#one is. whoever’s birthday it is picks any film they want.
overall a very successful birthday BUT i need to be a bitch for a minute like i really need to say something that i know will make me sound awful and ungrateful and miserable so. ranting in the tags don’t follow me there.
#birthdays are very much a family occasion in our house and always have been#like you can absolutely make plans and celebrate with friends but they’ve gotta be on other dates#the actual day of birth is family only. like. this specific day means nothing to my friends but 26years ago my mum was in labour. u know???#like. this day is for family. friends can have tomorrow. ok.#ok.#so. we have traditions. lots of them.#one is. whoever’s birthday it is picks any film they want.#and the whole family has to watch it over dinner.#no phones no extra screens like you’ve gotta sit there and pay attention.#the whole point is like. this is my birthday and here is something i want to share with you and discuss with you and think about with you.#ok#i chose my film. we watched my film.#film ends. me & my mam launch into conversation about it.#dad is silent. glance over. he’s pulled out his phone already and is just scrolling twitter paying no attention.#we try to prompt him to share his thoughts.#nothin. silence. we manage to get a ‘yeah i enjoyed it’ and that is LITERALLY it.#mum goes off to bed. i go off to bed. i say goodnight to my dad. he is like. ‘yep’. like. ok. bye i guess.#like do you KNOWWW the shit i have had to watch and critically analyse with that man over the years of his birthdays.#and i have done it!!!! every time!!!!#meanwhile somehow every year on my birthday it’s like. sorry i fell asleep. sorry i fell asleep again.#sorry i can’t disconnect from my phone for 5mins to talk to my family.#like sorry fuck off that man is so fucking disrespectful sometimes. and on my BIRTHDAY????#thank god for my mum thank god she’s so great bcus. jesus christ.
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fcble · 10 months
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Mingeun’s participation in Shooting Stars (@theidcl) is officially acknowledged for the first time in an hour and a half long video uploaded to the official Fable YouTube channel, in which he reacts to and dissects his appearances in the first three episodes of the show. To fans’ dismay, he talks about himself almost the entire time, speaking very little about his experiences or interactions with any other idols.
( 001 ) … The most replayed moment is near the end of the video, when Mingeun talks about his team for the second challenge, Wonderland. 
“We had a really good song. And I was able to be the main vocalist,” he says, beaming from ear to ear. “My teammates were great! I loved performing with them.”
Outside of those few vague sentences, he says nothing more specific about the other competitors.
( 002 ) … Mingeun winces at himself making bunny ears with his hands over his head in his very first introduction.
“I don’t know why I did that.”
( 003 ) … He sits in the middle of the frame with his hands clasped on the table in front of him. Before speaking, Mingeun displays his left wrist to the camera, showing off the iridescent blue metal of his watch.
“Every time I go to film for Shooting Stars, I try to wear a different watch,” he says. “I don’t want my image to be negatively manipulated. I like this one the most. Andrew-hyung and Jaeseop-hyung gave me this one for my birthday a few years ago. Isn’t it nice?”
( 004 ) … At the start of the video, prior to reacting to the show itself, he briefly plays his audition video, staring at himself performing Woodz’s “I Hate You” in the Fable practice room. 
“I wanted to show off more of myself. I know most people know me as Fable’s main dancer, or for worse reasons.” He doesn’t say anything more, trusting his audience to read between the lines. “So I chose this song. It would be boring if I didn’t try anything new.”
( 005 ) … “I don’t want to say that anything I did was regrettable,” Mingeun says halfway through the video. He pauses the show during the song announcements for the first challenge.
“The only song I wanted to perform in the first round was ‘Sherlock.’ When I was picked by Liling-ssi to perform ‘No No No’”—he sighs audibly—“it was disappointing.
“I said this in the diary room, but it wasn’t aired, so I’ll say it again here. ‘Gee’ would have been the worst. Like this.” Mingeun places his right hand flat against the table, holding his arm sideways. “‘No No No’ is here.”
He holds his left hand only slightly above his right. “I don’t blame Liling-ssi at all. I’m still glad she picked me and we put on our best performance.”
( 006 ) … As he watches the first episode, Mingeun says, “It wasn’t shown when I chose my seat. I walked up to the first place seat. I can’t remember what I said word for word. It was something about seeing what the view was like.”
He reenacts his unaired actions, holding his right hand in front of his forehead like he’s shading his eyes from the sun. He holds the position for a short moment, dropping his hand with a laugh.
“I never planned on sitting in the seat. Everyone knows whoever sits there is cursed to lose.”
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Iitterally pick whoever to fill the him.
Warnings: a character death and some depression a lot of angst. 18+ just incase Do NOT repost or publish comments and Reblogs welcome!!!
He looked at the calendar.
It should have been a special day. Everything.
Things planned. Flowers bought. Getaways. He had always planned things like this. Hed refused for you to do anything so in love and wanting to do everything for you. Despite your constant voicing to do something for him surprise him once but no. You were everything for him to him. He always took every opportunity to show you. But now it was just another day he was alone. Another day he had to just get through.
He was given a choice. Sometimes he thought it was a dream but he knew your name your face your everything. It was too- well he couldn't know all that if he didn't know you..thats what he told himself on days he felt like he was nuts.
He had looked you up on Facebook knowing your username something your friends from high-school couldn't even find you. But he did. He pretended to be someone else and by some miracle you accepted something you almost never did. So maybe...maybe he was given a bit of a reprieve He knew your Instagram handle and your Twitter even you tumblr. He noticed the lack of stories with his actual name but the ones up there broke his heart. Slivers of truth were in there. Arguments tears how you cried at his movies how you how he did certain things. You'd take a tiny peice of a cookie that just came out of the oven against better judgment and always burnt your tounge.
He was filming and there was a car accident and he lost you. He lost you forever. Fuck everyone else and how they felt. Fuck his family fuck your family fuck everything and everyone in the goddammit fucking world. He was yours and you were his. Before you ever even married. It was like thag the first time you two said hi. He wanted you back in the world even if you hated him for eternity.
He just wanted you to be alive.
He was given the choice (by he doesn't know what and doesn't care) you'd be alive but he couldn't go near you couldn't talk too you nothing. But he'd get his wish and you'd be in the world again. He doesn't know what was worse not having a child and being all alone or if you had, wishing you did have a child so so he could have (at least one) peice of you but he couldn't even function so how was he supposed to for a child? He had just felt dead inside he doesn't even remember the days after so maybe..maybe it was best? That thought alone killed him even more.
He knew your job and everytime an interview opportunity came up he said no. He said he didn't want you to talk to anyone in the movie any movie ever.
It shocked everyone. He never talked about anyone like that. They assumed there was a "history" But he refused to explain and you. You were being driven crazy trying to just figure out why you kept getting stone walled.
You had, as a fan, tweeted him and posted comments on his Instagram page sent him private messages with comments on video nothing vulger- that wasn't you.That was never you. You weren't even a curse. It was adorable. He loved you all the more for it.
Just sweet or funny or adorable.
When he needed a pick me up he opened his general box and read them. He didn't want you to know he read them he thought I might be too...getting too close.
You had sent me a sweet birthday message a poem. He loved it. And you immediately felt stupid and figured he'd never read it. But he did. He read everything. It was all your voice things you'd say to him as he'd hold you on lazy Sundays and rainy days. He loved reading your words and he read every single peice that was published anywhere.
One day he had taken the subway it was the fastest way and everyone usually left him alone too busy to notice and bother him trying to get to where they needed to go. He had just happened to Glace and he saw you far enough away on the train that he prayed it didn't count and you wouldn't be taken away. You had a smile talking. You had looked around smiling talking and then you smiled in his direction and he. He just...
The last time he saw you. The last time he held you was...when he... had to say it was you. He had held you and cried. He doesn't know for how long but they eventually had to pry him away from you but there you were so happy so...he almost lost it right then and there.
You had dropped your phone. You didnt look back no one else had cared he gripped his stuff and your phone so quickly he barely made it out. He almost kept it. A peicd of you back. He loved the funny stuff you did on your phone. The things you'd write the pictures and video you'd take. He'd always sneak a peak just like you'd look at his. It was a thing. Your thing as a couple. Others thought it was silly a way to control or check up but neither had anything to hide unless it was near a birthday and he'd never let you near his near an anniversary. But otherwise it was free right. His phone was yours and your phone was his just like he was yours and you were his. It was just that way.
But he didn't keep it. He knew how you hated to lose your phone.
Hey you
You miss
You finally turned
You dropped your phone.
Oh thank you. As you took it back he tried desperately to look at your hand your left hand no ring -god he was relieved.
"If lost that I'd die," You chuckled.
Then he lost it and he pulled you in for a hug. Surprised but he was handsome , not handsome so you let him and it was a sort of respectful hug minus him kinda holding you tight. But you thought "maybe...." but Then he let go realizing he litterly probably just assalted you would a hug that count as one? You were married and a hug is-
But you weren't married at least not to him and he didn't see a ring on your finger.
"Don't go driving" he spurt out of no where.
" I'm mean don't go driving alone ita dangerous theres uh. Everyobe should you know have a buddy system." God hr knew he sounded like an idiot
"Ok... I mean I don't really drive I can't I- hah um so thanks."
Your friend stood there that look he knew from her she wasn't the brightest crayon in the box he never got why you two were friends.
"Is that?"
"He looks...."
"Never mind"
"No what?
"like an actor from tv?"
"Seriously who?"
"I forgot the dude's name."
"Oh real helpful. I mean he's cute but-"
Then you were out of earshot.
And he thought "Maybe...."
Drabble 1 in between him seeing you and you going to him for your phone its a memory
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@nana1000night @sapphire-rogers @hawkeyes-queen @patzammit @sparklybarbarianninja
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griefpersevering · 1 year
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the ripples they cause
Read on AO3 🕷 Playlist 🕷 Buy me a cup of tea ☕
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Second Hand News
Happy Tuesday everyone!! I really enjoyed writing this chapter (I just love Karen okay) so I hope you enjoy reading it too! did you guys see the new Spiderverse trailer?? I was already so excited for the film and now I can't wait until June!!
Sneak Peek:
The Starbucks Karen meets Kate at is only a few blocks over from Matt and Foggy's apartment. She spots the archer as soon as she walks through the front doors, but she stops in the queue to order a takeaway black coffee before joining her.
Kate is typing something rapidly on her phone and doesn't look up to see her companion arrive. She's grinning at whoever she's texting, and Karen hopes it's Peter. He's the one who gave her Kate's number, and when she'd asked to learn more about their shared Kingpin problem, Kate had been happy to help.
Karen pays and steps away from the counter, waiting for her name to be called. Kate isn't anything like the other superheroes she's met; the cheeriest of the Hell's Kitchen lot would probably be Danny, and he definitely has some anger issues that he should work through in therapy. Unless that's a normal byproduct of punching a dragon. She wouldn't know.
When the barista calls her name, Karen picks up her coffee and wanders over to Kate. The table she chose is out of the way, which is good; there's no one nearby to eavesdrop.
"Hi!" Kate says, shoving her phone in her cardigan pocket. "This is so exciting."
"Sorry I kept you waiting," says Karen.
She shrugs. "I got here early, don't worry about it. What do you want to know about Fisk?"
Karen glances left and right, but no one seems to be listening. "Lower your voice. There could be people watching us."
Kate leans forwards. Evidently, stealthiness has never been part of her training. "Really?"
"Yes. He has so many people working for him, it's better to be safe than sorry." She knows she sounds really paranoid, but seeming a bit unhinged is a price she's willing to pay to keep them both alive. "He's corrupted people in the NYPD, the FBI, even nurses. It's hard to know who to trust."
Kate's eyes are as big as saucers. "Woah. That's so cool."
Karen raises an eyebrow.
"Well, not cool," she quickly backtracks. "But cool, you know? Cool that I fought him and didn't die when he's that powerful."
It's hard not to roll her eyes. Kate must be about 15 years younger than her, but her relentless optimism makes her feel even younger. By her age, Karen had already ruined her life so thoroughly that she never would have dreamed of seeing her 40th birthday.
"It is impressive," she says, because she likes Kate, and she doesn't want to hurt her feelings. "But not all of us are superheroes. I'm more interested in the legal side of destroying him. Is there any evidence of him leading the Tracksuit Mafia that we could use against him?"
"I have something better," Kate says. She yanks a purple binder covered in butterfly stickers out of her backpack and slides it across the table, nearly knocking Karen's coffee to the floor. "I haven't gone through all of this, but you should find it useful. And I don't need it back. You can... you can keep it."
Karen flips it open. "What is it?" It's overflowing with papers — bank statements, emails, screenshots of text messages and more — all neatly divided into sections with markings of what year they're from.
"My mom worked for Fisk." All the joy dissolves from Kate's voice, but she keeps up a tight smile. "My dad borrowed money from him, and when he died in 2012, my mom had to pay it back. But she wanted to get out one day, so she kept this folder of evidence so she had a weapon to use against him."
"Smart woman." Karen can't believe her eyes. This folder doesn't just incriminate Fisk, but plenty of his employees too. And it goes back further than he's been on their radar — all the way back to when Matt and Foggy were still in law school.
Kate shrugs. "He still tried to kill her when she said she was leaving, and probably would have if it weren't for Clint and I. But hopefully she'll be safe in prison while he's in a coma."
Karen spots Wesley's name and abruptly shuts the folder. "Even if he wakes up, this will be enough to keep him away for a long time. And all the names in here... Daredevil can start dismantling his empire while he's unconscious."
"The only thing I ask is... Well, I know you're a journalist, but please don't write anything about what my mom did. I know some of it and it was awful, but she did it all to protect me, so..."
"I won't," she promises. And then, softening her voice, she asks, "Do you visit her?"
"We send letters to each other," Kate says. "But if I'm honest, I wouldn't know what to say to her if we met in person. She's done horrible things, and the ones I know about — what happened over Christmas — they were probably just the tip of the iceberg."
Karen sighs. "I know what you mean. It's always disappointing when are parents aren't as good as we think they are. But from the sound of it, she didn't originally choose that life. It doesn't excuse whatever she's done, but at the very least, talking to her might ease your mind."
"Maybe you're right," she replies, but she doesn't look happy about it.
"I'm biased though, so you don't have to take my advice. I lost contact with my remaining family when I was younger than you are now, and I'd do anything to fix that. But I've also learnt that your family is whoever you want it to be. And if Fisk hadn't framed me for murder and tried to have me killed in my cell, I never would have met Matt and Foggy."
Kate's jaw drops open. "Was that supposed to be inspirational? Because it was just really concerning."
Karen winks. "If you want to know the full horror story, I'll tell you someday. We all have a reason to want Fisk behind bars. But not today. We still haven't heard back about Peter's trial, and it's due to start in two hours."
"I forgot about that," she admits. "Is he gonna be okay?"
"He'll be fine. He has two of the best lawyers in New York looking after him, as well as the Vigilante Friend Network on his side."
Kate's grin is coming back. "And if he gets arrested again, we'll just break him out again!"
Karen smiles too. "Exactly."
It strikes her, then, just how many people are on Peter's side. She's seen the large crowd of supporters at the vigil and the rally, but even the celebrity appearances weren't enough to truly convince her that Peter would be okay. But when most of the public — at least, the ones with common sense — have his back, there's no way the Department of Damage Control will ever be able to get rid of Spider-Man completely.
Karen's phone vibrates in her pocket. "I've got to rush off, I'm afraid. I said I'd write an article for the Bulletin if the trial doesn't go ahead, and if it does, I'll need to be there."
Kate nods. "Well, let me know how the trial goes! Or, I suppose you don't have to. It'll be all over the news, won't it?"
"It will be." Karen's already had several journalists contact her, and she knows Matt and Foggy have had even more. Spider-Man's trial is the case of the century.
She holds up the binder before shoving it into her handbag. It barely fits. "Thank you for this, too. Are you sure you don't want a copy?"
Kate only smiles. "I'm sure. Good luck with the trial or the article! And I'm glad I could help."
Karen stands up and picks up her coffee. "I'm just glad that Peter has such brilliant friends."
Sometimes, she needs a reminder that there are good people in the world, even after terrible things have happened to them. And Kate Bishop, she decides, might be one of the best of them.
Continue reading on AO3.
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waiting-on-a-dream · 1 year
Zhang Xue Mei - Birthday suit up SSR voice lines
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Login on Birthday Ah! Oh, thank you. I guess I wasn't really expecting you to remember my birthday, haha.
Unlock Card We don't really celebrate birthdays extravagantly back at home. Just a nice dinner and some cake is enough for my family.
I get tired just thinking of how many people I'll have to thank for their well wishes.
Groovy All things considered, the party went well. Thank you for attending.
Home setting Why anyone would want to wear such stuffy clothes beats me. I can't wait to change into something more comfortable.
Home transitions I've been going around telling anyone who asks me what I want for my birthday to give me any broken machines they have. I'm always up for more projects to work with.
Che' nya gave me a birthday pop-up card. He told me he happened to come across it at a gift shop and decided to get it for me.
The sword I'm carrying around was a prop on set for Neige's filming project today. He got permission to bring it to me for a few hours. I think I look rather cool with it.
Home Transition (Login Greeting) These dumplings are top notch! I wonder what's in the filling.
Home Transition (Groovy) Have you come to challenge me? Whoever can beat me in a game of Chinese chess gets to pick out one of my presents for themself.
Home Taps My parents called me just before the party started. It's nice being able to hear their voices again.
Irene got me a fireproof vest. Safety first while I'm repairing machines, she says. That's...nice of her, I suppose.
Mia bought me an extended toolbox for my tinkering endeavors. I've been making do with the few screwdrivers I have so far, so she just gave me a lot more resources to work with.
Chandani baked a few cupcakes for my breakfast today. The blue icing and sugary stars on top was quite aesthetically pleasing.
Irene, Mia, and Chandani dragged me into taking a group photo with them. Irene also said she'll be showing it to my parents. Ah...
Home Tap (Groovy) I've got a craving for cookies now...Care for a midnight snack?
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xpeachesncream · 3 years
bands | five
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[ series masterlist ]
summary: jeon jungkook has it all: the looks, the fame, the money, the women. being considered the sexiest man in the industry, he finds no complaints about the way his life is going nor does he find any reason to apologize for the way he approaches it. he is a force to be reckoned with - until he meets you.
pairing: stripper!reader x idol!jjk
genre: (18+) strip club/nightlife au, post grad au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 3.2k
warnings: cussing, mature language/implied sexual content, implied nudity/nudity (at the nightclub), teasing, sprinkle of breast touching, alcohol consumption, pole dancing, straddling/lap dances, slight degradation/implied degradation, rough handling, flashback scene
note: took a stab at this jungkook one shot + wips are updated!
tags: @brightcolorsoffendme @min-nicoleee @eggbutnotyolk @ra-mun-e @miinoongi@ephemeralkookie @ppeachyttae @thebeebi @bluesharksandfish @kooafraid @liriaus​ @thisartemisnevermisses​ @ggukkieland​ @preciouschimine​ @sunniejinnie​ (please message me if you would like to be added to the taglist!)
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'Do better' is exactly what Jungkook does, because he wants you, and he wants you bad. He thought he had you wrapped around his finger, when in fact, you had him wrapped around yours and he was crumbling by the minute. It's a little entertaining to you, seeing his name pop on your phone throughout the day with texts like:
[jungkook]: have a good day today, pretty lady.
[jungkook]: :)
[jungkook]: can't stop thinking about you and how good you looked last night.
[jungkook]: hope you aren't overworking yourself.
[jungkook]: can i call you tonight?
You would chuckle every single time, seeing him weak for you. You weren't gonna lie - you were fucking weak for him too, cause lord, who wouldn't be with Jungkook? The only difference is that you were just the stronger one between the both of you.
Ha, ain't shit but a hairflip. You for sure got this from your mama.
"To the club for Yoongi hyung's birthday!" Taehyung yells after they finish rehearsals for the next set of performances scheduled to happen in the next week and filming some content for Youtube.
"To the club-club!" Namjoon responds, throwing his hat back on.
"Excited to see some pretty girls shaking their ass and titties in my face." Yoongi lets out a cocky laugh.
"No private show?"
"No, hell no. I want 'em all." Yoongi smirks. "Jungkookie is the only one who loves his private shows."
"Yeah, yeah." Jungkook brushes it off with a chuckle.
"Are we finally gonna figure out who she is tonight?"
"Nope. She's not working tonight. Good try." He feels relieved saying that because to be honest, he's feeling completely and utterly selfish with you. He didn't wanna share, not with the guys. Hell no.
Except he's gonna have to tonight and he has yet to learn that.
Jimin had just solidified the plans with Yoongi a couple of hours ago, learning that he wanted to head to the strip club for his birthday. And yeah, everyone has their own favorites. Everyone has their own agenda coming to the club. But, Yoongi says he wants to shut down the club for the evening so all 7 of them can enjoy the general floor together.
So, Jimin makes it a goal to grant Yoongi's wishes, but he also has another thing on his mind.
He had been picking up on Jungkook's little habits lately, even though he was notorious for always being on his phone and for barely paying attention to the environment around him. Jimin just knew he had it bad for you, miss new girl, simply by how his mood would change whenever he looked at his phone. How he was always at the club. How he always got shy and beat around the bush whenever you were brought up.
