#like bro shut up abt russia youve never even lived there and here youre read as a white man bc you grew up speaking english
knxfesck · 2 years
Not and expert at all but one thing I've noticed about how people talk about economically recovering countries, or post-soviet states, etc etc is that almost every average person has shit to deal with on some level. You can't pretend that there isn't an issue because there's no way to not be aware. People will quickly point out how awful it is/was and how they're so glad they don't live there or hated living there. But in states like america, nobody (generalization) says that. They all point to the ''land of the free'' bullshit and ignore issues. Especially people from the places mentioned, and even more especially people who just don't have it in them to care. The american population is much more detached from the issues with their country because everyone who doesn't personally have to deal with problems caused by these issues or can still live a relatively nice life doesn't see anything wrong, or bother to mention it if they do. Thats the insidious thing about fascism and conservative ideology to me. Theres always people who aren't affected that think everything's fine, or working well for them, who refuse to believe anyone who's affected by it. And many of them are influential to the government.
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