#there actually are bigger issues than gas prices here (and they know it but just dont want to confront it)
franciskirkland · 1 year
Hello! Hypermobile François anon here!
I actually am from the Midwest. Also, I would love to see bigger cities. They're just so far away and gas prices are. Yeeeesh. Expensive.
Also, completely unrelated, but Arthur in BDC is such a good dad.
oh word okay, i've lived in the midwest as well. right on the mississippi in fact. but yeah understandable, it's very vast out there. i guess you can't always control your surroundings so you just have to make the most of them!
and that's so sweet of you to say thank you so much! that's definitely what i'm aiming for here. he's not always the nicest or most respectful, but his kids are his #1 priority and it shows. he loves those little guys and is more affectionate with them than i'd usually write arthur. like not to be redundant but as is obvious he's got some issues and he only has so much mental energy to extend between everything else going on.
i do think he needs to be more careful how he speaks to fran, which is something that is addressed in the next update!! not gonna promise it'll be finished today, but soon. who knows?? hoping today will be a writing day xx
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knxfesck · 2 years
Not and expert at all but one thing I've noticed about how people talk about economically recovering countries, or post-soviet states, etc etc is that almost every average person has shit to deal with on some level. You can't pretend that there isn't an issue because there's no way to not be aware. People will quickly point out how awful it is/was and how they're so glad they don't live there or hated living there. But in states like america, nobody (generalization) says that. They all point to the ''land of the free'' bullshit and ignore issues. Especially people from the places mentioned, and even more especially people who just don't have it in them to care. The american population is much more detached from the issues with their country because everyone who doesn't personally have to deal with problems caused by these issues or can still live a relatively nice life doesn't see anything wrong, or bother to mention it if they do. Thats the insidious thing about fascism and conservative ideology to me. Theres always people who aren't affected that think everything's fine, or working well for them, who refuse to believe anyone who's affected by it. And many of them are influential to the government.
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lilhawkeye3 · 4 years
This Ohio discourse has got me dying to create discourse about every other state now hehe so I officially present:
Hawk’s review of 36/50 US states!
In alphabetical order because that fuckin song “50 nifty United States” has been stuck in my head since fourth grade.
Arizona: Phoenix is hot. Can’t believe y’all choose to live in a place that gets haboobs. Saw Sen. John McCain in the airport. I feel that sums up the state well. 4/10
California: as a resident of the state of Oregon, I’m legally required to say fuck California😌 unless anyone else talking shit about Cali and then we got your back😤 SoCal vs San Fran vs Northern Cal are totally different worlds though. 7/10
Colorado: damn idk how y’all breathe there, them air is thin. But really pretty out there! 7/10
Connecticut: oh my god fuck New Haven. And Stamford, and Hartford, and— Yknow what? Let’s just toss the whole state into the Sound. For real, traffic is the WORST here and I’m so sorry that y’all gotta live like that. 3/10
Delaware: I cannot believe this is considered a state. There’s no difference between Delaware and Maryland/Pennsylvania. 1/10 should not be a state
Florida: “the only hills in Florida are the highway ramps and the Matterhorn!” —the shuttle driver at Disney World. He was right. Shit is flat as fuck here. And hot. And humid. The Gulf Coast is nice? But tbh it’s just all very touristy which is kind of a bummer. 5/10
Georgia: ...I can’t with the humidity or thinly veiled racism. But y’all got nice peaches! Also Black Panther filmed there so thank you for blessing us with that. 6/10 for fruits
Hawaii: okay pineapple farms are cool. Tbh I just feel really bad for how much mainlander/tourist bs all the islanders put up with. Ik price of living is v high and keeps going up. That said I did love Hawaii... although I was stung by a jellyfish. Hate those little bastards. 8/10 for wonderful people and nature
Idaho: as an Oregonian I’m required to also say fuck Idaho 😝 you da hoes. Okay for real tho southern Idaho has become v white white and kinda scary tbh. The northern part of the state is pretty chill tho. Also Oreida kettle chips are partly made in Idaho so I gotta give you half credit for that. 4/10
Illinois: at least you’re not Indiana. 4/10.
Indiana: I never want to step foot in Gary, Indiana again in my life. (Passed a Mack truck hauling a race car to Indy 500 though so that was cool.) 2/10
Iowa: I almost moved here. I’m so glad I didn’t. Why are the Quad Cities actually a group of five towns? I hate that. Also the roads were all cement, felt like driving on a sidewalk. Was also interesting because the second we got out of the city proper, it was just... corn fields everywhere. 2/10 y’all raising children of the corn.
Kentucky: I really don’t have anything to say about Kentucky. I thought the trees were pretty? 5/10 yeah idk
Maine: my relative has totaled two cars by hitting moose in Maine. Maine scares me. Or rather, the moose do. Also the lobster roll hype is real. And the coast truly is beautiful. 8/10 but an extra point for the moose bc I hate that relative so 9/10
Maryland: oh god Baltimore. Also I’m blaming you for the DC traffic because it’s on the land you gifted them. 3/10
Massachusetts: Patriots fans are the worst NFL fans (the racism is real, especially after fans burned the jerseys of Black players who knelt for the anthem). Liking Dunkin’ Donuts is not a personality trait. The North End in Boston is truly the best place to get pizza in the entire country. Western Mass is not the same state. And the Cape Cod bridges give me nightmares. 5/10 but cause I had to pay taxes two years and it really is Taxachusetts, knocking it down to 4/10
Michigan: it’s a lot bigger than I initially thought. 5/10
Minnesota: it’s Canada but in the US. Pretty driving through the southern part. Cops suck tho. 5/10
Montana: okay Montana is downright gorgeous. (Except Billings. Sorry, Billings.) I must include a photo. I wanna get a cabin here and just exist. 8/10
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New Hampshire: can’t decide if it hates Massachusetts or wants to be Massachusetts. All it knows is that it’s better than Vermont. Which... y’know, valid. (If you wanna see NH culture watch North Woods Law tbh). 4/10
New Jersey: why are there so many goddamn highways in this state? Also there are more places to weekend trip than the Shore or the Poconos. Although you do have people pump gas for you just like Oregon, so... that’s valid. Things my friends have added: Newark airport is cursed (valid), the jughandles are nightmares (true), pork roll/Taylor Ham is good and so are bagels and New Jersey pizza (allergic so idk), and everyone is split on whether the shore is actually decent or not 😂 I give it a 3.5/10 out of spite
New York: NYC is fun, Upstate is MASSIVE but really beautiful. Long Island is... yeah I don’t have anything nice to say about Long Island. 8/10 For NYC, 6/10 for Upstate, -2/10 for Long Island, gives us an average of 6/10
North Carolina: very good peaches. Isn’t South Carolina. Keep it up👍🏽 6/10
Ohio: I already told y’all how I feel about this flat ass boring state. I feel no need to slander it any more lmao. 3/10
Oregon: she flies with her own wings, mi amor🥰 to list all the reasons I like Oregon (and the issues too bc it ain’t perfect), I would need a whole other post. I’ll just leave you with this picture I took of Mt. Hood, the queen of our Cascades. 11/10
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Pennsylvania: so apparently PN is three states hiding in a trench coat like NY. There’s upstate, philly and Pittsburg. Personally I think they’re just trying too hard and wanna get the same recognition as NY. Meh. 5/10
Rhode Island: THIS FUCKIN SHAM OF A STATE Just merge it with Connecticut and be done with it!! It’s tiny. Providence sucks. There’s nothing unique about this state that you can’t find in Southern Mass (except MA has cheaper taxes so y’all come to work and shop in MA anyways smh). Also the fingers are really annoying to drive down to get to some beach areas haha. 2/10 you’re barely better than Delaware.
South Carolina: my Black father was invited to a party celebrating General Robert E Lee’s birthday. So... 0/10
South Dakota: very gorgeous, didn’t realize the Missouri River went this far west, but VERY LARGE. I mean it looks big on a map but then you get there and... yeah. No speed limit on highways is a great time though. And the Badlands have mountain goats! 6/10 bc while pretty, living there seems really hard. (Picture is me in the Badlands).
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Texas: gave us Juneteenth and Beyoncé and JJ Watts. Thank you Texas. But is very big, got independence from Mexico to keep slavery (yikes), is like 97% private land (yikes) and is like the second or third largest state. Very big. That said, everyone I’ve ever met from Texas is lovely. 6/10.
Utah: Other than Idaho, this is the whitest state I’ve been to. Or it feels that way. Like a, the people crossed to the other side of the street and held their bags because I’m brown, state. And I don’t ski so I can’t even say that’s a good thing (I fell off the ski lift the one time I went, long story). Yeah 0/10.
Vermont: wants to be New Hampshire or Canada and can’t decide which. So it’s just kinda there. Pretty hills though. 3/10
Virginia: let’s be real we all forget that Virginia exists west of Richmond. Nova is a beauracratic and traffic nightmare and half our neighbors had to pass security clearance checks. Hampton Roads and beach area is a tourist and mosquito nightmare. But there were dolphins and I made snowmen on the beach. Good times. 6.7/10
Washington: again, legally required as an Oregon resident to say fuck Washington because it’s all your fault we now are getting a toll on the I-5 border. But you’re better than California. And the Sound is really cool for fishing, love Wicked Tuna. And the fish market. Best salmon I’ve had. Eastern Washington... y’all got Spokane but the rest is kinda sparse. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 8/10
Wisconsin: cheese is actually good. Again, pretty state, much larger than I initially thought. 7/10
Wyoming: this was the ONLY STATE I lost cell service in when diriving cross country. Kinda surprised it wasn’t Montana, but no, it was Wyoming. Views are gorgeous though so I was distracted either way. 4/10
Thank you for joining me on this cross-country edition of Tea Time with Hawk. Please respond with any reactions, corrections, addendums about any and all of the states mentioned. And thank you for taking part in this wholesome Clone Wars fandom discourse with me 🥰💕
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tricktster · 4 years
I'm pretty new at aquariums and I don't have a c02 system set up and I don't think my petco was even selling it? Am I doing something wrong? If so, where can I get one???? I don't want to hurt my fish!
Sorry this is going to be long but I love nerding out. 
I probably should have just explained this when I posted the picture of my setup, but carbon dioxide injection is fully not necessary for the VAST majority of tanks, because it is specifically not there to help the fish at all - it’s for plants.
