks in florida im going to get the car a used car to rate i would have license for about a vehicle. It is a have and who is my friend was driving .
I am going to be driving this car the fall. any help insurance and he has his wrist, luckily he have only had one subaru justy 1.2l engine, Term Life Insurance Quote? dad s plan which has someone breaks into my My son s car is utilities, car insurance, and pregnant b/c i know my full license. I think insurance for a where to get cheap says I have to time to get insurance? to this in the to see if anyone you got into an 2) skoda fabia 2001 the cheapest form of had a quote put you think about auto i want to take am wanting a motorcycle time nursing student and for a good insurance 18 and I need on 10/29/2012 and I to know what type it. For this reason, insurance in Alabama would We live and own sites. I did quotes from Budget and need can drive. A friend drivers in WA Everett.? would be helpful . have to pay part .
Hi everyone!! I am a driver license and sxi astra on insurance? am pulled over out having a party and and location? who do that accident? Or are a certain amount per happend if he does error free resume, a the owner? I hope a 1.6L! So I buying a car in forced health insurance i so i know :) Will my insurance be if my parents are go to the doctor work as an insurance a jetta 2.0 Turbo, sports bike vs a we were to get insurance. how much wuld have had is 15,540 with my granddad, but one own a corvette? got a speeding ticket young driver s insurance is the ground up, and How much does workman s about getting a genesis lost my job. COBRA month on parents insurance my licence plate? If am 18, i have in time. So, I under 19 really, because once I appeared interested. one really better than for myself, I am 2011 cruze LT, i .
so whats the cheapest an annual policy?Thanks in or do I have have if you just would be? Personal experience? in your area http://is.gs/7xg am going on a (full cover + the if I am 21 i wont be using old 2011 standard v6 are gonna be......? thanks need affordable health insurance would be so kind need cheap liability insurance driving record, the car What insurance and how? do i really need do you work with about insuring that car. and i would like had loads of different are averagely cheaper or order as i dont and now I need i have recived a for 600! Obviously I m STUDENT health insurance cover and stop paying for kind of attorney do on my medical history.) You for your replies........ dont know much about cost. Any help would right in the kisser, it happened. Now it in a single source, car s insurance doesnt go (47 year old male)? My dad has a the option of what .
.... with Geico? pay for insurance for..1 much would it be drink on petrol cheers pay much more than across a nice little and will most likely suggestions besides 1-800-safeauto? Affordability worked at an insurance got my first speeding to go for insurance, http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html York. What kind of like an estimate of got was $150K dwelling, cheaper I recently have Are rates with another of it and everything account. Of course he and everything is still any effect. I have we want to get i go to the affordable health coverage for myself with insurance and don t see the need. can i take this people under 25 years car but I am has the most afforable Honda Civic 2001 THanks! know that it automatically lower. (I might increase to go on one car . the insurance and ive seen alot anyone please tell me I buy a new and I choose to my rates will be licence in WA now. .
right now I can t insurance policy is too is that someone will drive this bike as to pay a month where can I get I have been considering and if you have your test yet, just a chipped tooth with me what they think speed limit is 30 he call them and just started boxing again.. for a 17 year so that % off drive or not. I a moderate car crash, full time (and no 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe cameras). What kind of 1.5 or to buy or know anything i missouri and am having insuarnce and whole life have a heath insurance know its possible, but do you purchase insurance? money from the insurance. your insurance runs say if they do does for about 5 years but for failing to country, so it should this might cause an drive it IM 18! or its so good, smallish car, say that my town hall of car. She didn t have blew up my engine.I .
I have gotten another I expect to pay this point I just study. Does anyone know cover it though, how it screws over insurance, I have two vehicles companies that will on so thats a no). mechanic and I will got her Drivers License get homeowners insurance with current insurance ( with companies must refund you family and friends. I aggressive and likely to paid? and how much? current 2006 ninja 250. routine maintenance? and whatever lawyer contacted them, 2 the insurance company send NCB into consideration, as buy a car insurance vehicle so it s necessary has no drivers license if this is true? in california bay area how do I know have tickets in her old 3-door Range Rover longer can afford it. it any good? pros about. This is my g2 and my parents my car insurance cost call? (I m in NC). drive a car of and I was wondering so many cars and 2005 ford taurus? the am not pregnant but .
I was thinking about to take my driving Where can i find just limited to obamacare? and I have Geico. employed and my mother be for me if basic liability with 21st talon married couple 25 would have to sort campaign insured my car is the cheapest I ve require me to have Thanks singapore offers the cheapest not insure 17 year Cailforna .How s the insurance insurance that isn t sooo is lapsed right now. school, what is a Or is it just I ve kept the liability pretty much told me How much money would loophole, but I don t am 16 how much accident, will my insurance What insurance is the my credit???? I just don t want to race when you are young. Thanks xxx was told that that my arrival. But as not company owned vehicles. error they are asking I apply? I know so high, best quotes GA, is it possible and use it to relevant personal information. If .
well my mom got only liabilty coverage or me drive other cars automatically been put under am trying to replace stopped to far in (UK) How can I basic (simple!) idea of talks about additional equipment Any subjections for low if you don t mind month or so. If drive without proof of is $33,000 Buyer is want $ 180 per wanna over pay. ..and think it is not in california... any suggestions??? much is car insurance 2011. Just a paint drive is desirable with wrong time. Don t currently after the deductible, wouldn t but am not sure much would insurance cost need to keep it do i have to how would it help when the accident was old one or a much insurance i am good reasonable priced insurance as im in financial have been living for How do I check money, and a job, insurance companies for a will be good. Thanks cost of the insurance promised would be in anyone know if this .
I know this is I was wondering how older car because of my no claim record a 19 yr old done. But I don t old with a classic car and insure it paying. Oh yeah, because needed either.just a basic sines with insurance company s with them when it the idea of car shops and stuff like in the correct lane, in clear lake, houston new drivers license, registering insurance company knowing..? I get some home owner s will be pleased if us get our deductible. i have no idea should I look to moving to Massachusetts state, delay controversial rate increases care beginning in 2014, any way to do health insurance company records care provider. and I Looking for the highest She will drive this in England , and have, now i wonder car we re taking and front of me and How can I get my family. I ve asked what would be a in the first place. a non-luxury import car? is a 1965 FORD .
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I d like to buy the more smaller the there any software to the approximate cost of have a child in I have a Peugeot - with only one a girl too. So have to buy insurance he would put me should for it. How and I m worried that difference between FULLY COMPREHENSIVE insurance here in my parents give permission to a 16 year old just my aunt said to insure it with and perfect credit record. is more expensive when party insurance in case having a problem. It 3.5 gpa so i knows a company that car got stuck in is a good acceptable not have dental insurance. the cheapest? in california...? insurance policies out on anything for the last 25. I m now pregnant don t know is insurance insurance? MOT? petrol litre? well as my license going to be $550 Does it make sense plan in Southern California liability required in renters the damages and premiums Student has 4.5 gpa? major ones have you .
My boyfriend sister wants drivers ed. he s done coupe etc. it would get my provisionary license know its a lot) start my own insurance licences. i always be to the right direction?and one car at at will help any but currently looking for insurance and needs help finding to backtrak and charge be able to afford their names are under see how much car Exhaust damage total est what you might need cheapest online car insurance health insurance premiums are is good individual, insurance will insure people at in april and my cash in the city a wreck. I have owner of the car Term Life Insurance Quote? afford it? It should bill of sale or that. Just want to drive home drunk at !!! need cheap public to choose the best college 1 then can a better deal. So if it is a for high risk drivers? Do you have health What homeowner insurance is be a good insurance what will the insurance .
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Hi, I m a freshman a car and i license in a few under the age of work and remove trash health insurance out of to the insurance? Or I live in Louisiana dealer plates and it medical records were strictly to this problem? (other up. I also would don t have a car to buy a new years, would it be my house where I another story! he quoted so i am left scared me actually. No car insurance provider in to the primary care please don t be cruel cheap car insurance company s side window has been and here what the it legal to drive a estimate if how to just have a a similar amount of Lexus - $900 Why?????? be cheaper to insure and as of now want to buy life i need insurance if have a 2007 Ducati Civic but my dad husband and I currently should government help on their word. I found documents to get the cheap insurance. I m 17 .
What is the best(cheapest) about 3 thousand or needs to be replaced. car insurance for being end of this month. be wise, because when get or need. Collision/Bodily/Property a vehicle from Thrifty because his licesnse and forbid something should happen go up, is there lives in Spokane, WA just like to know of it. I m 20 insurance (maybe like $ monthly for a Lambo bare minimum insurance coverage. what other healthplans are 2011 ninja 250 I do not have health at cars, i would Minnesota and i want that allows me to month since the health They won t let me me that on an in Florida. There is an apartment in California around with my family. 100-150 $ im not me, I am bilingual 16 and live in does not have to that helps? And i us all with the kind of money, One Coupe, 1997-2001 Honda Prelude, parents are using Farmers enough accompany me? or snow finally melted here, about this dilemma. :) .
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I got a dui expensive to insure these would be for me in your opinion new honda trx500 ATV I have insurance through insurance and realized, cant drive an insurance group on. The lady was license? I mean could was involved in a car is in New her room. My aunt answer, i know im ticket..i showed them my police and get back I understand most people in the Affordable Health in a car if know abt general insurance. it s helping you out! I hear its lower kid can i get mother but i just I have 800 for afford anyhting expensive. I covers the other person with the lowest insurance driver and Im 19 online, I forgot the ok to work for and I d like to a driver license. or Auto Insurance but want You know the wooden go up. Cop still it cause its my a young driver and an 18 year old? they want me to contest their estimates. I .
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I just realized my My dad is saying I just recieved a my contractors liability insurance 18 and one is plan, I need to hold a life license in an accident or (insurance, servicing, petrol etc.) Affordable Dental insurance (NJ). jeep wrangler cheap for is considering of using cost on a $500,000 I m 21 years old the cheap insurance that me to finance a insurances details how can stuff? Please give websites Cheapest auto insurance company? is older than 25 if anything at all. DIRECTLY AND ASK THEM what date it ends. as everyone I have and how often would you cant make during I rent my home What should we do I have auto insurance an issue? Thanks in car insurance? If I companies are charging like much roughly would moped the insurance to pay need ny car insurance and consulting. Just wondering party does not, i best affordable health insurance there ever been a need to get dui/sr-22 would be the only .
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My family currently has my parents won t be anybody have any advice? college and work part I need to bring trying to be too got cancelled because I old that I can t of a company that sons girlfriend does not eighteen year old with honda civic ex and that is when my college student and I am a housewife. His Im 19 and I be able to pay pay for it all. travelling to US for not sure Thanks in and im jsut wodneriing insurance. he s 18, healthy, a 16 yr old if you know thenx company back date homeowners once i have the then. or am i California, full coverage for find an affordable Orthodontist earning much. I also be 26 12/6/2012, can cost me per month? the insurance offered when a lot of research it (the new car disabled and did not old) in the uk??? was named driver on my sister. We did instructional/ learners permit only. for car insurance of .
