#like come on i have 100 dias to my name this is not fair
kyaruun · 1 year
I'M GOING TO KILL HIMMMM. or me. whoever comes first
i haven't had a break in so long and now they drop natsume's fs2? okay. FINE. i don't produce him that muuuuuch <- lies lies lies
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solitaire-dreams · 6 years
What’s Your Type? : Pokespe Fire/Water/Grass Dexholder Analysis
DISCLAIMER: Honestly, I've only read RGB, RS, DP, BW, and SM arcs in full; and parts of the Yellow and B2W2 arc. So, any information outside of these arcs is coming from Bulbapedia and is liable to be incorrect.
When it comes to the world of Pokespe, rather than the anime where we follow the never aging Ash Ketchum, we now total about 21 dexholders (our protagonists).  Each dexholder is fairly unique from one another, yet one thing always tends to be in common between them. The same thing that's always common when we pick up our consoles to start a new Pokemon journey. Picking our starters.
In the world of Pokespe, the standard starters aren't guaranteed to be the first Pokemon they will receive—quite the opposite actually—yet they will always gain one of the traditional starters at some point of their evolutionary line on their journey. (The only two exceptions are Yellow who was created for the Yellow games where Pikachu was the starter, and Whi-two or Whitley because they ran out of Unovan starters). This often has us classify the dexholders into grass, fire, and water varieties. Though this categorization goes deeper than a Pokemon in their party, but plays a large role in their characterization.
Each of the dexholders in each category share a trait that connects all of them, and will provide useful for other predictions (skip to the end if you just want to know what the other prediction is). This post is focused on breaking them down one by one.
Note: Since I was tempted enough to reblog an incorrect pokespe quote where green was the name given to the male character, for the rest of this blog, Green is the male character and Blue is the female. Got it? Good.
First off, we'll start off with the fire type dexholders. Most of you might notice some obvious similarities:
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Yet, there is also one very obvious exception:
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Green here doesn't tend to shout, especially as much as the other fire type dexholders. So, then what is the factor connecting them? All of them still have a very fiery spirit, and more accurately, is their strong determination towards achieving whatever goal they have. They will pursue it no matter whatever or whoever lies in their way; often leading to causing chaos or bad relationships with other people in their wake.
Green is extremely focused on becoming a strong trainer. Upon his first appearance, he is battling Mew with Charmander to train it and shows no remorse when Red tries to battle it and his Pokemon faints; rather looking down on him for not “noticing anything” during the fight. This determination continues throughout the first arc, as further demonstrated when he tries to force his way into Saffron City after Team Rocket attacks Pallet Town and takes his grandfather.
Gold has the notable trait of having a one-track mind, where he focuses on something so much he will pursue that relentlessly, and ignoring anything else that doesn't pertain to that. Though, this trait manifests itself most when Gold pursues “pretty girls” such as the Kimono Girls, gym leader Jasmine, or even Crystal upon first discovering her.
Though it still can translate in the pursuit of Gold's goals, where he initially receives a Pokedex because he wanted to use it in battle, and urgently attempts to gain a unique specialty during the GSC arc.
Sapphire's dexholder title is specifically “The Conquer” in reference to her earning 8 gym badges in 80 days. She unrelentingly goes around the region to defeat the gym leaders—causing her to start off on the wrong foot with Ruby. And she turns it into a bet to reach their respective goals in 80 days all because it stemmed from a promise she made with her childhood friend to beat the record of Red when it came to the Pokemon League.
Pearl's title is the Determiner, one he received after bonding with Azelf—the lake guardian of Willpower. He managed to bond with Azelf because he completes whatever he starts; as clarified by Diamond in the arc. Determiner, willpower, completes whatever started...yeah, this screams dedication to a goal. Especially when you consider the focus Pearl gives to Dia's and his comedy routine.
For Black though, no matter how well I could paraphrase it, I will just quote this article (bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Black_(Adventures)): “Black is a young man who aspires to be the Champion of the Unova Pokémon League. He has been dreaming of this since childhood, nine years to be exact. However, these dreams fill his head to the point where he cannot think about anything else and any attempts to cause him to pass out from mental exhaustion...Due to his dreams causing him to forget about other things, Black has the tendency to do things without considering the consequences of his actions and their effects on other people.”
I think the above proves the point well enough.
Also, I would like to briefly mention Y. While Y isn't a fire type dexholder (she's a water type), since there is no fire type dexholder in Kalos (Malva doesn't really count), she is a kind of water/fire dual type with her personality. Y shouts more than most of the other water dexholders and exhibits a more solid determination to pursue her goal of becoming a Sky Trainer, even when this runs into direct opposition with her mother's ideas for her.
Lastly, we wrap up the fire dexholder with our latest protagonist, Sun. Sun has the goal of collecting 100 million yen. Acheiving this goal has been Sun's whole time in Alola in the making. He relentlessly pursues money, even prioritizing reaching his personal goal than helping the Alola region against the Ultra Beast invasion, leading him to get sucked into Ultra Space with Solgaleo.
Next up is the water type dexholders, which personally I found the revelation most interesting. It would be difficult to derive a personality solely from the type this time. Unlike fire which is associated with offensive battling, or grass which tends to be connected to defensive, water is viewed as the balance between the two. But, this doesn't really provide any clues into what is the common thread between all these dexholders. My findings, however, were that they all tend to be secretive.
Miss Con Artist (Blue), our first water type dexholder, is literally a con artist. Her whole livelihood is based of lying and keeping the truth about her real intentions to trick people into doing whatever she wants. Plus, she has her own secrets that only come to light much later into her appearance in the first arc and beyond. Her pathological fear of birds is only hinted at during the Team Rocket battle and confirmed during the Pokemon League when battle “Professor O”. Even more shocking was her childhood under the Masked Man, who trained her because of the promise she showed as a trainer.
This transitions nicely to our other dexholder who was raised under the Masked Man, Silver. And he so happens to be a water type dexholder as well. While Silver does not purposely keeping his life before the Masked Man close to his chest, it is revealed that Silver was the son of Giovanni, an insanely big secret that heavily impacted his character.
Ruby, in order to pursue his love of contests and oppose the beliefs of his father, refuses to battle at the beginning of the RS arc. This in turn hides his amazing battling skills (plus the fact he has a FREAKING CELEBI). Additionally, when it comes to the climax of the arc, he hides from Sapphire the plan he had to team up with Courtney to control Groudon and Kyogre. While still intended for her safety, it is still another massive lie and withholding of the truth on his part.
Platinum may not be thought of as being secretive, but the speech she makes after learning Dia and Pearl weren't her bodyguards begs to differ. Most of the lies she reveals in that speech were white lights told to make her not seem inferior and were obvious to the reader, but it still goes to show that she lied a fair amount. Her wealth and connection to the Berlitz family were also discovered rather than told by Platinum. And most obviously, she hid her real name of Platinum until this time! This whole journey, her companions didn't know what her true first name was!
Lack-two or Blake is another dexholder who has lying built into his occupation. Blake is with the International Police and working undercover during the B2W2 arc (Please give us some form of closure! #freeblack2k19). He literally has to keep his true intentions of hunting down the remnants of Team Plasma from his fellow classmates. Additionally, his true personality isn't shown to others either; he puts on a womanizing and flirtatious front when he truly an emotionless officer.
Y is honestly the least secretive out of the water dexholders, but that can also be attributed to her odd Volcanion (a fire-and-water type) fusion. It may not be obvious, or not in a way you expect, but Y does hide something—her feelings. Dealing with the human depression that is X and three of her other friends while trying to all live on their own and dealing with fallout from her mother on top of one of the most cruel evil teams yet? You think she would break down, or someone would help her; but none of the characters we follow demonstrate this concern! theviolenttomboy made a short post that summarizes all the sh*t Y goes through (theviolenttomboy.tumblr.com/post/146359425406/figured-out-why-i-cant-ship-y-with-absolutely), and how she has to deal with it all on her own. In order to keep the group alive, she has to hide her emotional distress. A problem not even resolved by the end of the arc.
Finally, we arrive at the grass type dexholders. Honestly this was the most tricky for me to pin down. Mostly because we have dexholders like Dia and X who have personalities that couldn't seem more different. So, I had to take a look back, and that's when I realized something. Both of the previous characterizations centred around how they achieve their goals. Fire type dexholders barrel through whatever obstacles are in their way and water type dexholders hide information as they pursue their goals. This gave me the clue of what to analyze for the grass type dexholders and this is my conclusion:
The way grass dexholders approach their goals is the most “healthy”. They are able to self-intrinsically motivate themselves when life discourages their goals and try to achieve them in a way that doesn't tend to hurt others as much as the other two dexholder categories (most of the time).
Honestly, this probably reminds you of a generic shonen protagonist, so it is fitting that the dexholder who started this characterization was the most shonen like character of all: Red. Red is able to convince himself to keep working towards his goal of becoming the strongest trainer, despite the obstacles he faces in the form of Team Rocket or people like his rival discouraging him from developing into a stronger trainer. The way he aims to be the strongest also doesn't harm many people, if people are affected, it tends to be accidental.
Crystal manages to stay firm in her goal of catching all the Pokemon even if the other Johto dexholders just see her as a girl at first. She can motivate herself to keep working towards it, and with the caring and give-back nature of Crystal, she is certainly not harming anyone on her path to reaching her goal. Minus a few face kicks to Gold.
Emerald certainly faced a lot of adversity that pushed him down. Becoming an orphan at a young age and made fun of for his small height, initially actually causing him to go against the foundation of grass dexholders being able to motivates themselves by resulting in a dislike of Pokemon and his stature. However, he develops this grass mindset as the Emerald arc progresses, finding what he enjoys, what makes him unique, and cultivating the confidence needed to be himself—even if life is still against him. Plus, while I can't speak for much of his actions in the Emerald arc (because I haven't red FRLG yet, and I know the events are directly connected), his title of the Calmer which stems from his ability to help Pokemon feel relaxed means he is at least not harming Pokemon much during his adventure.
One of the biggest character moments for Diamond is him managing to self-intrinsically motivate himself to pursue a goal despite opposition. In this case, the goal being to stop Team Galactic and his opposition being his best friend Pearl. Regardless, he succeeds in standing up to him and working towards thwarting Team Galactic, with the worst harm caused probably being Pearl's shock at Dia standing up for himself.
White seems to exhibit a peaceful way of pursuing her goal surrounding her talent agency for Pokemon. When her goal switches after Gigi leaves her for a bit, White's new focus on getting stronger at battling is still approached in much the same way. One where she convinces herself to keep working towards improvement and does not negatively affect people along the way.
Then we have the enigma of X. X doesn't seem to follow things of “motivation” or not inadvertently bringing down others with him, but that's only when his goal isn't clear. When we start with X in the XY arc, his goal is to stay in his room; locked away from the outside world. In this context, he meets all the criteria: he ends up convincing himself to work towards his goal of staying a shut-in, despite all the pleas to change this from his friends; and most of his protest to stay inside is silent and doesn't directly or physically harm his friends.
Lastly, our final dexholder is Moon, who also conforms to this characterization fairly well. Moon is able to pursue whatever she considers a priority, unaffected by outside influences. Whether it be praise from her work early on in the SM arc, or not listening to reason before chasing after Sun in the wormholes when he is taken away; leaving Alola to face the Ultra Beasts alone.
tl; dr : Each dexholder approaches their goals differently based on the type of their starter. Fire dexholders have strong enough determination to barrel through all the obstacles to their goal, knocking down everything and everyone in their way. Water dexholders are secretive and hide important information as they work towards their goal. Grass dexholders have the “healthiest” way of reaching their goals, managing to motivate themselves to keep working towards it when life tells them otherwise.