He just knew.
And to be honest, he was concerned. Moreso for Jungkook and his safety. Jungkook and his feelings. Things didn't sit right for him, and he worried that you were only out for his money. For his fame. For the attention. For all the wrong things. And he didn't like that shit one bit. He wasn't gonna let anyone take advantage of his little brother like that, he wouldn't give anybody the chance.
He wants to figure out who exactly you were. He wants to find out what you're all about. He wants to finally meet you face to face.
"Mr. Park Jimin!" Mr. Bigs says with a loud laugh. Jimin gives him a small smile as he tugs the brim of his hat down and approaches him. "How can I help you?"
"Yoongi's birthday is coming up at the end of the week, is it possible to shut the club down so the rest of the guys can enjoy the general stage together?" He pulls out an envelope and hands it to Mr.Bigs, his smile getting bigger the more he counts all the dollar bills inside.
"Whatever works for my boys." He laughs.
"Thanks." Jimin chuckles. "Uh, one more thing - if it's not too much of a bother, could I request a specific dancer to be out on the floor that night?"
"Yeah, of course you can. Who's the lady we're thinking of?"
"Whoever Jungkook's lady is." Mr. Bigs laughs so more and nods.
"Ah, I'm assuming he wants her there, huh? He really loves watching that young lady, but hey, whatever works and makes ya'll happy right?"
"Yeah, I suppose he does. I'd like to keep the request between us though." Jimin lies.
"Don't you worry about it. I'll make sure Phoenix is there that night. I'll have all of this covered so Mr. Min Yoongi has a fantastic birthday." He winks.
"Thanks, sir. We'll see you then." Jimin nods his head before heading out. Mr. Bigs waits until Jimin is out the door before pulling out his phone to give you a call.
"You need to be here Friday, special request."
"From who? Can't I just take the—"
"Stop questioning me little girl, you hear me? Your ass better be here on Friday or else I'm taking a chunk out of your fucking tips and check." He abruptly ends the call.
And so the infamous Bangtan Sonyeondan boys are dressed, whipping out their cleanest, black attires from their closets. They take a couple of shots back to back before they're loading into their cars to be driven to the strip club. The club is empty, except for a few body guards, bar staff and the dancers.
"Oh shit, we get our own private show? Like actually?" Yoongi says, stepping into the empty club that was more than ready for the boys' arrival. There were topless dancers waiting alongside the stage with trays filled with different drinks and shots.
"Happy birthday, hyung." Jimin says, playfully massaging his shoulder.
"God, this is such a good way to end the day." Namjoon takes a shot from one of the beautiful ladies near the general stage. He smirks at her as he eyes her up and down, licking his lips when he realizes how fucking skimpy the bikini bottom she has on actually is. "Sheesh."
"Boys!" Mr. Bigs' deep voice comes from the other end of the club as he approaches them. "Please, enjoy and help yourself to whatever you like. Happy Birthday, Mr. Min Yoongi." He winks.
"Thank you, sir!" Yoongi yells as he grabs another shot from the tray. The rest of the boys follow suit, taking more drinks and eyeing the ladies around them, but Jungkook helps himself to a seat in the front of the general stage.
"Someone misses his private lady." Hobi jokes, causing him to shake his head.
"Whatever, as long as I don't have to share her with you guys." He spits out. "What's yours is mine and what's mine is mine." Jungkook finishes jokingly with his infamous line. It seems like a full house of dancers tonight, either on the sidelines or now entering the general stage. Jungkook rests his foot on his knee, ready to get the night started so he can enjoy, but also hurry on home afterwards to try and hear your voice.
But you were in the back room of the club.
No one really knew what was going on outside unless you had been outside already. Mr. Bigs gave you all a pep talk saying each and every single one of you needed to be on your best behavior, especially out on the floor. Bigs and his men refused to name the special guests just so none of you would psych yourselves out and mess up. You didn't know you were soon going to be catering to the BTS boys together, and Jungkook didn't know you were going to be one of the main dancers on stage either. His eyes were glazing over the rest of the girls on stage because they weren't you, to be honest. I mean, hell. It's always nice to be around topless, beautiful women. But he had gotten so used to seeing you. Your face. Your body. Touching you. Smelling your strawberry scent.
Jimin situates himself next to Jungkook, the rest of the group aligning themselves along the seats in front of the stage. He eyes Jungkook, taking note of how uninterested and bored he was - so bored that he even caught him trying to hide his yawn. Maybe he was just tired, as with everyone else, but that just meant his special lady friend wasn't out yet.
"You three, up. Now." Bigs says, coming into the backroom from the floor, pointing his finger towards the curtains. "Phoenix, remember. Don't throw no stupid ass attitude out there, playing hard to get like you're some kind of queen." He scoffs in disgust before dismissing the three of you. You roll your eyes, already highly irritated being there since it was originally your day off and no one wanted to give you answers as to why you needed to be there. Mr. Bigs had almost all the dancers out here to tonight, why the fuck would he need you?
The lights are off for a quick second before they dimly shine onto the stage, the music playing loudly in the background. You step onto the stage, your eyes instantly landing on the man front and center.
You swallow the lump in your throat seeing the rest of the boy band around him, already smirking and licking their lips at the sight of you and the two other dancers on the stage. Jungkook adjusts himself in his seat, fixing his jacket as he sits upright to lean forward onto his knees. His eyes are glued onto you, almost like he's confused as to why you're here right now.
Why you're giving him and his boys a show.
Jimin catches Jungkook's slight uneasiness, his gaze following Jungkook's onto the stage. His eyes were set on you, the pretty lady swirling her body around the silver pole in the middle of the stage.
"She's fucking beautiful." Yoongi says, immediately getting up and reaching into the inner breast pocket of his jacket to pull out some bills. He stands in the front, almost blocking Jungkook's view of you. He catches Yoongi placing a couple of hundreds under the bottom portion of your fishnet bodysuit. The bodysuit that captured your curves so perfectly - thighs thick and full, ass cheeks popping out of the thong portion, your titties and pussy very visible through the fishnet material. God, you were a fucking beauty. Jungkook watches as you squat in front of Yoongi, bouncing up and down before you get up scandalously and shake your ass in front of his eyes. "Ohhhh shit." Yoongi bites onto his bottom lip as he laughs and tucks more bills near your thigh.
"It's his birthday!" Hobi yells, causing you to smirk at Yoongi and grab his hand to let him feel up on your breast. Jungkook shifts in his seat, a little envious of how Yoongi was able to touch you in that way before he was able to. Like fuck? Could it be my birthday too? Could it be my birthday everyday? He was never gonna let this one go. He continues to watch as you push Yoongi back onto his chair and give him a birthday lapdance.
"Happy birthday." You say softly in his ear before getting back up on the stage to do some tricks on the pole.
One, two: Turn upside down.
Three, four: Wrap them legs around.
Five, six: Treat the pole like a slip and slide.
Seven, eight: Flip back up and slide back down.
"Damn, it's my birthday over here too." Jin says tapping his lap and tossing a roll of bills near you before looking over at Taehyung. He's also throwing bills onto the stage, but he's focused on the other main lady off to the side. Still doesn't mean he isn't throwing bills your way either, cause he is every chance he gets to look over at you.
"Like what you see?" Jimin jokes with Jungkook.
"Yeah." Is all he says as he's approaching you. He gives you this look, which you don't understand what it means, but you didn't have the time to decipher it right at this moment. You watch Jungkook closely, his mouth pressed tightly together as his eyes are still scanning your entire body before he brings them back up to meet your eyes. You crawl towards him seductively, your fingers lightly brushing down his neck before you gently tug on his jacket. He doesn't say anything as he tucks bills near your titties, giving you one last look before sitting back down in his seat.
The main show comes to an end pretty quickly afterwards, other dancers making their way to the poles if they wanted or kept serving the boys whatever they needed. You hop off the stage, collecting your bills and folding them tightly together, tucking it deep on the side of your breast to keep it hidden. You head outside to get some air because what the fuck just even happened? You weren't expecting that whatsoever, even though you knew better than that. You should have always thought there would be a chance you'd have to do what you just did. You should have always been prepared.
"Lil mama, you looked good dancing up there in that tiny ass suit you got on." One of the men in Bigs' crew said as they lingered outside the backroom door, smoking cigarettes. "What do you say? Wanna come home with me so I can help get that off?" He smirks, approaching you.
"I'm only out here to get some air, please don't come up to me with all that bullshit." You spit out, causing the guy to furrow his brows at you.
"This one's got a little fire in her." He laughs, coming closer to you. "Whatchu gonna do if I don't take no for an answer, miss thang?" He grips your wrist tightly. You try to break free, but after tonight, you were too fucking tired to even deal with his stupid shit. "Oh, she's weak now?" He grips tighter, making you wince as you try to pry him off. He brings you closer, his face inches away from yours - so close you can smell the smoke and alcohol mixed together, coming off of his breath. Suddenly, you hear someone clear their throat behind them, their attention going from you to the individual. "Oh shit, it's Jeon Jungkook." You watch as the man lets you go, Jungkook standing there with his hands in his pockets and jaw clenched. He doesn't say anything besides nod to acknowledge them. "Big fan, dude."
"The fuck? I had my private show scheduled with Phoenix almost 10 minutes ago. You guys have been holding her up?" Jungkook is obviously throwing on an angry act because you didn't have any private shows booked tonight.
"Shit, my bad. I didn't know—"
"You didn't know cause you were too busy being a jackass?"
"Mr. Jeon, no disrespect here. I'm sorry I took time away from your show. Please, take whatever time you need with her - on me." He says, his friends silently standing by as they throw their cigarettes and go back inside.
"Yeah, it should be on you for fucking wasting my time." Jungkook doesn't say anything else, but he does glare at him until he's almost tripping over himself making his way back inside the club. "You okay?" Jungkook asks, coming closer.
"Yeah. Thanks." You rub your hand up and down your arm, the cold air nipping at your skin.
"I thought you said you weren't working tonight."
"I wasn't supposed to. Bigs just told me I was requested to be here tonight." You raise your eyebrow. "Wait, how did you not know? I thought it was—"
"You thought it was me that requested for you?" He chuckles. "Funny that you think I'd share you with the guys."
"I don't know." He shrugs. "Maybe he just wanted his best dancers to be here."
"Hm." You slightly smirk at the compliment. "Best dancers, huh?" He rolls his eyes and playfully sighs.
"Yeah, don't milk it." A small smile tugs at the corner of his lips.
"You gonna be here all night?"
"Possibly since it's Yoongi's birthday." You nod. He stays silent as he looks at you for a bit, his head slightly cocked to the side.
"So does he get a pass for tonight?" Jungkook chuckles and shakes his head.
"Only cause it's his birthday."
"Mm, not even because he's your senior or anything of the sort?"
"Nah." He smiles a bit. "Not at all. I hope you know I'll never forget it."
"Please, I didn't know Jeon Jungkook was a drama actor, too. What can't he do?" You sarcastically say.
"Okay, say whatever you want." He kicks the dust below his shoes as he lightly chuckles with you. It's silent again, but it's a calming silence. There's no awkward vibes or anything of that matter. You begin to rub your arms again, the cold nipping at your skin harshly. "You should get back inside, it's freezing." He watches you shiver in front of him. He isn't sure if he should hand you his jacket, even if he does want to help you out in the slightest bit, but he figures he shouldn't since you still needed to finish your shift.
"Okay." Your expression softens. "See you in there?" He silently nods, watching your hips sway back and forth until you're deeper in the club. The night doesn't end for everyone until a little bit past 2, close to 3am. You're hauling your tired ass back home, Kai struggling and barely making it alive as soon as you walk through your front door.
"Jesus fuck, thank god." He shuts the TV off and covers his entire body with the blankets.
"Kai, I told you that you didn't have to wait."
"Well until you're out of the club, this is my life now." Why was everyone so dramatic tonight? You chuckle to yourself.
"Okay, if you say so. Night bubba."
"Night." He yawns. In about 2 seconds, he's back to snoring loudly, causing you to laugh to yourself as you get ready for bed.
[jungkook] 3:14am: home?
[y/n] 3:17am: yes. you?
Maybe Kai didn't have to stay up for you after all.
[jungkook] 3:23am: yeah.
[jungkook] 3:24am: i'm assuming you had a really long day today so sleep well, Y/N. can i call you tomorow?
[y/n] 3:20am: you can, i don't know if i'll answer though. :) goodnight jungkook.
And so Jungkook smiles to himself before grabbing a water and heading back to his dorm room. He was slowly getting used to your sarcasm and attitude, being that he has never had to deal with someone being this way towards him. It was fun, and new.
"So was your lady actually there tonight?" Taehyung asks with Jimin sitting next to him.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" Jungkook scrunches his nose before turning on his heel to walk away.
"Wow, Jungkookie is being selfish. Namjoon hyung go scold him." Namjoon laughs.
"Jungkookie don't be selfish." Joon says nonchalantly just to keep Taehyung happy.
"Yeah, yeah." He shuts himself in his room to get ready for bed. Jimin silently sits next to Taehyung as they relive the night's events before going to bed. He had seen you and Jungkook talking outside, which only solidifies his assumption.
And he was onto you.
i'm good on that pussy shit; i don't want what i can get, i want someone with secrets that nobody, nobody, nobody knows
track six: gangsta - kehlani
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funnylittlefella · 3 years
My problem with the fashion in miraculous.
Part 1 Marinette.
This is going to be a long rant on why I don’t like the fashion in miraculous, which seems very negative but it’s probably just me over analyzing everything.
In 2015 Miraculous: tales of ladybug and chat noir was released, at the time there were already other rivaling cartoons (such as Star vs the forces of evil, Steven Universe and Gravity falls being the most popular ones) What made Miraculous stand out from other cartoons that were aimed for kids/preteens was the 3D animation, this made the show quite popular, especially since Disney's new 3D animated films such as Frozen, Tangled and Big Hero Six was quite popular especially on tumblr (because of the re-colours and redesigns of Rapunzel/Elsa and whoever else into a hipster or some other god awful fashion trend from 2010-2016)
Miraculous is STILL airing today meaning that when I was in grade 6 I was watching it, now I'm in my last year of highschool and we are finally seeing development in the show (sorry) however we have not seen any character changes in clothing which I know we don't see much but I feel as if Marinette wears the same 4 outfits and I WOULD LOVE to see a storyline where Marinette is maturing and decides to change her hairstyle and her clothing choices.
Lets analyse Marinette's everyday outfit.
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Marinette wears a white singlet top(tank top?) with a black outline/trim, on the singlet top we see a flower design that appears to be a cherry blossom or lotus. Over the top of the shirt she wears a dark grey blazer jacket with a white inside with pink polka dots, she sports this same material but inverted so it is pink with white dots on her purse. For the bottoms she wears hot pink jeans which appear to have the same polka dot pattern on the cuffs as the jacket she wears, the jeans also have some weird ripped/line structure too them which has been added with a white stitching. She wears baby pink ballet flats with a slight heel and black lining and a bow.
I don’t really like this outfit, it’s very boring and I think that Marinette being an aspiring fashion designer would wear something bold that shows off her skills and her own personal style. I also believe that Marinette would be on trend, while being ladybug could potentially leave her with not enough time to come up with new designs, I think it would be a good concept for Marinette to be wearing a new design once in a while. (Even though I know it will be the same polka dot,baby pink, flower fabric that marinette seems to have 10000 yards of.)
For example, in Gravity Falls Mable would wear a different sweater each episode (don’t quote me on that I could be wrong)
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Mabel wore the same structure of outfit each episode yes, but it was new each time. And while I wouldn’t consider this the height of fashion, it suits Mabels personality and shows that she is different from the other characters who wear the same outfit every episode.
Mabels constant changing of sweaters shows the chaos of her character, you never know what to expect with her, which is why she played a vital role in Bills plan, she was unpredictable and let her ego and own happiness succumb to her chaotic actions.
This would be an easy concept to implement into miraculous and would fit with the context, perhaps Marinette would make a new piece of clothing to wear each episode, it could start off with smaller accessories that slowly develop into larger pieces. If Marinette is sad, it could reflect in the item she chooses to make.
However that isn’t the main problem of the outfits, my problem is that I hate them, I’m not judging you if you like them in any way,shape or form, but personally I cannot see a normal teenager wearing these outfits, there is only few characters whose outfits actually make sense.
For example, Marinettes outfit feels more mature, as if she is working in an office, this does not fit her character at all, and while the colours are bright, the structure and presentation of the pieces gives off the boring dull feeling of working in an office and makes her look much older.
Now here is what I would’ve liked Marinette to wear each season. (considering the dates of releases)
Season 1 2015
In season one we are introduced to Marinette, considering Marinettes age 13. Bare with me, I understand these years are arguably the worst for fashion.
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The reason why I picked this outfit is because it reminds me of Marinette, Taking inspiration from 2015 trends, we see Marinette following basic trends such as off the shoulder and denim materials, however, I believe she would add her own style by adding the polka dot pattern to the inside of the jacket (like her original blazer) and the skirt. This look is generally what I would consider to be basic Marinette, she could wear this throughout each season since it is a outfit that could fit into any time frame (2000s-2020) with a few alterations.
Season 2 2016.
2016 was also not a good year for fashion but oh well I digress. This season we get to meet new characters, including new miraculous wielders and love interest. This is also when we get a Marinette birthday episode shower her growth symbolically or whatever.
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I decided to add ‘edge’ to this outfit, since we do see Marinette get hurt in a few episodes and struggle with having to choose the right people to wield a miraculous. on the left, I chose a bomber jacket since they were incredibly popular at the time, and dark heels to show Marinettes change, however underneath she wears bright pink jeans and a white turtleneck, this is to show that she is still soft and caring.
Season 3 2019.
this is where it gets much better since the trends and fashion were actually really good this year. We see a lot of important points in this season, we get backstory about characters, learn more about the Miraculous lore, AND we see Marinette be very mature and put Adrien and Kagamis happiness over her own.
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This is how I think Marinette would dress and yes they are 4 very different styles, but I think that she would want to show variety not only in her work as a designer, but also as a person, Marinette wants to grow.
Anyways that’s all for now, yes this post is very much all over the place and I start point and leave them without conclusion, but it was fun for me.
EDIT: in my research I decided to change my idea lol, Marinette doesn’t wear the item she makes because it’s too expensive to have a character wear a new outfit each episode, but instead we just see her making a new item.
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sunflowerharrington · 2 years
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hey, pretty stranger - k.walker x c.howard (birthday week day three two)
summary - Cassie meets Kit while she’s in Boston for the day, hoping to stay out of trouble with Maddy for at least 12 hours. And he restores her faith in men. To some extent… Also, Julia ice skates for the sake of storyline reasons and it’s something she and Cassie can bond over.
words - circa 2.3k
tags - language, fluff, mentions of violence, mentions of somebody wanting to murder someone else, daisies, one bed though neither sleep in the bed. half headcanons half descriptive writing, it’s the best i got right now.
notes - an imagine rather than a full blown oneshot. my first euphoria fic, please be nice! also, i don’t like cassie but i also don’t hate her. girlie just wants to be loved, man. these lines —— those ones, yeah, they’re the headcanon parts. also just realised asylum and euphoria were filmed a decade apart! damn…
giving credit where credit is due - divider credit goes to @bleedingthroughteeth and their meeting scene was inspired by this post by @mrs-march-ahs, i hope that’s okay lovey… and credit to rue bennett for being an amazing narrator who i basically stole her dialogue for the first paragraph :O
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It was her kryptonite; somebody who showed her any sort of attention or affection at first glance. Cassie Howard fell in love with every guy she ever dated, and that was known by everybody at East Highland Highschool when she went there and all over town. Whether these boys were smart or stupid, sweet or cruel, loving or cold, it didn’t matter. None of that mattered when Cassie was in a relationship, and she held onto the label of being somebody’s girlfriend like her life depended on it. She just never liked being alone. But that is what was wrong; they were boys, not men. And she was treated like a fucking whore. Cassie needed a gentleman to sweep her off her feet…
She should have known better, though, but who could blame her for wanting perfect love? But after being fucked over by too many people, she began to lose hope, taking to the internet to make herself feel like she was wanted. Therapy was suggested to her, but Cassie, she didn’t want to go. She thought she could figure her shit out on her own.
So when she travelled to Boston to get out of town and to do some retail therapy for her car, the only therapy she thought was worth being a thing, she wasn’t expecting anything to happen, at all. Normally, Cassie would be the one to make reckless, bad decisions when she got lost in her problems, but this time, she might have actually saved her own fucked up life.
She found herself wandering around random stores, in search of something to take her mind off all the shit happening back at home, and she found it, or rather, him. In a car sales place down the street from the mall, the last store she went into, hoping to pick up some new pieces for her car while she was in Boston for the day instead of waiting any longer and her car potentially exploding. Just like her relationships.
He was bent down behind the counter, doing something; Cassie couldn’t really tell what, but that didn’t matter. She leaned against one of the shelving units, watching the man clean up, running his fingers through his brunette hair to get it out of his way while he cleaned. He began to slowly look up, his brown eyes meeting hers, and she turned around quickly, inspecting the… empty shelf… hoping to go unnoticed by the man. She heard him chuckle slightly, before going straight back to work.
