#like do u think they did those v line hip folds on purpose....
rustpuppy · 1 month
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love how this scene is shot. all the weapons surrounding them. love lionel as the devil on his shoulder (right side the one in shadow) and that it ends there without showing if lex takes the drink or not. sometimes smallville is good
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gumnut-logic · 3 years
The Cane (Part 4)
@flyboytracy​​​ asked:
Steampunk AU: five uses for a cane and one time Scott used it for its intended purpose 😘
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Aaargh, those migraines messed with my muse on this one. Had to fight it the entire way and the cane reference is tiny. Hope you enjoy it anyway ::hugs to all::
Many thanks to @janetm74​​​ @tsarinatorment​​​ and @scribbles97​​​ for all their help and amazing support of my crazy. And to @flyboytracy​​​ for asking in the first place.
This be Steampunk AU with a mix of John snark, a little bit of wee!Tracys in a little bit of peril, some selfless Scott, and a reason you don’t want to mess with Five or her pilot.
“This is very inconvenient.”
Scott stared at his brother in the dim light. “Is that an attempt at impersonating Lady Penelope?”
John stared back, dust drifting haphazardly off his hard helmet and goggles. “As you’ve said many times yourself, there is no use in panicking.”
He had to give his brother that. A sigh and he assessed their situation yet again, shining his torch about the space they found themselves in.
They were in a basement. It was likely that they were lucky, as all indications were that if they had been in any other part of the building, they would not be having this conversation or any other any time in the future. The basement had a wall of solid bedrock on one side, the building having been constructed with that in mind with half the plumbing bolted into the rock. Unfortunately, the rest of the structure had been built on sand, which promptly liquified when the earthquake hit.
Speaking of earthquake. “How long do you think before the next aftershock?”
John pulled out his notebook, took a note of the time on the watch he had strapped to his wrist, and scribbled down some math. “They are very unpredictable, but I’m hoping this last big one will give us some time. Or at least, Virgil some time to dig us out.”
Scott fiddled with his transmitter unit. There was no response on any frequency he attempted. Either the equipment was broken or something was stopping the signal from reaching his brothers. John had already pulled his apart and attempted a signal boost with no success.
They were both covered in dust, but fortunately uninjured.
But, for the moment, they were stuck.
Scott was not very good at sitting still.
“We may as well rest so we can be ready when needed.”
Scott grunted.
His brother ignored him and wiped off a large chunk of masonry with one leather-gloved hand and sat down. “You know Virgil will find us.”
Another grunt.
“Sit down, Scott. You can afford to take a minute to rest.”
He let out a breath and bit his lip, but with a sigh, he did as his brother asked.
There was silence for a moment, broken only by the sound of dust and rock settling.
“Why did you come back in?” John’s voice was crisp, clear and calm.
“You were in here.” Obviously.
“But now both of us are trapped, whereas if you had run like you should have, you could be assisting Virgil to dig me out.”
Scott’s lips thinned. What had been his line of thinking? Had there been a line of thinking? To be honest, all he could recall was the thought that John was under a building that was about to collapse and he needed saving.
His voice was a little rough. “Virgil will get us out.”
“Hmm.” John was not looking at him.
“What did you expect me to do? Leave you here to die?”
Aquamarine turned calmly to catch his eyes. “Better than both of us.”
“We’re not dead.”
“Pure chance.”
John was always ever so direct.
“But important nonetheless.”
John sighed. “Reminds me of the well.”
Scott eyed him. “Really? You’re going to bring that up again?”
“Eternally, my dear brother.” John’s smirk was exceedingly annoying. “Besides, it passes the time.”
“I would rather spend time finding a way out of here.” Scott shot to his feet and began pacing around the space they were stuck in.
“If you disturb something that brings the rest of the building down on us, I’m haunting you until the end of time.”
Scott slumped a little. His brother was right. Messing with the fragile pile was just asking for trouble. They were lucky to have room to breathe, much less walk around.
“This is the reason why you ended up in the well, Scott. You haven’t changed in twenty odd years.”
Scott glared at him. His little brother had been six at the time, Scott only ten. The two of them had gone beyond the borders of the Tracy farm in Kansas and into land they shouldn’t have. They were exploring. John, as always, was a little more cautious, but Scott was ever running ahead.
It was rather ironic that it was John who fell in the well.
It wasn’t long dug, but the planks covering it were flimsy and the winds from the previous day had obscured them. John had gone through them as if the planet had eaten him.
Scott found his little brother clutching his leg at the bottom of the hole.
It wasn’t a very deep well, but it was deep enough to put his brother out of the reach of a ten-year-old.
“Scotty, my leg hurts.”
“I’ll get you out.” He looked around for something to help John.
Perhaps he knew in some part of his mind that this could be the wrong decision. He had no rope and no real way to reach his little brother. He should get help.
But he couldn’t leave Johnny here on his own.
The thought was terrifying from both of their perspectives.
Perhaps he would have thought it a little less terrifying if he realised what could happen if he didn’t fetch help. Because once he found a long enough stick, he reached over the edge and while doing his best to add to the length John couldn’t quite reach, he fell in the hole on top of his brother.
There were groans and tears after that.
Scott didn’t hurt himself. John had been heard to comment on multiple occasions thereafter that it was because he landed on a cushion he called brother.