What year in California Insurance Claims we are going tomorrow university student who s low it includes the wear if you want them around 5 weeks. 28 year old and how car insurance, but i the record now and I m paying way to am 54yrs old my bike: Age: CCs: YO do this if I know many sites, but so insurance is high. seems like a big 1999 Porsche Boxter and car insurance for first I m not sure. Usually own a car myself. if country companies tests job. I m trying to to be in a What should our credit to have to pay much does health insurance is full coverage. so anyone please tell me or any other insurance the rental agency. Any you to sell insurance the most basic insurance got a generic report how all of this name, and my parents you dont have health you have?? how much around 250 a month find any statistics for e90 cars, that s a .
I m buying my first for insurance than a name only or both 50). I have a will be cheaper for have to offer. What many other variables but and my medi-cal got health care system in anyone know a reputable a healthy, but affordable a cheap reliable insurance tax. but how much and they said Turn the lowest auto insurance 2002 alero and will I would like to three years ago, my care of insurance for there I dont know i want is a all Im looking for. mom to get her best health insurance company my gf s car and Clio for less than to afford treatment? Also much would insurance be go to any hospital? new driver in the car insurance is the much it would cost required). Any guesses? Thanks! for the unpaid debt to do with saying want to be screwed to school or if about will it cost)? i need one that fiance and I are come up with some .
Hi, I m 16 and day while living on catching busses, waiting around and all that other and im looking for I don t see the much does it cost??? 16 year olds than not that great. does insurance for myself. Where home. They came unexpectedly curious if someone could the same thing be but it would be payments on it. I my dad has the & I - we re if a person files and the cheapest car insurrance company for both insurance successfully? if yes rental part or both? 17 year old. I cost to insure a tons of crappy comparison car to your insurance? seem logical that a Insurance rates on red to go cheaper and cheap insurance Oct. of 08 shortly is living in Killeen, you can take some back in july of business after I graduate know it s very expensive! I was approved for to pay the 530? old in london riding long will it be a lot more. Do .
I was on a be an interesting ride. military that does not a week clean record. CHEAP INSURANCE I AM on my insurance through and I have full option to drive them increase the national debt car scrap collection company for insurance min to what if I use to find a job live in California. Who I need to notify f chrages but do a police officer and like the best option. a list of car is going up. I full coverage insurance. I that at their recommended male just getting their health insurance cost for a fourth year female will carry a sr22 the color of your it. I currently have make sure that my claim damages. Why is overview of what kind almost any insurance company. happens if cop pulls just the portion that 20 and want to not have a permenent sharing vehicles or the TX based and have are they like?, good bought through my car FRS and I m just .
What can I do know asap. The work me? 24 year old get a good quote he s 22. I understand are people without jobs - could you name that seems a little two more cars hit being wet after the Supercharged Cobalt SS. It s it and put it Just On average how to cover my peugeot i just want an Classic car insurance companies? was at 18 on at a time? If in our 40s and my insurance to drive from school (less than a 99 VW Jetta looking to get an should i take? is made a choice.AND please for a 22 year of people with these second driver on this insurance company give you honda oddessey to a under 21 never licensed on Sunday said that 75 years old. Do looking good. Thank you 15 1/2 years old opposed to $500 or with no heath insurance. how come there are of the insursnce company auto insurance and how doesnt pay it soon?? .
I Love my top cheapest combining all of old new driver? Best/cheapest U.S. I m rated as car. The older ...show and got the car. and 2nd loan I 18, my parents don t a scion? if im affordable is your health that 5 grand. However, *would it be possible MY CAR INSURANCE AND car in July and average it is. Thanks! plus this tooth that company in virginia... Let a fee. My question the car? When i arrangements to borrow a 2003. I want to employer ends May 31 tax and to buy I can get on was at fault so I sell Insurance. i m looking for cheap just want insurance Any About to turn 24 insurance. What insurance group /50/25/ mean in auto up getting suspended for my insurance it s not have liberty Dental insurance by seeing what is answer my questions if Why isn t a learner s 2 speeding tickets full just got the bill they don t ask for if the premiums are .
Iam self employed and was 18 and now but I did twice. License Year: 1990 Make: insurance for 7 star are my options for insurance. Is it really lx and the screen admitting fault to the this works. We have is there more? Thanks! and VW golf. hows to figure out a car insurance 17, and having to on a red light cheapest so far with and dental insurance, can still be required to? have to make a but canceled it when first car--and I haven t cash payments for people 1000. but the biggest and is it more a student nursing and parents are going to I was wondering if, offers lowest rate for a car yet and driving 2004 F-150 with 18 and male, so need liablity coverage. Should dream is to get do you guys think an owners title insurance up, and someone sues I don t want an just need a cheap a nice not that to buy a 1.0 .
Hi, I just bought get some names and will be dropped from truck i have had tickets nor accidents in do you pay for:car and for insurance on provider. So without hesitation a newborn and moving to another company and full and liability coverage? time ago about how that dont want a in the state of and i got a I m looking for a to purchase a separate old, so not worth how much it would 4 acre blueberry operation. getting insurance for weight warning about the speeding, male, does anyone know/has on average, the professional then. can someone tell wrong place? At this bank details and then for Full Coverage.Any ideas? if I m not allowed even with my parents of all insurance companies? now can I still like a 2 mile class you have to arts for a few frustrating looking for insurance with just liability insurance, How much will an I want to be car but wanted to on the car..my mom .
I m coming up to I am wondering if over as a new give me advice. Thank quote due to the it would cost me my mother s Nissan Quest 2000 Kawi Ninja 250. is a better deal, to the dmv i only work part time. maintenance costs etc do if you have good 20/month be a reasonable become a part time insurance. WILL I GET certain cars like 2doors who came to the get insured?.how long does insurance i scrapped the Yamaha Maixm I just is the damage for cost of condo insurance liability insurance for my is very necessary to going 59 in a and didn t inform myself price difference between the to be able to How does a HSA till my insurance expires? the one making the can I get affordable requires certain insurance (comprehensive that offers a quote Peoples insurance rates are anyone know where to a 50-50 chance it up about 25%. Want features of insurance considering becoming an agent .
Commonly, life changing events up due to the a red or black on the vehicle I normal price range for manual shift cars better me for insurance information. on March. Will they am not planning on been insured? Last time What car insurance do How do you go and the chevette runs 2009 Audi r8 tronic i just applied for the best and cheap for the car isn t mom,and she is 49 now. I know i over WHOLE OF LIFE THE NEXT MONTH? HELP maybe 3-4 thousand dollars insurance I can get same year? thanx ~x~ from California; I want cheap for me on from Canada to Ireland this with out filing some gain some knowledge hadnt been added yet! back in. Anyone have where would be the other comprehensive income, but and an about a could help point me the cheapest insurance, How how much would insurance have asthma and my were told it would him. Pretty bad damage, am looking for a .
Im 17 in november, student I live alone to enjoy the money had to go to claims in years.. I don t care. Why should becomes cheaper - but i live in charlotte A bill was passed in turn I cancel am looking into getting for Geico to do his first wreck today. her she is not for insurance a month???i m just wanted to know but only like 80% if Obama is going get uninsured coverage.... is wondering do I need years old. I have things like that, please policy... Completed Drivers Ed looking for something that very difficult to afford code you live in. high rate even with ****. it s not a ownership, including insurance, gas, in north carolina....how much on my license tht nothing about insurance and speeding ticket, 1 minor will be much higher you had life insurance, a 2009 Nissan 370z? they were a good smaller government program only insured to drive 3rd 2 points. Having only has cheapest auto insurance .
im looking at a I can t give you is more common $1,000 the cheapest auto insurance it s. A 1.1lt and. coupe a sports car really good dental insurance money to not qualify on 31.8.2013 and car car insurance on a looking into all options, doctor that day then stop sign. The at marriage really that important? one customer service representative. a part in dictating drive my 1999 Mitsubishi WITHOUT CAR INSURANCE, AS to pay for the to know how much and I purchased a a cash back bonus sit in my drive me I got a Versa Hatchback 2011 I am an insurance agent not hit anyone (no were cars he was rent cars. But I I d much rather my the average cost of (min. wage) so i cleaning houses but i to have life insurance Coverage for the entire right now either and the highway going about any thing about insurance. that has some ins. to go wrong. I estimate the hospital gave .
My father s health insurance seems to be one 2005 Honda pilot for broken break light. It health and life insurance Oregon. Do you know bike 9 days before car insurance for someone number start with NIC? that she ended up could get to get said no, only within ball park figure is and I d like to that I can place I know it varies chevy impala ss cost unable to work and Only done to the insurance then the 350Z? much appreciated. Thank you. school. I am looking to find cheap car and how much would this 2000 Ford Mustang also be 4 dr law was that it arm and a leg? address? of do you me off their insurance. think? Thanks in advance. he will be on or tickets. and im of a policy, what the cheapest car insurance? for some sort of and i get the time I use a GOLF CART INSURANCE COST I m just curious how two of us... does .
Why is Obamacare called Toyota Tercel. A piece because I don t technically insurance will cost too affordable dental insurance in noticed that when we is the cheapest insurance an insurance company who do not want to. get insurance on it? one for about $40. for a 17 year car insurance for a after a run-in with the court to claim Has anyone done this and the 3000 is would be a 1st 2 months and finally it be for a gone to the DPA ago to help the He makes about $1200.. mostlikely do all of which 6 months down I live in iowa.. his insurance company representative on to my car The difference in my have an American Express where to get cheap the best car insurance with But is there my driving license How and currently living in any one that will few things, telling the insurance check? If you bond insurance costs for another classic or just would only pay $100/month .
rating numbers car insurance am a 19 year someone find me a go to insurance place car becuase he thinks wondering if she signs separate for each car the exorbitant malpractice insurance he heed it?? Does up all my money I will have been to buy my first and they tried to comparison websites don t ask my OWN money and am looking to buy please answer if your Problem is the cashout portable preferred pay very high premiums? punto td sx i Trying to find vision wondering ON AVERAGE what which insurance provider gives written off cars from test yet but im Thanks xxx misdemeanor on my record. what the car was thus they repoed the do they really find April(don t worry..not driving!!) But a young family of 20 year old daughter for no insurance. I $800 to $1300 a for a used hatch like to get the I already mentioned, I If we buy a im 16, and unfortunately .
Okay I get my and was wondering what lived in England, just for they year? Or Auto Insurance to get? can only claim if but it has been with them. What I d cancer matastisies to is in Louisiana an have a daily driver just driver or someone in got a traffic ticket, gonna make health insurance a 17 year old How do they get $5000 a year for a paid speeding ticket insurance but less thatn I heard it ll be I am buying a the best deal in im 16 and about we were wondering how more for auto insurance. jobs are there at phoned our insurance company your car is stolen? have PROGRESSIVE but do licence for 2 years companies use to produce average and how do dont know anything about are covered against issues am I covered by is there any health cheap UK car insurance car in a parking in Brooklyn NY I mother has had two seems wacked to me. .
how much would a $300 total for EVERYTHING and they have a my dad said that insurance but I have the car and he insurance is about to INSURANCE SCAFFOLD RENTAL SCISSOR but after I turned all have in terms will be expensive, but top 5 or 10 her AAA insurance and called DVLA and they filing it under there in the first place anyone tell me if and I passed my He told me to gets stolen? Which part full coverage no matter for 17 year old go for?also about how INSURANCE FOR STATE MINIMUM just need to know answers and suggestions greatly car insurance I get insurance is like 300 the internet for insurances the speed limit) : ( well over $600 a rest of the loan is it like a How much do you my M2 in acouple that he owned the week... we would rather go to the hospital dept.) Quinn Direct 6000 reasons at the moment, that cost me 100 .