He grinned at her as he kept cleaning, and she smiled weakly, not turning to look back at him. Fuck no, she felt her heart begin to flutter faster at the sight of him and his goddamn smile. She couldn’t let herself fall for someone again, no, she’d break. And he hadn’t even said two words to her.
She flinched when she felt a strong hand tap her on the shoulder, spinning around to shove whoever it was onto the ground, almost knocking down one of the shelving units. Not just the products, the entire damn thing.
“Hey, didn’t mean to startle ya, Miss!” The man apologised profusely, holding his hands up as he got to his feet, picking up a blue steering wheel cover that fell to the ground with him.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” Cassie began helping him pick up the other items that had fallen to the ground. He brushed himself down after the fall, telling Cassie there’s no need to apologise and it was in self defence.
Cassie blinked at him in confusion, he wasn’t mad at her for pushing him? Or even looking at him the wrong way? What kind of sorcery...?
“You’re… You’re not mad at me for pushing you to the ground? I literally assaulted you and you’re fine with that? What the fuck—?!” She began shouting, only to stop herself mid sentence. “Sorry…” she sighed. “Bad day.”
He lifted his head to meet her eyes, mahogany meeting the ocean, the windows into each other’s souls; one broken and wanting to be loved and one wanting to give their all to somebody. The man watched as Cassie’s pupils began to dilate ever so slightly, and he was on the verge of heading into a deep trance he’d never want to ever leave before she looked away, glancing at the ground.
“Of course I’m not mad at ya,” he said, while putting a container of screws back up on the top shelf, his shirt lifting up a little, revealing soft, pale skin. “Always nice to see a woman able to protect herself. Wouldn’t wanna get in a fight with ya anytime soon,” he chuckled. God, just wait until he meets Maddy… If he ever does, hopefully not, for Cassie’s sake.
—— Cassie gave Kit a weak smile and apologised once more, and they parted ways. A few minutes later Cassie heads up to the till and pays for her stuff but Kit stops her, telling her again that it was alright. Cassie said she should do something for him to make up for it and so Kit asked her to ask him on a date, basically. So she did.
—— They went to a nearby park after Kit locked the store up for lunchtime, and Kit brought his ‘emergency date kit’ with him; A blanket and some snacks that he kept out the back of the store. (Snacks that go missing whenever his kids are around and when he’s not looking, hmm…)
—— Enough about kids for right now! Kit made Cassie a daisy flower crown, smoothing Cassie’s hair down before placing it on her head. He let his hand linger on her cheek and smiled at her, and her breath caught in her chest. Never had she thought that a man with some fucking respect would be so much more hot than ones who did not.
Cassie caught herself nervously giggling, as did Kit, and after their nervous laughter died down a little he asked her, “Can I kiss you, Cassie?” And she nodded, not trusting herself to speak.
His lips gently hovered at hers as he leaned in, his nervous, shaky breath ghosting over her lips before he brushed his lips against them, pressing them against hers in a soft, sweet kiss. It was only two seconds or so but it was the best two seconds of Kit’s entire year, five years, eternity maybe? He hoped to God she wouldn’t leave him.
Cassie’s chest bursted with butterflies and she was just as happy as the day her dad got her her first pair of ice skates when he could afford lessons. When he kissed her it felt like she was floating on cloud nine itself, or taking a long stroll on the beach by herself with the wind fluttering through her hair and the sound of the calm ocean being the only sound to hear for miles.
As they both pulled away, the moment was ruined by Cassie’s phone pinging with a text telling her to not come home as shit was going down and Maddy would kill Cassie if she got within ten feet of her.
—— Kit noticed Cassie beginning to get upset and offered her a place to stay at his place for the night after she briefly explained the best she could through her sobs and tears.
—— She was a bit hesitant at first but felt a sense of trust with Kit, so he drove her there in his car, which smells like cedarwood and pine, where she meets the lesbian ICON, Lana Winters, who is just the absolute sweetest to Cassie. Lana was on her way out the door to collect Thomas from his friend’s house and Julia from her ice skating lessons.
—— Kit told Cassie he has kids but that if they make her uncomfortable he’ll ask Lana to take them out for a while or that they can sleep over in their friends’ houses. Cassie said to him that no it’s fine, but she doesn’t want to be around kids after having to get an abortion after McKay forced her to, but she won’t kick them out of their own house to be comfortable. After all, she doesn’t even live there.
—— Cassie obviously didn’t have pyjamas so Kit lent her one of his t-shirts. Kit slept on the couch and Cassie slept in his bed (not wanting to argue with Kit over sleeping arrangements), until memories from home came flooding back to her and so she went into the living room and asked Kit if she could have a hug, he obviously said yes and pulled her into his loving arms.
Kit looked down into her glassy, tear-filled eyes, her lips shaking as she tried to speak, but she couldn’t.
Cassie choked on her tears, now streaming down her face, and Kit listened carefully as she tried to speak. “Nobody’s… Nobody’s ever been this nice to me before… K-Kit…”
Kit used his thumb to run under her eyes, collecting the fallen tears, stroking the side of her face with his knuckles. He then pulled her into a cuddle and could feel her melting in his touch, her poor battered and bruised body shaking as she sobbed violently into his shoulder. “I’m sorry, Kit.”
“There is absolutely no need to be sorry, suga’ plum. You’ve done nothing wrong,” he cooed, running his hand down her hair repeatedly, and swayed the both of them, twisting slightly both ways. “And even if something happened, you know you can always talk to me. I’m here, suga’, I’m here.”
Kit’s swaying eventually lulled Cassie to a calm, and the sweet nothings he whispered in her ear made her tear up inside even more. Why is he being so nice to me?; was one of the thoughts circling her mind in that moment. And she fully melted into the embrace, their bodies moulding perfectly together as if they had been made for each other, warmth radiating around them like a force field to keep out all the bad things and future events.
— He unwrapped Cassie from the embrace for a brief few seconds to move some of the pillows off the sofa. He lay with his back against the sofa board and scooted up against the back so there would be room for Cassie to lie in his arms.
— After lying down, Kit kissed her temple so soft it could have been imaginary, just barely touching her skin but touching enough to make her melt in his arms.
He brushed her blonde hair out of her face, leaving small kisses where her hair once lay at her temples. The smell of sandalwood mixed with his soft breathing put her to sleep almost instantly, and her dreams after that were filled with nothing but happiness, and the nice memories. All of the nice, happy things.
She didn’t mean to fall asleep next to him but she couldn’t help it, Kit was just so… calming, refreshing, and a hope that there were actually good guys out there. (You picked well this time, kid <3 )
Cassie awoke the next morning to quiet talking in the kitchen, though it was loud enough for her to hear and to wake her up from her slumber. She was surprised to find out that Kit didn’t want to use her for sex, in fact he too hated men AND women who used people for sex. Okay, feminist, okay! Instead, he said, “I just want somebody to love, y’know?”
“Someone like Cassie, you mean?” Lana chuckled. “From what you’ve been saying I think she’s a lovely woman. She’ll be good for you, Kit.”
“I already like her, Lana. ‘N I don’t wanna end up pushing her away or her thinkin’ I’m some freak ‘cause I’m a single dad of two kids. Beautiful kids at that, but I don’t know how she’ll be around ‘em and I don’t know how they’ll be ‘round her.”
Cassie felt very conflicted and confused by all this, she thought all men were assholes. At least the ones she had relationships with… Pretty much.
She stretched her arms, yawning as she got up, after having one of the best sleeps in a long time. She stood up and ran her hands through her hair to smooth it down, making her way into where she heard Kit and Lana talking.
Kit smiled when Cassie entered the kitchen in his shirt, she looked beautiful, like a goddess to him, saying that he hopes she’s hungry because he made fruit salad with help from Julia… While Lana watched Thomas practising football in the backyard from the kitchen table.
After breakfast, Kit noticed Cassie beginning to sniffle, the bad memories flooding back into her mind again, disturbing her peace, so he led her out of the kitchen and up to his bedroom for some privacy. She asked him to stay with her a while and in an instant she was wrapped up into a bundle in his arms once again, breathing in his distinct scent of sandalwood and the strawberries from breakfast.
Cassie sighed, sitting up in the bed, tears slowly filling her still glassy eyes. “I’m gonna get called a slut when I get home… When they all find out I was at another man’s house” she sniffled, wiping her blotchy face with the back of her hand, blinking back her tears.
Kit’s hold around her tightened, and he pressed a sweet, soft kiss to her forehead. “If anyone calls ya anything other than a beautiful angel, imma beat them up, okay? Nobody is allowed to talk to ya that way.”
“But I—”
“Cassie,” he said, much more sternly this time. “Ya don’t deserve to be called a slut, you are not one, okay? And I will keep telling you that ‘till ya believe me. Even if it takes months, years, eternity, I’ll keep on telling ya that you're not a slut. Don’t let anyone tell ya that ya are, alright?”
She sniffled again, nodding with a sad smile. What did I do to deserve such a beautiful soul like Kit?, she thought to herself. Even more so at his next words; “And you can stay up here ‘s long as ya like. I’ve only got one bed but we could make it work. If ya want?”
“God, Kit,” she sighed, the small smile on her face growing and the tears rushing to escape her eyes. “Why are you so nice?”
“What can I say? Kindness costs nothing, ‘suga. And whoever those people are… we can forget them right now, ‘kay? Just us two right now, hm?”
“Just us,” she repeated back to him, and fell back into his embrace, never wanting to leave his arms for the rest of eternity.
taglist - @sympathyforher, @xxlangdon, @unlivingdreams my lovelies <3
wanna be added? dm, comment or ask to let me know :)
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guqin-and-flute · 3 years
[I am once again giving you an unrelated fanfic. Have some Modern married Xiyao.
Potential CW: poor anger coping skills?, very brief mention of suicidal ideation in internal dialogue. It's an errant thought and he doesn't actually mean it]
Jin Guangyao is upset. What's more upsetting is that he doesn't know why he's upset--this lack of information rankles him more than the feeling. He's used to feeling badly. That's how life is. But without a name, there is nowhere to file it away neatly. It is easier to ignore the sharp sting of a newly noticed cut than this fucking awful malaise that has apparently decided to settle over him with no rhyme or reason like he's some stupid idiot in an artsy French film, slowly choking down filtered cigarettes on some rusty balcony against a sunset or something.
That's not what he does. He is efficient. He is useful. And when he is like this, he is not.
And he still doesn't know why. And the fact that he cannot categorize and escape this has the ennui sliding slowly into a slow boil of tooth grinding fury.
Had it been the morning traffic? The fact that the library had emailed to inform him of a delay on his inter-library loan? The fact that his overpriced coffee was just a tiny bit burnt? The fact that Zixuan had taken a sick day today and so had not brought the soup his wife had promised Jin Guangyao for lunch? It shouldn't be, because these are all so horrifyingly trivial.
He has a tension headache beginning to string itself along his temples. He hates that the receptionist has a perky goodbye ready. He hates that the sun is shining so brightly. Then, he hates that the shadows of the clouds when they pass make things look grungy and dull. He hates that there is a flap of leather from his steering wheel that has peeled up in the back from his picking and he can feel it rubbing against his index finger as he stares, white knuckled and unblinking into the brake lights ahead of him as this bubbling pique crescendos as slowly as one of Xichen's beloved classical music pieces.
In fact, one is playing on the radio, softly, just within hearing range. The quiet, shrill edge of violins makes him want to kill something. Maybe himself. There's a bridge coming up in half a mile. He, very sanely, presses the button on the dash that turns it off instead of doing any of those things. The thought of Xichen has a voice of reason suggesting that he might meditate, while trapped here, 10 minutes from home.
Instead, he jabs a button on his fancy, stupid steering wheel with this thumb. An attentive computer noise beeps. The sudden noise in the relative silence of the car makes him dig his nails into the leather. "Text A-Huan," he snaps.
"Okay! What would you like the message to be?"
Jin Guangyao is going to find whoever programmed this faux-friendly robot voice and make them watch him drown their entire family in a toilet. "I. Hate. Everything."
Beep. "Okay! Your message reads; 'I hate everything'. Send?"
"Yes, send," he seethes before it can fully finish.
There is no plan to this. None at all. He just needs something real to sink his metaphorical teeth into. A reasonable anchor to reality to tell him whether or not he's being stupid and terrible for no reason at all.
Even though he already knows that he is.
The response returns in 43 seconds. Jin Guangyao had been counting. The cheery beep sounds just as the very stale green light turns yellow ahead. He presses the gas. "One message from A-Huan."
The light blinks red while he is only 1/4th of the way through the intersection. The lead car of the adjacent left turners beeps and he bares his teeth at her because he isn't fucking invisible, he's in a high profile gold Lexus and she had definitely seen him fucking coming. He stabs the button that makes the car read him the message.
"'Oh no. Bad day? Want to call? Blue heart emoji'," the female robot voice chirps in a butchery of his husbands words and no, no, he does not, because, at this point, it would simply be a minute long sustained scream of rage over literally nothing at all. He should have kept it to himself and found a quiet place to throw rocks at a wall or something until he wasn't such a repellant time bomb.
He does not reply because if he hears that robot voice again, he's going to commit vehicular homicide. And being arrested would not calm him down.
Finally, traffic parts and he pulls into his driveway--he notices how the bush on the side of the house's branches are creeping up to scrape the window of the kitchen and makes a mental note to send a curt text to the landscaper about his pruning habits. Why are they paying him several hundred dollars a month to let a stupid bush get unruly enough to damage the paint on his window trim?
When he slams his door shut, he hears a loud CLACK that announces that he has just closed his seatbelt in the door and lost the last tenuous thread of his temper. Heaving the door back, he plants his other hand up on the black plastic next to the window and smashes it shut again with all of his strength. Repeatedly. CLACK CLACK CLACK CLACK--Chunk.
Breath hissing between his teeth, he jerks his suit jacket straight, loosens his tie and stalks to the house. The garage door groans to life behind him. Xichen had been watching.
He's nowhere to be seen when Jin Guangyao slams through the backdoor like a vicious thundercloud, which is good and probably intentional, because it allows him to wrestle off his shoes, jacket, and tie in privacy. This does nothing to release any pressure, because it must be intentional wrestling--controlled and confined so he doesn't pop off a button or rip a seam or scuff the shining black leather. Now he's seething in their immaculate, state of the art kitchen, hating how the cold tile feels against his black dress socks and the fact that it smells like tea. Which is stupid. Because he likes tea. But not right now.
Stop being a piece of shit, he snarls at himself. You've already probably fucked up the car and Xichen doesn't deserve this. He balls up his fists so tightly that the bright pain from his nails sinking into his palms leaks up his arms. Be better.
He has no idea how to do that because he has no idea what is wrong.
Reason says to steer clear of Xichen until he can get a hold of himself and behave like a fucking adult. And in the early days of their relationship, he would have. He had. Whenever he got like this, he would shut down or not have inflicted himself on Xichen at all with a smooth lie, and no amount of prying would get anything useful out of him because he would not be a bother. There had been Talks. Long, extensive Talks about trust and love and wanting to take care of him. He had even believed some of them. That's how they can be married, now, years later--Xichen knowing just how close he is to this at all times. How thin his veneer of manners and pleasantries actually is. (He can't truly know, though, can he. If he knew how much none of it makes sense, there is no possible way someone as kind and intelligent as him would choose to stay.)
Xichen would purse his lips if he said this out loud; somewhere between exasperation and sad fondness. Jin Guangyao doesn't tell him, anymore. Most of the time because he doesn't actually think this.
This is not most of the time.
Yes, reason says that he should suck it up and become a human being before burdening Xichen.
But his husband has long, cool hands and soft eyes and a brilliant mind that can solve any problem just by holding it and maybe he just wants to be small and angry and ugly and pathetic and selfish in the comfort of his own home while someone reminds him that there have been, in fact, good things that have happened in his life and he had been, at one time, happy--believe it or not.
And if nothing else, it compounds his streak of bad decisions.
The smell of tea intensifies when he reaches their room. The curtains are drawn. It renders the deep, dusty blues of the bed spread and the armchair black and the aged gold accent pieces muted, except for where the warm light pouring from their open bathroom door paints them bright again. Xichen sits on the edge of their bed in the soft, expensive loungewear Jin Guangyao got him for his birthday last year, one ankle on his knee, watching him with eyes just as soft as he had been expecting. A mug of tea is tucked into his hand and a plate with round, lumpy shapes sits by his hip. Beside that lays spread out the absurdly oversized and absurdly soft heather gray shirt that Nie Huaisang had gifted to him as a joke but was, in fact, one of Jin Guangyao's guilty pleasure sleep shirts.
With his perfect voice and his perfect logic and his perfect way of being the only good thing on this entire, worthless planet, his husband says, "I think you need to scream into this pillow."
'This pillow' is, in fact, one of theirs, dark blue with a thread count that was higher than any savings he ever had in college, perched on a bundle of blankets that is the perfect size to throw himself upon like a sulking romance heroine. He hates it. Hates that this is known, that this might help.
So he fucking does it. He deliberately stalks around the bed, climbs up, smashes his face into the pillow and screams as loudly as he can. With every single ounce of rage in his body, curling him up like the shriveling of a raisin in fast forward, like the curling of a scorpion tail, like throwing up, wringing every last scant molecule of oxygen out of his lungs.
When the sound peters out and he has to drag in another breath, he curls tighter, the claws of his hands reaching over the top of the pillow to fist in his hair. It presses the plush of it firmer over his face and bites it until his teeth ring with dull pain, and his jaw aches and his head throbs and his eyes sting. His scalp burns from the pull on his hair and his throat is raw and tight.
Tearing himself away, finally, he gasps in a gulp of cooler air. Xichen has turned so he is now cross-legged at the foot of the bed, watching him with a mix of calm and understanding sympathy. "Lay down?"
There is a ragged, hollow hole in him that still has scraps of rage clinging to it like disgusting lichen--but the visceral, all consuming hate seems to have been absorbed by his pillow. So he lets himself roll sideways, eyes closing. Xichen gets off the bed--Jin Guangyao assumes, wearily, that he's putting down the tea mug and hopes that he uses a coaster--and then returns by knee walking up the bed to his side. Then, those cool hands he had been hoping for pick open the tiny hard buttons of his shirt. Each pop releases a a tension across his skin and he feels that he can breathe easier with every one.
Jin Guangyao can hear him breathing, slow and measured, through his nose and thinks that it's probably the most comforting sound that he's ever heard in his entire life--now that he's willing to be comforted. Able to be. The reminder of Xichen's continued existence is the only sound he will ever need to be calm again.
The button up is abandoned in favor of undoing his belt--breath, more of it, infiltrating him deeper and deeper--popping the button on his slacks, tugging them down his legs in a warm slide. The quiet clink of it being tossed somewhere. A closing quiet as Xichen leans in and presses his smooth lips to his forehead. Then the corner of his eyebrow. Then the bridge of his nose. Different points and planes of his face like he is unlocking a combination that will open him up and allow him to purge the rest of the awfulness that lingers.
What it mostly is is exhaustion, now. "A-Huan," he groans--whines. Ugh.
Before disgust at himself can settle in, his husband takes this as the invitation for what it is and kisses his mouth, gentle and slow. Jin Guangyao moves his mouth back, halfheartedly, mostly parting his lips to allow him access to do whatever. But all he does is kiss him chastely. Lovingly. He tastes like green tea. Then, Xichen murmurs against his lips, "Would you like a bath?"
He vents a negating grunt, lolling his head back and forth. Baths are so much work. Even when Xichen offered to wash his hair or read to him or even join him, you still had to keep it hot, you had to endure cold when you left, get yourself dry. Too much change, too much sensation and movement.
He should be shaking himself awake. He should be apologizing for his terrible, pointless mood. He should be trying to kiss him back, love him back, pay him back. Thank him.
Xichen merely lifts his hands and presses the heels of his palms into the hinges at Jin Guangyao's jaw, inexorably grinding the tension out of them. Jin Guangyao allows himself to melt. When those cool fingertips slide into his hair, he lets them tug him upright, so Xichen can slide off his button up and slip him out of his undershirt. He shivers against the chill of the bedroom air, but he doesn't feel a surge of utter hatred for the sensations so, well, that's something. In no time, Xichen has coaxed him into the oversized shirt, removed his socks and bundled him up against the padded headboard, tucked into Xichen's side.
Jin Guangyao allows this. He allows himself to allow the blanket to be tugged up over his bare legs, Xichen to tuck the warm mug of steaming mint tea into his hands, and wind his fingers through his hair. He closes his eyes and takes in a deep, shuddering breath before sighing it all out. Xichen's fingers rub soothing circles across his sore scalp.
He cracks one eye to see a cookie hovering at mouth level. It's too dim in the room to properly tell what kind it is, but because Xichen has been perfect in literally every other way, he simply obeys and bites down. Browned butter and sea salt and semi-sweet chocolate ooze across his tongue and the instant spike of sugar satisfaction warms his chest. Jin Guangyao chews with utter contentment, swallows, and opens his mouth again.
"Good?" Xichen's amused voice vibrates warmly through his chest as he indulgently feeds him another bite.
"Mm. Very. Did you make them?"
"I did, earlier today. I just got lucky with the timing." His nails scrape oh so gently across his scalp. "How are you doing?"