The fact of the matter is that it’s super hard to get those beautiful, lush planted tanks like this:
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 ...without supplementing carbon dioxide. The same rules apply for aquarium plants as terrestrial plants: they covert light, water and carbon dioxide into chemical energy through photosynthesis, and then use that chemical energy and nutrients to fuel their growth, creating oxygen as a byproduct. The tricky thing is that there just isn’t a ton of carbon dioxide available underwater. Obviously, plants manage to grow underwater all the time, since some co2 will diffuse through the water when the surface is agitated (like if there’s a current, or waves, or a waterfall etc), and as long as there’s adequate sunlight and nutrients, that can be enough for plants to grow. In fact, there are plenty of aquarium plants that do just fine without co2 supplementation, like java ferns or most mosses. You can basically just chuck them in the tank and forget about them. They’ll take care of themselves.
The reason that java ferns and mosses don’t need supplemental co2 is that they have evolved to be able to grow - slowly - in places where there isn’t a lot of sunlight or carbon dioxide that reaches them. However, other plants (like dwarf hairgrass or dwarf baby tears) evolved in conditions that permitted them to grow -quickly - only with a lot of light and a great deal of available carbon dioxide. I mention hairgrass and dwarf baby tears because they’re some of the most popular plants in the aquarium hobby due to their ability to form dense carpets, which are pretty:
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(dwarf hairgrass)
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(dwarf baby tears)
These plants are also really popular because they’re small and resemble common terrestrial plants, which allows people to create visual illusions that make their tanks seem much bigger and more like terrestrial landscapes, like this one made by John Pini:
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(notice the co2 system hanging on the side, which is almost certainly not the actual setup that he uses on this tank - Fluval sponsored the aquascaping contest he won with this). It looks like this tank has pheonix moss, maybe one of the liverwort mosses??, monte carlo (the small leafed plants), and some type of mini bucephalandra (the slightly larger leafed plants), which will actually all grow... okay? without supplemented co2, but not with the density that’s captured here. For reference, here’s the same piece of monte carlo that’s been kicking around in my low tech (i.e. no co2) shrimp tank for months (in front of the Plagiomnium affine my snails keep digging up):
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and here is what happened to the single piece of leftover Monte Carlo that I stuck in Darkmantle’s high tech (co2 injected) tank at the same time, if you can make it out under all that hairgrass: 
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So explosive plant growth is really the big benefit in injecting co2 in a planted aquarium, with a major side-benefit of algae control. When algae shows up in your tank, it’s because there is either too much light or too many nutrients (generally this is biological waste from livestock) in the tank for your plants to be able to use. If the plants aren’t using that excess growing energy up because they’re limited by the amount of carbon dioxide in the water, algae, which has much lower requirements for co2 than complex multicellular structures like plants, will happily take advantage of the excess light and nutrients. But if your balance of light, co2, and nutrients are correct, algae can’t get a foothold because your plants will be taking all that available energy first.  
For people who want to try out running a high tech tank, there’s a variety of  ways to do it. On a very basic level, all you need is 1) a source of carbon dioxide, and 2, a way to get it into the water. At the very lowest price point, there’s DIY systems like this one that rely on chemical interactions (usually citric acid and baking soda or sometimes yeast) to generate CO2, which is then forced through airline tubing into a diffuser (usually a ceramic disk that breaks up big bubbles of co2 into lots of little bubbles) inside the tank.  There’s a few problems with this system: the chemical reactions are really hard to keep going at a stable level that doesn’t result in huge spikes in the amount of co2 being emitted, or, alternatively, the pressure building up in the bottles won’t be enough to actually go through the airline. 
Because DIY co2 is finicky (and cleaning can be a pain in the ass) a lot of people, including me, like using pressurized co2 systems. The problem is that there’s not a ton of commercial products that are really adequate for the job that don’t cost a ridiculous amount. While you can certainly drop $600 on a professional system, most people, for obvious reasons, don’t want to do that. Instead, they might try out a system like the little kit Fluval sells, which I mentioned almost certainly was not used in creating that award winning aquascape: 
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Why do I feel so confident that it wasn’t used? Well, because it kind of sucks. See, an important thing that I didn’t mention is that there is absolutely such a thing as too much co2 in a tank with any animals in it. Animals, you know, need oxygen. Co2 is their output product. Put too much co2 in a tank, and it’ll be exactly the same result as if there is too much co2 and not enough oxygen in a sealed environment that you’re in: death promptly ensues. So when we add co2 to an aquarium, we want to do so in a very measured way that permits the plants to get enough without impacting our livestock at all. There’s a bunch of different things you can use to make sure you’re doing that right, like drop checkers, which contain a chemical that changes color based on the amount of co2 in the water, or bubble counters, which allow you to visually monitor how much of an invisible gas is going into the tank, but the most important thing to stress here is that the amount of co2 that is safe to use when the plants are actively photosynthesizing is NOT the same amount that is safe to have in the tank when the lights are off. Here, the knob on that little kit depicted above is the ONLY way to turn the co2 on or off, or to vary how much is going into the tank, and frankly, that’s a terrible system. The rate of release is not steady, so you have to constantly fiddle with it, and of course you need to remember to manually turn the damn thing on and off every day, which is a pain in the ass. Also, that co2 canister is TINY and it’s not refillable, so you’ll spend hundreds in replacement cartridges before you know it. 
The 600 dollar professional kits I’ve mentioned have built in ways to counter those issues, but like I said, nobody wants to drop 600 bucks. The good thing is that you can cobble something together that does the same exact thing as a professional system for a fraction of the cost. All you need is 1. a regulator with a solenoid; and 2. a refillable paintball co2 tank. The regulator is the most important piece of equipment - it’s what allows you to adjust the amount of co2 that goes into the system, and it needs to be reliable. Luckily, there are some GREAT regulators on Amazon in the 60-70 dollar range that are incredibly reliable and come with a solenoid - that’s a magnetic valve that is ONLY open when it’s plugged in. The upshot is that if you use a timer plug or a smart plug, you can just automate when your co2 runs so that it’s only going at the same time as your lights. Then... just go to a sporting goods store, get your paintball tank filled, screw the regulator on, run some tubing into a cheap ceramic diffuser in your tank, and boom, you’ve saved 500 bucks for an extremely effective and easy to use kit that gives you professional results. 
Or... you can just not be like me, save yourself the time, money, and energy, and JUST GROW FUCKING JAVA FERNS INSTEAD, TST, YOU PRETENTIOUS ASSHOLE. 
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aroihkin · 4 years
Went ahead and put my feelers out for a different welding job.
Today (friday) I interviewed in Sacramento for a place that pays $18.89/hr for day shift, and $20.78/hr for swing shift. (And $22.67/hr for third shift but I don’t know if they even have any welders on third shift sooo that may be moot.)
Did a weld test and an interview... and I walked out with the job! I start on the 31st.
I don’t know what shift I’ll be on, as that gets assigned at the end of training. But usually at places with shifts like this my preference for shifts work out since most people really only want to work days because they have kids, or a spouse who works days, etc. So there’s a really good chance I’ll get onto swing shift. Or graveyard, if they have welders on that shift.
Now, Sacramento means I’ll be driving more miles per month than I did for Redbox, and that sucks, but it’ll all be freeway at least and not a bunch of little stops adding up. So it might not be too rough on my cars. The pay hike will make up for the gas and wear and tear, and gets my foot in the door somewhere really good.
If I’m still working for this place at the end of the year and am happy there, then when my lease turns into a month-to-month in January, I’ll just move to Sacramento and chop out the commute. Rent’s cheaper up there anyway; just at a cursory glance I can get a 2 bedroom apartment (or house) for as much as I’m paying now for my 1 bedroom down here.
I haven’t dug further into things like if those prices are for actual nice places to live or anything, but that’s still promising at a glance. Might stick with 1 bedroom size, but it’d be cool to have the extra option when researching/asking around. And Sacramento’s an even bigger town, being that it’s California’s capitol. Even more welding jobs up there than here, from what I’ve seen!
Also the place I just got hired by is so big and fancy they issue welding hoods -- actually, full blown Miller PAPR T94i-R units -- to their welders. I’m sure it’s something that we like, check in and out for our shifts or something, because one (1) of those units goes for about $1700. But that’s amazing. My expensive new optrel will be benched for now, but it will come in handy the next time I shop around for a different job. It came in mega handy for the weld test they gave me for this job, I’ll say that much.