Scott countered that by saying he was lucky he hadn’t been impaled by a bony limb of said scrawny brother.
In any case, they huddled together for warmth for thirty-six freezing hours until someone finally found them.
By then, both brothers were dehydrated and starving.
The lecture from their father was almost as long as their time in the well.
Their mother, pregnant with Gordon at the time, took ill with the fright and there was some seriously scary time until the little fish was born a month later…a touch early.
Virgil wouldn’t let either of his brothers out of his sight for a good year after the incident. The nine-year-old obviously terrified they would disappear again.
It became legendary in the Tracy household for good or bad.
“So, you’re saying, I should have gone for help?”
Something clunked in the pile of rubble.
John arched an eyebrow. “As I said, you haven’t learnt. Yes, Scott, you should not have dashed back into the collapsing building. When Virgil finds out, he’s going to scalp you.”
“I’m sorry that my first instinct is to protect my brothers.”
John rolled his eyes, both original and artificial. “Your first instinct should be to protect yourself so you can protect your brothers.”
Folding his arms across his chest, Scott shifted his weight onto one foot, cocking his hip. “Fine. Then explain Bermuda.”
“That was different. That was saving lives.”
“You rammed a twenty-eight gunned frigate with Five!”
“It was firing on a sinking civilian target full of over two hundred passengers, including my four brothers. Grandma was not aboard. It was a fair decision.”
Scott had to admit it had been spectacular, the huge, blue-grey, manta-ray-shaped Five had reared out of the ocean and sliced the pirate vessel in half.
International Rescue had fished the survivors out of the water and there had been minimal casualties, considering.
Five had taken damage, but her cahelium superstructure was designed to withstand something as simple as a mostly wooden hull. Some gentle care from Virgil, an assessment from Hiram, and she was declared fit and well.
They had disappeared for a while after that as the rumours ran riot. Lady Penelope managed to smooth any ruffled feathers at government level.
Scott had both commended and roasted John alive.
“You could have been killed.”
“So could have you, and Virgil and Gordon and little Allie. Was I supposed to sit back and watch?”
Another clunk from somewhere in the rubble.
Scott arched an eyebrow. “Perhaps, you know how I feel.”
“Of course, I know how you feel. We all do.”
“Then what is the problem?”
But John was interrupted by another clank, this time clearly from one of the pipes against the wall.
“Virgil?” They both said it at once and hurried over to the rock face.
The clunk repeated itself and then started on a very familiar dot dot dot…
He reached behind and pulled his folded cane out of its sleeve on his back. Its metal tip shone dull brass in the yellow light.
He only had to tap one letter. Dot dot dot dash.
Three letters came back in a hurried jumble of excited hammering. F A B.
Then…S T A T U S?
J  A N D  S   W E L L  A N D  M O B I L E.
S T A N D  B A C K ?
F A B.
Assuming Virgil was referring to the rock wall as the point of origin, the two brothers stepped as far back from it as they could.
Moments later a rumble and hiss of gears, the crash of breaking masonry and daylight suddenly shot through part of the rubble. This was quickly followed by a massive but familiar brass claw reaching in and grabbing a large chunk of rock, disappearing with it. A crunch of gravel, shove of rock…a shout. “Scott, are you in here? John?” Their goggled and fully armour-suited brother pushed the rest of the way through the pile of broken building, both claws fully extended.
“Over here, Virgil.”
Their brother’s head turned in their direction and metal shoulders sank in relief. “Oh, thank god.”
Something shifted in the rubble pile and Virgil reacted, his right claw slamming into the chunk of masonry threatening to fall. “Let’s get you out of here.”
Scott didn’t need to be told twice as the remains of the building creaked around them in warning. Grabbing John’s arm, he hustled his brother out through the gap past Virgil.
The engineer’s eyes on the both of them.
No doubt there would be a medical examination in their near future.
Shoving John gently ahead of him, Scott turned to keep an eye on Virgil.
His metal clad brother stepped back carefully, letting rock fall in his wake.
Then, as if the final domino had been tipped, the entire pile began collapsing in on itself.
Scott took a step towards Virgil only to have his arm yanked on from behind.
“Damnit, Scott protect yourself!” John dragged him through the remains of the rubble as a cloud of dust roared behind them.
“Virgil!” He dug his heels in, fighting John’s hold.
“He’s wearing his armour, Scott. You are not! Move!”
It went against everything. He had to protect his brothers first. But John was right. Neither of them was wearing enough protection. Virgil was.
He had to trust.
Trust that Virgil knew what he was doing.
When put in those terms the answer was simple. Of course, he trusted Virgil.
Perhaps it was fate he had issues with.
John dragged him clear of the building and the cloud of dust. Two, nestled on her landing struts, was a wonderful sight.
And then Gordon was grabbing at him. Alan was yelling his name and there were dusty hugs and clunking helmets.
But still the cloud…
As if summoned, his brother strode out of the haze, cogs whirring and pneumatic systems hissing, metal glinting in the sun. His goggled eyes searching until they latched onto his brothers.
Thank god.
A matter of strides and he enveloped his engineer brother in a hug, metal suit and all. “Thanks, Virg.”
His brother exhaled in a huff. “What on Earth were you thinking?” And so began the rant about worrying about a brother encased in metal when a building is falling when he wasn’t and could have been killed with a single rock. You idiot.
It went on for some time.
John smirked at him for the entire tirade.
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