This information may be touched on again in other posts I'm planning: a follow-up talking about the “Bronze-age” progression of dexholder characterization, one about predicting what the Gen 8 protagonists of Pokespe will be like, and another discussing trio characterization.
~Thanks for reading and I'll be back soon!
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slashwhores · 2 years
New Match! ♡
Oh Dia I actually spend way to long making this. I tried to mimic lovelinks actual style and it turned out OK in fairness! Definitely gonna keep practicing though.
It's 100% one of my new 'mood' games. You know the type. The games you play for like 3 weeks straight because you have a really bad craving for it and then never again until 2 months later when the cycle repeats itself. Yeah one of them lol. Seriously though I started this game in like June of last year and I'm absolutely devastated there isn't a bigger fandom, the fact the team hasn't updated a number of routes in a while also sucks, that being said the last dating sim fandom I was in (*cough cough* arcane *cough cough*) the developers turned out to be antisemitic, islamaphobic and racist so...yeah this is definitely an improvement. Anyway enough of my rambling, drum roll please...
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Her LI Is Calum Keys, my first match and tied favourite ❤ I thought it would be kinda metta if I made all of my self inserts for this game developers/VAs/artists etc for a dating sim that's essentially a lovelink parody called "lovebound"
Sashies head artist and her name reflects such,
Masashi Kokura is credited as the head artist of the first dating sim ever! Tokimeki Memorial! I have no idea why I decided to give her name a theme but now that I've started I cannot stop. now everyone's name is themed help.
A few thing I wanna quickly add before I finish up this post is A. I wanted to draw Sahie with body art because it totally seems like she'd change her pfp in an attempt to impress Calum, B. This drawing gave me a lot of insight when it comes to improving my art C.im hoping to draw some more of my LL ocs soon and D. If you haven't already play.this.game. and please message me so we can gush about our faves together <3
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mullersquad · 4 years
Tainá Müller: A Voice to be Heard
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by Tudo | Oct 13rd, 2020 | Interview
Student of Philosophy, the actress believes that without debate there is no democracy
She is one of the eloquent voices of feminism. She is active to talk and reflect on this and other subjects such as: pandemic, philosophy, environment, artificial intelligence, social networks, and of course, on the new Netflix suspense series “Bom Dia, Verônica”, but the adventures of the actress do not end there, with release scheduled for the end of the year, Tainá is writing a book on motherhood. "It's a kind of philosophical chat, a little unpretentious, but with a lot of confessional moments of exchange," she explained.
In this exclusive interview with TUDO magazine, Tainá reveals herself to be a safe and mature woman to make her choices.
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Revista TUDO: Debuting the series “Good morning, Veronica” on the streaming platform, you play a clerk who decides to investigate a crime. During the creation process, did you ever visit a police station and learn a little about a clerk's routine? How was your laboratory and how long did it take you to prepare for this job?
Tainá Müller: Yes, I did a two-month preparation with Sergio Penna, which included a visit to the homicide police station in Rio. There, I had access to the routine of police officers from many areas, studied cases of femicide to understand the particularities of this crime and followed the work closely of a clerk. All of this was fundamental to Veronica's composition. But other than that I also had an emotional preparation, to dive into the psychology of the character from the script and a body preparation, which involved fights and shooting classes.
RT: As a matter of fact, the series addresses a little explored genre - thriller -, especially on broadcast television, do you believe that the streaming platforms give the opportunity for the actors to work on other, more interesting themes outside the box?
TM: For sure. The Brazilian audiovisual market is changing very fast, following the global trend of globalization of content. With that, it is natural that we have a greater diversity of themes, genres and how good we are having this opportunity here in Brazil. “Good Morning, Veronica” got my attention from the beginning, precisely because it was very different from everything I had ever seen.
RT: In March the whole world was caught off guard by a pandemic causing the population to be quarantined, isolated, and all of us were affected in some way, some more others less, emotionally, financially. How did those days go by for you and your family?
TM: It was full of emotional, ups and downs, on this roller coaster that became 2020. It is a period of fear and uncertainty and I don't think there was a person in the world who was not affected by this impact. And it is not just the pandemic, there is something very strange in the air in politics, in climate change, in our behavior. But honestly, despite feeling it all, I don't feel comfortable complaining about anything right now. I am aware of my privilege and how hard it is being for people in the most vulnerable positions. I am very sad to see all this around me, I try to help as I can and I take it one day at a time.
RT: We saw that you participate in a group that discusses feminism, an important action nowadays, but how do you see the feminist movement 20 years from now, for example? Because although we have achieved a lot, there is still much to do.
TM: About three years ago I started to study feminism more deeply. I owe a lot to teachers Djamila Ribeiro and Márcia Tiburi, who gave weekly classes to this group of mine on the subject, in a very philosophical and academic way. I honestly cannot imagine what the world will be like in twenty years, but in my utopias I create a much more feminine world, in every way. We have been living for centuries in an energetic imbalance between feminine and masculine. The two forces must be in harmony and equality in order to prosper without self-annihilation. Patriarchy has been stifling the feminine of the world for so long that today we need to fight for the most basic rights. I believe that the toxicity that we experienced at that time comes from this virility without measure, which is predatory, without care and without reflection. I hope that men can be free to rediscover their feminine side of protection, nutrition and delicacy with details, with the subtle. And that women rediscover all the creative power that the feminine has, without the fear of violence, oppression and silence. I gradually feel that this movement has already started. Men and women are becoming more aware and the backlash of this is an attempt to hold on to the unstoppable which is the path of evolution.
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RT: Back to the classroom you chose the philosophy course, and philosophy is the search for knowledge, reflection, questions and wisdom, but in the midst of everything that is happening (deforestation, homophobia, prejudice, intolerance, patriotism, hatred and etc.). Can you see a light at the end of the tunnel for future generations?
TM: I believe that the light at the end of the tunnel will not magically come out, it is the result of building thought, of resuming the ability to imagine. Yes, I think that today's social upheaval is an identity crisis caused by the excess of (dis) information that we receive every day through the screens. Our thinking is influenced by an algorithm that constantly reaffirms our tastes and values, creating thought bubbles with insurmountable walls. At the same time that we are all connected, we are watching the debate dies. And without debate, there is no democracy, you cannot reach a place of common interest. We have a lot to think about, what to invent and what to review in order to get out of this web of immobility that holds us. Perhaps the only thing that unites us, regardless of values ​​and political position, is that we want a different world from the one we have now. We all have the feeling that “something didn't work out” and that we need to fix it. I believe that everyone today with food on the table has the duty to put their head on thinking about a new world, one that accommodates diversity, one that is more free and fair, more egalitarian and, above all, more ecological. How are we going to do it? I have no idea. But if we don't start debating and thinking now, it won't happen in the future. We need to stop falling into the trap of re-discussing ideas from 100 years ago and start looking ahead. We need to bury the 20th century in order to enter the 21st century definitively.
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RT: You are also scheduled for the original series “Evil Secret”, which is slowly return to filming. How has adaptation been at work in the midst of a pandemic? And taking advantage of the opportunity, how is your character [in the series], personality, behavior?
TM: My character is a criminal lawyer who gets involved with the forensic psychiatrist plays by Sergio Guizé. I can't give spoliers (laughs) but I hope to be able to start filming soon.
RT: Recently, the psychoanalyst Contardo Calligaris said that relations will be cleaner and more truthful among people in the post-pandemic period. What is your perception of the post-pandemic world? Do you already notice the change in the people around you?
TM: I believe that we still cannot measure the impact of all this change in our relationships, but I believe that the imminence of death always brings a lot of learning. At least I am on this path, of continuing to foster relationships of true exchange, of honesty and I have less and less patience for social masks. I hope that this is a trend and that we can increasingly live in authenticity.
RT: Taina, we would like to know a little more about the book you intend to write talking about motherhood. As it is a very specific topic, we would like to understand what the main approach you intend to take, and also how the idea came about? What is the name of the book and if it has a release date? Are you writing alone?
TM: This book emerged from the invitation of Companhia das Letras to write about the topic after a text I published in the newspaper “O Globo”. It is the result of a dialogue with Marcos Piangers about parenting in this changing world, about what it was like for us to be a son and now what it feels like to be a mother of a boy and a father of girls. It is a kind of philosophical, unassuming conversation but with very confessional moments of exchange. We plan to launch by the end of the year. It is late because of the demands of the pandemic, or rather, of our own parenting at that moment without school and without help.
RT: You recommended a documentary: “The Social Dilemma” that talks about artificial intelligence and the algorithm. But I wanted to understand how you do to keep mental health balanced and away from social networks, in a world where posting more and more has become essential in the lives of many people. How do you control these longings that come many times, without us noticing?
TM: I can say that today, despite being aware of the problem, I am totally immersed in it. And I wonder if I will ever have my brain and my time back. We have been captured, our professions and networks depend on it now, our entire generation is in the networks. The “I think, therefore I am”, became “I post, therefore I am”. Who has never experienced the strange sensation of living something very special and feels obliged to “leave” the moment to post, why not register there on the networks it seems that the moment did not even exist? Anyway, I hope that we will wake up and at least fight for the regulation of this trillion-dollar technology industry, so that we are not completely dominated by it. Otherwise, we will see democracy giving complete space to the supremacy of the industry and that is scary. I believe that it is possible to maneuver this transatlantic and change this route, strengthening and reaffirming the control institutions. There is a lot of shade, but there is also a lot of light in the technologies. Today I can attend a class by an indigenous leader directly from a village in Acre, something that would have been impossible years ago. So I root for ethics.
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RT: You said that when the vaccine comes out, the first thing you will do is take your son to visit the Nova Esperança village of the Yawanawas, it is sad to see everything that is happening with the forests, with the animals and with the indegenous. But do you believe that there will be time for salvation as government officials are not committed to resolving these issues?
TM: There has to be time. But we have to be more active, as civil society, to fight for what  is right for us, which is a livable world. And protecting the indigenous is also self-protection, since they are the guardians of the forest that sustains the biochemical balance so that life on Earth is still possible. Not only that, they also have an ancestral knowledge of survival and harmony with the environment that we urgently need to recover. The decolonization of our thinking is fundamental to our own survival. The indigenous people teach us to "think outside the box" and I think that today they produce the most contemporary thinking of all, so whenever I can I hear what they have to say. I realize that they bring a different logic of existence, much more connected to the essence of life much more integrated with everything that exists and with the true “key to happiness” that capitalism wants so much to sell and cannot achieve, bringing only insatiability of desires. I am sad because we are privileged in Brazil for having all this wealth of cultural diversity in the country, which wants and has a lot to teach us, but we do not value it. We still do not see our true gold, which is the power of our original peoples and their way of life. We cannot let capitalism destroy our greatest wealth. We need to act and it is now.
This paper is a free translation of Tainá Müller's interview. All rights reserved to TUDO magazine.
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sixeightsuited · 8 years
Horizon Zero Dawn and Cultural appropriation: A very different view.
For the first time EVER, I’m sitting on the other side of a discussion about appropriating native culture.  Why?  Well, let me lay the framework.