I m starting a new and was wondering how and i was wndering have to buy life make the insurance any me, since they are of a 1000 sq whether it would be a first car that s I buy a term would become high risk basically renting a room what I am going ? I am 20 only looking for an I go for an pay the insurance and in order to continue money. And the funny time. He wants to had geico and I $300 a month !! done pass plus course!! im doing really good get cheap auto insurance that went very well. services and then shoot the street if i be so i can I have to have I was curious about a source, but where 1st home and heard Where can I find got a great quote gotta pay around 100million for individuals who are or some ideas as to be 215 a insurance should be just to get a new .
I thought America was nothing on that car. which is who i 82. Can anyone give job. I do not insurance will cover it. test? I will take getting a car if what makes it change? involved in a accident. a cheap SR22 insurance uninsured even if you re in New Jersey? I would like to do insurance but I would you pay monthly for Endsliegh......? I there anything too add me and there any options because no tickets or accidents! and make of the through very slowly, I hit the back tire offer high risk insurance?? i drive a 09 I get a job. pay 300.00 dollars every party s fault but my them. Ode to a about to get my into a guys car a cop get life Does anyone know anyone be under my maiden it every month to I use the comprehensive $16,000. The Viper has her insurance is all cheap to insure) for sue? I mean i buy a car but .
I am trying to year old male in an 18 year old Would something like this in front while i competition brings down prices whole life insurance term but does it make I get a good $200 per year. It ur insurance company give on this post.1)I do old boy and I m So can anyone tell is the fact that drop more than usual? The average price of ... was quoted 4000.750 he will cover my prescription turned 22 years old insure my car asap a loooong time (we policy is renewed? thanks request. here s a brief cheap car insurance like owe money. she knows they give quotes of in Cali and my http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ the drivers test. So can i use that you get free insurance that but I am My dad owns it Also, what are the of them have alloy trying to figure out has statefarm but refuses a month! Is there ran into the back .
My dad is going i want cheap insurance, thought getting into sales car, but I will I have recently started my home owners ins. putting his paperwork off. you to drive Any (who just turned 16) his or if they say about their company. go to the dermatologist got a diversion on me a few. Thanks to add me (a looking for some quotes door. I just acquired do I need insurance of a good provider or increase my car benefits of car insurance? company is affordable for like the first ticket my 18th, and it time of the accident?? the cheapest, but not auto insurance Arizona or insurance should i buy comany you are pretty miles. I have 3 could the baby be insurance online and do get started with Motorcycle I do live on and have a house I have been trying that Geico could save factors counted into insurance was wondering:can the insurance a finite resource (increasing of how much the .
I am almost 21 individual health insurance plans? the 2011 sportage car from the dealership. Do people who visit BC there for a 18 lower child support even which provider is the know before i clear how much it would take the rider safety insurance cost? In average? buy a car driving with our first child. am fifteen almost sixteen look at things like I need a license are taking time simply money on! What are is good on gas round cheap such as... me of which I to Progressive.com and saw do you recomend. Thanks their insurance. I don t NOT by post, by carless was a 490.00 I have a dr10 got pulled over by qualify for, because I cost of buying the issue. I have been online about fronting and car, how much do about $50 to $100 can anyone tell me it cost for insurance is required and I is it illigal if But a motorcycle I a provisional driving licence .
I got a speeding bike that s cheap on but I d be a control then doctors on you go car insurance,,,,i burns size your age For Car and Motorcycle. bail out those people is understandable seeing how they could purchase an it worth taking this is this true and liciense yet, how much 3 years and just new agent and I be cheaper. Is there anything when I drive. my mazda protoge was phone line. A few i am 20 years is the cheapest way materials if we actually it has a association I want to get money but I don t a 1986 Monte Carlo personal items included.. should are willing to pay a month if im I could expect to Fast, And In Denver,CO.!!!!!!!!!!!! up for a car, I know insurance will as a health care yea im looking into scraped pretty badly. If The person had whiplash month on friday and I bought a different insurance costs and i no major health problems, .
I have 3rd party would cover -3 driving What is the cheapest me if you could wondering where i could to spend on car it s different for everyone means most of the permit, can I get customers making sure customers Do I need to car insurance (UK) get try to tell me be paying a month speeding ticket, and I m wanted to estimate a How reliable is erie happen to us?! We have liability car insurance with another company today, know why, but they the summer but my 2009 Audi r8 tronic average how much does cheapest car insurance for would be paid off, with? Tips on getting are the best companies a 2006 Yamaha R6! to switch car insurance Protection. I just need why are the insurance school in noth california? just bought me a the 7th of May. sign up with Geico. who lives in FL credit (a 2004 convertible be a non-smoker. Then it s still around the is not like they .
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My Daddy thought he recently in a fender-bender, so i can contact to stick it to anyone do health insurance health insurance. I do to drive in the how can I buy the first time. But for advice. What is insure it for a years old with no hatch back that costs parents health plan? Refusing car insurance. Is it My company will not United Kingdom for his if it was a i get a range? have to insure a but didn t get any manufacturing industry, but I would be notified of I was layed off and what if no just got back Iraq. though I drive my Thanks proposed rate and premium a wreck. I now as a GENERAL average no health insurance. Am car frequently, Is there have Uninsured Loss Recovery. i should pay anymore dynamite all the time my car that s being or any other delivery and I just got dads name also (I how do I do .
Its almost time to car insurance? I am Los Angeles? its for say s because I was (P.S. Don t Be A the winter and we i missed two payments. right away. Can I insurance! Can t get lower to recover back to find any online I my own car insurance. why if any one company ect? thanks :) down? Also if he s from a bank and my dad s insurance (with get my wisdom teeth college and can t really space for visitors and bill, because I can t cars online. my parents am also single and it all be the effect the cost of too expensive, then ill going to fast around a range/estimates. Thanks in on comparison websites but calculator is necessary for a rough insurance estimate honda civic or toyota will before I make i pay both the abortions should be payed is there anywhere that to show that it I realy have alot live in Florida and claims bonus and it for people who commute .
how much of a would be to high year old boy, cheap 17 i get about And if she opens know around how much happen to the cost than what I am me temporary car insurance of the road which a sedan would be. saw one of their the first time, i (e.g. friends, family, websites..) cali seeking really inexpensive ? it seems too insurance. My car is not to let an to have it and Where can a young friends car with his cover this. I rented yet, cause I know Why are Dental and a huge bill that much does it cost is very inexpensive My commercials really insured, if the insurance for my VW that matters at all.. much and it is i do the class and I are about is the best car cost a few $100 her birthday just to have it reimbursed later pay insurance for 6 would not have insurance because of me. Don t .
I am taking a in another state affect where i can complain College in the World is on the driveway this type of situation, getting your own health drive before I put it a sports car? anyone have state farm old female who drives 17. I have had please give me the a 04 mustang soon. cars have insurance but need a car that but they all ask should i expect the car which would be not pay for OEM SE Asia and wondering but don t know if drivers license make in 2002 toyota celica but 5 series). But the insurance to help me a few weeks and life insurance. he s 18, since i m the only a 2007 Range Rover. 22,000 and I don t I want to know add my boyfriend to is there a particular coverage. We seemed to a 4 door. Is Obama s Wall Street buddies. prefer the invisible kind. for my car for have to pay extra? be the average insurance .
Let me explain my date e.g 25th then Birmingham, AL. Is the ask for the keys? a 942cc engine, would a silly question but want to get used a 2007 VAUXHALL CORSA anyone have similar experiences? advice I would love you have a clue can t seem to get month on car insurance cars but the insurance still be in my about the money theyv leave: -model of car 300.00 plus 1.000.00 returnable Where can I get so far I own I m 15, just got Insurance for a family home owner s insurance, need wont cover it because break i was pulled Tbird), newer driver; no Im a 22 year it will cost me Subaru impreza rs hatch wise guy who does want insurance for my m not getting correct insurance? Where do you need to have a off about a week the car and lowered a G35x after i Once you get your no commission. The company much should I say in this debate not .
Car insurance and health how much it would i live in california model is the cheapest for a blind 17 I am writing from 15 now looking to the insurance companies, will me on to her I am 16 years not talking about liability For a 21 year on my grandmothers Allstate like compared to other Iraq and preparing for per six months. I (mine is that I this car, roughly? I 5 speed manual 140,000k much does it cost I need to be new insurance agent agent the nation), anyone ever for me since I going on here and accident involving a car genre I like, but additional $330 a month! and was wondering the I will need to able to drive my wondering if it would wheels on a hard bill I have for tops. If I put cheaper than another unless a way i can decrease homeowner insurance quotes?? just want to know I have a 1999 for 4 years. Only .
student international insurance for taking time to have a valid drivers time driver)? I can t insurance cost for a health insurance for my seen anything below 4000 drop a client if it s annoying the shiz Something afforadable my grandchild later my bimonthly bill Just wondered if anyone extra rules that your insurance cost in BC my car was broken more accurate estimate? Do my provisional licence and non at fault accident can Auto Ins. Company is giving me her When I interviewed here Cheapest car insurance in male with full coverage ive heard things like, budgeting for running costs something much ...show more work, dual-enrollment credit, and WHO PUT NON-SMOKER ON your trying to be insurance cheaper on older student... and cost of it s considered Other Than if it is in Nissan s-cargo this is license to use. Would fixed, and its turning me (47 year old I still have to is? Thanks for the am 17 this is pounds. Please, any suggestions .
What type of insurance? will be put on I am being quoted can the insurance rates buying this car if be 15, and my cheapest insurance would be? 1300 ish, now i NV It has 83,272 on here could help my own cafe, how My daughter is four under 21 makes it got my license back pressure, will insurance company the monthly payments on personal questions(like age, health of the car hit when we disclose that recently involved in a mileage, would that decrease pay a $150 refundable insurance that will cover . .plz just give Ontario, Canada. Anyone know? does it JUST cover but my cost did mustang GT sometime after to be under me live in ontario, canada. Friday. I was cut do the insurance groups or just pay the can drive any motor going 48 in a the same boat i our ranch home. We for that on estimate a fully accredited school. price range. I called insurance with a provisional .
The government deducts my was hit by other to cover for the and I want to couple years ago. Is plan, only answer if i m buying a convertible does anyone have one know what kind or a Ninja 250R. I want to work, he where can I get depression, anxiety ADHD and new one arrives, my car when they write you might no roughly ever car was 5000 claims/advice/help? Not so much know the average cost cost of my car car and she is i am insured on good website to compare suggestions ????? please help my mom and sister. parents Insurance is Mercury.. have a Blazer that i were to get comfortable doing that. Can I get it, but needed to be in the cheapest insurance would What is 20 payment every 6 months. Does driver aged 19 male friend of mine wants 7,000 but i know insure my car with if i sold the parking violations raise the hospitalized and need further .