Instead of answering, Jin Guangyao blinks up at him and his sweet, kind, ridiculously gorgeous face that is graced by a light smile and a gold edge light from the bathroom.
"I'm sorry."
"What for?"
"Being terrible."
"You're never terrible."
"I was today. I think I fucked up the car."
Xichen chuckles, smile crimping to a knowing press. "I saw. It won't be a big deal. We'll deal with it later."
"...Thank you."
"Of course, A-Yao. Do you still hate everything?"
"Mm-nn." He snuggles down deeper against his ribs, looping an arm around Xichen's warm waist. He has the best husband in his arms, his dark-sweet scent is in his nose, chocolate on his tongue, and 1000 count sheets against his skin.
What is there to hate?
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Cheryl//maple syrup
Request: Can you do the secret and sins when Veronica comments on the Cheryl’s twincest and the reader defends Cheryl even though the reader kinda diss likes Cheryl.
hey! how is everyone? i hope you’re all well and good! i may have slightly cheated a bit and copy and pasted a previously written out bit from another request where they’re playing secrets and sins. but that’s only because i didn’t see the point in writing the same dialogue again. anywayyyy enjoy! 
It seems that whenever Cheryl Blossom arrives at a party, the party atmosphere disappears. Maybe it’s her grating personality or overbearing need to be liked, whatever it is, within ten minutes of her and Chuck gate crashing Jughead’s unwanted birthday party, there’s already tension. 
Which is not made any better by the suggestion of secrets & sins. Your friends are gathered in a circle in the living room, while you sit off to the side. You want to eavesdrop, but you don’t want to reveal your deepest, darkest secrets, not to your best friends and definitely not to Cheryl. 
It’s clear everyone that’s been roped into this stupid game doesn’t want to be there. Betty shifts in her seat uncomfortably and stares at you with pleading eyes. You shoot her an unsure smile back before taking a sip of your drink and she drops your gaze, glancing at Archie before staring down at the floor. 
Cheryl is the only one that looks like she’s enjoying herself, but you’re not surprised. Chaos and the chance to get dirt on everyone so she can control them even more than she already does is what Cheryl lives for.
You glare at the red-head, who’s smiling brightly as she looks around at her victims and when her eyes land on you, her eyes narrow and the smile is replaced by a smirk. 
“What’s wrong Y/n? Did nobody pick you to be on their team?” She asks, her bright red lips forming a perfect pout and you can’t help but stare at them for a few seconds longer than you should. You feel your face heat up and look away, blaming the alcohol for the affects you’re feeling and refusing to believe that you’ve just thought of Cheryl Blossom as attractive. 
A shiver runs up your spine at the thought and you lips pull into a pout as you stare down at the now empty cup in your hands. You scratch at the plastic and listen to the mumbles and whispers of the teenagers stood and sat around you. 
Whoever isn’t partaking in Secrets and Sins, have gathered around to watch and judge, and you can’t help but lean in a little closer, they may be some of your closest friends, but you can’t help wanting to know what they’ve been hiding from one another...you’re only human and at least you’re not as bad as Cheryl. 
Cheryl lives of rumours. Like Gretchen Wieners with smaller and redder hair. 
“What the hell is Secrets and Sins?” Jughead asks, all eyes on Cheryl as she moves around in a circle, eyeing everyone suspiciously as she starts to explain the rules. 
“Its a variation on Truth or Dare…in which we own our truths by telling it like it is. I’ll start the game with…Veronica Lodge.” She smirks and you roll your eyes at her. 
“Naturally.” Veronica sighs and you pat her shoulder. 
“Let’s begin with the day you and your mob wife of a mother came to town for a so-called fresh start.” She says, her eyes filled with accusations and anger before she’s even gotten to her question. 
You really don’t know why so many people like her, well you do, it’s because she’s rich and she bullies people into being her friend because she’s unable to make them any other way. 
She’s snobby, spoilt and just plain mean, but that doesn’t stop you from sometimes staring at her for longer than you want to and definitely should. 
“Tell us Veronica, what’s so fresh about defiling Archie Andrews in a closet?”
“That was your doing.” She replies confused, her arms crossed defensively against her chest.
“Moving on to dear Daddy Lodge…” She interrupts, getting more and more angry by the second. “Isn’t it true that your father, from prison, illegally purchased the drive-in land? Which makes me wonder, what else is he doing behind bars?” She continues and you glance to your side at Joaquin, who shares a very suspicious look with FP
“Well, I can’t speak for my father…but I can think of someone with a very dirty secret. Specifically, Cheryl killing her very own brother.” The tension in the room shifts and your eyes widen. 
As much as you dislike Cheryl, you know how close her and Jason were and you knew how much it hurt and how she’s still hurting now because of his death. You’ve seen her crying underneath the bleachers after school, you see how her eyes are a little more dull than they used to be. They don’t sparkle as much when she talks and when she’s not spreading hate, she’s just not saying anything at all. 
She smiles less when with her friends, and sometimes you think the only reason she’s horrible to people is so she can feel something. But that doesn’t excuse it and so you shake your head and earn a few confused looks as you try to stop yourself from defending Cheryl Majorie Blossom. 
“Everyone knows how much I loved my brother.” Cheryl defends herself.
“Exactly.” Veronica replies. “But did you love him, maybe in ways that a sister shouldn’t love a brother?” She continues and you watch as Cheryl becomes more and more upset. “And as you got older, Jason started to think it was strange, unnatural. So he chose Polly over you. So you shot him between the eyes with one of your father’s many hunting rifles.”
Her shoulders slump a little and her bottom lip quivers as she looks around the room helplessly. The confident look she usually has, has slipped off like a mask, revealing a very sad girl underneath and suddenly you find yourself standing up. 
“That’s enough Veronica.” You say, surprising everyone, including Cheryl. “Just leave her alone, it’s not worth it.” You add quietly and slowly sit back down again. 
Veronica hold her hands up in defence and you force a smile before going back to picking at the plastic of your cup. 
“I don’t need you to defend me.” Cheryl seethes, her eyes full of hatred as she looks at you, and for some reason it stings. You’re used to her not liking you, but her hating you, hurts you for some unknown reason and you have to take a few deep breaths in order to stop the ache in your chest. 
“This game is sick.” Dilton adds and Cheryl uses the distraction to wipe away the tears on her cheek. “I wanna go next.” He adds making everyone look at him.
“Thats the spirit, Doiley. What secrets do you have to reveal to us?” Chuck grins. 
“I saw Ms. Grundy’s car by Sweetwater River the day Jason went missing.” He says and everyone gasps. People mumble and whisper around you and Cheryl stares straight at Dilton, her eyes narrow. “I told Betty and Jughead, and then Ms. Grundy quit her job and left Riverdale, like, two days later. And let’s not forget that Archie was also at Sweetwater River that morning.”
“Oh, my God.” Cheryl whips her head round to look at Archie. “Colour me shocked. Archie Andrews, is that why you became a mediocre musician overnight? Because you and Ms. Four-Eyes were pulling a Mary Kay Letourneau?”
“Don’t say anything. Don’t get in the gutter with them.” Veronica mutters while glaring at Cheryl. 
“Wait, what? Andrews was banging a teacher?” Chuck asks, his tone a mix of surprise and impressed and you roll your eyes at him. “I wish I would’ve known. I would have added you and Ms. Grundy to the book of conquests.”
“Classy, Chuck, as always.”
“Wait a second.” Cheryl interrupts. “That also explains why Archie can’t seem to keep a girlfriend to save his life. He’s got serious mommy issues. Anything to say for yourself Arch? Were you a victim or a perpetrator?”
“Dilton Doiley plays with guns.” Betty tries to change the subject but she’s immediately shut down.
“Big whoop, Betty. So Doiley’s a psychopath. Everyone knows that.”  
“Well, I guess it’s my turn now. Boy, do I have a twisted secret to reveal, starring Betty Cooper.”
“Leave her the hell alone, Chuck.” Archie threatens.
“Shut up, Andrews.” He replies. “Look, you may get a free peep show every night, but you do not know her. Hell, Betty doesn’t even know herself. Everybody knows why I got suspended, but what you don’t know...she dressed up like a hooker, in a God-awful black wig, drugged me, handcuffed me in the Jacuzzi, and well, I almost drowned until she got me to say what she wanted to hear. And then she really lost it. She actually thought she was Polly. But, hey, you knew all about this right, Jughead?” He asks. For a second, the question hangs in the air, everyone trying to figure out what to say next and how to process what they’ve just been told. 
But then Jughead leaps forward at punches Chuck in face causing all hell to break loose. Everyone stands and FP shoves races forward to grab Chuck and throw him outside. 
While everyone else follows them outside, eagerly awaiting a fight, you stay back and watch as Cheryl disappears upstairs, quietly sniffling as she goes. You look at the front door and then at the stairs and sigh, knowing that this is not gonna end well. She’s gonna insult you and tell you to leave her alone, but at least you can say you tried to help and then you won’t feel bad. 
So you glance at the door one more time and pray that at least one person is filming whatever is happening out there, before wandering up the stairs in search for Cheryl. 
The slight scent of maple syrup and the sound of faint cries coming from the bathroom lets you know where she’s hiding and you quietly creep along the slightly creaky floorboards, trying to remember which ones to avoid after years of practice when sneaking into Archie’s room in order to break him out. 
You stop outside of the bathroom, light coming out of the cracks of the door and your hand hovers over the handle. 
“Whoever is out there, go away.” She sniffles and you roll your eyes. 
Turning on your heel, you start to walk away, but then you hear her sob and it makes you freeze. 
You let out a quiet groan and curse the side of you that can’t leave people that are crying alone, before making your way back to the bathroom and slowly opening the door. 
The first thing you see as you duck your hear around the door is Cheryl sat on the side of the bath. Her hands gripping the edges so hard that her knuckles have turned white. He hair has fallen in front of her face and you watch as she her shoulder shake and tears drip onto the bath mat. 
“Cheryl?” You whisper and she looks up, her eyes wide as she quickly scrambles to wipe away the tears that have ruined her makeup. “Are you okay?” You ask and walk into the room. You close the door behind you and lean against it and her expression hardens. 
“I’m having the best time.” She deadpans and you resist the urge to roll your eyes. God is she stubborn. 
“Look, I know we’re not exactly best friends. Most of the time, I don’t really like to be around you-” 
“Is this supposed to be making me feel better?” She asks and you shrug. 
“But you know that if you need someone to talk to that won’t judge you or really know anything about you, you can. I’ll just sit and listen and you can cry or rant or I dunno. Just, know you’re not alone. You may not get along with everyone in this town, but we will all be here for you if you need us, all you have to do is ask.” You say honestly but anxiously while playing with your fingers. 
She looks at you surprised, her lips part as if she’s going to say something and you’re sure she’s going to tell you to shut up and leave her alone, but instead she says thank you and you feel yourself relax a little. 
“It’s okay.” You nod. “And for the record, what Veronica said was out of line. Everyone knows how much Jason meant to you and for her to say that is just wrong. We all know you loved your brother...a normal amount.” You add the last bit quietly and she stares at you for a few seconds before a smile twitches at her lips. “Would you like me to leave you alone now?” You ask and she shakes her head. You look around the small bathroom, trying to figure out the best place to sit and she moves along a little so you can sit beside her. “Would you like me to sit with you until you feel better?” You ask and she nods slowly, her lip wobbling again. 
You sit beside her, place a gentle hand over hers and the two of you fall into a slightly awkward but not as bad as you thought it would be, silence. 
After ten minutes, Cheryl stands and makes her way over to the mirror. She swipes her fingers under her eyes to try and get rid of her ruined mascara before messing with her hair to try and get it back to looking like normal. 
“Do I look okay?” She turns to you and stands with her arms by her side. Your breath hitches when you look at her and you wonder how she looks so pretty even in the most unflattering light that is Archie Andrews’ bathroom. 
You stand in front of her and slowly tuck a piece of hair behind her ear and you watch as she takes a shaky breath. 
“Can I?” You ask, your fingers centimetres away from her cheek and she nods slowly, her eyes locked with yours and you feel yourself growing warm from the intensity. “There.” You smile once you’ve wiped a bit of mascara away from her cheek. 
She grabs her bag and pulls her lipstick from it, but when she goes to apply it, her hands shake and you take it from her gently. 
Your lips darts out between your tongue as you concentrate on keeping the lipstick in the lines, and you can feel her warm breath on your cheek. 
“There!” You smile proudly once your finished, but she grabs your arm before you can pull away properly as her lips connect with yours in an almost frantic kiss.
You gasp a little and then relax and kiss back just as frantically, but she pulls away after a few seconds and the two of you stare at each other wide-eyed and breathless. 
“Your lipstick’s ruined.” You whisper and her lips curl into a smile. 
“Worth it.” She replies before pulling you close to her and kissing you again. 
support my writing! if you want! 
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yootaesowlwrites · 3 years
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Requested By: No one, but I’m dedicating it to @taeandpuppies​
A/N: This is just a thing I wanted to write for Tae’s birthday.
Warnings: fluff, established relationship, explicit language, descriptive scenes, hand kink, slight sensual touching, fingering, clit stimulation, female receiving oral, slight teasing, multiple orgasms, nudism, Tae sucks on his fingers to taste reader, barely a handjob, unprotected sex (always use protection), reader running her fingers through his hair, reader holding onto his hair as they cum, cockwarming, aftercare.
Word Count: 5 939
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Five years, but it could be longer, that was how long Tae and (Y/n) had been dating, and they had they been living together for almost three years now, and during all those years it had been a joy, nothing but happiness in their home, yes, there were moments that were unpleasant, but they always made up, the pleasant moments were more than the unpleasant ones, the place was always filled with laughter and joy, never a dull moment, especially on the days when Tae was given the day off, they would spend those days with each other, cuddling, talking about what bothered them, watch a movie, or become more intimate, and those days were rare.
Today was one of those rare days, Tae had gone to the studio, attending meetings and signing papers after papers before they were granted the afternoon off, and he was always grateful for it, not that he didn’t love his job, he did, but he loved spending time with (Y/n) a little more, and today he was able to spend more time with her, thanks to the afternoon they were given off, he closes the main door, making sure to lock it before removing his shoes.
“I’m home,” Tae calls out as he slips his jacket off, he hears footsteps approaching him and hangs his jacket on the coat hanger near the door, he turns to face the person approaching him.
“This early?” (Y/n) asks. “Not that I mind.” She gently smiles at him.
“We were granted the afternoon off,” Tae says, she wraps her arms around him, pressing herself against him, his arms move around her and pulls her closer into the embrace, his hands moving her lower back, her scent surrounds him, filling his lungs as he nuzzles his face in the crook of her neck.
“Hm, remind me to send a thank-you card to whoever was that generous.” (Y/n) softly says, he lifts his head from the crook of her neck and looks into her warm eyes, a soft smile on his lips, he never felt more at home when he was with her, leaning in, her eyes falls hut along with his, his lips brush against her soft ones, tasting the strawberry frosting she had tasted just women ago after spreading it over the cake, his soft warm lips moving with hers before they slowly pull back from the kiss, he leans his forehead against hers, eyes slowly opening to gaze into each other’s eyes.
“You make me feel at home,” Tae says. “Home was just a place and then you entered my life.”
“Hey, now you’re just becoming cheesy.” (Y/n) says as she steps back, breaking the loving embrace. “Not that I mind.” She could feel her cheeks heating up before turning away. “I made some cake, I didn’t know you’d be home this early, otherwise I would have made it earlier in the day.”
“No, I tasted the frosting on your lips, so I assumed you baked a cake,” Tae says as he follows her into the kitchen, he sees the strawberry flavoured cake, before his eyes fell to the dishes in the sink, soaking in warm water, how many bowls did she use? He wondered to himself.
“Uh, I’ll do those in a moment.” (Y/n) says, she turns around to look at him as she picks up the dirty spoon she had used to mix the frosting. “But first, can I get you anything? A drink? Something to eat?”
“No, no, maybe a cup of tea later, but not right now,” Tae says, she nods her head as she placed the spoon with the dirty dishes. “I can do the dishes.” She shakes her head as she turns her back to the dishes to look at him.
“No, no, I made the mess, I’ll clean it.” (Y/n) says, Tae walks closer to her.
‘But if we work together, It’ll be finished faster.” Tae says.
“And it isn’t fair that you do the dishes when you didn’t dirty them.” (Y/n) states.
“But I don’t mind helping,” Tae says. “The quicker we finish the dishes, the faster we can spend time together, watch a movie in the bedroom, cuddle under the covers.” He stops in front of her, looking into her eyes.
“You’re very convincing.” (Y/n) says. “And cuddling does sound nice.” He leans closer, his musk surrounds her, the warmth from his body reaches her.
“I’ll wash and you can dry off,” Tae says, his lips inches away from hers.
“Deal.” (Y/n) softly says, he pecks her lips before she moved out of the way, allowing him access to the kitchen sink, she picks up a drying towel while he reaches for some gloves, her eyes fall to his hands as he pulls the rubber gloves on, he reaches for the soap and the sponge, she blinks and lifts her gaze from his hands to his face. “So uh, how was it this morning?” She wanted to distract herself for a moment before her mind would begin to wonder, wonder about what his hands could be doing instead of the dishes.
“It was busy, we were ushered from one room to another,” Tae says, he looks at her and sweetly smiles at her. “We had to decide on some dates, sign some papers, and then we were granted the afternoon off.”
“Aren’t you tired then?” (Y/n) asks. “Or isn’t your hand cramped up? And now you’re doing the dishes as well.” He rinses one of the bowls he just washed and hands it to her.
“My hands are never tired when it comes to helping around,” Tae says. “Or to you.” She takes the bowel from his grasp and begins drying it. “How was your morning?”
“The same as any other morning.” (Y/n) says as she dries the bowl. “I managed to get a few things finished, and then decided to bake a cake.” She moves around the kitchen and puts the bowl away before walking back to the sink and picking up another bowl from the drying rack. “I just didn’t realize how much of a mess I made when I baked.” Tae soft chuckles and looks around the kitchen.
“It doesn’t look too bad,” Tae says, she walks around the kitchen and puts the bowl away.
“Oh, you should have seen it before you arrived home.” (Y/n) says and walks back to the sink, she picks up the spoon he had just placed in the drying rack. “Flour everywhere.” He shakes his head as he washes the final few items. “But I managed to wipe it clean just before you got here.” She dries the spoon and moves to the drawer she had got it from.
“I wish I was here to help,” Tae says, she licks her lips before softly smiling at him.
“To what?” (Y/n) asks. “Toss flour onto me? Make more of a mess?”
“No, of course not,” Tae says and coyly smiles at her.
“That smile tells another story, Tae.” (Y/n) says, he removes the rubber gloves from his hands and placed them near the sink to dry, he picks another drying towel and picks up one of the utensils he had washed.
“Are you saying I’m lying?” Tae asks.
“Of course not.” (Y/n) says. “I’m just saying that if you were here to help with the cake, the kitchen would be messier.” Tae dries the utensil and moves towards the drawer.
“That’s just a nicer way to say that you think I’m lying,” Tae says. “But it’s okay, I forgive you.” He puts the utensil away and picks up another item, (Y/n)’s eyes move down to watch his hands, her mind wandering for a moment, Tae puts the item away and hangs the drying towel on the hook he had retrieved it from, he turns to look at her and takes a step closer. “Hey, are you okay?” She blinks as she snaps out her daydream, she looks up at him and slowly nods her head.
“Yeah, yeah.” (Y/n) says. “Why are you asking?” He carefully takes the spoon she had been drying.
“Well, you’ve been drying this for almost five minutes now,” Tae says.
“Oh.” (Y/n) breathes out. “Oh, I uh, I was just thinking about something.” She nags the drying towel.
“Oh, want to share what it was?” Tae asks as he puts the spoon away.
“It wasn’t anything important.” (Y/n) says. “Uh, so you mentioned you wanted to cuddle and watch a movie.” She quickly changes the subject, although he would most likely ask her again later. “What do you say we go to our room and get nice and comfortable in bed to watch it?” Tae nods his head, pushing his question aside, for the time being.
“I like that idea,” Tae says. “It sounds more comfortable than the couch today.” He moves closer to the cake.
“Ah, ah, no, that’s for tonight.” (Y/n) says.
“Not even a tiny bite before we go to the bedroom?” Tae asks.
“Not even a tiny taste.” (Y/n) says, a pout form on his lips.
“Okay,” Tae says. “But I want an extra big slide.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” (Y/n) says and begins exiting the kitchen, he lifts his hand and grazes his finger over the frosting. “Tae!” He pulls his finger away and shoves it into his mouth, she smiles while shaking her head. “Come on.” He quickly leaves the kitchen, following her to the bedroom, the large bed had been decorated with a bunch of plush pillows and a thick cover to keep them warm for the upcoming cold nights, she removes her pants while Tae climbs under the covers, covering his legs with it, she quickly climbs in next to him after tossing her pants in the laundry basket, Tae sat up against the plush pillows pressed against the headboard, (Y/n) rests her head on his shoulder as he picks up the remote controller.
“Is there anything specific you want to watch?” Tae asks.
