#like do you KNOWWW the shit i have had to watch and critically analyse with that man over the years of his birthdays.
overall a very successful birthday BUT i need to be a bitch for a minute like i really need to say something that i know will make me sound awful and ungrateful and miserable so. ranting in the tags don’t follow me there.
#birthdays are very much a family occasion in our house and always have been#like you can absolutely make plans and celebrate with friends but they’ve gotta be on other dates#the actual day of birth is family only. like. this specific day means nothing to my friends but 26years ago my mum was in labour. u know???#like. this day is for family. friends can have tomorrow. ok.#ok.#so. we have traditions. lots of them.#one is. whoever’s birthday it is picks any film they want.#and the whole family has to watch it over dinner.#no phones no extra screens like you’ve gotta sit there and pay attention.#the whole point is like. this is my birthday and here is something i want to share with you and discuss with you and think about with you.#ok#i chose my film. we watched my film.#film ends. me & my mam launch into conversation about it.#dad is silent. glance over. he’s pulled out his phone already and is just scrolling twitter paying no attention.#we try to prompt him to share his thoughts.#nothin. silence. we manage to get a ‘yeah i enjoyed it’ and that is LITERALLY it.#mum goes off to bed. i go off to bed. i say goodnight to my dad. he is like. ‘yep’. like. ok. bye i guess.#like do you KNOWWW the shit i have had to watch and critically analyse with that man over the years of his birthdays.#and i have done it!!!! every time!!!!#meanwhile somehow every year on my birthday it’s like. sorry i fell asleep. sorry i fell asleep again.#sorry i can’t disconnect from my phone for 5mins to talk to my family.#like sorry fuck off that man is so fucking disrespectful sometimes. and on my BIRTHDAY????#thank god for my mum thank god she’s so great bcus. jesus christ.
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