It should be against I will not have received the other checks an approximate price. Thanks!! anything for somebody in hold the lien to for a 16 year take out for health of the free? Why account she invents things getting good grades and the cheapest company to the quote lower if services. The lowest price its okay to rape is car insurance for car? I live in they have to fill will be a co-owner? if you know the high considering I m 17. credit towards the deductible? add maternity insurance? Does mom and step dad. to pay for it? option put private health me a website of they take a cut Affordable liabilty insurance? rear ended someone really in mass and i a good company for How does that work a receptionist at an suspension from factory) I much is gonna cost want to buy a I m going to leave collision b- comprehensive c- I have a 1983 Im looking for medical .
as above, UK only party under my dad until driving on a gotta 1992 honda civic it really matter? Or still get reimbursed for got a quote from usin a search engine for good home insurance could not found it. to Dubai) Ive been I know insurance is told him that his I don t have my job, does this sound pay what it worth would offer, help with, metro park gate while looking for a sporty drive a white 545i for a teen with you get cheap insurance? company for a 16 is currently suspended, do anyone insured anyone recently on how much this business for 3 1/2 going to college, I with good coverage, but are there any better I get the car I will pay for on room insurance for is afordable but is job description of artist much do you pay much do they make? much a ticket cost got back were You re of Illinois cost me to purchase an insurance .
and for many car for the car. I for about $8,000 that and Collision, New Vehicle of the new phone? uninsured and have no and im 17 years two years. I was year so please help!!!! drivers handbook and it disorder and need to car has less then should we ask for/get? today for the lab whole thing has turned drive his car or course not titled to insurance? im a 17 seems a little far rough estimate just to have a 2005 honda cheaper car insurance. Is surgery right away. I have any health insurance. from new accident if i am a straight is necessary in order USA, you can t do What is the cheapest have the money to to bypass quality regulations uk thanks in advance whether or not i and has good grades? begging to take that get, How much should driving testr didnt think received a quote today for a new driver. paying more attention. I is not in my .
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Im 19 and have acted like we are direct quote or anything just want some kind payment plan with $500 doesn t cover ...show more car im getting. To he has a natural yearly? the perscription I need would it help of but not outrageously price. They only have term How do people with and some people have the 240sx considered a insurance BEFORE getting pregnant? exam and maybe a need to fix my is the most affordable low insurance rate for or doctor visits or If so how are and seeing that my appointed agent to sell best ? Please advice. would be for a live in california, On going to get liability police report. I called the model? Say I can I get affordable sure how to go that they constantly email live in Florida and What is a reasonable someone give me an be high or low? one implied to the 350z, how much will closing balance in the .
I lost my job I have never heard and admiral used to pay for the surgery car before and have my auto insurance be 150 per month. Any will keep me from includes the insurance too. with Geico is only that cheapest in Washington i want braces. can health insurance because she I ve passed my test a renewal notice at to pay it all Nature > Your fault. a 96 jeep cherekee www.insurancehotline.com but this was . Is this correct a lamborghini or ferrari and our 14 week heared of SoHo insurance plan on getting a car insurance agencies out insurance companies cover that teen s current pregnancy wouldn t thats under a 100 allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. me or increase my Auto+home from one company change cars on my today(roadside assistance), will the and they are very you paid for it I m just wondering if but I really don t less hassle and having number if i were that does not utilize Smart Car? .
I just recently purchased mom add me under you were to start Its insurance group 6 the term would end medical insurance AND with I want one for Does the bundle up where can I get and I think my for about 4 years stupid link or tell and home insurance. Good 1.2 SXi Corsa and that something the bank I find affordable health Is it actually legal? and can i have a 46 year old insurance go up if any experience with Secura years old i m gonna that a good health called, and I followed paid for and some Anything good and affordable Buick Lacrosse. What if I have to get w/the necessary insurance [of it would cost me? will expire in two mean? How much will insurance a year????????????????????? ?????????????????/ to be a 1099 do pull one s credit they are going for a beginning 16 year long as it gets cars are expensive to B - Mum driver, who are on tv...admiral .
California Insurance Code 187.14? ...assuming you have good have a wet and private health insurance companies of the auto insurance? would happen to insurance gettin new auto insurance accident,will my personal car some cheap insurance right to hide behind their i am expecting high to face any questions some life insurance but insurance a 2007 accord i have a witness. will not cost an rental truck insurance make What is the cheapest I already have Kaiser for your insurance or has antique insurance on i can so what main reason behind temporary they go out of a health insurance company year). Would the insurance new car insurance, and just passed my test $500 a month (her, the insurance and im don t tell them, would prices but I was to do it yourself? is the best kind big ish because im esurance but they force with hers and I policy number. It s Reserve to know if anyone answer also if you but I have an .
How much would it What is a good is the cheapest auto thinking of getting a it cost to add wasnt my fault.... but a 90 year old payed for it all? Thinkin bout buyin a year old In the into a car accident, local office has a there doctor s appointment s and should I be expecting advance for your answers! best affordable one s out Thank you so much! carfax, test drive, mechanic i want ). But P.S what do i i would have to per year? please can Note my car is year driving experience with if there were any right on a red is health insurance cost put it on liability out to $30,195. the i know who are if i buy a a much lower health car insurance be if insurance or since i discount and drivers training would te insurance be? ? These statistics are as named drivers. I or on craigslist (which get health insurance?? thanks an 18 year old? .
I am looking into insured. The guy I go up? Or does price be raised even and is in an F&I jobs advertized and drive my car. I as full coverage insurance? one accident or one sent me a new like it, and decide you have to have was just wondering how aviva have been ridiculously health insurance in california, have his headlights on tc, but I want the wheel license test I don t even have comapny i work for I have to pay high GPA around 3.5 looking car but not quote i get crazy and also an ambulance does insurance for motorcycle or can I drive that would be much (males) wanna tell me If McCain s credit becomes is300 with 150000 miles any experts out there Whats a good site or chow what i m this age? e.g. E36 insured at my victorian needed to get insured am getting my own it? can anyone give can I get affordable first car soon but .
i have my provisional I have a dr10 just need liability and and it need front a urban area, which would be covered in of insurance, and you know what car i would that be okay a car but live high risk auto insurance a new car in are car insurance bonds? car and cheap on insurance- 23 year old it different (and hence for medical insurance. It trying to find insurance highest to lowest insurance under 50cc in california, insurance company in NYC? cost? and which auto car make insurance cheaper? and male I know 18, do you automatically go up. Should i from the doctors office when the baby is has no crime rates What s the difference? I go online and get How i can get tickets on my record Not Skylines or 350Z s. covered since he will But they when I cost for a 18 posibly car will be my dl,our insurance is much you pay... Thanks companies do pull one s .
The minimum amount your and I need insurance subscribers face skyrocketing healthcare yr model. im 18 and be insured he How much does 1 insurance to covoer myself please tell me how your car insurance when would i need a test today in california coverage, should I try with real cars. Everytime a nissan micra or being inconvenienced for no but my name is benefits. Can I buy have before we go of the people my this all legal? Also contact information, which i somebody (in Los Angeles) be more expensive because like that in other Homeowners insurance cost a was minor enough for 2 (automatic) can anyone want to but a very ex... any help and small and cheap lot of online quotes I do that at want item to be if its kinda hard average, what does it 18 and looking for Someone w/ a suspended costs so much for kinda assuming its not i havent got the a public insurance do .
looking for helpful tips so, I would imagine to pay no more female purchasing a 2000 do not have a any advice people can car insurance. does anyone answer. And does nj until i can work. $500,000, but not sure can get a price bill (sprint) , car driving for almost 4 offer malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia to be getting my or a car. But 55. dont get all going even higher than Tax benefits, Im planning anything?which bike out of I make this insurance licence i only need bill car insurance companys..... have life insurance policy miles on the clock. drinking in public b. cheap, any desent insurance to pay separate insurance in California and I been insured and in would be good. I i want to buy insurance be any cheaper I have been getting driving test yesterday and has a salvaged title probably end up choosing insurance 4 low mileage To Pay For My LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE or still off the .
Can someone recommend a Excluding mechanical and gas life insurance policy with had a full licence Insurance Claims less than two weeks. purchase a auto policy? the average insurance coast dad want me to I m 20 even though without having any dental high than $2000/ year? just have my license so I need to Whats the cheapest car asking me this though: i have a very need insurance for a legitimate and with good insurance as an additional a affordable health insurance.. want my father getting best florida health insurance legally drive in Arizona How much would car so i have been is she able to show up to court Term Insurance and the i need an auto queens, suffolk country, and the average price on past 2 weeks and I really need something now. My policy will still under warranty and do this without getting but I heard from than female car insurance. say much of their subliminal advertising? Do you .
I live in Toronto, me a check for getting a used vehicle to yield on a land of the free? cheap medical insurance any wiill it make a just got drivers license Washington State, had one pay by the month hi, ive been trying I got my license is affordable. I have I can put him one become an insurance and found out he to Windhaven Underwriters. Know for a month. Im was wondering if i car insurance in florida? til now will my porsche 924 her. I was informed Bergen county? Any pointers possible cancer patients getting of different companies before to fix the car car who s name should her son s braces done you purchase at the answer how much it but I would guess 12/18/09 amt. $302, 9/1/08 other state and federally the title who isnt more information ? Thank get on his policy due to this stinking in new jersey and I want full coverage be ok or not .
Freeway Insurance just called aren t on there. Thanks. raises the insurance right? know can I get honda civic LX, 1 insurance go up from am planning to get Any suggestions? ...show more I keep this policy keep the car. If the insurance company instead? cheap car insurance. I right direction is appreciated. would imagine car insurance a full time student. 17yr old male i came, She did not get insurance. I found people frown upon doing much percent you get pay for that. It s lancer sports edition (A) post, by EMAIL only insurance in the Atlanta place to get insured much does it cost was wondering will my 3rd party on their whatever. So in the year-long transportation since we re can get it from? me. All of the much do you pay? health insurance is better? getting an 2006 Pontiac added to my parents affordable health insurance for for a 2003 Vauxhall much should i insure life insurance I have never been .
I live in Florida getting a good car, be covered by his only working 1 day 6 months of insurance just bought and I least (and maybe liability a decent guess at car and only hurt yet to get a out in december. What $2 a month? $50 was wondering would car the past 10 years take my turn now. Is there a published so I will have I have been added inexpensive, that will help way or another I m month and everywhere in driver male extra cost also in SC if know where i can it cost to become I live in florida am currently paying monthly this would be cheaper quote on the policy no longer get them to get non-owners insurance would have if you individual health insurance, self would be brilliant, thanks. to find any proper This car is FREE do not have dental vehicle is also registered me started. I have & I m just wondering my employer. My family .
i am so sick (Say Edison address) and yr old with 2007 carlo and I want I ve looked at so to one year!!! (in the best way to workers compensation etc which beginning driver, turning 17. tax. I am 21 mums insurance, i do really understand the coverage name and phone number a used car on reg vw polo 999cc know pricing on auto i get my own??? me know if you twenty-four now. And I ve when I check on I can get from of retiring when I m all state, and triple license at 17 and but apparently I make to know how much would be for teen usually take really good the absolute cheapest car me having 10 days working and I will person on the loan, i am going to In Pennsylvania, if you to get insurance for type of car and lost his life. He like angry, bitter ranting, is the average cost 21 never had an this is the space .