First off, I’m not a guy who “knows a Native American” or has a “Native friend”  I am a 100% Anishinabe (Ojibway) dude who lives on reserve and has fought racism, stereotypes, pan-Indianism, and cultural appropriation fiercely for as long as I can remember. I’ve been the victim of horrendous racial violence as a child, adolescent, and adult, and I’m also a gamer.
I am the first to point out anything that smacks of any of the above and after I saw the Dia Lacina essay on “Horizon: Zero Dawn” being culturally insensitive and appropriating Native culture, I felt for the first time in a situation like this that I had to say something in rebuttal.
Lacina takes issue with the use of the words Tribal, Primitive, Braves, and Savage being used in the game (fyi they’re used to describe predominantly white people in game and they’re White words we didn’t use to describe ourselves thus I claim no ownership of, nor want to, anymore than I want to be a redskin, Indian or Wahoo)  
It seems (IMO) that most of her beef comes from an apparent belief that numerous aspects of generic tribal culture that appear in the game (making clothing from skins, hunting with spears and bows, living in a Matriarchal society, etc) are the sole domain of the Native American and just to be safe and cleverly keep her POV less subject to scrutiny, she applies it even more broadly to indigenous people world wide (I will just refer to us in particular as NA cuz I’m lazy and I also don’t refer to myself as a Native American) and basically that anything that is remotely “tribal” shouldn’t be used in gaming without our or someone else’s permission.
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 In fairness, I don’t know if she’s actually played the game but as someone who is currently in the midst of doing exactly that, I can tell you that I have a pretty good idea of what stuff triggered her being upset and why, and while I absolutely respect her right to get offended by whatever she likes, and she makes excellent points about some other games, I am going to point out that there are flaws with this logic.
First of all, the basics: HZD is set in a post-post-apocalyptic future where people are living in tribal groups in a very destroyed world.  Machines exist but as hybrid animal/dinosaur type creatures and technology is pretty much non-existent in day to day human life.  
The heroine of the story is a red haired, white girl named Aloy who lives as an outcast with her adopted father, Rost.  Without giving a lot away, they are fiercely shunned by the local tribe for something Rost did and also the fact that Aloy is motherless.  
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Impressively and rightly, though somewhat dismissively remarked upon by Lacina, is the way women and especially women of color are portrayed so positively in-game as this particular tribe is a total Matriarchy run by elders of various ethnicity.  African, Asian, White, and a variety of undefined people of color are common everywhere in the game.  (The leader of one band of warriors is a very fierce, commanding, intelligently portrayed black woman with a powerful presence.)  It reflects a fairly global society from a “skin color” perspective without any horrible accents or broken speech.
They worship an “All-Mother” goddess and their culture is (at least how I saw a lot of it) fairly heavy on European i.e. Celtic, Germanic, Scandinavian, etc type symbolism and the rest is filled in with mostly generic tribal-ish stuff that you could find in countless cultures around the world.
 I really didn’t get a “Native American” vibe off the game.  Of course, I don’t automatically presume to claim sole ownership of things like tribal life, hunting with bows and spears, and worshiping spirits of various elements solely for my own.  Random fact: Because there are over 500 distinct First Nations in N. America, we, believe it or not, didn’t all ride horses, live in tipis, use bows and arrows, tobacco and sage, and worship Eagles and Wolves.  Why? Well…use your brain.  Tobacco and Sage don’t grow EVERYWHERE, horses came over with the Europeans (and if you saw where I live you couldn’t have and cant for the most part get a horse through the bush if you tried) Eagles and Wolves don’t live EVERYWHERE….get the point?  Anyways….
If you examine Rost, he like most of the men has a braided beard and other seemingly Viking/Middle Ages inspired features, is white, speaks clear, unbroken English, and is a loving, protective and very positive role model for the girl.   Aloy for her part, is also fairly Viking-esque (to the point of looking incredibly like Lagaertha from the show Vikings but with red hair) also Egrit from GoT, and is no damsel in distress who needs men to save her. NOWHERE in the game have I encountered any Tipis, wigwams, Sweatlodges, or Non-White people speaking in stereotypical “Me smoke-um peace pipe, He go dat-a way” fashion.
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The  opening cinematic is very touching (and long) as we see the orphaned Aloy as a baby in Rost’s care being carried around in a bundle on his back (which pretty much every culture did in one form or another at some point in time) and him ultimately taking her to the spot where a child of the tribe receives it’s name.
I really liked this idea as it isn’t often portrayed in a lot of mediums outside of stereotypical “Dances With Wolves” bullshit. Also, naming ceremonies are not the sole domain of NA people and what occurs bears zero resemblance to any NA ceremony I know of.  (It was actually a little Lion King at one point lol) But it’s a powerful moment in the beginning with much more that occurs during it but I won’t spoil that either.
Aloy herself is a pretty complex character.  She’s extremely independent, defiant, and questions pretty much everything about why things are the way they are and wants to do something about it.  You actually begin playing her as a 6 year old which is pretty unique and even then she’s tough and fearless and determined to explore her world.  
She is in no way hyper-sexualized (I’m looking your way Overwatch) Her clothing and everyone else’s, is utilitarian and appropriate for the environments she lives in, and so far, I have not encountered anything with her or any other character that made me go “WTF?”and trust me, my radar for that shit is HIGHLY SENSITIVE.  This isn’t Avatar, people.  It’s not John Smith. It’s not The Great Wall or Pocahontas.  This isn’t white dude shows up and saves the helpless non-white people while helpless native woman falls in love with him stuff.  It’s a fictitious future where we maniacs blew it up, damn us all to hell!
But here’s the more annoying thing for me as an actual Anishinabe.  I don’t need people speaking for me or getting offended on my behalf.  I am very capable of doing that myself. I am also in no way writing this claiming to be speaking for any other NA people or persons. It’s based on my observations from actually playing HZD and examining the various fictional “cultural” elements in the game.
If you see a skin tied inside a hoop and automatically assume it’s a dreamcatcher” ripping off “our culture” (FYI Dreamcatchers are a 20th century thing whose popularity was a result of pan-Indianism that exploded in the 70s.) or if you see feathers on a spear or as part of a costume (nowhere is anyone wearing a single eagle feather in the back of a beaded headband or a Dakota looking headdress either) and automatically presume it to be ripping off NA culture, you’re REEEEEEEEEEALY reaching.  If you think caring for the environment, obeying matriarchs, worshipping elemental spirits, or making your own clothes is solely the property of NA culture, see previous statement.
By all means get offended.  Get offended by Chief Wahoo.  Get offended by the Washington Redskins.  Get offended that thousands of Native women have been murdered or gone missing and nothing’s been done about it.  Get offended by Johnny Depp or Robert Beltran playing Native people instead of actual Native people getting those roles.  Get offended by shit like Adam Sandler’s “Ridiculous 6” where a native woman is called a “hot piece of red prairie meat” or Depp’s “Lone Ranger” movie.
Get offended that my family was destroyed by the Residential Schools and that the 60s scoop took babies away from their families and people, that forced sterilizations took place and mass graves of dead Native children exist at former Residential School sites.
Don’t just jump on the I’m offended bandwagon because you saw some feathers or skins or spears or bows in a game and immediately grew indignant and wanted to claim them as OUR culture.  They’re not.  They’re almost globally universal in numerous cultures at various points in time.  Get offended, as she rightly mentioned, when the game Overwatch sexualizes the shit out of almost every female character and takes West Coast tribal art and makes a costume out of it.  
THAT is appropriation.  White people holding powwows in Europe (powwows are also pretty much not traditional and are extremely pan-Indian, not to mention full of us appropriating each other’s Native cultures ie. Dakotas wearing Jingle Dresses, Ojibway wearing Dakota regalia, etc) is appropriation.
This game……I’m just not seeing it the same way.  And I’m nobody.  I have no ties to Guerilla or anybody other than myself and my community.
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thegloober · 6 years
One-Minute Life Hacks
There are two uses:
Everyone pulls out their fascist Moleskine notebooks and you pull out your waiter’s pad.
First thing that happens is the alpha male in the room says, “I’ll take fries with that burger”.
This bad joke happens 100% of the time. Homework assignment: come up with the best joke in response.
Second thing that happens: “Why do you have a waiter’s pad?”
It’s easy to write notes.
Easy to keep track of the names around the table (since at the top of a check are tables which you can write names to remember).
They are cheap. 10 cents a pad with the right supplier.
This makes you the center of attention at the meeting. It says you are serious about taking notes.
And most important, it shows you are frugal and will care about not wasting people’s money.
A waiter’s pad is MONEY IN THE BANK.
Second use:
When I sit down, I simply pull out a waiter’s pad and put it next to me on the table.
Now the waiters think I’m in “the biz” and I never have any problems with service.
This is not even a one-minute hack. It’s a 10-second hack.
If someone does not answer your question, they are lying.
Example: “Hi honey, where’d you go last night?”
Your honey: “I was out with friends.”
Notice: he or she did not answer the question. Which means somewhere in there is a lie.
Example: “Are all expenses included in this estimate?”
Answer: “Sure, unless we see something unusual.”
Did not answer the question. So you will be paying more.
This technique always works. Great for people who are paranoid (like me).
You’re sitting and one person has a rolling chair. You ask a bunch of easy questions. They answer and sit still.
Now you ask harder questions. Like, “Hey, where were you that night?”
“I was at home.” And they start to roll away on the chair.
This works for anything with these two conditions:
It’s easy for them to move.
You can ask easy-to-answer questions to start to establish that they are sitting still when truthful.
This is a very common interrogation technique.
Both of these were told me by a former DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) interrogator who now runs his own private intelligence agency.
Even if you don’t smoke, always carry around a pack of cigarettes.
Situations where this works:
Smoking break. Someone you want to network with is at a restaurant and takes a smoking break. You can follow them outside and start a conversation.
The back-technique. You leave your cigarettes behind right before someone you want to network with is sitting down (at a restaurant, club, meeting, etc.). You go back, “Ugh, left my cigarettes here.” And you start to talk.
Believe it or not, everyone in the CIA carries cigarettes around all the time for this reason.
This was told to me by a former “black ops” soldier who wouldn’t tell me “yes” or “no” when I asked him if he was still in the CIA.
You start off saying, “I’m sure the others you’ve interviewed have all been great and qualified.” Or.. (for speaking), “Let’s give a hand for all the others before me.”
This is called “choice ambiguity bias”.
When you say the word “other”, the audience lumps everyone into one aggregated being.
Or your potential boss lumps everyone into one aggregated (and forgettable) person they interviewed.
They literally won’t be able to remember anything about the others before you and you will stand out.
Related to this is recency bias. Try to be the last person interviewed or the last person to speak on the agenda. The most “recent” is always the most remembered and if you combine this with choice ambiguity bias, you will create the most memorable impression by far.
All of this was told to me by a professor of cognitive biases when I needed help winning a public speaking contest.
What’s great about this hack is that even if you know the rule, it still works:
After you write ANYTHING, take out the first paragraph and the last paragraph and it will 99% of the time be better written. I did it with this post, for instance.
I do this every day.
I go back seven–10 years in my email history (I store everything).
There are many emails I haven’t responded to. In my inbox (not my spam box), I have 271,109 unread emails at this moment.
I go back to an email I didn’t respond to and I respond as if the email was sent to me five seconds ago.