“No, I don’t mind what you pick for us.” (Y/n) says, he switches the television on and begins searching through a list of films, her eyes fall on his hand holding the remote controller, his hands had to have been sculpted or a gift from the Greek gods themselves, he takes hold of her hand with his free hand and brings her hand to his lips, her eyes follow the movement, he softly presses a soft kiss on the back of her hand.
“I hope you don’t mind this film,” Tae says, her eyes move to the screen, barely paying attention to the title of the film.
“No, no, I don’t mind.” (Y/n) says, he placed the remote controller down and lowered their hands onto the bed, laying it down above the covers near his thigh, their fingers interlace as the movie intro begins playing, she slowly rubs small circles on the back of his hand using her thumb and before she knew it, her other hand had unconsciously moved towards their clasped hands and had started playing with his fingers, admiring them as she did.
“What are you doing?” Tae asks, his voice soft as he spoke, making her freeze when she heard his voice, she slowly looks up at him.
“Nothing, nothing.” (Y/n) says before looking back down at his hand.
“It’s not nothing, come on, you can tell me,” Tae says. “I don’t want you to be ashamed of anything around me.” She licks her lips as she thinks about it. “You know that I won’t judge you.” She looks up at him, finding his dark brown eyes.
“It’s your hands.” (Y/n) quietly says.
“What about my hands?” Tae asks.
“They look so… good.” (Y/n) says. “Beautiful, almost as if they had been sculpted.” He gently nods his head as he listens. “And sometimes when you’re doing something with them… fuck.” She lightly pressed her thighs together, Tae quickly picked it up and started piecing everything together.
“Then maybe I should use them on you,” Tae says, his tone husky as he spoke. “Show you what they are capable of doing.” He releases her hand and pushes it underneath the covers, his hand presses against her exposed thigh. “Fuck, do you know how glad I am that you decided to remove your pants before getting in?” He could feel her warm skin underneath his touch, his fingers lightly tap her upper thigh, she lifts her head away from his shoulder and leans back against the pillows, he turns his head to watch her reaction, the movie quickly being forgotten, he slowly slides his hand up and down her thigh, stopping to softly knead the skin before sliding his hand up and down again, his fingers dipping between her inner thighs, stopping to knead the skin, her eyes slowly fall close as she felt his hand working on her skin, his fingers gently pressing into the skin, his hand slides away from her inner thigh. “How many times have you been thinking about my hands today?” She opens her eyes while turning her head to look at him, he stared at her, his eyes clouded with lust.
“I… I don’t know.” (Y/n) softly says. “I.. I’m not s…sure.” She stutters out, he licks his lips as his hands slide closer to her heat.
“This morning?” Tae asks. “Before I left?” She nods her head, his fingers were so close to her heat, so close to feeling how wet she had got from just thinking about what his hands could do to her. “When I came back?” She once again nods her head. “When?” She takes in a deep breath, her eyes fighting to fall close.
“When we hugged.” (Y/n) says. “Your hands moved to my…” She lets out a delighted sigh as she feels his hand kneading her thigh. “Lower back.”
“Any other times?” Tae asks.
“Dishes.” (Y/n) answers, he nods his head. “When you were washing them.” His hand slides away from her clothed soaking pussy, a whine escaping her lips. “And when you were drying!”
“And?” Tae asks, her eyes fall shut. “No, no, look at me when I’m asking you questions.” She takes her bottom lip between her teeth and opens her eyes to look at him. “And when else?” His hand slowly moves back between her thighs.
“Now, just now.” (Y/n) says. “When you were choosing a movie.”
“Spread your legs for me, angel,” Tae says in a deep voice, almost instinctively her legs widen, giving him more access. “Tell me…” His hand inches closer to her heat. “Did you imagine my hands, my fingers finger touching you…” Two of his fingers brush against her panties, feeling a wet patch forming on them. “Like this?” She turns her head away from him. “No, no.” He reaches over with his other hand, gently placing two fingers against her jawline and turns her head back to look at him. “Keep looking at me.”
“Mhm.” (Y/n) whimpers, his fingers stroking over her panties, feeling the warmth seeping through.
“Now answer me, angel,” Tae says, his lust covered eyes staring into her eyes.
“… Yes.” (Y/n) breathes out. “Yes.” He could feel his cock twitch as blood rush down to his length, his fingers move to the side of her panties and pulls them to the side, he would get rid of it right now, but he wanted to tease her a little more, he slips a finger between her folds, his finger becoming coated with her wetness.
“Oh, so wet, all for me?” Tae asks. “All for my hands?” He releases her jaw.
“Mhm.” (Y/n) softly moans, feeling his finger stroke up and down her folds, he could feel her trying to squeeze her legs shut, a smirk begins to tug at his lips.
“Oh, you’re being a naughty angel,” Tae says, he slips a second finger between her folds, continuing to stroke her folds, his fingers come together above her clit, causing her to suck in a deep breath. “Oh… you definitely must have imagined my fingers touching you here.” His fingers slide over her clit, her lips part at the pleasurable sensation running through her. “Keep looking at me, angel, don’t look away.” His fingers stroked over her clit, back and forth, from one side to the other side, her breathing deepened. “Bet I could make you cum by just playing with your clit.” She could feel a twist in her stomach, his words having a deep effect on her. “Should we try?”
“Oh.” (Y/n) gasps out.
“Is that a yes?” Tae asks, her eyes wanted to shut, she wanted to tilt her head back and lay it against the headboard. “I’m waiting, angel.”
“Y.. yes.” (Y/n) gasps out, his fingers circling her clit, she could feel a tension building, her body became warmer, and she could feel the covers over her legs causing sweat to form on her legs.
“I want to hear you,” Tae says. “Scream my name, moan my name as loudly as you can when you come for me.” His fingers split and move around her clit in a scissoring movement, she takes in a deep breath.
“Please, please.” (Y/n) begs.
“Please, what?” Tae asks.
“Please let me close my eyes.” (Y/n) whispers. “I can’t… I don’t…”
“Only when you come for me, my angel,” Tae says. “The second you reach your high, you can shut those beautiful eyes.”
“TAE!” (Y/n) screams as he took her clit between his fingers, the pleasure running through her veins was indescribable. “Fu— Tae, Tae.” He rolls the sensitive nub between his fingers.
“That’s it, say my name,” Tae says, her orgasm was building and building fast as he rolled her clit between his fingers.
“Tae.. Oh, oh, Tae!” (Y/n) chants, her toes curl as heat spreads over her body, her mind clouded with bliss, her hand reaches up for one of the pillows, gripping it while her other hand near his thigh grips the covers between her fingers. “Tae.. I… close.”
“Come for me, (Y/n),” Tae says, her eyes fall close, it appeared like fireworks going off behind her eyelids as pleasure washes over her, the tension that had been building explodes, her legs shake with pleasure.
“TAE!” (Y/n) screams, he releases her clit and gently strokes her folds, easing her through the high, her face displayed pure bliss and it looked absolutely breathtaking to Tae, he loved seeing her face during her high, the way her eyes were shut, enjoy the pleasure, the way her soft lips would part and every muscle in her face was relaxed, it was a sight to behold, her eyes slowly open as she takes in a deep breath.
“You always look so beautiful,” Tae says as he pulls his hand away from her, he tosses the covers off them and moves onto his knees next to her, his hand moves to her panties and curls his fingers around the elastic of them. “Get rid of the pillows that make you feel uncomfortable.” She manages to lift her ass from the mattress, long enough for him to pull her panties down, she sits back down, feeling his knuckles brush along her legs as he removes them, he tosses them across the room, she begins moving lower on the bed and pushes some pillows off the bed, before she could lay down he quickly stopped her, his fingers curling around the hem of her shit. “You’re going to get very hot wearing this.” He lifts it upwards, purposely brushing his knuckles over her warm skin, she lifts her arms, allowing him to remove it, he once again tosses it across the room, before reaching behind her and unclasping her bra, he slides the straps down her arms and tosses it aside as well.
“So much better, now you can lay down, angel,” Tae says, she lays down on the bed, quickly finding a comfortable position, he leans over and grabs one of the remaining pillows on the bed. “Lift.” She lifts her hips, and he places the pillow underneath her, lifting her hips for better access to her pussy, he moves between her legs, sitting far enough away in case he wanted a taste, his eyes caught sight of her glistening pussy, his cock had become hard and had formed a tent in the sweatpants he was wearing, he could feel it twitch once he caught sight of her wet pussy. “Fuck.” His hand ghostly slides over her thigh, his fingers barely touching her skin as he moves his hand to her pussy. “So wet for me, all because of my hands, all for me.” His hand cups her pussy, his fingers slipping between her folds, gently stroking them as his fingers move towards her entrance. “Can you come for me again, angel?” Two fingers were at her opening, the tips dipping in and out, almost in a teasing way, she could feel her muscles tightening, just feeling his fingers threatening to slip in.
“Yes, yes.” (Y/n) breathes out, he placed his other hand on the outside of her thigh, his fingers softly rubbing the skin, he pulls his hand away from her wetness. “No, Tae.” She whimpers out, lifting her head and watches as he brought his hand to his face, his lips wrap around his fingers, his eyes meeting hers as he slowly pulls them from his mouth. “Tae…”
“Mhm.” Tae hums as he removes his fingers from his mouth. “You taste delicious, my angel.” His hand moves back between her legs, his fingers slipping between her folds, moving to her entrance. “Bend your legs for me.” She bends her legs, pressing her feet into the mattress, his hand on her thigh moves to her inner thigh before his arm slides underneath and his hand goes to her hip, he leans over, moving his face closer to her pussy, she lowers her head and squeezes her eyes shut as she felt his breath against her soaking pussy, his two fingers slip into her opening, slightly twisting his hand as he does.
“Oh.” (Y/n) breathes out as her lips part, the feeling of his fingers moving deeper into her, causing her pleasure, he twists and turns his fingers inside her. “Ph, mhm.” He turns his head, pressing his lips against her inner thigh. “Tae.” His lips felt soft against her warm skin, his tongue slide over her skin as he slowly moves his face closer to her pussy, his fingers curl inside her, ghostly burning against the most sensitive spot inside her. “TAE, FUCK!” She could feel the familiar tension building again.
“Oh, you sound so beautiful, angel,” Tae says, her eyes widen as she was reminded how close his face was to her pussy, he extends his fingers inside her and slowly pulls them out, stopping just before the tips could slip out before pushing them back in while adding a third finger, his tongue slips between her folds, licking a stride between her folds.
“TAE!” (Y/n) moans loudly, her body trembled with pleasure, she gripped the bedsheets in pleasure, her eyes shut once again, her heart pounded in her ears, the tip of his tongue moves around her clit, she could feel the nub throbbing for attention, throbbing in pleasure, his fingers continue to slide in and out of her entrance, twisting and turning them. “TAE!” His lips wrap around her clit, gently sucking on it.
“Mhm-hm.” Tae hums against her clit, the vibrations pushing her over the edge, warmth runs up her legs, pleasure washes over her as her toes curl in pleasure, her entire body shook with pleasure.
“TAE!” (Y/n) couldn’t help but scream his name, his hand on her hip gently kneads the skin, his fingers inside her curling, feeling her walls clenching around them as she releases, her mind clouded with lust, the euphoric feeling taking over completely, he extends his fingers and slowly twists and turns them, easing her through her second high, his lips release her clit and moves his head away from her soaking pussy, he kisses her inner thighs while slipping his fingers from her opening, his lips pepper soft kisses on her inner thigh before lifting his head and sitting upright on his knees, he brings his hand back to his lips and once again takes them in his mouth, her eyes open, letting out a satisfied sigh.
“Mhm, hmh.” Tae hums as he pulls his fingers from his lips with a loud pop. “Fuck, you’re always so tasty angel.” She straightens her legs as her toes uncurl, she releases the sheets and lifts her head to look at him, he carefully moves to the edge of the bed and climbs off. “But I want to be inside you now, angel, I want to feel you wrapped around me.” Her walls clench around nothing at his words. “I want to feel you clench around me.” He removes his shirt, dropping it to the ground, she lifts her hips and grips the pillow, pulling it out from underneath her and tosses it off the bed, she sits upright and moves to the edge of the bed, just as he pulled his sweatpants down along with his underwear, his hard cock slaps against his toned stomach, making her swallow and lick her lips.
“Do you want me to…” (Y/n) begins, she looks up at him, innocent wide eyes staring up at him, his eyes roll to the back of his head at the sight.
“Fuck.” Tae whispers feeling his cock twitch.
“Do you want me to help you?” (Y/n) asks. “Suck you?”
“No, no, no, not right now.” Tae quickly says as he looks at her. “Right now I just want to be inside you.” Her eyes fall back to his hard cock, pre-cum leaking from the head, one of her hands wrap around the base of his cock, her other hand wrapping around the head of his cock, her fingers tapping against the slit before circling her finger around the head of his cock, spreading the clear liquid over the head of his cock, his lips part as he tilts his head back in pleasure. “Oh, oh, fuck.” Her hand slowly slides down his length, twisting and turning her hand, feeling the veins on his cock underneath her touch, her hand moves back to the head, spreading the clear liquid over his cock.
“I don’t think you need much help getting hard.” (Y/n) says as she looks back up at him, her hand continues to slowly pump his length. “You’re already so hard.” She releases his cock and moves back to the middle of the bed, Tae climbs on the bed as she lays down, her legs bending as he moves between them, he wraps his hand around his cock and pushes it between her folds, moving himself between her heat, collecting her wetness on his cock. “Oh.” Her fingers graze over the bedsheets, feeling the head of his cock brush over her sensitive clit. “Stop te… teasing me, Tae.” He slides the head of his cock to her opening and slips the head of his cock inside her, her lips part and her eyes fall shut at the feeling of his thick hard cock slipping into her opening, stretching her walls and filling her. “Oh, my— fuck, Tae.”
“Fuck.” Tae curses, feeling his cock being enveloped by her arm wet walls, his jaw clenches at the sensation, he releases his cock, he slowly slips deeper into her, filling her more, he leans over and placed his hands on the bed, her feet moves closer to his legs, brushing against them, she lifts her arms from the bed and placed one hand on his shudder while the other hand runs through his hair before resting at the nape of his neck, her fingers pressing into the skin on his shoulder. “Fuck, you feel so good, angel.” He lifts his hips, his cock sliding out, stopping before the head slipped out, he rolls his hips, thrusting back into her, the sound of their breathy moans and skin hitting against skin filled the room along with the sound of her wetness drowned out the noise coming from the television playing in the background, his hips rolling into her, burying himself deep inside her before pulling out and snapping his hips back.
“Tae!” (Y/n) moans.” TAE!” The feeling of his hard cock brushing against her most sensitive spot causer her walls to clench around him, her body tingled with pleasure, the tension in her lower abdomen building and building, her hand on the nape of his hand moves back into his hair, entangling her fingers with them, the hand on his shoulder digs into his skin, her nails avoiding his skin, not wanting to cause him any harm.
“Fuck, if you keep clenching around me, I won’t last long.” Tae groans out, sweat coated both their skin as the air surrounding them felt hot.
“Tae, you just… oh, oh… so good.” (Y/n) moans out, he reaches between them and pressed his finger against her clit, stoking the sensitive nub, her back arched off the bed as his cock brushes over the most sensitive spot inside her. “TAE!” Her walls clamp down around him, warmth speed through her body as pleasure washes over her, her mind becomes clouded with bliss, her feet brush against his calves, her toes curling against his skin, her hand releases his shoulder and grabs for the sheets, twisting them between her fingers, her other hand holds onto his hair as her lips parts, her eyes squeeze shut as the tension exploded, and she releases around his cock, her body quivering with pleasure as her muscles contracts, his cock twitched inside her, feeling her release surrounding his cock.
“Oh, oh, angel, oh, fuck, I’m gonna cum.” Tae breathes out, the feeling of her warm wet walls clenching down on him clouded his mind, and he almost felt light-headed from the pleasure, a sudden burst of energy runs through his cock as he releases inside her, filling her with his cum. “Oh, fuck.” He pulls his hand away from her clit and pressed it into the bed as he felt his energy drain, his thrusts came to a halt with him buried deep inside her, he lowers himself, resting his face in the crook of her neck, taking in a few deep breaths before reaching for her leg, he pulls her leg closer to him and rolls home over, letting her lay on top of him with him still buried deep inside her, he wraps his arms around her, moving his hand to the tips of her hair and gently begins playing with her hair, his other hand gently rubs up and down her back, the surrounding air slowly cooling down as they lay in silence, catching their breath while staring into each other’s eyes as he soothingly rubs her back and plays with her hair, it felt like the comforting silence only lasted a few minutes, but over seventeen minutes had already passed. “You’re so beautiful.” He brings his hand o her face and gently pushes some of her hair away. “I am such a lucky man.”
“I am the lucky one.” (Y/n) says as she begins getting up from him, she could feel his cock slipping out from her.
“Wait, let me go run us a bath,” Tae says, she climbs onto the bed, sitting upright.
“I can go to the bathroom.” (Y/n) says.
“And what type of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t clean you?” Tae asks as he stood from the bed, he makes his way to the bathroom.
“Not a bad one if that is what you’re getting at.” (Y/n) says.
“Sh, of course, I’d be a bad one if I didn’t clean up after myself,” Tae says as he emerges from the bathroom, she could hear the tub filling with water, he approaches the bed, and she moves to the edge of it, he helps her stand, her legs feeling wobbly after the last orgasm, she hadn’t realized how much her body was shaking until he helped her stand, he helps her to the bathroom and helps her into the tub and helps her sit down in the foamy bathwater, he climbs in with her and settles behind her, near the water still filling the tub. “Are you okay?” She looks over her shoulder at him.
“Yeah, yeah.” (Y/n) says. “I’m okay, that was nice.” He nods his head. “I should’ve told you sooner.” She looks ahead of her, feeling a bit drowsy, he closes the water and takes hold of her washcloth, he picks up her soap and opens the cap, squeezing some of the fruity scented soap into the cloth.
“Don’t fall asleep, it’s not even 6 yet.” Tae jokingly says.
“I can’t help it.” (Y/n) says, he could hear the lazy smile in her tone.
“I’ll try to be quick then,” Tae says and begins washing her shoulders, moving over her neck and down her back.
“Mhm, okay.” (Y/n) tiredly says, he wraps his arms around her, pulling her closer against him before washing her chest.
“I didn’t even give any attention to them today,” Tae says while washing her breasts, she leans her head back against his shoulder.
“Next time.” (Y/n) says, he washes down her stomach before reaching between her legs. “No to round 2, not right now.” Tae softly giggles as he carefully washes her.
“I’ll hold off on round 2 for now,” Tae says, after cleaning her and cleaning himself he helps her out the bath and wraps a fuzzy towel around her, drying her before helping her back to the bedroom, he sits her down on the cushiony couch in the room and gets her some loose pyjamas and helps her get dressed in them, before dressing himself.
“We should change the sheets now.” (Y/n) states as she glanced at the bed.
“I can change them,” Tae says, (Y/n) stood from the couch, the shakiness in her legs feeling better after the warm bath, but her body felt drained, and she just wanted to sleep.
“Why don’t you go make us some tea?” (Y/n) suggests.
“I can’t believe you don’t trust me with the sheets,” Tae says, a playful smile o his lips.
“It’s not that I don’t trust you.” (Y/n) says. “I just don’t want to take forever to change them.” Tae moves closer to her and wraps one arm around her lower back, pulling her closer to him.
“Then I’ll be right back with the tea,” Tae says and softly kisses her before unwrapping his arm and leaving the room to go and make some tea, she quickly pulled the sheets from the bed, tossing them on the pile where her clothes had landed, she retrieves some fresh sheets and begins putting it over the bed, by the time Tae had returned with the tea she was throwing the cover back onto the bed. “That was fast.”
“When you’re tired, you work fast.” (Y/n) says and climbs into the bed, Tae hands her a cup of tea and placed his cup on the nightstand, he climbs underneath the covers, she takes a sip from her tea before putting the cup down on the nightstand, she moves closer to him and lays her head down on his chest while laying an arm over his torso and getting comfortable, Tae begins playing with a strand of her hair and begins looking for another film to watch, seeing as the previous one had finished an hour earlier.
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Iitterally pick whoever to fill the him.
18+ just incase Do NOT repost or publish comments and Reposts welcome!!!
He looked at the calendar.
It should have been a special day. Everything.
Things planned. Flowers bought. Getaways. He had always planned things like this. Hed refused for you to do anything so in love and wanting to do everything for you. Despite your constant voicing to do something for him surprise him once but no. You were everything for him to him. He always took every opportunity to show you. But now it was just another day he was alone. Another day he had to just get through.
He was given a choice. Sometimes he thought it was a dream but he knew your name your face your everything. It was too- well he couldn't know all that if he didn't know you..thats what he told himself on days he felt like he was nuts.
He had looked you up on Facebook knowing your username something your friends from high-school couldn't even find you. But he did. He pretended to be someone else and by some miracle you accepted something you almost never did. So maybe...maybe he was given a bit of a reprieve He knew your Instagram handle and your Twitter even you tumblr. He noticed the lack of stories with his actual name but the ones up there broke his heart. Slivers of truth were in there. Arguments tears how you cried at his movies how you how he did certain things. You'd take a tiny peice of a cookie that just came out of the oven against better judgment and always burnt your tounge.