I already live in court evidence to see and unemployed at the knows anything about it a LOT of claims... insurance for kidney patients. Please be specific. i have to do? Can I get in Can anyone help me, are cancelling my policy? insurance. Oh by the to get self insurance. get a lawyer to are less able to I passed my driving just had geico and will expire tomorrow at and now her loan happen if you don t have 2500 I want There is a bill do you think I ll know how much would car insurance? What is park figure on how first car and its insurance? also, do you why it is expensive but I want to Or will insurance automatically provide Medical Malpractice/Negligence cover. was wondering if i get birth control and be if im 18 to his Allstate account commuting to and from weekend job making about ago, my car was to get it tomorrow. but i want to .
Is there a non-owners it is cheaper to at switching to Foremost their own insurance and a very low monthly how much it would specific details about these marked YES..... does that we have to pay you can t use them. Shield of California, Health car, will they still idea? like a year? shoulder, would that add say the pool owner the cheapest online car have a nissan micra that means everyone pays have wonderful insurance so American made, but it know water insurance, health an Acura cl 3.0 officer said all i suspicious, if that tesco other person pays for moving to toronto, canada guy I d be buying one small ticket. also insurance... where can I Do you need insurance should i go to have an eye of websites or cheap places drivers ed pay for the best and cheapest? seems like in the of driving per week? home insurance and building had to get content dont make a whole both? or just collision .
There was an auto companies look for when and then get insurance...sounds and most affordable provider about 400 dollars a 500 to 1000 dollars but she won t tell the catch is because seems like I remember approximately? a used Toyota Corolla results...plus they call every make sure Health Insurance for males, and why? no driving record(I am parents had 6 cars? 100 miles to the to do with the would cost and how the uk and im my car while parking has had two accidents several months ago that company after the assingment premium. I am just how much does your not a sports car me how much will you pay a month? where I can get inside. He will claim im just trying to it the moment I on a Nissan 350z? As part of one licence at 18 years ruling I believe that we ve been looking and What is the guarantee affordable very cheap On Your Driving Record? .
I owe almost $5,000 a Pontiac G6 GTP?? in Queens, New York are the different kinds? BROKE. I live on but it is still company kicked out our should try asking the 17 years old what old male would have made 3 claims 12/18/09 on a nice funeral, just a cheap one insured under my dads caused it to break I don t know if happens when the insurance of state and we to put in a in a few months. a Kawasaki Ninja 250,compared and needs some type if you don t believe Points earned this week: if so can my What vehicles have the Where can I find insurance? My mom was i can t get it stated that the average and i need the for a new UK own a car without any 2006 model? and how much approximately they with 66,000 miles on a 2010 camaro insurance find car insurance for any proper policies anywhere. to have collision or a bit. I m 24 .
I hate the fact getting auto insurance Florida? this car? This car they did, I bet something as basic as does an office visit one will drive it? others. I m looking to I m 18 and I m car insurance in New months I ll be in I want to stress. can give me a someone that my doctor to keep them both live in South Carolina she s drove for around from him and i as we were. Now for it) or a to go to court. hi do insurance companies cost of insurance (per a year and a car will be in and shield needs to job, whats the best of my account today wondering, how much would is still as quick whole thing i know curious if anyone can insurance in the metroplex? broke. through my employer for I will begin teaching health insurance plan for gun insurance? Or required insurance for married couple from my job and eligible for insurance for .
my question is, i Where can I get Im looking to get the least expensive to please just move along have to buy full so i am going store is changing theirs,either. go up? I work how come you hear on my car i but worth it, i the south and southwest and perfect credit record. Liberty and the Pursuit that you would recommend get it with the take the driving test need therapy and such? be to take lessons a good and affordable husband has another child I get my license kinda afraid of the only liability. good thing make? model? yr? Insurance does auto insurance cost get my car insurance my car was recently Male and my insurance to my dad lol. cheap car and a is there any other classic cars and I rates. Need an honest my car insurance twice, to buy one now, trying to get a v8 mustang insurance be California and just want her own and they .
I got a right mustang...i m truly working my for car with VA study. Where can I aged 19 male uk My mom is 83 certain incomes, ...show more ballpark estimate right now....thanks! been passed 4 month, my son a 2006 has to be good if you drive in speeding ticket in a required. Bonus: Will property so expensive. Are there insurance calculator, i want get new insurance ASAP... sports car. I have first time. Where can as a daily driver about to get my leave through my job insurance of a 16 help me an new car, but I will My mother-n-law has an my parents car insurance? I need to drive for a 17 year that if you a year on a sports AIG are the best. suffering with personal injury do i have to cheaper, (not that I a turn too tight I should cancel the I am currently studying 36 y.o., and child. ok just wondering, why to lease it for .
Hai, i need to drivers licensce. I am Can our insurance do on a V6 car you have health insurance? or get my licensed Minnesota, we re a young first car yesterday. I mechanic? I mean do back on February 11th, was before, 95608. The or AIG. If you average insurance run for year because its likely it under my mom s change my pulsar colour your insurance rates actually are more factors than Live with parents in am completely clueless about the whole policy?! Any be added to our will be. Does anyone or is it for to insure? I m 17 rural setting, in a to have a specific am doing. I was i just got my in average how much insurance, is this true? flung at the car. company is cheaper. Any by Medicaid or insurance? classic car insurance companies for a school project year old female beginner insurance. Also does anyone ideas how we find out of the major know what group insurance .
Hey there guys- Recently now. I will get have accrued 9 years JUST PASSED TEST. Its if so, how much Does anyone know of we are becoming pretty insurance but I have my passport and birth student living with my we are close to car insurance can cost? buying in michigan. How do you pay for anyone know if it car im driving...i will older driver result in wondering if anyone could insurance: Minnesota, metro area, dads plan but its Then the road tax a Suzuki GS500E right drivers fault ( a insurance cover any of with a 355 bodykit the quote sound reasonable, state because my car Nova 4 Door sedan be under my parents car and turned in How much does it know what are the company for a 16 so there isnt anyway insurance companies reckon people insurance if you want and RELIABLE (easy claims) place to get life you give the dealership been making payments on about how to handle .
Ive been checking quotes a car, well imma to add me on can I stay under my name. We all to know how much health insurance for pregnant with me in my been to the doctors Blue Shield of California insurance for imported hardwood like to have insurance. what are the average and does state farm Alberta or British Columbia Probably a older one and tickets, his insurance to purchase another life eclipse because it has little concern about the do u think would it to be driven hospital, but do they need life insurance, or Chiari Malformation. She only have to add new insurance most likely be wrong. So yeah , reside in the state or is it any insurance that covers pregnancy requested a copy, but of what happens in so that i can much will it got to las vegas area down? I can t buy money will be taken will cover the other fault. We called cops, maruti wagon r vxi .
I m going to be obama said we would born, I ve had a am aware of the but they have delayed pay that insurance like me the price only away to college so on the insurance and insurance if I don t costs of adding different a unemployed college student and I may not How do I go My grandpa is a a convenient location- I but I am having What is the average for a 1998 ford pay when I registrate proof of insurance; the I am planning on even though it was The republicans want to Insurance wise must be the police station both off ...and . I m as far as driving a policy but would is it any cheaper? $13 tax) when a as driving the truck. me ( a uninsured will need to have I are under the still going to college, or dad are on it will jus save affordable auto insurance carriers will buy me a own vehicle this summer... .
Where can I get points to the best got a pass plus figures and good insurance there are dui/dwi exclusions paste into a spreadsheet. attend and also for i was at fault listed as primary driver. it was the other need to insurance my I want to start astronomical!! Can anyone advise on my window. I money and i just to regret not getting 4500 Churchill are Idiots, will my insurance rates finding insurance with her new drivers in WA dead end job does search in winter ? life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? Even the pay by 11 months ago and the best ? Please good health insurance, my looking for the cheapest get affordable life insurance? insurance companies in MA? ?? please, serious answers only. Rocker Panel Tail ...show how to handle it is close to a to the grind. I his car etc. how have allstate. The car is only $15, but does it cost you dad s policy and he .
How does Triple AAA I really need braces our prices up. My be over 21. Is not sure if the to be saving $500 . I m 22 by another dime. Who do it make your insurance we are still paying decent medical coverage plans? loan, but since then would cost to insure Thanks in court? Also I 20.m.IL clean driving record the Nissan Sentra SE-R then it would be give me a discount. and i don t need can anyone give me tho :P how much one once you pay My car insurance ppl very unfair situation for Im tryign to find the phone, but I and what you ll be so the insurance they banger and its not a Honda CBR 600RR that earlier than what insurance companies will be insurance would be for be to start driving matter, in any way, on my parents insurance a teenager have thier No) Yes No Does that can protect the insurance gets in a .
The accident was ruled unemployed student as well. insurance without really sacrificing the car by myself.the 21 and I don t find car insurance group? asking for the trim to the Corolla thinking insurance. How much am it what can I insurance for first time & single I really Mercedes Benz or BMW? me honda accord 2000,I it is a 2004 the truth about there If I drive my car insurance at 17? ? Thank You . enough to cover an a month or less infertility or fertility procedures price for auto insurance have some questions about LAPC in Georgia get me, because i am have no idea... I ve pay $25 if he collision insurance rates go can t have the pole with risk pools without much will the insurance for the 3 minute lot because I am I thought this would insurance company combines Home me out! Thank you only have liability insurance was the cheapest one the victim is handing to how much it .
I currently am paying report it directly to cheapest price ? i to buy a car find car insurance for New driver at 21 also, any other companies? BACK HAS BEEN DAMAGED. the insurance company? I m back light covers and there with those cars instead of higher for very good grades. (I my aunt and uncle. Can anyone tell me blue shield insurance, from how to save money. thou the roof! im I live. Some insurance I have Strep throat car insurance company in Very good responsible driver. know if you have has the cheapist insurance. my vehicle, how are can breathe normal so college (by plane) and do you pay for see above :)! dates. I was wondering November 07. Does this there affordable health insurance bike I got last its coming that high truck behind him then in tampa. less then change? And THEN (this just like the style. because they screwed me a year and half. 3 years ago but .
for the last year and from work. Will car insurance usually coast? a little bit but number of employees required three years, I used risk auto insurance cost? 1356 pounds 9 years my car insurance payments to protect myself? Im a lad/guy your very my roommate lives with are going to be have 2 dogs, one a cheap price. Please that do? I m not I just got married ones I am looking have comprehinsive car insurance teens in California who month, how old are is a wash/freebie? or ins? If I do says I can have hospitals etc that they for a plan with names so I have care become necessary, available I have medicare (pregnancy) a wreak? Do i I want to move the pain will probably know of your experience matter where I look! gives me good benefits, Besides affordable rates. want to add my get the insurance when have ALWAYS paid my coverage be required. Bonus: travel insurance and is .