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ihouseofhealth-blog · 4 years
Top 10 Benefits and Disadvantages of Online Shopping
Advantages of Online Shopping The Internet has changed the way where we shop. As a result of the various preferences and advantages, an ever-increasing number of individuals these days lean toward purchasing things online over the traditional technique for going into stores. What are a few reasons that numerous individuals love web-based shopping and for what reason is it so famous? The following are my main ten explanations behind shopping on the web. 10 Benefits of Shopping Online 1. Convenience. Convenience is the greatest advantage. What another place can you serenely shop at midnight while in your night robe? There are no lines to hold up in or clerks to find to assist you with your buys, and you can do your shopping in minutes. Online shops offer us the chance to shop day in and day out and reward us with a 'no contamination' shopping experience. There is no better spot to purchase instructive items like digital books, which are accessible to you immediately when the installment experiences. Downloadable things bought online to kill the requirement for any sort of physical material whatsoever, also, which helps the earth!  iHouseOfHealth 2. Better prices. Modest arrangements and better costs are accessible on the web since items come to you direct from the producer or merchant without including mediators. Additionally, it's simpler to think about costs and locate a superior arrangement. Numerous online locales offer markdown coupons and refunds, also. In addition to the fact that prices are better, you can save money on a charge also, since online shops are possibly needed to gather a business charge if they have a physical area in your state. Factor in the spared cost of gas and stopping and you have spared yourself a ton of cash! 3. More variety. The decisions online are astonishing. You can find any brand or thing you're looking for. You can get in on the latest worldwide examples without consuming money on airfare. You can shop from retailers in different pieces of the state, nation, or even world as opposed to being restricted to your topography. A far more prominent choice of hues and sizes than you will discover locally are available to you. Additionally, the stock is considerably more copious, so you'll generally have the option to locate your size and shading. Some online shops even acknowledge orders for unavailable things and boats when they come in.  Collagen 4. You can send gifts more easily. Sending endowments to family members and companions is simple, regardless of where they are. All the bundling and delivery is accomplished for you. Generally, they'll even bless wrap it for you! Presently, there is no compelling reason to concoct separation a rationalization for not sending a present on events like birthday celebrations, weddings, commemorations, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, etc. 5. More control. Ordinarily, when we choose ordinary shopping, we will in general spend much more than arranged and wind up purchasing things that aren't actually what we needed (yet we can't discover anything better in the store). On the web, you don't need to let the store's stock direct what you purchase, and you can get precisely what you need and need.  Nivea 90g Milk Care Soap   6. Easy price comparisons. Looking at and exploring items and their costs is so a lot simpler on the web. In case you're looking for apparatuses, for instance, you can discover purchaser audits and item examinations for all the choices available, with connections to the best costs. We can investigate firsthand understanding, evaluations, and surveys for most items and retailers. 7. No crowds. If you resemble me, you scorn swarms when you're shopping. Particularly during occasions, celebrations, or on ends of the week, they can be such an enormous migraine. Likewise, being squashed in the hordes of customers now and then causes us to feel surged or rushed. You don't need to fight for a stopping place. These issues can be kept up a key good ways from when you shop on the web. 8. No pressure. As a rule, when we're out shopping, we wind up purchasing things that we don't generally require, all since retailers pressure us or utilize their offering aptitudes to constrain us to make these buys. 9. You can buy used or damaged items at lower prices. The commercial center on the Internet gives us admittance to postings of old or harmed things at absolute bottom costs. Additionally, on the off chance that we need to purchase collectibles, there's no better spot to discover extraordinary ones. 10. Discreet purchases are easier. A few things are better done in the security of your home. Online shops are best for tactful buys for things like grown-up toys, provocative unmentionables, etc. This empowers me to buy underpants and undergarments without humiliation or any neurosis that people are watching or making a decision about me. 10 Disadvantages of Online Shopping 1. Negative environmental impact of packaging and gas. Having your buy stuffed in a few layers of plastic and cardboard bundling and conveyed right to your front entryway is beneficial for you, yet not very good for nature. Regardless of whether you attempt to reuse the cardboard, you're making superfluous waste by shopping on the web. 2. Shipping problems and delays. Indeed, even the greatest and best transportation organizations and online retailers have their awful days, so it is extremely unlikely to guarantee that you'll get your hands on your buy-in time except if you get it from a store. Things get lost, rerouted, harmed, or conveyed to an inappropriate location more frequently than you can envision. 3. Risk of fraud. In case you're shopping on the web, there's a bigger danger of misrepresentation: Mastercard tricks, phishing, hacking, data fraud, fake items, sham sites, and different tricks are normal. 4. Spending too much time online. Especially if your action requires that you look at a PC for the day, you may get worn out on all that screen time. Shopping on the web can change into a significant distance race of investigating and clicking down rabbit holes and before you know it, you've been online for most of the day. The web is a not too bad spot to visit, yet you probably would incline toward not living there.  Veer Cruiser | Next Generation Premium Stroller Wagon Hybrid (EU) 5. Less contact with the community. On the off chance that you do all your business on the web, you'll never need to leave your home. This may be extraordinary for some time however here and there, you should head outside, inhale some natural air, get a difference in landscape, converse with genuine individuals, take an interest in your locale, and simply be an aspect of the group. Here and there, a PC screen can't rival a genuine human association. 6. You don't know exactly what you're getting. Except if you are personally acquainted with a brand or item, purchasing on the web requires an act of pure trust . . . one that doesn't generally end in support of yourself. Sizes are regularly uncertain. You can't decide surface, texture, fit, cut, quality, heave, or solidness just by taking a gander at a photograph. Items that looked extraordinary may feel shoddy, off-kilter, or modest when you grasp them. 7. Returns can be complicated. A few dealers make the cycle windy, however many make it extra difficult for you to restore their product or get a discount. Commonly, you can't get repaid for any delivery costs. Naming, bundling, delivery, following, and rounding out all the best possible structures is an issue you can evade on the off chance that you purchase face to face (and if you hand-select your product, you won't have to restore things so regularly). 8. Unfriendly, scammy, or complicated websites. A few locales necessitate that you join their mailing rundown and make it difficult to withdraw. Some sell your email address to other people, so your email is loaded with promotions. Here and there, locales don't offer great or exact depictions of the merchandise, or you can't make sense of how to buy or return a thing or address client care. 9. No sales assistance. In a store, there's generally somebody to help you however on the web, you're all alone. In case you're befuddled or have questions, it's simply not good enough for you. You may need to commit dazzle buys and errors you'll lament later because there was nobody to converse with. 10. No support for local retailers. If everybody began doing all their shopping on the web, all the nearby stores would leave the business. At the point when all the stores around are gone, we'll need to drive further and further away to shop at a genuine store. Numerous individuals and spots have just encountered the negative and once in a while pulverizing effects of internet business which remove occupations and obliterate nearby economies.
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Hello! So, during a global pandemic and at the beginning of what will probably be a long and severe recession, at the age of 40 and with basically no knowledge of how automobiles work, I’m going to live in a van.
This might be a terrible idea. Hence, I’m calling my blog This Might Be A Terrible Idea.
If you’re reading this, I imagine it’s because you know me, so I’ll skip the introduction. I like a good FAQ, so let’s start there.
Where are you going? Short answer: I don’t know!
Long answer: I’ll probably primarily split my time between Colorado/northern New Mexico, Maryland/Pennsylvania, and Florida. I want to stay as low-budget as I can and also avoid crowds during the pandemic. So whenever possible, I’ll opt for free, dispersed sites in national forests, state forests, BLM (which I now read as Black Lives Matter but here it’s the less-important acronym, Bureau of Land Management), state game lands, etc. I’ll pop into a developed campground every now and then to refill the water tanks, empty the portable toilet, and take a shower.
What kind of van do you have? In late June, I bought a 2007 Ford E250 with a high roof. In its first life, it was actually an Embassy Suites hotel shuttle, so when I got it, it had SO MANY SEATS. After it retired from the hotel biz, it went to a guy who owned a brewery and used the van for ski trips. Then he eventually traded it to a friend’s college-aged son in exchange for lawn-mowing work. This young man was actually going to make it into a camper too but didn’t have time, so he sold it to me.
I got the van for a very low price ($2000) because it’s really high mileage — almost 300,000. It also has a few issues: the dashboard, power windows, and radio only work sometimes. The doors are creaky and don’t like to close. There are splatters of paint (?) on the inside of the driver’s door. The air conditioning wasn’t working. And the interior is pretty beat up.
With help from my brother who actually knows about cars, I recharged the air conditioning. A new, functional instrument cluster is on the way. And the type of engine in this van (5.4L V8) supposedly has a reputation for being extremely durable. If I get a couple of good years out of this vehicle, I’ll be happy.
How are you going to afford this? A few years ago, I paid $4200 for an acre of land in the San Luis Valley, a few hours from Denver. I hoped to eventually put a little camper on it and make a very low-budget part-time home. But a few months after I bought the land, the county changed its rules to prohibit living in campers or mobile homes for more than a couple of weeks at a time. So the camper idea went out the window, and in June, I sold that land for $5000. This was my funding to buy the van and associated stuff. I’m going to try to keep the initial total cost of the van (vehicle, repairs, materials for the interior, solar installation) to about $6000.
I’m incredibly fortunate to be in a position where I don’t have to choose between my job and a weird nomadic lifestyle. About a year ago, I went full-time freelance as an editor and writer. So I’m self-employed and I work from home. I don’t even need the internet that much — aside from checking email, file downloads/uploads, and occasional googling for research and editing questions, I can be mostly offline. Also incredibly fortunate: the pandemic hasn’t affected my work, at least not so far.
I’ll have new and unexpected expenses: food will be more expensive, I’ll have to pay for campgrounds sometimes, the van will need gas and repairs and oil and new tires, and then I’ll want to make livability improvements (like insulation). But I hope that I’ll be able to cover all of that while still living within my means.
Aren’t you selling your condo? Why don’t you get a newer/lower mileage/already converted van? Yes, I am (fingers crossed that the sale goes through) selling my condo in Denver. But I also have no savings, no retirement fund, no emergency fund. And the recession is just getting started… the whole future seems pretty uncertain. I’d feel better if I kept as much of the condo money in the bank as possible, even if that means having a crappier van.
Don’t you worry about safety? Absolutely. I’m a worrying person. I worry a lot! But if I responded to those worries by not going anywhere alone, staying in only developed campgrounds, etc., then I’d have missed out on some of the best experiences in my life, and I’d never go much of anywhere at all.
To stay safe in a van, I’ll use the same approach I use for solo car camping. If a place feels sketchy, I go somewhere else. To avoid trouble from bears, I try not to get food on the ground, do food prep and brush teeth away from the vehicle, and keep the car doors locked when I’m away and at night. To avoid trouble from bros, I try to stay out of sight. I pick spots and set up my campsite so that people passing by mostly just see the vehicle and not me or my single chair or small tent. I have bear spray, which stays in arm’s reach when I’m out hiking and at night, and I have a sharp knife, which is always pretty accessible too.
In fact, safety is why I chose a van over a truck with a camper, which actually would have been preferable. If a truck ever had recurring or expensive mechanical problems, I could just get a new truck and put the camper on it — but with a van, I’ll either have to do the expensive repairs or get a new van and re-do the whole interior. And if I wanted to stay in one place for a while, I could take the camper off and just drive the truck around, saving on gas and wear and tear. But with a truck camper, if I were ever inside the camper and felt unsafe, I’d have to *go outside* and then get into the truck cab in order to leave. With a van, if things start feeling sketchy, I can just hop in the driver’s seat and go.
(Side note: It’s upsetting and frustrating to me that these safety concerns and choices are so linked to gender. Of course men also need to think about safety when they’re out camping alone, but I’m pretty sure I’ve had to think about it at least 200% as much as my equivalent 40-year-old non-threatening-looking out-of-shape single dude.)
If we’re talking about safety from non-sentient threats — bad weather, injuries, mechanical breakdowns, etc. — then I…
a) try not to get into situations that I can’t get out of — whether it’s a too-rugged road, a too-steep trail, or a spot that is likely to turn into a mud pit if it rains. I also think about whether I could walk to get help if I needed to. b) have some basic safety and first aid stuff. Tape, gauze, and a mylar blanket for me; jumper cables and a portable air compressor for the car. c) have a Triple A membership in case I need a tow.
The van came with a handy fire extinguisher strapped to the driver’s seat. To reduce the possibility of being unable to call for help if I get stuck somewhere, I eventually plan to get a cell phone signal booster.