He was filming and there was a car accident and he lost you. He lost you forever. Fuck everyone else and how they felt. Fuck his family fuck your family fuck everything and everyone in the goddammit fucking world. He was yours and you were his. Before you ever even married. It was like thag the first time you two said hi. He wanted you back in the world even if you hated him for eternity.
He just wanted you to be alive.
He was given the choice (by he doesn't know what and he didn't care) you'd be alive but he couldn't go near you couldn't talk too you nothing. But he'd get his wish and you'd be in the world again. He doesn't know what was worse not having a child and being all alone or if you had, wishing you did have a child so so he could have (at least one) peice of you but he couldn't even function so how was he supposed to for a child? He had just felt dead inside he doesn't even remember the days after so maybe..maybe it was best? That thought alone killed him even more.
He knew your job and everytime an interview opportunity came up he said no. He said he didn't want you to talk to anyone in the movie any movie ever.
It shocked everyone. He never talked about anyone like that. They assumed there was a "history" But he refused to explain and you. You were being driven crazy trying to just figure out why you kept getting stone walled.
You had, as a fan, tweeted him and posted comments on his Instagram page sent him private messages with comments on video nothing vulger- that wasn't you.That was never you. You weren't even a curse. It was adorable. He loved you all the more for it.
Just sweet or funny or adorable.
When he needed a pick me up he opened his general box and read them. He didn't want you to know he read them he thought I might be too...getting too close.
You had sent him a sweet birthday message a poem. He loved it. And you immediately felt stupid and figured he'd never read it. But he did. He read everything. It was all your voice things you'd say to him as he'd hold you on lazy Sundays and rainy days. He loved reading your words and he read every single peice that was published anywhere.
One day he had taken the subway it was the fastest way and everyone usually left him alone too busy to notice and bother him trying to get to where they needed to go. He had just happened to Glace and he saw you far enough away on the train that he prayed it didn't count and you wouldn't be taken away. You had a smile talking. You had looked around smiling talking and then you smiled in his direction and he. He just...
The last time he saw you. The last time he held you was...when he... had to say it was you. He had held you and cried. He doesn't know for how long but they eventually had to pry him away from you but there you were so happy so...he almost lost it right then and there.
You had dropped your phone. You didnt look back no one else had cared he gripped his stuff and your phone so quickly he barely made it out. He almost kept it. A peicd of you back. He loved the funny stuff you did on your phone. The things you'd write the pictures and video you'd take. He'd always sneak a peak just like you'd look at his. It was a thing. Your thing as a couple. Others thought it was silly a way to control or check up but neither had anything to hide unless it was near a birthday and he'd never let you near his near an anniversary. But otherwise it was free right. His phone was yours and your phone was his just like he was yours and you were his. It was just that way.
But he didn't keep it. He knew how you hated to lose your phone.
Hey you
You miss
You finally turned
You dropped your phone.
Oh thank you. As you took it back he tried desperately to look at your hand your left hand no ring -god he was relieved.
"If lost that I'd die," You chuckled.
Then he lost it and he pulled you in for a hug. Surprised but he was handsome , not handsome so you let him and it was a sort of respectful hug minus him kinda holding you tight. But you thought "maybe...." but Then he let go realizing he litterly probably just assalted you would a hug that count as one? You were married and a hug is-
But you weren't married at least not to him and he didn't see a ring on your finger.
"Don't go driving" he spurt out of no where.
" I'm mean don't go driving alone ita dangerous theres uh. Everyobe should you know have a buddy system." God hr knew he sounded like an idiot
"Ok... I mean I don't really drive I can't I- hah um so thanks."
Your friend stood there that look he knew from her she wasn't the brightest crayon in the box he never got why you two were friends.
"Is that?"
"He looks...."
"Never mind"
"No what?
"like an actor from tv?"
"Seriously who?"
"I forgot the dude's name."
"Oh real helpful. I mean he's cute but-"
Then you were out of earshot.
And he thought "Maybe...."
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shintorikhazumi · 3 years
A/N: To be honest, I had wanted this to be a Diana-centric fic, from Diana’s perspective. I struggled to find a concept, and had a little help from a friend who sent me a random generator. (Thanks, Kate :>) And when I thought I’d just choose from a randomly generated idea, I came across this video on youtube which was actually a compilation of a tiktok series of the story of two neighbors. Of course, I changed bits of it, and obv the end so if you think you know what the source vid is, dw. I won’t hurt y’all like that ;-; And I’ll just link it at the bottom so no plot spoilers for those who don’t know what it is. Eyyyy.
This fic has a few song recs for y’all to listen to if you haven’t heard them already, lol. ;)
I had been looking for something... “emotional” for Diana’s bday fic. And I think... this works. At least for me, it does.  It’s not from Diana’s perspective, but... I think this works. So without further ado, Happy birthday Diana and...
oh, thank you to @tracedinairlwa​ for some help with the music :> that y’all will see later in the fic :’>. Without further ado,
~Shintori Khazumi
 It all started with a sunset and a few familiar notes from a piano.
No, it isn’t Akko’s piano. Her piano has been sitting in a corner of her room, collecting dust- untouched for months. And that is just the thing. Unless her piano has somehow become cursed and has decided to ghostly play on its own, then there had to be some other source.
The source of that gentle sound, Akko eventually pinpoints, is her apartment wall- or more accurately, what lies beyond that separator.
As she sits on her couch, admiring the expressive tones, her mind has decided that it wants to capture this special moment, and keep it stored lest she never experiences it again.
Making a quick dash for her bedroom, she opens her bedside drawer and fishes for her old camera from her university days in film club, back when she was an actual student of the Arts and all that creative jazz. She has tried to maintain it, but being under lockdown allows her few chances of seeing the outside world, and the few corners of her home don’t exactly spark ‘inspiration’ for any project.
Dusting the device off gently, she takes it back to the living room, placing it on her coffee table facing herself. She clicks the record button, thinking of making an introduction; but she quickly abandons that idea as she realizes it may take away from the sounds she wants to ring more apparent on tape.
Maybe she can just edit a few captions later on her laptop. Yes. That sounds good.
So she sits.
And the notes kept playing.
[Video Diary(?) Diary? Is this a Diary? Day... Day 1. I hope it’s only Day 1. I hope there’s a day 2. And a three... and a five.
So anyway, Akko here. And uh... I got a new neighbor, I think. He/she plays the piano. I do too (kinda. Haven’t done that in a while, hehe).
I don’t know why I recorded this... this must seem like I’m being a creep, but... They just... played Chariot’s Melancholy from my favorite show and... it felt sadder than usual. The sound felt sorrowful. I don’t know...
I’m... moved.]
She does not know what compels her today, to slip that message under her neighbors door; but before she can even think about her actions, they’d already been done.
A simple, “can you please play ‘Ease My Mind’ by Ben Platt, maybe?” haphazardly scrawled on a piece of notebook paper is delivered with the anxious feelings of an interaction-craving Akko, starved of a social life since all this pandemic misfortune began.
She is sure she no longer knows how to string a proper introduction together after nearly a year of being by her lonesome.
This is about to change however. Starting today.
She counts down the hours ‘til sunset.
[Day 2! Yey! So uh... I kind of... went on the attack- no! I didn’t attack anyone! I just... You know how I have a new neighbor that plays the piano? I sent that neighbor a note.
And you might think that’s all fine and cute, but... I’ve never even met my neighbor... but...
I love his/her music. So much.
And I told them. On the note, of course. Duh, Akko.
I asked them to play ease my mind and... they did.
As you can hear in the video... I guess it was a yes. :>
 ...They eased my mind...
She wants to try something today.
She has been thinking about it the past few days after continually being blessed with such beautiful music. Music that had attracted her like moth to a flame. The piano’s daily sunset singing compels her to come reunite with her own.
She had wiped it clean earlier in the morning and now sits awkwardly on the bench, punching down a random note here and there.
What a nostalgic tone.
The C major scale then the G. She plays it. A few arpeggios to warm up. F sharp major doesn’t sound too good, with her fingers tangling up as she traverses the scale. What was the fingering supposed to be like again? Right. Start with the fourth and second finger on the left and right hand respectively.
That sounds much better.
She hums a few tunes, choosing from a playlist arranged in her mind. She settles on something gentle and sweet. A Yiruma song. Just to get the feeling back in her hands.
A river flows as notes along the plain that is her silent room, adorning the quiet flourishes and curves, bringing color to her atmosphere.
She misses this. This tingle in her heart as music fills up her entire soul, not allowing her to think of anything else but this exact moment.
This... This is nice.
And Akko plays until the sunset comes.
She can’t wait for it to come.
[Day 6. I... I haven’t played the piano in a while, and I’m a little rusty. But brave ol’ Akko here thought it’d be great to ask for a duet from the virtuoso across the drywall, haha. I left a note...
And I though we had something going. I was excited... I said that they could play once I stopped my part, but... did they forget? Or I guess they didn’t hear me.  
It’s okay... I can try again tomorrow.
I hope. Tomorrow...
-This has been Akko.]
She excitedly videos this weekend ‘meet-up’.
Akko still doesn’t know who lives across the wall, but she sure knows his or her favorite songs by now, hearing it daily at the same sunset hours.
She admires the music, as usual, but this time it’s different. This time, they had sent her a note. An apology for missing out last time.
They request a duet with her, to make up for it. Of course, Akko accepts. And now she starts it off, praying and hoping her sound is heard through the barrier that keeps their music apart.
She ends her part of the duet, waiting in the most agonizing few seconds of silence. She briefly worries that her neighbor had forgotten their proposition; or maybe they couldn’t hear her once more.
It’s fine, she thinks... It’s okay. She scratches her cheek, wondering if she should hold on until next time again-
There it is. That beautiful sound, so personal to the one living across the wall. A sound of emotion that could only belong to whoever it was living there.
Akko had never heard anyone else play the way her neighbor did.
She laughs, she feels herself tear up a little. It hurts so sweet in her chest. It’s a fizzy, bubbling excitement. It’s a stretched-out joy across her cheeks.
A success!
A beautiful one, indeed.
[Day 8: Akko here. My wish came true. I... got to play with my neighbor! Yay!
... Maybe I should go meet them now...]
They do it again.
Akko excitedly bounces in her warmed piano seat, listening to her neighbor go first this time around. She listens intently. Once the wall music stops, she starts. This was their agreement, their deal.
The river’s flow stills a moment, and that’s Akko’s cue to pick up the current’s pace once more.
She plays with shy gusto, caressing the keys in a way that shows how she’s fallen in love again. With the piano? With music? Yes. With- ...
Love, huh. It’s such perfect timing too.
Today is Valentine’s day.
Akko doesn’t know whether or not her neighbor has anyone special in her life like that, but if they share the same situation, all alone in their apartments, locked in by the pandemic, she just wants them to know she receives the message their music is trying to get across to one another.
Her heart feels it. It translates it.
It cherishes it.
[Day 13.
Dear Neighbor,
I just... wanted to share the words we’ve exchanged, not through any verbal means, but through the sounds that reverberate against the very foundations of our connected homes. Thank you for this message.
I know that music is... our way of simply saying
“I don’t know who you are ... But I’m here. You’re not Alone.” This is for you too.
-Sincerely, Akko.]
It is a challenge.
For Akko or for her neighbor, she doesn’t know. What she does know is that tomorrow is going to be the big day! She’s finally going to see the face behind the songs that have embraced her tenderly throughout the lonely struggle she hadn’t realized had weighed down on her so heavily.
The interactions they’ve had, the conversations, they brighten up her everyday, and Akko is somewhat afraid she’s gotten attached; addicted- if you will- to this unique bond she’s formed with another she has never actually met.
Her mind strays from her current piece, body autopiloting a song called, “Mind Conductor” that both of them just so happen to like, apparently. Another fact that makes Akko feel all giddy as they seem to share a taste in other media outside of music.
She feels herself vibrate with nerves and excitement.
It’s tomorrow. Tomorrow is the day.
[We’re Finally Meeting.
Akko tells a story.
She’s met her neighbor, not knowing what to expect. Despite having a lack of said expectations, she could confidently say it was better than anything she could have anticipated.
She rolls up the sleeves of her flannel shirt, readying herself to write the melodious response to the already playing tune in the background of her video.
Though she tries to listen intently, waiting for her turn, she is distracted. She knows she is.
After meeting someone as wonderful as her neighbor.
Blonde hair and blue eyes invade her recall, flashes of a soft smile and calm voice playing over and over in her head.
Her neighbor is the most gorgeous woman she’s ever met. Breath-taking. Akko says this with utmost objectivity as her lungs struggle to function after first meeting the lady.
Hailing from Scotland, the twenty-five-year-old had introduced herself to Akko. They exchanged a few pleasantries, some questions and information.
Akko had asked how she’d never known she had such a talented neighbor, to which the response was an admission from the woman that she had just moved in and was only staying in the adjacent apartment temporarily while awaiting for a relative to come for her after selling their old house back in their hometown.
Her mother... rests. Having had a certain heart disease for a while, her immune system had proven very susceptible to the pandemic reaper that had claimed her life for its tallied count. She never knew her father, it seemed.
Akko’s heart breaks as she remembers these things.
“All I have left is the piano.”
That’s what she’d said to her earlier.
Akko’s fingers glide across the keys, playing her role in this drama for two.
“I play at sunset because my mother came home at that time from work... she was always stressed.
...I wanted to be of help to her. I was happy she loved it. As I grew up, it became a habit.”
Akko fumbles with a few keys, making a slight mistake. She hopes her neighbor can forgive her for being so distracted at the moment, and right after they’d finally met too.
“Thank you, Miss-”
“Akko is fine.”
“Thank you, Akko. You’re playing has, in truth, kept me motivated and less lonely.”
Akko remembers having promised before their parting to their respective units that she would keep playing with her until she moves out.
Akko blushes upon remembering the stunning smile she was offered afterwards.
Her neighbor had been camera shy and so Akko didn’t get the opportunity for a picture. She hopes for the best in the future. She’ll try again if ever the lovely lady was ready.
They have time, anyway.
They do.
[Day 20, folks! Akko here, writing another video caption entry, Diary, thing... haha. The song playing right now in the video is gorgeous right? It’s... her favorite song. It’s called, ‘In case you don’t live forever’. She said it keeps her loser to her mother. It keeps her in her heart.
She plays so beautifully...
She’s just as beautiful. She’s amazing.
She’s... a special soul.
I feel goosebumps.
I’m glad. For her. Her music doesn’t sound as sorrowful as when I first heard it. It’s still every bit as emotional, though. I could cry. Really, I could...
...I’m so happy she’s healing.
It’s a process, but... I’ll be here. I’ll be here for her.
I’ll be here for you,
There are times when Akko thinks she’d like to get to know her neighbor more, a little more chatting, a few more minutes talking. 
However, it always seems as though there’s this unspoken rule. This... ‘don’t-get-too-close’, ‘don’t-ask-more-than-you-should’. It’s like a boundary that keeps Akko from learning more, discovering more.
Neither of them purposely meet-up outside their closed doors either, this lockdown and what-not all up in their face.
They see each other around the building sometimes, wave a hand, shake a plastic bag of groceries, but building protocols don’t really allow loitering in the halls, and Akko feels she’d be crossing a line in inviting the girl over, and she doesn’t see herself getting invited instead either.
Despite this longing, she isn’t all too dissatisfied with the current standing of their relationship. Peculiar as it may be, she rather likes this.
A relationship built on a communication based on raw emotion delivered through their music.
If Akko ponders it deeply, it’s quite an intimate relationship, what they have. Thoughts and feelings in their purest form- unspoken, but not hidden.
She might not know too much about Diana. She may not know much of her past, or even her present, or general objective facts about the woman.
But what Akko does feel she knows is Diana’s heart. 
And Akko knows its utterly beautiful.
Moonlight Sonata has never felt so sad to her; its sounds reflecting something they both felt, Akko believed.
Akko feels her heart clench and ache in her chest, her face a little hot and her palms sweating.
Only a week left before the clock strikes twelve and the magic is broken.
Diana is finally moving out.
It is... their final duet.
How unfortunate.
Akko sighs, thinking about the pain she’ll feel later as she edits this portion of the video. Compared to the happy tones and build ups of all the others, this... is something she doesn’t know if she can do.
Maybe she can ask Amanda for a favor this time around?
She’s actually shown some of her closest friends her video logs, and they all had sent kind messages to Akko’s new friend, who in turn, felt worlds and worlds happier.
Akko feels happy as well.
Diana’s joy is contagious. It shows through her expressive music that gives away the feelings her face doesn’t show.
Speaking of Diana’s face... she still hasn’t agreed on showing her face on camera. Akko supposes it’s still too early. Maybe before she leaves? Oh Akko hopes so. She wants to have something to look at physically to remember Diana by. Not that she’d ever forget.
Still, a little memory help never hurt anyone.
Diana’s turn comes in smoothly through the wall, Akko unable to keep her smile from forming.
She’s going to miss this. The playing; the sometimes awkward, but unconventionally amazing duets; the letters shoved underneath door; and the very rare hallway meet-up where Akko can only smile at Diana as they exchange a literal word or two.
Akko reminisces.
The past... two months now, have been amazing. Incredible. Life-changing. Akko wonders what the future has in store for them both after they part.
Maybe they could meet again. Someday. Somehow. Somewhere.
Akko knows she’ll keep playing still. At the same time, on a weekend, as the sunsets. For Diana. She’s promised she’ll keep making the video logs. She’ll send them over to her so that they can still keep this music alive in some way.
[Day 62.
Hi, Diana. It’s me, Akko.
I... wrote you a song...? Or well, I started to... I’m not quite done yet, hihi. Got a little too ambitious and all... thought I could add some other instruments besides our- the piano... aha..haha...
When you first told me your story, I started picturing it out. A life dyed with all the colors of the spectrum. From the vivids to the grays, it was such a lovely imagery in my minds eye. A painting I could not get out of my head.
And so this song is... yeah. That.
A story.
A story about this wonderful twenty-five-year-old woman who so happened to move next door to this uninspired artist. She’d lost her mother to a stupid virus, and she’d never known her father. Her house got sold, and she had only one distant relative she knew of left.
She spends her days along in a box of white walls and empty silence. That is, until the sun decides to rest for the day, and it sends its golden rays of energy to the girl and to her piano that she thought to be her sole companion in this tragedy.
She plays her favorite songs, filling the emptiness with her own emotions; making the intangible manifest itself and cause a dumb girl next door to one day slip a scratch of paper underneath her door, asking for a song.
A note with a request... and with a message that she’d heard her feelings- her loneliness; and that she’d never let her be alone anymore.
And that’s how they became friends, huh, Diana?
Two pianos, Two people, and a wall that keeps them apart.
They didn’t know who was playing on the other side. But did it matter?
In this dreary, blackened time of the world,
‘You can be the light of somebody else’ darkness, so keep shining.’.
Dear Diana,
In case my playing isn’t as emotionally expressive as yours, I hope you at least know this now. Through this video.
That you were, and are... my light.
P.S. I hope I finish the song and give it to you before you leave.]
 She feels herself hyperventilating, her vision bleary. She can barely stand. She feels like vomiting, and dying, and screaming all at once.
Her anxieties run rampant all over the room.
If this keeps up, she may as well hurt herself beyond help.
She trudges over to the one thing that could ground her at the moment.
The piano.
Her hands are shaky as they do multiple attempts to turn on the keyboard, hitting the wrong buttons and turning the volume knob up too loud that when Akko accidentally leans against the keyboard, hand pressing down on many keys, the sound almost blows up her eardrums.
She curses, smashing a hand against those same keys, the cluster of notes echoing through her apartment walls.
She allows the scream to tear out of her throat; emotions, wild horses finally released into the open.
She falls face first onto the keys, now ignoring the loudness of their noise, momentarily thinking it would be better to allow her ears to bleed out so she’d never hear a thing again.
She wants something, anything, to drown out the pain she feels right now.
She sobs against the keys, head lifting as she apologizes to her piano, wiping off the tears that are quickly replaced by fresh ones.
Akko gives up and plays a note. Then two.
Then she’s playing ‘you’ll be in my heart’ and she’s crying more.
She lets herself cry as she plays.
Today, she was supposed to see Diana off. She had left a final note the day before yesterday, asking if she could do so. Help Diana carry her things, maybe swap numbers, and just... maybe keep this connection going for years to come.
Last night, she’d said good night at Diana’s door.
The girl gave her the sweetest smile, an almost unnoticeable blush on her features.
Oh, but Akko noticed anyway.
Of course, she would. With how shamelessly she stared at Diana at that moment.
Diana laughed, stepping closer and patted Akko on the cheek- kissed her there- before turning about to shut the door, along with the lights Akko saw go off from underneath it.
She was excited for the morning.
But when morning came... Diana was gone.
Akko had been thrown into confusion and a frantic state that she’d bolted all around, searching for signs or a left behind message.
She had then run down to ask the land lady, and that’s where she’d found out.
The heart disease Diana’s mother had was hereditary.
Diana had had an attack, and with an emergency alerting device, she’d been able to contact her only family, and had been taken to the hospital.
That was good.
That gave Akko relief and joy.
...so why is she despairing now?
...She didn’t know.
No, not the reason for her despair. She knows that.
The reason she was in this state is because she didn’t know.
She didn’t know what had happened.