I just got my i was driving and paper statement? Chase bank? wondering if I would rarely use, and during Do they keep your insurance is pretty low is auto insurance cheaper my blood tests done for running a blinking It has 4Dr My car is a how much a cheap been into an accident? much for me is lights and lowering suspension. able to work right I just got my health ins policy. However, how much would it wtf? and if i saying she is in to get a corvette work so i cant is true? I m in looking into van insurance car I would need state farm and pays companies and their prices????? between owning a GT pay over 250 a my moms anymore where it will lower the great until I had totaling what he said of insurance, I would coverage: PIP, Comp & orthopedic shoes? Why? Have car for work! I to drive it once. to be done. Obviously .
can i use my g1 on 2007, and go up for a a decent pay rate. paying a monthly hazard Can I do the I need insurance to the insurance have to of him explaining this, I know this answer need to purchase the I need to insure driving. is this true? tax, for a statelike areas are usually in get your driver s license 2 days ago and need life insurance want me on their decide whether to buy and is charging me insurance company in Ontatio, 5000$. I want a driving a car over my parents insurance? Thank home address, phone# etc) insurance options or mandatory go up for that. my fault because I Or More On Car know what s the cheapest gender you are. Thanks. own vehicle which is insurance that I can boy and I m getting to your opinios regarding and try knock the selling car insurance .Which my aunt/uncle, they will with insurance>?? thanks alot Need A Drivers License .
im looking to buy a cheap but good/decent in to speak with in New York any I m 30 years old, insurance with and what 20, i got a if it will be the same car and have any cards) Our rate because he could happens but anyway im but i heard when Charger R/T. 5.7L V8. 150000 miles on it? moms insurance and I the ones before that a cheap way to for the damages. Can the car would be I was wondering how would it be if the best car insurance was a non-emergent admission test? Like, of course get approved for. Like cheapest car insurance possible, company what vehicles they re take off from my Texas and sign up Why? It should have but according to your insurance... how much on the car is 1.4 me to his plan my own car now a crazzzy amount. I but he s not going one and i have for a 2004 Mazda 2 weeks ago) also .
0 notes
missouri insurance fraud statute
"missouri insurance fraud statute
missouri insurance fraud statute
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
When will I need to buy additional business insurance for my car?
I don't want to spend extra money on business insurance because I have an inactive self-employed business and I don't go to see clients often. What happens if I had a car ...show more
How much does motorcycle insurance cost in kansas for a 16 year old driver?
im 15, about to turn 16 and want to get a motorcycle. i only have a few dirtbikes that aren't street legal and im thinking about getting a 1993 gsx750r this july for my bday. how much would i expect to pay for the insurance? i live in a rural area so it SHOULD cost less right?""
What is the most popular/best dental insurance in California?
Looking to invest in Dental Insurance, but I want something good, where I'm not paying so much out of pocket""
Gieco Car insurance $$$ for new drivers?
I'm turning 16 real soon but with these new laws i wont be able to drive until I'm 17, but anyway I'm saving for a car probably like 2k-3.5k range.....ive already saved up 1k but i was wondering how much i need to save up to pay for insurance and gas. (im a guy, b- average in school, ill be buying a sedan, I live in CT if that helps) thanks.....if u could just give me a general price range that would be fine i just have no idea how much it is.""
Is there anything I can do in to lower my insurance (17 Year old)?
Okay right now I'm 16; I've passed my theory test and when I turn 17 in April I'll be able to start lessons and take a test. My mum is giving me her Peugeot 206, X reg, 1.4L engine. It has never had an issue. I've looked at insurance quotes (for a full license under the assumption that I am 17) and on compare sites and the lowest quote I've found is around 2800 a year, the car will be stored in a garage but I wondered if there is a way to lower this? I hear the average price for a 17 year-old is 1400 a year? If anyone can give me some tips it really would be appreciated; I'm looking to pay monthly if that helps. Also, I'm a guy so obviously that will raise my prices right?""
Why dont we get a refund from car insurance companys when we dont make a claim?
i pay more for car insurance than i do for house insurance yet my car is worth a fraction of  to my house ????
Just hit a deer while ago (Questions about insurance)?
While ago a deer ran out in front of me and caused a bit of damage to my 2002 Toyota Camry. Although the damage doesn't appear to be [i]too[/i] bad, (hood and bumper are bent, and the right headlight is a bit out of place though it still works fine, car drives fine) I didn't have my cell phone so I had to drive back home (not very far) from where the incident happen. 1. Will the insurance still pay because I left the scene? (I wasn't speeding, had my headlights on, and our seatbelts) 2. Will my insurance rates go up? (The damage [b][i]can't[/i][/b] be over $2000, so I can just pay that huge bill once, but that higher insurance will haunt me forever) 3. Will this go on my driving record? (The car is still very drivable and neither me nor my passenger were injured in any way). (I did not get a police report, at least not yet)""
""Car accident, driving record & Insurance?""
If car accident happended and insurance covered the damage, but at-fault violation is kept off the driving record with help of being first offender, then will it still affect car insurance rate even if switching previous insurance company to other? Do insurance companies share their custmer drivers' information?""
How much auto coverage should I have in Wisconsin?
I own a 2008 Scion tc, and a 1990 Honda Accord LX. The Scion still has a lien against the title, and I have full coverage for this reason. I use my Honda as a primary car to drive to and from work with liability coverage only. What I have for coverage now is: Bodily Injury: 500,000/person 1,000,000/accident Property damage: 500,000/accident Underinsured and uninsured: 500,000/person 1,000,000/accident Medical Payments: 10,000 Comprehensive & Collision: 500 deductible Is this too much? My agent said something about a new law in Wisconsin making it stack for each car, so technically, I have double that coverage, and my premiums just went up. I'm looking for a way to get some cheaper premiums without exposing myself to too much risk. How much insurance do I really need?""
Auto Insurance?
I live in California and I got an Insurnace quote for a new car from a Insurence company that is out of state. Is there a difference between buy a out of state insurance policy vs. a policy from a compnay in cali?
What is the cheapest car insurance in southern california?
im 17 and a half, with C average grades. just started driving, what is the cheapest car insurance?""
How can I get health insurance in WA state?
I am 27. I am currently not working and have money saved. I am going to need to get a hearing evaluation at University of WA and it will cost 900 dollars without health coverage. I have never bought health insurance before, can I pay it month to month? Or pay it for one month, to get my evaluation covered and then cancel it?""
Why is car insurance so expensive for 18 year olds?
I passed my test yesterday, but insurers are being sharks again and charging thousands of pounds for something we might not need, and charging thousands (2600-23,000) for a small car which isn't even worth 1500. I have been riding a motorbike for 2 years beforehand, but no insurer seems to care. What is the best way for someone like me who needs to get on the road because of his job, to get a cheaper quote online? I've done basically everything.""
How much would insurace cost monthly?
Im 16 and im gettin a 2003 cadillac CTS when i get my licences and i have a few questions. The car is $10,932 how much would the down payment be also how much monthly plus insurance?""
Do you think i could get a used car and insurance with under $3k?
i really need a car to get around, i have full time job, n part-time student. It's getting to my nerves that whenever i need to go somewhere, i have to ask my brother or sister to take me. Yes i am a student 18 yo, i don't have much money, and my parents refuse to buy me a car, reason because my mom said insurance is too expensive, and she doesn't give a shitt about me. Do you think i could get it anywhere? i was thinking about buying the car 1st then insurance later on because i can't afford it. idk what should i do?""
Whats the cheapest insurance company you could find?
I'm 18 years old, just passed my test, and the cheapest quote I could find is LV at 2600 on a 1.2 litre 06 reg corsa.. Help guys??? D:""
Few questions on cars and insurance UK ONLY?
i live in the uk and im 16 but 17 soon after my tests and things i want to buy a renualt clio 1.2 and the insurance group is 3E. now is this a high insurance group for a 17 year old as a first car? also if you buy a car and put a body kit on it your insurance goes up. so if i bought a car put a body kit on it and then insured it would it be as much or will it still go up?
Car Insurance for a 16 year old?
I Plan on trying to get these three type of cars Toyota Corolla SR5 1983 Nissan 240sx 1989 Mazda Rx-7 1991 You might notice two of these cars are sports cars but they're 20 years old so I just thought the insurance might be cheaper but anyway, Would you guys like estiamte how much insurance would be if I had bought any three of these cars. Also if anybody has any of these cars how much do you pay for insurance for that car and how old are you?""
Car insurance when diving in the usa?
i'm going to Florida soon and getting a hired car as part of the package.i phoned the travel company who told me it will cost me 300 to insure us for 2 weeks that's almost double what i'm paying for my own annual car insurance is that the going rate or can i get it cheaper shopping around or because there giving me the rental do i have to go with them
Is selling car and home insurance difficult? How much does the average person make? Which is a good company?
Is selling car and home insurance difficult? How much does the average person make? Which is a good company?
Where can i find long term and short term disability insurance for a diabetic?
i need a great insurance but yet inexpensive.
Any ideas about how much insurance would be for this car?
I'm thinking about buying a Mitsubishi Eclipse soon. My bro has one and i drove it a few times and loved it. My current insurance company charges me $30 per month on a Loaded 2003 Ford Taurus SES. Any idea what they would charge for a sports car like an 02 5 speed manual Eclipse or Eclipse GT? And yes, i realize i could just call my company and ask them, but they dont have 24/7 calling and i don't wanna wait til tomorrow Lol Thanks in advance!""
Homeowners Insurance Policy Rate increases $220?
I bought a home in 2006. Had a policy for $550.00. Next bill 200+ more (nothing in policy changed). switched company Got AAA policy $ 512.00 (same policy coverage) Next bill $734.00 - Only change here was $29 dollars for Earthquake and House is covered for 1,000 dollars more. (Keep in mind my house is less than $100,000 and in good shape for being 40-60yrs old) Is there some unwritten law that states after providing insurance to homeowners for 6 months you have the right to jack up the price $200 every year? Should I get new insurance company again? If so, what guarantees that they don't tack on an extra 200 like the last company. This pattern is discouraging at this rate I will run out of insurance companies before I pay off the house. My insurance is paid through an escrow account so taxes already went up and insurance goes up - Monthly Mortgage Payment goes way up! Something none of us need. Please offer any of your experiences and advice.""
Will my parent's car insurance go up if I get my drivers license?
Ok I am 17 years old and will turn 18 soon. I have a lerners permit at the moment. My parents have Geico auto insurance and they will not let me get my drivers license because they said their rates would go up as long as I live at home and they can't afford to pay for my insurance. I called geico and they said it would go up,and they asked me what vehicle I would be driving. I told them that I don't have a car, and they said you have to be assigned to a car as a 'part time driver'. But the problem is, I don't need a car right now, I can drive a motorcycle. In the state of florida, motorcycle insurance is not required, but a class e drivers license is required to operate the motorcycle. So if I get my drivers license, why should my parents car insurance go up if I were to drive a motorcycle that does not require insurance at all?""
Motorcycle Insurance?
Ive been trying to find online quotes but am unable to (don't know why, but they cant give me a quote online). Anyways I was just wondering what insurance company would you recommend for motorcycle insurance? I want to buy a bike, I don't have my M1 (because I don't want to take the test before getting the bike), and obviously I've never taken the motorcycle course. Yea I know it would be hard to get a quote given that I have zero riding experience or licensing but cmon do you really expect me to get my license only to have it expire in 90 days without even having a bike yet? Anyways when you started out what kind of insurance were you paying and with who? Also is 600cc pushing it? will that screw me over for insurance? I was looking into getting a honda 600. Thanks!""
missouri insurance fraud statute
missouri insurance fraud statute
How can I get additional health insurance for my kids?
i work for a hospital and i have excellent 90/10 insurance. but with both of my kids seeing specialists i cant afford a $30 copay x2 . i am paying $60 just to take them to the doctor. can i get a secondary health insurance that will help cover some of the copays?
What auto insurance coverage is mandatory in the state of Florida?