The fire extinguisher or even my bear spray won’t keep me safe from COVID-19. But like I mentioned, I’m trying to stay as far away from crowds as possible. To cut down on contact when resupplying, I’ve got storage for 10 gallons of water (I’m actually going to expand this to 15) and plan to carry enough food for a month. Unless there’s a mechanical problem or breakdown (definitely my biggest concern), I should be able to drive coast to coast while remaining in a relatively firm bubble. The riskiest thing I’ll *have* to do is refuel at gas pumps, but I can pick gas stations that seem less crowded, refuel in smaller towns rather than busy highway rest areas, and go at quieter times of day.
Does your van have air conditioning? Nope! Well, it has the standard vehicle AC, but that only works while the van is running, and most of the time I’ll be parked. There are AC units that can go on top of campers and vans, but they use a ton of power: either you have to be plugged in to shore power at a campground, use a gas-powered generator, or have a million solar panels and batteries. I’m going to get a good roof vent and fan installed, plus maybe put some smaller battery-powered fans in the windows, so that will hopefully keep me from getting heatstroke in the summer.
Does it have running water? Nope! Right now, I have a portable foot-pump sink and a self-contained portable toilet. I plan to eventually build a nicer/bigger sink. I’m also going to order a collapsible tub so I can do sponge baths or use a solar shower (a black vinyl bag that heats up in the sun and has a hose attached). Swimming in freshwater lakes will need to become a bigger part of my life. I’ll probably be a little stinky at times, but people should be social distancing anyway, so if anyone can smell me, they’re way too close.
Does it have electricity? It will! I’m planning to have one large solar panel and a lithium battery installed. (For those who are curious, it’s a 315 watt solar panel with a 100 AH battery.) This will power the roof fan, my laptop, my phone, some plug-in lights, and eventually also built-in lights, the cell phone signal booster, and maybe a small fridge or cooler. The solar power system is going to outlast the van and will be easily switchable to my next vehicle.
Wait. “Maybe” a fridge? What are you going to eat? Ummm… I’ll figure it out? I eat like a scavenging raccoon, so I’m not too picky. I bought a bunch of freeze-dried legume-based soup and stew mixes from Harmony House, some high-protein shake mix from Huel, and I plan to stock rice, quinoa, peanut butter, oatmeal, hard cheese, packaged salmon and tuna, and dried fruit. If I’m driving, I’ll probably also keep an eye out for farm stands and grab some produce that will keep unrefrigerated for a few days. During the pandemic, I’ve been using support for local businesses as a way of justifying takeout or delivery once or twice a week, so I’ll probably keep doing that when I pass through developed areas.
Can you poop in your van? Does it smell? Yes to the first! I haven’t, um, tested it out yet. But after road trip in my sedan in May, when I had to go into a scary (no one wearing masks or social distancing) gas station in Colorado Springs, bathroom and hand-washing facilities for the van became a priority. Right now the portable toilet is just sort of hanging out in the open, but I’m going to build a plywood box to contain it. I did pee in it a bunch during my inaugural camping trip, and I’m happy to report that the chemicals I added to the tank made it not smell gross while also not producing an overwhelming chemical smell.
How will you get the internet? Unlimited data plan FTW! I recently figured out that I can use my phone as a mobile hotspot and connect to it with my laptop. It’s not fast, but it’ll do what I need it to. And I should be able to have connectivity even in more remote areas after I get a signal booster.
Won’t you get tired of living in a tiny space? Maybe. I do have some good practice, though. In the last decade, I’ve gone from living in a 700-square-foot condo (Denver) to a 400-ish-square-foot studio apartment (New Jersey; grad school) to my childhood room in my parents’ house (Maryland; post-grad-school student loan debt). Each time, I’ve gotten rid of stuff, even things it’s painful to get rid of: old books, childhood knickknacks, cassette tapes, drawings, horse show ribbons I remember winning, cutlery and glassware I got as housewarming gifts.
I also tend to feel really at home in my car. I’ve napped in my car, drafted novels in my car, had long and meaningful conversations in my car, had existential crises in my car, eaten hundreds of meals in my car. Car = house makes sense to me. And I hope to be staying in places where I have access to big and engaging outdoor spaces.
What will you do after you live in a van for a while? I have no idea. There are definitely things that I want to do — write fiction, build my career, be more involved with community/communities, get healthier, be a better human — but all of those things are geographically nonspecific. And everything both personally and nationally feels so up in the air. I could end up living in a van for a year, or five, or ten. I might eventually buy a house or a boat or a farm, or settle down somewhere (I don’t know where) in a more permanent way. But I’m not making plans for any of that, and I’m not making plans for an “after.”
I think that’s it for the FAQ! If you have any questions, let me know and I will address them in a later LFAQ (Less Frequently Asked Questions).
Also, please bear with me because I don’t really know how Tumblr works. If you want to start reading, start FROM THE BOTTOM.
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adharguha · 5 years
Best Appliance Brands of 2020
In the event that you purchase an enormous home machine, you need it to be both solid and strong – it's the top worry for purchasers thinking about coolers, dishwashers, washers, forced air systems, microwaves, and some other cumbersome, expensive apparatus.
So how about we handle the unavoidable issue! What are the best apparatus brands and when is the ideal time to get them? Which are the first class for their quality, their presentation, and their general client audits? We investigated, and this is what we found.
With regards to unwavering quality, less help calls, and client conclusion, Whirlpool apparatuses will in general score the most noteworthy out of accessible brands. That makes Whirlpool an astounding spot to begin your machine chase! Be that as it may, the information likewise has a few different brands performing very well, including LG, KitchenAid, and then some. How about we investigate!
Chapter by chapter guide
Best Appliance Brands
#1 Whirlpool
Whirlpool machines are adulated for their exhibition and unwavering quality.
When searching for huge kitchen apparatuses, Whirlpool is one of the most dependable brands available, superb for the individuals who need sturdy models that are anything but difficult to utilize and won't surprisingly separate just after you get them.
As indicated by Yale Appliance measurements, Whirlpool is the most dependable brand in their moderate lines (ordinarily littler models at costs well-fitted for those on a tight spending plan), with the least level of administration calls. Whirlpool additionally comes in the main 3 on Ranker's study of the best huge kitchen apparatus brands.
They have additionally gotten excellent grades for their client care, which is continually consoling from the purchaser perspective! (Fix administration marks for Whirlpool are essentially lower, so it really is ideal their items don't separate no problem at all.)
Whirlpool items will in general inclination toward clothing machines, trailed by essential stove extents and coolers. Their items don't generally have a ton of fancy odds and ends, yet give long haul toughness rather… which is normally precisely what mortgage holders need. In any case, on the off chance that you are searching for especially enormous or extensive apparatuses, you might need to think about different brands.
#2 LG
LG gets good grades in various classes.
While LG is commonly connected with hardware, the organization has won various awards for its apparatuses: as indicated by a J.D. Force report, LG positions most elevated in machine appraisals for washers, dryers, dishwashers, stove ranges, French entryway coolers, and top-mount cooler ice chest arrangements. Definitely, that is a ton of machine alternatives!
In particular, LG won seven JD grants (2017), and the brand performed especially well in execution, unwavering quality, usability, and styling/appearance (with good grades in consumer loyalty too).
It's anything but difficult to perceive how LG does so well. The organization has hit a sweet spot of including simply enough top of the line tech to make their machines top entertainers, without making them excessively delicate or hard to utilize. The LG/SKS brand, specifically, is a very good quality choice for extravagance kitchen spaces. In any case, this ubiquity accompanies a cost – significant expenses, to be accurate. You may need to pay more for a LG model.
Note: As Yale Appliances and others notice, the "geek" brands like Samsung and LG will in general have a great deal of awful surveys skimming around on the web, with a significant proviso. This may demoralize customers from investigating their apparatuses, however investigate and you see that a large portion of these audits have to do with an option that is other than item.
The machines themselves performed astoundingly (and these brands have the honors to demonstrate it). Notwithstanding, these terrible audits happen normally on the grounds that something turned out badly in the conveyance procedure (which is frequently out of the hands of the brand) or a technical support question that the purchaser didn't feel was addressed effectively. These issues are bound to occur with these enormous hardware organizations that have a wide range of divisions and coordinations worries, instead of a significantly more engaged brand like Whirlpool.
To forestall issues along this line, we propose you locate a confided in nearby retailer to supply LG items (or apparatuses from other enormous organizations) to diminish any conveyance issues you may understanding.
#3 Samsung
Samsung is another profoundly preferred innovative choice.
Yale records Samsung as one of the top extravagance machine brands accessible, astounding for when you are eager to spend somewhat extra to put resources into cutting edge highlights, enormous apparatuses, and the most recent plans. There's an explanation they are the top selling brand in the United States.
Samsung likewise has amazing similarity benefits with different gadgets. Their TVs are similarly as strong as their kitchen machines. On the off chance that all your Samsung hardware have brilliant highlights, you can work them on the equivalent Samsung stage, including your apparatuses. In this way, in the event that you are as of now a Samsung fan, you get additional collaboration from joining Samsung machines into your environment.
Samsung coolers, specifically, get a ton of applause for plan, particularly with bigger washers and refrigeration units. Nonetheless, they are additionally known for creating first class broiler ranges and stovetops.
#4 Frigidaire
Frigidaire Kitchen Appliance Package Awesome frigidaire apparatus bundle machines thoughts
Frigidaire offers phenomenal cooling apparatuses.
At the point when Ranker has individuals to discuss the best kitchen apparatus marks, the most-casted a ballot brand was Frigidaire by a sizable number. Shopper Reports additionally positions it as a fridge brand that won't let you down, particularly with regards to side-by-sides.
Frigidaire PROFESSIONAL Stainless Steel Refrigerator
97 Reviews
Frigidaire PROFESSIONAL Stainless Steel Refrigerator
Proficient 19 Cu. Ft. All-Refrigerator (Right side) All-Freezer (Left side)
Check Price
The key here is specialization and effortlessness. Frigidaire is a reliable widely appealing decision, not very costly and not very convoluted, settling on it a typical decision for mortgage holders supplanting more established machines with more up to date models that don't ask excessively.
Obviously, specialization additionally restricts Frigidaire's range: the organization has a decent, long-standing notoriety for coolant frameworks, settling on it a perfect decision for fridges and forced air system units. Outside of this, be that as it may, different brands will in general become substantially more serious, and Frigidaire tumbles down the rundown.