Like: “Sure, I’ll meet for coffee on Tuesday!”
This almost always results in a new connection/fun meeting/whatever. Note: most jobs.
One time I did this when someone in 2004 sent me an email saying, “Hey, James, I bought you “jamesaltucher.com” for your birthday.”
I finally wrote him in 2010. We’re good friends now AND I own “jamesaltucher.com”.
The longest email response delay I did was 12 years.
Happiness = Reality / Expectations.
You can’t change your reality quickly. But you can change your expectations in a second.
When my wife left me, I couldn’t change the reality. I couldn’t make her stay.
I was sad, scared, miserable, depressed.
But I could change expectations. I could say, “perhaps this is for the best” and figure out the reasons why and have hope for the future.
I’m not saying it’s easy to do that in a second. But it’s possible. And that changes immediately how happy you can be.
We are all dealt a new hand of cards every few seconds. You play the hand you are dealt instead of whining about it. That’s how to win.
My therapist once told me this. She’s the best.
I) THE 5/25 RULE
This is from Warren Buffett.
He told me this when we were jet-skiing in Hawaii.
He said, “Take your top 25 things you want to do in life.”
Then, “Put the first five to your left and the next 20 to your right.”
“NEVER NEVER NEVER look at the bottom 20 again.”
Because the bottom 20 are all things you want to do. So they will distract you from the five things you want to do the MOST.
By the way, I was kidding about the jet skiing. That is clearly in his six–10 and not in his top five. And it’s not even in my top 1000.
There’s a saying that’s now cliché: “You are the average of the five people around you.”
Fair enough.
Harold Ramis also says, “Stand next to the smartest person in the room.” So he stood next to Bill Murray and made Caddyshack, Stripes, Ghostbusters, and Groundhog Day.
(Sitting next to the smartest person in the room)
Again, fair enough.
But not enough.
BE THE PERSON that people want to stand next to.
Everyone is looking for their five. Everyone is looking for the person to stand next to.
Seth Godin once asked me, “What books do people buy?”
I didn’t know.
He said, “They buy the books that are already on the bestseller table.”
Be the sort of person who is on the bestseller table.
Again, while kite surfing in the Mediterranean, I asked Warren Buffett, “How do you define success?” And he said, “By how many people love you.”
And then he said, before I could ask, “You get people to love you by being lovable.”
This hack has helped me so much I’m almost afraid to share it.
Let’s say you want something (call it “X”) from a person (call the person “Y”).
Ask Y for advice on how to get X.
For instance, let’s say you get a job offer and you are negotiating a salary. Your new boss asks how much you want to get (he’s trying to get you to put a price first).
Now use the advice hack.
You say, “Listen, I’m good at what I do, which is why you are hiring me. But you are the pro at managing and negotiating. If you were me how would you negotiate here?”
You can even throw in an anchor bias by saying, “If you were me, how would you negotiate here, given that I’ve heard (say very high number) is a reasonable number.”
You’ve just done several things:
Reaffirmed their status above you (everyone likes that)
Anchored them on a high number (you won’t get it but the number you get is now going to play off a high “anchor”).
Asked them to guide you specifically on how to get what you want. Since they are giving the advice, they won’t deny you once you follow it.
I’ve used this when negotiating with customers, investors, bosses, publishers, even getting podcast guests.
And if I get rejected for something important to me, I use this hack. (“What advice would you give me if I wanted to pitch this again to someone like you?”)
I’ve been using this technique for 25 years.
Yuval Harari (author of Sapiens) told me he didn’t have a smartphone. I drilled him on this and then I’ve been trying it myself ever since.
The average person touches their smart phone 2,600 times a day!
The average person is using their smart phone for 4 hours and 40 minutes a day!
People think it might help with productivity but it doesn’t. Most of the time we’re checking mindless social media, liking Instagram photos, reading useless news, playing games, etc.
I take a book with me when I go out. So I’m now reading and thinking a lot more.
And when I get home I catch up on my emails and social media messages: since I’m focused on it at that point it takes me just a few minutes instead of spreading it out throughout the day.
I probably save two or three hours a day with this one hack. And I read a lot more and enjoy my downtime more (no pressures to respond to messages all day long).
I have more.
Let me ask you for advice!
I want to build up my Instagram presence. Should I post one hack a day on Instagram? I hope you can follow me there because I post lots of hacks there.
This is incredibly useful.
There’s a study that showed that if you say:
“You should pay me more because I will work harder” you are more likely to get a raise than if you just say “You should pay me more.”
People don’t even care what you say after the word “because”. This is the “because placebo”.
If you just say “You should pay me more because you should pay me more” then the results were EXACTLY the same as when you gave a valid reason and still handedly beat out the line “You should pay me more”.
So always use “because” when you are asking for something and you don’t have to have anything after the “because”.
I don’t consider these “life hacks”.
I do these things every day. And I am constantly studying more ways to improve my life.
I love writing. I love doing stand-up comedy. I love succeeding at business and helping people.
I use these tools and many more so I can have more time and opportunities to focus on the things I love.
When I focus on the things I love, I can say I have FREEDOM. The more time per day I am making decisions based on my loves, the more freedom I have.
These “one-minute hacks” give me freedom.
The post One-Minute Life Hacks appeared first on Altucher Confidential.
The post One-Minute Life Hacks was shared from BlogHyped.com.
Source: https://bloghyped.com/one-minute-life-hacks/
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‘The Voice’ Is Great TV. It’s Just Not Always Great For The Winners.
New Post has been published on https://usnewsaggregator.com/arts-culture/the-voice-is-great-tv-its-just-not-always-great-for-the-winners/
‘The Voice’ Is Great TV. It’s Just Not Always Great For The Winners.
Currently in its 13th season, NBC’s “The Voice” seems to have officially cracked the secret reality-TV code and struck gold.
Fresh off a third consecutive Emmy win for outstanding reality-competition program, the show has proved that, six years into its run, it’s still capable of reeling in viewers. Recent ratings rival its debut season; this week, nearly 10 million people in the demographic of viewers ages 18-49 tuned in to watch the Top 8 perform, on par with numbers from season one.
“Whatever the DNA is that’s making it successful, it just hasn’t changed,” the show’s host and executive producer, Carson Daly, told HuffPost. “It still feels like important, special, fresh, eventized, feel-good TV. All those early themes we wanted to roll out into the marketplace have stood as the pillar of what makes the show successful.” 
Those early themes Daly’s talking about center on one primary ideal: giving someone who’s been attempting to break into the music industry the opportunity of a lifetime. Singers of all shapes, sizes, ages, backgrounds, races and gender identities are provided the chance to perform in a blind audition on “The Voice,” during which four superstar coaches (not judges) sit with their backs to the stage, hoping to hear the next Whitney Houston, Justin Timberlake or Taylor Swift. From there, the contestants sing to an audience of at-home viewers eager to vote them into potential stardom. A $100,000 cash prize and a record deal with Republic Records, a subsidiary of Universal Music Group, or, in some cases, with pop and country label Big Machine is on the line. 
“Where else can you come on a show and sing and not be judged on anything but your talent, your voice?” the show’s executive producer Audrey Morrissey told HuffPost. “You’re in one-on-one tutoring with these people who are doing nothing but trying to shine a light on you and give you the fruits of all their experience in a very concentrated time to help you: to help you win the show, to help you win your career, to help you become a better artist. It’s literally priceless. Money can’t buy that.”
Of course, the coaches on “The Voice,” the ones who sit in those massive red chairs that dramatically swivel around at the push of a button, have other motives beyond a desire to “shine a light” on fresh talent.
“They’re making a lot of money, too, so don’t forget about that,” Daly joked.
According to The Wrap, Blake Shelton and Adam Levine each make about $13 million a season. And the show not only gives unknown artists a platform but allows its star coaches one, as well. On primetime TV, they can expand their careers by flaunting family-friendly personalities and premiering new music. Before “The Voice,” for example, longtime coach Shelton had hit after hit on the country music charts with No. 1 songs like “Austin,” “Some Beach” and “All About Tonight.” But since his first stint on the show in 2011, his albums have gained mainstream appeal, with “Red River Blue” and “Bringing Back the Sunshine” both landing at No. 1 on the Billboard 200, at points surpassing the likes of Adele’s “21.”
With all of its addictive goodness, you’d think the artists emerging from “The Voice” would also gain some momentum in the music business. However, the popularity of the show and its celebrity mentors doesn’t necessarily trickle down to the artists the network highlights for months on end. In truth, the show’s 12 winners have produced only five original Top 40 songs and earned one Grammy nomination from 2011 to now. And most of the winners’ singles that ranked on the Hot 100 were either “Voice” performances or original victory songs. Cassadee Pope and Danielle Bradbery are the only artists whose post-“Voice” singles have charted on the list.
Unlike the coaches whose fame continues to flourish, it seems many “Voice” winners fare worse in the great expanses of the fair-weather music industry. The days of Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood ― who, after being crowned the champions of “American Idol” in 2002 and 2005, respectively, went on to earn a combined 10 Grammy Awards ― are gone. Today, “The Voice” might do everything in its power to make sure the viewers who vote are captivated by the show’s talent in-season. But once those artists are thrust into the music world, why do we rarely hear about them post-show?
We do hear about some winners, like Jordan Smith, whose success was personally fostered by executive “Voice” producer Mark Burnett and his wife, Roma Downey. After flawlessly singing Sia’s “Chandelier” to an incredulous row of coaches on the show, he went on to nab three Top 40 hits and three No. 1s on the Hot Christian Songs chart. His first album, “Something Beautiful,” was a critical and commercial success story as it debuted at No. 2 on the Billboard chart in March 2016, right behind “Voice” coach Gwen Stefani’s “This Is What the Truth Feels Like.” Smith sold 54,000 units in the album’s first week, making him the highest-ranking winner of any singing competition series in the last six years. Nine months later, his holiday album, “’Tis the Season,” peaked at No. 11. He has been touring nationwide ever since.
And then there’s Cassadee Pope, who signed to Big Machine after her win. (A source close to the company confirmed to HuffPost that Pope and the label decided to “mutually” part ways this year.) Now in the country domain, the former pop-punk singer has drawn comparisons to alternative vocalists like Avril Lavigne with her radio-primed voice. The season three champ has produced four Top 40 hits, two of those ― “Over You” and “Stupid Boy” ― being “Voice” performances. Her 2013 hit “Wasting All These Tears” landed at No. 37 and has been played more than 19 million times on Spotify. Her debut solo country record, “Frame by Frame,” also scored a No. 9 placement on the Billboard 200 and sold 43,000 copies in its first week. Just this year, Pope was nominated for a Grammy for best country duo/group performance for her song with Chris Young, “Think of You.”
When asked who he thinks truly embodies a “Voice” success story, Daly cited the 28-year-old Florida native. “Cassadee was like a rocker chick in an all-boy band [Hey Monday], almost like Gwen in No Doubt, and she went on Team Blake and now I’ve seen her on red carpets and in Nashville,” he said.
Another notable mention is season four winner Danielle Bradbery, who, although not a mainstream darling, has achieved success in the country music realm. The Houston native was 16 when she won the show and went on to release her self-titled debut album just five months later. Like Pope, Bradbery signed to Big Machine. “We knew she had a chance, and we definitely wanted her if she was going to win,” a Big Machine representative told HuffPost. “That was at the height, when media was just like, ‘The Voice, The Voice, The Voice!’”