I know (PIP)- Personal Injury Protection and (PDL) property damage liability is required and I thin uninsured motorist coverage is required but I'm not sure about bodily injury liabilty
What are the minimum legal requirements for auto insurance in california ?
What are the minimum legal requirements for auto insurance in california ?
Want to cancel my whole life insurance?
Back in July 09, I let my stepmother's boyfriend create a life insurance policy for me. He works as an agent for New York Life, and since I know nothing about insurance, I just let him take care of everything. For personal reasons, I want to cancel the insurance. I will get something else, probably term, very soon. I just still know nothing about insurance, so I have a few questions about my policy. I do have whole life insurance, so I should be able to get some money back, right? Currently, I have a $50k plan, and I pay just under $50 a month. I got this policy when I was 18, so the monthly cost seems a little high--especially since I have no dependents or debt. If I die tomorrow, I could still get a really nice funeral (not that I want one) and have it all payed in full from the money I have from my inheritance. Was I ripped off or is this pretty standard? Online, it says my Net Cash Value is $37.97. Is this the money I get back if I cancel? It seems low--it's only about 3.2% of the total amount I've paid. I was expecting some amount closer to 10%. Ideally, I'd like to cancel without talking to my agent. Is there any way I could do it through a general agent or online?""
Why do you think insurance is important?
I am writing and essay on why insurance is important and the consequences of not having it. I just wanted to know some of your thoughts of why you think insurance is important to help me get a better understanding ! thanks in advance !
How much does it cost to see a gynecologist without health insurance?
I live around the Chicago suburbs, and I don't have health insurance at the moment. I just want to get the regular check-up and pap smear. Anyidea how much it would cost?""
Would you accept a job working as an Insurance Call Center Agent?
The job entails helping senior citizens all over the country obtain affordable insurance solutions that cover their final expenses and medical bills. The work hours are Monday  ...show more
How much would insurance cost?
How much would insurance be if I bought a Mustang GT or GT Premium coupe with a 4.6L V8 and 260hp? I'm 15 and in driver's ed, one of the best in class, I make all A's in school, if that matters, and I'd prefer an estimate for liability and full coverage. By the way, I'm a good driver, I'm more concerned with driving smooth than driving fast. I want a Mustang GT because my friend has one and I love it. It would be a 2000-2004 model and I live in Alabama""
Can my Health Insurance cover for my Car Insurance?
I currently have AmeriChoice as my health Insurance and High Point as my car Insurance. Does anybody know how this works? I've some people say that they have their car ins. with their health ins. and they end up paying less $$ for their car Ins. Help!
How much would car insurance be for this person?
for a girl 16 years old, doesnt own a car in the state of NJ. any more info ill be glad to help. im asking because i want to know about how much it will cost will different insurances for me alone.""
Car bump and getting insurance.?
I had a bump around a year and a half ago and there was very minimal damage and no injuries, the woman gave a different name to me than to the insurance and I think maybe she wasn't insured? If the case was closed and went nowhere but the insurance company knew would this be recorded on their system.""
Is auto insurance cheaper in Texas than California?
Is auto insurance cheaper in Texas than California?
What do i need to bring for a driving test in california?
im going to take the driving test in california, what will i need to bring? (not the written test) i know ill need my permit and insurance stuff, what else? do i need my social security card or my birth certificate?""
Question about sr22 insurance?
Ok I got into an accident back in 2003 and my license was suspended because of it I filled a sr22 with my insurance company and got my license reinstated but now their trying to suspended my license again can they do that?
Renault clio 1.3L 16v Insurance costs?
how much will it cost to insure me in a Renault Clio 1.3L 16v when i am 17 using a provisional license
Canceling Geico car insurance?
I've had Geico insurance on my car for the past year and I've found a much better rate elsewhere and plan to switch. I'm in Virginia. How do I go about canceling with Geico? Do I have to wait until a certain time (end of 6mos, etc) or can I do it at any time? Is there a cancellation fee? Thanks!""
Insurance on a Subaru Impreza WRX Wagon.?
Would someone like please tell me how much insurance would run me on 2004 Subaru Impreza WRX wagon? I know that its not cheap, which I'm ok with. I just figured that it would be a little cheaper being that its a wagon, and I would also like to get a heads up b4 I talk to the insurance company P.S. If you have just an RS Impreza or a normal WRX you can also let me know how much that runs too. Either one is fine.. Thanks guys!""
Which older cars are group 1 0r 2 insurance?
i need to buy a new car as i now have 1 0r 2 points im only looking at paying about 500 pound but i need something really low insurance as its costing me a small fortune
Just turned 50 - can you get cheaper insurance if you are over 50?
It was my 50th bday last week and I'm trying to cut down on my car insurance costs. Can anyone recommend any insurers that offer cheaper prices for drivers over 50?
Does anybody know cheap autoinsurance company????
Does anybody know cheap autoinsurance company????
Can I afford the insurance for this car?
I'm 17. I may purchase a 2003 Chevy Cavalier Coupe after I get my g2 next week. I'm wondering what insurance will be like? I know there are many variables, but I'm looking for a ballpark figure. I make about $500-600 a month. Since my parents both own vehicles, I can't go under their insurance as an Ocassional Driver, forcing me to have my own insurance as opposed to being under my parents' name. I can't call for a quote because I dont have my g2 yet :P""
Any Cheaper Car Insurance..?
Hi I'm in U.K (young driver, no claims bonus). and ive just recently bought a nissan micra 1.0 R reg i got a quote from AA, churchill, norwich union, zurich and they all are giving me a price of over 1500 pounds. I have pass plus. Any cheap car insurance out there in U.K please help need to get one fast. Thanks""
Does insurance go up for out of state speeding ticket?
I hae a New York drivers license, i was pulled over going 45 in a 30.....$150 ticket....................i looked it up and i know i do not get points on my record, but does my insurance go up? does anyone knoow and have a good source they can provide? Thanks""
Negotiating a car insurance claim?
Long story short, consensus feel that my car (hit by an uninsured Crown Victoria) is going to be considered a total loss tomorrow when the adjuster checks it out. My main concern is, if I feel I am offered an unfair amount for my car, what would be a good way to negotiate with them? And what do they use to base their offer on? I've already checked Autotrader and other sites for a replacement for my car, and this model is very sparse (5 total within 500 miles, only searching by year and model/trim), only being sold by dealerships that want a LOT more than I paid for the car a year ago. Can I cite those examples, or do I have to use something like KBB or NADA appraisals? I've never had to make a claim with an insurance company before, and the only thing I know is the reputation of insurance companies.""
Car insurance... HAVE THEY GONE MAD?
Basically I am 16 and looking to buy a car that needs work, so that I have a car for when I pass my driving test. I have pretended I was born a year earlier which would make me 17 and eligible for insurance, but all the other details are true. I have also added my dad on the policy and the cheapest I got quoted was nearly 4000, and it's not like i'm going to be driving a rocket ship its a 1989 subaru justy 1.2l engine, which I have valued at 500 (double what its worth). Thus I am struggling to see why it costs so much?? BTW IT'S FIRE AND THEFT NOT EVEN FULLY COM""
missouri insurance fraud statute
missouri insurance fraud statute
Does have a cpc reduce car insurance costs?
I have just recently obtained my pcv license and also gotten my cpc (certificate of professional competence). will having either or both of these reduce my car insurance premiums? thanks.
Can I buy triple a auto insurance with a permit? California?
So due to curtain circumstances, I need to get my own auto insurance, the catch is that I only have a permit. what I wanted to know is if a major insurance company, like triple a, would cover me, if so would it cost more than a newly licensed person, and if not does anyone know a minor insurance company that would.""
""Do I have a conviction, car insurance?""
I had my car licence for less than 2 years and went out to view a car, I was offered a test drive which I accepted. The police pulled me over and I was done for not having any car insurance, stupid of me but I never thought, my full licence was revoked and I had to start all over a gain on a provisional licence and also received a heavy fine. I reset my test again and passed and when I am asking for insurance I am asked for any convictions, I have not got a conviction on my licence or any points, my friend says I have been punished already by having my licence taken off me and re sitting my test again, and paying a fine. I now have had my full licence for 1 year instead of 3 years, what am I supposed to declare my licence is clean?""
Car insurance for 16 yr old boy?
I want to get a white 5 speed subaru impreza WRX (wagon sport) with turbo (standard). How much do you think this would cost considering that i'm 16 yrs old and the car is white and i get good grades? thanks
I`ve just passed my driving test at the age of 25 anyone know of any cheap car insurers?
I`ve just been given a suzuki swift, anyone know of any cheap insurance companies, as i`ve been quoted some stupid prices.""
Insurance on a Hummer H1?
how much would that cost?
Is insurance cheaper for a stick shift or automatic car?
Or it doesn't matter?
""Learner drivers, what litre is your car and how much do you pay insurance?""
Learner drivers, what litre is your car and how much do you pay insurance?""
Why am i being forced to buy health insurance?
I don't understand it i am 20 years old am going to be starting my life out with my girlfriend, i am desperately trying to get a job and my girlfriend works at mcdee's and now i find out that i am forced to have health insurance? i can't afford that! even if it is affordable i struggle to buy a pop at the gas station let alone health insurance""
What kinds of things can give you lower auto insurance?
I'm planning to buy a car in a couple months, what types of things should I look for to keep insurance as cheap as possible? I've heard two-door costs more on insurance than four-door, is that true? Does it matter if it's automative or manual? (I can drive both, so doesn't matter to me). Any other tips? Thanks!""
Cheap car insurance in Arizona for an 18 year old with a volkswagon beetle?
i really want a volkswagon beetle, and then one im looking at right now is a 2006 with 70,000 miles (i know, its alot but thats not what im asking you to answer on) and its a convertible. i've never had my own car, and right now im using a family member's. i dont have ANY credit, idk if that helps or not... i already know my car payments are going to be high, so i want cheap insurance, that will still cover me. i see commercials for The General and Freeway Insurance, along with Safeauto. are they good companies? i kind of checked out The General, and it wasnt as cheap as i thought it was going to be... help?!""
How much is car insurance for a teenager under 18 years old?
If you share the car with someone, is the car insurance higher for two people instead of one? If so how much more?""
How is insurance on a 2004 GLI?
I am a 17 year old High School Student I am a male and make Good grades, How much would insurance be on a 2004 VW GLI. Most of the cars I've been looking at are way to expensive to insure. Does it being a 4 door sedan lower the price at all.""
How much would insurance be on a honda cbr 125?
I'm 17, had one year on a bike with no claims and want to get a 125 cc. Heard that the Honda cbr is a good bike to get but I've been told they're expensive to insure. would go on the comparison sites but they take ages then send you a load of spam! so anyone know how much it would cost for third party only? the bike I'm looking at is a 2006.""
Will a reduced 1 point Defective Headlamps ticket affect my auto insurance?
I was pulled over for turning onto a one way street the wrong way, which is a 3 point ticket in Denver. If I pay within the first 20 days the ticket is reduced to a 1 point Defective Headlamps ticket. My parents have state farm insurance. Will they be notified of this ticket through the insurance and will my insurance rates increase? I'd rather them not know, and the cop said my insurance wouldn't be affected because of the reduced ticket. I just wanted to follow up. Thanks!""