#5 KitchenAid
KitchenAid delivers some dependable, top notch machines.
KitchenAid is an intriguing contextual investigation. The brand has a long history of giving strong items, however had begun to fall behind progressively forceful contenders entering the advanced market. Consequently, KitchenAid patched up its machine plan altogether, concentrating on top of the line models with a sharp mechanical look.
KitchenAid KCO275AQ Convection 1800-watt Digital Countertop Oven
354 Reviews
KitchenAid KCO275AQ Convection 1800-watt Digital Countertop Oven
Indeed heat innovation gives reliable warmth all through preparing cycle for delectable outcomes
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Therefore, KitchenAid is probably the best brand accessible today for top of the line dishwashers, fridges, and broiler ranges. On the off chance that you are considering a genuine kitchen rebuild, investigating KitchenAid items and check whether their ongoing contributions offer to you.
This being stated, it is still KitchenAid, and they are essentially intrigued by toughness, execution, and conventional style controls. This isn't the best spot to search for cutting edge shrewd highlights or fun touchscreens.
#6 Bosch
Bosch's dependable apparatuses additionally score well.
While LG may have gotten the majority of the J.D. Force Ratings grants in the ongoing investigation, Bosch came in runner up for these regarded appraisals. The Bosch brand did especially well in cooktops and divider stoves, in addition to performing great for over the range microwaves – essentially, on the off chance that it should be warmed, Bosch merits investigating.
Bosch 800 Series 30 Stainless Steel 5 Burner Gas Cooktop
65 Reviews
Bosch 800 Series 30 Stainless Steel 5 Burner Gas Cooktop
Noteworthy structure with simple use. Effective and kitchen inviting
Check Price
The organization's qualities will in general be helpful highlights, acceptable guarantees, and low costs contrasted with different brands. This settles on them a decent decision for purchasers who need spending apparatuses that despite everything perform well.
#7 Miele
Miele is an amazing elective brand with a smooth structure.
Do you need an elective brand contrasted with the typical suspects, however one that reliably gets acclaim for apparatus quality and execution? Miele is actually the kind of brand you should investigate when settling on your choices. This German producer has amassed various best brand grants throughout the years, and is known for its best in class items.
Miele Futura Classic Plus G4227SCU Dishwasher
14 Reviews
Miele Futura Classic Plus G4227SCU Dishwasher
It has cutlery plate for flatware - hardened steel with a simple DIY establishment framework
Check Price
Nonetheless, there are two significant notes about Miele worth knowing. To begin with, they are to a great extent concentrated on European parts, so it will most likely be progressively hard to items similarity with American outlets and voltage – consistently check no doubt (don't stress, Miele has U.S. focuses of activity, as well, however you should be cautious when purchasing on the web).
Second, Miele items will in general be top of the line as far as development, which implies they additionally will in general cost more. Costs will be higher for these items, so watch for bargains.
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R&B Auto Center
A Practical Guide in Choosing Used Cars For Sale
Looking out on-line is a popular and useful means of discovering used cars on the market. This is an excellent arena for automobile sellers and private sellers to advertise their cars, and for consumers to view second hand automobiles without the effort of travelling round garages and listening to sales pitches. Patrons can browse automobiles at leisure from their very own properties and have time to assume clearly about their decisions as an alternative of being rushed into shopping for in a high strain state of affairs. Car dealers who advertise online may reduce overheads, particularly within the variety of sales people employed.
There are lots of good automotive itemizing web sites. One such website is Discovering Motors which provide the choice of viewing used cars for sale by make, body sort, worth range, gasoline kind and gearbox. Potential patrons can also do localised searches to discover a automotive that they will purchase close to residence. This website deals with U.Ok. used car sales.
When viewing used automobile gross sales online potential buyers can view photographs and likewise electronic mail the automobile dealer or proprietor with questions concerning the automotive. It is a much more efficient technique than having to go and meet the individual to discuss the automobile when you Click for Wikipedia are just on the perusing stage. Of course, in case you do intend to buy the automobile from the categorised advertising site, it is vitally vital to satisfy the vendor, view and test drive the automotive, and possibly bring alongside a car mechanic to verify that the whole lot is in proper working order.
Some automobile dealers provide incentives to clients who search their websites earlier than purchasing from the actual dealership, comparable to giving on-line discount. This additionally enables prospective patrons to view a automotive dealership's present stock online and determine if their showroom is price a visit or not. Having clients who've already checked out their used vehicles for sale online cuts down on the seller's time and manpower as effectively. Online advertisements additionally give automobile sellers a lot higher coverage of the second hand cars they're trying to promote and widens their vary of customers, potentially bringing them a lot more enterprise.
One other important benefit of the Internet when checking second hand automobiles for sale, is the flexibility to amass a large amount of info in a brief area of time. You may receive an in depth report of the vehicle by submitting the car identification quantity to Carfax. This can supply you with information on the automotive's house owners, any accidents and any major mechanical points. This equips you with the knowledge needed to make an informed decision so you select the very best automotive for your funds and needs. Acquiring the same info offline can take up to two weeks.
With reliable websites that advertise used cars on the market, there isn't a longer the necessity to solely rely on the time-consuming methodology of going round car dealers and pouring over newspaper commercials. You can use online tools to slender the search to your preferences of make, model, price, gas sort etc and conduct most of your analysis and correspondence with the vendor online. Having gathered a considerable amount of information on the car you want to purchase and other comparable kinds of used automobiles may also offer you bargaining power. The vendor can be aware that you already know lots in regards to the car as well as the value of comparable used automobiles.
House owners of used cars for sale use sure preventative measures and maintenance examine-ups in order to promote their vehicles at prime greenback. Protecting your car in good condition, both R&B Auto Center internally and externally, could make a world of difference in the case of handing over the keys. Below are a few simple things that you need to think about to organize for a future sale.
Many people suppose that if their vehicle isn't currently broken down, it would not need fixing. While this may be true with some issues in life, it isn't with cars. Just because it isn't showing any bodily indicators of injury, doesn't suggest every thing is in high-working order. The best way to know is to get it inspected. By visiting a good mechanic and having the belts, bolts, and intakes checked, you possibly can pay attention to anything that's wearing out or will want replacing within the near future.
When an issue arises with your automobile, tackle it immediately. Ignored issues can change into worse, damaging Our Blog your car and costing you more money. Small issues often point out a bigger situation that wants addressing.
The best way to provide a potential buyer confidence in your product is to provide complete and thorough data of each inspection, main fix, and any accidents. It isn't a good idea to attempt to conceal any illnesses the car has suffered, because Social Network the customer will almost certainly find out anyway. It is also a good idea to check your vehicle's VIN quantity once in a while. Though it isn't common, errors can be made that attribute extra damage to your automobile than actually occurred.
Some homeowners select to put in after-market products like stereos or speaker methods. While these installations may enchantment to some consumers, you risk alienating others. This is purely a matter of non-public choice. Presently it is your car and you'll select to put in whichever options you want. Nevertheless, it's helpful to be aware that this could doubtlessly hurt your possibilities of promoting shortly sooner or later.
It is amazing what an everyday cleaning can to do maintain a automobile in good situation. Making sure to repeatedly wash dust and dirt off the outside will preserve the paint. Regular cleanings are particularly necessary in case you live in a snowy area the place the roads are salted. The salt buildup across the tires needs to be constantly eliminated to forestall erosion, rust, and underbody damage. Fostering the behavior of cleaning commonly will converse volumes when your purchaser will get their first impression. It will likely be apparent that you've taken particular care to prevent paint harm and stains. Used vehicles for sale are drastically helped by a properly-maintained and clean body and interior.
Are you looking at used cars on the market by proprietor? I'll give a number of issues to look for, keep in mind it's a used automobile and there'll inevitably be a couple of flaws. Most people https://www.randbautocenter.com/ do not really know the way to have a look at a used car and tell whether or not it will be a dependable automobile or not, they just make most of their decision by how it appears.
If you end up walking across the automobile; notice the tail pipe, this will inform you a large number in regards to the engine's situation, if it is an oily black, the engine is using oil. If the tail pipe has a extra powdery black around the finish of it, the gasoline system is working wealthy. car dealers You're looking for one that is clean, possibly a little moisture or chalky white, this is a signal of an engine that's operating correctly. Most individuals by no means look at this they just go by the looks and wind up with a fairly car sitting in the drive approach that they can't drive.
A number of smaller issues to look at, when considering used vehicles for sale by owner or a automobile lot, are the battery cables; are they corroded? This might be a sign of a bad battery. When a battery is ran down and then quickly charged many times it's going to leak a little bit acid, inflicting the cables to corrode. Doing a quick cost before you get there to have a look at the car is an effective method to make it seem like every little thing is OK, so keep this in mind, as you may have to purchase a battery before lengthy. The battery cables being corroded may also be an indication that the charging system is weak, and should need to have a new alternator.
I have had batteries that were in nice shape and still corroded the terminals however most occasions I was changing the battery and or the alternator within a brief period of time.
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Here is one that has occurred loads: a car with numerous miles, however the carpet appears like new. There's a good probability the automotive was in a flood and someone purchased it, cleaned it up, and put new carpet in and is now simply searching for a sucker to buy it. If you happen to see this, pay shut consideration to areas that appear to have rust or dirt that normally are not that way. The dash vents; is it normal dust or does it appear to be dust and water have been in it? Underneath the hood;
does it look regular, or are there uncommon dirty areas? The metal underneath the car rusts rapidly when it is in water, is it a traditional or extreme amount of rust? When a car has been in a flood they are often cleaned up and you might by no means have a problem with it, but most probably you will begin having electrical problems. Things just like the window motors stop working, alternator or starter goes out, fuse panel shorts out, and plenty of other issues are doable. The largest and costliest problem when a car has been in a flood is the pc goes out.
Also one thing to look for is fresh paint. If a automobile looks prefer it has been newly painted, or portions have been, there's a good probability that the automobile has been wrecked. That may or may not be a major issue. If it was minor, it shouldn't be a giant deal. If it was a serious wreck, it might trigger critical points that might affect driving security. Was the frame bent? Are the tires worn on the perimeters? If so it might be a sign of a bent frame or the front finish could be out of alignment. Take a look at the area between the doors and the fenders, uneven spacing can also be a sign of physique damage.