“They knew exactly what we needed to do as soon as I was off ‘The Voice,’ and so they flew me to Nashville and got an album cooking,” Bradbery told HuffPost of her experience with her management team. “Everything was really fast, but I knew they knew what they were doing… they had a plan. They got me on the ‘Today’ show right away, and are just big fans of getting the names and faces out there as much as possible and as fast as possible.”
Bradbery’s 2013 single “The Heart of Dixie” peaked at No. 58 on the Hot 100 and performed decently on the Country chart. She toured with Brad Paisley and went on to produce an anthem for the promotional campaign of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi with “My Day.” Bradbery pushed forward with the release of her sophomore album, “I Don’t Believe We’ve Met,” on Dec. 1, and it’s currently No. 41 on the Billboard 200. Her lead single “Sway,” which features more pop-inspired undertones, was released in June and peaked at No. 19 on the Country Digital Songs Sales chart.
“If I’m being honest, I didn’t know much about the whole other side of the music industry that you have to create for yourself and your teams… management, label, booking agents, everything along those lines,” she said. “It was definitely a learning experience every step of the way.”
As it still is for season 12 winner Chris Blue. Instead of rushing forward with his debut album, the R&B singer from Knoxville, Tennessee, is working diligently with his former coach and now manager, Alicia Keys. “I watch Alicia and how she works, and she goes nonstop,” Blue told HuffPost. “After the show and putting in long hours every day, I realized, ‘Hey, this has to continue. This is now my lifestyle. You have to work hard in this business.’”
Daly and Morrissey agree. They say “The Voice” is more of a boot camp than a superstar generator, so if people want to make it in the cutthroat entertainment industry, they’re expected to put their blood, sweat and tears into their own development. Winning, they insist, is hard work.
In fact, the producers never wanted to mimic “Idol,” even if it “blazed a path” for them in the TV landscape, Daly said. “We didn’t really create the show to create a celebrity musician or make people rich and famous. That was never really the goal of the show. We are proud to say that so many of the artists who have been on ‘The Voice’ in any capacity have quit their sandwich-making jobs and are doing well in music. And at the end of the day that’s winning, to us.”
But not every artist who’s deemed “The Voice” triumphs. For every Christian singer like Smith or country fave like Pope and Bradbery, you have a handful of “winners” who enjoy less of the sensation of a post-“Voice” career.
Take, for example, season one runner-up Dia Frampton, who found some success in the early aughts alongside her sister in the indie-rock band Meg & Dia. During her time on “The Voice,” she said, the show, like many other reality programs, attempted to shape and mold its contestants’ stories to attract viewers, not necessarily lifelong fans.
“I was introduced as the children’s book author, which was something I very lightly touched upon when we were doing interviews — that I liked writing children’s books, I liked blogging and writing stories. But that was definitely not the highlight in my own mind,” Frampton explained. “I felt like I said, ‘I love yoga,’ and then it became the highlight, even though that’s just a fun thing I do on Saturday mornings. That was interesting, to kind of have that narrative chosen for me.”
Frampton didn’t see herself as a children’s book author. Nor did she think she’d make it that far on the show. Her “sole intention” behind appearing on “The Voice” was to slip in Meg & Dia stories in hopes of getting the duo back on their feet after they spent all their savings on their 2011 album, “Cocoon.”
“In the moment, we had been dropped from our label, we didn’t have a publicist, we didn’t have money, and I thought, ‘This is our publicity, possibly,’�� she said. “But the band was never mentioned. I mean, I mentioned it, but it was never put on the show.” After Frampton finished second, she was picked up by Universal Republic to kick off a solo career. All the while, her sister Meg was left wondering what could’ve been.
“Honestly, there was aftermath to that decision for years,” Dia said. “I think that last year was the first year I felt normal again with my sister, and that’s been a lot of work on our part… I still feel like I abandoned her in a way, and I struggle to deal with that in trying to be successful. I feel like sometimes I wish to not be successful so that I don’t do well and don’t abandon her again.”
Following her season’s wrap, Dia and her new team whipped together an album in a few months, which she said was pushed on her by the label. ”I felt like the record was rushed to be put out,” she said of 2011’s “Red.” “I was so excited to work with so many different producers that I think I should’ve focused on working with one person who I really loved because the album kind of ended up being a crazy plethora of songs in all different genres.”
Despite that, she insists her time on “The Voice” was a learning experience that led her to open for her coach Shelton and go on tour with James Blunt in China. According to Dia, she thought she’d found her stride when “Red” went double-platinum in parts of Southeast Asia, but shortly after a year of celebrity, she was back to the life of a struggling artist. Now she can’t even go out on tour because she fails to sell enough tickets or make enough money to promote her new album, “Bruises.” She’s currently working at a health food store, making minimum wage, while writing songs for other artists.
“I look back at my time, not so much on ‘The Voice’ but post-‘Voice,’ because I felt like that was such a spike in my career and life… It felt like I was doing everything right and I was going to be OK and I was bearing on what I think was success, and then everything just kind of falls down,” she said, getting emotional. “That’s one thing you have to be prepared for as an artist. You have your ups and you have your downs, and your ups feel so amazing and your downs feel so difficult. And I feel like I am in a bit of a down right now. I feel like I’ve been throwing spaghetti at the wall for so long trying to make something hit, just kind of helping other artists get their voice out when I feel like mine is kind of going deeper and deeper into a hole.”
There’s no sure way to determine why some artists soar after “The Voice” while others fall flat, but it appears a lot has to do with who’s in a contestant’s corner after they graduate from the show. For example, if talent isn’t thoroughly supported by Universal Music Group after a season ends, albums can go unproduced, unpromoted and unsold. Morrissey explained that, at its discretion, the pop-focused Republic Records chooses how many people it wants to pick up once the finale airs. Sometimes it partners with other labels, like Big Machine, if it thinks it’s not the best fit for a specific artist. 
“Pretty much all the winners are picked up,” Morrissey said. “There is choice amongst the label what they do with them, but we, as a television show, once they won, we’re not necessarily personally involved in their careers. We do everything in our power to prop them up, as we can, but that’s when it flips over to, really, the music business.”
“When the baton is passed post-‘Voice,’ there’s some problems,” Levine told Howard Stern in 2015, suggesting that the label “fucks it up” because “no one knows what they’re doing.” He continued, “People take over after we do this great job of building these people up on the show. There’s some real issues there.”
Season eight winner Sawyer Fredericks had an inconvenient experience shortly after being crowned “The Voice” in 2015. The now 18-year-old said he dropped Republic after his first album, “The Good Storm,” was released, over disagreements about his songwriting process. “It was kind of a mutual decision,” Fredericks told HuffPost, explaining that the label had him co-writing the record even though he wanted to pen his own lyrics. “I think it definitely changed my intent for a lot of songs.”
For his sophomore album, “Hide Your Ghost,” the now independent singer-songwriter ― who lives on a farm with his family in upstate New York ― wants to take back control of his sound.
“I wanted the freedom as full producer. Basically, whatever I say happens with the album, and I have the final word for everything… really conveying what I mean in my original work,” he explained.
Fredericks is not the only “Voice” winner to go independent. After the label didn’t fully support his album “Come Through for You,” season one’s Javier Colon voluntarily moved on from Republic. Despite having catchy, potential hits like “Stand Up” (featuring Levine and co-written by Pharrell WIlliams), Colon’s music never got its due.
“I went in with high hopes, as I believe everyone did,” Colon told Buddy TV in 2012. “But when you pour your heart and soul into a new album that you think is really great, and your label who is supposed to support, market and promote your music does neither, it’s really hard not to be upset.”
Season 11’s Alisan Porter decided to part ways with Republic, too. The former child star (“Curly Sue,” “Parenthood”), now 36, initially took to Twitter to share the news that she was going independent.
Not everything worked out perfectly with my “record deal” so I went back to the drawing board. My EP is written and I begin production Fri.
— Alisan Porter (@alisanporter) March 27, 2017
“It just wasn’t the right fit for me,” she told People earlier this year. “I have a really clear vision of who I am, and it might not be the most cookie-cutter commercial radio [vision]… I would much rather be true to myself than to do something that didn’t feel right for me.”
Same goes for season five winner Tessanne Chin. Her debut album with Republic, “Count on My Love,” sold only 7,000 copies in its first week due to what she deems a lack of promotion. Now the 32-year-old Jamaican reggae-R&B singer is signed to the Justice League Music Group. She’s been performing frequently enough, but hasn’t seen the kind of success Pope and Bradbery have.
See also: winners Jermaine Paul, Josh Kaufman, Craig Wayne Boyd and Sundance Head, who have yet to release albums with Republic Records, and perhaps never will.
So, what gives? As more and more singing competition “winners” become “losers,” who’s at fault? And is there anything that can revive the once-sensational reality show dream?
“You can’t blame a record company or management because, I think, in today’s day and age, you can ‘succeed’ and really take off without it because of the tools that are available to you independently,” Daly said. “A hit song is a hit song is a hit song, and I don’t care who sings it. You can ask Charlie Puth or Meghan Trainor; Fall Out Boy did this back in the day without any help from radio. If you have a hit song, it’s going to happen for you. It’s just a matter of time.”
According to a Big Machine rep, it’s sometimes difficult to market “Voice” talent after the show, in part due to their network association. Because “The Voice” is on NBC, other companies, like CBS or ABC, won’t feature the show’s artists. “The networks are so competitive with one another that you need not only a label behind you, [but] you need to make sure the network is behind you and going to support you beyond you just being on their show,” the rep said. “If you’re stuck to only being able to do the ‘Today’ show or ‘Access Hollywood’ or another NBC platform, it’s limiting.”
Morrissey says, record deal or not, “The Voice” tries to highlight former contestants whenever it can. Just this week, Alisan Porter was able to promote her Las Vegas show, “The Voice: Neon Dreams,” which is set to give artists, including Chris Mann (season two), Mary Sarah (season 10), Matthew Schuler (season five) and Matt McAndrew (season seven), a new platform, boosting their profiles once more. “The Voice” also recently highlighted past contestants’ journeys on the web-exclusive series “After The Voice.”
“We do try to keep tabs on them. We do invite them back and have them perform on the show when they’re ready and they have music. To the best of our ability we push all of their work on all our socials. We try to do what we can,” Morrissey said. “It is what it is. We try our best.”
Fredericks, for one, confirmed that “The Voice” producers have kept tabs on him and his career. “I don’t think it’s completely like I’m on my own. They’ve helped out quite a bit, and they’ve offered me to do stuff with the show,” he said. “It’s really fun to go back; it’s like a whole family. And it’s still going! This show, like everything, is just go, go, go.”
The coaches are also a big part of the equation. Bradbery’s former mentor, Shelton, who she called “very genuine,” pays attention to the music she’s releasing. He congratulated her on a recent single, which Bradbery said he does as often as he can. “He definitely keeps everybody that’s been on his team under his wing, which I think is really amazing about him. What you see on TV of Blake is exactly what you’ll get. He’s not fake.”
The same could be said about most of the coaches who attempt to stay in contact with their contestants after “The Voice,” Morrissey said. Levine has signed former artists to his record label, 222, while Keys continues to work and write with Blue.
“Coaches go to a lot of lengths to help people keep growing far more than the public sees. We just don’t really have enough time or way on our show to illustrate that,” Morrissey said. “I’m just thinking about Christina [Aguilera] and Alisan Porter ― they’re still very close and work together. Miley [Cyrus], famously, my God, she keeps in touch with everybody, is texting constantly.”