She didn’t know Diana had suddenly disappeared in the middle of the night.
She didn’t know where she was, or where whoever took her.
She didn’t know that Diana had that heart disease too.
She didn’t know because she never got to ask.
She never got to learn more, know more.
... Did she not know Diana then?
Her mind taunts her, her heart hurts her.
She doesn’t know a lot about Diana. Not as much as she thinks.
That’s what they tell her.
For all the emotions they’d exchanged through music, that was the extent of it. Had Akko been too presumptuous in thinking she’d known Diana so deeply because of what they’d shared?
When in reality she may as well be a random stranger playing her show tunes and disturbing her neighbors.
Akko almost believes it.
But no... no. She can’t do that. She can’t assume those things. Not about their connection. Not about Diana.
Because Diana had told her once upon a song that she- that Akko had been her light. Her comfort. Akko believes in Diana. So she believes these feelings as well.
Yet these feelings of her own were so conflicting, so daunting. They battle in her mind, questioning and justifying every little thing. All things relating to Diana. Diana and... Diana.
Akko coughs out a few more sobs, throat incredibly dry.
She stops playing for a moment, dragging herself to the kitchen for a glass of water.
Then she goes back to the piano.
She... doesn’t feel like playing again.
What should she play anyway?
What song does she want to play? What song... Song... Song... Diana... What was Diana’s favorite song?
Diana? Song? A song for Diana? A song about-
Akko falls off her piano bench as she scrambles for her coffee table, sighing in relief as the papers for her composition are still there.
With shaky hands, she takes the sheets and a pencil and brings them over to the piano.
And she writes a few notes, then a few bars.
Who is Diana.
What does Akko not know about her. Her other struggles? Her sickness? Her trials and her fears? Her past?
That melody... sounded too sad for a parting gift. Akko doesn’t want Diana to feel more sorrow when she moves out...
What does Akko know? About Diana?
“Diana is...”
Expressive, emotional.
Diana is intelligent, an intellectual.
Diana is sincere and sweet.
Diana is talented and tasteful in music.
Diana is... her neighbor, her... new friend,
....Akko’s... what?
What was she to Akko?
“You are my light.”
-Akko ends up writing as a title.
But that’s a little too embarrassing to give to someone who was just your neighbor and a new friend... right?
And maybe it didn’t exactly represent the whole thing Akko had written.
So she erases it, biting her pencil as she tries to come up with a new name, a new caption for this creation.
What could it be. That describes Diana in her entirety; her life, her struggles, her joys.
Who is she? Who is Akko’s neighbor?
Akko scratches her head in frustration, wracking her brains even more.
With a sigh, she replies to herself aloud, the simplest, somewhat plain, and stupidly obvious answer.
“Well, she’s Diana.”
And it clicks.
That she is.
She is Diana.
And Akko throws on a jacket, a mask, and some shoes and thinks no more.
[Dear Diana,
I know very little about you
But you’ve changed my life.
Really you have.
You gave me back my passion, and a little bit more of that even. Maybe aroused a new passion within me.
I’d say, “You’ll be in my heart”, but that sounds too much of a farewell, to be honest.
And I’d rather not say goodbye just yet.
Not like this.
Music... Is a powerful thing. Despite the rampaging emotions I’d felt as I found out what had happened to you today, I- I kept playing. It grounded me. It helped me.
Diana, you once told me I was your light.
And you know I’ve told you already. That you’ve been MINE.
Diana. This video might look incredibly shaky and chaotic.
But please forgive me for that, and know that it is because I’m running with all my might to find out where you are. I got a hint for the hospital you might have been taken too.
It kinda seems like I’m a stalker now, huh?
I’m sorry. I just... I-
I can’t say goodbye to you....
Not just yet...
I still... have a song for you.
So... wait for me?”]
Eyes blink, bright white melting into color. They scan the room, looking for hints to identify her location.
Her body aches, her chest hurts. Her throat is parched. Her head is throbbing.
What is that annoying beeping sound-
Ah. Of course.
The hospital.
She hates it. She hates the smell of antiseptic and sterile sheets. She hates the taste of badly prepared hospital meals, and too-dry food.
The water has this strange quality to it when you’re in the hospital.
She knows this well.
She hates that she does.
She sighs, sinking into her pillows. At least those are comfortable.
What bad timing, really. For an attack.
She was supposed to move out today. She was supposed to meet with her aunt- who actually has probably met up with her by now, seeing as Diana is in a hospital and her usual alert device seems to be charging within reach beside her. Also she sees Daryl’s purse on the seat.
Maybe the woman had gone out temporarily for something important.
That was fine.
It just meant Diana was left alone again. If only for a short while.
...Alone, huh.
These past two months, she hadn’t been that.
All because of one girl, one Atsuko Kagari that she’d met by chance through a piano and through a wall. The sound quite literally carrying over through a wall.
Diana can’t believe she used to be so skeptical of thin-walled living spaces, wondering how people kept their privacy.
Now, however, she feels blessed that that was the case.
Else she’d never have met... her light.
That’s right.
When everything, her vision, her hopes, her heart had steadily been dying out, through her dim came a glow. That glow was the connection she’d found through her neighbor across a wall.
It had surprised her the first time she realized someone was playing alongside her one sunset session, months ago. She would have thought it creepy had the person’s music been any less captivating.
There were just so many colors in the music, there was just so much warmth. It sounded a little rough, a few hinges rusty at first; but it came along after a few pseudo duets, and then Diana had found these duets to be a staple in her life.
Then she met Akko for the first time, and more warmth and color came into her life.
Diana found herself enjoying the musical conversations they had, intrigued by thoughts that they were actually able to communicate in that way and understand one another to that extent, no words attached.
And she enjoyed these nonverbal bonding moments.
But when they actually wrote to one another, or when they’d have their short greetings when they’d meet up in the hall, Diana found herself wanting to draw even closer, to get to know Akko even more.
And when Akko asked if she could do the same, Diana had found it so easy to open up.
She’d loved to know even more about the girl.
But how would she do it now?
They didn’t have the chance to exchange numbers, and Diana was probably moving as soon as she left the hospital. Her things were already being shipped to her new home, after all. There wasn’t much reason to return to her apartment, really.
“Idiot. Stupid, Diana. Not asking her sooner. What are you supposed to do no-”
Two knocks on her door.
It doesn’t open right away. It doesn’t seem to open at all.
Diana deduces it’s not a doctor or nurse then. And it might not be Daryl either because the woman would have already called the attending nurse to open the door already.
So then, who could it be?
Diana tries not to let her mind wander and get her hopes up, because there is no way- just no way- it’s who she hopes it will be.
The door opens, and her breath is unexpectedly bated- and she releases it, seeing it’s just the janitor.
Trying not to let disappointment leak into her tone, she greets him a good mor-
“I’m glad... I was right.... hah... hah... You’re here... Diana.”
And Diana really shouldn’t just assume things such as being wrong, and that maybe her neighbor was a creep two months back.
Because now her neighbor, all frazzled, sweaty, and out of breath, is right there in front of her, a bunch of papers crumpled in one hand as the other is held over her heart, trying to calm herself.
“You... hah... didn’t let m-me... Sa-ha-y goodbye... so... you’re not allowed... to leave me waiting in silence and never respond...” Akko huffs. “There’s no more wall preventing you from using words now.”
Her breathing finally slows, and she manages to look up.
“I still have a song for you, after all.”
Diana doesn’t realize, nor does she feel the tears flowing down her face.
Akko doesn’t either.
“L-Let me know what you think... It’s my first song and all...” She becomes this shy blushing school girl as she approaches Diana’s bedside, awkwardly handing over the worn pieces of paper, all wrinkled up from whatever adventure Akko had been on prior to arriving here. “... then maybe we could play a duet again or something...”
She mumbles it so quietly Diana almost didn’t catch it.
She smiles.
She doesn’t think about the reality that was supposed to occur today had she not been taken to the hospital.
Virtual duets aren’t really her thing. She much prefers hearing sound in person, in real-time. She prefers the ability to adapt and adjust to play alongside someone; to feel expression and emotion first hand; to experience a duet in full.
So it’s a simple reply that she has ready, along with a smile on her face as she takes Akko’s hand in hers.
“I’d love that.”
 Diana has told her many times that it’s thanks to her that she was able to recover as quickly as she did, and be out of the hospital in only a week.
Akko sheepishly denies that every time.
They’re both just glad things seem to settle to be alright now.
Diana leans her head against Akko’s shoulder as they share a pair of earphones, listening to the composition play on the latter’s laptop.
“I love it.”
“I know. You’ve told me that the past 4 months, everyday.”
“And I will continue to.”
Akko tries her best to hide the smile that had grown on her face, but it’s impossible. It comes out in laughs and a few soft tears, and she rubs her head against Diana’s.
“You have all the time to, it seems.”
“Yes, and I won’t waste it.” Diana quips, turning her head up to look at Akko with the tenderest of smiles. “Care to play?”
Akko simply smiles, before wrapping Diana up in a hug so deep, and warm, and tender. Without a word, she stands them both up, walking them over to two keyboards now positioned side-by-side.
They take seat. With eyes meeting, and a small nod, they begin.
They don’t need words to figure out the rhythm they’ll fall into, or what they should do, or who plays what part for today.
Akko’s colors seep out, her warmth embedded in her music. Diana’s expressive emotions tell Akko all she needs to know, and they play in harmony.
Together, they tell a story.
A story that began with a sunset and a few familiar notes from a piano.
A story about its music and what lay beyond a wall.
A story once called, “Diana”.
“Diana and Akko”.
  A/N: ....  Hrmmm... I didn’t like how i ended it, tbh,,, hahaha. I just... lost my thought process now. I’m tired and lost.
Based off this story
The follow-up to this won’t be now, or anytime too soon. Or tbh, I could just end it like this. But there’s this ache in my heart that wants to know what happens next as well. Or more things such as how Diana ended up staying. But well,
...who knows.
Bye for now.
~Shintori Khazumi
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pennylanefics · 3 years
A Promise - pt. 1 | Will Schofield
a/n: i broke this into two parts bc it was super long. this is the really heartbreaking story idea i had...i also stopped writing it for a few days bc im not expecting to get much notes on it and it discouraged me, but i loved writing it, so why not 🤷🏼‍♀️
another a/n: it’s my birthday!! :) this is the second will fic i’ve posted on my birthday for a second year in a row 🤣 i’ll be sitting at home, making a cake, being snowed in from the winter storm, enjoying some cheesecake factory, drinking kool-aid and watching hamilton lol
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Having Tom home for the holidays was amazing. He had so many stories from training, about other soldiers getting caught in hilarious situations. It was so nice to hear his laugh again and just be in his presence.
You’ve known Tom for a short time, but you fell in love instantly. He was delivering a basket of cherries to your house, from his mother to yours, and that’s when you met. From then, you’ve spent all your time together, in his backyard, at local parks, even in your homes; you were inseparable.
“I don’t know what I’m going to do when you go back,” you whisper against Tom’s chest. Your night was filled with passion in his dim-lit room, the covers surrounding your sweaty bodies.
“You’ll survive,” he teases you with a couple kisses here and there. You giggle softly and curl into his body, not wanting him to leave. He was home for the holidays, but unfortunately, he was being sent to France in a few days. “I’ll write to you every chance I can.”
“You better.” He smiles and kisses you deeply.
That was one of the last passionate kisses you shared.
About a month after he left, you found out you were pregnant. You knew it was from that night, and you were so excited to write to Tom and tell him.
Dear my Tom,
I have wonderful news... I’m pregnant! You’re going to be a dad! I cannot wait for your next leave so you can be here for at least some of the pregnancy. It’s going to go so fast, they’ll be here before we know it. I love you. Come home soon.
Love, (Y/N)
He wrote back very quickly.
Dear my love,
I am so elated that we’re going to have a baby! It’s always been my dream to start a family with the woman I love. I cannot wait to see pictures of your baby belly and hear about everything.
Love, your Tom
Those letters continued for the next few months. You gave Tom updates every single week, dreamily writing what your life would be like when they’re born, and if the war would be over. Every letter contained sweet comments from him, until one letter stood out to you one day in April.
“Iris,” you shakily walk to where she sat in the living room. You had moved in with her when you found out you were pregnant. She was so excited to have a grandchild, and she wanted to take the best care of you, for yourself and for Tom.
“What is it, darling?” You hand her the paper covered in someone else’s handwriting, not daring to read anymore than the dreaded greeting, “To (Y/N) and Iris”. Not “dear my love” like Tom writes.
She scans it for a few seconds before bursting into tears. This makes your heart speed up and anxiety builds in your body. She suddenly screams out in horror, and you know something bad happened.
Picking the paper up, you carefully read over the writing, your heart shattering to pieces as you read the statement, “Tom has been killed”. At first, you don’t react. It doesn’t feel real. It feels like someone’s messing with you, one of Tom’s good mates did this, right?
After reading it over and over, you finally look at the closing, which is written by Will Schofield, Tom’s trusted friend. That’s when you break down.
You fall to your knees, your hands covering your face as your body goes numb.
He’s gone. He’s really gone.
“Why!?” You scream in heartbreak. Iris rushes over to you immediately, attempting to put her own grief aside to comfort you.
“(Y/N), you h-have to relax, you can’t stress yourself out. It’s bad for the baby.” At the mention of your unborn child, you cry out even more. He wouldn’t get to see his child.
A sob escapes your lips and you clutch at your chest, images of your first and only love running through your mind. How could you go on?
You managed to get through a month since receiving the news of Tom’s death. It definitely wasn’t easy, but being with Iris made it all the better. You comforted one another when you needed to, and often went into town to shop or have lunch, just to get your mind off things.
A month and a half later, you were still so heartbroken, but you knew you needed to stay strong for your baby. According to your doctor, they were still pretty healthy, as were you, surprisingly. You told him about what happened, and he was very understanding, but he assured you that everything so far was fine, and to just take things easy now.
One day, you and Iris were baking a few cherry pies to deliver to people around town, when a knock on the front door interrupted you. Wiping your hands, you walk to the grand entryway and open it, coming face-to-face with a nice-looking young man.
“Can I help you?” You ask. He takes a deep breath and smiles.
“I’m William Schofield,” he says softly. The name triggers you instantly, and you suddenly feel dizzy. He senses this and helps you inside and onto the couch.
“Who was it, darling?” Iris walks into the living room and sees Will helping you. “Who are you?”
“My name is Will Schofield. I was a friend of Tom’s, and the one who sent the letter informing you of…” he tapers off, hoping she would understand. She does, nodding and motioning for him to take a seat. She walks back into the kitchen while you are still trying to process it all.
The room is silent and awkward. Will doesn’t know what to say, or if he should say anything at all. Thankfully, Iris returns with three cups of tea.
“So, Will. Are you on leave or were you sent here?” He takes a cup from her hands and thanks her softly.
“I was discharged. I sustained some injuries on, uh, the, um, the-”
“It’s okay,” Iris whispers. He nods and wipes his cheek. You stare at him, taking his appearance in. He was nothing like Tom described him as. He was very handsome, bright blue eyes that sparkled with tears. You suddenly feel guilty for staring at him for too long, still attached to the thought that Tom was still alive and he was still your boyfriend.
You zoned out, thinking of Tom once again. What he was like, his laugh, your favorite sound in the world.
“Love?” Iris’s voice breaks you from your daze. That’s when you realized you were silently crying, tears streaming down your cheeks.
“Sorry,” you mumble, quickly standing and running to your room. The door shuts behind you and you fall onto your bed, sobbing quietly into the pillow that used to be Tom’s.
About ten minutes pass and you’re no longer crying. But, your heart still feels heavy and you feel a little numb. A soft knock sounds through the room, and you call out weakly for whoever it is to come in. Sitting up, you see Will cautiously stepping inside. He closes the door gently and awkwardly walks further into the room.
“Hi,” you mumble. He waves and looks around for a chair, but you pat the bed next to you. He sits down slowly and fiddles with his hands.
“I’m so sorry for what you’re going through,” he whispers, keeping his eyes forward.
“It’s probably affecting you as well. According to his letters, you two were great friends.” He chuckles and nods.
“We were friends, but I wasn’t his love or mother of his child.” Tears spring to your eyes once again.
“Yeah, that’s…” you were at a loss for words. You’ve talked about this countless times with Iris, but suddenly, being around Will made it hard for some reason.
“Tom was so excited to be a dad,” he murmurs, a hint of love in his voice. “Every letter he got from you, his face lit up at whatever update you gave him. And he told me about every single one.” You laugh through your tears and finally look at Will. He also had tears in his eyes, yet there was a deeper emotion behind them.
“He was a good man,” he continues. “Always telling jokes and stories. He honestly made the whole experience better.”
“Yeah, that was his specialty, his stories. He had an endless amount of them.”
“That he did.” A silence hangs in the air for a moment.
“Um, can we please change the topic? Because as much as I’d love to talk about Tom more, I don’t think I’m quite ready,” you shyly mumble.
“Yeah, of course. Have you seen any films recently?”
For the rest of the night, you and Will get to know one another, talking about everything and anything, except for Tom; he respected your wish and avoided the topic as best as he could.
After that night, Will visited you every weekend, spending Friday, Saturday, and Sunday with you and Iris. He made sure you were staying healthy and resting, and one night, you asked him about it.
“Will?” You whisper. He was sitting in the guest room, at the desk in the corner. It was well into the night, but you had to ask him now.
“What’s wrong?” He’s standing within seconds, running over to you to make sure you weren’t injured or something was wrong with the baby.
“Nothing. But, I am curious about one thing.”
“What’s that?”
“Why have you been visiting so much? Not that I don’t enjoy your company, it’s been really nice and Iris loves having you here as well, but why?” He sits on the bed and motions for you to join. You two crawl to the top, against the headboard, and he begins.
“When Tom was...dying, he asked me to care for you, to make sure you have a healthy and happy baby. He asked me to check up on you often and make sure you’re okay, both with the baby and yourself, mentally. He knew what he was leaving behind, and he hated that you were going to be left alone, with just his mum.” Tears pool in your eyes and threaten to spill over as Will continues.
“I made a promise to him that I would protect you and the baby. So I’m going to do that.” Your tears finally fall, and your hands rest on your bump, wishing they could have met their amazing father.
“I just wish he was still here,” you quietly sob. Will wraps an arm around your shoulder and pulls you close to him.
“I know, love. They’ll get to know him through yours and Iris’s stories. Their father won’t be forgotten, I promise you that.”
The months go by, and Will keeps his promise till the end. In early October, you gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. You named him Percy Thomas Blake; Tom had always talked about how he loved the name ‘Percy’ for a boy and wanted to use it one day, so you had to keep his wish.
Will was up with you, in the middle of the night as Percy cried out. You were in tears, having tried everything to calm him. Changing him, wrapping him in a blanket, trying to feed him, but nothing worked.
“Here,” Will says, removing his shirt, “let me try something.” He takes the baby from you carefully and rests him against his bare chest. Moments later, the room goes quiet and Percy is fully content. You breathe out a sigh of relief and fall onto the bed.
“Thank you,” you murmur, closing your eyes and enjoying the peaceful moment. Will goes to sit in the rocking chair in the corner of your room, but you invite him to lay beside you. He’s hesitant at first, but he gently lays down, Percy now fast asleep on his chest.
“I really appreciate you doing this,” you say softly. “Being here and helping Iris and I. I have no idea what I would have done if I was alone.”
“Like I said, it was my promise.”
“I know, but to drop everything and help take care of a baby that’s not yours is so incredibly nice.”
“He may not be mine, but that doesn’t mean I won’t care for him when I promised to for a friend.”
A smile spreads across your lips and your hand comes to rest on your son’s back. For a moment, you forget everything bad that’s happened. You feel happy for the first time in months. You just hoped that would last.
To your surprise, it did.
Will basically lives with you and Iris now, and you’re so thankful that he stayed. Him and your son created this unbreakable bond, and you were more than happy that Percy was able to have someone like Will in his life.
Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years came and passed, and Will was by your side as you mourned the memory of the last time you saw Tom, a year ago. But, as you got through the days together, you couldn’t help but have one thought on your mind.
“Alright, goodnight, bubs. Tomorrow morning, we’re going to see grandmummy!” Your son cheers tiredly at your words, and you give him a kiss on his head. Will appears behind you and proceeds to do the same routine. He follows you out of the room, turning the light off and shutting the door. He begins to walk into his room, but you stop him
“Can I talk to you about something?” You wonder quietly, nerves filling your body. He nods and grabs your hand, guiding you to the living room couch. Iris was gone for the weekend, so you had the house to yourselves.
“So, what is it?” Taking a deep breath, you keep your eyes on your hands, not wanting to look him in the eyes.
“I think I’m in love with you.”
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larentsbr · 3 years
thank you @skyyneverlookedsoblue for tagging me <3
I really loved doing this one, it's a really good way to know the other better :))
🌵 what do you prefer to be called name-wise?// como voce prefere ser chamada?
some friends calls me Ma and others Mari... I dont know which one I prefer, I like both. // alguns amigos me chamam de Ma e outros de Mari... Eu não sei qual eu prefiro, gosto de ambos
🌵 when is your birthday? // quando é o seu aniversário?
january 28th
🌵 where do you live?// onde você mora?