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Most individuals who've used automobiles on the market by proprietor are respectable folks and let you know all that they know about the automotive in the event you ask, however it's the few who do not care how dangerous a damaged automotive will affect your life that it's important to watch for. Just remember you're shopping for a automotive; not a garden ornament, the appearance should be your 2nd priority, 1st you want one thing that may get you to the place you want to go. It does not matter how good a automotive appears to be like if it isn't mechanically sound; you've gotten purchased nothing more than an image to place in your driveway.
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stevesmith05-blog · 5 years
Things You Won't Like About Home Appliances and Things You Will
The price of several such appliances already comprises the price of shipping, which means you won't need to be worried about hidden fees.  They are necessary in every home.  If you're looking for appliances in the region, make certain to shop at Home Appliance Co..
Together with these factors, the worldwide market are also dependent on consumer awareness and functioning of kitchen appliances.  The rating is increased in the event the supplier regularly checks their product details on our self serve system, should they provide an internet address to their site and their internet address unique to the item.  The best brands are designed to last and won't will need to get phased out for several years.
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You are able to take a look at the energy rating of the majority of major appliances on our site. Remodeling your kitchen is a huge approach to update your house and create a refreshing new space. It's quite easy to buy little appliances online, as they are typically more affordable than major appliances and don't require as much research. These days, the designers of consumer-oriented IoT products already concentrate on voice and audio, with increasingly more digital assistants seen in the house. Deciding upon the correct size for your catalog comes to the type of products which your business deals in. Actually, catalogs have the capability to bring in customers that are completely unaware of your brand. If it comes to home appliances, most find their house in the kitchen. It's also portable and simple to store in your kitchen. A U-shaped kitchen is among the most space-efficient designs, and is ideal for smaller kitchens. Be certain that the blender you decide on has a secure lid and isn't difficult to wash. Air fryers are getting to be extremely popular and can alter the calorie count of your meal tremendously over a classic deep fryer. Juicers are crucial for healthier living and adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet, but it's important that you know which type is best for you. The Nuiances of Home Appliances Among the challenges in selecting the technology of connectivity is the demand for power consumption. There are emerging companies working with plenty of data to produce battery management systems better and batteries more efficient with each cycle, no matter the technology used. There are presently a multitude of methods by which technology deployed byprivate parties and state agenciesare collecting personal details. In metro cities you can readily locate an open network anywhere. Certifying our devices is crucial. You will find like 20 unique providers for IOT clouds with unique standards and devices that could be connected. Definitions of Home Appliances User experience denotes the satisfaction a user derives from their interaction with an item. The app is created by Wine Ring and has all sorts of neat capabilities. In the majority of systems the user would likewise have the ability to carry out an action that impacts the system. Carefully go through the user manual to make sure you're utilizing the proper dry cycle settings. In order to get the benefits of native apps, mobile developers have typically built two individual apps employing separate instruments and languages. If you consider the most common mobile apps from the past couple of decades, they each have their own design aesthetic. The Key to Successful Home Appliances Solar panels have the ability to harness the energy from sunlight and convert it to electricity. No, there are a few different labels. Easy and functional appliances are the requirement of the hour, which has resulted in the growth of smart and efficient appliances. For a remodel, it may be advisable to get a matching suite of appliances from precisely the same manufacturer. Do not hesitate to get new house appliances when you're in need. Just bear this in mind while you search out your appliances. If you want more refrigeration space, it's far better to get a bigger main refrigerator than a couple of additional smaller ones. There are additionally some things you can do in order to minimize use of the air conditioner altogether. So as to accurately assess the electricity usage of the device, you've got to switch off the air conditioner and refrigerator since they will impact the reading should they kick in while you're making the measurement. Replacing appliances after a specific period of time is a sensible plan of action. If you do have to use a clothes dryer, there are a few techniques you may utilize to lessen energy consumption. In permaculture design you might be in a position to recycle the water by means of a greywater system, but everyone can make some adjustments to lessen power and water usage. The Essentials of Home Appliances You Can Benefit From Starting Right Away It's possible for you to know just what you want before you even step foot within a shop. IoT might also be used to address issues such as city parking, traffic lights control, and sometimes even toll collection services. Oh, not to mention her favourite shoes. Imagine what could be achieved with the data to earn oil production more efficient or safer for the surroundings or safer for the women and men working there. None of us can attain success without some help on the way. Starting from the moment you wake until the time you return home, there are Recipes which are available at each stage. But What About Home Appliances? The variety of cells required and their size are based on the load score. The first kind of data included the time it requires to finish a particular undertaking, which would give an indication on the degree of difficulty in using the item. Thus, you can order a customized product, and it'll contain only the characteristics that you desire. Carefully go through the user manual to make sure you're utilizing the proper dry cycle settings. Once you've discovered the proper print company, hand over the proper design layout. A hot start, on the flip side, can permit the endpoint to acquire GPS coordinates in a couple of seconds. The Hidden Gem of Home Appliances Solar panels have the ability to harness the energy from sunlight and convert it to electricity. No, there are a few different labels. If you adore your rich, dark cabinets, add various kinds of lighting. Various forms of freezers usually create diverse power amount. Ikea kitchens are fantastic sources of inspiration for modern design along with small spaces because they supply ample storage in a little quantity of space. Just bear this in mind while you search out your appliances. There are a lot of companies that are doing the job in the intelligent home area to produce your home smart, They are inventing smart plugs, smart switches and a lot more devices so you can control every facet of these devices remotely. By making you conscious of the quantity of power you're using, the energy monitor is able to help you change behavior to reduce electricity and gas bills. Before you choose the kind of appliance you want, make sure that you know what size will fit in your new kitchen or present space. The gigantic energy consumption of kitchen devices is an important concern for the marketplace. You should also think about switching you bulbs to energy efficient versions to conserve electricity and money. Our aim is to make certain you are completely pleased with the appliances that we provide. A Startling Fact about Home Appliances Uncovered If you're planning on developing a product catalog for your organization, then here are a couple of steps which you have to bear in mind. Plan the Structure for your Catalog in regards to design, there isn't a lot to explore regarding catalogs. As more flexible all-natural language understanding technology is getting available, interpretations of speech commands might be become ambiguous. In metro cities you can readily locate an open network anywhere. Certifying our devices is crucial. Managed security providers should bear in mind that cryptojacking can't be identified with reactive security measures employed by the majority of enterprises. The Home Appliances Game In addition, there are grinders out there in the industry, particularly for meats. Coffee, tea and espresso makers can boost your morning routine when assisting you to awaken. At Williams-Sonoma, you'll also locate a range of handheld immersion blenders that make it possible for you to work in huge pots or mixing bowls. Knowing your friends' appetites and taste will be able to help you choose an ideal appliance. Most people today appreciate a great rotisserie chicken. Waffle makers aren't necessarily thought of as a kitchen staple, so having one adds an amount of extravagance a newly married couple typically might not have the ability to afford. To acquire more information on home appliances please go to thanks to these guys What Home Appliances Is - and What it Is Not If you would like to photograph a particular kind of animal behaviour you might realize that during the winter months they hibernate. The kitchen is frequently the heart of a house. It's possible for you to make 2 quesadillas at a moment. Imagine what could be achieved with the data to earn oil production more efficient or safer for the surroundings or safer for the women and men working there. It's essential to stay with the customer along each step of the journey. Starting from the moment you wake until the time you return home, there are Recipes which are available at each stage. Whispered Home Appliances Secrets On-line consumer market is spilling over with a great deal of exciting money-saving offers to pick from but in regards to opting for the best bargains on top quality products and appliances from leading brands of earth, lots of us rely on just 1 name in the retail industry and that's John Lewis. Today, there are many types and brands of a mixer grinder on the internet or even in the market which you're able to find easily. For first-time purchasers, an integral benefit of the internet channel is the chance to use that additional time and attention to inform them of the characteristics and advantages, which then can motivate them to obtain a premium product. Completely free listings are usually offered on almost any site but the quantity of options is restricted. Hotels rooms do not arrive with washer or dryers and likewise do not own a kitchen where you are able to cook meals. The sensible home market is just one of the quickest growing industries at the moment. Even with the huge price tag, you will be happy you upgraded. By way of example, auto brands will have to put money into visual search to permit auto buyers to identify your automobile models readily, and in addition, they will need to optimize for voice search to allow it to be much easier for individuals to seek out their nearest dealerships. The user friendly features of their merchandise enable the client to utilize it freely with no hassle. Deciding upon the correct size for your catalog comes to the type of products which your business deals in. Actually, catalogs have the capability to bring in customers that are completely unaware of your brand. The Home Appliances Cover Up Since the housing bubble burst and costs dropped, you hear a great deal of folks saying that it's a superb time to obtain a house. All the data collected by the smartwatch can subsequently be analyzed to explain to you how many calories you have burned, offer you a personalized physical fitness advice and other relevant wellness info. Easy and efficient to establish, the space-friendly unit delivers stunning viewing experiences on a really cinematic scale. Imagine what could be achieved with the data to earn oil production more efficient or safer for the surroundings or safer for the women and men working there. Pretty bold statement an individual could think. It's possible to only alter the world one step at one time, however, and you must start somewhere. What You Can Do About Home Appliances Starting in the Next 7 Minutes The variety of cells required and their size are based on the load score. The first kind of data included the time it requires to finish a particular undertaking, which would give an indication on the degree of difficulty in using the item. Everyone might find that the voltage on the other side of the battery after full charge will be slightly higher than the standard 12V voltage. Many Smart TVs are equipped with an integrated browser, which makes it less difficult to search the internet with no computer in any way. Batteries too are of different kinds. Unlike a conventional alarm clock, the Witwatia Alarm demands the movement of the body. The Do's and Don'ts of Home Appliances My dream home will have a massive kitchen with plenty of storage. Thus, it's important to not just makeover your kitchen to make an attractive space, but in addition one which is functional for you and your requirements. A U-shaped kitchen is among the most space-efficient designs, and is ideal for smaller kitchens. Be certain that the blender you decide on has a secure lid and isn't difficult to wash. Best Buy sells mixers in a selection of fashionable colours, together with a dizzying collection of attachments to create pasta, julienned veggies and more. Mixers need to be your BFF if you've got an attachment for baking. A Startling Fact about Home Appliances Uncovered Saving energy is great for the planet and may also help to reduce your electric or gas bills. Water is an amazingly precious resource! Installing solar doesn't only have positive results on the environment it also directly features an effect on the economy and people getting jobs. Now in India you can observe the technology everywhere. Certifying our devices is crucial. Individuals may notice their devices being slower than normal, but might not suspect that they're being cryptojacked. The Most Popular Home Appliances There are lots of characteristics that bring enormous amount of benefits that Online Classified Marketplace has. The things you need can be located at very affordable rates. If you've recently placed an order employing the Kibo shopping service and need information about us or would love to modify your purchase, there are lots of strategies to get in touch with us. You will have the ability to discover the model you enjoy the most and at the identical time compare it together with products of different brands regarding feature and price and also check if free delivery is available. The number of items can be listed is enormous, and that means you can list and sell almost whatever you would like. Each option offers its own benefits, so read on for help picking the right kitchen appliances to satisfy your family's needs. If you're purchasing a new house or wish to provide your present-day space a significant overhaul, new appliances are imperative. Remodeling your kitchen is a huge approach to update your house and create a refreshing new space. When you know precisely what you are searching for, it can make purchasing an appliance go quickly as can be. These days, the designers of consumer-oriented IoT products already concentrate on voice and audio, with increasingly more digital assistants seen in the house. While writing down the description for those products, make sure it explains the advantages of purchasing the product to an expected customer. You will realize that a good deal of products of highly preferred brands are produced in China. The Argument About Home Appliances Excellent lighting produces a kitchen look bigger, irrespective of color. Prepare a budget and guarantee that the appliance you wish to obtain fits into the exact same. If you adore your rich, dark cabinets, add various kinds of lighting.