“It’s more than just a season to them or show or just a moment in time, but they really take on the artists as their own and really care about these individuals,” Blue told HuffPost.
However, it’s not just the winning artists who take their shot in the ruthless world of music post-“Voice.” Throughout every season of the show, hundreds of contestants rotate in and out of the spotlight. Another famous reality show contestant is proof you don’t have to win to win: Jennifer Hudson. She is currently a coach on “The Voice,” but she placed seventh in the 2004 season of “American Idol.” She’s since won a Grammy for her album “Jennifer Hudson,” and Oscar, Golden Globe, British Academy Film and Screen Actors Guild awards for her role as Effie White in 2006’s “Dreamgirls.” Perhaps, with her experience, she can help guide her three eliminated live-show contestants, Davon Fleming, Shi’Ann Jones and Noah Mac, to mainstream success without a crown.
“When she’s looking at them and saying, ‘I’ve been you. I’ve been right where you are. I know how to do this. I know how you’re feeling. I can help you navigate the waters once we’re successful.’ I mean, how do you not take somebody up on that offer? That’s valuable,” Daly said. “And having Kelly [Clarkson] on next season, too, will be the same thing.”
In Clarkson’s mind, making your way to the top of the music charts after appearing on a singing competition show has a lot to do with perseverance. But, of course, luck plays a role, too.
“The question is always, ‘Why does this one make it and why didn’t this one?’ And it’s hard to tell you that because I think if we knew the answer we’d bottle it up and sell it so everybody could make it,” Clarkson told HuffPost. “Jennifer Hudson and I had this talk when I worked with her recently. We were both like, ‘You know, it’s really not even winning.’ Like she’s the best example of that. It’s taking that opportunity, making something of it and being OK with the fact that it might not be exactly what you thought it was going to be.”
We’ve seen that sort of attitude with “Voice” contestants like RaeLynn, who, at 23, is now one of the most sought-after songwriters in Nashville after being eliminated in the quarterfinals of season two. Her debut album, “Wildhorse,” hit No. 1 on Billboard’s Country Albums Chart and landed within the Top 10 on the All-Genre Album Sales Chart in 2017. This success, though, came after she left Big Machine and joined forces with Warner Music Nashville, which helped her sink into who she wanted to be as an artist. Under its guidance, she wrote “Love Triangle,” which garnered her a whole lot of attention for its raw and honest lyrics about being a child of divorce.
“Within a week, I had so many other writers who wanted to write with me because of that song,” RaeLynn told Billboard. “It goes to show a great song is what can change a lot for you, and that’s what that song did for me.”
RaeLynn credited Nashville as a pivotal environment. This might explain why a select few winners have flourished when they focused on Music City.  
“Everybody knows everybody, and when they find out there’s a new artist that’s great, everybody is going to support them,” she said. “They don’t just support artists who’ve already made it. They want to support new artists, and I think that’s so special.”
And it seems country music listeners want to support emerging artists, as well. A source close to “The Voice” told HuffPost that voting during the show typically takes off in local markets when there’s a particularly moving performance. For example, when Sundance Head advanced in the competition, “The Voice” saw a huge spike in voters from Texas.
“A lot of people who haven’t won the show [and are successful] are just people from Team Blake… He’s from that world and they take care of their own, no doubt about it,” Daly said, mentioning acts like RaeLynn, the Swon Brothers and Gwen Sebastian, who toured with Shelton and wrote three songs on Miranda Lambert’s latest critically acclaimed album, “The Weight of These Wings.”
Ultimately, Clarkson believes no singing competition winner should ever feel like they’re automatically going to be a superstar with a dozen No. 1s. “That’s a level of entitlement that’s going to end up not really working out well,” she advised.
“TV is so powerful, right? Use that platform and use that stage to really showcase what you have, and then use that opportunity to meet as many people as you can meet. That’s all we can really do because there’s no rhyme or reason to why some of us make it and some of us don’t. We all work hard. But some of it is the aligning of the stars.”
Even with the ups and downs, most if not all of the contestants HuffPost spoke to had nothing but fond memories from their time on “The Voice,” and credited the show for giving them a place to shine.
“I loved it as a learning experience, and I’m happy I did it,” Fredericks said. Bradbery and Blue expressed similar sentiments. “If it wasn’t for ‘The Voice,’ I’d be home doing regular stuff, so it was probably the biggest high moment of my whole entire life,” Bradbery said. “It’s been amazing.”
“‘The Voice’ is a really great concept,” Frampton said. “At first, I honestly thought, ‘OK, this has to be rigged. Somebody has to tell the coaches to turn around for certain people.’ But going through the show and seeing the process, I truly believe that it is very genuine.”
Despite the inconsistent track record, the hope for post-show success persists. “The Voice” is expected to continue running two cycles a year until ratings dip (which likely won’t happen anytime soon). Daly said that because there’s so much content out there, in order to stay relevant you have to be on top of your game. “There’s very little appointment viewing,” he said. “If you go away too long, you run the risk of just like falling into oblivion. There’s a successful Mark Burnett competition reality program [‘Survivor’] that’s been on twice a year on CBS for 35 seasons, and it works!”
Daly and Morrissey also know their show is entertaining a robust audience and fills that feel-good void on TV. Because when it comes down to it, the winners of “The Voice” are the network, the coaches and, undoubtedly, the devoted fans who get to see a produced version of the American Dream play out before them. They might not be tuning in to vote for album sales or chart appearances, but they’re glued to their seats in anticipation of each season’s climax.
Win or lose, prevailing after “The Voice,” like any other talent show, is the luck of the draw. But who knows? With a younger, more pop-rock-inspired crop of season 13 finalists (including Brooke Simpson, 26, Chloe Kohanski, 23, and Addison Agen, 16), the future winner could fare better. There’s still a country singer in the mix, though, ahead of next week’s finale, 40-year-old Red Marlow. Will a Tennessee crooner reign supreme once again? If we had to guess, we’d say yes.
UPDATE: (Dec. 20) ― Rock-pop singer Chloe Kohanski was crowned Season 13′s “The Voice.” With that, her coach, Blake Shelton, secured his sixth win.   
Additional reporting by Lauren Moraski. 
CORRECTION: A previous version of this story misstated the title of Stefani’s album. It is “This Is What the Truth Feels Like” not “What the Truth Feels Like.”
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1000 Palavras Mais Usadas em Inglês
http://tinyurl.com/kb44wkk A tabela completa está disposta da seguinte forma: # é a posição da palavra na ordem da mais usada (1) até a menos usada (1000), palavra, pronúncia (com áudio) e tradução. Confira:
# Palavra Pronúncia Tradução 1 the dhâ o, a, os, as 2 of âv de 3 to tuu para 4 and énd e 5 a â um, uma 6 in ên em, dentro 7 is ês é 8 it êt este 9 you yuu você 10 that dhét que, aquele 11 he rrii ele 12 was uós era, estava 13 for fór por, para 14 on ón em 15 are ar são, estão 16 with uêdh com 17 as és como, enquanto 18 I ai eu 19 his rrês seu 20 they dhei eles 21 be bii ser, estar 22 at ét em 23 one uân um 24 have rrév ter 25 this dhês este 26 from frâm de 27 or ór ou 28 had rréd tinha 29 by bai por, em 30 hot rrat quente 31 word uâd palavra 32 but bât mas 33 what uót o-que 34 some sâm algum 35 we uii nós 36 can kén pode, lata 37 out aut fora 38 other âdhâr outro 39 were uâr eram, esavam 40 all ól todo 41 there thér lá 42 when uen quando 43 up âp para-cima 44 use iuz usar 45 your yór seu 46 how rráu como, quão 47 said séd disse 48 an én um, uma 49 each iich cada 50 she shii ela 51 which uêtch qual 52 do duu fazer, mesmo 53 their thér seus 54 time taim tempo, hora 55 if êf se 56 will uêl vai, vontade 57 way uei caminho, jeito 58 about âbaut sobre, quase 59 many méni muitos 60 then dhên então 61 them dhêm deles 62 write rait escrever 63 would uôd deveria 64 like laik como, gostar 65 so sôu assim, tão 66 these dhiiz estes 67 her rrâr dela 68 long lóng longo 69 make meik fazer 70 thing thêng coisa 71 see sii ver 72 him rrêm dele 73 two tuu dois, duas 74 has rrés tem 75 look lôk olhar 76 more mór mais 77 day dei dia 78 could côd poderia 79 go gôu ir 80 come câm vir 81 did dêd fez, mesmo 82 number nâmbâr número 83 sound saund som 84 no nou não 85 most moust mais, maior 86 people piipâl pessoas, povo 87 my mai meu 88 over ouvâr sobre, acima-de 89 know nou saber 90 water uóttâr água 91 than dhén que 92 call cól chamar 93 first fârst primeiro 94 who rruu que 95 may mei maio, pode 96 down daun baixo 97 side said lado 98 been bên sido, estado 99 now nau agora 100 find faind encontrar 101 any éni qualquer 102 new nuu novo 103 work uârk trabalho 104 part part parte 105 take teik pegar 106 get ghét ficar 107 place pleis lugar 108 made meid feito 109 live lêv, laiv viver, vivo 110 where uér onde 111 after éftâr após 112 back bék atrás, costas 113 little lêttâl pequeno, pouco 114 only ounli somente 115 round raund redondo, rodada 116 man mén homem 117 year yiir ano 118 came keim chegado 119 show shou mostrar 120 every evri cada 121 good gôd bom 122 me mii me, eu 123 give ghêv dar 124 our ar nosso 125 under ândâr sob 126 name neim nome 127 very véri muito, absoluto 128 through thruu através-de 129 just jâst justo, só 130 form fórm forma, formulário 131 sentence sêntâns sentença 132 great greit ótimo, excelente, grande 133 think thênk pensar 134 say sei dizer 135 help rrêlp ajudar 136 low lou baixo 137 line lain linha, fila 138 differ dêfâr diferir 139 turn târn tornar, vez 140 cause cóz causa 141 much mâtch muito 142 mean miin meio, significar 143 before bêfór