🌵 three things you're doing right now // três coisa que você está fazendo agora
right now I'm on break from psychoanalysis class so I'm just laying in bed and answering this // agora eu estou no intervalo da aula de psicanálise, então eu estou deitada na cama e respondendo isso
🌵 four fandoms that have piqued your interest righ now // quatro fandoms que me atiçaram interesse
My answer is the same as Bia's. One direction/Solo careers already take all my energy, so only them. // minha resposta é igual da Bia. One direction/carreira solo já consome toda a minha energia, então apenas eles.
🌵 how is pandemic treating you? // como a pandemia está te afetando?
well... I think the pandemic affected everyone, specially affected negatively. It depends on the day, sometimes I'm ok and sometimes I'm not, sometimes I'm very active and sometimes I'm not, and it's ok to not be ok all the time. I'm just tired of the same routine, I do exactly the same thing every fuckig day. I wake up, eat breakfast, start studying, eat lunch, study again, eat dinner, take a shower, watch class, go to sleep, I wake up, eat breakfast... I am living in a loop. So it's a mix of feelings that it's hard to process and accept some things. I love having a routine, but it is different having a routine when you are locked at home and it's different having a routine when you can leave the house and do other things. So Idk, right now I'm just ok. // bem ... eu acho que a pandemia afetou a todos, especialmente afetou negativamente. Depende do dia, às vezes estou bem e às vezes não, às vezes estou muito ativa e às vezes não, e é normal não estar bem o tempo todo. Estou cansada da mesma rotina, faço exatamente a mesma coisa todo santo dia. Eu acordo, tomo café da manhã, começo a estudar, almoço, estudo de novo, janto, tomo banho, assisto aula, vou dormir, acordo, tomo café ... estou vivendo em um loop. Por conta disso, é uma mistura de sentimentos que é difícil processar e aceitar algumas coisas. Amo ter rotina, mas é diferente ter rotina quando você só fica trancado em casa e ter rotina quando pode sair de casa e fazer outras coisas. Então, sei lá, agora estou ok.
🌵 song you can't stop listening to // uma música que não consegue parar de ouvir
Religion - Isak Danielson
🌵 reccomend a movie // recomende um filme
Green Book
🌵 how old are you? // quantos anos você tem?
🌵 school, university, occupation, other?
I'm in college studying psychology and sending resume to companies... but it's hard and I'm little sad about not receiving good news, only bad or complete silence. // Estou na faculdade estudando psicologia e mandando currículos para empresas... mas está difícil e eu estou um pouco triste por não estar recebendo notícias boas, só ruins ou silêncio total das empresas.
🌵 do you prefer hot or cold?
springs and autumn, Its not too hot and neither too cold, its just good. I can leave the house wearing shorts and a sweater or pants and t-shirt. // primavera e outono, não é tão frio e nem tão quente, é apenas bom. Eu posso sair de casa usando shorts e um moletom ou de calça e uma camiseta de manga curta.
🌵 name one fact other may not know about you // fale algum fato que outros possam não saber sobre você.
I have scar near my left eye because when I was 3 a girl bit me because I didn't want to share a toy that I picked up first and hadn't played for 2 minutes. // Eu tenho uma cicatriz perto do meu olho esquerdo porque quando eu tinha 3 uma menina me mordeu porque eu não queria dividir uma brinquedo que tinha pego primeiro e nem tinha brincado por 2 minutos.
🌵 are you shy? // você é tímida?
yes! But if you give a green light I will start talking and talking and I wont stop. But I dont like bother people, so I just keep myself in my bubble. // sim! Mas assim que você me der um verde eu vou começar a falar e falar e não vou parar. Mas eu não gosto de incomodar pessoas, então eu fico bastante na minha e na minha bolha.
🌵 do you have any prefered pronouns? // você prefere algum pronome?
she/her // a/ela/-a
🌵 any pet peeves? // o que mais te incomoda?
hypocrisy // hipocrisia
🌵 what is your favorite "dere" type?
??? I dont know what it means
🌵 rate your life 1-10. 1 being really crappy and 10 being the best you could ever be. // avalie sua vida de 1-10. 1 sendo uma merda e 10 sendo o melhor momento da sua vida.
I don't know... Maybe 6 // Eu não sei... Talvez 6.
🌵 what is your main blog? // qual é o seu blog principal?
this one :) // essa daqui :)
🌵 list your side blogs and what there used for // liste os seus blogs secundários e para que você usa
I only have this one // Eu só tenho esse daqui
🌵 is there anything you think people need t know about you before becoming friend with you? // tem alguma coisa que as pessoas precisam saber sobre você antes de vocês começarem a amizade?
I am really shy, I do like a lot my space and I will disappear at some point. I will take a time to answer, I don't like to do things in a hurry, I like to think, I like to analyze. But if you really need me, I will try my best to be there with you, to give support, to listen what do you need to say. // Sou muito tímida, gosto muito do meu espaço e vou desaparecer em algum momento. Vou demorar para responder, não gosto de fazer as coisas com pressa, gosto de pensar, gosto de analisar. Mas se você realmente precisar de mim, farei o possível para estar com você, para dar suporte, para ouvir o que você precisa dizer.
I'm tagging @justalarryblog @larentsgirl @twofghosts @kissybrve @skepticalarrie @chrisltomlinson @greedy-queen @dragmedown @loutays-m I would like to know you better :) But if you dont want to do it that's totally ok! Feel free to ignore it! And whoever wants to do, feel free to do and tag me :)
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wydguk · 3 years
exile - kth
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pairing: taehyung x reader (ft. namjoon x reader)
genre: angst, tae and y/n are exes
warnings: really angsty.... there are arguments and screaming matches in here... sort of toxic relationship? they're bad at communication
word count: 3.4k
summary: it took you five whole minutes to pack the entirety of your relationship with taehyung and to leave.
note: I'M BACK!! namjoon has like one line in this i'm so sorry T.T there's like zero fluff. like absolutely no fluff. and chaeyoung makes an appearance in this! it's up to you if u wanna picture park chaeyoung (rosé) as chae or son chaeyoung from twice as chae lol.
ALSO! this is based on taylor swift and bon iver's song exile on the folklore album! i do not own the song or the lyrics in any way, shape or form.
i can see you standing, honey
with his arms around your body
taehyung walks out of the store, scrolling through his phone. his day is just as mundane as it was yesterday and will be tomorrow. it’s been mundane since he last saw you.
his feet suddenly come to a stop when he hears your laugh ahead of him, but he shakes his head, reprimanding himself for thinking about you again. he’s about to continue his way down the street when he hears you laughing again and he looks away from his phone to see you laughing in someone else's arms.
he blinks. once, twice.
you’re there. you’re really there. he can hear his heart pounding in his ears and falling to his feet and jumping up into his throat all at once at the mere sight of you. you seem to notice him too, eyes widening before looking up at whoever you’re with. only then does taehyung register the fact that you’re not alone — you’re with someone else while he still wonders what went wrong every night before he sleeps.
you look happy. pure, genuine happiness is written in your eyes. the stranger’s arms are wrapped around you as you avoid taehyung’s eyes, continuing down the street as you listen to what your partner is saying. taehyung feels sick to his stomach.
laughin', but the joke's not funny at all
“you know, i’ve been thinking about removing my spine. i feel like it’s only holding me back!”
as you walk closer towards taehyung, he can hear the joke the other man is making.
you let out another laugh just as you walk right past him and he frowns. that is one of the worst jokes taehyung has ever heard and you laughed at it like it’s one of the best. which is misleading, considering the fact that taehyung used to tell you jokes all the time. his jokes were definitely funny. how have your standards gotten so low?
he lets out a breath he didn’t even realise he’d been holding, but this only allows him to smell your perfume, and it’s still the same perfume he’d given you on your last birthday.
your last birthday is probably the last time he really felt content. whole.
to pack us up and leave me with it
and it took you five whole minutes
holdin' all this love out here in the hall
taehyung doesn’t like to think of you because in spite of all the good memories, your last argument still ricochets in his head. withstanding the shouts and crashes is impossible when all he wants is to remember you laying in his arms, sharing a tub of ice cream.
three weeks after your birthday, you and taehyung sit at the dining table in silence, staring down intensely at your food. you haven’t fought since the week after your birthday, when you threw insults at each other just because the other couldn’t keep up with chores, or call to say they were okay. taehyung still thinks about the way you shouted at him.
“i don’t remember why i ever wanted to be with you!”
taehyung exhales, running a hand through his hair. “you don’t mean that, y/n. you’re just upse-”
“upset? yeah, i am upset. why shouldn’t i be? am i the one making mistakes? no! it’s you. it’s all you, taehyung!” you yell. “you have some nerve, taehyung.”
“so now it’s my fault? everything is my fault, because you’ve been the perfect girlfriend this whole time. you haven’t made a single mistake, and you have nothing to own up to, because you’re just so, so perfect, aren’t you, y/n?” taehyung is breathless and his blood is boiling.
“shut up! i don’t care. talk to me when you’re mature enough to own up to your mistakes.” you walk off and slam the bedroom door, leaving taehyung speechless. “real mature, y/n! go ahead, keep slamming the doors like it makes you any more mature.”
taehyung is jolted back into the present when he hears you set your fork down onto your plate. “tae, are you going to finish that? i’m about to wash the dishes,” you speak quietly, standing up to go to the kitchen. “i’ll wash it myself,” he replies, and he watches you enter the kitchen without a word.
he follows you in after a few minutes, where you’ve just finished washing your own dishes. instead of leaving, you lean against the island counter and he looks back at you. “i think we need to talk, tae.”
taehyung lets out a low chuckle as he looks down at the sink. “go ahead,” he’d already seen this coming, but now that it’s here, he doesn’t know how to act.
you’re silent. only when taehyung faces you do you speak. “i think we should break up,” you start. “i know,” he replies. “is this okay with you?” you reach out for his hand but he runs it through his hair before you get the chance to.
“y/n, you don’t have to stay if you’re not happy. regardless if i’m okay with it or not, i can’t just ask you to stay for my sake.” he sighs. he’s handling this better than he thought.
“thank you, taehyung.” you’re crying, but you wipe away your tears before they can fall. “i’ll… i’ll go soon.” you don’t look at him because you if you do, you know you’ll be crying your eyes out and convincing yourself to stay.
taehyung sits on the couch and stares straight ahead at the television screen, which is playing an action movie he has no intention to pay any mind to. all he can focus on is the sound of you shuffling around behind him, packing everything you own into your suitcase. he thinks about how easy it is for you to pack up the entirety of your relationship in a few minutes.
“tae?” you call out, standing by the door. his heart shatters when he realizes this is probably the last time he’ll see you in a long time. he gets off the couch and takes in your face, capturing your visage into his memory one last time. when you reach out for his hand, he doesn’t avoid it again. he won’t be able to do this again.
“i love you,” he whispers. “i love you too,” you look down at your intertwined hands before walking out and closing the door, leaving all the love behind with taehyung.
if you’ve thought about him since then, you won’t admit it, and he doesn’t know it.
i think i've seen this film before
and i didn't like the ending
taehyung refuses to think about the breakup again. he hates the way it ended.
you're not my homeland anymore
so what am i defending now?
taehyung watches you walk farther and farther away from him, and all he wants to do is reach out for you. he wants to rip you away from that stranger and feel you in his arms again, feel your warm hand in his.
but you’re not his anymore, and he let you go all those months ago. he has no reason to feel this way. the green eyed monster shouldn’t be clawing away at his rational thoughts, yet still taehyung’s feet are begging to let him run after you and make you his again. he wants to return things back to the way they were, to the pure love you had for each other.
he has no reason to feel this way.
you were my town, now i'm in exile, seein' you out
when did things change? you were his home and his heart. it’s been months and he still doesn’t understand.
i can see you starin', honey
like he's just your understudy
you’re laughing at another one of namjoon’s jokes when you feel someone’s eyes on you, their stare heavy. when you look ahead, it’s taehyung. the same taehyung who you left alone in his apartment all those months ago. the same taehyung you laid with in bed every night. the same taehyung whose shirt you spilt coffee all over, and the same taehyung you met at the museum all those years ago.
it’s taehyung.
your eyes widen and you turn away as quicker than you can blink, muttering underneath your breath. “it’s my ex.” namjoon’s grip around you tightens. sneaking a glance at taehyung again, you can see how his eyes are unblinking. it’s not written on his face or in his body language, but from his eyes alone you can already tell how he feels about namjoon.
there is nothing violent or scary about his stare, but it’s almost arrogant. he looks at namjoon like he’s just a temporary replacement despite the fact that you both know you’re never getting back together.
like you'd get your knuckles bloody for me
taehyung isn’t a violent person. he’s the type of person to calmly talk things out, the type of person to break up a fight. he’d never even hurt a fly. once, you watched as he picked up a spider and let it crawl across the balcony railing while you shrieked from inside.
so it’s shocking when you watch as his hands twitch and his jaw clenches. taehyung’s definitely protective, but what does he have to protect now? why does he look like he’s about to pummel namjoon into the ground? he agreed to let you go.
second, third, and hundredth chances
balancin' on breaking branches
you gave him so many chances. so many opportunities to apologize.
but did he? no.
those eyes add insult to injury
he probably thinks you got over him quicker than you did. in fact, it took you weeks that bled into months to get over him. there were numerous occasions where you considered knocking on his door and taking it all back, but you never could. it drained you emotionally just thinking about it.
“he made you so happy, y/n,” chaeyoung says as she tries to shake you out of your trance. “just text him or something.” giving up, she flops down next to you on the bed, snatching the tub of ice cream out of your hands.
you groan, shoving your face deeper into the pillow. “he hurt me so bad, chae. i don’t know if i can just forget about it all just to go back to him,” you sit up and let her feed a spoonful of ice cream into your mouth.
“you don’t have to date him again, dummy. it’d still be a good idea for you to get some closure at the very least, right?” you hate how chaeyoung is always right, especially when it comes to these situations. “i don’t want closure.” you state grumpily. “i’m just gonna stay here with you every day and cry about how much i miss him.”
“if you’re gonna do that at least buy your own ice cream…” she hums, and you grin at her before eating another spoonful.
you don’t like the way he’s looking at namjoon. it only rubs in the fact that he’s being jealous when he has no right to be.
it’s completely unfair.
i'm not your problem anymore
so who am i offending now?
before you broke up, he was always complaining about the little things you would or wouldn’t do, nitpicking at the simplest of details. in time, you got used to his nagging and he got used to your habits. even now, in your head, you still hear his voice reminding you to do this and not to do that.
his friends didn’t seem to like you all that much, so you tended to stay home whenever taehyung invited you to spend the night out with his friends. although he’d always frowned whenever you turned him down, he’d brush it off and leave you alone to your sleepless nights waiting up for him.
“text me next time if you’re coming home late, okay?” you whisper as you look at his fluttering eyelashes under the covers.
“i will,” he mumbles sleepily before drifting off, arms tightly wrapped around you.
he never remembered to text you.
it’s foolish of him to look at you like that. he looks agitated and offended and sad all at once but what could you do? he wasn’t yours and you weren’t his to take care of anymore.
i think i've seen this film before
so i'm leaving out the side door
you hate the way he’s making you feel in only a few short seconds, so you look up at namjoon again and laugh at whatever joke he’s making again. it took you this long to get over taehyung and you weren’t going to throw it all away just because you’ve seen him again.
so step right out, there is no amount
of crying i can do for you
when taehyung arrives home, the first thing he does when he gets into his bed is cry. he’s always been alarmingly good at suppressing his emotions but seeing you again after so long has taken its toll on him.
he hasn’t cried like this in a while, but it hurts just as much as the last time.
two hours later, taehyung stares up at the ceiling when he suddenly feels the urge to text you. before he knows it, his fingers are typing away uncontrollably and pressing the send button. instead of reading what he sent you, he sets his phone down on his bedside table and falls asleep.
when you arrive home that night, you check your notifications and choke on your spit when you see that taehyung has sent you a message. “chae,” you call out, throwing yourself onto the couch. humming, she comes out of her room. “taehyung texted me.”
her eyes bulge out as she throws herself onto you and pulls your phone out of your grasp. “no way!” she yells, standing up and raising her hands up to her mouth. “you’re kidding me!”
“don’t get too excited!” you laugh, sitting up straight. “he just wants to meet for coffee. it’s no big deal!”
“no big deal? y/n, you haven’t spoken since you broke up!” she lets out a breath, placing her hands on her hips. “he has some god-level timing. right when you and namjoon start going out? unbelievable.”
you reach for your phone, almost tumbling off the couch when chaeyoung pretends she's not returning it to you. begrudgingly sighing, she throws the phone into your lap and cuddles into your side and continues her earlier humming. "it doesn't matter if namjoon asked me out or not. there's going to be nothing romantic about our meetup. we're just gonna talk about whatever he wants to talk about and that's it!" you decide. if you keep repeating it to yourself in your head like a mantra you might start to believe it.
"isn't it strange though? how he's texting you out of nowhere after months and months? he's thinking about you, y/n!" chaeyoung giggles.
"well," you start. "i did see him earlier today while i was out on my date with namjoon…" chaeyoung whips her head around to look at you, shock written all over her face. "y/n, you're joking," squealing, she flails her legs around giddily. "you guys are meant to be. nsmjoon won't mind. he'll understand when he sees you two together."
"chae!" you whine. it would be devastating to break namjoon's heart after how good he's been to you. "i can't break his heart like that, he's done nothing wrong! he's a perfectly sweet guy and he really does care about me."
"are we talking about taehyung or namjoon?" chaeyoung teases, a smirk on her lips.
"chae…" you groan.
"fine, fine! i'll stop. but you have to meet him for that coffee. it's going to be the best coffee meeting you'll ever have in your life. i can feel it in my bones."
you hate how you hope she's right.
never being the patient type, your leg bounces restlessly as you wait for taehyung at your table. the coffees you bought for the two of you are still steaming hot when you look up to the sound of the door bells jingling and lock eyes with taehyung, who gives you a sheepish smile.
"hey," he starts. sliding into the chair opposite you. "you didn't have to get me this," he motions toward the coffee.
pushing his cup closer towards him, you shake your head, a tight-lipped smile plastered across your face. "it's nothing," you reply. "so why did you want to meet me here?"
unbeknownst to namjoon, you didn't cancel your plans with him because you had a supposed dentist appointment. if you told him you were going to meet taehyung he surely would've stood guard outside your door to prevent you from leaving while chae would lecture him on letting you make your own decisions.
it was easier this way.
"i just figured we haven't talked in a while. what's up with you? how's it going?" he says. you narrow your eyes at him and take a sip of your coffee. "what reason do we have to talk? we're not in each other's lives anymore." you decide. setting down your cup, your fingers lightly drum against the table, and you watch as his face drops and his eyebrows furrow.
"maybe if you didn't walk out on us we'd still be in each other's lives," he mutters. "w-what?" you gasp, taken aback. "you let me go! i asked you and you said it was fine. would you rather have us both unhappy but still in a relationship?"
leaning back, he sighs. "i was happy, y/n. you-"
"but not happy enough! not the natural happiness that wasn't always on the edge of turning sour. didn't you notice, taehyung? all this time, we've always walked a very thin line." you rant, your feelings getting the best of you. "i didn't and i don't want you to settle for the bare minimum, lo- taehyung." your heart stutters when you almost let his old pet name slip, his eyes meeting yours, unblinking.
taehyung stares at you for a moment. "and how did you know, y/n? that i wasn't happy? that i wasn't content or whole in our relationship?" you pause, throat constricting. "yea, i let you go. but i didn't want to. not for a single second did i ever consider willingly letting you slip away from me. but what could i do? you still left, i had to let you because i knew you'd be happier. but ypu, you didn't even hear me out, and you never gave a warning sign."
"i gave so many signs!" you protest. "i-"
"and i was just supposed to catch on? you couldn't even say it straight to my face?" he's unrelenting, eyes burning holes into your soul. he's angry and he's hurting and you know it's partially your fault. maybe even wholly. "all this time, i never learned to read your mind." he scoffs.
"yea, i guess you never learned to read my mind. and i'm sorry i expected that much from you! but you never turned things around. you didn't try to figure out what was going wrong and if we could mend it." you sputter, and you feel your cheeks starting to heat up.
"i'm saying! you never gave a warning sign. what could i do?" you've never seen taehyung look so small and defeated, and your heart aches in your chest. all you want to do is take him into your arms and tell him everything will be alright.
yet you can't. maybe all those months ago you could've. and you thought you had moved on and you thought he had too, but it's become glaringly obvious that none of you have.
"tae…" his eyes widen and he blinks at you. "taehyung! taehyung. i should go…" you murmur. taking his hand, you study the lines on his palm and the divots on his knuckles and let out a watery smile.
"you always do," he replicates your smile and watches as you stand up. "i love you."
"i love you too," you whisper.
when you walk away, you half expect him to chase after you and beg for you to stay, but you know it's too selfish of you to want it.
when you walk away, he half expects you to turn around like they always do in the movies, but he knows your pride always gets the best of you.
you've both seen this film before, and neither of you liked the ending.
note: very unedited and also this was a bitch to re-stylize on tumblr. thank you very much for reading! like or reblog if you enjoyed it and feel free to tell me what u think :) my asks and my dms are always open!
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