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All you should compare the costs of the generator equipment over different websites and select the one which is suitable for your budget.  There are companies which provide various models with special feature in each among them and in various colours too.  It's simpler to bring modest appliances home, but in regards to carrying huge appliances from 1 place to another, that's when the actual problem arises.
Electric ovens have a tendency to give a drier heat with lower humidity, which can be perfect if you like preparing baked goods for your family members.  Our appliance experts will be able to help you keep your appliances running smoothly.  In the image below, the provider shows one of the chief benefits of graphene facing lithium batteries.
Replacing appliances after a specific period of time is a sensible plan of action.  You should also think about switching you bulbs to energy efficient versions to conserve electricity and money. Our aim is to make certain you are completely pleased with the appliances that we provide.
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Really like Your Automobile Yet again! These Restoration Tips Will Help
It can be expensive to repair a vehicle. You have the cost of both essential parts and choosing a auto mechanic to make the repairs. Don't you wish to basically put money back in your pocket through taking in the maintenance your self? Effectively, you can, should you study the following advice. Once you encounter automobile troubles, you need to initial change to the Internet to understand precisely what the issue could possibly be. You could find that it must be a straightforward to repair problem that you can do all by yourself. This will save you several hundred dollars in labor fees if you have for taking it to your store. In case your vehicle starts building a louder sound than normal, you need to think the muffler requirements changing. This is a job best done at the store since it is difficult to function under a vehicle without a raise. You can get a caution or possibly a ticket if your muffler seems also noisy. In terms of car repair, less expensive is not always a very important thing. You want somebody that is experienced in your model and make of car to be concentrating on it. Whilst you might get by having a buddy do your oils alter in exchange for meal, anything more complex is way better remaining to some specialist. You don't wish to have to pay more later to correct these "improvements". Don't neglect your normal upkeep. These timetabled sessions will not be there just to get additional dollars from you. They are made to make certain routine maintenance is carried out on distinct elements prior to you wind up stuck on the side of the path. As you might be able to by pass 1 or 2 and also be fine, the harm will reduce the life span of your car. Visit a mechanic shop you are thinking about for the long term with a smaller sized job initially. It could be something as simple as an essential oil transform or a tire rotation. auto repair in Olathe gives you at the very least a better hint in their capabilities, craftsmanship and friendliness well before a much bigger matter happens. Adhere to your car's track up plan. Each and every auto differs, which indicates each one has different demands. A track up schedule for 1 will not be exactly the same for one more. Look into your car manual for details on a proper track-up schedule for your model. Usually, transmission service in Olathe can have much more issues later on. Maintain exact data about what operate continues to be completed on your auto and when. A lot of repair outlets could keep this information for you, but that only performs if you notice them for every little thing for major malfunctions to gas alterations. This will help to in identifying issues, since you can demonstrate what repairs have already been tried out. Try to look for an auto repair center that may be found in close proximity to where you reside or function. This might not look like a huge offer, but you will not need to have trouble acquiring there after it is time to go and get your car or truck soon after it is mended. D not fall for the "free of charge oils transform" trick. This is only an easy method for a person to persuade you that unneeded things should be done to your automobile. Usually, very low-top quality gas can be used in fact it is not good for your car. Keep with using the sort of gas the maker suggests. Go with a technician that is happy to make clear the problem for you. Some mechanics believe they understand so much that the client could in no way fully grasp, but even unless you completely grasp the problem or exactly what is being carried out, they will be delighted to attempt their finest to tell you regarding this. It is actually a large indicator that they are a good mechanic all-about. Learn how to be precautionary regarding vehicle maintenance. You can do points which will help suppress any potential issues from happening! A big the initial one is to adhere to the recommended track-up agenda for your vehicle. As each and every auto differs, you'll want to lookup within your handbook what timetable is perfect for you. Some repairs to your auto have the freedom. Certain brands of cars use a acknowledged company flaw. If that is the case, you will likely be given a recall discover within the mail, suggesting the way to get the deficiency mended. You should check on the internet at the same time, at the NHTSA site, which lists recognized recall notices. You need to get your wheels aligned and inflated consistently. You can actually look into the tension and blow up them but you will likely want a specialist to position them to suit your needs. Make your tires in good condition can certainly make managing your treatment easier and might even increase your gasoline consumption. Stay consistent in which shop you get to. You happen to be much less more likely to get scammed once you know the mechanic you are working together with and also have a record with him or her. Get small operate carried out there, and after that if you ever require high-priced fixes, you can expect to feel happier about it. If you can movie record a problem you happen to be possessing along with your vehicle, do this. That video can prove crucial in your automobile repair center while they make an effort to comprehend the problem. It's a significantly better solution than you trying to identify the issue verbally. The restoration team can watch the video time and time again to understand anything they can. In relation to the brakes in your vehicle,the final thing you want to do is to allow it go. Pay attention instantly to any uncommon disturbance or change in pressure if you implement the braking system. The earlier you take care of the matter, the a lot less significant it will be, helping you save funds also alleviating safety concerns. Clear your textile furniture thoroughly and after that use a covering of sealant, like Scotchguard for best final results. Later on, you will be able to remove the outer lining clear with much less effort. This should actually be carried out at the beginning, during the bust-in time of your automobile, soon after making the dealership. Rather than ending up in the mechanic time and again due to a well used car riddled with troubles, learn what symptoms to observe for to avoid the difficulties to start with. Studying this along with the other recommendations right here will assist you to get familiar with basic vehicle repair. Whenever you practical experience automobile difficulties, continue to keep the following tips in your mind.
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
The hybrid is extremely powerful and it's very fast with the motor alone or the electric alone it will go over 200 about 250 with electric and 350 with the motor and together it goes about 450 500 + now these things are for sale but they're expensive one goes for $35,000 and if you buy two it's the same price and then for sale and we want our son to get a stipend and we're going to issue it to him and we're getting permissions from groups and we can put it up as permitted and see if it works
I also know that you people keep draining him and it's illegal it's unwanted by most people they're going after you Max in the Mac cards for and it's not pretty you're getting beat up and weld on
He also has another idea thanks for the common person and it's to create a motorbike that's smaller that has a hybrid motor and engine and everybody can ride and it's not so powerful it won't look like the Chinese version but he says that size
The third idea for a motor scooter with a hybrid and he said to me this odd comment he said with a teeny 3.5 horsepower motor or whatever it is 3 horsepower you can go 30 mph in a bicycle because it's very light so you can make an aluminum frame that's what I'm saying and we can make a scooter or moped and or both that are hybrids and it would still go fast enough to keep up with traffic 55 mph and that's what people need for a scooter 5560 and we could do it and you put on decent tires that are wider but not too wide and decent rims that are bigger it doesn't matter they're small the smaller it's hard to maneuver it's hard to go fast because you don't have the centripetal force it doesn't keep you going and aerodynamic of course but it would be thin and smaller than most scooters it wouldn't look like all the other scooters it would look a little bit strange and he says the odd part is it looks like the old Harley does he put it together and he said you can put in more tank than for battery or controls and gas so he did that and it looks a little odd and tried different gas tank shapes just trying all sorts of different shapes finally you said the beamer or the triumph fits perfectly and people think it's from Britain so he's going to go ahead with that one and we like it too is it true hybrid scooter not a motorcycle and it goes about 65 mph on the engine and 55 on the electric and if you combine it it goes about 75 and it has a trickle charge thing and it is not a trickle charge but it's it's fast charging it doesn't have two batteries because it won't fit but you can switch out batteries and you can buy it with two for a small charge a lot of people looking into it it's going to be a number one seller it might replace all the other ones and we'll just change the factory over it's not even difficult so now working on a hybrid hard not kicker 5150 and a Harley hybrid we might as well and Sim s i m has one but we'll get into making a smaller one and s y m m tons of people are interested they said it might take a while to catch on but once it does it probably be humongous and we'll be making tons of them and more high performance versions and here we go we're getting sales figures in $790 million hybrids it's unheard of that's way too many the motors and gears are not simple but they're not simple and regular motorcycles but we have a special gearing system on the electric so it's a little bit more complicated but if you're driving along you need the motor and you switch it's a motor and the motor is simple it's not EFI it's not electronically controlled it's carbureted more or less it's a different kind of carburetor but it's carbureted the electric is not complicated either it has a controller and you need to have one you can't connect to directly to the motor but it's not a complicated controller and other controllers actually work with it tons of people are interested now
Thor Freya
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Ballot Measures
General Election November 6, 2018
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State Measure 1: YES
The most California Measure ever. Essentially, YES on Prop. 1 means affordable housing for veterans, working families, seniors, people with disabilities, and Californians experiencing homelessness from California’s severe housing crisis. And interestingly, Prop. 1 doesn’t raise taxes, it authorizes the state to borrow $4 billion by selling bonds for housing programs. The argument is that the housing shortage stemming from the influx of millions to California requires bigger solutions. Sure. But again, veterans, Habitat for Humanity, Congress of CA Seniors, Coalition to End Domestic Violence, and BOTH POLITICAL PARTIES agree. In fact, the only person (singular) publicly opposed to this measure is a dude named Gary B. Wesley who vowed forty years ago that he’d oppose every measure brought to the people forever no matter what. Good for you, Gary, you’re a man of your word.