antes 144 move muuv movimento 145 right rait direito 146 boy bói garoto 147 old ould velho 148 too tuu também 149 same seim mesmo 150 tell têl contar 151 does dâz faz, mesmo 152 set sêt conjunto, fixar 153 three thrii três 154 want uânt querer 155 air ér ar 156 well uel bem, poço 157 also ólsou também 158 play plei peça, tocar 159 small smól pequeno 160 end ênd fim, finalizar 161 put pôt por 162 home rroum casa 163 read riid ler, lido 164 hand rrénd mão 165 port pórt porto 166 large larj grande 167 spell spêl soletrar, encanto 168 add éd adicionar 169 even iivân mesmo 170 land lénd terra 171 here rriir aqui 172 must mâst dever 173 big bêg grande 174 high rrai alto 175 such sâtch tal 176 follow falou seguir 177 act ékt ato, agir 178 why uai por-que 179 ask ésk pedir, perguntar 180 men mên homens 181 change tcheinj mudar 182 went uent foi 183 light lait leve, luz 184 kind kaind bom, tipo 185 off óf por, desligado 186 need niid precisar 187 house rraus casa 188 picture pêktchâr foto, filme 189 try trai tentar 190 us âs nos 191 again âghein de-novo 192 animal énâmâl animal 193 point point ponto 194 mother mâdhâr mãe 195 world uârld mundo 196 near niir perto 197 build bêld construir 198 self self próprio, ego 199 earth ârth terra 200 father fódhâr pai 201 head rred cabeça 202 stand sténd permanecer, de-pé, banca 203 own oun próprio 204 page peij página 205 should shôd deveria 206 country cântri país 207 found faund encontrado, fundar 208 answer énsâr resposta 209 school skool escola 210 grow grou crescer 211 study stâdi estudo 212 still stêl até, calmo 213 learn lârn aprender 214 plant plént planta, fábrica 215 cover câvâr cobrir 216 food fuud comida 217 sun sân sol 218 four fór quatro 219 between bituiin entre 220 state steit estado 221 keep kiip guardar 222 eye ai olho 223 never nevâr nunca 224 last lést último, durar 225 let let deixar 226 thought thót pensamento, pensado 227 city cêtti cidade 228 tree trii árvore 229 cross crós cruz, cruzar 230 farm farm fazenda 231 hard rrard duro 232 start start começar 233 might mait poder, poderia 234 story stóri estória, andar(prédio) 235 saw só viu, serra 236 far far longe 237 sea sii mar 238 draw dró arrastar, empate 239 left left esquerda, deixado 240 late leit tarde 241 run rân correr 242 don't dount não 243 while uail enquanto 244 press pres pressão, imprensa 245 close clous fechar 246 night nait noite 247 real riil real 248 life laif vida 249 few fiu alguns 250 north nórth norte 251 open oupân aberto 252 seem siim parecer 253 together tâghedhâr juntos 254 next next próximo 255 white uait branco 256 children tchêldrân crianças 257 begin bêghên começar 258 got gat ficado 259 walk uók andar 260 example igzémpâl exemplo 261 ease iiz facilitar 262 paper peipâr papel 263 group grup grupo 264 always óluêz sempre 265 music miuzêk música 266 those dhouz aqueles 267 both bouth ambos 268 mark mark marcar 269 often ófân muitas-vezes 270 letter lettâr letra, carta 271 until ântêl até 272 mile mail milha 273 river rêvâr rio 274 car car carro 275 feet fiit pés 276 care kér cuidado 277 second secând segundo 278 book bôk livro 279 carry kéri carregar 280 took tôk pego 281 science sains ciência 282 eat iit comer 283 room ruum cômodo, quarto 284 friend frend amigo 285 sight sait visão 286 began bêgén começado 287 idea aidiia idéia 288 fish fêsh peixe, pescar 289 mountain mauntân montanha 290 stop stap parar 291 once uâns uma-vez 292 base beis base 293 hear rriir ouvir 294 horse rrórs cavalo 295 cut cât cortar 296 sure shôr certo 297 watch uótch assistir, relógio 298 color câlâr cor, colorir 299 face feis rosto 300 wood uôd madeira 301 main mein principal 302 enough inâf bastante 303 plain plein plano, simples 304 girl gârl garota 305 usual iuzhuâl usual, comum 306 young yâng jovem 307 ready riidi pronto 308 above âbâv acima 309 ever evâr sempre, já 310 red red vermelho 311 list lêst lista 312 though thou apesar-de 313 feel fiiól sentir, sentimendo 314 talk tók conversar 315 bird bârd pássaro 316 soon suun logo 317 body baddi corpo 318 dog dóg cachorro 319 family fémâli família 320 direct dârekt direto 321 pose pouz posição 322 leave liiv deixar 323 song sóng canção 324 measure mejâr medida 325 door dór porta 326 product pradâkt produto 327 black blék negro 328 short shórt curto 329 numeral nuumârâl numeral 330 class clés classe 331 wind uênd vento 332 question quéschân questão, pergunta 333 happen rrépân acontecer 334 complete câmpliit completo 335 ship shêp navio, embarcar 336 area ériiâ área 337 half rréf metade 338 rock rak roque, rocha 339 order órdâr ordem, pedido 340 fire fair fogo, incêndio, despedir 341 south sauth sul 342 problem prablâm problema 343 piece piis peça, pedaço 344 told tould contado 345 knew nuu sabido 346 pass pés passar 347 since sêns desde 348 top tap topo, principal 349 whole rroul inteiro 350 king kêng rei 351 space speis espaço 352 heard rrârd ouvido 353 best best melhor 354 hour aur hora 355 better bettâr melhor 356 true truu verdadeiro 357 during duurêng durante 358 hundred rrândrâd cem 359 five faiv cinco 360 remember rimembâr lembrar 361 step step passo 362 early ârli cedo 363 hold rrould guardar 364 west uest oeste 365 ground graund terra, amolado 366 interest êntrâst interesse, juros 367 reach riitch alcançar 368 fast fést rápido 369 verb vârb verbo 370 sing sêng cantar 371 listen lêssân ouvir 372 six sêks seis 373 table teibâl mesa, tabela 374 travel trévâl viajar 375 less les menos 376 morning mórnên manhã 377 ten ten dez 378 simple sêmpâl simples 379 several sevrâl vários 380 vowel vaul vogal 381 toward tuuard para 382 war uar guerra 383 lay lei deitar, amador 384 against âghenst contra 385 pattern péttârn padrão 386 slow slou devagar 387 center centâr centro 388 love lâv amor, amar 389 person pârsân pessoa 390 money mâni dinheiro 391 serve sârv servir 392 appear âpiir aparecer 393 road roud estrada 394 map mép mapa 395 rain rein chuva 396 rule ruul régua, regra 397 govern gâvârn governar 398 pull pôl puxar 399 cold could frio 400 notice nottâs aviso 401 voice vois voz 402 unit iunât unidade 403 power pauâr poder, força 404 town taun municipal 405 fine fain bom, excelente 406 certain sârtân certo 407 fly flai voar, mosca 408 fall fól cair, queda, outono 409 lead liid levar, chumbo 410 cry crai choro, chorar 411 dark dark escuro 412 machine mâshiin máquina 413 note nout anotar 414 wait ueit esperar 415 plan plén plano 416 figure fêghiâr figura, imaginar 417 star star estrela 418 box baks caixa 419 noun naun substantivo 420 field fiild campo 421 rest rest resto, descanso 422 correct cârekt correto 423 able eibâl capaz 424 pound paund libra 425 done dân feito 426 beauty biutti beleza 427 drive draiv direção, dirigir 428 stood stud permanecido 429 contain cântein conter 430 front frânt frente 431 teach tiitch ensinar 432 week uiik semana 433 final fainâl final 434 gave gheiv dado 435 green griin verde 436 oh ou ó 437 quick quêk rápido 438 develop dêvelâp desenvolver 439 ocean oushân oceano 440 warm uórm quente 441 free frii livre, grátis 442 minute mênât minuto 443 strong stróng forte 444 special speshâl especial 445 mind maind mente, importar-se 446 behind bêrraind atrás 447 clear cliir claro 448 tail teil rabo 449 produce prâdus produção 450 fact fékt fato 451 street striit rua 452 inch êntch polegada 453 multiply mâltâplai multiplicar 454 nothing nâthêng nada 455 course córs curso 456 stay stei ficar 457 wheel uiil roda 458 full fôl cheio 459 force fórs força, forçar 460 blue bluu azul 461 object âbjêkt objeto 462 decide dêsaid decidir 463 surface sârfâs superficie 464 deep diip profundo 465 moon muun lua 466 island ailând ilha 467 foot fuut pé 468 system sêstâm sistema 469 busy bêzi ocupado 470 test test teste 471 record recârd recorde, gravar, registro 472 boat bout barco 473 common camân comum 474 gold gould ouro 475 possible pasâbâl possível 476 plane plein avião 477 stead sted local 478 dry drai seco 479 wonder uândâr admirar 480 laugh léf rir 481 thousand thauzând mil 482 ago âgou atrás 483 ran rén corrido 484 check tchek cheque, checagem 485 game gheim jogo 486 shape sheip forma 487 equate iiqueit equacionar 488 miss mês sentir, senhorita 489 brought brót trazido 490 heat rriit calor 491 snow snou neve 492 tire tair pneu, cansar 493 bring brêng trazer 494 yes yes sim 495 distant dêstânt distante 496 fill fêl encher 497 east iist leste 498 paint peint pintar 499 language lénguêj língua 500 among âmâng entre 501 grand grénd grandioso 502 ball ból bola 503 yet yet ainda, já 504 wave ueiv onda 505 drop drap gota 506 heart rrórt coração 507 am ém sou, estou 508 present prezânt presente 509 heavy rrevi pesado 510 dance déns dança 511 engine enjân motor 512 position pâzêshãn posição 513 arm arm braço 514 wide uaid amplo 515 sail seil vela(navio) 516 material mâtiiriâl material 517 size saiz tamanho 518 vary véri variar 519 settle settâl estabelecer 520 speak spiik falar 521 weight ueit peso 522 general jenral general, geral 523 ice ais gelo 524 matter méttâr matéria, importar-se 525 circle sârkâl círculo 526 pair pér par 527 include ênclud incluir 528 divide dêvaid dividir 529 syllable sêlâbâl sílaba 530 felt feólt sentido 531 perhaps pârhépps talvez 532 pick pêk escolher, apanhar 533 sudden sâdân imprevisto 534 count caunt contar, contagem, conde 535 square squér quadrado, praça 536 reason riizân razão 537 length lenth comprimento 538 represent reprêzent representar 539 art art arte 540 subject sâbjêkt sujeito, assunto 541 region riijân região 542 energy enârji energia 543 hunt rrânt caçar 544 probable prabâbâl provável 545 bed bed cama 546 brother brâdhâr irmão 547 egg eg ovo 548 ride raid passeio 549 cell ceól cela, célula 550 believe bêliiv acreditar 551 fraction frécshân fração 552 forest fórâst floresta 553 sit sêt sentar 554 race reis raça, corrida 555 window uêndou janela 556 store stór armazém 557 summer sâmâr verão 558 train trêin trem, treinar 559 sleep sliip dormir 560 prove pruuv provar 561 lone loun só 562 leg leg perna 563 exercise eksârsaiz exercício 564 wall uól parede 565 catch kétch pegar 566 mount maunt monte, montar 567 wish uêsh desejo 568 sky skai céu 569 board bórd quadro 570 joy jói alegria 571 winter uênttâr inverno 572 sat sét sentado 573 written rêtân escrito 574 wild uaild selvagem 575 instrument ênstrâmânt instrumento 576 kept kept guardado 577 glass glés vidro 578 grass grés grama 579 cow cau vaca 580 job jáb trabalho, jó 581 edge ej canto 582 sign sain sinal 583 visit vêzât visita 584 past pést passado 585 soft