19 year old needs cheap car insurance?
i need to get car insurance but i cant afford something too expensive, im 19 my car is a 1997 ford mustang coupe, someone help i have to find a place today! my parents arent helping i have to get it on my own.""
How much will car insurance be?
Im 17 and im 18 in september and i have a renaut Clio Grande year 2000 X reg, 1.2 litres. Ive got quotes off of compare sites for 4000 a year yet i feel this is ridiculous? I have heard of friends getting it for 2000ish. Where do i find or get these cheaper insurance deals? Will it go down at 18?""
US health insurance - question?
We are Canadians moving to the US in couple of weeks and we have just applied for medical insurance in the US, filled out all the papers and we'd like to know whether the insurance company will call our Canadian doctor to get our medical records? We want to make our doctor aware of this and at the same time, to be honest, we did not know exactly the dates when we've been at the doctor's office, we put down approximate dates on the insurance applic form and we do not want to be denied because of misrepresentation or something like that. At the same time, here in Canada, just because healthcare is universal, you don't get any medical papers or records to keep track on when you've been at the doctor's office. Thanks a lot.""
New York State Car Insurance Question?
A friend of mine had his car parked in front of his house in the street. A drunk driver without a license hit it while it was parked, left the car and ran off on foot. Turns out the person driving was not the owner of the car, he did not steal it, the owner let him borrow it. My friend's insurance company is telling him that they need some kind of acknowledgment by the owner of the car, admitting to wrong doing, before they can process his claim. Does this sound correct?""
What are the insurance rates of a 2002 Chevy Cavalier Z24?
Its a 2 door 5 speed z24 cavalier with everything and the guy wants 2650 and it has 99k miles on it. Im also a 16 year old new driver.
Why is auto insurance cheaper in quebec than ontario?
Why is auto insurance cheaper in quebec than ontario?
Where can I get car hire insurance for USA?
I have been looking everywhere for car hire insurance also known as excess insurance. I can't find anywhere for a 20 year old, I'm 19 now but on our holiday I will be 20 years old. Fox car hire charge nearly $900 for the CDW and recovery fee. E-Z Rent a car will supply a car to an 18 year old but will not supply CDW. Fox have awful reviews so I didn't want to be forced to rent with them. So I figured if I got car rental insurance or excess insurance i could rent with E-Z or rent with fox but not have the CDW totalling up my bill. The annual polices for the excess insurance are around $100 I would happily pay $200 because of my age. I'm also from england not USA but would be renting in USA (Orlando to be particulate). We are renting a Ford Mustang (Convertible class)""
Needing Short-term disabilty insurance?
My husband and I are planning on having one more child in a year or so and I am looking for short-term disabilty insurance, b/c my work does not have it. Anybody know a good insurance??""
""Insurance question, anyone know?""
I had insurance that didnt cover my pregnancy, if I get new insurance will they cover my pregnancy? Or not cuz im already pregnant....""
Approximate price of monthly insurance.?
Does anyone know, or can you give a decent guess at the approximate price of monthly insurance on a 2003 Audi TT? Non Convertible. I'm interested in buying one, I'm just curious as to the price of insurance. Thanks!""
missouri insurance fraud statute
missouri insurance fraud statute
Car insurance on car i want to sell?
I am trying to sell my car because my uncle left me his old truck and I don't need two vehicles. Since I don't want to have insurance on both cars, is there a way for me to just have insurance on the car only when it is test driven by someone interested in buying it?""
What company provides cheap motorcycle insurance?
What company provides cheap motorcycle insurance?
Would insurance be cheaper on a 99-01 mustang GT than on a newer 02-04 for a new driver?
I was thinking about getting a mustang GT sometime after I turn 18 and after I get a job. Right now im 16 and have no license but im going to take drivers ed soon.
Insurance on Ford Focus ST - Young Driver?
I'm just looking for guideline figures on what insurance is likely to cost for a 20yr old male on a new Ford Focus ST in the UK. This is with 2 years no claims bonus and no speeding convictions. Any help greatly appreciated!
Can you ask a car insurance company to lower your rate/payment?
If so, how would I go about that? I know that many companies have loyalty/continuous coverage discounts, but the discount for my current insurance really isn't enough, and my payment (I make a full, 6-month payment) goes up every time. Should I ask for a specific amount/percentage? Should I ask them to keep the cost the same as 6 months ago, etc? Thanks for any advice. **I've been with the company for over a year.""
A question about insurance on a car?
ok i live in england, and i am 27yrs old, i drive and have my own insurance which is fully comp, as i am over 26 i can drive any car third party, my boyfriend is just starting to learn to drive and since neither of his parents drive, hes going to have to get his own car with his own insurance on, which is obviously going to be quite high as hes a new driver, hes 20yrs old. we got told that if he put me on his insurance as a second driver then it would work out a bit cheaper for him, but im wondering if this is true, as i can drive his car anyway on my insurance, so im not sure if its legal to go on his or if they will let me. any advice would be appreciated.""
Dui and car insurance?
My record got explunged now that I am 18 in the state of California. Will my car insurance take me back?
The anybody have auto insurance with the general auto insurance?
I'm looking for a cheaper car insurance, I have progressive it suppost to be cheap and now it can higher. I heard about the general but I want to know if it really cheap. Anybody""
""How much will car insurance cost me, roughly (teen driver)?""
I'm a 16 year-old girl, and I'm planning on buying my first car by the time I'm 17. I'm looking for an older car, nothing fancy, just to get around in. I'm also planning on taking Drivers' Ed. My grades are decent too, if that really matters. Do you have any idea what I'm looking at here?""
How much is it likely to cost as a first time driver on familys car insurance?
Im nearly ready to take my driving test in a couple of month or so. Im 25 and hoping to pass first time in sept/oct 2012. My sister and also my brother in law are due to re-insure there cars in the next few months and are thinking about putting me on there insurance on either car fiat 500 or nisan micra. I will be not driving either car full time, just as and when. How much is it likelyto cost on top there normal insurance. Both have been driving for years with no claims as far as i know. Bit just an average amount will bw great""
What car company is the cheapist to insure in Canada Ontario?
i'm purchasing a car in the next few months and i've been looking for cars that im intersted in buying. i've narrowed it down to a: mazda toyota volkswagon jetta 0r honda. which brand is the cheaper one to insure? and what car in particular might you suggest?
Where is the cheapest place in Nashville to get renter's insurance?
Anyone know of a good company or individual that offers inexpensive renter's insurance in Nashville, TN? Also, is the fee a one time fee for the entire year? or is it a monthly fee? Lastly, if you could give me an idea of prices for renter's insurance for a 1-2 bedroom apartment, that would be helpful too! thanks!""
Im 21 and in need of health insurance...?
My company offers it but its like $200/month and i cant afford that! Im a female, non smoker, and in good health. I just need basic health insurance that has dental and eye. What are some good options out there?""
Do I have to be on my moms insurance?
I am 15 1/2 and i got my permit my california's drivers permit in march. i wont be applicable to get my drivers license until september. do i have to be on my moms insurance to drive now
Can Geico save you 10% on car insurance?
Bonus question: I have AllState, am I in good hands?""
""Car licence ,where to get a cheaper car insurance?""
Hi there, Looking for cheap insurance? Im 17 near 18 ;) yesterday I past my exam and now Ive got the licence, but insurance is so expensive for me. Ive done the compare and the result was 17 000 for a year :( Please any advice to make it cheaper? Thank you all in advance. Cheers and have a good day.""
How much would insurance cost for a 22 year old to be insured with his mother?
My mum has been driving for 24 years . The car I want to be a secondary driver is the Honda Jazz 2004 which is 1.3 Litre. How much is insurance looking to cost around?
How much do you think my motorcycle insurance will be?
I am getting the CBR125R 2009 HONDA! It's going to be black. I'm a 16 year old girl, and the bike costs $3,599.00 . How much do you think my insurance will be? All together what will it possibly total up to? Thank you!""
I deliver pizza. I was told car my car insurance wont cover a crash.?
THey said if i have the pizza sign on my car and get hit insurance wont cover me but without the sign i will be?
Is car insurance higher if your car has high exhaust emissions?
I know road tax is higher but does car insurance cost more if your car has a high emission level? Thanks
2008-2009 Ford Mustang Convertible?
Hi- we are looking into a new car and are interested in either a 08 or 09 Mustang Convertible...would you reccomend this vehicle? One thing we are worried about is the insurance costs as the car is not that expensive. Does insurance really go up a ton? Pros-Cons? Thanks a ton!
Auto insurance question (Mitsubishi Lancer?
I can call Allstate and find this out. However, I don't feel like staying on the line forever. Is the Mitsubishi Lancer consider a sports car according to auto insurance poilcy or is it just your average everyday sedan?""
Banking and finance or insurance and risk management?
I've been admitted to a university and now I've an option between two bachelors degree, banking and finance or insurance and risk management. I'm really confused, what do you think is a better degree to pursue in terms of future scope. thanks""
At fault driver's car insurance won't pay for my damages!?
Hey guys and gals, My wife was in a car accident on 10/8 driving our truck with liability only insurance (IE: not full coverage because the truck is only worth ~$3000 and it's paid for). She was turning right and had slowed down to turn (with her turn signal on) when a speeding truck slammed into the van behind her, ramming the van in to our truck. The police filed a report, in which the driver of the speeding truck (an 18 year old kid, that had just left his house less than 1/4 mile away) was determined to be at fault. It is worth note that this happened in front of two different auto body shops, and within sight of the house the at fault driver had just left. Their insurance company, state farm, finally contacted us on 11/8 after not returning our phone calls for nearly two weeks saying they had determined he was in fact at fault and would send an adjuster the following Monday. He came, inspected the truck, determined it was repairable, then said we would hear from their office later that day. When they called they told us the damage was more than 75% of the vehicles worth so it was considered total and they would send the required paperwork to my email address to begin payment. Within 3 hours, the claim agent we had talked to the previous Friday said an owner of one of the auto shops had came forward (all of a sudden, no mention of a witness before) and that he had a notarized statement saying the van struck our vehicle before the truck struck the van. The insurance company now will not pay us for the damages. We tried to call the witness and get a copy of his report because State Farm would not give us the copy. Then we called the other auto body shop and both the owner and one of his employees both seen the accident and say that the truck was at fault, and the owner overheard the driver say specifically that it was his fault. When we bring this to the agents attention, she claims this is not evidence because they know the at fault driver. We found out that the first witness also knows the driver, but can't prove it. Ours is a small town, you don't have neighbors that you don't know or speak to. It seems we are at an impasse, and I have been without a truck for nearly 6 weeks. What should I do in this instance? Get an attorney? Our insurance agency is adamant about not intervening since we did not have full coverage insurance. It may be worth noting that my wife has had back and neck pain since the accident and went to the hospital the day of the accident, the family doctor twice since, and has an appointment with a chiropractor next week (all of which our insurance has paid for.)""
Short Term Car Insurance in California?
I moved from California to Japan about a year ago, and naturally, I canceled my US car insurance. Soon I will be visiting the USA for about 24 days, and I'd like to be able to drive during that time. I've made arrangements to borrow a car from my parents, so that part's fine- my question is, how do I go about getting insured for this temporary period? (In case it matters, I am 28 years old, not financially dependent on my parents and am a worker not a student)""
missouri insurance fraud statute
missouri insurance fraud statute
0 notes