State Measure 2: YES
A “yes” on 2 authorizes money from the Mental Health Services Act to be spent on housing for homeless people with mental health issues. The main arguments against the measure are that money spent on housing, even if for homeless people suffering from mental illness, is spent on housing and NOT on mental health; and that the measure would, by necessity, soak up funds from organizations and actions intended to deal with mental health directly. But, by percentage, the population in California suffering most rampantly from mental health issues is the homeless, and studies, experts, and common sense all support the idea that to treat mental illness effectively, you need to be able to find the patients. So money spent on housing the mentally ill is essentially the most basic element of their treatment. The secondary argument is that housing will suck up funds for other mental illness programs, which is correct. The LA Times says the percentage of money the housing measure would actually suck up is small, but they don’t provide a hard figure. Vote your conscience here (as everywhere), but our conscience is saying the argument for outweighs this argument against. And again, endorsements out the wazoo, including from experts and organizations for the treatment of mental illness.
State Measure 3: YES
We’re gonna build some dams and water infrastructure. Great! We’re for that. We hope there will be water to store and move around, so we like the idea of making it easier and better to do so. And also, this bill is a little weird. It’s endorsed by Feinstein and a gang of environmental groups, but it’s opposed by the Sierra Club and a few others. Endorsed by the Fresno and Bakersfield papers, rebuked by LA Times (and nearly every other paper) for not spending the money where it should be spent, it’s one of those bills that doesn’t totally fix the problem of water (but it’s California, it’s been this way since Mulholland…). The rhetoric is so bonkers and thick and hard to process. Ultimately, for us it came down to the fact that it’s one of only two propositions to be endorsed by both parties.
State Measure 4: YES
This measure authorizes $1.5 billion in bonds, to be repaid from state’s General Fund, to fund grants for construction, expansion, renovation, and equipping of qualifying children’s hospitals. Fiscal Impact: Increased state costs to repay bonds averaging about $80 million annually over the next thirty-five years. This designates 72 percent of funds to qualifying private nonprofit hospitals providing comprehensive services to high volumes of children eligible for governmental programs and children with special health needs eligible for the California Children’s Services program, 18 percent of funds to University of California general acute care children’s hospitals, and 10 percent of funds to public and private nonprofit hospitals providing services to children eligible for the California Children’s Services program. Build children’s hospitals, team.
State Measure 5: NO
This is an impossibly confusing measure. It allows individuals over fifty-five to move from their current house to a new location, transferring their tax subsidies. This means that individuals that have lived in a house for thirty years, or a house in an area that has greatly increased in value, can sell their current home and move to another location under most likely a smaller tax. This sounds, yes, like a great thing! But, it turns out it disproportionately affects the poor and benefits individuals in a strong financial place, especially current homeowners. This does not fair well for those trying to enter the market. Currently, eligible homebuyers can transfer a tax assessment if their new home is of equal or lesser value. Also, individuals can do this only once in their lifetime. If the measure passes, it allows the wealthy to get out of paying taxes on moving in a way that is currently only allowed for certain individuals who need it. Nice try, 5, we’re wise to your shenanigans.
State Measure 6: NO
State Measure 6 is a bill that’s been pushed hard by Republican lawmakers and has the strong support of Paul Ryan, Devin Nunes, and that cadre of derpy dudes who want you to build your own roads because taxes are somewhat . . . who knows, immoral, we guess? Here’s how this came to be: in 2017, Jerry Brown and the state legislature passed gas taxes that are scheduled to generate $52.4 billion over the next ten years. And then a few months ago, we all voted on and passed Proposition 69, which dedicated all of that gas tax money to transportation infrastructure: roads and bridges and stuff. Measure 6 wants to basically undo all that AND require any new gas tax to have voter approval. Look, gas taxes aren’t percentage based on income, so they do disproportionately affect lower-income families. That legitimately does suck. And so, yes, Measure 6 does try to alleviate some of the cost of living to a lot of California’s working class by repealing taxes. Arguably, we agree with that. However, passing Measure 6 would cancel up to $5 billion in existing projects where we fix roads and bridges, and those infrastructure projects have yet to be funded at the federal level. There are an estimated 680,000 construction jobs that would be wiped out with the passage of Measure 6. And, we’ve voted on this before. A couple of times. This is an effort to undo what the majority has already agreed to in the past. Nope.
State Measure 7: YES
First and foremost, this isn’t a measure that will change Daylight Savings Time right now. It’s a measure that lets California lawmakers actually decide if they want to take that up IN THE FUTURE. They are currently unable to ever really discuss Daylight Savings Time because of the way the original vote went in 1949. Voting yes here means that the state is allowed to discuss it and possibly repeal it in the future. The idea of tweaking or abolishing Daylight Savings Time (or in some cases making it the only option) is up for discussion in a lot of places, and if changes elsewhere start happening, California would currently be unable to change with them. But, actually, it’s probably something we do want to consider. Yes, every time this comes up, critics say “but kids shouldn’t go to school when it’s dark out!” Fine, sure, but… get this. The time change is really bad for all of us! Rep. Kansen Chu (D-25), Rep. Lorena Gonzalez (D-80), and Sion Roy, a cardiologist, wrote this in the state voter information guide: “University medical studies in 2012 found that the risk of heart attacks increases by 10% in the two days following a time change. In 2016, further research revealed that stroke risks increase 8% when we change our clocks. For cancer patients the stroke risk increases 25% and for people over age 65 stroke risk goes up 20%. All because we disrupt sleep patterns.” So basically, a “yes” vote here will let us actually discuss a future in which we save time, hassle, daylight, and lives.
State Measure 8: NO
This is just about punishing non-union dialysis clinics. It would have a serious impact on patients and make it much more difficult for dialysis patients to receive care. There’s a lot of problems with it. We looked into it, and it just screws patients who want their kidneys to work better. Medical groups are ROUNDLY like, “please, no.” We’re with them.
State Measure 10: YES
This is a bill that hands the issue of rent control back to a more local level, rather than having a single mandated state policy. In 1995, California passed the Costa-Hawkins Act, which basically said that the state of California sets the limits on rent increases for homes occupied after 1995. There’s been some economic changes at very different rates in different parts of California since then. So Measure 10 repeals Costa-Hawkins and lets local governments decide for themselves how to regulate rent control. Measure 10 does not actually create new policy, it just says that new policy can be created at a local level, rather than a state level, which turns out to counterintuitively benefit a lot of marginalized groups. The measure has language that entitles landlords to fair-market-value rent—they just can’t jack up the price so high that it completely screws the tenants. You can imagine how peeps in the “survival of the fittest” crowd (and banks who’ve learned how to profit from foreclosure in the current system) feel about that. It’s a weird bill because it doesn’t actually give too much guidance to how to go forward, and even the Democratic gubernatorial candidate (Newsom) is against the measure, because while he does think there should be more affordable housing in California, completely repealing Costa-Hawkins feels a little fast and loose. That said, nursing organizations, teachers unions, and labor and Democratic organizations throughout the state are trying very hard to keep people in affordable housing. And this measure does provide a sense of relief to that. So, we say yes!
State Measure 11: YES
We spent a long time trying to figure this out. And basically the status quo is that when EMTs are on break, they are uninterrupted (though, like not always, sometimes they’re called to do things when not working). So, voting no preserves that. A yes vote means that going forward, EMTs will have to remain “on call” when they’re on break, but they will be paid for any of the time they end up working. They sort of already are, but it’s meant to streamline some labor laws. We sort of wanted to say you can vote for either thing, but a yes vote on Measure 11 also adds funding for additional training and mental health services for EMTs. After looking at a number of the different arguments in favor and opposed, we say vote for yourselves or ask your EMT friends (ours seemed ambivalent). But we think mental health services for ANY profession is good, so we vote yes.
State Measure 12: YES
Requires cage-free quarters for egg-laying chickens and other animals being raised for food. I mean, we’re all for not being assholes to chickens, so this seems to make sense. Yes, this is super problematic on a lot of levels and cage-free is WAY less cage-free than like “chicken in the wild”—and PETA is against this because they want us to stop eating animals altogether, but for now, getting chickens SOME kind of autonomy and making it slightly less cruel feels like a step toward getting us where we go.
City Amendment B: YES
Much like the Daylight Savings bill, this is another of those “let us at least let the people look into this” bills. It’s hard to know what would happen if it passes, but essentially the city would like to talk about what it would mean to establish a public bank. These exist in other countries like Brazil and Germany and here in the States in North Dakota (which was the only one seemingly untouched by the 2008 crisis). And the theory is that since the city spent $170 million last year in banking fees and $1.1 billion in interest, an LA-owned bank could possibly mitigate those costs. It’s a bold, progressive move and could have implications for the whole country. In the interest of allowing our elected officials to do their job, we say: “Sure! Talk about it!”
City—Municipal Charter Amendment E: YES
You already voted on this in a previous election, but then the state changed primaries from June to March, so they have to ask us to vote again. So we’re voting about voting—twice! This thing essentially aligns city election dates with state election dates. We know barely anyone gets out to vote as it is, so alignment is obviously a good idea, although it means less “I Voted” sticker posts on Instagram. :( This time the city included language that makes it unnecessary to put this back on the ballot if election dates change again. So here we go again, vote yes.
LAUSD Charter Amendment EE: YES
Right now the school district primary elections are on a different day than the rest of the state primary elections. Voting yes would amend the city charter to align Los Angeles Unified School District primary elections with the state primary elections in March of even-numbered years. So, yes.
County Measure W: YES
A “yes” on this measure will create a parcel tax* to pay for cleaning up the toxic runoff that accumulates as rainwater flows over city streets and other paved surfaces and ultimately ends up in the ocean. As it turns out, LA is pretty filthy—so filthy that we get fined for how dirty our storm water runoff is. So, the county would like to spend more money to build infrastructure to capture and clean up the toxins in storm water, plus ensure that water gets absorbed into the ground (rather than wastefully running off into the ocean or elsewhere). So the choice is to either to establish this tax to invest in projects for cleaner, more reliable water, or to spend billions in fines that drain police, fire, and other important budgets.
*From the LA Times: “The measure imposes a tax on property owners of 2½ cents per square foot of impermeable surface—meaning ground that is paved over or otherwise doesn’t let water pass through. That comes to about $83 a year for the average single-family homeowner.”
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