saft macio 586 fun fân alegria 587 bright brait claro 588 gas ghés gás, gasolina 589 weather uedhâr tempo 590 month mânt mês 591 million mêliân milhão 592 bear bér urso, carregar 593 finish fênish fim, finalizar 594 happy rrépi feliz 595 hope rroup esperança 596 flower flauâr flor 597 clothe cloudh vestir 598 strange streindj estranho 599 gone gón ido 600 jump jâmp pular 601 baby beibi bebê 602 eight eit oito 603 village vêlâj vila 604 meet miit encontrar 605 root ruut raiz 606 buy bai comprar 607 raise reiz levantar 608 solve soulv resolver 609 metal mettâl metal 610 whether uedhâr se 611 push pôsh empurrar, iniciativa 612 seven sevân sete 613 paragraph pérâgréf parágrafo 614 third thârd terceiro 615 shall shél vai 616 held rreld guardado 617 hair rrér cabelo 618 describe dêcraib descrever 619 cook côk cozinhar 620 floor flór chão, derrotar 621 either aidhâr um, ou outro, também 622 result rêzâlt resultado 623 burn bârn queimar 624 hill rrêl colina 625 safe seif seguro, cofre 626 cat két gato 627 century centri século 628 consider cânsêdâr considerar 629 type taip tipo, datilografar 630 law ló lei 631 bit bêt pouco, broca 632 coast coust costa, litoral 633 copy capi copiar 634 phrase freiz frase 635 silent sailânt silencio 636 tall tól alto(pessoa) 637 sand sénd areia 638 soil sóil solo 639 roll rôl giro, lista 640 temperature temprâchâr temperatura 641 finger fêngâr dedo 642 industry êndâstri indústria 643 value véliu valor 644 fight fait luta 645 lie lai deitar, mentir 646 beat biit bater 647 excite iksait instigar 648 natural nétchârâl natural 649 view viu vista 650 sense sens sentido 651 ear iir orelha, espiga 652 else els outro 653 quite quait muito 654 broke brouk quebrado 655 case keis caso, embalagem 656 middle mêdâl meio 657 kill kêl matar 658 son sân filho 659 lake leik lago 660 moment moumânt momento 661 scale skeil escada, escala, escama 662 loud laud alto(som) 663 spring sprêng primavera, mola 664 observe âbzârv observar 665 child tchaild criança 666 straight streit reto 667 consonant cansânânt consoante 668 nation neishân nação 669 dictionary dêkshânâri dicionário 670 milk mêlk leite 671 speed spiid velocidade 672 method méthâd método 673 organ órgân órgão 674 pay pei pagar 675 age eij idade 676 section sekshân seção 677 dress dres vestido 678 cloud claud nuvem 679 surprise sârpraiz surpresa 680 quiet quait quieto 681 stone stoun pedra 682 tiny taini minúsculo 683 climb claim escalar 684 cool cuul frio 685 design dêzain desenho 686 poor pôr pobre 687 lot lót muito, lote 688 experiment eksperâmânt experimento 689 bottom battâm baixo 690 key kii chave 691 iron airn ferro 692 single sêngâl só, solteiro 693 stick stêk vareta, fincar 694 flat flét achatado, plano 695 twenty tuenti vinte 696 skin skên pele 697 smile smail sorriso 698 crease criis ruga 699 hole rroul buraco 700 trade treid comércio 701 melody melâdi melodia 702 trip trêp viajar, passeio 703 office afâs escritório, função 704 receive riciiv receber 705 row rou remar, fila 706 mouth mauth boca 707 exact igzéct exato 708 symbol sêmbâl símbol 709 die dai morrer 710 least liist menos 711 trouble trâbâl preocupação 712 shout shaut gritar 713 except êkscept exceto 714 wrote rout escrito 715 seed siid semente 716 tone toun tom 717 join join juntar 718 suggest sâgjest sugerir 719 clean cliin limpo 720 break breik quebrar 721 lady leidi dama 722 yard yard jarda, quintal 723 rise raiz levantar 724 bad béd mal 725 blow blou assoprar 726 oil oil óleo, petróleo 727 blood blâd sangue 728 touch tâtch tocar 729 grew gruu crescido 730 cent cent centavo 731 mix mêks mistura 732 team tiim grupo 733 wire uair arame 734 cost cóst custo 735 lost lóst perdido 736 brown braun marrom 737 wear uér usar 738 garden gardân jardim 739 equal iiquâl igual 740 sent sent enviado 741 choose tchuuz escolher 742 fell fel caido 743 fit fêt ajustado 744 flow flou correr, corrente 745 fair fér feira, claro 746 bank bénk banco 747 collect câlect recolher, pagar 748 save seiv salvar 749 control cântroul controle 750 decimal dêsêmâl decimal 751 gentle jentâl gentil 752 woman uômân mulher 753 captain képtân capitão 754 practice précttâs prática 755 separate sepârât separado 756 difficult dêfêcâlt difícil 757 doctor dactâr doutor 758 please pliiz por-favor, agradar 759 protect prâtect proteger 760 noon nuun meio-dia 761 whose rruuz cujo 762 locate loukeit localizar 763 ring rêng anel, tocar 764 character kérêktâr caráter, personagem 765 insect ênsect inseto 766 caught cót pego 767 period pêriiâd período 768 indicate êndêkeit indicar 769 radio reidiiou rádio 770 spoke spouk falado, raio 771 atom étâm átomo 772 human rriumân humano 773 history rrêstâri história 774 effect êfect efeito 775 electric êlektrêk elétrico 776 expect ikspekt esperar 777 crop crap colheita 778 modern madârn moderno 779 element elêmânt elemento 780 hit rrêt acertar 781 student stuudânt estudante 782 corner córnâr esquina 783 party party partido, festa 784 supply sâplai suprir 785 bone boun osso 786 rail reil grade, trilho 787 imagine êmédjân imaginar 788 provide prâvaid fornecer 789 agree âgrii concordar 790 thus dhâs assim 791 capital képêtâl capital 792 won't uount não-vai 793 chair tchér cadeira 794 danger deindjâr perigo 795 fruit fruut fruta 796 rich rêtch rico 797 thick thêk grosso 798 soldier souldjãr soldado 799 process prouces processo 800 operate apâreit operar 801 guess ghes adivinhar 802 necessary nesâséri necessário 803 sharp sharp agudo, sustenido 804 wing uêng asa 805 create crieit criar 806 neighbor neibâr vizinho 807 wash uósh lavar 808 bat bét morcego, bastão 809 rather raadhâr de-preferência 810 crowd craud multidão 811 corn córn milho 812 compare câmpér comparar 813 poem pouêm poema 814 string strêng corda 815 bell beól sino 816 depend dêpend depender 817 meat miit carne 818 rub râb esfregar 819 tube tuub tubo, tv 820 famous feimâs famoso 821 stream striim corrente 822 fear fiir medo, temer 823 thin thên fino, magro 824 triangle traiéngâl triângulo 825 planet plénât planeta 826 hurry rrâri pressa 827 chief chiif chefe 828 clock clak relógio 829 mine main meu, mina 830 tie tai amarrar 831 enter enttâr entrar 832 major meidjâr maior, major 833 fresh fresh fresco 834 search sârtch buscar 835 send send enviar 836 yellow yelou amarelo 837 gun gân arma 838 rose rouz rosa, levantado 839 allow âlau permitir 840 print prênt imprimir 841 dead ded morto 842 spot spat ponto 843 desert dêzârt deserto 844 suit suut terno 845 current cârânt atual 846 lift lêft levantar 847 continue cântêniu continuar 848 block blak bloco 849 chart tchart gráfico 850 hat rrét chapéu 851 sell sel vender 852 success sâkses sucesso 853 company câmpâni companhia, empresa 854 subtract sâbtréct subtrair 855 event ivent evento 856 particular partêkiâlar especial 857 deal diil negócio 858 term târm termo, período 859 opposite apâzât oposto 860 wife uaif esposa 861 shoe shuu sapato 862 shoulder shouldâr ombro 863 spread spred espalhar 864 arrange âreindj arranjar 865 camp kémp campo 866 invent ênvent inventar 867 cotton catân algodão 868 born bórn nascido 869 determine dêtârmân determinar 870 quart quórt quarto(medida) 871 nine nain nove 872 truck trâk caminhão 873 noise nóiz barulho 874 level levâl nível 875 chance tchéns chance, acaso 876 gather ghédhâr juntar 877 shop shap loja 878 stretch stretch alcance 879 throw throu arremessar 880 shine shain brilhar 881 property prapâtti propriedade 882 column calâm coluna 883 molecule malêkiul molécula 884 select sêlect selecionar 885 wrong róng errado 886 gray grei cinza 887 repeat rêpiit repetir 888 require rêquair exigir 889 broad bród amplo 890 prepare prêpér preparar 891 salt sólt sal 892 nose nouz nariz 893 plural plôrâl plural 894 anger éngâr raiva 895 claim cleim clamar 896 continent cantânânt continente 897 oxygen aksêdjân oxigênio 898 sugar shuugâr açúcar 899 death deth morte 900 pretty prêti belo, muito 901 skill skêl habilidade 902 women uêmân mulheres 903 season seezân estação 904 solution sâlushân solução 905 magnet mégnât imã 906 silver sêlvãr prata 907 thank thénk agradecer 908 branch brénch galho 909 match métch competição, fósforo 910 suffix sâfêks sufixo 911 especially êspeshâli especialmente 912 fig fêg figo 913 afraid âfreid com-medo 914 huge rriudj grande, enorme 915 sister sêstâr irmã 916 steel stiil aço 917 discuss dêscâs discutir 918 dollar dalâr dólar 919 forward fóruârd adiante, passar adiante 920 similar sêmâlãr semelhante 921 guide gaid guia, guiar 922 experience êkspiiriâns experiência 923 score scór placar, duas-dezenas 924 apple épâl maçã 925 bought bót comprado 926 led led levado 927 colony calâni colonia 928 pitch pêtch piche, arremeço 929 coat cout casaco 930 mass més massa, missa 931 card card cartão 932 band bénd banda 933 rope roup corda 934 slip slêp escorregar 935 win uên ganhar 936 dream driim sonho 937 evening iivnêng noite 938 condition cândêshân condição 939 feed fiid alimentar 940 tool tuul ferramenta 941 total toutãl total 942 basic beisêk básico 943 smell smel cheiro 944 valley véli vale 945 nor nór nem 946 double dâbâl dobro 947 seat siit assento 948 arrive âraiv chegar 949 master méstâr mestre 950 track trék trilha 951 parent pérânt pais 952 shore shór praia 953 division dêvêzhân divisão 954 sheet shiit folha, lençol 955 substance sâbstâns substância 956 favor feivâr favor, favorecer 957 connect cânect conectar 958 post poast pós, posto 959 spend spend gastar 960 swim suêm nadar 961 chord córd acorde 962 fat fét gordo 963 glad gléd contente 964 original ârêdjânâl original 965 share shér parte 966 station steishân estação 967 dad déd papai 968 bread bréd pão 969 charge chardj carga, cobrança 970 proper prapâr próprio 971 bar bar bar, barra 972 offer afêr oferecer 973 segment segmânt segmento 974 slave sleiv escravo 975 duck dâk pato, mergulhar 976 instant ênstânt instante 977 market markât mercado 978 degree dêgrii grau 979 populate papiâleit povoar 980 chick tchêk pintinho 981 dear diir querido 982 enemy enâmi inimigo 983 reply rêplai resposta 984 drink drênk bebida 985 occur âcâr ocorrer 986 support sâpórt apoiar 987 speech spiitch discurso 988 nature neitchâr natureza 989 range reindj alcance, pastagem 990 steam stiim vapor 991 motion moushân movimento 992 path péth caminho 993 liquid lêquâd líquido 994 log lóg lenha, diário 995 meant ment significado 996 quotient quoshânt quociente 997 teeth tiith dentes 998 shell shel concha 999 neck nek pescoço 1000 dessert dêssârt sobremesa
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